1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + SHADOW OF DESTINY for the PSP + + Game script dictated by Kwing + + e-mail - thejunkiebox at gee mail + + Version 1.1, last updated 9.9.14 + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ======================= Trivia: ======================= The script typed out in this game was done by hand; I had my PSP next to my laptop and an open ear. As a result, I can't guarantee that my writing is identical to the dialogue in-game. Certain things such as stuttering and sighs were purposely omitted for convenience, while actual typos appearing in the game's subtitles have been corrected. The names of the scenes themselves are unaltered, which means that many of them will contain typos which I decided to keep. A frequent offender of this is the set of scenes labeled "Homunculus's Objetive," an obvious misspelling of "objective." Contact me about only the typos that do not fit into this category; ideally I would prefer that you double-check with the game before messaging me. Additionally, this script contains only the scenes listed in Event Viewer. While some side-events, such as Sibylla asking for a kitten, are present in this list, the scene where Eike gives Sibylla a kitten is not present. Other notable scenes that do not appear in this list include the sidequests involving the separated couple, giving Margarete chocolate, and the scene in the early 1900s where Eike starts a tab at the coffee shop, which he later pays off with Oleg's egg-shaped pocket watch. ======================= Copyright Information: ======================= I do not own Shadow of Destiny. Shadow of Destiny and its script are the property of Konami. The game script below is simply the result of me watching each individual scene and taking dictation. This script may be used and redistributed for noncommercial use, under the condition that this text file is left unaltered, in its original state. The one exception to this rule is if you find inconsistencies or typos in the script; these may be fixed in another version. However, no name listed under the credits section is to be removed. ======================= Credits: ======================= Script transcribed by Kwing. Thanks to Konami for making one of the greatest story-based games on the market. Thanks to the GameFAQs for helping me unlock all of the scenes in Shadow of Destiny. ======================= Table of Contents ======================= Prologue 001 Fated to Die 002 Awakening 003 The Rules 004 Cafe Sonne 005 2 O'Clock 006 Clues 007 The Desstined Hour 1 008 The Desstined Hour 2 009 That Sneaking Feeling... 010 In the Darkness 011 I Know You 012 At Cafe Sonne Again 013 Eike's Predictions 014 A New Message 015 Hugo's Trap 016 Preemptive Action 017 Collared by Destiny 018 Reunion 019 Family 020 The Elixir 021 The Meaning of Fate 022 Ultimate Demise 023 Quiet Days Ahead Chapter 1 101 The Detined Hour 102 Message to Eike 103 Even I can do That 104 Fire at the Bar 105 Sorry, Kid... 106 Engulfed in Flames 107 Voice in the Darkness 1 108 Voice in the Darkness 2 109 The Door- -It's... 110 Nowhere to Run 111 Changing the Past 112 Famous Bar Owner 113 Scribner's Egg, Frying Pan 114 Arson Chapter 2 201 Scream 202 Lost Belonging 203 Out to Get Me 204 Dana 205 Once I Start Talking... 206 Timing is Everything 207 Replay 208 Chatting My Life Away 209 Loop 1 210 Loop 2 211 Middle Ages 212 Futuristic Tools: Lighter 213 Futuristic Tools: Cell Phone 214 Margarete 215 Family Scene 216 Tiny Spaling 217 A Message from the Squire 218 Decision Time 219 Watching From the Sidelines Chapter 3 301 An Unforeseen Accident 302 Invitation to the Art Museum 303 A Word of Advice 304 To hte Art Museum 305 Eckart 306 Homunculus 307 Misfortune 308 Power 309 An Early Morning Blessing 310 Are You Convined? 311 Dismay 312 Collaboration 313 Scribner's Egg, Frying Pan 314 Playing Tricks Chapter 4 401 From Behind 402 A Single Photograph 403 The Squire's Bloodline 404 Sibylla the Precocious Princess 405 A Quiet Moment 406 Don't Let Me Down 407 The Juggler 408 To Eike 409 Come On! 410 Commemorative Portrait 411 At Long Last:Frying Pan 1 412 A Close Call:Frying Pan 1 413 At Long Last:Frying Pan 2 414 A Close Call:Frying Pan 2 415 One of Many Worlds:Frying Pan 416 One Step Away 417 A Close Call:Sign 1 418 One of May Worlds:Sign 419 A Close Call:Sign 2 420 At Long Last:Sign 421 How to Survive 422 Scribner's Egg, Frying Pan 423 Savvy Sibylla 1 424 Sibylla's Request 425 A Close Call:Frying Pan 3 426 A Close Call:Sign 3 427 Savvy Sibylla 2 Chapter 5 501 Poison 502 The Bar Master's Treat 503 Special Menu 504 To the Bar 505 House Recommendations 506 The Magician 507 Troubling Thoughts 508 How are Things Going? 509 Punishment 510 Who are - you? 511 Hugo's Heart 512 Doctor Wagner 513 Curiosity 1 514 Family Ties 515 Future Repercussions 516 Sea Rabbit 517 Usage Instructions 518 The Antidote 519 Curiosity 2 520 Sad and Perplexed 521 Distant Memories 522 An Uneventful Chat 523 Something to Remember Today by 524 The Squire's Bloodline 525 Sibylla the Precocious Princess 526 A Quiet Moment 527 Commemorative Portrait Chapter 6 601 Hit and Run 602 The Poster 603 Cursed 604 Eike's misfortune 605 Meditating Man 606 Why Travel Through Time? 607 An OK Idea 608 So Close! 609 Precious and One-of-a-Kind 610 The Wrong Idea 611 Arrrgh! 612 Homunculus on a Snowy Day 613 Midwinter Mystery 614 Meddling With the Past 615 The Warning 1 616 Gunshots 617 The Irony of Fate 618 Suspicions 1 619 Suspicions 2 620 Inspiration 621 Changing Fate 622 The Warning 2 623 The Tide of Destiny 624 The Blockbuster 1:Art Museum 625 The Blockbuster 2:Art Museum 626 The Blockbuster 1:Library 627 The Blockbuster 2:Library 628 A Total Flop 1 629 A Total Flop 2 630 Almost There Chapter 7 701 The Long Fall 702 Inside the Tower 703 A Trap? 704 The Shadow Stalking Eike 705 The Meaning of the Tower Key 706 Preparations 707 Preparations(1980) 708 Preparations(1902) 709 Feeling Uneasy 710 A Close Call 711 Falling Down 712 Miscalculation 713 The Story of the Comb 714 Family Ties 715 The Ally 1 716 The Ally 2 Chapter 8 801 Dana's Picture 802 Dana, Again 803 The Red Stone 1 804 One Word Too May... 805 The Philosopher's Stone 1 806 Dangerous Experiment 807 Ten Days Later 1 808 Another Time Machine! 1 809 An Unexpected Phone Call 1 810 The Criminal Revealed 1 811 The Fortuneteller 812 Helena 813 Hugo's Mistake 814 Forgiveness 815 The Homunculus Tells All 816 The Alchemist's House 817 Summoning Dr.Wagner 818 A Puppet 819 A Message From Mother 820 Missing Mother's Voice 821 With Mother at Last 822 Margarete in Mourning 823 Ruin 1 824 Ruin 2 825 Cries of Anguish 826 Family of Your Own 827 Parental Performance 828 Two Hugos 829 Extinction 830 The Red Stone 2 831 The Philosopher's Stone 2 832 The Criminal Revealed 2 833 Twenty Minutes 1 834 Doctor Wagner's Report 835 After the Report 1 836 Change on the Horizon 1 837 After the Report 2 838 Change on the Horizon 2 839 Crossroads of Fate 840 Unforeseen Changes 841 A Piece of Dana's Mind 842 The Time-Jumping Letter 843 The Good Old Days 844 Ten Days Later 2 845 Another Time Machine! 2 846 An Unexpected Phone Call 2 847 The Criminal Revealed 3 848 Twenty Minutes 2 849 With Margarete 850 The Futuristic Town 851 Brother and Sister Epilogue 901 Good Job, Eike 902 Homunculus's Objetive 1 903 The Transporter 904 Margarete's Choice 905 The Power of Destiny 906 Even if I'll be All Alone... 907 Farewell to Margarete 908 Aftercare 909 Homunculus's Objetive 2 910 Your Fate is in Your Hands 911 Homunculus's Objetive 3 912 Still Apprehensive 913 Back in Place 914 One Long Day 915 A Simple Twist of Fate 916 Homunculus's Objetive 4 917 The Truth about Wagner 1 918 Eternity 919 Homunculus's Objetive 5 920 The Truth about Wagner 2 921 Dana and Eike ======================= Prologue ======================= 001 Fated to Die Pan into the sleepy German town of Lebensbaum. A blonde man exits a cafe, checking his watch just after leaving. He walks slowly through the deserted city streets. Suddenly, he senses a presence behind him, but before he can react, he has been fatally stabbed in the back. The clock tower chimes as he takes his final breath. 002 Awakening The man wakes suddenly in a limbo-like dimension. Around him are strangely angled objects: a pillar and a face of stone, a crooked clock, and old assorted furniture. Eike: What the? What's going on? What on Earth could have happened? Am I dead? Voice: Bingo... Eike: Who's there!? Voice: How does it feel to be dead, Eike? Eike: That's enough! Who are you? Are you making fun of me? Voice: Not at all. I beg your pardon if I've offended you. You are strongly fated today. You see, you are destined to die. Eike: What!? Voice: But if you have the will somehow to reverse that fate by yourself, I can lend you some measure of strength. How about it? Will you deal with me? Eike: Thanks but no thanks. Sounds too good to be true. Voice: Why? Can’t you trust me? Eike: Of course not. Look, I get it. You’re the evil one, the devil. “In exchange for your immortal soul” and all that, am I right? Voice: Your soul? Oh please, in this day and age? Well if I do have an agenda, it’s that you survive. Eike: Let me think it over a bit. Voice: Of course, of course, go ahead. But don’t keep me waiting. I don’t much like to be left hanging. Well, what reason is there to procrastinate? You can just die here and now, or you can end it. It’s that simple. What have you got to lose? Eike: Alright, I’m sorry I called you the devil. I don’t want to die yet. Please help me. Voice: Alright, but I want you to remember something: You have to understand that the destiny that awaits you is a potent once, which means that just because you manage to avoid death once doesn’t mean you’re free of the threat. Unless you tear out its very root, destiny cannot be cheated. Eike: So coming back to life isn’t the hard part, huh? Man, but that can’t be helped. Voice: You’re right, but that’s also where your own strengths come in. Are you ready? I’m going to give you some of my time-shifting powers. I’m going to give you this Z-Pad. Please use it well. 003 The Rules Voice: But it’s not as though you can use it any time or anywhere you want. This will respond to phenomena that have some relevance to you as its user. You can’t solve the real problem by just using it when you’re about to die. It’s better to make use of it to remove the underlying cause of your death. Oh, and one more thing. Eike: Something else? Voice: Yes, and it’s very important. If the response begins in the timespace you’ve traveled out to, please come back immediately. Other people and objects can be left in another time and stay intact, but that isn’t true for the user. If it starts to respond, you need to come back quickly or you won’t be able to get back at all. Just be careful of that. It looks like time is something even more serious than I know. Good luck. A heavy metal door opens behind Eike, which he turns around to face and walks through. 004 Café Sonne Waitress: Sir, please wake up. Are you alright? Do you feel sick or something? Sir? Eike hears to the gentle music of a diner and the sound of an obese man slurping noisily nearby, beginning to stare at the sleeping Eike. Eike opens his eyes, then stands up suddenly, looking confused. The waitress steps back, startled. Eike: What…? Huh? Oh, sorry. I fell asleep. The waitress pauses for a minute, then begins to laugh, along with the manager and the customer a few tables over. Manager: Dana, that will do. Eike sits back down and finishes his coffee before standing up again. Eike: I, uh, I’ll just leave what I owe for the coffee here. He pays for his drink before leaving the café. 005 2 O’Clock Eike checks his watch, then takes the Z-Pad out of his pocket. Eike: Two o’clock… I still can’t believe what just happened. But since I have this Z-Pad here, I guess it really did happen. 006 Clues Eike notices a board with papers pinned up all over it. He stops to look at it. Eike: Hm…? Fortunes told? I never noticed this place before. Eike turns and walks into the building it’s posted on. 007 The Desstined Hour 1 The interior is lined with archaic artwork on the walls, candles, and old bookshelves filled with ambiguous texts. At the other end of the room is a cloaked woman under a purple awning. Her blonde bangs are the only human quality about her. Fortuneteller: Welcome. I’ve been expecting you. Eike: Actually, I just happened to stop by and I was wondering if you could tell me my fortune. Am I going to die soon? Fortuneteller: For you, I will do it for free. Eike: Thanks, I really need this. Please don’t give me just the usual niceties. This is very serious for me. Fortuneteller: Do not worry. Eike sits in a vacant chair facing the fortuneteller. Eike: So… Fortuneteller: The fated hour is 2:30. Eike: What? Fortuneteller: Whatever I foresee, you can change. If you take no action, the fate I see will befall you for certain. But I seem to see in you the strength to defy fate itself. Eike: The power to defy fate? Fortuneteller: If for instance, and this is only an example, your fate is to be stabbed while taking a walk after you leave this place, and this would happen if you are alone at the fated hour. But if you know what awaits you, you would find people to be with so that you would not be by yourself unprotected. Eike: But then what? Fortuneteller: If you are among others at the fated hour, the assassin must give up his quarry and fate would have been defied. But a single change will affect all else that follows it. How it changes, no one can tell. There are too many threads, too many tangles. I cannot help you with what lies so far ahead. And your actions could bring you even greater danger. But if fate can be changed, you should fight as hard as you can. If you can return here even after the appointed hour has passed, then I will tell you the next fortune. Eike: Alright, I think I can trust you. 008 The Desstined Hour 2 Fortuneteller: You had better hurry. The hour approaches. 009 That Sneaking Feeling… Eike approaches the town square. In the center are the three women watching a robed juggler. Three colorful balls shoot up high in the air in asynchronous rhythm. Eike: Hey, now here’s a guy with no worries. A shadow approaches Eike from behind, but retreats. Eike turns around just too late to see it. Eike: There was someone behind me! But it looks like the crowd scared him off. That fortuneteller told me to come back. I should go look her up again. 010 In the Darkness… The man wakes suddenly in a limbo-like dimension. Around him are strangely angled objects: a pillar and a face of stone, a crooked clock, and old assorted furniture. Eike: What the? What's going on? What on Earth could have happened? 011 I Know You Homunculus: I’m flattered that you know me, but how does it feel to be dead, Eike? Eike: Are you making fun of me? Homunculus: Not at all. I beg your pardon if I've offended you. You are strongly fated today. You see, you are destined to die. Eike: What!? Homunculus: But if you have the will somehow to reverse that fate by yourself, I can lend you some measure of strength. How about it? Will you deal with me? Eike: Sure, you’re on. Homunculus: Well, I do like a man who jumps at an opportunity. But I want you to be aware of something. You have to be aware that the destiny that awaits you is a potent once, which means that just because you manage to avoid death once doesn’t mean you’re free of the threat. Unless you tear out its very root, destiny cannot be cheated. Eike: Got it, the hard part starts after you come back to life. Homunculus: You’re right, but that’s also where your own strengths come in. Are you ready? I’m going to give you some of my time-shifting powers. I’m going to give you this Z-Pad. Please use it well. 012 At Café Sonne Again Dana: Sir, please wake up. Are you alright? Do you feel sick or something? Sir? Eike hears to the gentle music of a diner and the sound of an obese man slurping noisily nearby, beginning to stare at the sleeping Eike. Eike opens his eyes, then stands up suddenly, looking confused. The waitress steps back, startled. Eike: What…? Huh? Oh, sorry. I fell asleep. Dana pauses for a minute, then begins to laugh, along with the manager and the customer a few tables over. Manager: Dana, that will do. Eike sits back down and finishes his coffee before standing up again. Eike: I, uh, I’ll just leave what I owe for the coffee here. He pays for his drink and makes as if to leave the café. Halfway out of the door he stops and turns to look back at his seat. Eike: The stone’s not here. Not in this time anyway. Well, maybe I’ll see it later. Eike turns and leaves the café. 013 Eike’s Predictions The interior is lined with archaic artwork on the walls, candles, and old bookshelves filled with ambiguous texts. At the other end of the room is a cloaked woman under a purple awning. Her blonde bangs are the only human quality about her. Fortuneteller: Welcome, I have been waiting for you. Eike: I know. I’ve been here a bunch of times, remember? Fortuneteller: No, but I suppose you could have been. Perhaps in another place I am as of yet unaware of, sitting here as I am. I will tell your fortune at no cost. Eike: Yeah about that. Can I ask you something? Fortuneteller: Yes. Eike: I’m going to find a red stone soon. It’s probably the Philosopher’s Stone. Fortuneteller: That thing!? Eike: If I use it then Homunculus- Fortuneteller: No, don’t utter the name of that cursed abomination. Who knows if he might be listening? Eike: Alright. I’ll make up my own mind about what to do with the stone. How does that sound, hm? Fortuneteller: Then it is in your hands. I will lay my hopes on the future of your design. 014 A New Message Eike watches himself juggle at the town square. The two of them are alone. Eike: I’m actually pretty good. And cue the drop and… Here’s the pitch! Eike catches the Scribner’s Egg easily. Eike: I wonder if it’s different. What the message says, I mean. He opens the egg. Eike: The red stone is the Philosopher’s Stone, and the source of Homunculus’ life. It’s also the main element in the elixir of life, which is supposed to cure all diseases. So this is… Eike looks up to see that the juggling Eike has vanished from sight. 015 Hugo’s Trap A small crowd stands outside of a burning building. A blonde-haired youth squats in front of the building, crying. Eike approaches the scene cautiously. Hugo: Grandpa’s in there! Please help him! Help, please! 016 Preemptive Action Eike enters the café to see that it is empty, save for the manager who is wiping off a table. Eike: Is Dana – I mean the waitress who was just here around? Manager: Oh, so you found out her name already, did you sir? Well, you’d better get in line. Just kidding, Dana’s in the back. She was just about to go catch up with a customer who left something here. Eike: Oh, that’s me! I forgot them here. Manager: Oh, I see. Dana! Dana: I’m just leaving now. Oh, it’s you. You forgot these. This lighter, and the pretty stone. They are yours, right? Eike: Yes, they are. Thanks. Dana: Oh good, I was just about to go chasing after you. Dana hands the items to Eike. Dana: Thanks for coming back. 017 Collared by Destiny Eike stands inside of a burning restaurant, looking panicked. Eike: I get it, it’s no good without that stone, the red stone. Oh no… 018 Reunion Eike and Margarete stand outside in the town square together, alone. Margarete: Oh, thank you. You’ve saved me. But who are you? Eike: Oh, nobody you need to be afraid of. But enough about that. Margarete: What? What is it? Eike: Well, um… Margarete: Look, why don’t you stop by my house? It’s right over there. We can’t stay out here, and you can tell me everything inside. Margarete turns to start walking, then turns around abruptly. Margarete: Let me introduce myself. I’m Margarete. Eike: I’m Eike. Eike Kusch. 019 Family Margarete and Eike are walking upstairs. Margarete: Mother, I’m home! How are you feeling? Helena: I’m alright today. There hasn’t been a great deal of pain. Is someone with you? A guest? Hugo: Wow, would you look at those strange clothes. Margarete: We met in the square. Eike: Oh yeah, I’m Eike. Helena: Oh my, your friend’s voice is remarkably like your father’s. Margarete: Huh? You think so? Where is Father anyway? Hugo: Closed up down there again. He won’t come out, even with mother like this! Helena: It’s alright, Hugo. One of the reasons I love your father is for doing what he believes in. Hugo: Is that how it is? Helena: Hugo, you’ll carry on after your father someday, won’t you? Hugo: I… I don’t know yet. Margarete: Well, maybe I’ll just go and take a peek. I wonder if Father has had his dinner yet. Margarete turns and begins walking downstairs. Eike: Oh, will you excuse me for a second? 020 The Elixir Eike and Margarete descend into the basement to meet Dr. Wagner, who is busy stirring a concoction. Margarete: Father, I’m home. How are things? Wagner makes no attempt to respond to his daughter. Margarete: I guess that means the medicine for mother isn’t ready yet. Eike: Margarete, will you give this to your father? Eike hands the Philosopher’s Stone to Dr. Wagner. Margarete: What? Of course. Father, here. Eike: Sorry to disturb you, Dr. Wagner. The stone, it’s the Philosopher’s Stone. Wagner turns around suddenly. Wagner: What did you just say!? Eike: If you take a chip from that stone, you can make the elixir. The cure- all. Your wife will be cured for sure. Wagner: Ah! This is the… Eike: It’s the real thing. Brew it as soon as possible, please. Wagner: I, I thank you. Eike: Please, it’s okay. I’ll be going now. 021 The Meaning of Fate Eike stumbles through medieval Lebensbaum, losing his strength. Inside the alchemist’s house, Helena is drinking the elixir. Eike: This is… This is the end. I’ve won… Cheated fate. Hugo: Hah, this is the best day ever! Margarete: You’re alright again! Helena: There is no need for me to stay in bed anymore, is there? Eike begins to fade, eventually vanishing. Inside the house, Hugo is seen laughing. 022 Ultimate Demise Eike wakes up in limbo and slowly gets to his feet. Eike: The stone…! I still have it. Homunculus: So, it was too difficult after all. To challenge fate. Eike: Hey, there’s something I want to ask you. Homunculus: Yes? What might that be? Eike: I want to show you this. Homunculus: Oh, what a bother. I wanted to wait until later to make my appearance. The Homunculus drops down from the ledge above a gigantic doorway, then turns to face Eike. Eike: It’s this stone. It wants to go home! Eike throws the stone straight into the Homunculus’ chest. With a bright flash of light, both vanish. Eike: I did it… I’m free. Free from fate. Eike fades and vanishes. 023 Quiet Days Ahead A young man is seen talking to two others, saying farewell before walking away down a quiet street. He glances behind himself after a few paces, seeming nervous, before turning and continuing to walk. Suddenly he feels a presence behind him as something makes an impact on his back. He turns to discover it’s merely a soccer ball. He picks up the ball and hands it to the child, ruffling his hair fondly before continuing on his way. ======================= Chapter 1 ======================= 101 The Detined Hour Eike sits down before the fortuneteller. Fortuneteller: You have been defying fate, haven’t you? I am beginning to see a new thread. But-ah! You are still in danger! Three o’clock is now the fated hour. Eike: What!? You mean I still haven’t gotten to the root of the problem? Fortuneteller: If you can return here even after the appointed hour has passed, then I will tell you the next fortune. 102 Message to Eike Eike watches the juggler in the town square. Eike: Heh, even I can do that! The juggler reaches for something inside of his robe and tosses it to Eike, who barely catches it, surprised. The object is an intricately carved egg. Eike: What the? There’s something in here. There’s a message inside? “To Eike, please get something like a thick iron plate.” What the? Eike looks up to see the juggler has vanished. 103 Even I can do That Eike watches the juggler in the town square. Eike: Heh, even I can do that. 104 Fire at the Bar Eike watches a burning building from across the street. A few people watch it in awe. A child is kneeling beside the building, crying. Child: Grandpa’s in there! Please, help him! Help, please! The heat of the fire’s too great. It’s too dangerous. I’ll try getting inside. 105 Sorry, Kid… Eike: Sorry, kid. Come on, where’s the fire department? 106 Engulfed in Flames A chandelier crashes inside of a burning building. 107 Voice in the Darkness 1 Eike awakens in limbo. Voice: It is difficult, after all, isn’t it? To change one’s very destiny. 108 Voice in the Darkness 2 Eike awakens in limbo. Voice: You can’t save yourself unless you change your destiny. You need to put that fire out, don’t you see? Give it a try. 109 The Door- -It’s… Eike rattles the door of the burning building, trying to get out. 110 Nowhere to Run Eike looks at the stairs leading down from the main floor of the restaurant, but is unable to walk down them. 111 Changing the Past Eike appears outside of the restaurant. The crowd and the fire appear fleetingly, before fading away. Eike: So this is what it means to change the past. 112 Famous Bar Owner Eike runs up to the bar owner in the basement of the restaurant. The bar owner is asleep, with talk radio playing faintly in the background. Eike: Hey, hey wake up! Get up! There’s a fire! The bar owner stirs, then stands suddenly, looking around. Bar Owner: What? Fire? Where? Eh, not here. I don’t see any fire! What do you think you’re doing here? We’re not open yet. How’d you get in? Wait… I smell something burning, there really is a fire! The bar owner sniffs a few times, then turns and runs up the stairs. Eike notices a row of egg ornaments on the shelf as he waits for him to return. Bar Owner: Oh, that was a close one. Looks like someone tossed a cigarette butt out back. What were they thinking, with everything dry as tinder. I owe you an apology, and a big vote of thanks. I was a little out of sorts, you know. I guess I owe you my thanks. Your next meal’s on the house! Eike: Really? Well, if nothing happens before then I’ll be there. Maybe tonight. Eike makes to run up the stairs, stopping suddenly to look back at the bar owner. Eike: Say, by the way, do you happen to have any grandchildren? Bar Owner: Sure do, a grandson and a granddaughter. Twins! They just started walking. Just adorable. Want to see the picture? Eike: No thanks, but I’m sure they’re really cute. Bar Owner: Mhm, they sure are. They’re the apple of my eye. Want to see the picture? Hm? Eike: Um, that’s okay. See you later, bye. Bar Owner: Alright, see ya! 113 Scribner’s Egg, Frying Pan Eike hands the egg to the bar owner in the basement of the restaurant. Bar Owner: Ah, wow! That’s a Scribner’s Egg! Oh, gosh. I was right! Look at this texture, it’s beautiful! Come on friend, sell me this one, will you? Eike: Oh, that’s alright. You don’t have to pay me for it. Bar Owner: Really? Thanks. I’m a fiend when it comes to egg collectibles. Hmm, there’s something written inside. “To Eike, please get something like a thick iron plate.” What’s this, you’re looking for an iron plate? Eike: Well I guess, yes. Bar Owner: I see. Alright, take this. It’s yours! I don’t use it anyway. Perfect, huh? Here. 114 Arson Eike rounds the restaurant just in time to see a flash of movement and a small fire by a trash can. Eike: Hey, stop! Eike chases after the figure but loses him quickly, cursing. He runs back to stamp out the fire. Eike: That took care of it. But who was that person responsible for the fire? ======================= Chapter 2 ======================= 201 Scream Eike is at the town square speaking to Dana. In a flash of movement, Eike has been stabbed in the back and collapses on the ground, looking up at Dana as she begins crying. 202 Lost Belonging Dana runs into the square, catching Eike. Dana: Sir! Sir, oh good, I wasn’t sure whether I’d find you. Eike: I’m sorry? Oh, didn’t I leave enough for the coffee? Dana: Oh no, that was alright. Here, you forgot this. It is yours, right? It’s such a gorgeous stone, like a jewel or something. It gives me a funny feeling to look at it. If you made it into a necklace I bet it would look great on a lot of girls. Eike: Well, it isn’t mine. Dana: What? But I checked with the other customers. Well, whose is it then? Eike: So you came looking for me just to give me that? Dana: Well my shift’s over anyway and I thought maybe I’d just try looking around to see if I could give it back. Oh, I almost forgot. What about this? Did I strike out on this one too? Dana offers Eike a cigarette lighter, which he takes. Eike: No, that lighter is mine. Thanks. Dana: You’re welcome. But, I’m always the one running these kinds of errands. I feel so tired. Eike: You can’t be tired from something so simple. There are a lot of people whose lives are a lot more difficult. Like me. Dana: You are an interesting guy. Eike: My name’s Eike. Hey, how about it? What if I made you a necklace out of this red stone? I may not look it, but I’m pretty good with my hands. Dana: Really? Eike: I’ll make it for you tomorrow. Should I meet you at the coffee shop? Dana: Yeah, I’m there all day tomorrow. Eike: Great, I’ll see you then. Tomorrow. 203 Out to Get Me Dana: What’s the matter? Are you going somewhere? Eike: Uh, no. (Is there someone after me? Behind the tree?) 204 Dana Dana: Ah, I’m, um… Eike: Hey, you’re Dana, right? Dana: What? Eike: At least, that’s what I heard your boss call you. Dana: Oh, so you heard him talking. I’m sorry if I kept you. It’s been a while since I got to talk to someone new, and I just feel like we’ve met before, Eike. Eike: Really? Dana: Really. Oops, sorry. Am I just kind of gabbing by myself? Eike: No, you’re not. 205 Once I Start Talking… Dana: I always do this. It’s not like I can’t stop once I start talking, but a lot of times I think I’ve just said something stupid so I just keep babbling to cover it up. Oh, this is embarrassing. But I’m just going to keep babbling, aren’t I? Eike: Dana, you’re… Dana: What? Eike: … Interesting. Dana: What does that mean? Eike: Nothing, sorry. I didn’t mean anything by that. Dana: Do I seem kind of weird to you? Eike: No, don’t worry about it. 206 Timing is Everything Eike wakes up in purgatory. Voice: So, you failed to escape again. You may need to get a feel for using the Z-Pad. Most of the time it will start responding before you are killed, so one way to handle a situation would be to simply shift time as soon as it begins to respond. Dying sometimes may be something you have to resign yourself to, albeit painfully. 207 Replay Dana runs into the square, catching Eike. Dana: Sir! Sir, oh good, I wasn’t sure whether I’d find you. Eike: Oh, look, if it’s about the red stone, it isn’t mine. Dana: What!? Eike: Maybe you checked with the other customers, but in any case, that stone isn’t mine, Dana. Dana: How did you know my name? Eike: Oh that? I heard your boss talking in the café. My name’s Eike. I’ll bet you’ve got a lost lighter tucked away in there too. Dana: Wait, how did you know that? Tell me. This is kind of creepy. Eike: You want to know how? Dana: Yes! Eike: I lost my lighter in the café. Dana: Oh, so this is yours. Well here. Eike: Thanks. Hey, I get it. You’re getting tired from being sent out to run errands all the time, right? Dana: And you can tell this… Just from the way I look? Eike: Right. As Dana laughs, Eike looks down to notice the Z-Pad flashing. 208 Chatting My Life Away Dana: You’re an interesting guy, Eike. I’m glad that I got to have a long talk with someone new today. It’ll help me forget about thebad little things that happened. Eike: Me too. Don’t you feel like you’ve met me before? 209 Loop 1 Dana runs into the square, catching Eike. Dana: Sir! Sir, oh good, I wasn’t sure whether I’d find you. Eike: Is it the red stone? Dana: What? Eike: It isn’t mine, but do you mind if I have a look? Dana: Well, uh, sure. Eike: I’m Eike. You’re Dana, right? Dana: Yes, but how- Eike: I heard your boss calling you back there. Here you go. Dana: Oh, okay. Eike: Oh, and that lighter’s mine. Dana: What? How did you know that? Tell me, this is kind of creepy. Eike: Well, I have my methods. 210 Loop 2 Dana: You don’t mean like you can see through clothing and stuff? Eike: Actually, yeah. Dana: What!? Eike: Nah, it was just a hunch, no tricks. Dana, aren’t you kind of tired? It’s not easy being sent to do all these errands, huh? Dana: Oh no, do I look that tired? Eike: No, that was just a hunch too. Dana: You’re an interesting guy, Eike. I’m glad I got to have a long talk with someone new today. It’ll help me forget the bad little things that happened. Eike: I’m glad too. Don’t you feel like you’ve met me before? 211 Middle Ages Two elderly women and a girl scorn a young woman in a pretty dress in the town square. In the background is another woman caged up in the stocks. Woman 1: Well, you have a nerve my girl! Woman 2: Really, what with that one being punished yesterday, too! What is it that you don’t understand? What’s so difficult about being more quiet-like? Dressing above one’s station is an offense, you know. Do you want to be punished like that woman? Young Woman: What’s wrong with wearing what one likes? And this dress is one of my quieter ones. Really, good ladies, you’d like to wear this kind of a dress yourselves, wouldn’t you? The young woman smiles and spins on the spot, making the fabric of her dress dance around her. Woman 2: Well, I never! A little neighborly advice and she sasses me! Woman 1: Alright then, we’ll have the law down here. Girl: That’s right, you tell her! Young Woman: Oh no! Now that wouldn’t be very pleasant. Come on, let’s just let this pass, alright? Woman 2: Well then, in exchange for us not telling the law, you’ll make us dresses for free! Woman 1: Right that is! You’re a seamstress, you are. Girl: That’s right, you tell her! You’ll make me one, too! Young Woman: Oh dear, I don’t see how I could do a thing like that. Woman 2: We’re doing this just to be obliging, now. Eike appears in the middle of the crowd, falling on his rear end. He looks up at the group of women. Woman 2: Who are you? Young Woman: Yes, who are you? A night watchman carrying a large lantern approaches the scene. Watchman: What’s this? It’s dark already, get yourselves home, everyone. Woman 2: Oh, fetcher! Oh, sir! This man just suddenly… I see now, it was you! This little girl called for help. Wicked little slyboots! Woman 1: The little hussy! Sir, you must arrest her at once! Young Woman: What? Why should you think a thing like that? Watchman: What’s this now? What are you doing here? 212 Futuristic Tools:Lighter Eike reaches into his pocket and takes out his lighter, which he ignites and holds in front of him assertively. The women and watchman both recoil in fear. Watchman: Good heavens! Woman 2: Fire from his hand! Eike: Listen carefully. Stop bothering this woman and go home. Do as I say and no one gets hurt… This time. Woman 2: Sir, Mr. Watchman sir! Eike: And you will keep everything that happened here a secret, understand? Watchman: Yes, everyone, give your word! Woman 1: We promise. Forgive us please! Girl: Please! Watchman: Will that be all, sir? If it is, you could all perhaps go away, now. Please, everyone, go home! Hurry, quickly! 213 Futuristic Tools:Cell Phone Eike takes out his cell phone and begins fumbling with it. Eike: I have got an idea. I’ll just turn this thing on and- The phone rings, causing the women and the watchman to recoil in fear. Watchman: Good heavens! Woman 2: What do you think you’re doing? Eike: Listen carefully. Stop bothering this woman and go home. Do as I say and no one gets hurt… This time. If you don’t, I’ll use this machine on you. I can trap any of you in this box in an instant. And you will keep everything that happened a secret, understand? Watchman: Yes, everyone, give your word! Woman 1: We promise. Forgive us please! Girl: Please! Watchman: Will that be all, sir? If it is, you could all perhaps go away, now. Please, everyone, go home! Hurry, quickly! 214 Margarete Young Woman: Thank you. You saved me. But who are you? Eike: Nobody you need to be afraid of. But enough about that, did you see a girl? She’s about your age. Young Woman: What? Uh, no. Eike: Oh, that’s not good. Young Woman: Look, why don’t you stop by my house? It’s right over there. We can’t stay out here, and you can tell me everything inside. Let me introduce myself. I’m Margarete. Eike: I’m Eike, Eike Kusch. Young Woman: Well Eike, let’s go. 215 Family Scene Margarete and Eike arrive at the house. Margarete opens the door to her mother’s bedroom. Inside, the mother is lying in bed, with a boy sitting at her side. Margarete: Mother, I’m home. How are you feeling? Mother: I am alright today. There hasn’t been a great deal of pain. Is someone with you? A guest? Boy: Wow, would you look at those strange clothes? Margarete: We met in the square. He’s looking for someone, isn’t that right? Eike: Yeah, something like that. Mother: My, your friend’s voice is remarkably like your father’s. Margarete: Huh? You think so? Where is Father anyway? Boy: Closed up down there again. He won’t come out, even with mother like this! Helena: It’s alright, Hugo. One of the reasons I love your father is for doing what he believes in. Hugo: Is that how it is? Helena: Hugo, you’ll carry on after your father someday, won’t you? Hugo: I… I don’t know yet. Margarete: Well, maybe I’ll just go and take a peek. I wonder if Father has had his dinner yet. Margarete turns and begins walking downstairs. Hugo stands up and examines Eike’s clothing. As he runs his hands over the cloth, the Z-Pad falls out of Eike’s pocket and clatters to the floor. Eike: Hey, please be careful with that. Hugo: What is that? Eike: It’s a machine, a really complicated one. I don’t know how to explain it to you. Hugo: Let me guess. It makes whatever dish you want appear? Eike: No. Hugo: Okay, that was just wishful thinking. Then, it maps the heavens? Eike: Nope, doesn’t do that. Hugo: Alright then, let’s see. It uh, I know! It lets you travel through time! And you’ve come from the future, am I right? Eike: Actually, uh? Hugo: What, I’m right? How can that be? How is that possible? Is that why you’ve got such funny clothes on? Eike: Uh- Mother: Hu- Hugo’s mother is interrupted by a coughing fit. Hugo: Mother, are you alright? Mother: Hugo, you ought not bother our guest so. I’m sorry, he’s very curious about everything, just like his father. I suppose he’ll become a scientist as well once he grows to be a man. Hugo: I’m not interested in alchemy, mother. At least, not right now. How can I be when I can’t even produce a medicine to make you well again? Mother: Perhaps not right now, but with time and effort, one never knows. I’m sure that’s what your father believes, dear. Eike: So your father’s an alchemist, huh? Hugo: Well something like that. He makes medicine for people and does stuff like mixing and grinding strange stones and metals. He’s always doing that sort of thing, and I mean always, all the time! Mother: Hugo, dear- The mother begins coughing again. Margarete re-enters the room. Margarete: Father’s completely wrapped up in his experiments. I couldn’t even get him to look my way. Hugo: So what else is new? He’s always staring at the kiln. He hasn’t even noticed that I was born. Margarete: Hugo, don’t talk that way. You were looking for someone, weren’t you? Tell me, what does she look like? Hugo: Is this girl like your, you know? Huh, huh? Eike: No, it’s not anything like that. I actually don’t remember too well because I just met her, but she was blonde and had her hair tied back kind of high. And I think she was wearing sort of reddish. Margarete: Reddish, huh? Can’t say I remember anyone like that. Eike: I guess I’ll go look around. Thank you for everything. Margarete: Oh, you’re leaving already? It’s dark outside, so be careful. Let me know if you find her. I’ll keep an eye out, too. Hugo: Tough luck, sis. I guess you’re just not his type. Margarete: Oh, what are you talking about? Eike: Well, goodbye. Thanks for all your help. Margarete: Oh no, I’m sorry I couldn’t help much. I’ll see you soon, alright? 216 Tiny Spaling Eike approaches a man in the square planting a tree. Man: Haven’t seen you around before. A woman? I don’t know anything about that. If I don’t get this seedling planted by the end of the day the foreman will have a what-for! 217 A Message from the Squire Eike approaches the man, holding the squire’s crest in front of him. He tells the man that the squire doesn’t want a tree there. Man: Well now, alright then. If the squire says so, that’s that. Guess I’ll call it a day, heh. The man stands up and walks away. 218 Decision Time Eike stands in the square, back in the present day. Eike: So Dana is somewhere back there in the past… What have I done? Why did I get her involved? I promise I’ll find you. Please hang in there until then. Eike begins to light a cigarette, then tosses it on the ground. Eike: Today is a good day to quit. I, I don’t want to die. Eike turns to watch as the tree in the square fades away. 219 Watching From the Sidelines Eike wakes up in limbo. Voice: Amusing… Unfortunately, the problem remains unresolved. It looks like there’s someone hiding behind the tree, and that someone is out to get you. Now, how do you suppose you can prevent that? I don’t think that returning to the present is the answer. I know it’s not easy, Eike, but think about your options. Amuse me. ======================= Chapter 3 ======================= 301 An Unforeseen Accident A heavy vase falls and hits Eike on the head, shattering. Eike collapses on the ground. 302 Invitation to the Art Museum Eike is walking down the street when his phone rings. Eckart: Hello, Eike? Eike: Oh, hello Eckart. Eckart: Weren’t you supposed to come around to my museum today? If you’re not, I was thinking about closing up today. Eike: I’m sorry about that, I’m going to head out there right now. That’s right, I was supposed to stop by the museum. I’d better get going. 303 A Word of Advice Eike awakens in limbo. Voice: What are you doing? If you have something to do, go do it. There’s no need to force a change in your plans. What you have to do is find and reject the only strain of untimely death in your destiny, not beat yourself up. 304 To hte Art Museum Eike’s phone rings again, and he answers. Eckart: Hello, Eike? Eike: Oh, Eckart. I’m heading out to the museum right now. Eckart: Alright, I’ll leave the place open then. Eike: I hope it’s not too much trouble. I really appreciate it. 305 Eckart Eike knocks on the door to Eckart’s office. Inside, a cat meows. Eckart: Come in. Eike enters. Eike: I’m sorry I’m so late. Eckart: Well, that’s okay. Here, take a seat somewhere. So, what can I do for you today? Did you come to see my paintings again? Eike: No, I mean, that’s what I was going to do of course, but… Say, Eckart, do you know anything about alchemy? Eckart: Why the sudden interest? Research of some kind? Eike: Well, not exactly. Eckart: Well, let me see. I’m not exactly familiar with it but there was someone notable in this city, a man named Dr. Wagner. He was supposed to be a magician or a scientist or something. I don’t know anything much more than that, though. Eike: I see. Do you happen to have any documents or things from that time? Eckart: I think… Wait a second. Eckart stands up and rummages through the bookshelf. Eckart: Hm, is this the one? Here, I’ll lend this to you. Eike: The Magician of Our City. Eckart: It’s a fairly old book. It may be the oldest one here. I think it includes things like stories about real alchemists that worked in this city. Recipes for the elixir of youth, even copies of documents from the era. Of course, you need to take it with a pinch of salt, maybe a fistful. If there really was an elixir, I’d want it myself. I’ll let you know when I need that book back. By the way, do you like cats? Mine had a litter the other day, as you can see. Eike: Thanks but no thanks. Eckart: Okay, but if you have a friend or anyone else who wants a kitten, let me know. Are you going straight home today? Eike: No, I was going to walk around the city some more before going home. Eckart: Was? Eike: It’s nothing, just some personal stuff. Eckart: Well anyway, I have some more work to do so I’ll keep the place open until I’m done. Feel free to look around. It’s better for the paintings to be looked at by someone who really appreciates them. Eike: Thank you, I will. 306 Homunculus Eike walks down the stairs. Voice: How are things? Eike: Who’s there? The owner of the voice materializes, a pale figure in black clothing with red eyes. Eike: Wait, I’ve heard that voice before. Voice: Of course you have. Do you remember me now? I was the one who saved you. You should be a little more appreciative. Eike: What’s going on around here? Who are you? Homunculus: That’s not very nice. Can’t you be a little more polite? I am Homunculus, not that there’s much in a name. I’ve been waiting a long time to see you again. I’ve looked for you everywhere. By the way, are you using the Z- Pad? Eike: Have you come here to kill me? Homunculus: Hm? I think you misunderstand me, Eike. I’m only trying to help you, simply not murder you. It’s just that I don’t know how to give you any direct help, and that’s the truth. Eike: I think I’m going out of my mind! Homunculus: I can’t seem to convince you. This is really quite difficult. If you’ll excuse me. Can you give me any proof, then? 307 Misfortune Eike turns and runs from Homunculus. Homunculus: My, my. Eike is hit over the head by the vase as soon as he leaves the museum. 308 Power Eike awakens in limbo. Homunculus: Oh my, looks like you got killed again. Alright then, since we’re here, let’s try out my powers a little, shall we? 309 An Early Morning Blessing Eike appears in 1979 in front of the museum. A young man with spectacles sees the teleportation. Young Man: What the? Did that man just…? Eckart bursts out of the museum, laughing. Eckart: Haha, hooray! Oh gosh, didn’t realize anyone was out here. Sorry about yelling and everything. Eike: It’s okay, don’t worry about it. Eckart: You see, my wife finally had our baby, so you can imagine. And it’s a girl, too! The hospital just called me. Eike: Wow, great. Congratulations! Uh, do you work at this museum? Eckart: Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Eckart. I’ve just taken over from my father as the director of this museum. Eike: You are Eckart? Eckart: Yes, is there anything I can do for you? Eike: No, nothing. Eckart: Wait, what am I doing? I have to think about what we’re going to call her. Great to meet you, bye! Eike takes out his Z-Pad and attempts to use it. Nothing happens. Eike: The Z-Pad, it doesn’t work. Homunculus: Well, how about that? Just a small example of what I can do. How will you get home now? You’d better solve that one on your own. You should be able to handle a little thing like that, Eike. Eike: What am I supposed to do? There used to be something in here. If I get some… 310 Are you Convined? Eike teleports back to the present day, inside of Eckart’s house. Homunculus: Well, what do you think? Are you a little more convinced? Eike turns and runs upstairs. Homunculus: Oh dear… 311 Dismay Eckart stands at the window. A vase is next to him. Eike knocks. Eckart: Come in. Is that you, Eike? Eike: Can I ask you something? Eckart: Sure, what? Eike: Eckart, do you have a daughter? Eckart whirls around, surprised. The vase lands on the floor and shatters. The cats scatter and hide. Eike moves as if to scoop up the pieces. Eckart: Uh, it’s alright. I’ll take care of it later. Eike: I’m sorry. Eckart: I don’t think I ever mentioned my daughter to you. Eike: Well, no. Eckart: I do have a daughter, or rather I did. She was taken by some madman right after she was born. My wife was killed in the same attack. Does that answer your question? Eike: I’m sorry, I had no idea. Eckart: It’s alright, don’t worry about it. Eike: I’m so sorry. Eike leaves awkwardly. Eckart: Why? Why? 312 Collaboration Eike walks down the stairs again and is met by Homunculus. Homunculus: Any luck? Well? Eike: Okay, I’ll believe you for now. However, I am grateful that you gave me another chance at life. Homunculus: Now we’re really talking, Eike! You see, I’m counting on you. If you die, I’ll be in trouble too, you know? Eike: I don’t really get it but are you sure about this? I mean, I can’t do anything but take care of myself. Homunculus: But that’s alright, it’s the way things should be. As you can see, my body is very fragile and won’t let me do much. I picked up a baby the other day and it was really quite terrible. Absolutely exhausted me. I won’t ever do that again. So, because of all that I can only provide you with some backup aid. Oh, I almost forgot. You will see that red stone again sometime. When you do, could you acquire it somehow? I would like you to give it to someone called Dr. Wagner. That’s all for now. I’ll be seeing you. The Homunculus walks behind a pillar. Eike makes as if to follow him but discovers Homunculus has vanished. Eike: What on earth is going on around here? 313 Scribner’s Egg, Frying Pan Eike hands the egg to the bar owner in the basement of the restaurant. Bar Owner: Ah, wow! That’s a Scribner’s Egg! Oh, gosh. I was right! Look at this texture, it’s beautiful! Come on friend, sell me this one, will you? Eike: Oh, that’s alright. You don’t have to pay me for it. Bar Owner: Really? Thanks. I’m a fiend when it comes to egg collectibles. Hmm, there’s something written inside. “To Eike, please get something like a thick iron plate.” What’s this, you’re looking for an iron plate? Eike: Well I guess, yes. Bar Owner: I see. Alright, take this. It’s yours! I don’t use it anyway. Perfect, huh? Here. I guess I owe you my thanks. Your next meal’s on the house. Eike: Really? Well if nothing happens before then I’ll be there. Maybe tonight. Eike: Say, by the way, do you happen to have any grandchildren? Bar Owner: Sure do, a grandson and a granddaughter. Twins! They just started walking. Just adorable. Want to see the picture? Eike: No thanks, but I’m sure they’re really cute. Bar Owner: Mhm, they sure are. They’re the apple of my eye. Want to see the picture? Hm? Eike: Um, that’s okay. See you later, bye. Bar Owner: Alright, see ya! 314 Playing Tricks Eike takes out his Z-Pad and attempts to use it. Nothing happens. Eike: The Z-Pad, it doesn’t work. Homunculus: Well, how about that? Just a small example of what I can do. How will you get home now? You’d better solve that one on your own. You should be able to handle a little thing like that, Eike. Eike: What am I supposed to do? There used to be something in here. If I get some… ======================= Chapter 4 ======================= 401 From Behind Eike is stabbed from behind. 402 A Single Photograph Eike looks through the book on alchemy and discovers a picture wedged inside depicting a man resembling Eckart standing next to a man in a white robe. 403 The Squire’s Bloodline A man stands looking up at the museum. Eike approaches the scene, prompting the man to turn around and look at him. Man: Oh, yes? Eike: Do you work at this museum? Man: Museum? Eike: What? This building is… Man: This? This is my home. We’ve been here for generations, as the descendants of the regional squire. Now… First, it was my parents, now my wife, all in such a short time. That leaves just myself and the two children in this castle of a house. You’re right, it’s too big for just the three of us. Perhaps it ought to be a museum, just as you say. Eike: I’m sorry. Man: No, no, I didn’t mean that as sarcasm, don’t be offended. Actually, I’m grateful for the advice. To tell you the truth, I’ve been thinking that I should just get rid of this house. Too many memories of my wife to bring me sorrow. But a museum, that’s something I haven’t thought of. Maybe a good thing, a museum. Perhaps this is meant to be. There are enough pictures in that collection of my forbearers. It seems he had an artist he favored. Eike: You mean Karl Franssen? Man: How did you know that? Are you checking into this house? I don’t remember telling anyone it was for sale yet. Eike: No, please don’t misunderstand. It’s just that I happen to like his paintings, and it’s not like… You know… Alfred: Well alright then, I’ve made up my mind. I’ll turn a part of this building into a private museum and open the collection of paintings to the public. That way I can take care of the children while I work. Besides, I know there’s at least one admirer of Karl Franssen’s work. Alright, that’s what I’ll do. I owe you many thanks. By the way, allow me to introduce myself, if somewhat belatedly. My name is Alfred Brum. Eike: Nice to meet you. I’m Eike Kusch. Alfred: I’m grateful to you, Eike. Come inside, we’ll have tea or something. Eike: Okay. 404 Sibylla the Precocious Princess Alfred walks into a room containing a small girl and a crib. The girl turns around at his entry and motions for him to be quiet. Alfred: Oh, sorry! Girl: He’s just gone to sleep, finally. Alfred: Good, now I need you to do something for me, Sibylla. Will you please make tea for our guest? Sibylla: If I must. Sibylla stands up and begins walking to the kitchen. 405 A Quiet Moment Sibylla enters the room with tea and china. Sibylla: Here you go. Alfred: Ah, thank you for the tea, dear. Oh yes, I should tell my sweet Sibylla. I’ve decided to turn this house into a museum. Well, what do you think? Sibylla: Whatever you decide is always good enough for me. Alfred: Thank you. I was a little afraid that you would object. Sibylla: Oh it’s much, much better than selling this house! Alfred: I see, I’m sorry I made you worry that much. I know, let’s have a photograph taken! If we’re going to start a museum, we’ll have to renovate. We’ll all get our picture taken with the house before then. Please join us, Eike. There’s no time like the present. I’ll fetch the photographer this instant. Sibylla: Mr. Franssen, this early in the morning? Eike: Franssen? Alfred: Oh yes, he’s descended from the painter Karl Franssen. Maybe that’s why he’s a photographer. He’s a good friend of mine, I can count on him to come if we need him. Just wait a little while, he’ll be here in no time. Sibylla, you hold the fort and watch the baby please. Sibylla: Of course. Sibylla watches Alfred leave before turning back to Eike. Sibylla: Did you persuade Father not to sell the house? Eike: No, I didn’t do anything like that. This is something your father decided on his own. Sibylla: Oh, I see. I’m just awfully glad that the house won’t be sold. Sibylla slides the tea over to Eike, which he takes and begins to sip. Sibylla immediately notices something by Eike’s armpit and moves over to his shirt. Sibylla: Oh, it’s coming undone here! Give it to me, I’ll mend it for you. Eike: What? No, that’s okay. Sibylla: Don’t worry. I may look little, but I can do anything! Well, anything except cooking, that is. See that? That’s for Father to wear in the festival coming up. I sowed that too, so don’t be shy. Sibylla gestures to a white robe and mask. Eike takes off his shirt and hands it to Sibylla before sneezing suddenly. Sibylla: Are you cold? If you are, just put that costume over you. I’ll be done soon. Sibylla begins to work on the shirt. Sibylla: There, almost done. Haha, you sure look funny! It suits you! Let’s have the picture taken like that! 406 Don’t Let Me Down Eike awakens in purgatory. Homunculus: Are you alright? Isn’t there any way you can avoid being stabbed? What about putting something like an iron plate under your clothing? And if you made good use of that, perhaps… Please make a good job of it. 407 The Juggler Eike approaches the town square in the modern day. Eike: I wonder if this’ll work. I’m pretty sure this is where I saw the juggler. 408 To Eike Eike watches himself from the past as he juggles. Eike: There I am. Listen to me talking about no worries. Eike tosses the Scribner’s Egg to the other Eike, who catches it awkwardly. Past Eike: What the? There’s something in here… Eike: Please work… Past Eike: There’s a message inside. “To Eike, please get something like a thick iron plate.” Huh? The other Eike looks up to see he is now alone in the square. 409 Come On! Eike returns to Sibylla, still in the robe. Sibylla: I won’t fall for the same trick again! Eike: I’m really sorry. I mean that. Sibylla: Well, I guess you wouldn’t go home dressed like that. Alfred: It’s all set, everyone come out to the front. We’re ready! Sibylla stands up and begins leaving the room, then hesitates. Sibylla: Come on! Go on ahead, I have to go get my baby brother. 410 Commemorative Portrait Mr. Franssen has his camera lined up to take a photo. In front of him are Eike, Alfred, and his two children. Eike is wearing the robe and the mask with the white robe. Franssen: Alright, everyone hold still please! He snaps the picture. Alfred: Thank you very much. Sorry I dragged you out of bed. Sibylla: Thank you to you too. You can change back now. Eike: That’s right, I should go get changed. 411 At Long Last:Frying Pan 1 Sibylla looks up as Eike enters the room in his juggler’s outfit. Sibylla: Huh? I thought you changed already. Eike: Oh? Not yet. A frying pan falls out of Eike’s jacket as he reaches for it. Sibylla: You’ve got a frying pan already? Eike: Oh, that. It’s a long story. Excuse me, there’s something I have to go do. Sibylla: Come again soon. Oh, and you can use that key as much as you want. Eike: Huh? Sibylla: I saw you. Eike: What are you talking about? Sibylla: What’s the matter? You have to go somewhere, right? You shouldn’t be late. Eike: Oh, that’s right. Okay, see you. Eike leaves the room but stops at the front door. Eike: No, I should go back to the present from here where other people can’t see me. 412 A Close Call:Frying Pan 1 Eike is stabbed in the back and collapses to the ground. The frying pan and a photograph fall to the ground as he sits up. He opens his eyes and climbs to his feet, then holds the frying pan in front of him, eying it. Eike: I guess I managed to escape, thanks to this thing. Eike looks at the photograph curiously. 413 At Long Last:Frying Pan 2 Sibylla looks up as Eike enters the room in his juggler’s outfit. Sibylla: Huh? I thought you changed already. Eike: Oh? Not yet. A frying pan falls out of Eike’s jacket as he reaches for it. Sibylla: You carry frying pans around with you? Eike: Oh, that. It’s a long story. Excuse me, there’s something I have to go do. Sibylla: Come again soon. Oh, and you can use that key as much as you want. Eike: Huh? Sibylla: I saw you. Eike: What are you talking about? Sibylla: What’s the matter? You have to go somewhere, right? You shouldn’t be late. Eike: Oh, that’s right. Okay, see you. Eike leaves the room but stops at the front door. Eike: No, I should go back to the present from here where other people can’t see me. 414 A Close Call:Frying Pan 2 Eike is stabbed in the back and collapses to the ground. The frying pan and a photograph fall to the ground as he sits up. He opens his eyes and climbs to his feet, then holds the frying pan in front of him, eying it. Eike: I guess I managed to escape, thanks to this thing. Eike looks at the photograph curiously and picks it up. Eike: This guy here looks exactly like the street performer that gave me the message. Homunculus walks up to Eike spontaneously. Homunculus: You see, that street performer is you, but of course from a different time. Eike: What does this mean? Homunculus: It means that you were stabbed to death because you didn’t have that frying pan and decided to somehow find a frying pan before the appointed time of death. Eike: By ordering me to get a frying pan before I got attacked? Homunculus: That’s right. Eike: This is making my head spin. For one thing, I don’t remember anything like that, and nothing about writing that message in the egg. Homunculus: I suppose that’s true. Fate branches out into many paths, but of course you can only choose one of them, and the tracks left on that path wear down grooves that become memories. But what you are doing right now is experiencing just the end result of different forks. If you shift around in your own timeline again and again this kind of thing is bound to happen. 415 One of Many Worlds:Frying Pan Homunculus: Think about it. If you didn’t travel back in time, you shouldn’t have any memories other than those of receiving a letter from a mystery man, acquiring a frying pan because of that letter by pure chance, and having your life saved by the same frying pan because of an amazing coincidence. And a chance occurrence of someone who looks exactly like the mystery man being in that photograph. That’s all, isn’t it? Of course, the odds are rather astounding. Eike: I’m not sure whether I got it all or not. Homunculus: Now, there’s no need to force yourself to understand. Things sometimes happen that even I don’t understand. Eike: Okay then, what happened to the me that wrote that message in that egg? Homunculus: I can’t tell, except to say, somewhere on the crossroads of an infinite number of possible outcomes. Well, let’s try an analogy. It may seem trivial, but suppose you’re in a café trying to decide between coffee and tea. The you that chooses coffee after a long deliberation, and the you that chooses tea actually both exist. Except that your fates diverge at the end of that point, and there’s no way either of you can ever know what happened to the other one. If we suppose that the you that chose coffee then can’t decide whether to put cream in- Eike: I think I get it. So you mean that the “Eike who chose coffee” caught a peek at the continuation of “Eike who chose tea” in a way? Homunculus: Something like that. If you hadn’t had a frying pan back there, well there would have been a you that found one, or something like it. At any cost, that’s all there is to it. So… Eike: Wow. 416 One Step Away Eike awakens in limbo. Homunculus: Are you alright? And you have what it takes to save you, too. Come on, please give it a better try. 417 A Close Call:Sign 1 Eike is stabbed in the back and collapses to the ground. The sign and a photograph fall to the ground as he sits up. He opens his eyes and climbs to his feet, then holds the sign in front of him, eying it. Eike: I guess I managed to escape, thanks to this thing. Eike looks at the photograph curiously and picks it up. Eike: This guy here looks exactly like the street performer that gave me the message. Homunculus walks up to Eike spontaneously. Homunculus: You see, that street performer is you, but of course from a different time. Eike: What does this mean? Homunculus: It means that you were stabbed to death because you didn’t have that iron plate and decided to somehow find an iron plate before the appointed time of death. Eike: By ordering me to get an iron plate before I got attacked? Homunculus: That’s right. Eike: This is making my head spin. For one thing, I don’t remember anything like that, and nothing about writing that message in the egg. Homunculus: I suppose that’s true. Fate branches out into many paths, but of course you can only choose one of them, and the tracks left on that path wear down grooves that become memories. But what you are doing right now is experiencing just the end result of different forks. If you shift around in your own timeline again and again this kind of thing is bound to happen. 418 One of May Worlds:Sign Homunculus: Think about it. If you didn’t travel back in time, you shouldn’t have any memories other than those of receiving a letter from a mystery man, acquiring an iron plate because of that letter by pure chance, and having your life saved by the same frying pan because of an amazing coincidence. And a chance occurrence of someone who looks exactly like the mystery man being in that photograph. That’s all, isn’t it? Of course, the odds are rather astounding. Eike: I’m not sure whether I got it all or not. Homunculus: Now, there’s no need to force yourself to understand. Things sometimes happen that even I don’t understand. Eike: Okay then, what happened to the me that wrote that message in that egg? Homunculus: I can’t tell, except to say, somewhere on the crossroads of an infinite number of possible outcomes. Well, let’s try an analogy. It may seem trivial, but suppose you’re in a café trying to decide between coffee and tea. The you that chooses coffee after a long deliberation, and the you that chooses tea actually both exist. Except that your fates diverge at the end of that point, and there’s no way either of you can ever know what happened to the other one. If we suppose that the you that chose coffee then can’t decide whether to put cream in- Eike: I think I get it. So you mean that the “Eike who chose coffee” caught a peek at the continuation of “Eike who chose tea” in a way? Homunculus: Something like that. If you hadn’t had a metal sign back there, well there would have been a you that found one, or something like it. At any cost, that’s all there is to it. So… Eike: Wow. 419 A Close Call:Sign 2 Eike is stabbed in the back and collapses to the ground. The sign and a photograph fall to the ground as he sits up. He opens his eyes and climbs to his feet, then holds the sign in front of him, eying it. Eike: I guess I managed to escape, thanks to this thing. Eike looks at the photograph curiously and picks it up. Eike: This outfit… Yeah, I saw this guy in the square. Homunculus walks up to Eike spontaneously. Homunculus: That guy is you. He’s from a different space-time continuum. Eike: I don’t get it. Homunculus: Well, you didn’t have that sign to save you before. Knowing that, you traveled back to a time before the event where you hoped to find an iron plate or something. Eike: You mean I was trying to warn the other me? Homunculus: Something like that, Eike, but that didn’t work out as planned. Eike: I think I’m getting a headache. I don’t remember any of that. This is too much. Homunculus: I suppose that’s true. Fate branches out into many paths, but of course you can only choose one of them, and the tracks left on that path wear down grooves that become memories. But what you are doing right now is experiencing just the end result of different forks. If you shift around in your own timeline again and again this kind of thing is bound to happen. 420 At Long Last:Sign Sibylla looks up as Eike enters the room in his juggler’s outfit. Sibylla: Huh? I thought you changed already. Eike: Oh? Not yet. A metal sign falls out of Eike’s jacket as he reaches for it. Sibylla: That sign, do you always carry it around? Eike: Oh, that. It’s a long story. Excuse me, there’s something I have to go do. Sibylla: Come again soon. Oh, and you can use that key as much as you want. Eike: Huh? Sibylla: I saw you. Eike: What are you talking about? Sibylla: What’s the matter? You have to go somewhere, right? You shouldn’t be late. Eike: Oh, that’s right. Okay, see you. Eike leaves the room but stops at the front door. Eike: No, I should go back to the present from here where other people can’t see me. 421 How to Survive Eike awakens in limbo. Homunculus: Listen, if you want to live, try using a tool. But remember, use it just when you just have enough time remaining. Do it right and you should be able to survive. 422 Scribner’s Egg, Frying Pan Eike hands the egg to the bar owner in the basement of the restaurant. Bar Owner: Ah, wow! That’s a Scribner’s Egg! Oh, gosh. I was right! Look at this texture, it’s beautiful! Come on friend, sell me this one, will you? Eike: Oh, that’s alright. You don’t have to pay me for it. Bar Owner: Really? Thanks. I’m a fiend when it comes to egg collectibles. Hmm, there’s something written inside. “To Eike, please get something like a thick iron plate.” What’s this, you’re looking for an iron plate? Eike: Well I guess, yes. Bar Owner: I see. Alright, take this. It’s yours! I don’t use it anyway. Perfect, huh? Here. 423 Savvy Sibylla 1 Eike holds the Scribner’s egg in his hand. Sibylla: Isn’t that an interesting egg? Father bought it for me the other day. There’s paper inside and you can write a message on it. But I don’t need it anymore. You can have it. Eike: How come? Sibylla: I was going to write “Please don’t sell the house” and give it to Father, but now that said he’s not going to let the house go, it’s alright. Eike: Is there an iron plate? Sibylla: An iron plate? What do you want something like that for? Eike: Well, I just kind of need one. Sibylla: There’s nothing like that here. What’s it for, do you need to grill something? Eike: No, nothing like that. Wait a second… Sibylla: What is it? Eike: A frying pan. Do you have a frying pan? You must have one. Sibylla: No. When mother died, Father had all her things taken away, so we only eat what the housekeeper brings nowadays, all because no one will let me cook yet. Cafes and restaurants must have lots of frying pans! Eike: You’re right, good thinking Sibylla. Sibylla: You’re welcome. But it’s too early for any of the shops to be open. Eike: Oh, hey, you know come to think of it there were a bunch of frying pans in that bar where the fire was the other day. Sibylla: What is it? Eike: Oh never mind. Can I borrow something to write with, and can I use this too? Eike takes the egg and begins writing in it. Eike: Alright, now it’s a question of whether or not I can make it to that time. Excuse me, there’s something I have to take care of. 424 Sibylla’s Request Eike walks in to see Sibylla. Sibylla: Oh, I thought you said you had to go somewhere. Eike: No, it’s alright now. Sorry about that. Sibylla: Oh, will you put that costume back on and be in the picture? Please, please? Eike changes into the white robed costume. 425 A Close Call:Frying Pan 3 Eike is stabbed in the back and collapses to the ground. The frying pan falls to the ground as he sits up. He opens his eyes and climbs to his feet, then holds the frying pan in front of him, eying it. Eike: I guess I managed to escape, thanks to this thing. 426 A Close Call:Sign 3 Eike is stabbed in the back and collapses to the ground. The sign falls to the ground as he sits up. He opens his eyes and climbs to his feet, then holds the sign in front of him, eying it. Eike: I guess I managed to escape, thanks to this thing. 427 Savvy Sibylla 2 Eike: Is there an iron plate? Sibylla: An iron plate? What do you want something like that for? Eike: Well, I just kind of need one. Sibylla: There’s nothing like that here. What’s it for, do you need to grill something? Eike: No, nothing like that. Wait a second… Sibylla: What is it? Eike: A frying pan. Do you have a frying pan? You must have one. Sibylla: No. When mother died, Father had all her things taken away, so we only eat what the housekeeper brings nowadays, all because no one will let me cook yet. Cafes and restaurants must have lots of frying pans! Eike: You’re right, good thinking Sibylla. Sibylla: You’re welcome. But it’s too early for any of the shops to be open. Eike: Oh, hey, you know come to think of it there were a bunch of frying pans in that bar where the fire was the other day. Sibylla: What is it? Eike: Excuse me, there’s something I have to go do. ======================= Chapter 5 ======================= 501 Poison Eike stumbles and falls to the ground, groaning in pain. 502 The Bar Master’s Treat Eike stands in the middle of the streets of Lebensbaum. Eike: Past 8:30 already. I could use a little food. I guess being hungry is a sign that I’m alive. Hey, I could go to that place, the one with the fire earlier. He said that he would give me a free meal, I think. 503 Special Menu Eike opens the door to the restaurant. Bar Owner: There you are. Please, have a seat over there. It’s on the house this evening. Eike: Thanks, it’s really kind of you. Bar Owner: No need to be so formal. I expect you to dig right in. I’m going to get you today’s special right away. The bar owner rushes down the stairs as Eike takes a seat and begins to read the alchemy book. 504 To the Bar Eike stands in the middle of the streets of Lebensbaum. Eike: Past 8:30 already. I could use a little food. I guess being hungry is a sign that I’m alive. Hey, I could go to that place, the one with the fire earlier. 505 House Recommendations Eike opens the door to the restaurant. Bar Owner: Good evening. Please, have a seat over there. Eike: What’s good to eat over there? Bar Owner: Oh, everything. Meat’s good, vegetables are good. If you don’t have anything particular in mind, why don’t you try the special? Eike: Alright, I’ll have that. Bar Owner: Coming right up. You’re going to love this. The bar owner rushes down the stairs as Eike takes a seat and begins to read the alchemy book. 506 The Magician Eike sits at the restaurant, reading. Eike: “The science of alchemy has at its grail two great projects. One is the synthesis of the elixir of life, that which would free mankind from all ills of the body. The other is an amalgam purely scientific in nature, the creation of a Homunculus, an artificial life. Both require as their central ingredient a red stone, known as the Philosopher’s Stone.” Eike pauses and remembers the stone Dana offered to him. Eike: The Philosopher’s Stone, could that be? “Here we shall examine the life of Wolfgang Wagner, whose alchemical prowess was known throughout the region. Though born a farmer’s son, he became the ward of wealthy kin after his prodigious intellect was recognized, and pursued studies in medicine and theology at university. Following this period, he seems to have made his living as an apothecary while pursuing the science of alchemy. However, what secured his lasting fame was no doubt the manner in which he met his end. Amid rumors of engagement in an experiment of great magnitude and duration, Dr. Wagner's house was shaken by a thunderous explosion. The alchemist himself was never seen again. It is often said that a no more fitting end could have been imagined for a magus such as he.” As Eike reads, the bar owner is shown walking up the stairs. As he turns sideways to allow a customer to walk down the stairs past him, a hand is seen sprinkling an unidentified powder over Eike’s meal. At the landing, the bar owner turns to serve Eike his meal. Eike: Hmm, that sounds kind of suspicious. Bar Owner: Thanks for waiting. Here you are, enjoy! 507 Troubling Thoughts Eike reenters the bar. Bar Owner: Did you forget something? Eike: Uh, no. Bar Owner: Oh, I almost forgot. Look at this! Just like angels, aren’t they? They’re my grandkids. The bar owner holds up a photograph in front of Eike. Eike: Oh yeah, they’re really cute. How old are they? Bar Owner: Not very, they just learned to walk around, bless them. Eike: Then who on Earth was that kid crying during the fire? Bar Owner: What are you looking all worried about? Eike: Oh nothing, I should get going. 508 How are Things Going? Soon after Eike leaves the bar, Homunculus appears. Homunculus: Hello, Eike. How are things going? Have you found anything out? That’s an interesting book you have there. Eike: Want to look at it? Eike offers it to Homunculus. Homunculus: Ah, please don’t shove that thing near me! I don’t like that symbol on the cover! Eike: What, this? You don’t like this pentagram kind of thing? You’re a little strange. Homunculus: Well, of course I am. In any case, I know the contents of that book. Dr. Wagner, who is mentioned in the book had a daughter, and she a very significant figure to you. Eike: What, like she’s one of my ancestors? Homunculus: But you see, the Z-Pad is drawn to that age because of the link, whatever it is. Please, don’t forget the red stone. I’m looking for it too, but I believe you are the one who is fated to acquire it. Getting your hands on it will be a step toward avoiding your own death as well. Remember that, Eike. Homunculus vanishes. Eike: Hey, I need more! Gone again, this is really a one-sided kind of relationship. Me, and the age this book talks about. What is the connection? What the? Oh, am I tired or something? Eike feels unsteady on his feet. 509 Punishment Eike stands in the square of 1580. Eike: Come to think of it, she said her father did research. He may be this Dr. Wagner. They may have some sort of link to me. Eike walks to Margarete’s house, but is stopped by a woman standing outside, along with her daughter. Woman 1: No, no, it’s too dangerous! Don’t get too near that house! There was an explosion just now. What with him dabbling in all that science, it’s no wonder. He brought this upon himself, hah! Eike: Is this Dr. Wagner’s house? Woman 1: Oh, so you knew him, did you? Well, anyway, you’d best not stick your nose in, or you’ll be cursed too. See if you aren’t. Eike: So this was Dr. Wagner’s place. 510 Who are – you? Eike enters the house, which is smoldering inside. The woodwork has collapsed, compromising the integrity of the building. Eike catches a glance of Homunculus just before it vanishes. Eike: You! What are you doing here? Homunculus: Who are you? 511 Hugo’s Heart Hugo stands in the town square in front of two boys who are jeering at him. Boy 1: Hey, everyone says your pa is doing weird experiments! Boy 2: I heard that Hugo’s father was conjuring up the devil! Hugo: That isn’t true, he isn’t doing anything like that! Boy 2: And your sister dresses like a harlot! Boy 1: Isn’t that because the devil provides for her? Boy 2: Uh-huh. Hugo: You know that’s not that’s not true! Boy 2: Oh, I get it, that’s why your mom’s dead! Boy 1: Oh, I see now, like a lamb for offering! A sacrifice! Hugo’s eyes burn with hatred as he begins attacking the boys. Hugo: You take that back, don’t you dare say stuff like that about my mother! Take it back, I said take it back! Boy 1: Hey, Hugo’s mad again. Boy 2: Violence won’t solve anything! The two boys turn and run away before Hugo chases after them. Hugo: Take it back! 512 Doctor Wagner Eike walks downstairs to meet Dr. Wagner, who is busy stirring something at the stove. Wagner: Is that you, Hugo? Eike: No, I’m- Wagner turns around to look at Eike. Wagner: Whoever you are, I want you out. How did you get in here? Eike: Look, I’m sorry to bother you, but are you Dr. Wagner? Wagner: Yes, that is correct. Eike: Hey, is that for your research into the Homunculus? Wagner: Someone has been telling you things you ought not to know. Was it Hugo? No, I don’t think I’ve told him yet. Eike: No, no it wasn’t. Call it a hunch. Wagner: A hunch. Well, if you say so. I’m sorry, but I must ask you to leave now. And if you can, forget about what you saw in this room, please. Eike: Are you by any chance looking for the Philosopher’s Stone? Wagner: What did you say? You mean that you have it? Eike: Well no, I don’t know if it’s the one, but I have seen a stone, a red stone. Wagner: Well, should you gain possession of it, allow me a small amount, I beg of you. Please! 513 Curiosity 1 Eike enters from the basement, startling Margarete. Margarete: Oh, who are you? Eike: Oh, sorry if I startled you. Margarete: Aren’t you the one from- I think you were looking for someone, quite a while ago. Did you find whoever it was? A girl, I think. Eike: No, not yet. Margarete: You’re still looking? I’m impressed. Hasn’t it been at least two years? I tried looking finding her too afterwards, but I didn’t have any luck. I’m sorry. But a lot happened to us right after you came. Mother passed away, you know. Oh yes, Hugo’s still at school. He’s started this year and he’s gotten serious about learning. I think he’s decided to follow in our father’s footsteps. But I shouldn’t just make you listen to me ramble, I’m sorry. So, what brings you here today? Eike: Is there something around here called a sea hare antidote? Margarete: What? What’s the matter? Why do you need something like that? Eike: Well… Margarete: It’s right here on the shelf. Help yourself. I won’t tell Father. Eike: Thank you, I really appreciate it. Margarete: You’re welcome. Eike: (Is she my ancestor?) Margarete: What? Do I have something on my face? Eike: Sorry, I was just… I mean, I didn’t mean… I guess I’ll be going now. Margarete: Huh, you’re going already? Why don’t you just stay a while? You can tell me about the future and things. Please? Eike: So everyone thinks I’m from the future, is that it? Margarete: Well, Hugo’s the only one that says so, and nobody believes him. Except me, that is. It’s more interesting that way, don’t you think? So tell me, what is it like in your time? Eike: Alright then. Margarete: Good. Oh, I have some things to deliver, so I’ll walk with you if that’s okay. 514 Family Ties Eike and Margarete walk through the city streets together. Eike: There’s someone, a friend of mine. His name is Eckart. In my time, he’s the director of an art museum. Margarete: Yes, and? Eike: Well, I met Eckart’s great grandfather about a hundred years in the past and you won’t believe how alike they looked. The face, and hair. They’re both pretty young, but the hair… Margarete: Haha, you mean a little thin, maybe like the squire’s? Eike: And I mean in the same way, you know, on the top? Margarete: I guess that sort of thing is in the blood. Eike: Yeah, come to think of it they both had a daughter. Oh… Margarete: What is it? Eike: Well, Eckart said his daughter… His daughter, she’s gone. Margarete: You mean something happened to her? Eike: Yeah, a crime of some sort. But like twenty years ago. Funny thing is, it seems like he’s still waiting for her to come back. Margarete: I see. I guess that happens. It’s like Hugo not being able to forget Mother. Family ties are strong, aren’t they? Eike: It’s gotten dark already. I’m sorry if I kept you. Margarete: Oh, not at all! I really enjoyed the conversation. Oh, here we are. Will you wait a second? Margarete walks off for a moment, just as Eike catches a glimpse of Dana. Eike: Dana!? He runs after her, but she disappears behind a corner. Eike looks around, dumbfounded. Margarete walks back to where she left Eike, looking around for him. Eike runs back to Margarete, out of breath. Margarete: What’s the matter? Eike: It’s just that she looked like her. Margarete: That girl you’ve been looking for? Eike: Yes, but I lost sight of her. Maybe it wasn’t even her. Margarete: Well, I need to go home now. Is that alright? Eike: Of course, sorry about that. Margarete: It’s okay, but you really are from a different world altogether, aren’t you? Eike: I, well… Margarete: Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about the things you’ve told me. Not that anyone would believe me, anyway. Eike: Thank you, it would be better if you didn’t. I don’t think I should be leaving anything behind in this age. Not just actual things, but talking about stuff too, like I just did. Margarete: Huh? What do you mean? Eike: Well, like, suppose I were to kill someone in this age. Margarete: That’s dreadful! Eike: Oh, bad example. Well anyway, if that person were supposed to live to a hundred and have lots of kids and grandkids, but I interfere with his life at this point, those kids and grandkids will never be born, and all of their descendants in my time will never be born. Do you get that? Margarete: Yes, I think so. Eike: So, the more I interfere with the past, the more the future will change. It may not be as serious as that example I just used, but anything I do here could affect the future. 515 Future Repercussions Margarete: I don’t understand yet, but I’ll sleep on it. Your time period is very interesting to me. Eike: It’s nothing exciting. Kind of boring, really. Margarete: Please, take me to your time! Eike: No, I can’t do that. It’s not possible, the future will change. After all, you’re my… Margarete: Huh? Your what? I think you may be an ancestor of mine. Oh, nothing. 516 Sea Rabbit Eike awakens in limbo. Homunculus: Do you know what you died of? Eike: What? Homunculus: It was poison, probably from the sea hare. It uses the female of a type of sea slug as the basic raw material. You can control the rapidity of the affect and the intensity of symptoms by how you blend it. I’d say that was the cause of the culprit, but you’ll need to look into the details yourself. Why don’t you try the library? Oops, I guess it’s the art museum now. Well, see you around. Eike: I guess it’s the art museum now? What does that mean? 517 Usage Instructions Eike awakens in limbo. Homunculus: So you do have the antidote. Now it’s only a question of using it at the right moment. 518 The Antidote Margarete: So, what brings you here today? Eike: Is there something around here called a sea hare antidote? Margarete: What? What’s the matter? Why do you need something like that? Eike: Well… Margarete: It’s right here on the shelf. Help yourself. I won’t tell Father. Eike: Thank you, I really appreciate it. Margarete: You’re welcome. 519 Curiosity 2 Eike enters from the basement, startling Margarete. Margarete: Oh, who are you? Eike: Oh, sorry if I startled you. Margarete: Aren’t you the one from- I think you were looking for someone, quite a while ago. Did you find whoever it was? A girl, I think. Eike: No, not yet. Margarete: You’re still looking? I’m impressed. Hasn’t it been at least two years? I tried looking finding her too afterwards, but I didn’t have any luck. I’m sorry. But a lot happened to us right after you came. Mother passed away, you know. Oh yes, Hugo’s still at school. He’s started this year and he’s gotten serious about learning. I think he’s decided to follow in our father’s footsteps. But I shouldn’t just make you listen to me ramble, I’m sorry. So, what brings you here today? Eike: Is there something around here called a sea hare antidote? Margarete: What? What’s the matter? Why do you need something like that? Eike: Well… Margarete: It’s right here on the shelf. Help yourself. I won’t tell Father. Eike: Thank you, I really appreciate it. Margarete: You’re welcome. Eike: (Is she my ancestor?) Margarete: What? Do I have something on my face? Eike: Sorry, I was just… I mean, I didn’t mean… I guess I’ll be going now. Margarete: Huh, you’re going already? Why don’t you just stay a while? You can tell me about the future and things. Please? Eike: So everyone thinks I’m from the future, is that it? Margarete: Well, Hugo’s the only one that says so, and nobody believes him. Except me, that is. It’s more interesting that way, don’t you think? So tell me, what is it like in your time? Eike: Alright then. Margarete: Good. Oh, I have some things to deliver, so I’ll walk with you if that’s okay. 520 Sad and Perplexed Eike: It’s not as though I’ve looked up whether I’m descended from you or not, but you should forget about me and live a regular life here in this world. Margarete: Oh, I see. An ancestor, huh? That’s how you see me. I thought… Well, nevermind. It doesn’t matter. Eike: I didn’t mean- Margarete: I’m sorry if I’ve been a bother. I was out of line. Margarete turns away and leans against the wall. Eike: Margarete. Margarete: I was born here, and someday, I shall marry someone, have children, grow old, and die. And it’s all been decided already, hasn’t it? And then my child will have a child, and that child, too, and all the way at the end of that repetition is you. That’s what you mean. And if I were to break away from my time right now, you would never be born. Eike: Something like that, maybe. I can’t be sure, I don’t have any memory of my parents, so. Margarete: I understand. Don’t worry about me, I’m alright. You will come over again, won’t you? To tell me all these wondrous things. That’s allowed, isn’t it? Eike: I will, so see you soon. 521 Distant Memories Hugo walks in on Margarete and Eike. Margarete: Oh, Hugo! Did you just get back? Hugo: Nope, I heard everything. I didn’t mean to be a snoop but it didn’t seem like I could just walk in. It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone. Margarete: Oh for heaven’s sake, Hugo. You know, you could have just come in. Hugo: After all, sis, I was just trying to be tactful. Margarete: That’s quite alright. Oh, Hugo? Hugo: What? Margarete: Are you still, you know? Mother’s lock of hair? Hugo reaches for a pouch at his hip defensively. Hugo: What? Margarete: I know how much you miss mother, but you can’t carry that thing around forever. Hugo: Shut up! What do you mean ‘that thing?’ How can you say something like that? It’s not as though I’m doing anything wrong! Hugo kicks over a chair in his anger. Margarete: I’m sorry, that didn’t come out quite right. But don’t you think it’s just a little weird? Hugo: You’re the one who’s being weird, changing the subject as soon as soon as it gets a little thorny! Margarete: Hugo! Hugo: It’s your fault, you ought to know that. Hugo storms over to the basement and opens the door. Margarete: Hugo, Father can’t be disturbed! Hugo: I know. He shuts the door behind him. Eike: I uh, I should get going. Margarete: Yes, see you soon. I’m sorry it was so hectic around here. He’s always like this. I can’t just do a thing with him once he gets upset, so I just leave him alone when he gets this way. Hugo speaks through the door. Hugo: Hey sis, are you sure you’re just going to let him go like this? Margarete: Stop that, Hugo! Oh, uh, I have something for you. Will you take it? Consider it a token of appreciation, for all the stories you’ve told me. I’ve had it ever since I was little. It’s strange, when I touch it I see a picture of this man in my head. He’s not anyone I’ve met, he’s much, much older, like my father’s age. I have this sensation like he’s patting me on the head, but it doesn’t feel weird at all. Maybe I shouldn’t have told you that. You must think I’m strange now. Margarete offers a comb to Eike. Eike: No, of course not. Margarete: I’ve never told anyone about this. Well anyway, take it. Eike: Are you sure? Margarete: Yes, something to remember today by. Hugo: Good job, sis! Margarete: Hugo, stop eavesdropping! Eike: Thank you, Margarete. See you. Margarete: Okay, see you later. 522 An Uneventful Chat Eike: What am I thinking? Of course not. That would be too much of a coincidence. Margarete: What are you mumbling about? I was just joking about coming along with you. That would change the future, wouldn’t it? Eike: Probably. I’m really sorry, but. Margarete: It’s okay, really. You’ll come over again, won’t you? And tell me other interesting things? Eike: I will. See you again soon. 523 Something to Remember Today by Hugo walks in on Margarete and Eike. Margarete: Oh, Hugo! Did you just get back? Hugo: Nope, I heard everything. I didn’t mean to be a snoop but it didn’t seem like I could just walk in. It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone. Margarete: Oh for heaven’s sake, Hugo. You know, you could have just come in. Hugo: After all, sis, I was just trying to be tactful. Margarete: That’s quite alright. Oh, Hugo? Hugo: What? Margarete: Are you still, you know? Mother’s lock of hair? Hugo reaches for a pouch at his hip defensively. Hugo: What? Margarete: I know how much you miss mother, but you can’t carry that thing around forever. Hugo: Shut up! What do you mean ‘that thing?’ How can you say something like that? It’s not as though I’m doing anything wrong! Hugo kicks over a chair in his anger. Margarete: I’m sorry, that didn’t come out quite right. But don’t you think it’s just a little weird? Hugo: You’re the one who’s being weird, changing the subject as soon as soon as it gets a little thorny! Margarete: Hugo! Hugo: It’s your fault, you ought to know that. Hugo storms over to the basement and opens the door. Margarete: Hugo, Father can’t be disturbed! Hugo: I know. He shuts the door behind him. Eike: I uh, I should get going. Margarete: Yes, see you soon. I’m sorry it was so hectic around here. He’s always like this. I can’t just do a thing with him once he gets upset, so I just leave him alone when he gets this way. Hugo speaks through the door. Hugo: Hey sis, are you sure you’re just going to let him go like this? Margarete: Stop that, Hugo! Oh, uh, I have something for you. Will you take it? Consider it a token of appreciation, for all the stories you’ve told me, and something to remember today by. Margarete offers a comb to Eike. Hugo: Good job, sis! Margarete: Hugo, stop eavesdropping! Eike: Thank you, Margarete. See you. Margarete: Okay, see you later. 524 The Squire’s Bloodline A man stands looking up at the museum. Eike approaches the scene, prompting the man to turn around and look at him. Man: Oh, yes? Eike: Do you work at this museum? Man: Museum? Eike: What? This building is… Man: This? This is my home. We’ve been here for generations, as the descendants of the regional squire. Now… First, it was my parents, now my wife, all in such a short time. That leaves just myself and the two children in this castle of a house. You’re right, it’s too big for just the three of us. Perhaps it ought to be a museum, just as you say. Eike: I’m sorry. Man: No, no, I didn’t mean that as sarcasm, don’t be offended. Actually, I’m grateful for the advice. To tell you the truth, I’ve been thinking that I should just get rid of this house. Too many memories of my wife to bring me sorrow. But a museum, that’s something I haven’t thought of. Maybe a good thing, a museum. Perhaps this is meant to be. There are enough pictures in that collection of my forbearers. It seems he had an artist he favored. Eike: You mean Karl Franssen? Man: How did you know that? Are you checking into this house? I don’t remember telling anyone it was for sale yet. Eike: No, please don’t misunderstand. It’s just that I happen to like his paintings, and it’s not like… You know… Alfred: Well alright then, I’ve made up my mind. I’ll turn a part of this building into a private museum and open the collection of paintings to the public. That way I can take care of the children while I work. Besides, I know there’s at least one admirer of Karl Franssen’s work. Alright, that’s what I’ll do. I owe you many thanks. By the way, allow me to introduce myself, if somewhat belatedly. My name is Alfred Brum. Eike: Nice to meet you. I’m Eike Kusch. Alfred: I’m grateful to you, Eike. Come inside, we’ll have tea or something. Eike: Okay. 525 Sibylla the Precocious Princess Alfred walks into a room containing a small girl and a crib. The girl turns around at his entry and motions for him to be quiet. Alfred: Oh, sorry! Girl: He’s just gone to sleep, finally. Alfred: Good, now I need you to do something for me, Sibylla. Will you please make tea for our guest? Sibylla: If I must. Sibylla stands up and begins walking to the kitchen. 526 A Quiet Moment Sibylla enters the room with tea and china. Sibylla: Here you go. Alfred: Ah, thank you for the tea, dear. Oh yes, I should tell my sweet Sibylla. I’ve decided to turn this house into a museum. Well, what do you think? Sibylla: Whatever you decide is always good enough for me. Alfred: Thank you. I was a little afraid that you would object. Sibylla: Oh it’s much, much better than selling this house! Alfred: I see, I’m sorry I made you worry that much. I know, let’s have a photograph taken! If we’re going to start a museum, we’ll have to renovate. We’ll all get our picture taken with the house before then. Please join us, Eike. There’s no time like the present. I’ll fetch the photographer this instant. Sibylla: Mr. Franssen, this early in the morning? Eike: Franssen? Alfred: Oh yes, he’s descended from the painter Karl Franssen. Maybe that’s why he’s a photographer. He’s a good friend of mine, I can count on him to come if we need him. Just wait a little while, he’ll be here in no time. Sibylla, you hold the fort and watch the baby please. Sibylla: Of course. Sibylla watches Alfred leave before turning back to Eike. Sibylla: Did you persuade Father not to sell the house? Eike: No, I didn’t do anything like that. This is something your father decided on his own. Sibylla: Oh, I see. I’m just awfully glad that the house won’t be sold. Sibylla slides the tea over to Eike, which he takes and begins to sip. Sibylla immediately notices something by Eike’s armpit and moves over to his shirt. Sibylla: Oh, it’s coming undone here! Give it to me, I’ll mend it for you. Eike: What? No, that’s okay. Sibylla: Don’t worry. I may look little, but I can do anything! Well, anything except cooking, that is. See that? That’s for Father to wear in the festival coming up. I sowed that too, so don’t be shy. Sibylla gestures to a white robe and mask. Eike takes off his shirt and hands it to Sibylla before sneezing suddenly. Sibylla: Are you cold? If you are, just put that costume over you. I’ll be done soon. Sibylla begins to work on the shirt. Sibylla: There, almost done. Haha, you sure look funny! It suits you! Let’s have the picture taken like that! 527 Commemorative Portrait Mr. Franssen has his camera lined up to take a photo. In front of him are Eike, Alfred, and his two children. Eike is wearing the robe and the mask with the white robe. Franssen: Alright, everyone hold still please! He snaps the picture. Alfred: Thank you very much. Sorry I dragged you out of bed. Sibylla: Thank you to you too. You can change back now. Eike: That’s right, I should go get changed. ======================= Chapter 6 ======================= 601 Hit and Run Eike runs, then comes to a stop at an intersection. He turns around and looks behind him just in time to see a blue car speed down the road and run him over, killing him instantly. 602 The Poster Three women are gathered around a poster for a movie. Woman 1: Hey look, it’s a poster for that new movie. Woman 2: What’s it about? Woman 3: I never get this guy’s movies! Woman 2: Who watches this kind of stuff anyway? Eike: The Meditating Man? Okay, this sounds pretty dull. 603 Cursed Eike awakens in limbo. Homunculus: Don’t give up, Eike. It’s dangerous to be alone. Do something, or else you’ll never break free from your fate. 604 Eike’s misfortune A man stands in the middle of the street, arms raised and eyes closed. He opens his eyes, then looks down in disappointment. Man: Failed again… He turns around to see Eike, then gasps. Man: It’s happened! Eike: Uh oh. Man: You’ve come! You answered my call, didn’t you? Eike: No, of course not. What are you talking about? Eike begins walking away. Man: No no no, wait! Eike: What do you want from me? Oleg: Let me introduce myself. My name is Oleg, and I am a filmmaker. Just a novice at this point, but… Anyway, Ever since I saw you a year ago, I’ve been meditating every chance I can get, channeling all my energy toward seeing you again, and finally you answered! To think I had such power! I will never forget this moment. Maybe I should base a movie on this! But what kind of film should it be? A bold and moving drama about a man with miraculous powers, or a science fiction blockbuster featuring a psychokinetic hero? Eike: Um… Oleg: I see that you’re the type of man who prefers not to betray his excitement, but let me ask you something. If you were making a film, what kind of movie would it be? Something about the Meditating Man? Something about time travel? 605 Meditating Man Oleg: Oh, that’s the same as I was thinking of, really. 606 Why Travel Through Time? Oleg: Hah, that’s a pretty good angle. But what about the motivation for his temporal wanderings? To find out the cause of his own death? To take over the world? 607 An OK Idea Oleg: Alright, I can use that. 608 So Close! Oleg: Cause of death, huh? It needs something else. Any ideas? Well, how about a love story? What about a thriller spin? 609 Precious and One-of-a-Kind Oleg: Oh, wow. I’m impressed. You’ve really got me. Look, please don’t tell anyone about this project. Once I’m a little higher on the food chain, I can film this. But it needs something more, a soul if you will. Well, that’ll come later. Watch for it in theaters though, alright? Eike: Okay. Oleg: You’re not happy? I am, really I am, very sincerely. I don’t want to call this a token of that feeling, but here. Please accept this as a gift, in the name of this encounter. Oleg hands Eike a green egg-shaped pocket watch. Eike: Are you sure? This looks like an antique. Oleg: Oh, that’s alright. It looks old, but it’s just a replica. My family has the arts and crafts gene, so to speak. We like to make things! This is the kind of thing my father likes to make. So there are old-fashioned cameras and pocket watches all over his house, and what I like to do is give them to friends. Eike: Thank you. Oleg: No, thank you! I consider you one of my greatest benefactors, you know? Just talking to you like this gives me something immeasurably valuable. Eike: Really? It does? Oleg: Yes it does, absolutely. By the way, how does one acquire the power to do what you do? Please, please come on! Share some of your powers with me! Eike: You can’t ask me to do that. I mean, I can’t. Try to forget about all this, please. Goodbye. Oleg: No, wait! Please! You can’t just go! Eike is seen running into the distance. 610 The Wrong Idea Eike approaches Oleg again. His eyes are closed and his arms are wide above him. Oleg: Oh, you’ve come back! I knew it! My powers are something to be reckoned with. Come, come in closer now! Hurrgh! Eike: I don’t think I should get too close to this guy. Eike turns and runs from him. Oleg: Oh wait, no! Don’t go! 611 Arrrgh! Eike teleports in front of Oleg, who recoils in shock. Oleg: Ahh!! 612 Homunculus on a Snowy Day Eike sees Homunculus holding a baby. It smiles, then turns and begins walking away. Between the snow and fog, it begins fading from sight almost immediately. Eike: Hey! Eike chases after Homunculus but stops after just a few feet, not being able to see through the thick fog. 613 Midwinter Mystery A man approaches a woman lying face-down in the snow. Man 1: Lady, are you okay? Woman: Where? My baby! She- The woman collapses on the ground. Eike and two more men approach the scene, concerned. Eike: Baby? Man 1: Come on, lady, hold on! Man 2: What’s going on? Someone hurt? Eike: I don’t know, call an ambulance. Man 2: Right, you got it! The man runs off hastily. Man 3: What’s going on here, a mugging? Hey wait, isn’t this Eckart’s wife? Eckart runs to his wife’s side. Eckart: Miriam! Miriam, stay with me. Hold on! Oh, where’s Dana? Wasn’t she with you? Has anyone seen a baby? 614 Meddling With the Past Miriam walks down the street with her baby. Eike sees her and approaches her. Eike: Hi, excuse me. Miriam: Yes? Don’t go that way. It’s dangerous. Your baby’s really cute. 615 The Warning 1 Miriam: Oh, thank you. Eike: Look, can I ask you a favor? Could you take a different way? Miriam: What? Eike: It’s dangerous ahead. Please. Miriam: I see. Alright, thank you. Eike: Please, be careful. Miriam turns the corner to take a different path. Satisfied, Eike turns around and walks away. Once his back is turned, the woman peeks out from behind the corner and continues the way she had been going. 616 Gunshots Eike hears a gunshot and turns around suddenly. Eike: What!? 617 The Irony of Fate A man approaches a woman lying face-down in the snow. Man 1: Lady, are you okay? Woman: Where? My baby! She- The woman collapses on the ground. Eike and two more men approach the scene, concerned. Eike: Gone, she’s gone again. Man 1: Come on, lady, hold on! Man 2: What’s going on? Someone hurt? Eike: I don’t know, but please call an ambulance. Man 2: Right, you got it! The man runs off hastily. Man 3: Is she alright? What happened? Hey wait, isn’t this Eckart’s wife? Eckart runs to his wife’s side. Eckart: Miriam! Miriam, stay with me. Hold on! Oh, where’s Dana? Wasn’t she with you? Has anyone seen a baby? Eike: I don’t know… Man 1: Hey, you were just talking to this lady, weren’t you? Eike: Yeah, but I was… Eike takes a couple steps back. Man 2: Hey! Eckart: That man. Man 1: I’d say he’s acting suspicious. 618 Suspicions 1 Eike backs away slowly. The two men follow aggressively. Man 2: Hey, where do you think you’re going? Man 1: You trying to make a quick getaway? Eike: Getaway? I haven’t done anything. 619 Suspicions 2 Man 2: Then stay here ‘till the cops get here. Man 1: We’re talking murder here, you’d better not do anything stupid. 620 Inspiration Eckart kneels beside his wife. Behind a building, Oleg watches. Oleg: Oh man, this looks serious. A major case, that’s it! Murder, mystery and time travel! That’s the concept! This is going to be one hot project, but uh… If this relates to that, and uh… It needs a little more work. Actually it’s going to need a lot more work. But I must make this my masterpiece! 621 Changing Fate Eike floats in the void between eras. Homunculus appears in the rift and drifts beside him. Homunculus: Now really, what is it this time? The Good Samaritan? Didn’t I tell you? Fate makes a powerful opponent. It’s tough enough changing your own fate. You can’t do much to someone else’s. Doing it over and over again doesn’t mean you’re going to get it right anytime soon. You may put yourself through the pain, the tears again and again. You should try concentrating on correcting your fate as quickly as possible. I’m saying this for your own sake. Goodbye for now. 622 The Warning 2 Eike approaches Miriam from behind. She turns at his approach. Eike: Excuse me, ma’am! Miriam: Yes? Eike: Don’t go that way. It’s dangerous. Please, will you take another route? Miriam: Excuse me? Miriam begins walking away. Eike: Wait! 623 The Tide of Destiny Eike: Watch out! Eike runs and pushes Miriam out of the way just as the gunshot sounds with a bang. Eike stands up and looks down at Miriam, concerned. Eike: Are you alright? Miriam: You, you’ve saved me! Eike: Forget that, are you hurt anywhere? Miriam: No, I’m fine. Only some scrapes. You really were trying to help, weren’t you? I’m sorry. Eike: Don’t worry about that, are you alright? Miriam: Wait! Where is she? My baby! Eike: Oh no, the baby! Man: Wait a minute, there’s no kid around here. Are you okay lady? Eike runs to Miriam’s side. Eckart: Miriam! Are you alright? Miriam: I’m alright, but- Eckart: You’re bleeding! Miriam: That doesn’t matter, I’m alright! Where is she? Where is my baby? Eike looks around awkwardly before walking away. Man: Hey, where do you think you’re going? Eike: Oh, I thought I’d to see if anyone around here saw anything. Man: Okay, then I’ll go call an ambulance. 624 The Blockbuster 1:Art Museum A group of women stand in front of a movie poster. Behind a nearby building, Oleg watches. Woman 1: Hey look, it’s a poster for that new movie. Woman 2: What’s it about? Woman 1: A man with a power to defy time itself uncovers the truth behind a grisly serial murder. Woman 2: Hey, that sounds pretty cool. I like that kind of stuff. Woman 3: Oh, what’s cool? Woman 4: Oh, this director? I am such a big fan of his. Woman 5: Oh my gosh, you too? This is so totally amazing! Oleg: Alright, I’ve got a good feeling about this one! Another major hit, no doubt about that, really. The blue car that hit Eike earlier is parked next to Oleg. It backs up and drives away. Oleg: Hey, watch what you’re doing! Eike’s phone rings, and he answers. Eike: Hello? Eckart: Hello, Eike? I’m sorry, but something’s come up and I need that book back. If you could bring it over, I’ll be waiting at the museum tower. 625 The Blockbuster 2:Art Museum A group of women stand in front of a movie poster. Behind a nearby building, Oleg watches. Woman 1: Hey look, it’s a poster for that new movie. Woman 2: What’s it about? Woman 1: A man with a power to defy time itself uncovers the truth behind a grisly serial murder. Woman 2: Hey, that sounds pretty cool. I like that kind of stuff. Woman 3: Oh, what’s cool? Woman 4: Oh, this director? I am such a big fan of his. Woman 5: Oh my gosh, you too? This is so totally amazing! Oleg: Alright, I’ve got a good feeling about this one! Another major hit, no doubt about that, really. The blue car that hit Eike earlier is parked next to Oleg. It backs up and drives away. Oleg: Hey, watch what you’re doing! Eike’s phone rings, and he answers. Eike: Hello? Eckart: Hello, Eike? I’m sorry, but something’s come up and I need that book back. If you could bring it over, I’ll be waiting at the museum tower. 626 The Blockbuster 1:Library A group of women stand in front of a movie poster. Behind a nearby building, Oleg watches. Woman 1: Hey look, it’s a poster for that new movie. Woman 2: What’s it about? Woman 1: A man with a power to defy time itself uncovers the truth behind a grisly serial murder. Woman 2: Hey, that sounds pretty cool. I like that kind of stuff. Woman 3: Oh, what’s cool? Woman 4: Oh, this director? I am such a big fan of his. Woman 5: Oh my gosh, you too? This is so totally amazing! Oleg: Alright, I’ve got a good feeling about this one! Another major hit, no doubt about that, really. The blue car that hit Eike earlier is parked next to Oleg. It backs up and drives away. Oleg: Hey, watch what you’re doing! Eike’s phone rings, and he answers. Eike: Hello? Eckart: Hello, Eike? I’m sorry, but something’s come up and I need that book back. If you could bring it over, I’ll be waiting at the library tower. 627 The Blockbuster 2:Library A group of women stand in front of a movie poster. Behind a nearby building, Oleg watches. Woman 1: Hey look, it’s a poster for that new movie. Woman 2: What’s it about? Woman 1: A man with a power to defy time itself uncovers the truth behind a grisly serial murder. Woman 2: Hey, that sounds pretty cool. I like that kind of stuff. Woman 3: Oh, what’s cool? Woman 4: Oh, this director? I am such a big fan of his. Woman 5: Oh my gosh, you too? This is so totally amazing! Oleg: Alright, I’ve got a good feeling about this one! Another major hit, no doubt about that, really. The blue car that hit Eike earlier is parked next to Oleg. It backs up and drives away. Oleg: Hey, watch what you’re doing! Eike’s phone rings, and he answers. Eike: Hello? Eckart: Hello, Eike? I’m sorry, but something’s come up and I need that book back. If you could bring it over, I’ll be waiting at the library tower. 628 A Total Flop 1 A group of women stand in front of a movie poster. Behind a nearby building, Oleg watches. Woman 1: Hey look, it’s a poster for that new movie. Woman 2: What’s it about? Woman 1: A man with a power to defy time itself uncovers the truth behind a grisly serial murder. Woman 2: That sounds pretty cool. Woman 1: But this guy’s movies are always like “Huh? What the hell?” You know? Woman 2: Uh, yuck. That guy! Eike: I guess Oleg’s film wasn’t a big hit after all. Oleg: It’s another flop… I’m finished, I know it. The car beside Oleg starts up and accelerates until it hits Eike, killing him instantly. 629 A Total Flop 2 A group of women stand in front of a movie poster. Behind a nearby building, Oleg watches. Woman 1: Hey look, it’s a poster for that new movie. Woman 2: What’s it about? Woman 1: A man with a power to defy time itself uncovers the truth behind a grisly serial murder. Woman 2: That sounds pretty cool. Woman 1: But this guy’s movies are always like “Huh? What the hell?” You know? Woman 2: Uh, yuck. That guy! Eike: I guess Oleg’s film wasn’t a big hit after all. Oleg: It’s another flop… I’m finished, I know it. The car beside Oleg starts up and accelerates until it hits Eike, killing him instantly. 630 Almost There Eike awakens in limbo. Homunculus: And you were so close, too. Sometimes a single word from you can change the future. Isn’t that right? ======================= Chapter 7 ======================= 701 The Long Fall Eike stands at the top of the tower, leaning on the railing. Suddenly a pair of hands are shown pushing him over the rail. Eike screams and falls to his death. 702 Inside the Tower After Eike enters the tower, the door slam shuts. Eike turns around and pulls at the doorknob. Eike: Oh great! I’m locked in! 703 A Trap? Eike stands at the top of the tower. Eike: Eckart? Are you here? 704 The Shadow Stalking Eike Eike pulls at the door to the tower. Eike: It’s locked. I don’t really want to think about it, but can the person who’s trying to kill me be Eckart? Is it? Is that possible, and why would he be-? 705 The Meaning of the Tower Key Eike stands inside of Alfred’s house. Eike: The tower key. There’s two of them here, it should be okay to take one. Sibylla is shown playing with the baby in another room, before suddenly taking a peek in the room where Eike is and seeing him take the tower key. She turns and leaves without speaking to him. Eike turns around and notices the door has been opened. Eike: Uh oh, I’m going to run into myself! Eike turns and runs into another room of the house. 706 Preparations Eike ties a rope to the railing at the top of the tower. Eike: Since I’m going to be shoved off here, I can tie one end of the rope to this railing and grab it before I get pushed off. That way I shouldn’t fall. I hope it works. 707 Preparations(1980) Eike ties a rope to the railing at the top of the tower. Eike: Since I’m going to be shoved off here, I can tie one end of the rope to this railing and grab it before I get pushed off. That way I shouldn’t fall. I hope it works. 708 Preparations(1902) Eike ties a rope to the railing at the top of the tower. Eike: Since I’m going to be shoved off here, I can tie one end of the rope to this railing and grab it before I get pushed off. That way I shouldn’t fall. I hope it works. 709 Feeling Uneasy Eike hears Eckart on the phone from the door connecting the tower to Eckart’s house. Eckart: You’re sure about that? She’s alive? Alright. Yes, he did say he was coming over tomorrow to look at paintings. Yes, I’m sure. Yes, I know. I won’t tell anyone. Eike: Who’s he talking to? 710 A Close Call Eike stands at the railing, holding the rope. When he is pushed, Eike falls several feet before managing to grip the rope. The comb from Margarete slips from his pocket and falls to the ground below. Eckart: Finally, it’s done. Now it’s got to be cleaned up… Once Eckart turns and goes back inside, Eike climbs the rope and makes his way over the railing again, panting heavily. 711 Falling Down Eike stands at the railing beside the rope. Suddenly, two hands push him over the railing, sending him falling to his death. 712 Miscalculation Eike stands at the railing, holding the rope. When he is pushed, Eike falls several feet before managing to grip the rope. As Eike tries to find a foothold in the tower, a part of the rope frays and breaks, sending Eike falling to his death. 713 The Story of the Comb Eike walks back down the stairs of the tower, stopping by the door to Eckart's office before walking in to meet him. Eckart: Oh, hi. Eike: Eckart, you! Eckart holds Margarete’s comb. Eckart: Is this yours? Eike: Eckart- Eckart: I asked you whether this was yours. Eike: Yes, someone gave it to me. But we need to- Eckart: I see. Eike: Eckart, there’s something I need to ask you. Eckart: I’m sorry. Truly sorry. I was blackmailed. Our daughter went missing twenty years ago. It was Dana’s return for your life. Eike: So, are you the one who stabbed me, too? Eckart: No, I don’t know anything about that. You may not believe me, but that’s the truth. Eike: What, so there’s someone else trying to kill me as well? Then who were you talking to on the phone? Eckart: I honestly don’t know. He said he’d call again once you were dead. Don’t worry, after all I told you all this, didn’t I? I won’t make any more attempts on your life and I plan to give myself up to the police. Forgiveness I can’t ask for, but I am sorry. Eike: No, that’s alright. I’m alive, and besides, it’s the fault of whoever is really behind this. Please don’t blame yourself too much, Eckart. Eckart: This comb, it somehow made me a sane man again. When I look at it, I feel like she’s safe. When I hold it in my hand I can believe that the blackmail was nothing but a piece of fiction, and that my daughter is out there somewhere, happy and safe. It’s as though I’m stroking her little head again, reassuring. I don’t know quite how to express it. I must be getting old. Eike: No, I think I understand. That comb, I’d like you to have it. Eckart: You’re sure? Isn’t it a keepsake? 714 Family Ties Miriam enters the room. Miriam: Sweetheart? Eckart: Miriam, I woke you? Everything’s alright. You should go back to bed. Miriam: No. Eckart: My darling, you heard? Miriam: Yes, your voice rather carries, you know. I didn’t mean to listen, but you sounded so agitated that I… Eckart: Oh Miriam, Miriam I’m so sorry. Miriam: Everything is going to be alright. You have me, don’t you know that? I’ve always been on your side, always. Eckart: Thank you, my dear. Thank you so much. Miriam: Don’t be silly. We’ve been together for twenty years, you know, and… Oh my. You’re, aren’t you? Eike: Ah! Eckart: What’s going on? Eike? You two know each other? Miriam: No, it’s just that he looks so much like someone I knew a long time ago, that’s all. Eike: I uh… Miriam: It’s alright, you don’t have to say anything. A middle-aged woman has memories that are best left as they are. The truth may only disappoint, and I’d rather not be told. Eckart: Hold on a minute, what is all this? You make it sound as if you two are old flames or something? How come I’ve never heard anything about this? It’s a little too secretive for my- Miriam: Now don’t worry, dear. I am a one-man woman, and you know very well that you are that man. It’s so alike… Eckart: What’s alike? Miriam: This comb, and the one I gave our baby Dana to hold. I don’t remember exactly what it looked like, but I think it looked like this. Sort of antique, you know. Eckart: What? Huh, that’s why! I see it now, that’s why I feel so peculiar about this thing. Makes sense. Miriam: You too? But I didn’t think you would notice things like her comb. Eckart: I didn’t think so either, and that’s why it’s so odd! Eike, is it really alright for me to accept this from you? 715 The Ally 1 Eike: You should have it. I’ve got to get going. Eckart: Already? Eike: I have to find out who’s doing this. Eckart: Of course, and if there’s anything I can do to help, let me know. I’ll do everything in my power. 716 The Ally 2 Eike: You should have it. I’ve got to get going. Eckart: Already? Eike: I have to find out who’s doing this. Eckart: Of course, and if there’s anything I can do to help, let me know. I’ll do everything in my power. ======================= Chapter 8 ======================= 801 Dana’s Picture Eike stops outside of Eckart’s office and turns to look at a painting of a woman holding a jewel. Eike: I don’t remember seeing this picture before. This stone, and the girl? Dana? 802 Dana, Again Eike walks to the atelier just in time to see Dana leaving it. Eike: Dana!? Dana: You’re from that… Eike? Eike: I was worried about where you were. Dana: Yeah, I was pretty shook up too, when I got separated from you. Eike: I’m glad you’re okay. I’m really sorry you got mixed up in all this. Dana: I was scared to death though, it was pitch dark, too. But it only took me a bit to figure out it was the same place, and I started thinking that maybe it was just a different time. The buildings and streets are almost exactly the same, so… Eike: Wow, you thought of all that and didn’t freak out? I would have for sure. Dana: Well, it took a while to get used to. Things only fell into place lately. I looked for you a long time, you know. Eike: I’m sorry. I looked for you too, but I didn’t have any luck. Dana: Well, no use worrying about what’s done. It has been four years after all. Eike: Huh? Oh yeah, I guess it would be. You do look more, I don’t know, mature, come to think of it. Dana: What do you mean? Eike: Oh, uh nothing, really. Dana: The night watchman helped me that first day and since then I’ve done a lot of different things. I even worked at a mill for a while. But now I’m a chambermaid at the squire’s manor house. I feel so content these days. I feel like I should be thanking you. Eike: Why are you modeling for a picture? Dana: The squire’s a patron of this painter, and that’s how I met him originally. He said he really wanted to use me as a model and I just couldn’t say no. Eike: I see. Dana: The squire’s daughter was supposed to model, really. But she didn’t want to do it, so I ended up taking her place. Eike: So the girl in the picture is you. Dana: Oh, I don’t even start posing until tomorrow. I just came over today to work out the schedule and all that stuff. Eike: But the picture will eventually be painted. Dana: Hey, why did you come here today? Are you here to take me back? You know how to, don’t you? Eike: Yes, do you want to go back? Dana: I did you know, of course I wanted to. But that’s not how I feel anymore. Eike: Not anymore? Dana: It’s okay. I have no one there, no parents, no family. So I’ll be okay here. No one will worry about me. No one expected anything of me back there. No one was watching, no matter how hard I worked, so there really is nothing for me there. 803 The Red Stone 1 Eike: Dana. Dana: Don’t worry about me, Eike. I’m really very grateful for all you’ve done. This world, this age… I feel like I’ve come home after a really long trip. That’s how right it feels, and I mean that. So, please don’t look for me anymore. This is where I’m going to spend my life. I’ve already made up my mind. Eike: Dana… Dana: Oh, remember this? It’s the red stone from that day. Dana holds out the Philosopher’s Stone. Eike: That stone’s a-look, do you mind if I ask you to give that to me? Dana: Of course, you can have it. If it weren’t for this stone, I would never have met you. Never would have ended up here right now, talking to you like this. I’ve always thought there was something very important about this stone. That’s the reason I thought about having it included in my portrait. But that’s okay. After all, I got to see you again. Here you go. Eike: Thanks Dana. So what are you going to do now? Dana: I, uh… There’s someone that I work with at the manor house where I’m being looked after. He and I, well… We’re going to be starting a life together someday. So I’m going to be staying. I’m really sorry, Eike. Eike: Won’t you regret it? Dana: No, I won’t. It’s alright. Eike: Okay. You take care, then. Dana: You too, Eike. 804 One Word Too May… Eike walks into the alchemist’s house to find Margarete and Hugo. Margarete: Oh! Come in. You do like to show up unannounced, don’t you? Hugo: Father’s down in the basement, working. You did come to see him, not Margarete, right? Margarete: Oh, stop it! Hugo: Alright, okay. 805 The Philosopher’s Stone 1 Eike descends the stairs to see Wagner in his lab. He looks up at his arrival. Wagner: You have, by chance, the Philosopher’s Stone? Eike: Yes, is this it? Eike sets the stone down on the table. Eike: That’s the only stone I know that fits the bill. Wagner: In the name of heaven! I shall start the preparations for the experiment right now! It’s alright, it doesn’t matter if this is not the true stone. I am grateful for your help regardless. But if it is the stone, the results should be wondrous! Please come back again in, let’s see, five-no, make it ten-days. Eike: Ten days, okay. That would be the… Thirteenth. Oh! Eike remembers the destroyed alchemist’s house. Wagner: What? Eike: That experiment’s dangerous. Wagner: That may be, but this is something I want to do, something I must do. Please, try to understand. Ten days from now. By then, the experiment should yield fruit. I will be able to show you the Homunculus. At last, science will prove itself capable of creating life! How I wish you could have been here, Helena. That is my only regret. See you in ten days, then. Oh, and one more thing. Could you keep this a secret from Hugo and Margarete? Knowing Hugo as I do, if he learns of this, he might do something like attempt to bring Helena back from the dead. He can’t seem to face his mother’s death. Should this experiment succeed, and if I manage to find what answers I can in my quest for truth, I shall commit all records of my research to the fire. Now, take care. 806 Dangerous Experiment Eike comes back up from Wagner’s laboratory. Hugo: Hey, did you manage to see Father? Eike: Uh huh, why do you ask? Hugo: Man, what’s the matter with Father anyway? He hasn’t let me into his laboratory lately. When I went in there the other day he got really angry with me and ever since then, there’s some secret in there he can’t tell me about. I just know it! Hey, are you like Father’s right-hand man. You know, with tools from the future and stuff? Eike: Of course not, nothing like that. Hugo: Really? I’d definitely ask for your help if I were Father. Then I could make a machine to move through time. You know, like the one you showed me before? I sort of understand how it works, anyway. Eike: Wow, really? I’m impressed. Hugo: Well, I said sort of. Anyway, I’m more interested in whatever Father’s working on right now. Margarete: Hugo, I’m sure Father will tell us one of these days. Hugo: I don’t know about that. Wagner enters the room from his laboratory. Wagner: Children, I have something to tell you. I am going to start another experiment, but this one will be very dangerous, so I want you to leave the house for a while. Margarete: Right away? Wagner: The sooner the better. I’ll send word in about ten days. Go to your relative’s homes or anywhere else you like. That’s all. Hugo: Can I help with the experiment? Wagner: No. Both of you have to leave this house. Wagner turns and walks back down into his laboratory. Hugo: Oh for Pete’s sake. What does he think he’s doing, huh? Margarete: Come on, where should we go? Hugo: Sis? So you’re just going to do it? Margarete: Do we have a choice? It’s okay. It’s only for a little while. Let’s go, we have to get ready. Eike: I guess I’ll be going now. Margarete: Of course. I’m sorry we’re always in the middle of something. Hugo: See you soon, okay? 807 Ten Days Later 1 Eike stands in the ruins of the alchemist’s house. Eike: Hello, is anybody here? Anybody? Dr. Wagner, Margarete, Hugo! Anyone here? Margarete’s voice can be heard from the basement, muffled. Margarete: Hugo! Eike: The basement! 808 Another Time Machine! 1 Eike approaches a machine in the basement. A meter on it ominously reads ‘2001407.’ Eike: This meter here… Is this a time machine? That can’t be. But that sounded like Margarete’s voice just now. 809 An Unexpected Phone Call 1 Eike’s phone rings in the present day, which he answers. Hugo: Hey, long time no see. Actually, didn’t we just see each other today? Eike: Is this Hugo? Hugo: Uh-huh. I really like these machines of the future. Being able to just project your voice a long distance… That’s really something. Eike: How did you know my number? Hugo: Oh, that. I just asked someone called Eckart. You know, you mentioned him once. Eike: How did you get here, and why? Were you the one threatening Eckart? Hugo: Come on, ‘threaten’ sounds so serious. All I did was propose a deal. Can I help it if he jumped at the chance when I told him what he wanted to hear about his daughter? Oh, and about how I got here? It’s pretty simple, really. Remember that tool you showed me? I just made one of my own, you see. Eike: What? Hugo: Well, actually, I didn’t make it. Not exactly. The Hugo of the future completed it and gave it to me. A Transport Mechanism to Timespace Marked by Phenomena of Relevance. You like it? Just like yours. Actually, I think the other stuff might be different, but who cares, right? In any case, I can track and follow your machine. Eike: What about Margarete? Hugo: Would you look at that, I’m forgetting the point of the whole thing. Can you drop by? I’ll be waiting at the square. Bring Homunculus, we have a few things to discuss. Oh, and by the way, do what I tell you, okay? Otherwise, someone you care about is going to die. I don’t have to tell you what I mean by that, right? Later then. Margarete: Hugo! Eike: Hey! 810 The Criminal Revealed 1 Eike stands in the middle of the square. Eike: Hugo, where are you? Hugo: Man, you are so noisy! I’m here, right here! Hugo walks up to Eike, holding a knife to Margarete’s throat. Eike remembers the blonde boy at the fire. Eike: Hugo! You’re the one who’s been trying to kill me? Hugo: Never mind that, where is the Homunculus? Eike: You heard what I asked you! Hugo: The Homunculus was completed because you showed up! You fooled Father into creating the Homunculus, isn’t that right? I read Father’s research notes. It said you brought him the last ingredient, the Philosopher’s Stone. Eike: Me, get your father to create Homunculus? All I’ve been doing is trying to stay alive! But it isn’t- Hugo: What I really wanted was to get here earlier and stop what you were doing, but all my machine could do was follow yours. So I targeted yesterday’s you, because I thought I could manage to get to you before you did the things you did today. I had so many chances, but I still didn’t manage to kill you off. Margarete: Hugo… Hugo: It’s a shame, but there’s no way for my machine to outrun yours, and I can’t stop the Homunculus from being completed. So I’m switching to another plan. If I can’t prevent the Homunculus from being created in the first place, I’ll destroy it. That seems to be the only way to get a hold of the Philosopher’s Stone. Eike: The Philosopher’s Stone? What use is that to you? Eike walks toward Hugo, who holds the knife closer to Margarete’s throat. Margarete: Hugo? Hugo: I’m out for revenge, don’t you get it? The Homunculus destroyed my family, and you were the one that had it created! Margarete: No, Hugo. I can’t believe that’s true. Eike just doesn’t seem like a person who would do a thing like that. There must be some other reason Father disappeared the way he did. Come on, Hugo. Let’s give him just a little more time. We can wait together. Hugo: Shut up, that’s your problem, it’s not mine! Now stop treating me like a kid whenever it suits you! Got it? Margarete: I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, but- Hugo: I know that the Homunculus is made of the Philosopher’s Stone. If we got hold of it, we could save Mother. Eike: Save? What do you mean by that? Hugo: I can save her life! That’s the reason I’m looking for that stone. This time, I will succeed and she’ll be alive again. We’ll all go home together and start over. You understand now? Come on, go get the Homunculus? Margarete: Bring her back? Hugo, what do you think you’re doing? Eike: You want to raise the dead!? Hugo: The stone let Father create the Homunculus! As long as I have the right materials, this should work too! Margarete: You’re not serious, are you? Hugo: Never mind! Just hurry up! Margarete: You used that lock of Mother’s hair! You’ve tried this before? Hugo: Hurry up! Eike: Homunculus can’t be-He always, he just appears out of nowhere. It has nothing to do with what I want. Yes, he saved my life, but that’s about it. It just isn’t possible for me to call him up. Don’t you get it? Hugo: I’ll give you twenty minutes. If you don’t bring him to me in twenty minutes, I’m just going to disappear. Sorry, sis, but I’ll have to leave you behind in this age, Margarete: Hugo, what do you think you’re doing? Hugo: Don’t worry. Even if I do end up doing that, nothing’s going to happen to you. Leaving your ancestor in this time… You understand what that means, don’t you? Go on, hurry up! 811 The Fortuneteller Eike approaches the fortuneteller. Fortuneteller: Welcome. Eike: Ah… Fortuneteller: Yes? Eike: Uh, you’re… Who are you? Fortuneteller: Would you really like to know? Eike: If you really don’t mind telling me. Helena: Could it be that you are here because you have some idea of what the answer will be? I met you once, long, long ago. I could not have imagined then that we would meet again under such circumstances. I’d listen to Hugo talking, of course, but how could I have believed these wild fantasies about time travel? That is, until I became what I was and saw you again. Yes, long ago I was called Helena. I had a life of my own and two children named Margarete and Hugo. But I was also very ill. 812 Helena Helena: When we first met, I couldn’t even raise myself from the bed anymore. And soon afterwards, I died. All that was left of my existence was a lock of my hair, as it should have been. But Hugo, my son Hugo, found the Homunculus device that his father had been experimenting with, and he used my hair in the machine. 813 Hugo’s Mistake Hugo stands in his father’s laboratory and is seen plopping a piece of hair into a pot. A pillar of smoke erupts from the pot as Helena is heard screaming. Hugo: Mother? Helena: Hugo, what are you doing? Please, stop this! Hugo, send me back! Help me! Wagner rushes down the stairs and sees Hugo. Wagner: What are you doing here? Hugo: Father! I- Wagner: Never mind, just get out! Hugo: Father, but- Wagner: You do not enter this room again! Helena: Hugo’s act brought back my spirit alone to this world, stripped of the protection of the body, and the disembodied spirit kept forever from rest. 814 Forgiveness Helena: And I have been wandering this Earth through time, and will for all eternity. Eike: Have you told him? Told Hugo about this? Helena: No, I have not told Hugo. He cannot see me, nor hear me. Eike: Why are you helping me? Helena: You are very special. You can hear my voice. The only people I can reach are those who have ended their stay in this world of the living and are on their way to the next. Eike: Oh great, so I have one foot in the grave, is that it? Helena: Perhaps, but you are trying to deflect your destiny away from immediate death, and the cause of your death rests with Hugo, my son. So, I suppose I was hoping that fate could be swayed. Just like that creature, I know how powerful fate is. But I still hoped, though of course for a very different reason than the creature’s. Eike: The creature? Helena: The Homunculus. My husband did not create it, you know. Its true nature is far from that. It’s a kind of genie, trapped in the Philosopher’s Stone. All my husband did was free it. Eike: That can’t be. Helena: What I’ve told you, I’ve pieced together from what other souls told me in my wanderings ever since I became what I am now. Of course, not all of it may be true. I’ve kept you long enough, haven’t I? You must go. Fate is something that belongs to you, and the only one who can change it is yourself. My work is near its end. There is only one thing I ask of you. Should you ever see Hugo again, tell him “He has done an unforgivable thing, but I forgive him even if no one else can.” Eike turns to leave the house, but turns around to face Helena once more, only to discover the building is an empty room. 815 Homunculus Tells All Homunculus sits in the snow as Eike approaches him. Homunculus: Hi, how are things? I’m not doing too well as you can see. This body can get a little tiresome sometimes. It must be nice to have a human one. Eike: Could you come with me for a second? Hugo’s looking for you, and I have a few things I have to ask you, too. Homunculus: Hugo, hmm? Which means you know who the killer is, I guess. Let me guess what Hugo’s plan is. He’s going to leave Margarete in the present and wipe you, her descent, out that way. Eike: You knew about this? Homunculus: Since I was willing to give you time-traveling powers, you didn’t expect me to just sit around, did you? I tested out a few histories. That particular outcome is just a variation on a theme, so it was fairly easy to guess. It’s the sort of thing that Hugo would think of, so I–please don’t bother to thank me, I only wanted to help-switched kids. I found a baby, just about the same age. Is the Margarete you know blonde and blue-eyed? Eike: You did what? Switched babies? Isn’t Margarete an ancestor of mine? Homunculus: Well, that’s my theory. There’s something uncanny about your involvement with that family, don’t you think? It is, after all, the simplest explanation. And, if she isn’t a blonde, it means my plan worked. No matter what happens to Margarete, your existence is an assured fact. Don’t worry, I’ll switch things back to the way they were after this is all over. Eike: You switched Margarete with Eckart’s daughter? Homunculus: So what, Eike? No big deal, you see. She was going to die alongside her mother and I saved her life. It’s harmless compared to Hugo trying to cancel your existence by abandoning Margarete in the future. Master Hugo’s plans will fail, thanks to me. Eike: Of course, so that’s what’s really happened when Eckart’s daughter disappeared. Wait a second. Are you the one who murdered his wife, too? Homunculus: Who, me? As if I would risk myself in doing that. Do you have any idea how fragile my body is? I have to take good care of it so that it won’t break. I’m really not very strong. Just now, I had to rest a little here, and next thing I know, there are people all over the crime scene, so I couldn’t complete the switch. But I did manage to bring the real Margarete to this time, under the name Dana, of course. No need to worry. Eike: I don’t believe the stunts you pull! These are peoples’ lives, their fates that you’re dealing with here! Homunculus: Excuse me? You’ve lost me there for a second, Eike. I’m sorry, but I’m not human, so I wouldn’t know anything about that. Eike: You- Homunculus: But I do believe in the power of fate, you know. No matter how much you meddle, it always wants to go back to the way it was. It has a kind of homing instinct, if you catch my drift. That’s why we’re having so much trouble getting “Death De Jour” off the menu. Eike: I know what I said about not wanting to die, but you have to stop changing peoples’ destinies around so casually. Do you have to go that far? Homunculus: Well, if you’re that unhappy about it Eike, would you like me to change it back? Of course, it has to be after she turns twenty, after she’s been taken hostage by Hugo. Otherwise there’s no point in switching them in the first place. Eike: You! Twenty years isn’t just something you can erase from history and relive! Don’t you understand how serious time is? Homunculus: Excuse me? Are you trying to lecture me, Eike? After all I’ve done for you? Humans are nothing but trouble, really. Well, see you later then. Homunculus begins to vanish. Eike: Wait! Where do you think you’re going? He said something weird. Homing instinct? Eike realizes Margarete is now in the present day while Dana is living in the middle ages. Eike: No way, was that it? So Dana is my-and Margarete is Eckart’s daughter? Can that be it? 816 The Alchemist’s House Eike: Who’s there!? Homunculus: No need to be surprised. You are a nervous one, aren’t you, Eike? What did you want with this ruin? Four hundred years ago, it was a laboratory. Now it’s just a mess. Eike: You didn’t see anything? What just happened here? Homunculus: Oh, you saw the spirit? So you can see it, can’t you? I can see the living, and I can see the souls of the dead, but I can’t see the thing that lives here. Gives me the creeps, really. I can sense something, but that’s it. Eike: Hey, can you call up spirits? Homunculus: Excuse me? Eike: Well for example, if Dr. Wagner could have a talk with Hugo right now and Hugo understands what his father was really trying to do, maybe Hugo would change his mind about all this. What do you think? Homunculus: Well, well, I hadn’t thought about that. Dr. Wagner, of course. It couldn’t be simpler. Eike: Really? Homunculus: Really. Wait a minute and I’ll fetch Dr. Wagner. Come over here. 817 Summoning Dr.Wagner Homunculus puts a finger to his lips and begins whispering incoherently. His finger begins glowing, and he waves it to the side gently. A light appears on the ground, which turns into a smoking portal. Homunculus: You’d better stand back, Eike. He’s about ready. Dr. Wagner appears from the smoke, and Homunculus whispers again. Homunculus: Now he’s ready. Hello professor, how do you feel? Eike: Dr. Wagner? Wagner: Aren’t you the one that brought me the Philosopher’s Stone? Homunculus steps away and vanishes. Eike: That’s right, I’m Eike. Doctor, I have a favor I need to ask you. I don’t know how to say this, but your son Hugo is trying to kill me. He thinks that what happened and his whole family was Homunculus’ fault, and that Homunculus would never have been created if I hadn’t helped you. He told me this himself. He also said he was going to use the Philosopher’s Stone to bring his mother back to life. Wagner: Oh no, where is he now? Eike: Don’t worry, he’s nearby, but Dr. Wagner I have to explain something to you. It’s more than four hundred years from your time. Wagner: I must see him. I must speak with Hugo, he needs to know the truth. I see now that this is why you brought me here. Eike: So will you speak to Hugo? Wagner: Yes, it is my duty. Will you take me to him? Eike: Of course, gladly. 818 A Puppet Eike and Wagner approach Hugo and Margarete in the square. Hugo: Did you bring him? Wagner: Hugo! Hugo: Who’s there? Wagner: Please stay here. I will handle this, Eike. Eike: Dr. Wagner, please be careful. Hugo: Did you bring the Homunculus? Wagner: Goodbye, Eike. Hugo? Hugo: Father! Margarete: Father? Hugo: Father, you’re alive! How did you get here? Wagner: Hugo, what did you think you’re doing? Did your mother and I give you life so that you could take another’s? Hugo: No, that’s not it! There’s a reason! Wagner: Then stop your attempts on Eike’s life, do you understand? If you do that, I will tell you all about my research. Hugo: Okay, I understand. Wagner: That’s my boy. Come with me. Hugo: Okay. Wagner hugs Hugo. Wagner: Let us go then. Smoke billows around the two of them. Margarete: Father!? What’s going on? Eike: Dr. Wagner! Margarete: That… isn’t my father! The two figures vanish completely. Eike: What!? Margarete: What was that? And where did they go? Homunculus walks into the square calmly. Homunculus: How’s that? Good? Margarete: What’s going on? Eike: Where did you take them? Homunculus: I wouldn’t know. Eike: Why not? Dr. Wagner- Homunculus: Oh, that wasn’t Dr. Wagner, Eike. Wagner isn’t dead yet, so I can’t very well call up his spirit, can I? That was a fake, get it? A puppet that does exactly what I tell it to. Not bad, eh? Hugo certainly fell for it. Eike: This can’t be. Homunculus: Well, that just takes care of those murder attempts, wouldn’t you say? 819 A Message From Mother Eike approaches Hugo in the square. Eike: Hugo! Hugo: Well, did you bring the Homunculus? Eike: Have you seen your house? Where it used to be? Hugo: Yeah, I went over there. Looks like a gutted box. There’s nothing there, everything’s gone. No trace of the way we used to live, no happy memories. How could I ever forgive you for that? Eike: Your mother, she’s still in there. Hugo: No, that’s a lie! You think I’d fall for that trick? Yeah right, you can’t get me that way. Eike: Look of course she isn’t there in the physical sense, but she says her spirit’s been around this whole time, and she says she forgives you. All this happened just now. Hugo: You, are you trying to pull the wool over my eyes? Eike: I swear I’m telling you the truth. Margarete: Hugo! Hugo: Alright then, don’t you dare move. I’m going to go over there and take a quick look. I’ll know if you try anything so don’t even think about it! 820 Missing Mother’s Voice Hugo stands outside the former alchemist’s house. Hugo: Ah, it’s just a ruin after all. He tricked me, that- Helena: Hugo. Hugo: Mother? Margarete: Hugo, what’s wrong, Hugo? Helena: Hugo, Hugo. Hugo: Oh wow, it’s Mother! It’s her voice! Margarete: What are you talking about? I don’t hear a thing. Hugo: You wait here, okay? I have to take a look around. Margarete: But Hugo… 821 With Mother at Last Hugo: Mother, you’re here aren’t you? Mother, it’s me, Hugo! The building shakes and begins collapsing. Helena: Hugo, you have done something that can never be excused or forgiven. You should have understood the sanctity of life. It is only given once, to a single human entity, and its weight is beyond measure. Hugo: But I- Helena: Oh, I understand how you feel. How could I not, even if no one else can? My little Hugo, would you like to come with me? Hugo: I’ll go. I want to go with you, Mother. The building collapses completely. 822 Margarete in Mourning Margarete watches the building collapse. Margarete: Hugo! Hugo can be heard from inside. Hugo: Mother… Margarete runs and begins pulling at the door, trying to get it open. Margarete: Hugo! Eike runs and pulls Margarete away from the door. Eike: It isn’t safe! Margarete: But Hugo, Hugo! Eike: Pull yourself together! 823 Ruin 1 Hugo is seen in the former alchemist’s house as pieces of the infrastructure come down around him. 824 Ruin 2 Hugo is seen in the former alchemist’s house as pieces of the infrastructure come down around him, eventually obscuring him from view. 825 Cries of Anguish Margarete watches the building come down, then collapses on the ground, crying. Margarete: Hugo, my only… It was just the two of us, and now… Why? Why? Eike: I know that there’s nothing I can say that’ll make things easier for you right now, but I’m here for you. Just remember that, okay Margarete? Margarete: Hugo, Hugo. Why, why? 826 Family of Your Own Eike: Hugo. Hugo: Where’s the Homunculus? Come on, get a move on, Eike! Margarete: Hugo, stop this! Hugo: Hurry up, or would you rather that I leave her here in this age? Eike: Go ahead. Hugo: What? Eike: She’s the only family you’ve got left. Are you really going to leave her behind? Hugo: Shut up! Eckart sneaks up on Hugo from behind, grabbing him. Eckart: Settle down! Eike: What, Eckart? Hugo: Hey, come on! Eckart: I was worried, so I followed you. Hugo: Let go! Eckart: Fat chance! Margarete: Eike! Margarete runs into Eike’s arms. Eike: Are you okay? Hugo: Hey, come on! Let go! Let go of me! Hugo throws Eckart to the ground. Eike: Are you alright? Eckart gets up and tackles Hugo. Hugo: Hey, stop it! Eckart: No way. You won’t get away from me as long as you’re after Eike. Hugo: Help, sis! Margarete: Hugo, stop this! Please, I’m begging you. Eckart: See that? You’ve got family of your own. You don’t treat family that way. And Eike, he has people he cares about too. Don’t you ever forget it. I feel the same way about my family. Do you think there’s a parent out there worth his salt that doesn’t care about his children? Do you understand what I’m saying? I’m someone’s parent and you’re someone’s child, so I’m telling you end this right here and right now. Even if you keep trying, I won’t let you do it. Do you understand? Promise me you’ll end this. Hugo: Okay. Eike: Good for him. Margarete: Hugo… Eckart and Hugo both stand up slowly. Hugo: Sis, I’m sorry. Can we go home? I’m sorry about everything. Forget the Philosopher’s Stone. It’s okay now. Margarete: Hugo… Margarete walks over to Hugo. Hugo: Come on, sis, let’s go home. When we get there, I promise I’ll destroy the time-traveling device. Margarete: What? But that seems a shame. Hugo: It’s my way of making amends and turning over a new leaf. I left the machine outside the town. I’m ready to go. Margarete: Well, alright then. I guess it’s good-bye. Eike: Take care of yourself. Margarete nods to Eike, then begins walking away with Hugo. Eckart: Good luck. I wasn’t sure whether I could pull it off, but… What do you think? How was my performance as the righteous parent? Eike: Don’t say that, it wasn’t a performance. Eckart: Really? You know, that girl, just now… I guess my little girl Dana would have sort of looked like her if she’d had the chance to grow up. It’s funny. I got this strange feeling looking at her. 827 Parental Performance Eckart: Hm? What’s the matter? Eike: Oh, nothing. By the way, Eckart, how’s the arm? Eckart: Ah, don’t worry about it. It’s nowhere near the punishment I deserve. I just hope you can forgive me for- Eike: Now look, I’m not mad at you. I- Both men turn to watch a blue flash of light, presumably Hugo and Margarete traveling back to their own time. Eckart: Well, anyway. I don’t exactly know who they are, but I hope that kid and his sister have a good life. Eike: Yeah, I hope so too. Eckart: I guess I’ll be going now. What about you? Eike: I’ll be okay. Eckart: Alright, feel free to drop by again any time you like. I’m looking forward to it. Take it easy ‘til then, okay? Eike: I will. 828 Two Hugos Eike stands in Wagner’s laboratory as smoke rises from varying objects. Eike: I don’t see that time machine, but it should get here sometime soon, and there’s only one person that can bring it over. Hugo. There’s no other way. Ah-? Margarete and Hugo descend the stairs into the lab, and Eike hides. Margarete: He’s not here either. Where could Father be? Hugo: He abandoned us. Father walked out on us! Margarete: Hugo, how can you say such a thing? Hugo: Can you tell me you know for sure that he didn’t, sis? You can’t. He’s nowhere to be found! Experiment? Yeah, right. Margarete: I’ll take another look outside. Hugo sits on the bottom step of the stairs and begins crying. Hugo: Father, you don’t care about us. All you ever think about is your stupid research. He lied to us! Why, why? A strange noise can be heard, and five points of blue light appear in the air before an intricate machine with spinning metal parts appears. From the machine appears an old man with a cane. Old Man: Hugo, dry your tears. Hugo: Who are you? Old Man: Never mind that, I am giving you this machine. Hugo: What is it? Old Man: The same as the one in the possession of the man you know, a time- traveling mechanism. However, this one is only capable of following his trail, be aware of that. Hugo: You’re giving this to me? Old Man: Use it, use it to stop that man, that Eike. Hugo: Why? Old Man: The truth dawned on me one day that the key to Dr. Wagner’s disappearance lay with that stranger. It was he who deceived Wagner and spirited him away with the promise of a great experiment. It must be so. Hugo: Is that what happened? The old man nods. Hugo: That must be what happened. Old Man: Not only that, but long ago the stranger possessed the Philosopher’s Stone. With the stone combined with the power of science, creation of human life is finally possible. Or of one particular life, one that you attempted to bring back and failed, that of Helena, your mother. Hugo: How do you know that? Old Hugo: Because I am you. Eike stands up from his hiding place. Eike: Listen, there’s more to the story! Old Hugo: You! Has he been here all this time? Hugo, you must get away! The old Hugo begins climbing the stairs as quickly as he can. Eike: Huh? Hey wait, no! Margarete is seen descending the staircase again, stopping before the old Hugo. Margarete: What, who are- Old Hugo: Get out of my way! Margarete: What? Old Hugo: I said get out of my way! Margarete: Please, don’t! Eike: No! The old Hugo makes as if to hit Margarete with his cane. Hugo runs forward and grabs the old Hugo around the waist, causing them both to disappear in a flash of light. Margarete: What just happened? Margarete sinks to her knees before laying across the stairs in shock. Eike: Hugo’s gone… Margarete! Are you alright? 829 Extinction Eike stands in the town square in the modern day. Hugo and Margarete are nowhere to be seen. Eike: Nobody’s here. Homunculus steps out from behind a building. Homunculus: So, you erased Hugo’s existence. You made his different selves touch, didn’t you? Now, who would have thought you had that in you? Eike: It wasn’t me! I wouldn’t do a thing like that. Hugo: Well, who cares, really? Now there’s no one out for your life. Congratulations. 830 The Red Stone 2 Eike: I’m the same way. No family at all, but- Dana: But that time and place is still your home, right? It’s where you want to be. Eike: Yeah, that’s exactly how I feel. Dana: Oh, remember this? It’s the red stone from that day. Dana holds out the Philosopher’s Stone. Eike: That stone’s a-look, do you mind if I ask you to give that to me? Dana: Of course, you can have it. If it weren’t for this stone, I would never have met you. Never would have ended up here right now, talking to you like this. I’ve always thought there was something very important about this stone. That’s the reason I thought about having it included in my portrait. But that’s okay. After all, I got to see you again. Here you go. Okay. Take care of yourself, then. Let’s go back together, Dana. 831 The Philosopher’s Stone 2 Eike descends the stairs to see Wagner in his lab. He looks up at his arrival. Wagner: You have, by chance, the Philosopher’s Stone? Eike: Yes, is this it? Eike sets the stone down on the table. Eike: That’s the only stone I know that fits the bill. Wagner: In the name of heaven! I shall start the preparations for the experiment right now! It’s alright, it doesn’t matter if this is not the true stone. I am grateful for your help regardless. But if it is the stone, the results should be wondrous! Please come back again in, let’s see, five-no, make it ten-days. Eike: Ten days, okay. That would be the… Thirteenth. Oh! Eike remembers the destroyed alchemist’s house. Wagner: What? Eike: That experiment’s dangerous. Wagner: That may be, but this is something I want to do, something I must do. Please, try to understand. Ten days from now. By then, the experiment should yield fruit. I will be able to show you the Homunculus. At last, science will prove itself capable of creating life! How I wish you could have been here, Helena. That is my only regret. See you in ten days, then. Oh, and one more thing. Could you keep this a secret from Hugo and Margarete? Knowing Hugo as I do, if he learns of this, he might do something like attempt to bring Helena back from the dead. He can’t seem to face his mother’s death. Should this experiment succeed, and if I manage to find what answers I can in my quest for truth, I shall commit all records of my research to the fire. Now, take care. Eike: Thank you, I will. Sir, I just had a thought. Wagner: What is it? Eike: Maybe you should draw a pentagram or something, for protection just in case. It is a dangerous experiment, after all. Wagner: I will certainly do so. I want to thank you for your concern. Your youth belies your thoughtfulness. I cannot help but envy it. Look at me, I have grown old in my laboratory. Ah, youth. Forgive me, I must not lapse into self-pity. Eike: Good luck, Dr. Wagner. 832 The Criminal Revealed 2 Eike stands in the middle of the square. Eike: Hugo, where are you? Hugo: Man, you are so noisy! I’m here, right here! Hugo walks up to Eike, holding a knife to Margarete’s throat. Eike remembers the blonde boy at the fire. Eike: Hugo! You’re the one who’s been trying to kill me? Hugo: Never mind that, where is the Homunculus? Eike: You heard what I asked you! Hugo: The Homunculus was completed because you showed up! You fooled Father into creating the Homunculus, isn’t that right? I read Father’s research notes. It said you brought him the last ingredient, the Philosopher’s Stone. Eike: Me, get your father to create Homunculus? All I’ve been doing is trying to stay alive! But it isn’t- Hugo: What I really wanted was to get here earlier and stop what you were doing, but all my machine could do was follow yours. So I targeted yesterday’s you, because I thought I could manage to get to you before you did the things you did today. I had so many chances, but I still didn’t manage to kill you off. Margarete: Hugo… Hugo: It’s a shame, but there’s no way for my machine to outrun yours, and I can’t stop the Homunculus from being completed. So I’m switching to another plan. If I can’t prevent the Homunculus from being created in the first place, I’ll destroy it. That seems to be the only way to get a hold of the Philosopher’s Stone. Eike: The Philosopher’s Stone? What use is that to you? Eike walks toward Hugo. 833 Twenty Minutes 1 Eike walks toward Hugo, who holds the knife closer to Margarete’s throat. Hugo: I’m going to make Mother, just like Father made the Homunculus. The only difference is that I don’t have the Philosopher’s Stone. That’s why I’m going to use the Homunculus instead. Margarete: Hugo, what do you think you’re- Hugo: Sis, stay out of this, will you? You’re a hostage. You’re supposed to be quiet! Eike: You don’t want to know, Hugo. Your father would agree. Hugo: What about father? Eike: He said that you might do something like attempt to bring Helena back from the dead. And he also said that he would burn all the records once his experiment was completed to make sure you wouldn’t. Hugo: Oh really? In that case why were the papers safe and sound, even though Father himself had disappeared? Eike: I wouldn’t know the reason for that. Hugo: I have to do this. We still need to be a family! That’s why I’m going to make mother, and we can all be happy again. That’s why I need that stone. Get it? Come on! Get the Homunculus! Margarete: Hugo, I can work for both of us, so that we won’t want for anything. We’ll be okay, you’ll see. So please, stop this madness! Make Mother? Just listen to what you’re suggesting! Hugo: Sis, if you won’t be quiet, I’ll have to hurt you. Don’t make me do that. Margarete: Hugo! Hugo: You know I can’t stand blood. Eike: You really want to raise the dead? Hugo: The stone made it possible for Father to create the Homunculus. That means this has to work, too. I can do it, I know. So come on, go get it! Eike: Homunculus can’t be-He always, he just appears out of nowhere. It has nothing to do with what I want. Yes, he saved my life, but that’s about it. It just isn’t possible for me to call him up. Don’t you get it? Hugo: No excuses. If you don’t do what I tell you, I’ll leave my sister here and go home. That’s going to affect this age in a lot of ways. I can’t even begin to imagine how much. Eike: That’s a dirty move. Hugo: Go on, hurry up. I’ll give you twenty minutes. 834 Doctor Wagner’s Report Eike stands in Wagner’s basement, looking at the smoldering remains of the lab. He notices a thick document. Eike: Hey, this is Dr. Wagner’s, research data. This is all about Homunculus. Composition, method of creation... That’s it! What if Hugo never reads this stuff? Without the Homunculus data, Hugo would never attempt to recreate his mother. Come to think of it, if he never learns of Homunculus’ existence, he wouldn’t want revenge. And no revenge, no time machine. I feel bad for Dr. Wagner, but I got to get rid of this part. Margarete: Hugo, wait! Hugo: Hurry up. Margarete and Hugo open the door to the lab and begin coming down the stairs. Eike: He’s back, I’ve got to get rid of this. Eike tosses the papers onto one of the burners in the lab. Hugo: Father? Margarete: Father! Hugo: Eike? What are you doing here? Eike: Oh, Dr. Wagner said to meet him here. Margarete: They told us there was a huge explosion, so we- Eike: I actually just got here too. I didn’t see Dr. Wagner. Margarete: We were so worried. We thought he may be lying here hurt, so… Anyway, I guess it’s a good sign he isn’t here, right? Hugo: What are you burning? Eike: Oh, nothing important. Hugo: Okay then. So sis, where could father- Margarete: We’ll go take a look around. I’m sorry, we have to go out for a while. We’ll talk soon, okay? Margarete and Hugo ascend the stairs to leave. Eike: Okay, take care of yourselves. Hugo: See you around. 835 After the Report 1 Hugo and Margarete go back into the lab. Margarete: He’s nowhere to be found. Where could father be? Uh, Hugo, what is it? Hugo picks up the burnt documents. Hugo: Just wondering, I mean, what could he have been burning? 836 Change on the Horizon 1 Eike approaches the square, where Hugo and Margarete still stand. Hugo: Didn’t I tell you to bring the Homunculus? If you won’t do what I say, I’ll… Ah! Hugo recoils from some unseen force. Margarete: Hugo, what’s wrong? Eike watches in fascination. 837 After the Report 2 Hugo picks up the burnt documents. Hugo: Distillation… Something? And, uh… 838 Change on the Horizon 2 Hugo: Ugh! What’s happening to me? Hugo begins fading. The knife in his hand clatters to the ground. Eike: What the? 839 Crossroads of Fate Margarete watches Hugo as he tries to read the burnt documents. Margarete: Hugo, what are you doing? Hugo: Something method… It’s no good, I can’t read this. Margarete: Are you done looking at that rubbish? Margarete takes the documents and tosses them into the fire again. Hugo: Hey! Margarete: Oh please, you said yourself that it was too burnt to make out. Anyway, we have something more important to do, am I right? I think Eike’s out there looking for father, too. Come on, we can’t let him do all the work, can we? Hugo: Yeah, guess you’re right. 840 Unforeseen Changes Hugo: Oh no, what went wrong? What did I do to deserve-Ahh!! Hugo vanishes from the square. Margarete: Hugo! Hugo!! Eike runs to Margarete and holds her. Eike: Hugo’s alright. Margarete: What? Eike: The past has been changed, that’s why. Margarete: What do you mean? What’s going on? Hugo, what happened to Hugo? Answer me! Eike: It’s alright, everything’s okay. Margarete: What kind of answer is that? What, what’s going on? No! Margarete begins fading. Eike: Oh, I get it now. By changing Hugo’s past, I’ve canceled the existence of the time machine itself. Margarete: Help! Eike… Margarete vanishes completely. Eike: Is it over? All this? 841 A Piece of Dana’s Mind Dana: No, no, you can’t just spring something like that on me. Eike: But if you stay here, it’s going to affect the timeline. Dana: What? What kind of a-you’re saying I should go back for the timeline? Eike: I didn’t mean- Dana: So I’m supposed to abandon my life for the sake of your timeline? You left me here for four years, remember? And now we’re both going to pretend like those four years didn’t exist? That really sucks, Eike. Eike: Dana… Dana: Sorry. I’m sorry I lost it, but it’s just not possible. I can’t just erase four years’ worth of good memories from my mind. Even if I were to go back, I would always be thinking of my life here. I’d have to, I know that. Being asked to go back, that’s just so- Dana begins crying. Eike: No, I’m the one who should apologize. I’m really sorry. Dana: Why couldn’t you have shown up right after I got here? Then I could have gone back. Eike: Yeah, you’re right. I’m just so sorry. But, is that what you want? To spend your whole life here? Dana: Please, let me think about it for a while. It’s too big a decision. Eike: Okay, I’ll leave you alone. I’ll be back later. Could you think about it until then? I know it’s heavy stuff. Dana: Alright, see you later then. Oh, wait, hold on. My boss-you know, the one at the café I used to work at-if you see him, could you say hello? Tell him I’m sorry I just disappeared on him like that, and tell him that he should deduct that shift from my paycheck. Eike: I don’t think that’s necessary. Dana: You don’t? But I was supposed to open the shop the next day. I wonder if everything turned out okay. I can’t believe I’m so worried about it at this point. Eike: Don’t worry about that. It’s only been about half a day since I met you, after all. Dana: Huh? What does that mean? Eike: Well actually it’s… Forget it, I’ll give him the message. Dana: Really, so that’s okay then? Eike: Sure. Dana: That’s one thing I don’t have to stress about anymore. Eike: Well, take care of you. I’ll see you later. Dana: Thanks. You too, Eike. 842 The Time-Jumping Letter Eike: There you are. Dana: Oh, are you still here? Eike: Actually, I’ve been there and now I’m back. There was a note there for you. Dana: Oh, of course. It’s still the same time back there. Eike: Sort of, it’s been a couple of hours. Dana: Wouldn’t have guessed he’d do that. I mean, he’s a good boss and everything, but when I was in that time I thought no one needed me. Eike: Dana… Dana: Do you think maybe there’s a place for me there? You know, to come home to? What do you think, Eike? Eike: Of course there’s a place for you. Dana: I’ll go back. Eike: What? Dana: I said I’m going back. I’ll go back with you, to the time we came from. Eike: Are you really okay with that? Dana: Yes, but I want to go as quickly as possible. Otherwise I’ll lose my nerve. Eike: Okay, let’s go then. 843 The Good Old Days Dana: We’re back to that day! Eike: Yeah. Dana: I see. It already feels so familiar. Oh wow, I’m so embarrassed. Look at what I’m wearing-I look like a one person Halloween parade. And I guess I’ve aged about four years in an afternoon, right? Eike: Don’t worry about that. Dana: Really, you think? Eike: You still look young, Dana Dana: You sure? Eike: Absolutely. Dana: But I guess I’ll go back to my apartment and take a good look in the mirror. I can’t help but feeling, you know. Do you have something else to do, Eike? Eike: Yeah, I’m sorry I can’t walk you home. Dana: I’ll be fine. I’ll have to remember how to get there as I go, anyway. This age and I have a lot of catching up to do. Eike: I’ll keep in touch. Take care of yourself, okay? Dana: Yeah, you too. You can usually find me in the café. Eike: Okay, I’ll see you later then. 844 Ten Days Later 2 Eike stands in the ruins of the alchemist’s house. Eike: Hello, is anybody here? Anybody? Dr. Wagner, Margarete, Hugo! Anyone here? What about Homunculus? Margarete’s voice can be heard from the basement, muffled. Margarete: Hugo! Eike: The basement! 845 Another Time Machine! 2 Margarete: Eike, it’s terrible. It’s Hugo, he’s- Eike approaches a machine in the basement. A meter on it ominously reads ‘2001407.’ Eike: This meter here… Is this a time machine? Margarete: Eike, what’s going on around here? What happened to Hugo? Eike: It’s alright, you can relax. Margarete: But he disappeared! Hugo… Eike: Okay, okay, I’ll go look for him. Will you wait here? Margarete: Are you sure? Eike: I know what I’m doing. Actually, that’s an overstatement, but I’ll do what I can. Margarete: I’d be grateful for any help. Please find him! Mother’s dead, Father’s gone, and now Hugo. If he doesn’t come back, I- Eike: Margarete, please. Try not to imagine the worst. You wait here, and I’ll be back soon. Margarete: I’m alright now. Never mind about me, please find Hugo. Eike: Okay, I will. Don’t worry. 846 An Unexpected Phone Call 2 Eike’s phone rings in the present day, which he answers. Hugo: Hey, long time no see. Actually, didn’t we just see each other today? Eike: Is this Hugo? Hugo: Uh-huh. I really like these machines of the future. Being able to just project your voice a long distance… That’s really something. Eike: How did you know my number? Hugo: Oh, that. I just asked someone called Eckart. You know, you mentioned him once. Eike: How did you get here, and why? Were you the one threatening Eckart? Hugo: Come on, ‘threaten’ sounds so serious. All I did was propose a deal. Can I help it if he jumped at the chance when I told him what he wanted to hear about his daughter? Oh, and about how I got here? It’s pretty simple, really. Remember that tool you showed me? I just made one of my own, you see. Eike: What? Hugo: Well, actually, I didn’t make it. Not exactly. The Hugo of the future completed it and gave it to me. A Transport Mechanism to Timespace Marked by Phenomena of Relevance. You like it? Just like yours. Actually, I think the other stuff might be different, but who cares, right? In any case, I can track and follow your machine. Dana: Eike, help! Eike: Hugo, do you have someone with you? Hugo: Absolutely, a friend of yours, I think. Eike: What? Hugo: I saw you two talking. Looked pretty cozy to me. But it was sheer luck that I ran into her in the future. Eike: Dana? What are you doing with Dana? Hugo: Well, that’s up to you. I’m asking you to do me a favor. Bring the Homunculus with you. We’ll be waiting in the square. Don’t keep me waiting, alright? Eike: Hey! 847 The Criminal Revealed 3 Eike stands in the middle of the square. Eike: Hugo, where are you? Hugo: Man, you are so noisy! I’m here, right here! Hugo walks up to Eike, holding a knife to Dana’s throat. Dana: Please, Eike. Help me! Eike: Dana! You little monster! Hugo, you-hey! Eike remembers the blonde boy at the fire. Eike: Hugo! You’re the one who’s been trying to kill me? Hugo: Never mind that, where is the Homunculus? Eike: You heard what I asked you! Hugo: The Homunculus was completed because you showed up! You fooled Father into creating the Homunculus, isn’t that right? I read Father’s research notes. It said you brought him the last ingredient, the Philosopher’s Stone. Eike: Me, get your father to create Homunculus? All I’ve been doing is trying to stay alive! But it isn’t- Hugo: What I really wanted was to get here earlier and stop what you were doing, but all my machine could do was follow yours. So I targeted yesterday’s you, because I thought I could manage to get to you before you did the things you did today. I had so many chances, but I still didn’t manage to kill you off. It’s a shame, but there’s no way for my machine to outrun yours, and I can’t stop the Homunculus from being completed. So I’m switching to another plan. If I can’t prevent the Homunculus from being created in the first place, I’ll destroy it. That seems to be the only way to get a hold of the Philosopher’s Stone. Eike: The Philosopher’s Stone? What use is that to you? Eike walks toward Hugo. 848 Twenty Minutes 2 Eike walks toward Hugo, who holds the knife closer to Dana’s throat. Hugo: I’m going to make Mother, just like Father made the Homunculus. The only difference is that I don’t have the Philosopher’s Stone. That’s why I’m going to use the Homunculus instead. Eike: You don’t want to know, Hugo. Your father would agree. Hugo: What about father? Eike: He said that you might do something like attempt to bring Helena back from the dead. And he also said that he would burn all the records once his experiment was completed to make sure you wouldn’t. Hugo: Oh really? In that case why were the papers safe and sound, even though Father himself had disappeared? Eike: I wouldn’t know the reason for that. Hugo: I have to do this. We still need to be a family! That’s why I’m going to make mother, and we can all be happy again. That’s why I need that stone. Get it? Come on! Get the Homunculus! Eike: You really want to raise the dead? Hugo: The stone made it possible for Father to create the Homunculus. That means this has to work, too. I can do it, I know. So come on, go get it! Eike: Homunculus can’t be-He always, he just appears out of nowhere. It has nothing to do with what I want. Yes, he saved my life, but that’s about it. It just isn’t possible for me to call him up. Don’t you get it? Hugo: No excuses. If you want your girlfriend here safe, you’d better hurry up. Dana: Eike! Eike: Dana, I’m so sorry. If I’d just walked you home… Hugo: Go on, hurry up. I’ll give you twenty minutes. 849 With Margarete Margarete: Oh, Eike! Any luck? Did you find Hugo? Eike: I did, but… Margarete: What’s the matter. Did something happen? Eike: Hey, listen. Do you think maybe you could come with me? Margarete: What? You mean-? Eike: Yes, to my time. That’s where Hugo is right now. Margarete: There’s something going on, isn’t there? Alright, I’ll go with you. Eike: I’m sorry, it’s just that I think it might be much quicker for you to see it for yourself than to hear it from me. 850 The Futuristic Town Margarete: This is the future? It’s so bright here. And it’s nighttime. This is really amazing. Wait a second, where’s Hugo? Eike: He’s nearby. Hugo’s trying to kill me. Margarete: What? Why would Hugo want to do a thing like that? Eike: He says Dr. Wagner disappeared because of a secret experiment. Hugo believes that I caused this. He thinks it’s my fault for helping Dr. Wagner, giving him the stuff he needed for the experiment. Looks like he dedicated his life to tracking me down, and this situation we’ve got here is the result. Margarete: You mean he came all this way just to kill you? Eike: Yeah, but I haven’t done anything. I don’t know what happened to Dr. Wagner at all. I want to make him realize that this is a misunderstanding. Will you help me? Margarete: I’ll help you. I don’t want Hugo to do a terrible thing like that. I can talk to Hugo. Take me to him, please. 851 Brother and Sister Margarete: Hugo! Hugo: Sis, what are you doing here? Stay away, don’t come near me! Margarete: Hugo, what do you think you’re doing? Stop this right now! Hugo: Shut up! You have no right to order me around! Margarete: Hugo, calm down. Eike is not the kind of monster you believe he is. Hugo: You’re too nice, you know that? He cares more about this strumpet here than you! Dana: What’s he talking about? Margarete: Never mind that! Hugo, we’re going home. Hugo: I’m not going. Margarete: Hugo! Margarete slaps Hugo. Hugo: What the-? Margarete: We’re going home, Hugo. Look, it may be just the two of us, but we’re still a family, and we have a place to go back to. Hugo: But- Margarete: I’ll take care of you, and you take care of me, okay? What I make from working will keep both of us fed and clothed. I can try to be more like Mother was to us. Hugo: Sis, don’t you care anymore that Mother’s gone? Margarete: Look, both of us are old enough to stand on our own two feet, Hugo. We have to take responsibility for our own actions, right? Hugo: Okay, I’ll go home. I’m sorry about everything. Forget about the Philosopher’s Stone. It’s okay now. Is that good? Margarete: Yes. Eike, we really are sorry. Hugo: Come on, sis. Let’s go home. When we get there, I promise I’ll destroy the time-traveling device. Margarete: What? Seems a shame. Hugo: It’s my way of making amends and turning over a new leaf. Margarete: I wish I could have seen a little more of this age, but I guess that’s the least of our concerns now. Hugo: I left the machine outside the town. I’m ready to go. Margarete: I’m glad that you found her. She’s the one you were looking for, isn’t she? I guess this is good bye. Eike: I guess so. Well, take care of yourself. Dana: What was that about? And why did that kid try a thing like that? Eike: I’m sorry, it’s my fault you had to go through a thing like that. Dana: Besides, for some reason I can’t really be mad at him Eike: Yeah, I know what you mean. I think he’s a nice kid, really. Dana: If I had a little brother, maybe that’s how he’d be. Eike: Huh? Dana: Just something that kind of hit home with me. Nothing important. Look at that! ======================= Epilogue ======================= 901 Good Job, Eike Eike walks with Margarete through the modern streets of Lebensbaum. Homunculus appears. Homunculus: Well, looks like it’s over, doesn’t it? Good job, Eike. 902 Homunculus’s Objetive 1 Eike stands beside Margarete in front of Homunculus. Eike: I was trying to change my destiny… Homunculus: And you did. Eike: All this was for you? You used me to ensure you would exist, that no one would rewrite the script. Homunculus: Now, now, let’s not have all this unpleasant talk about using. I mean, who cares, really? Yes, yes, you managed to preserve my destiny. If you’d been killed, I would never have been born. Immortality has its perks, but you have to be given life first. Eike: I see. So I was just being used. All your talk about an ancestor, was that just to get me to go back to that time? Homunculus: Well, how should I know? Oh, by the way, I need the Z-Pad back. 903 The Transporter Eike: Here, it’s yours. Take it. Homunculus: Oh? Eike: What? Homunculus: Well, why don’t you take her back to her own time? Margarete: Huh? Who? Me? Eike: Margarete, what do you want to do? Do you want to go back home, or stay here in this time? 904 Margarete’s Choice Margarete: I’ll stay here. I want to stay in this time and make a life here. Eike: Are you sure? I mean… Margarete: You know that my father’s not coming back, right? Eike: That’s what I read in a book, so if we’re to trust that… Margarete: Then I won’t go back. It’s too lonely by myself. And besides, I feel good here, like I belong. It’s a strange thing to feel, but I think I should go with it. Okay. We’ll play it your way. Don’t do it. It’s better for you to go home. 905 The Power of Destiny Eike: Here, you can have it back. I don’t need it anymore. Homunculus: Yes, hand it over. Eike goes to hand the Z-Pad back but trips, sending the Z-Pad flying. The Homunculus makes a dive to grab it, but it explodes at his feet, causing the Homunculus to begin bleeding a glowing, gaseous red liquid. It is eventually reduced to a red puddle on the ground. Homunculus: Oh no! Margarete: What happened? Eike: I think it was… Destiny. Maybe fate decided his life would end this day. 906 Even if I’ll be All Alone… Margarete: I want to go home, even if that means I’ll be alone. Homunculus fiddles with the Z-Pad before handing it to Eike. Homunculus: There, give her a ride home. I’ve set it for one last trip. You had better hurry. 907 Farewell to Margarete Eike: Well, take care then. Margarete: Okay, you too, Eike. I guess it’s good-bye. Eike nods. 908 Aftercare Eike: Here, I’m giving this back. She’s home safe now. Eike hands Homunculus the Z-Pad. Homunculus: What a nice guy I am. All services guaranteed. Well, I suppose we won’t be seeing each other again, Eike. Homunculus walks away and vanishes. 909 Homunculus’s Objetive 2 Eike stands in front of Homunculus. Homunculus: Well, looks like it’s over, doesn’t it? Good job, Eike. Eike: I was trying to change my own destiny… Homunculus: And you did. Eike: But was it all for you? You used me to make sure that you would be created, that no one would rewrite that part. Homunculus: Now, now, let’s not have all this unpleasant talk about using. I mean, who cares, really? Yes, yes, you managed to preserve my destiny. If you’d been killed, I would never have been born. Immortality has its perks, but you have to be given life first. Eike: I see. So I was just being used. All your talk about an ancestor, was that just to get me to go back to that time? Homunculus: Well, how should I know? Oh, by the way, I need the Z-Pad back. 910 Your Fate is in Your Hands Eike wordlessly hands the Z-Pad back to Homunculus. Homunculus: Farewell, then. I’ve managed to preserve my own life, but… Eike: But what? Homunculus: Oh well, you chose your own path, after all. And I suppose we won’t be seeing each other again. So, your fate’s in your own hands now, Eike. Good- bye. Eike: Hey! 911 Homunculus’s Objetive 3 Eike stands in front of Homunculus. Homunculus: Well, looks like it’s over, doesn’t it? Good job, Eike. Eike: I was trying to change my own destiny… Homunculus: And you did. Eike: But was it all for you? You used me to make sure that you would be created, that no one would rewrite that part. Homunculus: Now, now, let’s not have all this unpleasant talk about using. I mean, who cares, really? Yes, yes, you managed to preserve my destiny. If you’d been killed, I would never have been born. Immortality has its perks, but you have to be given life first. Eike: I see. So I was just being used. All your talk about an ancestor, was that just to get me to go back to that time? Homunculus: Well, how should I know? Oh, by the way, I need the Z-Pad back. 912 Still Apprehensive Eike wordlessly hands the Z-Pad back to Homunculus. Homunculus: Farewell, then. I’ve managed to preserve my own life, but- Eike: But what? Homunculus: Oh nothing, I just have this bad feeling. Did your actions really manage to change the flow of events, Eike? Well, anyway, I suppose we won’t be seeing each other again, so your fate’s in your own hands now, Eike. Good-bye. Eike: Hey! 913 Back in Place Eike and Margarete walk through the streets of Lebensbaum. Margarete now wears her hair short and dresses in modern clothing. Eike (narrating): Soon afterwards, Margarete was adopted by Eckart. I guess you could say that she finally came home. Eike and Margarete walk to the square, where a large tree stands. Margarete: It’s such a tall tree. Was it here before? Eike: No, I think this is where he… Wait a minute, did the stone do this? Is the tree here because the Philosopher’s Stone released its energy? Hey, what’s this? Eike approaches the tree and finds the Philosopher’s Stone wedged into it. He pulls it out. Margarete: What? 914 One Long Day Eike: Hey, I wonder if that bar is still around. I think I’ll go celebrate for staying alive today. Eike begins walking. 915 A Simple Twist of Fate Eike: It’s over, finally over. Man, this has been the longest day of my life. The streetlights seem so bright. I never noticed that before. I guess I just took it all for granted, but this place can be so beautiful. Everything is, really, I just never realized it. The trees and the air and the small things you do every day. The way time passes, all beautiful. That’s what life’s all about. And it was staring me in the face all this time. All the stars up there… I must be lucky. I know now how beautiful it is to be alive. Eike lays down on the ground, looking up at the sky. Suddenly he is illuminated by the headlights of a swerving car, which runs over him before coming to a halt. Inside are two men drinking. Man 1: Hey dude, I think he’s like a drunk or something. Man 2: Hey wait, aren’t you like the one who’s smashed, dude? Man 1: Right on dude, so it’s like join the club. Man 2: Let’s hit the road and rock and roll! Man 1: Catch you later dude! You’re gonna get, like, run over if you stay there. Then two men drive off, laughing. Eike reaches for the sky, then goes limp. 916 Homunculus’s Objetive 4 Eike stands, facing Homunculus. Homunculus: Well, looks like it’s over, doesn’t it? Good job, Eike. Eike: I was trying to change my destiny… Homunculus: And you did. Eike: Was it all for you? You used me just to make sure you’d be created, that no one would stop you from living. Homunculus: Oh really? Eike: And in doing that, I changed other peoples’ lives. Is my own fate worth that much? Is yours? So how am I supposed to feel? Homunculus: Oh please, enough with the gloomy angst, Eike. Are you trying to put me on a guilt trip? I mean, who cares? Yes, you managed to preserve my destiny. If you’d been killed, I would never have been born. Immortality has its perks, but you have to exist first. Eike: No, I don’t believe this. So I was just being used after all. Homunculus: Oh, by the way, I need the Z-Pad back. Eike hands the Z-Pad back to Homunculus. Eike: Here, take it. Homunculus: Time for me to go. I suppose we won’t be seeing each other again, in all likelihood. 917 The Truth about Wagner 1 Wagner watches a large tube with Homunculus in it, submerged in a bubbling liquid. Suddenly the glass shatters, creating an explosion of force that knocks Wagner back. When he recovers, Homunculus is awake and completely composed. Homunculus: Well, how many centuries has it been since I saw the light of day? Are you my so-called master this time around? Wagner: What the? Homunculus: What yourself, you’re the one who broke the seal. So, what do you desire most? Immortality? Eternal youth? To be filthy rich? Name it, and it’s yours. Wagner: What is this? This is insane! Homunculus: But of course, your soul is mine when your futile existence ends. Until then, you can do whatever you like. Come on, name your wish. Wagner: For what? For this, I- Homunculus: Hmm, what did you say? I didn’t catch that. Wagner: Was my research in vain? Was I wrong, after all these years devoted to my task? Helena, forgive me. Homunculus: Hurry up, will you? Wagner: Give me my youth. I want to start my life over, and if possible, let me stay that age. Homunculus: Sure thing. Hold on. There! Wagner: That young man, the other day. I envied him, his youth. Wagner is encased in smoke. When it disappears, Wagner is now completely identical to Eike. Wagner: Am I, did it really work? Homunculus: Trust me, okay? You got exactly what you wished for. Wagner: Your work here is done. It’s back to where you came from, demon. A pentagram on the floor lights up, trapping Homunculus. Homunculus: No, a pentagram! Wagner: It’s no great art to get rid of the likes of you, but I was well- advised to ready an additional barrier. Return from the stone from whence you came, and I shall start my research and my life from the beginning! Homunculus: You, how could you? You’ll pay for this! No pentagram is completely… I’ll wipe your mind of memories. Be cursed, to the endless night of youth! Wagner is knocked to the floor, and the Homunculus is enveloped in a flash of light, being bound back into the Philosopher’s Stone. The force shakes the house, causing lab equipment to fall to the floor and shatter. Wagner stands up, slowly, then notices the Philosopher’s Stone. Wagner: Where am I? What a beautiful stone. Wagner takes the stone and cautiously begins walking up the stairs. 918 Eternity A young Wagner stumbles through the town of Lebensbaum uncertainly. 919 Homunculus’s Objtetive 5 Eike stands beside Dana in front of Homunculus. Homunculus: Well, looks like it’s over, doesn’t it? Good job, Eike. Eike: I was trying to change my destiny… Homunculus: And you did. Eike: All this was for you? You used me to ensure you would exist, that no one would rewrite the script. Homunculus: Now, now, let’s not have all this unpleasant talk about using. I mean, who cares, really? Yes, yes, you managed to preserve my destiny. If you’d been killed, I would never have been born. Immortality has its perks, but you have to be given life first. Eike: What happened to Dr. Wagner? Homunculus: What makes you think I know? 920 The Truth about Wagner 2 Wagner watches a large tube with Homunculus in it, submerged in a bubbling liquid. Suddenly the glass shatters, creating an explosion of force that knocks Wagner back. When he recovers, Homunculus is awake and completely composed. Homunculus: Well, how many centuries has it been since I saw the light of day? Are you my so-called master this time around? Wagner: What the? Homunculus: What yourself, you’re the one who broke the seal. So, what do you desire most? Immortality? Eternal youth? To be filthy rich? Name it, and it’s yours. Wagner: What is this? This is insane! Homunculus: But of course, your soul is mine when your futile existence ends. Until then, you can do whatever you like. Come on, name your wish. Wagner: For what? For this, I- Homunculus: Hmm, what did you say? I didn’t catch that. Wagner: Was my research in vain? Was I wrong, after all these years devoted to my task? Helena, forgive me. Homunculus: Oh great, old people are always spacing out, I swear. Hello, snap out of it, grampa. Wagner: Begone, then, begone! Miserable, cursed creature! Begone from my sight forever. You asked me my wish, and here it is! Homunculus: Disappear from your sight, you say? Oh, sure thing. If that’s what you want, that’s what you get. There! Wagner begins smoking. Wagner: Ah? What is this? Homunculus: I’ve arranged for your permanent departure. That way you’ll never have to see me again. Get it? Good. Bye-bye now. Wagner: You! Helena, the children! Forgive me, Helena! Wagner dissolves in smoke. Homunculus: Amateur. You think you can pull that on me? Not in a thousand years, old man. 921 Dana and Eike Homunculus: So it was something like that. I granted him his heart’s desire, you see. Eike: You! Homunculus: Yes? Oh, by the way, I need the Z-Pad back. Eike hands Homunculus the Z-Pad. Eike: Here, it’s yours. Homunculus: Time for me to go. I suppose we won’t be seeing each other again, in all likelihood. Homunculus walks away and vanishes. Dana: What? Who was that? Eike: I don’t really know, I guess. Never did figure that one out. But it’s okay, I don’t think we’ll ever see him again. Dana: It’s not okay. Four years! Eike: Are you still worried about that? Dana: Of course! I mean four years? Hello, the best years of my life! I’m holding you personally responsible, you know. Eike: Well in that case, okay. I’ll take responsibility. Dana: Huh? What do you mean by that? Eike: How should I know? Dana: Oh yeah? Eike: I’m forgetting things in my old age. Maybe it was about that necklace I was going to make you? Dana: You are such a… Well, since you brought it up, I should mention something. You’re like a nice dad. I don’t remember mine, and you’re too young to be one, but that’s how I see you. Eike: Oh, do I seem that ancient? Dana: No, nothing like that. It’s all this talk about responsibility, and besides you seem so with it and everything. They both laugh. Eike: How about I walk you home this time? Just in case. Dana: That’d be nice. I don’t want to deal with that again. Come on, Dad. Eike: Hey now look, if you call me that again, you’re walking home alone, okay?