THIS DOCUMENT IS COPYRIGHT 2001 SHANE NOLAN Shadow of Memories Walkthrough by Oreo : ======================================== 1.Disclaimer 2.Controls 3.Characters 4.Items 5.Buildings 6.Locations of E.U.s 7.Man & Woman 8.Walkthrough 9.EX Mode 10.Extras 11.Special Thanks 1.Disclaimer: ============ Shadow of Memories and all of the characters,items,buildings and the town of Lebensbraum.This walkthrough is copyright of me Oreo who you can e-mail me at I am doing this Walkthrough/FAQ with my own free will and no-one is making me do it.I am not being paid to do this I am just doing it to pass time.Also I got the information on the characters at By the way there are two Ending sets: Ending Set 1: Endings A,B1,B2,C Ending Set 2: Endings D,E Ending Set 3: Endings EX 1,EX 2 History: 31/08/01 + 20:13:51=Finished parts 1,2,3 & 4!!!! 02/09/01 + 15:28:06=Starting Prologue. 06/10/01 + 11:53:08=After a LONG break I'm continuing. 12/10/01 + 20:37:54=Done totally. 19/10/01 + 23:06:39=FINAL VERSION 2.Controls: =========== D-pad = move L3 = move X button = action Triangle = check map Square = items Circle = cancel R1(inside a building) = first-person view R1(outside) = change camera-view L1,L2,R2 = move camera left,right 3.Characters: ============= Shadow of Memories takes place in a small German town called Lebensbraum during March of the year 2001.Here are some of the characters you will meet. Eike Kusch GENDER:Male EYES:Green HAIR:Blonde AGE:22 Eike Kusch is the character that we play in the game he is a intelligent man who must use the DIGIPAD and some help from a mysterious being named Homunculus.Although he trusts Homunculus he still thinks that there is something evil about him.During his journey he will meet more strange characters that will affect his fate. Dana GENDER:Female EYES:Blue HAIR:Blonde AGE:19 Dana is a shy and nieve waitress working at the Cafe Sonne in the small town of Lebensbraum.She seems to have a crush on Eike and likes to talk to new people.Although she is very mature for her age she cant seem to help being self-centred sometimes.She has no friends or family and thinks nobody would notice if she disappeared.She lives in a world that she feels she does not belong in. Homunculus GENDER:Unknown EYES:Red HAIR:Black AGE:Unknown Very little is known about Homunculus other then that he is a mysterious genie that has the power to defy time and gives a bit of that power to Eike in the form of the DIGIPAD.Suggesting from his clothes and his earring he probably originates from the Middle East. Although he may seem nice he is in fact evil seeming as he has no emotion. The Fortune-teller Nothing is known about this mysterious being except that she resides in the Former Alchemists House and helps Eike with his journey whenever she can. Margarete Wagner GENDER:Female EYES:Brown HAIR:Brown AGE:19 An intelligent daughter of a famous alchemists who lives in the town during the 1500's.She is a nieve young woman who seems to have a crush on Eike but has a hard time covering it up.When she learns about Eikes world and what the people are like,she finds herself drawn towards it.She wants to see it rather than staying in a world where she spends her whole day doing chores and taking care of her mother.She often is pestered by her little brother Hugo. Hugo Wagner GENDER:Male EYES:Blue HAIR:Blonde AGE:12 Margaret's younger brother and the son of Helena and Wolfgang Wagner. He is a young mild-mannered boy who is very curious and is one of the few people that believe Eike has a time machine.He loves his mother and yet thinks that his father is concerned about his work more than them.He dreams one day to build a time machine like Eike's.What did is the saying:"Curiosity killed the cat". Dr. Wolfgang Wagner GENDER:Male EYES:Brown HAIR:Blonde AGE:46 The well-renounced Dr.Wagner resides in the Alchemists House and spends most of his time in the basement,working on top-secret potions in order to prevent his wife Helena from dying.When this fails he decides to start new a dangerous experiment which draws the attention of his son Hugo and his daughter Margarete. Eckart Brum GENDER:Male EYES:Brown HAIR:Brown AGE:46 Eckart is the owner of the local museum which holds several pieces of art belonging to some local artists and photographers.Although he is alone(due to his wife's death twenty years ago),his cat has just had many kittens which can be seen playing or lying down all over the place.His daughter has gone missing(the same day his wife was killed)and he still longs for her to come back.He seems to be hiding a dark secret from Eike. Miriam Brum GENDER:Female EYES:Blue HAIR:Blonde AGE:22 This is Eckarts deceased wife who was killed while walking down Haupstr on a cold day in 1980,while carrying her new-born daughter home.In chapter 6 you can prevent her from being killed yet still you cannot save her child for some strange reason.When you do save her you will be able to meet her again later in the game.Doing this will increase your percentages in chapters 6&7. Albert Brum GENDER:Male EYES:Brown HAIR:Brown AGE:38 Albert is Eckarts great-grandfather who lives in the 1900s and lives in the Mansion.With his wife recently deceased he can't decide what to do with his house and wonders if he should sell it.He lives with his daughter Sibylla who looks after his younger son.He is a gentleman who is a friend with everyone in the village.It is only through Eikes actions that he thinks that turning it into a museum or library. Sibylla Brum GENDER:Female EYES:Blue HAIR:Blonde AGE:8 Albert's youngest child who meets up with Eike during the game.She is very mature for her age seeming as she has to mind her younger brother due to the absence of her mother she is always bored and wants to play and make the most of her childhood.She is very nice and helps out Eike whenever she can.She seems to love kittens.... Oleg Franssen GENDER:Male EYES:Brown HAIR:Brown AGE:47 A burnt-out film-maker who meets up with Eike that give him a little bit of inspiration.He comes from the Franssen family who are known for there creative talent which include painting,photography,watch-making etc.He seems to be having a mid-life crisis which is preventing him from reaching any goals.You will often find him brainstorming or drowning in his own self-pity. 4.Items: ======== I have here all the items in this game listed alphabetically.To make the game more realistic,turn off both item and door indicator on the option screen. ALCHEMY BOOK: This is obtained after meeting Eckart in the Brum Museum in chapter 3.It contains information about alchemy and people such as Dr.Wagner and Homunculus.You'll will find it useful and informative. ANTIQUE COMB: This precious item is given to you by Margarete in chapter 5 for talking to her.It has some strange effects on Eckart and Miriam Brum BEANBAGS & JUGGLER SUIT: These useless items are found in chapter 4 after talking to Sybilla.You can use the beanbags if you plan to do ending 6 of chapter 4 in the square.That suit reminds me of someone that I've seen..... CELLPHONE: This item doesn't have much use in the game but can come in handy sometimes.Sometimes you'll receive phone-calls from some friends.Although you cannot call anyone yourself you can use it to scare anyone living in the 1580's. CHOCOLATE CAKE: This is found in the Marie's Bakery in chapter can give to Margarete in chapters 5-8 and then go to 1980 and get another one in Marie's Bakery and give to her again except this time it will be called a Margarete.The cut-scenes associated with this item give you absolutely no percentages. DIGIPAD: The time-travelling device given to Eike from Homunculus.It can be used in order to prevent Eikes death.You can only use the Digipad only on three conditions 1.If it starts blinking green 2.If something has happened that is related to your death 3.If you have energy units. ENERGY UNITS: These are found all over Lebensbraum and are needed to power your Digipad.There are at least five energy units in each timelines.Every time you use the Digipad one energy unit is used.Later on I will list all of the energy units.Eike can hold up to 9 energy units at a time. EXPERIEMENT NOTES: This is found in Dr.Wagners Labratory in chapter 8 and can only be obtained when doing Ending D,and even then you cant do much with it. FRYING PAN: This item may seem useless at first but it can save your life.You can find it in chapters 1,3 and 4.Its very light and is thick and made of iron.To get it you must first get hold of the Scribners Egg and then give it to the bartender. KITTEN: This item is found in chapter 5,6,8.It is given to you by Eckart after talking to Sibylla.Although it does not raise your percentages you can give to Sibylla,so that it will have kittens and then they will have kittens and all the way at the end of the repetition is the same cat that Eckart gives you! LABRATORY KEY: This handy piece of equipment gives you access to Dr.Wagners basement labratory.It is found inside the Alchemists House on the ground near the basement floor. LADDER: A ladder found in chapter 2 in order to reach the Medallion at the door to the Lords Manor LETTER: A short memo to Dana from her boss.It is found at the door of the Cafe Sonne in chapter 8 when doing Ending D. LIBRARY BOOK: Contains vital information on poisons,especially the Sea Hare Poison.It is found in the Brum Library in chapter 5. LIGHTER: Another item that has no use.The only thing you can do with this is scare the townspeople of 1580's. MAPS: There are two maps of Lebensbraum in this game.The map you start out with is a map of the town during the 20th and 21st century.The second one is found inside(or outside)the City Hall.It is a map of the town from 1500. MEAT: Strangely enough there are two pieces of meat in the game although you need only one.The first one is found in the Butcher's in 1902.The second one is found in the Butcher's during the 1580's. MEDALLION: This medallion has the Squire's Crest and will make anyone you want talk to you and help you in your journey. NEW ROPE: This rope is very strong and firm and is found in the Mansion Tower in 1902.This can also get you more percentages in chapter 7. NOTEBOOK: Eike carries this around and whenever something important or weird happens he writes it down on his notebook.This is the best place to look if you are stuck in the game. OLD PHOTOGRAPH: This very old photograph is found inside the Alchemy Book in chapter 4.It has Albert and Sibylla Brum with a strange looking man.... OLD ROPE: A very firm rope that looks very old.Although it may seem useless it gives you a lot of percentages in chapter 7.It is found in the Mansion Tower in all timelines. PHILOSOPHERS STONE: The mysterious philosophers stone has some secret that involves Homunculus and Dr.Wagner.It looks almost like ruby.During the Middle Ages it was thought to have the power to change ordinary metals into gold. PHOTO SHOP SIGN: This old sign is found in chapter 4 hanging off its place at the Photo Shop Franssen during 1902.It is very light and is made of iron surely it could be a thick iron plate.Although it may seem useless it can actually save your life,but you can only use it at a certain time. POCKET WATCH: This antique item is given to you by Oleg in chapter 6.To gain extra percentages in chapters 7+8,heres what to do.In chptr.7 shoe it to the bartender in the present.When you start chaptr.8 shoe to Eckart when doing Ending set 1 and Ending set 2.Any other cut-scenes associated with this item do not increase your percentage. POSTCARD: You start the game with this item which has a painting by a local,famous painter named Karl Franssen,who lived in the 1500's SCRIBNERS EGG: This item is found in chapter 1 and is given to you by the juggler.It has a weird note inside:''To Eike.Please get something like a thick iron plate.''Although mysterious it does come in handy.The bartender does seem to collect egg-shaped things,and you can give it to him in chapters 1,3 and 4. SEA HARE ANTIDOTE: This is a lifesaving item tat will cure poison from the female se hare.Its ingredients are derived from the male sea hare.It is found in the Alchemists House in chapter 5 after some researching. TOWER KEY: This item will let you have unlimited access to the Mansion Tower,in all timelines(except the 1580's).You can get it in the Mansion,1902 in chapter 7. 5.Buildings: ============ 1580-1584 Building Open Found ALCHEMISTS HOUSE All the time West BUTCHER During the day East ARTELIER During the day East BAKERY During the day East CHURCH During the day North CITY HALL During the day Centre 1902-2001 Building Open Found CAFE SONNE 1:00 - 6:00 West CHURCH 5:00 - 8:00 North CITY HALL 1:00 - 4:00 Centre ANTIQUE SHOP EULE 5:00 - 8:00 East BAR ZUM EI 7:00 - 03:00 North-West BUTCHERS All day West(1902) BRUM MUSEUM 5:00 - 10:30 South-East FORMER ALCHEMISTS HOUSE 2:00 - 06:00 West BAKERY 5:00 - 7:00 West PHOTO SHOP FRANSSEN Never West 5.Location of Energy Units: =========================== THE PRESENT DAY 2001 1 - Opposite the Former Alchemists House. 2 - In the Carpark opposite Photo Shop Franssen. 3 - You'll find under the arch on Ruckagrastr. 4 - In front of the South Gate near the Brum Museum/Libary. 5 - In the intersection of a small,narrow alley at Newustandstr leading to Haupstr. BONUS:Inside the Bar Zum Ei in chapter 1 THE MIDDLE AGES 1580-1584 1 - Behind the well beside the Alchemists House. 2 - Go to where the Bar Zum Ei is and look for the unit on a bench. 3 - You'll find another one at the entrance to the Church. 4 - Found in-between the wheels of a wheelbarrow,in a small alley to the left of the Atelier. 5 - At a small stable opposite the Atelier. BONUS:Inside the Church on an alter in chapters 6&7 BONUS:Inside the Basement Labratrory. THE COLD DAYS 1979-1980 1 - Behind the well inbetween the Cafe Sonne and the Former Alchemists House 2 - In front of a small gate in-between the Church and Bar Zum Ei. 3 - In a small alley to the right of Marie's Bakery. 4 - When going down Rudolfstr you'll find this on a small set of steps past Photo Shop Franssen. 5 - You'll find this next a tree in the park at the bottom of Haupstr. THE BEGINING OF A NEW CENTURY 1902 1 - In the hallway of the Mansion 2 - Beside an advertisment stand near the South Gate. 3 - In front of the North Gate. 4 - Next to a tree beside the bar Zum Ei. 5 - You'll find this next to the staircase opposite the Cafe Sonne. 7.Man & Woman: ============== In every chapter there is a man and a woman both in coats(and are holding a suitcase),are desperetly looking for each other(probly running away to get married.who knows).Here I have listed their location. PROLOUGE & CHAPTER 1(In the past): Man:Oppisite the Bar Zum Ei,where Kinchenstr starts. Woman:In the Marketplatz,oppisite the teenage girl. CHAPTER 3: Man:Found to the left of the arch on Ruckagasterstr Woman:She is standing at the entrance of the Antique Shop Eule. CHAPTER 4: Man:Standing next to the arch on Haupstr,next to the small park. Woman:She is found at the flowerbed at the top of Haupstr,next to the Church and Bar Zum Ei. CHAPTER 5: Man:He is found at the North Gate. Woman:She is found at the Alchemists House. CHAPTER 7: Man:He's standing at the gate in-between the Church and Bar Zum Ei. Woman:She's atanding at the clock near the South Gate. TIPS!!!! -------- In the Prologue and chapters 1,2,3,4,5,7&8 talk to the fortune-teller twice after visiting her.Choose both 'No.Nothig' and 'What was the time you predicted again' in order to get tons of percentages.Do what i tell you about dying also to get percentages.Experiement.On chapter 1 two major decisions effect your percentage on chptr.4.Save two games where you dont get the egg and 4 where you do.Leave all 6 Epilogues on the LOAD/SAVE screen so at the end you can view them easily.Pick up ENERGY UNITS.during the game there are "diverting points".Basically this is a point in the game that will effect later parts of the game.It may also mean that it is something that will give you extra percentages and will also be have to be done once(in some cases).Also if you look up at the top-right side of the Digipad screen it will show the time,date and year of the timezone you wish to go to. Chapter 1+5+6 have two endings. Chapter 4+8 have six endings. Chapter 7 has four endings. 8.WALKTHROUGH Prologue 2:30 98% ==================== After you are killed and brought back to life a cut-scene will introduce you to Homunculus.When the DIGIPAD is thrown onto the ground,pick it up and then first choose that you don't understand and then choose 'yes'.Then when you regain control go through the door.You'll then wake up inside a Cafe.When you are outside try to open the door and then run up to the dog.Now check your map and go to the Former Alchemists House.Inside you'll meet the Fortune-teller who will tell you that the fated hour is 2:30 and you have until then to try and deflect your death. DIVERTING POINT #1: First of all stay in the presnt and keep talking to people until you die.Two cut-scenes will follow.Then when you are brought back to life do this again in order to get more percentages.Mainly because Eike will awake in the Cafe while being more calmer. When your DIGIPAD starts glowing,use it.Go back about half an hour ago.Now you need to get 3 people to meet you in the square. first visit the Fortune-teller for another cut-scene and look for an old woman wearing an orange jumper who is walking near the Former Alchemists House.Head towards the Cafe Sonne and talk to the little girl and go inside the Cafe.Talk to the man eating spaghetti and show him your CELLPHONE and your DIGIPAD.Talk to whoever you want to except the man who is sleeping(Because it is you!!)or it is GAME OVER.Go outside and look for the girls mother who can be found walking around the Bar Zum Ei.Head into the City Hall and talk to the secretary to get the OLD MAP.Return to the present and go to the square,talk to the three people and run up to the Juggler. 9.Chapter 1 3:00 100% ======================== When you regain control go talk to the Fortune-teller and after a short cut-scene talk to her two more times.Exit the building and walk up to the dog beside the Cafe.Then talk to the teenage girl in the Square and head towards the juggler.Go to the Bar Zum Ei.It seems the place is on fire.Talk to everyone especially the young boy crying.Say that its too dangerous. DIVERTING POINT #2: To do endings 1-4 on chapter 4 run to the juggler to get the SCRIBNER EGG and then talk to the boy again and say that you will go inside.To do endings 5,6 forget about the egg and go inside the bar. Check chapter 4 for information. When you are inside you will die of suffication and will be brought back to life.To do ending 1 try to open the door and also try to go downstairs.Keep doing this until you die.When you regain control inside the burning bar use the DIGIPAD straight away and when you appear outside.Go around the Bar Zum Ei.Hey didn't I see him earlier on...Return to the present. DIVERTING POINT #3: When you enter the bar wait until it is 2:45.Use the DIGIPAD and you will end up inside the bar.Go outside,but Eike will remember that there should be someone in here so go downstairs and you will meet the bartender.After that cut-scene go back downstairs to give the SCRIBNERS EGG to him and he will give you the FRYING PAN.Exit the building and visit the Fortune-teller.Return to the present and the first matrix- esque scenes Chapter 2 3:30 100% ====================== When you start out you meet Dana from the Cafe.After a small chat Eike will get stabbed in the back.When you regain control talk to the man outside the Cafe twice.Run up to the nearby dog and visit the fortunteller and wait till it is 2:30(Remember don't go near the square).When you regain control again,go to the square.After the earlier cut-scene repeats itself try to run away from Dana.Then wait a while for her to talk some more.Now keep doing this until you die.Repeat this process 3 or 4 times.Use the DIGIPAD and you'll find yourself in the 1500's After a long cut-scene you will regain control.Try to run away from the townspeople and take out the DIGIPAD.Then scare the people with your CELLPHONE.Margarete will introduce herself to you.Return to the present when you regain control and you will die.After talking to Dana go to the 1500's but this time use the LIGHTER to scare the townspeople away.After being introduced to Margarete(again)follow her to the Alchemists House.Inside a cut-scene will show Eike meeting both Hugo and Helena.When this is over get the LADDER that is leaning on the Butchers and go to the square to talk to the man planting the tree.Talk to him twice and show him the SCRIBNERS EGG and the LIGHTER.Now go to the gate in front of the Lords Manor and talk to the peasant boy twice.Give him the POSTCARD and when inside use the LADDER to reach the MEDALLION.after you have it go to the man planting the tree and show him the MEDALLION.Now you are given the choice to put either a statue of Eike or a flowerbed where the tree was.Return to the present to finish this chapter. Chapter 3 5:50 100% ====================== After getting a phonecall from Mr.Eckart,visit the Fortunteller.After that is done basically go talk everyone you can and die without going near the Museum(by the way at 5:17 you should get another phonecall). DIVERTING POINT#4 This can only be done if you have the egg. When you regain control give the SCRIBNERS EGG to the bartender.When he has it visit him again. Go into the Musuem.When inside try to back outiside and go through the double doors and go up the stairs.From here go into the door oppisite the staircase and you'll meet Eckart.He'll give you the ALCHEMY BOOK.Try to go back inside and then try to go down the stairs.Eike should say that he might as well look at some paintings.Go into one of the doors in the halway to look at least one painting,then go downstairs to meet Homunculus.Seems he has been following you for a while.Next you'll come to a point where you can choose either "Excuse me" or "show me proof". Choose both(on different files)and you will be transported to 1979. After meeting a young Mr.Eckart you will realise that there is no ENERGY UNITS.Pick up all five and return to the present. Chapter 4 8:00 100% ====================== There are six endings to this chapter and they each have to do with your decision in chapter 1. THE FRYING PAN: This can only be done after getting the FRYING PAN in chapter 1. At the start of this chapter don't use the FRYING PAN.Instead die and when you regain control travel to a different timeline and return to the present.Die again but when you regain control go visit the fortunteller and the bartender.Then go to a different timeline again and return to the present but this time use the FRYING PAN. THE FRYING PAN & THE JUGGLER: This can only be done if you got the FRING PAN in chapter 3. Like the earlier one die at the start of this chapter,but when you regain control go to 1902.When you arrive here go straight to the Brum Museum to Alfred.Talk to him and a long cut-scene will follow.After a LONG chat with Sibylla and when you take part in a photo shot,you'll regain control.When you do try to open the door and return to the present.Use the FRYING PAN and Eike will notice something very strange in the photo. THE PHOTO SHOP SIGN & THE JUGGLER: To do this you must keep the egg till this chapter. After dying go to the Bar Zum Ei.Talk to the man eatting spaghetti. As before show him your DIGIPAD and CELLPHONE.Go downstairs and give the bartender the egg.Go back down to him again and exit the building.Don't use the FRYING PAN,die instead. When you regain control go to 1902 talk to Alfred.After the cut-scenes go to the Photo Shop Franssen and pick up the PHOTO SHOP SIGN.Go back to the Museum and talk Sibylla.Return to the present and use the PHOTO SHOP SIGN. THE PHOTO SHOP SIGN 2: To do this you must also keep the egg until this chapter. When regaining control after you die go straight to 1902 and talk to Alfred.When you regain control get the PHOTO SHOP SIGN and return to the present.Use the sign.Doing this will get you 8% in this chapter and 5% in the next. THE PHOTO SHOP 3: To do this don't bother getting the egg at all. When you regain control after dying go straight to the Bar Zum Ei and talk to the bartender.Go to 1902 and talk to Alfred.When you regain control get the PHOTO SHOP SIGN from the shop and go back and talk to Sibylla.Return to the present and use the sign. THE JUGGLER: Repeat the last ending but when you regain control after talking to Sibylla pick up the SCRIBNERS EGG on the chair.Eike will then be transported to earlier in the square.First run up to one of the dogs,visit the fortunteller and try to enter the Cafe Sonne.Go to the square and use the BEANBAGS.After another scene you will back in 1902,so when you regain control return to the present and use the FRYINGPAN. Chapter 5 10:30 100% ===================== There are two endings to this chapter.Half-way through you will come to an important decision.(I)=after doing ending 1 in chaptr.4(II)=any other endings (I) You start out the chapter hungry and decide to get something to eat in the bar.First head towards the Former Alchemists House and visit the fortunteller.Go into the bar and the bartender will remind you about his offer of a free meal.After a quick read through the ALCHEMY BOOK your food is tainted and you go on and eat.After meeting Homunculus you die.When you regain control go back into the bar 3 times.Go to 1902 and talk to Alfred.After the long cut-scenes talk to him again and tell him to change the house into a library.Go to 1584 to find yourself in front of Margarete's house which has now exploded."Talk"to the dog and get the MEAT from the Butchers.Give it to the dog and enter the house.Try to open the door to the basement and pick up the LABORATORY KEY.Go to the present and enter the Brum Library.Enter the white double doors and pick up the LIBRARY BOOK on the shelf.Then travel to 1582 and go inside Margarete's house.Go downstairs to meet Dr.Wagner.Then go upstairs and you'll meet Margarete again.After a long chat you are given a decision. Choose "I think your my ancestor" twice:Endings A,B1,B2 or C Choose "No..nothing" twice:Endings D or E When you have the ANTIQUE COMB and the SEA HARE ANTIDOTE return to the present and use the antidote. (II) After dying go to 1902.Talk to Alfred and first tell him to make the house a museum and then a library.Talk to the photographer and then go to 1584.Do the same as before here but when you get the key go to 1582.When you get there go to the square to see Hugo being bullied.Go to Margarete's house and after talking to her father,talk to him 3 more times.Go upstairs and a new cut-scene will follow.After you are given a choice.Return to the present and go to the library and get pick up the book.Go back to Margarete and she'll give the antidote.Return to the present but don't use the antidote,die instead.Then do it all over again!! Chapter 6 11:30 100% ======================= Remember!Do part(II)while doing ending set 1 or ending B1. After you are run over by a car you will find yourself in the place that you got killed,warp to 1980.You will be given a series of choices while talking to Oleg. (I) 1.What type of film it should be:"Meditating Man"or"Science Fiction" 2.What should the plot be:"Solve a murder" or "Take over the world" 3.What else:"Love Story" or "Thriller spin". First choose "Meditating Man" and return to the present.You'll die but you will get more percentages.Then choose "Science Fiction" and "Take over the world" for even more percentages.There are two movies that you can finish with and they both give you more percentages. They are "Science Fiction" + "Solve a murder" + "Love Story" And "Science Fiction" + "Solve a murder" + "Thriller spin" Oleg will now give you the POCKET WATCH.Keep this for %'s in later chapters. (II) Also you can save Mr.Eckarts wife by doing this.After talking to Oleg walk down Haupstr.After hearing a gunshot you should see Miriam on the ground.When you regain control go to before the incident and you are given two choices.Choose both of them on different files(Because you need to do this twice to get 100% on chapter 7)for extra %'s. Run down the streets again for another cut-scene.This time you are blamed for her death.When you regain control try to run away and return to the present before it is GAME OVER.You will meet Homunculus while in the wormhole. In the present return straight away to 1980.When you regain control after another cut-scene run after Miriam and stay behind her or else you'll have to start all over again.First she takes a turn up Neuwstanderstr.and takes another turn before the Cafe Sonne,before running down Haupstr.again.When you have saved return to the present. Chapter 7 1:30 100% ====================== When inside the Tower go up the flight of stairs past the rope and walk to the edge to be killed again.There are many cut-scenes to follow.If you don't want percentages go to number . 1.When you regain control go to the night before and try to open the door into the Tower.Then travel to 1902 and you will appear inside the house when the old picture was taken go into the sitting room and pick up the TOWER KEY and then travel to the night before.Go inside the Tower and go up the stairs avoiding the rope.Press X at the railing and Eike will decide to get a rope.Go downstairs and pick up the OLD ROPE and use it in the railing.Go to 1902 and go into the tower in this timeline.Get the NEW ROPE and go back to the night before.Use the rope on the railing at the top of the Tower and return to the present.Go to the top of the Tower and DON'T go near the rope or touch the X button. 2.Repeat part 1 but after getting the key go to 1980.Take the OLD ROPE inside the Tower and use it on the railing.Go back to 1902 get the rope in this timezone and go back to 1980.Use the NEW ROPE on the railing and return to the present.Go quickly to the Bar Zum Ei and after two cut- scenes there(involving the POCKET WATCH)go outside and then back inside.Visit the fortuneteller and run back to the tower and hold on to the OLD ROPE. 3.Repeat part 1 but when you have the key go the night before and get the rope there.Go back to 1902 and use the OLD ROPE on the railing.Then use the NEW ROPE on the railing and return to the present,go to the top of the Tower but this time don't touch either the rope or the railing. 4.Repeat number 1 except when you have the key wait about 5 minutes and go outside into the Tower.Get the rope,go to the night before and tie the rope to the railing.Then return to the present go upststairs and hold onto the rope. There are four endings 1.Tell Margarete your suspicions in chapter.5 2.Don't tell her anything in chapter.5 3.Tell her your suspicionds in chptr.5 and save Miriam in chaptr.6 4.Say nothing in chptr.5 and save Miriam in chptr.6 Chapter 8 4:30 100% ====================== The last chapter has about 6 endings.To do A,B1,B2,C you must tell Margarete that you think your her descendant. NB:To get 100% straight away when the chapter starts go in to Mr.Eckart show him the POCKET WATCH and talk to him when doing both ending sets. (A) Go into Mr.Eckarts office a cut-scene will show him talking about Oleg.Talk to him again and the visit the fortunteller.Go to 1584 and walk straight to the Artelier to find Dana to get the PHILOSOPHERS STONE.She has decided to stay here so go to Margaretes house.Go to the basement and you will give the PHILOSOPHERS STONE to him.Go outside and try to go back inside.Warp ten days into the future.Go down into the basement.After finding the time machine.Return to the present to get a phonecall.Go to the square and after talking to the killer go 1980 and walk down Haupstr.Go to the small park and you will meet Homunculus to find out the truth behind Dana and Margarete.No go to the present and visit the fortunteller.Enjoy the Epilouge. (B1) When the chapter starts go to 1584 and instead of going to Dana visit Dr.Wagner first and then Dana for more %'s.Follow everything that you did in ending A,but when you regain control after talking to Hugo in the square go find Homunculus in 1980.After those cut-scenes are over return to the present but go back to Hugo. (B2) After talking to Hugo in the square visit the fortunteller and then return to Hugo. (C) After talking to Hugo in the square go to 1584(Something is happening to Hugo in this time)Go down into the basement.After two cut-scenes return to the present. (D) Similer to A,B,C.When you meet Dana you will be given a choice.Tell her to stay in that time.After talking to Hugo in the square,go to 1584 and in the basement burn the LABORTORY NOTES.Return to the present. (E) When you reach Dana in 1584 tell her to come back with you.At first she won't go so go to the Cafe Sonne in the present and pick up the LETTER on the ground.Return to 1584 and talk to her(she's at the left side of the City Hall).When she says that she'll go play with her mind a little.First press the O button.The talk to her and try to bring her to the wrong timeline eg.1902.Bring her to the present and then return to 1584 and do everything as you did for the other endings.After meeting Hugo in the square go to 1584 and talk to Margarete who is in the basement.Play with her mind also and then bring her to the present.Now watch the ending. 9.EX Mode 100% =============== Because I have not finished EX Mode totally I will write it when I do. Ex Mode is basically a special prolouge.When you have endings A,C,D,E and one of the B endings done it is accesible.When you wake up in the dark room at the start choose "Am I dead again" and "Oh,Homunculus". Choose "Am I dead" and "Who's there" to have a normal game.There are two endings. EX 1: ----- When you wake a new cut-scene will show Eike inside the Cafe,searching for the PHILOSOPHERS STONE.When you regain control visit the Fortune- teller and she tells you to find the stone and use it in your own way.Go outside and go visit the juggler in the square.Head to the Bar Zum Ei.Talk to Hugo and choose not to go inside.Visit the juggler again and return to the bar,talk to Hugo and go inside.Eike will remember that he forgot the PHILOSOPHERS STONE and will die.When you wake up the Cafe go straight to the fortune-teller and then to the bar.Talk to Hugo and choose not to go inside.Then go back to the Cafe to get the PHILOSOPHERS STONE.Wait till 2:30 and die for another cut-scene When you regain control visit the Fortune-teller and then go straight to the bar.Talk to Hugo again,choose not to go inside and visit Dana in the Cafe.She will give you the LIGHTER and the PHILOSOPHERS STONE.Go back to the bar and go inside.When you regain control press the O button and try to open the door and also try to go downstairs.Use the DIGIPAD to travel to 1580.You will meet Margarete once again being given out to as before.Try to run away and take out the DIGIPAD.Next take out your CELLPHONE to scare them away.When you regain control go into Margaretes house for a long ending. EX 2: ----- The same as before but when you reach 1580 use the LIGHTER instead and when you regain control return to the present and wait till you die for a different ending. 10.Extras: ========== To get the first Movie get one ending.Get three endings for the second Movie.When you get 100% in all chapters I heard that at the start screen it shows a picture of Dana and Margarete.When you finish the extra ending you will get the third Movie. 11.Special Thanks: ================== I'd first of all would like to thank my mom who bought this. Also Curty for giving me information(when I was previously known as Homer the Great) I'd like to thank Konami for making the game. and Neoseekers Gamefaq's