Samurai Warriors: State of War Subofficer FAQ by dylan7196 ~~~~~ INTRO ~~~~~ Welcome. This is my first FAQ, so it may be a bit rough. I made this FAQ due to the surprising lack of information on this game besides the other information on this site. The main purpose of this FAQ is to create a definitive list of the many, many subofficers in this game, as well as finding them. ~~~~~~~~~ COPYRIGHT ~~~~~~~~~ This FAQ was created by Dylan Boston, and is only allowed on: If you see this anywhere else, please let me know at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VERSION HISTORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nov 8, 2015 - Created the FAQ. 228/231 subofficers listed, other 3 officers and their locations unknown. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. What are subofficers? (subinfo) 2. Subofficer List (sublist) 3. Subofficer Appearances (subappear) 4. Skill List (skilllist) 5. Officer/Weapon Stats (swstats) 6. General Tips (gentips) 7. Grinding/Farming Tips (grindtips) 8. Thanks (thx4yourplay) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 1. What are subofficers? (subinfo) ---------------------------------- Subofficers are generals you can bring into battle to fight alongside you. You start out with a very small selection, but there are 231 subofficers unlockable in this game. Though they are obviously useful for fighting alongside you, it is also important to look at the special abilities they may possess. Musou subofficers are the unique generals, which consist of the playable Samurai Warriors cast, the unique NPCs, and the Dynasty Warriors subofficers. You start with 2 subofficer slots, gain a third at Level 5, and a fourth at Level 15. Regardless of level, you may only bring in one Musou subofficer per battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 2. Subofficer List (sublist) ---------------------------------- This is the main part of the FAQ. I tried to make the list as simple and easy to read as possible. All Musou subofficers have a skill and two stat boosts. Generics can have a skill and one stat boost/drop, two stat boosts, or a single stat boost. This list as of now contains only 228 of the 231 subofficers. If anyone has information on the remaining 3, or if I made an error, feel free to send an email. +=====================+=============+========+========+ | Officer Name |Suboff. Skill| Stat 1 | Stat 2 | +=====================+=============+========+========+ |Yukimura Sanada |Blaze |Atk. +10|Rng. + 8| |Keiji Maeda |Matsukaze |Atk. +12|Def. + 8| |Nobunaga Oda |Awe |Int. +12|Chg. +12| |Mitsuhide Akechi |Proficiency |Int. +10|Rng. + 8| |Goemon Ishikawa |Plunder |Life + 8|Def. +10| |Kenshin Uesugi |Brewmaster |Mus. + 8|Atk. +10| |Oichi |Spark |Chg. +10|Spd. + 8| |Okuni |Proficiency |Mus. + 8|Def. + 8| |Kunoichi |Proficiency |Mus. + 6|Spd. + 8| |Magoichi Saika |2nd Chance |Atk. + 8|Chg. + 8| |Shingen Takeda |Drum |Def. +12|Int. +10| |Masamune Date |Crystal |Chg. +10|Rng. + 8| |Noh |Gloom |Mus. + 8|Int. +12| |Hanzo Hattori |Impulse |Atk. + 8|Spd. + 8| |Ranmaru Mori |Drill |Rng + 8|Spd. + 6| |Hideyoshi Hashiba |Talismania |Life + 8|Chg. + 8| |Yoshimoto Imagawa |Appraisal |Def. +10|Spd. + 6| |Tadakatsu Honda |Aggression |Life + 6|Atk. +12| |Ina |Proficiency |Mus. + 6|Chg. +12| |Ieyasu Tokugawa |Shield |Life + 6|Def. +12| |Nagamasa Azai |Capture |Chg. +10|Rng. + 6| +=====================+=============+========+========+ |Zhao Yun |Spark |Atk. +10|Chg. +10| |Guan Yu |Matsukaze |Life + 6|Rng. + 8| |Zhang Fei |Brewmaster |Atk. +12|Rng. + 6| |Zhuge Liang |Sorcery |Int. +12|Chg. +12| |Liu Bei |Karma |Life + 6|Mus. + 8| |Ma Chao |Persian |Chg. +10|Rng. + 8| |Huang Zhong |Scan |Mus. + 6|Def. +10| |Jiang Wei |Drill |Int. + 8|Chg. +12| |Wei Yan |Greed |Atk. +10|Rng. + 6| |Pang Tong |Paralysis 2 |Mus. + 8|Int. +10| |Yue Ying |Rally 3 |Def. + 8|Int. + 8| |Xiahou Dun |Fury |Atk. + 8|Spd. + 6| |Dian Wei |2nd Chance |Life + 6|Def. +10| |Xu Zhu |Gluttony |Atk +12|Life + 8| |Cao Cao |Gloom |Int. +10|Chg. +12| |Xiahou Yuan |Rally 2 |Life + 6|Atk. + 8| |Zhang Liao |Persian |Atk. +10|Rng. + 6| |Sima Yi |Thunder 3 |Mus. + 8|Int. +12| |Xu Huang |Train |Life + 6|Rng. + 8| |Zhang He |Impulse |Def. + 8|Spd. + 8| |Zhen Ji |Awe |Mus. + 6|Chg. +12| |Cao Ren |Fortify |Mus. + 6|Def. +12| |Zhou Yu |Thunder 2 |Def. +10|Int. +12| |Lu Xun |Rally 3 |Int. +10|Spd. + 8| |Taishi Ci |Shield |Def. +12|Rng. + 6| |Sun Shang Xiang |Talismania |Rng. + 8|Spd. + 6| |Sun Jian |Mute 3 |Life + 6|Def. + 8| |Sun Quan |Drum |Life + 8|Spd. + 6| |Lu Meng |Mute 2 |Def. + 8|Int. + 8| |Gan Ning |Plunder |Atk. +10|Spd. + 8| |Huang Gai |Counter Spell|Life + 8|Def. +10| |Sun Ce |Blaze |Atk. +10|Spd. + 6| |Da Qiao |Crystal |Mus. + 8|Rng. + 6| |Xiao Qiao |Mute 2 |Int. + 8|Spd. + 8| |Zhou Tai |Sickle |Chg. + 8|Rng. + 6| |Diao Chan |Boost 2 |Mus. + 6|Spd. + 6| |Lu Bu |Aggression |Atk. +12|Def. +12| |Dong Zhuo |Rampage |Life + 8|Chg. + 8| |Yuan Shao |Fortune |Mus. + 6|Chg. +10| |Zhang Jiao |Paralysis 3 |Mus. + 8|Int. +10| |Meng Huo |Loot |Life + 8|Def. +10| |Zhu Rong |Stride |Atk. + 8|Chg. + 8| +=====================+=============+========+========+ |Kiyotsuna Akao | |Mus. + 2|Def. + 4| |Teruzumi Akashi | |Mus. + 6|Int. + 4| |Shigetomo Akechi |Loot |Atk. - 5| | |Hidemitsu Akechi | |Rng. + 6|Spd. + 6| |Kagetake Asakura | |Int. + 2|Chg. + 6| |Kagenori Asakura | |Mus. + 4|Rng. + 2| |Soteki Asakura |Meditation |Life - 5| | |Yoshikage Asakura |Luck |Rng. + 8| | |Yasutomo Asahina | |Def. + 6|Spd. + 2| |Yoshiaki Ashikaga |Poison 2 |Int. +10| | |Yoshiteru Ashikaga |Razor |Rng. + 2| | |Nobukimi Anayama | |Def. + 4| | |Motozane Abe | |Spd. + 6| | |Kagetsugu Amakasu | |Mus. + 2|Spd. + 4| |Murashige Araki | |Mus. + 4|Int. + 4| |Chikasue Ando |Mute 2 |Int. +12| | |Morinari Ando | |Mus. + 2|Int. + 4| |Naomasa Ii |Capture |Rng. + 8| | |Tsuneoki Ikeda | |Life + 2|Atk. + 2| |Kazumasa Ishikawa | |Mus. + 4|Int. + 6| |Mitsunari Ishida |Gluttony |Life - 5| | |Kazumasa Isono | |Atk. + 6|Life + 2| |Ittetsu Inaba | |Atk. + 4|Int. + 4| |Ujizane Imagawa | |Rng. + 2| | |Katsunaga Irobe | |Def. + 2|Spd. + 4| |Kagekatsu Uesugi |Train |Def. + 8| | |Naoie Ukita |Boost 3 |Mus. + 8| | |Sadamitsu Usami |Thunder 2 |Int. +12| | |Bokuzen Ujiie | |Life + 2|Def. + 4| |Nagateru Udono | |Life + 4| | |Naotsune Endo | |Int. + 2|Spd. + 6| |Tadasuke Okubo | |Atk. + 6|Spd. + 2| |Tadayo Okubo | |Life + 4|Def. + 4| |Sukemasa Ota |Paralysis 2 |Spd. - 5| | |Sorin Otomo |Luck |Def. +10| | |Harunaga Ono | |Int. +10| | |Motonobu Okabe | |Def. + 2|Rng. + 4| |Yoshimasa Oka | |Rng. + 6| | |Nobumasa Okudaira | |Def. +10| | |Nobutada Oda | |Atk. + 2| | |Yataro Onikojima |Aggression |Def. - 5| | |Tsunamoto Oniniwa | |Int. + 6|Chg. + 6| |Tadaaki Ono |Razor |Chg. + 2| | |Nobushige Oyamada |Loot |Int. - 5| | |Tsunachika Kaiho | |Int. + 6|Rng. + 4| |Kageie Kakizaki |Fury |Atk. +10| | |Takenori Kasuya | |Atk. + 4|Spd. + 2| |Katsumoto Katagiri | |Mus. + 4|Int. + 2| |Kojuro Katakura |Impulse |Chg. + 6| | |Ujimoto Katsurayama | |Mus. + 4| | |Kiyomasa Kato |Crystal |Def. +12| | |Yoshiaki Kato | |Atk. + 2|Rng. + 6| |Nagachika Kanamori | |Mus. + 4| | |Nobutsuna Kamiizumi |Sickle |Rng. - 5| | |Ujisato Gamo |Mute 3 |Chg. +10| | |Hidetada Kawajiri | |Def. + 6| | |Takahiro Kitajo |Loot |Mus. - 5| | |Tomonori Kitabatake |Train |Atk. + 6| | |Motoharu Kikkawa |Boost 3 |Atk. +10| | |Shigenari Kimura | |Life + 2|Spd. + 8| |Yoshitaka Kuki |Loot |Chg. - 5| | |Kanbei Kuroda |Thunder 3 |Chg. +12| | |Nagamasa Kuroda |Fortune |Life + 8| | |Masanobu Kosaka |Boost 3 |Spd. + 4| | |Chikayasu Kosokabe | |Def. + 6|Int. + 6| |Nobuyasu Goto | |Atk. + 6|Chg. + 4| |Matabei Goto |Rampage |Atk. +10| | |Yukinaga Konishi | |Mus. + 6|Int. + 2| |Takakage Kobayakawa |Recuperate 3 |Chg. + 8| | |Tatsuoki Saito | |Chg. + 2|Rng. + 4| |Toshimitsu Saito |Fortune |Def. + 8| | |Tomonobu Saito |Recuperate 2 |Chg. + 4| | |Tadatsugu Sakai |Boost 2 |Life + 6| | |Yasumasa Sakakibara |Rally 2 |Def. + 6| | |Nobumori Sakuma | |Mus. + 2|Def. + 4| |Yoshishige Satake |Capture |Chg. + 8| | |Narimasa Sassa | |Life + 2|Atk. + 6| |Nobuyuki Sanada | |Def. + 2|Int. + 4| |Masayuki Sanada |Poison 2 |Chg. + 8| | |Katsuie Shibata |Fury |Def. +10| | |Iehisa Shimazu |Blaze |Atk. +12| | |Yoshihisa Shimazu |Awe |Int. +10| | |Yoshihiro Shimazu |Stride |Def. +12| | |Muneharu Shimizu | |Def. + 8|Chg. + 4| |Masashige Jojo | |Spd. + 6| | |Shigetomo Suzuki | |Chg. + 4|Spd. + 2| |Kanesuke Susukida | |Life + 2|Def. + 4| |Moritane Soma |Boost 2 |Chg. - 5| | |Sessai Taigen |Paralysis 3 |Int. +12| | |Shoun Takahashi |Shield |Def. + 8| | |Shigetomo Takayama | |Mus. + 2|Def. + 2| |Kazumasu Takigawa |Paralysis 2 |Int. +10| | |Katsuyori Takeda |Steed |Life + 4| | |Nobushige Takeda | |Life + 2|Def. + 2| |Hanbei Takenaka |Sorcery |Mus. + 8| | |Dosetsu Tachibana |Spark |Atk. +12| | |Muneshige Tachibana |Drill |Spd. + 8| | |Shigezane Date |Counter Spell|Atk. +10| | |Nobuchika Chosokabe | |Int. + 4|Chg. + 6| |Motochika Chosokabe |Greed |Life + 8| | |Morichika Chosokabe | |Life + 6|Rng. + 4| |Tamenobu Tsugaru |Poison 2 |Atk. - 5| | |Morishige Tsuchibashi| |Life + 4| | |Junkei Tsutsui |Meditation |Life - 5| | |Takatora Todo |Karma |Chg. +10| | |Hidetada Tokugawa | |Chg. + 2| | |Shigemasa Toda |Razor |Life + 2| | |Mototada Torii | |Atk. + 2|Def. + 6| |Masatoyo Naito |Gluttony |Mus. - 5| | |Kagetsuna Naoe | |Mus. + 6|Rng. + 2| |Kanetsugu Naoe |Rally 3 |Chg. + 6| | |Kiyohide Nakagawa | |Life + 6|Atk. + 2| |Narimasa Nagano |Recuperate 3 |Def. +12| | |Kazuuji Nakamura | |Rng. + 6| | |Naoshige Nabeshima |Recuperate 2 |Def. + 6| | |Harumasa Nambu |Steed |Rng. + 6| | |Morinobu Nishina | |Atk. + 4| | |Nagahide Niwa | |Mus. + 2|Def. + 4| |Hidenaga Hashiba |Talismania |Chg. +12| | |Tsunenaga Hasekura | |Int. + 2|Rng. + 4| |Koroku Hachisuka |Plunder |Spd. - 5| | |Nobufusa Baba |Recuperate 2 |Def. + 4| | |Munetoki Harada | |Life + 4|Spd. + 4| |Toratane Hara | |Atk. + 6|Rng. + 8| |Dan’emon Ban |Loot |Rng. - 5| | |Hironari Hineno | |Atk. + 8| | |Nagayasu Hirano | |Def. + 2|Spd. + 4| |Kotaro Fuma |Plunder |Int. - 5| | |Masanori Fukushima |Brewmaster |Atk. + 6| | |Ujikuni Hojo | |Atk. + 4|Spd. + 2| |Ujiteru Hojo | |Def. + 2|Chg. + 6| |Ujinao Hojo | |Chg. + 2|Rng. + 4| |Ujimasa Hojo |Luck |Life + 8| | |Ujiyasu Hojo |Fortify |Def. +12| | |Gen’an Hojo |Meditation |Atk. - 5| | |Tsunashige Hojo |Drum |Atk. +12| | |Fujitaka Hosokawa |Appraisal |Def. - 5| | |Hidemasa Hori | |Rng. + 2|Spd. + 4| |Shigenaga Honjo |Steed |Atk. + 8| | |Tadamasa Honda | |Spd. + 8| | |Masanobu Honda |Poison 3 |Chg. +12| | |Toshiie Maeda |Luck |Chg. + 8| | |Toshitsune Maeda | |Int. + 8|Chg. + 4| |Shimpachi Maeda | |Chg. + 4| | |Ujimoto Makabe |Scan |Life + 6| | |Tadateru Matsudaira |Stride |Atk. + 4| | |Nobuyasu Matsudaira | |Life + 4|Atk. + 4| |Norihide Matsuda | |Int. + 8| | |Hisahide Matsunaga |Appraisal |Chg. +10| | |Nagayoshi Marume |Razor |Mus. + 2| | |Keijun Miyabe | |Mus. + 2|Int. + 8| |Katsunaga Mori |Scan |Def. +10| | |Motonari Mori |Fortify |Chg. +12| | |Yoshiaki Mogami |Gloom |Chg. +10| | |Nagayoshi Mori |Matsukaze |Rng. - 5| | |Yoshinari Mori | |Life + 4|Rng. + 2| |Munemori Yagyu |Razor |Atk. + 2| | |Muneyoshi Yagyu |Sickle |Mus. - 5| | |Masakage Yamagata |Persian |Atk. +12| | |Shikanosuke Yamanaka |Karma |Atk. + 8| | |Kansuke Yamamoto |Thunder 2 |Def. - 5| | |Takanobu Ryuzoji |Rampage |Chg. + 8| | |Masakage Rusu | |Int. + 8| | |Yasuharu Wakisaka | |Life + 4|Chg. + 2| |Moritsuna Watanabe |Greed |Atk. + 4| | +=====================+=============+========+========+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- 3. Subofficer Appearances (subappear) ------------------------------------- This section shows all subofficers' known appearances in the game. This should help with finding and acquiring missing subofficers. I am sure I missed some along the way; please inform me if I have. An asterisk (*) denotes a unit that arrives as reinforcements. A hyphen (-) denotes a unit that is a subofficer to the unit above it. A x# (2, 3, etc) means that the unit reappears. An exclamation mark (!) denotes a unit that is exclusive to this stage. In order to acquire them, they must be defeated on this stage. ==THE ODA'S CONQUEST== ~~March on the Capital~~ Hisahide Matsunaga -Ujisato Gamo Junkei Tsutsui Tatsuoki Saito Tomonori Kitabatake ~~Battle of Anegawa~~ Nagamasa Azai -Keijun Miyabe Yoshikage Asakura -Shimpachi Maeba Kazumasa Isono Kagenori Asakura Kiyotsuna Akao Naotsune Endo Kagetake Asakura Keiji Maeda* -Magoichi Saika* Soteki Asakura* -Shigemasa Toda* Tsunachika Kaiho* -Tatsuoki Saito* ~~Assault on the Saika~~ Magoichi Saika -Yoshimasa Oka -Morishige Tsuchibashi -Shigetomo Suzuki (Fake) Magoichi Saika (x4) ==HIDEYOSHI'S FRUITION== ~~Battle of Yamasaki~~ Mitsuhide Akechi Toshimitsu Saito Junkei Tsutsui -Fujitaka Hosokawa Hidemitsu Akechi Shigetomo Akechi ~~Kyushu Campaign~~ Yoshihisa Shimazu Nagayoshi Marume Yoshihiro Shimazu Iehisa Shimazu Takanobu Ryuzoji* Sorin Otomo* Naoshige Nabeshima* ==MR. AND MRS. ODA== ~~A Date with Danger~~ Toshimitsu Saito Hidemitsu Akechi Shigetomo Akechi Fujitaka Hosokawa Murashige Araki -Shigetomo Takayama Junkei Tsutsui -Morinari Ando Yoshiaki Ashikaga* -Dan’emon Ban* ~~Nobunaga's Flight~~ Goemon Ishikawa Hidemitsu Akechi (x2?) Shigetomo Akechi (x2?) Yoshiaki Ashikaga (x2?) -Murashige Araki (x2?) Junkei Tsutsui (x2?) -Morinari Ando (x2?) Fujitaka Hosokawa (x2?) Muneyoshi Yagyu -Munemori Yagyu Toshimitsu Saito (x2?) Magoichi Saika* -Yoshimasa Oka* -Morishige Tsuchibashi* -Shigetomo Suzuki* ==OICHI== ~~Escape from Odani Castle~~ Yoshikage Asakura* -Shimpachi Maeba* Kiyotsuna Akao* Naotsune Endo* Kazumasa Isono* Tsunachika Kaiho* -Keijun Miyabe* Kagetake Asakura* Kagenori Asakura* Soteki Asakura* -Shigemasa Toda* ~~Battle of the Tedori River~~ Kenshin Uesugi (x2) -Yataro Onikojima (x2) -Kagekatsu Uesugi (x2) Tomonobu Saito Kanetsugu Naoe -Kagetsuna Naoe Kageie Kakizaki -Kagetsugu Amakasu Sadamitsu Usami -Katsunaga Irobe Takahiro Kitajo Shigenaga Honjo Masashige Jojo ==MITSUHIDE AND RANMARU== ~~Assault on Sanyo~~ Takakage Kobayakawa Motoharu Kikkawa Murashige Araki -Shigetomo Takayama Muneharu Shimizu Shikanosuke Yamanaka -Matabei Goto Naoie Ukita -Teruzumi Akashi Yoshiaki Ashikaga ~~Assault on Kyushu~~ Yoshihisa Shimazu* -Iehisa Shimazu* Yoshihiro Shimazu* -Nagayoshi Marume* Motoharu Kikkawa Sorin Otomo -Shoun Takahashi Dosetsu Tachibana -Muneshige Tachibana Takakage Kobayakawa Takanobu Ryuzoji Naoshige Nabeshima (Note: Motoharu Kikkawa through Naoshige Nabeshima reappear infinitely) ==NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION== ~~Eastern Campaign~~ Ujimasa Hojo -Ujinao Hojo -Gen’an Hojo -Ujiteru Hojo -Ujikuni Hojo Kanetsugu Naoe -Masashige Jojo -Shigenaga Honjo Masayuki Sanada -Nobuyuki Sanada -Nobushige Oyamada Tsunashige Hojo -Kotaro Fuma -Norihide Matsuda Yoshishige Satake -Ujimoto Makabe -Tadaaki Ono Kageie Kakizaki -Kagetsugu Amakasu -Takahiro Kitajo Kenshin Uesugi* -Yataro Onkojima* -Sadamitsu Usami* Kagekatsu Uesugi* -Katsunaga Irobe* -Tomonobu Saito* Yukimura Sanada* -Kunoichi* Katsuyori Takeda* -Morinobu Nishina* -Masanobu Kosaka* ~~Northern Campaign~~ Masamune Date -Kojuro Katakura -Nobuyasu Goto -Tsunamoto Oniniwa -Tsunenaga Hasekura Yoshishige Satake -Ujimoto Makabe Yoshiaki Mogami -Moritane Soma Masayuki Sanada -Nobuyuki Sanada Yukimura Sanada -Kunoichi Shigezane Date -Masakage Rusu -Munetoki Harada Kenshin Uesugi -Yataro Onikojima -Sadamitsu Usami Harumasa Nambu -Tamenobu Tsugaru -Chikasue Ando Masanobu Kosaka -Nobushige Oyamada Kagekatsu Uesugi -Kanetsugu Naoe -Kageie Kakizaki ==EASTERN WARRIORS== ~~Battle of Mikatagahara~~ Ieyasu Tokugawa -Nobuyasu Matsudaira -Hidetada Tokugawa Tadakatsu Honda -Tadasuke Okubo -Tadamasa Honda Yasumasa Sakakibara -Kazumasu Takigawa -Mototada Torii Tadatsugu Sakai -Nobumasa Okudaira -Masanobu Honda Hanzo Hattori* -Naomasa Ii* -Moritsuna Watanabe* Ina* -Tadayo Okubo* -Tadateru Matsudaira* ~~Assault on Mino~~ Nobunaga Oda -Narimasa Sassa -Hidetaka Kawajiri Tsuneoki Ikeda -Bokuzen Ujiie Katsuie Shibata -Morinari Ando Ranmaru Mori -Yoshinari Mori Kazumasu Takigawa -Ittetsu Inaba Toshiie Maeda -Koroku Hachisuka Mitsuhide Akechi* -Hidemasa Hori* Noh* -Nobumori Sakuma* ==RISE OF THE TAKEDA== ~~Kyoto Thief Hunt~~ Goemon Ishikawa Okuni* Yoshiteru Ashikaga* ~~Costly Passage~~ Keiji Maeda Okuni Kanesuke Susukida Magoichi Saika -Yoshimasa Oka -Shigetomo Suzuki -Morishige Tsuchibashi Matabei Goto -Katsunaga Mori Dan’emon Ban Shigenari Kimura -Harunaga Ono Goemon Ishikawa* ~~Shingen's Pilgrimage~~ Naoie Ukita -Teruzumi Akashi Morichika Chosokabe Nobuchika Chosokabe Sorin Otomo* -Shoun Takahashi* Dosetsu Tachibana* -Muneshige Tachibana* Motochika Chosokabe* -Chikayasu Kosokabe* Motonari Mori* -Motoharu Kikkawa* -Takakage Kobayakawa* Goemon Ishikawa* Magoichi Saika* -Yoshimasa Oka* -Shigetomo Suzuki* -Morishige Tsuchibashi* ==ENTER THE TOKUGAWA== ~~Rebirth in Mikawa~~ Katsuyori Takeda -Morinobu Nishina Nobukimi Anayama -Nobushige Oyamada Masayuki Sanada -Nobuyuki Sanada Masanobu Kosaka* Nobufusa Baba* Masakage Yamagata* Nobushige Takeda* -Kansuke Yamamoto* Masatoyo Naito* ~~Iga Resistance~~ Mitsuhide Akechi -Ranmaru Mori Hideyoshi Hashiba -Koroku Hachisuka -Hanbei Takenaka Noh -Hironari Hineno Yoshinari Mori Hidetaka Kawajiri -Narimasa Sassa Shigetomo Takayama -Murashige Araki Kazumasu Takigawa -Yoshitaka Kuki Ujisato Gamo -Nagachika Kanamori Kotaro Fuma* ~~Infiltrating Tsutsujigasaki~~ Shingen Takeda -Yukimura Sanada -Toratane Hara Kunoichi Masayuki Sanada -Nobuyuki Sanada Masanobu Kosaka Kansuke Yamamoto -Nobukimi Anayama Nobufusa Baba Katsuyori Takeda -Morinobu Nishina Nobushige Takeda -Nobushige Oyamada Masatoyo Naito Masakage Yamagata ==STRENGTH FROM ABOVE== ~~Escape from Anegawa~~ Katsuie Shibata Toshiie Maeda Narimasa Sassa* Tsuneoki Ikeda* Mitsuhide Akechi* -Toshimitsu Saito* -Hidemitsu Akechi* Ranmaru Mori* -Ujisato Gamo* Hideyoshi Hashiba* -Hidenaga Hashiba* -Hanbei Takenaka* Nagamasa Azai* -Oichi* ~~Assault on the North~~ Yoshiaki Mogami Harumasa Nambu Yoshishige Satake -Ujimoto Makabe Tamenobu Tsugaru Chikasue Ando Moritane Soma Ujiteru Hojo* -Ujikuni Hojo* Tsunashige Hojo* -Kotaro Fuma* ~~Assault on the East~~ Ujiteru Hojo -Ujikuni Hojo Sukemasa Ota -Tadaaki Ono Yoshishige Satake -Ujimoto Makabe Ujimasa Hojo -Ujinao Hojo Ujiyasu Hojo* -Norihide Matsuda* -Gen’an Hojo* Mitsuhide Akechi* -Toshimitsu Saito* -Hidemitsu Akechi* Tsunashige Hojo* -Kotaro Fuma* Kazumasu Takigawa* -Yoshinari Mori* ==EAST UNITED== ~~Assault on the Midwest~~ Nobumori Sakuma -Hidetaka Kawajiri -Ittetsu Inaba Nagahide Niwa* -Takatora Todo* -Ujisato Gamo* Narimasa Sassa* -Bokuzen Ujiie* -Kiyohide Nakagawa* Kazumasu Takigawa* -Nagachika Kanamori* -Morinari Ando* Katsuie Shibata* -Hidemasa Hori* -Yoshitaka Kuki* Toshiie Maeda* -Koroku Hachisuka* -Hidenaga Hashiba* Hideyoshi Hashiba* -Hanbei Takenaka* -Kanbei Kuroda* Mitsuhide Akechi* -Ranmaru Mori* -Shigetomo Akechi* Hisahide Matsunaga* -Yoshiaki Ashikaga* -Fujitaka Hosokawa* Nobunaga Oda* -Noh* -Yoshinari Mori* -Nobutada Oda* -Tsuneoki Ikeda* ~~Conquest for Kyushu~~ Katsuie Shibata -Tsuneoki Ikeda -Masanori Fukushima Sorin Otomo -Shoun Takahashi -Dosetsu Tachibana -Muneshige Tachibana Nagahide Niwa -Yukinaga Konishi -Yoshiaki Kato Takanobu Ryuzoji -Naoshige Nabeshima -Kiyomasa Kato Yoshihisa Shimazu -Yoshihiro Shimazu -Iehisa Shimazu -Nagayoshi Marume Toshiie Maeda -Mitsunari Ishida -Yasuharu Wakisaka Nobunaga Oda* -Noh* -Oichi* -Hideyoshi Hashiba* Nobutada Oda* -Nagamasa Kuroda* -Kazuuji Nakamura* Motochika Chosokabe* -Nobuchika Chosokabe* -Chikayasu Kosokabe* -Morichika Chosokabe* Motonari Mori* -Motoharu Kikkawa* -Takakage Kobayakawa* -Muneharu Shimizu* ==IEYASU'S VOLITION== ~~Revolt in Mikawa~~ Yoshimoto Imagawa -Motozane Abe Ujizane Imagawa -Ujimoto Katsurayama Sessai Taigen -Motonobu Okabe Yasutomo Asahina Nagateru Udono Masanobu Kosaka* -Nobushige Takeda* Masatoyo Naito* -Nobukimi Anayama* Masakage Yamagata* -Kansuke Yamamoto* Nobufusa Baba* -Toratane Hara* ~~Dissension in Shinano~~ Kenshin Uesugi -Sadamitsu Usami -Yataro Onikojima -Kageie Kakizaki Kagekatsu Uesugi -Kanetsugu Naoe -Shigenaga Honjo Matabei Goto -Kanesuke Susukida -Morichika Chosokabe -Dan’emon Ban Yukimura Sanada -Teruzumi Akashi -Shigenari Kimura -Katsunaga Mori Yoshimoto Imagawa -Yasutomo Asahina -Motonobu Okabe -Ujizane Imagawa Sessai Taigen -Nagateru Udono -Ujimoto Katsurayama -Motozane Abe Shingen Takeda* -Masanobu Kosaka* -Masatoyo Naito* -Nobufusa Baba* -Masakage Yamagata* ==WESTERN WARRIORS== ~~Renegade Resistance~~ Nobunaga Oda -Ranmaru Mori Noh -Oichi Hideyoshi Hashiba -Hidenaga Hashiba Mitsuhide Akechi -Toshimitsu Saito Nagahide Niwa Toshiie Maeda ==GOEMON AND OKUNI== ~~Dance at Shijogawara~~ Mitsuhide Akechi -Ranmaru Mori -Shigetomo Akechi Yoshiaki Ashikaga -Fujitaka Hosokawa Yoshiteru Ashikaga ~~Flight from the Capital~~ Nagahide Niwa -Yoshinari Mori -Hidemasa Hori Nagachika Kanamori -Ujisato Gamo -Junkei Tsutsui Ranmaru Mori* -Murashige Araki* -Bokuzen Ujiie* Oichi* -Kazumasa Isono* -Keijun Miyabe* Noh* -Katsumoto Katagiri* -Harunaga Ono* Mitsuhide Akechi* -Toshimitsu Saito* -Hidemitsu Akechi* -Shigetomo Akechi* Hideyoshi Hashiba* -Takenori Kasuya* -Nagayasu Hirano* ==KEIJI AND MAGOICHI== ~~Keiji's Journey Home~~ Toshitsune Maeda -Hidetaka Kawajiri Narimasa Sassa -Shimpachi Maeba Katsuie Shibata -Ittetsu Inaba Toshiie Maeda -Shigemasa Toda -Hidemasa Hori Oichi -Nagayoshi Mori -Yoshinari Mori Hideyoshi Hashiba -Koroku Hachisuka -Hanbei Takenaka ~~Encounter in the Northwest~~ Kanetsugu Naoe -Kagetsuna Naoe Kageie Kakizaki -Kagetsugu Amakasu Takahiro Kitajo Shigenaga Honjo Masashige Jojo Sadamitsu Usami -Katsunaga Irobe Tomonobu Saito Kenshin Uesugi* (x2) -Yataro Onikojima -Kagekatsu Uesugi ==WEST UNITED== ~~Liberation of the Saika~~ Ranmaru Mori -Hidemasa Hori -Kanesuke Susukida Nagahide Niwa -Ujisato Gamo Shigetomo Takayama -Yasuharu Wakisaka Murashige Araki -Kiyohide Nakagawa Tsuneoki Ikeda -Nagachika Kanamori Oichi -Shigenari Kimura -Yukinaga Konishi Hideyoshi Hashiba* -Katsunaga Mori* -Masanori Fukushima* -Kiyomasa Kato* -Takenori Kasuya* Mitsuhide Akechi* -Kazuuji Nakamura* -Harunaga Ono* ~~Rebellion in the Midwest~~ Narimasa Sassa* -Katsumoto Katagiri* -Nagayoshi Mori* Tsuneoki Ikeda* -Yoshiaki Kato* -Hironari Hineno* Nagahide Niwa* -Mitsunari Ishida* -Nagachika Kanamori* Toshiie Maeda* -Toshitsune Maeda* -Takenori Kasuya* Kazumasu Takigawa* -Kiyomasa Kato* -Masanori Fukushima* Katsuie Shibata* -Kiyohide Nakagawa* -Yoshitaka Kuki* Nobunaga Oda* -Ujisato Gamo* -Nobutada Oda* -Nobumori Sakuma* -Hidetaka Kawajiri* Mitsuhide Akechi* -Toshimitsu Saito* -Hidemitsu Akechi* Hideyoshi Hashiba* -Hidenaga Hashiba* -Koroku Hachisuka* Noh* -Ittetsu Inaba* -Bokuzen Ujiie* ==MAGOICHI SAIKA== ~~Escape from Kyushu~~ Keiji Maeda Kanbei Kuroda (x2) -Nagamasa Kuroda (x2) -Matabei Goto (x2) Okuni -Shigenari Kimura -Katsunaga Mori Hisahide Matsunaga -Muneyoshi Yagyu -Munemori Yagyu Takanobu Ryuzoji (x2) -Naoshige Nabeshima (x2) Goemon Ishikawa -Dan’emon Ban -Kanesuke Susukida Naoie Ukita -Shikanosuke Yamanaka -Teruzumi Akashi Takakage Kobayakawa (x2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- 4. Skill List (skilllist) ------------------------- This section includes every subofficer skill in the game. The layout goes like this: *Skill Name - Description* *Who has the skill* *Personal rating* *Comment* The skills are listed by their in-game listing as well (Sort > Subofficer Skill). Greed - Enemies drop gold dust and gold coins more often during missions Who: Wei Yan, Motochika Chosokabe, Moritsuna Watanabe Rating: * This skill probably WOULD be pretty cool if it weren't for the results screen bug. Unless you like picking up shiny gold things, it's utterly pointless. Talismania - Obtain powerful charms more easily Who: Hideyoshi Hashiba, Sun Shang Xiang, Hidenaga Hashiba Rating: **1/2 Higher chance of better charms. It unfortunately doesn't apply to subofficer charms, but useful nonetheless. Stride - Always able to move two squares during Strategy Phase Who: Zhu Rong, Yoshihiro Shimazu, Tadateru Matsudaira Rating: ** Being able to two spaces anytime can be somewhat useful early on, but much less so later. Unfortunately, you can't actually move two spaces with this in a water/cannon area, or when Thunder'd. Proficiency - Capable of performing Double Musou attack when both player and subofficer Musou is at max Who: Mitsuhide Akechi, Okuni, Kunoichi, Ina Rating: **1/2 The Double Musou is back. You will see when you can perform a Double Musou when you and your subofficer are glowing a light blue. Fortify - During battle Strategy Phase, allied defense power may increase Who: Cao Ren, Ujiyasu Hojo, Motonari Mori Rating: ** Too situational. Except for those "protect all strongholds" missions, this isn't that great, especially since it's a chance skill. Fury - During battle Strategy Phase, allied attack power may increase Who: Xiahou Dun, Kageie Kakizaki, Katsuie Shibata Rating: ** On top of being a "chance" skill, it doesn't really pay off: it just boosts allies' attack when you see their little icons invading a space, not when they're on-screen. Rally - Start battle with charm "Rally 2/3" Who: Yue Ying (3), Xiahou Yuan (2), Lu Xun (3), Yasumasa Sakikibara (2), Kanetsugu Naoe (3) Rating: ***1/2 Rally can be a game changer when you have to protect someone. It heals your allies AND boosts their morale by almost half a bar at higher levels. Invaluable on the “don’t lose any strongholds” battles. Recuperate - Start battle with charm "Recuperate 2/3" Who: Takakage Kobayakawa (3), Tomonobu Saito (2), Narimasa Nagano (3) Naoshige Nabeshima (2), Nobufasa Baba (2) Rating: ** Pretty much Rally, but only usable on strongholds, and applies to more than one space. If you don't have a subofficer with Rally, this can make-do in the meantime. Thunder - Start battle with charm "Thunder 2/3" Who: Sima Yi (3), Zhou Yu (2), Sadamitsu Usami (2), Kanbei Kuroda (3), Kansuke Yamamoto (2) Rating: ***1/2 An attack charm that damages, reduces movement to one AND drops morale by half a bar while Weakened. Combined with Rally, your allies can practically win the fight for you. The best offensive charm in the game, because it causes so many effects. Mute - Start battle with charm "Mute 2/3" Who: Sun Jian (3), Lu Meng (2), Xiao Qiao (2), Chikasue Ando (2), Ujisato Gamo (3) Rating: ** Hits the entire battlefield and silences all enemy charms for 3/6/9 turns. Sounds great, but enemy charms don't quite warrant a subofficer slot. Plus you’ll usually find one in a battle anyways. Poison - Start battle with charm "Poison 2/3" Who: Yoshiaki Ashikaga (2), Masayuki Sanada (2), Tamenobu Tsurugu (2), Masanobu Honda (3) Rating: ** Deals damage for multiple turns, but the enemy loves to use their Antidote to counter it, and Thunder already weakens them anyways. Paralysis - Start battle with charm "Paralysis 2/3" Who: Pang Tong (2), Zhang Jiao (3), Sukemasa Ota (2), Sessai Taigen (3), Kazumasu Takigawa (2) Rating: ** It might be useful to hold a major on a stronghold, or maybe an enemy leader retreating to his main camp. Thunder is much better though. Boost - Start battle with charm "Boost 2/3" Who: Diao Chan (2), Naoie Ukita (3), Motoharu Kikkawa (3), Masanobu Kosaka (3), Tadatsugu Sakai (2), Moritane Soma (2) Rating: ***1/2 Movement +1, simply put. Very nice in the early game to compensate for grades, and useful late-game to rush camps/strongholds. Overall, it's a great charm and I often find myself using it. Meditation - Musou gauge constantly refills during missions Who: Soteki Asakura, Junkei Tsutsui, Gen'an Hojo Rating: **** One of the best skills in the game, along with Brewmaster and Sickle. Combine with red health auto-Musou fill and Brewmaster for ridiculous Musou spammage. Oh, and multiple Meditations stack. Brewmaster - Subofficers drop Musou Sake during missions Who: Kenshin Uesugi, Zhang Fei, Masanori Fukushima Rating: ***** I used to think this meant that Musou drops from enemy subofficers, and thought it was only worth 2 stars. Then I found, it means that ALLIED subofficers drop them. Every 20 seconds, meaning this skill is up there with Meditation, possibly better. This should still be a vital defensive skill for any player. This and Meditation. Scan - Avoid traps and mines during missions Who: Huang Zhong, Ujimoto Makabe, Katsunaga Mori Rating: ** in castle/mine battles, * otherwise Obviously, a stage-specific charm. Land mines and such can be annoying, but they’re really not that bad. 2nd Chance - Life refills by half the first time it runs out Who: Magoichi Saika, Dian Wei Rating: ***1/2 Very useful. Having a second life takes a lot of risk out of tough encounters, particularly main camps. Much better for the endgame stages. Steed - Start missions mounted on a horse (outdoor missions only) Who: Katsuyori Takeda, Harumasa Nambu, Shigenaga Honjo Rating: *1/2 Since battles are in little tile-based chunks, there's no real need for a horse. Horse combat isn't all that great either-there's no "Horse Atk/Def" booster in the game! Persian - Start missions mounted on a Persian horse (outdoor missions only) Who: Ma Chao, Zhang Liao, Masakage Yamagata Rating: ** It's still not worth the subofficer slot. But the horse is faster, so I guess it's better. Matsukaze - Start missions mounted on Matsukaze (outdoor missions only) Who: Keiji Maeda, Guan Yu, Nagayoshi Mori Rating: **1/2 Even faster than the Persian horse, and more stamina. If you really need a steed, pick this one. Gluttony - Enemy soldiers drop more recovery items during missions Who: Xu Zhu, Mitsunari Ishida, Masatoyo Naito Rating: **1/2 Useful to keep your life bar topped off, though the game does provide you with enough health in and out of combat. Rampage - During battle Strategy Phase, allied attack power increases and defense power decreases Who: Dong Zhuo, Matabei Goto, Takanobu Ryuzoji Rating: *** The attack up is guaranteed unlike Fury, but with the price of a defense drop. Again, a situational skill; don't use it in a defensive fight, as allies are weakened then. Drum - Allied morale increases at start of battle Who: Shingen Takeda, Sun Quan, Tsunashige Hojo Rating: **** This skill is like a mini-Rally for your whole army. A very useful skill, although a hard one to get. A must-have for those “protect all strongholds” missions. Drill - Character development from KO achievements greatly increases Who: Ranmaru Mori, Jiang Wei, Muneshige Tachibana Rating: *** Train - Character development from KO achievements increases Who: Xu Huang, Kagekatsu Uesugi, Tomonori Kitabatake Rating: **1/2 Aggression - Attack power may double at the beginning of a mission Who: Tadakatsu Honda, Lu Bu, Yataro Onikojima Rating: *** This is no ordinary 30 second attack boost; when this skill kicks in, it lasts for the whole tile. This skill seems to have about a 15-20% chance of working, and it would be only ** if it weren't for the fact that you can save and reload to get it anytime you want. Impulse - Speed may double at the beginning of a mission Who: Hanzo Hattori, Zhang He, Kojuro Katakura Rating: ** Just like Aggression, but with an infinite speed boost instead of attack. With the tile-based combat in this game, however, it isn't quite as useful as it sounds. Shield - Defense power may double at the beginning of a mission Who: Ieyasu Tokugawa, Taishi Ci, Shoun Takahashi Rating: **1/2 Just like Aggression and Impulse, but defense is doubled this time. Not quite as good as Aggression, but more useful than Impulse, especially in Chaos Mode. Sickle - Attacks may KO weak enemies instantly Who: Zhou Tai, Nobutsuna Kamiizumi, Muneyoshi Yagyu Rating: ****** Remember the five scrolls on SW1? Well, it's in this game, and you get the whole package for just 1 subofficer slot (minus the Death-elemental Musou unfortunately). It's no less powerful, though. Instant kills to soldiers and heavy damage to officers, when it hits of course (indicated with a blue slash on the enemy). For attack skills this is hands-down the best. And yes, they stack to increase slash chance. And yes, I rated it six stars. Razor - Attacks may rarely KO weak enemies instantly Who: Yoshiteru Ashikaga, Tadaaki Ono, Shigemasa Toda, Nagayoshi Marume, Munemori Yagyu Rating: ***** It's Sickle, but with a lower activation rate. Not quite low enough to deny it five stars though. Not to mention the fact that 5 subofficers have it. Since you can potentially get this on your first battle (Renegade Resistance), it is arguably THE best skill for Chaos Mode early on. Appraisal - Obtain powerful weapons more easily Who: Yoshimoto Imagawa, Fujitaka Hosokawa, Hisahide Matsunaga Rating: **** Serves its purpose well; increased weapon stats. It may or may not stack. Combine with Chaos Mode for best results. Sorcery - Effects of attack charms strengthened Who: Zhuge Liang, Hanbei Takenaka Rating: **1/2 It makes your attack charms hit harder, although attack charms are more for status effects than damage. It is nice to knock down 80% life with Fire 1 though. Plunder - See locations of buried treasure in enemy territory and contents of chests and buried treasure Who: Goemon Ishikawa, Gan Ning, Koroku Hachisuka, Kotaro Fuma Rating: *** if used before battle, * if used during In short, you see all items and their locations, not to mention their contents. Use it to "scout" the battlefield, then soft reset and choose someone else for best results. Loot - See locations of buried treasure in enemy territory and contents of chests Who: Meng Huo, Shigetomo Akechi, Nobushige Oyamada, Takahiro Kitajo, Yoshitaka Kuki, Dan'emon Ban Rating: ** if used before battle, * during Just like Plunder, but you can't see the contents of buried items. Not too different though. Awe - Defeated officers become subofficers very easily Who: Nobunaga Oda, Zhen Ji, Yoshihisa Shimazu Rating: ***** Without a doubt one of the most useful skills in the game. Subofficer hunting is a large part of the game, and Awe practically cuts your hunting time in half. I believe that Awe will not increase your chances of receiving Dynasty Warriors subofficers randomly at the end, since the description states you have to defeat them, though I could be wrong. Capture - Defeated officers become subofficers more easily Who: Nagamasa Azai, Naomasa Ii, Yoshishige Satake Rating: *** A less effective Awe, but still a tremendous time-saver, not to mention that you can get this skill in Western Warriors if you're lucky. Gloom - Dark elemental attacks raised by 1 level Who: Noh, Cao Cao, Yoshiaki Mogami Rating: *** Obviously, for Dark weapons. You absorb more life per Dark hit. Not bad. Crystal - Ice elemental attacks raised by 1 level Who: Masamune Date, Da Qiao, Kiyomasa Kato Rating: *** For ICE weapons only, of course. Enemies freeze more often, and possibly an extended freeze time. Spark - Lightning elemental attacks raised by 1 level Who: Oichi, Zhao Yun Dosetsu Tachibana Rating: *** For weapons that zap enemies. Lightning strikes the enemy and knocks them right to the ground for more damage. Neat, unless you're trying to juggle an officer. Blaze - Fire elemental attacks raised by 1 level Who: Yukimura Sanada, Sun Ce, Iehisa Shimazu Rating: ***1/2 It gets the extra half-star because it enhances True Musous, too. Fire deals more damage per hit, and True Musous have Fire by default. Karma - Luck is increased greatly Who: Liu Bei, Takatora Todo, Shikanosuke Yamanaka Rating: ** Luck makes items drop more often and I believe better weapons, so it has its uses, though Appraisal is better for weapons, and likewise with Gluttony for Life Recovers. Fortune - Luck is increased significantly Who: Yuan Shao, Nagamasa Kuroda, Toshimutsu Saito Rating: *1/2 A less potent Karma, although "significantly" sounds better than "greatly"...oh well. Luck - Luck is increased slightly Who: Yoshikage Asakura, Sorin Otomo, Ujimasa Hojo, Toshiie Maeda Rating: * Even lower than Fortune. There is barely an increase in item drops with this. ---------------- This section includes charms that are only obtainable through KOs or through treasure. Since there is no such listing for in-battle charms, these will simply be listed in alphabetical order. One-shot charms and "Always active" charms are separated for convenience. No officer listing or rating is necessary, as officers don't have these skills and they are randomly found, making a rating pointless. Fire 1/2/3 Believe it or not, no subofficer has this skill. Really. Anyways, it's the simplest attack charm, only dealing damage. It also burns thickets for stage-specific Fires. Cure All A small heal and status-curing charm. This and Heal seem to be the most common pick-up charms in the game. Heal Restore to full health. You'll be seeing this charm a lot. Adrenaline - Mobility of four squares if near death. Very useful, and very much worth staying at red health for. It doesn't hurt that, in the missions you'll want this for (high-difficulty missions), you'll likely be at red health. Blitz - Mobility of three squares with full Musou Gauge. Also useful, like Adrenaline. Worth keeping a slot open. Immunity - Status effects are prevented. Not terribly useful, since Cure All does the same thing (albeit for one turn) while restoring some Life. If you need space for other charms, I recommend tossing this one. Unfortunately this won't help with the damage you take from Thunder. Lightfoot - Can move through low water normally. This is a unique charm, since it's always given to you or picked up at a designated space, never obtained through KOs. With this charm you can move over low water as if it's a normal space. Serum - Life gradually recovers during battle. This is amazing for a simple KO reward charm. If only this were a subofficer skill charm, it would probably be the best in the game. Vigor - Musou gauge is full at start of each mission. Not too great, especially when you use Brewmaster or Meditation. War Cry - Allied morale increases each turn. If you were lucky enough to get this charm, you won the battle. Even Rebellion in the Midwest is a cakewalk with this charm. Sad that's only a random occurrence. ---------------- Antidote - restores all status effects for all officers on the field Who: Nobody (enemy only) Huh? An enemy only charm? It's true, only enemy leaders can use it, and only when status effects are on another enemy. It sure would be nice if we could use it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 5. Officer/Weapon Stats (swstats) ---------------------------------- Other FAQs have been made for officer/weapon stats for the console SW games, but there are some changes made for State of War, most of which involve changing weapons to include Intelligence, and removing Ranged Attack/Defense and Mounted Attack/Defense, so I figured it deserves some mention. ======================== YUKIMURA SANADA Life 270 Musou 295 Attack 272 Defense 294 Intel. 282 Speed 180 Sickle Spear Power 14 Lunar Spear Power 31 Susano-o Power 47 Rakan Power 57 +-----------------+ |(FIRE) | |Life + 50 | |Attack + 70 | |Intelligence + 72| |Musou Charge + 65| +-----------------+ ======================== KEIJI MAEDA Life 295 Musou 270 Attack 300 Defense 276 Intel. 260 Speed 180 Double Pike Power 17 Crimson Pike Power 34 Izanagi Power 50 Ni-Oh Pike Power 60 +-----------------+ |(LIGHTNING) | |Life + 48 | |Attack + 71 | |Musou Charge + 68| |Speed + 42 | +-----------------+ ======================== NOBUNAGA ODA Life 270 Musou 295 Attack 276 Defense 290 Intel. 290 Speed 180 Kumo-giri Power 15 Hasebe Power 32 Orochi Power 48 Dai-Rokuten Power 58 +-----------------+ |(DARK) | |Musou + 50 | |Musou Charge + 70| |Attack Range + 73| |Speed + 50 | +-----------------+ ======================== MITSUHIDE AKECHI Life 280 Musou 285 Attack 274 Defense 292 Intel. 286 Speed 175 Nameless Power 14 Chikakage Power 31 Futsu-Mitama Power 47 Rasetsu Power 57 +-----------------+ |(LIGHTNING) | |Attack + 68 | |Defense + 71 | |Intelligence + 69| |Musou Charge + 64| +-----------------+ ======================== GOEMON ISHIKAWA Life 300 Musou 250 Attack 296 Defense 270 Intel. 250 Speed 140 Stone Splitter Power 16 Bond Breaker Power 33 Takemikazuchi Power 49 Obliterator Power 59 +-----------------+ |(LIGHTNING) | |Life + 50 | |Attack + 68 | |Attack Range + 72| |Speed + 47 | +-----------------+ ======================== KENSHIN UESUGI Life 290 Musou 255 Attack 294 Defense 274 Intel. 282 Speed 150 Wave Blade Power 15 Seven Spirits Power 32 Murakumo Power 48 Bishamonten Power 58 +-----------------+ |(ICE) | |Life + 50 | |Attack + 66 | |Intelligence + 72| |Attack Range + 73| +-----------------+ ======================== OICHI Life 245 Musou 280 Attack 246 Defense 286 Intel. 256 Speed 195 Ume Power 12 Yuri Power 29 Sakura Power 45 Kiku Power 55 +-----------------+ |(LIGHTNING) | |Attack + 66 | |Defense + 72 | |Musou Charge + 68| |Speed + 42 | +-----------------+ ======================== OKUNI Life 285 Musou 300 Attack 286 Defense 272 Intel. 256 Speed 155 Ban-Gasa Power 13 Mai-Gasa Power 30 Hikage Power 46 Kishoten Power 56 +-----------------+ |(FIRE) | |Life + 50 | |Musou Charge + 71| |Attack Range + 73| |Speed + 48 | +-----------------+ ======================== KUNOICHI Life 240 Musou 260 Attack 248 Defense 274 Intel. 282 Speed 200 Dagger Power 12 Cyclone Power 29 Kushinada Power 45 Kokuanten Power 55 +-----------------+ |(ICE) | |Defense + 73 | |Musou Charge + 70| |Attack Range + 72| |Speed + 50 | +-----------------+ ======================== MAGOICHI SAIKA Life 270 Musou 290 Attack 270 Defense 290 Intel. 280 Speed 170 Sakai Musket Power 14 Kunitomo Power 31 Gokuen Power 47 Yatagarasu Power 57 +-----------------+ |(FIRE) | |Musou + 50 | |Attack + 70 | |Musou Charge + 73| |Speed + 50 | +-----------------+ ======================== SHINGEN TAKEDA Life 295 Musou 245 Attack 288 Defense 300 Intel. 300 Speed 145 War Fan Power 16 Furinkazan Power 33 Korin Power 49 Shinju Power 59 +-----------------+ |(FIRE) | |Musou + 50 | |Intelligence + 75| |Musou Charge + 71| |Attack Range + 74| +-----------------+ ======================== MASAMUNE DATE Life 250 Musou 265 Attack 252 Defense 280 Intel. 284 Speed 195 Oak Sword Power 13 Divine Spruce Power 30 Mikaboshi Power 46 Ashura Power 56 +-----------------+ |(ICE) | |Defense + 72 | |Intelligence + 68| |Musou Charge + 72| |Attack Range + 71| +-----------------+ ======================== NOH Life 275 Musou 290 Attack 266 Defense 288 Intel. 278 Speed 180 Tokage Power 13 Kumo Power 30 Hiruko Power 46 Mamushi Power 56 +-----------------+ |(DARK) | |Musou + 47 | |Attack + 69 | |Intelligence + 72| |Attack Range + 73| +-----------------+ ======================== HANZO HATTORI Life 245 Musou 265 Attack 260 Defense 272 Intel. 264 Speed 195 Kusarigama Power 13 Kubinagi Power 30 Yamikiba Power 46 Marishiten Power 56 +-----------------+ |(DARK) | |Musou + 48 | |Attack + 68 | |Musou Charge + 65| |Speed + 50 | +-----------------+ ======================== RANMARU MORI Life 255 Musou 275 Attack 258 Defense 280 Intel. 260 Speed 190 Nodachi Power 15 Yukimitsu Power 32 Kamudo Power 48 Gohotendo Power 58 +-----------------+ |(ICE) | |Attack + 66 | |Defense + 71 | |Intelligence + 70| |Musou Charge + 68| +-----------------+ ======================== HIDEYOSHI HASHIBA Life 265 Musou 285 Attack 258 Defense 274 Intel. 284 Speed 190 Sansetsukon Power 12 Great Sansetsu Power 29 Mihashira Power 45 Monju Power 55 +-----------------+ |(LIGHTNING) | |Attack + 67 | |Defense + 70 | |Intelligence + 73| |Attack Range + 74| +-----------------+ ======================== YOSHIMOTO IMAGAWA Life 295 Musou 295 Attack 288 Defense 270 Intel. 256 Speed 150 Leather Kemari Power 14 Silk Kemari Power 31 Velvet Kemari Power 47 Phoenix Kemari Power 57 +-----------------+ |(DARK) | |Life + 48 | |Attack + 68 | |Intelligence + 68| |Attack Range + 70| +-----------------+ ======================== TADAKATSU HONDA Life 290 Musou 285 Attack 296 Defense 300 Intel. 260 Speed 180 Iron Spear Power 17 Tiger Slayer Power 34 Arahabaki Power 50 Enma Power 60 +-----------------+ |(FIRE) | |Musou + 47 | |Attack + 66 | |Attack Range + 72| |Speed + 50 | +-----------------+ ======================== INA Life 275 Musou 260 Attack 272 Defense 290 Intel. 266 Speed 185 Bow Power 13 Great Bow Power 30 Omoikane Power 46 Aisen Power 56 +-----------------+ |(ICE) | |Musou + 50 | |Attack + 70 | |Intelligence + 73| |Musou Charge + 71| +-----------------+ ======================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 6. General Tips (gentips) ---------------------------------- Just some tips for some differences in SW:SoW compared to other Warriors games. - It is possible to “hop over” red spaces by landing on another blue space. This lets you instantly take the territory, with no fighting. - Due to an odd bug, the game assumes you always collected exactly 3 of each gold pickup; the game also assumes you got exactly 587 KOs. Perplexing, to say the least. This can be good or bad; for a whole battle's worth of progress, it sucks. For a die-in-10-seconds battle, this can be exploitable for stat gains. - Not all after-battle stat gains are glitched. Your KO count still determines some of your stat gains (despite the count blatantly saying 587 KOs), as do your grades (A, B, C). - Main camps can be taken over instantly by officers when they're defenseless. Always take note of the main camp's defenses. - Full movesets for players are unlocked instantly. No more of the x4, x6 and x8 counter like on SW1; your entire moveset is usable even with a starter weapon on Lv. 1. - If you sit around for too long (neglect an enemy stronghold, more precisely), a major will appear and move out. Unfortunately this seems to only occur for enemy strongholds. Even if you aren't sitting around, majors still pop out after some time, so strongholds take priority. - Will stars. Sort of like a personal morale bar for enemy main leaders. Quite simple: the more stars they have, the stronger they are (up to 3). The stars can be taken town by taking over territories. Not too much of a problem, however, except for in Chaos Mode. When fighting a main leader with 3 Will stars, everyone, even troop leaders are in "Hyper Mode" (reddish glow around them, sometimes immune to normal attacks). Understandably it can make for a ridiculous last fight in later stages on Chaos, so if at all possible, drop the leader's Will stars to 2 or below, and bring Sickle/Razor too. - In Chaos Mode, Majors in strongholds can be a good thing. Waiting for one to pop up can be better than frantically defeating 5 reserve captains in 3-4 minutes (who, by the way, are immune to the insta-kill of Razor/Sickle). - More of an oddity than a tip, but sometimes officers (not majors, for whatever reason) will have less, much less life than usual, around 25-30% less. No idea what triggers this, as I’ve had it happen in Story and Free Mode, on all scenario difficulties, even Ultimate Warriors on Chaos. Strange. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 7. Grinding/Farming Tips (grindtips) ------------------------------------ ~~Quick method to gain stats/EXP: East United - Assault on the Midwest Subofficer skills: None needed, but 3 Rampages can speed process up by a turn. Method: Choose to wait every turn, avoid Major coming towards your starting position. Let Hanzo Hattori die (or Kunoichi if you are Hanzo). After losing, because the gold acquired counter is bugged, you will always get 3 of each, ensuring 1,875 points, You also get +1 to Life and Musou, along with around +3 to two random stats. ~~Best place to raise Skill levels (Musou KOs): The Oda's Conquest - March on the Capital Subofficer skills: None needed, 2 Brewmasters, 1 Blaze and 1 Aggression recommended. Method: Take over all of the spaces before the gate, except for the stronghold. Wait for a Major to pop out, let him come to you, and farm Musou KOs to your heart's content. Rinse and repeat. Be careful of the turn count, however, as you will lose if 100 turns pass. Don't worry about time passing in combat however, just Musou away. ~~Best place to farm weapons: Mitsuhide and Ranmaru – Assault on Sanyo *note: this strategy does not work if you play as either Mitsuhide or Ranmaru. Subofficer skills: 1 Drum (Rally 2/3 as a weaker alternative) and 1 Thunder 3 optimally. Other 2 slots can be Appraisal for better weapons. Method: Allow Mitsuhide and Ranmaru to do everything in the battle. If done right, the only combat you’ll see is the commander. Pick up the Rally charm at the eastmost stronghold for later. Once Mitsuhide and Ranmaru cross to the next island, your two weapon boxes will be 1 tile south of the first dock and 1 tile west of the second dock. As the AI is very random, judge when you should use your Thunder 3 to hit as many as possible, and be sure to Rally Mitsuhide and Ranmaru when they’re in danger. After defeating all leaders on the west island, defeat the retreating Takakage Kobayakawa. This method may sound long, but is easily the most hassle-free way of weapon farming. As for Mitsuhide and Ranmaru, Enter the Tokugawa – Rebirth in Mikawa may be best. Use a Boost charm along with Appraisals ans anything else to finish the battle faster. Simply ignore everything and rush straight for the commander, grabbing the weapon box 3 spaces south of the main camp. Remember to play on Chaos for best results. With 2 Appraisals, I easily get weapons around +45-50/+65-75, even on 2/5 star difficulty stages. ~~Method to easily farm all DW Musou Subofficers Although generic subofficers can be a pain to collect, there are some tricks to making subofficers appearing as certain units much easier to collect. The Dynasty Warriors subofficers were quite annoying in that there is no guaranteed way to unlock them. I had many different theories as to what would increase the unlock chance: playing high difficulty stages, playing as many different characters, etc. These were found to be false. The best way to obtain these Dynasty Warriors is by saving before the enemy commander. Similarly to a lottery, the game feels like it will randomly give out the "jackpot" of a DW of ficer at the end of the stage. What was not clear was that the game waits to decide on this until AFTER the battle finishes. This means that every bit of progress made in a battle is, in a sense, meaningless when it comes to collecting these DW officers. After the main leader is defeated, THEN the game decides whether it wants to give you a DW officer. I discovered this by accident while reloading to obtain a subofficer from a main leader. After this discovery, I found what may be the fastest possible way to unlock DW subofficers. This method will speed up your DW subofficer hunting exponentially. Another benefit of this battle is that you do not have to fight at all except for defeating Ieyasu. Stage: Western Warriors - Battle of Mikatagahara Character: Any but Shingen, Masamune and Kenshin (as they start out in different areas of the map) Subofficers: Thunder 2/3 (required), Awe/Capture (not required but highly recommended), Sickle/Brewmaster (if you have trouble with Ieyasu) Turn 1: Move 1 up 1 left. Turn 2: Use Thunder 2/3 on Tadakatsu (will hit the other officers in the "X" formation around him) first. Move 2 up. Turn 3: Move 2 right. Turn 4: Move 1 right. At this point, a major should begin battle with Shingen. Move 1 right. Turn 5: Move 1 right. Masamune should begin battle with (weakened from Thunder) Tadakatsu. Tadakatsu will be defeated by Masamune. Turn 6: Move 1 right. Turn 7: SAVE. At this point, Shingen will die if Hanzo reaches your main camp. Fortunately, this is the final turn, so this will not happen. Attack and defeat Ieyasu. After clearing the battle, you should see if you collected a DW officer or not. If you did not acquire one, simply perform a soft reset (Start+Select+L+R) and reload the battle. After you obtain a DW officer, start the process anew. With this method, I collected over 15 DW subofficers in less than a day. I am not sure if Awe and Capture actually help, but it never hurts to have it with you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Thanks (thx4yourplay) Thanks to xox_matty_xox for the 4th Weapon Unlocking Guide. These weapons would've been impossible to find without your help. Thanks to _supernerd_ for the Scroll Location FAQ, as some of these scrolls are very well-hidden. Thanks to you for reading as well.