_______________________________________________________________________________ Princess Crown – Final Chapter Translation by ZetaStriker _______________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. Foreword 2. Legal information 3. Translation 4. Version Information _______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Foreword: I was late to this particular game, seeing as how Princess Crown came out all the way back in 1997 and I’ve only just now finally gotten around to playing it. I went into it simply hoping to research the game that inspired Odin Sphere, as well as the origins of Vanillaware head George Kamitani. I got more than I bargained, and although the game is flawed compared to many of his later creations, I most certainly enjoyed my time with it. That said, as far as the non-Japanese community is concerned it has some pretty huge problems. First off, the only line-by-line English dialogue is in Anoop’s translation of the game, which due to a few liberties he took leaves a few things to be desired. The side routes are better explained, but they aren’t line by line translations and thus lack the impact they’d have in game. The game’s biggest problem, however, is that for anyone who can’t read Japanese there is no ending. I could find no material even so much as summarizing what is happening in the final chapter of the game, and as such I was forced off my lazy butt and had to translate it myself. And in the spirit of fairness, since I did all the work already I may as well share it with you while I can. TL;DR: There aren’t any translations of this out there, so I did it myself. To unlock this chapter of the game, you must beat Gradriel's story, then Edward's, followed by Propserina and Portgus' books in any order. A fifth, orange book will then appear on the far right. Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Legal Information: All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This is where more guides would tell you not to redistribute, but I don't really care. Go nuts. Slap your name on it and pretend its yours. I really don't care, so long as this information is of help to someone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Translation For the most part, this is only a translation of the dialogue itself. The actions on the screen should speak for themselves, although I have included descriptions of each scene transition to help you keep your place. There is a blank line separating the dialogue from each text box, so you can also track where you are that way. Other than that, it should all be pretty self- explanatory. [ After giving Grandma the orange book ] Grandma: At last we’ve reached the end of our tale. Would you like to read this book? [ Select the first option, yes ] Grandma: This tome is known as “The Final Legend”. Our story begins with . . . [ Scene change to Heindel’s lair ] Heindel: So, it’s already been a thousand years since my vigil over humanity began . . . Evil is fading from the world as love and faith are renewed. The goddess Gaia’s return is nigh. Now the three jewels have coming into my possession . . . and as fate decreed, Gaia has been granted the power to awaken. But if that happens, I will . . . I will entrust my fate . . . to that little princess. [ Scene change to Gradriel’s bedroom ] Voice: Gradriel . . . Valendine ‘s princess. Gradriel: Who speaks? Voice: Gradriel . . . Gradriel: Heindel? Heindel: Come outside . . . Gradriel: Did something happen? [ Scene change to the Castle Gate ] Gradriel: Heindel, what in Gaia’s name could have happened? Wait, those jewels are . . . !? Heindel: These are three of the four magic jewels crafted to summon the goddess Gaia back to this land. Gradriel: To summon . . .the goddess? Heindel: For now I will guide you to the goddess’ temple. There, all will be explained. [ A white flash of light teleports the two to the temple ] Gradriel: What is this place? Heindel: Once it was known as the Temple of the Goddess. While we’re here, no one else can interfere. I will be able to tell you all that needs to be told Gradriel: And what might that be? Heindel: As the one who forced back the god of darkness, you have a responsibility. Won’t you hear what I have to say? I will tell you of the fate of the gods . . . This story is of a time a thousand years in our past. You surely must know it as well . . . of when Gaia, the goddess of light, was able to defend this world. Larva, the god of darkness, had forced her hand when he was able to claim the world for himself by filling it with magic and hatred. They were unable to directly control the world by themselves, however. The god of darkness first turned to the humans to create the general of his dark army. You knew him as the demon king Volgrod. During the demon king’s army’s assault, love and faith faded from the land and Gaia began to lose her power. Using all the strength she had left, Gaia caught the demon king and his army in her chains, and sealed them away from the world of men. It was a risky gamble. Gaia began to fade away, and in order to ensure she could one day return to power she sealed herself into four jewels before she vanished entirely. Gradriel: And those would be these jewels here? Heindel: Of course. Gaia then changed the four gems into which she poured her life into four dragons. Each and every one of them was tasked with protecting the world from the powers of darkness . . . Gradiel: Heindel!? Heindel: The dragons that possessed the jewel of the earth and the jewel of the sea died during our thousand year wait. Edward killed the dragon who possessed the jewel of the sun, which was corrupted by darkness. And the final jewel, even now, resides within my body. Gradriel: But that’s . . . Heindel: My fate is to vanish when my duty is complete, at the time of Gaia’s reawakening. But I have lived too long and too well. The life I’ve chosen over the years has become quite dear to me. You represent humanity, Gradriel, in this accord. You can give them a chance. If you win, I will die and Gaia will be reborn. But if you lose, I will seal away these jewels, and the goddess along with them. Now take up your sword. It’s far too late to run from me now! Gradriel: You leave me no choice . . . [ After the battle ] Gaia: . . . Gradriel. Gradriel, can you hear me? Gradriel: You must be . . ? Gaia: I am Gaia. Gradriel: . . . the goddess? Gaia: That’s right . . . and thanks to you my powers have been returned to me once again. I swear to you now, that from today onward I will do all within my power to protect this land and its people. Gradriel: But for that purpose, Heindel . . . Gaia: Gradriel . . . he is not dead. As his duty ended, he simply returned to his true form. Gradriel: True form . . . ? Gaia: My heart was split into four pieces, forming the jewels you saw. In order for Heindel to watch over mankind, I applied a personality over the wealth of my knowledge. He still lives on, as me. Gradriel: Is that really the case? Gaia: Gradriel, please, let go of your sorrow. I’ve witnessed everything Heindel and the other three dragons saw of humanity’s conduct. In the past, those who had faced great loss maintained their faith, and the people were always able to find a compassionate heart within themselves. That’s why I wanted to stand as mankind’s guardian once more. Gradriel: . . . Goddess. Gaia: Darkness and light are two sides of one being. There is no reason to believe that Larva is entirely gone either. Darkness could cover the land once again if the hearts of mankind forget to love. This world could also become a paradise for your people. All will be decided by the thoughts and actions of you and your people. But I have faith in you. I have faith that you can build a peaceful utopia for all your people. Gradriel: . . . Goddess. I am still young, and don’t know if I can live up to what you wish of me. But . . . with my sisters, Jestonai, Edward, Portgus, my father Jadius . . . Together with all of them, I think I can bring happiness to the lives of my people from this day forward. Gaia: That would be wonderful. What is truly precious to me is that you all continue to work together without losing hope. And I will be here to stand witness to the results of your efforts. Now and forever. My light will always be with you . . . Gradriel: I’m glad. Gaia: Goodbye, Gradriel. Go and walk the path before you. Gradriel: Goodbye . . . goddess. [ Scene changes to the outskirts of Nutsville ] Aria: . . . yeah, that’s right. It was an awesome fight! And then at the end, the princess held up the crown . . . And it was all like, “Pakow!!!!”, and blasted that Larva jerk. Pink Fairy: Wow, the princess is amazing . . . Nils: Cool! He was an awful, huge monster, right? Aria: C’mon, something like a dragon or something ain’t no biggie. Tabatha: Then that woman who saved us was the princess . . . Nils: Let’s go, Tabatha! We’ve gotta tell everyone else! Tabatha: Yeah! Fairy lady, thanks for the story! I promise, I’ll never forget it. Yellow Fairy: Hey, wasn’t there more to the princess’ story though? I want to hear it! Aria: Huh? Er, this is a problem. Hmm, hold on a bit. I’ll try to keep going when I get back. [ Scene changes to the streets of Leland ] Presperina: Hold on hold on, don’t you run from me! You ate my snack you little . . . ! Gabriel: No, that was my snack-k-k-k. And right before I got to eat it some horrible person snatched it away from me-e-e-e! Prosperina: Is that really how you want to answer me? Gabriel, accept your punishment! Gabriel: Waaa! What the heck did you do-o-o-ribbit-t!? Turn me back-k-k-ribbit-t. Turn me back-k-k-ribbit-t. Prosperina: You’re saying “ribbit –t –t –t” now! Bu . . . bwahahahahaha. What’s that? Do you guys want to be turned into frogs too? Fufufu, There's no reason for me to hold back! Both Guys: Aaaaaaaaah! [ Scene change to Portgus’ ship ] Portgus: So you’ve come all this way just to be beaten again. Big Hook: Listen close, Portgus. You’re leaving this country, aren’t you? Portgus: Oh, and where might you have heard that? My disappearance should’ve been a good thing, but if you plan to use it as an excuse for violence I’ll make you regret it! Big Hook: Sorry to break it to you, but I’ll chase you to the ends of the earth, Portgus! I may not know where you’re headed, but I’ll get whatever treasure you’re after long before you! Pirate: Boss, what is he saying . . .? Portgus: Forget it! Men, we’re setting sail! [ Scene changes to Valendine Castle ] Gradriel: “Your heart imust always be true, and your sword used only in defense of the people." “No lie may pass your lips, and you must resist anger and hatred in all its forms.” “Edward Glowstar In accordance with the our law Please, recite your oath.” Edward: I do this not for anyone else’s sake. I wield my sword only to protect you. Gradriel . . . your majesty. “Like those before me I swear my oath, that I may bear this responsibility with absolute conviction.” Gradriel: “In the name of the Valendine line, I pronounce you a member of the holy knights.” [ Scene change to Gradriel’s bedroom ] Aria: Princess, princess. Geez, everyone just wants to sleep. Gradriel: This time the sorceress wreaking havoc in Leland must surely be Prosperina. Well then, I'm ready. Let’s go. [ Scene changes back to the book room ] Grandma: “And from then on, a long lasting peace was celebrated in the kingdom.” . . . and with that, we’ve gone through all of our story. I wonder what you thought of it? I too once had this story read to me by your great grandmother. And she in turn was told the story by a fairy, after which she wrote it in this very book. . . .? Your great grandmother’s name? Her name was Tabatha . . . [ Credits roll ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Version History Version 1.00 : Translation complete; submitted to GameFAQs