Sonic the Hedgehog 2 & Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic 2 ------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2003-2007 Brian McPhee Author: Brian McPhee (Kirby021591) E-mail: Most Recent Update: April 28, 2007 Originally Created: July 17, 2003 Version 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Table of Contents------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0: Introduction 1.1: Special Thanks 1.2: Navigation 1.3: Storyline 1.4: Characters 1.5: Controls 1.6: Enemies 1.7: Items and Objects 2.0: Sonic/Tails Story Walkthrough 2.1: Emerald Hill Zone 2.2: Chemical Plant Zone 2.3: Aquatic Ruin Zone 2.4: Casino Night Zone 2.5: Hill Top Zone 2.6: Mystic Cave Zone 2.7: Oil Ocean Zone 2.8: Metropolis Zone 2.9: Sky Chase Zone 2.95: Wing Fortress Zone 2.99: Death Egg Zone 3.0: Knuckles Story Walkthrough 3.1: Emerald Hill Zone 3.2: Chemical Plant Zone 3.3: Aquatic Ruin Zone 3.4: Casino Night Zone 3.5: Hill Top Zone 3.6: Mystic Cave Zone 3.7: Oil Ocean Zone 3.8: Metropolis Zone 3.9: Sky Chase Zone 3.95: Wing Fortress Zone 3.99: Death Egg Zone 4.0: Special Stage 4.1: Super Sonic 4.2: Two-Player Mode 4.3: Codes and Cheats 4.4: Options 5.0: Legal Things ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ==============================1.0: Introduction============================== ============================================================================= Note: This is the second walkthrough I ever wrote way back in 2003. For a long time none of my walkthroughs were accepted until The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures and Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. Now I know why they weren’t: I didn’t format it correctly. So now that I’ve established myself a bit and I know how to format walkthroughs, an old game returns! Remember, resilience is the key to victory. Also, I apologize in advance for all of my various grammatical errors and corniness. I knew far less about writing FAQ’s in 2003 than I do now... which isn’t saying much... I love this game! There are more zones and challenges than in Sonic the Hedgehog and you can play as Tails and Knuckles. Normally, you cannot play with Knuckles, but if you unlock the game “Knuckles in Sonic 2”, you can. If you own a Genesis, use the game “Sonic and Knuckles” to lock-on with “Sonic the Hedgehog 2” to use Knuckles. Anyway, this is one of the most popular Sonic games of all time. It also introduces a fun 3-D Special Stage. There are also a lot more bosses and badniks (enemies), with some old favorites of course. This has everything a good game needs and I give it a 10 out of 10. The Sonic Team did well on this one... ============================================================================= =============================1.1: Special Thanks============================= ============================================================================= I want to thank Sega and the Sonic Team for making the game, as well as myself for playing it, and writing about it. I’d also like to thank Nintendo for recreating it on the game Sonic Mega Collection. Also, GameFAQs for accepting this guide – amazing, isn’t it? Thanks, one and all! ============================================================================= ===============================1.2: Navigation=============================== ============================================================================= This may sound complicated, but it’s not. At the Table of Contents I assigned each section a number (This one is 1.2). Hold the Control button and the F button on your keyboard and type in the name of the section you want (For instance, type in 1.2 to find this section. It will take you at first to the Table of Contents, and then here, and wherever else the number 1.2 is written in this guide). Just click the Find option after typing and click it again to bring you to the next. Real easy (Right…)… ============================================================================= ================================1.3: Storyline=============================== ============================================================================= Miles “Tails” Prower has dreamt of being like Sonic since he was but a baby fox. Sonic is his idol, and Sonic lets him tag along. Even when Tails is left in the dust because of Sonic’s super speed, he tries to catch up. Miles got his nickname “Tails” because of his two tails (normal foxes have only one, obviously). He uses them to fly and propel himself when he’s running. Tails can even imitate Sonic’s Super Spin Attack! Well, it looks like we could use both Sonic and Tails, because the dastardly scientist Robotnik is at it again (who would’ve thought)! This time he is building the Death Egg (Star Wars anyone?). He is capturing the poor animals of South Island and forcing them to build this technological terror. There’s only one way to stop this doctor, and that’s the Chaos Emeralds! Stop Robotnik with the help of Tails and experience Sonic the Hedgehog like never before! ============================================================================= ===============================1.4: Characters=============================== ============================================================================= +--------------------------+ | Sonic the Hedgehog | +--------------------------+ He’s back! If you’ve played Sonic the Hedgehog, you already know all about Sonic and his efforts to thwart Robotnik’s evil plans. Sonic has a lot of friends and it’s time to rescue them with Tails, his lifelong pal. +------------------------------------+ | Miles “Tails” Prower the Fox | +------------------------------------+ A fox born with a birth defect, he has two tails (Thus the nickname Tails). Tails is raring to go with his idol and role model, Sonic. Tails is an invaluable team member in future games, too. He can fly by twirling his two tails at top speeds, swim, run at high speeds by propelling himself with his dual tails, and is extremely mechanically inclined (His skills are only rivaled by Robotnik, who has much more experience in the robotic world). Tails can’t fly or swim in this game, but just wait until Sonic the Hedgehog 3! +----------------------------+ | Knuckles the Echidna | +----------------------------+ I realize that he is not supposed to be in this game, but in case you either unlocked “Knuckles in Sonic 2”, or have a Genesis and used the lock-on ability of the game “Sonic and Knuckles” on “Sonic the Hedgehog 2”, you can use this guy. He is my favorite early Sonic character. He is on Robotnik’s side at first, but when he realizes that Sonic and Tails weren’t trying to conquer the world, but rather trying to save it, he turns on his false ally, Robotnik. He can glide, climb on walls, and break through barriers that Sonic and Tails can’t even scratch. His name is Knuckles and his name speaks for him. +--------------------+ | Dr. Robotnik | +--------------------+ A scientific genius with an I.Q. above 300, he makes more enemies than friends, but he does befriend Knuckles in order to trick him into thinking that Sonic and Tails are the villains in Sonic the Hedgehog 3. He has an eye on the Chaos Emeralds and he won’t stop staring until he gets them (That was corny)… He is called Dr. Eggman in future games. +-----------------------------+ | Metal Sonic Prototype | +-----------------------------+ The creation of Dr. Robotnik, he is quite possibly the best defense the Death Egg has to offer aside from Robotnik himself. Metal Sonic is probably based on him. He is not a main character, but Metal Sonic is in the future so why not him? ============================================================================= ================================1.5: Controls================================ ============================================================================= +--------------------------------+ | Sonic and Tails Controls | +--------------------------------+ Control Pad/Stick: Move Sonic or Tails. A/B/X Button: Jump Hold Down on the Control Pad/Stick and press A/B/X: Charge up a Spin Dash Charge up a Spin Dash and release the down button: Spin Dash Move and press down on the Control Pad/Stick: Roll +-------------------------+ | Knuckles Controls | +-------------------------+ Control Stick/Pad: Move A/B/X: Jump Jump and while in the air press A/B/X: Glide Glide into a wall: Grip Grip a wall and move up or down: Climb Hold Down on the Control Stick/Pad and press A/B/X: Charge up a Spin Dash Charge up a Spin Dash and release the down button: Spin Dash Move and press down on the Control Stick/Pad: Roll ============================================================================= ================================1.6: Enemies================================= ============================================================================= There are a lot more enemies than before, but most are found in but one zone. Dr. Robotnik: At the end of each zone you fight this scientist. He has a new weapon of destruction every time and is never the same. He sometimes sends out one of his most hazardous creations to do you in, but usually he will finish you off himself. Metal Sonic Prototype: One of Robotnik’s creations, it is probably the most powerful of them all. I think the future Metal Sonic is based on it. It is found only in the Death Egg Zone. The Laser Turret: Extremely difficult to defeat, this is a slow-moving Laser Cannon that can blast you to bits. It is only vulnerable when open. It is only found in the Wing Fortress Zone. Buzzer: A flying insect found in the Emerald Hill Zone. These shoot a bullet at you and then retreat. Usually found in groups. Coconuts: Chimpanzees on trees that throw coconuts at you. Jump to defeat them. Found in the Emerald Hill Zone. Masher: Fish that jump from the waters of Emerald Hill and try to bite you, quite simple to avoid. Grabber: A spider that lowers itself and tries to squeeze the rings out of you. Found in the Chemical Plant Zone. Spikey: A small robot that shifts back and forth shooting bullets at you. Attack when the top is closed. Whisp: A small insect that travels in groups. Very simple to defeat, only attack is actually touching you. Found in Aquatic Ruin Zone. Chop Chop: A fish enemy found underwater that tries to chomp you. Found in the Aquatic Ruin Zone. Grounder: An enemy with a drill for a nose, it is sometimes hidden behind breakaway walls. Found in the Aquatic Ruin Zone. Crawl: The robotic guard found in the Casino Night Zone, it has excellent defenses with a bumper attached to its arm. Attack from behind. Rexor: A huge sea-based dinosaur that is found in the magma and lava of the Hill Top Zone, hit on the head before it shoots its bullets. Spiker: Another prehistoric-based robot, Spikers launch their spikes at you. Found in the Hill Top Zone. Orbinaut: This isn’t the actual name but I don’t know the real name and it was called this in the previous game. These launch flames at you until they are out and then convert into a flame themselves. Found in the Hill Top Zone. Crawlton: A caterpillar that leaps out from a hiding place to try to ambush you. Hit the heads to defeat them. Found in the Mystic Cave Zone. Flasher: Small insects of the Mystic Cave Zone. Very similar to Whisps of the previous game except for their yellow force fields that they flash on and off. Octus: An octopus that shoots bullets, simply jump to defeat it. Found in the Oil Ocean Zone. Aquis: A seahorse from the Oil Ocean Zone that shoots at you from a distance. Jump to defeat. Slicer: A praying mantis that throws sickles. Found in the Metropolis Zone. Asteron: A starfish that explodes into five sharp spikes. Found in the Metropolis Zone. Shell Cracker: A crab that extends its arm for a piercing attack. Found in the Metropolis Zone. Nebula: Small robots in balloons, they drop spike-balls from above, found in the Sky Chase Zone. Turtloids: Huge turtles ridden by smaller turtles, these are roadblocks as well as cannons. Found in the Sky Chase Zone. Balkiry: A high-speed bird whose only attack is one swift dive with its sharp beak. Only found in the Sky Chase Zone. Clucker: A chicken with a rifle and infinite bullets. Jump to defeat them. Found in the Wing Fortress Zone. The Decoy Robotniks: Simply smaller version of Robotnik used as decoys. Jump to defeat them. Found in the Metropolis Zone. ============================================================================= ============================1.7: Items and Objects=========================== ============================================================================= There are capsules throughout the levels that you can spin, roll, or bounce onto. Inside there is one of five items. +---------------------+ | Capsule Items | +---------------------+ Power Sneakers: Makes Sonic run faster than he already can. Is that possible? Super Rings: These are worth ten rings, get ten of these and get an extra life. One-Ups (1-Ups): Gives you an extra life, very valuable. Invincibility: The name says it all. It makes you immune to pain and ring loss for a time. You can still die if you fall prey to an instant death obstacle (Pits and things like that). Shield: These help you by protecting you from attack. If you are hit, you will lose your shield. If you have rings while you have your shield and you are hit, you will not lose your rings. +---------------+ | Objects | +---------------+ Star Post: These were known as Lampposts in Sonic the Hedgehog. I call them checkpoints because that’s what they’re called in the future games. These save your position if you die; you return here after you die if you don’t have a Game Over. Robotnik Sign: These mark the end of the level. Run through, over, or under them to beat the level. Capsule: these are also known as monitors but in later games they are called capsules so I call them capsules. Zone Capsule: These mark the end of the zone. After you beat the boss, you’ll see a large gray object with a yellow switch on it. Jump on the switch and exit the zone. Rings: Item or Object, I don’t know, but they’re not in capsules and so I say these are objects. These are really important because if you are hit with none, you lose a life (Unless you have a shield). If you have some and then you are hit, you lose all of them. One thing I don’t like about the rings is that you only drop twenty even if you have two hundred. ============================================================================= =====================2.0: Sonic/Tails Story Walkthrough====================== ============================================================================= Okay, you probably saw up there in my Table o’ Contents that it says Sonic/Tails Story Walkthrough and Knuckles Story Walkthrough. There is no difference in the story if you play as Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles, just a different character (And with Knuckles some hidden areas). The zones are the same, and only Knuckles has different controls. If you don’t like Sonic or Tails, or can’t pick between them, I’ll tell you how to pick. To have both, press start. If you want one or the other, at the title screen, go down twice. You’ll reach Options. One of the options says Player Select. When it is selected, move over with the Control Stick/Pad. Move to the left for Tails Alone, or the right for Sonic Alone. When you have chosen, press start and begin to play. There are advantages to having certain characters. For instance, since Tails is so much shorter than Sonic, he is a smaller target. If you choose Sonic and Tails, your chance of getting rings and hitting your opponents is nearly doubled since you have Tails to help you. Having Sonic alone is the hardest and is sort of like playing the hardest mode. Well you decide, not me, but I hope you like who you pick and try new ones out. Up next are level walkthroughs. They explain how to beat the levels part by part. If I miss something, tell me about it, and remember, if I am not real clear on a certain part, then the part is pretty straightforward. By the way, on each act, don’t take longer than ten minutes or you’ll lose a life. Enjoy! ============================================================================= ===========================2.1: Emerald Hill Zone============================ ============================================================================= There are a lot of hills in this series; I mean it! Anyway, you can beat these levels in under a minute and the boss is pretty easy. It is the perfect place to hone your skills. Good luck! +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Hello! It is my first level walkthrough for this game and I’m so excited! Sorry, ahem, ahem. Anyway, collect the six rings hovering in the air to the right. You’ll meet your first enemies. The one clinging to the tree is named Coconuts. The hovering bee is called a Buzzer (These were called Buzz Bombers in the previous game). Coconuts will throw coconuts at you (How original!) that you can avoid by moving to the side or jumping. Buzzer will shoot bullets at you and then retreat. These are simple to avoid and should not pose much of a threat. To defeat either of them, jump into them. While in your blue ball form, you can defeat most enemies. Anyway, to the right of Coconuts, there is a platform moving from left to right. Jump on and get the Shield ahead. The shield is guarded by Coconuts, so watch out. After getting that head right and off the ledge. You’ll find a bridge, under which is an enemy called a Masher, a fish that jumps up and tries to bite you (These were called Choppers before). Jump over them to avoid them and keep heading right. Another Coconuts/Buzzer combo is ahead, as well as a lowering and rising platform. Jump over the platform after avoiding the enemies and onto a ledge with a yellow spring. Jump onto the spring and while in the air, move to the right to get some hovering rings. When you land, you’ll see a yellow spring ahead of you as well as a Super Ring Capsule. If you want the rings, jump over the Masher before it and onto the capsule. After that, jump onto the spring and land on a Power Sneaker Capsule. There is a Coconuts above that you’ll want to watch out for so be ready. Run forward and up a half-loop. Land on the spring and onto the moving platform to the right. Use it to get on top of the loop to the right. On top of it is an Invincibility Capsule. Get it and drop down. Run forward into this cool twisting loop and run forward from there up a half-loop. Above the half-loop is a Super Ring Capsule and a Masher. Get the rings and take out the Masher. Jump up onto the next ledge. There is a Coconuts to dispose of. Take care of him and run down the slope. Keep going right and into the first checkpoint. There is a loop to the right and a spring. Spring yourself into the loop and the next loop. Stop when you see a yellow spring. Spring from there, to the higher spring, and to the next ledge. Jump on the spring here to get some rings and land on the moving platform to the right. From there jump to the next platform and from there the next and onto a loop with a checkpoint and some rings on it. Bounce on the yellow spring and spring up the half-loop you land on. Directly to the right is the Robotnik Sign (This was the shortest checkpoint- paragraph ever!). +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Get the three rings at the top and jump onto the ledge to the right. Get the three rings on top and spring on the spring. It is pretty likely that you land on a Coconuts, so try to stop when you reach the rings. Take care of the dual Coconuts and jump onto the ledge ahead. There is a Buzzer and a Power Sneakers Capsule. Get the sneakers and run straight to the right. You’ll stop by some spikes. Jump over them and onto a yellow spring. Bounce up and run straight forward onto a loop with a spring on it. Spring on it and onto a falling platform. Jump onto the spring to the right. It will spring you to the left onto a spring that springs to the left. Keep running through the two loops and a twisting loop, and then into another twisting loop. You exit into a strip of land where you simply need to run forward, avoiding a Buzzer, and into a checkpoint. Run to the right and prepare for the first boss. He is so easy so don’t worry. Don’t stand on the sides; stay in the middle. Robotnik’s ship will enter a motorcycle-like vehicle with a spike on the front. To win, jump on the top part of the motorcycle, where the cockpit is. You know you hit him when it flashes white and Robotnik turns his head toward the screen. Keep hitting him and you’ll win. Watch out, because on the last hit he’ll launch his spike at you. Jump over it and deliver the finishing blow. Robotnik will make another one of his grand escapes, but at least you got through the first zone (All bosses take eight hits except for the last)! Move to the right and jump on the yellow switch of the Capsule to free the animals. ============================================================================= ==========================2.2: Chemical Plant Zone=========================== ============================================================================= I hate this zone because of the second act. When the water rises in this one part I almost always die. This is a part where you wish Tails learned how to swim early. This place has a lot of mazes and there is more than one way to win. Prepare for an arsenal of new annoying enemies and purple water (How does Robotnik make it purple?). +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ From the start get the three rings above and run up the half-loop. Get three new rings and run straight down. Roll into a ball when you reach high speeds and don’t stop when you hit a red spring. It will bounce you back through the loop and into a secret area (Well not that secret…). You’ll land on a Super Ring Capsule next to a tube and two Spikeys, the new badniks. Time it right when the Spikeys aren’t firing and jump on top of them. When you have the rings, jump on top of the gray barrier to break it and fall into the tube. When you exit, there are two Super Ring Capsules to the right. Use the red spring and onto a new ledge. There is a Shield ahead and a Spikey. After getting them, there is a hard to see obstacle. There are blue bubble- like chains that jump from the blue tubes. Time it right to avoid the loss of rings or shield and pass through. There is another set to the right, but above is an enemy called a Grabber. These look like hands, but are really mechanical spiders (It’s funny if you have Sonic and Tails because it will grab Tails and he’ll start freaking out.). It will drop down and grab you, tighten the grip, and squeeze your rings out. Jump to defeat them when they are raising themselves. After the Grabber there are four more blue tubes firing blue bubble chains and three rings. Get the rings and avoid the obstacles. To the right there is a half-loop, a Spikey, and some rings. Charge up a Spin Dash and dash up the half-loop. Aim to land on the Spikey and you’ll bounce pretty high (You could take him out the normal way but this way is cool.) and land on a black tread to the right. It will give you a burst of speed and you’ll travel through two loops. When you land, jump onto the other black tread and you’ll go through a loop and a half-loop, and to the checkpoint. To the left of the checkpoint is a gray barrier guarding a tube. Don’t go down it, charge up a Spin Dash and spin to the right through the loop and half-loop. You’ll be back where you were only you got a checkpoint. Go to the right and you’ll see a yellow platform that rises into a staircase. Get on top and jump onto the platform above. From there get onto the new ledge to the right. Keep heading right and down the slope. Wait until the floor flips and you drop down. When you fall, go to the left and find a checkpoint and a Super Ring and Shield Capsule. Once you get them, head right and past the blue tube firing bubble chains obstacle. There is a new blue tube that fire the bubble chain from left to right. Jump over it to avoid it and to the right, up the half-loop. There is another tread to jump on, and a series of loops and slopes. You will be deposited by a tube and a Spikey on the wall. Take out the Spikey if you like, and go down the tube. Where you exit there will be another Super Ring Capsule to the right. When you get it, go to the left and down the slope. At the bottom is another stairway. Keep running to the right (You should run over a horizontal bubble chain) and into the Robotnik Sign. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ No, this act! Oh well, I’ll do it. Get the three rings and go down the slope. After a half-loop you’ll find a Spikey to rid yourself of and a really long slope. Roll in the middle of it and you’ll go flying upwards. Land on the loop to the left and enter the alcove to the left and get a 1-Up. Jump to the right and run onto the long red springs. It will bounce onto another ledge with a long red spring and you’ll run up a half-loop. Jump onto the revolving platforms to the left and onto the ledge (Still to the left.). There will be a tube further to the left to enter. Get in and get the two Super Ring Capsules to the right. Bounce on the Red Spring and after a chain reaction you’ll enter a slope downward. You’ll stop at a half-loop on top of which is a Super Ring Capsule. Get it and keep to the left. There is yet another tube! Get in and go to the right. Use the tread to gain speed and loop through the loops (How redundant!). After a half-loop, get the checkpoint on it. To the right is a Grabber over a Super Ring Capsule, quite deceptive. Take out the supremely stupid spider (Alliteration) and get the rings. Ahead is a door that closes and locks you in this sector of the act. Go down the slope and bounce onto the next slope and bounce onto a stairway. This is tricky, there are moving platforms on this conveyor belt-like thing. Jump onto the first and from there to the second. Jump onto the black tread and enter a sloping section. You’ll land on a moving stairway, this is where the water rises. Quickly get to the top while you still have air. It is hard to do this underwater since your jump is slower. After the stairs, there are moving blocks above. Get on one and then jump to the next. Now that this is finally done, head left. More conveyor belt-like platforms. If you fall, you’ll have to redo the stairway section. There are two like before, and once you pass them, head left. The platform you land on will dump you into the water, so quick jump onto the ledge to the left. From here jump onto the revolving platform and onto the platform to the right. Run into the black tread and into the checkpoint. Keep running and you’ll stop at a series of rising ledges. Get up and run forward to the right. You’ll enter a boss arena. Stay in the center since the other tiles will dump you into your watery grave. Robotnik will come with a new plan, and a much harder one than his motorcycle attack. From the center platform, jump to hit him and bounce off his ship onto the platform. Repeat the process until you’ve won, however, Robotnik does have some offense. Remember those blue chains of bubbles, he uses a similar attack, with a cannon that fires single blue bubbles. They are hard to avoid on the tiny platform, so you may get hit. On the his final hit, he will attack from a distance, without coming close to you. Hit him and beat the Chemical Plant Zone! However, there is one bad thing. The platforms to the side will still dump you even after the boss battle, so be careful you don’t fall prey to the boss arena. To the right is the Capsule, press the switch and move on! ============================================================================= ===========================2.3: Aquatic Ruin Zone============================ ============================================================================= I really dislike this zone. It is an easier version of a zone called the Labyrinth Zone from the Sonic the Hedgehog. There is one of these in every early Sonic game (In Sonic the Hedgehog 3 it is called Hydro City Zone) and they are usually pretty hard. Hope you pass, this is but the beginning… +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ First things first, I’ll explain some things. You need air to live (Mario and Donkey Kong don’t need air…) and this can be gotten in two ways. The first is through air bubbles. This is the most reliable way since these are in most areas. Under the water there are bubbles rising (Not the ones from you, the big ones) that when you touch, you refill your air. The other way (Which may not be available in some areas) is jumping out of the water. Good luck… Collect the three rings at the start. Below them is an arrow firing cannon. These blend in real well and I hate them! These fire arrows at you and they hurt. Keep going down and you’ll see a breakable pillar. They’ll rise, but you can break them by jumping on top of them. Keep going, collect the rings, and up the small hill. There is another Arrow Cannon to avoid and a cool tunnel that serves as a tunnel and a log! On top of the log is a Grounder (The former Burrobot from Sonic 1). These are easy to beat, simply jump or roll into them. They sometimes hide in or behind walls trying to ambush you. There is another one ahead. Take ‘em out and get the Super Ring Capsule. Jump onto the ledge above head to the right. Spring yourself into a loop and a half and hit the checkpoint. Another log/tunnel is ahead, as well as a breakable pillar. Go through the first and on top for the second. When you break the pillar, get on the edge of the platform and jump onto the higher ledge above (It will be out of view). There will be an Arrow Cannon at the start, let it pass you. Keep going to the right until you reach a long red spring. Directly before it is a loop. Jump to it and get the Shield Capsule atop. Run into the red spring and onto the moving platform. Don’t get onto the others, just drop below and move right. Run into the wall (There is an opening inside) and into the water. You’ll see some enemies called Chop Chops (They were red in Sonic the Hedgehog 1) and jump out of the water. You’ll reenter the water in a small pit with a Super Ring Capsule within with some Chop Chops; jump out. Ahead there are flying enemies that are really annoying called Whisps. Destroy your pursuers and fall into the small pit below. A Grounder will emerge out of the wall and might cause you to lose your rings if you’re not careful. When he’s gone, hit the red spring and spring up into a loop. You’ll enter the water, but why stay in when you could be out? Hit the red spring below and exit the water. Head right while in the air and keep heading right. You’ll reach the Robotnik Sign and beat the act. That one, you avoided pretty much all water activity, but you won’t be so lucky next time. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Get the three rings floating about at the start. It’s arrows ahoy here. Avoid the first, then drop down and avoid the second. Reach the edge of the platform to the right and jump into the water. Get the Super Ring Capsule at the bottom and rush to the right to get some air. Keep going, avoid a falling pillar piece and hit a spring below. You should outrace an arrow from an Arrow Cannon and jump into a lower level of water. Keep going down below another red spring and get a Super Ring Capsule and some precious air. Get on top of the rising platform and jump down from there. Run forward, avoiding all enemies and jump over a yellow spring. There is a Grounder and some air ahead. Ahead there is another falling platform and a Quadruple Arrow Cannon (Four of them). Jump to avoid them and jump to the right. You’ll find a red spring, spring on it, and you’ll land by a Grounder and some air. Get them both and head to the right. After three falling pillars, you’ll reach a red spring. Spring slightly to the left onto a platform and use it to jump out of the water onto a platform to the right. There are some Whisps to greet you to the right and an Arrow Cannon. Avoid them and hit a red spring ahead to fly through a loop, the checkpoint, and into the boss arena. On both sides, big Totem Poles rise out of the ground and Robotnik lowers himself in his new ship. He has a huge hammer and he intends to hit the poles. This is fairly simple, when he hits the pole, an arrow is fired at random from one of the heads and it lands in the mouth of the other, making a platform. Get on top and then jump to hit Robotnik. For a head start, at the beginning when the poles are rising, jump on one. When you beat him, the poles lower and he leads you to the Capsule. Free the animals and leave this zone! ============================================================================= ===========================2.4: Casino Night Zone============================ ============================================================================= How hard could a place called Casino Night Zone be? It is a casino after all. I think Sonic may be underage, but that’s not much of a problem. You should have fun with this one; I like the background and the music (Well, sort of…). +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Three rings right in front (Seriously, every act has three rings right at the start, really!) and a slope further to the right. It is not very long, and there are three rings at the bottom (Upgrade over three). Now in front of you you’ll see two flippers. Get on one and press A to go flying (Now remember you only have ten minutes) and get some rings. There is a Power Sneaker Capsule to the right as well as some more Pinball-related objects, bumpers. Avoid them and fall down into the circular pit. Hit the vertical flipper to the right to get out and be on your way. You’ll land on a bumper; go right and you’ll see a large blue block. When it rises, jump under and into the next pit. Being on top won’t kill you; they don’t go up all the way. After passing through the two block obstacles, there will be another below. Get on it when it moves toward you, and ride it to the right. There will be another slightly higher than the one your on that you’ll want to get when you move to the right so hop on. Now this one’s the last; you’ll exit into a small passageway to the right. Below is yet another blue block, ride it up and onto the next platform. You want to be on the platform to the right, but with such a low ceiling, it is nearly impossible. So do a cool trick to get over pits, that is, do a Spin Dash. From here jump into the passageway to the right and get the Power Sneakers. Run forward and go down an elevator, and when lowered, get the Super Ring Capsule to the left. After harvesting the rings, go right and into a Pinball Spring. Hold the A/B/X button until the spring is all the way down, and then release. You’ll go through a loop and then enter a small tube with another Pinball Spring. Do as before to launch yourself and you’ll enter the bounce chamber (I happen to think it’s a good name!) and travel as far to the left as you can to get on a Pinball Flipper. Press A/B/X when on it to send yourself upwards and try to land on the higher blue block hovering above you. Move to the right and you’ll see a huge pit below you. Play in it if you’d like (Get out by charging up a Spin Dash) but if you’d like to pass over it, get on the hovering bounce board (They’re blue and they move from left to right, you bounce on them) and juggle yourself on it until you reach the other side. When at the other side, you’ll see a Pinball Flipper ahead. Use it to get onto the higher platform and move to the right. You’ll go up an elevator and head right. Jump over the Pinball Flipper ahead and you’ll finally reach the checkpoint! Directly after the checkpoint is a Super Ring Capsule. Keep going right and you’ll see green plates that flash yellow hovering over a pit. Jump on one to bounce upwards and use it to get on another plate. Bounce from one to the other until you reach the end. Fall down into the pit and you’ll find more green plates. Keep bouncing on them until they disappear and fall down. Run to the right and into a tube with a Pinball Spring in it. Spring up through a loop and onto another spring. Spring up again and get onto the Pinball Flipper to the left. You’ll land near a Super Ring and Invincibility Capsule. Get both and run forward. You’ll run straight into a pit. Get to the bottom and onto another Pinball Spring. When you exit, you’ll land on a Pinball Flipper. Flip it and fly for the Robotnik Sign! +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Well, well, well! As I thought, once again, three rings at the start to the right. Get them and (By way of red spring or green plates) get up the half- loop. You’ll see a new enemy (And the only type of enemy in this zone), Crawls. These are invincible, unless you’re invincible, these can only be defeat from behind. They have a bumper attached to their arm so all attacks are useless since he bounces you off of him. Just jump over him and into a Pinball Spring Tube. Spring up and run into the red spring to the left. After a half-loop you’ll encounter another Crawl. Take him out if you like and move to the right. Another trail of green plates, bounce from one to the next to cross. Keep going right and you’ll find two blocks moving up and down. When one moves up, get under it and fall down. Be careful not to be crushed, and land. Move to the right and fall into a pit surrounded by Pinball Flippers. Jump over the blue block when it come to you and move to the right. There will be another passageway to the upper right you’ll want to enter, so wait for the blue block in it to pull out of the hallway, and jump in. Keep moving right and you’ll ride up an elevator. Above that elevator is another one; ride it up. When here stop and get the Power Sneakers Capsule to the right. Keep running to the right and you’ll pass through a few things, but if you run at top speed you’ll pass through the checkpoint. Fall into the pit to the right and when you reach a layer of bumpers, bounce into the hallway to the right. There is a Pinball Spring, so spring! You go through an Elevator Shaft and into a small hallway with a blue block to the right. Jump over the block and run up the half-loop to the right. There is a Pinball Flipper at the end of the hallway. It will send you on a bouncing session and onto a Pinball Spring. Power it up about two-thirds of the way and you’ll enter the bouncing floor area and fall down onto a section of green plates surrounded by Pinball Flippers. Break the plates and fall down. You’ll enter a pit with half-loops on either side. Spin Dash up the one to the right and after much bouncing you will enter a smaller version of the previous pit. Go up the side to the right and enter a small hallway. In the hall is an elevator, ride it up and then ride the other elevator above it up. There will be a Crawl to the right and an Invincibility Capsule to the left. Get the Invincibility and rush them! Run into the pit ahead, fall to the bottom and get that checkpoint. The boss is near. Keep heading right and you’ll reach a giant Pinball Domain. He is real easy; his only offense is dropping explosive spike balls, and trying to grab you when you get close. There are Pinball Flippers and Bumpers in here that you can use to bounce up and hit him. Another way to hit him would be by Spin Dash up the sides and then turn to the side and strike him. I would like to point out that if you have it on pause and you look at Robotnik’s ship, it has a groovy new paint job that could rival the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo. Anyway, defeat him after some fun with the Pinball Arena and Spin Dash to the right in the newly opened passageway that leads to the Capsule. ============================================================================= =============================2.5: Hill Top Zone============================== ============================================================================= More hills! Somehow, Sonic/Tails has gone from a city Casino to a plateau, and this is the fire aspect of the game. I like the music and background, but not the zone. Not the zone… +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Run up the half-loop, collect the same old three rings and jump onto the blue platform hanging on the vines. It will slide down and drop at the end so jump quickly. Ahead is an interesting enemy to say the least. They are called Spikers and they shoot the spike on their heads upward. After this they are completely vulnerable so take them out. There is lava up ahead, so jump onto and from the platforms bobbing up and down to cross it. There is a breakable rock further to the right and a ball on a seesaw further still. Jump on the rock to break it. As for the ball flashing red and yellow, jump on the opposite side that it is on. It will bounce up, and you should move to the other side. When it lands, it will send you up. These obstacle originate from Sonic 1, in the Star Light Zone. The further to the side you are when you land increases the height you are sent up to. Get the ball on the right side. When it lands on the left, you will be sent to the right. There are spikes and a breakable rock ahead, break the rock and jump over the spikes. Directly to the right of the spikes is a lava pit with a platform in the center. It will rise and it will look like it will crush you but it wont; jump to the other side of the pit. You’ll enter a tube and exit at a half-loop. Avoid the spikes when you land and get on the seesaw and get onto the higher platform. There is a yellow spring to the left hanging on a wall; spring on it and you’ll land on a breakable rock. There is a seesaw to the right, fly up onto a ledge further to right, upon which is another seesaw. On the next platform further up, there is a spring, spring up and you’ll reach a Super Ring Capsule and the final platform. There is hanging vine platform to the right, get on, and watch out for the fall. On the new cliff you’re on, there are spikes to the right as well as a loop. Avoid the spikes and then loop the loop (I had to use that somewhere!). You’ll enter an underground area filled with spikes. Go to the right to get a Shield Capsule, and then head left. Note that since we are underground now, the lava is magma, not lava. There is a pit of magma to the left with seesaws on it; bounce (Or jump) from seesaw to seesaw and get across. There is a breakable rock to break as well as a hanging vine platform. Be careful be cause there are Spikers above launching their spikes from the heavens, okay the ceiling. Take the swing down and you’ll see a big purple robotic dinosaur, Rexon (Now we’re going to the right)! He/She (How should I know?) is the new enemy and spit fireballs. Land on the head to beat it and use it’s back as a platform. After defeating Rexon, jump onto the spiky platform, over the spikes, and onto the breakable rock below. Next to the rock are a hanging vine platform to go down and a hanging Spiker to avoid afterwards. Keep going right, don’t take the red spring, and avoid the hidden spikes in the floor. At the end of the passageway there is a hidden spring, spring on it and enter a secret hallway near the rings at the top of the hollowed out area in the roof to the right to get some rings and an Invincibility Capsule, then drop down onto the lower ledge and run forward. The floor will start raising, so rush through (You can walk on the magma when you’re invincible) and exit through a door. You’ll enter a small tube and be shot up on top of a loop, upon which is the checkpoint. To the right is a Super Ring Capsule. Get it, drop down and run forward. The Robotnik Sign is right ahead (Well that was a waste of a checkpoint!). +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Big loop! There are three rings at the start, of course, as well as a big half-loop that requires a Spin Dash or fast running. Get up and keep going to the right. After a while you’ll reach a breakable rock and the end of the cliff. At the edge, step back, run toward the edge, and jump to get onto an upper cliff. Keep heading right and hit the red spring to go through the loop. You’ll break through into the lower region of the upper cliff and find a red spring to the right. Jump on and head left so that you land on the loop. There is a checkpoint and a Super Ring Capsule. After you get the rings jump to the right back onto the red spring. Go right this time and land on a seesaw. It will send you up to an even higher platform. To the right of this platform is a rising platform, get on it and jump onto a higher ledge still. To the right, for the final time, is a rising platform that takes you to an even higher ledge. Get on the higher ledge and go down the hanging vine platform to the right. There is a Rexon below that won’t bother you, and a seesaw to the right. This is sort of hard, so read well. On the seesaw, make sure the ball is on the left. Jump on the right, let it bounce you up, and land on it again to send the ball even higher, so that it will send you high enough to get onto the platform. Now, on the new platform, under the first breakable rock, there is a secret entrance to a secret shortcut. Jump on the rock, and then jump on the land below it; it should break, opening a secret underground area. In here, next to the spikes, under the breakable rock, there is another entrance, and to the right of here, there is another. You’ll land near an enemy I’m not sure what the name is. It was called an Orbinaut is Sonic 1, so why not that? It will launch the flames orbiting it at you, after which it will be vulnerable. Head right and you’ll soon find a Shield Capsule next to a hanging vine platform. Get on and jump to the platform at the end with the checkpoint. Jump up and run forward. I really can’t help you here because it is so fast, but lava starts rising, so jump from platform to platform until you reach the door to the right. It is at the top. You’ll go down a bit and enter a cavern again. There are some hidden spikes in floor and Spikers on the ceiling. Reach the end of the hall; there is a hidden spring. Spring up to the new platform and ride down the hanging vine platform. At the end, jump to the other platform that heads left before it falls. Do this again to get on the platform to the left, but there is no platform here. I suggest jumping right as far as you can. If you’re lucky, you’ll land on a Rexor. Bounce off of it and out of the lava. Climb the ledges to the right, get the Super Ring Capsule and watch out for the Spikers on the ceiling. When you leave the cavern, hit the spring at the end and spring up to the new ledge, and to the new one next, and finally to the checkpoint. Prepare for the boss of this zone… By far the easiest boss of the game. The arena is surrounded by lava, and Robotnik hides in it, and emerges from it to shoot you. It is so simple, jump onto him when he emerges and juggle yourself on him (When you hit him, you bounce, bounce back on him) and when he is submerging, get back on land. After winning, move to the right, press the switch on the Capsule and free those animals! ============================================================================= ============================2.6: Mystic Cave Zone============================ ============================================================================= I seriously dislike this zone. The music is terrible enough, but with all those new enemies and vines, this zone stinks! +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ There are six rings at the start in rows of three to the left of some crumbling platforms. Jump on it very quickly and then jump to the higher one to the right. Get on the new ledge and you’ll see a large crushing obstacle. THIS IS AN INSTANT DEATH OBSTACLE! When it rises, go under it and avoid being crushed by it at all costs. After this, you’ll see one our new enemy friends (That’s one twisted oxymoron). They’re called Flashers, and they flash. It looks like a small insect with a yellow force field around it. When the field of force lowers, attack! They are vulnerable in every way. After the Flasher, you’ll find a half-loop followed by a half-loop. Go up both. Now after the second half-loop there is what I call an Extending Spike Platform. Spikes from the wall will start to draw nearer to you; jump over them and use the new ledge as a platform. There are three crumbling platforms above you; get on one, jump to the other, and finally to the left. There is a ledge directly above the third crumbling platform on which is a checkpoint and a Super Ring Capsule, get both. After checking in with both on the platform, jump back down to the regular level (Where the Extending Spike Platform extended) and follow the trail of rings to the right. They lead to a yellow spring, while normally I would take the rings, but you should take the vertical rings to the right down. What does this do? You just get more rings, you’re bounced right back up. Use the yellow spring to get to the platform to the upper right and get the Super Ring Capsule. An enemy will jump at you, hit the head to beat it. They’re called Crawltons (The former Caterkillers of a certain game...) and they surprise you by jumping out to hit you. They are vulnerable on the head, so pick when and take it out. Get the Super Ring and fall down below. There will be a Flasher to defeat, as well as large rotating crates to the right. Jump on the one on top and then jump to the new ledge to the right. Jump over the yellow spring and over the spikes further to the right. You’ll reach a vine hanging above a bridge; jump to the vine and you’ll lower yourself, opening the bridge. There is a Super Ring Capsule to the left, and spikes below, so jump to the left, get the rings, and then jump to the right (Note that the spikes aren’t constant, they move in and out). Get on the crumbling platform and jump onto the platform to the right. Three Extending Spike Platforms will come out all at once! You can’t make it up when all three are up, so wait until the second is up, then quickly jump up and over to the higher ledge. There are some rings and a Flasher to concern yourself with. Get the rings, destroy the Flasher and run to the right. There will be another crushing obstacle. Run under it and get the vine above the bridge. When lowered jump to the platform to the right and go under the crushing obstacle there. There will be a half-loop followed by some spikes with a Flasher thrown in the mix. Defeat the Flasher, run up the half-loop and over the spikes, then go right and fall down to the lower level. There will be an Invincibility Capsule to get as well as some orbiting crates. Become invulnerable and jump over the crates. Defeat two Flashers and keep going to the right. Jump over the red spring and go up the half- loop. There will be a rising crushing obstacle at the top, only it doesn’t rise all the way; it’s safe to be on. Use it to get to the left and onto the platform with the checkpoint on it. Fall down to the lower level and go up the half-loop again. Keep heading right and beware of a Crawlton. Jump over the spikes and down into the lower level. Keep heading right until you reach another half-loop. Hit the hidden spring to the left of it, and it should propel you up onto a moving platform. Use it to get onto the crumbling platform in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Use it to jump to the vine to the left and open up a vertical bridge. Jump on it like a platform and keep heading left. Get the Shield Capsule, then turn to the right and jump to a vine with a blue bar on it. It will open up another bridge platform you must jump on, then jump to the vine above the platform. Ride it up to the new upper level and jump over the rising crushers (These actually do crush you!) and head down a half-loop. Jump over a pit with two crumbling platform on it, run to the right, and pass through the Robotnik Sign! +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Get the three rings at the start and run up the half-loop. There is a Bridge Barricade/Platform that can be lowered by jumping onto the Blue Bar Vine above. After lowering the bridge jump onto the moving platform to the right. Ride it to the right and jump over the crumbling platform. Avoid the Crawlton and spikes overhead, and jump onto the swinging platform below. I think this is sort of cool, it reminds me of those executive toys. Jump onto it and then it will hit another one to the side, causing it to rise and yours to stop. When it hits yours, you move, it stops. When the other one stops, jump on it, and wait for the first one to send you up. Jump from the platform to the yellow spring to the right and bounce up to a Blue Bar Vine and lower the Bridge Platform. Spin Dash up the half-loop to the left and bounce on the yellow spring above it. Bounce to the crumbling platform and jump to the main ledge. Bounce up on the Long Red Springs (Just like our brother from Chemical Plant Zone) and get up. Get the Power Sneakers to the lower right and jump onto the Blue Bar Vine above to lower the bridge. Get on and jump to the vine above. Lower yourself and jump to the left to get the checkpoint. Run right, lower yourself with a vine and jump to the left of the spikes. Get the Super Ring Capsule and head right. There is a platform over the spikes you must ride across to get to the higher ledge. There is a huge slow-swinging mace to the side; when the coast is clear, jump onto the platform it’s on and from there jump to the platform above it. Take care of a Flasher and head down a half-loop. There are two more Flashers ahead that need dealing with as well as some rings. Get them and head right, jump over the pit with the crumbling platforms and jump onto one of the higher rotating and jump to the higher platform to the upper right. Watch out for Extending Spike Platforms and head right. When you reach an opening, fall down and head right. There will be a vine over a bridge you should take down. From here head left after getting a Shield Capsule and avoid a crushing obstacle. Fall down and hit the checkpoint; the boss draws close… This is quite an easy boss. It is also a classic and is used in other games. Robotnik will use a drill to cause rocks and things to fall down. Try to avoid them and wait for Robotnik to emerge. The rocks will stop falling here and Robotnik will move toward you with spikes right on your level. Here is where you hit him until he raises his spikes. Hit him either on the cockpit when the spikes are horizontal, or the side when the spikes are vertical. You should beat him with a good amount of ease. After winning, head right and hit the switch on the Capsule to free some mice and chicken! ============================================================================= =============================2.7: Oil Ocean Zone============================= ============================================================================= I hate water zones as you can tell by now. So Oil Ocean is my dream come true. In the Instruction Manual, it says that this is where Robotnik releases his waste. I don’t see why he’d release so much oil, but then again, what’s a bit of fossil fuel to stop Sonic? Anyway, have fun, if you can... +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ The oil is more like quick sand, it is easy to get out of (In Sonic, not in real life). If you get stuck, just jump out. Head right and get the three rings, same old, same old. The yellow platforms crumble, so be on the watch. Now I think I going to introduce all three enemies at once, you know how lazy I am. Anyway, the first is a robotic seahorse called Aquis. The second is a robotic octopus called Octus. Anyway/how, keep heading right and you’ll encounter an Octus, these simple enemies simply shoot bullets at you and can jump for close-range combat. Knock them out on the head, side, or stomach, whatever you feel like. After this you’ll find a half-loop followed by spikes. Jump over the spikes and to the other platform. Head right and you’ll find a Rising Platform. The pressure of some green spikes will force it up. Get onto the green platform and jump to the left when it is at its peak. There will be a Super Ring Capsule along with some rings. Jump off it after getting your prize and onto a platform to the right (Two rings will be your guide. Run to the right and jump at the edge of the crumbling platform. You’ll land on another crumbling platform you need to get off of. Run right and defeat two Octuses. Surrounded by spikes is another green platform, get on when the time is right and ride it up. Jump to the right onto a crumbling platform. Run to the main platform before it crumbles. Run up a half-loop and jump to another crumbling platform. Jump over the spikes and onto the green platform. When it rises, jump onto the ledge to the right. There is an Aquis hovering above. It will send pellets at you and circle about. Jump into it and you’ll defeat it. Head right and you’ll see another one; take it out and head right, it is guarding an elevator. Go up and jump from the edge of the crumbling platform to the other ledge (We are currently moving left). Head left and you’ll see a fan in front of an elevator. Wait for it to stop and get on the elevator. Now head right and over the spikes. There is an Aquis and a fan to support you over a pit. Jump over it and head right. Soon you’ll reach an elevator. Head right at the top and you’ll find a pit you can jump over. As you keep going, oil will be spread on the catwalk causing you to slide down. At the end of the slide you reach a half-loop followed by a checkpoint. Jump over the pit to the right and use the green platforms to get over the spikes. The third one will take you to a crumbling platform. Get onto the real one to the right and jump over the spikes. There is a pit followed by yet another crumbling platform. Jump onto the platform and Spin Dash up a half-loop to the right. When at the top of the loop, head left and onto another crumbling platform. Move to the real one quickly and from there jump to a higher ones to the left. There is an elevator to the left of the third platform. Take it up and avoid the Aquises to the right. You’ll see a checkered block over a cannon, jump onto it to break it and you’ll enter a series of cannons that will deposit you next to a Shield Capsule. Get it and head right. There are two Octuses and some rings that are for the taking. You’ll reach an oil slide and will slide onto another slide that exits after a half-loop over some spikes. Avoid the spikes and jump to a crumbling platform. There will be an Aquis to punish and an elevator further to the left. Head right now and break the checkered block with a jump and you’ll enter even more cannons. From where you land, head right, jump over the spikes, and go down the elevator. Head left and jump over the spikes. There are three Octuses as you go down and another cannon series. Jump on the block and enter the cannons. Head right, defeat the Octus, and get on the elevator. Wait for the fan to stop at the bottom, then run to the right. There are more spikes and a rising green platform. Get on and ride it to the top. Wait for it to reach the top and jump to the right. Run ahead and you’ll reach the Robotnik Sign. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Halfway done! Head right and collect six rings over the crumbling platforms. There’s an Octus and two Aquises. Defeat them and right for an elevator ride (All these elevators would make it extremely inconvenient for Robotnik to get around). Step on the elevator then get off quick and fall down through the new opening. There will be a Shield and Super Ring Capsule with a spring, so get them and spring back up. Head back to the left until you reach the spikes, and then back, the elevator will be back. Ride it up and head right. Jump over the yellow spring and keep moving until you reach a group of green platforms. Take the second one and it will let you ride some cannons. From where you land, head left and watch out for the slow moving spike-like thing. When you are as far left as can be you’ll see a green spring. Run into it from the left until it goes all the way back, release, and go for a ride. When you reach the top there will be another spike-like thing that I now dub the Mobile Spike below you. There are actually two, so jump over them and destroy the Aquis afterwards. Directly to the right is an elevator, ride it up and keep to the right. You’ll enter an Oil Slide and exit at a half-loop. As you move forward there are two Aquises and an Octus to beat, followed by a checkered block that must be broken to enter a cannon. From where you land there is an Octus to the right. Jump him and head right. You’ll enter an elevator and move down. There is a fan in front of the elevator; wait for it to stop and go down the elevator to the right. The checkpoint is directly to the right of the elevator’s stopping point. There’s a cannon entrance to the right; break the block and enter the cannons. From where you land, jump to the left onto a crumbling platform and run onto the main platform. To the left of there, there is an elevator; ride it up and head left. Jump over a pit and onto an Octus. To the left of there, there is a cannon entrance. When you land head right and jump over the Mobile Spikes. After them you’ll reach an Oil Slide; slide down the first and second, but when you reach the third, enter the half-loop to reach the checkpoint. Reenter the Oil Slide and exit at the next half-loop. Defeat the Aquis lurking in the shadows and run up the half-loop to the right. After a long stretch of land and a crumbling platform, you’ll reach the boss. I’d say he’s pretty hard this time. At first he rises in a submarine. Hit him twice then get out of the oil. Then a large serpent-like thing will rise and try to hit you. It will rise again with a gun and try to shoot you. Jump from platform to platform to avoid them and Robotnik will rise again. Repeat the process until you’ve won. After you’ve won, press the switch on the Capsule and you’ve won! ============================================================================= ============================2.8: Metropolis Zone============================= ============================================================================= This zone has three acts in it rather than two. The ones ahead have only one act. I like this zone, it’s okay. The music is pretty good, and while the background could use some work, it’s not terrible. However, music and background score well, the levels are way too long. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Get the three rings at the start and head right. You’ll see some exhaust vents or something that releases deadly polluted gas. Don’t touch it, but rather jump on top of the vent. When it goes down then raises itself up it will bounce you up like a spring. Take the first one and bounce onto the platform to the left. There will be a Super Ring Capsule guarded by a new enemy, an Asteron. These starfish separate into five different spikes and explode, sending each spike in a different direction. This one is easy to avoid, so get the Super Ring and fall back down. Jump over the Exhaust Vents and keep moving to the right. You’ll see a Rotating Tunnel, these are great fun. Run in and spin around; you can still move left or right. Keep heading right and Spin Dash up a half-loop. At the top, get the Super Ring Capsule and avoid the Asteron’s spikes. Press the gray switch and a platform will appear to the left. Get on and jump onto the real platform. The platform will disappear after a while, so be quick. Get on the Exhaust Vent and bounce up. You’ll see a weird enemy called a Shell Cracker (Crabmeats were there name-o) that send a huge claw at you. Roll into them on the opposite side of their huge arm to beat them. Head right after the enemy and you’ll see what I call Crushers. When they lower, Spin Dash. This is an Instant Death Peril, and should be avoided. After the Crushers, there is an Asteron guarding a switch. There are three Asterons near the switch so a hit is almost guaranteed. Luckily there is a Super Ring Capsule below. Anyway, press the switch and you’ll open an entrance to the lower level. There is another switch below that one; press it and drop below one last time. Move to the right, jump over the switch so you’re on the platform and jump into the yellow triangles. You’ll bounce up and onto the upper level. You may crash into an enemy called a Slicer, green robots with sickles. They toss the sickles, which is when they are vulnerable. Beat it and keep going. You’ll see brown blocks, out of which spears come. Wait for when the spears lowers and then cross them. On the fourth block, jump into the yellow triangles above and bounce into the first checkpoint of the first act. There is a Slicer and three Asterons right to the right. There is also a Screw and to get down Spin Dash to the left (If you go to the right you’ll crush and kill yourself). There is another one to the right of the bottom of this one. Don’t Spin Dash down however, fall down in line with the line of the screw (the spikes make it impossible to get on). You’ll land in the center of some spikes; jump out and head left. Run up the half-loop and beat the Shell Cracker, go down the elevator to the left and head to the right. Follow a trail of rings down into a tube and then go through a Rotating Tunnel and up a half-loop. Jump into the yellow triangles to bounce up. Head to the left, and go up the screw. Don’t go all the way; there are spikes at the top. Jump to the next one and go up this screw. The Asterons probably won’t attack; you are too far away. Press the switch to the right of the top and get on the new platform. Jump to the platform with the spring on it and bounce to another gray switch, then get on the platform and press the switch to get up to a new platform. There is a screw to the right, get on and go up. At the top, go to the other end of the ledge you’re on and go down. There are two brown blocks to jump from. After passing them keep going right. Fall through the pit (Don’t hit the yellow triangles). Get the Super Ring Capsule to the right and head left. You’ll enter a tube, from where you exit head left. Go down on an elevator and head right on some brown blocks (The spear ones). Travel across them and press the switch to the right, and enter the opening to the left. Fall down onto a brown platform that moves to the right. Ride it to the right and beat the Slicer. Jump over the pit with the yellow triangles. You’ll encounter one more pit, jump over it and run to the right. You’ll finally reach the Robotnik Sign. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Collect the six rings at the start and press the switch to the right. Get on the platform and jump onto one of the blocks on the Conveyor belt. Jump off at the bottom and onto the sinking platform. Get off before it sinks and jump to the next Conveyor Belt Block. Jump to the new ledge, defeat the Shell Cracker and enter a tube to the left. You’ll race through a few obstacles and into a pit with giant sprockets above. Go all the way to the left and Spin Dash up the half-loop. Get the Super Ring Capsule, and then jump onto another Giant Sprocket to the right. Ride up to the rising platform and jump to it. Jump to the right and continue to the right. You’ll enter another tube that will deposit you at a Super Ring Capsule. Get the rings and head right. There is a Crusher/Conveyor Belt combo ahead, and it’s instant death. When it raises, Spin Dash under it, you should be going so fast you’ll sprint over the pits. Fall into the pit onto the platform. Duck so you don’t hit the spikes and jump to the other side. Directly to the right are a checkpoint and a tube. Go up the tube and head right. You’ll find another conveyor belt; pick a block, any block, and use it to get across to a ledge on the other side. Avoid a few Asterons and you’ll reach another conveyor belt. Ride it down and onto a sinking platform, and then jump to the right onto the platform. Head right until you reach an Exhaust Vent. Use it to bounce up and into a new section of the level. Head left and defeat a Shell Cracker. Use the Exhaust Vent to get up to a higher level and head right. There is another Shell Crusher and a Sprocket over some lava. Ride it up to a brown block, jump onto it when the spear isn’t up and jump onto a sprocket to the right. Use it to hit some yellow triangles above and bounce yourself up to the checkpoint. There is a switch to the left of the checkpoint; jump onto it to make a platform appear below you. Use it to get across and enter a Rotating Tunnel. Go through it and run up a half-loop. Keep running and you’ll see a screw. Go up and take out a Slicer. There will be another screw on this level, above which is another Slicer. Keep heading right and you’ll find a Slicer and a Conveyor Belt. Jump to the side against the left wall of the pit and you’ll find a 1-Up as well as a spring to spring you back up. Spring back up and ride the Conveyor Belt up. At the top jump from Brown Spear Block to Brown Spear Block until you reach a tube. Enter it and head right. You’ll soon reach a half-loop; Spin Dash up and get onto a rising platform to the left. There is a switch in an alcove to the left of the platform; press it and jump to the right onto the newly extended platform. Jump up and head right. You’ll find some yellow triangles; bounce up and onto a Shield Capsule. Get the shield and jump up to hit more triangles. Head right from the top and you’ll reach a conveyor belt; ride it and another one to the top. You’ll exit at a half-loop; Spin Dash up and jump off of it and onto a rising platform to the right. Take it up and jump onto a yellow spring to the right. Get on the new platform, avoid a Slicer and run to the right. You’ll soon reach the Robotnik Sign. +-------------+ | Act 3 | +-------------+ Almost out of the city… They’re just right to the point in this one. There are three rings and a Slicer at the start. Destroy it and head to the right. Wait on the platform (It will jerk to the right and left violently) and jump to a huge moving platform to the right. Get the rings in the center and then jump into a hallway guarded by a Shell Cracker. Enter the tube to the right and upon landing head to the right. You’ll soon reach a Giant Sprocket. Hop on and fight your way off. There is another below; get off that one too so you’re on the main platform. Keep going right until you see some Crushers. Spin Dash over them and keep going. You’ll soon reach a half-loop. Spin Dash up and jump to the left onto either the main platform or a rising platform to the right of it. Don’t charge up a lot because there are spikes overhead. When on the main platform there is a Screw guarded by some Asterons. Let them explode and then get up the screw. At the top jump to the left and avoid a barrage of Asteron spikes. Jump onto the platform above and from there onto the moving platform above. Use it to jump to a platform to the right and bounce on the red spring there. It should send you through some loops and half-loops and into the checkpoint. Bounce on the yellow spring to the right. Go to the platform to the right and keep going right (Did you know that in England the left side was considered wicked or evil, whereas the right was noble? I wonder if they were right? That was a pun, they were right or right-handed, see? I hate puns…). You’ll enter a Rotating Tunnel. Go quickly so you are sent onto a hovering platform. Jump up and into a tunnel to the right. Keep to the right and you’ll see an Exhaust Vent. Bounce up with it and hit the yellow triangles it sends you to. You’ll land on a platform, above which are spikes. Jump to the Conveyor Belt and keep going. You’ll cross over two more; reach the end and head right. There will be an Exhaust Vent to bounce up. Head right from the upper level. You’ll reach some yellow triangles. Bounce up and head right. You shall find a lava pit above which are Brown Spear Blocks. Make your way up (Keep to the left) until you reach a platform. Head right from there and you’ll find a Sprocket. Ride them up until you reach a tube guarded by a Shell Cracker. Enter the tube and go down the slope. There will be Slicers on the roof and on the floor. Take them out and go up the Screw to the right. Asterons will be around this particularly long Screw. At the top you’ll reach another Screw. At the top of that one you’ll reach a tube to the left. Go up and head right. Run forward to avoid the Asterons and hit the checkpoint. Jump onto the platform to the right. Ride it to a platform on the other side. Head right here until you reach the boss. This boss is pretty hard. You have some rings at least, but it won’t help. He’ll lower himself and if you time it just right you can hit him. He has a layer of stones orbiting him and Decoy Robotniks he releases from the stones. Destroy all the Decoys and he’ll start sending lasers at you. Hit him one more time and you’ve won. Head right and release the animals. You beat Metropolis Zone! ============================================================================= =============================2.9: Sky Chase Zone============================= ============================================================================= For a one-act zone, this is pretty easy. I like this zone because I like Tails and his plane, the Tornado, but this zone is somewhat hard. It is real easy, but the constant barrage of enemies gets hard. There are three new enemies here, all of which are introduced right off the bat. I like the scenery and the relaxing music. Also, this is the first time you view Tails as a mechanic. +----------------------+ | Sky Chase Zone | +----------------------+ There are no acts, just the zone, so this is not Act 1, but rather Sky Chase Zone. There isn’t much to say here. Stay on the plane at all times. The first enemy you see is a Balkiry, a winged robot that flies, it zips forward and tries to hurt you. The next you see is called a Nebula, don’t hit these from the bottom because of their chain balls, but anywhere else is fine. The last is a Turtloid, a freakish flying turtle. These are slow and I would avoid these. As you fly you’ll encounter lots of enemies. I stay in the upper left hand corner and avoid the enemies. Nebulas drop bombs and Turtloids shoot bullets. Balkiry and Turtloids have a one-way track, but Nebulas can move around. When you jump you cause the plane to fall down. When you press the up button, you rise, and down, you fall. If you Spin Dash, you’ll move forward. Remember rings aren’t everything. They are very hard to collect if you lose them though. You’ll fly at the side of Robotnik’s ship for a while, but soon will go back to the open skies. When you defeat Turtloids only the pilot dies, the turtle is like a platform. This is a very short act and is really easy. Up next is the Wing Fortress Zone. Follow my guidelines and you should get to the Wing Fortress Zone. ============================================================================= ==========================2.95: Wing Fortress Zone=========================== ============================================================================= I hate this zone. Bad music, good scenery, and a really idiotic enemy. Well, you decide. The boss is pretty hard too. By the way, did you know that the ship is codenamed 29 Eggman-01. This may be where the Sonic Team first introduced the name Dr. Eggman to Dr. Robotnik. You start out in your plane, but are hit by lasers from the ship. The plane goes down, and if you don’t act fast, you will too. Get onto the red catwalk and speed down. You’ll get lots of rings Go through the hallways until you reach a Propelling Platform. It will make you float, so go through quickly and back onto the catwalks. Head right and you’ll encounter your first enemy. They’re the only breed of enemy here, and they are chickens. Actually, they’re called Cluckers. They are robotic chickens that come out of holes and start shooting you with a rifle or something. Easy to avoid, and easy to beat; just jump on them. Defeat him and jump onto his platform. Use it to get to a platform on which is a Shield. Get it and jump to the right. You’ll enter an air current that will send you high up above. This is a major shortcut. Head left and you’ll see what I call Fan-Blade Platforms. They change from vertical to horizontal; jump when they are horizontal so you can stand on them, and in this manner get to the top of the ship. Run up the half-loop to the right and hit the checkpoint. Go down the slope and defeat a Clucker. Keep going to the right until you reach a red half-loop. Go up and head to the left. You’ll see rising platforms, get on one and ride it up. Jump to the right and defeat all Cluckers in your way. You’ll also see some Laser Turrets, pass under them, they are an easy obstacle. You’ll be sent to a Clucker Platform by some weird gray thing that roams around the place. Defeat the Clucker and fall down. Defeat the Clucker on the catwalk you land on and then drop to the catwalk directly below you. Walk into the wall to reveal a hidden hall and a gust of wind will send to an X block. You’ll hang onto the block for dear life; press A/B/X to release yourself. Always release yourself where the trail of rings lead. At the end you’ll enter another hidden hall blocked by the wall. Go through and you’ll enter a catwalk. Now here be very careful. The ship below you can’t walk on. Instead, jump to the right onto the lowering platforms. At the end of that one, jump to the one to the right, and again on that one. On the third one jump to the platform to the right, but be warned that it will quickly disappear. Jump from one to the other and you’ll reach the checkpoint. Keep heading right until you reach another gray object I now call Speeders. It will take you across a large pit and onto a red catwalk. At the end of the catwalk there is a conveyor belt up. Take it and you’ll reach some orbital platforms. Take them up to a pulley. Ride it up and onto a catwalk to the left. On this one, take another pulley up to reach a new catwalk. Head right and when at the edge, jump to the left and onto an even higher catwalk. There is a pulley to be taken here. At the top jump to a platform to the right and onto a pulley there. Ride it up and defeat a Clucker. Use the platform it is on to get to a Catwalk to the left. On it is a Super Ring Capsule. From here jump to the right as far as you can and you’ll land on a platform. Head to the right through a hall hidden by a wall and head to the right. You’ll fall onto a new catwalk. Go through the wall to the right and you’ll enter another hidden catwalk. Use the stepping stairs to the left to get on top of the ship. Head to the right from here and jump onto the ship. Head right and hit the checkpoint. Hit the black block to the right to enter the insides of the ship. Head right whence inside and fight the third to last boss. He’s hard. I had trouble figuring out how to beat him. Robotnik is in the corner guarded by a yellow beam. Meanwhile, you’re in a room where spike-like balls are being dispensed. As well as this, a giant beam coming out of a Laser Turret is being charged above you. It seems impossible. The Laser Turret opens periodically, and that is when you must strike. Before it release the beam of doom, get on a spike platform and hit it by jumping. This is hard since not all the platforms take you there at the right time. If you’re lucky you can pick the right one and beat the boss. This is one of only two bosses in which you don’t fight Robotnik himself. When you win, the yellow beam trapping you disappears and Robotnik flees. Where Robotnik was standing is a 1-Up, very valuable. Get it and then pursue the doc. Robotnik gets into a ship and flies, and what perfect timing, the plane is below you and Tails comes (Sonic if you are playing with Tails Alone), ready to meet Robotnik in the Ultimate Weapon, the Death Egg… ============================================================================= ================2.99: The Ultimate Weapon, the Death Egg Zone================ ============================================================================= Okay it’s really called the Death Egg Zone. These next bosses are the hardest in the game. The reason I numbered it 2.99 is because it is so short. The same goes for the Wing Fortress Zone. These bosses are beyond hard, they are for experts only. I couldn’t beat them at first, I had to replay the game a few times… Good luck, I hope you have a few Continues… -----------------------------The Death Egg Zone------------------------------ +-----------------------------+ | Metal Sonic Prototype | +-----------------------------+ Head right. You’ll reach the first boss. This is the boss I think Metal Sonic is based on. I think this boss may be based on an enemy called Roller from Sonic the Hedgehog. Roller is a copy of you that appears in the Spring Yard Zone. Roller was rare and only appeared once or twice and was easy to beat. It looked just like you and was only vulnerable when not rolling. It was not a boss, but rather an enemy. Well, this boss is far different from Roller. It is incredibly difficult. I named him Metal Sonic Prototype. To shorten the name, I call him Robotic Sonic. Trust me, he is no pushover. He is easy once you understand his patterns, but during the first fight he is unimaginably hard. You have no rings and you find a robotic version of yourself. It does everything you can do and more (Plus he’s taller) with deadly precision. His name is Robotic Sonic (Very close to a rhyme). To watch your progress, Eggman has poked his head through a vent, to see how you’re doing. The weakness is his head, but not the top. Hit the side of his head, the face to win. To do this, just tap the jump button. He has a few attacks that are pretty effective. The first he tests on you is his Spin Dash. The second is his Charge. He pauses for about two milliseconds in between his attacks, so good luck. On his head there are spikes just like Sonic’s hairdo. He may send them out at you during a roll, but he will only attempt this after a long, tedious battle. By the way, his feet have jets in them so don’t try to hit them. You can hit him by rolling into him, but this almost guarantees instant death. Sometimes he jumps when he attacks, so he is almost unpredictable. It is most vulnerable when it is charging, it makes the two shrill noises. Go after Robotnik when you win. Good luck… +---------------------------------+ | Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik | +---------------------------------+ After beating Robotic Sonic, Eggman will retreat to the right. Chase after him (Surprisingly, when you chase him he runs faster than you do! How could Robotnik run faster than Sonic?) and he will enter a huge robot. This is the final boss of this game... Much harder than Robotic Sonic and is arguably the hardest boss in any Sonic game ever made. To make things harder, you must fight Robotic Sonic again if you lose. This boss is a giant, robotic version of Robotnik himself. It is very tall and very difficult. Robotnik will step forward, then back, then jump. Try to him above his spiked fists, below is a major risk that almost always result in death. If he is walking, hit him when he steps down or when he pulls a fist back. You can hit him below the fists and sometimes is the only way. Touching him in general will kill you, but he has more deadly offense. One for instance, he jumps up into the air. He is homing you, so charge up a Spin Dash. When a multi-color circle appears beneath a white circle release the down button. If you don’t, he’ll crush and kill you. His next attack he throw his arms at you. Avoid them and hit him, he’s very vulnerable in this form. If you are Tails, the arms will pass right over you since you’re so short. It is safest to hit him when he is standing still. If you are behind him he launched bombs at you, they will explode and kill you (Well duh, you have no rings) if you don’t avoid them. When he lands, you can try hitting him, he is vulnerable for a time. All the other bosses take eight hits; however, this one requires twelve. Take your time, don’t risk a hit, and only attempt to hit when the conditions are right. When you defeat him, run to the right and don’t stop. There are explosion from behind that might kill you. I don’t know if they do or not, but I don’t care to find out. Don’t stop running, don’t ever stop. At the end, you’ll escape the Death Egg and watch the ending cinema. What happens in the end, well you’ll just have to beat the game yourself. Now then, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You beat Sonic the Hedgehog 2 with Sonic/Tails! Now try beating it with Knuckles or getting Super Sonic. It is a whole different experience. My next walkthrough will be for Sonic the Hedgehog 3. See ya! ============================================================================= =======================3.0: Knuckles Story Walkthrough======================= ============================================================================= So you want to play with Knuckles, huh? Well here is how. Either buy “Sonic and Knuckles” for the Genesis and use the lock-on feature on the game “Sonic the Hedgehog 2”, or if you are playing Sonic Mega Collection (Which this walkthrough was made for), play all the games excluding “Sonic Spinball” and “Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine” (That excluded other secret games other than “Sonic 3 and Knuckles”) fifty times each. You can tell you played it fifty times when the message saying “Recording Game Log” stops showing when you start playing them. You will unlock the game called “Knuckles in Sonic 2” and experience the game from a whole new angle with new abilities and everything. I’ll be writing a walkthrough for the Knuckles version just as I did above. The items are the same, not all the areas are, and the controls are different, but it is seriously worth playing. There is a minor setback however, and that is that Knuckles can’t jump as high as Sonic or Tails. Still, gliding and climbing up walls makes up for it. Enjoy as this is a good game, an improvement over the original. ============================================================================= ===========================3.1: Emerald Hill Zone============================ ============================================================================= Easy to say the least, this is the perfect place to master your controls. The boss is easy as is the zone, and it’s my kind of zone. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Collect the three rings at the start and avoid the Coconuts and the Buzzer. Get onto the moving platform to the right and onto the cliff. Get the Shield Capsule (Notice that the Shield is gray) and defeat the Coconuts to the right. Defeat the two Mashers to the right under the bridge and keep going. There is yet another Coconuts ahead; destroy it and fall into the pit to the right. Hit the red spring and get the Super Ring Capsule to the right of the half-loop you exit on. Head to the right and run up the half-loop. Avoid the Buzzers and the Mashers ahead. Get the Shield Capsule ahead and keep heading to the right. When you reach a huge half-loop hit the yellow spring to the left of it and go up the loop. The checkpoint is right to the right. Hit the yellow switch to the right and go through the loops. Keep heading right until you reach a bridge. Jump over the Mashers to avoid them and keep heading right, jumping over any spikes in the way. After the spikes, Spin Dash up the half-loop enough to enter an alcove to the left. When inside, keep heading to the left until you reach a 1-Up. Get it and head back to the right. Fall back down, go up the half-loop and get the Super Ring Capsule hidden behind the bushes. Keep heading right and go up a half-loop. To the right there is a bridge with Mashers followed by a Coconuts. Dispose of them all and keep going until you reach a yellow spring. Spring on it and up a half-loop to the right. Directly to the right of there you reach the Robotnik Sign. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Get the three rings at the start and head over to cliff to the right. Get the three rings to the right and hit the yellow spring on the edge. You’ll spring through some rings and into a Power Sneakers Capsule. Get them and dash to the right. Run right without stopping and you should be stopped by running into the blunt side of some spikes. Jump over the spikes while avoiding the Coconuts. Bounce up to the higher cliff and head right. Run at top speed and you should pass through the checkpoint on top of a loop. Hit the yellow spring to the right and bounce up onto the higher cliff above. Keep heading right, jump over the platform above the waterfall; it will fall, and hit the yellow spring to the right. This will send you to a spring to the left, which will send you to a loop to the right. Go through the loops and a Twisting Loop after them. After the Twisting Loop there is a regular loop followed by a Twisting Loop. Run forward from there and you’ll encounter a checkpoint. The first boss is up next. Run forward and stop when you hear different music playing. Stay in the middle of the fixed screen. A motorcycle will approach along with Robotnik in his ship. He will lower himself into the motorcycle and the battle will begin. Robotnik takes eight hits to beat. All the other boss except for the last, take eight hits, too. To hit him, jump onto the cockpit where Robotnik is sitting. He will flash white when he is hit and Robotnik will turn his head toward you in surprise. Each time he comes out hit him as many times as possible. Avoid the spike on the front of the motorcycle; it will cause you to lose rings. Touching the enemy in general without attacking will cause you to take the damage. On the seventh hit, he will fire his spike at you. Jump over it and deliver the final blow. Robotnik will escape to the right when you beat him, follow him and you’ll find a Capsule. Press the yellow switch on top to free the animals. The Chemical Plant Zone is up next. ============================================================================= ==========================3.2: Chemical Plant Zone=========================== ============================================================================= I dislike this zone because I hate all water zones, and this isn’t a water zone, but there is a water part in Act 2. This place has a good background and okay music, but that doesn’t cut it. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Get the three rings at the start and head to the right. Keep going until you go through a loop and hit a spring. Let it spring you back through the loop and into a semi-secret area (Well it has to be semi-secret, I reached it by accident!). You’ll land next to some Spikeys; take them out and head to the left. You’ll find a Super Ring Capsule, and the entrance to an area only Knuckles can enter. Glide into the wall to grip it and climb up. Head to the left and after a while you’ll reach a hollow wall. Enter it and you’ll find two more Super Ring Capsules. Head right now back to where you encountered the Spikeys. To the right of the first Super Ring Capsule you got is a gray barrier over a transparent tunnel. Jump onto the barrier to break it and enter the tube. These will be called Transport Tubes from here on out. It will deposit you next to two more Super Ring Capsules! Get them and jump onto the platform to the right. This level loves me! There is a Shield Capsule just a bit further; get it and head to the right. There is a Spikey and a new obstacle to cope with. Take out our spike-like friend and you’ll see an annoying obstacle. These tubes emit Blue Bubble Chains. These chains obviously hurt you; pass under/over them when they stop briefly from tube to tube. Pass under/over the first pair to encounter a hand-like robotic spider. These are scarce and difficult to see. They will lunge down at you and strip you of your rings. If you are caught, press random buttons randomly and you may destroy it. If it misses you, jump and defeat it while it heading up (By the way they’re called Grabbers). There is another pair to the right and another pair to the right of that one. Pass them and head right to run up a half-loop. There is a Spikey to dispose of next to a black tread. Skip the half-pint if you want, then run through the tread. This will boost your speed exponentially (A lot). Hold the control stick/pad to the right and you’ll head through two loops and a half- loop. Hold it to the right and you’ll enter a passageway. Head right and onto the gray platform (Beware the blue tile at the end dumps you after a while). Defeat the Spikey at the top and get into the tube. From where you exit, the checkpoint is directly to the right. Another no-Sonic area! Glide onto the wall to the right and climb up. After much climbing you’ll reach a 1-Up. Get it and glide to the right. You’ll reach another wall; climb up to get another 1-Up. Glide over one more time and above the Robotnik Sign. You didn’t touch it, but it’ll still count as you winning. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ This one isn’t as fun (Even though with Knuckles it isn’t bad… Just a thought) as our previous best friend act. Get the three rings at the start and run to the right. Defeat the Spikey and keep heading to the right. GIANT SLOPE! Roll in the middle of it and you’ll enter a half-loop. You’ll travel up pretty high up; Get onto the top of the loop to the left. There is a 1-Up in a hollow wall; get it and glide to the right. Whence on the platform, glide to the left onto the upper wall and climb up. Atop the wall lies a checkpoint (Already?). Glide to the right and you’ll reach a wall. Climb up and hit the checkpoint (That was a useless checkpoint!). Above the checkpoint is a Transforming Stairway, get on and get onto the platform to the upper right. Get the Super Ring Capsule and drop down where the trail of rings leads. It will lead you to a tread, which in turn will lead you to a humongous (Big) slope, which in turn leads to a tube. Get in and ride the suction! Hit the tread to the right and go up the slopes. Yet another huge slope. Get on and drop down (not taking the hall to the upper right this time). There is a checkpoint at the bottom. How many checkpoint will there be! Head right and you’ll find a Super Ring Capsule guarded by a Grabber. Kick that Spider’s butt and head right (Oh yeah, get the Super Ring). Run to the right and into a yellow spring. It will spring down an alternate path that springs you down an alternate path. You’ll stop at a Transforming Stairway. Head down and reach a tricky part of the level. There is a large conveyor belt with yellow platforms on it. Jump onto the platform. No pressure, but if you fall off you die. This platform leads to another. Jump to it and onto a black tread from there. You’ll be sent toward the watery staircase that is easy now; get in and climb up before the water comes. Get onto the platform to the left and out of the water. You’ll find another conveyor belt, do the same as before to cross but this time if you fall you’ll have to redo the water part. Run up at the end but beware the tiles at the end will dump you into the depths if you stay on to long. Jump onto the gray platform to the left and onto the orbital platforms above. Jump right from here and run through the black tread. During this long loop series, you’ll pass through a checkpoint. At the end of the loop series is the boss. He is real easy with Knux (Slang for Knuckles. Neat huh?); he just drops blue toxic drops of water. The only peril here is the arena. The sides of the floor will dump you into the water, which will be your grave. To win almost instantly, glide into the side of his ship while he is collecting the water. You can hit him four times, and then avoid the drop of water by gliding off the center and back onto it when he leaves. Hit him four times more when he collects on the left side of the arena and you’ve won. Head right for the Capsule but beware that the arena will still dump you. This time you free bunnies and eagles! ============================================================================= ===========================3.3: Aquatic Ruin Zone============================ ============================================================================= Can you say water zone? Probably, but this zone is really evil. I found ways to avoid the majority of all water activity, but still I can’t stand this zone. With terrible music and really bland scenery (I’m practically a critic with the way I’m talking!), there isn’t much to offer here. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ My buddy and pal three rings are here to greet us (Just get them). Head right and avoid the first of many obstacles. It is a metal block that fires arrows (Robotnik really flatters himself with that picture) at you and it blends in real well. Jump over the arrows and head down the slope. There is another soon after followed by a hollow log tube on which is a new enemy. The former Burrobots of Sonic 1, these Grounders are simple to avoid. Jump on the head to beat them and get the rings atop the log. Keep heading right and beneath the grassy platform. Get the Super Ring Capsule, and then get onto the platform above. Defeat the Grounder and head to the side. You’ll find a yellow spring next to a loop; spring on it and bounce through the loop and up a half-loop. To the side is a checkpoint. To the side of the checkpoint is log tube, pass through and you’ll see a disadvantage to Knux’s short jump. There is a rising pillar that is too tall for your jump. Get on the log to the left and jump onto it. Break it and head down. There is a Grounder to avoid, and nothing else for a while. There is a red spring, near which is a breakable wall behind which is a Grounder. Defeat the Grounder and use the spring. Be wary that there are two hidden Grounders. You’ll enter a loop that leads, underwater. Well, it’s short-lived. Keep going across and exit the water to the right. There is a Shield Capsule followed by some steps. At the top there is a yellow spring as well as a Robotnik Arrow Cannon. Use the spring to get up a half-loop. Head right and you’ll reach a Grounder follow by a red spring. Defeat the first and bounce on the second. At an alarmingly rapid rate, you’ll pass through the Robotnik Sign. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Easy huh? Well, you were right, Act 1 is easy. However, Act 2 is just as easy if not harder, wait. Anyway, get the three rings above the Arrow Cannon. Head down and avoid another cannon. You’ll reach some swinging platforms, get on and take it to another to the right. To the right is a platform on which is a Grounder. Beat it and head right. Jump over a pit and avoid the new bat-like enemies called Whisps. Jump to defeat them and head right. Take the upper platform and use the spring on it to get onto the stone platform to the right. At the top is another red spring. Use it to get across and onto a crumbling platform to the right. Let yourself fall; there is a checkpoint below. Use the swinging platform to cross the pit and defeat the Whisps. There are crumbling platforms to the right hidden by a waterfall. Keep going by avoiding an Arrow Cannon and a hidden Grounder. Go through the loop and you’ll enter an underwater section. Jump over the red spring at the end and out of the water. Avoid a Grounder and jump from pillar to pillar above the water to the right. After this, enter the water and you’ll encounter an enemy called a Chop Chop. Defeat it by jumping and head right. Use a spring at the end to get on top of a slope. Head to the right and you’ll see a breakable pillar. It is impossible to break unless you pass over with a red spring to the left. Pass over it and you’ll find Arrow Cannons galore. Avoid them and get onto a swinging platform to the right. Use it to get across and onto some crumbling platforms. Rush over them and jump onto the top of the loop to the left. Avoid some Whisps and head right. There is a breakable pillar; get onto the higher slope to the left and glide over it. Get the Super Ring Capsule and then glide to the right. Drop down to get the checkpoint; the boss is next. This is a weird boss. Giant totem poles (With what I think are Flickies from Sonic 3D Blast on them on them) rise from the ground. Robotnik has a huge hammer and hits the poles. This causes one of the Flickies to shoot out an arrow. It will either hit you or the totem pole opposite it. If it hits the totem pole, use it as a platform to jump on to hit Robotnik. After eight hits, you’ve won. With Sonic it was easier since he has a higher jump. If it hit the top bird, you can’t reach it. Also note that the arrows give out to your weight very quickly, so be quick. If you can, juggle yourself on Robotnik at the top. When you win the poles lower and to the right is the Capsule. ============================================================================= ===========================3.4: Casino Night Zone============================ ============================================================================= I like this zone. There are hardly any enemies and it is pretty easy, long though. Good music, nice background, this one’s a winner. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Collect the three rings at the start and head right. Jump onto the blue bumper in the center of the Pinball Flippers and use it to bounce across the gap. Get the Power Sneaker Capsule on the platform to the right and jump over the Pinball Bumpers. You’ll land on a pink conveyor belt. From here jump over the Pinball Bumpers to the right and down a sloping platform. You’ll land on a small multi-color bumper and bounce into the passageway above. Head to the right and onto the large rising blue block. Take it up to a red spring to the right and bounce on it up to the ceiling. When you it, move slightly to the right to land on the platform above. Use the Pinball Flipper to the right by pressing the A/B/X button when on it. Use it to get across the large gap and onto another platform, to the left of which is a Pinball Flipper. Get the shield to the right. To the right is a glowing green platform. When it appears jump onto it. To the right is another one; take it and get onto the large Triangular Bumpers to the right. This part is tricky. Jump over the left side of the triangle. If you don’t, you’ll be sent flying into the lower levels. Get across and head up the slope to the right. There will be a blue block; ride it up and into the first hallway (Don’t ride it up or you’ll be crushed and killed). Head right and you’ll find a gap over which is a Pinball Flipper. Jump over the flipper and up the slope to reach the first checkpoint. To the right of the checkpoint is a Super Ring Capsule; get it and head right. You’ll find Green Bumpers that flash yellow. Jump on one to bounce to the other until you get across the gap. On the other side of the pit is a Pinball Bumper. Use it to bounce into a slot to the right. If you’re lucky, you’ll get tons of rings, and if you are not, you’ll still get lots of points (Unless your luck stinks to bad that you lose all your rings). You’ll drop down onto a Triangular Bumper, which will bounce you into a pit at the bottom of which is what I call a Chargeable Spring. Hold the A/B/X button until the spring is completely down, and then release the button to go flying. It will send you up to the left of a Pinball Bumper. Hit it to bounce onto a platform to the right. You’ll find an Invincibility and a Super Ring Capsule on the ground. Get them and then get on the higher platform above them and glide forward. You’ll enter an area with the first enemy, and the only type of enemy. These are called Crawls, and I think they are robotic crabs or some type of crustacean. They have bumpers attached to them, which makes them unstoppable. Well, not really. Hit them from behind to defeat. Do this by means of rolling. Defeat this windbag and fall straight down into the pit below. You’ll enter a Chargeable Spring, charge up and you’ll fly through the sky and into the Robotnik Sign. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Get the same old three rings at the start and head to the right. There is a red spring below, use it to charge up the half-loop and over a Crawl. Go down a tunnel and into a Chargeable Spring. Spring up and into a red spring. Spring up and over a Crawl. Spring up, no wait, never mind. Head to the right and bounce from green platform to green platform like before. At the top, glide above the flipper and climb up the wall. When you reach another flipper, glide in the opposite direction using the green plate to give you a boost. Climb up this wall for a 1-Up. Glide over again and you’ll reach another platform. But that’s not all! Glide up onto the straight part of this wall and climb up for a Super Ring Capsule. Get it, fall back down, and enter the tunnel. Charge up on the C. Spring and loop the loop and go up the half-loop. To the right you’ll find some Pinball Bumpers. Fall through them and onto another one of those glowing green platforms like before. Use it to get across the gap and onto the Flipper. Let yourself fall down and into a pit. There is a Shield Capsule to the right and a red spring to the left. Use the red spring to get back up and use the flipper to get onto a platform to the right. Hit the yellow spring to get up the half-loop and onto a conveyor belt to the right. There is a checkpoint right after it. Fall into the pit below and use the Flipper at the bottom to get into the hall right below an even higher flipper. There is a C. Spring, so charge up and up the elevator shaft. There is a blue block to the right (Don’t worry it won’t crush you, yet) that you’ll want to get on top of. There is a tiny shaft above. Jump from the block into it and climb up the wall. There is a Super Ring Capsule to the left and a conveyor belt to the right. After harvesting the rings don’t get on the conveyor belt, fall down the way you came. Go up the half-loop to the right of the blue block. Head right and fall below the flipper into a C. Spring. Charge up and after a chain of bumper you’ll enter some green platforms. Bounce on them thrice to break through and fall into the pit. When at the bottom use a Spin Dash to get up the half-loop to the right and get into another filled with bumpers. Use another Spin Dash and enter the hallway. There is an elevator here; get on the blue platform to ride it up. There is another right above, take it up and get the Invincibility Capsule to the left. Defeat the Crawl to your right and you’ll enter another pit. Fall to the bottom and you’ll hit a checkpoint. To the right is the boss. This groovy boss is totally far-out. Robotnik’s machine is swell. This boss is totally tubular because of a wild paint job that makes Robotnik look hip, he’s out of this world. Chill out, this early second half of the 1900’s slang is neat-o. If you don’t catch my drift, Robotnik is dressed up like he’s from the 50’s-70’s. You’ll see. Anyway back in our time Robotnik’s Arena is a huge Pinball Machine. Hit him on the top and avoid the bottom. Either use the flipper or Spin Dash up the half-loop to hit him. He drops red spike-balls that explode to hit you or he uses a claw to grab you if you are up close. After eight hits, an entrance will open to the right. The Capsule is found here. ============================================================================= =============================3.5: Hill Top Zone============================== ============================================================================= When you think about a classic game like this, these zones aren’t what you think about. I think about the first zone and the last zones (Metropolis, Sky Chase, Wing Fortress, and Death Egg Zone). This is just another zone they put in like a fill-in to prolong the game’s end. Oh well, this zone is okay. I’ll let you decide for yourself this time. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Go up the half-loop and collect the three rings at the start. Now here I’d like to introduce the hanging vine platform. Jump on and jump off at the end as it takes you down. Seriously though you’ve got to jump off because it’ll fall. Take it down. Keep heading right and you’ll encounter your first new enemy. These pug-faced robots are called Spikers and they shoot their spikes up, up, and away. Either roll into them or jump onto them when they have no spikes on them. To the right are platforms bobbing up and down in the lava. Jump from one to the other and collect the three rings at the end of the chain. Keep going and you’ll find a blue rock. These are breakable rocks. Jump on them to break them. We’ll also find a seesaw on which is ball with eyes flashing yellow and red. Jump on the left side and he’ll be sent up onto the left. Move to the right side before it lands and you’ll bounce right up. The further you are down when you jump, the greater the bounce will be. When on top of the platform head right and jump over any spikes in your way. There is a platform in the lava to the right, use it and head into the tunnel to the right of that. You’ll jump over the spikes thanks to the half-loop and possibly onto the seesaw to the right. Get to the top of the platform and jump to the left to hit a yellow spring on the wall. You’ll bounce right onto a breakable rock. To the right is a seesaw, but who cares? Why not climb up the wall? It fast, easy and free! I loved it. Sorry, but he’s right, try climbing. At the top of two platforms is a Super Ring Capsule (Hurray). Get it and get onto the hanging vine platform to the right. Jump off at the end and over the spikes at your right. After this, Spin Dash through a loop to the right to break through the ground and into an underground area. There is a Shield to the right and spikes everywhere. Then head left and over any spikes and glide over the lava pit. There is a breakable rock at the end. Keep going to the right and down onto a new platform. There is an unfriendly purple dinosaur at the end called Rexor and he shoots bullets at you. Jump on the head area to beat him. His neck is destroyed but the lower body remains as a platform in the lava. Use it to jump to the right and over some spikes, a breakable rock, and onto a hanging vine platform. There is Spiker on the roof that will try to hit you from above. Avoid the spike and send him to, well wherever robots go when they are destroyed. Keep heading right, don’t hit the spring and avoid hidden spikes. At the end is a hidden spring. Use it to get into a hallway above the platform to the right of the many rings overhead. There is an Invincibility Capsule here. Get it, head down and run. Run forward at high speeds, break the rock in your way, head over the lava and run before you are crushed. At the end is a tube that will send you into the outside. Keep going until you reach a seesaw. Bounce or climb up and head right. Spin Dash through the loop and into the Robotnik Sign. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Wow! That was crazy, no checkpoints (Okay, I’ll shut up). Get the three rings at the start Spin Dash up the half-loop. Head right and you’ll find a fork in the 2-D game. Jump up, glide and climb up if you have to and get onto the upper level. Keep to the right and you’ll find a red spring. Hit it and roll to break through the breakable ground. You’ll go up a half-loop and onto a red spring. However, spring to the left on top the loop to get a Super Ring Capsule and the checkpoint. Get back onto the red spring and bounce up. Do it right and you’ll get up both platforms. From the top glide onto the wall to the right and climb up. There is lava and a rising platform here. Use it to get up and onto the hanging vine platform to the right. At the end is a Rexor and a seesaw. Bounce up and head right. There is a secret entrance to an underground area under a breakable rock, but it stinks, so head right. I don’t know the name of this enemy but in the last game it was called an Orbinaut so why not? The Orbinaut launches the flames around it at you and if he misses he turns into one himself. Avoid him and get into the tube to the right. Roll while you’re in here and you’ll land on a yellow spring. It will bounce you into a secret cave in which is an Invincibility Capsule. Glide over and into the underground area. Here I really can’t help you, it’s confusing and everything is happening at one. Basically, the floor starts rising and as Knuckles you want to climb the walls before you are crushed against the ceiling. There are many Spikers on the roof trying to stop you, avoid their spikes and keep going. At first head right, climb, head left, climb, and then head right and out. At the end is a loop you must Spin Dash on to continue. It will send you up half-loop. Head right and bounce up on the seesaw. Enter the cave and avoid hidden spikes. Use the platforms over the lava to get across gaps and exit. At the end, glide onto the wall and climb to the top. There is nothing here, so glide to the right and don’t stop. This way you’ll go over some obstacles. You’ll land on a wall; drop down and glide to a wall to the right of that. Repeat the process until you drop to a half-loop. Run up it and head right. Jump over the gap and into the checkpoint. Head right for the boss. I hate this boss. He is sort of easy but I thought he was so hard when I played him at first. Robotnik has selected an arena surrounded by lava. He will rise and try to scorch you with a flamethrower. Juggle yourself on him until he lowers himself. I would only attempt three hits, then bounce off of him. Be careful, though, for when he sinks into the lava he splashes some lava at you and starts a fire on the grass. For this retreat to the lower or higher platform until it stops. After eight hits he is destroyed. Head to the right to release either chipmunks or squirrels and some eagles from the capsule. ============================================================================= ============================3.6: Mystic Cave Zone============================ ============================================================================= The worst zone in all the game, hands down. The music is so bad and background is so plain... I hate it. It is long and boring. Good luck. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Get the three rings at the start and jump up on the crumbling platforms up to the upper platform. Run under the crushing obstacle and you’ll see the first enemy of this zone, the Flasher. It is a bug that has a yellow force field around it. When it lowers the field attack and destroy, any attack will do. Head to the right and run up the two half-loops. There are crumbling platforms above, climb up onto one and work your way up. There is a Super Ring Capsule and a checkpoint. Drop down and avoid an Extending Spike Platform. This will extend and try to hit you. You can use it as a platform however. Keep heading right and jump onto the platform with the Super Ring Capsule. A blue caterpillar called a Crawlton will jump out and try to kill you. Jump on the head to defeat it. Get the rings and glide to the right. You’ll glide onto a vine that will lower you and open the bridge below. Jump to the left to get a Super Ring Capsule, then jump over the “hidden” spikes. Head right and jump over the gap onto the platform. Three extending platforms will extend and spike you, but to avoid them, climb up before the second is released. From here head right and defeat a Flasher. Keep going until you reach a crushing obstacle that I will call a Green Crusher from here on. Defeat another Flasher lingering about and lower the bride with a vine above it. Jump to the right and under the Green Crusher. Run up a half-loop and over a few spikes. Keep going until you reach the end and glide across to a new platform. Keep heading right until you reach some spikes. Jump onto the blunt side and get the checkpoint. To the right you’ll see a Green Crusher that does not crush all the way. Jump through and head right. There is another hiding Crawlton at the corner of the lower level, defeat it and jump over the spikes to the right of it. Drop down and run to the left, get the Invincibility Capsule to the left of the half-loop if you wish. Get the Super Ring Capsule on your way and hit the hidden spring on the next level below the capsule. It is hidden behind a pole like the Invincibility Capsule was. There is a Crawlton near the top of the half-loop you can easily avoid. Use the yellow spring to the right of the Crawlton to reach a small platform below a vine. Jump to the vine to lower a bridge to the left and jump onto the newly lowered bridge. Head to the left and get the Shield Capsule, then head back to the right and you’ll find another vine with a blue bar on it. Jump to it to lower another bridge and jump on. There is another vine above that will take you up to the next level. From the top head right and you’ll find a Green Crusher that crushes upwards, and this one will crush you. With Knux’s low jump it is hard to do it, but jump over them and head right. Jump over the gap with the crumbling platforms and run to the right to hit the Robotnik Sign. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Get the three rings at the start and head up the half-loop. There is a vine you must pull to lower the bridge to the right. Pull it and get onto the bridge. Glide over the gap and onto the platforms to the right. Head right and get on the swinging platform. When it hits the other to the right, jump on it and get onto the yellow spring. Bounce up the yellow spring and onto the vine to the left to lower the bridge to the left. Head to the left and up the half-loop. Bounce on the spring and head left. You’ll enter a secret hall, in which is the checkpoint. From here glide out and climb up the wall. Jump up onto the red spring and climb up. Get the Power Sneakers in the corner and jump to the vine to lower the bridge to the left. Jump down and upon landing head left for the checkpoint. Glide over the spikes below and onto the platform. Here is another setback to the lower jump. Jump down and take the lower route. Defeat the two Flashers and head to the right. Jump down onto the vine and lower yourself. Jump to the left and get the Super Ring Capsule, then wait for the right time to drop down and get the Invincibility Capsule. Drop down and jump to the vine to lower the bridge. Head across and down. Defeat any Flashers in your way and head to the right. At the end of the hall there is a Green Crusher. Run under and hit the yellow spring to the right. Bounce up and under the Green Crusher and then defeat the tons of Flashers here to see you. At the end jump to the vine to lower the bridge. Walk over it and keep on going. You’ll reach a very slow moving spike-ball on a platform. When the coast is not unclear jump to it and jump across. Use the vine to travel up and get the Shield Capsule to the left. Keep going until you reach a gap in the center of which is a vine. Use it to get up onto the higher level and head right. Head right until you reach some red springs. Fall between them onto a bridge. Use vine to lower yourself and get the Shield Capsule. Head to the left and under the Green Crusher. Drop down and get the checkpoint. Head right and after a while you’ll reach the boss. He is a classic, and is remade Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Robotnik is a machine with large drills on them. He rams the drills into the roof and causes stones to fall. Only the sharp ones hurt you. Hit him on the side when his drills are up on top when his drills are horizontal or on the bottom when he lowers himself. Be sure not to touch the flames on his ship. His only other attack is when he moves his drills toward you and tries to slice you. Eight hits beats this boss. Afterwards, head to the right to release the animals in the Capsule. You release chicken and mice (That’s a cowardly combination). ============================================================================= =============================3.7: Oil Ocean Zone============================= ============================================================================= My second least favorite zone is this one. My least favorite zone is up next, but these are so long and boring. Okay music and okay scenery, but little to no action. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ Spin Dash from the start and over the gap getting the three rings. Keep going to the right and defeat the new enemy you encounter, it is called an Octus. This pink octopus will jump up and shoot bullets at you. Hit them at the top. Go up the half-loop to the right and jump over the spikes as well as the gap. There is another Octus guarding a green bouncer that bounces you up when you stand on it. Stand on it and the lid will fly up. Use it to get to a platform to the left and get the Super Ring and the rings on it. Then glide to the right, you should land near some Octuses and another Green Lid Spring. Get on the lid and use it to reach the crumbling platform above. Run onto the stable platform and head right. Run up the half-loop and jump to the crumbling platform to the right. Keep going until you reach another Green Lid Platform. Use it to get up and encounter the second of two types of enemy found here. The yellow seahorse is called an Aquis and it shoots out black bullets. Jump to defeat it and head right. There is another one as well as an elevator. Get on the elevator after defeating the Aquis and ride up. From the top head left and glide across the gap. To the left there is a fan preventing you from reaching the next elevator; wait for it to stop, and then run past it. From the top head right and defeat the Aquis. Jump over the gap and ride the elevator up to the right. From here, head right and over the gap. You’ll then reach an Oil Slide, walk onto it to fall down. You’ll reach a half-loop and hit the checkpoint. Head right over the gap and you’ll reach some Green Lid Platforms. Use the last one to the right to get up onto the platform above. Whence on top head right and over the spikes than over the gap and to the half-loop. Spin Dash up the loop to get onto the platform to the left. From here, jump to the platform to the left and onto the elevator. There will be two Aquis to defeat as well as a Cannon Barrier. These are like breakable stones from before, just jump on them to activate a sequence of cannons. The barrier is surrounded by spikes and is green and yellow. After many cannons you’ll reach a Shield Capsule. Get it and head to the right. Defeat any Octuses in your way and get onto another Oil Slide. You’ll exit at a half-loop and jump over some spikes. Head to the left to enter an elevator. From there head to the right to break a Cannon Barrier. You may want to get the Invincibility Capsule to the right. After the many more cannons than before, head right. Jump over the gap and spikes and head down the elevator. From here head to the left and jump over spikes. At the end there will be three Octuses in a row. Defeat them all and then break the Cannon Barrier. After the cannons head right and defeat an Octus. To the right of it is an elevator, ride it down and at the bottom there will be a fan. Fight it until it stops and then head to the right. Jump over the spikes and onto the Green Lid Platform to the right. Climb the wall to the left until some fans catch you with their wind. Use them to propel yourself to the right and into the Robotnik Sign! +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Almost Done! Get the rings to the right and keep heading to the right. Defeat the Octus and Aquises in your way and reach the elevator. Jump on it and then get off, and go under it. Under it there is a Shield and Super Ring Capsule as well as spring to get back up. Use the spring after getting the goods and head back to the spikes to the left and then head right. The elevator will be back and you can ride it up. Head right until you reach three Green Lid Platforms. Take the second one in the center and you’ll enter some cannons. At the end head left and avoid the huge slow-moving spikes I call Mobile Spikes. Head left and you’ll reach a Green Spring. Run against it until it is all the way back, then roll and release. You’ll be sent up a half-loop and want to go to the right. Avoid Mobile Spikes on the ground and Aquises in the air. At the end you’ll reach an elevator. Ride up and then use the Oil Slide to the right. At the end you’ll see an upper level with a crumbling platform on it. Climb up the wall and onto the platform to the right. Defeat the Octuses and Aquises. After a half-loop and some Mobile Spikes, head right and down the elevator. To the left of this one there is an elevator, take it and go down. To the right of this one there is an elevator, take it and go down. To the right of this one there is an elevator, take it and go down. Finally race against the fan until it stops then pass it. Jump up on top of the platform and defeat the twin Octuses. Use the Oil Slide to exit at a half-loop upon which, is the checkpoint. Head to the right and break the Cannon Barrier. At the end head left and over the gap. Get onto the elevator. Head left and over the spikes. Break the Cannon Barrier and head to the right and go down Oil Slide. Head up each half-loop. Get the Shield Capsule at the first and the checkpoint at the second. Head down the half-loop and defeat the Aquis and head right. The boss is to the right. Just as a note, if you stay in the oil ocean too long you’ll drown and die. Robotnik will rise from the oil in a submarine. Hit him a few times and get onto the platforms. Next he will unleash a small robotic snake or something and try to hit the platform you are on. Jump over it and wait for the next attack. He will then raise the same snake only with a gun. He will attempt to shoot you, jump to avoid it, and then hit Robotnik when he surfaces again. Repeat the process until you win. By the way if the bullet hits the platform it will set on fire for a while. When you win, head right to release the animals from the Capsule. ============================================================================= ============================3.8: Metropolis Zone============================= ============================================================================= This zone is so annoying and long... The music is okay, but it gets worse every minute. The background is great, but this zone could stand to be a little shorter. It is the only one in the game to have three acts. +-------------+ | Act 1 | +-------------+ By the way this zone has three acts and the next three have only one. It also changes because the next zone has no boss and the last zone has two. By the way, the next zone is easy, the zone after that is semi-hard, and the next is hard as a rock. Good luck! Get the three rings at the start and head to the right. You’ll find some Exhaust Vents. These vents emit a deadly amount of polluted air. However, they do make great springs. Get on top the first and when it springs up you’ll spring up too. Use it to land on a platform to the left. Get the Super Ring Capsule and avoid the first new enemy. These starfish called Asterons explode into five spikes and are sent flying in five directions. Avoid the spikes and get the Super Ring Capsule. After that, glide over the next Exhaust Vent and run through this cool Rotating Tunnel. Run fast enough to run up the half-loop to the right and avoid the Asteron at the top. Once the starfish has been dealt with, get the Shield Capsule and press the switch it was guarding. Press the switch to extend a platform to the left. Jump on and head up the upper platform. You’ll find an Exhaust Vent to the left; bounce up and watch the floor appear beneath you. You are also introduced to a new, much more evil version of a previous enemy. This Shell Cracker extends one arm to the left and tries to slug you. Jump over him and roll into him from the right. Keep going down and you’ll find a new obstacle, the Crusher. Spin Dash over it when it is low and then stop afterwards. There are Asterons everywhere from here on, so be ready. Hit the switch to open an entrance to the lower levels and avoid one Asteron. Move to the right to fall into the lower level and you’ll be the target of two this time. Fall down and get the Super Ring Capsule and one will try to take you on. Press the gray switch to the right of the capsule and head down. Now here listen closely. Jump over the gray switch to the right and hit the yellow triangles in the pit above it. You’ll bounce up to a higher level and encounter a Slicer. These guys throw their sickles at you and they motion them up at first, then they fall down. Dodge them and jump on the now vulnerable Slicer. Keep heading to the right. You’ll find some brown blocks that have spears in them. They move up, left, down, right. Jump from top to top until you reach the end. Jump up to the yellow triangles to the upper right and bounce up and hit the checkpoint. Head right and defeat the Slicer. Head right and you’ll find a Screw. Run to the left while on it to reach the bottom. On the next, just jump in line with the screw because the spikes prevent you from getting on the Screw. Head left and up the half-loop. Defeat the Shell Cracker and fall down on the falling platform. Head right and down the half-loop. Go through the Rotating Tunnel and up the next half-loop to the right of that one. Hit the yellow triangles and bounce up. Head left and climb up the wall (Or use the Screw to get up). Avoid the Asterons and go up the Screw to the right. Hit the gray switch to the right at top to extend a platform and jump on. Jump to the yellow spring to the right from there and bounce up to a platform on which is another gray switch. Press it and a platform to the left will extend. However, because of the short jump, it is too high to reach. Climb up the wall above instead and jump onto the Screw. Avoid the Asteron Spikes and get up. To the right is another Screw. Take it down and you’ll reach some brown blocks. Glide over them and avoid the two Asterons soon after. Keep going until you fall through a pit with yellow triangles and get the Super Ring Capsule at the bottom. Head to the left and enter a Tube. At the bottom head left and onto a falling platform. Fall down and jump to another set of brown blocks. At the end jump into the corridor and evade the spikes of the Asteron. Jump onto the gray switch to open up a passageway and fall down. You’ll fall onto a moving platform. Duck down to avoid the many Asterons above and then wait to reach the end. There is a Slicer to deal with at the entrance to a passageway. Defeat him and keep going. Don’t fall into any of the pits; jump over them and keep heading to the right. Jump over the next gap and keep heading right. The Robotnik Sign is to the right. +-------------+ | Act 2 | +-------------+ Finally! Now that that’s done, it’s time for another long act. Get the three rings at the start and another on your way. Press the gray switch to extend a platform and use it to jump to a conveyor belt ledge. When at the top, jump and glide over to the right. You’ll reach a wall under which is a Shell Cracker. Defeat it and enter the Tube it is guarding. It will cause a chain reaction that sends you flying into the sickle of a Slicer. Defeat it and then jump onto the huge sprocket to the left. Let it carry you down to the ground and then Spin Dash up the half-loop to the left. Get the Super Ring Capsule and then jump to another Giant Sprocket to the right. Get on the rising platform to the right and jump from it to the main ledge to the right. Head right and you’ll enter another tube. It will send you up a half-loop and onto a Super Ring Capsule. Get the rings and then Spin Dash under the Crusher to the right. Don’t worry about the gap; you’ll be going so fast you’ll go over it. Head right and you’ll see a pit. A moving platform moves under it, get on and jump off it to the right. Keep heading to the right and you’ll reach the first checkpoint. Enter the tube to the right. Head right until you reach a Conveyor Belt. Glide through it and onto the platform to the right. Glide to the right from here and climb up the wall into the upper hallway. Head right from here until you reach an Exhaust Vent. Use it to bounce up and head left (Finally! We are heading left and not right!). Defeat the Shell Cracker in the way and get the Super Ring Capsule behind it. Jump up to the higher ledge and bounce up on the Exhaust Vent. Head right and glide when you see a trail of rings. You should glide right over a Shell Cracker and onto a Giant Sprocket. Jump onto the moving platform to the right and from there the brown block. Jump to the Giant Sprocket to the right of that and when at the top hit the yellow triangle. You’ll bounce right into a checkpoint. Hit the gray switch to the left to cover a gap below. Head to the left (Not right!) and go down a half-loop. You’ll enter a Rotating Tunnel and go up another half-loop. Head to the right and go up the Screw. Defeat the Slicer at the top and get the Super Ring Capsule. Avoid the Asterons when you go up this next one and a Slicer at the top. Keep heading right and you’ll find another Slicer. Defeat it, head right, and jump onto the Conveyor Belt. At the top jump onto the brown blocks to the left and use them to enter a tube above. Head right at the top and run up the half-loop. At the top swerve onto the moving platform than climb up the wall to the right. Avoid the Asteron and at the top get the three rings. Keep going until you reach some yellow triangles. Bounce up and get the Shield at the top. There are more above this platform; bounce up. Head right at the top and you’ll reach a Slicer. Defeat it and jump onto the Conveyor Belt to the right. At the top jump to the Conveyor Belt to the left and at the top of this one jump to the platform to the left. Go through the Rotating Tunnel and up the half- loop. You may want to Spin Dash up and then jump from the side and onto the moving platform. Ride it up to a yellow spring to the right that will bounce you into some Yellow Triangle Springs. At the top head right and hit the Robotnik Sign. +-------------+ | Act 3 | +-------------+ We’re not out of the woods, or the city, yet. Get the three rings at the start. Head right and you’ll encounter a Slicer. Defeat it and get onto the platform to the right. After a while it will violently jerk you over to a new platform. Get across and jump to the platform with the Shell Cracker to the right. Enter the tube and at the top head right. You’ll reach a huge Sprocket. Glide over it and the one below it and head right. You’ll reach some Crushers, Spin Dash over them and head right. Keep going to the right until you reach a half-loop. Take it up to the next level by jumping to the left and use the Screw to get up. Avoid the Asterons and head left. Jump onto the platform above and use it to get onto the moving platform. Jump to the right and use the red spring to the checkpoint. To the right of the checkpoint is a yellow spring, bounce on it over to the right and go through the Rotating Tunnel. If you go fast enough, you’ll run straight onto a platform. Jump up from it and enter the tube. Head right and bounce on the Exhaust Vent up to the yellow triangles. Bounce up onto the platform and since the spikes are above, Spin Dash to the conveyor belt to the right. Keep going to the right until you reach an Exhaust Vent. Bounce up and head right. Avoid the Slicer and head right. Jump up and hit the yellow triangles. Head right from the top and jump to the brown blocks. Jump from the first upward (The path that sort of leads to the upper left) and then onto the platform. Head to the right until you reach some huge Sprockets. Ride them up until you reach a Tube guarded by a Shell Cracker. Enter the tube and head right. Defeat the Slicers in your way. Run up the Screw and dodge the Asteron spikes. At the top jump to the right and use that Screw to get up. Head to the left and defeat the Slicer. Enter the Tube to the left and head to the right. Avoid the Asterons and hit the checkpoint. Jump to the platform to the right of the checkpoint. At the end head right and you’ll encounter the boss. This boss is remade a couple times, sometimes it is slightly different, but the orbiting weights never change. Basically, Robotnik is in his normal ship with capsules orbiting him. Hit him on the black underbelly of his ship (Or the top) to cause damage to him. When you hit him, he releases a decoy that can be defeated with one jump. They are also very small. Hit him seven times, each time destroying the decoy he releases from his capsule. When he has no capsules left he will resort to shooting lasers at you. He should stop midway on the screen when he fires his first laser; hit him there and head right to free the animals. Congrats, an easy zone is next! Hurray! ============================================================================= =============================3.9: Sky Chase Zone============================= ============================================================================= This zone is easy, no boss, one act, and it takes about two minutes to beat. You are Knuckles and you are on the Tornado, Tails’s plane. Tails is driving (I thought they hated each other…). The music is good and so is the scenery, and I like easy, so enjoy. +----------------------+ | Sky Chase Zone | +----------------------+ There are no acts, just the zone. Tails is helping you get through with his plane, the Tornado. It would be pretty hard to guide you through this, so I’ll just tell you about it. This level is a Scrolling Level, which means you cannot stay stationary. There are three types of enemies the first being a Balkiry. This bird is swift and after one rapid dive it will disappear. The next is a Nebula. These robots hide in hot air balloons and drop spike balls onto that below it. The third is the slow-moving Turtloid. It shoots bullets at you. To defeat them, generally, jump. The Turtloid is vulnerable on top where the piloting robotic turtle is sitting. The Nebula is vulnerable everywhere but I suggest hitting the top in case it drops a spike ball, and the many Balkiries are vulnerable everywhere. I usually stay in the upper left hand corner myself, staying to the right is bad since it scrolls. When you jump, the plane drops a bit. To move down you can also press the down button. Move up in the same way only with the up button, and left and right goes as well. Nebulas are the only enemies that move off course. Stay up to avoid them. If a high score is what you seek, bounce from enemy to enemy. You cannot fall off the course since Tails always catches you. You will pass Robotnik’s ship after a while and then you know the level is almost over. I don’t see why Knuckles just didn’t jump onto the ship. Well enjoy while you can, a long, boring act is up next. ============================================================================= ==========================3.95: Wing Fortress Zone=========================== ============================================================================= Since this zone is so short I did not raise it a tenth of an integer. This zone has one act and it is a really boring. Tails is attacked by lasers, so it is exciting at first, but then it is just chickens with assault rifles. +--------------------------+ | Wing Fortress Zone | +--------------------------+ As you start, the ship’s laser cannons attack the plane. Jump to the red catwalk before you go down and enter the inner working of the ship. Well, not for long. You exit the interior so you can get some action outside. I don’t like the Knuckles jump since because it is so short a major shortcut is cut out. When you exit the inside you’ll reach some fans that propel you to a catwalk. Head right and you’ll encounter the only type of enemy here. Hello Clucker! It is a chicken that shoots bullets from a gun. Jump on top to defeat it and head right. Before a huge pit, jump up and climb up the wall. A fan will blow you up; head right and defeat two Cluckers. This is a huge shortcut, so I lied there is a shortcut! Head to the left and you’ll reach another fan. Jump over it and head to the left. Jump to the platform and jump to the new type of platform. These are Fan Platforms; jump on them when they are horizontal and in this manner jump up to the upper platform. Head right and you’ll see in big bold white letters “29 Eggman-01”. Above that is the checkpoint. Head right and you’ll go down a half-loop and you’ll see a Clucker. Beat him down and head right. Go up the red half-loop and head left. Jump to the rising platforms and jump to the right and defeat the Clucker. Head right and avoid more Cluckers and Laser Turrets. You’ll be catapulted to a catwalk with a Clucker. Defeat it and drop to the ground to the left. Defeat the Clucker here and fall to the catwalk below and head to the left through the wall. A gust of wind will send you to a block. Press the A/B/X button to release. Follow the trail of rings and at the end. You’ll enter a catwalk. Jump to the platform to the left, then the one to the right, then the one to the right, and then glide over the pit and hit the checkpoint. Head right and with a boost of speed you’ll cross a huge pit to a red catwalk. Jump immediately and head right. Climb up the conveyor belt and jump to the orbital platforms. Jump to the catwalk and take the second hook up to a new catwalk. Head to the right and after an extreme boost of speed you’ll be sent through two walls and into a new catwalk. Climb the platforms to the left up and head right. You’ll hit a checkpoint; the boss is near. Head right and you’ll see a gray-black switch. Hit it and you’ll fall into the interior of the ship. Head to the right and you’ll face a really hard boss. This is the first of two bosses where you don’t face Robotnik himself. The doc is protected a yellow beam you cannot pass through. As he laughs and grins, a huge laser which mounts an assault against you. Another turret dispenses spike-platforms in the room, which makes maneuvering nearly impossible. The Laser Turret is your target, but is only vulnerable when open. It is also too high to reach. You must jump on the randomly moving platforms and hit the laser eye when it opens. After eight long hits the laser will go boom and the shields go down and Robotnik runs to the left. Chase him and watch the cinema. The ultimate test is near. ============================================================================= ==================3.99: The Ultimate Weapon, The Death Egg=================== ============================================================================= Okay, it is actually called the Death Egg Zone, and it is super hard. It is just two bosses, but you have no rings and any hit will kill you. It has pretty good music and background but it is too hard… -----------------------------The Death Egg Zone------------------------------ Head right to encounter the first boss. Methinks this boss is based on Roller from the previous game. Roller was rare and appeared once or twice only. It was a robotic duplicate of Sonic. It was only vulnerable when not rolling, and it rolled at extreme speeds. Well this boss is an advanced Roller, and is impossibly hard at first. It is easy when you memorize the pattern it attacks in, but if not, you are doomed. +-----------------------------+ | Metal Sonic Prototype | +-----------------------------+ You’ll see Robotic Sonic (The name for short) hovering downward with the jets in his shoes in the right-hand corner of the screen. It is a copy of your mortal enemy, Sonic the Hedgehog! Robotnik is watching your every move from a vent behind you. Robotic Sonic is taller than you, faster than you, and a whole lot sharper than you. However, there is one thing Robotnik didn’t count on (Well of course; he hasn’t met Knuckles yet), and that’s Knuckles. When he lands, hit him when you hear the charging noise he makes with his spiky hairdo. Hit him on his forehead or face, not the spikes or you will die. After charging it will first rev up a Spin Dash and roll to the left. Jump over it and hit him while he charges. After that he will use the jets in his shoes to speed to the right then to the left. You can hit him now as well. After he charges again he will rev up another roll. On this one he jumps though. Dodge under him and hit him again. These are his only attacks, but he does launch his spikes after a while when he rolls and jumps. After eight hits the enemy will perish, and Robotnik will run to the right to escape. Chase him to the final boss. +---------------------------------+ | Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik | +---------------------------------+ This qualifies as the hardest boss of any Sonic game ever. With no rings, this machine is invincible. It requires twelve hits and each is a challenge in its own. The battle arena takes up two or three screens and the weapon Robotnik uses is built to scale. It is a giant machine modeled after Robotnik’s body. It is an android only Dr. Robotnik controls it. The machine has an arsenal of attacks for a Sonic boss, and even if you are Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles, it is hard. Robotnik will take four steps forward, then one back, and then launch himself up. Hit him when he steps back. While he is walking trying to hit him is like suicide. Hit him on the black part of the machine while avoiding his spiked fists. If you die, you must reface Robotic Sonic. When he is in the air a white circle will appear around you. When a multi-color circle appears within that circle then run to the right quick. He will land and lower his body, hit him once and retreat to the right. He will then launch his fists at you. Duck or jump to avoid them and hit him again before he launches himself. Repeat this process until you win. If he lands and you’re behind him, he will launch bombs at you. After twelve hits, run to the right. Explosion will chase you; don’t stop. At the end, watch a cinema and be proud; you beat Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2! Watch the ending cinema and rejoice. If you beat Sonic 2 with Sonic already than this game is about done, but stick around and read about Super Sonic, two-player mode and some other stuff. If you didn’t get the Chaos Emeralds, then you have some playing to do! I’ll see you at the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 walkthrough. Over and out… ============================================================================= =============================4.0: Special Stage============================== ============================================================================= The special stage can be accessed in every level. If you collect fifty rings and hit a checkpoint, some stars will spin around the checkpoint. Jump into them and you’ll be brought to the Special Stage. The goal of the Special Stage is to get the Chaos Emerald at the end. They will set goals for you; collecting a certain amount of rings by the time you reach a certain area. If you are successful, a Chaos Emerald is yours. The Special Stage itself is a huge half-tube filled with rings and spikes. By hitting a spike, you lose your rings and getting rings is your goal. The spikes can be in different formations such as diamonds or circles. Each time you play the stage is different. The Special Stage is even a course in two- player mode. But what is the purpose of these stages? Well, not only extra lives and the sort, but also the Chaos Emeralds. They come in a multitude of color and seven exist. In Sonic 1 the Chaos Emeralds triggered an alternate ending, but not in this game. To find out the true purpose of the Chaos Emeralds, see the Super Sonic section. ============================================================================= ==============================4.1: Super Sonic=============================== ============================================================================= Super Sonic is a golden version of Sonic that is constantly invulnerable and fast. He jumps higher than the real Sonic and needless to say looks much cooler. Sonic 2 introduced Super Sonic and he has been in many games afterwards. From here all the way to Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Where not only does he go Super Sonic but his rival Shadow goes Super Shadow as well) Sonic has performed this neat trick. To get Super Sonic you must collect all seven Chaos Emeralds in the Special Stages and then in a level of the game you must collect fifty rings. All that is left to do is jump and Sonic will embrace the power of the Chaos Emeralds. He is golden and I think maybe slightly taller, but that is not the end to his abilities. Super Sonic runs and accelerates much faster than in his normal state. Also when he runs he seems to glide over the land and a silver star follows him. As well as all this, Super Sonic is constantly invincible. He jumps much higher as well and Shield Capsules are blank, and do not affect him. Even when you face bosses Robotnik cannot leave so much as a scratch. However, at the end of the level, Sonic returns to his normal state. Thanks to the magic of cheats, in future games you may also become Super Tails and “Hyper” Knuckles. They have the same abilities as Super Sonic, only they have some changes. Hyper Knuckles is still red, only he flashes pink. Super Tails is the most interesting because four yellow birds orbit him and attack for him. Well it doesn’t work in this game (That I know of…), but maybe Super Tails and Hyper Knuckles will find their way into a Sonic game in the future. ============================================================================= ============================4.2: Two-Player Mode============================= ============================================================================= At the Title Screen you’ll see two options, 1 Player mode and 2 Player V.S. Well, if you select the second, it will take you to a screen where you are asked which course you’d like to race on. The selections are Emerald Hill Zone, Mystic Cave Zone, Casino Night Zone, and the Special Stage. Select one and (Other than the Special Stage) the screen will be divided into two. One half is for Sonic, the other Tails (Knuckles in Sonic 2 has no two-player mode). You can get a Time Over, which causes the player furthest behind to lose. The goal is to reach the Robotnik Sign. There are Capsules that are always random and the items are the same other than two additions, which are the Robotnik Item and Teleports. Teleports switch the two players and the Robotnik Item is the same as taking a hit. At the end, the score is given and one player wins. They judge on score, time, rings, total rings, and the number of items you got. You need 3 out of 5 to win the race. In the Special Stage there are no items and the winner is the one who gets the most rings. The race is simply the Special Stage with two players. In another sense, if you want to play the actual game with two players, plug in another controller and activate 1 Player Mode. Play with Sonic and Tails and use the second controller for Tails and the first for Sonic. This helps a lot with bosses and things, but the view focuses only on Sonic and not Tails, so you’ve got to be fast. Well, if you have a friend that loves Sonic 2, too, then get a controller and play the day away. ============================================================================= ============================4.3: Codes and Cheats============================ ============================================================================= Most of you (Like me) just skipped here, but I think I should say that I don’t approve of cheating or manipulating codes. However, this game is hard even for me to beat without the Level Select Code and all that, so here it goes. I don’t know that many, but props to for these. +---------------------------------------------+ | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Codes and Cheats | +---------------------------------------------+ Level Select Code: Go to options and on the Sound Test and select 19, 65, 09, and 17 in that order. The sound of ring being collected will signify the success of this code. Press and hold the X button then press start and release. The game will start back up starting with the Sega logo and now wait for the game title to load completely. Then press and hold the B button and press Start. You will be brought to a screen on which is the name of each zone and act along with the Sound Select. Press Start when you have selected an act and you will be taken there. If you are brought back to the title screen you can press and hold B and Start to access the Level Select Screen again instead of reentering the Sound Select. Slow Motion and Restart Codes: Enable the Level Select Code and while in any stage press start. For slow motion keep tapping the A/X button while on start and you can move around in slow motion. To restart the game automatically, press the B button while on start. The slow motion code is fun on bosses. Debug Mode Code: Enable the Level Select Code and then go to the Sound Test on the Options Screen. In this order, sound the sounds 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, and 4. A ring being collected will allow you to determine the success of the code entry. Choose to play as Tails Alone and then select a level on the Level Select. Press and hold B and then press Start. You’ll enter the level in Debug Mode. Start with the Chaos Emeralds Code: Enable the Level Select Code. Go to the Level Select Screen and use the Sound Select to pick 4, 1, 2, and 6 in that order. Then pick any stage to start on and you will have all the Chaos Emeralds. Super Sonic Code: Enable the Start with the Chaos Emeralds Code and while on any act collect fifty rings and then jump. In this way you need not go to all the Special Stages. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Codes and Cheats | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Level Select Code: At the title screen press Up three times, Down three times, and then left, right, left, right in that order. The sound of a ring being collected will signal that the code was successful, and then press and hold B and press start. Release the buttons when you reach a Level Select Screen. You may also activate the Sound Select from here. Press start when you have selected the act you want and enter the level. Debug Mode Code: Enable the Level Select Code and then in the Sound Test choose the sounds 1, 9, 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, and 8 in that order. Select a level, and then press and hold A and then press the start button. Start with all Chaos Emeralds Code: Enable the Level Select Code and go to the Sound Test on the Level Select Screen and select 1, 6, 7, 7, 7, 2, 1, and 6. ============================================================================= ================================4.4: Options================================= ============================================================================= In Sonic the Hedgehog 2, there are options to select that are hidden from view (if you press down on the control pad or stick on the main screen, you’ll see them). Press the A/Start button when option is selected to go there. Here you can do three things. Player Select: You can decide to play with both Sonic and Tails (That is the default character combo if you just press start), or as either Sonic or Tails Alone. Go left once for Tails Alone and Right once for Sonic Alone. You can also move in all directions, but it will always have but those three choices. You may start the game here by pressing start when this is selected. VS Mode Items: This is very simple. In a race you may choose what items exist. Either Teleport Only, or the default selection, All Kinds. Sound Test: You can listen to either music or random noises by pressing A/X when selected. Move either left or right to decide, or to skip ahead by ten integers, press B. There are no extra options for Knuckles in Sonic 2. Now that the walkthrough has been read, all of you who are going to try to pull a fast one had better read this next section too... ============================================================================= ==============================5.0: Legal Things============================== ============================================================================= First off I’d like to state that I had no part in making this game, Sega and the Sonic Team did. Furthermore, when I say I named something, it simply means I nicknamed it that because I don’t know the real name (Like Metal Sonic Prototype for instance). I had no part in the creation of Sonic the Hedgehog himself or all related characters, ideas, concepts, etc. Secondly, this document is Copyright 2003-2007 Brian McPhee. Last but not least, this document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Only GameFAQs and its affiliates have my permission to use this guide on their web sites. See ya later.