Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood! Castle Library Guide Version 1.00 Copyright 2011 by Rowell Rivera [Rick Rack Roo] ----------------------------- I. Table of Contents ----------------------------- I. Table of Contents II. Introduction III. Monsterpedia IV. Credits and Updates V. Legal Whosawhatsits ----------------------------- II. Introduction ----------------------------- Hi there, and welcome to my Prinny 2 Castle Library guide. I'm Rowell Rivera and go by the handle of Rick Rack Roo on the GameFAQs message boards, maybe you've seen me around. I previously wrote a guide for the first Prinny game similar to this one and I thought that I should make one for the next game. At first I wasn't since there's already a great guide by xarugas03 up but it hasn't been updated with this portion so I put it to myself to make it. Unlike the first Prinny game, the secret files are extremely easy to acquire. There is barely any need for mindless farming since it'll take only a dozen or so kills or so for a secret file to drop. As such I will actually only cover the main entry and a few notes for only a few of the harder-to-find entries as seen fit. If you feel that the guide is lacking somehow and would like to tell me, just drop me an e-mail to the ad in the fifth section. Everything for betterment, right? ----------------------------- III. Castle Library Entries ----------------------------- I'm going to present the each entry in the game listed order and add a few notes if needed in the following format: [Entry's Name] [Info] Secret [Info] [Notes] Let's get down to business now. ----------------------------- Green Slime Class: Runt Type: Sticky Life: Medium Stuns enemies with gas and eats them. They're more cruel than they look. May jump up and stomp on you/ Secret Gender: N/A Deadly Skill: Stomping Green-colored slimes. They never brush their teeth, so their breath smells really bad. Note: They do not photosynthesize. ----------------------------- Orcer Jelly Class: Runt Type: Hard Worker Life: Medium Related to Green Slime. They jump, but they don't travel horizontally. They just keep jumping in the same spot. Who knows what's on their minds? Secret Gender: N/A Mood: Hyper Yellow-colored slimes. They never wash their hands after going to the bathroom. Note: They do not taste like curry. ----------------------------- Red Blob Class: Runt Type: Playful Life: Medium Related to Green Slime. The best slime monsters of all time, because they spit hot fire. They usually stay in one place. Secret Gender: N/A Nickname: Red Slime Red-colored slimes. They never bathe, so they kinda reek. Note: Their reek does not smell like strawberries. ----------------------------- Ghost Fruit Class: Runt Type: Innocent Life: Low Delicious-looking demons that lure other demons in to touch them. They move by turning into worms. Watch out for when they speed up. Secret Gender: M Favorite Phrase: "I'm juicy." They hate rotten apples. Their motto is "Normal apples don't ripen..." We know... it doesn't make any sense. They're only in middle school. ----------------------------- Punching MOab Class: Runt Type: Chicken Life: Low They fight with their fists, but they have a very short reach. They're easily frightened, so if you get near them, they'll take a step back. Secret Gender: M Favorite Phrase: "I quit, man!" Warriors that take pride in fighting with their bare hands... Actually, they just fogot to bring weapons. They're good at flipping skirts. ----------------------------- Red Idol Class: Runt Type: Innocent Life: Very Low Magical creatures with vase bodies. As long as their main bodies are alive, they'll keep regenerating. They use various flying techniques. Secret Gender: F Members: Seven A seven member idol group. After Ritsuko quit, Moe replaced her. From front to back, Akina, Cindy, Samantha, Tome, Reiko, Moe, and Makki. Note: You don't actually have defeat the main body, so you can just hack away at the idols that spout out. ----------------------------- Moab Grunt Class: Runt Type: Aggressive Life: Low Moab peon soldiers. They're weak, but they'll slam right into you and not even care. They're easily frightened, so they run away if you surprise them. Secret Gender: M Hated Food: Pork Roast They're as weak as Prinnies. The bigger their bellies, the more attractive they are to other Moabs. ----------------------------- Moab Gunner Class: Runt Type: Aggressive Life: Low They use guns to attack from a distance. On a level plane, you can dodge their attacks by squatting. Their shots always come in pairs. Secret Gender: M Favorite Phase: "I'm the best!" "Everyone exists to serve me!" "I exist for my own amusement!" ... Then they lost all their friends. How sad... ----------------------------- Moab Glider Class: Runt Type: Paratrooper Life: Low Paratroopers that fall from the sky. They become Gunners once they touch down on the ground. Secret Gender: M Dislikes: Bungee Jumping They glide down from the sky on parachutes. Then they carry out their mission on the ground. They're really elite soldiers. That's awesome. Note: As stated there in the entry, you'll need to beat them in the air if you want to get their secret file or else you'll get Moab Gunners instead. ----------------------------- Cu Sith Class: Runt Type: Aggressive Life: Medium It looks like they're trying to pounce on their prey, but they're actually trying to jump over their prey. Their glowing shots are their main attacks. Secret Gender: M Hobby: Poetry I ran through the land like the wind and became a storm! No one caught up with me... and that's how I became a lonely wolf! Ah-wooooooh! ----------------------------- Fenril Class: High Runt Type: Aggressive Life: High They jump up, spin in the air, and then they come straight towards their target. Secret Gender: F Preference: Well Done Weird demons who like everything well-done. They often say "I'm worried about all that bacteria..." They don't like blood-dripping meat. ----------------------------- Baby Cu Class: Runt Type: Mocking Life: Low Baby Cu Siths. They're still trying to learn how to attack like adults. They're small, but they're still pretty strong, so use caution. Secret Gender: M Dream Job: CEO "I'm a Baby Cu! My dream is to be a CEO..." Of course, they can't really speak. The only thing thaty can say is "Bow wow wow!" ...Sucks to be them! ----------------------------- Cockatrice Class: Runt Type: Aggressive Life: Medium Even when they're sleeping, their tail is still on lookout duty. Some attack with flames, but the others are just plain mean. Secret Gender: M Nickname: Chicken Their heads and tails have minds of their own, but they're not that smart. Their minds aren't on speaking terms. They may even hate each other. ----------------------------- Barrel Monster Class: Runt Type: Innocent Life: Low They hide under barrels and jump out when enemies approach. Just touching the barrel can hurt you, so be careful! Secret Gender: ??? Favorite Show: Prank Jankers They train under thair barrels for 1000 years. THey love wet and humid places so much that they get really excited on rainy days. Note: These guys are actually kinda hard to find admittedly, try out the fifth Netherworld Valley stage just past the Moab Paratrooper area and before a checkpoint. ----------------------------- Walking Corn Class: Runt Type: Ambush Life: Medium They hide underground. Look for their red flair that sticks up above the ground. They jump out randomly, so it's hard to read their moves. Secret Gender: M Workout Routine: 1000 Stretches They're easy-going and optimistic. They're really into Netherworld Peace right now, so they go to discos every night and dis the suckas on the list. ----------------------------- Moab Sergeant Class: High Runt Type: Aggressive Life: Medium They get to ride in Gear Metal YAYs and get in the way of intruders. Just one shot from their cannon is enough to surprise your neighbors. Secret Gender: M License: Rickshaw Driver They ride in mass-produced tanks, but they get better mileage and are more efficient compared to their prototypes. That's because they're hybrids. ----------------------------- Dullahan Class: High Runt Type: Aggressive Life: Medium All attacks, even Hip Pounds, just bounce off their fiery heads. They are really strong. In fact, they're some of the stronger peons. Secret Gender: N/A Nickname: That Flaming Guy "You thought Hip Pounds won't work on them, but you actually can Hip Pound them after slashing them." - Courtesy of the Netherworld Strategy Group. ----------------------------- Bomber Imp Class: Runt Type: OCD Life: Medium Imps that carry bombs that they throw at their targets. They sometimes explode if they hold onto the bombs for too long. Secret Gender: M Wife's Name: Sachiko His wife asked him to take the trash out on his way to work. Now he has to hurry up or he'll be late to work. The recycling gets picked up next week. ----------------------------- Mech Dark Sun Class: High Runt Type: Hard Worker Life: High It attacks by firing from its defense satellite in orbit above Sandwich Palace. To counter attack, you must use the Judgment Point. Secret Gender: N/A Product Number: T184 A defensive satellite over Sandwich Palace that Marjoram made. It detects and attacks intruders, but its fuel efficiency is horrible. ----------------------------- Ghost Bomber Class: Runt Type: Nonchalant Life: High Despite their name, they don't really explode. They curl up as a defense mechanism to avoid being stunned. They sure do roll down a hill nicely. Secret Gender: N/A Team Name: NEW Team Bomber Team Bomber has returned as NEW Team Bomber. THey still flip Netherworld speed laws the bird. The only problem is they're only fast at rolling down. ----------------------------- Wraith Class: Runt Type: Manager Life: Medium Upper-tier ghosts who can create electrical fields. They sometimes do it even when there aren't any enemies around. Secret Gender: F Respects: Myself <3 Super populat among trendy young demon girls. I mean, like, totally awesome! Explosions, marriage, pregnancies... That's love, right? ...Like, totally. ----------------------------- Thief Class: Runt Type: Innocent Life: Medium They secure their bodies to the ceiling with wires and drop bombs. Sometimes other monsters get caught in their explosions. Secret Gender: F Favorite Person: Grandpa A little demon who loves her grandpa. In the summers, they visit farms together and steal sheep. Why? Because she's a thief! Duh. ----------------------------- Golem Class: Guardian Type: Aggressive Life: High Their other selves that come out of their mouths explode when hit. You can only kill them by destroying the lamp. Secret Gender: N/A Hobby: Antiquing The lamp or the golem: which one is the main body? That question has been asked many times over the years... I mean, the lamp is the main body. ----------------------------- Archer Class: Guardian Type: Lovely <3 Life: High Netherworld archers are often hired to guard bases. They never give up until they either win or get defeated. Secret Gender: F Comment: I'll do my best! Her popularity declined after the director cast her as the evil villain. She even receives death threat fan mail now. ----------------------------- Magician Class: Guardian Type : Hard Worker Life: Low Magicians in training who drop bombs from the air. They can choose betweeen defensive and offensive roles. Secret Gender: M Brothers: 3 Older Brothers He has three older brothers, but they all look the same. One theory states that he might break free of his mask when he reaches adulthood. ----------------------------- Navy Moab Class: Runt Type: Aggressive Life: Low Underwater Moab troops. THey swim under sea with spears. They're slow swimmers, and they drown if their headgear breaks. Secret Gender: M Cheesy Skill: Diving His hobby is gathering sea urchins and other sea creatures, but he gathered so many that he got in trouble with the Fisherman's Union. ----------------------------- Aqua Corn Class: Runt Type: Attacker Life: Medium Walking Corn that adapted to living underwater. They're definitely team players: if one jumps out, the rest will jump out with him. Secret Gender: M Special Skill: Netherbackstroke People think that they're a different species than Walking Corn, but they're not. They can jump freely underwater, but nobody knows why they explode. ----------------------------- Blue Idol Class: Runt Type: Powerless Life: Very Low The unmotivated version of Red Idols. Their inconsistent movements are due to their inconsistent moods. Secret Gender: F From: Tri-Nether Area Gathered from all over the world, they don't care about being popular. But, their apathetic attitude ended up attracting even more viewers. Note: Just like the Red Idol, you just need to defeat the individual members. Not like they'll care. ----------------------------- Underwater Mine Class: Guardian Type: Bitter Life: Invincible Floating mines that emit electrical pulse barriers when they detect enemies. Oh, and by the way, they're indestructible. Secret Gender: N/A Shock Range: 2 Meters A group of underwater mines that were left over after a war. They're very durable. They don't have a mind of their own, since they're just objects. ----------------------------- Shark Dragon Class: High Runt Type: Aggressive Life: High They're not hte fastest in the sea, but they're one of the strongest. Some spin around and cut through targets, and others spit out ice balls. Secret Gender: M From: Caribbean Handsome sharks who attract many other sharks. THey are regular customers at Carribean restaraunts. "Hey, babe! Got some shark in you? Wouldja like some?" ----------------------------- Ghost Class: Runt Type: Manager Life: Medium They float through the air and throw electricity. They look menacing, but they do it mostly just to release their excess voltage. Secret Gender: M Philosophy Hery: Prillenium Many of them are pseudo philosophers. "I think, therefore I am..." More importantly, should they even think at all? ----------------------------- Zombie Class: Runt Type: Aggressive Life: Low The jump up and down to attack enemies. THey're not very strong individually, so they usually come in large numbers. Secret Gender: M Status: Perfect Open them slowly to get the delicious juice inside. Their crunchy skin, acidic aroma and bleu cheese taste'll remind you of Mediterranean lemons. ----------------------------- Warslug Class: Runt Type: Playful Life: High Beasts that live near water. There are different kinds of them with different attacks, so it's important to first determine what kind they are. Secret Gender: M Secret Skill: Slurp! These creatures produce electricity. Some roll around or lift boulders off the grount to attack. They are really powerful creatures... ----------------------------- Marionette Class: Runt Type: Scared Life: Medium They juggle knives and throw them at enemies. They tend to freak out in close quarters comabt, since that's not really their thing. Secret Gender: N/A Trauma: Being Tossed Abandoned dolls in the human world that get possessed by souls and become demons. They're afraid to get near anyone else. That sucks for them. ----------------------------- Killer Puppet Class: Runt Type: Playful Life: Medium They spin around carrying knives. They are vicious killing machines, however, they're only just playing around. The eye of the spin is their weakness. Secret Gender: N/A Motto: Give It Your All Similar looking to the Marionette, they're demons born and raised in the Netherworld. They love to have fun, but their style of fun is cruel. ----------------------------- Metal Marionette Class: High Runt Type: Scared Life: Invincible Marionettes taht reflect various attacks. Like regular Marionettes, they are weak against shocks. Secret Gender: N/A Hobby: Sewing Several-hundred-year-old Marionettes that absorbed Metal powder. They're still Marionettes on the inside, so they sill have the same weaknesses. ----------------------------- Specter Class: High Runt Type: Aggressive Life: Kinda High They watch their prey from above and attack with electricity. They guffaw when they find prey, which has traumatized many demon peons. Secret Gender: M Favorite Food: Liver Sashimi A famous human sorcerer who died and revived as a demon. He's extremely powerful, but dies of shame if you Hip Pound him three times in a row. ----------------------------- Specter Mommy Class: High Runt Type: Nurturing Life: High She wanders around with her son at all times. She's never aggressive but you better avoid getting near her son. Secret Gender: F Special Skill: Babysitting A female Specter. She takes care of Specter Tyke like he's her own son. She shows her true potential when she sees anyone picking on Specter Tyke. ----------------------------- Specter Tyke Class: Runt Type: Momma's Boy Life: Very Low He has no fighting abilities. He hides behind his mom to survive in the Netherworld. He disperses into the air if he gets seperated from his mom. Secret Gender: M Latest Word: Mommy A child Specter. They are three brothers, Suta, Peta, Kuta. Kuta doesn't like going outside, so he stayed home. Mommy <3 ----------------------------- Moab Trainee Class: Runt Type: Hard Worker Life: Low They just run around the same area. They block all attacks from the front with their stacked trays. Some have higher stacks than others. Secret Gender: M Life Savings: 5,963 HL Moab Grunts that help out at Sakura Palace. They can't look forward 'cause of all the trays. Their defense is very high, and they're pretty cool. ----------------------------- Mothman Class: Runt Type: Aggressive Life: Medium They wander the skies, quitely hunting their targets. They drill down into enemies below them Secret Gender: M Favorite Theory: Chaos Theory Strong believers of the butterfly effect. They love thinking that their flapping is creating storms somewhere. Mothmen are moths... just so you know. ----------------------------- Unknown Class: High Runt Type: Aggressive Life: Medium Higher ranked female Mothmen. They attack from mid-range with supersonic waves. They're not good against attacks from above. Secret Gender: F In Front Fans: "Ah-wa-wa-wa." Their supersonic waves can do everything from cleaning the bathroom to getting out stains. ...But that's only wishful thinking. ----------------------------- Bombing Man Class: High Runt Type: Ecology Life: High Netherworld bombers that control three Ghost Bombers each. If one gets damaged, he'll quickly replace it. Secret Gender: M Favorite Phrase: "Sryah!" Tired of throwing veggies? Try throwing a Bombing Man. "Boy, that felt great!" That was just one sample of the many testimonials. ----------------------------- Ball Player Class: Runt Type: Roller Life: Low Cat Sabers that like to play with their own hairballs, which you can destroy. Once they master hairballs, they switch to metal balls. Secret Gender: ??? Secret Treasure: Cat Ball Cat Sabers that play with their precious hairballs. They throw a major fit if they lose them. Like... no joke. ----------------------------- Cat Saber Class: High Runt Type: Playful Life: High They control invincible R/C cars that follow targets. Once they spot you, you must defeat the main body to escape them. Secret Gender: ??? Name of Toy: Keiserburg II They really wanted a Keiserburg III, but because of the economy, they were only able to afford the previous model. Too bad! ----------------------------- Succubus Class: High Runt Type: Pusher Life: High Love Stalkers who sneak up on you with heart-shaped bombs. They have no malicious intent, but they'll shoot beams at anyone who runs away. Secret Gender: F Favorite Play: Rope Play They're actually reall into gaming. Gaming is the way they spend most of their weekends. ----------------------------- Lilith Class: High Runt Type: Pheromone <3 Life: High They telport from place to place to confuse their prey. You can't escape from their bat form. You'll have to read their patterned rhythm instead. Secret Gender: F Favorite Food: Yogurt 38-24-34 are their measurements. Their favorite foods are bananas and milk shakes. They're totally insinuating something. How filthy! ----------------------------- Lilim Class: High Runt Type: Pusher Life: Medium Related to Succubus. Their number of bombs and the effectiveness of their beams differ from Succubi. They have a wide tailing range. Secret Gender: M Measurements: 27-19-29 They're actually transvestites trying to be Succubi. Parsley is one of them. I heard cross-dressing is really becoming popular! ...In Hellywood! ----------------------------- Drunk Gourmet Ogre Class: High Runt Type: Drunk Life: Very High Without a doubt, he is THE top peon character. His skull-shaped Death Loogies can kill anyone he spits on. Secret Gender: M Say Anything: "I'm drunk!" One of the bosses from the first game. He's just hanging out, having a good time at Sakura Palace. Apparently, he's more powerful when he's drunk. ----------------------------- King Corn Class: High Runt Type: Ambush Life: Invincible Walking Corns that have hardened over several thousand years. They reflect all attacks, making them impossible to defeat. Secret Gender: M Kernel Count: 108 Each kernel represents a desire. He can become a pries once all his kernels fall off, but they're made of metal, so they never do. Oh well... ----------------------------- 3xIdol Class: Runt Type: Playful Life: Very Low Related to Red Idol. Each one of the three move with their own mind and persistently follow their prey. They're what you call professionals. Secret Gender: M Focus: "No cameras!" A boy band consisting of Jin, Junya, and Ryohei. Jin was photographed on his secret date with Ritsuko. Luckily, it didn't break up the band. Note: Like the other idols, you can get their secret file from just defeating the flying bodies. Hooray! ----------------------------- Imp Class: Runt Type: Ambush Life: Medium They surprise attack you from the air and slowly but surely capture their prey. However, they tend to wuss out when they take damage. Secret Gender: M Likes: Porn Nocturnal carnivorous demons. Their nightly rituals include prowling for prey and thrown out porn. They alwasy find something, no matter what! ----------------------------- Metal Imp Class: High Runt Type: Sticky Life: Invincible Metal-coated Imps. Their metal bodies reflect all kinds of attacks. They have no weakness, save for a broken heart! Secret Gender: M Favorite Phrase: "Screw my boss." Stuck in middle management, sandwiched between his subordinates and bosses. His daily routin includes talking smack about his bosses. Screw them! ----------------------------- King Specter Class: High Runt Type: King Life: High The king of Specters mercilessly attacks all insolent beings. He has no concern for commoners. His special Royal Guard is very powerful. Secret Gender: M Weekend Trip: Kabuki-Cho "Don't move if you ever encounter King Specter! You might be able to prevent fighting him this way." - Courtesy of the Netherworld Strategy Group. ----------------------------- Dimensional Blade Class: Guardian Type: Jabber Life: Low They are magical Guardian creatures. They quietly watch for intruders from between dimensions. They never leave their assigned territory. Secret Gender: N/A Current Pastime: Hiking Nethermount Fuji has driven back countless climbers trying to reach the top. "Let's challenge it together after this battle is over." Hell yeah! Note: These guys are only found in Martial Tower Abyss and only in a small section. After the 12th checkpoint and past the Golem. You only need to defeat five of them to get the file. ----------------------------- Eryngi Class: Support Type: Piston Life: High They can launch whoever lands on them to great heights. They never move from their position, but they have a high life level. Secret Gender: ??? Measurements: 38-38-38 It's actually trying to take over the position of the main character As a senior mascot character, it looks down on Prinnies. ----------------------------- Gargoyle Class: Guardian Type: Hard Worker Life: Invincible Guardians that protect various parts of the Netherworld. They have various shapes, depending on where you find them. Touching them hurts. Secret Gender: N/A Favorite Phrase: "Rock again?" They don't move, but they love to spit fire at intruders. If that fireball happens to be a direct hit on the target... ----------------------------- Trigoyle Class: Guardian Type: Hard Worker Life: Invincible Guardians that spit hot fire in three directions. You can't ride them, but you can jump from them with a Hip Pound. Secret Gender: N/A Hobby: N-SPAN "You owe us an explanation!" "We've said everything we can!" "You haven't told us the whole truth!" And the discussion continues... ----------------------------- Headjuggler Class: Guardian Type: Juggler Life: Invincible Some jump up and down, some jump around everywhere, and some hop straight ahead. You can't defeat them, since they're guardians. Secret Gender: N/A Hobby: Biking They are born when an old Gargoyle dies. They seem to enjoy being able to move around. "Yeah!" ----------------------------- Zombie Doll Class: Runt Type: Sticky Life: Super High Their life level is high, but you won't get many points. There's not much incentive to defeat these guys, but rarely, you'll find an exception. Secret Gender: N/A Current Pastime: "I'll grab you." Lucky Dolls that died underground and were revived as zombies. They say if you place one next to a Netherworld gold nugget, it'll turn gold as well. Note: The 5th Demonland stage is all you'll need for these buggers. Just hip pound at the very beginning. ----------------------------- Lucky Doll Class: Treasure Type: Chicken Life: Kinda High They usually hide underground, and pop out if they feel a shock. They are very quick on their feet. They can only see moving objects. Secret Gender: ??? Favorite Food: Gems They look like crystal objects. It is said that they bring good fortune to whoever cracks them, but no colelcter has ever cracked one to find out. ----------------------------- Gold Doll Class: Treasure Type: Very Chicken Life: Kinda High Lucky Dolls that have a golden glow. They're quicker than Lucky Dolls, but other than that they're pretty much the same. Just catch them. Secret Gender: ??? Special Skill: Warp On very rare occasions, a Zombie Doll will turn into one. It's a must-have item, not only for collectors, but for alchemists, too. Note: Again, the 5th Demonland stage is the way to go. With three Zombie Dolls, your chance to find a Gold Doll is multiplied by 3. ----------------------------- Presenter Class: Chest Type: Defenseless Life: Low Very rare demons. Rumor has it, they keep special treasures inside their bodies. Nobody has ever tried to verify the truth. Secret Gender: N/A Secret Ability: Sway Back If they trained to be pugilists, they'd all be top contendors for the World Title Belt. Can you Hip Pound it!? ----------------------------- Prinny Class: Hero Type: Weak Life: Very Low Sad little peon characters. Their only advantage is their large population. They're the main characters. They explode easily, so handle with care. Secret Gender: M/F Functionality: All-Purpose Peon Back by popular demand, or so it seems. Apparently, 99% of sales came directly from themselves... Just kidding! ----------------------------- Demonmail Class: Boss Type: Aggressive Life: Medium They are basically Dullahans inside and out. You'll encounter them in Tutorial Stage 2, from the Tutorial Manager. Their energy level is equal to bosses. Secret Gender: N/A Nickname: 2nd Class Killer Guard of the Tutorial. The flame on top makes them Hip Pound Resistant! They often become troublesome to Aramis. ----------------------------- Bouquet Garni Class: Boss Type: Capricious Life: Medium He spreads electronic pollen around that he uses to attack. He also does a drill attack from the air. He spreads pollen when he recovers from stuns. Secret Gender: M Hobby: Saving He's just a boy. He loves flowers and dreams of opening a flower shop. Weather Channel Piazo is filled with flowers because of him. ----------------------------- Morgan Class: Boss Type: Bitter Life: High He uses a dynamic two-sword attack, and also throws boulders. He's a professional fighter, and uses a variety of other attacks. Secret Gender: M Secret Treasure: Mustard Photos A top-class fighter. He practices with his dual blades, but it all comes down to his muscles in the end. He has a wife and three kids. ----------------------------- Bok Choy Class: Boss Type: Masochist Life: Very Low He's just a zombie with a higher life level. He acts like any other zombie, and he has no special moves. There's not much more to say about him. Secret Gender: M Likes: Toe Kicks It all started when he met her in the middle of winter at a harbor. He spent a total of 892 million HL and got her to agree to marry him... but...!? ----------------------------- Marjoram Class: Boss Type: Sadist Life: Medium She fires a triple cannon attack with her tank. Watch out for its rare hopping move. The tank is basically invincible. Secret Gender: F Most Proud of: Cyclops She devotes herself to her research with Bok Choy's funding. She loves Bok Choy, even though she has 33 other husbands. ----------------------------- Garam Class: Boss Type: Dark Life: Medium One of the Nightmare Bros. Attacking in tandem with his brother Masala is his forte, so avoid fighting both of them at the same time. Secret Gender: M Likes: Nightmare Items Resident of the Nightmare Realm. He increases his power by harvesting nightmare energy. His job is giving people nightmares. Hehehe. ----------------------------- Masala Class: Boss Type: Dark Life: Medium One of the Nightmare Bros. Attacking in tandem with his brother Garam is his forte, so avoid fighting both of them at the same time. Secret Gender: M Likes: Nightmare Items Resident of the Nightmare Realm. He increases his power by harvesting nightmare energy. His job is giving people nightmares. Hehehe. ----------------------------- Haldi Class: Boss Type: Tough Life: Medium A valkyrie who swings a giant axe. He's easy to hit and isn't too quick, but her axe attack is powerful. She uses a secret skill called Flare. Secret Gender: F Secret Treasure: Candy Wrapper She was never very lucky, but then her family broke up due to her brother's picky eating. She's trying to earn money to search for her lost brother. ----------------------------- Wuxiangfen Class: Boss Type: Rider Life: Medium Wuxiangfen and the Shark Dragon are as one. The dragon uses an ice cannon, and Wuxiangfen uses slicing attacks that hit close and far distances. Secret Gender: F Secret Problem: Being Short She runs an undersea restaurant all by herself. To feed her shark/partner, she catches demons that wander in. She's good at slicing. ----------------------------- Ji Guang Long Class: S-Demon Type: Aggressive Life: Very High Her bites and electric bullets are very powerful. Her body is protected by a hard shell, and it seems like she has no weaknesses, but... Secret Gender: F Secret Problem: Looking for a BF A dragon that hunts for prey at night. It's highly intelligent, it follows its prey back to its nest to swallow the entire family. Brrr! ----------------------------- Chili Class: Boss Type: Aggressive Life: Low She fihgts differently, depending on if she's alone or with her sisters. When she's with her sisters, she mostly uses support actions. Secret Gender: F Likes: Mom and Sisters The oldest of the triplets. She takes care of the younger two. She doesn't wear armor because she gave it to Pow when Pow lost hers. ----------------------------- Pow Class: Bos Type: Idiot Life: Low She catches her prey with a spear while summoning low-level ghosts. She always uses all her strength, so her spear often gets stuck in the ground. Secret Gender: F Likes: Mom and Sisters She's not the brightest, but she's the most aggressive of the triplets. She's also the most spoiled, and often gets lonely. She regards Chili as a mother. ----------------------------- Der Class: Boss Type: Aggressive Life: Low She has the same basic moves as Pow. She's the youngest of the three. She's so focused on reviving the Deity that she forgets she's part of a team. Secret Gender: F Likes: Mom and Sisters The youngest of the triplets. She looks identical to Pow. She's quiet but her desire to revive the Deity is the strongest of the three. ----------------------------- Deity Class: S-Demon Type: Sensitive Life: Very High His evil swords, Hatred and Animosity, are his primary weapons. You can't attack him directly, so use the Judgment Point to hit his weak spots. Secret Gender: M Level: Overlord Level After his wife passed away, he retired on a farm to live alone. His name is Dolvalky. He looks forward to seeing his son's family every weekend. ----------------------------- Sage Class: Boss Type: Lazy Life: Medium A samurai who excels in sword fighting and fire magic. Aerial battles are his forte, so it's probably better to try to get him while he's on the ground. Secret Gender: M Secret Skill: Darkness Slash A samurai on a journey to master the sword. He acts like he's not interested in the opposite sex, but let's hope that's not true. ----------------------------- Mustard Class: Boss Type: Girly Life: Medium She never attacks directly. Instead she summons peons and cheers them on to fight for her. She's a professional talent scout. Secret Gender: F Problem: No Shadow She's possessed by the ghost of the palace's original owner on the night of the full moon, but she never remembers. Her body is worn out. ----------------------------- Joshua Class: S-Demon Type: Loud Life: N/A The dispatcher of elemental magic who battles indirectly. She helps out the Phantom Thief with ice barriers and by destroying Judgment Points. Secret Gender: F Talking To: Tokonatsu The Dispatcher of Ice Magic but most of the time she's out spending her savings. Her giant measurements are 622-480-724. ----------------------------- Darth Moab Class: Boss Type: Cool Life: High An assassin with an incredible amount of dark power. He attacks by shooting dark lasers and throwing boulders. Secret Gender: M New Power: Dark Power Morgan's younger borhter. A Professional Assassin. He's good at aerial battles. He can attack from various distances. ----------------------------- Black Prinny Class: Boss Type: Piles Life: Very Low You can only win by defeating all 100 of them. Their superior numbers are their only advantage, which you should be sort of familiar with. Secret Gender: M/F Party of: 100 A suit made from the Prinnies' salary. It sneaks around doing whatever it wants, since its not brainwashed by Etna. Is this how Prinnies really act? ----------------------------- Twei Hander Class: Support Type: Airship Life: High A powerful flying ship. It fires its cannons as its main attack. It can detach its sub-engines and throw energy balls from both sides. Secret Gender: N/A Rental Fee: 30,000 HL/Day It doesn't actually belong to the Phantom Thief. He rented it from MAL (Makai Airlines). It's a great way to rack up evileage points. ----------------------------- Phantom Thief Class: Last Boss Type: Sticky Gent Life: High The infamous Phantom Thief who flies through the night sky. He attacks with a magic staff and cards, and confuses enemies by teleporting. Secret Gender: M Real Name: Lord Junkie 75-50-75! A gentleman knows every girl's measurements! All men should develop this skill! Let's build a utopia! Let's go! ----------------------------- Junkie Etna Class: Last Boss Type: Master? Life: Super High The ultimate bodysuit, powered by evilness. You can also inflict damage by attacking the floating objects. She's super challenging! Secret Gender: N/A Life Span: Exactly 3 mins Everythng about it is the same as the original! It's not very eco-friendly, as it uses a tremendous amount of energy. ----------------------------- Flonne Class: Boss Type: Fallen Angel Life: High A fallen angel who attacks with triple jumps using her Hopper Junior and Heart Bombs. Her hearts' after-images can be troublesome. Secret Gender: F Current Pastime: Go Gorillian! A Fallen Angel who loves heroic stories. It is said that she's the one who prepared all the cannons that appear in this game. ----------------------------- Sir Sweet Class: D-Lord Type: Sugary Life: Very High He still uses those familiar attacks that make use of various sweets. Despite his ridiculous appearance, he is very straight-edged. Pudding <3 Secret Gender: M Seasonal Sweet: Pumpkin Pie He could've been the last boss. He's a Demon God with a sweet tooth. If you wanna know more, go play the first game! ...I mean please. ----------------------------- Prinny Laharl Class: Overlord Type: Me Life: Very High Blazing Knuckle, Overlord's Wrath, and Might Me Impact... You won't mistake him for a normal Prinny. His powerful skills are still there. Secret Gender: M Recent Skill: Mighty Me Impact An Overlord who died in a battle between Celestia and the Netherworld. He wasn't involved in the panty incident. ----------------------------- Overlord Priere Class: Overlord Type: Plump Life: Very High Energy bullets from the sky, triple hits on the ground, and Confessions... There's no time for you to check out her curvaceous body! Secret Gender: F Favorite Food: Pork Roast An ex-saint Overlord from another Netherworld. She's got a plump, chunky body. Due to her vicious nature, no demon has survived encountering her. ----------------------------- Eryndum Class: Tyrant Type: Nonchalant Life: Super High A Super Overlord who rampages around with its heavy body and laser attacks. Hip Pounds are ineffective. Secret Gender: N/A Catch Phrase: "Umm, Ernydum?" A super mysterious creature. Some say it's an Eryngi that's possessed by Baal, but no one knows. "...You're pissing me off, gii!" ----------------------------- Baal Reborn Class: Tyrant Type: Nonchalant Life: Super High He uses tornados and Sword Rain to mercilessly destroy enemies. Does Baal Reborn have no weaknesses? Secret Gender: N/A Replay Status: About 40% Baal's body is regenerating inside the abyss of Martial Tower. He's at about 80%. He's still got a ways to go, but he's still hella powerful! ----------------------------- Prinny Baal Class: Tyrant Type: Nonchalant Life: Super High He flies around freely. His rain of swords and Grand Sword are incredibly powerful. He also has very high life level, so he's hard to beat. Secret Gender: N/A Hobby: Vacationing The Tyrant Overlord who destroyed various Netherworlds. His body was destroyed and he became a Prinny. Still, his power is very, very scary. ----------------------------- Demon Lord Etna Class: Master Type: Capricious Life: Very High She slowly but surely gets enemies by releasing dancing Prinnies. To stun her, you must Hip Pound her body. However... Secret Gender: F Measurements: "You wanna die?" She won't fight you directly, but you can still feel her great power. Defeat her and you'll finally reveive that item... but...!? ----------------------------- Prinny Asagi Class: Idol (?) Type: Unlucky Life: Ratings She used to be a normal human, Asagi Asagiri, but she blew up in the last title and died. Now she's a Prinny. She's still determined... Secret Gender: F Asagi: Forever Like the other Asagis, she's fighting to be the main character. She has an unexpecting ending. What happened? We'll leave that up to you... ----------------------------- Asagi the Beetle Class: Boss Type: Sloth Life: Medium He's very small and had to spot. It can get pretty annoying. He quickly charges straight into you as a surprise attack. Secret Gender: M Promised Land: The Woods It has been discovered that there are quite a few insect Asagis. The researchers nodded as if they knew it all along "..Mmhm." ----------------------------- Asagi Doll Class: Boss Type: Envy Life: Very High She uses an Asagi robot to punch, stomp, and shoot Magic Bullets. Sometimes she throws Prinnies, too, but nobody knows where she got them. Secret Gender: F Catch Phrase: "I'm a doll!" Other than the fact that she's a doll, she's one of the closest to being the real Asagi. She met the robot at a cafe, where they promised to team up. ----------------------------- Schwarzinnature Class: Boss Type: Pride Life: Medium A dangerous Asagi who travels through space, fighting with various weapons. Pssst... he's an old man. Secret Gender: M Favorite Food: Teriyaki Pizza His name is Asagi Schwarzinnature. His fans call him Ahsagee. He's an actor with a muscular body. He'll be back! ----------------------------- 8-bit Asagi Class: Boss Type: Gluttony Life: Medium She's mini-sized at first, but she fights with a Yoshitsuna Ver. 8-bit and grows by eating eggplants. Anything goes. That's old-school. Secret Gender: F Favorite: Sweets A retro style Asagi from the world of an 8-bit console. Her beepy voice is very cute and her dialog box is also quite attractive. ----------------------------- Zombie Asagi Class: Runt Type: Rotting Life: Very Low They're basically normal Netherworld zombies. They used to be regular Asagis from around the world. Secret Gender: F Letter From: 665th Asagi I fought her and lost... Losing is an automatic sentence to becoming her slave. Whichever Asagi you are, please live. That's our only wish-... ----------------------------- Asalindt Class: Boss Type: Lust Life: Very High She just loves to sit on top of her tank and watch the mass murder happen. Sometimes she'll grow impatient and start shooting with her tank. Secret Gender: F Favorite Phrase: "Assimilate!" A demon Asagi who rules the frontiers of the Netherworld. Her power has surpassed many Asagis. In fact, she has 665 zombified Asagis slaves. ----------------------------- Asagi Kurosugi Class: Boss Type: Greed Life: High An orthodox human Asagi. She uses two guns and singing to attack. Her theme song is played during battles. Secret Gender: F From: Asakusa, Tokyo An ambitious, 16-year-old girl. Her theme song symbolizer her wish to surpass the real Asagi and become the real Asagi herself. ----------------------------- Asagi ECross Class: Secret Type: Dazzling Life: Super High A weapon that shoots round lasers and floating musical notes out of its speakers. FYI, the right speaker is the dad and the left is the mom. Secret Gender: F E is for: Excellent A battle mech that costs 100 million HL. It was paid entirely by generous donations from Kurosugi's fans. "Anything for Big Sis!" ----------------------------- Barrel Class: Aid Type: Explosive Life: Low A powder keg that explodes on impact. Throw a bomb or stunned enemy to make it explode. Slashing it or throwing the barrel itself won't do anything. Secret Gender: N/A Made in: Unknown Masterpieces of oak. One can cost up to a few thousand HL. Nobody knows when or why they started being scattered all over the place. ----------------------------- Bomb Class: Aid Type: Bombastic Life: Low Press the [Triangle] button to lift and throw. Its explosion inflicts damage to its surroundings. Stay away or you might get caught in the explosion, too. Secret Gender: N/A Secret Info: It's edible. It's actually a special plant that only grows in the Netherworld, but it looks like a normal bomb. It explodes in exactly seven seconds. ----------------------------- Magic Carpet Class: Floater Type: Hard Worker Life: N/A A carpet that wanders around the Netherworld. It moves around randomly, but if you're a master you can read its next move. Secret Gender: N/A Voice: "Wanna ride me?" Magic carpets that wander around the Netherworld. No matter where you put it, they always go right back to where they came from. ----------------------------- Scarecrow Class: Guide Type: Too Nice Life: N/A A nice guy who tells you where to go with the sign around his neck. Some of their noses glow when the Boss Switch is near. Secret Gender: M Current Pastime: Writing Songs They're possessed by ghosts of human travelers who died of starvation. They exist only to help living travelers in the Netherworld. ----------------------------- Weathercock Class: Obstacle Type: Hard Worker Life: N/A A weathercock that tells you where the wind blows. The number of arrows tell you the strength of the wind, while the X meands the wind has stopped Secret Gender: N/A Special Skill: Evil Wind A recent discovery revealed that these weathercocks are the ones who are creating all the wind... but some people probably already knew that. ----------------------------- Etna Scarecrow Class: Aid Type: Break Life: Very High Scarecrows that look like Etna. They've been popping up all over the Netherworld. Slashing them increases the combo gauge quickly. Secret Gender: N/A Secret Function: Hidden Camera Etna ordered Aramis to put them all over to keep track of the Prinnies. She's keeping track of how many they have destroyed. *gulp* ----------------------------- Judgment Point Class: Trap Type: Mystery Life: N/A AKA Action Switch. Pound it into the ground with a Hip Pound to activate some kind of action. Like... kettles! Secret Gender: N/A AKA: Trap Switch Kind of like a time machine. Shove a skull into the ground to activate it. The best part is that a kettle will fall from the sky when it's activated. ----------------------------- Atonement Gate Class: Gateway Type: Forceful Life: N/A AKA Boss Switch. Pound it into the ground with a Hip Pound to open up a gate to the boss stage. Secret Gender: N/A AKA: Bruce Switch A switch that opens up a space between dimensions. The boss rooms are usually located beyond the dimension, so you have to activate this to get there. ----------------------------- Revive Point Class: Savior Type: Revive Life: N/A Aka Restart Switch. Pound it into the ground with a Hip Pound to create a rune, which allows you to revive from there when you die. Secret Gender: N/A AKA: Whew Switch A teleporter that's activated by shoving a skull into the ground. It instantly sends out another Prinny from the base. ----------------------------- Gear Metal YAY Class: Tank Type: Mighty Life: High Press the [circle] button to turn this heavy tank around. It's slow, but hold down the [square] button to fire a super powerful cannon. It's pretty awesome. Secret Gender: N/A Cannon Speed: Mach 4 A destructive weapon originally invented to fight against Demon Lords. Its hammer weapon can defeat any Demon Lord with just one hit... No way! ----------------------------- TX-6 Jumpstart Class: Tank Type: Floaty Life: Low A light tank constantly jumps up and down. The cannon is kinda weak. Press the [X] button when it jumps to do a high-jump. Secret Gender: N/A Production Cost: 69 Million HL It uses a special synthetic metal that is rumored to be difficult to handle. Its large engine controls its jumping power. Is that true!? ----------------------------- CX-3 Hellyes Class: Tank Type: Portable Life: Medium A unique-looking tank that's equipped with an autopilot. Press the [square] button to shoot the lasers. It's also equipped with an autogunner. Secret Gender: N/A Distance: Eternal A tank made with advanced Netherworld technology. It's fueled by the energy of creatures. Raised your hand if you know what I'm talking about! Nice try. ----------------------------- CX-4 Hellwater Class: Tank Type: Portable Life: Medium A CX-3 Hellyes for underwater use. A unique-looking tank that's equipped with an autopilot. Mash the [square] button to activate the electrical field Secret Gender: N/A Nickname: Underwater Thing A CX-3 Hellyes submarine! It produces an electrical field that burns enemies to ashes. You can even grill fish with it! Awesome! 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ----------------------------- CX-5 Hellsprout Class: Tank Type: Slippery Life: Very Low A tank that has no weapons. Sit on it wand it'll dart straight ahead. Press the L and R buttons to speed up or slow down. Press the [X] button to jump. Secret Gender: N/A Nickname: Sliding Thing Invented by Netherworld Biotech, LLC. An eco-tank made from plants. It only slides straight ahead, but it's destroyed by minor impacts. ----------------------------- Flan Class: Sweets Type: Sweet Life: N/A Get 100 points upon acquiring it. You can find it all over the Netherworld. It's usually alongside major streets. Use it as a guide... A tasty guide. Secret Gender: N/A Points: 100 Generic sweets that you can find anywhere. Its bounchy appearance and delightful taste attracts many sweet lovers. ----------------------------- Shortcake Class: Sweets Type: Sweet Life: N/A Get 300 points upon acquiring it. It's a rare find compared to Flan, so it kinda makes you happy to find it. It's usually found in dangerous areas. Secret Gender: N/A Points: 300 One of the first sweets novice sweet lovers enjoy. The moist, soft sponge cake is actually loaded with destructive power. ...It smells great! ----------------------------- Parfait Class: Sweets Type: Sweet Life: N/A Get 500 points upon acquiring it. You'll only find these in dangerous areas. Many have died by trying to get one. Secret Gender: N/A Points: 500 It's hard to find these top tier sweets. Some people will go to great lengths to find them, including kidnapping and blackmail. ----------------------------- Sweets Pack Class: Sweets Type: Economy Pack Life: N/A A packaged deal that includes 10 Flans, 5 Shortcakes, and 3 Parfaits. Where can you find one? That's a secret <3 Secret Gender: N/A As Good as: Family Size Various sweets packaged all together. It's recommended for bulk sweet lovers. Calling it the ultimate sweets item isn't an exaggeration. Note: You'll get this once you unlock Classic Break. ----------------------------- Netheryam Class: Aid Type: Fly Life: N/A You won't be able to do nything but pass gas after grabbing one. Press the [X] button to unload and just enjoy the flight. Recommended for experts. Secret Gender: N/A Pronunciation: Nether-Yam Yams grown in the Netherworld. The gas lasts for five seconds. No demon can stand after getting smothered by the gas. It's got a ferocioius flavor. ----------------------------- Diaper Class: Aid Type: Restore Life: N/A A fresh spare diaper that only appears on Baby Mode stages. Grab one to restore one life, which is displayed at the top left. Secret Gender: N/A Catch Phrase: No Leakage <3 A Netherworld diaper. You can wear up to three layers at a time. With this, you can have "accidents" wherever you want. Worn by jealous Nethernauts. ----------------------------- Break Donut Class: Aid Type: Break Life: N/A Eat this to enter Break Mode. It's the strongest sweet. Unlike other sweets. This one doesn't have any other value at the base. Secret Gender: N/A Produced by: Demon Donuts Demon Lord Etna's favorite donut. Someone once raided her stash of these, but that's a story for another time... Haaaah hahahaha! ----------------------------- DC (Temp) Class: Aid Type: World Peace Life: N/A Press the [square] button to play the guitar and increase the Break Gauge. You can't switch to a different weapon until you use the Magic Bullet. Secret Gender: N/A Nickname: Guitar It's full name is the Dream Caster. Pick one up to channel the soul of a rock 'n roller. You can't switch weapons... so it's basically a curse. ----------------------------- Meow (Temp) Class: Aid Type: Mad Popular Life: N/A Press the [square] button to pet Meow, and the Viewer Ratings will shoot to 100%. You can't switch to a different weapon until you pet her. Meow <3 Secret Gender: F Dislikes: Cigarette Smoke Pick one up and you'll be cursed with a meowy soul. You can't switch your weapon. Pet it to greatly increase the Viewer Ratings! ----------------------------- Save Manager Class: Resident Type: Pusher Life: N/A An important resident who saves your game progress. He looks important cuz he has a big sign. ...Drinking Prinny Juice all day long looks gross. Secret Gender: M Dislikes: Double Dipping He's become rather popular with his user-friendly sign. He's one of the best at producing Prinny Juice. ...No wonder Etna didn't want any. ----------------------------- Replay Manager Class: Resident Type: Forgetful Life: N/A She not only stores replay data, but she also plays your footage for you. Press the[triangle] button when you die to record a replay. Secret Gender: F Job: Filmmaker She won the prize for Best Documentary at the Sun Demon Film Festival and became well-known as a one-hit-wonder. Alright, cut! ----------------------------- Data Manager Class: Resident Type: OCD Life: N/A A data maniac who loves to keep various records. He also keeps track of your Rare Items and Netherawards. He's useful when you're grinding. Secret Gender: M Current Pastime: Flip Books His current hobby is keeping track of the Prinnies. "Trying to keep up with how fast they die is rather enjoyable," he says. That bastard! ----------------------------- Asst. Prof Lucky Class: Resident Type: Collector Life: N/A Depending on the number of Lucky Dolls you bring to him, he'll give you cool items. Go find those dolls! Secret Gender: M Secret Treasure: Badass Chainsaw An assistant professor who searches the Netherworld for Lucky Dolls. He's Professor Lucky's son. He dresses like an adventurer, but he isn't one. ----------------------------- Concierge Class: Resident Type: Nice Lady Life: N/A Your base concierge who invites each facility. You'll need an invitation and sweets to invite one. You can also access each facility from here. Secret Gender: F Measurements: 37-22-36 Her real name is Jennifer, a genius who created Thursday at the age of 5. She can't stand slimy creatures. She likes teaching sex-ed. ----------------------------- Runaway Manager Class: Resident Type: Cruel Life: N/A A resident who'll help you run away. It's nice when you want to restart the game from the beginning while keeping all your data. Staff roll! Secret Gender: M Real Job: Pant Tailor He's just bad news. Talk to him and he'll tempt you into running away. Don't fall for it when he asks if he can measure your inseam! ----------------------------- Music Manager Class: Resident Type: Rebel Life: N/A The son of a musician who collects Netherecords. If you clear the game once, you can play any song on any stage. Secret Gender: M Skill: Super Gyro Ball A trainee at the Music Shop. He was a child prodigy in music, but his dream is to play baseball. He's at the age where he needs to find himself. ----------------------------- Dimension Guide Class: Resident Type: Drama Queen Life: N/A A resident who will send you through time and space. See her when you want to go to a stage that you've alread cleared or downloaded. Secret Gender: F Current Pastime: Hubby Hunting She's such a perfectionist that no guys want to approach her. She keeps going back to the past, before she turned 30. ----------------------------- Tutorial Manager Class: Resident Type: Loyal Life: N/A A boy demon who teaches the basic knowledge needed to complete your mission. You can play around in the tutorial stages and review details. Secret Gender: M Hobby: Making Zombies He's Etna's servant, Aramis. Etna ordered him to help the Prinnies complete their mission. His relationship with Etna seems sketchy. ----------------------------- Delivery Samurai Class: Resident Type: Honest Life: N/A A special resident that appears after obtaining a P-Weapon. You can ask her to place your P-Weapon in a stage, if you want to. Secret Gender: F Full Name: Kaigara Yatsuha The heiress to the famous Yatsuha P-Weapon delivery family. This is her first job, so he's totally excited. ----------------------------- IV. Credits and Updates ----------------------------- Thanks to: NISAmerica, for localising and producing this awesome sequel Takehito Harada, for his wonderful character designs that I adore The Prinnies, their deaths will not be in vain. We will never forget! GameFAQs and SBAllen, for actually hosting the FAQ. Your Mom, she's an upstanding woman. You, for taking the time to read this. Myself, I wrote. I deserve a pat on a back. Version: 1.00 - The completed FAQ. ----------------------------- V. Legal Whosawhatsits ----------------------------- This document is Copyright 2011 by Rowell Rivera [Rick Rack Roo]. This FAQ may only be used by and by no other site.This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If any help with this is needed, please contact