******************************************************************************* * EXCLUSIVE SCRIPT FOR PARAPPA THE RAPPER * * (Version 1.15) * * * * Author: Deborah L. Kearns * * E-mail: angeldeb82@hotmail.com * ******************************************************************************* Copyright (c) 2009 by Deborah L. Kearns PaRappa the Rapper is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment and NanaOn-Sha. PaRappa the Rapper: Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 2006, 2007 by Sony Computer Entertainment. ===DISCLAIMER=== This scripted document is intended ONLY for private home use and may not be reproduced through electronic or commercial means without the expressed consent of the author (Deborah L. Kearns). It cannot be hosted, edited, or distributed for profit and may not be given away as an add-in/gift to bought items, and it should not be claimed as your own. All rights are reserved to respective parties, even those not explicitly stated herein. Thank you for reading this, and thank you for respecting FAQ authors. *WARNING: THIS SCRIPT CONTAINS SPOILERS AHEAD FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T PLAYED THE GAME OR BEATEN IT, SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! THE SCRIPT WILL BE MORE ENJOYABLE TO BE READ IF YOU HAVE FINISHED THE GAME AT LEAST ONCE! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!* TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Cast of Characters 3. Script 3.1. Pre-Game Intro 3.2. Stage 1: I Need to Become a Hero! i. Intro ii. Song: Chop Chop Master Onion Rap iii. Outro 3.3. Stage 2: You Guys Sit in the Back i. Intro ii. Song: Instructor Mooselini's Car Rap iii. Outro 3.4. Stage 3: My Dad's Gonna Bite Me!! i. Intro ii. Song: Prince Fleaswallow's Rap iii. Outro 3.5. Stage 4: Guaranteed to Catch Her Heart i. Intro ii. Song: Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken Rap iii. Outro 3.6. Stage 5: Full Tank i. Intro ii. Song: All Masters' Bathroom Rap iii. Outro 3.7. Stage 6: I Gotta Believe!! i. Intro ii. Song: Parappa's Live Rap With MC King Kong Mushi iii. Ending iv. Credits 4. Miscellany 4.1. Other Song Lyrics 4.2. Cool Mode and Game Over Scripts i. Stage 1 ii. Stage 2 iii. Stage 3 iv. Stage 4 v. Stage 5 vi. Stage 6 5. Updates and Revisions 6. Thanks # 1. Introduction # Hello to those of you who are familiar with the game and yet wanted to know the script for it. As you may know, PaRappa the Rapper is one of the first rhythm video games of its time. It was created in 1996 by Japanese game developer NanaOn-Sha, which was founded by creator Masaya Matsuura, former leader of the Japanese "Hyper Pop Unit" band PSY S. What's even cool is that the game is remembered for its unique graphic design of its paper-thin characters created by U.S. artist Rodney Alan Greenblat; its quirky soundtrack; and its bizarre plot. PaRappa the Rapper is considered ahead of its time in its day, and yet it is somewhat similar to the classic 1980's game of Simon, in which the player is required to repeat a sequence of sounds and buttons. This video game demands that the player not only get the sequence correct but also its timing, in a certain call-and-response format, providing small portions of spoken vocals that are triggered when the appropriate buttons are pressed. Although the game was made in Japan, it has a list of English-speaking voice actors playing the roles of its paper-thin characters (similar to Capcom's Resident Evil series, a.k.a. the BioHazard series in Japan, whose games consisted of English-speaking voice actors playing the roles of the characters of Raccoon City, though the games themselves are made in Japan). It was released in Japan on December 6, 1996, and achieved great success, spawning a merchandising campaign there, and was released in U.S. shores almost a year later, between Halloween and November 15, 1997, and in Europe in September 1998. Following its success in NanaOn-Sha, it went on to spawn a spin-off, called Um Jammer Lammy, in 1999, an anime TV series, and a sequel to PaRappa from 2001-2002. NanaOn-Sha also released other games in Japan, like the Vib-Ribbon and Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop series; and a Sony PSP version of PaRappa the Rapper was released on December 7, 2006, in Japan, and between July 6 and 17, 2007, in the U.S. and Europe, each marking the 10th anniversary of the game's release. The game would soon become not just a cult, but a legacy, with a parody in the TV show "Robot Chicken". :D Anyways, with the game's legacy at hand, it is with my gratitude that I now write the script for PaRappa the Rapper, so, like I said, this game will be more enjoyable to be read once you have finished playing the game either on PlayStation or PSP, so read it at your own risk. # 2. Cast of Characters # Parappa the Rapper: A.K.A. Parappa Rappa. He is the main protagonist of the game, who is always trying to impress the love of his life, Sunny Funny. Whenever this young puppy encounters a problem, he always attempts to motivate himself out of it with his trademark motto: "I gotta believe!" The name "Parappa" is derived from the Japanese word meaning "paper-thin", and he is voiced by John Simpson III, a.k.a. Dred Foxx. Sunny Funny: Parappa's love interest, always having a cheery disposition, yet she can be sometimes gullible. Her favorite pastime is gardening and cooking some pasta. However, she can be most impressive with Parappa whenever he needs to use the bathroom. I believe that she is voiced by someone named "Kenya", but I'll try to get more info later. PJ Berri: A lazy teddy bear who's always forgetful about things and likes eating and sleeping all day. However, whenever nighttime falls, he becomes a pro at disc-jockeying with records at Club Fun, giving him the name "PJ the DJ." He is voiced by Armstead Christian. Katy Kat: A best friend of Parappa and Sunny. Katy is very decisive and a natural-born leader to her friends. She is also a smart dresser who loves to pass her time shopping, enjoys disco, and will try to get things organized. She is voiced by Michele Burks, a.k.a. "Mickey" in the credits. Joe Chin: A proud and boastful antagonist of Parappa. He is a pompous and well-muscled guy who tries to go at great lengths in order to woo Sunny, yet she is uninterested in him, and he is the reason that Parappa trains so hard physically. Joe is voiced by Ryu Watabe. Papa Parappa: Father of Parappa the Rapper. He is kind of a gentle guy who can get all worrisome if something bad happens to his valued possessions and antiques, especially his car. Like PJ, Papa Parappa is voiced by Christian. Chop Chop Master Onion: An onion-headed sensei who teaches his students karate at Fruites Dojo, the karate training center in Parappa Town. He speaks a strange version of broken English and is memorable for his mustache and his "stink lines" and, like Joe Chin, is voiced by Watabe. Instructor Mooselini: She is a strict driving instructor whose antlers have a habit of getting caught in a car roof. Though quick-tempered and ill-mannered, she is a stickler for rules and regulations, teaching students how to drive a car, but always forgetting to close the car door. XD Her name is kind of a pun on the Italian WWII dictator Benito Mussolini! :P Though she sounds a bit like Queen Latifah, she is actually voiced by someone named "Sandra", but I will try to get more info again anyway. Prince Fleaswallow: A reggae frog who makes a living selling old wares at the flea market and doesn't seem to be worried about not being able to actually sell anything. His rap kind of seems to be like a Jamaican reggae robot tone, if you ask me. :P Fleaswallow is voiced by Lenky Don. Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken: A British-accented chicken who hosts a cooking show on TV for people who have little money, teaching them how to bake cakes and stuff. However, she is mostly cool-tempered and can be in the habit of laying eggs and getting off the TV to tell off viewers if she is frustrated at their messing up. Like Katy, Cheap Cheap is voiced by Burks. MC King Kong Mushi: A flea who is the master of ceremonies at Club Fun, idolized by all the youths at Parappa Town and hosting wild parties to keep the whole crowd going. He is voiced by Richard Bush, I believe, because he is called "Rich" in the end credits. Other characters: Jet Baby, One-Eyed Monster and Teddy Bear Jet Baby Theme Singer Chunky Burger Manager Theme Song Rapper Two Punks Phat Donut Restaurant Manager Boxy Boy, P.J.'s Walking Boombox Crowds of People Fresh Bake Shop Manager and Chef TV Announcer Little Chick in the Egg Rapper on Car Radio Stage 7 Singer General Potter, Sunny's Father # 3. Script # Now before I get started on the script to PaRappa the Rapper and its dialogue, I would like to point out the terminology that will be used in this guide: EXT: External, Outside. Example: EXT. Movie Theater. INT: Internal, Inside. Example: INT. Fruites Dojo. V.O.: Voice Over. Example: Singer (V.O.). O.C.: Off Camera. Example: Manager (O.C.). [(S.D.)]: Stage direction while the person speaks. Example: Fleaswallow: I tell you right now, the most important thing in selling goods here... [smiles] is not money.. it's love. I will also write each song to act as if I were playing it in Good Mode only, so if there are any mistakes in the script, I may try and correct them as best as I can, okay? Get it? Got it? Good. Let's start with... ********************* *3.1. Pre-Game Intro* ********************* Sony Computer Entertainment America/Europe Presents MASAYA MATSUURA PRODUCE (TM) EXT. B&W MOUNTAIN VALLEY -- DAY It is daylight in the mountain valley. A one-eyed monster is walking along to the music, and the scene cuts to a missle-costumed superheroine confronting it. A male voice begins to sing. Singer (V.O.): When Jet Baby flies, She flies up there forever. Scene cuts back to the monster before moving in close-up to a crying teddy bear next to it. INT. MOVIE THEATER While the song continues, an audience is watching the black-and-white film. Among them sit, from right to left, a blue cat in a shirt and pants, a smiling flower wearing a dress, a little puppy wearing a toad-labeled hat, shirt, baggy pants and shoes, and another bear eating popcorn. EXT. B&W MOUNTAIN VALLEY -- DAY The crying teddy bear pleads for help in silent form next to the monster, and Jet Baby is surprised to see the bear as the song continues. Singer (V.O.): When Jet Baby flies, She flies through any weather. Jet Baby flies to the monster and makes circles around it, making it dizzy as the song continues. Singer (V.O.): When Jet Baby loves, She loves all of the children. While the monster is distracted, she swoops down under it, rescuing the bear in the nick of time and flying away with him. The monster becomes too dizzy and collapses to the floor while the song continues. Singer (V.O.): She never lets them cry, As she sails through the sky, To save us from what ails us and to make us love. While the song finishes, scene cuts to the sky as Jet Baby holds the bear in her arms and flies away with him. The words "The End" appear onscreen for a few seconds. INT. MOVIE THEATER The movie is finished as the scene pulls up to the audience before fading to black. EXT. MOVIE THEATER -- DAY The doors open and the bear, flower, cat and puppy emerge from the theater. ?????: Hoo! Jet Baby was really awesome! ??: Oh yeah! ????: He can probably beat Superman! ???????: Shut up!! Scene cuts to the Chunky Burger Restaurant in Parappa Town. ??????? (V.O.): (Boy! He sure is my hero...) [NOTE: It's kind of hard to explain Jet Baby's gender. In "The Jet Baby Theme Song", the singer describes Jet Baby as a "she", but after the four members leave the theater, they describe Jet Baby as a "he". Beats me, I have no idea. :P] INT. CHUNKY BURGER RESTAURANT The four members of the group walk up to the manager on the counter while the music plays, and the bear begins to speak. ??: ...and I'll take giant spicy fries, giant vanilla frosty and cherry pie. While he speaks, he is given the name "PJ Berri" that appears onscreen. The manager hands the order to him, and then the cat speaks. ????: Aah, a junior chunky burger, curly fries and a large chocolate frosty, please. While she speaks, she is given the name "Katy Kat" onscreen, and her order is given to her. Now it's the flower's turn to speak. ?????: I'll have a chunky garden salad, ginger soda and a lemon pie. The flower is given the name "Sunny Funny" onscreen (complete with flowers emerging from her). The puppy looks at her and thinks for a moment. ??????? (V.O.): (Well, here I am with the girl of my dreams, Sunny Funny.) After the order is given to Sunny, the puppy is given the name "Parappa" onscreen while he thinks about her. Parappa (V.O.): (Boy, she sure is beautiful today...) The manager puts her hands on her hips while he daydreams, and she becomes strict, surprising him. Manager: Next please. Parappa (waving his hand): Water. The order is immediately given to him in a glass of water on a tray, and the smile turns into a frown. Manager (O.C.): Here it is. Scene fades to white. Intro starts with a paper frog jumping in the whiteness as the paper-thin, flat image of Parappa falls onto the floor. The frog jumps onto Parappa's hat and turns into a logo, and Parappa gets up on his feet and moves his body around in grooviness as his theme song is being sung. Rapper (V.O.): You gotta do what? Parappa (jumps around): I gotta believe!! Afterwards, the words "PARAPPA THE RAPPER: THE HIP HOP HERO" appear onscreen, along with the words "START" and "MENU". PARAPPA THE RAPPER: THE HIP HOP HERO (TM) (c) 1996, 1997, 2006, 2007 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (c) Rodney A. Greenblat/Interlink **************************************** *3.2. Stage 1: I Need to Become a Hero!* **************************************** ~ i. Intro ~ EXT. CHUNKY BURGER RESTAURANT -- DAY It is a sunny day in Parappa Town, before scene cuts to... INT. CHUNKY BURGER RESTAURANT The glass doors burst open, and a punk in a yellow shirt with a "0" bursts in and slams it shut. Another punk in a green shirt tries following him, but the glass door slams on his face. Punk #1 (yellow-shirted): Scram!! The green-shirted punk somehow gets in and raises his fists in the air. Punk #2: Yeah! Scene cuts to PJ and Parappa having lunch before the punks approach them, Katy, and Sunny. Katy looks frightened. Punk #1 (O.C.): Well, well. What do we have here... Scene cuts to trays of food before the yellow-shirted punk continues. Punk #1 (O.C.): Plenty of munchies for everyone, right?? He rubs his stomach. Punk #2 (raising his fists again): Yeah! Parappa feels kind of shocked while PJ eats. Punk #1: Not only munchies but a little babe, all dressed up for us, ain't that right?? He rubs his stomach again. Punk #2 (fists still raised): Right!! Punk #1: What do you say? How about if you and I go for a little walk outside, huh? Scene cuts to Katy and Sunny who are still scared while the punk speaks. Punk #1 (O.C.): Let the punks stay and eat their food! Sunny (gets angry): Stop it! She suddenly hears a voice and looks around. ??? (O.C.): There is no need to fear!! Scene cuts to the door above the "TOILET" sign that bursts open. Out flies a muscled superhero wearing a blue cape, who then spins around and drops it to reveal... ???: Because Joe Chin is here!! Joe flashes his teeth in a smile, and Sunny and Katy are quite surprised. Sunny: Hey, it's Joe! Joe: I have travelled the Seven Seas, I have crossed every mountain known to man, and I know the mighty powers that I have are enough for jerks like you. While Joe speaks, the girls are amused, but Parappa and PJ are anything but, and Joe points his finger at the punks, who become surprised. Joe: I shall put on my magic gloves of glory and shall take you on a cruise to destroy all of you. While he speaks, his boasting leet-speech baloons are filling up around him, and the punks are getting scared. Joe: Now, let me tell you of this one incident at this coffee shop...... Joe's speech starts to speed up and he starts to sound like a chipmunk while while the four of them are kind of annoyed, and the music speeds up as well. Joe: $$%*?$%*&^%!*$?* &*&&!*&%?$%*^%!$ ?*!%?!%&*&^%?!^% *&!$&?$^*%$!$^#! PJ (O.C.): Oh, here we go again. He walks away from the restaurant with Katy and Sunny, who are getting chased by Joe's boastful leet-speech balloons. Sunny: Let's go! Katy: Bye now! Sunny: Bye! Scene cuts to Parappa, who thinks in wonder and the rainbow swirls around him. Parappa (V.O.): Wow... I need to become a hero, too! The rainbow scene cuts to Parappa confronting the punks and tackling them on in a dustcloud with materials flying before the cloud fades to him triumphing over the punks. Parappa (V.O.): Hmmm... Scene fades back to him at the table. Parappa (V.O.): But how could I possibly do that? As he thinks, he suddenly gets an idea, complete with a light bulb being turned on before he moves quickly into close-up. Parappa: Yeah! I know! I gotta believe! Scene fades into... EXT. FRUITES DOJO -- DAY There is an aerial view of the Fruites Dojo before the camera moves down and goes inside. INT. FRUITES DOJO There is an onion-headed man meditating in the spotlight while the room is dark, and he starts to speak. ???????? (opens his eyes): Welcome to the Fruites Dojo. I trust that you are here to redeem yourself and to acquire skills that are necessary for your goals. Are you ready, young one? I shall give you my best. But first, let's see if you can challenge my rap...... The echo fades, and the lights turn on inside the dojo. There is a picture of an onion and a sign that says "Chop Chop" with a knife between the words as an indication that he is revealed to be Chop Chop Master Onion. The scene ends, and the "Chop Chop Master Onion Rap" begins. ~ ii. Song: Chop Chop Master Onion Rap ~ Parappa and Chop Chop Master Onion are standing around in the dojo as the song begins. There are a group of seated pupils behind the two of them, and Chop Chop begins the rap with a "HiyyyyyyatatatatttAAAAHHH!!!" Chop Chop: Kick! Punch! It's all in the mind. If you wanna test me, I'm sure you'll find that all the things I'll teach ya is sure to beat ya, nevertheless you'll get a lesson from teacher now. LESSON 1 Chop Chop: Kick. Parappa: Kick. Chop Chop: Punch. Parappa: Punch. Chop Chop: Chop. Parappa: Chop. Chop Chop: Block. Parappa: Block. Chop Chop: Once more now, Kick. Parappa: Kick. Chop Chop: Punch. Parappa: Punch. Chop Chop: Chop. Parappa: Chop. Chop Chop: And Block. Parappa: Block. Chop Chop: Don't get cocky, it's gonna get rocky, we gonna move down to the next, ya jockey, now. LESSON 2 Chop Chop: Duck. Parappa: Duck. Chop Chop: Jump. Parappa: Jump. Chop Chop: Turn. Parappa: Turn. Chop Chop: Pose. Parappa: Pose. Chop Chop: Listen carefully. Jump. Parappa: Jump. Chop Chop: Pose. Parappa: Pose. Chop Chop: Duck... Parappa: Duck... Chop Chop: and Turn. Parappa: Turn. Chop Chop: Hmm, yeah, I see you're getting better, kick to the limit in order to get her now. LESSON 3 Chop Chop: Kick Punch. Parappa: Kick Punch. Chop Chop: Chop Block. Parappa: Chop Block. Chop Chop: Chop Kick. Parappa: Chop Kick. Chop Chop: Punch Block. Parappa: Punch Block. Chop Chop: It's gonna get harder now. Duck & Jump. Parappa: Duck Jump. Chop Chop: Turn & Pose. Parappa: Turn Pose. Chop Chop: Duck & Turn. Parappa: Duck Turn. Chop Chop: Jump & Pose. Parappa: Jump Pose. There is a scene of the kanji pic on the wall next to the words "Chop Chop", while on a corner there is a deer's head hung as a trophy before the camera moves to Parappa and Chop Chop while the latter raps. Chop Chop (O.C.): Come on now, why don't you follow my words, because we're almost done. I'll make it easy at first. I wanna see if you wanna see what it means to be the man with the master plan. Are you the man now? [gong] LESSON 4 Chop Chop: Here we go! now [sic] Kick Punch Block. Parappa: Kick Punch Block. Chop Chop: Chop Kick Block. Parappa: Chop Kick Block. Chop Chop: Block Turn & Kick it. Parappa: Block Turn Kick. Chop Chop: Block Duck Punch. Parappa: Block Duck Punch. Chop Chop: Duck Duck Turn. Parappa: Duck Duck Turn. Chop Chop: Jump Kick Chop... Parappa: Jump Kick Chop... Chop Chop: and Punch Punch Punch. Parappa: Punch Punch Punch. Chop Chop ends the rap with a "WooooototototototoCHAAAAAAHHHH!" Chop Chop: That's it for today. He spreads his arms around. Chop Chop: Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now. Parappa (in joy): Yahoo! Alright! He waves his arms around as the scene ends. ~ iii. Outro ~ INT. CHUNKY BURGER RESTAURANT Joe Chin is still talking fast like a high-speed dubbing chipmunk in a sped-up music before the leet-speech balloons surrounding him fade out one by one in front of the two punks. Joe: $%*?$%*&^%!*$?* &^&&!*&%?$%*^%!$ *!%?!%&*&^%?!^% *&!$&?$^*%$!$^#! $%*?$%*&^%!*$?* &^&&!*&%?$%*^%!$ He gives out a smile before the long-winded chipmunk speech and music finally slow down to a stop. Joe: ...Now, the end of my simple introduction. Camera moves to the two frightened punks as he continues. Joe (O.C.): Put up your fists, you evil crusaders!! The last of the leet-speech balloons fade out as he speaks. Joe: Let me knock you out! As he finishes, the two punks suddenly fall down to the floor, and Joe is stunned as the scene fades to black. **************************************** *3.3. Stage 2: You Guys Sit in the Back* **************************************** ~ i. Intro ~ EXT. PHAT DONUT RESTAURANT -- DAY There is an aerial view of the Phat Donut Restaurant before the camera pulls downward to reveal the restaurant manager serving donuts to two people and moves toward Parappa, Katy, Sunny and PJ sitting on the table having ice cream cones, with a blue boombox, Boxy Boy, next to PJ. Scene then cuts to Sunny. Sunny: It's a great day today. So what do you guys wanna do? Parappa: Let's go down to the beach! PJ (licking his ice cream cone): OK, sounds cool! Katy: Don't we need a car to get anywhere? PJ: Yeah, and a license, too. Parappa and PJ suddenly hear something: the sound of a car driving up toward them, accompanied by a cloud of dust. Parappa (O.C.): Woh!! Check that out!! A car emerges from the cloud dust while Parappa continues. Parappa (O.C.): That's the new Super Stretched Limo 900! The red-hooded limo drives up in frontal view. PJ (O.C.): Yeah! The maximum speed is tuned up to 463,243... His speech is getting kind of slurred while he tries to count. Parappa (O.C.): And vinyl panther seats, too! The red limo stops with the brakes on it, and waits for a few seconds before the door opens up, and out steps... Joe Chin, up close and personal. Joe (takes out his sunglasses): Hi! He slams the limo door shut before continuing. Joe: How do you like my new car, guys? PJ looks at the front of the car and is surprised to see it. PJ: Man, it's phat! Parappa: The color is awesome, too! Joe: Not only that, it's a convertible! And it is capable of leaping tall buildings in a single bound! Parappa looks around the car wheels while Joe speaks. Joe: Would you girls like to go to the beach with me? Sunny: Sure. Only if all of us can go. Katy shrugs her shoulders. Joe: Of course, of course! Come on, girls, sit up front with me. The girls are pretty much amused a bit. Joe: You guys can sit in the back. He points to the limo's farthest end in its longest shape, complete with a pool and a rubber duck, with two car seats located near two tailpipes, and Parappa, PJ, and Boxy Boy are far from amused. Scene cuts to Joe, Katy and Sunny in the front seats. Joe (with sunglasses on): Everybody hold on! The car starts up, and goes into reverse for a few seconds, knocking out the Phat Donut Restaurant manager and damaging the restaurant. The impact has made poor Parappa and PJ dizzy and knocked out, with donuts that had fallen from the restaurant, and PJ eats one of them while still dizzy. The car soon starts up again, and drives off on the road; meanwhile, the car's methane smoke comes from the tailpipes and pollutes the dizzying Parappa and PJ so much they can't even breathe. The smoke fills up the entire screen, and the scene fades into a dream sequence, with Parappa and Sunny driving a winged car, complete with hearts, in the sky over a lake as a duck flies over them. Parappa (V.O.): Man.... If I only had a car and a license...... I could take Sunny anywhere! Scene fades to Parappa and Sunny smiling together and waving at the flying duck while he thinks of his dream before the scene fades into... EXT. PARAPPA TOWN -- DAY The limo is still driving with Parappa and PJ in the back. Parappa (V.O.): (Sigh).... How can I do that.....? While PJ is still eating the donuts, Parappa thinks for a bit before he suddenly gets an idea again, complete with a light bulb being turned on as he moves quickly into close-up. Parappa: Yeah! I know! I gotta believe! He jumps around in excitement, and the scene fades into... INT. CLUB FUN There is a close up of a car whose sign on the top says "U-DRIVE-U" before the scene pulls up to a faraway view, with a moose dressed up in driving instructor police uniform in the spotlight. The moose officer, Instructor Mooselini, begins to speak in a tough female voice. Mooselini: You wanna learn how to drive, huh? Scene cuts to a close-up of Mooselini before cutting back again. Mooselini: It's harder than you think it is. Scene cuts again to a brief close-up again before cutting back. Mooselini: If you think you can handle it, try this rap! Scene cuts to one more close-up before cutting to black, and "Instructor Mooselini's Car Rap" begins. ~ ii. Song: Instructor Mooselini's Car Rap ~ The "U-DRIVE-U" car drives off, with Parappa at the wheel and Instructor Mooselini seated in the front. As it drives off, the car hood is blown off of it before she starts her rap. Mooselini: Alright, we're here, just sittin' in the car. I want you to show me if you can get far. LESSON 1 Mooselini: Step on the gas! Parappa: Step on the gas? Mooselini: Step on the brakes! Parappa: Step on the brakes? Mooselini: Now step on the gas! Parappa: Step on the gas? Mooselini: When I say boom boom boom! [sic] you say bam bam bam! No pause in between. Come on, let's jam! Step on the gas! Parappa: Step on the gas! Mooselini: Step on the brakes! Parappa: Step on the brakes! Mooselini: Step on the brakes! Parappa: Step on the brakes! Mooselini: Step on the gas! Parappa: Step on the gas! Mooselini: I'm glad you know which way to go, but it ain't gonna stop me. Here we go! LESSON 2 Mooselini (points in one direction): Check and turn the signals to the right! Parappa: Check and turn the signals to the right! Mooselini: Now turn to the right! Parappa: Now turn to the right! The car wildly swerves around to the right against a stoplight before continuing on. Mooselini (points in the other one): Check and turn the signals to the left! Parappa: Check and turn the signals to the left! Mooselini: Now turn to the left! Parappa: Now turn to the left! The car wildly swerves around to the left, but its right door opens up while it swerves around before it continues. Suddenly... Mooselini: Woh ho ho ho! Stop the car! The car stops as she continues. Mooselini: We got an emergency, can't you see? LESSON 3 Mooselini: Do you know why we stopped the car? Parappa: Do I know why we stopped the car? Mooselini: Guess... Parappa: Guess... Mooselini: what... Parappa: what... Mooselini: Do you know why we stopped the car? Parappa: Do I know why we stopped the car? Mooselini: Guess... Parappa: Guess... Mooselini: what... Parappa: what... Mooselini: I forgot to close the door... Parappa: You forgot to close the door... While Mooselini and Parappa boogie around for a few seconds, she reaches out to the car's right door and slams it shut. Mooselini: Hmph. The car soon moves on again. Mooselini: Now just don't forget, this ain't kung fu, come on again! LESSON 4 Mooselini (points in one direction): Check and turn the signals to the right! Parappa: Check and turn the signals to the right! Mooselini: Step on the gas, now turn to the right! Parappa: Step on the gas, now turn to the right! The car turns quickly to the right again. Mooselini (points in the other one): Check and turn the signals to the left! Parappa: Check and turn the signals to the left! Mooselini: Step on the gas, now turn to the left! Parappa: Step on the gas, now turn to the left! The car quickly turns to the left again. Mooselini: Step on the brakes. Parappa: Step on the brakes. The car stops again this time. Mooselini: Do you know why we stopped the car again? Parappa: Do I know why we stopped the car again? The rap is almost finished while they continue. Mooselini: That's because you just got your license! Parappa (in excitement): Woo hooo!! Yes!! The rap is finished, and Parappa has a smile on his face as the scene ends. ~ iii. Outro ~ A frog-labeled party ball has opened up, and confetti pours out of it before the scene fades to Parappa, who sees his nose getting tickled by one confetti streamer, and as he sneezes, the picture of him is taken and placed on the Rodney State Driver's License, complete with the name "PARAPPA", the ID number 000-003, and his signature that says "Parappa Rappa" on it before the scene fades to black. **************************************** *3.4. Stage 3: My Dad's Gonna Bite Me!!* **************************************** ~ i. Intro ~ There is a picture of Parappa's new driver's license before it moves upward to... EXT. PARAPPA'S HOUSE -- DAY ????: PaRappa!! Hey, Parappa!! Camera pulls away from close-up to reveal Parappa's father, Papa Parappa, getting stressed over something. Papa Parappa: Where are you going with my car!!?? There is a sound of Papa Parappa's car starting while he speaks. Papa Parappa: You've only had that license ten minutes!! Camera moves to the car driving away with Parappa at the wheel, who doesn't seem to mind at all. Scene fades into... EXT. PARAPPA TOWN -- DAY The sun is shining in Parappa Town before the scene fades to that of PJ, Katy and Sunny at some sort of amusement park. All of a sudden they look around and the scene cuts to Papa Parappa's car driving up close before stopping. The car door opens, and out steps a red shoe. The three are surprised to find... Parappa (waving): Hi! They are astounded to find that Parappa had indeed driven the car. Scene cuts to a duck on the hood of the car before moving to Parappa at the steering wheel and driving with the trio in the streets. He moves the wheel, and Sunny gives a smile at him as they ride on to the left and to the right. As he drives, scene cuts to Katy smiling in the car and then to PJ sleeping on the seat with Boxy Boy. PJ (mumbling): Zzz... more fries... zzz... EXT. VALLEY -- DAY Scene cuts to the car driving off through the forest and moving onto the hill before jumping upward off the ramp into the sky and coming down intact before driving on the road again. Scene cuts to Parappa at the wheel once more. Sunny: You know, this is really a lot of fun! Scene cuts to Katy smiling again before cutting back. Sunny: Wouldn't it be nice if we could keep driving and go someplace far far away?...... As her words echo, Parappa is still driving at the wheel before the scene fades into... EXT. CAFE -- DUSK There is a scene of a beautiful sunset before the camera moves down to Parappa and Sunny sitting at the table in some cafe enjoying some sparkling apple cider. Sunny looks at him, and as they are about to kiss, scene cuts to them holding both glasses of sparkling cider in their hands and fading into Parappa sitting around looking at Sunny, and then to Sunny looking at him and enjoying a toast to their new friendship. Scene then cuts to each other's hands about to hold before cutting to a wheel that spins out of control with the beep of a horn distracting them. Scene cuts to Sunny and Parappa about to kiss again, then back to the wheel, then to the kissing scene again, then rapidly alternating between scenes underneath a truck and the kissing attempt for a few seconds while the truck goes out of control before stopping to the front of the truck becoming wild and finally into a "CRASH!" whose words go broken for a few seconds before the scene finally cuts to... EXT. VALLEY -- DAY The car had just been knocked off by a eighteen-wheeler truck that says "HEAVY LOAD" and drives off; scene cuts to Parappa and Sunny getting stunned and then into the car flying off into outer space. Katy (O.C.): Cool!! She takes pictures of the orbit of outer space using her camera before the car comes back down to earth again while there is a sound of PJ snoring, complete with comets blazing around the galaxy. The car finally comes down with a crash again before breaking apart into pieces. Only Parappa, Sunny, PJ, Boxy Boy and Katy have survived intact. Parappa (V.O.): Oh no.. I can't believe it! While Sunny looks around, blackness closes in on Parappa in a circle as he feels distressed. Parappa (V.O.): My dad's gonna bite me!! As he looks up, he hears his father's voice. Papa Parappa (V.O.): Oh.. Parappa... Scene moves over to Papa Parappa standing in the darkness and looking sad, with his face turning red, then normal, and then to blue as he speaks. Papa Parappa: I still have 59 more monthly installments to pay. What am I gonna tell your mother? I hope you're ready to pay for everything! Scene moves back to Parappa still surrounded by darkness. Parappa (V.O.): I'm in trouble now, how am I gonna pay for this car... How can I do that? He thinks for a bit before he suddenly gets an idea again, complete with a light bulb being turned on as he moves quickly into close-up. Parappa: Yeah! I know! I gotta believe! He jumps around in excitement, and the scene fades into... EXT. MASTER PRINCE FLEASWALLOW FLEA MARKET There is an aerial view of the flea market with a sign that says, "MASTER PRINCE FLEASWALLOW", indicating the name of the frog below it, who speaks with a reggae accent. Fleaswallow: So you want to sell goods at this flea market, ey? Camera moves to another sign that says, "GREAT BIG SALE" then fades into the flea market at the dream sequence and goes into a close-up of him as he continues. Fleaswallow: You're a new boy, aren't ya? I tell you right now, the most important thing in selling goods here... [smiles] is not money.. it's love. Scene cuts to a pot with some stuff at the table next to him while he speaks, then moving to the pants and other clothes behind him. Fleaswallow: If you want to sell goods here, come stand next to me. Scene fades to more clothes before cutting back to a close-up of him once again. Fleaswallow: Follow my rap. He smiles as the scene fades to black, and "Prince Fleaswallow's Rap" begins. ~ ii. Song: Prince Fleaswallow's Rap ~ There is a close-up of the smiling Prince Fleaswallow before the camera moves further to reveal him boogeying along with Parappa, who is behind the "Fortunes Told" sign, each with a pile of stuff and a skunk next to him. Camera moves from Parappa to Fleaswallow, who makes a strange frog croak or ribbit, and they dance along to the slow beat before he begins his rap with a song. Fleaswallow: I'm workin' in the flea market so early. I've been working here since my mama was a baby [Lyric error adds "ever" between "here" and "since"]. Just because the rhythm is slow, that don't mean that you can't flow. LESSON 1 Fleaswallow: In the rain or in the snow, Parappa: In the rain or in the snow, Fleaswallow: Got the, got the funky flow. Parappa: Got the, got the funky flow. Fleaswallow: In the rain or in the snow, Parappa: In the rain or in the snow, Fleaswallow: Got the, got the funky flow. Parappa: Got the, got the funky flow. Fleaswallow: All you ever need is to be nice & friendly. Parappa: All you ever need is to be nice & friendly. Fleaswallow: All you ever need is to be nice & friendly. Parappa: All you ever need is to be nice & friendly. While Fleaswallow raps, camera pulls away from him and Parappa to reveal two tie-dye t-shirts hung on the wall. Fleaswallow: Remember, strike it rich. The key is love. Save everybody from way up above. LESSON 2 Fleaswallow: I can sell a bottle cap like this. Parappa: I will try to sell a cap like this. While they rap, each one holds the bottle cap in his hand, and the cap vanishes in a puff of smoke, which repeats again. Fleaswallow: I can sell a bottle cap like this. Parappa: I will try to sell a cap like this. LESSON 3 Fleaswallow: I never dreamed it would be like this. I am the number one ruler of the seven seas. Fleaswallow holds a skunk in his hand... Fleaswallow: The skunk over here will bring you luck. ... and Parappa does the same. Parappa: The skunk over here will bring you luck. Fleaswallow: The pump over here comes with a truck. Fleaswallow holds a toy gas station truck that says "GAS", and Parappa does the same with the gas pump. Parappa: The pump over here comes with a truck. The junk is soon replaced with gold coins in front of Parappa and Fleaswallow. Fleaswallow: Oh yes, I had a lot of, lot of fun. I made a lot of bucks and now I'm on the run. LESSON 4 Fleaswallow: In the rain or in the snow, Parappa: In the rain or in the snow, Fleaswallow: Got the, got the funky flow. Parappa: Got the, got the funky flow. Fleaswallow: In the rain or in the snow, Parappa: In the rain or in the snow, Fleaswallow: Got the funky, funky flow. Parappa: Got the funky, funky flow. Fleaswallow: Ha ha ha, let me tell you something that I never tell you before. LESSON 5 Fleaswallow: Listen this! I have never sold everything, everything. Parappa: I have never sold everything, everything. Fleaswallow: You have never sold everything, everything. Parappa: You have never sold everything, everything. Fleaswallow: Money money money is all you need. Parappa: Money money money is all you need. Fleaswallow: Money money money is all you need. Parappa: Money money money is all you need. The rap has finished, and Fleaswallow and Parappa are still dancing around to it. Fleaswallow: Hey hey! Your papa is gonna be very proud of you. Let me know if you have another flea market! I will help you... Or you'll help me... He laughs. Parappa (smiles): You got that right, teacher! Thanks a lot! He gives a wink and the scene ends. ~ iii. Outro ~ INT. CAR SHOP There is a scene of Papa Parappa's new car, complete with a license plate that says "POPSCAR", which turns around to reveal Parappa at the steering wheel and PJ in the back seat with Boxy Boy on top of the car. It then spins around to reveal a smiling hood on the front, and Parappa pokes his head out of the door in happiness as the scene fades to black. ********************************************* *3.5. Stage 4: Guaranteed to Catch Her Heart* ********************************************* ~ i. Intro ~ EXT. PHAT DONUT RESTAURANT -- DAY There is an aerial view of the restaurant in repairs from the Stage 2 incident before the camera moves down to the manager trying to repair his place and on to Parappa, PJ and Katy, with her holding a birthday planning list in one hand and a donut in the other. Katy: OK, it's Sunny's birthday tomorrow and for the party, we need someone to get a present, we need someone to buy a cake, and someone to set up. Parappa (eating donuts with PJ): Uh huh, and how should we decide? Katy: Well, how about JANKEN? She gives a wink. Parappa: Good idea! Katy: Ready? Scene cuts to Katy's Janken Game, with PJ, Parappa, and Katy's hands making jabs on the ticket. (Please note that the Janken is a game of "rock, paper, scissors".) Parappa, PJ, and Katy (O.C.): JAN, KEN, PON! PJ's and Parappa's fists make a rock shape, and Katy's hand makes a paper shape, and a "WIN" goes to Katy the winner. Katy (gets a card): Yeah, I won! I'll be the set up producer. She shows them the card labeled "Official: Set Up Producer. Name: Katy Kat." Parappa (to PJ, who is holding ice cream): Alright. Let's continue, [sic] Scene cuts to Katy's Janken Game again. Parappa and PJ (O.C.): JAN, KEN, PON! Both Parappa's and PJ's hands make a paper shape before the scene cuts back. Parappa: Oops! One more time. Scene cuts to the Janken Game once more. Parappa and PJ (O.C.): JAN, KEN, PON! This time, PJ's hands make a scissor shape while PaRappa makes a paper shape, and a "WIN" is on PJ. PJ (eating ice cream and a donut): I won! I'll get the present. He holds up the card labeled "Official: Present Buyer. Name: PJ Berri." Katy: And that means you have to get the cake, Parappa [script error misspells his name as "Parrapa"]. While she speaks, the scene cuts to the Janken Game once more, with PJ's winner labeled "Present" on the left, Katy's winner labeled "Producer" on the right, and Parappa's hand labeled "Cake" in the middle. Parappa: OK. Katy: Alright everybody, let's all do our jobs and get ready for tomorrow! Parappa and PJ (each getting a handshake): Right on!! Scene fades to black. EXT. PARAPPA TOWN -- DAY There is an aerial view of the cake shop in the middle of the buildings before the camera moves on to Parappa in front of the shop labeled "Fresh Bake Shop. Sweets, Cakes." Scene cuts to him walking into the shop. INT. FRESH BAKE SHOP Parappa walks up to the cakes on the counter and sees one cake labeled with hearts and angel wings. Scene cuts to the bread rolls in the basket on the top of the counter, followed by pies below, a frog and Halloween-shaped cakes next to the Total Love one before moving to the Daisy-shaped cake, which has a price tag of $22.95, while the Total Love one has a price tag of $437.25. Parappa is unsure what to do or which cake to pick. Scene fades into Parappa and Sunny seated at the table having a daisy cake with candles on top, then to Sunny blowing out hearts before cutting back to the daisy cake before Parappa picks it. Scene fades to the Bake Shop Chef giving the cake to Parappa, who then takes it before fading into... EXT. FRESH BAKE SHOP -- DAY Parappa has the daisy cake in his hands when he sees... Joe Chin again returning from his trip, with a giant cake in his hand. Joe: Hi ya, Parappa! Tomorrow's the big day, isn't it? Parappa is surprised to find Joe with a giant cake like that. Joe: You wanna see the cake that I got for Sunny? Look! Camera moves to the cake whose million layers pile up into the sky, with Joe's hand waving before cutting to the cake again. Joe (O.C.): The 1st floor represents the foundation of Sunny and I. A long relationship between a boy and a girl. All depends on the foundation, you know. Scene fades into Joe who still speaks with the cake still in his hand. Joe: The 2nd floor represents beauty. Scene fades into a mountain-climber climbing the multi-layered cake, and the camera moves upward into the sky while Joe is speaking before the music and speech go into high-speed dubbing mode again. Joe (O.C.): Being beautiful as she is, Sunny deserves all the rights to the word 'Beauty'. The 40th [the subtitle says "3rd" but his chipmunk voice says "40th"] floor represents the obstacles that we must face... ?$%*?$%*&^%!*$?* &^&&!*&%?$%*^%!$ &^&&!*&%?$%*^%!$ ?*!%?!%&*&^%?!^% ?*!%?!%&*&^%?!^% ?$%*?$%*&^%!*$?* [Sounds like he's saying, "The 40th floor represents the obstacles that we must face, and the 41st floor's..." in high-speed dubbing mode! :P] The camera still moves faster and upward into the sky before the music and Joe's speech slow down along with it. Joe (O.C.): ... just to keep our awesome relationship. The 42nd floor represents all the sights and sounds that Sunny & I will be experiencing in our glorious future. While he is still speaking, camera finally moves to the top of the cake with an airplane inside it, and on top of the plane is a heart-shaped altar decoration, with Sunny as the bride and Joe as the groom, with wedding bells on top, kind of more like a wedding cake than a birthday one. The wedding bells drop onto the statuettes as he is finishing speaking. Camera then fades back to Joe with the cake next to the video games store. Joe (flashing a smile): Well, enough for now, I shall explain everything in better detail tomorrow. See ya!! As he waves, he slaps Parappa on the back and leaves him to fall onto the ground. Scene cuts to a view of the daisy cake falling down onto the ground in slow-motion before he lands on it face-first with a splat. Scene fades to black before cutting to a close-up of Katy looking angry with flames in her eyes. Katy: Parappa! What do you expect to do without a cake!? A birthday party without a cake is like a dance floor without me! Do you understand that!!?? Scene fades into black once more before fading back to a sad Parappa, with daisy-shaped frosting on his face and cake remains on his body, in a horrible mess. Parappa: (Sigh).. What should I do? I'm in trouble now... What should I do? He raises his fist up in anger. Parappa: I'm almost out of money, I need a cake, cheap... cheap... He suddenly stops for a bit before he gets an idea again, complete with a light bulb being turned on as he moves quickly into close-up. Parappa: Yeah! I know! I gotta believe! He jumps around in excitement, and the scene fades into... INT. ???? There are symbols of a fish, squid, and onion before the title is revealed as "Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken's Show" as the music similar to "Tijuana Taxi" by Herb Alpert plays in the background. Announcer (V.O.): Welcome to Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken Show. The words fade out, then in to "Today's dish will be Seafood Cake, Guaranteed to Catch Her Heart" while the announcer speaks. Announcer (V.O.): Today's dish will be seafood cake guaranteed to catch her heart. And now, here she is! Scene fades to black, and the "Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken Rap" unexpectedly begins. ~ ii. Song: Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken Rap ~ Scene fades to the close-up of a sign that says "Cheap Cheap" in the TV screen before the camera pulls away from it to reveal the dancing hen, Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken herself, who begins to rap in a very British accent. Cheap Cheap: Every single day, stress comes in every way. I ain't got no time for nobody. Scene cuts from the TV screen to Parappa's kitchen, with Parappa standing near the bowl on the counter, then back to the TV screen of Cheap Cheap again while she raps. Cheap Cheap: My style is rich, dope, phat in which we'll make a cake today that looks rich. LESSON 1 Scene alternates between the TV screen inside and out while they begin the rap. Cheap Cheap: Crack, crack, crack the egg into the bowl. Parappa: Crack, crack, crack the egg into the bowl. Cheap Cheap: M.I.X. the flour into the bowl. Parappa: M.I.X. the flour into the bowl. Cheap Cheap: Crack, crack, crack the egg into the bowl. Parappa: Crack, crack, crack the egg into the bowl. Cheap Cheap: M.I.X. the flour into the bowl. Parappa: M.I.X. the flour into the bowl. Cheap Cheap: Bakin' a cake, yes, means you gotta try. I'm doing this for years but don't ask me why. LESSON 2 Cheap Cheap: Butter, butter, butter joins the bowl. Parappa: Butter, butter, butter joins the bowl. Cheap Cheap: We're makin' us a cake that you never seen before. Parappa: We're makin' us a cake that you never seen before. Cheap Cheap: Heat up the oven, now we're on a roll. Parappa: Heat up the oven, now we on a roll. Cheap Cheap: Cheap cheap cheap's the name of my soul. Parappa: Cheap cheap cheap's the name of your soul. Cheap Cheap: The other day I was called a little turkey. But I'm a chicken, got it? You beef jerky! LESSON 3 Cheap Cheap starts putting the cake into the microwave oven while she raps, and Parappa does the same, and the scene repeats while they rap. Cheap Cheap: Put the cake in the oven for a while. Parappa: Put the cake in the oven for a while. Cheap Cheap: Leave it there, come on, clean the pile. Parappa: Leave it there, come on, clean the pile. Cheap Cheap: Put the cake in the oven for a while. Parappa: Put the cake in the oven for a while. Cheap Cheap: Leave it there, come on, clean the pile. Parappa: Leave it there, come on, clean the pile. Cheap Cheap: Here, I got a little sample. Parappa: Here, I don't have a sample. Cheap Cheap: 'Cause ample time's just what we don't have. Parappa: 'Cause money and time's just what we don't have. Cheap Cheap: A chicken in the kitchen is making all the sound. The cake is done while we were sitting around. LESSON 4 The microwave oven door opens automatically, revealing a heart-shaped cake that is done while she raps. Cheap Cheap: All we gotta do is apply the final touches. Parappa: All we gotta do is apply the final touches. [Lyric error adds a "to"] Cheap Cheap: Take out the shrimp, the clam and the perches. Parappa: Take out the shrimps, the clam and the perches. They take out each seafood item out and put it on each cake for decoration while they rap. Cheap Cheap: The perch goes here, the clam goes there, Parappa: The perch goes here, the clam goes there, Cheap Cheap: the little tiny shrimps just go everywhere! Parappa: the little tiny shrimps just go everywhere! Cheap Cheap: Whatever you like's in the middle, fiddle. Parappa: Whatever you like's in the middle, fiddle. Cheap Cheap: Seafood cake comes just like the riddle. Parappa: Seafood cake comes just like the riddle. The scene alternates to the kitchen outside the TV for one last time while Parappa finishes the rap along with the cake that is well done. Next to him is... Cheap Cheap, who has been inside the magic TV screen all along while they were rapping and making the cake together. She then drops down into the counter next to him. Cheap Cheap: OK, OK!! That wasn't so hard, was it? Parappa: No problem! But how did you get out of the TV? There is a smile on each other's faces as the scene ends. ~ iii. Outro ~ INT. PARAPPA'S ROOM Parappa is seated near the cake next to his bed, and he decorates the cake with the icing for a few seconds, revealing the words, "Happy Birthday Sunny", complete with the two shrimp on top and the star on the bottom. He makes a smile as he likes it, for he knows that tomorrow will soon come. There is a poster of Fruites Dojo with a pic of Chop Chop Master Onion on it behind him, along with the mirror and the closet. Scene fades to a picture of Sunny on his night stand, along with the "WipOut" item and the cake that has been all wrapped up in a present. Next to the stand is Parappa dressed up in his night cap and pajamas lying in the covers and looking at the cake for a few seconds, then he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep with a smile as the scene fades to black. ************************* *3.6. Stage 5: Full Tank* ************************* ~ i. Intro ~ EXT. FOREST -- DAY There is a closeup of the heart-shaped present being opened to reveal the heart-shaped cake that Parappa had made the day before. Sunny is smiling in surprise, and the scene cuts to her, Parappa, Katy and PJ having a picnic in the forest in front of the sign that says "Happy Birthday, Sunny" and Boxy Boy walking around. Scene cuts to Sunny and Parappa, with her talking about something, though the film is in silent mode and only music plays in the background; then to Katy talking while PJ is eating an orange slice. Parappa takes a slice of the cake and eats it next to the bottle of Cola-Pop and Boxy Boy, then takes another slice and eats it again and then a few more slices. While Katy is speaking, there is a glimpse of Joe Chin behind them, running with the 42-storied cake and trying to balance it before it collapses onto the ground. Katy comes up to Parappa and whispers something, and he is surprised along with Sunny, who turns and looks around, and he gives out a smile. Scene cuts to PJ about to eat a bread roll, and then to Parappa and Sunny waving Katy goodbye before moving to PJ being tugged by Katy and dropping the roll and being pulled away with him complaining about the roll and Boxy Boy following him. Parappa and Sunny watch as the others leave, and the scene fades into... EXT. FOREST -- DUSK Parappa and Sunny watch a beautiful sunset, and the scene fades into a view of them, with his heart pumping with love for her and his hands pressing onto it. As they watch, he looks at her while his heart is still pounding, and then he suddenly gets a weird feeling and a frowny face, as if the unexpected is happening to him. Camera moves toward his chest and into a scene of his digestive tract getting wavy before all the pink inside it is getting emptied into a purple color, and it cuts to Parappa standing up and getting queasy next to her with both hands on his hips. Parappa (V.O.): No, no.... Not now.... I have to go to the bathroom! He gets a sweat on his face and tries to hold it in as they watch the sunset together. Scene fades into a flock of ducks flying around as the sun sets, followed by visions of toilets. Parappa rubs his eyes in disbelief as his heart is pounding like crazy, and the scene cuts to clouds fading into toilets in his vision. Parappa begins to see the vision of toilets flying off into the sky. Scene cuts to his digestive tract, his pink color being emptied again before cutting to Parappa putting his hand onto his crotch. He suddenly gets a thought balloon of remembrance, as he remembers eating too much seafood cake hours before, and then he suddenly gets brave enough to hold it in. Sunny (V.O., excited): Wow... Parappa looks so manly today. He puts both hands on his crotch while she continues thinking in awe. Sunny (V.O.): I've never seen him look this way before. With his heart pounding, Parappa looks up in confidence while he sits, and his heart is beating faster and faster while she looks at him with hearts on her eyes in love. Sunny: Are you going to drive me home? Parappa looks at her. Parappa (getting choked up): O, of course! Scene cuts to them standing up, with Parappa wondering if he will hold it in much longer, then the camera moves once again to his chest and into the wavy digestive tract being emptied of his pink color again, then to Parappa in the car with her, driving off out of the forest using his strength to hold it in again, who knows for how long. He turns on the car radio, and the "Love You Rap" plays while they drive off [see "Miscellany: Other Song Lyrics" for more of this song]. Rapper (V.O.): [note] I wanna let you know, of my desire. [note] [note] (Let it, let it go...) [note] [note] I'm almost on fire. [note] While the rapper sings, Sunny smiles in love while Parappa gets stubborn as they drive through the forest and the notes come out of the radio. Rapper (V.O.): [note] I wanna let you know, of my desire. [note] [note] (Let it, let it go...) [note] [note] I'm almost on fire. [note] While the radio plays, toilets suddenly burst out of it along with the notes. Rapper (V.O.): [note] I see you a few times a day. [note] [note] You never do look my way, ...[note] While the rapper sings on the radio, camera cuts to the gas gauge near the wheel. Parappa (V.O., in an angry voice, surprised): Aaa, my car's tank is empty, but mine is full. I mean, I'm full of gas and not the car. Camera cuts back to Sunny and a stubborn Parappa getting confused while he thinks it over. Parappa (V.O.): N-NO! The car needs gas but I-I d-d-! [The subtitle says, "Huh? NO! The car needs gas but I don't!", but his voice is all stuttery and seems unable to finish.] He gets angry and flames swell up his eyes while he tries to think. Parappa (V.O.): Anyway, we have to find a gas station right now! Scene cuts to... EXT. PARAPPA TOWN -- DUSK The camera moves through the streets, with the music speeding up faster and faster, until it moves into the gas station that says "HOT GAS" and then farther away as the car stops there. EXT. HOT GAS GAS STATION -- DUSK There is an aerial view of Parappa opening the car door and running in panic through the sign that says "RESTROOM" before stopping and jumping around, then running around in a corner and stopping again with his face turning blue and back again and again and going in a sweat of anger, tilting the sign along the way. Parappa: Excuse me! This is an emergency! I need to go RIGHT NOW! Scene cuts to a long, dark line of familiar shadows near the bathroom door. Voices: SO DO WE!!! Parappa (getting shocked by recognition): Oh my, now what? What can we do!? The spotlights turn on one by one in the darkness to reveal... Chop Chop: Yah, I know! Mooselini: I know! Fleaswallow: I know! Cheap Cheap: I know! The darkness turns bright again as Chop Chop, Mooselini, Fleaswallow and Cheap Cheap are revealed. Chop Chop, Mooselini, Fleaswallow and Cheap Cheap: Let's rap for it!! Chop Chop: That's a good idea! Mooselini: Hurry up! A gong sounds as the scene fades to black and the rap battle for Parappa's life and strength, the "All Masters' Bathroom Rap", begins. ~ ii. Song: All Masters' Bathroom Rap ~ There is a close-up of Parappa with his face turning blue and his sad puppy eyes with both hands on his crotch, acting like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode at any moment. Camera moves to Chop Chop Master Onion acting weak next to Parappa who is trying to gather up his strength to hold it in and rap at the same time. Chop Chop begins his rap with a jump. Chop Chop: I need to go just as bad as you. What I had this morning I don't even wanna say to you. LESSON 1 Chop Chop: Kick, Punch, Turn and Chop the door. Parappa: Kick, Punch, Turn and Chop the door. Chop Chop: Or, I will fall to the floor. Parappa: Or, I will fall to the floor. Chop Chop: Kick, Punch, Turn and Chop the door. Parappa: Kick, Punch, Turn and Chop the door. Chop Chop: Or, I will fall to the floor. Parappa: Or, I will fall to the floor. Chop Chop (getting frustrated): Hatatatatatatatatatatatah. He is knocked off-screen, and Parappa gathers up his strength to advance before sliding into Instructor Mooselini. Mooselini: U, uh, u, uh. No way! I've been sitting in my car, yes, now for days. [the lyric says "the", but the voice says "my"] LESSON 2 Mooselini (points to her right): Did you check the toilets on the right? Parappa (does the same): Did you check the toilets on the right? Mooselini (points to her left): Did you check the toilets on the left? Parappa (does the same again): Did you check the toilets on the left? The finger direction pointing repeats. Mooselini: Did you check the toilets on the right? Parappa: Did you check the toilets on the right? Mooselini: Did you check the toilets on the left? Parappa: Did you check the toilets on the left? Mooselini: OK, OK. You win. She is knocked off the screen, and Parappa is halfway there as he uses up his strength again to move on before sliding into a sad Prince Fleaswallow. Fleaswallow: Ribet, ribet, I can not hold it. The last toilet all me had, me already sold it. [the lyrics say "that I had, I've", but the voice says "all me had, me"] LESSON 3 Fleaswallow: In the rain or in the snow, I got the funky flow but now I really gotta go. Parappa: In the rain or in the snow, you got the funky flow but now you really gotta go. Fleaswallow: The toilet over there will bring you luck so give up! I got no time to spare! Parappa: The toilet over there will bring you luck so give up! I got no time to spare! While they rap, Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken is standing next to them near the door. Fleaswallow: In the rain or in the snow, I got the funky flow but now I really gotta go. Parappa: In the rain or in the snow, you got the funky flow but now you really gotta go. Fleaswallow: The toilet over there will bring you luck so give up! I got no time to spare! Parappa: The toilet over there will bring you luck so give up! I got no time to spare! Parappa has somehow managed to beat up Fleaswallow using most of his strength. Fleaswallow (giving up): Ah... A me lose, you know, I'm outta here! With Fleaswallow knocked out of the picture, Parappa uses up his remaining strength to move on before sliding into Cheap Cheap and getting close to his goal. His strength to hold it in and rap at the same time is almost gone now. Cheap Cheap: Walk the walk even if you can't just talk the talk!!!! [squawk] LESSON 4 Cheap Cheap: I got a call. I am a chicken, from the kitchen and I ain't kidding, although nothing is written. Parappa: You are a chicken, from the kitchen and you ain't kidding, although nothing is written. Cheap Cheap: Crack, break, fix the door, you know, I gotta go, so yes, open up, ya know! Parappa: Crack, break, fix the door, you know, I gotta go, so yes, open up, ya know! Cheap Cheap: I am a chicken, from the kitchen and I ain't kidding, although nothing is written. Parappa: You are a chicken, from the kitchen and you ain't kidding, although nothing is written. Cheap Cheap: Crack, break, fix the door, you know, I gotta go, so yes, open up, ya know! Parappa: Crack, break, fix the door, you know, I gotta go, so yes, open up, ya know! The rap battle is over, and Cheap Cheap is quite impressed at Parappa's remaining strength he had left to rap. Cheap Cheap: It's all yours. Using up his final burst of strength, he quickly runs into the restroom and slams the door shut while she speaks. INT. RESTROOM Once inside, Parappa sits on the toilet and lets out a sigh of relief. Parappa (raising his hands up miraculously): This is life! There is a flush of the toilet as his energy is regained from all the ordeals he went through from the forest to the rap battle that had sapped up his strength, and the scene ends. ~ iii. Outro ~ EXT. HOT GAS GAS STATION -- DUSK Meanwhile, Sunny is seated at the car when she hears a voice. Parappa (O.C.): Sunny! She looks around to see Parappa at the steering wheel, smiling at her like a time bomb defused. Parappa: Sorry to keep you waiting! I'll drive you home now. Sunny gives a smile back at him, which turns into a small frown. Sunny (V.O.): Hmm... He's the same ol' Parappa again... Oh well. She looks up in wonder as the scene fades to black. ********************************* *3.7. Stage 6: I Gotta Believe!!* ********************************* ~ i Intro ~ INT. PARAPPA'S ROOM Inside Parappa's house, Papa Parappa holds up some envelope and hands it to his son, who takes it and opens it up. He discovers that the letter is an invitation that says, "Private Invitation from Rodney for Parappa", and he is surprised as he makes up a thought bubble of Sunny looking up and smiling as the scene fades to black. Scene fades back in to a few minutes later, and he makes a call on the phone. Scene fades into... INT. SUNNY'S ROOM The phone rings and Sunny takes it while the song, "Funny Love", is still playing, and a voice begins to sing. Singer (V.O.): We can go almost anywhere... Scene cuts back to... INT. PARAPPA'S ROOM While the voice is singing Parappa looks at the letter while he calls Sunny on the phone. Scene fades to the invtitation letter that says, "Private Invitation from Rodney for Parappa and one friend to a party at Club Fun." Singer (V.O.): you and I, my friend. Scene cuts back to... INT. SUNNY'S ROOM While Sunny holds the phone, she smiles on hearing of the invitation while the voice continues singing. Singer (V.O.): And I know fun is all that we will share. Scene alternates between both houses and rooms as Parappa jumps up in excitement while letting go of the letter and the phone as the scene fades to black again. EXT. PARAPPA'S HOUSE -- DUSK Parappa is seated at the steering wheel in the car looking at Papa Parappa, who waves his son goodbye while the voice continues singing. Singer (V.O.): Oh yes, we can fly almost anywhere to a special place we can find. Parappa drives off from his house into the streets and the scene fades into... INT. SUNNY'S HOUSE Sunny holds her ice cream cone while she is waiting with her family before the scene fades into... EXT. PARAPPA TOWN -- DUSK As the scene alternates between Parappa Town and Sunny's house, there is an aerial view as Parappa drives his car through the streets. In Sunny's room, she is seated at her desk with a mirror on it, trying on her makeup. Scene alternates to PaRappa driving in the car on the streets, to Sunny getting dressed up for the party in her room. Singer (V.O.): Just you and I. We can do it. Scene fades to black and back to... EXT. SUNNY'S HOUSE -- DUSK Parappa parks his car near Sunny's house while the song continues. Singer (V.O.): Just keep your eyes upon the prize. Parappa walks up to her house and rings the doorbell. He has a flower in his hand while he waits, and a door opens. Singer (V.O.): We can do it. Parappa sees the door open, and then his mouth drops open in shock to see Sunny's father, General Potter, looking at him, then the camera moves down to reveal Sunny standing next to her father. Singer (V.O.): You and I if we try to fly. Scene fades into her introducing Parappa to her father, who makes a smile on his face as the song continues. Singer (V.O.): Wish you knew Just how very much that I care for you. Parappa wipes the sweat off his brow in relief, and Potter extends his hand for Parappa to give him the flower as the scene fades to black, then back to Parappa getting her into the car. Singer (V.O.): And though things are always working, see... Scene cuts to Potter taking a look at her and pointing at his watch as a warning that she may get back with Parappa before midnight before cutting back to the three of them while the song continues. Singer (V.O.): Yes, just you and me. My friend and me. Scene cuts to Parappa putting his hand to his heart and trying to remember the warning, then to Sunny waving goodbye before the scene fades to black again. EXT. PARAPPA TOWN -- NIGHT Parappa is driving Sunny through the streets while the song continues before the scene fades to black again. Singer (V.O.): Oh, you try so hard Just to please this girl that you've grown fond of. Scene fades back in to the car driving to the Auto Repairs and Coffee shops before stopping before fading to black again. EXT. AUTO REPAIRS -- NIGHT There is a view of the shop before the camera moves down to Katy Kat walking up the stairs to the car with a smile while a parent and child walk down the street as the song continues. Singer (V.O.): And I really do believe This is where we should be. As the song continues, the camera moves downstairs from Katy to the entrance of Club Fun, complete with a sign at the top of the door. INT. CLUB FUN The entrance door opens up, and in walk Parappa and Sunny. Scene cuts to people dancing on the dance floor, with the Fresh Bake Shop Manager walking in, then to Parappa and Sunny again. Singer (V.O.): We can do it. Scene cuts to PJ Berri becoming a disc jockey with sunglasses playing with the records, then to the Fresh Bake Shop Manager again with the Chunky Burger Restaurant manager, then to Sunny getting surprised with Parappa, and then to Joe Chin holding a cup of coffee and walking around as the song finishes. Singer (V.O.): You and I if we try to fly. Scene fades to black before fading in to Parappa approaching the flea MC with sunglasses, MC King Kong Mushi, on stage with the words "PARAPPA THE RAPPER" in the background, then appearing to the crowds as the song fades out. Singer (V.O.): We can do it...... Scene finally fades to black, and the final stage song, "Parappa's Live Rap With MC King Kong Mushi", begins. ~ ii. Song: Parappa's Live Rap With MC King Kong Mushi ~ An audience is cheering as Parappa appears in front of them, along with MC King Kong Mushi, and the four previous teachers: Chop Chop Master Onion, Instructor Mooselini, Prince Fleaswallow, and Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken. King Kong Mushi starts in a few seconds. King Kong Mushi: Yo yo yo! Check this out! Scene cuts to Parappa and the teachers. King Kong Mushi (O.C.): It's party time!! Party time! In the house! Scene cuts back to the stage in front of the audience again. King Kong Mushi: Everybody, I'm wondering how you're feeling out there! Are you feeling good? We're gonna put on a show out there for everybody. Scene cuts to a far-off view of the stage. King Kong Mushi: Check this out! Somebody say ho! Everyone: Ho King Kong Mushi: Say ho! ho! Everyone: Ho Ho King Kong Mushi: Say ho! ho! ho! Everyone: Ho Ho Ho King Kong Mushi: Now scream! Everyone: WAAAAAooooo!! King Kong Mushi: Everybody say ho! Everyone: Ho King Kong Mushi: Say ho! ho! Everyone: Ho Ho King Kong Mushi: Say ho! ho! ho! Everyone: Ho Ho Ho King Kong Mushi: Now scream! Everyone: WAAAAAooooo!! LESSON 1 Everyone: Whatcha gonna do when they come? Parappa: I gotta redeem! Everyone: Whatcha gonna do when they come? Parappa: I gotta relieve! Everyone: Whatcha gonna do when they come? Parappa: I gotta receive! The teachers sing along and dance around while the singers continue. Everyone: You gotta do what? You gotta do what? Parappa: I gotta BELIEVE!! LESSON 2 King Kong Mushi: Hey yo, everybody. Just check out the way I live, everybody! Parappa: Yo yo, everybody. It's the time you've been waiting for, here's the party! King Kong Mushi: O, oh! O, oh! Here comes the dude, and now he's running up and down the street with the juice. Parappa: Sunny's my life. She's like a dice. I can't tell which way she'll turn till I spice! King Kong Mushi: Whatever trouble he's in, he just gets up and begins, it ain't no problem for the man. [the lyric says "a", but the voice says "no"] Parappa: But I went through it like that because I want it like that, no other difference, is the fact! Teachers: You gotta do what!? Parappa: I gotta redeem! Teachers: Sure about that! Parappa: I gotta relieve! Teachers: You gotta do what!? Parappa: I gotta receive! Teachers: But most important, Parappa: I gotta BELIEVE!! Everyone: Whatcha gonna do when they come? Parappa: I gotta redeem! Everyone: Whatcha gonna do when they come? Parappa: I gotta relieve! Everyone: Whatcha gonna do when they come? Parappa: I gotta receive! Everyone: You gotta do what? You gotta do what? Parappa: I gotta BELIEVE!! LESSON 3 King Kong Mushi: H to the E to the R to the O, and here comes your hero. HO! Here we go! Parappa: P to the A to the R to the A, Parappa's the name. I rap everyday. King Kong Mushi: Now it's time for the ruff phat night, and let's all pump up the night. Parappa: Breakin' out was the name of the game for me, you, you, you and you! King Kong Mushi: What's his name? He grew up in this town. Check this out. Come on and bring it down. Parappa: Kick punch chop, I got the funky flow, M.I.X. the flour into the bowl! Teachers: You gotta do what!? Parappa: I gotta redeem! Teachers: Sure about that! Parappa: I gotta relieve! Teachers: You gotta do what!? Parappa: I gotta receive! Teachers: But most important, Parappa: I gotta Believe!! Everyone: Whatcha gonna do when they come? Parappa: I gotta redeem! Everyone: Whatcha gonna do when they come? Parappa: I gotta relieve! Everyone: Whatcha gonna do when they come? Parappa: I gotta receive! Everyone: You gotta do what? You gotta do what? Parappa: I gotta Believe!! While everyone is dancing and singing, there is a far off view of Katy and Sunny cheering them on. Everyone: Whatcha gonna do when they come? Parappa: I gotta redeem! Everyone: Whatcha gonna do when they come? Parappa: I gotta relieve! Scene cuts to PJ disk jockeying the song in the audience while the singers continue. Everyone: Whatcha gonna do when they come? Parappa: I gotta receive! LESSON 4 Everyone: You gotta do what? Parappa: You got that right. Everyone: You gotta do what? It's now Parappa's turn to go solo, this time becoming the caller to the response of the audience, as if there's no turning back now. Parappa: Somebody say ho! Everyone: Ho Parappa: Say ho! ho! Everyone: Ho Ho Parappa: Say ho! ho! ho! Everyone: Ho Ho Ho Parappa: Now scream! Everyone: WAAAAAooooo!! Parappa: Everybody say ho! Everyone: Ho Parappa: Say ho! ho! Everyone: Ho Ho Parappa: Say ho! ho! ho! Everyone: Ho Ho Ho Parappa: Now screeeeam! Everyone responds to Parappa's call as the rap finally ends and the audience cheers for him. Parappa (gives a wink and fingers up): Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Everybody! And don't forget! You gotta believe!! Thank you! King Kong Mushi gives a bow to the audience and all exchange claps, cheers and thank you's with Parappa's "All right, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls..." and the scene cuts to a far-off view of the stage with PJ as the scene slowly fades away to black and footsteps march and fade away. ~ iii. Ending ~ EXT. MOVIE THEATER -- DAY The doors open up, and crowds of people are walking out of the theater with posters of Jet Baby and a Godzilla-like creature on the wall next to the doors, accompanined by a poster with the word "Phat" on it. And as they exit, Katy, Parappa, PJ and Sunny walk in with Boxy Boy. INT. MOVIE THEATER Inside, there is a showing of a town in a movie onscreen as the four walk down the stairs to their seats along with Boxy Boy to the applause of the audience. There is a chatter of the audience as the scene moves up closer to the screen to reveal an aerial view of the town with a car leaving the house with a flash of light, and the words "THE END" come up to the screen in close-up before the scene finally fades to black and the end credits roll, and the "Love You Rap" plays during the credits. After the credits, the words "Coming Soon!" appear, and the screen fades to Parappa wearing a cape and flying like a superhero over the forest in the sunset, complete with a picture of Sunny appearing in the sun, as he flies toward the screen and waving as the words "PaRappa the Rapper 2" appear before the scene fades to black for the final time. ~ iv. Credits ~ These are the credits that are played at the end of the game, no matter which game version you have played, unless otherwise noted. Producer, Original Game Concept, Music: Masaya Matsuura Visual Design: Rodney Alan Greenblat Story Edit: Gabin Ito CG Design in Play: Kaz Dosaka Tatsunori Tanaka (NanaOn-Sha) CG Design in Watch: Kiri Matsuura (NanaOn-Sha) Mie Hino (Sun Field) Rie Iwami (NanaOn-Sha) CG Production in Application (?): Sachie Mifune (NanaOn-Sha) Noriko Adachi Program: Tadachi Nomura (Vistec) Akifumi Ishiyama (Nemesys) Akira Yoshida (Nemesys) Shinichi Senoo (Nemesys) Words: Ryu Music: Tuttle & Dynamo Kiyoshi Yoshida Yorihisa Suzuki Shige Kawagoe Chris Parks Voice: Dred [John Simpson III, a.k.a. Dred Foxx] as "Parappa" Kenya* as "Sunny [Funny]" Mickey [Michele Burks] as "KT [Katy Kat]" & "C.C.C.C. [Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken]" Armstead [Christian] as "PJ [Berri]" & "Dad [Papa Parappa]" Ryu [Watabe] as "Joe chin [sic]" & "C.C.M.O. [Chop Chop Master Onion]" [& "TV Announcer"] Sandra* as "[Instructor] Mooselini" ["Chunky Burger Restaurant Manager"] & vocal on "Funny luv. [Funny Love]" Lenky [Don] as "P.Fleaswallow [Prince Fleaswallow]" Rich [Richard Bush] as "M.C. [King Kong Mushi] & "Bad guys [Two Punks]" [* Since the voice credits are in code, I only got the names "Kenya" and "Sandra", though I'm not sure what their full names are, since they may be in the instruction booklet for "PaRappa the Rapper", either on Sony PlayStation or Sony PSP. And I'm pretty sure I got "Richard Bush" as MC King Kong Mushi and the two punks unless otherwise noted. If anyone has the instruction booklet for the game and knows what their names are in the credits, please e-mail me, okay?] Dance: Haruki Horie Junko Kusabuka Music Director: Izumi Amano (Antinos Records) Crew: Hideto Ohnishi Production Management: Tomohiro Hasekura (Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.) Project Management: Yoichi Numata (Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.) Executive Producer: Akira Sato (Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.) Chief Executive Producer: Shigeo Maruyama (Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.) [U.S. version staff Associate Producer: Susan Michele (Sony Computer Entertainment America) Senior Producer: Perry Rodgers (Sony Computer Entertainment America) Production Management: Etsuko Kobata (Sony Computer Entertainment America) QA Supervisor: Misa Usui (Sony Computer Entertainment America) European version staff Assistant Producer: Anthony Bray (Sony Computer Entertainment Europe) Production Management: Jason Falk (Sony Computer Entertainment Europe) QA Supervisor: Phil Gaskell (Sony Computer Entertainment Europe)] Special Thanks To: Hideaki Takemura (Sony Creative Products Inc.) Etsuko Yokozaki (Sony Creative Products Inc.) Noriko Ashino (Sony Creative Products Inc.) Takahisa Iwayoshi (Interlink) Asako Sanada (Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.) Chiharu Ichinosawa (Vistec) Masato Ohmori Kazuyuki Fujii Syun Umiba (c) 1996, 1997, 2006, 2007 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (c) Rodney A. Greenblat/Interlink # 4. Miscellany # ************************ *4.1. Other Song Lyrics* ************************ Here are the lyrics for the other songs that are used in both intermissions and the end credits. I hope you enjoy them. I. THE JET BABY THEME SONG This is the song that is played in the beginning of the Pre-Game Intro and is sung by visual designer Rodney Alan Greenblat. When Jet Baby flies, She flies up there forever. When Jet Baby flies, She flies through any weather. When Jet Baby loves, She loves all of the children. She never lets them cry, As she sails through the sky, To save us from what ails us and to make us love. II. LOVE YOU RAP This is the rap song that is partly played on the car radio while Parappa makes a trip to the gas station while trying to take Sunny home in the intro for Stage 5: Full Tank; and it is also fully played during the end credits. Sung by (who else?) the voice-over for Parappa himself, John Simpson III, a.k.a. Dred Foxx (at least I hope so). As I walk the streets, Packin' horses and cases and everthing in it, Is it that I must always be ready for any action, Precaution or junction, Revolution or constipation? Check it out, check it out, check it out. Just dig it out, diggin' it out. I ain't got no doubt, so what's the fuss about? I need you, I want you. Where in the world are ya? S.O.S., come to my rescue! [Chorus] I wanna let you know, of my desire. (Let it, let it go...) I'm almost on fire. I wanna let you know, of my desire. (Let it, let it go...) I'm almost on fire. I see you a few times a day. You never do look my way, you're always cold. You never underestimate me, never respect me. I wish I had some money, so you could see me. Flip, flap, stop, and you don't bend. Why do you always scream and shout at me, at the end? I hope we're getting closer, and closer, and nearer, Or else I'll explode, like I told you. [To Chorus] III. FUNNY LOVE This is the song that is played while Parappa gets a private invitation to go to Club Fun with Sunny, and they prepare themselves for the party during the intro for Stage 6: I Gotta Believe!! Believe it or not, the song is sung by the same "Sandra" who did the voice for Instructor Mooselini. You can be fun to be around every day and night. And though things seem very crazy to me, You're a friend to me. Yes, a friend indeed. We can go almost anywhere, you and I, my friend. And I know fun is all that we will share. Oh yes, we can fly almost anywhere to a special place we can find. Just you and I. [Chorus] We can do it. Just keep your eyes upon the prize. We can do it, You and I if we try to fly. Wish you knew Just how very much that I care for you. And though things are always working, see, Yes, just you and me. My friend and me. Oh, you try so hard Just to please this girl that you've grown fond of. And I really do believe This is where we should be. [To Chorus] We can go almost anywhere, you and I, my friend. And I know fun is all that we will share. Oh yes, we can fly almost anywhere to a special place we can find. Just you and I. [Chorus until fade] ************************************** *4.2. Cool Mode and Game Over Scripts* ************************************** Of course, not every game is flawless in performance, as there is something that's very different from any video game: "PaRappa the Rapper" has a sort of performance meter called the "U Rappin' Meter" (you can call it "Performance Meter" whatever you like), which consists of four modes: Cool, Good, Bad, and Awful. You need to get your U Rappin' Meter to stay at Good Mode. If you mess up a few times, your mode will drop to Bad, and something bad may happen along with the music. Mess up again, and the mode drops to Awful, when the scene goes a bit worse. That's why you need to rap well in order to get your U Rappin' Meter up to Good again. If the meter dips below Awful, or if you've finished the song on either Bad or Awful, the game is over, and you have to start over again. On the other hand, if you somehow manage to get the U Rappin' Meter to Cool Mode, something wonderful will happen: the teachers will leave you to do your own freestyling, and cool scenery will occur, and it will end either if you mess up or if you play on through to the very end. Not only that, but you can get a Cool Mode Outro if you can play well, but only two- thirds of all the stages in this game have Cool Mode Outros. The following is the list of the Cool Mode and Game Over scenes in the script, so be careful, as there may be spoilers ahead. ~ i. Stage 1 ~ In this first stage, Parappa has to heed the call-and-response signal in the very first rap made by Chop Chop Master Onion: i.e., Chop Chop makes a call, and Parappa must follow with a response. If the U Rappin' Meter gets to Bad Mode, Chop Chop may kneel down, and a ninja will open up the floor panel and pop up many times in an alert. If it dips to Awful, then Chop Chop will lie on the floor in disappointment at your screw-up. If you have finished the song on Bad or Awful Mode or the meter dips below Awful, then he will get so disappointed that he will wave his hand to stop the music. Chop Chop: Again. Parappa (shrugs his shoulders): What!? On the other hand, if you somehow manage to get the U Rappin' Meter to Cool Mode, then Chop Chop will stop rapping. Chop Chop: Man, you're so good! I gonna lose money with students like you... Then he will knock off the walls of the Fruites Dojo along with the ceiling and fly away, turning it into an outside sunset scenery, and Parappa will get to do some freestyling of his own to rack up points, with a vision of Chop Chop on a mountain, and the pupils will get all red-headed with envy, until he either messes up and the meter drops to Good Mode again, at which point Chop Chop will come down again: Chop Chop: Hey, hey, hey! You're bad! You wanna try super beginner's course? ...and then you'll have to rebuild the meter up to Cool Mode again, at which point Chop Chop will leave again: Chop Chop: You're pickin' up too fast! I'm outta here! Either way, if you can manage to stay at Cool Mode until the end, the song will end with Chop Chop's voice sounding off with "WooooototototototoCHAAAAAAHHHH! That's it for today," along with the sound of a gong, and some cool Japan-esque flute music will sound. Chop Chop: Parappa, I'm so proud of you. Parappa will turn around to face Chop Chop in the distant sky while the latter speaks. Chop Chop: Congratulations. The camera will then turn to face Parappa again. Parappa: Alright! Thank you, teacher! He will then make a bow in gladness, and the scene will end. Cool Mode Outro: None. ~ ii. Stage 2 ~ In the next stage, Parappa has to pass the driver's test while getting through Instructor Mooselini's car rap. If the U Rappin' Meter gets to Bad Mode, the car will wobble around to the left and the right if it moves through the streets, and the bad music will sound. If it dips to Awful, the car will shake violently and drive out of control because of your reckless behavior. If you have finished the song on Bad or Awful Mode or the meter dips below Awful, then you'll fail the driver's test, and Mooselini will become extremely disappointed. Mooselini: You gotta do it again! Parappa (going up in close-up, shrugs his shoulders): What!!?? On the other hand, if you did manage to get the U Rappin' Meter to Cool Mode, then Mooselini will suddenly stop her rap. Mooselini: Hey hey hey, you sure know how to drive, man. I have nothing else to teach you no more! She will suddenly jump out of the car and fly out of nowhere with the car roof off. Mooselini: A, aa, aaah!! Then Parappa will do some freestyling of his own while driving the car through the streets, sometimes passing through Prince Fleaswallow giving a thumb-up on the way (how the hell did he appear on the streets?! I thought he was in Stage 3! O_O Never mind, I just found out that he only appears if you hold up while playing in Cool Mode.) and stopping, with a view of Mooselini floating on the sky in a roof/parachute, either until he messes up and the meter returns to Good Mode again, in which she will come down to him: Mooselini: I knew you were gonna screw up! ... or until the song finishes, at which point the car will stop, and she will continue floating around. Mooselini: Yeah! You, my boy, are the best! Parappa (waves up): Woh, really? I wanna thank you, teacher.... ....and the door. Cool Mode Outro: Parappa jumps up and down behind the confetti ball, which opens up, and confetti pours out of it as he waves in close-up, after which the picture of his smile is taken and put on the Rodney State Driver's License, complete with the name "PARAPPA", the ID number 000-003, and his signature that says "Parappa Rappa" on it before the scene fades to black. ~ iii. Stage 3 ~ In this stage, Parappa will have to team up with Prince Fleaswallow in keeping up with the rap while selling the goods for money to replace Papa Parappa's car that had been smashed into pieces due to the truck incident in the valley. If the U Rappin' Meter gets to Bad Mode, the "Master Prince Fleaswallow" sign will start to topple and cause a bit of a mess, along with the "Great Big Sale" sign to the right of it and the entire stand. If it dips to Awful, the tire hubs will bounce out of the toppling stand, the "Master Prince Fleaswallow" sign will fall onto the clothing line, the "Great Big Sale" sign will topple, the sombrero will fall onto Parappa's head, making him more like a Speedy Gonzales- like Mexican dude (LOL), and the flea market will become a big mess. If you have finished the song on Bad or Awful Mode or the meter dips below Awful, then the entire stand itself will collapse onto the ground, and Fleaswallow will turn around and look at the mess that was caused by your fatal mistakes. Fleaswallow: Uh-uh, uh-uh. Come on, let's do it all over again, all together now! Parappa (pulling up the sombrero over his head in disappointment): Are you serious? ... Man... If, on the other hand, you did manage to get the U Rappin' Meter to Cool Mode, then Fleaswallow will stop rapping. Fleaswallow (waves his hand): O, oh! You're too wicked for me. You don't understand what is love. Frogs need to hybernate [sic]! A hole will open up below Fleaswallow, and he will fall in while waving his hand. Fleaswallow: Wake me up if you have any trouble! Then Parappa will do some freestyling of his own while selling some good stuff for cash, while holding up a skunk and a bottle cap sometimes, and the camera sometimes moves to close-ups of all the antiques of the flea market; it will continue either until he messes up and the meter returns to Good Mode, or until the song finishes, at which point Fleaswallow will emerge from the hole of hibernation in the ground. Fleaswallow (overjoyed): Ya, man! Ya, man! Now you can get a better car than Joe Chin! Can I beg you a ride?... He raises his arms and laughs a bit. Parappa (smiles): Ah... sure! But I need to get any car first! He gives out a smile of joy as the scene ends. Cool Mode Outro: There is a scene of a brand new, topless red car that turns around as Parappa is in the driver's seat, and PJ is in the back, raising up his Boxy Boy in triumph, and Parappa jumps up as the car turns around from back to front as the car hood smiles and the scene fades to black. ~ iv. Stage 4 ~ In this fourth stage, Parappa has to make a cake for Sunny Funny while trying to keep up with the raps of Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken. If the U Rappin' Meter gets to Bad Mode, then Cheap Cheap will get angry and fly out of the TV screen and tell off on Parappa while trying to help him rap, all the while the music starts to sound a bit loud and funky. If it gets to Awful, her head will turn red with anger at his screw-up and she will fly around. If you have finished the song on Bad or Awful Mode or the meter dips below Awful, then Cheap Cheap will cluck in disappointment, turn to the microwave oven, and lay an egg on the counter that will hatch into a little chick. Chick (angry, in a highest chick peep): Peep! Peep! (Try again.) Parappa will shrug his shoulders in disappointment. If, on the other hand, you have managed to get the U Rappin' Meter to Cool Mode, then Cheap Cheap will stop her rap. Cheap Cheap: You don't need me. I'll just turn the TV off and rest. She will reach through the TV screen and use the switch to turn off the TV, at which the screen will go black, and Parappa will make and bake a heart-shaped seafood cake of his own, all the while doing his own freestyling, either until he messes up and the meter returns to Good Mode again, or until the song finishes, at which point she will flutter down to him. Cheap Cheap (smiles): That's my boy! That's my big boy! You were awesome!! Hey, seafood cake is OK, but you should try my new Cheap Cheap Cherry Cake for only $19.95! Parappa: Ah, yeah, I'll think about it. Cool Mode Outro: INT. PARAPPA'S ROOM Parappa is seated near the cake next to his bed, and he decorates the cake with the icing for a few seconds, revealing the words, "Happy Birthday Sunny", complete with the two shrimp on top and the star on the bottom. He makes a smile as he likes it, for he knows that tomorrow will soon come. There is a poster of Fruites Dojo with a pic of Chop Chop Master Onion on it behind him, along with the mirror and the closet. Scene fades to a picture of Sunny on his night stand, along with the "WipOut" item and the cake that has been all wrapped up in a present. Next to the stand is Parappa dressed up in his night cap and pajamas lying in the covers and looking at the cake for a few seconds, then he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep with a smile. The scene this time fades into a dream of Sunny blowing out hearts in front of the daisy cake while seated on the table for a few seconds before it fades to black. ~ v. Stage 5 ~ Stage 5 is the second-toughest part of all... literally. In this stage, Parappa has to beat out a long line of his teachers from the previous stages to the bathroom in a rap battle while maintaining his strength to hold it in and rap at the same time. If the U Rappin' Meter gets to Bad Mode, the sky will start to turn cloudy and rain while he tries to maintain his strength as fast as possible. If it dips to Awful, the rain will start to pour hard in a violent thunderstorm, complete with flashes of lightning, and poor Parappa's strength will wane out and begin fading REAL fast! If you have finished the song on Bad or Awful Mode or the meter dips below Awful... well, let me give you a hint: there are no discouraging words from either teacher or from Parappa, but the so-so news is that the rain will stop. The bad news, however, is that a farting noise will sound as Parappa's face will turn purple, he will get all queasy and zonked out, and all of his strength he had left to hold it in will be completely gone. The camera will then move up close to his stomach that will play out a real-life image of a rocket loading up for lift-off and launching up into the sky before the dots will merge into the rocket, forming lines around it and exploding in mid-air; the scene will then cut to a flaming meteorite that will come down crashing to Earth before fading out inside him. The hint indicates that... um... well... you can say that he will... either mess himself or explode into pieces, but I'd like to say that some things are better left unsaid. :P X_X Anyway, if you somehow manage to get the U Rappin' Meter to Cool Mode, however, then either teacher will stop rapping, and the scene will fade into a rainbow scene with Parappa inside it; he will run up to the restroom and open the door, revealing a toilet inside it. The restroom will fade out and the wall will turn into a floor that will bridge a long line of railroad tracks, then the toilet will be on a moving platform and move away, and poor Parappa will have to chase it with visions of the teachers popping up from the previous stages, all the while trying to maintain his strength to hold it in and do some freestyling of his own at the same time (!). This will continue either until he messes up (figuratively speaking, not literally, of course. :P) and the meter drops to Good Mode again (at which point the toliet will ride away and rainbow scene will fade back to the gas station again, after which he will try to rebuild the meter to Cool Mode again so that the rainbow scene will return, and he will find himself on the tracks and chase the toilet again), or until the song finishes, at which point the toilet will stop, and he will come up closer to it as the rainbow scene will fade into a close-up of the restroom door that will be left open for him, with the toilet still inside it, as if nothing had happened to it at all. Cheap Cheap (O.C.): It's all yours. The camera will move up inside the restroom as there will be a sound of its door slamming shut, and Parappa will pant and gasp for air in quick gulps and let out a sigh of relief as he sits on the toilet, exhausted of all his strength from all the running. Parappa (raising his hands up miraculously): *whew* That was close! He will let his arms down and a toilet's flush will sound as he will recover his strength and energy with a smile, and the scene will end. Cool Mode Outro: EXT. HOT GAS GAS STATION -- DUSK Meanwhile, Sunny is seated at the car when she hears a voice. Parappa (O.C.): Sunny! She looks around to see Parappa at the steering wheel, smiling at her like a time bomb defused. Parappa: Sorry to keep you waiting! I'll drive you home now. This time the scene fades out to Sunny smiling proudly, as if she knew that he had done excellently in the rap battle that had sapped up his strength, and she drifts off to sleep. He looks at her for a second, then the car starts driving and leaves the gas station before driving through passing cars and out through the streets as the scene fades to black. ~ vi. Stage 6 ~ This is the final, yet toughest, stage of all: Parappa will have to make everyone in Parappa Town proud of him by: A. making responses to the chorus of what he's "gonna do when they come"; B. follow the rhythm pattern of the beats to the words of MC King Kong Mushi (as there are no words to repeat); and C. having everyone respond by making a set of calls. And he must not flunk on either or all three of them. If the U Rappin' Meter gets to Bad Mode, the scene in Club Fun will start to turn dark, the music will start to fade out, and Parappa will be surrounded in a spotlight. If it dips to Awful, then the room will grow darker than usual, with Parappa still in the spotlight, and King Kong Mushi's and Parappa's voices will grow more acapella while the music fades away. If you have finished the song on Bad or Awful Mode or the meter dips below Awful, then the room will turn completely black, the music will stop, and everyone will leave except Sunny, whose spotlight will turn on with Parappa as he bows his head in defeat. Sunny (smiling as usual): Maybe next time. She gives out winks as usual, and Parappa's head bows back up in the agony of defeat. On the other hand, if you manage to somehow get the U Rappin' Meter to Cool Mode, then King Kong Mushi will stop rapping. King Kong Mushi: Alright, alright, alright! You got it! He will start to walk away. King Kong Mushi: Now take it away. Then, while the teachers are breakdancing, Parappa will do some freestyling of his own while the music plays and the singers and teachers are singing "You gotta do what!?", "Whatcha gonna do when they come?", etc., and Chop Chop may sometimes break-dance to the music; this will continue, either until Parappa messes up and the meter drops to Good Mode again, or until the song finishes, at which point the end will go into a "Somebody say ho!" session that could be automatic and will play on through to the end. The audience will cheer for Parappa, and he will end it with a speech and a bow. Parappa: Alright, alright! Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls!! Thank you so much! This was all made possible 'cause I never gave up & I always believed in my lovely Sunny Funny. Yeah. Thank you!! Scene will cut to a far-off view of the stage with PJ before cutting to a close-up of Sunny standing next to Katy and winking and smiling and becoming proud of him before it will finally end. Cool Mode Outro: None, because it's the end of the game. However, if you have performed all of the stages in Cool Mode, you will unlock a special stage called "KT & the Sunny Funny Band". The only fun you get in the stage is that you will use the D-Pad to move the camera around and change the color of Katy and Sunny's clothing and their dance moves, but that's pretty much it. However, playing through all the stages in Cool Mode sure was worth it, wasn't it? ;) # 5. Updates and Revisions # Version 1.0: 9/23 - Game Script started. 9/26 - Story Mode started. 10/3 - Story Mode completed; Miscellany started. Also fixed many tweaks here and there. 10/8 - Game Script finally completed. Version 1.15 12/2 - Fixed a lot of tweaks here and there, and added the Cool Mode Failure and Return Script for Stages 1 and 5. I'll see if I can find more Cool Mode Failure and Return Scripts for the rest of the stages. # 6. Thanks # My thanks go out to all the YouTube fans who helped me out in writing this script by recording the videos of this game and posting them onto YouTube in clips, without which my game script would not have been possible: aerolithoz: For the music video for "Parappa's Live Rap with MC King Kong Mushi" played out in perfect Good Mode. DerfsonicGaming: For the Bad and Awful Modes in Stages 1 and 4, for the Awful Mode in Stage 6, and for the Cool Mode Scripts and Outros for the game. H4NDCRAFTED: For the clarity on the intros for Stages 2 and 4 and the Pre-Game Intro. HigherPlainGames: For the entire story of the game, for the Bad Mode Script in Stage 6, for all the Game Over Scripts for each stage, including the Bad and Awful Modes in Stages 2, 3, and 5, and for the European credits at the end of the game. kirbyisrad: For the Stage 5 Cool Mode Failure and Return Script. Kittyslasher69: For the lyrics correction in the "Love You Rap". MasakaNaraku: For the Stage 1 Cool Mode Failure and Return Script. PlayStationCutscenes: For the U.S. credits at the end of the game. RhythmAndMusic: For the names of the rap songs in every stage. SpecialED77tag: For info on Instructor Mooselini's Cool Mode Failure Script. Also, thanks go out to: IMDb.com: For revealing the names of most of the cast members, including Michele Burks as Katy Kat and Cheap Cheap, and Lenky Don as Fleaswallow. PaRappa the Rapper 2 Instruction Booklet: For the names of some of the characters in this game that are revealed in "PaRappa the Rapper 2". Wikipedia: For information on the game and its characters, and for info on the game's original soundtrack. And special thanks go to the one guy at GameFAQs for helping me out on the game script: Ryouga, for the lyrics for "The Jet Baby Theme Song", the "Love You Rap", and "Funny Love", and for the info on the "KT & the Sunny Funny Band". Finally, my thanks go to GameFAQs for hosting the guides and being a great resource on the Internet; and to all the other in-depth FAQ writers and game script writers for a good deal of inspiration! You guys are the best! Copyright (c) 2009 by Deborah L. Kearns