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Introduction 2. Version history 3. Walkthrough World 1: - Level 1 [+W1L1] - World Map [+World] - Level 2 [+W1L2] - Level 3 [+W1L3] - Level 4 [+W1L4] - Level 5 [+W1L5] - Level 6 [+W1L6] - Level 7 [+W1L7] - Level 8 [+W1L8] World 2: - Level 1 [+W2L1] 4. Legal 5. Contact ----====---- 1. Introduction ----====---- Well, I am about to embark upon writing my 1st walkthrough ever :) This guide will probably not go in depth about where to pick up every blob in the game, but the 1st version will be a guide to quickly get from A to B. Later versions, once the main walkthrough is complete, will be re-iterated in more depth to include the location of the rest of the Locos As it stands, this walkthrough is currently in its very bare bones, but will be updated regularly until the main game walkthrough is complete, and any additions thereafter. In this walkthrough, I will be using 'Large Loco' for the term when all your Locos are joined together, 'Locos' for the little Locos, e.g When the large Loco is split up, and 'Bud' for the flower heads that give you an extra Loco. You can use ctrl+F to quickly navigate to any level using the character codes in the [ ] above. The World Map appears after every level, so I will omit it from this guide after the 1st instance. Contributions I recieve through e-mail may be added and will definetly be creditted :) They are always welcome and appreciated :) ----====---- 2. Version History ----====---- V0.17: Added version history. Have written a walkthrough up to W1L6. Added contributions to W1L1. ----====---- 3. Walkthrough ----====---- [+W1L1] Level 1: When you 1st start the game, Muimui, the Locos friend, will greet you and tell you the basics of the game, such as eat more red buds to get more Locos. If you stand still, he will run through the controls with you. Before you start rolling through the level, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the controls, and how tilting the level works. Also, try jumping, by holding both the shoulder buttons. These are basically the controls to the game (Apart from using O to split apart/rejoin your Locos). Once you are ready, begin by pressing R to tilt the stage to the right, and begin your epic quest :) After rolling for a bit, you will encounter a drop with little fireflies. These gain you points for the level, and you cash them in for a go with the mini games. Contribution by iceydragonuk: When you begin the level, jump onto the first flower, then onto the second one to the left, and again into the wall to pass into an alcove with fireflies in it. Before you go down the slope, hop onto the mound in the air and roll over the side. This will cause a sprout to grow, and you will see a sparkle. Jump onto the sprout again, and it will grow a bud. Drop down the slope to follow the level around, and you will find a bud. As mentioned before, this gives you will an extra Loco (And the level is already different to the demo :P). You will see 3 extra buds to the right, so you will have to jump up the mound to get them. At this initial point, you should have 6 Locos. Time to carry on :P You will see a bud rotating on some floating earth, so jump into it to get an extra Loco. You can also grow 2 more by touching the 2 sprouts also rotating around (9 Locos). Jump over the large mound to get some fireflies, and 2 more Locos, now follow the path around and you will drop down, and your large Loco will get stuck :( At this point, Muimui pops up and says 'Give the circle button a quick press!', so lets try that. Zing! Your large Loco splits up into a bunch of little ones, and they can fit through the gap. Remember that. At the bottom of the 'pipe', we see Muimui again, saying this time to hold the circle button. Lets try that. Ooooo, the earth starts to shake (O_O) and your Locos join together again :) Lets proceed. Do a little bounce over the mound, and follow the path to pick up 3 buds. You will land on a purple flower, and then you will jump to the next one. If you fall through the gap in the flowers, you can roll back to the beginning and start again if you want the extra Locos from the buds in the air, of which there are 3 :) Follow the level to the right to see Muimui. Well, it's actually one of his friends, as the real thing pops up and says 'Find my friends and something nice will happen!'. Then you will be given a Loco house part :) Press X and get the bud to the right. You will see the obstruction to the path below has now lowered, and you can pass underneath now. However, before we do that, we want to go all the way back to the left, back to under the 1st large purple flower. Under this flower, jump to the left and push towards the wall, and you go through it and into a secret area! If you have collected all 18 Locos so far, you will be able to use your weight to push down the switch and get another of Muimui's friends, winning you another house part. Now, go back to the right and continue the path. You will be able to collect more fireflies, and fall onto some kind of grill, preventing you from proceeding. You know what to do here, press the O button! You will fall through a mess of rotating flower heads, and pick up more fireflies. Now, hold circle and rejoin your Locos. Contribution by iceydragonuk: Before you pass through the grill, jump to the ledge on the right and pass through into an area with a bud and a Muimui. Jump a few mounds to the right, and you can collect another bud. When you jump from this mound, try to practice collecting all the fireflies and perfecting your jumping, it's not as simple as it seems :) You will plummet downwards, and see a pit of spikes. Are your Locos doomed already? Turns out they aren't as a gust of wind miraculously saves you, and splits up your large Loco and carries you in its path, netting you many fireflies on the way. Let the wind run its course, and rejoin your Locos at the end. Hop along the mounds, and down the drop, and you will fall into a pit. What's this? Your large Loco keeps splitting up, and rejoining does nothing? Muimui pops up and says 'Just stay put for a while?', so wait a few moments. A tree sprouts up, and you've finished the level! 20/20 Locos, not bad :) You will be transported to the world map. ------------------ [+World]: Here, you can press start to save. Go for it. You can use the D-pad to move the butterfly along levels, the majority of which you can't play yet, and you can replay the 1st level if you like. Anyway, select the 2nd level. ------------------ [+W1L2] Level 2: Immediately when you start, roll to the right and get the bud. Now, jump onto the mound of earth above you and climb it to the top. You will fall into another secret, rescue one of Muimuis friends, and get another house part :) Jump out of the secret to continue the level, and climb the right side to get a series of buds and fireflies. Go down the gentle slope to the right, and you will drop into an 'S bend' area, with more buds and fireflies. Collect them all, and after this carry on to the right to get another bud. A grating part! Know what to do? Do it and fall through here. Rejoin at the bottom, get the bud and slope right. Here, you will see your first nasty spikey thing! Avoid it, because it cuts 1 Loco off you and you have to retrieve it, holding O won't do. Get the bud next to it by jumping, and jump to the right to get the bud on the raised mound. From here, you can jump on top of the island with the spikeball, and touch the sprout to grow another bud, and gain a Loco. Jump back down, and over the mound to drop down. Jump over the next mound to get a bud. Wait here, and a big red face thing will appear in the ground, and lift you up to collect all the fireflies, and onto the next part of the level. Jump to the right once you have stopped rising. Jump over the next mound. Once you hit the floor, it will crack but you will be stuck. Jump again to crack it some more, and it will break after 2 more jumps, so you can proceed. The same thing applied to the right, except it is above you this time, so jump into it 3 times to smash it. You can get another Muimui/housepart here. Jump over the mound and onto the elastic. Straighten the level up, and jump. You will be propelled into the air, and into an air current. Let it flow, pass through the pinball area and rejoin at the bottom. Get the bud to the right, and smash the wall above this bud to get 5 more Locos (18). Bounce back out and to the right, to encounter a sleeping obstruction, and stay put. The noise of all the little Locos wakes it up, and it goes underground for you :) Rejoin, get the bud and proceed right. Jump over the spinning wheels and down the hole. You will zoom down the slope, and eventually over the edge and down. There are orange fireflies here, that are bigger and worth more. Collect them, jump over the ledge, and into a cleared stage, 19/20 Locos again, so close :P ------------------ World: Save. Select the 3rd level ------------------ [+W1L3] Level 3: You begin the level by falling down a twisty pip, then your descent is slowed by some roots. On the floor, jump to the left and through the wall. Here there are fireflies to get. Get them all, and go back to the start of the level, and carry on to the right. Get the 4 buds, and drop into the grill. The Large blob fits through here, and you do not have to separate your Locos. When falling, try to keep to the center and partly to the right, and you will land on top of a bud. From this bud, you will see another below you and slightly to the right, so fall onto it. Continue falling right to land on a ledge. Here there is a monster that picks your large Loco up, and can instantly eat 1 of your Locos, and you can't get it back. However, it can be killed by a well timed jump underneath it, and jumping as soon as it grabs you. There is also an evil green owl, which can also be killed by jumping underneath it. The owl continuously spawns spikey balls, knocking your Loco apart. Keep going to the right to get a bud, and go back to the grill. In the grill, fall straight down to get a bud from one of the rocks, and then on the floor go left, follow the fireflies to get to a bud. At this point, if you have 10 Locos, you can continue left and wait under the 5 clouds. They will join together and form a ledge for your large Loco to sit on. The clouds will take you to a house part. Jump back to the floor, and pass under the ledge to the right. Jump over the spike on the floor, and when you see a bud in the chamber above you, jump at the roof 3 times to smash it and get the bud. After this, you can either go down under another ledge, or jump onto a ledge that seeming doesn't go anywhere. Wrong! It leads to a secret area, with 3 shadow monsters and 2 spikes. Avoid them all to get more fireflies and a house part at the end. Go back, and drop under the ledge, and continue right. Drop down the hole to land on some pivots. Careful rotating of the level and jumping here will net you some fireflies. There is also a bud on the end of a center pivot, so grab it. Once you reach the floor, continue right and drop down a shaft. There are roots here again to slow your fall. AT the bottom, stand on top of the seeds and your large Loco will eat them. Jump the mound to the right to get a bud, and continue. Here, you will see a creature with a large nose, capable of launching you upwards, so jump on the nose and his head will start to rotate. Once it is in line with the bud on the ledge above you, press L and R together to be launched towards it. Hopefully you will get the bud and land on the ledge. Continue right to a thin shaft, and split up your Locos. At the bottom, jump to the right, and wait. The tree will grow, and you have finished the level :) (14/20) ------------------ World: Save. Select the 4th level (My favourite level of world 1 :P) ------------------ [+W1L4] Level 4: This level is meant to represent ice, so everything is really slippy meaning it is easy to pick up speed. Once you begin the level, you will land in a little 'U' shaped holder, and you should jump to the right. You will slide down the ramp and collect a bud, and be rolled under the bend. After the 1st few curves, there is a bud on the ceiling, so prepare a jump to get it as you roll under it, or you will have to go back for it. Continue onwards, and you will be thrown into the air, around an S-bend and onto a flat. Notice on the 2nd jump that there was a sprout, and to get it you have to begin a rocking motion using the ramp to the right, and the natural curve where the sprout is. When rolling up the ramp, try to set it up so you fall vertically downwards and roll back to the left with maximum speed. This should get you up to touch the sprout to get it to grow, and you will have to go back to get the bud. After getting this bud, go back to the ramp. There is a bud directly above the center of the ramp, and a well timed, fast jump will net it. Continue to the right, and there is a bud on the floor right in front of you. Continue, and you will fall into a U-bend, with an orange firefly and a bud on either side. This is similar to the ramp usage a moment ago, but in a much smaller area. Use it to get enough speed and height to get both, and try to land on the patch of land above the bud. Here, there are a series of jumps, made harder by the slipperyness of the ice as you cannot stop easily and correct yourself. Avoid the spikes and make the jumps to the right to get some fireflies, and you should fall into a U bend with enough speed to get the bud in an alcove above you. On the way back from getting this bud, jump high to get caught in an air current, leading to a house part, and jump right again to fall back to where we began a bit ago :) Go right, and split up your large Loco to fit through the hole and slide around a bit :P At the bottom of the course, re-join and jump left, and wait for the rotating ring to have a missing segment for you to fall into. Roll all the way around to get the fireflies and a bud. Take the left exit and get the bud, and then go back into the ring and take the right exit. You will fall into another swirly bit. When this area is done, you will drop onto an area with an upcurrent, keeping you afloat. Move to the left and pass through the wall to uncover a secret area with a bud in it. Go back right. Float into the bud on the ceiling, and then go into the alcove next to it and touch the sprout to grow another bud. Continue right, and avoid the monster. When you reach the ledge, jump to the right, and you will land on a pivot. Get the bud above this, and manipulate the pivot to allow you to roll up it and jump into the area with another bud. When here, jump to the wall with areas missing to pass into a secret area. Here, there is a section of jumps with spikes dotted around. Complete the jumps to reach a house part, and pick up a bud on the way. Go back to the pivot area, and drop down to the floor below it. Split up the Loco to fall, rejoin at the bottom and go right to meet some worm things. If you have more than 5 Locos at this point, you will be given a house part. Rejoin, and roll in the grass to reveal an orange firefly, and drop to the right. In this next section, the ground squashes below you. Move all the way to the left, and lower to the floor. Go right, but keep as low as possible to get all the fireflies, and to eventually get a bud at the end. Jump out, go right and fall into the bend that throws you out at the end of the level :) 15/20 ------------------ World: Save. Select the 5th level ------------------ [+W1L5] Level 5: when you begin this level, roll to the left and get the fireflies. Drop down the hole and get the bud (You will probably pass into it coming out of the hole). Once you have this bud, go to the wall under it and push to the left, and you will pass into a secret area with a Muimui and another bud. Leave this area and go to the right, get the fireflies and the bud on the pathway. Jump onto the gray, nasty looking thing and jump, you will be propelled upwards :) Follow the trail of the fireflies in the air to get a bud. Jump onto the next one, and do the same again to land on the final one. On this one, when you jump you will get stuck to the ceiling. You can still tilt the level to move, and roll to get the fireflies. Move to the point above the 2 orange and the silver firefly, and press the jump buttons. This will drop you from the ceiling, and you can get the goodies below. Jump back onto the ceiling and go to the right to get the remaining fireflies, and to land on a bud. Then, from this area, roll left and get the fireflies, and then follow the path downwards. These sections move downwards when you sit on them, so be careful of falling off. Get the bud on the end of one of these, and drop to the floor. Pass back to the left and get the bud. There is also a secret area here, you can get to it by passing through the wall underneath the bud for a house part and more fireflies. When you get out of this area, sit in the grass to reveal another house part. Go to the right, and kill the monster. Jump to the right onto the flowers, and hop from one flower to the next to go upwards and to get another 2 buds, and ultimately a mega flower with 5 buds on it. You should have 15 Locos at this point. Jump from the jelly nearby onto the ledge above but before you jump up from the next one, carry on rolling to the left over it. (I jumped and could not return to this area, I will add details next update :) ) When you are done, jump up and drop to the right to find another grill. Split up and pass to the bottom. At the bottom, rejoin, jump up to the left and into a secret area with a Muimui/house part :) Leave this area and continue to the right, collecting 2 buds. After the bump in the path, there is a spike, so jump over it to reach the end of the level. But wait! Carry on going to the right to find a sprout for an extra loco. Now you can finish the level :) ------------------ World: Save. Select the 5th level ------------------ [+W1L6] Level 6: Coming soon! ----====---- 4. Legal ----====---- Loco Roco walkthrough Copyright 2006 by Talvon First set up June 2006 For use on www.gamefaqs.com only, e-mail me for permission to host this on your own site. Also; This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. :) ----====---- 5. Contact Me ----====---- If you want to contact me, with any thoughts, comments, hints etc, feel free to e-mail me at false_moustache@hotmail.com :) ----====---- 6. Thanks ----====---- Bonus section! Just here to say thanks for reading this far, and a thanks in general to CJayC for creating and maintaining Gamefaqs for so long, and creating the best.forums.ever :) Thanks to www.supercheats.com for expressing an interest in my FAQ :) And most of all thanks to the people that have e-mailed me with help for this walkthrough, and to direct me to missing items. This walkthrough will not be anywhere near as detailed if I didn't have your help :P