_-*-__-*-__-*-__-*-__-*-__-*-__-*-_ Riviera: the Promised Land CG List (for PSP) _-*-__-*-__-*-__-*-__-*-__-*-__-*-_ By NoNameNoob _____________ Version 1.2 _-*-_CONTENTS_-*-_ [001] Introduction [002] The Album [003] CG List [004] Disclaimer and Credits [005] Version History [006] Contact Details =============================================================================== [001]******************************INTRODUCTION******************************** The PSP version of Riviera has 88 CGs in total. Thats 48 more CGs than the GBA version! Most of the CGs are easy to get, as they unlock through the course of the game. But some of them are tricky to unlock, and you can't get all the CGs in one playthrough. *Pokes the ending ones.* Due to this difference which is not covered by most walkthroughs of the GBA version, I compiled a list of the CGs with the method on how to unlock them. This guide is for the Riviera: the Promised Land North American version. --|WARNING!|------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide may contain some SPOILERS. I assume that you have at least finished the game once, and you're just checking up on the CGs that you have missed. But if you don't mind being spoiled, then just simply go ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [002]******************************THE ALBUM*********************************** First things first. How are you going to collect the CGs if you don't have the section unlocked under EXTRA CONTENTS? You need to get the ALBUM, an event item which unlocks the CG COLLECTION. You can get it in Area 9 (Silver Palace), but only if you succeeded in jumping on the ledge in Area 5 after the fight with the Red Dragon. You'll find it in the green chest on the first screen of Area 9. You can't miss it. (Of course, the only time you will is when you fail to jump off.) Note that you can still see the CGs in the game, but you have no means to view them again if you haven't unlocked the CG COLLECTION. =============================================================================== [003]*******************************CG LIST************************************ The CGs are listed below in the order they appear in the CG COLLECTION. --|Format:|------------------ Number: Title - Subtitle ---> Description ---> How to get ---------------------------------- 01: Title - Into the Fantasy ---> The opening title found at the main screen ---> You can get this when you open Riviera. 02: Ragnarok - As the War Drags On... ---> Grim Angels battling some demons. ---> Start a new game and watch the story. 03: Birth of an Angel - The Will of the Gods ---> Shows a Grim Angel descending to a field of flowers and crosses. ---> Watch the story... 04: The Promised Land - The Sacred Garden ---> Riviera, the piece of floating landmass. ---> Keep watching the story... 05: The Seven Magi - The Realm of the Gods ---> Shows tiny people with weird hats known as the Magi. ---> Keep watching... 06: The Grim Angels Revisited - The Second Advent ---> Shows two Grim Angels, one winged and the other not. ---> Last part of the story. Tired of watching yet? 07: Preparing for Battle - Are you Ready? ---> The background shown at the start of each fight. Your party against lots of demons. ---> You get this at the first fight. 08: Successor of the Will - The Gears of Fate Begin to Turn ---> Ein and Ledah facing Hector, one of the Magi ---> Right after the first battle. 09: Duty - Foreshadowing Events to Come... ---> Ein and Ledah, but Ein is looking troubled. ---> Unlocked at the second screen of Area 1-4 (Cavern of Judgement), when Ledah starts talking about the Retribution. 10: Guardian Beast Aghart - Protector of the Promised Land ---> Just a phoenix. ---> Right before the battle against Aghart, after Ursula summons her. 11: Blade of Judgement - Merciless Angel of Flame ---> Ledah prepares to pass judgement on the fairy Ursula. ---> Unlocks after you defeated Aghart. 12: Ursula's Wish - The Winged Prayer ---> Ursula surrounded by some faeries. ---> After finishing Stage 1 13: Awakening from Slumber - Unfamiliar Faces ---> Lina and Fia looking down after Ein wakes up. ---> Right after the previous CG. 14: The Elder's House - The Direction of the Future ---> Ein enters the Elder's house and finds Fia, Lina, Ladie and Graham ---> Enter the Elder's house. To go to there, talk to Mursya twice. Then talk to the fairy at the back of the Crystal Caverns. She'll mention Lina going there. Then ask Ritz, the gnome where it is. When you leave, the Elder's house will be shown as an option. 15: Crocodile Tears - The Innocent Actress ---> Lina crying, Ein and Fia looking troubled. ---> When you enter Area 2-2 (Shadow Bridge) of Lacrima Castle, a conversation will come up. Choose the options "Maybe we shouldn't..." and "Still..." to unlock the CG. You'll break some hearts for this one, though. 16: Holy Maiden - A Composed Prayer ---> Fia shown chanting a prayer on some skull and bones. ---> In Area 2-4 (Sentry Tower), look at the pile of bones and ask Fia. Enter the correct sequence to get the CG. 17: Ghost Trap - The Call of Prisoners ---> Ein, Lina and Fia surrounded by lots of ghosts. ---> In Area 2-5 (Connecting Bridge), after the fight with the vampire, go to the next screen and you'll find a chest with gold markings on it. Open it and the CG will unlock. 18: In Pursuit of Serene - Moonlight Clashing of Swords ---> A Grim Angel (Malice) chasing a blue-haired girl (Serene) ---> Towards the end of Area 2-7 (Moonlit Courtyard), this CG automatically unlocks when you look up. 19: Resonating Secrets - Unseverable Fate ---> Ein and Malice's Diviners glowing, Serene at the background looking puzzled. ---> Automatically unlocks after the "fight" with Malice. 20: Demon Knight Isher - Adversary of the Gods ---> A knight with spiky wings bathed in blue aura. ---> Right before the battle with Isher. 21: Diviner Unleashed - The Awakening ---> Ursula shows up and awakens Ein's Diviner. ---> Just keep fighting Isher (in vain) until he makes his Max move. 22: Best of Friends? - Daily Life ---> Serene and Lina, bickering as usual. (Lina's looking pretty exasperated..) ---> First, you have to let Lina take a piece of the puffy mushroom in Area 3-1 (Weise Forest). Fight the Mantraps that appear. When you do this, the moment you enter Area 3-3 (Treetop Ruins) and Lina comments about the crappiness of the ruins, the CG should unlock. 23: Meeting with Cierra - The Red-Haired Witch ---> A red-haired girl looking down a hole. ---> At the last screen of Area 3-3, birds will peck at you causing you to fall down. Just watch the story and this unlocks automatically. 24: Four Season's Forest - Lost Souls of Time ---> Ein reading a sign while Serene seems to be lecturing Cierra in the background... ---> When you fall back down to the screen of the puffy mushroom in Area 3-1, follow the new path towards the right. This will take you to the Four Seasons Forest. Read the sign and the CG will unlock. 25: Cierra's Favorite - Captive by the Eerie Doll ---> Cierra is in love with a doll that has smoke coming out of its eyes..... ---> Get the Aran Doll, an event item at the Four Seasons Forest. From the starting point, go UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN and examine the chest. 26: Beyond the Door - Spoken Words Become the Key ---> Cierra chanting a spell. ---> Back in Area 3-3, look at the door and Cierra opens it for you. 27: Through the Branches - Like Falling Leaves ---> The girls are shown falling down through the leaves. ---> Still in Area 3-3, when you go through the door, examine the shiny object at the floor. In order to get the CG, you must NOT enter the correct sequence of the AT. 28: Close Call - The Winds Blow Through the Woods ---> Ein holding Cierra who is about to fall. ---> In Area 3-6 (Wooden Platforms), when Cierra is about to fall, enter the correct sequence of the AT. 29: Nice Catch! - A Mid-Air Rescue ---> Serene lifting Cierra up. ---> This time, do NOT enter the correct sequence. Serene will rescue Cierra instead. 30: I Love Squirrels *note* - A Momentary Rest ---> Lina holding a cute little squirrel. ---> After you fight the demons at the second screen of Area 3-6, go back to the first screen and look. Catch the squirrel and give it to Lina. 31: Heavenely Wyrm Lindwurm - He Who Soars the Heavens ---> A big green dragon... er... wyrm... or is it a wyvern.. ?? ---> Right before the battle against Lindwurm. 32: Saving Gateau? - I'm Not a Cat! ---> The girls looking down at a cat... that is actually Rose. ---> Right after clearing Stage 3. 33: Bathing Scene 1 - One Sunny Afternoon... ---> Lina and Fia bathing in the Undine Springs along with Meute, Mursya and the faeries. ---> To get this CG, have Lina and Fia pick up the feather towards the end of Stage 3. When you get back to Elendia, go to Lina and Fia's house and talk to CoCo the fairy. Head directly to the Undine Springs. You have to get past the banango peel, though. 34: Bathing Scene 1 - Chaos! ---> The girls noticed Ein peeping at them, and freaked. ---> Right after the previous one. 35: After the Party - The Fountain of Silence ---> Ein enters the spring and only finds a puzzled Meute and a crossed LuLu. ---> Fail in the mini-game and enter the Undine Spring. You can also get this when you fail at the second bathing scene. 36: Twin Magicians - Executing the Plan ---> Twins covered in bandages. One blue-haired, the other red-haired. (Maybe they're fraternal?). The blue-haired one is rotating a lever. ---> The moment you step in Area 4-2 (Sinking Island). 37: Who Started It? - By Tetyth's Waters... ---> Ein and the girls soaking wet. (Somehow, I think Serene looks better with her hair down...) ---> In the first screen of Area 4-2, examine the rocks. 38: Serene's Reconnaissance - Wings Clad in Freedom ---> Serene floating to check up on something. ---> On the last screen of Area 4-5 (Aura Plataeus), look at the window and ask Serene to check. 39: The Undines - An Underwater Paradise ---> A bunch of Undines. ---> To get the CG, you must've rescued the Undine back at Area 4-3 (Carnea District) found in the next screen after you found the Rusty Key. When you reach St. Claremonts (Area 4-6), go to low ground and talk to the Undine. 40: Demon Friends - Likeable Troublemakers ---> Lina and Cierra making friends with the Fool and the Sage (the twins). ---> After the battle with the Sage, you have to choose to let them go. 41: Checking the Goddess - I'm Innocent! ---> A funny scene where the girls are upset at whatever Ein was doing, and Ein looking clueless as ever. ---> At the second screen of the Flaybell Cathedral (Area 4-8), examine the angel statue and choose to jump on it to reach Area 4-9 (Cathedral Library). If you want to break hearts keep looking at the statue on your way up. At the top, look at the statue and the CG will pop up. 42: The Fallen Archangel - An Immoral Messenger of the Gods ---> The Archangel. Oooh. ---> Right before the battle with her. 43: Ledah & Ein - An Unexpected Reunion ---> Ein and Rose encounters Ledah. ---> After clearing Stage 4. You can't miss it. 44: Bathing Scene 2: A Time of Peace ---> This time, it's Serene, Cierra, Soala, Molan, Ladie and Rebecca. *Gasp!* ---> To get the CG, you must take some of the mint found in Area 4-5. Go to Lina and Fia's place and talk to Lina, then head to the Undine Springs. Get ready for some button mashing. 45: Bathing Scene 2: Panic! ---> Ditto the subtitle. (I love Serene's reaction!) ---> Right after the previous one. 46: Randy the Thief - Theft at the Cemetery ---> A Savage Ogre giving Ein Lina's backpack. (Lina's happy she didn't loose teddy.) ---> When you get to Stage 5, look at the sign. Lina's backpack gets stolen. Anyway, head to the next screen and look at the well. Go to the next screen and look at the tree. Then head back to the first screen and examine the building. After the fight, choose to get back Lina's backpack. 47: Those Who Hunt Souls - Voluptuous Vampires ---> A pair of vampires swooping down towards Ein and Serene. ---> In the third screen of Area 5-3 (Cemetery Entrance), look up. 48: Invitation to the Abyss - The Gate to the Netherworld ---> Ein and the girls looking down a passage uncovered by a large boulder. ---> To get this, instead of placing the correct ankh in the blue altar, place X or I instead. When you go back down, you'll see a boulder. Move it. 49: Zombie Dragon - Invitation to Chaos ---> A bone dragon sitting on a magic circle. ---> Just keep going down the passage in Area 5-9 (Gate to Hell) and you get the CG before you fight the zombie dragon. 50: Magic Duet - The Melody of a Concerto ---> Fia and Cierra doing some magic. ---> Now place the A ankh in the blue altar. Exit, then move right, then down twice. Look at the chest. You should have obtained the Thief Manual (when you get CG 46) to be able to open the chest to obtain this CG. 51: Death, Reaper of Souls - Unifier of Darkness ---> The Grim Reaper. Ooooh. ---> Right before you battle Death. He's the last of the accursed by the way. 52: Divine Weapon Unleashed - A Lost Legacy of Ancient Times ---> Ein and Rose digs up a shiny new weapon. Cool!~ ---> After Stage 5, go to the Undine Springs and dig on the ground five times. This method is also written in the Divine Scripture. 53: Elendia at Night - A Quiet Night ---> Elendia at night. ---> Enter the Elder's house after you do all the stuff you need to do around town. 54: To Yggdrasil - Into the Light ---> Ein and the girls looking up a tree. ---> Enter the Elder's house again. 55: So Close, Yet So Far - The Mystical Yggdrasil ---> Ein and the girls amazed at the world inside the tree. ---> The moment you start Stage 6. 56: Friends - You're not Alone ---> Ein and the girls having a little talk. ---> When you get blown away by the wyrm in Area 6-3 (Manalith Garden), defeat the enemies in that screen and move up. 57: The Gorge of Fate - A Tragic Battle ---> Ein and Ledah about to fight ---> Before the battle against Ledah. 58: The Third Grim Angel - The Spoken Truth ---> The three Grim Angels. ---> After you defeated Ledah. 59: Divine Madness - Engineered Reason ---> Ein facing Malice. ---> Right before you fight her. Can't miss it. 60: The Lone Grim Angel - In the Name of Fate... ---> Ledah leaning against his spear. ---> After you defeated Malice. Again, you can't miss it. 61: Ledah's Last - Death in Exchange for Life ---> ... *sniff* ---> Right after the previous CG. 62: The Maze of Shadows - The Dark Sanctuary ---> The Maze of Shadows is shown as a spiky dome on a floating island. ---> Again, right after the previous one. 63: The Showdown with Malice - Tempers Flare ---> Malice getting really angry this time. ---> Right before you battle her for the second time. (Or is it the third??) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can get CGs 64-67 if you go through the whole maze. Actually it's not that hard. But I'll draw a map and point the specific place where you get the event. 64: Cierra's Sentiments - Words Enshrined in the Heart 65: Serene's Sentiments - Words Enshrined in the Heart 66: Lina's Sentiments - Words Enshrined in the Heart 67: Fia's Sentiments - Words Enshrined in the Heart Area 7-5 (Ruby Tier) : Serene, Lina and Fia's events [65]--[ ] [ ] | | [ ]--[ ] [66]--[67] | [ ] Area 7-6 (Emerald Tier) Cierra's event [ ]--[ ]--[ ] | [ ]--[ ] [ ] [64]--[ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68: Fight for the Future - At the End of a Sorrowful Road... ---> Ein getting ready to fight Hector ---> Right before you fight him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CGs 69-72 are dependent on the ending that you'll get. The girl with the highest trust will be the one who'll be abducted by Malice. 69: Abducted Cierra - The Final Victim 70: Abducted Serene - The Final Victim 71: Abducted Lina - The Final Victim 72: Abducted Fia - The Final Victim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73: Seth in Pain - Unbearable Pain ---> A fairy in chains dressed in what looks to me like a tiger suit. ---> Part of the story, can't miss it. 74: Awakening of Seth-Rah - The Advent of Seth-Rah ---> A grey-skinned angel with red hair holding a giant fork. Heh. ---> Again, part of the story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CGs 75-79 are, again, dependent on the ending you get. The girls who are not sacrificed are seen running away with Ein from the labyrinth. When you get the Rose ending, you'll see CG 79. 75: The Crumbling Labyrinth - The Great Escape! 76: The Crumbling Labyrinth - The Great Escape! 77: The Crumbling Labyrinth - The Great Escape! 78: The Crumbling Labyrinth - The Great Escape! 79: The Crumbling Labyrinth - The Great Escape! ---> Ein and Rose running away from the labyrinth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80: The Final Prayer - An Entrusted Wish ---> Ein watches as Ursula fades away. ---> Right after the previous one... 81: Happy Ending - The Dawning of a New Day ---> Lina shown eating a bite out of Fia's cake, and in the background, Cierra blasting something on the stove. Serene, I think, is holding the seasoning... ---> The general happy ending shown after the credits have rolled. 82: Cierra's Happy Ending *note* - Magic is Mysterious... ---> Ein watches as Cierra gives magic to a flower. ---> Cierra's ending. 83: Serene's Happy Ending *note* - The Adventure Continues... ---> Ein and Serene ready to fight off some demons. ---> Serene's ending. ^__^ 84: Lina's Happy Ending *note* - In Search of Magnificent Treasures... ---> Lina gets blasted with the trap and Ein holds her. ---> Lina's ending. 85: Fia's Happy Ending *note* - The Prayer Cradling Riviera ---> Fia praying with Ein standing behind her. ---> Fia's ending. 86: Rose's (!?) Happy Ending *note*- Who Are You!? ---> Ein holds a bottle as he sees his familiar turned into a girl. ---> Rose's true ending. The girls must have a trust below 40, but Cierra has to have the highest. 87: Start of a New Era - To Their Respective Tomorrows... ---> Ein and Rose with a lot of books. ---> You get this ending when all the girls have trusts below 40. Cierra must not be the highest, otherwise, you get the other one. 88: Fin. - From Tale to Legend... ---> An open book. ---> Shown at the very end. =============================================================================== [004]*************************DISCLAIMER AND CREDITS*************************** I do not own Riviera: the Promised Land or any bit of it. It belongs to and is copyright by Sting and Atlus. So I should thank the people who need to be thanked. If you have something to add to the guide, mail me and I'll gladly credit you. --> Many thanks to Bryan, a.k.a drag10 (bryanchenyj[at]hotmail[dot]com) for the information on CG 22. --> Thanks to Hayate (woofblackhayate[at]yahoo[dot]com) for the information on the squirrel :) --> Thank you LCN (http://lacrimacastle.net/index.php), a great forum and fan site for Riviera and other Sting games. =============================================================================== [005]***************************VERSION HISTORY******************************** Version 1.0 - released 04.30.2008 Version 1.2 - updated 01.28.2011 --> fixed some typos and rephrased some descriptions. =============================================================================== [006]***************************CONTACT DETAILS******************************** If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, corrections, whinings, etc., you may contact me at shadow.kitty[at]yahoo[dot]com[dot]ph. Please leave the subject as "Riviera" or "CG List" or something similar. I will respond to your e-mail ASAP. This is my first guide written for GameFAQs. Please do not post my guide, or parts of my guide anywhere without asking me first and giving proper credit. Thanks. Copyright 2008 NoNameNoob