Pangya Fantasy Golf for PSP Club Set Statistics FAQ by Dancer62 OVERVIEW Pangya Fantasy Golf is a unique golf game for the PSP, with both a RPG story mode and a tournament mode. It's got the cuteness of Hot Shots Golf with an over-the-top anime plot and a cast of off-the-wall characters. What would be skill points in an RPG are attributes of clubs, balls, rings, and characters. Combining the strengths and weaknesses of characters and club sets, modified by golf balls and attribute rings, allows for changing range, ease of hitting perfect (or acceptable) shots, and ability to make special shots. There is a total of 22 club sets and 18 playable characters. The game starts with two characters, Scout and Hana, and playable characters are unlocked through completing Story chapters. Story mode has chapters for each of the main characters. Since the character choice is fixed in each chapter, it is important to utilize club set, golf ball, and booster item attributes to capitalize on the strengths and minimize the weaknesses of that character in order to complete their set of missions. This guide is intended to help in selection of appropriate club sets for the game characters, and how to modify the attributes by using special golf balls and attribute boosting rings. I'd point out that huge aspects that make the game unique, like story, Course strategies, use of potions and charms, and the intricasies of collecting costumes are beyond the scope of this guide. ATTRIBUTES Clubs and playable characters have five attributes: Power affects maximum range, needed for reaching the green in a reasonable number of shots, as well as shooting over hazards. Power also increases the speed of the swing meter, thus reducing the effect of Control. Power is then a trade-off, high power is good, but only when it doesn't compromise control. Control affects the speed of the swing meter, and thereby the timing for setting swing power and hitting the ball. The faster the swing meter moves, the more difficult is to hit a perfect shot (maximum power and hitting the Pangya "sweet spot). Missing the timing at the top end of the gauge compromises range, missing the timing at the lower end of the swing meter leads to an inaccurate shot, or even a missed swing. Control above 13 is good, but remembering that Power increases the speed of the swing meter and reduces effective Control, a higher Power statistic demands a higher Control statistic. The better your reflexes and the more consistent your sense of timing are, the more you can compromise Control, it's up to the individual. The AI opponents never miss swings, rarely make mistakes like shooting out of bounds or into hazards or traps, and usually sink 20+ yard putts with ease, so the consequences of a wild or muffed shot on the player's part are severe in terms of mission completion. Accuracy affects the width of the pink zone surrounding the white Pangya "sweet spot" at the bottom of the swing gauge. The wider the pink zone, the greater the tolerance for slight errors in timing at the bottom of the swing. Stopping the swing gauge in the white zone results in a perfect straight Pangya shot. Either side of the white zone but still within the pink, is an acceptable shot, but the larger the error, the larger the hook or slice from the ntended path. Missing the pink zone entirely results in a muffed shot, wasting a stroke. In general, Accuracy above 10 is good, how close you can shave it is up to your reflexes. If you are missing shots, or swings, you may need more Accuracy or Control, or both. Spin affects how much you can vary the vertical strike point on the ball with the analog nub to apply forward or back spin to modify the trajectory and roll of shots. Forward spin is useful for making low shots under obstacles, and for increasing roll out after the ball hits the ground. Backspin is useful for increasing the height of the trajectory to get over an obstacle, and for reducing the roll after the ball hits the ground, to prevent overshooting the green. Curve affects how much you can vary the horizontal strike point on the ball with the analog nub to apply fade to curve around obstacles. There are also special shots, for specialized purposes, that are affected by the Power, Control, and Accuracy statistics. Because special shots are an order of magnitude more difficult to use properly with complex control inputs and much tighter timing, they greatly increase the chance of a muffed swing. Since the AI players are quite formidible, and a muffed swing often means a failed mission or lost tournament, I save special shots for the most dire situations where taking the risk is the only possibility of success. There are potions and charms from the Equipment Shop and the Papel Shop Lottery that can increase the chance of a perfect shot. As an illustration, my Panga (perfect) shot rate overall is 58%. My unassisted success rate for the more complex special shots like Tomahawk or Cobra is only one in three or four. COMBINING ATTRIBUTES Attributes are additive, for example, a character with a Power of 9, using a club set with a Power of 10, would have a Power characteristic of 19. Finding a workable combination of attributes for range and precision is crucial to being competitive in the game. In Story Mode, each of the main characters has a chapter with several 3, 6, or 9 hole matches against other characters or for score. In Tournament Mode, any of the currently unlocked playable characters can be selected. Best compromise sets of statistics vary depending on the mission. For Chip-in and Hole-in-One missions, precision and repeatability is vital, so high Control and Accuracy are necessary, while Power is not important. For Score missions, Matches, and Tournaments, the yardage to reach the green in as few shots as possible is most important, so Power, even at the expense of precision, is vital. Some courses need other considerations, Wiz Wiz has lots of obstacles, so Spin and Curve have greater relative importance, while in Deep Inferno, the need to loft over obstacles plus long distances to the green relative to par require an emphasis on Power and Spin. HOW TO GET CLUBS Club sets are unlocked in three ways, through winning them in Story missions or tournaments, through unlocking them for purchase in the Equipment Shop through Experience Level, or by winning them in the Papel Store Lottery. In Story Mode, the winning of club sets is part of the story. One of the best balanced club sets, the Holy Air Lance Set, is won in Story Mode. Each completed mission, chapter, tournament, or license test yields Pang (game money) and experience points. Experience points accrue toward Rank levels, with five promotions within each main rank, from E to A, starting at Rookie F and progressing to World Master A. At various points, new club sets are unlocked in the Equipment Shop. The Twin Feathers Set, one of the most useful in-game sets, is unlocked in the Equipemnt Shop thorugh experience points. Some outstanding sets, for example, the Piko Piko Hammer Set, are won in the Papel Shop Lottery. The way the lottery works is: each calendar day, by the PSP internal clock, a new set of rare items is available for the lottery, usually costume items, sometimes club sets. Entering the lottery costs 200 pang, for which you get one to five chances to fill nine blank item slots. Each entry has a random selection of nine possible wins, slots for balls/potions/charms show up as black silhouettes, while chances for rare items show up as shiny silhouettes in the win window. There is some discussion on the Gamefaqs Pangya message board about whether the number of stars or the presence of shiny stars in the background increases the chances of a rare win. I've played the lottery hundreds of times, and haven't notices a particular correlation, OTOH, I've never seen a shiny item slot appear without shiny stars in the background. The lottory can be a very frustratinig experience, easily consuming thousands of Pang without winning the desired item. A way around this is to turn Autosave OFF in the options mentu, and after a fruitless seeeion in the Papel Store, exit the Store without saving, and reload the previous saved game for another try. Note that reloading a saved game will often turn the Autosave back ON, remember to turn it off again in the options menu before going back to the Papel Shop. ATTRIBUTE BOOSTERS Attribute boosting rings are available in the Equipment Shop. They are expensive, but can save a lot of frustration. A Power Ring will add +1 to power, a Control Ring will add +1 to Control, an Accuracy Ring will add +1 to Accuracy, etc. More complex rings are available at Pro E level, and special rings are awarded as prizes for completing ALL license tests for a course. Similarly, golf balls (Aztecs) have characterisics that can modify statistics to a small degree, for example, the Blue Star Aztec adds +2 to Control, the Baseball Aztec adds +1 to Power and +1 to Accuracy, etc. Balls are available in the Equipment Shop, availability depending on being unlocked through experience levels. Some balls not yet unlocked for purchase in the Equipment Shop can nonetheless be won ine the Papel Shop lottery, a valuable source of items, especially in the early game. Some golf balls are obtainable though Story missions. Golf balls are consumed at the rate of one per hole, so the special golf balls like the Holy Aztec and Dark Aztec obtained through missions are not replaceable until unlocked at high rank, and must be conserved until really needed. Papels other than the beginning default can add bonus statistics. For each 20 items of clothing purchased, a new Papel is earned. I only have the first additional one, the Striped Papel, which adds Control +1. The cheapest costume items are 200 Pang, so it is necessary to spend a minimum of 4000 Pang to earn a new Papel. Clothing costs increase rapidly, 300, 500, 700, 1000, 1200 Pang, so it will take many thousands of Pang to earn additional Papels. I also understand that in the online PC game Pangya/Albatross 18, clothing items have bonus stats, but this is not true in the PSP version. In the PSP game, Clothing does earn bonus Pang the first time it is worn, 10% of the amount won in the match/tournament for each new item of clothing worn. STATISTICS TABLES I've compiled a list of club sets, characters, and balls, with a tabulation of attributes that should be useful in setting up combinations for missions and tournaments. I've also noted how the clubs are obtained. CLUB SETS Power Control Accuracy Spin Curve Lucky Air Lance.. beginning set 4 13 8 2 2 Air Lance Set.. Equipment Shop 6 12 8 2 2 Baseball Bat Set... Equipment Shop 11 6 6 3 8 SV Afterburner Set... Equipment Shop 13 4 4 7 3 Household Goods Set... Max Chapter 2 11 10 7 5 5 Medieval Arsenal Set.. Kooh Chapter 2 16 4 4 5 5 SE Afterburner Set ... Papel Shop Lottery 12 9 5 5 3 Twin Feathers Set... Equipment Shop 14 10 8 6 8 Umbrella Set.. Equipment Shop 15 8 4 2 10 Piko Piko Hammer Set.. Papel Shop Lottery 15 10 8 1 2 Golden Twin Feather Set... Win All Tournaments 17 9 4 13 4 Magical Cane Clubs.. Papel Shop Lottery 16 8 9 4 6 Air Lance II Set.. early tournament win 8 8 7 4 7 Wooden Practice Set.. Equipment Shop 12 8 5 4 4 Celestial Blades... Papel Shop Lottery 17 8 6 4 13 Holy Air Lance Set... Scout Chapter 2 14 8 10 8 5 Soul Reaper Blades.. Equipment Shop 17 6 4 8 4 Mike Set... Equipment Shop 15 10 6 6 10 Merry Christmas Club Set.. Papel Shop Lottery 15 12 7 3 5 Bloody Thrall Set,,, Papel Shop Lottery 18 8 7 5 6 Rusty Soul Set.. Papel Shop Lottery 19 8 5 6 6 Golden Spike Hammer.. World Master A 79 4 4 2 2 CHARACTERS Power Control Accuracy Spin Curve Scout 9 8 9 2 2 Hana 8 9 9 2 2 Uncle Bob 11 5 4 5 2 Cecilia 10 9 7 1 5 Max 12 7 6 1 1 Kooh 10 6 11 3 1 Arin 10 7 9 3 2 Kaz 12 6 7 2 2 Cien 12 8 6 4 2 Pippin 8 10 8 3 3 TitanBoo 12 2 13 2 2 Lola 9 10 8 1 1 Quma 11 7 5 2 2 Tiki 8 9 10 3 3 Brie 11 5 7 3 5 Mingty 9 9 10 2 2 Dark Titan 13 1 12 1 1 Keeper 14 2 6 1 1 AZTECS (GOLF BALLS) Power Control Accuracy Spin Curve Standard 0 0 0 0 0 Bomber 2 0 0 1 1 Blue Star 0 2 0 0 0 Love Love 0 0 2 3 0 Fortune 0 0 0 2 8 Baseball 1 0 1 0 0 Clover 0 1 0 1 0 Soccer 0 0 0 8 2 Watermelon 1 0 1 5 5 Halloween 0 1 1 0 0 Dark Aztec 2 0 2 3 0 Holy Aztec 0 2 2 2 2 CONCLUSIONS After I compiled this table, it became obvious why I find Uncle Bob's missions among the more difficult, since he has good Power but poor Control and Accuracy. Max, on the other hand, is fun to play, his shots have good range, and his marginal Control and Accuracy can be compensated for by selection of golf ball and ring. Although not a main character in Story Mode, Mingty appears to be the best balanced character for Tournaments. The Twin Feathers Set is my favorite set, followed closely by the Holy Air Lance Set and the Piko Piko Hammer Set. In the early game, it's advisable to upgrade to the Air Lance Set as soon as possible, and the Air Lance II set is very useful and earned early on. In Story mode, you can compensate to some degree for weaknesses in the character you're playing by selection of golf ball. The Baseball, Love Love, and Halloween Aztecs are available early, and are very useful. Special aztecs like the Blue Star and Watermelon can also be obtained in the Papel Shop Lottery before they are available in the Equipment Shop. The Power +1 ring, the Control +1 ring, and the Accuracy +1 ring are also available early in the equipment shop, and each is well worth the 4000 Pang cost. For example, Chapter 2 Scout, equipped with the Twin Feathers Set, the Baseball Aztec, and the Power +1 ring has the very respectable statistics of 25 power, 18 Control, 18 accuracy, 8 spin, and 10 curve. A lot of the club sets, like Household Goods and Medieval Arsenal, are very clever and fun, worth collecting but not really competitive for completing missions or tournaments. I hope you find this information useful, and that you have as much fun with Pangya Fantasy Golf as I do!