===================================== = Phantasy Star Portable Titles FAQ = = Version 0.04 = = by Hahnsoo = = Last Updated: 03/13/09 = ===================================== This guide is a work-in-progress, and may take some time to complete. I felt that it was sufficiently complete to post on GameFAQs for now. If you have any questions, corrections, or concerns, e-mail me at: hahnsoo(^at^)gmail(^dot^)com The latest version will always be at Gamefaqs! Note: This FAQ pertains to the US version of Phantasy Star Portable. The information listed below may not be the same in the JP or EU versions. =============================================================================== Phantasy Star Portable tracks a large variety of achievements as you play through Story Mode and Multiplayer. Some of these achievements will give you a title. Various rewards are earned from achieving these titles. To get the reward associated with the title , you must enter the GUARDIANS Colony and go to Your room > Game achievements > Rewards. Some of the rewards are essential items such as the Resta TECHNIC and Goggles. Others are novelty items, like the Rappy Suit. Powerful S grade weapons can be earned from the various weapon titles. All titles in this FAQ are listed according to the order that is in the game's Title Log. To access this, enter the GUARDIANS Colony and go to Your room > Game achievements > Title Log. This list also separates the various categories of achievements with a line break. Title Name Requirements Reward ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- De Ragan Slayer Defeated 5 De Ragans Burn/Resist Zoal Goug Slayer Defeated 5 Zoal Gougs Cati/Rainbow Bil De Golus Slayer Defeated 5 Bil De Goluses Cati/Anti Down De Ragnus Slayer Defeated 5 De Ragnuses Solid/Anti Up Alteraz Slayer Defeated 5 Alterazgohgs Confuse/Resist Onmagoug Slayer Defeated 5 Onmagougs Silence/Resist Dimmagolus Slayer Defeated 5 Dimmagoluses Shock/Resist De Rol Le Slayer Defeated 5 De Rol Les Freeze/Resist Adahna Slayer Defeated 5 Adahna Degahnas Sleep/Resist Magas Slayer Defeated 5 Magas Maggahnas Stun/Resist Fakis 1st Slayer Defeated Dulk Fakis Form 1, 5 times Poison/Resist Fakis 2nd Slayer Defeated Dulk Fakis Form 2, 5 times Virus/Resist Super Rookie Defeated 100 creatures Laser Pannon Super Ace Defeated 500 creatures Din De Bel Super Elite Defeated 1000 creatures Sacred Dusters Super Hero Defeated 10000 creatures Bringer Rifle Creature Master Defeated all creatures Magana Slayer Combat Newcomer Cleared free missions 3 times Amore Rose Up and Coming Cleared free missions 10 times Samba Maracas One to Watch Cleared free missions 25 times Ank Bico Top Contender Cleared free missions 50 times Dallgunrod Ultimate Warrior Cleared free missions 100 times Robopitch Grenade Rookie Guardian Reached level 1 Goggles Young Guardian Reached level 10 Upgrade Grinder x10 Zealous Guardian Reached level 20 Upgrade Grinder x10 Solid Guardian Reached level 30 Upgrade Grinder x10 Guardian Officer Reached level 40 Upgrade Grinder x10 Superior Guardian Reached level 50 Aura Field 1st Class Guardian Reached level 60 Upgrade Grinder x10 Guardian Instructor Reached level 70 Upgrade Grinder x10 Elite Guardian Reached level 80 Upgrade Grinder x10 Guardian Hero Reached level 90 Upgrade Grinder x10 Ultimate Guardian Reached level 100 Whitill Wing Skill Master Raised 10 skills to level 30 Gravity Break Bullet Master Raised 10 bullets to level 30 Mayalee Fury TECHNIC Master Raised 10 TECHNICs to level 30 Megistar Angry Soldier Reached Hunter level 5 Gravity Strike Whirlwind Slicer Reached Hunter level 10 Tornado Dance Quiet Hunter Reached Ranger level 5 Penetrating Hit Lone Sniper Reached Ranger level 10 Boma Maga Shining Mage Reached Force level 5 Regrant Photon Wizard Reached Force level 10 Giresta Flying Berzerker Reached Fighmaster level 5 Dus Majarra Mega Destroyer Reached Fighmaster level 10 Anga Jabroga Magnificent Gunner Reached Gunmaster level 5 Twin Penetration Supreme Assassin Reached Gunmaster level 10 Killer Shot Spirit Sorceror Reached Masterforce level 5 Dizas Photon Protector Reached Masterforce level 10 Rentis Hurricane Striker Reached Acromaster level 5 Chikki Kyoren-jin Light Speed Killer Reached Acromaster level 10 Chuei Jitotsushin Stealthy Tactician Reached Protranser level 5 Mayalee Prism Explosive Maestro Reached Protranser level 10 Ikk Hikk Mobile Defense Cleared Chapter 1 in story mode Resta Intel Section Cleared Chapter 2 in story mode Cross Hurricane SEED Intel Section Cleared Chapter 3 in story mode Spiral Dance R&D Section Cleared Chapter 4 in story mode Masei-sou Rogue Family Cleared Chapter 5 in story mode Bukuu Saien-zan Armed Servant Cleared Chapter 6 in story mode Reverser AMF Elite Unit Cleared Chapter 7 in story mode Mayalee Hit Eternal Traveler Cleared Chapter 8 in story mode Absolute Dance Willing Martyr Became incapacitated 100 times Okikudohg Crusher Maximum damage exceeded 300 Final Impact Berzerker Maximum damage exceeded 600 Lollipop Annihilator Maximum damage exceeded 1800 Bardiche Meseta Tycoon Total Meseta reached 1000000 Meseta Fury Sword Collector Collected 80% of all swords De Ragan Slayer Knuckle Collector Collected 80% of all knuckles Gudda Igga Spear Collector Collected 80% of all spears Mugunburga D. Saber Collector Collected 80% of all double sabers Ragan-Ragan Axe Collector Collected 80% of all axes Ank Buti T. Saber Collector Collected 80% of all twin sabers Tyrant Spada T. Dagger Collector Collected 80% of all twin daggers Tamagiri-zashi T. Claw Collector Collected 80% of all twin claws Shide-Misaki Saber Collector Collected 80% of all sabers Apocalypse Dagger Collector Collected 80% of all daggers Deraga-zashi Claw Collector Collected 80% of all claws Ohga-Misaki Whip Collector Collected 80% of all whips Vish Diraga Slicer Collector Collected 80% of all slicers Asura-hiken Rifle Collector Collected 80% of all rifles Killer Elite Shotgun Collector Collected 80% of all shotguns Shigga Pakuda Longbow Collector Collected 80% of all longbows Nasuyoteri Grenade Collector Collected 80% of all grenades Gur Hanab Laser Collector Collected 80% of all lasers Love Inferno T.H. Gun Collector Collected 80% of all twin handguns Battlestopper Handgun Collector Collected 80% of all handguns De Ragun Crossbow Collector Collected 80% of all crossbows Cubo Simba Card Collector Collected 80% of all cards Kaza-kikami M. Gun Collector Collected 80% of all machineguns Deathrain R Mag Collector Collected 80% of all ranged mags Elsral Rod Collector Collected 80% of all rods Okarod Wand Collector Collected 80% of all wands Bajura TECH Mag Collector Collected 80% of all TECHNIC mags Delpi Cooking Fighter Obtained a grilling weapon Juicy Line Colony Tourist Completed all G. Colony free missions Tero/All Save Parum Tourist Completed all Parum free missions Solid/Bullet Save Neudaiz Tourist Completed all Neudaiz free missions Cati/TECH Save Moatoob Tourist Completed all Moatoob free missions Solid/Skill Save Not the Only Hero Played co-op multiplayer mode Rappy Suit Title Collector Collected 30 titles Opaopa PS Perfect Collected all titles Hyakkaryolan =============================================================================== Title Boosts The various Titles also give boosts to Meseta, Drop rates, Exp., and other stats. These boosts can be seen by pressing the Start button and opening the Community tab. They are located in the Boost Rate window on the bottom right. The following titles have boosts: Title Name Boost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Rookie Meseta +2%, Exp. +2% Super Ace Meseta +2%, Exp. +2% Super Elite Meseta +2%, Exp. +2% Super Hero Meseta +2%, Exp. +2% Combat Newcomer Exp. +3% Up and Coming Exp. +3% One to Watch Exp. +3% Top Contender Exp. +3% Ultimate Warrior Exp. +3% Young Guardian Meseta +2%, Exp. +2% Zealous Guardian Meseta +2%, Exp. +2% Solid Guardian Meseta +2%, Exp. +2% Guardian Officer Meseta +2%, Exp. +2% Superior Guardian Meseta +2%, Exp. +2% 1st Class Guardian Meseta +2%, Exp. +2% Guardian Instructor Meseta +2%, Exp. +2% Elite Guardian Meseta +2%, Exp. +2% Guardian Hero Meseta +2%, Exp. +2% Skill Master PA Multiplier x2 for Skills Bullet Master PA Multiplier x2 for Bullets TECHNIC Master PA Multiplier x2 for TECHNICs Angry Soldier Rare drop +2% Whirlwind Slicer Rare drop +2% Quiet Hunter Rare drop +2% Lone Sniper Rare drop +2% Shining Mage Rare drop +2% Photon Wizard Rare drop +2% Flying Berzerker Rare drop +2% Mega Destroyer Rare drop +2% Magnificent Gunner Rare drop +2% Supreme Assassin Rare drop +2% Spirit Sorceror Rare drop +2% Photon Protector Rare drop +2% Hurricane Striker Rare drop +2% Light Speed Killer Rare drop +2% Stealthy Tactician Rare drop +2% Explosive Maestro Rare drop +2% Mobile Defense Meseta +2%, Rare drop +2% Intel Section Meseta +2%, Rare drop +2% SEED Intel Section Meseta +2%, Rare drop +2% R&D Section Meseta +2%, Rare drop +2% Rogue Family Meseta +2%, Rare drop +2% Armed Servant Meseta +2%, Rare drop +2% AMF Elite Unit Meseta +2%, Rare drop +2% Eternal Traveler Meseta +2%, Rare drop +2% Meseta Tycoon Meseta +3% Colony Tourist Exp. +2% Parum Tourist Exp. +2% Neudaiz Tourist Exp. +2% Moatoob Tourist Exp. +2% =============================================================================== FAQ All of the Slayer titles give you a Unit (armor upgrade). All of the "Defeated X creatures", "Cleared free missions", and "Maximum damage exceeded" titles give you weapons. Some of them are gag weapons, while others are powerful uniques. Rookie Guardian gives you Goggles. You can access the Goggles by either the palette (the wrong way) or simply pressing Select and then the Right shoulder button (the right way). Goggles allow you to see destroyable objects and hidden traps. Superior Guardian gives the Aura Field, which is a Unit that makes you glow blue and adds a bit of stamina. Ultimate Guardian gives the Whitill Wing, which is a Unit that makes you glow with white wings. All of the Master titles ("Raised 10 X to level 30"), Battle Type titles ("Reached X level 5/10"), and Story Mode titles ("Cleared Chapter X in story mode") give various Photon Arts. Willing Martyr gives Okikudohg, an excellent TECH-Mag. Meseta Tycoon gives Meseta Fury, a Photon Art that allows you to shoot Meseta instead of bullets. Expensive! All of the Collector titles give you a powerful weapon of the same type that you collected. You do not need to keep weapons in your storage or inventory to claim the title. You just need to have owned the weapon at least once, which makes the weapon show up in your Weapon Log. For the Cooking Fighter title, you need to successfully use 10 grinders on a meat weapon without the weapon turning into a "Welldone" item. For the Tourist titles, you need to complete all of the free missions, which includes several Co-Op missions only available in Multiplayer Mode. You need to complete each difficulty rank of the mission (C, B, A, and S), but you only have to complete the mission once in either Story Mode or Multiplayer Mode. For example, if you complete Plains Overlord C in Story Mode, you do not need to complete Plains Overlord C in Multiplayer Mode (even though it is marked as incomplete). All of the Co-Op missions can be completed alone except for the Cost of Research missions in Neudaiz. All of the Tourist titles give a Unit (armor upgrade) that reduces PP spending for a particular type of Photon Art, at a certain cost (increased PP spending on a different Photon Art type or reduced stats). Not the Only Hero gives the Rappy Suit, a gag outfit. Title Collector gives the Opaopa, a rapid fire R-Mag. PS Perfect gives a powerful sword named Hyakkaryolan. When you start a New Game+ by copying a Clear Save character, you lose all of your titles. You can re-earn the titles as usual. Since you start with all of your levels, you will unlock several level and battle type titles when you first enter your room. For up-to-date information about this game (JP and US versions), visit: http://psupedia.info/PSP:Phantasy_Star_Portable =============================================================================== Version History --------------- 0.01 First Draft! 0.02 Added unverified information from JP Phantasy Star Portable title boosts 0.03 Added sites 0.04 Fixed error in bonus table (Story Mode chapters give Rare drop, not Exp) Credits ------- Thanks to my sweetie, Erica, for adventuring with me throughout the Gurhal system. Rocks fall, and everyone dies! Thanks to SEGA, Sonic Team, and Alfa System for making such a great game. Thanks to SONY Computer Entertainment for the Playstation Portable. Between this game and Monster Hunter, I'm completely swamped in awesome games. Thanks to PSUpedia for the JP Phantasy Star Portable Title Boost list. Copyright Notice ---------------- This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. The following sites have permission to use this FAQ as long as it is credited: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.supercheats.com http://www.1up.com http://www.neoseeker.com http://www.gamesradar.com http://www.cheatplanet.com http://GamersHell.com All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. In particular, Phantasy Star is a trademark of SEGA. Phantasy Star Portable is produced by Sonic Team and developed by Alfa System. Copyright 2009 Hahns Shin "A chaperone, then? Well played, friend." -Hyuga