Slugipedia (Vehicle Guide) for Metal Slug Anthology (Wii) ------------------------------------------- By Matty_G33 Co-Authors hokuto_orochi23 and jramirez23 ------------------------------------------- If the numbers below are on one line; you're fine: 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 If not, it's screwy and you have to deal wit dat! This guide is GameFAQs only, seeing the co-authors go to that site only. If you happen to find this guide on a different site, it is stolen and needs to be reported to Matty_G33. Seriously. TABLE OF CONTENTS Press Ctrl+F, then type up the code (include brackets) to find info on a slug. ------------------------------- --- Version History --- [Version] --Intro-- --Controls-- --- Vehicle List --- -- Metal Slug Vehicles -- [MS1] - Metal Slug SV-001 - [MS01] -- Metal Slug 2 Vehicles -- [MS2] - Camel Slug - [MS02] - Slugnoid - [MS03] - Slug Flyer - [MS04] -- Metal Slug X Vehicles -- [MSX] - Metal Slug R-Type - [MS05] -- Metal Slug 3 Vehicles -- [MS3] - Slug Mariner - [MS06] - Slugnoid R-Type - [MS07] - Elephant Slug - [MS08] - Ostrich Slug - [MS09] - Level Armour - [MS10] - Slug Driller - [MS11] - Slug Copter - [MS12] - Astro Slug - [MS13] -- Metal Slug 4 -- [MS4] - Bradley - [MS14] - Metal Crow [MS15] - Forklift [MS16] - Crawler Slug [MS17] -- Metal Slug 5 -- [MS5] - Slug Gunner - [MS18] - TIFAF660 - [MS19] - Spider Slug - [MS20] -- Metal Slug 6 -- [MS6] - Donkey Slug and Trailer - [MS21] - Gunner Prototype - [MS22] - Driller V2 - [MS23] -- Others -- [Others] --- Legal, FAQs, Contacts, and Others --- [LFAOs] ------------------------------- Version History [Version] ------------------------------- Started this guide: 10/07/07 Version 1.00: Guide Fully Composed at the date of 7/08/2007 The guide is a bit late due to laziness and not wanting to write this. Basic parts of the guide are here. Find my errors! Version 1.05: jramirez23's name is fixed, his email is added, and I've added a new line of info to the R-Type Metal Slug. Sorry for a late update, but I've been busy with my DS Games. Also got ONE mail concering about this guide. --------INTRO--------- Hi and welcome to my guide, assited by hokuto_orochi23 and jamirez23! If this guide refers to myself, it is Matty G unless specified. This guide will tell you fine information about the Slug Vehicles in each game, seeing this a Anthology Collection. This is for the Wii Version, not the PS2 nor PSP versions. You could use it if you had a different version, but this reffers to Wii Controls. However, Jramirez has the PS2 version instead, so he could help you out. --------CONTROLLING THE SLUGS--------- I am not going to explain about the normal controls, but I am going to explain how to operate slugs instead. NOTE: SOME INFORMATION MAY CHANGE WITH OTHER SLUGS, BUT THAT'LL BE LISTED WITH THEM. GETTING IN...GETTING OUT To get in/on a slug, simply jump where it says "IN". You're now in it, now you want to know how to get out. Hold down and press jump to get out. THE VULCANS The vulcans are 360 degree miniguns turrets that are on a lot of slugs. Some of them have different projectile types, allowing greater or not too great fire- power. They shoot blue bullets, so they are easy to see. Control: To control the vulcans, press right to move them that way. Same with every other direction. Press FIRE to shoot. You can't hold the button down, so you must keep pressing it repeately to have rapid effect. Projectile Types: Vulcans can fire limitless ammo, and can fire different types of bullets, which will be listed with a vehicle. MACHINE GUN If it doesn't have vulcans, it'll have MOVEMENT You can move forwards and backwards, and jump. When you move, the Vulcan do the same. Tank Vehicles cannot turn their cannon around, which is handy and some- times not handy. CANNON, MISSILES, AND...GRENADES? When in or on a Slug, you can fire the cannon to use a deadly attack. On a animal, you can only toss a grenade, which press or do the grenade motion to do this action. THE SLUG ATTACK In MS1, 2, X, and 3, press FIRE and JUMP to do this awesome attack. In 4, 5, 6, press ALTERNATIVE ATTACK to do it. However, it ditches your vehicle which goes forward, destroying whatever in it's path. I'll also explode when it reaches the end of the screen, which is good. It is only good when your slug is almost destroyed, near a boss. There's more information I forgot to list correctly, but oh well...I always never make sense. HEALING AND DAMAGE Most slugs are sadly not very durable. Three hits (or more/less) and it's done for. However, it can be prevented if you heal it with gas...yes. Gas. Pick up a canister of gas in a slug to heal any damage. ---------------------------------------- VEHICLE LIST - MAIN GUIDE INFORMATION ---------------------------------------- HOW THE INFO IS TOLD SLUG NAME - Obvious MAIN FEATURES - A good description of the main features. PROJECTILE TYPE - Main weapon shoots what? CANNON TYPE - Description on the cannon. PROS (GOOD COP) - The good side of using the slug. CONS (BAD COP) - The ugly effects of using the slug. AUTHOR'S USERNAME - We all have our opinions, and this is obvious. OVERALL - From a scale of 1 to 5. EXTRA NOTES - Go on rampage or should be on foot instead? LOCATIONS - Where you can find this slug. SPOILERS CAN HAPPEN. ----------------------- METAL SLUG [MS1] ----------------------- METAL SLUG SV-001 [MS01] The traditional Metal Slug Tank, able to "crawl like a slug" and do devestating damage. When pressing down, the tank will lower, able to get you out, but can throw grenades rather than using the cannon, which is used normally. Speaking of the cannon, you can't turn it around, meaning the cannon always faces the directon it's in. Also, whoever hits you when moving dies. The vulcans fire straight blue bullets. The cannon fires a shell on an arc, which can be good news or bad news. Pros/Cons +Used often +Jumps finely +Good Slug -Only takes 3 hits -Cannon sometimes a pain -Morden Troopers can jump on and place explosives MATTY G'S SCORE: 4/5 Besides the flaw of taking three hits, the slug should be always taken. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 4/5 The original, its very useful to board one in tight situations for its 3 hit protection LOCATIONS Metal Slug - The tank can appear twice if the first is destroyed or not taken in the same mission, but if it has to appear again, it's not too far away. These second tanks aren't listed. Mission 1 - Near the location where you can skin that fish down. Mission 2 - After the staircase after the miniboss. Mission 3 - Somewhere after you destroy the building. Mission 4 - At the start of the level, use the TNT as a stair. Mission 5 - After a few houses, go up and take the slug. Final Mission - Get off the turret, climb up the 1st TNT, and get the slug. Metal Slug 2 - Due to new slugs, the tank barley makes appearances. Mission 4 - Somewhere near the end. Mission 5 - In the boss area. Final Mission - When fighting the Mothership, a random pickup truck delivers a slug. Metal Slug X - A remake of 2, but has more regular slugs. Mission 1 - Destroy the Drop Off Truck near the Camel Slug. You got a choice ;) Mission 4 - Same location. Mission 5 - Destroy a vehicle at the start to reveal a slug. Final Mission - Same, but comes with the bonus of 2LT.Hykutaro, that DBZ-like guy :D Metal Slug 3 - Barely any normal ones due to the fact that there's too much slugs. Final Mission 1. Randomly falls when you're fighting the clones on the first section where you see them. 2. You automatically jump in the tank, required to beat Rootmarks, the final boss. Metal Slug 4 - At least a bit more reliable than 3. Mission 2 - Somewhere in the 2nd section. Final Mission - Wind up a lil' box thing in the 3rd last section. Can't use it to beat Allen. Metal Slug 5 - These are rarer by the game! Mission 1 - Take the top path, and go low where after the wave of enemies you beat with the rocket launcher. Mission 2 - In the middle of the 1st section. Metal Slug 6 - I mean, one normal slug? Mission 1 - When that huge walking thing goes along, one of the things carry a slug. Destroy the hold for it so you use it. ----------------------- METAL SLUG 2 [MS2] ----------------------- CAMEL SLUG [MS02] The first animal used for a slug, this is favored by quite a lot of people. The rider is not protected, but the vulcans are powerful and it is fast, and does jump well. The vulcans shoot straight bullets in 2, but in X and 3, they shoot the strong spinning bullets. There's no cannon, so you have to throw your grenades instead. Pros/Cons +Fast +Jumps high +Good Vulcans -No protection -Slug Attack weak -Can only toss one grenade at a time MATTY G'S SCORE: 3.5/5 Not a bad slug, but it lacks appearances in newer games. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 4/5 The first animal Slug holds up quite well in all around terms. LOCATIONS Metal Slug 2 - Mission 1 - Halfway through the level. Metal Slug X - Mission 1 - Same, but you have a choice. Metal Slug 3 - Mission 4 - Start of level. THE SLUGNOID [MS03] An unusual slug, but one of my favs. This slug must rely on the vulcans that are on it to destroy, which can be a problem, seeing when it takes damage, a vulcan comes off, which is very annoying. The cannon makes up for it, as well as the good jumping ability. Vulcans fire nothing special. Just plain, vanilla bullets. The Cannon can alter it's projectile, which varies from Slugnoid to Slugnoid: A "fat mode" Iron Lizard projectile. A Cannon Shell that spreads fire like a fire bomb. Pros/Cons +Nice jumping +Vulcans fire a good amount of bullets after pressing FIRE +Cannon suited to current situation -Vulcan projectiles could be better -Slug attack not always handy -Vulcan removal annoying MATTY G'S SCORE: 3/5 Good sometimes, but ugly at crictal situations. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 3/5 Nothin' special... LOCATIONS Metal Slug 2 - The Slugnoid is born! Mission 2 - Near the boss. Great use here and slug attack handy as well as the cannon. Metal Slug X - A few Slugnoid. Mission 2 - Same. Mission 5 - The mutant area. There can be three! Flame Cannon. Metal Slug 3 - A Oh lord... Final Mission - When escaping, you can find this can as well as a Rebel Armour. It has a Iron Lizard Cannon. Metal Slug 4 - Only one? Sheesh! Mission 3 - Take the lower path, kill the Yeti's and go to the next area. There is your Slugnoid with a Iron Lizard Cannon. It'll get wasted. SLUG FLYER [MS04] The jet plane version of slugs, and damn SNK did a good job. It's cool and there's really nothing to say about this one, besides the vulcan can only move the vulcan to something like 90 degrees. Vulcans fire small bullets, but they are still lethal. Missiles are fast and good. Pros/Cons +Easy to control compared to Slug Copter +Good Missiles +Parachutes Character in the air if destroyed on land areas. -Vulcan Fiddly -Can't move the vulcan 360 degrees -Small Delay with Missiles MATTY G'S SCORE: 4.2/5 Probably the best aerial slug. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 4/5 Cool... LOCATIONS Metal Slug 2/X Mission 3 - After all those fights on the top of the train, there's the slug surrounded by Morden troopers. Take them out. In X, there's a R-Type near it. Choices again. Metal Slug 3 Pre-Final Mission - Before the mission starts, you can choose either a Slug Copter or Slug Flyer. Metal Slug 5 Mission 2 - Near the end, you can use this to defeat the boss. There's 2 if two players are playing. Metal Slug 6 Mission 4 - At the end of the Golden Gate Bridge, where the section ends. ------------------------------ METAL SLUG X [MSX] ------------------------------ METAL SLUG R-TYPE [MS05] The tank, now even more better than ever. Golden tint added, faster and jumps higher. One of the finest vehicles ever. UPDATE: The R-Type doesn't get stunned when hit by an attack, while the normal model does. Vulcan and Cannon remain the same. Pros/Cons +Great Jumping +Speed good +Cool Looks -No Armour improvements -Jump Height Incontrolable -Nothing much worng wit it! MATTY G'S SCORE: 4.7/5 Would be perfect if it had better armour, but oh well. Still Great! HOKUTO'S SCORE: 4.5/5 Same as the normal but faster! LOCATIONS Metal Slug X - Mission 3 - With the flyer. Metal Slug 3 - Mission 1 - If you choose the boat path, you get to use it for the boss. Fliped backwards, but the vulcans will aim the opposite direction to where you're going...and doing... Metal Slug 6 - Final Mission - Beat the brainwashed character to get rid of the thing controlling him/her. He/she will order a Metal Slug R Tank in for you to kill the final boss. ------------------------ METAL SLUG 3 [MS3] ------------------------ Features a lot of unique slugs. SLUG MARINER [MS06] The only slug that goes underwater, and it's control is like the Slug Copter, a bit ugly. It has the special "floaty" bullets that make it worth using the vulcans. "Floaty" Bullets arc down when you shoot them. Handy. The Cannon fires a Torpedo Underneath. Pros/Cons +Great use of "floaty" +Good Torpedo +Agile -A bit ugly to control -Seen only thrice -Fire Power can't fit all situations MATTY G'S SCORE: 3.9/5 Take one whenever possible. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 3/5 We needed someday a submarine, don't we? LOCATIONS Metal Slug 3 Mission 1 - After Destroying the shipwreck, crouch-walk underneath the stairs. Mission 3 - You can enter a hole at the first wall. Follow for 2 Mariners. Metal Slug 5 Mission 4 - Automatically entered when you finish the ground part. SLUGNOID R-TYPE [MS07] Nothing much, just a red Slugnoid. Whatever direction you go the Vulcans move the opposite direction. The cannon is a Iron Lizard, suiting the boss fight. No new information on the weapons. Like the Metal Slug R-Type, it doesn't get stunned. Pros/Cons +It's red +Cannon and Vulcans suit boss fight +There's two if playing with two players. -Still slow -Slug Attack not edited -No Special Changes : ( MATTY G'S SCORE: 3/5 Not too great, but there's two for two players. HOKUTO'S SCORE: ??? Does this Slug even exist? JRAMIREZ'S SCORE: 3.5/5 Good when going against an enemy walking towards you. LOCATION - Mission 1 - Take any path that doesn't have the boat. When you appear on the bridge, there's your Slugnoid. Further is another for Player 2, assuming you are playing with two players. ELEPHANT SLUG [MS08] The Elephant appears once, and I can't see where it fits anywhere else. This unique slug has two special attacks to wipe out zombies, I guess that'll give you a clue...anyway, it can't jump, so pressing it causes you to get off. The vulcans are normal. You can toss grenades, but let the elephant eat the following... Chilli - Fat Flame Shot can be fired. Battery - Laser can be fired. Each are powerful. Pros/Cons +The other player can ride on top! +Nice "Cannon" Effects +Quite Interactive -When zombified, can't use it -Vulcans could be better -Can't jump MATTY G'S SCORE: 3/5 Lack of appearance or jump, but fire and electric make up for it. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 4/5 Stompin' time! LOCATION - Mission 2 - Take the alternative path, after the heli's and jump down and destroy the wall (left). After fighting many yeti's, the Elephant is there, in ice. Use your knife to get rid of it to ride this beast of nature. OSTRICH SLUG [MS09] The Ostrich is another unique slug, and like the Slugnoid R-Type, there's two if you play with two players. On this, you can jump really high, and go fast as well. The catch? The rider is not protected, and it takes a bit of time to turn around. Normal Vulcans and Grenades = Plain Weaponry. Pros/Cons +Good Jumping +Good Speed -Poor Turning -Vunerable Target, due to local enemies MATTY G'S SCORE: 2.5/5 A bit dissapointing, but the location where you get it has amazing jumps to do! HOKUTO'S SCORE: 2.5 Arkward Mobility LOCATION - Mission 3 - At the second wall, wait for a hole to appear. go in it and you'll be on a branching path. Eventually you'll get the Ostrich(es). LEVEL ARMOUR [MS10] The first "armour slug" introduced into the series. Sometimes efficent, some a real down. It's main cannon is changeable with some of the regular weapons you get on foot. It doesn't turn around, and you can fire only up or right. However, it can double jump, which makes it Cannon fires straight and only on the right. Quite Useless. The main weapon is a Heavy Machine Gun or Flame Shot, depending on location. Beware, the normal cannon can deplete! Pros/Cons +Useful Sometimes +Double Jump good. +Doesn't turn around -Sometimes Bad -Weapon and Cannon Functions Annoying -Cannot Use Any "Yellow Labelled" Weaponry MATTY G'S SCORE: 3/5 Rare, sometimes trash, but always take one. Worth it. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 3/5 Could've been better... LOCATIONS Mission 3 - Don't take the Ostrich Path and eventually, you'll see a Morden Soldier in a LV. Keep damaging it and he'll die, meaning you can take it. WARNING: If you're not in the LV for a few seconds, a soldier will take the LV back and you can't get it back : ( Player 2 - Before the main one appears, a free one is there for another player. Final Mission - After a few screens when you got the Slugnoid, there's a LV for you. Appears regardless of how many players are playing. SLUG DRILLER [MS11] Something pretty cool and actually is good for current situation! Vulcans are on it, as usual, and according to it's name, it must have a drill. Quite a big one, and is handy for killing some "Starship Troopers-Like" enemies. It can't jump, but rather extends the driller to a tall height, like a cherry picker. The drill extends and massacres anything in it's reach if you use the cannon. Lethal weapon, I'll say. Vulcans are...well...boring. Pros/Cons +Drill = Gore! +Extending Height good +Nice Appearance -No weaponry at rear -Lack of appearance -Not really any cons! MATTY G'S SCORE: 4/5 One of my favorites, the driller is great =D HOKUTO'S SCORE: 5/5 One of the bestest slugs! LOCATION - Mission 4 - Take lower path. Use box to go even lower. After going through worms and crabs, you'll see the Slug Driller. Kill crabs first though. Save the drill for those enormous things. SLUG COPTER [MS12] The opposite to the Slug Flyer, the copter is harder to control, but worth the power it has. If you can drive a Mariner well, you can drive this well. The bombs are powerful but drop quickly. Powerful Slug. The bombs are "dumb", meaning they are powerful, but they drop almost instant. The Vulcans use the spinning projectiles, and are 360 Degree Spinning. Pros/Cons +Great Vulcans +Worthly Bomb +Cool -Hard to control -Previous Con says it all! MATTY G'S SCORE: 3.9/5 Not brilliant like the flyer, but still, it's great. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 4.5/5 An OK design, and fun to use. LOCATIONS - Before Final Mission, picking your choice has the Copter included Final Mission - Randomly if you lost your slug a while ago. ASTRO SLUG/REBEL ASTRO [MS13] A little, small spaceship that a rocket releases after going into space. No Vulcans, but a crappy weapon instead. However, when you pick up a weapon (anyone), it'll adapt it's features via two big weapons on the sides. You'll get a lot of different weapons, so don't worry unless you get hit, then you'll lose a side weapon unless you pick up another weapon. However, if you can last with this, you can get vulcans for the Astro. Opposite direction ones, though. As said before, that's your basic weaponry fuctions. The cannon fires two "torpedos". I thought they're for underwater... Pros/Cons +Nice Weaponry Adaptions +Good Torpedos +Vulcan Additions good -Vunerable -Loses weapon if hit -Can't get another MATTY G'S SCORE: 3.5/5 Make the most out of your Astro. Seriously. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 5/5 An absolute beast if equipped complete!! LOCATION - Final Mission - After the kidnapping, your new character will hop in a rocket. When in space, you (and player 2) will be in your own Astro(s). VULCANS - When entering the mothership, some enemies drop vulcans attachments. ------------------------------ METAL SLUG 4 [MS4] ------------------------------ The one turd has a few vehicles, actually good. BRADLEY [MS14] Usually an enemy weapon, there's one that's green for your use. It's that one that fires all those missiles. Sounds cool, yes? Not really. You'll see the first thing it'll do is turn around and reveal a pair of vulcans, then get wasted shortly. It has a jumping maneover - jets on the bottom! The cannon fires lethal missiles that lower to the ground after a second in the air. Can lower cannon if you hold down. The missiles? Deadly, but can't rapid fire. Boring old vulcans. Pros/Cons +Powerful Missiles +Lowering Cannon -Post Damage Invunerability very small -Gets Wasted Easily -Can be pathetic to beginner players MATTY G'S SCORE: 2/5 This slug can be good if you memorize the enemy locations. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 1/5 Yawn... LOCATION - Mission 2 - Near start, find a Green Bradley attacking you. Waste it with the Two Machine Guns near it. The driver will die and you can drive the Bradley. METAL CROW [MS15] Another enemy vehicle you can take over, this one appears more than that rather sad Bradley if you have a friend playing. This one is blue and does kick more ass. When the driver is dead, you hop in and it'll turn around and get a pair of vulcans on the sides. Like the Metal Slug, you can "crawl" to lower the tank to throw grenades. The guard on the front makes things much easier as it can provide you with 50% more health. Also uses jets to jump. The cannon fires a stronger Enemy Chaser. The Vulcans are boring again. Pros/Cons +Better than a Bradley +Guard Offers Protection +Good Overall -Does not list Armour Strengh -Cannon can be a bit pathetic MATTY G'S SCORE: 3.9/5 I'll like to rate this higher, but the scoring system uses low numbers...strict HOKUTO'S SCORE: 1.5/5 Zzzzz... LOCATION - Mission 2 - If Player 2 is in the fun, A Blue Metal Crow will appear shortly after the Bradley. Do the same thing and take over it. See in MS4's demos. Mission 5 - After the forklift is a Metal Crow. Take it over to use. FORKLIFT [MS16] Yes, there is a forklift in Metal Slug 4. Not much, but it can destroy tanks with two simple prods with the teeth. Jump will raise the carrier like the Slug Driller. The cannon is the teeth that picks up stuff, but instead it'll prod enemies. Your weapon is whatever weapon you have on you. Meh. Pros/Cons +Prodding is hilarious and provides good damage +Nice Height it can get -Using own weapon can be a downer -Needs machine guns on it. MATTY G'S SCORE: 3/5 The prod is hilarious for the first time, but everything else is...average. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 1.5/5 Sucky design. Not much to say. LOCATION - Mission 5 - Don't take the alternative path and keep going to find a empty forklift...and a Metal Crow after that. CRAWLER SLUG [MS17] A robotic-like version of one of those mutants found in Metal Slug 2. Like a camel, got vulcans and a good jumping ability, but also real low and slow, and you'll likely to get hit as you don't have protection. Grenades and a normal vulcan. Pros/Cons +High jump +Low Profile fine sometimes... -...but it can suck -Camel Rip Off -You ditch it for no reason on both paths MATTY G'S SCORE: 1.9/5 Some mess alright. You can tell it rips off the camel, but still take it. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 1/5 MEGA Enterprise sholdn't do more games. LOCATION - Mission 4 - Near the start and near a big tank. -------------------------- METAL SLUG 5 [MS5] -------------------------- Features only three slugs, but they are unique. SLUG GUNNER [MS18] Think of a Metal Slug Tank mixed with a Transformer. You get this sonofabitch. The Gunner has two modes, one "robot" mode, like the LV Armour, and a "tank" mode, able to enter when you hold down. The Robot Form has a minigun, cannon, and a pole-sword for impaling worthless enemies. Turns around slowy, but can "moonwalk" if firing first. Can jump again in the air. Tank Mode can't turn around, but whatever direction the gunner was in before going in tank mode will be at that direction. See [MS01] for more details, but it can't jump. Instead you'll get out. The cannon is the same as the Metal Slug's. The main weapon is a machine gun. Fires diagonaly. Mint. Pros/Cons +TRANSFORMER! +Efficent and Deadly +Better than LV Armour +Two types of Slug Attacks! -Can be Vunerable -Slow Movements MATTY G'S SCORE: 4.6/5 Not a godsend, but deadly. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 5/5 The ultimate slug!!! LOCATIONS Mission 1 - Take lower path. The first thing, destroy that crate to reveal your Gunner. Use it for a short amount of fun, or use it to destroy The Black Hound. Mission 3 - After both altering paths, you'll see a guy on this machine. Just destroy it and reveal a Slug Gunner. Make use of it well to destroy the robots. TIFAF660 [MS19] Looks like an old fashioned car, but has guns on it. Used for an automatic scrolling part of the Final Mission, this car jumps high, launches missiles from the hood, and has good vulcans. Can't get out. Cannon fires a "fat mode" Enemy Chaser. Vulcans use spinning bullets. Pros/Cons +Looks nice +Jumps high -In bad situation -Firepower not enough MATTY G'S SCORE: 2/5 Not too great at all. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 4/5 It's missing something... LOCATION - Final Mission - Essential for first part of mission >: ( Never played MS5 with two players, so I don't know if you share a TIFA or not. SPIDER SLUG [MS20] Used in a subway, the Spider doesn't really look like one, but anyway. Pressing jump will lower/raise the pod, and the dual vulcans are good. The cannon? A harpoon. The harpoon is deadly, but only goes to the right. Vulcans are like the Slugnoid, both shown and efficent. Pros/Cons +Harpoon Great +Vulcans good -Changing Pod Height barley used -Used for a small amount of time MATTY G'S SCORE: 3.7/5 The one time appearance is unfortunate, but an awesome slug. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 4.5/5 The harpoon is the coolest bomb i've seen. LOCATION - Second part of level, after those rocket firing guys. I don't know if this appears again in Multiplayer or not. ----------------------------- METAL SLUG 6 [MS6] ----------------------------- Some new slugs have popped up, but made more decent thanks to Tarma's abilities in the slugs. DONKEY SLUG + TRAILER CANNON [MS21] At first you'll think that it's a camel clone, only slower, but after a minute, you'll see it has a cannon it tows along. It's only decent like a MS Shell, and the vulcans are strong. But jumping is a downer as you can't jump high. Above info explains both. Pros/Cons +Good Vulcans +Trailer Good for collecting prisoners +Cannon decent -Camel Clone -Slug Attack does no damage -Going back is a pain MATTY G'S SCORE: 3.5/5 The trailer is a funny addition, but because of this we can't go fast : ( HOKUTO'S SCORE: 2.5/5 The camel, but uglier and slower. LOCATION - Mission 2 - Donkey is found after defeating the aliens when you get the Flame Shot, and the Trailer Cannon is found after beating the first UFO's. GUNNER PROTOTYPE [MS22] Yes, a Gunner Prototype, perhaps. No shielding, or transforming, but has a pair of vulcans with the "Vulcan Fix" ability that everyone can use (it's a special thing that only Tarma can do in any vehicle) and runs quicker, not to mention turning around is less of a hassle. Jumps pretty high and well. No boost jump though. Vulcans are great with that Vulcan Fix. Cannon tends to run down quicker than usual. Pros/Cons +Faster and More Agile than it's bigger brother +Vulcan Fix allows moonwalking +Jumping superior -No shielding -Current Situation Bad -Can fail you MATTY G'S SCORE: 3.9/5 Nice slug, just a bad place where SNK put it in. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 3.5/5 Hmmm... LOCATION - Mission 3 Before the boss, but taking the alternative path makes it seem a bit further away, by two entire long jumps, near the end of the section. Driller V2 (UNSURE NAME) [MS23] I henced this as the V2 of the Driller as it didn't have a name, not to mention it's a drilling slug. Whatever direction you go in, a drill appears there, to clear a path as of your situation, and the vulcans go the opposing direction you go. You can't get out of it unless you clear the section, meaning you die with it. Vulcans are crap unless you're Tarma. Cannon places mine in vulcan direction. Pros/Cons +Excellent with Tarma +Pretty Nifty -Bad when not Tarma -Unreliable Vulcans MATTY G'S SCORE: 2.4/5 Just be Tarma in this thing. The vulcans are annoying enough. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 2/5 Not too useful, could've been a better slug... ---------------------------------- OTHERS [Others] ---------------------------------- SLUG RELATED PICKUPS A.P. - ARMOUR PIERCER Games: MS2, X, 3, others??? For the Metal Slug Tank, it changes the cannon type. It doesn't arc the shell, but makes it straight instead. More powerful, but sometimes a pain. there's a reverseable pickup, but rare. MATTY G'S SCORE: 3.3/5 SNK is wise where to put these, so grab one if you can. Remember to line up a few enemies when using this. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 3/5 High power, but only straight shot. VULCAN ATTACHMENT Games: MS3 For the Astro Slug, adds Vulcans on the back. Whatever direction you go in will make them go the opposing direction. Nifty. You need protection at the back, but one hit will take them off. You can get another pair. However, you'll need to survive with the Astro for a great amount of time. MATTY G'S SCORE: 4/5 Powerful, good, worthy attachment. HOKUTO'S SCORE: 5/5 Maximum power for the Astro Slug. GASOLINE CAN Games: All Gas cans are a vital pickup for a slug. They recover a third of the slug's lost durability, meaning they can take another hit. In other words, it's health that's worth getting. If you don't need to recover, or not in a slug, it will just give you a mere 1000 points. MATTY G'S SCORE: 5/5 Recovery is vital. These things are a godsend sometimes. JRAMIREZ'S SCORE: It gives your slug health. MS6: TARMA AND SLUGS When playing with him on Metal Slug 6, Tarma can only rely on vehicles to make use of his special abilities. They are: 50% More Vulcan Strength Vulcan Fix - Hold down fire to lock them in place and rapidly fire Only a sixith of the slug's durability will be lost if hit 20 cannon ammo if gotten grenade crate MS5: METAL SLUG-LIKE ENEMIES You do know the plot of MS5, right? Then you'll know why there's such thing... Black Hound: Found on Mission 1, take lower path, left, and fight this miniboss who is unique. Black, has a rocket launcher attached, and able to use lasers. Useable in Metal Slug Advance, with the Rockets replacing the Vulcans, I've heard. Giant Metal Slug: The Mission 1 boss. It is red. It does wheelies so it can try to crush you. Enemy Slug: The Miniboss fight of Mission 2, Area 2. Another one appears on the fourth mission. They have blue on them and the AI isn't too bright. ------------------------------------------- Legal, FAQs, Contacts, and Others [LFAOs] ------------------------------------------- ------- FAQS ------- Q. You gave a low score for a slug I liked! A. Email Matty G and he'll put your opinions on this guide. Do the same for errors found, and your contributions. He's the creator of the guide. However, these scores are our own opinions. Q. Who should I be in MS6? A. Test for yourself. Marco seems to be good on easy, and maybe Fio on hard. Both are great for any difficuities. Q. Hey I'm pro as and your guide sucks. A. Lovely. At least we have the guts to write one. Q. Why is this not on any other site? A. The Co-Authors have not become members of other sites I was consider posting to. More to come. I'm sure of it. --------- CONTACTS --------- Matty_G33's Email: The writer. AKA Captian Oblivious. jramirez23's Email: Co-Author. AKA "Minor" Author. hokuto's Email: Not obtained Co-Author. AKA Reliable. Matty G's note: You can get ahold of us on GameFAQ's forums, at the Saturn MS Board, as the Anthology Board is dead. ------- LEGAL ------- This guide is copyrighted by Matty_G33, jamirez23, and hokuto_orochi23. They can do whatever the hell they can with this guide, except you. You may copy this guide for personal use, and nothing else. Metal Slug is owned and copyrighted by SNK Playmore, and I guess they have also tm'ed it, too, and have put on that R symbol, too. Thanks to: SNK Playmore: Developing Metal Slug Ignition Entertainment: Publishing this game Nintendo: Licensing this game GameFAQs and cNET: Hosting this guide