Valkyria Chronicles 3: Unrecorded Chronicles Faq 0-Introduction 1-Tutorial 2-Tips 3-History 4-Guide 5-DLC 6-Demo 7-Nameless 8-Orders 9-Potentials 10-Q+A 11-Extras 12-Free Missions 13-Credits 0. Hello, this will be my first faq so I want everyone to be aware of that. I will be doing Valkyria Chronicles 3 which is a new game, currently, from Japan. I will cover many sections of the game. I'd be happy to answer and update my faq through Q+A. Send your questions to Updates will be mentioned here. Enjoy! Version 0.0: Set up 0 and 1 and have the layout planned. Version 0.01: Added the basic gameplay section. Also put in Mission 1 of the demo. Version 0.02: Finished the demo and updated the credits and extras sections. Version 0.03: Filled in the Nameless section and corrected Alphonse as Alfons. Version 0.04: Added all orders. Version 0.05: Started Main Guide. Version 0.06: Chapter 3 is complete. Version 0.07: Filled out the tips section and finished Chapter 4. Version 0.08: Added Chapter 5. Version 0.09: Added Chapter 6. Version 0.10: Added Chapter 7. 1: Tutorial 1-1-Introduction to section. 1-2-Classes. 1-3-Gameplay 1-1. This is the tutorial section of the faq. I cover the classes and how to play the game. Read this if you don't understand the gameplay ahead of time and don't understand Japanese. 1-2. Scout:The scout is good for exploring the area, conquering flags, and defeating weaker enemies. However, due to brutal interception fire, the scout is not reccomended for combat. Scouts also have 1 grenade. Eventually aquires a grenade launcher. Shocktrooper: Lower AP than a scout, the shocktrooper is more tuned towards combat and can survive more than 1 round of interception fire with their higher defense. Eventually aquires a flamethrower although a good gun is better than any flamethrower attachment. Gunner: With more damage and bullets, the gunner shoots from left to right but other than that, similair to the shocktrooper in stats but does not get a flamethrower due to their similair style in firing. Lancer: This unit is more adept to taking down tanks, turrets, towers, etc. They can take a bit more interception than a scout like shocktroopers but are not good for anti-personelle. They can eventually equip a mortar but unless you are in some desperate need for it, it is rather useless. Sniper: With lower stats, the sniper is super accurate and does heavy damage to personelle. Reccomended to clear a path for a scout or even a shocktrooper, the sniper can be very handy at times. Engineer: Even with a rather high amount of AP, engineers fall quickly and are no good in combat. They are best used for restocking anf healing other units. Engineers even have the ability to revive units. Armored Tech: These units have a great defense and can block shots for other units with their shield. While their attack is rather weak they deactivate land mines and repair bunkers WHICH WILL BE HANDY!!! Fencer: Similair to Armored Tech with their shield. Fencers have greater attack power but weaker defense. They don't have any side abilities like the tech but are good for clearing a base in one nice swing. Tank: Your tank is fully customizable and can shoot machine gun shots, mortars, anti-tank rounds, flames, and other handy things. They have a wide range of abilities which will be covered in strategies. APC: Used to carry units better than a tank. The APC has more AP but a lower defense stats which means protection is key for this unit. APCs are equiped with a weak machine gun. 1-3. The gameplay of Valkyria Chronicles 3 is an original idea. You take turns between you and the enemy. You use CP to select units. When a unit is selected they can move in a 3D world until their AP bar runs out. Enemies can fire at you. Pressing square freezes everything allowing you to aim. It is stat based but headshots count. Capturing bases is key. You can retreat a unit for 1CP but if they are in a camp, 0CP.There are multiple areas. 5 units can be in one area and 9 in the whole map. The objectives for each mission vary. New to the franchise is SP that allow specific units to use special abilities. Kurt Irving: Kurt is allowed to bring along two units but I believe this can be upgraded to 3, I THINK, please contact me to help me out for this one. Riella Marciellis: Riella can become an invincible valkyria and use her lance to take down units. Imca: Imca is allowed to use her lance to shoot everything on screen. EVERYTHING! 2: Tips 2-1: Typical Base Defense A good base defense is typically setting up a tank, armored tech, 2 shocktroopers or gunners if needed replace one with a lancer and a scout. This is a basic defense strategy and is very affective. 2-2: Hidden Units In many missions you will have to defeat every enemy. Some will be hidden in grass but don't worry a simple order or scouting group can solve this problem. 2-3: Tanks Tanks are vicious in Valkyria Chronicles 3. In the begining you can take them out with two shots to the side but it soon becomes mandatory for rear shots. If it becomes two much there are 2 simple solutions. Have a tank/engineer group and take out tanks with your tank restocking its ammunition with the engineer or use an order to boost a lancer. 3: 4: Guide 4-1: Chapter 1 Mission 1: This mission is easy. There are about 3-4 scouts. What you need to do is send a scout to each side using 1CP per kill. Easy S. Mission 2: This one is a bit trickier. I reccomend taking out the first few enemies with a shocktrooper and sneaking in to capture the base with a scout. In the next area take out frontal troops with a shocktrooper and than use a scout to sweep in and take the base. If you want to be precautious, use a shocktrooper but this can only get you an A. Mission 3: This is the final Chapter 1 mission. You will need to eliminate all enemies to get a victory. Imca should take out the tank and Gusurg should use mortars to defeat troops in his area. Use Kurt and Riella to capture the camp in their area. Defeat the enemies in Kurt's initial area and swoop them into Gusurg's area to finish the job. Chapter 1 END 4-2: Chapter 2 Mission 1: In this mission you must defeat the enemy boss tank. Use area 2 or 3 to get to area 1. I reccomend a scout/shocktrooper rush and using Gusurg to take out the tank. Mission 2: A SIDE: (Additional missions are in extras.)To win this mission you will need to destroy the enemies' supplybox. I reccomend clearing a path in the tank area and using that camp to get to the box. From there, clear a path for an armored tach unit and smash that box with a good swing. Mission 3: In this mission, victory is acheived by defeating the enemy boss scout. I reccomend using area 2 and 3 simultaneously. Have a shocktrooper and lancer in area 3 and a standard team in area 2 which is mentioned in tips. For 2 turns make progression to the movement camps in areas 2 and 3. By turn 3 you should have captured both camps. (Take another turn if you need to.) Warp your tank over and move him to the scout attacking him with mortars and if need be missles. This should lead your squad to victory. Mission 4: To win the 4th mission in Chapter 2 you must capture the enemy base camp. If you want you can use Imca and take out the easy to kill tank for a bonus scene but capturing the base camp in area 3 is not reccomended. I prefer taking the camp in area 2. Scout/lancer rush to the first camp in area 2 and than use a shocktrooper and lancer, maybe sneak in a scout for a faster movement to get yourself to area 4. Use Gusurg to take out any armored units and capture the camp with a scout. Mission complete. Chapter 2 END 4-3: Chapter 3 Mission 1: To complete this mission you must kill every enemy in all the areas. Here are some tips. Take out tanks with your tanks or a stealthy lancer due to the ridiculous interception fire. Constantly use scouts to find hidden units unless you have an order to track enemies. Use a scout/ shocktrooper combination to capture bases. Use these tips to win missions similar to this. Mission 2: To complete this mission you must destroy the enemy box in area 5. Use basic tactics like charging through with tanks and shocktroopers and using an armored tech to destroy the bos to finish this mission with a nice S rank. Mission 3: (A Side) This mission can be tough and for bad reasons. It is another kill every enemy mission but unfortunately there is alot of grass and thus spanning 4 areas. This can take an unexperienced player 12 turns to complete. Make sure to set up scout/shocktrooper/lancer groups in every area and to use your tank a bit to chug through this mission with at least a B. Mission 4: This one is can be tough. Luckily you have Squad 7 and there super powerful tank the Edelweiss. This mission is accomplished by capturing all the camps with yellow circles. I reccomend sweeping in with squad 7 and capturing all of the camps in their area than sweeping in with the Nameless while simultaneously slipping troops and advancing in the 3rd area. Once you reach area 5 you'll meet Dahau the only truly powerful force in your way, well that and about 2 tanks. I reccomend either sniping or bringing in the Edelweiss to defeat Dahau than use your tank to eliminate enemy tanks. Boost a scout's stats with an order or two and send him off. If you want to be safe use a shocktrooper. Chapter 3 END 4-4: Chapter 4 Mission 1: This is a convoy mission. Basically you need to get the APC to the yellow circle in one piece. You cannot retreat the APC so clearing units especially with AT abilities is mandatory. Here are a few tips for the mission. The sniper class is your friend. Taking out personelle is simple with a good sniper and using a shocktrooper as well. Use a lancer in both areas and you should be set. Don't move an APC if a shocktrooper can attack its rear or else you are done. Mission 2: This is a special mission. First of all you get Zeri but secondly this is a double-sided mission. First you must capture the two major camps but after that you will need to go to area 2 and fight off the boss tank. Getting to the boss tank is simple enough just use basic tactics however to take out the tank, use Gusurg, one shot to the radiator and it's done. Mission 3: This mission can be a bit challenging. It's another convoy mission but you start up seperated from the APC. No doubt you first turn is going to be clearing out area 1. Your APC will take some tank shots so getting an engineer to the APC and capturing the area 2 movement camp are necessary. Make sure you have an engineer in area 2 from the get-go and there is a tank so you'll need a stealthy lancer. The next area is simple enough but the final area is a challenge. You will need to get around to the lower left enemy camp. Take it and use a sniper to attack the gatling knight from behind. Once he's gone it's safe to use the APC to climb the mountain. Chapter 4 END 4-5: CHapter 5 Mission 1: To complete this mission capture both enemy camps with a yellow circle on them. There is nothing to it, use basic defense, offense, and tank strategies to acheive victory. Scouts will be very helpful in this mission. Mission 2: (B Route) To acheive victory you must destroy 2 enemy boxes. Use your usual lancer strategies and capture camps with scouts. You have Cosette but she is not of much use. Shocktroopers are helpful here and avoid the lights unless you want a mortar. Remember to press a switch in one area, it is a grey looking box with buttons. This opens the gate in the final area. Zig is here but you can rush your way to the 2 boxes with a defense order for interception fire. Mission 3: This can be tough. Use your tank, keeping the radiator safe from fire. Use interception fire to kill both gatling knights and the ace fencer. Use Kurt's special ability to capture the first camp and the second. By the 2nd turn you should be able to capture the 3rd camp, if need be, kill a gatling knight again. Hard but rewarding S rank. CHapter 5 END 4-6: Chapter 6 Mission 1: (Area 1 or 4) To win this mission you must capture the enemy base camp in either area 1 or 4. I don't know how this affects the game but I reccomend going to area 4. It is slightly easier since you have to deal with less gatling knights. Use a sniper and capture the base camp with a shocktrooper or scout depending on how risky you are. Mission 2: Another capture the enemy base camp mission but a bit easier. Capture the transportation camp in area 4 to make area 5's transportation camp an easier capture. Make sure to also hit the switch in area 4. Once in area 3 just use a shocktrooper and sneak to the base camp. If there are any tanks a defense boost should help. Mission 3: This is a kill all enemies mission. The ace has a sweet scout rifle. This mission is very difficult since gunners will mow down your troops. I reccomend using Imca's open fire to the max. In other areas snipe and use camps to get lancers behind tanks. For the last area, (Which is the one you must use the mine to get to. save 1SP for Kurt's Direct Command. Bring along a sniper and finish off all the enemies in this area. Chapter 6 END 4-7: Chapter 7 Mission 1: This is pretty straight forward. Just kill all the enemies. You will have Juliana to help clear out snipers and such but that is all she is good for. Remember to check all of the grass patches for hidden enemies and you should be good. Mission 2: Once again another kill all enemies mission. The gatling towers shouldn't be too hard to get around. Otherwise you have Leon Hardins just use the Mission 1 tactics. Mission 3: This mission is hard to S rank on your first run through. I reccomend just killing Dahau and picking off soldiers to increase your defense so you can come back to this mission another time with better stats. If you feel daring you can take on the S rank, tactically nothing is out of the ordinary but the shear number of units and Dahau can be overwhelming. 5: 6: Demo 6-1. Mission 1- I reccomend for your 2 empty spots to select Annika and Serge. When the mission begins, SP select Imca and aim at the 2 gatlings on the vehicle. Get to a bunker and reselect Imca twice to take down both gatlings. SP select Riella and use friendly fire to take down the scout and lancer, use your lance to shoot the tank's ragnite box. After that, SP select Kurt and bring along Annika, kill the shocktrooper to your right and head towards the next scout. Select Annika and shoot the scout with Kurt, hopefully killing it and than you should be at the mission complete screen with an S rank and only having done it in 1 turn. Mission 2A- (Capture the enemy base camp.) In the tank section you can put anything you want. All you need is in the other area is to put Kurt, 2 other shocktroopers, and Alfons. When the mission begins SP select Kurt and bring along 2 other shocktroopers. Dodge the first enemy without dying. Now, this mission randomly generates enemy placement so I will give a vague description on how to capture the camp. On your first turn, use Alphonse at least twice and make sure he doesn't have to face too many enemies. You can use SP twice but leave 1SP for later. On the 2nd turn make sure most of the enemies are gone. Get Alphonse to the base and capture it. In the corresponding area select Riella and head to the base camp. When she begins to take fire end her movement. Than SP select her and get to the base camp. Save your attack for the enemy at the base camp and with ease capture it, earning your 2 turn S rank. Mission 2B- (Defeat Dahau.) Look at my description for Mission 2A. Basically do what I say to capture the camp where Kurt is. (Only use up to 1CP.) When you do that select a lancer in the corresponding area and go to the enemy camp to your right. Use land mines to cut AP usage and defeat the enemy capturing the camp he was protecting with the lancer. Now in the corresponding area to this base, select Valkyria Riella and head to Dahau. Strike him with your Valkyrian Lance. SP select again and finish him off for good. You should earn your 2 turn S rank and a better ending for the demo than Mission 2A. Warning: Make sure to save for extras in the main game. Mission 2B has a better ending than Mission 2A if you were curious. 7: Nameless 0. This part of the faq is organized by character, primary class, secondary class, and when you aquire him or her. Also, it is numbered by their 422 number and not ordinary numbering. 7. Kurt Irving: Shocktrooper, Sniper (Initial) 13. Riella Marcellis: Scout, Engineer (Chapter 1-3) 1. Imca: Lancer, Fencer (Chapter 1-3) 6. Gusurg: Tank Driver (Chapter 1-3) 32. Giulio Rosso: Lancer, Engineer (Chapter 2) 21. Felix Cowley: Shocktrooper, Lancer (Chapter 2) 11. Alfons Auclair: Scout, Armored Tech (Chapter 2-2) 56. Deit: Armored: Tech, Sniper (Chapter 2) 45. Serge Liebert: Engineer, Sniper (Chapter 2-2) 15. Amy Apple: Scout, Machine Gunner (Chapter 2) 23. Leila Pieroni: Shocktrooper, Lancer (Chapter 2-2) 24. Annika Alcott: Shocktrooper, Fencer (Chapter 2) 3. Gloria Durrel: Lancer, Machine Gunner (Chapter 2-2) 12. Valerie Aynsley: Scout, Engineer (Chapter 2-2) 57. Zahar Alonso: Shocktrooper, Fencer (Chapter 6) 58. Shin Hyuga: Scout, Fencer (Chapter 4) 25. Cedric Drake: Shocktrooper, Machine Gunner (Chapter 7) 33. Margit Ravelli: Lancer, Scout (Chapter 5) 46. Clarissa Callaghan: Engineer, Armored Tech (Chapter 3) 18. Elliot Oates: Scout, ? (Chapter 9 Route A) 17. Illmari Gasotto: Engineer, Sniper (Finish the game.) 16. Ada Ansorge: Lancer, Sniper (Cedric's Character Mission) 26. Gisele Fleming: Shocktrooper, Fencer (Chapter 9 Route B) 19. Frederica Lipps: Scout, Shocktrooper (10 Medals) 63. Carisa Contze: Tank Driver (Chapter 11) 8: Orders 1. ???? 1CP-Heal one unit. 2. ????? 2CP-Heal all units in an area. 3. ???? 3CP-Fully heal one unit. 4. ???? 4CP-Fully heal all units in an area and restock ammunition. 5. ?????? 2CP-Restock one unit's ammunition. 6. ???? 1CP-Increase one unit's accuracy. 7. ?????? 2CP-Increase the accuracy of all units in an area. 8. ?????? 3CP-Increase the accuracy of every unit in every area. 9. ???? 1CP-Increase the evasion of one unit. 10. ?????? 2CP-Increase the evasion of every unit in an area. 11. ?????? 3CP-Increase the evasion of every unit in every area. 12. ???? 1CP-Increase the defense of one unit. 13. ?????? 2CP-Increase the defense of every unit in an area. 14. ?????? 3CP-Increase the defense of every unit in every area. 15. ???? 1CP-Increase one unit's attack power. 16. ?????? 2CP-Increase the attack power of every unit in an area. 17. ?????? 3CP-Increase the attack power of every unit in every area. 18. ???? 1CP-Increase anti-armor power to a unit. 19. ?????? 2CP-Increase the anit-armor power in an area. 20. ?????? 3CP-Increase the anti-armor power in all areas. 21. ????? 2CP-Increase side and rear defense for one unit. 22. ?????? 2CP-Infinite ammo for one unit. 23. ???? 1CP-Remove all negative status effects on a unit. 24. ???? 1CP-Increase resistance to negative status effects on a unit. 25. ???? 2CP-Reduce interception fire to a unit. 26. ???????? 1CP-Improve ragnite healing. 27. ???????? 1CP-Improve grenade damage. 28. ???????? 2CP-Improve a unit's chances to cause negative effects. 29. ???? 2CP-Allow a unit to ignore defense power when attacking. 30. ????? 2CP-Unit does not receive interception fire. 31. ???? 2CP-All shots fired from a unit are criticals. 32. ???????? 1CP-Reveal the location of all enemies in an area. 33. ????? 2CP-Get medic to a unit. 34. ???????? 3CP-Reveal the location of all enemies. 35. ?? 4CP-Increase your morale. 36. ?????? 3CP-Retreat all units in an area. 9: 10: 11: Extras 11-1. Upon completing the VC3 demo you can create save data which can be used to unlock a mission in VC3 with the link data option in the extras menu. 12: Credits KojiSakujin- Through your videos I learned about several Link Data extras and helped with creating strategies used in the FAQ. Sylphier- Thanks for translating the Nameless, potentials, and orders for GameFaqs.