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This FAQ is hosted at http://www.gamefaqs.com/ http://www.pwnguide.com/ If seen anywhere else report what website it was found on to: dreamcaster2005@gmail.com ================================= =This guide is no longer updated= ================================= ================================================================ ======== CONTENTS ======== 1. Introduction [INTRO] 2. Felyne Whim Skills List [WHIMS] 3. Felyne Kitchen Meal List [MEALS] 4. Credits [CREDS] ======================= 1. INTRODUCTION [INTRO] ======================= Hello, and welcome to my Felyne Whim Skill List/FAQ. I am Lukav2005, I am a great fan of Monster Hunter and Monster Hunter Freedom, and it is my great pleasure to write this FAQ for everyone. I hope you find this guide helpful and interesting. If you have any other questions, feel free to e-mail me about any questions or things I should add. Thank you, and enjoy. _ __ |__ | _ _ \ /|_ o _ _ (_ | o|| _ |(/_|\/| |(/_ \/\/ | ||| | | __)|<|||_> / ============================= 2. FELYNE WHIM SKILLS [WHIMS] ============================= Here is the list of all of the Felyne Whim skills you can obtain from eating meals in the Felyne Kitchen. Some of these depend on the levels of your cats. Felyne Martial Arts [Lo]: Uses less stamina when rolling and dodging. (1/4 of standard stamina consumption less.) Felyne Martial Arts [Hi]: Uses even less stamina when rolling and dodging. (1/2 of standard stamina consumption less.) Felyne Charisma: You can talk to the Veggie Elder more than usual. (6 trades/received items.) Felyne Defense [Lo]: Gives your defense a small rate of a boost. (12.5% chance of 30% damage reduction.) Felyne Defense [Hi]: Gives your defense a large rate of a boost. (25.0% chance of 30% damage reduction.) Felyne Combination[Lo]: Combination success increases by 5%. Felyne Combination[Hi]: Combination success increases by 10%. Felyne Woodwind: Flutes will break less easily. Felyne Frugality: Pickaxes and Bugnets will not break as easily. Felyne Gathering: You can gather more items from a gathering point than usual. Felyne Medicine: Healing items are improved and will heal more than usual. (Antidote Herb becomes 100% effective.) Felyne Dismantle [Lo]: Gives a small chance to get an extra carve from a monsters body. (Tail does not count.) Felyne Dismantle [Hi]: Gives a large chance to get an extra carve from a monsters body. (Tail does not count.) Felyne Heroics: When your health is low, Attack and Defense will automatically increase. (Attack and defense multiplied by 1.5 When at 10 HP or lower.) Felyne Throw: Throwing items damage and distance increase. (Throwing knives and stone damage multiplied by two.) Felyne Negotiation: Increases your chances of getting rare items from the Veggie Elder, also makes the chance of getting your items from Melynx Den better. Felyne Ultra Lucky Cat: Gives more luck towards carving/finding rare items. Felyne Mega Lucky Cat: Even more luck than Ultra Lucky Cat. Felyne Great Break: Stops weapons from bouncing off of wyverns. (Sharpness reduction halved for bouncing hits.) Felyne Courage: When spotted by a wyvern your character will not flinch. Felyne Culinary: Increases cooking speed by 1 step. Raw becomes Rare, Rare becomes Well Done, and if cooking on a Gourmet Spit, Well Done becomes gourmet. Felyne Aim: Normal S damage multiplied by 1.1 Felyne Supercat: Stamina consumption halved while carrying eggs/ores. Felyne Blunt Force: Increases the damage of gun melee attacks. (Bowgun Melee damage multiplied by five.) Felyne Gunpowder: Makes Small and Large Barrel Bombs into Small and Large Barrel Bomb+'s. Felyne Special Attack: Multiplies Status elements by 1.125 Felyne Iron Cat: Chance of not dropping eggs and ores if damage is taken. Felyne Escape: Stamina consumption halved while running away from a wyvern that has spotted you. _ |__ | _ _ |/o|_ _|_ _ _ |\/| _ _ | _ |(/_|\/| |(/_ |\||_(_| |(/_| | | |(/_(_||_> / =============================== 3. FELYNE KITCHEN MEALS [MEALS] =============================== Here is the list of the effects eating certain meals will have in the Felyne Kitchen. To use this part of the Guide, find which number of chefs you have available or which number of chefs you are using, then find the effect you want, then take one of the items listed under the two food types and eat them. Example: I have Two Felyne Chefs available. I want Health + 10 and Stamina + 25. I need a Grain and Milk meal. I choose Hardtack and Aged Cheese. I order the food and get my desired effect. =============== One Felyne Chef =============== Available Ingredients: Meats: Meat Scraps, Popo Meat. Vegetables: Plumpkin, Ancorn, Twinshroom. Fish: Clamchip, Guts. Grain: Hardtack, Mixed Beans, Webcake. Oil: Oily Raisins. Milk: Dry Margarine, Powdered Cheese. Liquor: Hopi Combination Effects: Grain and Grain meal - Health +10 Grain and Milk meal - Health +10 Meat and Fish meal - Health +10 Meat and Meat meal - Health +10 Vegetable and Milk meal - Health +10 Vegetable and Oil meal - Health +20 Meat and Grain meal - Stamina +25 Meat and Vegetable meal - Stamina +25 Vegetable and Fish meal - Stamina +25 Meat and Liquor meal - Attack +3 Fish and Liquor meal - Defense +5 ================ Two Felyne Chefs ================ Available Ingredients: Meats: Cubesteak, Spicy Sausage. Vegetables: Spotted Onion, Ancorn, Young Potato, Mild Herb. Fish: Snake Salmon, Tuna Head. Grain: Hardtack, Sweetbug. Oil: Fruity Jam, Olive Paste. Milk: Dry Margarine, Aged Cheese. Liquor: Milk Pop Combination Effects: Grain and Grain meal - Health +10 Grain and Liquor meal - Health +10 Meat and Vegetable meal - Health+10 Meat and Grain meal - Health +20 Meat and Meat meal - Health +20 Grain and Milk meal - Health +10 and Stamina +25 Fish and Fish meal - Stamina +25 Fish and Grain meal - Stamina +25 Meat and Fish meal - Attack +3 Vegetable and Oil meal - Defense +5 Grain and Oil meal - Defense +10 ================== Three Felyne Chefs ================== Available Ingredients: Meats: Jungle Ribs, Meatwagon, Wild Wonton. Vegetables: Cudgel Onion, Western Parsley, Sweet Mushroom. Fish: Snake Salmon, Horseshoe Crab, Octofest. Grain: Sweetbug, Warwheat. Oil: Fruity Jam. Milk: Buffalo Butter, Chilli Cheese. Liquor: Spicepop. Combination Effects: Vegetable and Vegetable meal - Health +10 Vegetable and Grain meal - Health +10 Meat and Meat meal - Health +20 Fish and Milk meal - Health +30 Fish and Liquor meal - Health +10, Attack +3 Fish and Fish meal - Stamina +25 Fish and Grain meal - Stamina +25 Vegetable and Fish meal - Stamina +25 Meat and Fish meal - Stamina +25 Milk and Liquor meal - Stamina +25, Defense +5 Vegetable and Milk meal - Defense +5 Grain and Oil meal - Defense +10 Meat and Liquor meal - Attack +5 ================= Four Felyne Chefs ================= Available Ingredients: Meats: Great Mutton, White Liver, Dragon Foot, Wild Wonton. Vegetables: Pinespice, Cannon Lettuce, Rare Onion. Fish: Tortoiseshell, King Squid, Queen Shrimp. Grain: Megabagel. Oil: Powerlard, Seafood Jam. Milk: Sirloin Egg. Liquor: Panish. Combination Effects: Vegetable and Fish meal - Health +10 Milk and Liquor meal - Health +20 Meat and Meat meal - Health +30 Milk and meat meal - Health +40 Vegetable and Liquor meal - Health +40 Vegetable and Vegetable meal - Health +10, Stamina +25 Fish and Fish meal - Stamina +50 Vegetable and Grain meal - Stamina +50 Grain and Oil meal - Stamina +50 Fish and Grain meal - Stamina +25, Defense +5 Fish and Oil meal - Defense +5 Grain and Milk meal - Attack +3, Defense +5 Oil and Oil meal - Attack +3 Meat and Vegetable meal - Attack +3 ================= Five Felyne Chefs ================= Available Ingredients: Meats: Dragon Tail, Bigmeat, Dragon Head, King Turkey. Vegetables: King Truffle, Rare Onion, Fatty Tomato. Fish: Queen Shrimp, Foie Grande, Pink Caviar. Grain: Gold Rice, Pearlnut. Oil: Lifejam Milk: Royale Cheese. Liquor: Blessed Wine. Combination Effects: Meat and Meat meal - Health +30 Fish and Fish meal - Health +10, Stamina +25 Meat and Fish meal - Health +30, Stamina +25 Meat and Liquor meal - Health +50, Attack +5 Grain and Oil meal - Health +50, Stamina +25 Milk and Liquor meal - Health +50, Stamina +50 Vegetable and Vegetable meal - Stamina +25 Vegetable and Grain meal - Stamina +25 Meat and Oil meal - Stamina +50 Fish and Grain meal - Stamina +50 Meat and Milk meal - Stamina +25, Defense +5 Fish and Oil meal - Stamina +50, Defense +5 Fish and Liquor meal - Stamina +50, Defense +10 Grain and Grain meal - Defense +5 Vegetable and Fish meal - Defense +10 Meat and Vegetable meal - Attack +3 Meat and Grain meal - Attack +5 ================== 4. CREDITS [CREDS] ================== Here is where all of the contributors to this list will go. This FAQ was nearly all contributed information, so here goes. =============== Lukav2005 (Me): =============== Contribution: Felyne Martial Arts Felyne Charisma Felyne Defense [Lo] Felyne Defense [Hi] ========= KingOfMH: ========= Contribution: Felyne Woodwind Felyne Frugality Felyne Gathering Felyne Medicine Felyne Dismantle [Lo] Felyne Dismantle [Hi] Felyne Heroics Felyne Throw Felyne Negotiation Felyne Charisma Felyne Martial Arts [Lo] Felyne Martial Arts [Hi] Felyne Martial Arts [L] Felyne Mega Lucky Cat Felyne Ultra Lucky Cat Felyne Courage Felyne Culinary Felyne Aim Felyne Supercat Felyne Great Break Felyne Blunt Force Felyne Gunpowder KingOfMH submitted all of these, which helped make the majority of this list! Thanks so much KingOfMH! You have been a great help to this guide and for everyone else in the MHF community! ============== Silenced-Wind: ============== Contribution: Felyne Special Attack Felyne Throw Felyne Great Break Felyne Charisma Felyne Blunt Force Silenced-Wind provided some information which had already been posted but still helped out a lot with other skills! =========== DaiIchiban: =========== Contribution: Felyne Martial arts[Lo] Felyne Martial arts[Hi] Felyne Defense[Lo] Felyne Defense[Hi] Felyne Dismantle[Lo] Felyne Dismantle[Hi] Felyne Combination[Lo] Felyne Combination[Hi] Great Break Felyne Special Attack Felyne Heroics Felyne Aim Blunt Force Felyne Negotiation Felyne Throw Feline Culinary arts Felyne Gunpowder Felyne Woodwinds Feline Medicine Felyne Charisma Felyne Gathering Felyne Frugality Felyne Supercat Felyne Iron Cat Felyne Escape Felyne Courage Mega Lucky Cat Skill Ultra Lucky Cat Skill Wow... DaiIchiban submitted all of these, which has helped A LOT, most of these were already posted but DaiIchiban also posted the important details of them, like percentages, DaiIchiban also posted some Whim Skills no one else posted too! Thanks a lot DaiIchiban! You've helped me write this guide by a lot! ======================= ___Xan___'s Help Topic: ======================= Contribution: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=928336&topic=30288499 The Kitchen Meal List was taken from ___Xan___'s Help Topic on GameFAQ's. I edited it and made it easier to read, this has helped me a lot and made this guide bigger and better. ====== CAPCOM ====== Contribution: Creating Monster Hunter Freedom. I would also like to thank CAPCOM for creating Monster Hunter Freedom and bringing me many hundreds of hours of enjoyment. Thanks CAPCOM! You've made me happy and a LOT of other people happy too!