Accolades FAQ by: black_spider17 Silent Hill: Origins (PSP) February 24th, 2009 Version 0.95 ----------------------------------------------------------------- To navigate more easily in this FAQ, Ctrl+C on the code of the section you want to go, Ctrl+F, to activate the Find feature, and Ctrl+V to paste the code. Hit Enter. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Currently, only the following sites are allowed to host this FAQ: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction Hello, my name is Tomas Martins and I'm writing my first FAQ! Despite the fact that both the full FAQs already have an Accolades Section, I felt that this needed a dedicated section. I'm Portuguese and this will be a challenge for me, after all. This will be fine, don't worry! [/talking to himself] :P ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. What are the Accolades? [wata] 2. The Accolades [accs] - Savior - Fireman - Explorer - Cartographer - Sprinter - Collector - Daredevil - Stalker - Brawler - Sharpshooter - Weaponsmith - Butcher - Ambassador - Codebreaker 3. Joint Achievements (missing) [join] 4. Thanks [thnk] 5. Legal Stuff [legl] 6. Personal contact [cont] ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What are the Accolades? [wata] Once you finish Silent Hill: Origins for the first time, you get a message with your statistics along the game, such as the time you took to finish, the number of enemies killed, etc, etc. In the last part of this message you saw some Accolades achieved. If you don't know already what's this, Accolades are special costumes that you unlock by reaching certain goals in-game. Some of these costumes may earn you a special weapon. We'll see about that later. You can access these costumes in the menu. So there you have it. You already know what are the Accolades. Let's go to the real deal! ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The Accolades [accs] - Savior How to get: Just finish the game once. Aspect: It looks like a biker's leathers. Game examine: "You intervened in the cult's ceremony and saved Alessa." Weapon earned: Moon Gauntlets Notes: Aside from the Codebreaker accolade, this is the easiest accolade to get, beacause it doesn't require any special action in the game. Just finish it. - Fireman How to get: Save Alessa from the burning house in under ~70-80s. Aspect: A normal firemen's suit, with light-reflection bands in a fluorescent yellow. Game examine: "You saved Alessa from the fire in record time." Weapon earned: Fire Axe Notes: This seems to be a very controversial accolade. There is a time discrepancy between the people that got this accolade. Some got it in around 80s, while some didn't get it in 71s. I can't really comment it, beacause I didn't time myself. Just go around the house as fast as you can, without crashing into burning furniture and don't forget that the timer starts only when you pick Alessa up. - Explorer How to get: Walk or run at least 22.5km during the playthrough. Aspect: An Indiana Jones/archeology teacher brown suit, with a hat and high socks. Game examine: "During your time in Silent Hill you left no corner untouched, travelling a great distance before accoplishing you goal." Weapon earned: --- Notes: If you go through most areas in the game, even if there are only broken doors and especially in the streets, you will get this for sure. A neat costume if you want to Travis to look more serious. - Cartographer How to get: Watch the map for less than 25 times. Aspect: A bit like the Explorer outfit, this is a suit with a white shirt and brown trousers and suspenders. It also come with a very shiny pair of shoes. Game examine: "You know the streets of Silent Hill like the back of your hand and had no use for maps." Weapon earned: --- Notes: This is probably the hardest accolade to get. You can get it in three ways: One - You played the game more than enough to memorize the path and now you can just finish the game without any maps. Two - You have an idea of the path you need to follow but you need to look at the map when you pick it up to light your brain. Three - The easiest way to get this is to guide yourself through the maps avaliable online, even here at GameFAQs. There is a fourth way to help you but you need money or a friend willing to help you. Just show the map you need on a PSP and play on another PSP! Good catch, right? - Sprinter How to get: Complete the game in under 2 hours. Aspect: A jogging red suit, trainers included. Game examine: "You reached the end in record time, traeating the game as a sprint, not a marathon." Weapon earned: --- Notes: This may look harder than it is. I was really worried when I was trying this and I had to go back to go for a piece that I had forgotten to a puzzle in Alchemilla Hospital and Artaud Theater, but I was suprised when I finished the game and looked at the time: 1h10min. I really recommend sophialeigh's FAQ to try this accolade. In case you didn't noticed (I didn't either), this accolade is the only one that has a bonus. When wearing this you get illimited run energy. That means running without getting tired, for ever. SUPERVOLT alerted me to this, and I'm very grateful for it. Thanks!! - Collector How to get: Collect more than 300 items in the game. Aspect: A green hoodie, beige trousers and shoes and glasses (?) Travis in glasses looks so, weird? Game examine: "Like a true obsessive, you collected all the items in the game." Weapon earned: --- Notes: This desciption may fool some of you. You don't have to collect all the items, of course. Again, this accolade may look harder than it is. If you got normally through the game (not in a rush, take your time), you get this easily. And again, I recommend sophialeigh's FAQ to go for this, but it's not really needed. - Daredevil How to get: Beat the game without saving. Aspect: It's a bear costume. Roaaar! Game examine: "Like the heroes of legend, you were fearless in the face of great danger and completed the game without ever saving." Weapon earned: --- Notes: This accolade isn't that hard to get. The game itself isn't very long, so you can finish it in about 2-3 hours, if you rush. Adding to this, you can even use the PSP's suspend function, if you don't want to play the entire game in a row. Just pray for the PSP not to freeze or run out of battery! - Stalker How to get: Use the flashlight for less than 3 hours. Aspect: A special ops black suit with a comms helmet. Cool! Game examine: "You preferred the comfort of the dark, turning your flashlight off to become one with the night." Item earned: Night vision goggles Notes: This accolade isn't hard at all, since it's much safer to go through the game with the flashlight off, at least during your first time, to sneak by most enemies. The night vision goggles aren't that useful as you might think, beacause the screen gets too bright. - Brawler How to get: Kill more than half of the enemies with your fists. Aspect: A Mexican wrestling suit, with a greenish blue mask, torso and boots, and blue pants. VĂ¡monos! Game examine: "Like a true survivor you fought and won, drawing on the destructive power of your own fists." Weapon earned: --- Notes: If you want to do this the normal way, aim for the Nurses, Straight Jackets and other weak enemies. However, this can become a lot easier if you pound down your enemies with the Moon Gauntlets and then stomp on them to count a fist kill. (I had already thought about this, but DARK SOLDIER 365 mailed me with the same tip, so I'll credit him. Thanks!!) Be careful though, if you get too excited and kill the enemies before stomping on them. - Sharpshooter How to get: Kill 75% of the enemies with a firearm. Aspect: A green camo hunter outfit, including a vest, pants and a hat. Looks like some 2nd amendment fanatic. Game examine: "You rejoiced in the power of firearms and faced fear with a steady aim and the sound of gunfire." Weapon earned: --- Notes: This is very easy to get with a Tesla Rifle. This baby kills all enemies from a distance. Be careful though, this rifle isn't very effective at close range, since the monsters can attack you, even when you're firing. - Weaponsmith How to get: Kill more than 75% of the enemies with melee weapons. Aspect: Jeans, a jean jacket and a hair strip. Totally bad guy. Game examine: "You preferred to dispatch your monsters up close and personal, and faced danger with a weapon in your hand." Weapon earned: --- Notes: The Moon Gauntlets will do the job. They are so powerful that they will kill a Straight-Jacket in two punches, and will kill the final boss in 3 or so hits. Note that you only need to kill 75% of all monsters that you kill. So if you only kill 4 enemies during the entire game, 3 of them must be with melee weapons. You still get 75%. - Butcher How to get: Kill more than ~150 enemies. Aspect: Some bloodied brown clothes belonging to a serial killer. Scary. Game examine: "You brought Travis face to face with a terrible realization." Weapon earned: Great Cleaver Notes: This is an easy accolade to get if you use the Tesla Rifle or the Moon Gauntlets. Just make sure that you kill everything you see, especially in the Sanitarium and in the streets of Silent Hill, which shouldn't be too hard at all. - Ambassador How to get: Get the UFO ending. Aspect: An orange jacket and grey pants. They seem to be made with some kind of alien fabric. Game examine: "You uncovered the alien conspiracy behind events in Silent Hill." Weapon earned: Tesla Rifle (infinite ammo) Notes: You can get this in two occasions: Right after the burning house, in the streets in Silent Hill, and after the Artaud Theater, on your way to the Riverside Motel. In both chances you can pass by the post office. Near that office is a fire ladder. Climb the ladder and at the top there is the Room 502 key, with a crescent moon tag. In Riverside Motel you get the chance of using this key in a room. Consult a full FAQ for more info on how to get to that room. - Codebreaker How to get: Enter the Konami Code (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, O) at anytime, without opening the menu or pause menu. Aspect: Very nerdy. A brown vest and pants, and glasses again... Definitely not Travis. Game examine: "You called on the power of an ancient incantation" Weapon earned: --- Notes: Let's face it. This in the hardest accolade to get... ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Joint Achievements [join] Too come soon... ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Thanks [thnk] - Me, myself and I, for creating this FAQ :P - My family, for supporting me everytime. - Konami and Climax, for creating this great game. - sophialeigh and Berserker, for doing amazing jobs with their FAQs. - SuperVolt, for being the first one to write me about this FAQ and tipping me about the bonus on the Sprinter accolade. - dark soldier 365, for being the second one to write me about this FAQ and tipping me about a easier way to ger the Brawler accolade. - Sony, for creating the best handheld ever. - GameFAQs, for being the most cool gaming site out there. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Legal Stuff This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Personal contact If you want to contact me to put questions, suggestions, critics, or if you notice some kind of error, is it grammatical, factual or other kinds of error, feel free to contact me at this e-mail: ---------------------------- | | ---------------------------- I hope I did a good job and receive posive feedback from you, so I can feel tempted to make other FAQs!! Copyright 2009 Tomas Martins. -----------------------------------------------------------------