+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + SHADOW OF DESTINY for the PSP + + Walkthrough written by NemiRoyale + + e-mail - nemiroyale@yahoo.com + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ======================= Disclaimer Information: ======================= As it is quite obvious for everyone to see, I own and claim absolutely no rights or ownership of the game "Shadow of Destiny and/or Shadow of Memories." This game, story, and characters all belong to Konami. This walkthrough is designed and created strictly to help gamers along this abnormally short yet complex game. I gain no profit from this other than to escape from my boredom. This walkthrough is, however, written and formatted by me, NEMIROYALE. This walkthrough should be posted on GAMEFAQS.COM only and should not be posted on any other site on the web. If you wish to reference the walkthrough, by all means, do so, as long as it is cited properly! ============ Introduction ============ Not that anyone will really read this part, however I feel that it is needed to say that this is my first Walkthrough to be submitted to GameFAQs.com. I have written a couple of walkthroughs in the past for Kingdom Hearts II and several Mega Man X games that were never published and then lost to the horrible computer crash of 2008...which then led to several more computer crashes since then (and my HP is still going!). This walkthrough however, is different as it is a little bit more of a complex game. I have been playing this game for a month straight and it seemed that I would find something new every time I played it. Then I realized there is no PSP walkthrough of the game. GRANTED, this game is basically the same exact thing as the PS2 version, BUT there are some changes. For example there is not a "past verison" of the strange couple looking for eachother in Margaret's time. I'm not going to tell you any of the controls of the game in my walkthroughs. I never do as it is explained in the instruction manual. Usually the controls are explained in-game anyway. I am, however, fond of telling people exactly where stuff is as I believe there is nothing worse than trying to find an item and you can't understand what the guide is trying to tell you to look. Also I have designed this FAQ to get you directly to 100%. Any other scenes that are in the game that DOES NOT give you ANY percentage, you will not find in this Walkthrough. WHY? Because I have it all listed in the: FUN STUFF Section. Honestly though, if you want a detailed FAQ with a list of EVERY SINGLE SCENE in this game (which is a lot), I recommend Jack Spades Percentage FAQ. ======================== WALKTHROUGH PROGRESSION ======================== 07/01/2010 ---------- Finished the final touches for my first complete walkthrough. I won't call it a final version, however it is very much complete. It includes all the information that a player needs to get a 100% 6/27/2010 --------- I FINALLY have 100% in all chapters, including the proglogue! HUZZAH! I officially have no life! 6/26/2010 --------- First day off in a long time and have been playing this game non-stop. Have discovered that I was WRONG about the Fortune Teller giving me 3% It's amazing how badly I can miscount these things, you'd think I would have to go back to kindergarden. However talking to Sibylla will give you 3%. Also got 100% on chapter 5 and 6 ^_^ I am so happy! 06/23/2010 ---------- yeah I got a little mixed up, and I got a new memory card....and in the process of moving things over to that memory card....I may have....lost my data...... LUCKILY, I have this lovely walkthrough to help me get back on track.....right? ...right? 06/22/2010 ---------- I have gotten chapters 1-4 at 100% meaning that I believe I have discovered another difference between the PS2 version and the PSP version. Though I have yet to actually test this theory. However, according to Jack Spade's percentage FAQ, talking to the fortune teller in chapter 4 does not give you a 100%. HOWEVER, in the PSP version I have discovered that by talking to her, and choosing both choices, you will accumulate 3% ^_^ 06/20/2010 ----------- Completed the GAME PROGRESSION to get ENDING D. This finishes with a 35%. ================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= I. PS2 -> PSP II. Characters III. Tips IV. Extra Content V. Format VI. Percentages VII. Z-Pad Energy Unit Locations VIII. Let's Play This Game Already 1. Proglogue 2. Chapter 1 3. Chapter 2 4. Chapter 3 5. Chapter 4 6. Chapter 5 7. Chapter 6 8. Chapter 7 9. Chapter 8 10. Epilogue 11. EX 1&2 IX: Fun stuff! X: Credits ========== PS2 -> PSP ========== Okay the main differences between this PS2 version the PSP version are in this section. They are as follows: 1. Intro is now in color with the "old age" effect from the windows movie maker slapped on there. 2. The "Extra" feature now includes a "Cut Scene Viewer" option which allows you to view all the cut scenes you have seen in the game. 3. The voice acting has been completely re-done mostly for the better. All the worries over Homunculus's voice should be disregarded in my personal opinion because he does sound ALMOST exactly the same....except a bit more... masculine I think would be the most appropriate word....or maybe human? 4. The dialogue has been changed in a few areas that actually clear up some of the confusion about the game. 5. The "Digipad" has been renamed to the "Z-Pad." Z-Pad" is short for Zeit-Pad which, if I am correct, could translate to the "Time Pad." Makes sense in my opinion. 6. New NPCs were added to the game giving you a little bit more things to do in the game....and when I say more things I mean you can talk to more people and kind of get more help along the way. Also you can find the very Strange Couple in Margaret's time and watch them constantly miss eachother or you can actually get them to meet. 7. The sound effect was taken away from the Time Warp. However the sound effect can be found in the Sound Test option of the game. 8. New Artwork for the Endings as well as for the Start-up Screen. It is still the same artist, just more colorfull and doesn't have that "old drawing on parchment" feel to it anymore. 9. Game OVER screen has new voice acting. It's Dr. Wagner talking. 10. Dr. Wagner's name is properly pronounced. 11. Unlike the PS2 version talking to Sibylla does seem to give you percentage. I haven't prooven it but I am almost 100% positive. I used Jack Spade's Percentage FAQ as a reference. 12. According to Jack Spade's Percentage FAQ, showing the watchman your Z-Pad during the EX-Ending playthrough only gives you 1% but I found that it gives you 2%. WHOOH! DIFFERENCES! ============== CHARACTERS ============== <---------------------MAJOR SPOILERS IN CHARACTERS---------------------------> If you are not finished with the game yet, I wouldn't suggest reading this part of the FAQ just yet as I do spoil some of the story in this section. These are IN DEPTH character descriptions with my personal opinions added in. I did this in hope to clear up some of the questions regarding the story. IF YOU HAVE NOT FINISHED THE GAME DO NOT READ THIS SECTION!!! EIKE KUSCH - The game's protagonist. After he leaves Cafe Sonne to go on a walk, he is suddenly stabbed in the back by a mysterious killer at exactly 2:30. Waking up in a sort of "purgatory," he is given the chance to go back in time to escape his fate by a mysterious voice. Eike isn't too sure if he can trust this voice just yet after given an opportunity that is too good to be true. Eike soon learns that just because he cheated fate once, doesn't mean that he can do it again and so easily. HOMUNCULUS - Homunculus is the mysterious creature who gives Eike the the Z-pad to aid him in cheating death. He admits to Eike in Chapter 3 that he would be in trouble too if Eike dies. As the game goes on, it becomes more and more apparent of how 'inhuman' and 'unfeeling' the Homunculus can actually be. He is sarcastic, and loves to make fun of Eike as politely as possible. DANA - Dana is the woman who works in the cafe who originaly wakes Eike up after he is brought back to life. She mysteriously aquires the Philosopher's stone, and thinking it's Eike's, she tries to take it too him. While trying to escape his attacker, Eike accidentally takes her to 1580 and looses her there. MARGARETE - Margarete is the girl who Eike meets in 1580 and is the daughter of Dr. Wagner, the alchemist who creates the Homunculus.Eike saves her from being arrested as soon as he arives. Because of this, Margarete seems to have developed a little crush on Eike. After all, he is her hero. Not to mention she is facinated with Eike's time. HUGO - Margarete's little brother, who can't get over his mother's death. As soon as he meets Eike, he figures out that Eike is from the future and his Z-pad can make him travel through time. No one believes him except his older sister, Margarete. HELENA - Dr. Wagner's wife and mother of Hugo and Margarete. At the beginning of the game she is very ill. She can't see and she can't even move from the bed. ECKART - He is the director of the art museum and good friends with Eike. He lost his wife and daughter in a terrible crime and can't seem to get over it. Sibylla - I know I spell this name different every time I type it. Anyway, she is the daughter of Alfred Brum, Eckart's ancestor. She spends her days taking care of her baby brother and doing chores, making her life quite boring. Eike feels sorry for her and brings her a kitten. Miriam - Eckart's wife who was murdered in a crime. You actually witness the crim in the game and if you play the game right, you can go back and save her. Mr. Brum - Alfred Brum is Eckart's ancestor who orginally turns the mansion into a museum and/or library. He's quite indecisive but it doesn't take much to change his mind. Oleg - Oleg is a movie producer who seems to just be failing at life. Eike makes him a famous movie producer to ensure that he doesn't die. ==== TIPS ==== 1. Keep an eye out for your time. The clock is ALWAYS ticking, no matter what time you are in. 98% of the time, if you talk to someone or inititiate a scene, you will spend 30 seconds to 2 minutes from your time. 2. The first thing you should do when you get the chance, is find Energy Units. Those are those little green orbs that are found throughout the game. 3. Talk to EVERYONE! You never know what you might find out or if you might get a scene. Show people items and see how they respond! 4. If you save mid-chapter, ALWAYS save on a SEPARATE file! Why? Because if you use up too much time when you save, you will never be able to complete the chapter. Remember you save at the beginning of each chapter, so the worst thing that can happen if you get a GAME OVER is restarting the chapter. However if you save mid-chapter and you spent too much time you'll never be able to complete the chapter and have to START THE GAME OVER!!! ====== FORMAT ====== The format of this walkthrough is as follows: ~~~~~~~~ Chapter The beginning of each chapter, obviously. ~~~~~~~~ ------------- DATE AND TIME The Date and Time will be displayed between these ------------- dotted lines. <---ROUTE 1---> Okay anytime you see this, this is the basic and most quickest way to progress in the game. It will not increase your percentage by very much if you insist on ONLY taking this route. :::::::::::::::::::: ::EXTRA PERCENTAGE:: The Extra Percentage is a list of events and routes :::::::::::::::::::: that you can do in the game to get you closer to that 100% mark! Most can be done regardless of route taken however, there are some chapters that depend heavily on the route (ESPECIALLY CHAPTER 1 AND 4) Route 1/2/3 These are different methods of completeing the chapter in the ------------ game. In order to get a 100% you are going to have to take each route. Depending on which route you choose, the story will be affected differently in each chapter. Route 1 is the general route in which you will take to get from point A --> point B and you will end up with ENDING D. It is the most basic of routes that I have found. Within the "Extra Percentage" section of the chapter, I have listed all available routes. In Chapter 1, the game branches out into 3 routes. And from there the individual routes branch off into more brances. Which is why in Chapter one they are labeled simply with "Route 1" but in Chapter 4 they are labled as "Route 1.1, Route 1.2, Route 2.1 etc. Route 1.1 is continueing from Route 1. Route 1.2 is it's branch. So on and so forth. SCENES: Scenes will be numbered accordingly with their titles (some cleverly named by me ^_^ ) =========== PERCENTAGES =========== I'M not sure about the PS2 version, as I never got the opportunity to experiment.However I have discovered that obtaining all the scenes in the EVENT VIEWER does not mean that you got a 100% for that chapter. In other words, scenes only count as part of the percentage, infact it usually only means that you have 90% of the chapter completed. SOOOO, here's what I did. I wrote the walkthrough of ROUTE 1. This basically means that I did not talk to anyone. I went DIRECTLY from point A to point B without talking to anyone, without going anywhere, without wandering. By doing this, I completed only 35% of the game. You have to complete every route available. There are so many different things that you can do. The most important things that change percentage are: Whether or not you have the EGG Frying Pan VS SIGN Telling Margaret about ancestory Talking to people does NOT effect your percentage. Making people do stuff as a result of talking to them DOES effect percentage like the ability to make choices. EXAMPLE: Talking to the Fortune Teller again: IS THERE ANYTHING FURTHER? -What was the time again? (Adds 2%) -No nothing (Add's 4%) EXAMPLE OF TAKING EVERY ROUTE POSSIBLE: SCENE 3: Z-Pad EXPLANATIONS - Okay I get it (to progress immediately) - Tell me again (Adds 2%) In other words, if you were to choose the option "Tell me again" and THEN say "Okay I get it" instead of just saying "Okay I get it" immedietly, you will add Percentage to your overall game! Also getting the GAME OVER scenes does NOT effect percentage. It IS however very amusing to see how badly Homunculus makes fun of you so....if you want to get a game over...be my guest. For Example: Making contact with your past self in the Prologue. HOWEVER, if you DIE! (which is different from erasing your existance) that WILL add to your Percentage....I know right? For Example: If you were to run out of time in the PRESENT and you get killed for the first time you will get SCENE 15: IT'S NOT EASY IS IT? (but in the prologue) which will bring Uou to SCENE 130 and addS 4% Scenes do not have a set value. Why I don't know. But I do know that how short or long the chapter is, DOES effect the value. Other than that, I don't know. =========================== Z-PAD ENERGY UNIT LOCATIONS =========================== These are not ALL of the locations. These are really just the easiest ones to get too. If there are any that I am missing let me know, I'll put them in and give proper credit. <---2001---> -infront of the fortune teller -the south gate -underneath the arch on Ruckgrat St <---1980---> -on the steps of Ruckgrat St. -North Gate -Off of Rudolf St, underneath arch next to Photoshop -underneath the arch of Ruckgrat St. <---1902---> -in the foyer of the Brum Mansion -Tree near the bar -Where the movie poster would be in the future -small tree off of Rudolf St. -Closed off stairs on Neuwand St <---1580's---> -behind the well -on a bench where the bar would be -the church -East Gate -In a small squared off area across from East Gate. You have to go through a small opening to get to it. ============================ LET'S PLAY THIS GAME ALREADY ============================ Okay, okay! Let's get started on this game already! Please note that ROUTE 1 will lead you to get ENDING D! ~~~~~~~~ PROLOGUE ~~~~~~~~ Complete Route 1: 18% Complete EXTRA PERCENtAGE: 41% Complete EX 1-2: 100% ---------------- 4/08/2001 2:00pm ---------------- <---ROUTE 1---> SCENE 1: It Happens. SCENE 2: BAD NEWS...YOU'RE DEAD -Okay pick up the shiny thing on the ground with the X-button...if you haven't figured it out yet. SCENE 3: Z-Pad EXPLANATIONS - Okay I get it (to progress immediately) - Tell me again SCENE 4: TIME IS SOMETHING MORE SERIOUS THAT EVEN HOMUNCULUS KNOWS -Okay...now walk out the creepy door. ---------------- 4/08/2001 2:00pm ---------------- Note: Talk to NPCs are a good WASTE OF TIME....which is actually wanted for some of the scenes. So for this part of the walkthrough...yes....I am telling you to waste as much time as possible. SCENE 5: PLEASE WAKE UP SCENE 6: I GOT A Z-PAD....SO IT MUST BE TRUE. -Go to the FORMER ALCHEMISTS HOUSE SCENE 7: WHEN DID WE GET A FORTUNE TELLER SCENE 8: OH HEY CREEPY FORTUNE TELLER -Go out the door and grab the ENERGY UNIT. -Time warp to the past! ---------------- 4/08/2001 1:33PM ---------------- TIP: Fortune Teller costs 2 minutes, so that's a good way to pass time quickly -Talk to: Old Lady 1 (circling building infront off FORMER ALCHEMIST HOUSE) Rude Little Girl Rude Little Girl's Mother (Found near the bar, usually) -Time Warp back to present ----------------- 4/08/2001 PRESENT ----------------- -Go straight to the TOWN SQUARE and talk to the JUGGLER SCENE 9: THERE'S A GUY WITH NO WORRIES SCENE 10: STALKER!! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: PROLOGUE - EXTRA PERCENTAGE 41% :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::SCENE 3: Z-Pad EXPLANATIONS :: :: - Okay I get it :: :: - Tell me again (ADDS 2%) :: :: :: ::Wait in the PRESENT until 2:10 "EERIE FEELING" (2%) :: :: :: ::Talk to any of the Dogs (2%) :: :: :: ::Try going into Cafe Sonne in PRESENT (2%) :: :: :: ::Talking to the Fortune Teller again: :: :: IS THERE ANYTHING FURTHER? :: :: -What was the time again? (2%) :: :: -No nothing (4%) :: :: :: ::Go to the Fortune Teller in the PAST (1%) :: :: :: ::Run out of time in the PRESENT for the first ime (4%) :: :: :: ::Run out of time in the PRESENT for a second time (4%) :: :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER 1 ~~~~~~~~~ ROUTE 1: 37% Complete EXTRA PERCENAGE: 100% ---Okay there are SEVERAL ways you can get through CHAPTER 1. What you do in CHAPTER 1 will effect CHAPTER 4 and CHAPTER 5. Route 2 and 3 are in the EXTRA PERCENTAGE box--- <---ROUTE 1---> SCENE 11: DID MY FATE CHANGE? -talk to the Fortune teller SCENE 12 NOT OUT OF THE CLEAR YET -Go to the bar which is now a blazing inferno. -talk to the Kid SCENE 13: GRANPA'S IN THERE -It's too Dangerous -I'll try getting inside (answer this one) SCENE 14: NOT ONE OF MY BETTER IDEAS... SCENE 15: IT'S NOT EASY IS IT? SCENE 16: NOT A GOOD TIME (I personally think it's a perfect time) -Warp to the past after getting the Energy Unit if you need one. ----------------- 04/08/2001 2:00pm ----------------- -Go toward's the side of the bar. SCENE 17: ARSON! -go back to the past SCENE 18: YOU CHANGED THE PAST! YAY! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: CHAPTER 1 - EXTRA PERCENTAGE 100% :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: ::Talk to the Fortune Teller AGAIN :: :: -Is there anything further? (8%) :: :: -No nothing (5%) :: :: :: ::Talk to the Fotune Teller in the PAST (4%) :: :: :: ::Talk to the Dog in the past (4%) :: :: :: ::Go to the Juggler before going to the fire (4%) :: :: :: ::Die in the Present second time (4%) :: :: :: ::ROUTE 2 :: ::-------- :: ::- Talk to the kid :: ::- Answer "The heat is too great" (4%) :: ::- Go to the juggler again (4%) :: ::- Talk to the kid again and say "No Way" (4%) :: ::- Talk to him again and say "I'll give it a try" :: ::- Try to escape through the door (4%) :: ::- Try to escape down stairs (5%) :: ::- Go behind the Bar :: ::- Teleport back :: :: :: ::ROUTE 3 :: ::-------- :: ::- Talk to the kid :: ::- Answer "The heat is too great" :: ::- Go to the juggler again :: ::- Talk to the kid again and say "No Way" :: ::- Talk to him again and say "I'll give it a try" :: ::- Try to escape through the door :: ::- Try to escape down stairs :: ::- Teleport to the past AFTER 2:45 :: ::- Try to go ouside (4%) :: ::- Go downstairs (4%) :: ::- Go back downstairs (5%) :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER 2 ~~~~~~~~~ Route 1: 41% Complete EXTRA PERCENtAGE: 100% <---ROUTE 1---> SCENE 19: SIR SCENE 20: STABBED! SCENE 21: THERE'S SOMEONE BEHIND THE TREE! -Go back to the town square and watch (or skip) a repeat of SCENE 19. And get the LIGHTER -Teleport to the past! --------------- 11/18/1580 7:00 --------------- SCENE 22: HE FELL FROM THE SKY!! -At this point you can't move. So you can show them either the LIGHTER or the CELLPHONE. SCENE 23: IF YOU SHOW THEM THE LIGHTER \ you can only choose one, but to SCENE 24: IF YOU SHOW THEM THE CELLPHONE! / get the other 3% choose the opposite your second time. SCENE 25: I'M MARGARET! -Follow Margaret back to her house. Or outrun her if it's that important. SCENE 26: MEET THE FAMILY! -After the incredibly long scene, go to the SQUARE and talk to the man who is planting the tree. SCENE 22: I NEED TO PLANT A TREE! -Now go back behind the CITY HALL and get the LATTER propped up infront of the BUTCHER SHOP and head towards THE SQIRE'S MANSION which is directly SOUTH of the LATTER. -Talk to the boy there. You'll probably have to talk to him twice. When he asks you for a trade, trade him THE POSTCARD. SCENE 23: IT'S SO HIGH, I'LL USE THE LATTER I KEEP IN MY BACK-POCKET!! -Use the LADDER SCENE 24: MINE! -Go back to the SQUARE and show the man the SQUIRE'S CREST. SCENE 25: HE DOESN'T WANT A TREE HERE. -PLANT FLOWERS \ I don't think it matters -MAKE A STATUE / which one you choose. -Teleport back to the PRESENT SCENE 26: ...HMMM I THINK I FORGOT SOMETHING BACK THERE... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: CHAPTER 2 - EXTRA PERCENTAGE 100% :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: NOTE: Talk to the Fortune Teller does NOT add to percentage in this :: :: chapter for some reason :: :: :: :: Talk to Dana's boss when you get control of Eike (3%) :: :: :: :: Talk to Dana's boss a second time (3%) :: :: :: :: Go to the Dog (3%) :: :: :: :: Try to leave Dana for first time (2%) :: :: :: :: Just wait a few moments (3%) :: :: :: :: Try leaving two more times (8%) :: :: :: :: When you try leaving two more times after the second time you were killed :: :: you will get (9%) :: :: :: :: Okay try leaving one more time and wait one second (3%) :: :: :: ::-1580- :: :: :: :: Before you present the LIGHTER or the PHONE try leaving (3%) :: :: :: :: When you are asked to show either the LIGHTER or the PHONE use the Z-Pad :: :: to go back to the present (5%) :: :: :: :: When asked to show either the LIGHTER or the PHONE use the opposite of :: :: what you used the last time you played the game. (3%) :: :: :: :: Go into Margaret's house twice (5%) :: :: :: :: Talk to the guy planting the tree a second time (3%) :: :: :: :: Show the guy planting the tree the LIGHTER or PHONE (3%) :: :: :: :: Route 2 :: :: --------- :: :: If you took ROUTE 2 and you still have the SCRIBNER'S EGG, show it to the :: :: guy who is planting the tree (3%) :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER 3 ~~~~~~~~~ ROUTE 1: 54% Complete EXTRA PERCENTAGE: 100% Complete EX 1-2: --------------- 04/08/2001 5:00 --------------- <---ROUTE 1---> SCENE 27: OUCH SCENE 29: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? SCENE 30: ARE YOU GOING TO THE MUSEUM? -The Museum is kind of in the same spot as the SQUIRE'S MANSIOn except that because the city is no longer just a town, it's a lot farther SOUTH. Luckily because of where you start off, all you have to do is go STRAIGHT, LEFT and then UP THE HILL! -Go through the door on the far right. Once you are in the next room go up the stairs and head left. SCENE 31: MR ECKART...THE CAT-MAN! -Go look at the paintings now. You won't be allowed to go down the stairs until you do. But all you have to do is look at one and then you can go down the stairs. SCENE 32: INSERT HOMUNCULUS (ain't he adorable?....in his own creepy way) - SCENE 33: IF YOU'LL EXCUSE ME -SCENE 35: LET'S TRY OUT MY POWERS. - SCENE 34: SHOW ME PROOF (CHOOSE THIS ONE) -SCENE 36: FINE! ----------------- 10/09/1979 6:35PM ----------------- SCENE 37: YOUNG MR. ECKART. SCENE 38: I NEED MORE GREEN STUFF. -Go down the hill and go down HAUPT ST to find the closest ENERGY UNIT. SCENE 39: I CAN GO HOME -Um....go home I guess. ----------------- 04/08/2001 5:30pm ----------------- SCENE 40: BELIEVE ME NOW? SCENE 41: DO YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER? SCENE 42: LET US UNITE IN THIS CONQUEST! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: CHAPTER 3 - EXTRA PERCENTAGE 100% :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: :: :: Waiting too long to go to the Museum (4%) :: :: :: :: Once in the Museam try leaving (5%) :: :: :: :: Die the second time in chapter 3 (9%) :: :: :: :: Try to go back to see Mr. Eckart (4%) :: :: :: :: Go down the stairs without looking at the paintings (5%) :: :: :: :: Choosing "if you'll excuse me" (9%) :: :: :: ::ALTERNATE ROUTE :: ::------------------- :: :: If you took ROUTE 2 in chapter 1 and you still have the Egg. Go :: :: down to the bar and talk to the bartender (5%) :: :: :: :: Talk to the bartender a second time (5%) :: :: :: :: -NOTE: if you take the ALTERNATE ROUTE you will deviate from :: :: ROUTE 2, and get on the path of ROUTE 3 :: :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER 4 ~~~~~~~~~ ROUTE 1: 36% Complete EXTRA PERCENTAGE: Complete EX 1-2: <---ROUTE 1---> Note: Like Chapter 1, this game has many routes. The walkthrough continues chapter 1 Route one. In the EXTRA PERCENTAGE part, it continues from Route 3 and Route 2. In Route 2, it will branch out into Route 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3. -------------- 4/08/2001 8:00 -------------- SCENE 43: NOT NECCESSARY SCENE 44: CAN'T YOU TRY NOT TO GET YOURSELF STABBED SCENE 45: THE PHOTO IN THE BOOK -If you only have one ENERGY UNIT remaining, go get some and then teleport to the past. ---------------- 03/20/1902 10:00 ---------------- -when you get control of Eike again, go head towards man standing infront of the building SCENE 46: MUSEUM? THIS IS MY HOME? SCENE 47: SYBILLA SCENE 48: PHOTOGRAPH WITH THE HOUSE -Now that you have control of Eike again, go pick up the SCHRIBNER'S EGG that is sitting on the chair across from Sybilla. SCENE 49: SCHRIBNER'S EGG ----------------- 04/08/2001 2:00PM ----------------- SCENE 50: I HOPE THIS WORKS -When you get in control of Eike again, use the bean bags in your item's menu. SCENE 51: IRONY ------------------ 03/20/1902 10:30pm ------------------ SCENE 52: READY FOR A PICTURE? SCENE 53: TAKING THE PHOTO SCENE 54: YOU ALREADY GOT A FRYING PAN. -Get the Energy Unit if you need it and go back to the present. ----------------- 04/08/2001 7:40pm ----------------- -hury and use the frying pan. SCENE 55: FRYING PANS ROCK! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: CHAPTER 4 - EXTRA PERCENTAGE 100% :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: During any one of the routes, if you try to leave the house at the end of :: :: the chapter before you teleport back, you get (3%) :: :: :: :: Talk to Sybilla "What is it?" (3%) :: :: :: :: Die in the Present a second time (3%) :: :: :: :: Die in the Present when you have the tool you need (3%) :: :: -NOTE: I think no matter what it has to be the third:: :: time you die, but you still HAVE to have the :: :: tool you need. :: :: :: :: When you go in the semi-present as the juggler and go and talk to :: :: the dogs (2%) :: :: :: :: When you go in the semi-present go to Cafe Sonne (3%) :: :: :: :: When you go in the semi-present and talk to the fortune teller (3%) :: :: :: :: :: ::Route 1.2 :: ::--------- :: ::-Talk to brum :: ::-Ignore the egg and exit the door (2%) :: ::-Go and get the Sign from the PhotoShop (3%) :: ::-Go back and talk to Sibylla (5%) :: ::-Use the Sign in the Present (3%) :: :: :: ::ALTERNATE ROUTE :: ::--------------- :: ::-Go and get the Sign from the PhotoShop :: ::-Teleport to the present without going back to Sibylla. (3%) :: :: :: :: -NOTE: The ALTERNATE ROUTE, will take you on the :: :: continuation of ROUTE 1.2, it is merely a :: :: different method completing 1.2. Because you :: :: will continue on this path even with this new :: :: method, I do not consider it a different route :: :: :: ::Route 2.1 :: ::---------- :: ::-Talk to brum and after the repeat scenes you'll get (3%) :: ::-Go back into the room where Sibylla is :: ::-Then walk out of the room :: ::-Now go get the sign from the Photoshop :: ::-Go back and talk to Sibylla and go through :: ::-Travel to the present using the sign as a shield (5%) :: :: :: :: -Note if there is some confusion regarding why Eike doesn't seem to :: :: remember taking the photograph, it's because I honestly think there :: :: was some kind of mistake when the game was made. :: :: You see, if you get the sign and go straight to the past, you don't :: :: see homunculus in the event and he doesn't discuss the photograph. :: :: However, if you DO go back to Sybilla and take the picture, for some :: :: reason he doesn't remember taking the picture.... which is why I :: :: think the events were supposed to be switched, but the programmers :: :: made a mistake......it makes sense when you think about it. :: :: The same goes with the iron skillet. If you leave the bar and don't :: :: take the picture, nothing is said of the photograph. :: :: :: ::Route 2.2 :: ::--------- :: ::-Talk to Brum, and after the repeat scenes you'll get :: ::-Go back into the room :: ::-Then walk back into the room :: ::-Travel to the PRESENT and go to the Bar! :: ::-Go down the stairs and trade the egg for a skillet (3%) :: ::-Do NOT leave the bar. Teleport straight to 1902. :: ::-Go and talk to Sibylla again. (5%) :: ::-Go to the PRESENT (6%) :: :: :: ::ALTERNATE ROUTE :: ::--------------- :: ::-As soon as you get the skillet leave the bar and save yourself with the :: :: the iron skillet (3%) :: :: :: ::Route 3.1 :: ::---------- :: :: If you have the frying pan, don't save yourself with it at the :: :: beginning of the chapter. You can go straight to the bar in the present.:: :: -Go downstairs (3%) :: :: -Walk outside and use the frying pan. :: :: -you have skipped chapter 4, congratulations :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 5 ~~~~~~~~~ ROUTE 1: 50% Complete EXTRA PERCENTAGE: Complete EX 1-2: <---ROUTE 1---> SCENE 56: I'm HUNGRY -When you get control of Eike again, head to the BAR ZUM EI. SCENE 57: FOOD! SCENE 58: I CAN READ!! SCENE 59: FOUND ANYTHING OUT? SCENE 60: YEAH...YOU WERE POISONED... -As soon as you can you want to go back to 1902 and talk to BRUM. SCENE 61: DECISIONS DECISIONS. -MUSEUM -LIBRARY (choose this one) -Now go back to the PRSENT and head towards the MUSEUMS which is now a LIBRARY. -Once you are in the LIBRARY take the NORTH door. SCENE 62: The book! -Now go back to 1580! ----------------- 08/13/1584 2:20pm ----------------- SCENE 63: OH NO IT BLEW UP! -You can't get inside, there's a doggy there blocking your way. So go to the BUTCHER'S shop. SCENE 64: WHAT? LOOKING FOR MEAT? -Now that you have SCRAP MEAT, go back to the little doggy and give it to him. SCENE 65: MEAT! -Go inside the house. SCENE 66: HOMUNCULUS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? -There is going to be a key on the floor pick up and travel even farther into the past. ---------------- 5/24/1582 3:15pm ---------------- -You're going to go straight into the ALCHEMIST'S HOUSE and then go down to to the lab. SCENE 67: WHO ARE YOU! WhAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY LAB? -Go back up the stairs. SCENE 68: NO REALLY...WHO ARE YOU SCENE 69: AND THAT'S WHAT THE FUTURE IS LIKE. SCENE 70: TAKE ME TO YOUR TIME -you're my ancestor -nothing (choose this) SCENE 71: I DIDN'T HEAR YOU. -you're my ancestor -nothing (choose this) SCENE 72: WHAT ARE YOU MUMBLING ABOUT? SCENE 73: HUGO'S A SNOOP AND HAS ANGER ISSUES AND IS CRAZY -finally you can go back home -When you get back home go ahead and use the ANTIDOTE! SCENE 74: YAY FOR ANCIENT REMEDIES! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: CHAPTER 5 - EXTRA PERCENTAGE 100% :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: At the beginning of the chapter, go right back inside the bar when you get:: :: control of Eike again. This won't get you percentage, however, if you walk:: :: back in and he shows you a picture of his grandkids, you will get a scene :: :: that adds percentage (2%) :: :: :: :: Go back in and he'll still try to show you the picture (2%) :: :: :: :: In 1584 you can talk to the dog before you get the meat (2%) :: :: :: :: Trying to go into the lab without the key (2%) :: :: :: :: As soon as you get to 1580, you need to go into the square first before :: :: you go the the ALCHEMIST'S HOUSE. (2%) :: :: :: :: Talk to Dr. Wagner three more times (7%) :: :: :: :: If you go to the 1980's without reading the book in the library, when you :: :: go upstairs after talking to Dr. Wagner, you'll get a new scene with :: :: Margaret. (2%) :: :: :: :: Dying with the antidote (3%) :: :: :: ::ROUTE 1.2 ALTERNATE ROUTE :: ::-------------------------- :: ::-If you skipped taking the photo after you got the sign in route 2.1 when :: :: you warp to 1902, talk to Sibylla and you'll take the photo. (6% ) :: :: :: ::ROUTE 2 :: ::-------- :: :: :: ::-Basically, before you turn the museum into a library, go to :: :: the 1580's and talk to Dr. Wagner. :: ::-Telling Margaret about the ancestory (SCENE - 4%) :: ::-Go back to 1902 and change it into a library :: ::-Go back to 1580 and try to leave (4%) :: ::-Go back inside the house (2%) :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::Route 3.1 :: ::-------------------- :: ::-If you saved the bar by telling the owner (3%) :: ::-Go into the bar (2%) :: ::-as soon as you can, go to 1902 and you'll have to go through the events :: :: of chapter 4 (9%) before you can go on an change the museum to a library :: :: :: :: -NOTE: be sure to tell Margaret about her ancestory in this chapter :: :: if you are doing ROUTE 3 :: :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 6 ~~~~~~~~~ ROUTE 1: 31% Complete EXTRA PERCENTAGE: Complete EX 1-2: <---ROUTE 1---> SCENE 75: A BORING FILM -Okay you're going to get run over, but you can still grab the energy unit on the South Gate. SCENE 76: YEAH....I WAS WAITING FOR THIS ONE SCENE 77: DON'T GIVE UP EIKE -After the scene Teleport to the past....now ----------------- 02/07/1980 2:30pm ----------------- SCENE 78: I SUMMONED YOU! -Meditating Man -Time Travel (choose this one) SCENE 79: MOTIVATION -Find out his own death (choose this one) -Take over the world SCENE 80: SOMETHING ELSE -love story \ -thriller / Chose this one. SCENE 81: HE'S IMPRESSED -When you can control Eike again, go across the SQUARE and go SOUTH down HAUPT STREET SCENE 82: GUNSHOT -Keep going south SCENE 83: MRS. BRUM'S DEATH -Go back to your own time SCENE 84: BLOCKBUSTER HIT ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: CHAPTER 6 - EXTRA PERCENTAGE 100% :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: ::NOTE: From here on out routes don't really matter, what DOES matter is :: :: whether or not you told Margaret about the ancestory. :: :: :: :: Teleporting infront of Oleg will give you (3%) :: :: :: ::Oleg :: ::----- :: :: Meditating Man (3%) :: :: Warp to Present :: :: Now choose time travel :: :: To take over the world (11%) :: :: Warp to the Present :: :: Time Travel :: :: Cause of his own death :: :: Love story (6%) :: :: :: :: -after you finish talking to oleg, go back to oleg (3%) :: :: :: :: :: ::Route 1.2 :: ::--------- :: :: :: ::-After you get done talking to Oleg, go to Haupt street and go south. :: ::-You'll hear the gunshot :: ::-keep going south and you'll see Homunculus (3%) :: ::-Keep going south and you should get a familiar scene. :: ::-after the familiar scene he'll have a flashback of Homunculus (3% ) :: ::-instead of teleporting to the past, you're going to teleport to a few :: :: moments before the crime. So you choose A Cold Day again....if that makes :: :: sense..... :: :: You can choose either "It's Dangerous" (5%) or "Your Baby is Cute" (3%) :: ::-If you chose "it's dangerous" you'll hear a second gunshot (3%) :: ::-Keep going down south and get a new scene (6%) :: ::-Try to leave (3%) :: ::-Now teleport to the present. (6%) :: ::-Teleport to the Cold Day again (2%) :: ::-Chase after her!(3%) :: ::-Talk to Miriam and Eckart twice (6%) :: ::-Teleport back. :: :: :: ::ROUTE 2.1 :: ::--------- :: ::-This is just a continuation of Route 2.1. You'll need it for percentage in:: :: Chapter 7. In other words, simply do NOT save Miriam. After you get the :: :: first crime scene, go back to the present and save the chapter :: :: :: ::ROUTE 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 :: ::-------------------- :: ::-After you get done talking to Oleg, go to Haupt street and go south. :: ::-You'll hear the gunshot :: ::-keep going south and you'll see Homunculus (3%) :: ::-Keep going south and you should get a familiar scene. :: ::-after the familiar scene he'll have a flashback of Homunculus (3% ) :: ::-instead of teleporting to the past, you're going to teleport to a few :: :: moments before the crime. So you choose A Cold Day again....if that makes :: :: sense..... :: :: You can choose either "It's Dangerous" or "Your Baby is Cute" :: ::-If you chose "it's dangerous" you'll hear a second gunshot :: ::-Keep going down south and get a new scene :: ::-Try to leave :: ::-Now teleport to the present. :: ::-Teleport to the Cold Day again :: ::-Chase after her! :: ::-Talk to Miriam and Eckart twice :: ::-Teleport back. :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 7 ~~~~~~~~~ ROUTE 1: 44% Complete EXTRA PERCENTAGE: Complete EX 1-2: <---ROUTE 1---> SCENE 85: LOCKED IN -travel up to the tower and ignore the old rope. SCENE 86: REALLY EIKE? SCENE 87: CHANCE WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR SCENE 88: STILL LOCKED EIKE -travel to the night before and try to go inside the tower. SCENE 89: I NEED A KEY -Go ahead and tavel back to 1902 ------------------ 03/20/1902 10:40pm ------------------ SCENE 90: I'M GOING TO RUN INTO MYSELF -Grab the key from it's hook SCENE 91: TAKING THE KEY -I don't really get this....but you have to go into the bathroom and then go back out to get out of this room. And when you do you need to go to the tower. Why You have to go to the bathroom I don't know why...but you do... -Once you are in the Tower get the NEW ROPE! And then go back to the NIGHT BEFORE. Travel to the top of the tower and use the rope at the ledge. SCENE 92: IF I TIE IT HERE.... SCENE 93: WHO'S HE TALKING TO -Then travel back to the present. ------------------------ PRESENT (yeah I'm lazy) ------------------------ -GO up the Tower and grab onto the rope. SCENE 94: HAHA! FOILED AGAIN! SCENE 95: WE NEED TO talk (THANK GOD FOR COMBS) SCENE 96: THE MAN LOOKED JUST LIKE YOU SCENE 97: DANA? ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: CHAPTER 7 - EXTRA PERCENTAGE 100% :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: after you get the key and you go into the other room, try going back into :: :: the living room (3%) :: :: :: :: During the Night Before, don't get the rope, but go ontop of the tower and:: :: click on the banister. This get's a small scene (2%) :: :: :: :: Tying the old rope during the Night Before (3%) :: :: :: :: death by old rope - homunculus has a really bad way of rubbing this one in:: :: Regardless you get (6%) :: :: :: :: picking up the rope in the Present - (3%) :: :: :: :: tying old rope on A COLD DAY (3%) :: :: :: :: tying new rope on A COLD DAY (3%) :: :: :: :: tying new rope on 1902 (3%) :: :: :: :: tying old rope on 1902 (3%) :: :: :: :: Death by procrastination 1 (let the ten seconds run out without grabbing :: :: the OLD rope (6%) :: :: :: :: Death by procrastination 2 (let the ten seconds run out without grabbing :: :: the NEW rope (3%) :: :: :: ::ROUTE 1.2 :: ::--------- :: :: :: :: after you save yourself with the rope you'll get (6%) :: :: :: ::ROUTE 2.1 :: ::--------- :: :: :: :: After you save yourself with the rope you'll get (3%) :: :: :: ::ROUTE 2.2,3.1,3.2 :: ::--------- :: :: :: :: after you save yourself with the rope you'll get (9%) :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 8 ~~~~~~~~~ ROUTE 1: 32% Complete EXTRA PERCENTAGE: Complete EX 1-2: <---ROUTE 1---> SCENE 98: DANA? ...again... -go back in time. ------------ 08/03/1584 ------------ SCENE 99: I SHOULD ASK ABOUT THAT PICTURE -Go to the Painter's House SCENE 100: OH WOW IT IS DANA SCENE 101: LOOK THE STONE! -Okay take care of yourself (Choose this one) -Let's go back together SCENE 102: THIS IS IMPORTANT -Take chare of yourself (Choose this one -Let's go back SCENE 103: THANKS -Now that you have the red stone go to THE ALCHEMIST'S HOUSE SCENE 104: YAY HE CAME BACK! -Go down to the lab and talk to Dr. WAGNER SCENE 105: I HAVE THE STONE -Go up the stairs SCENE 106: DID YOU GET TO SEE FATHER? -Go to 10 days later --------------- TEN DAYS LATER --------------- -Go to the ALCHEMIST'S HOUSE SCENE 107: HUGO! -Go down the basement SCENE 108: ANOTHER TIME MACHINE -Go back to the present ------------- PRESENT ------------- SCENE 109: HUGO'S PHONE CALL -Go to the SQUARE SCENE 110: HE'S GOT A KNIFE! SCENE 111: I'M GOING TO MAKE MOTHER -Go back to 1584 --------------- 08/13/1984 -------------- -Go to the ALCHEMIST'S HOUSE SCENE 112: HUGO ISN'T HERE YET -Go down in the basement and get the research notes on the table. SCENE 113: BURNING THE NOTES -Now go back to the present --------------- PRESENT -------------- -Go back to the SQUARE SCENE 114: HUGO'S STILL THERE....BUT NOT FOR LONG SCENE 115: WHERE COULD HE BE? SCENE 116: SOMETHINGS WRONG SCENE 117: TRYING TO READ THE NOTES SCENE 118: DISSAPEARING... SCENE 119: SHE BURNED THEM SCENE 120: THEY DISSAPEARED... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: CHAPTER 8 - EXTRA PERCENTAGE 100% :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: Talk to Dr. Wagner before you talk to Dana. (1%) :: :: :: :: :: :: When you go upstairs, you'll get two scenes, and then try to go back in :: :: for another scene (4%) :: :: :: :: try to go back into the house after you gave Dr. Wagner the stone (1%) :: :: :: :: Talking to Hugo after he tells you to find Homunculus (1%) :: :: :: ::ROUTE 1.2 :: ::---------- :: :: :: ::-Because you should not have told Margaret about her ancestory, we are on :: :: the road to ENDING E, in which Dana will return to you in the present. :: ::-Okay as soon as you can Teleport to 1584. :: ::-You'll get a repeated scene of course, and then go to the Karl Fransen's :: :: place. :: ::-you will of course see Dana. :: ::-Now in Route 1.1 you let her stay. In this route you're going to choose :: :: "Let's go back together, Dana." :: ::-She get's upset, needless to say. (1% - I felt cheated too) :: ::-Go back to the present :: ::-Go to the Cafe and pick up the letter (3%) :: ::-Travel back to 1854 :: ::-Talk to Dana who is leaning up against City Hall. But don't go to the :: :: present just yet, try teleporting to anywhere but. (3%) :: ::-Talk to her again (1% -once again...LAME) :: ::-Talk to her again and go to the present. (3% - LAME LAME! I got TWO SCNES):: ::-Now go back and give Dr. Wagner his red stone.(2%) :: :: -NOTE: The differences in scenes is that Hugo says "I know it for a :: :: fact," however, once again, you can see the subtitles, but he :: :: still doesn't say it...a bug.....I suppose. :: ::-Go downstairs and give Dr. Wagner the stone (1% - ...again) :: ::-Teleport 10 days after the experiment and go into FORMER ALCHEMIST'S HOUSE:: :: Eike will ask about Homunculus in this scene (1% - I've come to accept it):: ::-Go down to the lab (2%) :: ::-Try to go to a different time other than the present (2%) :: :: -Note: couldn't figure this one out for the life of me. :: :: Proper credit goes to Jack Spades for this one. :: :: :: ::-Go back to the present (1%) :: ::-Now go to the square (3%) :: ::-Go back to 1854 and bring margarete back (5%) :: :: :: ::ROUTE 2.1 :: ::--------- :: ::-You should have told Margarete about her ancestory, so when you get to see:: :: Dana, you'll get a new scene (2%) :: ::-Give Dr. Wagner the stone :: ::-travel to ten days after the experiment. :: ::-Go to Margaret's house and go down to the lab. :: ::-Go to the present. :: ::-Go tot he square (2%) :: ::-Travel back to 1584 and go to Margarete's house (1% -FAIL) :: ::-Try to wake Margarete up (1%) :: ::-Travel back to the present. (2%) :: :: :: ::Route 2.2 :: ::--------- :: ::-After you get the scene with Hugo taking Margarete hostage, do NOT travel :: :: to the past. Go to the fortune teller (5%) :: ::-Now go back to Hugo. This is kind of a sad ending (10% -FINALLY) :: :: :: ::Route 3.1 :: ::---------- :: ::-Last one. Once again after you get the scene with ugo taking Margarete :: :: hostage, travel to A COLD DAY and find Homunculus sitting by a tree off :: :: of Haupt St. (2%) :: ::-Go back to Hugo in the Present (4%) :: :: :: ::ROUTE 3.2 :: ::--------- :: ::-Last one. Once again after you get the scene with Hugo taking Margarete :: :: hostage, travel to A COLD DAY and find Homunculus sitting by a tree off :: :: of Haupt St :: ::-Now go back to the present and go to the fortune teller (8%) :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~~~ Epilogue ~~~~~~~~ Yes, I know the order of the endings was a little off, but that's only because I was trying to make Route 1 the least complicated route possible. Besides, Ending D is the dullest of endings in my opinion. ROUTE 1.1: Gets you ending D 17% SCENE 121 -BEING USED 1 SCENE 122 -DR WAGNER'S WISH 1 SCENE 123 -WANDERING ROUTE 1.2: Gets you ending E 13% SCENE 123-BEING USED 2 SCENE 124-DR.WAGNER'S WISH 2 SCENE 126-OKAY DAD ROUTE 2.1: Gets ending C 13% SCENE 127-BAD FEELING 1 Route 2.2: Gets you ending B 30% SCENE 128-Good Job Eike SCENE 129-TAKE HER HOME SCENE 130-ALL SERVICES GARUNTEED Route 3.1: Gets you ending B-2 9% SCENE 131-BEING USED 4 SCENE 132-YOU CHOSE YOUR OWN PATH Route 3.2: Gets you ending A 31% SCENE 134-LOOKS LIKE IT'S OVER SCENE 135-I'LL STAY HERE SCENE 136-CRUEL FATE SCENE 137-PHILOSOPHER'S STONE ~~~~~~~~~~~~ EX 1 & 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ROUTE EX 1 ----------- -Go ahead and start a new game or continue from you last file where you beat the game. -You'll see the familiar opening scene. I usually just skip it. -When you die you awaken and you see that you have a new scene and new choices -Am I dead? -Am I dead again? (choose this one) (3%) -Oh, Homunculus (Choose this one) (3%) -Who's there -You know what to do from here. Walk out that door! SCENE 138: (3%) SCENE 137: -Go to the Fortune Teller SCENE 135: (4%) -Talk to the Fortune Teller again SCENE: Anything further (2%) -Go to the juggler SCENE 137: (2%) -Go to the Burning Bar SCENE 138: 2% -Choose heat of the fire is too great and go to the juggler SCENE 139: 2% SCENE 140: 2% -Go back to the fire and try getting inside SCENE 141: 5% -Now go through ALL of that again, instead when you are asked the second time to go into the bar say "No WAY!" and go to the CAFE! SCENE 142: 2% -Go back to the fire and try to get inside and go to the time of Margarete. SCENE 143: 2% -Scare them with the lighter SCENE 143: 2% SCENE 144: 2% -Go to Margarete's house EX ENDING 1: 7% ROUTE EX 2 ------------ You're going to do the exact same thing in Route EX 1 in Route EX 2 EXCEPT you are NOT GOING TO WARP TO THE PAST. Exit out of the Z-Pad -go down the stairs and try to exit the door. SCENE 145: 2% Scene 146: 2% -Now warp to the past and try to leave the people. Then show them the cellphone SCENE 147: 2% SCENE 148: 2% -Now warp BACK to the present and run out of time. EX ENDING 2: 4% EXTRA PERCENTAGE ----------------- yeah I got lazy with this one. Can you tell it's late? Anyway, let your time run out twice with the red stone. SCENE 149: 2% Show the watchman your Z-pad. SCENE 150: 2% -Note: Yes....this was the VERY last scene I got to give me 100%. Once again couldn't figure it out for the life of me and I was getting so impatient. Credit goes to Jack Spades and Jack Spades' percentage FAQ. ============ FUN STUFF!!! ============ --------------------------- BRINGING SIBYLLA THE KITTEN --------------------------- In chapter 5, talk to Sibylla after you have taken care of all the events of chapter 4...or that was supposed to be in chapter 4. She'll tell you how boring it is. Eike promises her a kitten. So in chapter 5 when you go to read about the antidote, stop by Eckart's office and get a kitten. Go ahead and bring that kitten to Sibylla and she is eternally greatfull. This is probably why Eckart has sooo many cats, or keeps cats in the first place.... ---------------------------------- TALKING TO OLEG AFTER HE'S FAMOUS ---------------------------------- In chapter 4 make sure you start a tab with the bar owner. Then after you get the pocket watch from 1980 Oleg, give the pocket watch to the bar owner. In chapter 7 AFTER you get the key, teleport to the PRESENT NOT THE NIGHT BEFORE!!!! Because you have the key you can exit tower and head towards the movie post. There is Oleg. He recognizes you, and is surprised, however he isn't convinced that you are the same guy who inspired him. -------------------- REUNITING THE COUPLE -------------------- In the PSP version the strange couple are also found in Margarete's time. In which you can actually reunite them. Chapter 2: ---------- Before you go in the house with Margarete, go to the west gate and talk to the woman. Then go over to the East Gate and talk to the man TWICE! Then go head towards the West Gate and talk to the woman again. Yeah...I know....they will miss each other again. Go into Margarete's house. After the scene go talk to the man now at the West Gate and the woman now at the East Gate. Then finish the events of Chapter 2 Chapter 3 --------- When you get teleported to 1980, instead of teleporting back when you get the Energy Unit, go to Margarete's time. The man is standing near Margarete's house. Talk to him, then go to the woman who is just north of the Karl Fransen's house. She says that he must be in their special place. Talk to her again and she disapears. Now go back to the man. Now he is going to the special place....... Except their definition of the "special place" are two completely different things. Try going into Margarete's house and then go to the SQUARE The man is there. Talk to him and he'll tell you that this is where the couple first met. Now go to the Church. The woman is there. Talk to him and she will tell you that the CHURCH is where they first met. These two have problems..... Go ahead and finish out Chapter 3 Chapter 4 ---------- At the beginning of chapter 4, instead of teleporting to 1902, teleport to Margarete's time Talk to the man twice who is in the square. Then go over to the church and talk to the woman TWICE! She starts heading towards the Square. Then go over the man who is in the square and talk to him. He will head towards the church. Go into Margarete's house. Now inbetween the square and the church...there they are.. THEY HAVE BEEN REUNITED!!! And so many words are exchanged....no...not really. Now go through the events of Chapter 4! ^_^ Chapter 5 ---------- In 1584 the man is just outide of the squire's mansion. he tells you that he is "fed up with waiting" The woman is no where to be found in 1584. Sad face. Travel to 1582 and they are nowhere to be found. Another Sad Face... Finish Chapter 5. Chapter 6 ---------- They are nowhere to be found in this chapter Chapter 7 --------- instead of going to 1902 go to Margarete's time (1582) The woman is in the square and she tells you that she has to leave town for family reasons. She doesn't know how to tell you. You can tell her to either NOT tell him, or to tell her to be truthful. Choose the truthful one. The man is by the church. He's says he's waiting again today. This is just getting depressing... Finish Chapter 7 Chapter 8 ---------- When you go to 1584, before you go see Dana go to the Church. There's the guy waiting again. But he says something very romantic that just makes you say awwwww. Ten days from the experiment he is still at the church. Talk to him and tell him about the story of lovers destined never to meet. I teaches him a lesson and he continues to wait....apparently once again.... awwwwww and that's all that you can do really. If there is anything else about the couple that you may know of let me know. I'll be sure to give proper credit if you alow me to use it. ! ^_^ ========= CREDITS ========= Credits goes to Konami for making this wonderful game. Jack Spades for making his FAQ which helped me try to figure out all the differences in the PSP version and PS2 version....and for those last two scenes that were giving me hell to find. To my older brother for introducing me to this game. To my best friend for forcing me to play the game and editing this walkthrough. (Friend: She had a LOT of errors...) Funny story actually. Never wanted to play this game because I thought it looked dull. My brother told me to play it though and my best friend really wanted to play something new so we started playing the game against my will... It was God's gift to man. NEVER judge a game by it's cover!