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XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXX _, ,-^ XXXX XXXX XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ^-../ -- GENERAL FAQ -- by xarugas03 X=============================================================================X |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| I. PRELUDE |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| X=============================================================================X X----GUIDE INFORMATION--------------------------------------------------------X | | | GAME: Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood! | | SYSTEM: Playstation Portable (PSP) | | GENRE: Single-Player 2D Action Platformer | | RELEASE: March 25, 2010 (JPN Release) | | January 11, 2011 (US Release) | | GUIDE: General FAQ | | AUTHOR: Kevin Areopagita (xarugas03) | | E-MAIL: xatu03 AT yahoo DOT com | | DATE BEGAN: March 31, 2010 | | DATE COMPLETED: April 13, 2010 | | LATEST UPDATE: Version 2.00 - 1/17/2011 | | | X-----------------------------------------------------------------------------X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| LEGAL |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide is copyright(C) 2010 Kevin Areopagita / xarugas03 / xarugas. This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. This guide is for viewing purposes only in the following sites: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Prinny 2 and the entire Disgaea franchise are copyright (C) Nippon Ichi Software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| TABLE OF CONTENTS |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can get really wordy when it comes to game mechanics, so if you want to quickly skip to a certain part of the guide, hit CTRL+F and type in or copy-paste the code to the right of the section. Include the brackets. I. PRELUDE 1.1 Guide Information 1.2 LEGAL 1.3 Table of Contents 1.4 Version history................................................. [VER01] 1.5 Introduction and Purpose........................................ [INT02] II. GAME MECHANICS 2.1 What is Prinny 2?............................................... [INT03] 2.2 Moves........................................................... [MOV04] 2.3 Break Mode...................................................... [BRK05] 2.4 Difficulty Levels............................................... [DIF06] 2.5 How Game Cycles Work............................................ [CYC07] 2.6 Asagi Wars...................................................... [WAR08] 2.7 Town NPCs....................................................... [NPC09] 2.8 No Mistakes..................................................... [NMS10] 2.9 Stage Objects................................................... [OBJ11] III. STAGE INFO 3.1 Tutorial 1...................................................... [TUT01] 3.2 Tutorial 2...................................................... [TUT02] 3.3 Nethervalley.................................................... [STG01] 3.4 Sandwich Palace................................................. [STG02] 3.5 Demonland....................................................... [STG03] 3.6 Nethersea Volcano............................................... [STG04] 3.7 Unlucky Swamp................................................... [STG05] 3.8 Sakura Palace................................................... [STG06] 3.9 Rocky Dragon Hideout............................................ [STG07] 3.10 Junkie Mansion................................................. [STG08] 3.11 Junkie Rage.................................................... [STG09] 3.12 Phantom Battle................................................. [BAL01] 3.13 Castle: VS Flonne.............................................. [BAL02] 3.14 Castle: VS Sir Sweet........................................... [BAL03] 3.15 Castle: VS Asagi............................................... [BAL04] 3.16 Castle: VS Laharl.............................................. [BAL05] 3.17 Asagi Wars - Flonne Battle..................................... [AWS01] 3.18 Asagi Wars - Shining Road...................................... [AWS02] 3.19 Martial Temple................................................. [EXT01] 3.20 Martial Tower: Abyss........................................... [EXT02] 3.21 Operation V Panties............................................ [EXT03] 3.22 Etna Battle.................................................... [EXT04] 3.23 Pram DLC Stage................................................. [DLC01] IV. ITEM LOCATIONS 4.1 Orbs............................................................ [LOC01] 4.2 Lucky Dolls..................................................... [LOC02] 4.3 BGM Records..................................................... [LOC03] 4.4 Invitations..................................................... [LOC04] 4.5 Torn Tickets.................................................... [LOC05] 4.6 Collectibles.................................................... [LOC06] V. ADVANCED INFO 5.1 Facilities...................................................... [FAC01] 5.2 Lucky Doll Rewards.............................................. [RWD02] 5.3 Netherworld Awards.............................................. [AWD03] 5.5 Monsterpedia.................................................... [PED04] VI. CREDITS........................................................... [CRD00] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [VER01]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| VERSION HISTORY |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.10 - 03/31/2010 -Began the guide Version 1.00 - 04/13/2010 -Finished all the major chapters -Proper names left blank until English version is released -Some Netherworld Awards conditions still need confirmation Version 1.10 - 04/27/2010 -Added bonus features obtained from the stage Special Compilation - Battle for V-Panties. -Added Bonus BGM31. -Fixed some typos and added miscellaneous info on certain sections. Version 1.20 - 06/17/2010 -added information on Demon King Castle - Prinny Asagi and Prinny Laharl Battle. -info on Chainsaw updated. -info on Golden Lucky Doll updated. Version 1.30 - 09/23/2010 -confirmed several Netherworld award requirements. -added the location of the 8th Invitation Letter. -added Boss Rocket facility info. Version 1.40 - 10/12/2010 -elaborated on Air Slash's startup animation attack. -mechanics of Rescue House confirmed. -new method of unlocking the V-Pantsu Stage. -mechanics for Golden Lucky Dolls confirmed. Version 1.60 - 01/16/2011 -begun translation from JPN version terms and names into their US version counterparts. -added the Collectibles section Version 2.00 - 01/17/2011 -translations of important terms and items complete. Version 2.10 - 01/26/2011 -Added Asagi Wars and Special stage rare items in Collectibles section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INT02]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings, xarugas here, and welcome to my Prinny 2 guide. Before anything else let me make something perfectly clear in all-caps glory: THIS IS NOT A STEP-BY-STEP WALKTHROUGH That being said, what you will find in this nifty little package is a wellspring of information on the many aspects of the game. I will be focusing on item locations, special game features, stage features, boss fights, and other stuff. The stages are pretty straightforward so I'm pretty sure you won't have a hard time finding your way. Getting through a stage unscathed however, is a different story :) Now then, shall we get into the beef and tackle the newest hardcore action game from Nippon Ichi Software? Gotta have guts, dood! X=============================================================================X |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| II. GAME MECHANICS |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| X=============================================================================X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INT03]XXXXXXXXXX| What is Prinny 2? |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prinny 2 is a 2D action platformer developed by Nippon Ichi Software, the creators of the famous Disgaea series. People were skeptical about the first game, Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero, thinking that NIS made a bad move. The game got mixed reviews, some said the game was great, while some said it was really hard and inaccessible to today's gamers. Gamers nowadays are used to the cotton candy difficulty of many new console games, unlike the nail-biting, gut- crushing balls-to-walls difficulty of the classics. One of the most persistent opinion around the game is that the controls are terrible, and they're not pointing at all the controls, they're just talking about the jump mechanic. The jump mechanic in Prinny and Prinny 2 is akin to the Ghosts n Goblins series: once you jump, you're committed to that jump and cannot turn back. (unlike Megaman and Mario games, where you can control your landing) Once you get accustomed to this sort of jumping however, you'll find that it makes life easier since all you have to do is learn when and where to jump from. Of course, learning to master your jumping is gonna take some effort. Get used to it, because Prinny is NOT gonna let up on its difficulty level just because of some whiny players. Prinny 2 brings in a TON of new features to the first game's working formula. -A new diffulty called "Baby Mode", perfect for those casual gamers. :P -Break Mode, a power-up system that grants new skills to Prinny's arsenal. -a new Concierge NPC, who can 'invite' Facilities (like in Makai Kingdom) in town that enable special functions. -New 3D bosses -ALOT of bonus stages -Asagi Wars alternate storyline featuring a playable Prinny Asagi. The gameplay is COMPLETELY unique since you go Contra-style with multiple. Now without further ado, let's get on with the guide, shall we? :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MOV04]XXXXXXXXXX| Moves |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of Prinny's available stage actions are intact when you're in town except for anything that involves attacking with the Square button. The Square button is used to talk to the NPCs in town. =============================================================================== !!!!WARNING: This section contains SPOILERS on hidden playable characters.!!!!! =============================================================================== GENERAL MOVES ============= Each of these moves can be used by any playable Prinny, there's no difference in speed, distance, or whatever other factor you can think of. Unless otherwise stated, all moves are done on the ground. WALK - D-pad/Analog LEFT/RIGHT ------------------------------ >>Self-explanatory. One thing to note is that in Prinny 2, the analog is now usable for movement unlike in the first game. CLIMB - D-pad/Analog LEFT/RIGHT when near an edge of a platform --------------------------------------------------------------- >>Prinny grabs hold of a platform's edge. Hold LEFT/RIGHT to climb or let go of the platform. You don't have to be pressed onto a platform's edge to grab hold of it. In fact, the maximum distance you can grab hold of a ledge is about half the Prinny's width. This tidbit can help in certain platforming challenges in the harder stages. CROUCH - D-pad/Analog DOWN -------------------------- >>Prinny crouches down, avoiding certain attacks. It's useful for dodging on-coming projectiles. JUMP/DOUBLE JUMP - X / X in the air ----------------------------------- >>Alright here's the primary suspect of the game's difficulty. If you're used to games that will let you control the landing of your jump/drop, then get ready to adapt. When you jump towards either direction, there's no turning back. Learn and master the jump mechanic and you'll be able to overcome the game. There are many ways to take advantage of the fixed height/direction of Prinny's jump, you'll just have to learn and be creative. If you jump toward a wall and hit it, Prinny will lose his forward momentum and drop straight down, so be careful of how you jump. PRINNY SPIN - Hold Circle ------------------------- >>Prinny will start spinning, and after just a moment will begin to glow. This is the "Aura of invincibility". Nice name huh? It's not official :P Anyway, whenever your Prinny has this special blue glow, you are invincible to any sort of enemy attack in the game, though lethal stage hazards are the exception. You can move while spinning, though it's quite slower than walking speed. Since you're invincible when the aura is on, you can pass through enemies and projectiles. You can't pass through solid platforms though. The aura only lasts for about 3 seconds, after which Prinny will stop dead in his tracks and goes dizzy for a few moments, completely open to attack. You also go dizzy if you release Circle when the aura is on. So what's the point you ask? Read on. DASH - During a PRINNY SPIN, D-pad/Analog LEFT/RIGHT + Release Circle --------------------------------------------------------------------- >>The dash is a speedy form of ground movement. You can only dash when the aura is on, so don't think you can go from walk speed to a dash instantaneously. Prinny sprints for a short moment and comes to a stop when he reaches max distance. Letting go of the D-pad/analog will stop the dash. During a dash, pressing Circle activates the Prinny Spin again, complete with aura. If you start a spin this way, it only lasts about 2 seconds at most. A good way to use this technique is to tap Circle when the dash is about to end; (keep holding LEFT/RIGHT) this will essentially restart the dash again, making it a great way to cover lots of ground fast. Lastly, if you dash straight into a wall without stopping, Prinny bumps onto the wall and bounces off. This slight delay can be dangerous especially in crowded areas. DASH JUMP - Jump during a dash ------------------------------ >>When you jump while Prinny is in the middle of a dash, the distance and speed of the jump is increased. (height remains the same) This technique will be essential for platforming the harder stages. Just like the dash, if you bump into a wall during a dash jump, Prinny bounces off. The only thing you can do when this happens is wait until you land on solid ground, (or a pit) so be sure to time and position your dash jumps properly. SLIDE - Press DOWN during a dash -------------------------------- >>Prinny drops on his belly and slides across the floor. The distance you travel during a slide depends on your dash. If you're near the end of the dash, then the slide will only cover a small distance. During a slide, Prinny has the blue aura, so you can use it to quickly pass through enemies or dodge projectiles. HIP POUND - DOWN + X in the air ------------------------------- >>Prinny stops in mid-air for a split second then drops straight downward, butt first. If you hip pound onto an enemy, Prinny bounces off (counts as a jump) and is invincible for a split second. The main purpose of the Hip pound is to stun enemies and bosses as well as activate Hip Switches, Checkpoints, Boss Gates, and to ride vehicles. You can't get hit from touching stunned enemies, and obviously stunned enemies are immobile for a short while. Another good use for the Hip pound is to stop your jump mid-way and force a straight landing. Take note that Hip pounding the ground causes a slight recovery. LIFT/THROW - Triangle --------------------- >>You can only lift bombs, barrels, stunned enemies, and ground vehicles. Bombs will automatically light up when you lift them, and will explode after enough time passes or if you throw it. Enemies who recover from the stun while being lifted will damage Prinny. Enemies that have low HP (they turn reddish) act as bombs when thrown so when you need an explosive attack, stun a random enemy and hit it a few times to bring it in the red, then chuck them at another enemy. LOOK UP/DOWN - Hold R then press UP/DOWN on the D-pad/analog ------------------------------------------------------------ >>Simply moves the field of view up or down. It's useful for surveying the stage if you're not so familiar with it yet, or for scouting enemy movement on a high/low platform. PRINNYCIDE - R + L + X (can also be used in the air) ---------------------------------------------------- >>Not really a move you'll actually use to beat the stage. :P Prinny explodes and well, dies. You lose a life and respawn at the last checkpoint. It's use- ful for restarting a boss fight or quickly respawning at a checkpoint for whatever reason. CHARACTER SPECIFIC MOVES ======================== X--------------------------X | HERO PRINNY | X--------------------------X SLASH - Square -------------- >>Your main form of ground attack. Prinny slashes with his knives, hitting any- thing in front of him. Rapidly pressing square will make Prinny attack continuously. Prinny's attack speed can only go as fast as you can mash the button. Note that once you start up the attack, you will be unable to double jump or grab hold of platform edges. PRINNY BARRAGE - Square in the air ---------------------------------- >>After a short startup animation, Prinny will start slashing in the air, firing energy waves down a diagonal line. When the waves hit the ground or an enemy, it explodes into a tall (about a single jump's height) blast that also causes damage to anything it connects with. The startup animation where Prinny's blades are suspended in a "ready' position also causes damage. The damage is the same as a regular slash, but it hits rapidly (more than 10 hits per second)as long as the blades touch a target. The damage of the Prinny Barrage is actually weaker than the normal ground attack. However, if you do the Prinny Barrage at point-blank range, Prinny will hit the enemy with both the energy waves and the knife slashes, causing ALOT more damage. This is the most powerful form of attack in your arsenal, causing massive damage against bosses when done properly. Once again, the attack can go as fast as you mash. PRINNY RAID - Hold R + Square ----------------------------- >>For information on how to unlock this move, see section 5.1 Facilities. Prinny goes into the Prinny Spin (starts with blue aura) and calls forth a continuous flow of Prinny Bombs falling from the sky. The bombs fall in a certain pattern across the whole screen, causing massive damage (and also the stun effect) on anything they hit. You can keep the attack going as long as you want (completely invincible throughout) but each Prinny that falls onscreen costs you 1 life, so it's not a good idea to use the move too much. On that note, you can only use Prinny Raid when you actually HAVE lives to use up, so you can't use it when playing stages from the Dimension Guide. (where you have infinite lives) STINGER SPELL - R + L + Square ------------------------------ >>For information on how to unlock this move, see section 5.1 Facilities. There are 3 types of Stinger: Omega, Tera, and Peta, and you buy them from the Stinger Radar facility. It's one use per purchase, so be sure to make it count. Prinny's scarf glows and flies out, morphs into Etna's spear and starts spinning outwards following a clockwise rotation. You're wide open in the first few moments of the spell's activation, and if you get hit the spell cancels. It counts as used even if it gets interrupted so watch out. The damage caused by the spear depends on the level of the spell, with Peta being the strongest. It also causes stun. =============================================================================== !!!!SPOILERS!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!SPOILERS!! =============================================================================== X--------------------------X | PRINNY ASAGI | X--------------------------X For information on how to unlock Prinny Asagi as a playable character, see section 5.1 Facilities. SWITCH WEAPON - L / R --------------------- >>Equips a different weapon. You'll see your currently equipped weapon on the lower-left side of the screen. ATTACK - Square --------------- >>Depending on the weapon, you will either tap or hold the square button to attack. Eggplant, Rifle, Drill, Rocket Launcher, Electric Guitar, and Cat weapons attack by tapping. Flamethrower and Gattling Gun weapons attack by holding square. Unlike Hero Prinny who can't double jump after starting an air attack, Asagi can; although if you use a weapon during the double jump you can't grab hold of platform edges as well. AIM UP/DOWN - Hold UP while attacking (DOWN in the air) ------------------------------------------------------- >>Some of Asagi's weapons can be aimed and shot upward or downward. (from the air) This is useful for hitting enemies that are positioned awkwardly. Using the right weapon at the right time will greatly improve your survival while playing as Asagi. Here's the list of weapons that can aim up or down: X-------------------X-----------X--------------------X---------------------X | WEAPON | Aim Up | Aim Up (mid-air) | Aim Down (mid-air) | X-------------------X-----------X--------------------X---------------------X | Eggplant | No | No | No | | Rifle | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Gattling Gun | Yes | **Unusable in the air** | | Rocket Launcher | Yes | No | No | | Flamethrower | Yes | No | No | | Drill | Yes | Yes | Yes | X-------------------X-----------X--------------------X---------------------X ASAGI's WEAPONS =============== Since Asagi's playstyle revolves around weapon usage, it deserves its own section here. SHOT >>The weapon's attack when fired once by pressing/holding the square button. RANGE >>The maximum distance the weapon's shot can reach. AMMO >>You're given a specific amount of ammo depending on the difficulty level. The ammo for the stage and boss fight are separate, so feel free to use up as much ammo as you want during the stage. The format for listing is Baby Mode/Standard/Hell's Finest. DAMAGE >>Pretty self-explanatory. Though I can't give exact numbers here, I'll explain the damage further in the weapon's info EGGPLANT ======== Shot : 3 objects, random curved trajectory Range : Short/Medium (depending on trajectory) Ammo : Infinite Damage : Low >>Nice weapon eh? Asagi tosses onions, eggplants, wrenches and other random objects in a curved arc. The damage is pretty weak, and it's unreliable for hitting enemies from afar. So what's the purpose of this weapon? If you run out of ammo for all of your other weapons, you're left with this one. Be sure you don't let that happen though or your attack capability will be severely lacking. RIFLE ===== Shot : 1 straight shot Range : Long (hits off-screen targets) Ammo : 500/300/100 Damage : Medium >>Your most versatile weapon. Since it fires straight, treat it as the basic gun you use in your favorite side-scrolling shooter. The shot can hit enemies offscreen so it's pretty good for clearing the path, and you can either tap or hold the attack button for rapid fire. Although it's one of the most useful weapons, its damage and rate of fire doesn't bode well against bosses. GATTLING GUN ============ Shot : Straight, continuous shots (pierces through enemies) Range : Long (hits off-screen targets) Ammo : 1000/500/200 Damage : High >>Although it takes a short moment to startup, the gattling gun will shower the direction you're facing with a rain of bullets. The shots are invisible, but you'll see smoke coming out from the ground where it hits. It's one of the most damaging weapons in Asagi's arsenal, making short work of high HP enemies, and causes alot of damage against bosses. It's only downside is that it's unusable in the air. ROCKET LAUNCHER =============== Shot : Homing missile. Explosion lingers for a few seconds causing damage Range : Homes in on target Ammo : 10/5/3 Damage : Very High >>This is your boss killer, period. The damage from this beast of a weapon can instantly kill enemies with massive amounts of HP, and its lingering explosion can clean up mobs of enemies as well. It viciously homes in on any target but they have to be in front of you when you shoot, otherwise it will fire straight. (it can't track enemies behind you when you fire) If you shoot upwards while on the ground, it will track the closest enemy. FLAMETHROWER ============ Shot : Continuous blast of flames (pierces through enemies) Range : Short Ammo : 3000/1500/500 Damage : Medium >>Although its range is short, the Flamethrower causes continuous damage on anything in its path. It's most devastating near walls, and if used this way, can instantly max out your Combo gauge in an instant. In this vain, it's a great utility weapon to use against bosses if you want to get into Break. The flamethrower's ammo drops pretty fast as long as you hold the attack button, so in Hell's Finest you'll have to use it in short bursts or else you'll run out fast. DRILL ===== Shot : Attacks with Drill Range : Very Short Ammo : 2000/1200/800 Damage : Medium >>GIGA DRILL BREAKER! Cheers to whoever gets the reference. Anyway, this weapon is sort of an oddball. Its range is basically as long as the drill itself, and you have to tap Square continuously to keep the drill going. The drill uses up ammo for the first attack, then continues to use up ammo for as long as you keep the drill going. It's effective against cornered enemies, but not as powerful as the Flamethrower. =============================================================================== !!!!SPOILERS!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!SPOILERS!! =============================================================================== X--------------------------X | PRINNY LAHARL | X--------------------------X For information on how to unlock Prinny Laharl as a playable character, see section 5.1 Facilities. SLASH - Square -------------- >>Same range and damage as Hero Prinny's ground attack, the only difference is that Laharl attacks with his bare hands instead of knives. ENERGY BALLS - Square in the air -------------------------------- >>One of the big differences between Hero Prinny and Laharl is the air attack. Instead of slash waves, Laharl hurls energy balls diagonally downwards, following 2 arcs. (one concave and the other convex) When the projectiles hit a target, it explodes into a large blast that's as big as a Prinny Bomb's radius. Finally, the damage of Laharl's air attack is MUCH MUCH higher than Hero Prinny's slash waves. It's almost x4 damage, and when you can mash the Square button fast, it causes utter devastation to its target. The only disadvantage of this attack is the way it fires. Since the shots alternate between 2 trajectories, sometimes one of them will miss if you don't position yourself properly. BLAZING KNUCKLE - DOWN + Square, only at the peak of a Double Jump ------------------------------------------------------------------ >>This move is a bit tricky to pull off. First, it can only be done after a double jump. Second, you have to be at the peak of your jump to be able to use it. Once you start falling from the jump, it won't work. Just like the Prinny Laharl boss in the first game, Laharl drops straight down and creates a pillar of energy that damages anything that touches it. Don't be fooled though, because the hitbox of the pillar only lasts for a short moment. It's actually the rocks that burst from the ground that cause damage continuously until they disappear. Laharl is completely invincible during the duration of the move. After hitting the ground Laharl bounces off the floor in a somersault. (no invincibility here) From there it acts like you bounced off from a hip pound, and thus you can double jump and start up another aerial move. You can essentially travel the stage doing multiple Blazing Knuckles if you want. THE LAUGH - UP + Square (only on the ground) -------------------------------------------- >>Laharl does his infamous laugh and fills up half of his Combo gauge. This is a neat way to get into Break mode, though you're open for a few seconds while the young overlord chuckles. I'M THE OVERLORD! - Wait for Prinny spin to end ----------------------------------------------- >>Instead of going dizzy after 3 seconds of doing the Prinny Spin, Laharl lets out a burst of energy that damages and stuns nearby enemies. If you keep holding Circle after the burst, Laharl goes back into the spin. (with aura) Don't think that this means infinite invincibility time though, since Laharl loses invincibility for a short moment right after the energy burst. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BRK05]XXXXXXXXXX| Break Mode |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Combo gauge in Prinny 2 serves a much better function than it did in the previous game with the new Break mode. There are 3 types of Break modes in the game, although only 1 will be available to you in the beginning. The combo gauge fills up when you do either of the following: -Activate a checkpoint -Obtaining a Break Donut (completely fills up your combo gauge) -Stun an enemy with a hip pound -Damage an enemy with an attack -Collect sweets (1000 points worth of sweets = full combo gauge) -Certain items/moves also increase the combo gauge Once you enter Break mode, the combo gauge will start to drop and when it goes empty, Break mode ends. You can keep the combo gauge filled up by doing the methods listed above. =============================================================================== !!!!WARNING: This section contains SPOILERS on hidden playable characters.!!!!! =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPES OF BREAK MODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can switch the break mode type from the Tutorial NPC's menu. STANDARD BREAK -------------- >>Default Break mode. When you enter Break mode, a burst of lightning goes down on the Prinny. This effect actually causes massive damage to nearby enemies as well as stage objects, so it could be both useful and dangerous at certain times. It's especially dangerous if you activate Break mode while standing on breakable platforms. Standard Break mode doubles your attack damage, making rapid attacks MUCH more potent against enemies. CLASSIC BREAK ------------- >>This is the first game's combo gauge function. You don't enter Break mode, (and thus have no access to Break mode attacks) instead you are rewarded with sweets and scarfs/diapers when you fill up the gauge. >>Classic Break is unlocked by beating the game once. SCORE BREAK ----------- >>A special Break mode that focuses on score bonuses. When you enter Score Break, any and all sources of Score will be multiplied by 4. Sweets, enemies, bosses, you name it. There are some problematic disadvantages to Score Break: -No blue aura on ANY move -No Prinny Cyclone (Hero Prinny) -Instead of bouncing off a wall when you bump into them during a dash or dash jump, Prinny instantly explodes and dies. -No damage increase during break mode >>Score Break is unlocked as a reward for collecting 52 Lucky Dolls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BREAK MODE ATTACKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you are in Standard or Score Break mode, new attacks become available to you. You can use these attacks as much as you want, but one of them will instantly empty your combo gauge and end break mode. These attacks are usually pretty powerful and can cause massive damage. X--------------------------X | HERO PRINNY | X--------------------------X HUSKY HIP POUND - In the air, DOWN + Hold X ---------------------------------------------- >>A powered up version of the hip pound. Holding X will keep Prinny airborne for a short time while charging up the hip pound. You can release X and do the move anytime you want, but if you wait for the move to charge up to the max and let it activate on its own, it causes massive damage. PRINNY CYCLONE - Hold Circle while on the ground ------------------------------------------------ >>When you go into the Prinny Spin during break mode, the scarf will turn into an arm that causes damage when you're close to an enemy. When an enemy takes enough hits from the Cyclone, they get stunned. This is especially useful against one of the harder bosses in the game. >>Prinny Cyclone is unusable during Score Break mode. PRINNIKAZE - R + Square in the air >>This move ends Break mode<< ---------------------------------- >>You can only do this in the air if you haven't done an air slash yet. Prinny releases all his energy and dives diagonally downward, slashing his way through enemies, completely invincible for the duration of the move. When you land on the ground during the attack, your forward movement is treated as a dash, and as such you can do a dash jump or slide to cancel the move. Although powerful, don't overestimate the attack. It only lasts for a short moment and if you misjudge the distance you might end up finishing the move while you're on or beside an enemy and get hit. X--------------------------X | PRINNY ASAGI | X--------------------------X Unlike Hero Prinny, you don't get a damage boost in Break mode when playing as Asagi. METABON HIP POUND - In the air, DOWN + Hold X --------------------------------------------- >>Exactly same as Hero Prinny's Metabon Hip pound. MAGICAL BARRETT - R + Square in the air >>This move ends Break mode<< --------------------------------------- >>Asagi whips up her dual pistols and shoots a flurry of large energy shots diagonally downward. The impact of the shots cause a large blast that causes damage over a wide area. This is the only other attack in Asagi's arsenal that can deal ALOT of damage against a boss. (other than the Rocket Launcher) You're completely invincible until the attack ends. X--------------------------X | PRINNY LAHARL | X--------------------------X HUSKY HIP POUND - In the air, DOWN + Hold X -------------------------------------------- >>Exactly same as Hero Prinny's Husky Hip pound. MIGHTY ME IMPACT - R + Square in the air >>This move ends Break mode<< ---------------------------------------- >>Laharl gathers his energy and spins diagonally downward and causes a very wide impact blast that stuns anything in its range. The range of this attack is great, as it can stun enemies on the extreme edge of the screen when done properly. Laharl bounces off the impact point the same way he does from his Blazing Knuckle attack, and thus you can also double jump after it. The damage done to enemies in the center of the impact is massive, while it's pretty weak on the edges of the blast. Laharl's downward spin also causes Stun, and if aimed properly, can break 2 of a Boss' Stun Skulls with 1 hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DIF06]XXXXXXXXXX| Difficulty Levels |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 3 difficulty levels in Prinny 2. You can freely switch the difficulty through the Tutorial NPC. There's a separate stage time and rank record for each difficulty, which can be seen through the Data NPC. ***NOTE: for the effects of each difficulty level on Asagi Wars, see the next section. BABY MODE ========= >>New to Prinny 2 is Baby Mode, which takes alot of the game's challenges and turns it into a casual gamer's walk in the park. This difficulty level features: -Fewer enemies and stage hazards. -Baby Blockens. These breakable platforms are placed in certain areas in each stage in such a way that makes platforming much easier. They take alot of damage before they break, so you shouldn't worry about entering Break mode while standing on them. -Instead of scarves, you are given 3 Diapers for HP. You die when you have no Diapers left and get hit. The game also gives you Diaper pick-ups in some areas to refill your stock. -Most bosses have 1 less Stun Skull than normal. -Activating a checkpoint instantly fills up your combo gauge. STANDARD ======== >>The original game's normal mode, with a slight difference: you're only given 2 Scarves instead of 3, so you die after 3 hits. The stages are at full force and all the bosses have their normal amount of Stun Skulls. If you're using Classic Break, you can refill your scarves from the combo gauge's bonuses. HELL's FINEST ============= >>This is the difficulty mode for the hardcore gamers out there. It's the same as Standard mode from enemy placement, boss Stun Skull count, etc. The ONLY difference in this mode is that you die from 1 hit. You don't have scarves and have no way of obtaining them. (even from Classic Break mode) I only recommend this mode for those who want the ultimate Prinny challenge. It requires alot of memory work and quick reflexes to get through each stage unscathed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CYC07]XXXXXXXXXX| How Game Cycles Work |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whenever you start a new game cycle, you start out with 10 Hours left on the game time. This doesn't mean you need to finish the game within 10 Hours. Think of each hour as the game's chapters. When you clear a stage (except for stages taken from the Dimension Guide) you proceed to the next hour. A normal cycle goes like this: New game - Tutorial 1 (can be skipped if you're continuing from a cleared save) 10Hrs left - Your choice of stage 9Hrs left - Your choice of stage 8Hrs left - Your choice of stage 7Hrs left - Balcony Battle - Your choice of stage 6Hrs left - Your choice of stage 5Hrs left - Your choice of stage 4Hrs left - Balcony Battle 3Hrs left - Rocky Dragon Hideout 2Hrs left - Junkie Mansion 1Hr left - Junkie Rage Game cleared For Asagi Wars: 7Hrs left - Your choice of stage 6Hrs left - Your choice of stage 5Hrs left - Your choice of stage 4Hrs left - Your choice of stage 3Hrs left - Your choice of stage 2Hrs left - Your choice of stage 1Hr left - Chamber Battle 0Hrs left - Shining Road Game cleared When you clear the game, the credits and post-game cutscenes will roll, then you'll be brought to the Game Clear Results screen. This screen will display the following: GAME CLEAR RESULTS ------------------ Page 1 -Remaining Lives >> 500 x lives = score -Title Bonus >> Total score from medals (see section 5.1 Facilities) -Pitfall Deaths >> -1000 x pitfall deaths = score penalty -Bonus Total >> Sum of the above -Total Score >> Bonus + Main Score Page 2 - Title scores Page 3 -Total loop cycles (see below) -Starting number of Lives in current cycle -Total lives lost in current cycle Page 4-13 (Stage stats) -Stage Deaths -Boss Deaths -Pitfall Deaths -Total Deaths Finally you're given an option to save your cleared game and restart the story on a new cycle. If you've unlocked Asagi Wars, the game will give you the option to start the next game in that mode as well. You keep everything you've already obtained and done from the first cycle, except the following: -Your lives return to 1000* -Your score resets to zero LOOP CYCLES ----------- If you clear the game by finishing the last stage in story mode, you are presented with an extra option (besides the option to do Asagi Wars) after the credits roll. If you choose this option, you start the next cycle with your remaining lives and score intact. This is called a "loop cycle" and it's useful for gathering alot of points for a certain Netherworld award. OTHER METHODS OF FINISHING A GAME CYCLE --------------------------------------- There are 2 other ways to end your current game cycle and start anew: -Use the Runaway NPC -Lose all 1000 Lives If you do any of the above methods, you are still given the option to pick which story mode you want to play in the next cycle. This makes the Runaway NPC especially useful if you want to switch to Asagi Wars without having to finish the last stage. You cannot however, do a loop cycle when finishing the game in this way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [WAR08]XXXXXXXXXX| Asagi Wars |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asagi Wars is an alternate story mode featuring Prinny Asagi, and is a sequel to the first game's Asagi Mode story line. After Asagi dies in Prinny 1, she turns into a Prinny and now lives in the Netherworld. Sometime later, a contest called Asagi Wars begins to air on Action Channel TV and its purpose is to find the best Asagi. The game mode features Prinny Asagi as the playable character, and a new HP system based on TV Ratings. Each of the 6 main stages also feature slightly different enemy placement and a unique boss. TV RATINGS ========== >>Instead of scarves or diapers, a blue bar and a percentage appears on the top-center of the screen. You start out with 50%, and getting hit by enemies reduce the number by a certain amount depending on the difficulty level. A notable feature of this Ratings bar is that you can fill it up, essentially "healing" your life and keeping you alive. The ways to fill the ratings bar are as follows: -Activate a checkpoint -Kill an enemy -Enter Break mode -Use the CAT item Losing or gaining Ratings isn't an instantaneous effect. When you get hit, the number decreases gradually. So for example if you are at 75% and you get hit 3 times in a row in Standard mode, you know that you'll go down to 0% and die; BUT if you can kill an enemy to gain some ratings while the number is dropping, you'll be saved. Also, unlike the main story, you can die as many times as you like without getting a game over. CAT === >>A new pick-up only available to Asagi Wars mode is the Cat. When you obtain it, all your other weapons are unavailable until you use the cat. (the cat is a one-time use item anyway) Using the Cat (square on the ground) will boost your Ratings to 100%, so it can be a lifesaver at critical times. ELECTRIC GUITAR =============== >>Another Asagi Wars-only pick-up. Again, all other weapons are unavailable when you have the guitar. When used, the guitar fills up 1/3 of your Combo gauge. It can be used as much as you want, but the guitar will disappear ONLY if you use Magical Barrett. This mechanic can sometimes be problematic rather than helpful since if you can't use Magical Barrett (i.e.: you keep getting hit) you're stuck without a weapon. Think twice before you decide to pick the guitar up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASAGI WARS DIFFICULTY LEVELS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main difference between the difficulty levels for Asagi Wars is how much Ratings decrease when you get hit by an enemy, as well as the amount of ammo you start out with on each stage/boss. BABY MODE ========= >>The Baby Blockens and reduced enemy placement still apply, and you only lose 10% Ratings from getting hit. Ammo is abundant as well. Bosses also have 1 less Stun Skull than usual. STANDARD ======== >>You lose 25% Ratings from getting hit. Ammo is normal and still quite abundant. HELL's FINEST ============= >>You lose 50%(!) Ratings from getting hit, and Ammo is pretty low. You'll have to avoid killing too many enemies so you don't run out of ammo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [NPC09]XXXXXXXXXX| Town NPCs |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are various NPCs available in the Demon Lord Castle. Each of them serve a specific function and I'm pretty sure you'll be talking to each of them alot through the course of the game. At first, each NPC is only a wandering spirit. You have to obtain special Orbs hidden throughout the stages to bring the NPC to life. For a list of Orb Locations, refer to Chapter 4. TUTORIAL NPC ============ >>Etna's zombie-enthusiast servant, Aramis is the Tutorial NPC. You can view the different tutorials as well as toggle the difficulty level and/or Break Mode type here. You can also play Tutorial Stage 1 and 2 or watch a replay of Tutorial 2. You don't need an orb to enable this NPC. SAVE NPC ======== >>The first NPC you bring to life is the Save NPC. This NPC is used to save your progress. You obtain the Blue Orb from the Tutorial 1 boss so you won't miss it. You also won't miss the NPC since it's a Prinny standing beside a large "SAVE" Sign. The idle animation of this NPC is pretty hilarious if I might add. :D REPLAY NPC ========== >>Back from the first game is the Replay NPC. Once you bring the NPC to life, you're given the option to save a replay of your gameplay when you clear a stage and/or boss (separate replays) or when you die by pressing Triangle. Note that the replays always start from the last checkpoint you respawned in until the time you choose to save the replay. DATA NPC ======== >>In the form of a male Cleric from Disgaea 1, the Data NPC keeps all of the in-game achievements, rankings, and other records you collect throughout the game. LUCKY DOLL NPC ============== >>This NPC keeps track of the Lucky Dolls you collect (i.e.: kill) as well as gives you rewards for collecting a certain number of them. For more info on Lucky Dolls, see Chapter 4. CONCIERGE NPC ============= >>Jennifer and Thursday from the Defenders of Earth act as the Concierge NPC. New to Prinny 2, this NPC handles all your Facility needs. For more info on Facilities, see Chapter 5. RUNAWAY NPC =========== >>Replacing the Ninja from the previous game is a Shura that acts as the Runaway NPC. Like in the previous game, activating the NPC will end your current game cycle and proceed to a fresh start. MUSIC NPC ========= >>A Disgaea 2 Green Skull is this game's Music NPC. This is where you can sit back, relax, and listen to Prinny 2's in-game music. You can also choose to set a default BGM for all the stages you play. DIMENSION GUIDE NPC =================== >>This is the NPC where you can play any stage you've already cleared. You have infinite lives when playing stages from the Dimension Guide. For the first 6 stages, you can pick the time as well with L/R. STAGE LIST (in order) -------------------- Nethervalley Sandwich Palace Demonland Nethersea Volcano Unlucky Swamp Sakura Palace Phantom Battle Rocky Dragon Hideout Junkie Mansion Junkie Rage Castle: VS Flonne Castle: VS Sir Sweet Castle: VS Asagi Castle: VS Laharl Martial Temple Martial Tower: Abyss Operation V Panties Download Stage ETNA's CHAMBER ============== >>Not really an NPC, when you go to the extreme left of town, you get the option to enter Etna's Chamber for a cutscene (and a few gags) or view the Monsterpedia. This is where you can view information on various enemies, items, and characters you'll find in-game. For more info on the Monsterpedia, check out Chapter 5. Once you collect a certain number of Lucky Dolls, you'll also be able to pick the option to Fight Etna. STAGE SELECT ============ >>All the way to the right of town is a large cannon. This is where you pick which stage you want to do first. Clearing stages picked from this area will reduce the timeframe and proceed through the story. DELIVERY SAMURAI ================ >>After collecting all 120 Lucky Dolls, a new NPC appears in town. She is a Lady Samurai who will give you the option to toggle a new weapon pick-up: the Chainsaw. The chainsaw will only be available while playing as Hero Prinny or Prinny Asagi, and have different effects: HERO PRINNY ----------- Attack damage is 3 times higher than normal, however you won't have any air projectiles when doing a Prinny Barrage. This weapon has a built-in auto-fire feature, where you can simply hold Square to do rapid attacks. If you're not a fast button-masher then this weapon may be really helpful for you, though if you can hit the square button at 11+ hits per second then this rapid fire option is a tad bit slower than that. PRINNY ASAGI ------------ The chainsaw is an infinite ammo melee weapon that can't be aimed. The damage is pretty good but you need to be at point-blank range to connect with it so it's quite risky. One thing to remember about the Chainsaw is that once you pick it up, you're stuck with it until you exit/clear the stage, or obtain a Cat or Guitar pick- up. This becomes a handicap for both Prinnies because of the disadvantages. >>More weapons are available via DLC. (currently only the JPN version has a weapon DLC) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [NMS10]XXXXXXXXXX| No Mistakes |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may have noticed the term "No Mistakes" in the Data NPC's records. Since it's a special game mechanic on its own, I feel like it's best to discuss it as well to avoid confusion. The No Mistakes mechanic is important because it applies to 2 Netherworld awards. The game keeps record of 2 types: NO MISTAKES Stages >>Highest number of consecutively cleared stages in Hell's Finest without getting hit. NO MISTAKES Score >>Highest score accumulated in Hell's Finest without getting hit. In both cases, only Story Mode stages count; stages picked and cleared through the Dimension Guide NPC don't add to this record. For No Mistakes Score, you HAVE TO CLEAR THE STAGE before the score is registered. i.e.: running through a stage in Hell's Finest, gathering 100,000 pts then retreating from the stage won't register the score. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [OBJ11]XXXXXXXXXX| Stage Objects |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other than enemies, in each stage you will encounter a multitude of different objects that can either be helpful or hazardous to Prinny. Here's a list of them and their functions/effects. SWEETS >>You will find these normal pick-ups alot in each stage. They come in 3 types: Flan, (100 pts) Shortcake, (300 pts) and Parfait. (500 pts) Other than giving you some score and filling your combo gauge, sweets are also used as currency for purchasing items from Facilities. BOMB >>These items light their fuses when you lift them, and start glowing red until they explode automatically or when thrown. The explosion causes alot of damage and also causes stun when the enemy takes enough hits from it. An enemy explodes when killed by a bomb, and can cause a chain-explosion with nearby enemies/objects. BARREL >>Barrels are useless by themselves, but they act as explosives when bombs hit them. You can create chain-explosions using these as well. CARPET >>These floating platforms are scattered throughout each stage, usually over a pit. Unlike solid ground, you can't grab onto the edge of a carpet and climb up. CHECKPOINT >>Horned, skull-like objects with a Prinny icon over them. To activate a checkpoint, simply Hip Pound on it. When you die, Prinny will respawn at the last checkpoint you activated, so be sure to hit every single one of them. BOSS GATE >>Found at the very end of the stage, you have to activate the red switch near the gate to open it. This will bring you to the stage's boss fight. If you want to save a replay of your stage, you have to do so when you open the boss gate. The replay for the boss fight is treated separately. HIP SWITCH >>Another type of hip pound-activated object. New to Prinny 2, these switches do one of 2 things: shoot a cannon attached to it, or drop a heavy object on a specific area. The cannon shoots certain stage entities like the Dark Sun in Sandwich Palace, or the weapons of Doruvarukii in the Unlucky Swamp. Heavy objects act as a long range hip pound, stunning enemies that get hit. You'll have to know where each switch will drop an item to make good use of it though. ERYNGI MUSHROOM >>Although Eryngi mushrooms are enemies, they're not hostile. Instead, they can bounce you to a good height like a trampolene when you hip pound on them. DOORS >>Found in the Sakura Palace stage, these breakable walls divide the stage into rooms. It just takes a couple of hits to bust em open, although the red-sealed ones take much more. BREAKABLE PLATFORMS >>Whether they're crates, stone blocks, grassy rocks, gift boxes, thin steel plates, bones or giant cubes, these breakable objects are new and abundant in Prinny 2. They act as solid ground (so to speak) and you can grab hold and climb up their edges. Some blocks take only a couple hits before they break, while others can withstand more damage. Just be careful while standing on them since the lightning that comes with entering Break mode usually destroys the platforms and can mean death. LASERS >>There's a new instant-death hazard in Prinny 2 other than pits. When you touch these red colored lasers you die instantly, simple as that. The spheres that are at the end of each laser are also deadly so be extra careful. SPIKED BLOCKS >>Only seen in the night-time of Demonland's Snowmobile sections, they're simply obstacles that cause instant death when you bump into them. BREAK DONUT >>This new Donut power-up fills your combo gauge completely. Sometimes they're positioned over breakable blocks, and since entering Break mode causes a blast of lightning, it can act more like a trap than a helpful item. NETHERYAM >>This new power-up in Prinny 2 enables Prinny to float in the air by...well, farting. The X button makes prinny fart and pushes him up in the air slightly. The only move you can do while in this gaseous state is the hip pound. It only lasts for a few seconds so be sure to float above safe ground before it runs out. DIAPER >>If you're playing on Baby Mode, these Diaper pick-ups will refill your current stock. Pretty self-explanatory. SCARECROW >>It's a scarecrow holding an arrow pointing to the right direction. Although you probably won't get lost in any stage, at least they're there. ETNA SCARECROW >>A wooden scarecrow-like post holding a "Break" sign and made to look like Etna, these are high HP punching bags with the sole purpose of filling your Combo gauge. VEHICLES ======== To ride a vehicle, simply Hip Pound on it. A timer will appear above you, indicating how much time you have to ride the vehicle. Getting hit by attacks or touching enemies will reduce the timer. You can also manually exit the vehicle by pressing UP + X. I'll be using Prinny 1's Monsterpedia names for the following vehicles until Prinny 2 is released in English. GEAR METAL YAY -------------- X - Jump Circle - Turn cannon around Tap Square - short range burst Hold Square then release - Cannon shot >>The tank from the first game is back and pretty much the same, with the exception of a faster charge up time for the cannon. It moves slowly on the ground and even slower while charging, but the cannon's range covers almost 2 whole screens' width away from the shot, making it a devastating weapon when used right. TX-6 JUMPSTART -------------- Tap/Hold Square - Mini shot X - Jump Hold X - Super Jump (builds up height per jump) Circle - Turn around >>Not that great of a weapon but its ability to leap great heights make it good for skipping over enemy formations. When you've reached the maximum height possible, the foot of the machine will cause damage to whatever it lands on. The damage done is equal to a Metabon Hip Pound. CX-3 HELLYES ------------ Tap/Hold Square - Laser shot >>The infamous laser vehicle. The moment you ride it, the vehicle will fly on a pre-programmed path. Unlike other vehicles it won't vanish when you exit it. Your job is to keep enemies at bay with the laser shot until you get to your destination. CX-4 HELLWATER -------------- Rapidly Tap Square - Electric barrier >>Same as the laser vehicle, except this time you're underwater and the weapon is different. (and somewhat weak) CX-5 HELLSPROUT --------------- X - Jump L/R - Dash >>A new vehicle for Prinny 2. This snowmobile runs along a straightforward path either down a slope or along solid ground, and always on a floor lined with lasers. One CX-5 in the game actually slows down when you press L/R. X=============================================================================X |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| III. STAGE INFO |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| X=============================================================================X In this chapter I'll talk about each stage in the game. Once again this isn't a walkthrough, since each stage is pretty straightforward and simple. By simple I'm referring to the path, however the platforming can sometimes be pretty damn hard. There are also new Stage-specific gimmicks in Prinny 2, which adds a bit of challenge to those who were used to the stages from the first game. I will also be listing the boss battles you'll encounter in each stage's timeframe. I won't be dealing with boss strategies though, since that's all part of the fun. :) Though trust me when I say that each boss has a fixed attack pattern that can be manipulated either by proper positioning or good stun timing. It's up to you to find out how to exploit these. Good luck! NOTE: For special stages, I'll also include how to unlock the stage in the Dimension Guide NPC's list. Format for stage info: HOW TO UNLOCK - pretty self-explanatory, really. START - where you can pick these stages BOSS - boss list. The Asagi Wars stage version and boss will be displayed here as well. STAGE SPECIAL - info on stage-specific special features. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [TUT01]XXXXXXXXXX| TUTORIAL STAGE 1 |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Beginning of a New Game, Tutorial NPC BOSS >>Suspicious Demon Simple stage. You'll find a bunch of Help Posts here that teach you about the different moves and basic game mechanics. Once you've cleared this stage once, you can choose to skip it in your subsequent playthroughs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [TUT02]XXXXXXXXXX| TUTORIAL STAGE 2 |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Tutorial NPC BOSS >>Demon Mail An extra Tutorial stage with a slightly modified layout and more enemies. There are alot of sweets available here as well as a BGM Record and the White Orb. Other than that, it's just another simple stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [STG01]XXXXXXXXXX| NETHERVALLEY |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Stage Select area, Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>10Hrs Left - Bouquet Garni 9Hrs Left - Bouquet Garni 8Hrs Left - Haldi 7Hrs Left - Bouquet Garni 6Hrs Left - Bouquet Garni 5Hrs Left - Morgan >>Asagi Sin: Sloth - Asagi the Beetle STAGE SPECIAL - Demon Wind >>Scattered across the stage are multiple Weathercocks that bring forth strong winds to where they're pointing. The more arrows there are on the Weathercock, the stronger the wind blows toward that direction. Obviously, going along the wind's direction increases Prinny's overall movement speed, while going against the wind slows you down. Platforming can become quite hard when these effects are in place. Not a very hard stage no matter what the timeframe. The only difficult part of this stage is the way the Weathercocks are positioned in the later timeframes. Some can really screw your jump if you're not familiar with the enemy placement, although some can create quick and easy shortcuts especially for the last 2 hours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [STG02]XXXXXXXXXX| SANDWICH PALACE |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Stage Select area, Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>10Hrs Left - Bok Choy 9Hrs Left - Bok Choy (on Tank) 8Hrs Left - Bok Choy (on Tank) 7Hrs Left - Marjoram 6Hrs Left - Marjoram 5Hrs Left - Bok Choy DX >>Asagi Sin: Envy - Asagi Doll STAGE SPECIAL - Mecha Dark Sun >>A large black machine will appear in the background in certain parts of the stage and will shoot volleys of fireballs onto the landscape. Danger marks will indicate where and when the shots will land. The dark sun will either disengage automatically after you reach a certain area or if you blast it 3 times with a Hip Switch Cannon. This stage is one of the easiest during the first 3 hours, while it's one of THE hardest in the last 3, where the last platforming area is vertical and the Dark Sun fires 3 volleys at once in short intervals. The positioning of the breakable metal platforms don't help either. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [STG03]XXXXXXXXXX| DEMONLAND |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Stage Select area, Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>10Hrs Left - Garam 9Hrs Left - Masala 8Hrs Left - Haldi 7Hrs Left - Garam & Masala 6Hrs Left - Garam & Masala 5Hrs Left - Garam & Masala >>Asagi Sin: Pride - Schwarzinnature STAGE SPECIAL - Ice Floor >>The majority of this stage's land is coated with ice, making it slippery. This makes moving around less reliable and a bit more risky, especially when Dashing. Ah yes, the annoyance of the slippery floor will make this stage a bit of a drag. The snowmobile paths in the later hours will have a couple of instant death spiked balls which will definitely catch first-time players by surprise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [STG04]XXXXXXXXXX| NETHERSEA VOLCANO |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Stage Select area, Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>10Hrs Left - Wuxiangfen 9Hrs Left - Wuxiangfen 8Hrs Left - Haldi 7Hrs Left - Wuxiangfen 6Hrs Left - Wuxiangfen 5Hrs Left - Ji Guang Long >>Asagi Sin: Gluttony - 8-Bit Asagi STAGE SPECIAL - Underwater >>Unlike Demonland where the floor makes ground movement tougher, in this stage you're submerged underwater which affects aerial movement. Jump height and distance increases, but the momentum of the jump slows down as you land. There's one feature of this stage that pumps the difficulty up a notch in the later hours: the Electric Skulls. The positioning of these are often very inconvenient, usually at 1 jump's height or even less. Add that to the increase in jump height and distance due to the water and you've got an accident prone stage. The later hours will have you going deep under the sea and into a pit of lava, where the platforming becomes a bit more problematic than usual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [STG05]XXXXXXXXXX| UNLUCKY SWAMP |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Stage Select area, Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>10Hrs Left - Chili 9Hrs Left - Pow 8Hrs Left - Pow & Der 7Hrs Left - Chili, Pow & Der 6Hrs Left - Chili, Pow & Der 5Hrs Left - Dolvalky >>Asagi Sin: Lust - Asalindt The stage doesn't have any special features other than its collection of many swamp pits. The enemy placement in this stage is one of the hardest around, what with the floating Ghosts and knife-throwing Marionettes which can push you to your imminent death. There's a laser vehicle shortcut in the last 3 hours which can cut down the stage clear time as well as the difficulty, since you won't have to traverse narrow towers across invincible Marionettes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [STG06]XXXXXXXXXX| SAKURA PALACE |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Stage Select area, Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>10Hrs Left - Sage 9Hrs Left - Sage 8Hrs Left - Mustard 7Hrs Left - Mustard 6Hrs Left - Bok Choy & Morgan 5Hrs Left - Bloomin' Mustard >>Asagi Sin: Greed - Asagi Kurosugi THE hardest stage among the main 6. If you want to have an easy playthru I suggest you do this stage either 1st or 2nd. During the 8-5Hrs Left timeframe this stage becomes MUCH longer and tougher. The enemy you'll come to hate the most in the temple is the yellow-haired Succubus. She warps around the room and avoids contact alot until she can use her "ecchi" move and become invincible while a line of bats chase you down. This attack is trouble when you're in the vertical platforming sections of the stage so make sure you kill these girlies. Bloomin' Mustard is a step up in difficulty among the other 5Hrs Left bosses, so be prepared when doing this stage last. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [STG07]XXXXXXXXXX| ROCKY DRAGON HIDEOUT |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Stage Select area - 3Hrs Left, Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>Darth Moab STAGE SPECIAL - Bone Path >>90% of the stage is made up of breakable bone platforms that take only 1 or 2 hits to break, making it quite hazardous to attack randomly and carelessly. This stage will teach you how to properly use your attacks. Randomly blasting enemies with your ground or air attack will usually cause instant death by pitfall due to the fragile nature of the bone platforms. Entering Break mode is also a big deal here as it can destroy a large group of platforms with its lightning bolt. Other than the platform troubles, the stage is fairly easy without too much enemy threat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [STG08]XXXXXXXXXX| JUNKIE MANSION |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Stage Select area - 2Hrs Left, Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>Sub-bosses: Black Bouquet Garni Black Marjoram Black Chili, Pow & Der Black Garam & Masala Black Wuxiangfen Black Sage >>Main - 100 Black Prinnies STAGE SPECIAL - Mixed >>Combination of all the first 6 stages' features. As with the first game's Sweet Palace, Prinny 2's Junkie Mansion is a boss rush of sorts. This time however, you don't have a choice of which boss you can fight, unlike in Prinny 1 where the bosses you fought in the first 6 hours will determine the sequence. Each stage section is molded from the first 6 stages, containing Weathercocks and underwater paths. The main boss, a hundred Black Prinnies (no, not the Dark Durians) can be daunting at first, but there's a certain spot in the room where you can snipe the Prinnies from a safe distance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [STG09]XXXXXXXXXX| JUNKIE RAGE |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Stage Select area - 1Hr Left, Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>Sub-boss - Lord Junkie Final boss - Junkie Etna Not a very difficult final stage except for the last section where you have to jump over large pits onto narrow platforms. The final boss is quite intense. While in the first game you had to mash in crazy speeds to destroy the boss, in Prinny 2 you'll have to mash in crazier speeds to destroy blocks covering the Hip Switch for 3 Cannons. These cannons will be your primary form of attack throughout the fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BAL01]XXXXXXXXXX| PHANTOM BATTLE |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Etna Chamber Option - Balcony (4Hrs Left), Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>Phantom Thief A boss-only stage, where you fight Phantom Thief and Joshua, the Ice lady from Disgaea 2's Tera Ice spell. She doesn't actually fight you though. She's on the phone chatting while changing her leg positions, causing ice pillars to pop up. Not too hard, although breaking the ice shield on Phantom Thief may take a while if your mashing speed is not fast enough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BAL02]XXXXXXXXXX| CASTLE: VS FLONNE |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO UNLOCK >>Play the first 3 story stages in any sequence except the ones for the other balcony battles. START >>Etna Chamber Option - Balcony (7Hrs Left), Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>Flonne One of 4 different Balcony battles you get during the 7Hrs Left timeframe. By default you get to fight Flonne. If you do the first 3 stages in a specific order, you fight other bosses. Flonne's moveset and pattern is the same as her Prinny 1 DLC counterpart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BAL03]XXXXXXXXXX| CASTLE: VS SIR SWEET |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO UNLOCK >>Do the following story stages in order, then the balcony battle will be against Sir Sweet instead of Flonne: Stage 2 - Sandwich Palace (10Hrs Left) Stage 4 - Nethersea Volcano (9Hrs Left) Stage 6 - Sakura Palace (8Hrs Left) START >>Etna Chamber Option - Balcony (7Hrs Left), Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>Sir Sweet Woo, the boss of Prinny 1 is back and as queer as ever! He has a familiar moveset with a few new attacks and a new (and easily exploited) pattern. The hip switch for the balcony area sends 3 volleys of stun-inducing heavy objects down the whole stage, so make good use of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BAL04]XXXXXXXXXX| CASTLE: VS ASAGI |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO UNLOCK >>Do the following story stages in order, then the balcony battle will be against Prinny Asagi instead of Flonne: Stage 4 - Nethersea Volcano (10Hrs Left) Stage 2 - Sandwich Palace (9Hrs Left) Stage 3 - Demonland (8Hrs Left) >>You must purchase the Asagi House from the Concierge NPC (Jennifer) before the stage can be triggered. START >>Etna Chamber Option - Balcony (7Hrs Left), Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>Prinny Asagi This is a pretty fun battle. Prinny Asagi's moveset contains all of her weapons although she doesn't really fight like how a player would. :P Not too hard, really, just don't get caught by her surprise jumps. It's funny how you get hit when she jumps onto you while if you were playing as Asagi you get hit if you jump onto an enemy. Did that make sense? Yeah... If you're looking for a quick way out of the battle, simply take advantage of Asagi's Prinny-ness.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BAL05]XXXXXXXXXX| CASTLE: VS LAHARL |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO UNLOCK >>Do the following story stages in order, then the balcony battle will be against Prinny Laharl instead of Flonne: Stage 3 - Demonland (10Hrs Left) Stage 1 - Nethervalley (9Hrs Left) Stage 5 - Unlucky Swamp (8Hrs Left) >>You must purchase the Laharl House from the Concierge NPC (Jennifer) before the stage can be triggered. START >>Etna Chamber Option - Balcony (7Hrs Left), Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>Prinny Laharl Epic win right here. Laharl's moveset contains his Prinny 2 moveset rather than the one from his Martial Tower appearance in the first game. He can activate Break Mode while laughing leaving him open for attack. He jumps ALOT more than normal which makes the fight much more intense, though of course, Laharl IS still just a Prinny.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [AWS01]XXXXXXXXXX| ASAGI WARS - FLONNE BATTLE |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Asagi Wars - Etna Chamber, 1Hr Left. BOSS >>Flonne Same old Flonne, the only difference is that you're in Etna's Chamber instead of the Balcony, and you'll be using Prinny Asagi exclusively. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [AWS02]XXXXXXXXXX| ASAGI WARS - SHINING ROAD |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START >>Asagi Wars - Stage Select, 0Hrs Left. BOSS >>Asagi ECross This stage is similar to Rocky Dragon Hideout, with its fragile breakable platforms and large gaps. The enemy placement in this stage is THE hardest in the whole Asagi Wars mode. You'll have to take advantage of every weapon in your arsenal to get through this stage successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [EXT01]XXXXXXXXXX| MARTIAL TEMPLE |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO UNLOCK >>Reward for collecting 36 Lucky Dolls. START >>Dimension Guide NPC BOSSES >>1st run - Overlord Priere 2nd run and onwards - Eryndum The first of 2 hardcore bonus stages. The Martial Temple is a stage filled to the brim with death lasers. Nearly every platform you come across has at least 1 side lined with the lasers. It's not a very long stage, but because of the platforming, the stage is pretty hard for first-timers. When you run through the stage for a second time, Overlord Priere is replaced with a VERY annoying boss: the Uber Erindom. It only has 2 forms of attack: running into you in high-speeds (its only form of movement) as well as shooting LAZER BEEAMSZ! from its eyes. However, it's not his moves that make the battle annoying and freakishly hard, its the ceiling of death lasers. You can't stun the Erindom with a hip pound, since you'll just bounce off his trampolene head and onto the lasers above. The only way to stun this boss is to enter Break mode and use Prinny Cyclone. Entering break mode however, is a tough challenge altogether since you'll have to pound the Erindom with attacks to build up the combo gauge. Good luck! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [EXT02]XXXXXXXXXX| MARTIAL TOWER: ABYSS |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO UNLOCK >>Reward for collecting 70 Lucky Dolls. START >>Dimension Guide NPC BOSSES >>1st run - Baal Reborn 2nd run (alternates between Baal Reborn) - Prinny Baal STAGE SPECIAL - Mixed >>Combination of all the special stage features. I love this stage. It's this game's hardest stage, even harder than Prinny 1's Martial Tower. (whether it's harder than the DLC stage Lil Asagi Comes Home is up to you) I won't spoil anything else so I'll just say that this stage is HARD as hell, though after a few reruns you'll be able to memorize the enemy placement and create platforming shortcuts to make the stage less arduous. It's gonna be one hell of a ride in your first run though. :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [EXT03]XXXXXXXXXX| OPERATION V PANTIES |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO UNLOCK >>Obtain all Netherworld Awards. >>Press Triangle 100 times consecutively while in the Tutorial NPC's menu. START >>Dimension Guide NPC BOSSES >>Sub-bosses: Anise Cardamon Hoshikage on Vaca Kim & Chi >>Main - Panty King More of a bonus than a challenge, this stage features bosses from the first Prinny game. It's like a mini-story altogether, set in the Demon Sea Aria's Casino island. It's just like a boss rush stage, so it's not that hard. You also get to the credits when you finish this stage, as well as a secret ending screen with a bit of fanservice. There are 2 bonus features that are unlocked from this stage, both of which are cameos from NIS' roguelike, ZHP. V-TROPHY >>Clear the stage once. A golden trophy will appear in the center of town. BONUS BGM31 >>Find the V-Machine in each stage section by hip pounding the ground. (like when looking for Lucky Dolls) Once you obtain all 5 of them, clear the stage and you'll be given a new BGM Record and an Unlosing Ranger Doll in the center of town. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [EXT04]XXXXXXXXXX| ETNA BATTLE |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO UNLOCK >>Reward for collecting 100 Lucky Dolls. START >>Etna Chamber Option - Fight BOSS >>Etna Just like in the previous game, you can get the option to fight Etna. The fight takes place in the balcony, with Etna wielding a drum while riding a large festival float carried by Prinnies. Unlike the previous game's Etna fight, this one is so easy it ain't funny. Still, it's quite fun to watch Prinnies dancing around while marching xD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DLC01]XXXXXXXXXX| PRAM DLC STAGE |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO UNLOCK >>Free DLC from PlayStation Store. (JPN version) START >>Dimension Guide NPC BOSS >>Pram Currently the only DLC stage available, and it's free for one reason: you obtain the 8th Invitation Letter from clearing this stage. The stage itself is pretty easy compared to the Martial Tower: Abyss, however the boss is VERY tough the first time you fight her. Like all bosses she utilizes a pattern, but her attacks have very few openings and you'll only get a safe hip-pound chain after she finishes around 7 rounds of attack...though if you're gutsy AND skillful you can take her down in less than a minute. X=============================================================================X |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| IV. ITEM LOCATIONS |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| X=============================================================================X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOC01]XXXXXXXXXX| ORBS |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you obtain an orb, take it to the corresponding spirit in town to bring the NPC to life. There are 8 Orbs in total, 6 of which are found in each of the first 6 stages depending on what order you pick them in. (i.e.: the Green Orb will ALWAYS appear in stages during the '10Hrs Left' time) =============================================================================== Save NPC - BLUE ORB =============================================================================== X---------------------X | Tutorial Stage 1 | X---------------------X Beat the boss. =============================================================================== Replay NPC - WHITE ORB =============================================================================== X---------------------X | Tutorial Stage 2 | X---------------------X Underneath the 1st checkpoint. =============================================================================== Data NPC - GREEN ORB [10Hrs Left] =============================================================================== X----------------X | Nethervalley | X----------------X Past the 2nd checkpoint, destroy the breakable crates to the right of a Red Idol and enter the hidden path. X-------------------X | Sandwich Palace | X-------------------X Past the 2nd checkpoint, in the air above a group of Demon Mails. X--------------------X | Demonland | X--------------------X Past the 2nd checkpoint, in the large open room below the Archer. The orb is to the left of the chimney entrance. X-------------------X | Nethersea Volcano | X-------------------X Past the 1st checkpoint to the right of 2 Underwater Corns. X-----------------X | Unlucky Swamp | X-----------------X In a closure under the boss gate. X-----------------X | Sakura Palace | X-----------------X Past 3rd checkpoint, climb the path until you reach a hall with Moabs. Continue to the right and drop down the first gap you encounter. You'll see a hidden wall-entrance to the right. Follow the path and you'll see the Green orb above some sweets. =============================================================================== Lucky Doll NPC - RED ORB [9Hrs Left] =============================================================================== X----------------X | Nethervalley | X----------------X Past the 3rd checkpoint, when you get to the platform with the "X" Weathercock, there will be Moabs coming down via parachute. Hip pound on one of them then jump to the left onto the giant rib cage platforms to get the orb. X-------------------X | Sandwich Palace | X-------------------X Right above the Boss Gate switch. X--------------------X | Demonland | X--------------------X Along the path of the first Snowmobile ride after the 3rd checkpoint. X-------------------X | Nethersea Volcano | X-------------------X Past the 4th checkpoint, in between 2 electric skulls. X-----------------X | Unlucky Swamp | X-----------------X Past the 4th checkpoint above the Eryngi mushroom are a pair of breakable blocks. Destroy them and drop to the enclosure below to find the orb. X-----------------X | Sakura Palace | X-----------------X Past the 3rd checkpoint, climb up until you get to the area with Moabs. Hip pound on one of them and jump to the center of the ceiling, where the orb is obscured from sight. =============================================================================== Concierge NPC - PINK ORB [8Hrs Left] =============================================================================== X----------------X | Nethervalley | X----------------X At the start of the stage high up above a Tan Idol. Hip pound on it to reach the orb. X-------------------X | Sandwich Palace | X-------------------X Past the 2nd checkpoint above a laser pit. X--------------------X | Demonland | X--------------------X To the right of the 3rd checkpoint, hip pound on the Red Ghosts to reach a hidden path near the ceiling. Follow the path to the left and get to the highest platform to the left of 2 Gargoyles to find the orb. X-------------------X | Nethersea Volcano | X-------------------X Past the 4th checkpoint along the path of a red carpet above a laser pit. X-----------------X | Unlucky Swamp | X-----------------X Past the 4th checkpoint, behind a wall of breakable blocks to the right of an Eryngi mushroom and Warslug. X-----------------X | Sakura Palace | X-----------------X To the left and above the boss gate switch. =============================================================================== Runaway NPC - BLACK ORB [7Hrs Left] =============================================================================== X----------------X | Nethervalley | X----------------X To the left of the 3rd checkpoint, sitting on a row of breakable crates. X-------------------X | Sandwich Palace | X-------------------X Beside the Eryngi mushroom right before the 1st checkpoint. X--------------------X | Demonland | X--------------------X Past the 4th checkpoint and Snowmobile, right above a Snow Golem. X-------------------X | Nethersea Volcano | X-------------------X To the right of the 3rd checkpoint above a Blue Idol. X-----------------X | Unlucky Swamp | X-----------------X Past the 3rd checkpoint after 2 spinning Marionettes, jump down to a platform under the Knife Marionette. Destroy the breakable blocks and proceed right to see the orb. X-----------------X | Sakura Palace | X-----------------X To the left of the 2nd checkpoint, drop down the gap onto a grassy platform. Follow the path to the right into the wall-entrance to find the orb. =============================================================================== Music NPC - PURPLE ORB [6Hrs Left] =============================================================================== X----------------X | Nethervalley | X----------------X Enter the cave path to the right of the 1st checkpoint and destroy the breakable crates blocking an entrance. Continue through this opening to find the orb above some more crates. X-------------------X | Sandwich Palace | X-------------------X Past the 2nd checkpoint underneath a green breakable bridge. X--------------------X | Demonland | X--------------------X Past the 2nd checkpoint, in the path of carpets over a laser pit, the orb is under an Archer's platform. X-------------------X | Nethersea Volcano | X-------------------X Past the 2nd checkpoint, proceed downwards along the path of breakable blocks until you get to a clearing to the left. The orb is high above, so hip pound on the electric skull close by to reach it X-----------------X | Unlucky Swamp | X-----------------X Past the 4th checkpoint, proceed along the path until you reach a red carpet to the left of a breakable block. Jump above the block onto a narrow platform and you'll see the orb on the other narrow platform above you. X-----------------X | Sakura Palace | X-----------------X Above the Tan Idol to the right of the 3rd checkpoint. Hip pound on it to reach the orb. =============================================================================== Dimension Guide NPC - YELLOW ORB [5Hrs Left] =============================================================================== X----------------X | Nethervalley | X----------------X Enter the cave path at the start of the stage and destroy the first row of breakable crates above you. The orb is in the enclosure above. X-------------------X | Sandwich Palace | X-------------------X To the right of the 4th checkpoint on a narrow ledge above the Cannon Switch. X--------------------X | Demonland | X--------------------X Past the 4th checkpoint, to the left of the Scarecrow holding a boss gate sign, go up the slope until you reach breakable boxes. To the extreme left of this path is the orb. X-------------------X | Nethersea Volcano | X-------------------X Past the 4th checkpoint to the right of an Eryngi mushroom. X-----------------X | Unlucky Swamp | X-----------------X To the left of the 3rd checkpoint, underneath the Eryngi mushroom's platform. X-----------------X | Sakura Palace | X-----------------X Along the hallway to the right of the 3rd checkpoint. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOC02]XXXXXXXXXX| LUCKY DOLLS |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucky Dolls are special creatures that hide underground, only to appear when Prinny Hip Pounds the ground. They make a distinct sound when they appear. Be careful not to go too close or else it will notice you and make a run for it, so when a Lucky Doll appears, quickly stun it with a hip pound before attempting to attack it. When you kill a Lucky Doll, talk to the Lucky Doll NPC to claim a prize. (every 2 Lucky Dolls) There are 3 Dolls per stage (except the bonus stages and tutorial 1) for a total of 120 Dolls. If you have the Lucky Lab facility, you can toggle the Lucky Doll Radar ON and OFF. This will make hunting the dolls much easier, as a Red question mark will indicate the spots where the dolls appear. When you kill a Lucky Doll, it will be replaced by a Zombie Doll. In the following section, I will refer to safe locations in the stage where you can Hip Pound the floor to make the Doll appear. So if I say "to the right of the 1st checkpoint", simply hip pound the area a little ways to the right of the checkpoint and you'll make the Doll appear. Obviously if to the right of the checkpoint is a higher platform, then hip pound on that higher platform. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out. :) =============================================================================== TUTORIAL 2 =============================================================================== >>To the right of the first Gargoyle. >>Right after the 3 floating carpets, on the platform underneath the Help Post. >>In the area with a row of 4 Eryngi Mushrooms. =============================================================================== NETHERVALLEY =============================================================================== 10Hrs Left ========== >>Immediately past the 1st checkpoint, on the upraised rock platform. >>After the tank section, on the area to the left and bellow the "X" Weathercock. >>Right under the very first Erynga Mushroom you encounter. (near the end of the stage) 9Hrs Left ========= >>Right beside the 2nd checkpoint. >>Right beside the 4th checkpoint. >>Past the 4th checkpoint, on the first giant bone platform you see. 8Hrs Left ========= >>On the first scarecrow right at the start of the stage. >>Right beside the 2nd checkpoint. >>After the 3rd Weathercock, to the right of the Hip Pound switch. 7Hrs Left ========= >>At the very start of the stage. >>After the 3rd checkpoint, on the first giant bone platform to the right. >>To the right of the Boss Gate. 6Hrs Left ========= >>At the start of the stage, either use the tan idols or manually climb the vertical path to reach the top area with the 1st checkpoint. To the left and bellow the checkpoint is an Eryngi mushroom. Hip pound the area beside it. >>After the first Jump Machine to the right of the Red Idol. >>Continue past the 4th checkpoint until you reach the Eryngi Mushroom. Bounce to the platform above then hip pound on the scarecrow to the right. 5Hrs Left ========= >>Climb the vertical path and break the crates above the Chicken. Hip pound the area above with the 2 Winged Demons. >>Climb the vertical path and continue to the right. When you find the 2nd Chicken sitting on a platform with a scarecrow, kill it then hip pound on its platform. >>Past the 3rd checkpoint, in the area between 2 sets of crates before the "X" Weathercock. =============================================================================== SANDWICH PALACE =============================================================================== 10Hrs Left ========== >>Right past the first 2 Jumping Corns you see. >>On the metal bridge to the right of the 2nd checkpoint. >>After the 4th checkpoint, above and to the right of the Eryngi Mushroom. 9Hrs Left ========= >>To the right of the 2nd scarecrow. >>Past the 1st checkpoint to the right of the first Moab Tank you see. >>To the left of the 3rd checkpoint. 8Hrs Left ========= >>To the right of the 3rd scarecrow. >>To the left of the 2nd checkpoint. >>Next to the Boss Gate switch. 7Hrs Left ========= >>Above and to the right of the Moab Tank past the 3rd checkpoint. >>To the left of the 4th checkpoint. >>Past the 4th checkpoint, hip pound the 3 Cannon switches on the low platform; then hip pound again on the bare floor. 6Hrs Left ========= >>Right beside the Eryngi mushroom at the start of the stage. >>To the left of the 2nd checkpoint, above the orange metal platform. >>Next to the 3rd checkpoint. 5Hrs Left ========= >>At the very start of the stage. >>Past the 1st checkpoint on the green breakable bridge. >>After the 4th checkpoint, climb up to the Etna Scarecrow then jump 2 green platforms to the right. You'll see an opening above a wall gargoyle. Enter this opening and hip pound the area. =============================================================================== DEMONLAND =============================================================================== 10Hrs Left ========== >>To the left of the 1st checkpoint. >>Continue past the 2nd checkpoint until you see an Archer. Kill her and hip pound on her position. >>Past the 3rd checkpoint and after the 2 Snowmobile sections, hip pound the area to the left of the Scarecrow holding a boss gate sign. 9Hrs Left ========= >>At the very start of the stage. >>Past the 2nd checkpoint under the row of breakable boxes. >>Past the 3rd checkpoint all the way to the end of the stage, hip pound the floor bellow the Boss Gate. (to the right of the Eryngi mushroom) 8Hrs Left ========= >>After the 2nd checkpoint continue to the slope on the left and drop down. This time go right and hip pound the middle of the upwards slope. >>To the extreme left wall of the large room with the 3rd checkpoint. >>Floor below the Boss Gate to the left of the scarecrow. 7Hrs Left ========= >>2 platforms below the 1st checkpoint. >>To the right of the 3rd checkpoint beside the Etna Scarecrow. >>To the right of the 3rd checkpoint, hip pound on the Red Ghosts to reach a hidden platform on the ceiling. Follow the path until you reach some gargoyles. The lucky doll appears on the highest platform above. 6Hrs Left ========= >>Hip Pound right when the stage starts. All 3 will appear. 5Hrs Left ========= >>Climb the path after the 1st checkpoint until you see 2 breakable boxes blocking a path underneath a platform. Destroy them and go all the way to the left. The doll is beside the gargoyle. >>Past the 2nd checkpoint, jump across the laser path using the carpets until you find an Archer on a platform above. Kill her and hip pound on her position. >>Continue to the right of the 4th checkpoint until you reach a row of 3 Trigoyles. The lucky doll appears under the center one. =============================================================================== NETHERSEA VOLCANO =============================================================================== 10Hrs Left ========== >>To the right of the first breakable blocks you encounter. >>Past the 3rd checkpoint, on the solid ground platform after crossing the path of breakable blocks. >>Past the 4th checkpoint between 2 electric skulls. 9Hrs Left ========= >>To the left of the 1st checkpoint. >>To the right of the 4th checkpoint. >>To the right of the Boss Gate. 8Hrs Left ========= >>Past the 2nd checkpoint when the path goes downward, to the right of the breakable blocks. >>Beside the Blue Electric Machine after the 3rd checkpoint. >>Past the 4th checkpoint, in the area with narrow towers and breakable blocks, hip pound the first blocks you see, under an electric skull. 7Hrs Left ========= >>To the right of the first Eryngi Mushroom you encounter. >>Past the 4th checkpoint in the area with narrow towers and breakable blocks, to the right of the 3rd electric skull. >>Right next to the boss gate switch. 6Hrs Left ========= >>Past the 1st checkpoint when the path goes downward, hip pound the first row of breakable blocks. >>After the 2nd checkpoint, right beside the Blue Idol. >>Right next to the boss gate switch. 5Hrs Left ========= >>To the left of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th checkpoints. =============================================================================== UNLUCKY SWAMP =============================================================================== 10Hrs Left ========== >>To the right of the first wooden bridge you encounter. >>To the right of the 2nd checkpoint, next to the Marionette. >>To the left of the Scarecrow holding a boss gate sign. 9Hrs Left ========= >>Hip pound right at the start of the stage. >>Past the 4th checkpoint, use the Eryngi Mushroom to get to the higher platform. Destroy the first pair of breakable blocks you see and drop down on the carpet. Hip pound the platform to the right and the lucky doll will appear on the narrow platform on the left. >>Right under the Boss Gate, in a small area with sweets. 8Hrs Left ========= >>On the above-left platform from the 3rd checkpoint. >>Past the 4th checkpoint, keep going right until you encounter a knife-throwing Marionette. Hip pound a little bit past its position to make the Lucky Doll appear. Continue right and straight off the ledge then hip pound as you drop down, right onto the Doll at the bottom. >>After getting the 2nd Lucky Doll, use the Eryngi mushrooms to get to the upper platforms. You'll see a vertical line of sweets to the right. Jump and hip pound straight down to the platform below and the lucky doll will appear next to you. 7Hrs Left ========= >>Past the 1st checkpoint, on the platform with a Hip Switch. >>After the 2nd checkpoint, on the wooden bridge past a Trigoyle. >>Past the 4th checkpoint, behind a wall of breakable blocks to the right of an Eryngi mushroom. 6Hrs Left ========= >>After the 1st checkpoint, to the right of the Warslug. >>After the 1st checkpoint, on the platform under the 2nd Trigoyle you see. >>Past the 2nd checkpoint, after using a Potato pick-up to fly across a gap, hip pound the area to the right of the Trigoyle. 5Hrs Left ========= >>Past the 3rd checkpoint, when a Purple Spectre appears, hip pound on it to reach a red carpet platform high up on the right-side wall. From here, hip pound on the gargoyle to get to the top of the platform, where you'll find a Laser Vehicle. Hip pound right next to it. >>Ride the Laser Vehicle described above to the end of its path. From there, jump to the right and hip pound right next to the Hip Switch. >>Past the 3rd checkpoint, instead of taking the Laser Vehicle shortcut, continue through the towers until you reach the 4th checkpoint. Proceed through the path until you get to a low area with an Etna Scarecrow to the left of a floating Gargoyle. From here, destroy the breakable blocks to the right and jump to the highest narrow platform above the Red carpet. Hip pound here and the lucky doll will appear underneath you. =============================================================================== SAKURA PALACE =============================================================================== 10Hrs Left ========== >>To the left of the 2nd checkpoint. >>To the right of the 3rd checkpoint. >>Past the 4th checkpoint, to the right of the Potato pick-up. 9Hrs Left ========= >>At the start of the stage underneath the 2nd Moab you encounter. >>Past the 3rd checkpoint, climb up until you reach a hall of Moabs. Proceed to the right and drop down the first gap you come across. You'll find a hidden all entrance to the right. Follow the path to reach a platform with sweets. Hip pound this platform and the lucky doll will appear at the center. >>Before the 4th checkpoint, to the left of a trigoyle. 8Hrs Left ========= >>Underneath the first Trigoyle you encounter. >>To the left of the 2nd checkpoint, drop down the gap onto a grassy platform. Follow the path to the right into the wall-entrance, then hip pound the first floating platform you see. >>Past the 4th checkpoint, climb up to the platform with an Etna Scarecrow. To the right and above a gargoyle is a platform with a Deathsaber. Kill it and hip pound in its place. 7Hrs Left ========= >>Past the 1st checkpoint on the platform with a curved red bridge and a bunch of Moabs. >>Past the 2nd checkpoint on the 2nd stair step. >>Past the 4th checkpoint to the right of the Gourmet Ogre area, beside a trigoyle near the ground. 6Hrs Left ========= >>Past the 1st checkpoint all the way to the right across multiple rooms full of moabs and succubi, hip pound right beside the scarecrow. The lucky doll is somewhat hidden on the top-left pillar. >>Past the 2nd checkpoint climb all the way up til you encounter an Eryngi Mushroom to the right of a scarecrow. Hip pound beside the scarecrow. >>Past the 4th checkpoint, right beside the Scarecrow holding a boss gate sign. 5Hrs Left ========= >>Past the 1st checkpoint and the long hall of Moabs and succubi, destroy the breakable crates to the right of the scarecrow. Go through the hidden path and hip pound right when you get to the other side. >>Past the 3rd checkpoint in the room with the Drill Machine. >>To the right of the Boss Gate. =============================================================================== ROCKY DRAGON HIDEOUT =============================================================================== >>Past the 2nd checkpoint, the platform right after the Eryngi mushroom and before the 3rd checkpoint. >>To the left of the 5th checkpoint. >>One platform to the left of the Scarecrow holding a boss gate sign. =============================================================================== JUNKIE MANSION =============================================================================== >>Right next to the 2nd Boss Gate. >>Right next to a Snow Golem on a narrow platform left of the 4th Boss Gate. >>Right next to the 6th Boss Gate. =============================================================================== JUNKIE RAGE =============================================================================== >>Past the 2nd checkpoint on a platform above an Eryngi mushroom. >>Platform below and to the left of the 3rd checkpoint. >>Past the 3rd checkpoint and 2 Steel Corns, right under a King Spectre. GOLDEN LUCKY DOLL ================= The Golden Lucky Doll is a rare type of doll that ONLY appears in spots where Zombie Dolls should pop out. (blue question marks with Lucky Doll Radar) They are extremely precautious and will vanish (not run) the moment it detects you. When the doll appears, it will start facing left and right. It will detect movement if it's facing your direction so only hip pound when it looks away. You could also use a Stinger Spell to stun it without having to move into range. You get 3000 points for killing a Golden Lucky Doll. Once you killed one, go to the Lucky Doll NPC and he'll give you a bunch of sweets as well as a Collectible. You can farm sweets this way if you can find the Golden Lucky Doll frequently. (which is hard) A good place to find them is Demonland at 6 hours left. Simply hip pound when you enter the stage to make 3 dolls pop out. If the golden one doesn't show up, prinnycide and repeat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOC03]XXXXXXXXXX| BGM RECORDS |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BGM Records are special items that resemble a black Disc which you'll find in stages. They may be somewhat hard to see in dark-colored stages so keep an eye out for them. Unlike Lucky Dolls, BGMs are visible in plain sight so all you have to do is grab them, however some are hidden in certain locations and will require some platforming to obtain. Once you obtain the record it will be available for playback in the Music NPC. You can also set a BGM of your choice to play in every stage. =============================================================================== BGM01 - Midnight Blue >>TUTORIAL STAGE 2 >>To the right of the first Gargoyle. =============================================================================== BGM02 - Prinny Fantasy >>Reward for collecting 20 Lucky Dolls =============================================================================== BGM03 - Night at the Opera >>MARTIAL TOWER: ABYSS >>At checkpoint 12 you'll see an Eryngi mushroom on a platform. Below the platform is the BGM, right above a floor of lasers. =============================================================================== BGM04 - Blue Pierrot >>TUTORIAL STAGE 1 >>Above the Red Idol near to the left of the 4th checkpoint. =============================================================================== BGM05 - Shake Me Baby >>NETHERVALLEY - 5Hrs Left >>Past the 3rd checkpoint, take the Potato pick-up and fly to the highest platform above. Hip pound on the gargoyle to reach the top, BGM next to a Red Idol. =============================================================================== BGM06 - Azure Suspense >>SANDWICH PALACE - 7Hrs Left >>Above the Etna Scarecrow before the Boss Gate. =============================================================================== BGM07 - Netherworld Christmas >>DEMONLAND - 6Hrs Left >>Climb up past the 1st checkpoint until you reach a scarecrow with an arrow sign pointing up. To the left are a pair of breakable boxes blocking a path. Destroy them and follow the path to the left to find the BGM. =============================================================================== BGM08 - Sweet Love Potion >>NETHERSEA VOLCANO - 8Hrs Left >>Underneath the 4th checkpoint. =============================================================================== BGM09 - Midnight Rhapsody >>UNLUCKY SWAMP - 10Hrs Left >>Past the 4th checkpoint is an Eryngi mushroom. Use it to reach the upper platform, then destroy the first 2 breakable blocks you see. Drop down the opening and onto a carpet platform. To the left is the BGM. =============================================================================== BGM10 - Japanese Sword >>SAKURA PALACE - 9Hrs Left >>Past the 3rd checkpoint, climb up until you reach a hall of Moabs. Proceed to the right and drop down the first gap you come across. You'll find a hidden wall entrance to the right. Follow the path to reach the BGM. =============================================================================== BGM11 - Scorching Sunrise >>PHANTOM BATTLE - 4Hrs Left (Phantom Thief battle) >>High above near the right-most wall. Hip pound on Phantom Thief's cards to reach it. =============================================================================== BGM12 - Modern Girl 2010 >>MARTIAL TOWER: ABYSS >>Past the 8th checkpoint is a Snowmobile, ride it to the left and you'll find the BGM above the 2nd row of Parfaits. =============================================================================== BGM13 - Dogfight >>ROCKY DRAGON HIDEOUT >>To the left of the 3rd checkpoint, high above the Tan Idol. Hip pound on the idols to reach the BGM. =============================================================================== BGM14 - Rose Bush >>JUNKIE MANSION >>In the underwater area, above the line of electric skulls and blue idols. =============================================================================== BGM15 - Fuga No. 2010 >>JUNKIE RAGE >>Past the 3rd checkpoint, jump to the right of the Etna Scarecrow onto the platform on the other side. Walk off the edge and drop straight down, then hug the right wall. You'll grab hold of a ledge with a Potato Pick-up along the way, and the BGM is right below you. =============================================================================== BGM16 - You Go Girl: PR2 >>MARTIAL TEMPLE >>To the right of the first Snow Golem you encounter. =============================================================================== BGM17 - Footsteps of a Demon: PR2 >>Reward for collecting 10 Lucky Dolls =============================================================================== BGM18 - Strobe Universe >>Reward for collecting 40 Lucky Dolls =============================================================================== BGM19 - Rock Metamorphosis >>ASAGI WARS - SHINING ROAD >>Along the 2nd Laser Vehicle's path. =============================================================================== BGM20 - Comrade >>MARTIAL TEMPLE >>To the right of the 5th checkpoint, Hip pound on the Tan Idols to reach the top of the large structure at the left. The BGM is on the top platform along a line of sweets. =============================================================================== BGM21 - God Bless Priere! >>MARTIAL TEMPLE >>Underneath the first Warslug you encounter. =============================================================================== BGM22 - Nobody Knows >>MARTIAL TOWER: ABYSS >>Past the 13th checkpoint, you'll encounter a Warslug at the edge of a large gap. Jump to the left side wall of the gap and hold LEFT until you grab hold of a ledge. There's an opening on the right side wall. Double jump there and you'll find the BGM in a small closure. =============================================================================== BGM23 - Great Wilder >>Reward for collecting 80 Lucky Dolls =============================================================================== BGM24 - Lord Laharl's Hymn >>Reward for collecting 60 Lucky Dolls =============================================================================== BGM25 - Over the Asagi (plan) >>Reward for collecting 90 Lucky Dolls =============================================================================== BGM26 - Asagi Go Fight! >>Reward for collecting 120 Lucky Dolls =============================================================================== BGM27 - RosenQueen Co., Netherworld Branch >>Reward for collecting 50 Lucky Dolls =============================================================================== BGM28 - You Go Girl (Piko Piko ver.) >>Reward for collecting 30 Lucky Dolls =============================================================================== BGM29 - Asagi Girl >>ASAGI WARS - SHINING ROAD >>Right before the boss gate above the King Spectres, hip pound on them to reach it. =============================================================================== BGM30 - Etna Rock >>Reward for collecting 110 Lucky Dolls =============================================================================== BONUS BGM31 - Go, Go, Makairanger! >>Obtain all 5 V-Machines from Operation V Panties and beat the stage. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOC04]XXXXXXXXXX| INVITATIONS |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Concierge NPC can use the Invitations you obtain to enable facilities for purchasing. These facilities grant you special functions. For the list of facilities and their features, see section 5.1. You obtain the Invitations from a special treasure chest enemy called Presenter. When you encounter the Presenter, attack it once to paralyze it for a few seconds, then hit it with a hip pound. The Presenter will explode and drop the invitation. Once you obtain the invitation, the Presenter will no longer appear in the map. The ONLY exception to this is the 8th invitation, where you obtain it from a boss. Beside the stage name I will indicate the name of the Invitation and which facility it enables. =============================================================================== TUTORIAL 2 - Creepy Invite [Prinny Memorial] =============================================================================== Plain sight near the Boss Gate. =============================================================================== 10Hrs Left - NETHERVALLEY - Justice Invite [Rescue Squad HQ] =============================================================================== Past the 3rd checkpoint, when you get to the platform with the "X" Weathercock, there will be Moabs coming down via parachute. Hip pound on one of them then jump to the left onto the giant rib cage platforms. Continue jumping across the ribs to the left and you'll see the Presenter above the leftmost one. =============================================================================== 9Hrs Left - NETHERSEA VOLCANO - Mushroom Invite [Eryngi Nest] =============================================================================== To the right of the 3rd checkpoint, above breakable blocks. =============================================================================== 8Hrs Left - SANDWICH PALACE - Worn Invite [Laharl's House] =============================================================================== To the right of the 4th checkpoint. =============================================================================== 7Hrs Left - DEMONLAND - Lucky Invite [Lucky Lab] =============================================================================== From the 4th checkpoint, go left and drop down from the cliff. You'll grab hold of a platform on your way down. The Presenter is to the left. =============================================================================== 6Hrs Left - SAKURA PALACE - Demon Lord Invite [Sting Radar] =============================================================================== Past the 1st checkpoint all the way to the right across multiple rooms full of moabs and succubi, you'll see a pair of breakable crates. Destroy them and proceed to the right through the hidden path. You'll find the Presenter above a platform. =============================================================================== 5Hrs Left - UNLUCKY SWAMP - Unfortunate Invite [Skylight Room] =============================================================================== Past the 3rd checkpoint, take the path through the towers instead of the laser vehicle path. Continue as normal until you get to some spinning Marionettes. The Presenter is in between 2 Marionettes underneath a Break Donut. =============================================================================== PRAM DLC STAGE - Super Invite [A.B.B. Fierce Rocket] =============================================================================== Simply beat the boss of this DLC stage to obtain the 8th letter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOC05]XXXXXXXXXX| TORN TICKETS |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Returning from the first Prinny game are the hidden items in town that unlock Asagi Mode. This time, instead of Letters, you find Torn Tickets for the Asagi Wars contest. Like before, each item appears in the town area during the 10 hours of the game. When you collect all of them, you permanently unlock Asagi Wars, which you can choose to play whenever you end your current game cycle. Instead of using ASCII art or step-by-step instructions to help you find the tickets, I believe that a video guide should work perfectly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS9Dw5h3XxM This video shows the location of each ticket for each hour of the game and how to obtain it. Note that these methods are just how I do it. If you have a different way to platform your way onto the ticket, then by all means use that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LOC06]XXXXXXXXXX| COLLECTIBLES |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are items you obtain from clearing stages or from other means. As with any Disgaea game, the comments/definitions of these items are often filled with jokes and references to popular culture. X============X X RARE ITEMS X X============X================================================================= These are the rare items you obtain from the 6 main stages, according to their time frame. =============================================================================== NETHERVALLEY =============================================================================== 10hrs - Anti-Rat - Get rid of intruders. Economy size. 9hrs - Snack Potato - A popular snack item in the Netherworld. Crunch! 8hrs - Trick Dentures - A Rare Item that tastes strange. 7hrs - Atomic Alarm - Equipped with the popular Melt Down function. 6hrs - Banzai Bonsai - A Not-So-Rare Item that you can find anywhere. 5hrs - Cool Rose - A bitter, dandy item for men. (Chocolate) =============================================================================== SANDWICH PALACE =============================================================================== 10hrs - Death 13 Ice - Only available on Friday the 13th! 9hrs - Medium Drink - A medium size drink. Not small, or large. Medium. 8hrs - Wifey Apron - An apron for non-naked new wives. Too bad. 7hrs - Bok Choy Design - Diagram of Bok Choy DX. It's kinda pointless. 6hrs - Demon Tail - Pulled out from the root. Gross! 5hrs - Bok Choy Head - Keeps saying. "I'M BOK CHOY!" It's annoying. =============================================================================== DEMONLAND =============================================================================== 10hrs - Addictive Console - Keep playing it until you become a zombie! 9hrs - Pan of Death - For frying or beating with non-stick coating. 8hrs - Bunburger - Bread sandwiched by buns. For bread enthusiasts. 7hrs - Tic-Tac-Two - Get two in a row to win. A nightmare item. 6hrs - Demon Eye Mask - It's an eye mask, no matter what you say! 5hrs - Grabby Hand - What's yours is mine. What's yours is mine. =============================================================================== NETHERSEA VOLCANO =============================================================================== 10hrs - French de Fries - They're meant to be eaten in the air. 9hrs - Choco Corleone - Taste the flavor of Sicilia. 8hrs - Juicy Pork - Goooooosh! 7hrs - Bitten Kitten - A cat object that Wuxiangfen tried to eat. 6hrs - Fiery Ramen - Miso ramen with stock made from dragon bones. 5hrs - Bitten Trumpet - Wuxiangfen, with 400 wins, has nothing on this. =============================================================================== UNLUCKY SWAMP =============================================================================== 10hrs - Unlucky Necklace - Makes people unlucky. It's the perfect gift. 9hrs - Skull Pillow - Its hardness will help you relax. Recommended. 8hrs - Eryngi Tentacle - Not for adults under 1800 years of age. 7hrs - Life Torch - The tribe has spoken... 6hrs - Eternal Sleep Pillow - ...It's stained with drool. 5hrs - Hinode Bento - Packed with white rice and umeboshi. The best! =============================================================================== SAKURA PALACE =============================================================================== 10hrs - Superior Sake - Netherworld Rice Pickery's special reserve. 9hrs - Perfect Snack: Chikuwa - Processed fish meat. It's good raw. 8hrs - Magnum Candy - Spit it out to pierce through metal plate. 7hrs - Belly Button No. 666 - Chanhell's new perfume line. 6hrs - Miked Mop - A mop used to clean spilt milk. Smells really bad. 5hrs - Cheer Spirit - These aren't panties. Remember that. =============================================================================== BALCONY BATTLES =============================================================================== Flonne - Hero Belt - Push the button to activate BGM and flashing lights. Sir Sweet - Pumpkin - Perfect ingredient for sweets. Looks rather tasty. Asagi - Normal Shirt - Purchased at a fashion home center. It's not bad! Laharl - Break Donut - Is this better than a Hertz Donut? =============================================================================== X=============X X OTHER ITEMS X X=============X================================================================ Torn Tickets, Orbs, and Invitations. See their respective sections above for locations. =============================================================================== TORN TICKETS =============================================================================== "A..." Can't read it, it's torn. "...sagi..." Can't read it, it's torn. "...Wars..." Can't read it, it's torn. "...Pre..." Can't read it, it's torn. "...mium..." Can't read it, it's torn. "...Spe..." Can't read it, it's torn. "...cial..." Can't read it, it's torn. "...Ti..." Can't read it, it's torn. "...ck..." Can't read it, it's torn. "...et..." Can't read it, it's torn. =============================================================================== ORBS =============================================================================== Save Orb - Find the blue spirit at the base. Music Orb - Find the purple spirit at the base. Data Orb - Find the green spirit at the base. Lucky Orb - Find the red spirit at the base. Runaway Orb - Find the black spirit at the base. Dimension Orb - Find the yellow spirit at the base. Replay Orb - Find the white spirit at the base. Concierge Orb - Find the peach spirit at the base. =============================================================================== INVITATIONS =============================================================================== Creepy Invite - Can you hear the cry of the dead? Justice Invite - A straight-edge, justice invitation. Salute! Mushroom Invite - It smells and has stains on it...Gross! Worn Invite - It's all worn-out, but it looks important. Lucky Invite - A Lucky Doll is on the front. How cute! Demon Lord Invite - Signed by Etna. Is it some sorta contract? Unfortunate Invite - Summer greetings. Super Invite - An invitation from Overlord Pram. What power! =============================================================================== X=======================X X ASAGI WARS RARE ITEMS X X=======================X====================================================== Here are the items you obtain from Asagi Wars. =============================================================================== Leaf - Behind it is a lunchbox filled with thick sap. HELLmet - The strongest helmet ever made. Can be used as a pot. Cursed Tape (for rental only) - Have you seen it? Cursed Beads - They constantly cry out in pain. You will, too. Normal Weight (3kg) - A normal item purchased at Castle Depot. Teriyaki Pizza - Pizza Shack's specialty. Heroes love it. Sweet Salad - Veggie-shaped chocolate. Watch your blood sugar. Sweet Curry - Curry-flavored honey rice. Watch your blood sugar. Devil Wings - Disposable wings. Wear them in a crowd of people. Devil Ears - Hear no evil. You decide what's evil or not. Disguise Glasses - Wear it to look like a grouch. Nethersushi - The fermented topping tastes great with the rice. =============================================================================== X====================X X SPECIAL RARE ITEMS X X====================X========================================================= Finally, items you get for unlocking and clearing the 3 uber boss stages: Martial Tower: Abyss, Martial Temple, and the Etna battle. (and a Lucky Doll reward item) =============================================================================== Map to Temple - Directions to Martial Temple. Haniwa - Proof of defeating Overlord Priere. Martial Key - The key to open the deep part of Martial Tower. Heart of Baal - Proof of defeating Baal. For reals, dood!? Devil's Deal - Time to renegotiate the contract! Demon Lord's Panties - Proof of defeating Etna. Is it real!? Golden Prize - Proof of obtaining a Golden Lucky Doll. =============================================================================== X=============================================================================X |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| V. ADVANCED INFO |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| X=============================================================================X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FAC01]XXXXXXXXXX| FACILITIES |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facilities are a new feature to Prinny 2. They grant special items, functions, and even playable characters. To activate the facility, you must obtain the appropriate Invitation from a Presenter, give it to the Concierge NPC, then purchase the facility from the NPC. For the locations of each Letter, see the previous chapter. **NOTE: Sweets values are written in this format: Flan/Cake/Parfait X===================X X PRINNY MEMORIAL X X===================X========================================================== FUNCTIONS >>View Prinny Titles >>Toggle Prinny Raid ON/OFF PRINNY TITLES This is where a record of your Prinny Titles is kept. When you die, the game tracks the amount of points you earned and the types of enemies you've killed during that Prinny's life, then you are given the appropriate medal. The Prinny won't get a title for falling into a pit. :P The first screen shows the titles you've obtained in the current playthrough, while the second screen displays your total medal collection. When you finish the last stage of the story, the Game Clear Results screen shows up. It will display the number of titles you obtained during that game cycle, and you'll get bonus points for them. TITLES Bonus Score 1st Title: God Prinny - 100,000 2nd Title: King Prinny - 50,000 3rd Title: Shogun Prinny - 25,000 4th Title: Captain Prinny - 12,000 5th Title: Squad Prinny - 5,000 PRINNY RAID Simple, this option toggles the Prinny Raid move on or off. =============================================================================== X====================X X RESCUE SQUAD HQ X X====================X========================================================= FUNCTIONS >>Obtain sweets for every Prinny who died from a pitfall. Pretty straightforward, you obtain a few sweets for every life you lose from dying in a pitfall. Only the pitfall deaths in story mode stages count, those from the Dimension Guide stages don't. By going to certain story mode stages where a pitfall is located next to the starting point or a checkpoint and suiciding, it's a good way to farm sweets. =============================================================================== X==================X X ERYNGI NEST X X==================X=========================================================== FUNCTIONS >>Toggle the town's Eryngi NPC. Not a very useful facility, really. It brings up the Eryngi NPC in town, and it works like a normal Eryngi: you bounce higher when you Hip pound it. This is useful for taking shortcuts to reach the platforms above the town when hunting for the Torn Tickets but you don't really need it. =============================================================================== X====================X X LAHARL'S HOUSE X X====================X========================================================= FUNCTIONS >>Play as Prinny Laharl for the next stage. (only available when you've beaten Prinny Laharl) You'll find yourself using this facility alot, and for good reason. This is where you can choose to play as Prinny Laharl; you'll have to trade sweets for his "services" though. It costs 50/5/10 to play as Laharl for the very next stage you do. This only works for one stage so you'll have to keep giving sweets if you want to keep playing as Laharl. If you change your mind you can cancel his services, BUT you won't get a refund of your sweets so think twice when you trade. One thing to note is that you can't use Laharl if you're going for No Mistake stages/score, since you lose a life everytime you start a stage or respawn from a checkpoint due to Laharl's rude entrance. :D =============================================================================== X===================X X LUCKY LAB X X===================X========================================================== FUNCTIONS >>Toggle Lucky Doll Radar ON/OFF The Lucky Doll Radar will make hunting the lil critters much easier. A white thought balloon with a question mark (Red for unobtained doll, Blue for Zombie doll) will appear above the exact spot where the doll will appear. Once you have this facility you won't even need the Lucky Doll section of this guide to find them. (except for the really hidden ones) =============================================================================== X===============X X STING RADAR X X===============X============================================================== FUNCTIONS >>Purchase different levels of Stinger Spells. You can purchase 3 different Stinger Spells from this facility. For more info on the Stinger Spell, see Chapter 2 section 2.2 Moves. These spells are VERY costly, as shown in the table below; and since it's only one use per purchase, make sure you use it at the best opportunity. Personally I don't like the spell since it's not powerful/useful enough to cover its insane costs. SPELL - SWEETS Omega Stinger - 1000/150/50 Tera Stinger - 3000/400/200 Peta Stinger - 9000/1200/600 =============================================================================== X====================X X SKYLIGHT ROOM X X====================X========================================================= FUNCTIONS >>Play as Prinny Asagi for the next stage.(only available when you've beaten Prinny Asagi) Same as with Laharl's house, you can play as Prinny Asagi in the main story mode by trading 15/20/2 sweets. Prinny Asagi enters the stage the same way Laharl does, so you lose 1 life everytime you start the stage or respawn from a checkpoint. If you play as Prinny Asagi in this manner, you DON'T get the TV Ratings bar. Instead, you have scarves/diapers just as you would with a normal Prinny. Due to Asagi's playstyle, some bosses and stages (especially the bonus stages) can be twice as harder than usual. =============================================================================== X========================X X A.B.B. FIERCE ROCKET X X========================X===================================================== FUNCTIONS >>Skip directly to a story stage's boss fight in exchange for a D ranked stage. The stages you skip by using this facility is for the story mode only. It's basically a quicker way to clear the game. Only the uncleared stages in your current game cycle are selectable on the list. When you skip directly to the stage's boss fight and clear the stage, you automatically get a D rank and your stage time will not count. Not a very useful facility, unless you want to finish your current game cycle quickly. (I'd rather use the Runaway npc though) =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [RWD02]XXXXXXXXXX| LUCKY DOLL REWARDS |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the list of Lucky Doll awards, as seen in the game's Lucky Doll NPC. 2 Dolls - Secret File 4 Dolls - Secret File 6 Dolls - Secret File 8 Dolls - Secret File Set 10 Dolls - BGM17 12 Dolls - Secret File 14 Dolls - Secret File 16 Dolls - Secret File 18 Dolls - Secret File Set 20 Dolls - BGM02 22 Dolls - Secret File 24 Dolls - Secret File Set 26 Dolls - Secret File 28 Dolls - Secret File 30 Dolls - BGM28 32 Dolls - Secret File 34 Dolls - Secret File Set 36 Dolls - Map to Temple (unlocks Martial Temple) 38 Dolls - Secret File Set 40 Dolls - BGM18 42 Dolls - Secret File 44 Dolls - Secret File 46 Dolls - Secret File Set 48 Dolls - Secret File 50 Dolls - BGM27 52 Dolls - Score Break 54 Dolls - Secret File Set 56 Dolls - Secret File 58 Dolls - Secret File 60 Dolls - BGM24 62 Dolls - Secret File Set 64 Dolls - Secret File 66 Dolls - Secret File 68 Dolls - Secret File Set 70 Dolls - Dark Martial Key (unlocks Martial Tower: Abyss) 72 Dolls - Secret File 74 Dolls - Secret File Set 76 Dolls - Secret File 78 Dolls - Secret File 80 Dolls - BGM23 82 Dolls - Secret File 84 Dolls - Secret File Set 86 Dolls - Secret File 88 Dolls - Secret File 90 Dolls - BGM25 92 Dolls - Secret File 94 Dolls - Secret File Set 96 Dolls - Secret File 98 Dolls - Secret File Set 100 Dolls - Devil's Deal (unlocks Etna Battle) 102 Dolls - Secret File 104 Dolls - Secret File 106 Dolls - Secret File Set 108 Dolls - Secret File 110 Dolls - BGM30 112 Dolls - Secret File Set 114 Dolls - Secret File 116 Dolls - Secret File Set 118 Dolls - Secret File 120 Dolls - BGM26, Delivery Samurai NPC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [AWD03]XXXXXXXXXX| NETHERWORLD AWARDS |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These awards are obtained by fulfilling special conditions in-game. Some are pretty easy to get while others will require some effort. When you fulfill a condition and return to town, you'll be presented with a cutscene where you'll be awarded. I will list only the conditions for obtaining the award until the English version is released. =============================================================================== Award 01 - Good Job Award >>Clear 3 stages. =============================================================================== Award 02 - Thumbs Up Award >>Clear 7 stages. =============================================================================== Award 03 - Gold Timer >>Get a Gold Time Trophy for 15 stages. =============================================================================== Award 04 - S Ranker >>Clear 30 stages with an S Rank. =============================================================================== Award 05 - M Ranker >>Clear 50 stages with an S Rank. =============================================================================== Award 06 - Laharl Lover >>Use Prinny Laharl in multiple stages. The exact number of stages is unknown, but as long as you keep using him you'll get this award sooner or later. =============================================================================== Award 07 - Title Getter >>Obtain a God Prinny title. =============================================================================== Award 08 - Admiral Break >>Enter Break mode for a total of 1000 times. =============================================================================== Award 09 - Skyscraper >>Obtain all Torn Tickets =============================================================================== Award 10 - Invitation Lover >>Purchase all Facilities. =============================================================================== Award 11 - Platinum Overlord >>Do at least 5 No Mistakes Stages. See the "No Mistakes" section for details. =============================================================================== Award 12 - Death March >>Lose a total of 1000 lives. =============================================================================== Award 13 - Minister Yam >>Obtain 100 Netheryam pick-ups. =============================================================================== Award 14 - Got Guts? >>Clear the game once. =============================================================================== Award 15 - Netherworld Librarian >>Complete the Monsterpedia. (secret files excluded) =============================================================================== Award 16 - Hip Pounder w/ Cheese >>Do a total of 10,000 Hip Pounds. Only hip pounds that actually hit something count. (enemies, eryngi, hip switches, etc) =============================================================================== Award 17 - Dearly Departed >>Bring each Town NPC back to life. =============================================================================== Award 18 - Prinny Mania >>Clear all stages in any difficulty except Operation V Panties. This includes: 36 versions of Stage 1-6 5 Balcony battles Stage 7, 8 and 9 2 runs of Martial Temple (beat Overlord Priere and Uber Erindom) 2 runs of Martial Tower: Abyss (beat Baal Reborn and Prinny Baal) Etna Battle 36 versions of Asagi Wars' Stage 1-6 Asagi Wars' Flonne Battle Asagi Wars Shining Road Tutorial Stage 1 and 2 =============================================================================== Award 19 - Triple Crown >>Beat Etna, Priere, and Baal Reborn. (Etna Battle, Martial Temple, and Martial Tower: Abyss respectively) =============================================================================== Award 20 - Total Victory >>Clear Asagi Wars mode. =============================================================================== Award 21 - Junkie Lover >>Clear all versions of Stage 1-6. (36 stages total) =============================================================================== Award 22 - The Strongest >>Accumulate a No Mistakes score of at least 300,000 points. =============================================================================== Award 23 - Netheridol Girlfriend? >>Obtain all other awards and this will be given to you. =============================================================================== Award 24 - Prinny Vengeance >>Destroy a total of 99 Etna Scarecrows. =============================================================================== Award 25 - Asagi Hunter D >>Clear all versions of Asagi Wars' Stage 1-6. =============================================================================== Award 26 - Pant Shop Regulars >>Use the Runaway NPC for a total of 10 times. =============================================================================== Award 27 - Super Star Scream >>Obtain a total of 6,660,000 points. This is easily done by clearing multiple loop cycles. =============================================================================== Award 28 - Demon Hunter >>Kill a total of 6,666 enemies. =============================================================================== Award 29 - Diaper Rash >>Clear 22 stages in Baby Mode difficulty. =============================================================================== Award 30 - NTV Music Award >>Obtain all 30 BGM Records. The bonus BGM from Operation V Panties is excluded. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [PED04]XXXXXXXXXX| MONSTERPEDIA |XXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***COMING SOON*** X=============================================================================X |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |[CRD00]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| VI. CREDITS |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| X=============================================================================X I'd like to forward my thanks to: -RayWing for several new information including the mechanics for the Golden Lucky Doll and Rescue House, a secret code to unlock the V-Panty Stage, as well as a heads up to include info on the suspended air-slash. -aclyonne and xdes02 from livejournal forums for providing initial translations for the Prinny Graveyard. -SielCiel for providing translations for the stage names. -qzspp2003 for the conditions on how to unlock the last bonus stage. -Cid89_cetramod for providing Japanese game scripts containing ALOT of info, as well as pointing out some errors in the info for Lady Samurai NPC's Chainsaw. -Soahd, Judgment, taiga, zigmus00A and the rest of the GameFAQs Prinny 2 boards for support. -Fitz for pointing out improvements for the FAQ. -Ryukage2007 for confirming several Netherworld awards. -Nippon Ichi Software, for creating yet another hardcore platformer for the PSP. More power! -YOU, the viewer, for taking your time to read the guide. It takes quite some effort to put together something like this, so I'm hoping it was worth your time. :) (c) 2010 Kevin Areopagita / xarugas03 / xarugas