123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789 MEGA MAN POWERED UP: GUTS MAN GUIDE by Gojira345 by Jonathan Smith gojira345@singleplayermode.com Contents 1. Intro 2. Basics 3. Tips 4. Walkthrough 5. Challenges 6. Boss Specifics 7. Closing and Contact 1. INTRODUCTION I giddily picked up MMPU recently, because the allure of playing as the bosses pulled me in. However, I noted that there are no character FAQs for the game. This was bad for me because I was having trouble beating bosses with old Gutsy. Well, for those of you that are curious, here is my FAQ on Guts Man. 2. BASICS Guts Man controls very similarly to Mega Man as far as jumping ability. He is larger than Mega, but not by much. His block building and throwing abilities are powerful, but can be hard to aim and utilize properly. You can pick up blocks above and below you with proper D pad presses, and his challenges in the Challenge mode require expert use of this technique. 3. TIPS Always keep a block ready to throw, right above your head to throw at enemies that appear suddenly. It's too slow to do otherwise. The blocks make great sheilds. They block shots and sometimes enemies. Throw blocks from behind other blocks, or learn to build complex fortresses that deny the enemy access. The best setups involve making blocks that hang halfway over or under other blocks. Some bosses get completed frazzled or shut down by a block being in the way. Use that! You can't make blocks in or on enemies/projectiles. You can break this rule with the turrets that pop up from the ground. You can lay blocks right on them. This is probably because Guts Man can't hit them when directly next to them, even if they rise. Guts Man throws the blocks kind of high, but they eventually fall to an even plane when they reach the other side of the screen. Use blocks on any spike pit, or make a tower of blocks hanging off each other for difficult jumps. Jumping on top of blocks and then grabbing them from above and spamming the gun button to throw is quicker than doing it from the ground, if looking to attack quickly. Also, Guts Man suffers no lag from air throws. This is key in some fights. Guts Man can kill himself if a block falls on top of him. Be careful when grabbing a block you have set! You can't create blocks on certain platforms, but if you rest a block on that platform and then stand on that block you can create more that way. 4. WALKTHROUGH Guts Man has no specified boss order, so amuse yourself. If I were you, though, I'd save the likes of Bomb Man for last because he is tough to fight as Guts Man. Guts Man has some alternate paths I may or may not cover, but they are available. INTRO STAGE Just go forward and don't attack anything you don't need to. It takes a long time and isn't worth it. Time to take on the miniboss. The hopper is the same as when you fought it as Mega. However, you can block it's shots with a block, trip it up with walls, and kill it pretty quickly with good timing. For the sake of arguement, let's start with Guts Man's own stage, starring Mega Man as the boss rather than himself! GUTS MAN The Metools at the start can sometimes be killed easily from certain distances, but it's best to lay a block in front of them before they fire and then jump over them. Though you can lay blocks on the platforms that move back and forth, it's best to just traverse them normally. The pickaxe throwing enemy is best jumped over from a block, but you can load one up and kill him as he drops his sheild. If a piece manages to graze a sheilded enemy, it may kill them anyway, and you should remember this for challenges and tough portions of the game. Don't even bother with the next jump. Just drop a block when the platform is away, then another if you can. Be careful, because the platform can hold the block and crush you between the block and pipe. The next couple of areas are very standard, and the blocks will save you trouble on the spikes. On the next section, a block can help make the trickier jumps less...tricky. The platforms that were hard to gauge as Mega are really tough here, so be on your toes and be sure to watch your feet; not your body; when landing. The pick axe throwing enemies are a bother here, but you should take your blows or attack without stopping. Get caught up in attacking and you could take far too much damage on what may be your last life. You can double stack the blocks in the spike pits to sneak past the Metools unscathed. If you get hit just go! The section with tons of helicopter enemies is a pain. You can either block them off and hope they go away, slowly kill each one from the edge of each screen with the block you should be keeping, or you can take the high road and just rush forward with hit invulnerability. You can't drop blocks until you reach the platform next to the ladder, so don't even try until then. Safely move forward. Build a wall in the open spot next to the high platform and either kill or jump over the hopping bot from above. Boss time! BOSS: MEGA MAN Mega Man can be tough to take on at first, but with a simple pattern you can easily kill him with little/no damage. First, know this; dropping a block means he has to jump on it. If you drop a block right where you stand, the fight is all too easy. Mega will rush, jump on top of the block, fall down, try to slide into you, turn around, and repeat. To dodge all of this, just wait behind the block till Mega falls. Jump on top of the block, run right, create a block as you land, pick it up, then wait in place for Mega to land. Jump over him and over the block again to hide behind the block laying on the ground. The next time he jumps on top of the block, throw. Rinse and repeat. It's also possible to trap Mega, but this makes it hard to damage him. His charge attack is tough to dodge as well, but if you stay close to the block that you use to force him to jump, you can jump over him and the attack easily to continue the pattern. CUT MAN Okay, now we are at Cut Man's stage, and this should be a breeze with old Gutsy. Other than keeping a block to throw ready, you shouldn't have any real problems for the first half of the stage. Block the turrets and throw after they close. Don't worry, Super Arm ignores their sheilding. Be sure to pick up the extra life that is practically free. Trap the big guy just before the gate against a 3 block wall, then either jump over or kill him from above with well aimed throws. BOSS: CUT MAN It's easy to win here but hard to avoid the first hit. Basically, hit him however you can with a block, and then hold another as he recovers. Get as far away as possible. Throw the block just as he finishes clanging to hit him again. The further away you are, the less likely it will be that the shot goes over his head or hits him while he's invulnerable. Simple as that. I haven't done this on hard, but in general the best time to make a block is if he jumps away, then pick it up from above and throw as he lands from another jump. BOMB MAN Bomb Man's stage isn't so bad, but for Bomb Man himself I suggest you stock up on lives any way you can. Block off the turrets by dropping blocks on them, and keep rocks ready to throw at all times. Use blocks to cover the gaps between the platforms when the bullets come. Lay blocks next to the bombs in case you fall off the bombs. Wait for the frogs to jump, then jump off holding left. The rest of the stage should be easy if you take it as slow and don't run ahead. Create blocks when you can, and be sure to stock up on life before Bomb Man. BOSS: BOMB MAN If you've already fought Bomb Man buster only as Mega you know how to dodge. It's just that hitting him back is a pain as Guts Man. Make a block at the wrong moment, or pick it up at the wrong moment, and bad things happen. A bomb can land on top and trap you, or Bomb Man may jump on you during pick up/throw lag. Ouch. Also, Bomb Man tends to jump just as you throw, or the blocks go over his head somehow. Solution? One tough but doable method is to try and build a fort. Do it right, and you can make it hard for Bomb Man to get bombs or himself in, but squeeze next to the block and you can get blocks out. At the height of his jump, you can jump and throw, but this can take eons. Trapping him is possible, but then you can't damage the sucker! Even if you set up the blocks so that one piece can go through and hit him, that is very hard to set up. So... Don't do those either unless you want to. Do this. Bomb Man's attacks can almost all be dodged by walking, and the bombs can be dodged by jumping straight up right before they land. It's hard to jump over Bomb Man in a corner, but possible. So basically, do this. Wait for him to jump far away, then build a block between you and him. He should either throw a bomb or jump. On either attack, move away, and then as he launches another attack, move forward and grab the block. The only exception is if he is on it. Grab the block from above and immediatley chuck it. If you miss, count your losses and move on. The reason you attack this way is because you can control Guts Man in the air, and if you throw in the air you can land with no lag. Also, should you simply pick it up and not throw, you can run far away from the next attack, turn and let him have it as the bomb misses you. Using this non-fort method, you may be wondering how to dodge the "super" attack. To evade it, watch Bomb Man. He does this flashing invincible dance when he is about to throw one. Just drop a block, then another on top of it that hangs off it's edge, and then a third one on top of that one in the same matter. They should diagonally lean towards Bomb Man in a / or \. This means the bomb can't bounce into the area, and you are safe. You should still stay far away if the bomb nestles itself into the wall somehow. Now, chuck the blocks quickly and wait between each throw to see what Bomb Man will do. This slow but steady method works, but it's hard to restrain the urge to attack more often than you should. ICE MAN The stage isn't so bad if you keep a block ready or abuse sheilding to slowly block the penguins. Block off the sheild enemy then kill it when it turns around by tapping fire. You can blatantly ignore some of the block puzzles with the "guts" blocks, so do so. For the section with spikes and footholder enemies, kill them with Super Arm, then use blocks to traverse the terrain. You can only have 5 at once, so be sure to space them very, very well. Rush to the boss door to face Ice Man. BOSS: ICE MAN This is easier than you may think. Ice Man can't jump over the blocks, so if you trap him in one corner and then throw blocks while jumping from the other corner you can easily drop this guy. However, he won't just back into the corner for you, but you can render him useless. Drop a block, wait for an opening and drop another from on top of that block. If you want, you can stack 3 or 4 blocks in a row to ensure that his super attack doesn't remove them all. Even if it does; big woop; lay another. Either way, stay in the left corner or right corner behind a block and throw blocks as he rises. The spare debris should float over and hit him with no risk to yourself. You could also jump and throw when he is far away on the ground, but it's hard to angle it correctly. Just remember that the blocks gaurd against the ice and you will be fine. Hug that wall! FIRE MAN Fire Man's stage is a bit of a pain, but we will make it. Be sure to kill things from below with jumping throws, and to use blocks on magma jets to get by a bit easier. Drop a block to block the fire shots of the enemy, then begin chucking them right as each enemy dies. Drop blocks that hang over the edges of platforms below to make the jumps easier. These blocks can also block the flight path of the fire enemies coming from below. Carry a block with you for the "bullet" part of the stage, so that you can quickly kill turrets. Creat as many blocks on edges as you need. No one will judge you. You can actually create two blocks on the magma beam under the fire enemy to easily assault him from. Be sure to create a wall as soon as you land from that, and jump over the hopper to get to Fire Man. BOSS: FIRE MAN Fire Man can eventually break a block, and I don't really know why or how. He just seems to do so at random. Getting behind him works decently if you create a block, pick it up and throw from above, then create another to block his shots. Getting behind him is easy from the top of a block. However, this strategy may be too risky for you, so try this as well. If you can somehow get Fire Man into a corner, but not completely cornered, he often won't break the blocks. Now you are free to throw blocks by lightly jumping and throwing over the block imprisoning him from the other side of the room. This makes the fight a bit like Ice Man's, only you can actually jump freely without fear, unless on hard mode. Either way, block his shots, throw from behind cover and the battle is yours. OIL MAN This stage is easy, but the boss is a pain unless you follow a very strict strategy. Let's do this! Block the shots of the cactus things, then throw the block at them or jump over. Block the shots of the turrets and flame men as well, being sure to use blocks on the oil to avoid some bad situations. Jump over any flame guy you can with high walls. The 1 Up is easy to take with a guts block layed to jump off of. Take it slow and just block everything, then throw when the enemies are idle. You can drop blocks directly on the turrets to nuetralize them, and be sure to make a wall to jump the hopper in the final stretch. BOSS: OIL MAN Oil Man is a simple fight if you don't overcomplicate things. Rule 1 in this fight is to never, even let him get oil on the floor. "How?" you might ask. Oil Man does a set pattern over and over, with the only variance being when he jumps or when he uses oil slider. Run towards him at the start, and do a tiny hop to make him jump. It doesn't always work, but it does 90 percent of the time. Now turn around and make a block, and hug it. He will jump, fire three oil spots onto your block. Pick up the block right after the last one lands so that you don't get hit accidentally, then throw it as he lands. Move slightly away from him so that if he jumps or walks he misses you. Now do a tiny hop to make him jump over you. Set the block and repeat. Easy peasy. Note that blocks can't be made on oil spots on the ground. This is why following the pattern is so important. When Oil Man decides to surf board around, drop a block between you and him, and just wait it out. He will also jump and fire 3 shots every time, only to land and start again. Just wait out the 3 shots, pick up the block, but don't throw unless you need to be rid of it because he started another slider. Move away and either dodge his jump or make him jump again if he is walking. Throw the boulder and immediatley make another. Go back into the pattern. ELEC MAN Easier stage with Guts. You can make the perilous jumps less perilous with blocks that provide footholds over the electric bolts. The enemy footholder part must be done normally, along with the dissapearing block sections. Just do them as you did with Mega. If you haven't done them with Mega, then just take it slow and it should be clear when to move. The ladder that has a Metool and an electric beam can be tough to traverse, so be sure to try and take the right path, or to abuse invulnerability. You can't wall the hopper enemy, so just go underneath him if you can. It's random, but it's better than nothing. BOSS: ELEC MAN Laughably easy if you are willing to take one measly hit. Lay a block immediatley. Jump on top, jump over Elec Man, go to the other corner. Face Elec Man. Throw blocks. He retaliates on easy, but on normal he just takes it over and over while running into a wall, unable to reason with the fact that there is a block there. It may feel cheap, but it works so well. Basically, once this is set up you can tap square while grabbing a soda. Awesome... TIME MAN It's very hard to avoid damage here, but with some foreknowledge and practice you can. Make blocks and carry them to throw at enemies from far away. Pendelums break blocks, so have fun with that. Drop blocks in the spike pits. When the turret changes the direction it fires, pick up a block, drop and fire. Guts Man's alternate path is easy if you use blocks well, and if you pick up the pre-existing block you get an extra life. Now that you've neutralized the spike pits with blocks, you have to make it past the pendelums on bombs. The proper timing for each jump is the same as Mega's, so see a normal FAQ if need be. Guts is bigger, but it still won't hit his head. For the conveyor belt leading to a ladder, don't jump until you can see that your feet are hanging over the edge, and don't stop holding the d pad right! Throw blocks at the Sniper Joe from below and prepare to face a tough but managable boss, Time Man! BOSS: TIME MAN To easily defeat Time Man, follow this rule. Never create or throw a block when he is active or able to shoot. This may sound impossible, but because you have enough lag that you are hit for doing so, it's necessary. Also, he can destroy the blocks for some unknown balancing decision...so yeah. Anyway, dodge the arrows from the left corner. If he shoots close he will fire a double shot, so jump again quickly. He also fires double shots from afar, so do small hops to jump each in time. If he fires an hour hand high, do smaller jumps. But when do you attack? Make blocks when he activates or turns off time slow. Throw them as soon as he becomes vulnerable again, and they will mostly hit unless he jumps at random to throw an hour hand. If he uses time slow very close to you, don't even try to make a block. You can't afford the lag. Stay in your corner, and assault with each time slow and victory is yours! It is now PEANUT BUTTER WILY TIME! WILY FORTRESS 1 Carry blocks and rush forward. Throw as soon as you see anything in front of you until you reach the hoppers. Try to get them to hop over head, or make a block on each side of yourself and see if they walk along the top. You'll have to pick up a block and run to get out, though. The final hopper is best handled with a wall that is two blocks high. Kill him from behind it. Make a block and throw one every couple of steps to kill the frogs. Plug the holes with blocks to avoid spikes. Block the sheild enemies with blocks, then throw as they turn around. BOSS: YELLOW DEVIL If you already know his pattern, then the only difference here will be how and when to attack, which is self explanatory. As he finishes reforming, make a block and throw it at his eye. I can't remember if they block the shot, but doing so can cause the eye to close before missing it, so feel free to throw as you jump over the shot. If you have trouble with the pattern, refer to a FAQ or memorize it. On normal it tends to be jumping these blobs; 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 15 if I'm not mistaken. Rinse and repeat until dead. WILY 2 This stage seems difficult at first, but remember this. You can block the enemies and come to a dead hault by making a block. When you reach the enemies that go back and forth in quick succession, be sure to either stop with a block and throw as they move, or to jump cleanly between them with good timing and small adjustments while holding forward for most of the run. When you reach the bullets just jump, block, or throw often. BOSS: SECURITY DRONE Throw a block at it as soon as it appears, then corner yourself. It should have the bubble small enough to miss you. Get under it, then run and jump to the block that is opposite of where the laser stops. You will only fit if the bubble is small from the previous hit you should have made. If not, grab the block and run to the corner if you have time. Throw as soon as it reforms, and spam if it survives the attack undamaged. Repeat this as it gets faster and faster. Timing is important. If you fail to hit each new bubble, you can't evade it without making a block to immediatley jump on and hop over the creature. WILY 3 This is your toughest challenge yet as Guts Man. I'd suggest farming 9 lives, then only fighting Bomb/Oil/Time Man at full health. The rest are so easy that you can take them at lower health, and should do so if you are on the verge of losing a life, so that you can get more bang for your buck. For advanced boss strats on these guys, check either above or below. BOSS: GUTS MAN COPY Easy as pie. He can't shake you around because you are just as large. Just spam blocks until he throws, then lay a block to absorb the hit for you. You can also jump over the blocks, but why bother. If you make a wall, you can sometimes trap him for a short bit. When he digs for the super attack, you can dodge it normally by running and jumping away as he surfaces, or you can build blocks and run across them. Just spam this guy from far away and he will die far before you will. WILY 4 Compared to the last level, this is like taking candy from a baby. Just use the blocks on the spikes to move around. It won't take much effort to reach Wily. BOSS: WILY Form 1. Wily form 1 can be tough if you don't know what to do. He likes to throw out rolling cutter, oil shots, and bombs mostly. Make a block in the far corner, make another next to it, then make a block on top of that one. Hide behind it during most of the attacks, jumping when necessary during rolling cutter. For the bombs, just stand on top of the highest block, then hold left to fall off and have the bomb miss, then get back up there. Either make a block in the hole or throw the top block then remake it repeatidly for an easy win. Make the blocks too close to Wily and he will crush them. Form 2 Practically the same as form one, but actually easier. You still have to wait out the oil attack from behind the blocks, but his charging shot is easier to dodge if you stand on the top block and then fall down as it fires. Otherwise just throw and remake the top block repeatidly until Wily is defeated. Yay for Guts Man. This all applies to normal, and you may have to use a 1 or 2 block setup for hard because of the ram attack. 5. CHALLENGES Good luck with these. They are as difficult and frustrating at times as they are puzzling and rewarding. CONTAINER FACTORY Just make blocks in a line and hit the retry flag. CONTAINERS UNDERFOOT Pull the blocks from below and throw them. Don't grab the one over the spikes! STACK ATTACK! Stack each block on the very edge of each new platform, so that it is always hanging off the right side. To do this easily, stack the blocks over the drop point, and then drop your block from as far right as you can without falling. At the end, stack a block on the rightmost rock. Then stand off the edge of that block and drop another, then another hanging off of it facing left. Climb the ladder and make on last block to the flag! HARD HEADED HERO Move to the middle of the block and pick it up and launch it. Fall down without moving to collect all the bubbles. Miss one and it's a restart. If you miss the ones over the blocks, simply stack blocks to reach them. The part over spikes may look intimidating, but it's not. Walk off, hold left and Guts Man will not break the blocks, because he didn't jump or fall on them from one I guess. Now tap left slowly until the block lights up. Grab and throw. Jump down onto the block in the dip, then jump onto the block next to it and walk left. The block you jumped on will break, but not the block you walked to. Jump to the point bubble. Stack blocks so that you can jump on top of the pre-existing Guts block. Don't throw it yet. Make a block to jump to on the stones. Now grab it and jump to that block. Now you have a series of blocks that you have to do perfectly without stones, so pay attention. Jump into the score bubbles, then fall on one of the two stones below the spikes. Walk to the other, then jump to one stone, jump and grab the next block, land on the next stone then jump up. Keep going this way until you have to grab another. Now you simply have to grab the blocks in such a way that you don't get squished, but only after breaking stones with your head. Make a hole, then jump and grab one from the right and run in case the game decides you are squished, because if the stone touches you too long from above while falling, poof. Clear all the blocks and then Try to use the stones to reach the ladder. If you fail, you can still make blocks below from the very edge and stack them in ways that let you reach the ladder. A few more blocks to pull effectivley and you are done! THROW MANIA! Grab the block on the right. Fall and hold left or you will die. To easily beat this, repeat this pattern. Don't look at where you are throwing. Jump right and throw at about medium height. Land on the platform you where jumping to that moves. Hold left but not so that you edge off. Grab a block, turn and immediatley jump and throw it at the same height, no matter what. Repeat 15 times. ELEVATOR PANIC! Okay, for every single platform until the one that is past an enemy, the rules are the same. Make a block that hangs over the edge, then stand on it and drop a block on the platform as it comes to you. Then jump. On the moving platform, create another block that hangs off to the right and stand on it before placing a block on another platform or spike. Do this until you have to drop one block on a platform that drops and then land on another platform. This section is so much easier if you make blocks to stand on to extend your range. Either way, as you make blocks on the spike, make 1 more than you need and pick it up. An enemy will come out of nowhere as you move forward, so throw! Now, this next platform is tricky. Make 2 blocks that hang off each other. Stand on the bottom block and wait for the platform to return. Hit down and grab, then jump onto the block that falls on the conveyor. Throw the block at the enemy, then grab the next block and throw it as well. The rest is cake from here! CAN'T MAKE BLOCKS ON CONVEYORS! Hold right and jump on the block. Make a block that hangs off of that block and get on top. Jump to the next platform. Do the same again, but wait till they hit the wall. Jump and hit square as it flashes while still holding jump to get in. Now you have to make a block, and jump to the conveyor. On the small portion of land on the other end, make a block and QUICKLY jump on it, then to the high ground. Make a block on the conveyor. Ride it off, then jump as the block is about to dissapear off screen to make it. Be as far right as possible. Now block the flow of blocks from below, and go over top. Now block them from the top and go below. Now you have to get on a block, make another block, climb it, and then jump as the fast conveyor launches you. For the final area with fast blocks, cram the space with blocks to get a good slowdown. Now drop in, hold left and jump as your head passes the ceiling. Ram jump again as you try to land on a block, then hold right and ram square at the right moment while still holding jump. Lots of luck! SECURE A FOOTHOLD! Choose a block. Face it. As the hopper jumps away from your block, throw at it. Now run under it, jump on the block that is there, turn around and immediatley make a block. You are now safe no matter what unless you throw that block or the one below it. Jump up top and make a block on that one. Grab that block, fall back down, and when the creature hops, throw the block. The spare bits should hit it. Repeat until dead. ONLY 5 AT A TIME! Okay, here's the deal. On every available platform here, you have to drop a block so that it hangs right. Problem is electricity is scary and the ceiling is low. However, if you jump past the electricity, make a block jutting out left, then make one to the right of it, you now have what you need and can stand on that block. Go backwards and throw any blocks you don't need that are busting the limit. Don't be afraid to stack blocks several high to get a good drop on a spike or electric beam. Rarely will you have to grab a block and jump away from a beam, if ever. This may seem vague, but it's this pattern until the end, with little to no exceptions. STACK AND CLIMB! Okay, climb down. Make then grab a block. Jump onto the block conveyor. Throw the block at the enemy, then immediatley make another and throw it. Make yet one more and throw it as well. Now you have to jump over obstacles. Keep going until there is a drop in the line. Drop a block on the platform then jump to it. If you want, you can wait all day at these points. Anyways, jump on and ride until you have to jump and throw three blocks that are on the path. It's possible to make it to the platform and drop a block on it, but safer to wait. Be sure to make another block to throw, and once you reach the top make as many blocks as you can keep on the conveyors as you go. for the final stretch you are supposed to kill the enemy, but you can hop over it with good timing and some luck. 6. BOSS SPECIFICS Time to repeat the boss strats if you only wanted to hear about those. These are just additional notes, so please read the main walkthrough's boss sections in their levels if you need help. Just Ctrl+F BOSS: TIME MAN In addition to what was mentioned in the walkthrough, keep in mind that Guts Man is large, but can still fit between the shots with some ease. Tiny hops are necessary. He almost always shoots close, then moves and shoots again quickly at the start. You can tell when he's going to shoot close because he won't bother at all from far away. Remember that he can break the blocks and that your lag is so bad when doing anything that involves the fire button that you only should create, pick up, and throw in the moments specified in the walkthrough. OIL MAN Aside from what is mentioned in the walkthrough, Oil Man does have a bad habit of hopping on your head or getting an oil shot past you if you are slow. Get away from that area and make a block. It will eventually dissapear, so yeah. You could also make a zig zag wall I suppose. Do it right and one tiny peice can go through and hit him. However, this is hard to do and time without ending up on the same side as him AND to have the curve toward you so that one shard can go through. BOMB MAN I really don't know what to say here that isn't in the FAQ. Email me if you find a better way to fight him as Guts Man, especially on hard! MEGA MAN I've heard you can trap him, and I can imagine how easily with the same zig zag wall mentioned in Oil Man's part. However, read the walkthrough and you'll find him to be easy anyway, so yeah... GUTS MAN If you don't want to be hit, play slowly and make only one block at a time. Otherwise, just use what I put in the walkthrough. CUT MAN On hard he may not stun. My walkthrough mentions how to make and throw the first block, but Cut Man has an attack that destroys them, and he can't be stunned, so you are going to have to abandon a block and come back to it as he jumps away, and mostly throw with the "grab from above" method. ELEC MAN If you don't want to take the first hit that I suggest in the walkthrough, then try to jump the first thunder beam and then place a block. Other than that, this fight is a joke. FIRE MAN My walkthrough version of this fight is fine, but on hard he can jump. That just means you treat him more like Ice Man and throw from behind cover when he jumps. He shoots fast though, making it hard to create bricks when they explode from a projectile being inside. ICE MAN The walkthrough version of the fight is okay. Just remember to hug a wall and chicken out, even on hard. YELLOW DEVIL The walkthrough only mentions normal. On hard he has new attacks that make it hard to grab a block to throw. You can either be quick on the draw as he reforms or make a block during the final stretch of peices that fly. SECURITY DRONE Other than what I said in the walkthrough, I can't think of much to be honest. WILY 1 AND 2 Apart from what I said in the walkthrough, you can also spam blocks from behind the top block every time he dips if you want a long fight. I'm not sure how devestating the ram attack is on hard, so be ready to work with less blocks. CLOSING AND CONTACT Guts Man is a fun guy, and hopefully anyone needing help with the brute got it when looking here. If not... sorry! I tried. You can reach me at gojira345@singleplayermode.com Mega Man Powered Up is property and copyright of Capcom and not me. So don't sue.