ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1 FFFF L III CC K K Y Y F L I CC C K K Y Y FFF L I C KK YY F L I CC C K K YY F LLLL III CC K K YY MMMMMM ooooooooooMM oooo......ooooMM oo oooo.. ..ooMM oooo..ooooMMMM NN ooooooooooMMMM NN ooooooooMMMMMM NN ookkkkooMMMM ii4444kkkkooMMMM iiIIIIooooooMMMM MM oo..MM LLll..MMMM llllll..MM LLllLLYY'' LLYYYY hhYYhhhhhh UU hhYYUUUU - - - - - 1. Contents [CONT] 2. Version History [VERH] 3. Legal [LEGL] 4. Introduction to Flicky [INTF] 5. Bonus Rounds [BNRD] 6. Scoring [SCOR] 7. Bonus Rounds Walkthrough [BRWT] .1. Round 3 - Bonus Round 1 [BNR1] .2. Round 7 - Bonus Round 2 [BNR2] .3. Round 11 - Bonus Round 3 [BNR3] .4. Round 15 - Bonus Round 4 [BNR4] .5. Round 19 - Bonus Round 5 [BNR5] .6. Round 23 - Bonus Round 6 [BNR6] .7. Round 27 - Bonus Round 7 [BNR7] .8. Round 31 - Bonus Round 8 [BNR8] .9. Round 35 - Bonus Round 9 [BNR9] .10. Round 39 - Bonus Round 10 [BR10] 8. FAQs [FAQS] 9. Contact Information [CNTC] 10. Credits [CRED] --- 2. Version History [VERH] 1.00 - 27/8/05 - 5/9/05 First Version. Posted on Work on it has been delayed by visits to family friends, the last minute rush to finish homework before returning to school, and a vaccination that's making my arm hurt. 1.00b - 11/9/05 Not really worth updating the version number, but now has permission to host this guide. 1.10 - 19/9/05 Changed the 'l's in the diagrams to 'o's to make them easier to read. 1.20 - 07/10/05 Added the ASCII art, and some info about the number of rounds in the game. Also corrected an amusing mistake in the FAQs section. 1.21 - 01/12/05 Had to update the legal section because of some... misappropriation. --- 3. Legal [LEGL] This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Basically, don't post this guide anywhere without my permission. If you want permission to post this guide somewhere, email me (see Contact Information) and ASK FIRST. Please also say where you intend to use this guide and I will almost definitely give you permission. (But you can print it off and use it at home without asking.) Currently, the only sites with permission to host this guide are: Now, let's get something clear: when I say only those two sites should be hosting this FAQ, I mean ONLY those two sites. I don't give a damn if some other site is an affiliate of one of those two, the fact is if it's not gamefaqs or neoseeker it is not a site I have given permission to and this FAQ should not be on that site. The reason I'm saying this is because I recently discovered that GameFAQs has a delightful habit of handing this FAQ out to whoever the hell it feels like without asking my permission or even telling me about it. So: WHEN I GIVE A SITE PERMISSION TO HOST THIS FAQ, THAT PERMISSION DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY EXTEND TO ALL OF THAT SITE AFFILIATES. Therefore, this FAQ should NOT be anywhere on the following sites: If you see this FAQ on either of those sites, or on any other site without permission to host this FAQ, please email me. This DOES NOT mean I don't want any other sites to host this FAQ, I just want to be asked about it first. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide Copyright 2005 Philip J Ferry, aka happyjoe5. Number of times the word 'permission' is used in this legal section: 10 --- 4. Introduction to Flicky [INTF] Flicky is a simple platform game in which you manoeuvre the bluebird of the title around a repeating side-scrolling area, dodging cats (Tiger) and lizards (Iggy). You have to collect all the baby birds (Chirp) and deliver them safely to the exit. Flicky was released on the Sega Mega Drive in 1991 and later appeared in the 'Classic Collection' compilation for the same console. It is also an unlockable on Sonic Mega Collection for GC, PS2 and XBox. The reason it was included on SMC was that the game Sonic 3D Blast was inspired by Flicky, and Flickies also make small appearances in other Sonic games as animals captured by Dr Robotnik. When I started writing this guide, I didn't actually know how many levels there were in Flicky. However, thanks to Dany Filion and Matthew Carter, who each emailed me about it, I now know there are 48, after which the game just loops back to Level 1, meaning I have just two more Bonus Rounds to get to. Big thanks to both of them for this. --- 5. Bonus Rounds [BNRD] In the bonus rounds, Flicky stands on a single flat platform running the full length of the screen. Below him are two Tigers bouncing up and down on see-saws. Chirps run in from off-screen in groups of four, first from the left, (usually) then from the right, then left, right, and finally left again. As each Chirp reaches the Tiger, the Tiger uses the see-saw to fling it into the air above Flicky. You then have to catch the Chirps when they come back down (you can't get them when they're going up), before they fall back through the platform and out of reach. Flicky has a net in the bonus rounds, but it also counts a catch if the Chirp just hits any part of Flicky. When the Chirps go in the air, they don't just drop straight back down. They come down in strange zig-zagging patterns. In most cases, each Chirp follows the exact same pattern and lands in the same place. Chirps which come in from the right side of the screen will have a pattern which is a mirror image of the pattern of Chirps that come in from the left, and they will land in a mirror image position. (So if the Chirps from the left land slightly to the left of centre, the Chirps from the right will land slightly to the right of centre.) Sometimes, the Chirps will land on the opposite side of the screen from the side which they entered on. This is a basic diagram of a bonus round: T = Tiger - - - - - - - - - - - F = Flicky | cc cc | C = Chirp Launch Point | c c c c | <---- Chirp Catching Area c = Path of Chirps | c c c c | | c cFc c | |- - - - - - - - - - -| <---- Flicky's Platform Chirps enter here --> |_ _C_T_ _c_c_ _T_C_ _| <-- Chirps enter here Four Chirps enter from the bottom left corner and are launched into the air at 'C'. They follow the route marked by the 'c's on the left. Then four chirps enter from the right, are launched at the second 'C', and follow the route marked by the 'c's on the right. Four more come from the left, then the right, then from the left again. Flicky has to catch them before they drop through the platform he is standing on and off the bottom of the screen (shown by the two 'c's below the platform.) Round 3 is the first bonus stage on Flicky, and from then on every fourth level is a bonus round. Basically, if the round number is 1 lower than a multiple of four, it's a bonus round (3, 7, 11, etc). The last Bonus Round is numbered 47. --- 6. Scoring [SCOR] For each Chirp Flicky catches in a bonus round, you get 250 points. If you get all 20, that comes to 5000 points, plus you get a 'perfect' bonus of 10,000, making the maximum points total for the level 15,000! Miss just one Chirp however and you drop 10,250 points, getting only 4750. --- 7. Bonus Rounds Walkthrough [BRWT] 7.1. Round 3 - Bonus Round 1 [BNR1] Difficulty: 2/5 First, go and stand slightly to the right of the Tiger on the right. When the Chirps from the left side start dropping towards you, jump up into the air, moving slightly to the left as you do, and the Chirps should all hit you. Then move to the left on the Tiger on the left. This time when the Chirps come, jump up and move slightly to the right. Then go back to the right, repeat the process, then back left, then finally back to the right to get the last set of four Chirps. T = Tiger - - - - - - - - - - - F = Flicky | oror | C = Chirp Launch Point | or or | o = Path of Chirps from left | or or | r = Path of Chirps from right | oF <-------- Fr | |- -o- - - - - - -r- -| Chirps enter here --> |_ _C_T_ _ _ _ _T_C_ _| <-- Chirps enter here The arrow marks Flicky's movement from right to left after he catches the first set of Chirps. --- 7.2. Round 7 - Bonus Round 2 [BNR2] Difficulty: 1/5 This one's easy. Go stand slightly to the right of the Tiger on the right. When the first Chirp comes down, just let it land on you. Start moving left. As you move along from right to left, the next three Chirps will all just land on top of you. Once you have caught the first four, turn around and start heading back right. You may need to time the start of your movement slightly, but it's not too hard. As you move back from left to right, the next four Chirps will again just drop right on top of you. Each Chirp lands one after the other, so just keep moving right to left and back again until you've got them all. To make it clearer, this diagram only shows the path of the Chirps from the left side. The ones from the right do the same thing, but in mirror-image. T = Tiger - - - - - - - - - - - F = Flicky | oooooooooo | C = Chirp Launch Point | o o o o o | o = Path of Chirps from left | o 4 3 2 1 | | o <--------F | |- -o- - - - - - - - -| Chirps enter here --> |_ _C_T_ _ _ _ _T_C_ _| <-- Chirps enter here The numbers show the order in which the four Chirps land, so Flicky just runs right to left. When the Chirps come in from the right, the order is reversed, with the first Chirp to land the one on the far left, so Flicky goes left to right. --- 7.3. Round 11 - Bonus Round 3 [BNR3] Difficulty: 3/5 Go over to the right of the screen and wait for the Chirps to come down. When they do, stand slightly to the left of them, and jump, moving slightly to the right as you do so. Within the groups, they all come down at almost the same time, so you need to time your jump carefully and make sure you get all of them at once. For the next set, go over to the left (quickly), do the whole thing in mirror-image, repeat, you know the drill. Once again, only the Chirps from the left are shown for simplicity. T = Tiger - - - - - - - - - - - F = Flicky | oooo | C = Chirp Launch Point | o ooo | o = Path of Chirps from left | o ooo | | o oooo | |- -o- - - - - - - - -| Chirps enter here --> |_ _C_T_ _ _ _ _T_C_ _| <-- Chirps enter here --- 7.4. Round 15 - Bonus Round 4 [BNR4] Difficulty: 4/5 This one is odd as the Chirps enter from the right first, but the last 2 sets both enter from the left of the screen. This is also a very tricky one. Stand slightly to the left of the centre. The Chirps from the right will come in, followed almost immediately by the Chirps from the left. You need to jump, but do it quite late. Jump up, and move a bit to the right as you do so. Make sure you catch all of the Chirps coming from the right whilst in the air, and try to get the first 2 Chirps coming from the left at the same time. Get back on the ground quickly, and move a bit more to the right to catch the last two Chirps coming in from the left on the ground. Then, repeat this process from the beginning That takes care of the first 16 Chirps, but the last four are different. They're like the Chirps from Round 7. When they come in, stand on the left of the screen and catch the first one on the ground, then quickly run left to right to catch the last three. T = Tiger - - - - - - - - - - - F = Flicky | oooo rrrr | C = Chirp Launch Point | o ro r | o = Path of Chirps from left | o rroo r | r = Path of Chirps from right | o r o r | |- -o- - - - - - -r- -| Chirps enter here --> |_ _C_T_ _ _ _ _T_C_ _| <-- Chirps enter here This shows how to catch the first 16 Chirps. The one below shows the last 4. T = Tiger - - - - - - - - - - - F = Flicky | oooooooooo | C = Chirp Launch Point | o o o o o | o = Path of Chirps from left | o 1 2 3 4 | | o F--------> | |- -o- - - - - - - - -| Chirps enter here --> |_ _C_T_ _ _ _ _T_C_ _| <-- Chirps enter here --- 7.5. Round 19 - Bonus Round 5 [BNR5] Difficulty: 1/5 The main trick of this level is to try and catch you out by moving the Chirps in fancy patterns. But lucky you! You have a guide telling you what to do. Stand slightly to the right of the left Tiger's head. The Chirps will come up, try to confuse you with a big mid-air loop... then drop right on top of you. Go slightly to the left of the right Tiger's head, and the same thing will happen. Repeat. T = Tiger - - - - - - - - - - - F = Flicky | oo rr | C = Chirp Launch Point | o o r r | o = Path of Chirps from left | ooo rrr | r = Path of Chirps from right | o F-------> r | |- -o- - - - - - -r- -| Chirps enter here --> |_ _C_T_ _ _ _ _T_C_ _| <-- Chirps enter here --- 7.6. Round 23 - Bonus Round 6 [BNR6] Difficulty: 1/5 This one works the exact same way as the one above: it tries to catch you out, which of course doesn't work if you've read a guide. You also use the exact same strategy: stand slightly to the right of the left Tiger, catch 4 Chirps, go slightly to the left of the right Tiger, wash, rinse, repeat. The only thing that differs in the slightest is the pattern the Chirps follow in the air. T = Tiger - - - - - - - - - - - F = Flicky | oo rr | C = Chirp Launch Point | o o r r | o = Path of Chirps from left | o o r r | r = Path of Chirps from right | o F-------> r | |- -o- - - - - - -r- -| Chirps enter here --> |_ _C_T_ _ _ _ _T_C_ _| <-- Chirps enter here --- 7.7. Round 27 - Bonus Round 7 [BNR7] Difficulty: 4/5 This round again tries to catch you out, but it's hard even if you know what to do. Stand directly above the left Tiger's head, and the first four Chirps will, after a deceptive mid-air loop, shoot straight into the basket. Now for the hard part: quickly, and I mean VERY VERY QUICKLY, run over and stand above the other Tiger's head. To get there in time, you need to start moving before you've even got the last Chirp from the left side. Don't jump on your way, just charge full speed across the screen. Then, as usual, repeat it in the normal left-right-left-right-left format. Once again, I'm only showing the Chirps from the left for simplicity. T = Tiger - - - - - - - - - - - F = Flicky | ooooooooo | C = Chirp Launch Point | oo oo | o = Path of Chirps from left | oo oooooooo | | o Foo | |- -o- - - - - - - - -| Chirps enter here --> |_ _C_T_ _ _ _ _T_C_ _| <-- Chirps enter here --- 7.8. Round 31 - Bonus Round 8 [BNR8] Difficulty: 4/5 This round is identical to the last bonus round, except for the fact that the bend in the Chirps' path is slightly less sharp. Other than that, just follow the same strategy as above. Stand above the left Tiger, catch the Chirps, move VERY QUICKLY to the right Tiger and catch some more. T = Tiger - - - - - - - - - - - F = Flicky | oooooo | C = Chirp Launch Point | oo oo | o = Path of Chirps from left | oo ooooo | | o Foo | |- -o- - - - - - - - -| Chirps enter here --> |_ _C_T_ _ _ _ _T_C_ _| <-- Chirps enter here --- 7.9. Round 35 - Bonus Round 9 [BNR9] Difficulty: 2/5 Back to basics here. Stand a bit to the right of centre, and the first 4 Chirps will drop on top of you. Then move slightly to the left of centre to catch the next 4. Repeat this until all 20 Chirps are safely nestled in your net. T = Tiger - - - - - - - - - - - F = Flicky | oooo rrrr | C = Chirp Launch Point | o o r r | o = Path of Chirps from left | o r o r | r = Path of Chirps from right | o <-F r | |- -o- - - - - - -r- -| Chirps enter here --> |_ _C_T_ _ _ _ _T_C_ _| <-- Chirps enter here --- 7.10. Round 39 - Bonus Round 10 [BR10] Difficulty: 2/5 Stand very slightly to the right of the Tiger on the right. The first 4 Chirps will come right to you. Now, move slightly to the left of the Tiger on the left. You need to go quite quickly, but it's not too bad. You should be able to work out what to do next by now. Go back to the right, then left, then finally right again. T = Tiger - - - - - - - - - - - F = Flicky | ooooo rrrrr | C = Chirp Launch Point | o ooo rrr r | o = Path of Chirps from left | o rrrrocroooo r | r = Path of Chirps from right | o<-----------Fr | c = Path crossover point |- -o- - - - - - -r- -| Chirps enter here --> |_ _C_T_ _ _ _ _T_C_ _| <-- Chirps enter here --- 8. FAQs [FAQS] Well, hopefully this guide has answered all your questions about Flicky's bonus rounds, but... Q: I'm having trouble following the Chirps. Flicky isn't fast enough. Help! A: You don't need to stay underneath them constantly. Just read the Bonus Rounds Walkthrough Section of this guide, and find out where you have to stand to get the Chirps to simply drop straight into your net. But be warned, sometimes you will need to move slightly and jump just as the Chirps come down. And remember to move to catch the Chirps coming from the other side of the screen. Q: What about Rounds 1,2,4,5...? A: Those aren't bonus rounds and therefore aren't covered in this guide. I described how they work briefly in the 'Introduction to Flicky' section of this guide, but if you need help with them, read the General FAQs for Flicky on Q: I got to Round 43, but, your guide doesn't cover it. How do I do it? A: If you've got past Round 42, then I want you to tell me. Any information on bonus rounds not covered in this guides would be greatly appreciated and you will be given full credit. Also, congratulations on getting that far. Q: In the normal levels, if you go to the end of the level in one direction, you just reappear back at the other side. Does this happen in the bonus rounds? A: Yes, it does. If you walk off the left side of the bonus round screen, you will reappear on the right, and vice-versa. I tried using this when writing this guide, but I didn't find it useful for any of the bonus stages I've written about. --- 9. Contact Information [CNTC] If you want to ask for permission to post this guide, ask a question, or make a correction, comment, contribution or criticism, email me at: happyjoe5(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk Note that it is NOT .com. If you want permission to post this guide on a website, please say which website. Also, please put something like 'Flicky FAQ' or 'Bonus Stage Guide' in the subject title of the email OR IT WILL BE DELETED WITHOUT BEING READ. I'm particularly hoping to hear from someone who has got past Round 42 of Flicky and can give some information on the bonus rounds in the later stages of the game (43 and 47). If you contribute such information to this guide, you will be fully credited. Also, please tell me if you see this guide posted somewhere other than or, currently the only sites allowed to host this guide. --- 10. Credits [CRED] Thanks go to - Me, of course, for writing this guide. Sega, for making the Mega Drive and Flicky., for hosting this guide. Notepad, for being a good writing thingy. My older brothers, for introducing me to video games so well I'm now better than them at (almost) all of them :) Dany Filion, for telling me how many Bonus Rounds I'm missing, and giving me something to aim for. Matthew Carter, for doing the same thing two days later. --- Copyright 2005 Philip J Ferry. ---END OF DOCUMENT---