Mega Man Legends Hard Mode Boss Faq Copyright Capcom 1998 Written by Fionordequester Email: Version 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------Table of Contents-------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Introduction 2) Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------Introduction------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Why? Because a Faq without an intro is like "Superman" without the "Super") Yo, this is FionordeQuester. Just writing a short faq about all about owning all the bosses in this game even on Hard Mode. It's not a very hard game at all if you know what to do, but it's an awesome one, so read on and enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------Walkthrough----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, so here's how it's gonna work. I'm gonna recommend buster combos for two types of occasions. One for if you're just trying to get through the game as fast as possible, and one for if you're actually taking the time to beat it 100% (all buster parts, all armors, all weapons, etc....). To me, that's a waste of time for everything up until the last three bosses, but hey, to each his own :) One technique that you're going to want to perfect for two of these three bosses is that of what I like to call, "diagonal running", where you tilt the camera slightly away from where you want to run before running in that direction. For those of you who are visual learners, watch this for a few minutes... The technique is used althroughout that video to beat the game as fast as possible. As a matter of fact, you could pretty much just that video if you're honestly willing to sit through about 57 minutes of the video downloading fully. I do not have that kind of patience, so this guide is for those who are like me in that way. Also, the "blasting your way through as fast as possible" way assumes you don't fight any Reaverbots you don't have to fight. It's a waste to do so, and as for buying health and canteen upgrades, this Faq assumes you don't do any of that. Most of the attacks in this game are easy to avoid anyways, and I'm going to tell you how to dodge all the ones that aren't anyways. So, with that out of the way... ------------------------------- Intro Stage ------------------------------- Just avoid all the enemies here, and try to perfect that "diagonal running" technique while you're at it. None of the enemies here give you a lot of Zenny, and you're pretty weak at this point. Get the Power Raiser and 560 Zenny though, and make sure to destroy that box of Zenny for easy money. Soon, you'll meet... =============================== Boss Fight #1: Hanmurudoll =============================== He's the intro boss, and he sure fights like it. Just run circles around him and blast him away. ------------------------------- Class C Ruins ------------------------------- Do everything you need to do here and make sure to get the 2600 Zenny. Skip the Rapid Fire, you'll never be needing it, whether your beating this game 100% or not. ------------------------------- Downtown ------------------------------- Collect the Broken Propeller from one of the Garbage Cans ------------------------------- Shopping Arcade: ------------------------------- Before you head into the coming boss fights, make sure you pick up a Power Raiser Alpha from the Junk Shop, as well as a Broken Motor from one of the trash cans. Putting everything into the Power Stat will really help you plow through the first few boss fights in this game. You can get the 160 Zenny here too, but personally I never bother. Also, sell off both the Broken Propeller and the Broken Motor for around 2000 Zenny. =============================== Bonne Family Army: Part 1 =============================== Your very first Mini-Boss Fight, and a pretty easy one at that. Here's what you should have... Buster Check: Power Raiser Alpha, Power Raiser Zenny Check: ~4600 Zenny. Dodge to the right and keep blasting the Blue Robot while dodging the Drache blasts. Once one of them screams "He's too strong!", zip in and bomb the hell out of the Blue Robot with the Splash Mines. He should drop a key, so collect all the Zenny and collect the key. ================================ Boss Fight #2: Feldinaut ================================ Ah, here we go, your very 1st fight with Tron Bonne, and the very 1st one to actually require strategy! As for the attacks... Attack #1: Circles around and drops a ring of bombs around her. Just running away will dodge it. Attack #2: Shoots machine gun while circling around and keeping you in its sights. Just running in circles will help you dodge it. Attack #3: Throughs a stream of machine gune fire at you. Either run a circle around it, or run away while slipping through the gaps of the bullets. Either way, not so tough to dodge. Attack #4: She same as #2, only with a stream of bombs this time. It's a shorter burst, and slower than 3#, making it even easier to dodge. Attack #5: She slams its two front legs together and steam erupts from its paws as it charges forward. It can't go off the road, so just get off of it to dodge it. Attack #6: She slams its two front legs together, like in #5, and fires a huge ball of fire at you. As long as you're not too far away, you can dodge this just by running to the left or right, and jumping for good measure. If you're too far away though, it will actually home in on you, making it much harder to dodge, so make sure you're not much further away than the distance your shots will hit her. Well, that was a mouthful, and as you can see, she has a lot of attacks. They are all executed pretty quickly, all of them do decent damage, and the Feldinaut is pretty durable to boot. Still, she's not too hard as long as you don't get careless. If you feel confident enough, you can drain her health faster by charging in and dropping Splash Mines on one of her legs. -------------------------------- Pre-Boss Fight #3 -------------------------------- As you should know (and you should considering you've unlocked Hard Mode), there's one coming up immediately after this one, so talk to Data to recharge your weapon and life energy. Also, talk to Data, and choose these options... Tell me...actually somewhat difficult!! Make sure you have the Lock-On function turned off for this fight. Attack #1: His main attack, and it's a doozy if you still haven't learned how to dodge it by now. It will fire two of these, one after another at random intervals. This attack, combined with his massive health is what makes him "somewhat difficult". He does it a lot, and it takes off a massive amount of your health, so if your not confident, just hide behind whatever buildings you can as well as the Sub Gate and Main Gate entrance. They're invincible! :). If your going to go that route, make sure you use the "Diagonal Run" I told you about at the very beginning of this Faq, it's much faster than regular running. Attack #2: Fires off two missles. Sometimes does this after it's green plasma shot barrage. Easily destroyed. Attack #3: Fires grenades from its feet. Only does so if you're dumb enough to actually get in front of it. Attack #4: Fires machine gun bursts from its shoulders. Again, only if you're dumb enough to get in front of it. His only weakpoint is his midsection, but if you left the lockon on, it's just going to cause you to fire almost everywhere EXCEPT that point. You see, you can actually destroy the shoulder pads and foot pads on this guy, but its pointless to do so since you should never even be bothered by these things anyways. So yeah, just get behind him, do whatever you have to do to dodge the green plasma shots, and if you can do that, you've pretty much got this fight in the bag. Also, if your a perfectionist, and have done every sidequest, then do this. Go to the Flutter and watch some T.V. You'll hear a report where some Servebots rob a bank. Go down to Downtown and blast the Robbers car into smithereens. Choose to steal the money for yourself, and you'll now have 200,000 Zenny! Assemble the Shining Laser (use the Faqs to figure out how to make it), upgrade its attack twice, and its energy and rapid once. Use it on Bruno, and it does just ABSURD amounts of damage, demolishing Bruno in litteraly SECONDS!! Buster Check (Perfectionist): Omni-Unit Omega, Buster Unit Omega, Blaster Unit R. ================================ Boss Fight #10: Juno 1st Form ================================ Ah, Mega Man Juno, the toughest foe in the game, and rightfully so. He may not be a Purifier, but that doesn't stop him from being fast, powerful, and durable! Fortunately, most of his attacks are occampanied by vocal cues, and there's usually at least a slight lag before he actually uses any of these attacks, so combine that with the fact that he never uses any of his attacks without following them up with #2, and he's also very predictable. Attack #1 (Ready?): He fires one of his arms at you, then the other. Just jump over them. Attack #2 (Defend yourself): He charges at you. Jump or run out of the way. He always uses this attack as a follow up to whatever other attack he uses. Note that he doesn't always say the vocal cue before using this. Attack #3 (How 'bout this?): He spins his arms before slicing the entire room with energy blades that emerge from his arms. Just jump to avoid it. Attack #4: The only attack that doesn't have a vocal cue. He leaps into the air and homes in on you to land on top of you in a devastating ground pound. He does this three times before stopping. Attack #5 (Said AFTER attack: How 'bout that?!): He teleports twice in a row and the center of the room is consumed in showers of blue explosions. Juno teleports into the center of the mayhem and brings his arms down, sending a shockwave ala that Garudoriten you busted up in the Lake Jynn ruins. Just jump. So yeah, after some practice, Juno should be a cinch. But that's not all though.... Buster Check (Perfectionist): Blaster Unit R, Omni-Unit Omega, Machine Gun ================================ Final Boss: Juno 2nd Form ================================ Oh crap. Here he is, the Bureaucratic Model from hell, the Carbon Reinitializer, the hardest boss in the game, the big badass of the Kattelox Island himself, Mega Man Juno Ascended! And boy is he PISSED!! Attack #1: He tries to jump on you twice before jumping to the center of the room again. I swear, the sound effects used for this attack are some of the coolest sound effects I've ever heard in a video game, dead fricken serious! Attack #2 (Are you ready?): He charges at you like he did in the previous battle, except this time, he'll occasionally fire burst of fire everywhere, so you'll most definetly want to jump to the side to avoid this. He usually does this as a follow up to Attack #4. Attack #3 (How 'bout this?!): Don't be fooled, his delivery of that line is much more badass than it was in the last fight. He raises one of his hands and gathers energy a ball of energy into that hand before throwing it at you. It's very slowly, so you can easily dodge it just by running to the side. Attack #4 (Take this!): He raises his arm up and sends streams of fire at you. Just jump out of the way. He usually does this as a follow up to Attack #2. Attack #5 (UAAGGGGHHHH!!): The room whole room turns red as he clasps his hands over his head and throws two shockwaves at you. He then calls down beams of light to strike you down. The hardest attack to avoid by far, as well as extremely powerful, you're pretty much doomed if you don't know how to dodge this. The shockwaves have enough of a gap between them that you can jump them twice (if in doubt, remove the Spring Shoes just for this attack), and as for the shockwaves, I hope you've mastered that "Diagonal Running" technique, because that's the only way you're going to be able to move fast enough to dodge this attack in Hard Mode. It's pretty much impossible otherwise. I don't know what Junos problem is, but whatever it is, his personality has taken a drastic turn for the worse in this transformation. He went from an emotionless prat in his 1st form, to a raving madman who sounds slightly demonic and screams most of his lines o.O! It's absolutely badass, and this combined with the awesome sound effects and attack animations make this one of the most epic battles I've ever seen in a video game! It's just awesome! Anyways, most of your strategy revolves around circling him and jumping out of the way of all of his attacks. What really determines whether or not you win is how well you can dodge his final attack, and it's a doozy if you don't know exactly how to dodge it. Thankfully, he only does it when his health is down to about 25%, so if there's a perfect time to empty all your special weapon ammunition on him, that time is when he's down to 25%. Don't give up! You can do this! Believe it!!