MONSTER KINGDOM: JEWEL SUMMONER walkthrough Version 1.0 Last Updated: 3/9/07 Authored by: Kousotu This document © Jim Kuriboh (Kousotu) Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner © 2007 Atlus US Table of contents: 1: Introductory story 2: Walkthrough (broken into S-levels, highest controllable levels in quotes) 3: Extras 1 Introductory Story "A young man seeking revenge for his slain mother finds that he may have an even heavier burden on his shoulders..." (Quoted from the instruction book) In this game you assume the Role of Vice, A jewel hunter, seeking out the winged abomination that killed his mother, but ends up somewhere he never wanted to be, a member of "The Order". 2 Walkthrough (nearly Spoiler-free) At the very opening of the game you fight an abomination called Dritt at Level 5, though the monster you have is Level 3, this fight is nearly impossible to lose, just keep attacking. S-level 1 "9": Rescuing Elycia: Note: Keep the path you take in mind for your very next quest and one a short time later. After finding out about the order you follow them to the training grounds, where you hide until they enter. At the entrance you fight a Fire wyvern, this fight, as well as the rest are easy at this stage of the game is nearly impossible to lose, so I will not describe them. After rescuing Elycia you fight Anjh, you will lose this fight, no matter what you do, so don't worry. You will also lose to Razni. The Quartz hunt: After selecting you party, (Grey and Elycia, Grey and Bargus, Lynn and Bargus, or Lynn and Elycia) You are sent to the training grounds to find a quartz (it is your next monster you attain). Simply talk to everyone, then to skipper a second time and you should be split up and sent in looking for it. Follow the path you took to save Elycia, and head to the top left, there are only two places you can go there, it is one of those 2. After getting the Quartz you level up to S-level 2, leave the grounds and head to the amalgamy lab. S-level 2 "12": A reunion of sorts: After resting and receiving your new jewel, you are sent to Aleh Muza on your first mission, Vice will leave without details, head to the old road. You will protect a caravan, that night head down, and you will fight 3 Level 3 wolves. After this fight your party is healed automatically, so head further down and fight the abomination, Dritt, at level 8. you will attain S-level 3. S-level 3 "15": A retired summoner's request: Head to the Lighthouse and talk to Zygard, Hasi Maza should now be unlocked, hear there and talk to Nahda, maybe a few times, he will give you his jewel, head to the amalgamy lab, and give the jewel to Mikaela, you will have to go in a few more times and talk to Jerro, he will talk about the "Ancient Remedy." head to the academy, Anhj will say it's not a priority, talk to Nahda again, you should receive permission to amalgamate the jewel, and then talk to Jerro. You will be sent to the training grounds. Before entering you should get Reveal. Again you will take the Elly Path, and reveal the Block that blocks a path, inside the chest will be the remedy and you gain S-level 4. S-level 4 "18": New Road Hunt- Returning the Jewel: You are requested by name to escort the caravan you saved to Redieux Monde, you fight 6 level 4 battles, these are not all-together hard, but more annoying. once in Radieux Monde, head to the shop. then head out of town and talk to Jerro, you should get the jewel back. head out to Hasi Maza and return it. The Jewel Mine (One Switch in this dungeon): Head to the academy, Anjh tells the capital requests help, Tell Anhj you're ready and go there. Talk to the head of state. He will send you to the Jewel mine. Zacht can't get enough of you beating him, you will face him twice.. You will fight Viert 3 times, at level 12, 7, and 7 again. that will rank you up to S-level 5. After gaining it, talk to the head of state again. S-level 5 "21": The Lighthouse: You will receive a request that you go to the lighthouse, You will fight Funft at level 15. not much to say here. You gain S-level 6. S-level 6 "24": A mother's Worry: Head to Mirac Nera's residence, you will be sent to the mine again, you must hover and head right, Gymil will be there. Head back to the city, There will be an abomination attack. you fight Sechst at level 15. after beating it, talk to Gymil's mother and you get S-level 7 S-level 7 "27": The Zegalia Ruins: Head to the ruins, you will see the throne, examine it, it will show a staircase. Head down. While you look for where you need to go there is an optional Fight with Dritt at level 14. You need to find what looks like a prison, save and examine the wedged jewel, the wall will collapse. Talk to everyone and examine the 2 walls, to the left and right, and Zygard will save you. This clears S-level 7. S-level 8 "30": The Calamalidy: Lynn has a prophesy about "The Calamalidy", Talk to Anjh and head to Nuga Salan. Talk to the elder and go to Flamme Mort. SAVE FIRST, you will fight 3 Behemoths level 14(either Dark or Steel, they are dark attributes) then head in. You will have to clear 2 seals, Ashen Lions and Molten Tortoises at level 16. After that you fight Siebt at level 17. After you finish that fight head back and speak with the elder. This clears S-level 8. S-level 9 "33": The Capitol Problem: Go to the order, you given time off. Head to Mirac Nera. At the festival go to the State Office, there you will get a fight: Acht at level 20. After clearing this fight you gain S-level 10. S-level 10 "36": A shopkeeper's Request (1 switch): The shopkeeper sends you back to the ruins to investigate, there is no fight here, just head down and report back to the shopkeeper. This clears S-level 10. S-level 11 "39": Vice's Home: After clearing that quest, go to the monolith, afterward you will head to Vice's house in Hasi Maza, again there is no fight. This clears S-level 11. S-level 12 "42": The mining Issue: Head to the State Office once again, you will be sent to see the refining process first-hand. Head into the mine, Then Leave, go back out to the building on the right, and hover down. Inside you will activate the bridge controls. head back into the mine and find the core. There are 2 switches in this dungeon to find. once at the end you will fight Neunt at level 27. It is best to use only normal, non-elemental attacks on this fight as most gets reflected or heals it. This will clear S-level 12. S-level 13 "45": Revenge: Head to the monolith, you'll fight Licht at level 24, this fight is easy. This clears S-level 13. S-level 14 "48": The beginning of the end: Head to the State Office in Mirac Nera, this is where the game will split. Choose "I don't mind" for the Monolith, "I'm ending this" for the prison. THE PRISON: ("I'm ending this"): When you get locked up, talk to everyone eventually you will be saved. The prison will be unlocked. I apologize I don't have any more info. THE MONOLITH: (6 switches, 2 barriers) Possiby the most annoying dungeon in this game. Everyone in this dungeon is level 37. Once you make it to the 6th save point, you will have 3 fights, all level 30. 3 King Wyverns, Shenron, and finally Razni. you must defeat the other 2 before you can hurt him. Gnosis and Flying Fish. After you beat him you clear the game's main story, and gain an S-level, which I will place with the final Level. Post Game (S-level 15 and S-level 16): The Protected: After the credits end and you save the game, you will be sent to the ruins once again. Talk to the protector, you will receive 2 items and the final S-level allowing you to control level 99 monsters. This will open the "???" Dungeon. Inside you will fight Schatten and Licht. Deus can beat these 2 alone. this unlocks the Arch abominations. search areas you've already been and beat the. (level 45 each) EXTRAS: FROM HERE ON ARE ALL SPOLIERS. Prison Path: Left, hover up, right, right, right, down. MONOLITH PATH: From the start, to the end: head right, there's a switch. From there head up and then go up, at the up-most left, go up again, then you need to go up and reveal a path to go right. Go to the left-most down, then go left, then the left-most down, then left, then down and there's another switch. Go right, then up twice, then down another path, then up then there's the first save point, next, head up and there's a switch. Go left and then down, another switch. Take the left-most down, go up, take the left-most up, there's should be your second save point. take the up-most down, then right, and up, third save point. take the up-most left, go down, there should be a switch nearby. Head back to the save room and take the other path left. You will fight 3 sacred dragons at level 27. Take the up-most left. (these are all hover paths) Up, only one, only one, down, in the next room you will fight 3 Sacred Lions, again at level 27. Once you beat those head out at the bottom of the room, then save (or just hit it) From there go down, then right, you'll hit the 4th save point. From there head up, then left twice and you'll find the fifth. Finally head left then down, then right and follow the path, you'll reach the final save point and after the next room there are no more fights till Razni.