Kid chameleon Enemies FAQs Version 0.1 Updates: 0.1 = Created the guide added all the monsters & bosses, lots of spaces though 0.2 = Added most of the monsters I missed, added sections & a lot of order Also added Heroes helmets 0.3 = Added some more info fixed some incorrect info, gave it a spelling and grammar check Index i) Index ii) Intro iii) Controls iv) Premise v) Diamond Powers vi) Helmets vii) Monsters viii) Legal ~Introduction~ I used to play this game 24/7 all the time when i was kid, then I had to sell my Genesis when we moved, but i recently stumbled upon this gem while i have perfected myself at this game, i have only ever found 1 FAQs about this game, that being said i thought i had to contribute something so i added the only thing that Guide didn’t have, a complete Enemies list ~Controls~ D-Pad = Moves Kid in said direction A = Run/Walk B = Jump C = Attack/Action (or use whatever Power the Helmet has) Start = Pause A + Start = Use your Diamond Power, provided you have enough Diamonds You can change the controls and Auto-run in the options Menu ~Premise~ (Copied Directly from the handbook) Wild Side is the newest game in town. It's a hologram that creates a reality not our own. You step inside to play, and the door locks behind you. Nobody knows what goes on inside, because nobody ever comes out! Kids are disappearing left and right. Heady Metal, the boss of the game, has escaped. He's capturing kids by defeating them at their own game. Soon nobody will be left to challenge the dark destroyer. But one kid appears on the scene who refuses to be beaten. He is the toughest, coolest head in town. He's Kid Chameleon! Take Kid Chameleon into Wild Side and give Heady Metal and his gruesome underlings a taste of their own aspirin. Because Kid Chameleon is about to cause a few headaches of his own! ~Diamond Powers~ Diamond Powers: Diamond powers are used by pressing Start + A while in game, most of them are pretty useless, but some are just great. Here is a list of all of them and what they do Circle Of Doom (20): Causes a circle of diamonds to surround Kid, hurts enemies that get near you... but they can still hurt you Death Snake (50): Creates a diamond snake that tracks down and kills all enemies on the screen Samurai Haze (20): Slows down all enemies on the screen Fatal Beam (2): Shots a beam straight forward, doing 1hp worth of dmg to anything it hits Extra HP (50): Give you an extra HP til you die Extra Life (50): Gets you an extra life Invulnerability (20): Can’t be killed by enemies or spikes for a short period of time, can still be squished, fall of the screen, and time out Wall Of Death (50): Makes rows of diamonds attack everything on the screen Slashing Rain (20): Rains down diamonds hurting anything in its path Tracking Rain (50): Rains down diamond that track and kill everything on the screen 3-way shot (5): Shoots a 3-way shot, goes forward, up 45 and down 45 Mini-Snake (20): Like death snake but smaller and slower Swift Mini-Snake (50): Just a faster mini-snake ~Helmets~ A large part of the game (like 95%) is being able to have the right helmet for the right lvl, that will make same lvls go from impossible to just plan hard ^.^ Name: Kid Chameleon Description: Kind of looks like the Fonz ^.^ Attack/Action: None, though he does have a cliff grab, done by pressing the jump button when he is right by an edge HP: 2 Dimensions: 1x2 Diamond Power: Circle of Doom (20), Death Snake (50) Name: Red Stealth Description: A red ninja Attack/Action: Swings a sword, 1x2 units long, it front of him, or while jumping points the sword down (1X1) and can break blocks below him, slides on 45 degree inclines HP: 3 Dimensions: 1x2 Diamond Power: Samurai Haze (20), Death Snake (50) Name: Iron Knight Description: A knight, grey/brown Attack/Action: None, but can climb walls, & can break blocks by landing on them from a decent height (3 units) HP: 5 Dimensions: 1x2 Diamond Power: Circle Of Doom (20), Extra HP (50) Name: Eyeclops Description: sorta like cyclops from X-men, but green and with a ghost buster back on his back Attack/Action: Reveals hidden blocks HP: 3 Dimensions: 1x2 Diamond Power: Fatal Beam (2) Name: Maniaxe Description: like Jason from horror movies, slides in 45 degree inclines Attack/Action: Throws Axes HP: 3 Dimensions: 1x2 Diamond Power: Circle Of Death (20), Extra Life (50) you know bad guys never die the first time ^.^ Name: Berserker Description: like the rhino from Spiderman Attack/Action: None, but can ram units and certain blocks HP: 3 Dimensions: 1x2 Diamond Power: Invulnerability (20), Wall of Death (50) Name: Cyclone Description: this pink guy can fly.. kinda Attack/Action: By pressing the action button repeatedly he raises straight up use the d-pad to control direction HP: 3 Dimensions: 1x2 Diamond Power: Slashing Rain (20), Tracking Rain (50) Name: Juggernaut Description: a skeleton riding a Nazi tank... sry that’s just what it is, look at the helmet, can’t climb 45 degree inclines Attack/Action: shoots skulls from its barrel HP: 3 Dimensions: 3x1 Diamond Power: 3-way shot (5) Name: Micromax Description: Ever seen the horror classic, the fly? well thats what he's from Attack/Action: None, but can stick to walls for a short period of time and falls slower than any other unit (except "flying" cyclone) HP: 3 Dimensions: 1x1 Diamond Power: Mini-Snake (20), Swift Mini-Snake (50) Name: Skycutter Description: a "new age" skateboarder/surfer... complete with elbow pads ^.^ Attack/Action: Can reverse his gravity and ride of the ceiling provided there is a ceiling of course, just jump and hit the action button to reverse and again to go back to normal HP: 3 Dimensions: 2x2 Diamond Power: Invulnerability (20), Death Snake (50) ~Monsters~ Construct Name: Description: Attack: HP (per color): Dimensions: Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Notes: Monsters: all monsters come in 3 colors, with increasing difficultly, that being said, every monster will be listed with all 3 colors, and any differences that may take place are explained in Descriptions &/or Attack Name = Its name, most didn’t have names so they got names that i thought were the most descriptive Description = what it looks like, explained in my own words Attack = how it attacks, its assume that every monster hurts you by walking into you, and vice versa HP (per color) = Pretty Simple, this is its Hip Point (how many times you must attack it) before it’s beaten Dimensions = the basic dimension is 1X2 which is roughly the size of Kid, also it is equal to a 1X2 section of P blocks, considering nothing in this game is smaller than that, that is what I will refer to as the base unit How a determined its dimensions? In most cases it’s pretty simple, if it can fit into an area 2X3 (that is 2 P blocks lengthwise and 3 blocks height wise) but can’t fit into a 1X3 or 2X2 then that those are the dimensions i go with Strategies = Most are pretty straight forward but some of the more complex enemies involve timing and all that junk, in here will also go, what they all weak against Jump: All Projectiles: Maniaxe, Juggernaut, Eyeclops (limited) Sword: Red Stealth Ramming: Berzerker Diamond Power: Everyone but what they do varies Ex. Kid, Diamond Snake (50) or Red Stealth, Diamond Circle (20) Lvls it’s found on = What Lvls they are found on (don’t hold your breath for this being done any time soon) Enemies: Name: Dragon Desc: this is the first enemy pretty basic just walks after you, doesn’t have any arms ^.^ Attack: Breaths fire, 2 units in front of itself HP: Green (1), Blue (2), Yellow (3) Dimensions: 2X2 Strategies: you don’t need one just jump on its head, it is also vulnerable to projectiles, ramming, swords, and diamond powers Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Flying Dragon Description: exactly like the dragon except not limited to gravity, floats after you, can change trajectory after launching fireball Attack: Fire ball, 2x2 units long, down on a 45degree angle from wherever the dragon last was HP (per color): Green (2), Blue (3), Yellow (4) Dimensions: 3X2 Strategies: pretty simple just land on it once and it turns into a normal dragon and falls to the ground Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Tanx (version 1) Description: looks like a skull tanx, moves pretty slow Attack: None, just rolls towards you HP (per color): Grey (2), Brown (3), Steel Blue (4) Dimensions: 2X2 Strategies: After the first time you hit it, it can no longer move Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Tanx (version 2) Description: looks exactly like tanx V1 but can shoot bullets Attack: Can shoot a bullet 1X1 straight forward HP (per color): Grey (3), Brown (4), Steel Blue (5) Dimensions: 2X2 Strategies: same as above Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Undead Hand Description: this hand crawls across the ground, it’s just easy to miss sometimes Attack: when you get close enough to it, it lounges at you, it is successful its stays attached to you for a while, slowing your movement and jumping HP (per color): Green (1), Purple (1), Yellow (1) Dimensions: 1X2 Strategies: don’t just run up to it, you can’t ram or sword it, different colors jump high and attack from a farther range its too fast, just jump on it Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Crystal Description: Big spinning crystal Attack: none just spins back and forth HP (per color): Purple (2), Orange (2), Green (3) Dimensions: 2X3 Strategies: you can’t jump on this guy so your best bet is projectiles Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Water Elemental Description: this puddle forms into a face and shots stuff at you Attack: shots a bullet 1X1 straight forward, only attacks every 2nd time it emerges HP (per color): Blue (2), Yellow (6), Red (??) Dimensions: As Puddle 0X0, As Face 2X3 Strategies: Can’t be hurt or hurt you in puddle form Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Fireball Description: it’s a fire ball Attack: Every time it touches the ground it leaves fire there for a few seconds HP (per color): Orange (1), Blue (1), Green (1) Dimensions: 1X1 Strategies: unlike the bigger version this one you can jump on without being hurt Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Fire Elemental Description: A walking flames, leaves behind a trail of fire Attack: just walks HP (per color): Orange (3), Blue (??), Green (??) Dimensions: 2X3 Strategies: you CAN ram him and jump on him, but it hurts you in the process Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Falling Skull Description: the skull appears above you and falls down, then sits around grinding its teeth til it disappears and drops again Attack: None HP (per color): Grey (1), Yellow (1), Red (1) Dimensions: 2X2 Strategies: the harder they are, the closer and faster they fall Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Ooze Description: drops down from the ceiling, once its drips 3 times its comes to life and starts oozing up and down the walls Attack: none HP (per color): Green (1), Blue (1), Yellow (1) Dimensions: 1X1 Strategies: the different colors all move at different speeds with yellow dripping and moving the fastest Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Lion Lord Description: a big walking Lion with the a scepter Attack: Shoots a tracking ball after you HP (per color): Red (6), Brown (8), White (6), Ball (1) all forms Dimensions: 3X3 Strategies: ramming these guys takes them out in a hit, they have crazy HP Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Mini Jumping Skull Description: these little guys fall from the ceiling and jump after you Attack: none HP (per color): Grey (1), Yellow (2), Blue (3) Dimensions: 1X1 Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Jumping Skull Description: jumps around, when hit they go something like “grunt, grunt, grunt, die!” Attack: none, just jumps around HP (per color): Grey (2), Yellow (3), White (4) Dimensions: 2X2 Strategies: once you hit them you, have to wait til they free themselves to attack again, usually not worth your time Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Wind Elemental Description: looks just like a moving Cyclone… except evil Attack: none HP (per color): Grey (1), Pink (1), Blue? (??) Dimensions: 1X2 Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Drill Byte Description: A little robot with drills on either side, can smash through certain bricks Attack: None HP (per color): Grey (2), Brown (??), Steel Blue (??) Dimensions: 1X3 Strategies: after you hit it once it stops moving, 2nd one finishes it off Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Basilisks Description: Little lizard guys Attack: Once they see you they raise the spikes on there back and chase you, you can’t jump on them while they have spikes HP (per color): Grey (1), Black (2), Orange (3) Dimensions: 2X1 Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Bouncing Balls Description: Just little balls bouncing of all surfaces Attack: none HP (per color): Purple (1), Green (1), Orange (1) Dimensions: 1X1 Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Archer Description: a stone archer, can’t move Attack: Shots arrows, but only at directly in front and at 45degrees HP (per color): Teal (1), Gold (1), Blue (1) Dimensions: 2X2 Strategies: just avoid the arrows and jump on there head Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Giant Swing Description: 2 bodybuilders holding hands spinning in circles (not as fruity as it sounds) Attack: once you hit them there is an explosion in the middle and they run around separately HP (per color): 1 hit to separate them, Green (1), Flesh (2), Blue (??) Dimensions: 2X2 for each Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Crabs Description: Crab people, kinda hard to miss Attack: None HP (per color): Red (2), Blue (??), White (??) Dimensions: 2X2 Strategies: you can’t jump on them, you bounce off there shells, can’t ram or use Diamond powers either, guess you’re stuck with the sword or the cannon Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Killer Whale Description: Looks like a walking killer whale Attack: Once it sees you, it lunges at you HP (per color): Black (4), Blue (??), Yellow (??) Dimensions: 2X2 Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Ram Description: Sorta like the berserker only a Ram Attack: Runs at you at great speed, once it hits a wall though, it’s stuck there forever HP (per color): Brown (3), Teal (4), Blue (5) Dimensions: 2X2 Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Nimbus Disgruntledous Description: This is one angry cloud Attack: Shoots Lightning (1X3) none stop once it sees you, every forwards, straight down or at 45 degrees HP (per color): Grey (1), Yellow (1), Red? (??) Dimensions: 2X2 Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Scorpion Description: it’s a scorpion, walking on 2 legs, with no arms ^.^ Attack: throws its tail forward one unit space HP (per color): Red (3), White (4), Blue (??) Dimensions: 2X3 Strategies: if you’re going to jump on it, you have to do so when its not attacking. Otherwise you’ll take dmg from the tail Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Alien Mech Description: Reminds me a robot dragon cuz it still doesn’t have arms ^.^ Attack: shoots a 1X1 Laser at you HP (per color): Yellow (2), Green (2), Blue (??) Dimensions:1X2 Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Name: UFO (/w alien) Description: It’s a UFO alright, these guys can be a pain Attack: Shoots a laser (3X1) straight down HP (per color): Yellow (2), Green (3), Blue (4), Alien (1) all forms Dimensions: 2X2 Strategies: hit it the first time, the aliens eye is showing, hit it again and the alien pops out Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Ninja Description: These kung fu fiends walk around with Sai in there hands, they can walk and jump just like you, plus you cant jump on them, because they block it, cant ram them either, also cant hit them from the front with swords or cannons, eye beams work though, so do DP Attack: none HP (per color): Grey (??), Orange (3), Blue (??) Dimensions: 1X2, 2X2 when blocking Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Shiskaboss Description: 3 Giants heads stuck on a stick Attack: Shoots energy blasts that explode once you they get far enough HP (per color): 20 per head, Energy Blasts (1) Dimensions: 4X4 Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Boomerang Bosses Description: Still 3 giant heads but they are no long connected a float around freely Attack: Shoots boomerangs HP (per color): 30 each, Boomerangs (1) Dimensions: 4x4 Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Bagel Brothers Description: Exactly like boss #2 but back to the energy blasts Attack: different pattern that the other bosses but still pretty simple HP (per color): 30 per head, Energy Blast (1) Dimensions: 4x4 Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Name: Heady Metal Description: A giant 24 eyed Head, that shoots smaller heads from his mouth, they in turn shoot even small heads from there mouths Attack: shoots Heads (1X1) that shoot heads (1X1) HP (per color): 50 for Heady, 1 per little head Dimensions: um.. lots ill figure it out later Strategies: Lvls types it’s found on: Legal: Game is copywrite 1992 Sega Enterprises, name and any content here in is Copywrite of Sega, unless otherwise noted Kid Chameleon Enemies FAQs Copywrite 2005 Xris Acton