========================================================= Shin Megami Tensei Persona ========================================================= This FAQ may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Written by: Daniel Acaba GameFAQS ID: Misfit119 Contact me at: eternalmisery718@yahoo.com System: PSP This FAQ Copyright 2009 Daniel Acaba List of Sites that may host this FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com www.ign.com www.gamesradar.com / www.cheatplanet.com ========================================================= Index ========================================================= 1 - Update History 2 - Welcome to Persona 2.01 - Those Who Stand Against 2.02 - Other Characters 3 - Opening Chapter 3.01 - Revelations 3.02 - Starting the Game 3.03 - Exploring Mikage 3.04 - Tools of the Trade 3.05 - Dungeon Exploration 3.06 - Moon Phase 3.07 - Fighting for Your Life 3.08 - Leveling Up 3.09 - Persona Level & Ranks 3.10 - Contact 3.11 - The Velvet Room 3.12 - Building Your Party 4 - SEBEC Walkthrough 4.01 - A Visit Gone Awry 4.02 - Return to School 4.03 - Jailbreak 4.04 - Infiltrating SEBEC 4.05 - School Again! 4.06 - Exploring the New World 4.07 - Trapped in the Mall 4.08 - Lost in a Forest 4.09 - Storming the Castle 4.10 - Finding a Portal 4.11 - The God Era 4.12 - Lost in a Forest Redux 4.13 - Caverns of Consciousness 4.14 - The Final Battle 5 - Snow Queen Walkthrough 5.01 - Introduction 5.02 - Succeeding in the Battle 5.03 - Starting the Quest 5.04 - Explaining the Quest 5.05 - School on Ice 5.06 - The Tower of Dreams 5.07 - The Tower of Retribution 5.08 - The Tower of Death 5.09 - Stopping the Curse 6 - The Charts 6.01 - Weapon Listing 6.02 - Armor Listing 6.03 - Item Listing 6.04 - Persona Listing 6.05 - Demon Listing 6.06 - Skill Listing 7 - About the Author ========================================================= 1. Update History ========================================================= v.1.0 - 1/24/2009 ========================================================= 2. Welcome to Persona ========================================================= It was just another boring day at school. Hanya was harassing the students over some nonsense while Ms. Takami was trying to assist the kids with simply getting through the day. That was all before Hidehiko and Masao got into that stupid bet. Hidehiko, always coming up with new stories, swore that by playing a game called Persona you could contact the other side, that place between consciousness and unconsciousness. After everyone had been suckered into giving it a try nothing seemed to have happened much to Hidehiko's frustration, even going so far as to accuse Masao of trying to sabotage the game. That was before they all saw the mysterious crying girl. Before they could even really wonder about that sight they were all knocked out by lightning that struck the classroom of students out of nowhere, knocking them out cold. Waking up from this traumatic event a short time later it is decided that they should go get checked out in the hospital. However the strange visions consisting of a man with a butterfly mask refused to leave their heads… could that have been real or was it the product of a mind reeling in pain? Not wanting to dwell on the situation it's decided that you can visit your childhood friend Maki while at the hospital. It's not like this day can get any stranger. ========================= 2.01 - Those Who Stand Against ========================= Protagonist Much like in most Shin Megami Tensei games, and RPG's in general, your part of the story will be played by a mostly silent protagonist. He has no name other than what you give him early on in the game. Other than his loyalty to his friends, especially Maki Sonomura, and the fact that he attends St. Hermelin High School everything else about this character is up to you. When he goes to visit Maki in the hospital Mikage-cho falls into the grips of a demonic invasion that he is the key to stopping. It is up to the Protagonist to lead his friends against the forces attempting to take control of the city. Throughout the game you will have the ability to shape your characters personality by choosing answers to select questions. Not only do these serve the function of helping shape his personality but many of them will significantly change what ending you receive upon completing the game. So carefully consider how you answer any question asked to you no matter how innocuous it might seem at the time. Persona: Seimen Kongou One of the Rakshasa of Hindu lore, he was once a powerful force of disease and suffering who reformed to protect humanity. In each of his four arms he carries a different item; the rope is a weapon that symbolizes power over evil, the staff is used in ceremonies, the Vajra represents the power of Buddhism and the wheel represents Buddha's teachings. Combat: The Protagonist has the capability to be one of the most well rounded characters in the game. His melee attack isn't the strongest, nor does he land critical hits especially often, but his attacks are very accurate. Using ranged attacks he focuses once more on actually hitting the enemy than on raw damage potential. If you should so choose you can make him more specialized by placing the majority of your points into a focused set of stats but this can be somewhat reduandant seeing as how your party members are like this. Seimen Kongou focuses on wind attacks as well as ailment type spells giving you an advantage against some of the early game demons you will encounter. Maki Sonomura - "Maki" Maki is a frail, sickly girl who has spent most of her life going in and out of the hospital. Things have taken a turn for the worse recently, leaving her entirely bedridden for the past year with only you, Masao and Kei coming to visit her. Her one main solace during these stays by herself has been her paintings. As her own personal escape she has taken to drawing still-life pictures, escapes into an ideal world that she has constructed inside of her own head. It is during one of these visits that the events of the game pick up, the entire city being taken over by demons. Shortly after this Maki appears at the school, her health having improved rather suddenly and, with a surprising change of attitude, joins your party to help get to the bottom of what is going on. It's only with her help that you can solve the mysteries of what is happening to your home. What exactly is happening to her? Why is she acting so different now? How is she related to the events going on in the city? And just who is this young dark haired girl that she keeps talking about? Persona: Maso Maso is an East Asian protector goddess also known as Matsu who is associated with the oceans and the sea. She is worshipped by fishermen and sailors, those who rely upon the sea to make their living. Her popularity was, and still is, fairly high because of the perception of her as a very compassionate and mother goddess. New immigrates tended to build shrines to her almost as soon as arriving at their new home as thanks for arrival. Combat: Even though she has recovered from her debilitating illness Maki is still a fairly frail character. Generally speaking she fulfills the role that most RPG heroines fulfill that of the healer as an archer character. Much of her fighting is based on her accuracy, having weak but very accurate attacks with a fair chance of inflicting critical hits. Her magic is very useful as well since she gets a good mix of healing and ice magic. Maki is quite versatile and useful due to this and she only gets even more useful as she gets more powerful Personae equipped. Kei Nanjo - "Nanjo" Heir to the Nanjo family fortune and all around upper class snob, Kei is something of a foil to Masao Inaba. While he is quite well meaning he can't help his more aggressive and sometimes confrontational nature. For all of his vaunted intelligence he tends to be somewhat reckless, prone to take action without necessarily thinking everything all the way through. He is however quite logical to the point of fault as his logic oftentimes leads to him to have something of a scornful, aggressive pragmatism. All of these traits pairs with his lack of humor to leave him finding himself constantly butting heads with Masao Inaba, the two very different sides of a coin. Being raised more by his family butler than by his very own parents seems to have created a special bond between the two, one that he clearly doesn't share with his actual parents. This disconnect with his family has not stopped him from making associates amongst the rich and powerful in Japan. He is one of the few party members to actually know much of anything about Takahisa Kandori, head of SEBEC. His dislike of the man aside he has information that can be fairly helpful during the course of the game. Persona: Aizen Myouou In Japanese Belief Aizen Myouou is a spirit with an incredibly frightening appearance. However he is actually a Buddhist protector god who represents the state at which sexual excitement or agitation can become enlightenment as well as when passionate love, both physical or intellectual, becomes compassion for all living things. His roots seem to have come from the Hindu deity Râgarâja, a Great Wisdom King or Vidyaraja, of their people. Combat: While he talks like some sort of intellectual Kei is actually quite brutal in combat. His swords are very powerful, dealing a fair amount of damage and landing many hits. When using guns he has fairly good accuracy and damage as well as a moderate critical hit rate. Magic isn't exactly his strongest point and his starting Persona is fairly weak. In the end he is more of a tank, soaking up damage that would kill most other members of your party thanks to his high Vitality especially once you get Aizen Myouou away from him to remove that weakness to physical attacks. Masao Inaba - "Mark" Graffiti artist. Playful troublemaker. Bizarre fashion sense. All of these things describe Masao Inaba pretty well although mere words don't do the young man justice. Whether Masao is dancing, getting in trouble for tagging buildings or just trying to keep everyone around him in high spirits this bundle of energy can always be relied upon to be doing something. All of his joyful spirit can't help him from being frustrated almost every time Kei Nanjo opens his mouth, their very different personalities only highlighting their rivalry. Regardless of any possible character flaws Masao is both reliable and a trustworthy ally. Not one to abandon his friends in their time of need he stands by the side of the Protagonist, Maki (whom he seems to have a crush on) and even Kei when it comes time to fight the demons who have mysterious appeared all over the city. He has friends across the city that might know something of what is going on meaning he is one of the most well connected of the characters. Persona: Ogun Known as one of the 7 African powers in Voodoo, Ogun is a god of many things. Amongst them is his status as Guardian of Truth, invoked when legal matters are being presided over, as well as a God of Loyalty and Friendship, fitting Masao's pesonality quite well. Another thing that fits rather well is his status as a God of War. This matches up with his users brutal and direct combat style that relies on destroying his foes to preserve his friends lives. Combat: Even more so than Nanjo Mark excels in raw damage potential. His accuracy is the fairly high and damage dealing potential, especially in melee, is the highest of the party except for Reiji. However he doesn't really land much in the ways of critical hits so whatever damage he is dealing is basically all you're going to get. His usefulness in ranged combat is fairly limited though as his shotgun is a fairly weak weapon with poor range. His Persona is quite powerful as well as it excels in physical skills and gravity magics further amplifying his combat potential. Hidehiko Uesugi - "Brown" The one responsible for convincing the youths into playing the Persona game in the school it is Hidehiko's fault that the teens ever met Philemon. By his nature Hidehiko is something of a class clown but he's fairly terrible at it. His terrible jokes and puns get really old really fast. Unfortunately for poor Hidehiko he seems to have no clue about this, try as he might. Cocky in the extreme Hidehiko feels as if there is no situation that he can't handle… or at least he acts as if that is the case. That opinion of his is sorely tested as the invasion of Mikage-cho begins. After the city is invaded by the demons Hidehiko will be found in a cell inside of the police station, apparently captured alongside Masao. Should you choose to recruit him into your party at this point in time you will find yourself cut off from having Eriko Kirishima, Yuka Ayase or Reiji Kido from joining your party on this playthrough. For a first time player however he is a fairly powerful character choice. Persona: Nemain Nemain is one of the three war goddesses of the Celts known collectively as the Morrigan. Her names means frenzy or panic, fitting fairly well with her wind focus in Persona. Along with her sisters, Macha and Badb Catha, they are associated with ravens and keep watch over warriors on the battlefield. Combat: Hidehiko isn't exactly a powerhouse of a character but is more along the lines of the steady ally. His attacks, both the melee and ranged types, aren't too powerful but they will hit often while his spells are useful even if he isn't the best spellcaster in the party. This is due to his average stats across the board making him one of the more versatile of the party members. Don't underestimate the range of his melee attack with his spear, the weapon is quite versatile. Other than the main character he is usually the one with the most staying power in boss fights. Eriko Kirishima - "Elly" One of the most popular girls in school Eriko not only comes from a high class family but her beauty and fashion sense have made her the twinkle in many a boys eye. Aspiring to become a model this frail seeming girl shows her tougher side when things get bad in Mikage-cho. Intrigued into the Persona summoning game by Hidehiko thanks to her interest in the occult Eriko chooses not to go with the others afterwards. The very perceptive girl seems to go off on her own but more than proves her worth a short time later. This leaves her out of the initial loop but it doesn't have to stay that way. When the city is fully taken over by the demons you will be able to recruit Eriko to join your cause. She is located at the subway in the city where she can be recruited after your little adventure in the police station. She isn't a great character nor is she a bad character although using her does mean you need to share the one-handed swords and rifles a bit. Should you choose to recruit her into your party at this point in time you will find yourself cut off from having Yuka Ayase or Reiji Kido from joining your party on this playthrough. Be very careful if you actually wish for Eriko to join your party as it's very easy to just bypass the subway where she waits, missing her entirely on that playthrough. Persona: Nike In Greek myths Nike was known as the Goddess of Triumph and the Winged Goddess of Victory. She was one of the many attendants of Zeus when he came to be the dominant deity of the Greek pantheon. Acting as a divine charioteer she is one of the most commonly portrayed characters in Greek lore. Unlike most of the other Gods and Goddesses who had shed their wings when depicted Nike continued to appear with her wings to remind people that victory can be a fleeting thing even as she is praised as a Goddess of Strength and Speed. Combat: In a manner very similar to the main character Elly uses a one-handed sword that focuses more on hitting the enemy than it does on raw power. In addition the two of them have a very similar critical hit rate with the weapon. Unlike the main character she has a pretty brutal ranged attack with her rifle that is accurate, damaging and has a fairly high critical hit rate. With her persona focusing on healing and light magics she is actually a very well rounded character. She's not quite the stalwart that Brown is nor is she as incredibly useful as Reiji. Yuka Ayase - "Ayase" Amusingly enough Yuka is almost exactly what she appears to be. A somewhat ditzy, not terribly bright teenage girl she is often the target of insults from her fellow students. This is not exactly a fair estimate of her character. Yuka is admittedly not a serious person by nature with a sometimes childish mentality. When the chips are down and things are really bad that is when Yuka's true colors will be able to fly. Her strong will and desire to help out her friends make her one of the most reliable of the students in the school when the demonic invasion begins. You could do much worse than having a cute schoolgirl with pigtails fighting by your side even if she comes across as a bit of a gold digger. Yuka is something of a different case as far as the special characters go. Unlike Eriko and Hidehiko you might find yourself forced to bring her along for the ride. If you have not taken Eriko or Hidehiko by the time you reach the factory the game will take a look at your actions. Should you have forgotten to take the steps to acquire Reiji the game will automatically force you to take Yuka along so that you're not totally out of luck for filling out your party. This means that if you play the game a certain way she becomes a mandatory party member. Should you choose to recruit her into your party at this point in time you will find yourself cut off from having Reiji Kido from joining your party on this playthrough. However Yuka will be a mandatory party member if you embark on the Snow Queen Quest so if you've never really used her then this will be your chance to do so whether you like it or not. Persona: Huris Fitting in well with Ayase sensuous and sometimes tempting demeanor she calls upon the Huris of Muslim belief. These are the dark eyed, beautiful spirits that await those who die in service to their God. Seventy two of these beautiful spirits wait to fulfill the every want of those brave and noble warriors. It is believed they actually originated from the Persian legends of the Pairakas, female air spirits who were so beautiful as to captivate men's hearts. They were closely aligned with the stars and light. Combat: When it comes to actual combat Ayase is one of the weakest party memers. Her whip has good range and lands plenty of criticals but it doesn't do much damage. It also requires her to be close to the foe which isn't a great idea with her low defenses. Her ranged weapon is a simple handgun that does a fair bit of damage but it doesn't have much range either. When it comes to using spells though she is actually pretty helpful since her fire magics and status ailment spells are pretty useful. This means that even more than almost any other character her usefulness is entirely dependant on her ability to use Persona that are effective in any particular situation. Reiji Kido - "Reiji" The single hardest character in the game to recruit, Reiji doesn't socialize very well. Acting in quite the suspicious manner he will be found skulking around in sealed off rooms in the school, factories and even at a SEBEC blockade. He seems to have some grudge with Takahisa Kandori, head of the SEBEC Company that he doesn't really want to talk about. With his long hair, bad attitude, disheveled clothing and mysterious scar on his forehead there's a lot about this young man that just screams not to trust him. He also seems to have some sort of bizarre ability to communicate easily with just about any type of demon. But to not trust him would be quite the foolish mistake thanks to how strong he is. Using only his fists, covered in gloves, and assault rifles he really proves his ability to utter devastate your foes. Paired up with the physical and death based skills that his Persona use… well he certainly isn't lacking in ways of handling the demons that are running rampant in the city. After jumping through all the hoops required to get him a recruitable character you will find out just how useful he is. As the last of the secret characters you will automatically get him if you have turned down all of the other characters successfully and done everything else you needed to before going to the version of the school overrun by demons. It is here he will join up with you. Getting to this point can be pretty difficult as it requires you to go through a few fairly tough dungeons with only four party members but the end result is worth it. Persona: Bres Bres is a God of the Celtic people, one of the fabled Tuatha Dé Danann. Unlike the rest of them Breas was a somewhat tainted individual, sharing some blood with the Fomorian. When his chance to rule the Tuatha Dé Danann came Breas was an absolute tyrant, ruling over his subjects with an iron fist. This led to him being usurped by the previous king, Nuada, and starting a war between the Tuatha Dé Danann and Fomorians. In this manner he is something like Loki of Norse mythology except a bit more malicious. Combat: In combat Reiji is something of a terror. His fists are accurate, have a high chance of landing criticals and deal a fair bit of damage. On the other hand his rifle has good range, deals a good bit of damage and lands multiple hits. His usefulness is only bolstered by his Persona and their focus on physical and death type magics. It's usually really easy for Reiji to kill someone. But his true strength lies in the fact that his conversation options work on almost every demon in the game. Having him around makes it very easy to get the cards you want from demons. Unfortunately he can't equip the widest variety of Persona so your strategic choices can be somewhat limited at times. Yukino Mayuzumi - "Yukino" Once nothing more than a simple street thug Yukino was reformed from this lifestyle by a teacher in St. Hermelin, Ms. Takami. As thanks to her teacher for this she has taken to policing the other students, making the lives of the staff much easier. She would very readily give or do just about anything to help out the teacher that she feels saved her from self-destruction. While originally a fairly aggressive sort of person she has mellowed out considerably since she chose a different path in life although she does still dress the part of a Japanese female gangster. Those who have only played the original western release of Revelations: Persona will likely have no idea who Yukino is but in this re-release she can serve a much greater role in the game. In the original game she only joins you for a short time near the very beginning of the game. But in this release Yukino will be a mandatory party member if you embark on the Snow Queen quest. Persona: Vesta Vesta is a sister to Zeus, known as a Goddess of hearth and home. Unlike the other gods in all of their incestuous ways she chose to remain a virgin. Because of her subtle nature and the fact that she was never involved with humanity the way her fellows were she is almost entirely absent from Roman mythology. However it is from belief in her that the Vestales, also known as Vestal Virgins, emerged. This virgin protector image fits rather well with the demeanor that Yukino projects. Combat: Even though you don't get the most time with Yukino she shows her true strength on the Snow Queen quest. Her weapon attacks are weak but very accurate with a fair chance for critical hit. Her shotgun is a bit on the weaker side and its range is fairly terrible. However her Persona is ridiculously powerful, using both fire and nuclear magics to tear through foes. As her ranks increase her Persona slowly turns into one of the stronger in the entire game. ========================= 2.02 - Other Characters ========================= Yamaoka This incredibly loyal butler works in service to Kei Nanjo, heir to the Nanjo family fortunes. He seems to almost view his duties to Kei as a parent taking care of their child than he does any sort of duty. Considering the fact that Kei hasn't been raised by his parents, left in Yamaoka's tender care, this might not be too far from the truth. No matter what should happen to him one thing is certain; nothing will ever make him stop trying to take care of Kei. Ms. Saeko Takami One of the only teachers in St. Hermelin that the kids seem to respect for both her kind heart and willingness to help the students, Ms. Takami is everything a teacher should be. When there are problems amongst the students she expresses genuine concern for their welfare, not like some of the other teachers. While her role in the story is generally very small she plays an integral role in the Snow Queen quest. Vice-Principal Hanya The vice-principal of St. Hermelin isn't exactly very well liked. As a matter of fact he has been given a nickname by the students, Hannya, which is the name of a demon from Japanese mythology. Hanya doesn't care about his students in the slightest; the only thing that he cares about is keeping control of the school. So long as the students do as they're told he doesn't really care a whit for their people in his school but the feeling is quite mutual. Even the other teachers don't seem to like the man which is fairly telling. Takahisa Kandori Takahisa is the head of the company Saeki Electronics & Biological & Energy corporation also known as SEBEC. The party doesn't seem to know much about him except for Kei Nanjo however he doesn't really offer much information overall. There is however much going on within both Takahisa and his company overall, things that were they publicly known could be of extreme concern. However with the recent demonic invasion these things have managed to evade the public eye but they can only remain that way for so long. Philemon Who or what Philemon actually is may not be quite as relevant as what he does. It is him who grants the main party the ability to call upon their Personae. Nobody quite knows why he does what he does but it is within he seems bound by certain actions that he may or may not take. What is known is that while he cannot assist those who can summon Personae he allows access to the otherworldly space, the Velvet Room, where his servants will help the party to summon up new personae as the need arises. Igor Calling himself a servant of Philemon Igor is the proprietor of the Velvet Room. Here he waits for those who need his services, that of summoning up new Persona. When given cards that correspond to the Persona that you wish to obtain he will call them up. Using his phone made out of bones he will call up Persona from the depths of the soul, imparting them to the Protagonist and his allies. This invaluable tool will be necessary if you're going to find the truth behind what is going on in Mikage. Nyarlathotep An unknown entity even more mysterious than Philemon the entity known as Nyarlathotep actually is lies shrouded in mystery. This entity of blackness has its fingers in the events that are going on within Mikage-cho but has managed to remain suspiciously out of sight. While it's unknown exactly who or what this being actually is its influence can be felt all throughout the events of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona ========================================================= 3. Opening Chapter ========================================================= 3.01 - Revelations ========================= Welcome to the city of Mikage, home of St. Hermelin high school as well as the SEBEC Corporation headquarters. The city is big enough to have industry and a life of its own but not so large as to be drowning in murders, theft and general crime. However underneath that surface something has begun to bubble to the surface. Foul things have begun to crawl up into the shadows of everyday life readying themselves to burst out and swallow the city in darkness. Only a group of high school students can stop the city from falling off the cliff into oblivion. It is up to them to get to the bottom of the situation in Mikage, to find the culprit behind its rapid descent and bring them to justice. For these students the task would be insurmountable if not for the power of Persona. Persona is an Italian word derived from a Latin word that literally means "masks" but not the physical masks. It stands for the social masks that people wear to help get through their lives. But to those special few they may call upon their Persona, their inner Gods and demons, to help battle the demons that are invading their home city. Using the power of Persona these brave children might actually stand a chance against those who are arrayed against humanity. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona was known as Revelations: Persona when it was originally released in the West. Widely lauded as one of the more unique RPG's released at the time due to its unique modern day setting and intriguing magic system, Persona nonetheless had a few issues. A strange localization, including the swapping of several characters ethnicities, as well as the loss of an entire alternate quest put a damper on the games recognition. This alternate quest, the Snow Queen, was a side quest of sorts that was excise from the original but has now been returned to the game in all of its glory (see Pg. XX). In this quest you're basically choosing to not explore what is happening in the city, staying in the school. At a certain point the school becomes inaccessible from the world map, this quest explains why that is. Unlike the most recently released games in the Persona series, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona is an incredibly linear game. There is no social element, no random dungeons and absolutely no social elements. However the storyline is as deep as its sequels with plenty of twists and turns and lots of characterization. For those who were put off by the extreme time investment of the last two Persona titles the good news is that this game is much shorter. The main quest clocks in with around thirty-five to forty hours of gameplay while the Snow Queen Quest takes about another fifteen to twenty hours to complete. All of this is assuming minimal level grinding as well as not dying in the harder dungeons repeatedly. Overall you can expect a solid fifty hours of gameplay at least to see most everything there is to see in the game. ========================= 3.02 - Starting the Game ========================= When starting up a new game you will have to choose between one of three difficulty levels. The difference between these three is fairly minor but they make a huge impact on your gaming experience. You must be very careful picking which difficulty you're looking to play on because there is no way to change the difficulty once you've begun the game. Easy - As you might guess from the name the easy difficulty is actually quite a bit simpler. Enemies are roughly 50% weaker than they are on the normal difficulty making all fights far simpler. Much of the challenge is removed with this difficulty making it suitable for beginning players or those who just want to experience the story. Normal - This guide is written with the normal difficulty in mind. The enemies aren't especially strong but you will need to be careful with later random encounters and almost all boss fights since you could be slaughtered quite easily. All it takes is a very few mistakes to find yourself looking at a game over screen. Generally speaking you'll want to be careful about how you play but you don't have to worry about constantly being outmatched by every single enemy you encounter. Hard - Where easy is about half has difficult as normal hard is the exact opposite. Most of the enemies are around 50% harder, meaning they deal more damage and have more health than on the normal difficulty. This can make even the most basic of fights incredibly challenging. Expect to do plenty of level grinding as well as constantly shuffling what Persona you're using so that you're always at the top of your game if you plan on surviving any of the dungeons. ========================= 3.03 - Exploring Mikage ========================= The city of Mikage is a pretty large place but you shouldn't be daunted by the vastness of the map screen. Six map screens can seem pretty large in an RPG like this. However keep in mind that even though there is a lot of ground to explore each screen only has a very few places to actually explore at any given time. Your adventure begins in the school, St. Hermelin high school, but this is short lived. For the most part you will only visit each of the locations once, maybe twice, so once you've been to a place you can probably forget about it. A good example of this is the hospital and the police station that are only ever visited once over the course of the game or the ruins that are entirely optional. Of course new locations will become important to you as you go through the story but once again this limits you to needing to only worry about where you are and where you're going. As a general rule you will only need to know the location of the save points and stores on the world map at all times. Everything else is only relevant when you're told to go there which drastically shrinks the actual map you need to worry about. Locations of importance are the Joy Street mall, Sun Mall, Black Market and the save points. There are usually doctor's offices within the malls, as well as save points, which means that these are the most important of the locations. Early on you will likely find that the stores are more or less entirely useless to you. All you can buy from them are a variety of healing and support items during the early portion of the game. This is doubly true since some of the dungeons where you would really need to refill on equipment have general stores inside of them in this rerelease. To get your hands on equipment you would need to gamble in the casino which is a losing battle for the most part. Later on weapons and armor will be stocked in some of the stores giving them much more of a purpose. ========================= 3.04 - Tools of the Trade ========================= Equipment Each of the characters in the game uses a somewhat different set of equipment based upon their weapon preferences as well as gender. Some armor can only be used by males while others can are useable only for females. Frustratingly enough it takes a really long time before you can actually purchase equipment so you're going to have to make do with what you pick up from battle. It can be hard to properly equip your party due to this and it never gets easier since these weapons and armor are fairly overpriced. Things can get more complicated when you have five party members because you will then find there is some equipment overlap. For example Elly uses one- handed swords just like the Protagonist and Reiji uses the same rifle as Nanjo. A complication due to this is that you're going to have to rely on loot dropped from the random encounters to equip your party although it tends to feel as if there is never enough equipment to go around. Items While there are a fairly wide variety of items in the game there are only a few of them that really matter in the slightest. You'll always need to remain stocked up on healing items, both of the hit point and spell point variety, but there are a few other items that matter. Amongst these are the Salts that will reduce the encounter rate by preventing weaker enemies from attacking you as well as the Emergency Exit item that immediately brings you back to the dungeon exit. Even though you can get these abilities from your Persona via the Estoma and Traesto skills it never hurts to have some back ups. ========================= 3.05 - Dungeon Exploration ========================= When making your way through the dungeon you will find yourself in a first- person view. It can be a bit jarring trying to move around like this if you've never played any of the earliest Shin Megami Tensei titles. Navigating the dungeons is a simple matter since moving and turning is a fairly easy affair. An important thing to remember is that you can side-step left or right using the appropriate trigger as this makes moving through the dungeon much simpler. Another thing to remember is that you can move much faster by holding down the dash button. You will absolutely speed down the corridors like a bat out of hell which means it's only really useful when there is a straight path in front of you. This is used mostly to get through a dungeon quicker so as to avoid getting into too many random encounters. Starting off you will find the movement to be fairly awkward but it gets much easier as time goes on to the point where you can turn, sprint and side-step with ease. Of course this only holds true when in the dungeon maps, when you enter rooms and it goes to the room view then you won't need to run since there are no encounters. ========================= 3.06 - Moon Phase ========================= As in the other Shin Megami Tensei titles the current phase of the moon has an impact on the game. However many of the changes brought on by the Moon Phase are fairly minor compared to the other games in the series contained mostly to contacting demons. When the moon is at the New Moon then demons are much more conversational and likely to go along with what you ask of them. Sometimes they will even reach out to you, asking you to speak to them. If you should turn them down when they ask you to talk then they will not communicate with you at all during that fight. On the other hand when it is a Full Moon you will find that demons are much more hostile, looking for a fight and not to be talking with you. In addition the Moon Phase changes what that the Artifact Shop has for trade based upon what phase it is. So even if you have the gems to get what you wanted to trade for might not even be there. Simply walk around the mall to make it shift to what phase you need it to be to get the item you wanted from them. ========================= 3.07 - Fighting for Your Life ========================= Playing Persona you will spend many, many hours of your time in random encounters. As such it's best if you learn how to handle them as quickly and early as possible. Overall they are much harder than the random encounters found in similar games and you're going to need to be at least a little strategic if you want to do well. One thing to keep in mind about these fights is that exploiting an enemies' weakness isn't actually as important as it was in the later Persona titles. The only thing you gain from doing this is minor damage increase. Unless an enemy actually repels or absorbs the damage that you're dealing then the only thing you need to worry about is hitting them with your most powerful skills. There are no knock downs, no One More! or anything like that in this title so it's best if you focus on raw damage over worrying about the enemy resistances. Damage potential over actual damage is something that you have to learn very intimately when playing Persona. There are many situations where you will find that it's better to do less damage more often than it is to deal a whole lot of damage at once. A good example of this is the Protagonists machine gun. Generally it doesn't do a whole lot of damage but you can find some models that do a guaranteed six hits every time you use it. Using one of these guns you can tear apart enemies pretty quickly thanks to repeated hits, possibly critical hits at that. The only time that you should make it a point to exploit a particular enemies weaknesses is when they are to light magic, death magic or status ailments. Against the right enemies you can potentially kill them in one shot with light or death magic which is something you always want to take advantage of. Status ailments are a little trickier since these aren't shown in the resistance / weakness box in the stat screen. However if you know an enemy is vulnerable to a particular ailment then you will want to use it on them because many of the bad status' in this game entirely debilitate your foes, rendering them unable to act for at least one full turn. Keep these things in mind while playing the game and you should have little difficulty with most of the fights. Should a character die in a fight then be aware that they will be restored to life at the end of the battle with one hit point. They don't miss out on any experience either, receiving however much they earned before dying. As such it may be strategically wise to let your dead members stay dead if a fight is near its conclusion and the remaining party can handle it. This will save you Revival Beads and Balms of Life which can be pretty rare in longer dungeons. ----------- Combat When your character has a turn in battle you will pick their actions from the combat menu. Attack - Your basic everyday basic combat action, this is the command to use your characters melee weapon. Be mindful of what your characters' particular attack radius looks like. It doesn't do you a lot of good to place your character in a spot where they can't use their weapon to its fullest extent or even close to it. This is especially important for Masao and Reiji since their weapon has a very small attack area. Shoot - This is essentially the same as choosing the attack command except it applies to your characters guns. These usually have a better range although they don't usually do as much damage as the melee attacks. Pretty much every gun except for the handguns has a good attack radius allowing you to be a bit free when placing your party in formation because, in the least, they should be able to use their guns. Skill - Skill is basically your magic command menu as it is where you choose which of your Persona skills you wish to use. You only have access to whichever skills are available on your currently equipped Persona while in battle. Every time you use a skill it will cost the amount of SP listed above the skill box no matter which of the Persona's skills that you use. Persona - When the currently equipped Persona isn't quite what you need for the situation that you're in then you can switch them using this command. In reality you shouldn't be using this too much since changing your Persona takes an entire turn that could be better spent pounding an enemy into the ground. For the most part this is only used if you come into a boss fight unprepared for its capabilities which shouldn't happen if you're using this guide. Guard - Essentially this is a command to let you skip your turn. There is a damage reduction aspect to this command as well but it's so minor that it should never figure into your combat strategies. More often than not you will only use this to pass the turn so that other characters can get the experience from a fight. ----------- Formation - This command lets you reshuffle your party positions. Realistically speaking this is only ever used when you're ambushed from behind so as to get your rear fighters away from the front lines. Be mindful that using this command takes an entire turn, every party member using their turn to move around. Analyze - This command allows you to look at the stats, resistances, weaknesses and abilities of any foes that you have defeated. It doesn't work unless you have defeated the enemy or gotten their card from them. Using the right trigger will act as a shortcut to immediately analyze enemies and it can be used while in any of the combat menus. Escape - In theory this allows you to escape from battles but in practice it almost never works. Even when you outnumber a weaker enemy this almost never seems to actually let you escape from enemies. There are items and skills that you can use to help you get out of battles so if you're really desperate to get away from them then use one of these to help you get away. ----------- View Party - With a simple push on the left trigger you can see what status ailments and the like are afflicting your party members. Once you learn to read the status ailments as they appear on your character picture there is no need to ever view this screen. ========================= 3.08 - Leveling Up ========================= As your party levels up they will automatically gain points in certain stats. These gains will mostly all be geared towards a particular purpose depending on each characters role. For example Nanjo, as a party damage sponge, will gain most of his points to vitality with a second focus on strength and the excess being distributed somewhat evenly. Keep in mind that your magic offense and defense is based mostly upon your Persona so you will need to keep up with fusing better Persona if you hope to increase those stats. The exception to this rule is the main character. When he levels up you will be able to distribute his stat points as you like. You can use this to either have a fairly even spread of your stats or you could specialize and make yourself really good at one or two things. This means it's very possible to have a bruiser on par with Masao or a tank on par with Nanjo if that's the route you so choose. ----- Strength: As can likely be guessed this stat increases the amount of damage the character deals with physical attacks. Vitality: A higher vitality will increase your defenses against physical attacks and seems to have a very minor impact on your hit points. Dexterity: Your dexterity affects your defense, evasion and weapon accuracy. It also seems to have a minor effect on your magical stats. Agility: The agility stat affects your defense, evasion, weapon accuracy and how fast your turn comes in battle. This is one of the most important stats in the game. Luck: The effects of this stat are much more subtle than the other stats. A high luck gives you a minor boost to your other stats but the major boosts are more subtle. ------ When raising your stats your focus should be on your Agility and Vitality regardless of whatever character build you're aiming to create. Strength is important for melee fighters, dexterity is important for magic users and Luck is just generally all around helpful. Keep these in mind before distributing points at a level up. ========================= 3.09 - Persona Levels & Ranks ========================= As you fight enemies you will notice that not only does your character level increase so to does your Persona level. However the Persona level only has one actual gameplay effect, that of increasing the level Persona you can equip. Where the later games consolidated this into one number in this you're stuck raising them both at once. Normally they go up fairly parallel but if you're not using your Persona at all during combat then you may find your Persona level trailing behind your character level which can be frustrating. Persona Rank As you use your Persona in battle they will slowly begin to level up their rank. It is the Persona Rank not the Persona Level that increases the Persona's parameters. As the rank goes up their stats increase, gain new skills and magic attack or magic defense might even go up. If the Persona has higher ratings in a stat than the character that it's equipped to then the character is treated as if they have the Persona's stats. As such it is imperative that you use your Persona often to rank them up effectively. The speed with which they rank up is affected by the affinity that the Persona and wielder have for each other. If you have a Persona with "Worst" as the affinity ranking then they will take a very long time to increase their rank. When you get the Persona up to its maximum rank of 8 (MAX) special things can happen with some rare Persona so keep your eyes open for these as the game does not inform you of them. ========================= 3.10 - Contact ========================= Much like in the main Shin Megami Tensei titles you can't just pick up the cards that let you fuse Persona. You're going to have to earn them by conversing with the demons that come up in random encounters. This can be a somewhat frustrating experience since every enemy is different and the personality markers that they have don't help as much as they could. Even if you meet one Joyful / Timid demon the things that worked on them won't necessarily work on the next Joyful / Timid demon that you come across. Generally speaking you should attempt to take the actions that seem to make sense when dealing with demons and if it doesn't work the first time switch to another command, slowly eliminating the ones that you know don't work. There are four traits that you will be attempting to manipulate when talking to demons: Happiness: When you max this out in a conversation they will give you something before leaving. These things can range from items to gems or even experience awards if you're lucky. Anger: Generally speaking you're going to want to avoid this trait getting maxed out at any point during contact. Their reactions can range from getting enraged, causing them to attack you in a fit of rage. If you're unlucky then they will attempt to intimidate your character, leaving the character that was talking to them paralyzed with inaction for a few turns. Eagerness: If you max this trait out in a conversation then you will have one of three things you can ask for. You can ask them to leave you alone, to give you a gift or to give you a spell card. For the most part this is what you will want to be aiming for whenever you contact demons. Even if you're too low level to get the actual spell card from the contact you can still ask for something. Fear: Should you max this out in conversation then the demons will simply leave the battle, running away from you. You'll want to avoid this unless you manage to increase it alongside another trait at the same time in which case it can produce some interesting results. ------- Other Responses There are other responses but they are usually a combination of two of the above reactions. You'll want to experiment with this but overall you'll want to just stick with trying to increase the enemies Eagerness trait so you can get that vaunted spell card. Two of the most notable reaction traits are listed below: - If you can max out their eagerness and happiness you will receive a gift and a spell card. These items are usually gems used to modify the persona that you're fusing but it can range from a simple life stone to a fair chunk of experience or Yen. - Maxing out anger and fear then they will give you a gift in an attempt to placate you and then flee. This can range from an actual award, like maxing out Happiness, to them simply punching you for a fair chunk of damage before retreating. This is a very unpredictable outcome to a fight and not something you should be aiming for except in an absolute emergency. ========================= 3.11 - The Velvet Room ========================= Welcome to the Velvet Room. This place between the conscious and unconscious mind is where you will be able to take the spell cards you've gotten from the demons you successfully made contact with and turn them into brand new Persona. While you might have been wondering why those spell cards mattered this is the ultimate use for them and it's integral to completing the adventure. To any veterans of the later Persona titles the Velvet Room might seem like a mighty confusing place. Things don't work like they might be expected to which can be a matter of some frustration but it's not actually all that complicated, in many ways it's much simpler. There is still a fair bit to learn about this system though. For example when you are fusing two cards together to form a Persona you can do so one of two ways: Guided Fusion: This is the type of fusion that you will be performing much of the time since it's very easy to use. When chosen the game will display a list of the best Persona that you could fuse using the cards that you have. Not all of the Persona that you can actually fuse are shown, some of them are cut out for a variety of reasons, but overall this gives you a good sampling of what you would want to create. Pick your choice form the list, choose which cards are used and whether or not an item will be used to modify the fusion and voila! Shiny new Persona. Think of this as a beginner's fusion method. Manual Fusion: When you are looking for a Persona that you just can't seem to find in your Guided Fusion list then it's time to check out the manual fusion. Due to a ridiculous number of variables you can fuse a number of different Persona with Manual Fusion. On the left hand side are your spell cards while a large chart will be on the right. It is important that you note the colors of the markings on that chart as well as what directions any arrows may be facing. Any of the "O" symbols indicate that a fusion is possible while an "X" means that a fusion is impossible. The arrows represent what sort of fusion you are actually undertaking. So if your arrow is pointing up then you are fusing Persona of the same clan which will increase the level of the fusion result. If the arrow is pointing to the right then you're fusing Persona of compatible clans and the fusion is fairly easily determined (a level 12 - 18 Night clan with a level 12 - 18 Brute clan will always have the same result). However an arrow pointing down means that the fusion is going on between two incompatible clans which can lead to unpredictable results. Fusion accidents are more likely to occur as well. Keep your eyes on the color as well since they can have an effect as well. White markers indicate that it's a normal fusion with nothing special happening. Blue markers mean that the fusion is of the same clan which can lead to improvements in the power level of the fusion. So if you're fusing two of the same clan with a blue upwards arrow then the resulting Persona might have an appreciable power jump. Any red markers mean that they're coming from opposing clans and fusion accidents are once again more likely. You never want to fuse Persona during the full moon if at all possible. This phase of the moon increases the chance of fusion accidents occurring which is not something you want especially if you're about to perform a fusion involving red markers. Another note about fusing Persona is that you can use items to modify the end result. Expendable items will either have random results or allow you to add one ability to your Persona during the fusion. For example using an Emergency Exit item in a fusion will give your Persona the Traesto skill. If you use weapons or armor in the fusion then you will enhance the stats of your Persona. Lastly if you use Gems or other special items you can change what the end result Persona actually is either by making a stronger, or weaker, Persona or by fusing an entirely different, possibly rare, Persona. The last thing you can really do here is to "Take on Persona" which is exactly what it sounds like. Choosing this allows you to equip or unequip Persona from a character so that you can add new Persona to a characters "inventory." You cannot do this in the field, it can only be performed in the Velvet Room. ========================= 3.12 - Building Your Party ========================= Your main adventuring party will eventually consist of you, Maki, Mark and Kei for the majority of the game. But the fifth slot is filled by a special character. There are one of four characters that this can be; Hidehiko, Yuka, Reiji or Eriko. Getting these characters is fairly simple for the most part… except for Reiji. As one of the most useful characters in the game he's fairly complicated to recruit and requires you to go a bit out of your way several times during the early portions of the game. Do take note that once you get one of these party members you're going to be cut off from ever getting any of the other three. While it's generally advised that you take one of these the easy three on your first playthrough Reiji is widely considered to be the character of choice for more experienced players. Unlike most other RPG's you cannot just sideline a party member for a new one so any choices are permanent. ------------- Character Hidehiko - Obtained in the police station. Once you have freed Masao simply open his cell and accept his offer to join your party. Eriko - After refusing to let Hidehiko join your party, make your way to the Subway station. Here you will find Eriko. Speak to her to convince her to join your party. Yuka - After refusing to let Hidehiko join your party make your way to the Factory. Here you will find Yuka. Speak to her to convince her to join your party. ------------- Out of these three characters Hidehiko and Ellen are probably the better choices. Hidehiko is more powerful early on, allowing him to help you out a lot during the beginning stages of the game. Ellen is quite the inverse - she's not the most useful early on but as you level her up she can be pretty powerful, throwing off critical hits like they're going out of style. Yuka is useful but since her focus seems to be on critical hits and status ailments it takes a whole lot of proper strategizing to actually use her properly. Generally speaking this is a concern that you don't need to deal with unless you're choosing to use. * NOTE: If you'd like to play through the game with all characters in as minimal time as possible, recruit Reiji (see below) first. Hidehiko, Eriko and Yuka are all party members in the Snow Queen part of the game so you will have plenty of time to recruit them. But neither of these two can compare to Reiji. Unlike these others who simply require you speak to them at one particular point you have to do numerous small things to get Reiji to join your party from the very beginning of the game. If you're not the sort of person who talks to everyone in sight then you will want to follow the method laid out below to get him to join you. 1 - As soon as the game starts, with you outside of the Nurse's office, you will want to turn to the north to find the entrance. From the school entrance head to the classroom just north, right next door. Speak to the teacher who will ask you to find out who has been entering the sealed room on the second floor. 2 - After talking to the teacher head on up to room 2-4 on the second floor and enter. You will find Reiji hanging out inside of the room but he pulls his whole loner deal and walks off before you can even talk to him. 3 - For the next step you will want to find class 2-1 and go inside. There is a student in here who will tell you about how abandoned, derelict buildings should be torn down so that they don't attract hooligans. 4 - Now you need to make your way to the Judgment 1999 Casino in the Joy Street mall where Masao will be talking to one of his friends. Speak to the man yourself to find out that some punk is hanging out at the Abandoned Factory, his normal hang out spot. When he mentions the scar you know exactly who he is talking about. 5 - After leaving the mall make your way to the Abandoned Factory in the southeastern section of town. Reiji is loitering in the area and he proceeds to threaten your lives for even talking to him. This guy is quite the cheerful fellow. Luckily we aren't after him for his people skills. 6 - Find your way to the Yin and Yan shop in the Joy Street mall. When you enter the store you will see a woman in yellow clothing standing around, this is Reiji's mother of all people. She asks you a few questions when you speak to her. Answering these correctly is integral to getting him to join up with you. Answer 1: Yeah. Answer 2: Sure. 7 - Make your way to the SEBEC blockade where you will find Reiji getting pretty aggressive with the guards here. Masao jumps in to stop the young man from getting himself shot in the mouth. Once he storms off yet again you're almost done with this side quest. 8 - This last step has to wait until you've reached the demon infested version of St. Hermelin. When you enter a classroom on the fourth map in the school Reiji will come to assist you as well as join your party once the situation has ended. Congratulations, you've gotten the hardest character in the game to recruit. ========================================================= 4. SEBEC Walkthrough ========================================================= 4.01 - A Visit Gone Awry ======================== St. Hermelin After the opening cutscene you will be able to name your protagonist. With this done you will move on to the hospital so that you can get checked out and make a little stop in to visit Maki. Before you actually depart the school there is some exploring to be done here. As soon as you get out of the bed open the box there to find Medicine x1. Now examine the plant in the corner of the room to have it speak to you. This is an Agastya tree, your save points during your adventure. Look for their bright purplish glow so you can save your game. Now leave the infirmary to find yourself in the first-person dungeon crawl. Should you be looking to have Reiji join you later on take a left to reach the exit and continue past it. The very next doors take you into a classroom where the teacher asks you about who is going into the sealed room upstairs. Take the stairs right nearby up to the second floor and head to the last classroom in the southern hallway. After a brief "conversation" you will be ready to go on your way. Now make your way to class 2-1 where you will find a student who talks about how abandoned buildings should be torn down. After Mark makes fun of him you can head on out to the city proper. City Map After an amusing sequence you will be on the world map. You can now either explore the town, pursue Reiji some more or simply visit the hospital. Getting to Maki is as simple as leaving the school and heading north two screens and east once while Reiji is a bit more complex: ------ If you would like to pursue Reiji as a party member then your next stop must be the Joy Street mall. This is one screen north then to the east where you really can't miss the big building. Head inside and find the Judgment 1999 casino. Speak to the man right next to Mark to find out where Reiji has been hanging out. Mark's friend explains that the teenager with the scar has been hanging out at the Abandoned Factory. This place is only located one screen to the south so make that your next destination. Once the perpetual loner leaves make your way to the Yin and Yan store in the Joy Street mall. Here you will find a woman in a yellow shirt that you can speak to. Meet Reiji's mother. She will ask you a few questions that ultimately determine if you can recruit her son. Reiji's mother: His name is Reiji Kido. Do you know him? Protagonist: Yeah. Reiji's mother: It may be selfish of me to ask this, but could you make friends with Reiji? Protagonist: Sure. Now you have to wait for the final two steps of recruiting him but the groundwork has been laid. ----- Mikage Hospital Creatures: Mr. Zombie, Preta, Zombie Boy, Poltergeist, Slime, Pixie, Zombie Girl, Quicksilver, Zombie Nurse Once inside it is suggested by Nanjo that you visit Maki first. To do so you simply need to go to room 302 where she is currently laid up. This is the second door on your right hand side as you walk down the third floor hallway. After some dialogue and another cutscene things begin to go wrong. From the sounds of things the dead are now walking around attacking old men who stop them from eating nurses. This leads into your first "fight" of the game, acting basically like a tutorial although one has to wonder where they got all of these big, sharp weapons. Once the battle begins you will notice that this is basically just a tutorial to show you what the Persona are like and you don't have to do anything as well as to give you some free levels, money and items. When the battle has ended watch the touching scene before you go out into the hospital corridors. When you leave the room you will be on the second floor of the hospital with random encounters to deal with. First order of business is to follow the hall south, entering the first room you come across. Open up the two boxes in this room to find Medicine x6 and QQ Helmet x2. Equip the Protagonist, Nanjo and Mark with the helmets you've obtained so far before leaving the room. In the hallway go around the corner where you will find another room, go inside to find a save point. Up the stairs are yet more hallways, follow them south until you reach a branch that goes east and west. There is a room to your east with two chests; one contains Dis-Poison x1 and the other QQ Helmet x2. With those in hand make your way to the west as all that is left is to reach the stairs heading down. Once on the second floor again the path is really straightforward since all you need to do is go east. At the fork the southern path will lead you to stairs down to the first floor. There is a save point in a room to the west however so go there, save the game and then head down to the first floor. Go to the north at the first fork and follow the halls until you reach a fork all the way to the west of the floor. Enter the room to the north to find a doctor who can heal you as well as a chest with Medicine x2 in it. If you're interested in leveling up just outside of this door is a great place to do it since you can just spam your Persona to increase both your level and theirs. You can also use this free healing while you gather up spell cards from all of the various creatures in this place. Whenever you're ready just make your way to the south then to the east. There is another save point here. Use either the north or south corridor to reach the hospital entrance and then head on through for some more storyline. In here you will have the option to save the nurse or just abandon her like Nanjo suggests. ======================== 4.02 - Return to School ======================== City Map Creatures: Preta, Ghost, Hoodlum, Ihika, Nacht Kobold Once you're outside of the hospital you once again have the option of pursuing the main quest or taking steps to recruit Reiji. The shrine is easily reached by going south two screens and then west. It's not too far away from the school. However if you're pursuing Reiji as a party member please consult the section below: --------- Your next stop must be the SEBEC building before going back to the school. From the hospital on the city map you will want to head south one screen. Here you will see some red markers on the city map, these are the SEBEC guards who have formed a blockade around the building. Walk on over to them to get pulled into a scene. Once that is over you may continue with to the shrine. --------- One thing to keep in mind while traveling the streets however: For the most part the party is fighting unarmed which isn't a great way to go about town with all those demons out. If you're not planning on using Elly then you will want to take her rapier so that the protagonist can use that in random battles. At the shrine you will be presented with yet another storyline cutscene with Philemon. His speech on choice echoes several things you may have heard in future Persona games such as the very first one in Persona 3. When back on the city streets it is best to head to school immediately since several party members are gone, leaving the group fairly vulnerable. St. Hermelin - Second Visit Best password ever! This is a hostile free zone, one of the only ones in the city at that. While here the nurse can heal any wounds suffered on the trip nothing else has changed in the school at this point so there is no reason to explore unless you wish to hear what the students have to say about the demonic invasion. From the nurse's office take a left and follow the hallway all the ways around until you reach the door to where the hole is in the school wall. After talking to the two girls approach the hole to be given a dialogue choice. You will want to respond with "That's the plan." so as to continue the main storyline. ------ This is the point in the game where the Snow Queen quest branches off away from the main quest. When asked by Ayase if you're planning on going "to trash SEBEC" if you respond with "Not really." you will be placed on the path to the Snow Queen quest with the main quest cut off to you from now on. Please consult the section dedicated to the Snow Queen quest (pg. XX) for more information on how to proceed with this section of the game. ------ Wa-hey! Looks like Maki managed to get out of the hospital just fine on her own. Once all the dialogue has finished make sure to go into the equipment menu and equip everyone with a gun and 9mm Parabellum shells. Nanjo should also equip the mop that has appeared in your inventory of its own accord. Rescuing Mark from a police station isn't going to be easy but at least you have some equipment to help you out. Head through the hole where another cutscene battle commences. With that out out of the way go out onto the world map. ======================== 4.03 - Jailbreak ======================== City Map Enemies: Knocker, Pixie, Slime, Zombie Boy, Preta, Ghost, Hoodlum, Ihika, Nacht Kobold The game wants you to find the police station and Maki will try to force you to do this as well by bascially not letting you enter any of the map locations. The only places you can go are the shops but there is little else on the map to explore in either case. Police Station Enemies: Leprechaun, Ghost, Hoodlum, Ukobach, Afanc, Ba, Agathion Once you enter the police station you're asked to search for a cell key so that you can get Mark out of jail. Go to the area behind the counter where there is a grey box on the wall, open it to get the key. Now head through the door to enter the Police Station dungeon proper. As soon as you're inside there is a save point in the door just slightly to the north along the eastern wall that you may want to use just in case. When you're ready to go deeper into the station just take the hallways south where you will have a straight shot to the stairs going up. The second floor is equally simple to navigate although it looks really intimidating. At the first fork in the road take the path to the west, ignoring the northern branch off that goes nowhere. When you reach a second fork in the road you will want to once again to the west to find the path that will bring you to a save point as well as the stairs going down to the cell area. When you get into the room you will find Mark locked up in a cell with Brown right next door to him. You get the chance to free them just before being attacked by a bunch of hostiles masquerading as police officers. As you probably guessed this is yet another cutscene battle where you don't really have to do anything. Aftewards you will be given the Factory Security Card as well as having the option to recruit Hidehiko into the party. He's fairly strong but which character you use is up to you. Refuse him if you're planning on getting one of the other three. All that remains is to back track your way out of the police station to the city map so that you can head on over to the Abandoned Factory. ======================== 4.04 - Infiltrating SEBEC ======================== City Map Enemies: Cu Sith, Zombie Cop, Ba, Leprechaun, Ihika, Cait Sith Back on the city streets you will see several more of those red markers indicating NPC's on the map. They are there to tell you that there is a student in the subways dressed like you. Going down on in there you will find Elly who will happily join you as a new party member. It's simple enough to avoid going down there though if you aren't looking to recruit her, you can just continue on your way. -------- Subway Enemies: None Regardless of whatever entrance you used to come down here it's a simple walk to reach the subway platform where Elly is waiting. After talking to her she will offer to join your party. If you wish for Ayase or are working on Reiji then simply turn her down. There is nothing else down here so you can leave once the conversation ends. -------- Otherwise you could continue on with the game to the Abandoned Factory. However you will desperately want to stop at either of the malls as you're going because the Velvet Room has finally opened up. Consult that section of the guide for more information on how to use its services (pg. XX). It's not exactly as if you can fuse anything too useful just yet but it's still a good chance for you to pick up at least one new Persona hopefully. That out of the way you can now head on over to the Abandoned Factory to try to make your way through to SEBEC. If you're injured or low on SP when you near the factory you can use the Doctor's Office nearby to heal up before going inside even if it is a bit pricey. Abandoned Factory Enemies: None After a bit of party chatter Ayase will come out of hiding to speak to you. She will offer to join up with you to go after SEBEC if you haven't picked up Elly or Brown. If you only have four party members and have not been following the path to get Reiji to join your party then she will force herself into the group. When that situation is over with you will have to split up to find the security card reader to enter the factory. By going to the southeastern part of this room you will find some stairs leading up to a platform. Upon examining it you will start some conversation amongst the party. When all the talking ends you will be inside of the factory proper. The elevator can be ridden at any time if you need to get out of this dungeon to restock on supplies. Underground Passage Enemies: Nightmare, Agathion, Zombie Cop, Leprechaun, Ukobach, Gremlin, Afanc, Fuji Musume Leaving the small elevator room will dump you into a rather big dungeon floor that looks really complicated. To navigate successfully you will need to find a switch that opens up the door for you. There are two of them; one opens the way further in while the other opens a door that makes it easier to get out. Activating both of them is totally unadvised since the second is redundant. This is the first dungeon in the game where you really have to watch out with what's going on in random encounters. The Gremlin enemies are incredibly strong, able to kill Kei Nanjo in one shot of their Love Whip ability thanks to his weakness to physical attacks. If you're really unlucky they will be accompanied by some Nightmares. Since Nightmares absorb all elemental spells you're going to have a hard time defeating them quickly enough to get to the Gremlins and while that's happening they're beating on you. Make sure that Mark has his Ogun Persona equipped so that you can use at Gry, or preferably Magry, on the group to help with taking them out. To reach the first switch head directly north from where you start before heading down the western halls. Shortly past the save point the path will fork in a few directions, you want the southwestern path. Here you will find a switch that, when activated, will open the door further into the dungeon. You really can't miss the big red mark on the map that indicates its position. From here head along the northeastern path to head further in now that the door here is open. Going all the way north from here before swinging west will lead you to another fork in the road. To the west then north is another switch, this one opens an alternate way back out but it's longer than just taking the same route back out. Instead of wasting time with that just head north to find the way up and out of the underground passage. At the top of the stairs head to the west and into the big room. This incredibly small stretch of walking is actually immensely dangerous. Both Gremlins and Nightmares seem to be in high quantities once you go up the stairs and random encounters with them at this point can be incredibly dangerous especially if you only have four party members at this point. When you enter the room open the chests here to obtain Medicine x1 and Rattle Drink x2 before entering the SEBEC building. SEBEC Building Enemies: Angel, Moh Shuvuu, Fuji Musume, Nightmare, Zombie Cop, Leprechaun, Cu Sith, Yakuza, Pyro Jack, Cockatrice, Secret Police, Jack Frost, Hannya, Mr. Zombie, Slim, Poltergeist From where you start immediately make your way to the save point, west and to the north of your starting location. With that out of the way death won't be as big of an impediment to your progress. Right next door to the save point, to the west, is your first Fountain of Healing where you can be patched up for a small fee. Should you feel that you need to level up a bit this is a good area to do so, just make sure that you don't get the expensive healing too often or your money may start to dwindle. Generally a good idea is to get healed after you've made close to whatever the cost of getting healed would be, something in the area of 2,000 for this healing. There is also a general shop inside the lobby if you go just south of the Fountain of Healing where you can buy supplies to help out with the fighting. Make your way south to the elevator, this is your ticket up further into this place. Whatever you do don't walk into the center spot of the elevator lobby. There is a tile on the floor here that will damage you. It's mostly something to warn you of what is yet to come in the game. Ride the elevator up to the second floor as your goal might be the very top of this place but you want to get the treasure as you go. Start making your way to the east across the floor but stop in the very first room you find. Open the lockers in the back to find Spectra Vest x2, Glock 26 x1, AK-47 x1 and Shot Shells x1. You're best off giving the Shot Shells to Nanjo as his gun is the best out of your current group. When the AK-47 is paired up with the shot shells he can do a fair bit of damage. Continue down the hallway to find another room, this time one that has some employees in it. Talk to them if you like before opening the lockers in the back to find Scorpion Whip x1, Rattle Drink x1, Flame Shawl x1 and Rattle Drink x1. Get back to the elevator, going up to the third floor this time. Walk forward until you reach the fork that branches to the north and east. Sprint up the northern hall and then continue to the east to find a room with scientists in it. The treasure boxes here might look appealing but be careful. The on near Masao is trapped, dealing damage to you before giving you Titanium Guard x2 while the other one gives you Spectra Vest x1 with no trouble. Moving on to the fourth floor there are two treasure rooms here. While you can reach one treasure chest room by going to the west from the elevator the second requires you to go north. Walk down the western hallway to reach the first room. Open the lockers to find Ingram x1, Delta Storm x1 and Shot Shells x1 but stop before opening the rightmost door! There is nothing inside of that container except for a trap that will poison the Protagonist. Head back towards the elevator but instead of getting in continue along through the halls as you make your way to the north. You will find Rattle Drink x1, Black Shoes x2, Raven Feather x1 and Dis-Sick x1. With that treasure in hand it's time to go on up to the top floor. Upon arrival at the fifth floor you have two options before you. You can either head straight for Kandori or you can go treasure hunting. There's some pretty good treasure if you take the detour so it's highly suggested. If you would like to pursue Kandori head west at the first fork and follow that hallway until you reach a staircase. Should you instead choose to get the treasure then head to the east at the fork. Continue going east at each successive fork that you reach until you find the room. Search the lockers to find Mossberg M500 x1, Spectra Vest x2, Shot Shells x1 and Titanium Guard x1. Return to the elevator so that you can head to the west, making your way towards Kandori now. When you take the stairs down don't head towards the next flight of stairs immediately. Head to the north where you will see two rooms. The first is a Velvet Room while the second is a save point. After using these two rooms as needed you can continue making your way down all the way to the first floor using the staircases. It's surprisingly straightforward to do this considering how convoluted the building has been thus far. After reaching the first floor head down the southern hallway to reach a Fountain of Healing and save point you can use as needed. Make your way to the west now towards the stairs here. This leads to a tight stairwell where you will climb all the way from the first floor to the fifth floor. Be ready for trouble before opening that door. -------- Boss Fight Takeda, Agent x4 While it might seem mildly unfair that you get whiffed by Kandori using Maragi on you it really isn't that big of a deal since this fight is actually quite easy. The battle can seem really difficult to begin with but once you kill the first Agent things get remarkably simple. Takeda isn't that much stronger than one of the Agents meaning he is something you can basically ignore for the most part. He has one powerful attack that can do well over 100 points of damage, even one-shot killing Kei if you're not careful but much of his time is spent inflicting status ailments. But the Agents can reliably do 30 - 45 damage each per round meaning that they're something you need to handle. Plus Takeda spends much of his time guarding until you actually defeat the four Agents making him even less of a priority. What Persona your party is using isn't quite as important as making sure that you have at least one, preferably two, characters capable of using spells that will hit all enemies. Mark's Ogun and the Protagonists Seimen Kongou both fall into this category. If you can equip Nanjo with Quetzalcoatl, thus removing his weakness to physical attacks, you will be in even better shape. Lastly Maki should have a Persona equipped that lets her act as healer and she should be placed far in the back away from the combat so that she isn't an easy attack target. With any setup even remotely similar to this you shouldn't have many difficulties. By repeatedly hitting all of the enemies with group attack spells, Nanjo physically attacking and Maki healing you shouldn't have much of a problem. As each Agent dies the fighting gets easier and easier until it's your party versus Takeda. Take him down at your leisure with whichever character you want to obtain the most experience from this fight. --------- Now that Takeda is no longer a problem you will want to search the room. In the northeastern corner of the room is a locker containing Broadsword x1. Search the desk to find a button that will open the way to chase Kandori down. Whenever you're ready head through the newly opened door and ride the elevator down. SEBEC Underground Enemies: Yomotsu Shikome, Jack Frost, Pyro Jack, Rusalka, Gandharva There are two rooms down here as soon as you get off the elevator, one with a save point and the other leads deeper into the sub-basement. When you enter the other room you will see three treasure chests. The eastern chest has a damage dealing trap as well as Medicine x1 2while the western chest contains Athame Knife x1 and the southern chest contains another trap that damages you before giving over Titanium Guard x2. Exit into the other hallway so you can continue on your way. To the north is another room but it contains nothing in it other than some scientists to speak to. Continue to the west to find an interesting conundrum: the lights in this hallway area are out meaning you're fumbling in the dark to reach the other side. There is a simple path through it though however: - One step east - One step south - One step east - One step south - Two steps east - Three steps north - One step east Now that you're out of the darkness you can continue through the level. There isn't much else to be found here except some scientists to speak to so continue forward until you reach the last room on the eastern side. Walk inside for more cutscenes as the party decides what to do about the Deva system. Your choice as to which button to push has a minor effect on the ending you receive but keep in mind that pressing the red button is the more compassionate choice. ======================== 4.05 - School Again! ======================== Return to St. Hermelin? Enemies: None After the cutscenes end your choices are fairly limited as to what to do next. Your destination is classroom 2-5 but you could also walk around the school talking to your fellow students. One place you definitely want to go is to the Nurse's office to save your game. The more people that you talk to here you will realize that while this seems like the school from six months ago there are many inconsistancies. Demonic St. Hermelin Enemies: Dribbler, Bukimi, Lilim, Toufei, Ogre, Hannya, Nisroc, Kobold, Nekomata, Hanako After talking to Yosuke things really go to hell which means the hallways aren't safe anymore. Straight down the hallway you will find two very useful rooms; the first is the Velvet Room while the second is the Nurse's Office. Once again this is a good place to level up or obtain new fusion cards as you have easy access to free healing and a save point. Make your way along the corridor to the north, ignoring the first door as it is locked but the second one contains a general store if you need it. As you round the corner you will find yourself near two more doors with a corridor stretching out in front of you. This is where the trick of the school dungeon comes into effect. As you enter certain doors they will teleport you to other locations. To make your way through the school you will have to go through the doors in the correct order until you reach the boss of this dungeon. The very first door that you have to go through is right here, either of the doors along this northern wall will take you to where you need to go. In this hallway head to the west, all the way around the level to reach the next set of doors with minimal confusion so long as you follow the halls north and then to the east. As you navigate this level you will start to encounter groups of Lilim and Toufei who are an incredibly deadly combination. The Lilim will repeatedly charm your whole party when possible while the Toufei land very powerful spells, decimating your health in short order. If you have any Persona who resist ice or electric attacks without being weak to either now is the time to use them to offset some of this damage. After some walking you will find a fork; the northern path goes to a class where you can talk to some students while the south is where you need to go. To the south you will find a save point and to the east, down a short corridor, are some doors that will take you to the next area. Yet another relatively simple area all you need to do in this hallway is to go north then east and south then east to reach the stairs up. The fourth zone is probably one of the most important ones especially if you've been pursuing Reiji. Take the path to the southwest before swinging north. At the final fork, go to the west again and you will have a straight walk to a classroom and the next set of doors. When approaching the classroom be careful of how you do so; in between the two doors in the dungeon lies a pit that will drop you to the previous area. Enter the classroom from the first door closest to you to avoid this pit. ------ Go into the class to find a girl being attacked by a demon. If you have completed all of the steps required to recruit Reiji then he will join your party to destroy the demon. After the battle the party will talk amongst itself for a bit before Reiji becomes your permanent fifth member. ------- Inside of the classroom are three treasure chests, containing Metal Card x1 and Turquoise x1. Don't open the middle box, the one between a bunch of the seats, because it is an empty chest with only a poison trap inside of it. Exit the classroom from the northeastern door so as to avoid the pit in the hallway and you can then head to the south to find the two doors that will take you to the next to last area. The fifth area seems to actually be a bit easier than the previous areas. You won't find many Lilim up here and many of the other enemy groups are fairly weak in comparison. If you have fire casting Persona now is the time to use them since many of the enemies up here are weak, or at least vulnerable, to fire magics. Nuclear, electric and physical attacks will also be quite helpful from until the exit. Walk to the west and then make your way south until you can't go any further. To the east and then the north you will find the stairs down to the first floor. This floor is surprisingly straightforward, likely due to the coming boss battle. Walk down the stairs to find yourself back on the first floor but near the atrium this time. As soon as you're on the new floor you can find a save point and entrance to the Velvet Room to the west of the stairs. Use those because there's a boss fight coming up as soon as you go to enter the atrium (the large room). Inside you will meet the little girl wearing the black dress again who proceeds to make your life yet more difficult. -------- Boss Fight -------- Tesso Now we're fighting a gigantic robotic mouse with a gatling gun on it's back. Even though it looks really goofy don't underestimate this monster. This is your first truly hard boss fight and it's a real doozy. Tesso isn't very difficult much of the time but when he uses one of his power attacks there is woefully little that can be done to offset the damage he wreaks. As such whenever you see him pulling out Megido you can pretty much count on losing at least one of your party members if not two of them. Preparing for this fight can be pretty hard because you need Persona who are not weak against gravity or nuclear attacks as these are the biggest threats. But if you should choose Persona who are vulnerable to physical attacks he can use those to make you suffer. If you're using Chris he can handle almost anything the boss throws down pretty well so he will be your stable member throughout the fight. For offense you can just stick to elemental spells, melee attacks or skills that replicate melee attacks. Otherwise pretty much everything seems to affect him just about the same. Should you have the skills to do so you can use Tarunda to lower the damage output of Tesso's mini-gun and nuclear attacks which lessens his actual threat level immensely. Phaleg has both resistance to gravity attacks as well as Tarunda and Mediarama making this an ideal Persona for the battle. In reality you don't have to worry too much about your Persona's offensive capabilities. Just worry about keeping yourself alive while dismantling the beast with your meele attacks if it comes down to it and eventually it will go down. -------- Once you have destroyed the beast the girl in the black dress will leave. Yosuke informs you that the school is back to normal before asking you to come to the library. Now that the school has returned to normal you can simply make your way up to the third floor and enter the library to meet a rather interesting fellow. After the dialogue is over you can now leave the school to head towards the Alaya Shrine. ======================== 4.06 - Exploring the New World ======================== City Map Enemies: Enku, Kobold, Archangel, Ogre, Bukimi, Toufei, Hanako While the school might be a safe place this doesn't translate to the demon infested streets. Luckily the shrine isn't too far away so you can simply sprint on over there. However it is in your best interest to not go there straightaway. Yin and Yan in this place finally sells actual weapons so now is the time to stock up on equipment for your party. It's only guns and ammunition but it's a definite improvement over what you have by now so long as you have the money for it. If you want to buy armor Rosa Candida in the Sun Mall is now selling such so a small detour isn't a bad idea. Entering the shrine brings you face-to-face with that golden butterfly again. After the cutscenes end you're going to need to find this Expel Mirror before you can go through the subway to the eastern side of the map. To actually get the mirror you're going to need to go to the Historical Society building north of the Sun Mall. You're actually able to just walk in and pick up the mirror with no fuss for once. With the Expel Mirror in hand you can now head for the nearest subway entrance, located east of the Sun Mall / Historical Society. Demonic Mikage Subway Enemies: Dark Elf, Yato no Kami, Cath Palug, Wyvern, Siren, Enku, Archangel, Kobold The subway tunnels are absolutely huge requiring a fair bit of time to even get to the demon that Philemon mentioned. In addition to sheer size some of the floors only allow you to travel in one direction. So stepping on them might force you backwards or they might push you forward into a tunnel you've already explored. Due to these strange walkways there is only really one way through the subway even though it looks like there are plenty of different paths. While there is a fairly tough boss later on in the subway the enemies down here aren't actually very difficult. Most of them are easily defeated with a few powerful skills from your party except for the Enku who you simply need to pummel down with physical attacks. If you're having difficulty down here you might want to go back to the city map near a Doctor's Clinic so that you can do some level grinding or Persona fusions. From either of the two entrances you will reach a path that goes to the east. From here you're going to have to pick your movement very carefully. Follow the path south and then go to the east until you see the first path that heads north. When you go as far north as possible follow the path to the east yet again and you will end up riding a moving path that leads you to the westernmost wall of the level. All that is left is to simply make your way to the south. There is a save point here you will definitely want to use because coming up is another boss fight. ---------- Boss Yog-Sothoth Jr. If you don't have the Expel Mirror then you can't even fight this guy so that's why you had to stop off for it. Luckily once you've got that mirror this fight isn't going to be all that hard. It doesn't take a whole lot of preparation to fight Yog-Sothoth Jr. The only thing that he resists is electricity attacks which will reflect right back at you, everything else is fair game. In addition he is weak to one-handed sword and nuclear attacks. You can use other elemental spells to weaken him if you don't have access to these types of attacks but they won't be as effective. Focus on letting Reiji use Bres' Twin Slash attack while the others back him up in a worst case scenario. Much of his time is spent using Tarunda or Sukunda to lower your combat effectiveness. Every now and again he will hit an ice attack called Mighty Wave. This will hit two or three people in your party for a fair amount of damage. He can even use a physical attack but this is even more rare. If you have Tetraja to remove any of his stat debuffs this isn't a threat at all. Should you use Tarunda to lower his offensive power then this will end up being an even easier fight. ------- That little girl Aki appears again to taunt you before leaving. However that's irrelevant because we still need to get through this place before we can worry about what she has to say. Exit through to the other section of the subway to find yet more tunnels waiting for you. Head to the south and take the western path when the road splits. Keep going to the south and west whenever possible and you will find yourself on a moving road that will take you to a spot right near the exit. From here it's a simple matter of heading down either of the eastern tunnels to find a door out of these infernal tunnels although the northern door is closest to your target. City Map Enemies: Dark Elf, Yato no Kami, Cath Palug, Wyvern, Siren, Enku, Archangel, Kobold From the subway exit make your way to the Black Market. There is no other way to navigate around thanks to the ruined streets over here. So you're going to have to head through the Black Market to reach the other areas of this ward. Of course things aren't going to be that easy… ======================== 4.07 - Trapped in the Mall ======================== Black Market Enemies: None Welcome to the redesigned Joy Street mall courtesy of the alternate dimension. Unfortunately once you enter this place you're stuck here thanks to the Harem Queen who rules this place. Enter the Peace Diner if you'd like to hear what the people stuck here have to say on this matter. Your ultimate destination is the entrance to the Queen's Palace near the Casino. Before you make your way to the Queen's Palace check out Yin & Yan for some new guns and Rosa Candida for better armor. Whenever you're ready to go meet the Queen head towards the Judgment 1999 Casino and enter the place just next door across from the Velvet Room to enter the Kama Palace. Kama Palace Enemies: Siren, Kokkuri, Mageara, Malphas, Haokah, Carrie, Ocypete, Genkuro, Pairika, Tokebi, Hanako, Teketeke, Sarashina-hime, Principality, Iwate The Kama Palace is a rather large and confusing dungeon to navigate around. Much of your progress is hampered by dead ends so you're going to have to drop down holes in the ground to reach deeper levels. Unfortunately this can be tricky as there are a lot of false holes that will lead you on totally incorrect routes. These detours can take forever to get out of and back to the elevator so it's advised that you follow the directions here carefully. Make your way down the stairs to floor B2 and continue down the tunnels until you reach the fork. Head north at the first fork in the road but swing to the east at the second, continuing forward until you find an elevator along the northern wall. Use the elevator to go down to floor B4 as the rest are irrelevant. The only other thing of note is the save point and Trish's Spring right near the elevator on B7 but you shouldn't need these right now after leaving the Black Market. When the elevator arrives head straight ahead but go north at the fork and follow the path here until you go through a door. Fall down the hole in this small room to reach floor B5. Here go through the nearby door into another room that will drop you down to floor B6. Now go to the east where you will find another door that leads to yet another pit to drop you down to floor B7. B7 is pretty straightfoward, consisting only of a single path that will bring you to another pit so you can reach floor B8. You will land near a room that you can enter so walk on in for some storyline dialogue. Every one of the treasure chests here will damage you when you open it but you will obtain Metal Card x1, Malachite x1 and Ag Incense x1. Leave the room and continue through the hallways until you reach yet another fork in the path. Go to the east where a pit will drop you down to floor B9. The pit leaves you right near another room so head on inside to find another of the Harem Queen's servants. Do not open any of the treasure chests in here! They're all trapped to damage your party to varying degrees and not a single one of them has any treasure at all. Exit the room and continue onward. When you reach an area with two doors side by side pick the eastern one to fall down near the Harem Queen's chambers. Use the save point just next door before continuing forward until you reach yet another room with treasure chests. Open the chests to find Lu Incense x1 and Onyx x1 but don't open the chest closest to the painting as that will bring your whole party down to 1 HP with no item inside of it. Exit the room and continue forward, going to the north at the fork in the road to find the Queen's private chamber. However after a bit of talking the Harem Queen simply teleports you back to the Peace Diner inside of the Black Market. Yes, that's right, you have to go through the Kama Dungeon all over again. If your party is lower than level 26 you might want to try leveling up a bit near the entrance to the Kama Palace to get up to at least that level if not 27. Generally speaking you don't want to go back to the boss of this dungeon if you can't get spell cards from most of the enemies down here. -------- Treasure Rooms There is a fairly long detour you can take to get to some treasure in this dungeon. Before you attempt to go down any of these paths make sure you have an Emergency Exit or Traesto skill at your disposal because it can be a real pain getting back. The first one can be accessed by taking the elevator down to B7. From here you will find a set of stairs. Make your way down the staircase until you reach floor B9. Simply walk down this tunnel to find a room that contains Life Stone x1, Chewing Soul x2 and Revival Bead x1 in some chests. The second one is a fair bit harder to get to since it requires you to go through numerous pits to reach its location on B6. When you go down the stairs to B2 instead of going north to the elevator go through the southern door and fall down the pit to B3. At the end of the tunnel here you will find two doors, go through the door to your east and down that pit to B4. In this straight path you will find yet another door with a pit that drops you to B5. Now make your way just a bit north to find the room. Open the chests in here to find Balm of Life x2, Bead x2 and Dx Incense x1. To get out it's advised you simply use Traesto to get all the way back to B1. If that's not doable then you will want to continue to the north to find a pit that drops you down to B7 where you can ride the elevator up. -------- When you're ready to deal with the Harem Queen again save your game and enter her chambers. You'll have another chance to answer a question that has a minor impact later on before the Protagonist and Maki are forced to fight her by themselves. ------- Boss Harem Queen You might be inclined to panic a bit seeing that it's just you and Maki versus a boss but things aren't as bad as they might seem. The Harem Queen is pathetically easy to defeat if even one of the two characters has a healing Persona. Her attacks consist of a basic whip type attack, Infinite Spiral (a whip type attack that hits both characters up to four times), Freila (a single target nuclear type attack) and Sukukaja. But that's about all she has. The most dangerous of her attacks is actually Infinite Spiral because there is a chance that one of your party members is hit with several criticals dropping their health dangerously fast. However fighting her is incredibly simple and seems to be designed for the Protagonist and Maki to use their base Persona. This is because the Queen is weak to Ice and Wind type attacks. Beating her is as simple as you make it due to this. If you wish to hit her repeatedly with these types of attacks that will work, Seimen Kongou has Garu and Maso has both Bufu and Gentle Wave. Taking the time to heal yourself every now and again will offset her attacks easily. However if you bought the machine gun from Yin & Yan here then you will be able to hit her six times per Shoot command. This will make the fight go infinitely quicker and you don't even need to use any of your SP to beat her this way. ---------- After the battle you will have some cutscenes to sit through before you can get the heck out of the Kama Palace and Black Market. You can walk out by taking the southern path near the Queens chambers to a flight of stairs. Go up either path here and through the door to fall into a new area of B10. From here you just need to follow the path to find stairs that will take you all the way up to B7 where you can use the elevator to get the heck out of here. Restock on supplies as needed before you head out, it's time to find that castle. Leave the Black Market to the north so you can get back to the city map but also get around those broken streets. City Map Enemies: Enku, Archangel, Yato no Kami, Nozuchi, Iwate, Genkuro Once you leave the Black Market head north one screen to find the Mana Castle. However you need to pick up something from the little girl hiding in the Lost Forest in the western part of town before you can get into the Mana Castle. So leave it for now and head back down into the subway to the western side of town. Subway / City Map Enemies: Nozuchi, Polisun, Genkuro, Toufei, Hanako, Black Widow, Megaeara, Principality, Carrie Be careful down in the subway because there are all new enemies that are stronger than before. However it's also a whole lot easier to get the heck out of here since you should know where all of the moving pathways are. Use these to help you get through the tunnels since you still have some walking ahead of you to reach the Lost Forest. Once out of the subways again make your way to the northern part of town near where the Police Station once stood to find the Lost Forest. The trip can be perilous because the enemies out here are yet stronger. Head on inside to find this other girl that Aki mentioned so you can get the key. ======================== 4.08 - Lost in a Forest ======================== Lost Forest Enemies: Duergar, Polisun, Black Widow, Picollus, Eligor, Anatomy, Phunbaba Walk forward through the double doors to enter the Lost Forest proper. If you wish to save your game your first stop will be to the west. This way also introduces you to a new element of the dungeons here, spinning tiles. Every time you step on these they will turn, depositing you in a new direction. Just keep walking on them and eventually they will deposit you where you're trying to go. Make your way back to the starting point but go to the east this time. The central path is a moving walkway that points at the exit but either of the other two southern paths can be taken to go towards your target. The first one leads to Trish's Spring if you need the healing. Follow the path north and then to the east to find a path that will lead you a fair ways south. After navigating the spinning tile part of the map head to the west, ignoring the southern route as it's a one way trip, where you will find a treasure room. These are the treasures you will find in the room, listed from left to right in rows.The three farthest chests Gottabe Shoes x1, Fomor Lineage x1 and Metal Card x1. The next row has Moonstone x1 and a damage dealing trap. The final row contains a damage dealing trap, another damage dealing trap and yet another damage dealing trap. Leave the room and continue along the path, past the spinning tile, and turn to the south. Use this spinning tile so you can head to the west, continuing forward along this path. Even with the spinning tiles and moving paths it's pretty simple to keep moving forward. Whatever you do don't take the northern path that goes past the healing spring since this takes you on a one-way trip to the exit, instead go to the west towards the save point. All that is left is to travel straight to the south, past the spinning tiles, until you reach the gingerbread house at the far end of the forest. Walk inside to find the little girl in white, named Mai, hiding out. She sheds some light on what's going on in this world but that's not the important thing. ----------- Mai will ask you several questions and your answers will determine what ending you receive. If you choose poorly then you are put on the bad ending where the game ends after you meet Kandori again, about three dungeons away. Should you answer properly you are put on the path to see the true "Good" ending where you get to the actual bottom of what's going on. To get to this ending answer her questions as follows: Mai: Won't I be safe if I hide here? Protagonist: Stop hiding. Mai: Why are you all trying so hard? Protagonist: For everyone's sake. Mai: What are you living for? Protagonist: To find my reason. ----------- After this little question and answer scene Mai will hand over the compact so that you can chase Aki down in Mana Castle. Leave the area using either Traesto / Emergency Exit or by walking to the north then east where you will find a moving path that pushes you right in front of the exit. ======================== 4.09 - Storming the Castle ======================== City Streets / Subway Enemies: Nozuchi, Polisun, Genkuro, Toufei, Hanako, Black Widow, Megaeara, Principality, Carrie, Ocypete, Sarasina-hime, Ocypete Once again we need to head to the eastern part of town and the only way to do this is through the subway. You shouldn't have much difficulty with the walk by this point since you've done this trip multiple times at this point even if the enemies have gotten harder. On the other side of the subway tunnel make a quick stop off at the Black Market to stock up on items and peruse the new armor types that they're selling. Make your way back north to the Mana Castle whenever you're ready but be prepared as this one is going to take a bit. Mana Castle Enemies: Jinn, Ocelot, Phunbaba, Anatomy, Eligor, Hi no Enma, Yaka, Arachne, Kuchisake-Onna, Orthrus, Power, Tisiphone, Yaksini, Zap, Naga After placing the compact into the pedestal it's time to explore the Mana Castle. Even though the building is huge there is a fairly quick route through it if you know what you're doing. Making your way up to where Aki is can actually be done fairly quickly but that means not gathering up the treasure here. Go to the north, through the door until you're stopped by a wall in your way. You can either go to the east or west to do this as they both lead to the same upstairs area but let's choose east. As you follow the path you will have the chance to go south, thorugh another door, or to the north to a staircase. Head up the stairs and walk to the west just a short ways to find a pair of rooms. The northwestern room has several chests containing (from rearmost chests, left to right): Revival Bead x1, Chewing Soul x2, Repulse Bell x2, Amethyst x1 and Life Stone x1. The eastern room is simply a save point so use that before leaving the area. Make your way back down the first floor using either staircase, it doesn't matter as, in the end, they both lead to the same places. Once on the first floor you simply need to make your way as far south as you can, this is where you find staircases that lead up to a new area of the second floor. From here it's a pretty straight walk to the staircase that will take you up to the third floor. However here is where things get a little more confusing. From the staircase you will want to head to the east as there is a save point in this corridor. After using that continue moving to the south to find a flight of stairs that will allow you to work towards a treasure room on the fifth floor. Once you're on the fourth floor sprint down the straight hallway to find a flight of stairs up to the fifth floor. The path will lead you to the north where you can find a staircase that goes back down to the fourth floor. In front of you now lie three long corridors between you and the stairs that will take you to the treasure room so start running. Go on up these stairs to find a treasure room just waiting to be pillaged. The chests here almost all contain traps to drop your HP to 1. Only open the two on the left-most side of the room to find damage dealing traps in both of them but also White Tablet x1 and Aquamarine x1. Either walk your way back to the third floor or simply use a Traesto spell to get back to the first floor and walk your way back up. However you arrive there head to the west from the top of the stairs. Follow the path to the west, then north before going to the east. Even though there are many splits in the path you can usually immediately see that they're dead ends so you shouldn't ever be in danger of losing the path. Soon enough you will reach the stairs up to the fourth floor. From here walk to the east to find the path that heads south, follow it. It will lead you straight to a door that, when opened, leads into another pitch black room. This is like the previous one in the SEBEC Underground area where you have to find your way through the blackness. Move through it as follows: - One step south - One step west - Two steps south - Two steps west - One step north - One step west - Two steps north - One step west - Two steps north - One step east - Two steps north Just a bit to the northeast from where you come out is the stairs up to the fifth floor so go on up. Here you will find yourself right near another treasure room just to your east so head on inside. In here you will find the following treasures: a damage dealing trap / Topaz x1, a trap that reduces your HP to 1, another trap that reduces your HP to 1, a damage dealing trap / Dx Incense x1 and a damage dealing trap / Present x1. Spare yourself grief by only opening the three left- most of the treasure chests. Step out of the room and make your way to the northeast to find a door that heads into another patch of darkness. As soon as you step into the darkness follow these instructions: - Two steps east. - One step south - Three steps east Here you have a choice to make. If you would like to get to a save point swing to the north here. After a few steps you will exit the darkness into a small hallway right near a door. This door leads to the save point. If you don't care about that then follow the below instructions: - Five steps south - Two steps west - Two steps north - Two steps west - Two steps south - One step west - One step south - Two steps west Exiting out of the darkness you will be in front of a door. Go into the room and walk over ot the far door. Heal up and do whatever other preparations that you need to do before entering, things are going to get a bit ugly. -------- Boss Saurva You start the battle with several of your people critically injured which means that if you don't have Media or Mediarama to use immediately then you're already disadvantaged. Immediately start healing everyone up as quickly as possible before you worry about any sort of offense. Luckily he isn't very aggressive for the first few turns, allowing you some time to heal up. Saurva is an earth type demon with a preference for bow attacks. This means that he absorbs earth magics, resists bow attacks a ridiculous amount and has a fairly high defense to physical attacks (includes weapons, guns, tech and rush type). During the battle he will use Magnara, Mamagnara as well as the occasional regular attack or Arrow Volley (multi-hit bow type physical attack) although it's mostly the spells. His main weakness is the fact that he takes a whole lot of damage from both fire and wind magic, this is how he is defeated with ease. It's very possible to render your party essentially immune to everything that he can attempt to dish out. An example is below: Protagonist - Phaleg: Absorbs all elemental damage and allows you to cast Mediarama to heal and Crimson Sublation to attack. Maki - Janus: Absorbs earth damage and allows you to cast Magarula for offense. Nanjo - Shouki: This will protect him from the earth magics and let him cast Garu. Masao - Pyro Jack: Resists earth magics and lets him cast Agilao to seriously damage Saurva. So long as you continue to hit him with fire and wind magic he will eventually go down even if it takes awhile. ---------- After watching your experience shoot through the roof there is nothing else to do in this castle. ======================== 4.10 - Finding a Portal ======================== City Map Enemies: Picollus, Duergar, Hi no Enma, Arachne Now we need to head to the Haunted Mansion which is located to the southeast of the Black Market, where SEBEC stands in the real world. If you need to restock on supplies, pick up new guns or buy any armor that you didn't get before now is the time to do it. It is suggested that you actually pick up as many healing items and pieces of equipment as you can since you won't be able to restock on supplies for awhile. Haunted Mansion Enemies: Orthrus, Yaksini, Zombie Painter, Sumizome, Alastor, Naga, Celaeno, Doppleganger The Haunted Mansion may come as something of a relief to those who were getting pummeled in the last few dungeons as it is a fairly easy dungeon to get through. One way to make sure you have no difficulty here is to ensure that you have at least one party member with an all enemy targetting elemental spell (such as Sati's Mazionga). If possible you should equip Masao with Gozu- Tennoh, a Nuclear CHARIOT Persona who learns Megidola, or the Protagonist with Illuynaka, a Wind WORLD Persona who also learns Megiolda . Using this skill will wipe out most groups of enemies with ease. Your first order of business upon entering this dungeon is to immediately head to the west. East will take us to the end of the dungeon but west goes to a treasure room. Make your way to the southwest along the hallways to reach a staircase going up to the second floor. Follow the path to the east to reach a room with some scientists and two treasure boxes containing Vi Incense x1 and a trap that drops your entire party to 1 HP. Now go back down to the first floor so you can head down the eastern hallways. This path is a whole lot longer but luckily there is a save point. Keep going through the halls east until you reach the farthest wall of the dungeon. Now make your way to the north, stopping at the save point if you like, until you once again reach the northmost wall of the dungeon. Continue west and then head south into another pitch black area of dungeon. Here are the instructions to get back out: - Four steps south - Two steps west - One step north - Two steps west Continue to the northeast and you will find a small room near the staircase, this is another treasure room. Go inside and open the chests to find Metal Card x1 and Garnet x1. Leave the room and continue onward to reach another flight of stairs to the second floor. From the stairs walk to the west and then move to the southeast. Here you will find yet another darkened hallway so follow these instructions to get out: - Two steps east - Two steps south - One step east - One step south - Four steps east - One step south Upon emerging from the darkness walk straight to the southmost wall of the dungeon before heading to the east. When you reach the easternmost part of the floor you can start moving to the north until you see a room to your east, this is another save point. Turn to the west for a bit before moving to the south into yet another patch of darkness. - One step west - Two steps south - One step east - One step south - Three steps east With that done you will be right near the stairs so head on up to the third floor… and another patch of darkness right in front of you. - Two steps west - Two steps south - Four steps west - Four steps north - One step east - One step north Now that you're out of there all that remains is one single room but as you approach the door a familiar voice speaks out. Enter the room to encounter a wicked creature by the name of Hariti. Masao seems to believe that the creature is Maki's mother and you're given the choice to fight the creature or lower your weapons. · If you're looking for the good ending then lower your weapons. ------ If you choose not to fight Hariti she will transform into Maki's mother, breaking the spell that held her in that form. This will allow the game to proceed as if you had defeated the beast without wasting your supplies doing so. ------ · Should you not care because you're looking for the bad ending or answered the questions in the gingerbread house wrong then you can choose to fight. ------- Calling the Hariti battle a boss fight wouldn't really be fair as the creature is incredibly easy. None of her attacks are too powerful even if you're slightly underlevelled nor does she have a stellar amount of hit points. The only complication to defeating her is that Maki will not help you during the battle forcing you to do it with only the four party members. -------- Regardless of your choices you will find yourself having to rush to get through the dimensional portal before it disappears. Going through the portal results in your party appearing inside of the Deva Yuga, Kandori's palace that has displaced a chunk of your home city. ======================== 4.11 - The God Epoch ======================== Deva Yuga Enemies: M.I.B, Incubus, Rakshasa, Kiyohime, Zombie Painter, Doppleganger, Scylla, Salome, Cupid, Alastor, Mizuchi, Virtue, Purski You're going to be listening to Kandori ramble for a bit before you're able to get on with this dungeon. When you exit the room with Dr. Nicholai head striaght to find a save point and Trish's Fountain of Healing room so that you can heal up from the fighting so far. There is also a general store and Velvet Room if you should need them. Things get somewhat complex at this point so be ready for some confusion when navigating the dungeons. While it might seem like a bit much, what with all the paths and side paths, this is because this will be the final dungeon of the game if you're playing on the bad ending. As such it seems to be designed to feel like a potential final dungeon. Unfortunately this means that if you're going for the good ending you get to play through two final dungeons. When exploring the Deva Yuga you will likely find that one enemy group poses the biggest threat to you - the three M.I.B. Since they have no strengths or weaknesses, use both fist and gun attacks, have a lot of hit points and deal a lot of damage they can be really hard to handle. If you have Persona with ice or electric spells you can keep them hitting them with those in hopes of hitting them with freeze or shock so that they lose turns. Should you want something more direct then it's suggested that you spam any Nuclear attacks you have while Nanjo uses his gun as they're weak to rifle shots. This should kill them in as short a time as possible. Enter the elevator to see that it goes to only two floors, the second and third. The second floor has nothing of note except for a single treasure room. Ride the elevator up, head to the south before going north. From here you just need to make your way to the south to find the treasure room. Go inside to find Muscle Drink x4, Chewing Soul x2 and Repulse Bell x2. Proceed to ride the elevator to the third floor whenever you're ready to chase down Kandori. Walk to the south until you enter a big room with a door to your west. Ignore the door for now as it's still locked so turn to the east. Pass through the second large room into the passage that goes south and follow it around to the west. This path stretches across most of the level before going north, then west to split up in a variety of directions. The only thing that matters though is the staircase going down to the previous floor. Once on the second floor the mini-map shows you the dead ends well before you reach them so it shouldn't be an issue to navigate straight to the north. Begin moving to the southeast through the hallways until you reach another staircase going down. On the first floor you have a fairly long trip to make to the stairs you need to use to reach the second floor again. Before you embark on that one head just to the west to find a much needed save point. Start heading north then to the west and then keep on heading to the north, ignoring the many dead ends in this area. When the party reaches the large room head to the east. Stick with that direction until the road branches north and south. At this point you want to stick with the southern paths for a bit. Eventually you will reach yet another large room. Take the northern path out of this room, it will take you right to the staircase that goes up to the second floor. Finally. There's another save point as soon as you get up on the second floor just to the north. Be careful on this floor as this is the point where you start fighting the three Incubus and two Rakshasa enemy group fairly regularly. While they're not too hard at first they can become a serious issue over time since they require two very different strategies to bring down. Worse is that the Rakshasa can flat out kill almost anyone in your party with Myriad Arrows. Be very careful with this group and plan out what tactics you will use or the fight can go very wrong, very quickly. All it takes is for the Incubus to put everyone to sleep or charm your whole party while the Rakshasa beat on you. Start heading along the western path, taking the southern split when it comes up. This path will bring you all the way to the next flight of stairs that you need to use. You're almost there so don't give up, turning back now just means another hour of dungeon crawling to get back to this spot. From the stairs head straight to the south to find a large room that branches in numerous directions. Walk to the southmost path and follow it to the east, taking it to a treasure room. Open the treasure chests to obtain Black Tablet x1 and St Incense x1. Pass on opening the chest closest to the two men, all it contains is a heavy damage trap. After leaving the room take the path heading to the south and follow it all the way around as it loops to the north. Eventually it opens up into a big room, take the path to the northeast and follow it all the way around to the next flight of stairs. To the west there is another save point as well as the path forward so head that way until you reach the large room. Take the northwestern path to find another treasure room. Open the chests in here to find Metal Card x1, Tanzanite x1 and HP Incense x1. Leave the room and follow the hallways to the south until you can't go any further. A short walk to the east will get you to the fifth floor. Begin the long walk to the northernmost wall of the level, walking to the west at the fork in the path to continue going deeper. You may see a red mark on the mini-map as you walk, keep it in mind as it will become relevant in a moment. At the northern wall start heading to the east, going south and then north after the big room north. This will take you to another red mark that turns out to be a lever, pull it before heading back to the large room. Pulling the switch causes a dead end corridor in the large room to open up into another room so head on through to the south. In this new room head to the west to find a small corridor with that first red level that you saw on the mini-map, pull it to open a pit in the previous room. Walk into the center of the room to fall down to the fourth floor. You land in the middle of a small area with two rooms, a doorway to your direct south and a staircase to the southeast. The left room is a Velvet Room while the right one is a save point so use those as needed before heading for the stairs. Do not use the doorway to the south as this only contains a pit which is useless to us at the moment. Once you're back on the fifth floor there's just a little bit more between you and Kandori. Follow the hallway to reach a room with some scientists and treasure chests. Only open the two rightmost chests as the one near the exit door only has a poison trap. Take the Amethyst x1 and Opal x1 before heading out the other door. Sprint straight for the stairs here to finally reach the top floor. There's just one puzzle between you and Kandori now so move forward until you esee red lights on the ceiling. You have to follow these lights as wherever you walk here the ground lights up. The red panels on the ground must match up with the red lights on the ceiling to form a cross symbol on the ground. A chime will sound when this is the case which is your indicator to head forward through the doors to finally get your hands on Kandori. When asked by him "What are you living for" respond "To Find My Reason" to continue on the path towards the good ending. Of course Nanjo has to go pick a fight with Kandori so you're going to have to show him what's what. -------- Boss Kandori For a final boss fight Kandori isn't actually all that intimidating to fight. His spells carry a whole lot of punch, he has a lot of hit points and he resists many of the better spells in the game but he's still a pushover. He only really uses four attacks to start with. His basic attack is a weak sword slash but he will also use Deathika, for instant kills, Eternal Black, for area effect curse damage, and Shibaboo, an area effect bind spell. Stopping these are as simple as simple as making sure you have Persona who can resist death / curse magics because most of these stop status ailments as well. For offense you don't have a whole lot to work with. Kandori resists swords, gravity, nuclear, fire and blast magics. Luckily he doesn't actually seem to absorb or reflect anything. He is weak to tech, elec, wind, ice and guns so these will have to be the lions' share of your damage. Since he's immune to status ailments make sure to focus on raw damage output over any other considerations. If you have the machine gun that hits 7 times and the best rifle you will already have a good damage dealing system. Aim for at least one Persona with Mediarama, preferably on Maki, while the other two characters should focus on dealing elec, wind or ice damage. Kandori honestly won't present much difficulty even without the above setup. Just make sure to keep up the pressure and he will go down sooner rather than later. -------- Boss God Kandori Unfortunately for both you and Kandori he's not the one calling the shots here. After you've defeated him his Persona pulls itself to the fore, turning him into a new form that you must defeat. Luckily God Kandori isn't actually all that much harder than the last form. Amusingly the biggest change is that most of his weaknesses are reversed. Kandori does have a whole slew of brand new attacks and it's hard to protect yourself from all of them at the same time. More often than not his turns will consist of using Maziodyne, an all target electric spell, Triple Slash, an area effect multi-strike sword attack, Eternal White, an area effect miracle attack, or Hell Eyes, a single target instant death attack. However sometimes he will break this chain and use one of his two big hitters. Derangement Voice, an area effect panic attack not only imparts this status to all who are vulnerable but it lasts for three turns and is stackable. Bright Judgment is an area effect Miracle attack that does a ridiculously large amount of damage especially if it hits someone who is vulnerable to these types of attacks. If you have Reiji in the party this attack usually spells instant death. As his resistances have swapped around he is now resistant to elec, wind, tech and ice attacks while being weak to guns, nuclear, fire and blast attacks. All that matters are the gun and nuclear type attacks. If your Protagonist is decently leveled and has a Persona with the capability to cast Megidola then he can easily deal 200+ damage per hit. If Masao has Gozu-Tennoh from before he can do another 100 damage or so per hit. Any remaining party members can focus on using their guns or healing to keep whittling down his health. The fight may take awhile but you shouldn't be in much danger of dying if you have Mediarama. -------- After a whole bunch of talking you're going to have to get back down to the fourth floor with one less party member. Head back to the fourth floor and save your game before going to the southern door. Walk right on over to the pit, dropping down to the previous level. This will leave you right near the locked room that you couldn't enter before. With Kandori defeated you can now head on inside to see what lies beyond. If you're on the path to the bad ending then this room will end the game without the true enemy ever being revealed. Your only option is to restart the game and make the correct decisions before getting to this point on the subsequent playthrough. ======================================= However if you're on the path to the good ending the game will not end here. After a bunch of dialogue you be in control of the Protagonist. In the corner of the room you will find a shard of the Chaos Mirror. When this is used you will end up in the Lost Forest once again but this time your goal is to go deeper than you did on your last visit. ======================== 4.12 - Lost in a Forest Redux ======================== Lost Forest Enemies: Legion, Mizuchi, Virtue, Kwancha, Purski, Anatomy, Eligor, Aello, Druj, Duergar The general goal here is to make it to the gingerbread house once more to speak to Mai about what has happened so far. Along the way you'll have to deal with mostly tougher, new enemies that have infested the Lost Forest but even with one less party member you shouldn't have too much difficulty with this. Inner Lost Forest Enemies: Berith, Aello, Druj, Legion, Selket, Titania Passing through the gingerbread house will leave you in the Inner Lost Forest. Head to the southeast to find a spinning tile, you need to step off of it going to the north as there is a treasure room here. Open the chests inside to find Pearl x1 and Metal Card x1. Make your way to the spinning tile and step off of it to the east. Now go south until you reach another spinning tile. Step off of this one to the west and walk until you once again reach a spinning tile. Ride this one and the following tile going to the south until you reach another treasure room. Open the chests to get Blue Tablet x1, a trap that reduces the Protagonist to 1 HP, Ruby x1 and SP Incense x1. Walk back to the previous spinning tile and ride it to the east. Follow this path as it goes first east then south. When it branches off to the north and east take the northern path, stepping across the moving tile to reach another spinning tile. Walk off of this one to the north (ignore the treasure room to the east, all the chests are trapped) following the path until you reach the next spinning tile. Go east from this one, past the moving ground and into the eastern corridor. This will leave you in a wide open area full of one way tiles. There is a save point nearby, here is how to get to it: - From the door, three steps to the north - One step ot the west - One step to the north - Two steps to the west - One step to the south - One step to the west - Three steps to the south From here you can walk into the save point or just continue along the path to reach the two rooms over here. You want to go to the northern room first since that's a treasure room. Pick up the Life Stone x1 from the left chest but don't bother with the right one as that's just a trap. You can now make your way into the central room of the Inner Forest to find Maki. After another cutscene and plenty of dialogue you will be ready to go on your way again. Re-equip any of Maki's equipment that you've got lying around, check on her assigned Persona and then head on out of the forest. There's more talking in the Gingerbread house to tell you what you need to do next. City Map Enemies: Selket, Titania, Virtue, Incubus, Rakshasa, Purski, Kwancha, Cupid Although the game tells you to head straight for the Alaya Shrine two screens to the south you'll want to head for the Sun Mall instead. You've probably built up a pretty penny in Yen by this point so it's time to go spend as much of it as possible on armor. Don't forget about the Yin and Yan near the Alaya Shrine, it has new weapons. If you don't feel like working towards the end of the game you could also explore the Mikage Ruins near the Lost Forest. This is basically just a level grinding dungeon with nothing in it but demons. There was no reason to enter it before as you couldn't explore the whole thing but now the deepest parts of it, where the toughest demons wait, are available to you. Upon reaching the Alaya Shrine Philemon waits to have another conversation with you. There isn't much time left so we have to save Maki. Unfortunately only the Protagonist and Maki may enter this dungeon making it a dangerous trip. Make sure you're fully prepared for this before you go down into the caverns. ======================== 4.13 - Caverns of Consciousness ======================== Alaya Caverns Enemies: Otohime, Shadow, Druj, Aello, Titania, Berith, Dakini, Mushus, Sloth, Pride, Envy, Wrath, Greed, Tengu, Succubus, Dominion, Catoblepas Since it's just the Protagonist and Maki adventuring down here there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly the enemies don't care if it's just the two of you and will attack as if you had a whole party. Use your strongest attacks at all times to make sure that they are defeated, not you. Secondly since it's just the two of you don't try to contact demons. Your options are woefully limited as many of the enemies down here don't respond well to Maki. There's a better chance of angering the enemies, giving them a free round of attacks, than there is of getting any spell cards. Walk straight down the corridor and down the flight of stairs to reach B2. From here you have two ways you can go; west will take you to Trish's Spring while the east continues to a staircase that will take you deeper into the caverns. On this floor you once again have three options. You could just take the stairs down to the next floor or you could take one of the two paths. The southern path leads to a save point while the northern path takes you staircase that leads to a treasure room. If you choose to save it's a good idea to make sure you don't overwrite your data from before you came down in here. It is definitely a good idea to go for the treasure room after saving your game since the stuff you find is helpful. At this point you will begin to encounter the "mask" enemies, those with their names based on the seven deadly sins. Do not try contacting them as they won't give over any spell cards ever and focus on hammering them with Expel or Nuclear attacks to kill them off as quickly as possible. Follow the corridor on the next floor to reach the treasure room, opening the chests to obtain Balm of Life x1, Chewing Soul x1, Emerald x1 and Metal Card x1. Double back to the previous floor and head down the staircase near the one that leads up to B2. This will take you down two floors pretty quickly, dumping you in B5. Enter the room just to your east to find another treasure room, this one containing Crimson Tablet x1 and a heavy damage trap. Walk back to the stairwell you just used, find the stairs that continue going down and use them to access B7. From here you can either keep going down or follow the simple path through the tunnels here to find another staircase that will bring you to a treasure room. The chests in here contain Diamond x1, Sapphire x1, Bead x1, Alexandrite x1, Dragon Scale x1 and a poison trap. Once you have that double back to the stairs so you can continue down to B8, the largest floor in this whole dungeon. In addition to being the largest floor it's also probably the hardest floor in this dungeon if not the whole game. Take the path to the west until you hit the wall before going northeast along the paths. Follow this all the way to the east where you will find another save point, one of the most blessed sights ever. Save your game and continue through to the east before going south where the road splits. Keep going south until the road forks to the east and west, take the eastern path. As you reach the end of this hallway you will find a room to your west, go inside. Here you will meet your inner reflection who takes you on a small trip of "This is your life" to show you what moral choices you made during the game. You're judged on several actions: - Did you save the nurse in the hospital or leave her to her fate? - What button did you press on the Deva System inside of SEBEC? - Were your answers to the Harem Queen truthful or did you placate her? - Was the illusion that covered Hariti enough to get her killed by your hand? - How did you answer Kandori's question inside of the Deva Yuga? - Were you a true friend to Maki in the Inner Lost Forest? If you have proven yourself worthy over the course of your adventure you will be given a bunch of items that can be used to forget the most powerful Persona for each character. These items, Rosetta Stone, Pasque Flower, Purified Water, Amber Glasses and Babylonian Coffin are used in the Velvet Room with particular fusion formula to create some of the best Persona out there. With these in hand head on out of the room and continue along your way to the west. The path will take you to the north, around the tunnels and then to the southeast until you reach the stairs down to the final level, B9. Run through the knee high water straight ahead and take the turn to the north, sprinting through the doors to find Maki. After some talking you will now have the Blue Compact in hand, the last item needed to open the doorway into the Avidya World where Pandora waits. Get the heck out of this dungeon as quickly as possible, preferably using Traesto or an Emergency Exit. City Map Enemies: Dominion, Yaksa, Catoblepas, Aello, Berith, Legion, Selket, Druj All that is left is to enter the doorway in the school library but before embarking on that final quest it's time to stock up. Head to Yin and Yan to buyany weapons you need, the Velvet Room to fuse Persona, Rosa Candida to get some armor if you don't have full sets of Jagd / Sturm armor handy and lastly the general store to stock up on supplies. Double check all of your equipment and Persona selections before heading into the school library to enter the Avidya World. ======================== 4.14 - The Final Battle ======================== Avidya World Enemies: Ubelluris, Vetala, Yaksa, Girimehkala, Gdon, Alecto, Rukh, Barbatos, Oberon, Throne, Cromm Cruach, Tlazolteotl, Rangda, Culebre, Xiuhtecuhtil, Hecatoncheires, Miyasudokoro, Jahi, Cherub, Hresvelgr, Manghadi Welcome to the final dungeon of the game and boy is it a doozy. It's not the biggest, nor the most complicated, of the dungeons in the game but it has some of the wickedest enemies out there. Dying in this place isn't just possible it's fairly expected until you learn how to deal with each of the enemies you encounter. From the starting location go to the east and then start making your way to the north, going just west enough to reach the other path. This will take you right past a save point and Trish's Spring. Follow the path to the north when it splits but take the eastern path after passing the Velvet Room and General Store. This will lead you to two sets of doors, both of them will take you to the same general area but the northmost door is closest to your destination. Head to the northeast until you're in a long hallway, take it to the northern wall of the floor. Follow it to the east until a path opens to the south, take that and follow this path to the west. It will turn to the south for awhile before a path opens to your east. Take this hallway and when it curves to the south take the western path as it slowly goes south. Eventually you won't be able to go south anymore, go to the east from here. This path will go all the way to the northeast portion of the level right near the doors to the next area. This is the floor where you need to start being very careful with the random encounters. An enemy named Barbatos will begin to attack you here and this is one of the more frustrating encounters in this whole dungeon. Pretty much every round the three or four of these little imps will repeatedly cast Maeiha. Even if you're not particularly vulnerable to death magics they can still wear you down very fast. Use any miracle or expel type magics you have to get this problem out of the way as quickly as possible or they can kill you with ease. If they're not alone they will come with a Vetala and Rukh making the fight yet more complicated. Walk to the north to find a save point and a sealed room. After using the save point start heading to the north. You will reach the top of the map very quickly so go to the east and south. When you reach a large room ignore the other directions and keep moving down the southeast hallways. This is where it gets complicated as you're going to have to move to the west and north slowly but steadily to reach the flight of stairs up to the second floor. One of the shortest areas in the dungeon all you need to do to leave this level is head to the west and go through the doors here. Make sure to use the save point right in front of the stairs before doing so though. In the next room you're going to almost immediately be thrown into pitch black. This is an incredibly long section that can easily take you in the wrong direction if you're not careful. Here's how to get out of it: - Two steps north, One step west - Two steps north, One step east - Three steps north, Two steps west - Two steps north, Two steps east - Five steps north, One step west - Three steps north, One step east - Two steps north, Two steps west Walking north will get you out of the darkness for now. Walk to the end of the corridor and step into the darkness again. By going to the south, west and then north you can get through this quick spot of darkness. At the end of this corridor is another big patch of blackness so head on into it and follow these directions: - Two steps south, Two steps west - Two steps south, One step east - Three steps south, One step east - Eight steps south, Two steps east - Three steps south, Three steps west - One step north, Two steps west - One step south, Two steps west - One step south, Two steps west This gets you out of the darkness and deposits you right near the next door that you need to use. Making your way through this next room can be a trial as this level is huge and all twisted up. Navigating through it though is actually fairly simple as you're basically just constantly trying to move to the northwest. Getting to the exit can actually be a fairly quick process so long as you always remember to keep moving in that direction. Soon enough you will reach some stairs that take you back down to the first floor. To your east waits a save point, healing spring and, just beyond those, a general store and Velvet Room. Use these as needed before heading into the next area just to the north. While this room looks really huge it's actually one of the simpler places in the dungeon to get through. From the doorways walk to the east before sweeping north and then stepping into the eastern corridor. As this corridor ends you will be able to step into another one, something that will be repeated until you reach the northernmost part of the map. Go all the way to the easternmost part of the map before starting to head south where you will find the stairs that bring you to floor B1. Once again you're going to be ankle deep in water while you try to navigate through this place. There are a bunch of trapped floors here that deal damage as you pass over them so now is the time to use Liftoma if you have it. Walk to the north until you reach the fork in the path. Take the western road and follow it to the south. The southernmost wall of the stage is your destination right now. Along this path you will find another road that branches off to the north, take it and start moving to the northwestern wall. After passing two damage tiles you will end up going east a bit and then north. You will pass over another damage tile here and this is your indication to start going to the east. Go south, then east and then north as the path twists to end up on the path that will take you right to the final boss of the game. One thing you must know about this fight against Pandora is that the fight isn't actually very hard. However once you've commited to the fight you're going to be here for a very long time. Not only do you want to have a full supply of healing items but you will also want your entire party to be above level 55 in the least, 60 preferably. If this suggestion isn't met then the second stage of the fight can take well over an hour of picking at her health until she chooses to die. This isn't a situation that you want to allow yourself to be caught in. ---------- Final Boss Pandora The first stage of Pandora is actually quite a pushover. For the most part she only has three skills that she uses with any regularity; Bufudyne, Paralyze Puncture and Petrama. The only real threat comes from Paralyze Puncture as this does around 250 points of damage with ease and carries the chance of paralyzing your party. Bufudyne and Petrama are powerful spells but they likely won't be a threat to your entire party like Paralyze Puncture is. The only real weakness that Pandora has is to guns. Most other attacks can affect her but she doesn't take much damage from them. Your party should stick to using guns and Nuclear magics to whittle down her health as this is the quickest way to do so. With enough damage output she will go down in no time and release her second form… --------- Final Boss Pandora (Butterfly) This part of the fight is more complicated and where most people have serious problems. Not only does she take two actions per turn but Pandora now has the ability to assume two forms, each with a different method of being fought. Blue Haired Pandora is not really all that much of a threat. She resists all physical attacks and is weak to all magical attacks. She won't actually make much of an attempt to attack you, her only method of offense being a weak slap attack and an attack that causes the guilt status ailment to your party. However in this form she throws around a wide variety of spells. Not only does she use all of the debuff -unda spells on your party but she will use the buffing -kaja spells on herself. She can heal herself with Diarama (about 300 hit points) or use All Guard to render herself immune to all attacks for that one round. Purple haired Pandora is the much bigger threat out of the two forms and it is the one that you will likely see the most often. This form is weak to weapon attacks but absorbs all magical spells thrown her way. However her robust offense is incredibly dangerous consisting of a powerful basic attack, Wing Flap, an even stronger physical attack and Desanga, which stops the afflicted character from changing Persona. The real dangers come from her power spells, Mabufudyne and Butterfly Storm. Butterfly Storm is one of the most dangerous spells in the game, causing extreme damage to your whole party while simultaneously throwing down status ailments on them. Pandora switches between these two forms at will with no real rhyme or reason to it so keeping up with her can be a bit frustrating. Getting past all of this is a real trial but there are a few tricks to this. Try to equip everyone in your party with Persona that resist or are at least not weak to Ice magics. Since much of your damage will be done with melee attacks you will want strong Persona if possible. Also try to get Mediarama on one of your faster characters, likely Maki, and have at least one Persona with Megidola at their disposal. All that you need to do at this point is keep up the attack on her. Most of your attacks should be of the melee variety with only the Protagonist or Brown using their guns to deal damage. The repeated hits from the machine guns will be worth more than the damage their melee weapons put out. Everyone else should either be healing or using melee attacks to whittle down her health. When you see her changing forms you can risk having one person cast Megidola to try and cleave off 250 hit points or so. This might backfire and heal her instead but it's a risk worth taking. Simply keep this up and whittle her down one hit point at a time until you manage to take her several thousand hit points away. ---------- Once you have defeated Pandora sit back and enjoy the credits, you've earned them. Unlike later entries in the Shin Megami Tensei series Persona features no New Game+ mode. However for completing the storyline you will unlock a bonus dungeon level in one of the dungeons. By beating the SEBEC storyline you will unlock a bonus level of the Mikage Ruins while beating the Snow Queen storyline you unlock a bonus level in the Devil Mountain. ========================================================= 5. Snow Queen Walkthrough ========================================================= 5.01 - Introduction ======================== When Persona was initially released outside of Japan there was one major change made to the game, the complete removal of the Snow Queen scenario. Consisting of a major storyline branch that takes the place of the SEBEC investigation this was a loss of a good 15 - 20 hours of gameplay as well as the ability to use Yukino as a party member after the hospital sequence. ======================== 5.02 - Succeeding in the Battle ======================== Generally speaking the Snow Queen quest is a fair bit harder than the SEBEC branch. This is because each of the dungeons are populated by difficult enemies and timed, leaving you little chance to level grind if don't feel like flirting with an automatic failure. Your best bet for all of this is to make sure that you level up your party, gather up spell cards and money before you even head into the school to return Maki's mother. There are a few ways of doing this although some of them are easier than others. - Inside of the Mikage General Hospital you will find a doctor on the first floor. This is a perfect spot to do a bit of early game level grinding. Walk around in front of the door, going back and forth to get into fight after fight. Instead of actually letting your party level up have all three of them defend while the Protagonist pummels foes to death with his spells. This will cause his Persona to level up enough that you will get the Magaru skill pretty quickly. You can then simply have him spam this attack over and over to slaughter enemy groups in short order. Try to level up your Protagonist until at least level 15 or so. When you reach the school and your party leaves and then rejoins they will automatically be brought up to your level. This spares you any sort of level grinding in the early parts of the Snow Queen dungeons. In addition you can also use this time to gather up spell cards, Yen and items from defeating foes and generally preparing yourself for battle later on. - Should you want to rely on your luck rather than sitting in a dungeon and grinding away in combat then there is also the casino. The items that you can get from the casino are actually better than anything you can buy at any early point in the game. By heading to the Casino and gambling like crazy you will have the potential to pick up all of the best equipment you could possibly get at this point in the game. A better prepared character will have an easier time surviving in the Snow Queen scenario. ======================== 5.03 - Starting the Quest ======================== After traveling to the Alaya Shrine to pick up Maki's mother, you will need to make your way back to the school. Whatever you do don't go to the hole in the rear of the school like Ms. Saeki asks of you. Instead you will want to explore the school itself, completing a few tasks to start this quest up. - Make your way to the room 2-4 and talk to the female student in here. She tells you that "Devil-Boy" Tsutomu seems to think that the school is cursed. - Now head into the school library, third floor, and talk to Tsutomu. A bit of conversation about the "Snow Queen" fairy tale will ensue. - Head downstairs and go through the room with the hole to the gym. Speak to the drama club members you find up the stairs, backstage as well as in the room near the gym. While here search the boxes in the rooms to find Boxing Glove x1, Headgear x3, Archery Set x1, Arm Guard x3 and Toe Shoes x2. You can also speak to Tamaki in one of the rooms to get Rapier x1. - Walk up to the third floor and find the student council room right next door to the library. Speak to the student council president here. - Go back down to the first floor, entering the room right next door to the Nurse's Office to find the Principals Office. You will get to listen to a story from Principal Oishi with Vice-Principal Hanya complaining all the while. Talk to them once they're done speaking and then leave. - Walk back over to the gym area and enter the gymnasium. Inside here you will find a door to a small storage room space. Inside of the room you will find a box that you must open to start the Snow Queen quest. From here you want to make your way to the hole that you were initially tasked with getting through. When all is said and done the school will be frozen over by the curse of the Snow Queen. For those of you who wondered why the school becomes off limits in the real world you now have your answer. ======================== 5.04 - Explaining the Quest ======================== With the cutscenes over you will now have a variety of things that you must do. First you will need to find two more party members so that you can form a full group. Secondly you must find all twelve of the mirror shards, some of which are hidden around the school and some you must take from the guardians of the three towers. Lastly are the three towers themselves. Dealing with the towers can be somewhat complicated due to two factors: - Each tower is on a time limit that can be somewhat pressing depending on how ready for it your party is. The time limit only counts time spent on the world map, not time in your map screen, inventory screens or in battle so this helps some but you still want to move pretty fast when possible and keep level grinding to a minimum. - Upon entering a tower you cannot leave. This means that once you pick a tower you must clear it to ever get the heck out of it. So before entering a tower make sure to make a separate save. - Once you start a tower there is no way to save your game. Period. That means that if you die then you have to start the entire tower over again. If you need a break you can suspend the data but that won't do you any good if you die since that saved data is deleted upon a reload. - The order that you deal with the towers changes how difficult the boss of the tower is. So if you handle Thanatos tower first or second the boss will be level 50 while if you handle it third he will bump up to level 64. The order has little effect on what demons you encounter while making your way to the boss though. This makes picking your order somewhat relevant although actually getting through the tower is another issue entirely. The main difference beating to beating them out of order is that by beating the Thanatos Tower first you will gain up to five Ambrosia, an item used to fuse the Ultimate Persona that your party members can use. ======================== 5.05 - School on Ice ======================== Frozen School Enemies: None Once you have control over your party you will want to find two more members to join up with you. Brown is inside of the cafeteria just in front of you, Nanjo can be found in the Nurse's Office to the northeast of the cafeteria and Elly is in the library with the entrance to the Nemesis Tower all the way to the southeast, near the casino. Pick up either Elly or Nanjo first before getting Brown as an event will occur when you acquire Brown that gives everyone a free level up. Before embarking on the quest you might want to walk around the northern area of this level to find all of the shops, Nurse's Office and Velvet Room. This is where you'll spend your money and get new Persona between towers. Although there are weapon and armor stores inside of the towers themselves they're generally in positions on the lower floors where you won't have the money to do much with them. If you did any level grinding at all then this is where you can get some new equipment. Make sure to buy the melee weapons as well as the Tranquilizer bullets if at all possible. These disappear when you come back from the first tower and they're better than anything you will likely get your hands on by that point. With your party completed and armored up you will now need to start dealing with the three towers. The three towers and their complications are as follows: - Hypnos Tower: This tower is mostly straightforward but the bosses stats will improve if you choose to pinch a particular person in the Dream World. In addition this is the easiest tower based upon enemies encountered and floor plan. - Nemesis Tower: In addition to getting more powerful depending on what order you complete the towers in this boss gets stronger the longer you take to actually complete the tower (first-person exploration time only). Based upon the enemies in the tower this is the second hardest. - Thanatos Tower: Persona can be sent to "the land of Tartarus", taking someones ability to use their Persona away entirely. This can only be cured by going to one place in the tower and is a serious impedient even with the three hour deadline as this place is quite large. The most difficult of the three towers thanks to its powerful enemies. This guide will tackle the towers in order from easiest to hardest so Hypnos Tower is first. ======================== 5.06 - The Tower of Dreams ======================== Hypnos Tower Enemies: Mr. Zombie, Slime, Pixie, Poltergeist, Preta, Zombie Boy, Knocker, Zombie Girl, Quicksilver, Zombie Nurse, Cait Sith, Nacht Kobold, Jack Frost, Ihika, Ghost, Hoodlum, Ukobach, Afanc, Agathion, Ba, Leprechaun, Zombie Cop, Cu Sith, Fuji Musume, Nightmare, Gremlin, Angel, Moh Shuvuu, Pyro Jack, Cocatrice, Yakuza, Dribbler, Nue, Hannya, Nisroc, Yomotsu Shikome, Gandharva, Rusalka, Lilim, Toufei, Ogre, Bukimi, Nekomata, Kobold Completion Time: 2 Hours of Dungeon Exploration Befitting the easiest of the dungeons the floor plan to the Hypnos Tower is quite simple. There are some twists and turns but it's generally a very straightforward affair. For the most part there should be very little danger of the player getting lost in this dungeon as you can usually see where the path that continues forward is well before From the start head to either the east or west and follow the paths to the south. Eventually they will meet up near a passage to the north, go through this door and you will find the stairs up to the second level. On the second floor follow the path to the southeast to find a treasure room containing Raven Feather x1, Flame Shawl x1, Mail Breaker x1 and Mard Geer x1. Leave the room and continue following the path to the north and then northwest. When you reach the top of the map go to the west and then start making your way to the south. You will find the stairs here as well as two rooms to the east, one with Trish's Spring and the other with a Velvet Room. Head upstairs whenever you're ready to continue. Straight in front of you are two rooms, one containing a weapon shop and the other with an armor shop. They sell some improvements over your previous equipment but if you spent money back in the school like you should have then you likely won't have enough money to upgrade too much. Worry about weapons over armor right now as offense is slightly more important. Walk back towards the stairs and take the path that goes to the southeast until you enter a room. After the dialogue leave the room through the other door and continue to the north to find another room. Continue on through the other side of this room and keep moving through the hallways, this time to the east to reach a large room. Walk inside to find a strange door and a cutscene with Philemon. Apparently you can go into the Dream World using this doorway and awaken those trapped in their sleep thanks to the demon Hypnos. If you don't wish to do this you can rush towards the top of the tower but it's heavily suggested that you handle this Dream World so go on through the door. Dream World Enemies: Gremlin, Nightmare, From where you start make your way to the south to find a large room. Walk inside to find yourself in the "Principal's Office" with Ooishi and Hanya. After they finish talking you're going to have to pinch them to wake them up so do so. Leave the room once they disappear and walk to the east to find another large room, go on in. Here you will find a convenience store with the school Nurse trapped inside with her boyfriends' memory. Pinch her to wake her up and then leave the room. Follow the path to the north until it branches in many different directions; take the southwestern path. When you reach a wall take the path to the southeast and keep on moving in that direction until you walk past the principals office to your north. At the next intersection head to the north and follow that up until nearing the top of the map. From here head straight to the east to find Tadashi and Tamaki inside of a room together. Pinch them and leave the room, continuing to the west until you reach the end of the path and the last room. Enter the room to find Kumi sitting around with Hypnos, a large robed demon. When all of the talking is over with you're done in the Dream World… unless you feel like causing trouble. If you would like a harder fight from the boss of the tower then by all means feel free to pinch Kumi. However it's generally a better idea not to do this as you don't get anything extra, just a bit more experience. Leave the room and make your way back to the Hypnos Tower so you can continue upwards. Hypnos Tower Return Enemies: Mr. Zombie, Slime, Pixie, Poltergeist, Preta, Zombie Boy, Knocker, Zombie Girl, Quicksilver, Zombie Nurse, Cait Sith, Nacht Kobold, Jack Frost, Ihika, Ghost, Hoodlum, Ukobach, Afanc, Agathion, Ba, Leprechaun, Zombie Cop, Cu Sith, Fuji Musume, Nightmare, Gremlin, Angel, Moh Shuvuu, Pyro Jack, Cocatrice, Yakuza, Dribbler, Nue, Hannya, Nisroc, Yomotsu Shikome, Gandharva, Rusalka, Lilim, Toufei, Ogre, Bukimi, Nekomata, Kobold Completion Time: 2 Hours of Dungeon Exploration - By the time you get back to the Hypnos tower you hopefully still have at least half of that clock remaining. There are still five floors remaining to this place and you've only handled four of them. If you've taken more than half the time to get this far then it's a good idea to simply reload and try to get to this point quicker, perhaps using the maps to accelerate navigation. Leave the room that contains the Dream World Entrance and start making your way to the south. Here you will find the stairs that take you up to the fourth floor. From the stairs folllow the hallways to the west until you reach the edge of the map and then swing up to the north. When the road splits to the east and west take the eastern route but take the next path to the north before continuing to the east. Upon reaching the eastmost wall of the level, head straight to the south to find the stairs to the fifth floor. Walk straight to the north from the top of the stairs until you near the top of the map. Walk to the west from here, following the path as it goes to the south when necessary. This floor is fairly straightforward since you can see all of the dead ends before walking down any of them. You should reach the stairs to the sixth level with no difficulty. The sixth floor should pose no difficulty as well as the path is pretty obvious as you move forward. Follow it to find the stairs to the seventh floor. The seventh level is just a bit more complicated than the previous few floors. From the stairs walk to the east along the path until it loops south. You will reach a door, pass through it and the small room inside of it, right out the other door. From here you have a pretty straight path to the stairs going up to the next level. On the eighth level head straight to the west to find a treasure room; open the chests here to obtain Life Stone x3, Sonic Blade x1, Chakram x1, Amethyst x1 and Strike Tail x1. Walk through the door to your east to find another room, this one containing Kumi and Hypnos in the real world. It's time to get rid of the first tower by defeating these two. ----------- Boss Battle Hypnos Resistances: Absorb Fire, Wind, Blast, Electric Weaknesses: Weak to Weapons Hypnos isn't the hardest boss you will ever face but he can really throw out the damage especially on poor Ayase. Defeating him is as simple as keeping your hit points up while trying to pummel him into the ground with your melee weapons. Offensively he only seems to use three attacks: Flurry Stab, a powerful single target axe type attack, Western Blow, an area of effect blast type attack, and Dark Slumber, an area of effect curse attack with a chance to put the target to sleep for two turns. The only person that his offense is likely to be a huge threat to is Ayase since most of her Persona are weak to blast attacks. Use either Yukino or Ayase to keep the party's hit points up while you have the rest of the party attack him with melee weapons or physical attack skills. Eventually he will go down since he doesn't have the most hit points. If you're tackling this tower third or have pinched Kumi in the Dream World then you're going to have a harder time of it. His attacks deal a fair bit more damage, he has more hit points and is just generally stronger. Make sure that nobody has Persona that are weak to physical or blast attacks since these have a tendency to kill people rather suddenly. With that in mind he shouldn't be too much harder to defeat than normal. --------- Once you have defeated Hypnos, obtaining the Mirror Shard x1, it's all over in the Hypnos Tower. Defeating this tower will also allow you to enter the second floor of the Devil's Peak dungeon where you can fight the enemies from the Hypnos Tower. Think of Devil's Peak as the Mikage Ruins of the Snow Queen scenario, a place existing only for you to do your level grinding. * NOTE: If you have completed this tower second or third you will receive Ambrosia x1. ======================== 5.07 - The Tower of Retribution ======================== Frozen School Enemies: None Now is the time to buy up any equipment that you couldn't afford to get from the shop inside of the tower as the shops in the school have changed their inventory. If you're not feeling like you're prepared for the next tower then adventure into the Devil's Peak for some fighting until you have leveled up sufficiently. You can speak to the golden butterfly near each door to find out how you stack up to the enemies inside and then make the decision to grind or not. Whenever you're ready it's time to tackle the next tower, Nemesis. Nemesis Tower Enemies: Bukimi, Kobold, Archangel, Enku, Yato no Kami, Cath Palug, Dark Elf, Wyvern, Siren, Kokkuri, Megaera, Tokebi, Hanako, Haoka, Malphas, Teketeke, Pairika, Sarashina-hime, Ocypete, Carrie, Principality, Genkurou, Iwate, Nozuchi, Polisun, Black Widow, Picollus, Duergar, Anatomy Completion Time: None. While there is no completion time you do have to hustle through this one. As you try to get through this dungeon the boss, Nemesis, will slowly be powering up. There are certain benchmarks to this: - Reaching the hall on the 5F in under 20 minutes will net the easiest boss. - Reaching the hall on the 6F in under 60 minutes will net the medium difficulty boss. - Reaching the hall on the 8F in over 60 minutes will net the hardest boss. Keep in mind that these times are referring only to the time spent in the first person dungeon exploration view. So you can spend a lot of time in the menus or battling enemies without having to worry about the boss powering up. When moving through the Nemesis Tower you're going to want to watch out for the Archangel and other enemies that can use Megido. It's fairly easy for them to devastate your whole party with a few castings of these spells because few Persona will resist them by this point. Try to get rid of these guys as quickly as possible by exploiting their weaknesses, such as hitting Archangel with a Mudo spell. From the entrance walk into the room right in front of you to meet the guardian of the Nemesis Tower. After the conversation ends leave the room and continue forward, there is only one path here and it's pretty easy to see which way to go. Follow the path until you reach the stairs and head on up to the second level. Walk to the southwest and then take the northern path. This will split off to the south so follow it to the southwest. The path will pass two large rooms, one with a weapon shot and one with an armor shop. There is some new equipment here but you might not have enough money to buy much of it so it might have to wait until you finish this tower. Regardless of this the stairs are just to the north so head on up. There's a Velvet Room right at the top of the stairs if you should need it. Walk into the large room to be presented with another decision. You could either go straight to Michiko and try to fight her or you can go get another Mirror Shard that you're going to need. This isn't much of a decision so leave through the eastern door near where Elly is standing. You're going to need to hustle to get that shard without giving Michiko too long to power up. The path is a straight shot to the stairs up to the next floor. Up here you will have to deal with trying to make your way through completely darkened hallways. Start heading to the north, ignoring the first darkened path to your east, until you reach the end of this path. Here are the instructions to get through the darkness: - Two steps east - One step south - Two steps east - Two steps south - One step east - Two steps south Continue along the path to find yet another patch of darkness to navigate. Enter the second path to the north to get started: - Three steps north - Two steps east - One step north - One step east This leaves you out right near a flight of stairs so go up to the fifth level. Walk to the south and follow the path to the west and then to the north through the halls. As you follow it to the east you will reach what appears to be a dead end. At the eastermost end of the hallway you will find a pit that drops you down to another area of the fourth floor. Walk to the end of this corridor to fall down yet another pit trap. Start walking to the south through the tunnels to find your next pit trap that will drop you to the second floor. Walk to the east and then follow the path all the way to the north. It will wrap around to the south making its way towards a staircase down to the first floor. Here you have two choices; east is the way further back into the maze while going to the west takes you to the room with the Mirror Shard. Grab that before doing anything else as that's the only reason we took this huge old detour. Take the eastern path from the stairs now and follow it for a bit, it will bring you to another staircase going upwards. Walk to the north, taking the path as it goes to the east towards another flight of stairs. On the third floor walk to the west with the halls and head all the way to the south until it reaches a dead end. A pit here will drop you a short bit away from the weapon and armor shops and you likely have enough money to resupply on equipment so do so! Make your way back up to the third floor torture room from here by simply going up the stairs to your north. Leave the torture room via the left door to find yourself in a new part of the third floor. Follow the halls until you reach the stairs going up to the next level. This leaves you near the pitch black part of the fourth floor again so head on into the second path leading in as the first is a dead end. This will take us to a treasure room and then to the stairs going up: - Two steps east - One step south - Two steps east - Two steps north - One step east - Two steps north From here you should see the treasure room so head on into it. Open the chests here to obtain Fuuma's Wakizashi x1, a heavy damage trap, Gottabe Shoes x1, Dubthach Lance x1 and Queen's Whip x1. Go back into the darkness and follow this path once you're done: - Three steps south - One step west - Three steps south - Two steps east - One step north - Two steps east - Two steps north - One step west - Three steps north Ignore the first path back into the darkness as that's just a dead end. Walk to the end of the corridor, take one step to the south and then step right back out of the dark path to the east. At the end of this small corridor you'll have to enter it again to reach the stairs though. - One step west - Three steps south - One step east This leaves you off right near the stairs so go on up to the fifth floor. If you've made it to this location in under 20 minutes all that is left between you and Michiko is a final hallway so head on over to the room and walk inside to find the boss (see pg. XX). However if you've been too slow, you will have to explore beyond the fifth floor to find her. Leave the room and walk up the stairs just beyond to find your way up to the sixth floor. Before you is short hallway, follow it to find the audience room on this level. So long as you haven't taken more than 60 minutes this is where you will fight Michiko (see pg. XX). There is a huge problem if you miss this deadline though. Not only will you have to explore the rest of the 6F, a larger floor, but then you will also have to explore both the seventh and eighth levels. Your only reward for doing this is a treasure room on the 7F but it's nothing too impressive there. Leave the audience room and start heading through the tunnels. While it may take you awhile to navigate through the halls they're not terribly complicated. It's pretty easy to see what path you need to take since the dead ends are readily apparent. You will reach the stairs soon enough, take it up to the seventh floor. Here there is something to go after, a small treasure room to your northwest. From the stairs walk to the west and follow the path as it goes to the north. Take the eastern paths as you go north to reach the treasure room. Open the chests here to obtain Present x1, Twin Bird x1, Luna Blade x1 and Sol Blade x1. Now make your way back to the stairs, heading to the east this time instead. This path will take you straight to the stairs leading up to the eighth floor. The eight floor is one long, easily navigated corridor so simply follow it until you reach the boss room where Michiko waits for you. --------- Boss Nemesis Resistances: Absorb Blast, Reflect Elec Weaknesses: Fire, Earth, Ice Now the trick to this is that by going and getting the Mirror Shard you've probably allowed Nemesis to power up to at least her second phase. However it is possible to get there within the 20 minute time frame to prevent her from leveling up if you know the way to get through the dungeon and move quickly. If there has been a serious problem somewhere and she's gotten to her third phase then this fight can become very hard if you're not in your mid-30's at least. In her first two phases Nemesis is actually fairly weak. Other than a weak spear attack she will use Dragon Whirl to do light damage to your party or Revenge Leak to deal serious damage to one party member. However these are easily healed from and shouldn't be a threat to your party. Her final attack is Maziodyne and this will wreck your party. If you don't have Persona that resist or otherwise stop Electric or Element attacks then you'll just have to heal up and then continue the battle. Just keep hitting her with her elemental weaknesses while anyone else uses guns or physical attacks and she will go down surprisingly fast. Should she have powered up to her third phase then this fight can grow to be a problem. Her attacks do more damage, Revenge Leak will be capable of killing party members and her Maziodyne can party wipe if you're not careful. Be absolutely sure to bring Mediarama or Mediarahan into the fight as well as Persona who can survive strong Electric attacks. ---------------- Once you have defeated Nemesis and gotten her Mirror Shard x1 you have finished the Nemesis Tower. Defeating this tower will grant you one Mirror Shard as well as allowing you to enter the fourth floor of the Devil's Peak dungeon where you can fight the enemies from the Nemesis Tower. * NOTE: If you have completed this tower second or third you will receive Ambrosia x1. ======================== 5.08 - The Tower of Death ======================== Frozen School Enemies: None All that is left for you to do is the Thanatos Tower and this place is pure hell. Not only can you die easily to the enemies but the tower itself is an impediment as it has a number of negative effects on you. A list of them are below: - At the very start of the tower you will have to blow out a candle. The left one strips the Protagonist of his ability to use his Persona while the right one strips Yukino of it. - Should any of the PCs be defeated in battle then they will lose access to their Persona. - Access to Persona can only be restored by visiting Tartarus on the 2F of the tower. - Healing items just don't seem to work as effectively in here meaning you must rely on spells. - The Tower is huge and quite difficult to navigate. Getting past all of these problems is normally difficult but the time limit only makes it harder. To get around this there are a few tricks to use. Firstly you will want to fuse the Lilim Persona for your Protagonist. This will protect you from the instant death spells and constant status ailments thrown your way here. If you have a Megidola Stone then use it in the fusion to give her a solid offensive spell to help with her offensive capabilities. Even better, go to the Casino and gamble until you can afford a Scorching Stone for 3,000 casino coins as this will teach a Persona Megidolaon, the most powerful non-elemental spell in the game. Next pick up at least two Half Moon Tablets from the general store and go to fuse Persona. Pick a Persona with a low SP cost for Yuka and one for Yukino and fuse the both of them using the Half Moon Tablets. This will allow the Persona to inherit Mediarahan when it reaches Rank 2 so you can use that for every single healing instance that pops up. With this in hand you will have an infinitely easier time completing this dungeon. Lastly try to get at least one Persona with Megidola, such as Illuyanka, for the Protagonist and make sure everyone can cast at least one elemental spell. These will all come in handy for the boss of the dungeon, Thanatos. Once all of your preparations are complete it's time to head into the Thanatos Tower. Thanatos Tower Enemies: Anatomy, Eligor, Phunbaba, Hi no Enma, Arachne, Yaka, Kuchisake-onna, Jinn, Ocelot, Zap, Power, Tisiphone, Orthrus, Yaksini, Naga, Celaeno, Sumizome, Alastor, Zombie Painter, Doppelganger, Incubus, Rakshasa, Cupid, Kiyohime, Scylla, Salome, Virtue, Mizuchi, Purski Completion Time: 3 hours of dungeon exploration This dungeon doesn't waste any time at all trying to screw you up. By blowing out the candle to open the door someones Persona is going to get sealed away until you reach a particular place on the second floor. By blowing out the left candle your main character will lose his ability while the right will take away Yukino's ability to call upon her Persona. It's a better idea to take away Yukino since she's not a front line fighter anyways. Pick whomever suits you best in the end and walk on through the doors once they open. As a warning you will be fighting wave after wave of enemies who will use Mudo spells to basically wipe out your people in one or two rounds. Kuchisake-onna is notoriously bad with her five man groups all using Mamudo to wipe out your whole group. The other major threat are the Arachne groups who will spam Magryva or Grydyne to try wiping out your party. If you happen to have a lot of Magical Guard items now is the time to use them. In the hallways make your way to the southeast until you reach the corner and walk to the north. The path will be pretty apparent, taking you all the way to the northern edge of the map before continuing to the west. Walk through the door and to the west, over a damage tile, and follow this path to the south to find the stairs at the end of a hallway. This sounds really simple on paper, like most of the floors in this dungeon do, but the high encounter rate pairs with a sprawling dungeon design make actually getting to the stairs an accomplishment. When you reach the second floor your chance of encountering Kuchisake-onna and Arachne will go down immensely only to be replaced by Yaksini demons. These obnoxious demons come in groups of two to five and are quite fond of using Mahama to kill you off rather quickly. Since they have no easily exploitable weaknesses you're going to have to come up with a strategy to kill them in short order, preferably one that involves death or curse spells. From the stairs you will need to head to the north where the path splits to the east and west. There is nothing to the west but a bunch of long corridors that are capped with dead ends. Continue to the east where the path will curve to the south, this will take you right to a room that contains the entrance to Tartarus. You will have to go down into this dungeon to reclaim your Persona so make it here with all haste. Tartarus Enemies: Anatomy, Eligor, Phunbaba, Hi no Enma, Arachne, Yaka, Kuchisake-onna, Jinn, Ocelot, Zap, Power, Tisiphone, Orthrus, Yaksini, Naga, Celaeno, Sumizome, Alastor, Zombie Painter, Doppelganger, Incubus, Rakshasa, Cupid, Kiyohime, Scylla, Salome, Virtue, Mizuchi, Purski If you've made your way this far into the dungeon then you're actually doing pretty well. Make a beeline straight to your west to find the room where you can obtain your Persona again. Oh thank the heavens! Now we can actually fight again. It's not uncommon to reach this room with at least three people needing to reclaim their Persona. While it's generally suggested that you avoid exploration in the Thanatos Tower you must explore Tartarus as it contains four of the Mirror Shard pieces you're looking for. As such we're going to have to explore this area fairly thoroughly. Take the path that leads north just outside of the Persona room to start making your way towards these pieces. The path will eventually lead you to an area of darkness that you must navigate to find all of the treasure rooms here. Follow this path to make your way through it all: - One step west - Two steps north - Two steps west - One step north Now follow the path to the north to find the first of the treasure rooms. The chest here contains Blue Tablet x1. Don't open the chests near Elly or Yukino as they are trapped to reduce your HP to 1 or poison your Protagonist. Now leave the room and take the lit path to the southeast. The road will fork with each one leading to a treasure room so lets get the eastern one first and the southern room second. The eastern treasure room has a skull shaped treasure box containing Mirror Shard x1 so grab that before bothering with the other chests. The chest near Elly is trapped, dealing heavy damage to the Protagonist while the one near Yuka has Suitengu Talisman x1 in it. Leave the room and take the paths going south to reach the next treasure room. Inside here you will find Dis-Para x3, Dis-Stone x3, Luna Blade x1 and Dis-Sick x3. Walk back over to the darkened area and follow these instructions to reach the next treasure area to the south. - One step south - Two steps west - Three steps south - Two steps west - One step south Take the path to the southwest where you will find the first treasure room. The big ol' skull contains Mirror Shard x1 while the other chests contain Life Stone x5, Soma x2 and Kyubi no Muchi x1. The chest near Yuka and Yukino contains a damage trap best left alone. Leave the room and walk to the west and follow that path as it goes all the way north. This will twist around until it finally leads you to a treasure room with another Mirror Shard chest. Unfortunately Mariko, that doofy paranormal investigator, found the chest first and is holding the shard. You'll have to buy it from her for 5,000 Yen. Head back to the darkened area so that you can make your way to the final treasure area. Follow these instructions to reach it: - Two steps north - Two steps west - One step north - One step west At the end of this short corridor you will find another treasure room. This contains another skull chest with Mirror Shard x1 and two smaller chests, containing Black Tablet x1 and White Tablet x1. With that in hand it's time to leave Tartarus so head back to the darkened area and follow these steps to get through: - Two steps east - One step south - Two steps east - One step south - Two steps east - Two steps north - One step east From here you will have a pretty easy time getting back to the door to Tartarus. If you have all of your Persona it's time for you to head back into the Thanatos Tower. Thanatos Tower Enemies: Anatomy, Eligor, Phunbaba, Hi no Enma, Arachne, Yaka, Kuchisake-onna, Jinn, Ocelot, Zap, Power, Tisiphone, Orthrus, Yaksini, Naga, Celaeno, Sumizome, Alastor, Zombie Painter, Doppelganger, Incubus, Rakshasa, Cupid, Kiyohime, Scylla, Salome, Virtue, Mizuchi, Purski Completion Time: 3 hours of dungeon exploration. You will want at least half of the time left on your clock so that you can still complete the three floors that remain to this dungeon. From the Tartarus entrance make your way to the north to find the stairs at the top of the map. Walking up to the third floor will leave you with a healing spring and Velvet Room to your west as well as a weapon shop and armor shop to your south. If you feel the need to do some level grinding you can easily use the area outside of Trish's Spring and just go inside when you need to restore your spell points. Before you leave this area make sure to pick up the Avenger machineguns and Cupid Bullets for everyone. The Avenger is powerful against the enemies here as well as the boss and if you can charm enemies then the're no threat to you. Proceeding through this level can be something of a pain as it's an absolute maze in this place. To start with walk south past the weapon and armor shop, following the path as it curves to the east and then goes south again. Watch for the dead ends to your west and east side until you reach the southernmost part of the map. Now you can start moving to the west until you see the path strart branching to the north. Ignore the first one but take the second, just before the corner of the map, and stick with it until you pass through the square room.When it splits to the east and west take the eastern path to reach the stairs up to the fourth floor. From the stairs head to the east, taking the northern path into the large room here. Stay away from the center of the room as there are damage tiles there and leave through the southeastern passage. After a bit of walking you will reach a treasure room that contains Phurba Dagger x1, Magical Guard x5, Oniguruma x1, Longinus x1, Repulse Bell x3 and a poison trap in the chest closest to Brown. Leave the room and continue on to the east, ignoring the paths to the north or south. This will lead you to a long path that ends up circling a bit around the level and ends up at a flight of stairs. On the fifth floor you'll want to head straight to the south, ignoring the path to the west, until you reach a treasure room. Open them to obtain Physical Guard x5, Metal Card x3, Answeller x1 and Bead x3. Now double back until you can reach the western fork in the road, taking the southern path into the square room. Follow this path all the way to the stairs up to the sixth floor. Keep it up, you're almost done with this place! This next floor is a series of large, connected, 3x3 rooms. There is a damage tile in the dead center of each room to watch out for. Make your way through the first room and then head north out of the second room. This will take you to a large room with two treasure chests in it. It seems that Yuriko has a game for you. If you pick the correct chest you get a free Mirror Shard. If you pick the wrong chest you lose the Mirror Shard and Yuka has her Persona sealed, requiring you to go all the way back to the 2F where Tartarus is and get it back. Pick the left chest to get the Mirror Shard. Now that you have that leave out the other door and you will have a straight shot for the stairs. We've now reached the final floor of one of this hellish dungeon so we just need to push forward a bit more. There are a whole slew of new enemies to deal with here, namely the Cupid and Salome. While neither is too dangerous individually when a group of them fire off constant charm spells it's very easy to lose control of your party and then die to a few Ziodyne or Rapid Shot attacks. Deal with these enemies harshly and quickly so as to avoid dying when you've come this far into the dungeon. Luckily this is a really short floor so it shouldn't pose much difficulty to you. From the stairs make your way to the southwest along a path that will lead you to the southernmost portion of the map. This path will very quickly lead you to the door to the final room in the dungeon, that of the boss battle. After some dialogue you will be attacked by Thanatos and all his pieces. ----------- Boss Battle Thanatos Thanatos Resistances: Strong Magic, Resist Physical Weaknesses: Nuclear, Vulnerable to Guns Tentacles x3 Resistances: Absorb Blast, Nuclear, Electric Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Gravity Tentacles x3 Resistances: Absorb Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Gravity Weaknesses: Blast, Nuclear, Electric Desanga Decover Dark Verdict Considering the hell that you've gone through to get to this point Thanatos is an incredibly simple boss fight even though there are a lot of enemies in this battle. Thanatos is the only threat in this fight as the Tentacles will only attack if the're on the front line of the battle meaning that, at worst, you're only dealing with three at once. Plus they only use a weak physical attack to damage you which is no threat at all. Thanatos however will spend much of its time using Desanga to prevent you from changing Persona or Decover to stop that character from healing for a few turns. The real danger in this battle comes from the spell Dark Verdict that Thanatos will throw down every so often. With its high damage output this spell will likely kill whomever it hits, commonly the Protagonist, Brown or Nanjo. However it doesn't start using this too often until all of the tentacles are dead so deal with this battle one step at a time. To defeat the Tentacles use Gravity, Blast or, preferably, Megidola cast by Illuyanka to wipe them out. They only have about 900 hit points each so two castings of Megidola will wipe them out, quicker if you have another Persona using it as well. This will also deal some damage to Thanatos as collateral. Now focus on the other three Tentacles using whatever powerful elemental spells you have or guns for Brown and the Protagonist. If you have the Avenger then this will make the Tentacle portion of the fight go much quicker. With all of the Tentacles gone you can focus on Thanatos himself. The only things that deal appreciable damage to him are powerful spells, like Bufula, guns or Nuclear magics. A good general strategy is to continuously use Nuclear attacks from whomever can do so while the rest of the party uses their guns. Yuka should spend her turns using Magical Guards if you have them to fend off the instant death that Dark Verdict can bring. If anyone dies make sure to bring them back quickly and immediately use Mediarama/Mediarahan to heal them up so that they can continue the battle. After you have done enough damage to Thanatos himself, around 5,000 points of damage or so, the body will fall away leaving only an eye behind. This is both a really good and horribly bad thing. It's a really good thing since the eye only has about 900 hit points to its name, meaning it dies really fast, but it also spends every turn casting Hell Eyes on your party which is capable of instantly killing your party members with ease. Muscle through this using Magical Guards if you have any left and keep on attacking the Eye the same way you did Thanatos itself to finish this once and for all. ------------- For defeating Yurkio you will acquire Mirror Shard x1 and an Ambrosia reward. Your business here is over with so you will be teleported to the school. If you failed to acquire any of the Mirror Shards then they are lost for good. By defeating the Thanatos Tower you will have opened floor six of the Devil's Peak which is a great place to level grind if you feel you need it. Since your Persona will no longer be stripped from you it's pretty easy to deal with enemies that were incredibly frustrating inside of the Thanatos Tower itself. * Note: If you completed this tower first you will get Ambrosia x3 from completing this dungeon. However if you have completed it second or third you will only get Ambrosia x1. ======================== 5.09 - Stopping the Curse ======================== Ice Castle Enemies: None With all of the towers cleared all that is left is to deal with Ms. Saeko and the Snow Queen demon itself. Make a bee line for the save point in the Nurse's Office before doing anything else. With the game saved you will want to look into the weapon and armor shops, picking up any equipment that you don't already have. Should you have all of the things here pick up some healing items but don't blow all of your money. There are some shops coming up soon that you'll want to buy from and it'll cost in the ballpark of 600,000 Yen to buy all the stuff in the shops. Whenever you're ready head on into the school courtyard but be ready for a boss fight. This one isn't too hard but it can go on for awhile. ---------- Boss Lady Masquerade Resistances: Strong Fire, Earth, Resist Weapons, Absorb Gravity, Ice Weaknesses: Blast, Nuclear, Electric Having used the Mirror you've forced the Snow Queen off of Ms. Saeko and boy is it pissed. The mask attacks with a variety of spells, all of which are in the least fairly debilitating. Derangement Voice will have your party members under the panic status ailment for three turns, Paral Eyes will paralyze them in place until cured and her two offensive spells, Mabufudyne and Magrydyne, can wipe out your health in a heartbeat. When she uses the powerful Heavenly Hit attack on you or powers up with Tarukaja it almost seems like a relief. Since your weapons attacks are useless and many spell attacks aren't the most useful you'll need to stick with guns, blast, nuclear and electric attacks. If you have a good setup like the one you used to defeat Thanatos then you should have at least one Megidola / Megidolaon caster and a Mediarahan caster as well as the best equipment you can afford. Hitting her repeatedly with the spells she is weak to while also keeping up an onslaught of bullets will whittle her down eventually. She has over 5,000 hit points so you'll be there for awhile but so long as you keep your health up it shouldn't be too hard. ---------- After some more talking Ms. Saeko will be saved, warming up the school a bit. But now you have to track down and defeat the Night Queen, Tomomi's wayward Persona. The weapon and armor shops will now cycle what equipment is available so you should go on over there and get the best equipment. Save the game and whenever you're ready head to the southernmost part of the school, to the room that was frozen shut. Inside you can find Nanjo who has a weapon for you as well as a giant ball of plasma. You must touch this ball of light to reach the final dungeon. Infested Ice Castle Enemies: Kwancha, Legion, Selket, Aello, Druj, Berith, Titania, Otohime, Shadow, Succubus, Tengu, Mushus, Dakini, Dominion, Catoblepas, Yaksa, Alecto, Girimehkala, Gdon, Ubelluris, Vetala, Rukh, Barbatos, Oberon, Tlazolteotl, Cromm Cruach, Culebre, Rangda, Xiuhtecuhtli, Hecatoncheires, Mangadhai, Jahi, Cherub, Ganesha, Paimon, Hresvelgr, Miyasudokoro, Ouroboros, Grimies, Fafnir, Adramelech, Fenrir The party has been teleported to another location, a place like the school but not. Unlike before this Ice Castle has demons for you to contend with and they're no pushovers. They'll start off fairly easy but as you climb higher and higher they get tougher and tougher. You start off on the second floor, one of the more annoying dungeon locations in the Snow Queen quest. To proceed through this area you have to walk through the intersections in a particular order or you will simply find yourself right back at the entrance. Follow these directions from the hallway leading into the large room to get through this successfully. Walk to the intersection to your west and go to the north to the next intersection. Go to the next intersection to the west before going north. You will pass over two tiles that move you to the north. Stop at the intersection just north of the second tile, turn to the east and move to the next intersection. Head to the south here to find a tile that will move you further south. At the next intersection turn to the east, following that path to the second intersection. From here you can go north all the way to the northmost part of the map. All that remains is to head to the east to find the stairs and get the heck out of this level. On the third floor you will note that there are two ways to go, to the west or to the south. There is a Mars 133 inside of a closet in the classroom all the way to the south if you need the rifle. Otherwise take the path to the west, going along the north so as to avoid the room here, it doesn't have anything in it of interest. The path will eventually split by going to the northeast and the west. Take the northeast path to find a classroom, open the door near the chalkboard to obtain Crimson Tablet x1 before leaving the room. Double back and take the western path to reach the stairs to the fourth floor. Much like the last floor this place is quite the sprawling mess but there are only two places to go, a room with a new spear for Brown as well as the Raiho, Reiho pair and the a special room in the southeast corner. You will want to make your way for the special room first by going east and then south at the first interesection. The path will lead to some stairs that go down to the third floor but don't bother with those. They're there because the next room contains a plethora of pits that will drop you down to the third floor if you aren't careful and the stairs get you back up here. Step onto the damage tile and stop moving, these are the steps you will need to take to get through this section. - Two steps south - Two steps east - Four steps south - Two steps west - Two steps north - Two steps west - One step south - One step west From here go into the hallway and fall into the pit at the end of this path. You will be in a short corridor near a classroom so head on inside. Here you can trade any Ambrosia that you are carrying for "totems" for each character. Used in fusions these totems will produce a characters ultimate Persona. If you handled the towers in difficulty order you will only have two of them but you can have up to five. It's suggested that you get the totems for the Protagonist as well as Elly if you have her as they have very powerful Persona. Leaving the room you will have to fall down a pit at the far end of the room and make your way back up to the 4F on foot. To reach the spear you'll need to head to the north and then east through thee halls until you near the edge of the map. From here take the path to the southwest and keep moving in that general direction. The halls will twist a bit but eventually you will reach the classroom. Open the closet to find Kouma Staff x1 before speaking to the two Jack Frost demons. If you agree to be their friend they will teleport you to a special area of the fifth floor upon asking. However this teleports you to a confusing mass of stairs that take you up and down all over the fifth, sixth and seventh floors. Open the closet for Soma x2 before you leave the room and go up the staircase to your east. Walk north to between the next two staircases and go down the eastern stairs. This will take you to a hallway with a classroom in it. Walk inside for a cutscene with a strange girl in a mask. Now walk up the northeastern flight of stairs, taking it up two flights. Walk through the short hallway to find a classroom. Open the closet in the corner of the classroom to obtain Numerous Bell x1. Go back to the initial mass of stairs and take the northwestern stairs now. Take the path all the way to the north, ignoring the first flight of stairs, to the second set. In the new hallway follow the path to the east, not north, and on this level take the stairs to the east going up, not down. Here you will find another classroom, open the closet to obtain Lone Sword x1. Leave the classroom and continue to the west along the hall until you reach two staircases you can use. Go down the northern one to reach another hallway with a classroom. Inside you can speak to the girl in black and then open the closet to obtain Konryumaru, a powerful two-handed sword. Follow the hallways to the north and go down the stairs, walk east a bit and go down these stairs as well. You will be right near another classroom so head on inside. Speak to the girl in white before opening the closet to get the Justice Coin x1. Make your way back to the Jack Frost room, this will make navigating this mess much easier. Take the stairs to the west of the Jack Frost room up two flights, to the 7F. Walk to the northwest and use the stairs to go down to the 6F. Further to the east you will find more stairs, take them to the 5F. Now head all the way to the west and go up the stairs until you're back on the 7F. Follow the short corridor to find the stairs down to the 6F. In this corridor stop at the first flight of stairs, going down to find a small hallway with a classroom. Go inside and open the closet to find Millionaire Bomb x2. Now go back upstairs, ignore the second set of stairs and walk all the way to the north, going up the last flight of stairs. Once again head to the north to find some stairs going up to the 8F. Go down the stairs at the end of the short corridor two flights before walking to the east and going down the stairs here. This will put you near a classroom where you can get a good whip for Yuka, the Shisenchu. If you need to use a whip you might as well use one that paralyzes foes. Now you'll need to make your way deep into this place so that you can find the way up to the stage on the 8F. Go back to the 6F corridor with the three staircases and walk to the middle one. Take this staircase up to the eighth level and walk down the small corridor to find stairs going down to the seventh floor. Here go to the south to find a staircase going down to the fifth floor. Walk to the west to find stairs that take you back up, all the way to the eighth level again. This is the final portion of this insane maze. After you walk down a short corridor you will reach a puzzle room. You will have to walk around the room to light the ground up the same way that the ceiling is lit up. Once you do so the door to the stage will open up allowing you through. Here you will be teleported to the 9F thanks to the man in the black mask. If you wish to return to an earlier floor simply speak to the man in the black mask in front of the classroom. He can send you to the 8F, where you just left, the 4F near the two Jack Frost demons, or all the way to the school courtyard. If you've managed to pick up an Estoma skill or item then going back to the school to heal up at the Nurse's Office and save your game might not be the worst idea since you can just use the Estoma to get you through the earlier levels of the dungeon if your party has leveled up into their 50's. To your west in the halls will be two rooms, one containing Trish's Spring and the other being a Velvet Room. Further past them is an actual save point! Use that like you haven't seen one in hours… because you likely haven't. Should you feel like you need to level up or obtain spell cards this is an ideal area to do so as you shouldn't have any need of money. This means you can freely heal up at Trish's Spring and save at the Agyasta Tree as needed. The ground around here is littered with damage tile traps so use Liftoma or a Core Shield to protect yourself and move for the southern part of the map. In the middle you will find a flight of stairs that will take you up to the tenth floor. You will have to navigate through several darkened areas to get through this level and it's not going to be easy. The enemies here attack constantly, are very powerful and more than capable of causing a party wipe with a few Maziodyne or Maragidyne spells. Try to make sure that someone has a Nuclear Persona, a Persona with fire resistance and a Persona with electric resistance. To get through the first bank of darkness: - Three steps north - One step west - Two steps north - One step east - Two steps north - Three steps east - Three steps south - One step east You will emerge in some hallways so walk straight to the east and then head north. To your east is another path that will take you into another darkened area. The path to the south is a dead end so we're going to take this dark area around to the north. - One step east - Three steps south - Six steps east - Six steps north - Three steps west - One step north Take the path to the east and follow it around to reach the stairs to floor eleven. You're almost done so hang in there. The final floor of this dungeon is refreshingly simple. All you need to do is follow the long corridor until you reach the classroom. It is here that you will fight the boss of this last dungeon. Even if you've been fighting off the enemies with no difficulty you may not be able to handle the boss of this dungeon. It's a good idea to be in your mid to high 60's with Persona that are weak to as few elements as possible. If you can get good physical attacks, like Drum Punch, or powerful Miracle spells then the fight will be much easier. ------------ Boss Queen Asura Resistances: Resist Magic Weaknesses: Physical, Holy Queen Asura is without a doubt the hardest enemy in the entirety of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona. Her hit point count is incredibly high, her defenses are high enough that most attacks do minimal damage and she resists just about everything you can throw at her. Offensively she will throw Maziodyne, Mazandyne, Maragidyne and Mabufudyne. She's fond of status ailments as well with Nervma, Petrama, Decover and Desanga being throw out rather often. In addition to that she makes use of stat buffs, Diarama and All Guard, an ability that renders all attacks against her ineffective for a round. The cherry on this sundae is that she gets two turns every so often although there doesn't seem to be a pattern to this. The only thing she doesn't use is earth, wind, miracle and curse attacks. Her physical attacks are weak compared to her spells so these are also mostly irrelevant. A good Persona who is weak to physical attacks will only take about 200 damage while one who is weak to her spells might take 500 or more. What you want to do is try to bring in Persona who are weak to earth, wind, miracle or curse while hopefully having resistances to her other elemental spells. Lower level Persona like Phaleg and Lilim work in a pinch but are not ideal. Defeating her is actually a fairly simple matter. All you need to do is use your guns, melee weapons and any miracle type skills to whittle down her health. If you have one character dedicated to healing then the others will be able to bring her health down little by little. If you have the Avenger with Silver Bullets you can have the Protagonist and Brown just tear into his health with guns while Nanjo is better off with his sword. Yukino and Yuka should use Miracle spells to try and whittle her down or special physical attacks like Drum Punch to help. That's all there is to defeat her but it all sounds a lot simpler than it really is. Surviving her attacks is the hard part. ---------- * NOTE: There is a way to defeat her no matter how low level you are but it's a wholly unfulfilling method of defeating her. If you have the Lilim Persona or any other Persona that absorb elemental attacks you can equip them to your Protagonist and whichever other characters can take them, preferably Brown. Then go into this fight with everyone set to use their guns. Every time she casts an offensive elemental spell she will fully heal these characters while her physical attacks shouldn't do enough damage to kill them. It's entirely possible to turn on the Skip option, put the PSP down and come back thirty minutes later to a defeated Queen Asura. ------------ When the Queen is defeated the two masked individuals will speak before the ending of the game starts up. Make sure to watch the scene after the credits to get an idea as to how the Snow Queen quest fits into the storyline of the game. ========================================================= 6. The Charts ========================================================= 6.01 - Weapon Listing ======================== Weapon Type: Sword Name: Scalpel Atk: 10 Hit: 6 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Everyone Name: Rapier Atk: 25 Hit: 10 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Protagonist, Elly Name: Athame Knife Atk: 18 Hit: 25 Stk: 2 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Protagonist, Elly Name: Mail Breaker Atk: 42 Hit: 18 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Protagonist, Elly Name: Luna Blade Atk: 16 Hit: 22 Stk: All Add Ef: N/A St: 1 Vi: 1 Dx: 1 Ag: 1 Lu: 1 Used By: Protagonist, Elly Name: Fuuma's Wakizashi Atk: 40 Hit: 30 Stk: 2 Add Ef: Bind St: 2 Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: 2 Lu: N/A Used By: Protagonist, Elly Name: Kris Naga Atk: 52 Hit: 39 Stk: 2 Add Ef: N/A St: 3 Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Protagonist, Elly Name: Phurba Dagger Atk: 110 Hit: 44 Stk: 1 Add Ef: Close St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Protagonist, Elly Name: Lone Sword Atk: 65 Hit: 55 Stk: 2 Add Ef: N/A St: 2 Vi: N/A Dx: 2 Ag: 2 Lu: N/A Used By: Protagonist, Elly Name: Futsu-no-Mitama Atk: 38 Hit: 61 Stk: 4 Add Ef: Panic St: 4 Vi: N/A Dx: 4 Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Protagonist, Elly ================== Weapon Type: Broad Swords Name: Mop Atk: 8 Hit: 11 Stk: 2 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Everyone Name: Backsword Atk: 20 Hit: 16 Stk: 1-3 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Nanjo Name: Plasma Sword Atk: 14 Hit: 20 Stk: 4 Add Ef: Shock St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Nanjo Name: Sonic Blade Atk: 17 Hit: 24 Stk: 3-5 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Nanjo Name: Sol Blade Atk: 42 Hit: 28 Stk: All Add Ef: N/A St: 1 Vi: 1 Dx: 3 Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Nanjo Name: Claimh Solais Atk: 33 Hit: 33 Stk: 2-4 Add Ef: N/A St: 1 Vi: 1 Dx: 3 Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Nanjo Name: Answeller Atk: 40 Hit: 38 Stk: 3 Add Ef: N/A St: 3 Vi: N/A Dx: 3 Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Nanjo Name: Brionac Atk: 35 Hit: 45 Stk: 4 Add Ef: N/A St: 2 Vi: 2 Dx: 2 Ag: 2 Lu: N/A Used By: Nanjo Name: Kenumaru Atk: 42 Hit: 50 Stk: 3-5 Add Ef: Freeze St: 5 Vi: 1 Dx: 3 Ag: 1 Lu: N/A Used By: Nanjo Name: Konryumaru Atk: 47 Hit: 58 Stk: 3-5 Add Ef: Bind St: 3 Vi: 1 Dx: 5 Ag: 1 Lu: N/A Used By: Nanjo ================== Weapon Type: Spears Name: Apache Lance Atk: 10 Hit: 10 Stk: 1-3 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Brown Name: Corseque Atk: 13 Hit: 16 Stk: 1-3 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Brown Name: Fauchard Atk: 7 Hit: 20 Stk: 5 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Brown Name: Mard Geer Atk: 15 Hit: 28 Stk: 2-4 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Brown Name: Dubthach Lance Atk: 14 Hit: 34 Stk: 3-4 Add Ef: Sleep St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: 5 Lu: N/A Used By: Brown Name: Gian Kun Shi Atk: 9 Hit: 40 Stk: 7 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: 3 Ag: 3 Lu: N/A Used By: Brown Name: Longinus Atk: 36 Hit: 51 Stk: 1-3 Add Ef: N/A St: 2 Vi: 2 Dx: 2 Ag: N/A Lu: 2 Used By: Brown Name: Fang Tian Huaji Atk: 22 Hit: 60 Stk: 4 Add Ef: N/A St: 4 Vi: 1 Dx: 1 Ag: 1 Lu: 1 Used By: Brown Name: Gae Bolg Atk: 25 Hit: 73 Stk: 3-5 Add Ef: Charm St: 2 Vi: 2 Dx: 2 Ag: 2 Lu: 2 Used By: Brown Name: Kouma Staff Atk: 60 Hit: 81 Stk: 1-3 Add Ef: Unlucky St: 3 Vi: 3 Dx: 3 Ag: 3 Lu: 3 Used By: Brown ================== Weapon Type: Axes Name: Two-Handed Axe Atk: 23 Hit: 7 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Mark Name: Guillotine Axe Atk: 36 Hit: 12 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Mark Name: Guten Tag Atk: 49 Hit: 19 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Mark Name: Head Basher Atk: 62 Hit: 25 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Mark Name: Raiga Axe Atk: 78 Hit: 28 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: 5 Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Mark Name: Bardiche Atk: 92 Hit: 32 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Mark Name: Feng Tou Fu Atk: 108 Hit: 37 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: 3 Vi: N/A Dx: 3 Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Mark Name: Raydog Atk: 125 Hit: 37 Stk: 1 Add Ef: Poison St: 2 Vi: N/A Dx: 2 Ag: 2 Lu: 2 Used By: Mark Name: Kabutsuchi Kyouko Atk: 143 Hit: 49 Stk: 1 Add Ef: Paralysis St: 5 Vi: N/A Dx: 5 Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Mark Name: Gouma Daisetsudan Atk: 167 Hit: 55 Stk: 1 Add Ef: Petrify St: 4 Vi: N/A Dx: 4 Ag: N/A Lu: 4 Used By: Mark ================== Weapon Type: Whip Name: Gymnast's Rope Atk: 4 Hit: 12 Stk: All Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Ayase Name: Scorpion Whip Atk: 6 Hit: 20 Stk: All Add Ef: Poison St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Ayase Name: Guren no Muchi Atk: 8 Hit: 29 Stk: All Add Ef: Panic St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Ayase Name: Strike Tail Atk: 11 Hit: 35 Stk: All Add Ef: Shock St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Ayase Name: Queen's Whip Atk: 14 Hit: 43 Stk: All Add Ef: Charm St: N/A Vi: 2 Dx: N/A Ag: 2 Lu: N/A Used By: Ayase Name: Blizzard Storm Atk: 18 Hit: 50 Stk: All Add Ef: Freeze St: 1 Vi: 2 Dx: 1 Ag: 2 Lu: N/A Used By: Ayase Name: Kyubi no Muchi Atk: 21 Hit: 57 Stk: All Add Ef: Mute St: 2 Vi: N/A Dx: 2 Ag: N/A Lu: 2 Used By: Ayase Name: Heiji's Rope Atk: 23 Hit: 64 Stk: All Add Ef: Unlucky St: N/A Vi: 4 Dx: N/A Ag: 4 Lu: N/A Used By: Ayase Name: Shisenchu Atk: 26 Hit: 70 Stk: All Add Ef: Paralysis St: 2 Vi: 3 Dx: 2 Ag: 3 Lu: N/A Used By: Ayase Name: Gleipnir Atk: 30 Hit: 73 Stk: All Add Ef: Bind St: 4 Vi: 1 Dx: N/A Ag: 1 Lu: 4 Used By: Ayase ================== Weapon Type: Razors Name: Crane Razor Atk: 5 Hit: 10 Stk: All Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Yukino Name: Shadow Needle Atk: 9 Hit: 14 Stk: 2-4 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Yukino Name: Majou-Sen Atk: 8 Hit: 20 Stk: 4-6 Add Ef: Sleep St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Yukino Name: Chakram Atk: 12 Hit: 29 Stk: All Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Yukino Name: Spike Somai Atk: 14 Hit: 36 Stk: All Add Ef: N/A St: 2 Vi: N/A Dx: 2 Ag: 2 Lu: N/A Used By: Yukino Name: Twin Bird Atk: 17 Hit: 42 Stk: All Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: 3 Ag: 3 Lu: N/A Used By: Yukino Name: Oniguruma Atk: 36 Hit: 49 Stk: 1-3 Add Ef: N/A St: 5 Vi: 1 Dx: 1 Ag: 1 Lu: N/A Used By: Yukino Name: Enkeller Atk: 20 Hit: 53 Stk: 3-5 Add Ef: N/A St: 4 Vi: N/A Dx: 4 Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Yukino Name: Wu Huo Shen Yan Shan Atk: 24 Hit: 62 Stk: All Add Ef: N/A St: 3 Vi: 3 Dx: 3 Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Yukino Name: Justice Coin Atk: 27 Hit: 71 Stk: All Add Ef: Happy St: 2 Vi: 2 Dx: 2 Ag: 2 Lu: 2 Used By: Yukino ================== Weapon Type: Bow and Arrow Name: Archery Set Atk: 11 Hit: 9 Stk: 2 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Maki Name: Delta Storm Atk: 12 Hit: 15 Stk: 3 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Maki Name: Kokuteki Bow Atk: 18 Hit: 21 Stk: 1-3 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Maki Name: Gunfish Atk: 8 Hit: 26 Stk: 4-6 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Maki Name: Stargazer Atk: 47 Hit: 31 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: 1 Vi: 1 Dx: 1 Ag: 1 Lu: 1 Used By: Maki Name: Hexa Drive Atk: 13 Hit: 40 Stk: All Add Ef: Mute St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: 6 Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Maki Name: Yuan Rong Atk: 16 Hit: 48 Stk: 0-7 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: 3 Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: 3 Used By: Maki Name: Papageno Atk: 25 Hit: 55 Stk: 2-4 Add Ef: Charm St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: 2 Ag: 4 Lu: 2 Used By: Maki Name: Kagirohi-maru Atk: 86 Hit: 65 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: 3 Vi: N/A Dx: 3 Ag: 3 Lu: N/A Used By: Maki Name: Harald's Bow Atk: 26 Hit: 72 Stk: All Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: 5 Dx: N/A Ag: 5 Lu: N/A Used By: Maki ================== Weapon Type: Fists Name: Boxing Glove Atk: 30 Hit: 5 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Reiji Name: Jamming Guard Atk: 42 Hit: 11 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Reiji Name: Iron Claw Atk: 50 Hit: 18 Stk: 2 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Reiji Name: Megaton Glove Atk: 58 Hit: 25 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Reiji Name: Eleking Glove Atk: 33 Hit: 30 Stk: 2 Add Ef: Shock St: 3 Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Reiji Name: Adamantium Claw Atk: 40 Hit: 37 Stk: All Add Ef: Panic St: 5 Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Reiji Name: Bagh Nakh Atk: 48 Hit: 42 Stk: 1-3 Add Ef: N/A St: 3 Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Reiji Name: Damascus Hand Atk: 112 Hit: 48 Stk: 1 Add Ef: N/A St: 4 Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: 3 Lu: N/A Used By: Reiji Name: Stroke of Darkness Atk: 65 Hit: 56 Stk: 2 Add Ef: Blind St: 5 Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: 3 Lu: N/A Used By: Reiji Name: Knuckle Barong Atk: 81 Hit: 62 Stk: 2 Add Ef: N/A St: 8 Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Used By: Reiji ================== Weapon Type: Hand Guns Name: Tokarev Atk: 10 Hit: 15 Stk: 1 Used By: Maki, Ayase Name: Glock 26 Atk: 22 Hit: 20 Stk: 1 Used By: Maki, Ayase Name: M380 Revolver Atk: 31 Hit: 29 Stk: 1 Used By: Maki, Ayase Name: HK VP70Z Atk: 40 Hit: 35 Stk: 1 Used By: Maki, Ayase Name: Gray Ghost Atk: 18 Hit: 42 Stk: 3 Used By: Maki, Ayase Name: Strike Gun Atk: 32 Hit: 48 Stk: 1-3 Used By: Maki, Ayase Name: Desert Eagle Atk: 78 Hit: 52 Stk: 1 Used By: Maki, Ayase Name: Dollar Shot Atk: 85 Hit: 60 Stk: 1 Used By: Maki, Ayase Name: Thunderer Atk: 33 Hit: 71 Stk: 3 Used By: Maki, Ayase Name: Jolly Roger Atk: 109 Hit: 77 Stk: 1 Used By: Maki, Ayase ================== Weapon Type: Sub-Machine Gun Name: Scorpion Atk: 11 Hit: 8 Stk: 1-3 Used By: Protagonist, Brown Name: Ingram Atk: 14 Hit: 13 Stk: 1-3 Used By: Protagonist, Brown Name: Steyr TMP Atk: 12 Hit: 19 Stk: 2-4 Used By: Protagonist, Brown Name: HK MP5K Atk: 21 Hit: 27 Stk: 2-4 Used By: Protagonist, Brown Name: Hien Renhappou Atk: 25 Hit: 33 Stk: 0-7 Used By: Protagonist, Brown Name: Phantom Killer Atk: 11 Hit: 40 Stk: 6 Used By: Protagonist, Brown Name: M134 Vulcan Atk: 19 Hit: 46 Stk: 0-7 Used By: Protagonist, Brown Name: Avenger Atk: 12 Hit: 54 Stk: 7 Used By: Protagonist, Brown Name: Gettou Soutenhou Atk: 20 Hit: 59 Stk: 4-6 Used By: Protagonist, Brown Name: Crazy Chain Atk: 29 Hit: 63 Stk: 3-5 Used By: Protagonist, Brown ================== Weapon Type: Shotgun Name: Randall Custom Atk: 10 Hit: 10 Stk: All Used By: Mark, Yukino Name: Mossberg M500 Atk: 15 Hit: 18 Stk: All Used By: Mark, Yukino Name: SPAS-12 Atk: 21 Hit: 16 Stk: All Used By: Mark, Yukino Name: Franchi PA3 Atk: 25 Hit: 31 Stk: All Used By: Mark, Yukino Name: SPAS-15 Atk: 32 Hit: 40 Stk: All Used By: Mark, Yukino Name: MADMAX Atk: 39 Hit: 40 Stk: All Used By: Mark, Yukino Name: Kiraihou Atk: 45 Hit: 53 Stk: All Used By: Mark, Yukino Name: Manhunter Atk: 56 Hit: 58 Stk: All Used By: Mark, Yukino Name: Jakou Fuuinhou Atk: 68 Hit: 65 Stk: All Used By: Mark, Yukino Name: Bi-Buster Atk: 80 Hit: 70 Stk: All Used By: Mark, Yukino ================== Weapon Type: Rifle Name: M16A2 Atk: 9 Hit: 12 Stk: 2-4 Used By: Nanjo, Reiji, Elly Name: AK-47 Atk: 12 Hit: 20 Stk: 2-4 Used By: Nanjo, Reiji, Elly Name: SIG-SG550 Atk: 10 Hit: 25 Stk: 4-6 Used By: Nanjo, Reiji, Elly Name: Hydrojet Atk: 13 Hit: 30 Stk: 3-5 Used By: Nanjo, Reiji, Elly Name: Steyr AUG A1 Atk: 12 Hit: 34 Stk: 4-6 Used By: Nanjo, Reiji, Elly Name: FA-MAS Carbine Atk: 14 Hit: 40 Stk: 4-6 Used By: Nanjo, Reiji, Elly Name: HK G11 Atk: 18 Hit: 45 Stk: All Used By: Nanjo, Reiji, Elly Name: Gepard M2 Atk: 32 Hit: 52 Stk: 2-4 Used By: Nanjo, Reiji, Elly Name: M41A Pulse Gun Atk: 37 Hit: 61 Stk: 2-4 Used By: Nanjo, Reiji, Elly Name: Mars 133 Atk: 60 Hit: 67 Stk: 1-3 Used By: Nanjo, Reiji, Elly ================== Weapon Type: Bullets Name: 9mm Parabellum Atk: 5 Add Ef: N/A Used By: Everyone Name: Shot Shell Atk: 10 Add Ef: N/A Used By: Everyone Name: Serpent Fangs Atk: 14 Add Ef: Poison Used By: Everyone Name: Flashbangs Atk: 17 Add Ef: Blind Used By: Everyone Name: Tranquilizers Atk: 23 Add Ef: Sleep Used By: Everyone Name: Mage Killers Atk: 30 Add Ef: Mute Used By: Everyone Name: Circle Bullets Atk: 30 Add Ef: Bind Used By: Everyone Name: Cupid Rounds Atk: 42 Add Ef: Charm Used By: Everyone Name: Silver Bullets Atk: 45 Add Ef: N/A Used By: Everyone Name: Iron Bullets Atk: 59 Add Ef: N/A Used By: Everyone ======================== 6.02 - Armor Listing ======================== Armor Type: Head Gear Name: QQ Helmet Def: 4 Eva: 1 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Headgear Def: 5 Eva: 3 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Shadow Mask Def: 8 Eva: 2 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Male Only Name: Fever Crown Def: 10 Eva: 4 St: 1 Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: 2 Character: Female Only Name: Iron Pumpkin Def: 9 Eva: 9 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: 2 Ag: N/A Lu: 3 Character: Everyone Name: Kazeyomi Kabuto Def: 20 Eva: 3 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: 2 Lu: 3 Character: Female Only Name: Parade Helm Def: 15 Eva: 12 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: 5 Character: Everyone Name: Witch's Hat Def: 9 Eva: 12 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Brown, Elly, Ayase Name: Dragon Helm Def: 23 Eva: 10 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Protagonist, Yukino Name: Daybreak Helmet Def: 18 Eva: 17 St: N/A Vi: 3 Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: 3 Character: Female Only Name: Egili's Helmet Def: 30 Eva: 8 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: 5 Character: Male Only Name: Suzaku Helmet Def: 29 Eva: 11 St: 2 Vi: 2 Dx: 2 Ag: 2 Lu: 2 Character: Everyone Name: Jadg Helm Def: 32 Eva: 10 St: N/A Vi: 1 Dx: 1 Ag: 1 Lu: 6 Character: Male Only Name: Sturm Helm Def: 35 Eva: 10 St: N/A Vi: 1 Dx: 1 Ag: 1 Lu: 2 Character: Female Only ============== Armor Type:: Body Gear Name: School Uniform Def: 8 Eva: 2 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Spectra Vest Def: 9 Eva: 6 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Stealth Suit Def: 15 Eva: 6 St: N/A Vi: 3 Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Male Only Name: Seventh Coat Def: 20 Eva: 10 St: 1 Vi: 2 Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Female Only Name: TAC-V2 Def: 25 Eva: 13 St: N/A Vi: 5 Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Golden Armor Def: 30 Eva: 13 St: 1 Vi: 1 Dx: 1 Ag: 1 Lu: 1 Character: Female Only Name: Parade Armor Def: 30 Eva: 15 St: N/A Vi: 5 Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Spinney Suit Def: 20 Eva: 31 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Mark, Ayase Name: Angel Wing Def: 30 Eva: 29 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Brown, Elly Name: Daybreak Armor Def: 33 Eva: 30 St: N/A Vi: 3 Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: 3 Character: Female Only Name: Megin Gjord Def: 60 Eva: 10 St: N/A Vi: 5 Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Male Only Name: Genbu Armor Def: 50 Eva: 26 St: N/A Vi: 5 Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Jadg Armor Def: 62 Eva: 21 St: N/A Vi: 6 Dx: 1 Ag: 1 Lu: 1 Character: Male Only Name: Sturm Armor Def: 65 Eva: 23 St: N/A Vi: 6 Dx: 1 Ag: 1 Lu: 1 Character: Female Only ============== Armor Type: Hand Gear Name: Arm Guard Def: 2 Eva: 1 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Titanium Guard Def: 3 Eva: 2 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Dark Guard Def: 4 Eva: 3 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: 3 Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Male Only Name: Platinum Queen Def: 5 Eva: 5 St: 1 Vi: N/A Dx: 2 Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Female Only Name: Jamming Guard Def: 8 Eva: 6 St: N/A Vi: 1 Dx: 2 Ag: 1 Lu: 1 Character: Everyone Name: Hamagari Gauntlet Def: 10 Eva: 9 St: 1 Vi: 3 Dx: 1 Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Female Only Name: Parade Guard Def: 13 Eva: 11 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: 5 Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Shishiou Gauntlet Def: 15 Eva: 12 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Nanjo, Maki, Yukino Name: Demon Gauntlet Def: 16 Eva: 14 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Nanjo, Yukino Name: Daybreak Gauntlet Def: 18 Eva: 16 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: 3 Ag: 3 Lu: N/A Character: Female Only Name: Raime Gauntlet Def: 25 Eva: 14 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: 3 Ag: 3 Lu: N/A Character: Male Only Name: Seiryu Gauntlet Def: 28 Eva: 13 St: 2 Vi: 2 Dx: 2 Ag: 2 Lu: 2 Character: Everyone Name: Jagd Guard Def: 29 Eva: 14 St: N/A Vi: 1 Dx: 6 Ag: 1 Lu: 1 Character: Male Only Name: Sturm Guard Def: 30 Eva: 15 St: N/A Vi: 1 Dx: 6 Ag: 1 Lu: 1 Character: Female Only ============== Armor Type: Shoe Gear Name: Leather Shoes Def: 2 Eva: 2 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Toe Shoes Def: 1 Eva: 5 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Black Shoes Def: 3 Eva: 7 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: 3 Lu: N/A Character: Male Only Name: Rouge Noir Def: 5 Eva: 8 St: 1 Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: 2 Lu: N/A Character: Female Only Name: Hyper Fox Def: 10 Eva: 5 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: 5 Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Bell Greaves Def: 11 Eva: 8 St: N/A Vi: 2 Dx: N/A Ag: 3 Lu: N/A Character: Female Only Name: Parade Boots Def: 12 Eva: 11 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: 5 Lu: N/A Character: Everyone Name: Slime Shoes Def: 13 Eva: 13 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Protagonist Name: Ghost Geta Def: 10 Eva: 18 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: N/A Lu: N/A Character: Brown, Maki Name: Daybreak Greaves Def: 19 Eva: 14 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: 3 Ag: 3 Lu: N/A Character: Female Only Name: Vidar's Shoes Def: 20 Eva: 16 St: N/A Vi: N/A Dx: N/A Ag: 5 Lu: N/A Character: Male Only Name: Byakko Greaves Def: 25 Eva: 15 St: 2 Vi: 2 Dx: 2 Ag: 2 Lu: 2 Character: Everyone Name: Jagd Leg Def: 30 Eva: 12 St: N/A Vi: 1 Dx: 1 Ag: 6 Lu: 1 Character: Male Only Name: Sturm Leg Def: 33 Eva: 13 St: N/A Vi: 1 Dx: 1 Ag: 6 Lu: 1 Character: Female Only ======================== 6.03 - Item Listing ======================== Name: Life Stone Obtained: Battle/Store Target: Single Target Effect: Restores some HP Name: Medicine Obtained: Battle/Store Target: Single Target Effect: Restores small amount of HP Name: Rattle Drink Obtained: Battle/Store Target: Single Target Effect: Restores moderate amount of HP Name: Bead Obtained: Battle/Store Target: Single Target Effect: Restores all HP Name: Revival Bead Obtained: Battle Target: Single Target Effect: Resurrects a single target with some HP Name: Balm of Life Obtained: Battle Target: Single Target Effect: Resurrects a single target with full HP Name: Dis-Stone Obtained: Battle Target: Single Target Effect: Cures Petrifiy status ailment Name: Dis-Para Obtained: Battle Target: Single Target Effect: Cures Paralysis status ailment Name: Dis-Poison Obtained: Battle/Store Target: Single Target Effect: Cures Poison status ailment Name: Dis-Sick Obtained: Battle/Store Target: Single Target Effect: Cures Sick status ailment Name: Slick Drop Obtained: Battle Target: Single Target Effect: Fully cures any temporary status ailment Name: Turtle Candy Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Restores all temporary status ailment by 1 level Name: Soma Obtained: Battle/Store Target: Single Target Effect: Restores all status ailments except Bind Name: Numerous Bell Obtained: Battle/Store Target: All Targets Effect: Restores full HP and SP as well as status ailments Name: Muscle Drink Obtained: Battle/Store Target: Single Target Effect: Restores some HP and Increases maximum HP temporarily Name: Divine Voice Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Restores all status ailments except Bind Name: Hiranya Obtained: Battle/Store Target: Single Target Effect: Restores a small amount of HP and SP Name: Chewing Soul Obtained: Battle/Store Target: Single Target Effect: Restores a small amount of SP Name: Quarter Moon Tablet Obtained: Battle/Store Target: Single Target Effect: Restores all HP Name: Half Moon Tablet Obtained: Battle/Store Target: All Targets Effect: Restores all HP Name: Posumudi Stone Obtained: Battle/Store Target: Single Target Effect: Cure Poison status ailment Name: Paraladi Stone Obtained: Battle Target: Single Target Effect: Cure Paralysis status ailment Name: Petradi Stone Obtained: Battle Target: Single Target Effect: Cure Petrama status ailment Name: Nervundi Stone Obtained: Battle/Store Target: Single Target Effect: Cure Sick status ailment Name: Full Moon Tablet Obtained: Battle/Casino Target: Single Target Effect: Resurrect target from death with full HP Name: Agidyne Stone Obtained: Battle Target: Multiple Targets Effect: Large Fire Damage Name: Maragi Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Small Fire Damage Name: Maragion Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Medium Fire Damage Name: Evil Fire Tablet Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Large Fire Damage Name: Bufudyne Stone Obtained: Battle Target: Multiple Targets Effect: Large Ice Damage with chance to freeze Name: Mabufu Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Small Ice Damage with chance to freeze Name: Mabufula Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Medium Ice Damage with chance to freeze Name: Garudyne Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Large Ice Damage with chance to freeze Name: Garudyne Stone Obtained: Battle Target: Multiple Targets Effect: Large Wind Damage Name: Magaru Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Small Wind Damage Name: Magarula Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Medium Wind Damage Name: Evil Wind Tablet Obtained: Battle Target: Multiple Targets Effect: Large Wind Damage Name: Magnadyne Stone Obtained: Battle Target: Multiple Targets Effect: Large Earth Damage Name: Mamagna Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Small Earth Damage Name: Mamagnara Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Medium Earth Damage Name: Evil Quake Tablet Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Large Earth Damage Name: Freidyne Stone Obtained: Battle/Casino Target: Single Target Effect: Large Nuclear Damage Name: Megido Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Small Nuclear Damage Name: Megidola Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Medium Nuclear Damage Name: Scorching Tablet Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Large Nuclear Damage Name: Zandyne Stone Obtained: Battle Target: Multiple Targets Effect: Large Blast damage Name: Mazan Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Small Blast damage Name: Mazanma Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Medium Blast damage Name: Gale Tablet Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Large Blast damage Name: Grydyne Stone Obtained: Battle/Casino Target: Multiple Targets Effect: Large Gravity damage Name: Magry Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Small Gravity damage Name: Magryva Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Medium Gravity damage Name: Wall Tablet Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Large Gravity damage Name: Ziodyne Stone Obtained: Battle Target: Multiple Targets Effect: Large Electric damage with chance to shock Name: Mazio Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Small Electric damage with chance to shock Name: Mazionga Stone Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Medium Electric Damage with chance to shock Name: Flash Tablet Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Large Electric Damage with chance to shock Name: Dark Wave Tablet Obtained: Battle/Casino Target: All Targets Effect: Light Death damage/Instant Angel Kill Name: Doggerel Tablet Obtained: Battle/Casino Target: All Targets Effect: Moderate Death damage/Instant Angel Kill Name: Ebon Rope Tablet Obtained: Battle/Casino Target: Single Target Effect: Heavy Death damage/Instant Angel Kill Name: Petra Stone Obtained: Battle/Casino Target: Single Target Effect: Petrify a single target Name: Para Stone Obtained: Battle/Casino Target: Single Target Effect: Paralyze a single target Name: Poisma Stone Obtained: Battle/Casino Target: Single Target Effect: Poison a single target Name: Nerve Stone Obtained: Battle/Casino Target: Single Target Effect: Afflicts single target with Sick status ailment Name: Magical Guard Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Reflect 25% of all magical damage for the rest of the turn Name: Physical Guard Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Reflect 25% of all physical damage for the rest of the turn Name: Repulse Bell Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: 25% chance to escape from battle Name: Core Shield Obtained: Store Target: None Effect: Prevents damage when crossing damage floors Name: Demon House Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Sucks up all enemies (Turns to Demon Den ) Name: Demon Den Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Makes enemies run away Name: Light Wave Tablet Obtained: Battle/Casino Target: All Targets Effect: Expel attack Name: Millionaire Bomb Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Reduces enemies HP down to 1 Name: Silver Prayer Wheel Obtained: Battle Target: All Targets Effect: Prevents level drain Name: St Incense Obtained: Store Target: Single Target Effect: Increases character's Strength +1 Name: Vi Incense Obtained: Store Target: Single Target Effect: Increases character's Vitality +1 Name: Dx Incense Obtained: Store Target: Single Target Effect: Increase character's Dexterity +1 Name: Ag Incense Obtained: Store Target: Single Target Effect: Increases character's Agility +1 Name: Lu Incense Obtained: Store Target: Single Target Effect: Increases character's Luck +1 Name: HP Incense Obtained: Store Target: Single Target Effect: Increases character's HP +5 Name: SP Incense Obtained: Store Target: Single Target Effect: Increases character's SP +5 Name: Metal Card Obtained: Store Target: None Effect: Can play 1 game of Code Breaker ======================== 6.04 - Persona Listing ======================== Name: Hanuman Arcana: Magician Level: 68 SP: 51 Str: 45 Vit: 33 Dx: 57 Ag: 63 Lu: 28 MagAttk: 216 MagDef: 169 Skills: Garula , Lightning Kick, Magarula , Magarudyne , Heavenly Cyclone , Triple Slice Name: Hermod Arcana: Magician Level: 35 SP: 23 Str: 26 Vit: 19 Dx: 32 Ag: 38 Lu: 15 MagAttk: 135 MagDef: 100 Skills: Magaru , Garula , Magarula , Tackle , Infinite Spiral Name: Cu Chulainn Arcana: Magician Level: 28 SP: 18 Str: 21 Vit: 15 Dx: 27 Ag: 32 Lu: 12 MagAttk: 115 MagDef: 80 Skills: Double Thrust , Magnara , Mamagna , Outoma , Dragon Whirl Name: Urvashi Arcana: Magician Level: 14 SP: 12 Str: 13 Vit: 9 Dx: 15 Ag: 21 Lu: 9 MagAttk: 75 MagDef: 51 Skills: Bufula , Mabufu , Sexy Dance , Mabufula , Needle Rush Name: Laksmi Arcana: Priestess Level: 70 SP: 35 Str: 38 Vit: 47 Dx: 59 Ag: 28 Lu: 33 MagAttk: 208 MagDef: 198 Skills: Happy Dance , Nervundi , Water Wall , Samarecarm , Fire Wall , Recarmdra Name: Usas Arcana: Priestess Level: 53 SP: 22 Str: 31 Vit: 34 Dx: 46 Ag: 21 Lu: 26 MagAttk: 168 MagDef: 163 Skills: Posumdi , Patra , Myriad Arrows , Diarahan , Crimson Sublation Name: Tensen Nyannyan Arcana: Priestess Level: 46 SP: 18 Str: 28 Vit: 33 Dx: 41 Ag: 18 Lu: 23 MagAttk: 153 MagDef: 148 Skills: Patra , Mediarama , Paraladi , Heat Wave , Samarecarm Name: Hathor Arcana: Priestess Level: 29 SP: 10 Str: 20 Vit: 22 Dx: 28 Ag: 10 Lu: 15 MagAttk: 112 MagDef: 112 Skills: Patra , Nervundi , LoveWhips , SpiritWhips, HeallAll, Hell Eyes Name: Sati Arcana: Priestess Level: 18 SP: 6 Str: 16 Vit: 17 Dx: 17 Ag: 8 Lu: 11 MagAttk: 84 MagDef: 89 Skills: Fire Wall , Dia , Diarama , Recarm , Azure Cessation Name: Uzume Arcana: Priestess Level: 11 SP: 5 Str: 11 Vit: 13 Dx: 14 Ag: 6 Lu: 7 MagAttk: 75 MagDef: 75 Skills: Bufu , Dia , Posumdi , Zio , Crimson Sublation , Freila Name: Masao Arcana: Priestess Level: 5 SP: 4 Str: 8 Vit: 10 Dx: 12 Ag: 9 Lu: 11 MagAttk: 67 MagDef: 68 Skills: Bufu , Dia , Posumdi , Rapid Fire , Liftoma , Gentle Wave Name: Ishtar Arcana: Empress Level: 65 SP: 44 Str: 45 Vit: 44 Dx: 40 Ag: 26 Lu: 55 MagAttk: 188 MagDef: 178 Skills: Mazionga , Arrow Volley , Recarm , Ziodyne , Freidyne Name: Brigid Arcana: Empress Level: 36 SP: 19 Str: 30 Vit: 29 Dx: 25 Ag: 14 Lu: 33 MagAttk: 117 MagDef: 117 Skills: Fire Wall , Dia , Diarama , Recarm , Azure Cessation Name: Arianrhod Arcana: Empress Level: 27 SP: 17 Str: 26 Vit: 25 Dx: 21 Ag: 11 Lu: 26 MagAttk: 98 MagDef: 98 Skills: Mazan , Zionga , Twin Slash , Zanma Name: Mokosh Arcana: Empress Level: 15 SP: 6 Str: 17 Vit: 16 Dx: 15 Ag: 9 Lu: 16 MagAttk: 78 MagDef: 73 Skills: Gry , Zio , Zan , Hell Drop , Fastball Name: Vesta Arcana: Empress Level: 6 SP: 4 Str: 11 Vit: 11 Dx: 10 Ag: 7 Lu: 8 MagAttk: 67 MagDef: 68 Skills: Frei, Dia, Zio, Crimson Sublation Name: Baal Arcana: Emperor Level: 55 SP: 26 Str: 63 Vit: 27 Dx: 22 Ag: 48 Lu: 32 MagAttk: 167 MagDef: 147 Skills: Bufula , Makajam , Gentle Wave , Bufudyne , Bright Judgement Name: Odin Arcana: Emperor Level: 43 SP: 24 Str: 53 Vit: 23 Dx: 18 Ag: 38 Lu: 28 MagAttk: 142 MagDef: 122 Skills: Petra Eyes , Magnara , Petrama , Dragon Whirl , Magnadyne Name: Marduk Arcana: Emperor Level: 34 SP: 23 Str: 40 Vit: 19 Dx: 14 Ag: 31 Lu: 24 MagAttk: 118 MagDef: 103 Skills: Agilao , Balzac , Maragion , Heat Wave , Tetrakarn Name: Airgetlam Arcana: Emperor Level: 12 SP: 6 Str: 18 Vit: 9 Dx: 7 Ag: 16 Lu: 12 MagAttk: 75 MagDef: 57 Skills: Magna , Paralama , Dormina , Mamagnara , Ichimonji Slash Name: Seimen Kongou Arcana: Emperor Level: 5 SP: 4 Str: 12 Vit: 8 Dx: 5 Ag: 11 Lu: 9 MagAttk: 65 MagDef: 46 Skills: Garu , Delyte , Makajam , Pulinpa , Magaru , Spin Kick Name: Thor Arcana: Hierophant Level: 52 SP: 36 Str: 30 Vit: 55 Dx: 45 Ag: 25 Lu: 33 MagAttk: 131 MagDef: 156 Skills: Mazionga , Tetraja , Ziodyne , Earth Slicer Name: Take-Mikazuchi Arcana: Hierophant Level: 39 SP: 17 Str: 26 Vit: 45 Dx: 35 Ag: 21 Lu: 28 MagAttk: 108 MagDef: 128 Skills: Sanraigeki , Tarukaja , Hamaon , Wolf Fang Name: Ogma Arcana: Hierophant Level: 25 SP: 9 Str: 18 Vit: 34 Dx: 24 Ag: 13 Lu: 20 MagAttk: 79 MagDef: 99 Skills: Heat Wave , Sukunda , Dekunda , Crimson Sublation Name: Shouki Arcana: Hierophant Level: 17 SP: 7 Str: 15 Vit: 20 Dx: 17 Ag: 10 Lu: 16 MagAttk: 57 MagDef: 82 Skills: Tarunda , Deathbound , Paral Eyes , Rakunda Name: Aizen Myouou Arcana: Hierophant Level: 6 SP: 4 Str: 10 Vit: 12 Dx: 9 Ag: 5 Lu: 7 MagAttk: 39 MagDef: 69 Skills: Hama , Candy Voice , Sukukaja , Fist of Fury , Makakaja , Eternal White Name: Pyro Jack Arcana: Lovers Level: 20 SP: 13 Str: 13 Vit: 15 Dx: 17 Ag: 22 Lu: 33 MagAttk: 131 MagDef: 103 Skills: Agi , Sweet Trap , Maragi , Hula of Misfortune , Agilao , Fire Breath Name: Jack Frost Arcana: Lovers Level: 10 SP: 7 Str: 7 Vit: 12 Dx: 9 Ag: 14 Lu: 26 MagAttk: 57 MagDef: 82 Skills: Bufu , Haprima , Despell Tango , Mabufu , Sweet Trap , Ice Breath Name: Pixie Arcana: Lovers Level: 5 SP: 4 Str: 13 Vit: 10 Dx: 7 Ag: 16 Lu: 18 MagAttk: 42 MagDef: 63 Skills: Tackle, Flurry Stab , Gry , Magry , Mazio Name: Seiten Taisei Arcana: Chariot Level: 48 SP: 20 Str: 53 Vit: 35 Dx: 48 Ag: 23 Lu: 28 MagAttk: 152 MagDef: 117 Skills: Heavenly Hit , Magry , Megidola , Genocide Fan Name: Gozu Tennoh Arcana: Chariot Level: 18 SP: 8 Str: 21 Vit: 18 Dx: 20 Ag: 11 Lu: 16 MagAttk: 79 MagDef: 54 Skills: Squash Toxic Sting , Megido , Thunder Kick , Megidola Name: Ogun Arcana: Chariot Level: 5 SP: 4 Str: 13 Vit: 10 Dx: 8 Ag: 5 Lu: 9 MagAttk: 47 MagDef: 37 Skills: Tackle , Flurry Stab , Gry , Magry , Mazio Name: Otohime Arcana: Strength Level: 50 SP: 29 Str: 48 Vit: 63 Dx: 32 Ag: 25 Lu: 33 MagAttk: 154 MagDef: 136 Skills: Candy Voice , Nervundi , Water Wall , Tarukaja , Gentle Wave Name: Aonbharr Arcana: Hermit Level: 25 SP: 13 Str: 20 Vit: 29 Dx: 44 Ag: 23 Lu: 13 MagAttk: 97 MagDef: 84 Skills: Maragi , Alsanga , Magnara , Eastern Impact , Virus Claw Name: Fuutai Arcana: Hermit Level: 16 SP: 7 Str: 15 Vit: 22 Dx: 27 Ag: 18 Lu: 9 MagAttk: 72 MagDef: 65 Skills: Bufula , Garu , Panic Voice , Stone Claw , Mighty Wave Name: Cerberus Arcana: Fortune Level: 40 SP: 15 Str: 31 Vit: 29 Dx: 55 Ag: 30 Lu: 21 MagAttk: 123 MagDef: 125 Skills: Venom Bite , Wolbaan , Tetraja , Tackle , Recarm , Virus Claw Name: Barbatos Arcana: HangedMan Level: 59 SP: 24 Str: 24 Vit: 29 Dx: 34 Ag: 60 Lu: 55 MagAttk: 178 MagDef: 155 Skills: Paral Eyes , Luna Trap , Twinkle Punch , Pulinpa , Doronpa , Maeiha Name: Ankou Arcana: Death Level: 44 SP: 18 Str: 23 Vit: 18 Dx: 44 Ag: 39 Lu: 49 MagAttk: 139 MagDef: 119 Skills: Baeiha , Decover , Doroid , Deathika , Earth Slicer Name: Morrigan Arcana: Justice Level: 46 SP: 21 Str: 23 Vit: 28 Dx: 51 Ag: 46 Lu: 33 MagAttk: 147 MagDef: 113 Skills: Wing Flap , Zandyne , Mazandyne , Burning Spear Name: Verethragna Arcana: Justice Level: 37 SP: 18 Str: 20 Vit: 25 Dx: 44 Ag: 39 Lu: 27 MagAttk: 124 MagDef: 94 Skills: Gryva , Thunder Kick , Mazio , Magry , Eternal White Name: Macha Arcana: Justice Level: 28 SP: 14 Str: 15 Vit: 20 Dx: 37 Ag: 32 Lu: 21 MagAttk: 105 MagDef: 75 Skills: Zanma , Toxic Sting , Earthly Vortex , Mazanma , Zandyne Name: Triglav Arcana: Justice Level: 19 SP: 12 Str: 12 Vit: 17 Dx: 25 Ag: 21 Lu: 17 MagAttk: 81 MagDef: 56 Skills: Double Thrust , Zio , Mazio , Gokuraku Fall , Mazan Name: Anubis Arcana: Temperance Level: 32 SP: 11 Str: 36 Vit: 23 Dx: 51 Ag: 26 Lu: 17 MagAttk: 99 MagDef: 109 Skills: Drumroll Punch , Alsanga , Dark Verdict , Recarmdra Name: Loki Arcana: Devil Level: 51 SP: 31 Str: 20 Vit: 33 Dx: 25 Ag: 30 Lu: 44 MagAttk: 174 MagDef: 154 Skills: Baeiha , Wolbaan , Mesmerize , Bind Voice , Mador , Fist of Fury Name: Amatsu Mikaboshi Arcana: Tower Level: 88 SP: 70 Str: 83 Vit: 78 Dx: 43 Ag: 39 Lu: 68 MagAttk: 246 MagDef: 201 Skills: Dormina , Mamudo , Delyte , Makajam , Decover , Lightning Kick Name: Janus Arcana: Star Level: 22 SP: 24 Str: 20 Vit: 19 Dx: 20 Ag: 26 Lu: 28 MagAttk: 88 MagDef: 102 Skills: Magna , Spin Kick , Eternal White , Eternal Black , Magarula , Maragion Name: Lilim Arcana: Moon Level: 21 SP: 21 Str: 13 Vit: 18 Dx: 18 Ag: 17 Lu: 23 MagAttk: 105 MagDef: 104 Skills: Poisma , Slumpa , Toxic Sting , Mudo , Candy Voice , Nervma Name: Yatagarasu Arcana: Sun Level: 41 SP: 22 Str: 30 Vit: 22 Dx: 29 Ag: 56 Lu: 41 MagAttk: 135 MagDef: 120 Skills: Beak , Magnara , Mamagnara , Dive , Mamagnadyne Name: Vidofnir Arcana: Sun Level: 24 SP: 13 Str: 21 Vit: 13 Dx: 19 Ag: 43 Lu: 28 MagAttk: 113 MagDef: 103 Skills: Bufu , Mabufu , Spike Claw , Magarula , Bright Judgement Name: Bennu Arcana: Sun Level: 10 SP: 6 Str: 14 Vit: 7 Dx: 9 Ag: 31 Lu: 16 MagAttk: 57 MagDef: 52 Skills: Beak , Maragi , Magaru , Agilao , Fire Breath Name: Armaiti Arcana: Judgement Level: 55 SP: 30 Str: 32 Vit: 27 Dx: 22 Ag: 58 Lu: 36 MagAttk: 172 MagDef: 162 Skills: Gokuraku Fall , Mediarahan , Dekunda , Makouha , Petra Eyes Name: Azrael Arcana: Judgement Level: 36 SP: 19 Str: 24 Vit: 19 Dx: 14 Ag: 43 Lu: 27 MagAttk: 133 MagDef: 128 Skills: Wing Flap , Baikouha , Frenzy Song , Recarmdra , Tarukaja , Dark Verdict Name: Phaleg Arcana: Judgement Level: 18 SP: 7 Str: 16 Vit: 11 Dx: 7 Ag: 22 Lu: 17 MagAttk: 84 MagDef: 84 Skills: Twin Slash , Tarunda , Mediarama , Tetraja , Crimson Sublation Name: Nike Arcana: Judgement Level: 7 SP: 4 Str: 10 Vit: 6 Dx: 5 Ag: 13 Lu: 9 MagAttk: 56 MagDef: 68 Skills: Kouha , Dia , Rakukaja , Mighty Wave , Eastern Impact Name: Mucalinda Arcana: World Level: 76 SP: 57 Str: 51 Vit: 83 Dx: 40 Ag: 35 Lu: 43 MagAttk: 211 MagDef: 204 Skills: Zionga , Freidyne , Crystal Wall , Bright Judgement , Magrydyne Name: Illuyanka Arcana: World Level: 29 SP: 11 Str: 28 Vit: 48 Dx: 17 Ag: 15 Lu: 20 MagAttk: 102 MagDef: 105 Skills: Poison Breath , Gryva , Virus Bite , Bonecrusher , Megidola Name: Quetzalcoatl Arcana: World Level: 17 SP: 7 Str: 16 Vit: 27 Dx: 11 Ag: 10 Lu: 14 MagAttk: 72 MagDef: 80 Skills: Stun Bite , Frei , Crimson Sublation , Mazanma HIDDEN PERSONAS Name: Susano-O Arcana: Chariot Level: 59 SP: 20 Str: 66 Vit: 45 Dx: 61 Ag: 32 Lu: 37 MagAttk: 197 MagDef: 157 Skills: Bonecrusher , Eternal Black , Earthly Vortex , Deadly Fist , Zandyne Name: Shiva Arcana: Chariot Level: 96 SP: 62 Str: 89 Vit: 59 Dx: 84 Ag: 43 Lu: 48 MagAttk: 274 MagDef: 224 Skills: Megaton Raid , Zanma , Triple Slice , Garudyne , Megidolaon Name: Hera Arcana: Death Level: 34 SP: 16 Str: 19 Vit: 15 Dx: 36 Ag: 31 Lu: 41 MagAttk: 113 MagDef: 98 Skills: Eiha , Marin Karin , Liftoma , Slumpa , Hell Eyes Name: Mot Arcana: Death Level: 58 SP: 20 Str: 29 Vit: 24 Dx: 55 Ag: 50 Lu: 60 MagAttk: 168 MagDef: 148 Skills: Maeiha , Wolf Fang, Makajam , Petra Eyes , Deadly Fist Name: Beelzebub Arcana: Devil Level: 77 SP: 66 Str: 31 Vit: 5 Dx: 36 Ag: 41 Lu: 64 MagAttk: 233 MagDef: 208 Skills: Genocide Fan , Mamudo , Crystal Wall , Nervma , Deathika , Moon Shatterer Name: Bres Arcana: Devil Level: 10 SP: 9 Str: 15 Vit: 20 Dx: 13 Ag: 18 Lu: 24 MagAttk: 114 MagDef: 99 Skills: Twin Slash , Balzac , Eiha , Quikka , Makajam , Eastern Impact Name: Lucifer Arcana: Devil Level: 68 SP: 51 Str: 45 Vit: 33 Dx: 57 Ag: 63 Lu: 28 MagAttk: 216 MagDef: 169 Skills: Garula , Lightning Kick , Magarula , Magarudyne , Heavenly Cyclone , Triple Slice Name: Vishnu Arcana: Emperor Level: 86 SP: 53 Str: 86 Vit: 39 Dx: 34 Ag: 71 Lu: 44 MagAttk: 247 MagDef: 212 Skills: Garula , Garudyne , Mesmerize , Magnadyne , Bufudyne , Earth Slicer Name: Brahma Arcana: Emperor Level: 23 SP: 10 Str: 27 Vit: 13 Dx: 10 Ag: 22 Lu: 18 MagAttk: 95 MagDef: 80 Skills: Bufula , Liftoma , Mabufula , Deathika , Rainbow Strike Name: Amen Ra Arcana: Emperor Level: 62 SP: 20 Str: 68 Vit: 31 Dx: 26 Ag: 53 Lu: 36 MagAttk: 187 MagDef: 162 Skills: Agilao , Agidyne , Bind, Shuuraigeki , Azure Cessation , Hieroglyphein Name: Seioubo Arcana: Empress Level: 44 SP: 21 Str: 34 Vit: 33 Dx: 29 Ag: 18 Lu: 39 MagAttk: 139 MagDef: 134 Skills: Zanma , Alsanga , Freila , Darkness Nail , Western Blow Name: Durga Arcana: Empress Level: 57 SP: 20 Str: 41 Vit: 40 Dx: 36 Ag: 23 Lu: 49 MagAttk: 166 MagDef: 131 Skills: Gryva , Eternal Black , Wolf Fang , Gokuraku Fall , Maziodyne Name: Kali Arcana: Empress Level: 85 SP: 55 Str: 44 Vit: 85 Dx: 39 Ag: 34 Lu: 70 MagAttk: 240 MagDef: 220 Skills: Grydyne , Triple Slice , Diarahan , Magrydyne , Eternal Black Name: Byakko Arcana: Hermit Level: 39 SP: 18 Str: 28 Vit: 40 Dx: 55 Ag: 30 Lu: 21 MagAttk: 126 MagDef: 113 Skills: Poison Claw , Garula , Bind Voice , Magarula , Stone Bite Name: Fuhedi Mergane Arcana: Hierophant Level: 74 SP: 41 Str: 40 Vit: 71 Dx: 61 Ag: 35 Lu: 49 MagAttk: 192 MagDef: 202 Skills: Shuuraigeki , Rakunda , Arrow Volley , Makarakarn Name: Indra Arcana: Hierophant Level: 89 SP: 62 Str: 45 Vit: 83 Dx: 73 Ag: 40 Lu: 58 MagAttk: 233 MagDef: 233 Skills: Mahama , Burning Spear , Sanraigeki , Dekaja , Maziodyne Name: Yama Arcana: Hierophant Level: 4 SP: 3 Str: 15 Vit: 17 Dx: 12 Ag: 15 Lu: 7 MagAttk: 55 MagDef: 55 Skills: Ichimonji Slash , Rakukaja , Alsanga , Hamaon , Tarukaja Name: Vohu Manah Arcana: Judgement Level: 94 SP: 73 Str: 48 Vit: 43 Dx: 38 Ag: 87 Lu: 61 MagAttk: 269 MagDef: 249 Skills: Makouha , Binal Strike , Mahama , Hieroglyphein , Mediarahan Name: Yamaoka Arcana: Judgement Level: 60 SP: 20 Str: 50 Vit: 29 Dx: 24 Ag: 61 Lu: 75 MagAttk: 202 MagDef: 172 Skills: Lullaby , Love Whip , Diarahan , Makarakarn , Makouha , Deadly Fist Name: Satan Arcana: Judgement Level: 79 SP: 58 Str: 36 Vit: 37 Dx: 32 Ag: 76 Lu: 52 MagAttk: 227 MagDef: 217 Skills: Bright Judgement , Dark Verdict , Megidolaon , Samarecarm Name: Michael Arcana: Judgement Level: 62 SP: 20 Str: 51 Vit: 31 Dx: 33 Ag: 65 Lu: 43 MagAttk: 206 MagDef: 181 Skills: Deathbound , Tarukaja , Makouha , Paral Eyes , Dekaja , Tetrakarn Name: Nike Arcana: Judgement Level: 7 SP: 4 Str: 10 Vit: 6 Dx: 5 Ag: 13 Lu: 9 MagAttk: 56 MagDef: 68 Skills: Kouha , Dia , Rakukaja , Mighty Wave , Eastern Impact Name: Pallas Athena Arcana: Justice Level: 90 SP: 71 Str: 41 Vit: 46 Dx: 83 Ag: 78 Lu: 59 MagAttk: 255 MagDef: 205 Skills: Deathbound, Steel Wall , Ziodyne , Tarukaja , Mazandyne Name: Bishamonten Arcana: Justice Level: 66 SP: 33 Str: 31 Vit: 36 Dx: 65 Ag: 60 Lu: 45 MagAttk: 195 MagDef: 155 Skills: Grydyne , Magrydyne , Triple Slice , Ziodyne Name: Tyr Arcana: Justice Level: 54 SP: 20 Str: 27 Vit: 32 Dx: 57 Ag: 52 Lu: 35 MagAttk: 165 MagDef: 130 Skills: Lightning Kick , Western Blow , Zandyne , Magry , Binal Strike Name: Nemhain Arcana: Justice Level: 8 SP: 7 Str: 7 Vit: 9 Dx: 15 Ag: 13 Lu: 12 MagAttk: 53 MagDef: 43 Skills: Zan , Stun Needle , Mazan , Heavenly Cyclone Name: Frei Arcana: Magician Level: 59 SP: 20 Str: 40 Vit: 29 Dx: 50 Ag: 55 Lu: 24 MagAttk: 190 MagDef: 150 Skills: Magnara , Mamagnara , Mamagnadyne , Rainbow Strike , Gentle Wave , Bright Judgement Name: Houri Arcana: Magician Level: 8 SP: 8 Str: 7 Vit: 7 Dx: 11 Ag: 12 Lu: 6 MagAttk: 60 MagDef: 40 Skills: Agilao , Lullaby , Maragi , Love Whip , Crimson Sublation Name: Ildanach Arcana: Magician Level: 80 SP: 61 Str: 53 Vit: 37 Dx: 67 Ag: 72 Lu: 32 MagAttk: 249 MagDef: 194 Skills: Agidyne , Deathbound , Maragion , Maragidyne , Bright Judgement , Burning Spear Name: Varuna Arcana: Magician Level: 47 SP: 32 Str: 33 Vit: 23 Dx: 42 Ag: 47 Lu: 18 MagAttk: 165 MagDef: 125 Skills: Bufula , Mabufula , Mabufudyne , Water Wall , Mighty Wave Name: Succubus Arcana: Moon Level: 53 SP: 27 Str: 26 Vit: 31 Dx: 34 Ag: 33 Lu: 39 MagAttk: 177 MagDef: 170 Skills: Luna Trap , Dormina , Mesmerize , Mudoon , Makarakarn , Moon Shatterer Name: Skuld Arcana: Priestess Level: 88 SP: 45 Str: 44 Vit: 57 Dx: 73 Ag: 34 Lu: 39 MagAttk: 256 MagDef: 236 Skills: Mediarahan , Eternal Black , Samarecarm , Diarahan , Hieroglyphein Name: Verdandi Arcana: Priestess Level: 61 SP: 20 Str: 35 Vit: 41 Dx: 52 Ag: 25 Lu: 30 MagAttk: 190 MagDef: 180 Skills: Media , Recarm , Diarama , Azure Cessation , Eternal White , Mediarahan Name: Urd Arcana: Priestess Level: 37 SP: 15 Str: 25 Vit: 27 Dx: 34 Ag: 15 Lu: 20 MagAttk: 129 MagDef: 129 Skills: Penpatra , Diarama , Petradi , Eternal Black Name: Garuda Arcana: Sun Level: 79 SP: 58 Str: 49 Vit: 37 Dx: 52 Ag: 86 Lu: 71 MagAttk: 217 MagDef: 197 Skills: Magarula , Spike Claw , Earthly Vortex , Garudyne , Death Claw , Magarudyne Name: Suzaku Arcana: Sun Level: 55 SP: 34 Str: 37 Vit: 27 Dx: 36 Ag: 68 Lu: 53 MagAttk: 162 MagDef: 147 Skills: Agilao , Wing Flap , Fire Breath , Liftoma , Maragidyne Name: Genbu Arcana: Temperance Level: 45 SP: 25 Str: 45 Vit: 32 Dx: 60 Ag: 33 Lu: 23 MagAttk: 141 MagDef: 129 Skills: Ice Breath , Magnara , Gentle Wave , Makakaja , Mamagnara Name: Nyarlathotep Arcana: Tower Level: 66 SP: 29 Str: 65 Vit: 60 Dx: 36 Ag: 31 Lu: 52 MagAttk: 190 MagDef: 155 Skills: Slumpa , Mudoon , Decover , Bind , Outoma , Thunder Kick Name: Seiryuu Arcana: World Level: 49 SP: 49 Str: 33 Vit: 63 Dx: 28 Ag: 24 Lu: 30 MagAttk: 149 MagDef: 147 Skills: Ice Breath , Zanma , Stun Claw , Ziodyne , Earthly Vortex , Mabufudyne Name: Shoukin Arcana: World Level: 97 SP: 63 Str: 63 Vit: 99 Dx: 51 Ag: 44 Lu: 54 MagAttk: 265 MagDef: 248 Skills: Fog Breath , Fire Breath , Ice Breath , Gokuraku Fall , Poison Breath , Megidolaon ======================== 6.05 - Demon Listing ======================== Name: Jahi Order: Night Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 64 HP: 358 SP: 768 Skills: Nervma, Decover, Sexy Dance, Passionate Kiss, Guilt Eyes Absorb: 100% Element, Force Weakness: Physical Item: Nerve Stone Name: Tlazolteotl Order: Night Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 58 HP: 406 SP: 696 Skills: Petrama, Mudoon, Desanga Absorb: 100% Element, Force Weakness: Physical Item: Petra Stone Name: Succubus Order: Night Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 51 HP: 357 SP: 612 Skills: Dormina, Marin Karin, Mudoon, Luna Trap, Passionate Kiss Absorb: 100% Element, Force Weakness: Physical Item: Opal Name: Incubus Order: Night Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 48 HP: 294 SP: 504 Skills: Dormina, Delyte, Sexy Dance, Demon's Kiss Absorb: 100% Element, Force Weakness: Physical Item: Longinus Name: Hi no Enma Order: Night Type: Dark Subtype: Nerve Level: 34 HP: 238 SP: 408 Skills: Deathtika, Mador Absorb: 100% Element, Force Weakness: Physical Item: Revival Bead Name: Pairika Order: Night Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 27 HP: 189 SP: 324 Skills: Pulinpa, Makajam, Evil Smile, Infinite Spiral Absorb: 100% Element, Force Weakness: Physical Item: Metal Card Name: Lilim Order: Night Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 19 HP: 133 SP: 228 Skills: Mudo, Marin Karin, Poisma, Candy Voice, Passionate Kiss Absorb: 100% Element, Force Weakness: Physical Item: Poisma Stone Name: Nightmare Order: Night Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 13 HP: 91 SP: 156 Skills: Paralama, Slumpa, Deathtouch, Waltz of Sadness Absorb: 100% Element, Force Weakness: Physical Item: Para Stone Name: Nacht Kobold Order: Night Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 7 HP: 29 SP: 84 Skills: Haprima, Dormina, Bind Voice, Deathtouch Absorb: 100% Element, Force Weakness: Physical Item: Scalpel ============================= Name: Ganesha Order: Yoma Type: Element Subtype: Wind Level: 65 HP: 380 SP: 650 Skills: Magarudyne, Squash, Happy Dance, Bind Voice Repel: 50% Wind Weaknesses: Elec, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Sapphire Name: Xiuhtecuhtli Order: Yoma Type: Element Subtype: Fire Level: 60 HP: 375 SP: 600 Skills: Maragidyne, Fire Wall, Panic Voice Repel: 50% Fire Weaknesses: Electric, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Metal Card Name: Tengu Order: Yoma Type: Element Subtype: Wind Level: 51 HP: 357 SP: 510 Skills: Garudyne, Wing Flap, Dragon Whirl Repel: 50% Wind Weaknesses: Elec, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Garudyne Stone Name: Cupid Order: Yoma Type: Element Subtype: Occult Level: 43 HP: 301 SP: 430 Skills: Bufudyne, Marin Karin, Rapid Fire Strong: Element, Force Weaknesses: Physical Item: Feng Tou Fu Name: Jinn Order: Yoma Type: Element Subtype: Fire Level: 43 HP: 245 SP: 350 Skills: Maragion, Fist of Houri, Fire Wall Repel: 50% Fire Weaknesses: Electric, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Hiranya Name: Haokah Order: Yoma Type: Element Subtype: Ice Level: 26 HP: 189 SP: 260 Skills: Bufu, Happy Dance, Lullaby Repel: 50% Ice Weaknesses: Electric, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Topaz Name: Gandharva Order: Yoma Type: Element Subtype: Electric Level: 18 HP: 126 SP: 180 Skills: Zio, Waltz of Sadness Absorb: 100% Electric Weaknesses: Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Fauchard Name: Agathion Order: Yoma Type: Element Subtype: Fire Level: 10 HP: 70 SP: 100 Skills: Agi, Shuuraigeki Repel: 50% Fire Weaknesses: Electric, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Medicine ============================= Name: Oberon Order: Fairy Type: Element Subtype: Fire Level: 57 HP: 342 SP: 741 Skills: Maragidyne, Grydyne, Desanga, Evil Smile Repel: 50% Fire Weak: Electric, Nuclear Gravity Blast Item: Grydyne Stone Name: Titania Order: Fairy Type: Element Subtype: Earth Level: 49 HP: 294 SP: 637 Skills: Mazandyne, Magnadyne, Diarahan, Lullaby, Evil Smile Repel: 50% Earth Weak: Electric, Nuclear Gravity Blast Item: Nihiru Name: Sumizome Order: Fairy Type: Element Subtype: Bless Level: 40 HP: 240 SP: 520 Skills: Mabufula, Garula, Mediarama, Sexy Dance Repel: 50% Ice Weak: Electric, Nuclear Gravity Blast Item: Maragi Stone Name: Polisun Order: Fairy Type: Element Subtype: Earth Level: 31 HP: 186 SP: 403 Skills: Mamagnara, Agilao, Slumpa, Hell Drop Repel: 50% Earth Weak: Electric, Nuclear Gravity Blast Item: Garnet Name: Dark Elf Order: Fairy Type: Element Subtype: Wind Level: 23 HP: 138 SP: 299 Skills: Garula, Magnara, Desanga, Twin Slash Repel: 50% Wind Weak: Electric, Nuclear Gravity Blast Item: Physical Guard Name: Rusalka Order: Fairy Type: Element Subtype: Ice Level: 18 HP: 108 SP: 234 Skills: Mabufula, Bufula, Zio, Gentle Wave Repel: 50% Ice Weak: Electric, Nuclear Gravity Blast Item: Turquoise Name: Pyro Jack Order: Fairy Type: Element Subtype: Fire Level: 15 HP: 90 SP: 195 Skills: Maragi, Agilao, Agi, Sweet Trap, Fire Breath Repel: 50% Fire Weak: Electric, Nuclear Gravity Blast Item: Maragi Stone Name: Jack Frost Order: Fairy Type: Element Subtype: Ice Level: 8 HP: 48 SP: 104 Skills: Mabufu, Bufula, Bufu, Twinkle Punch, Ice Breath Repel: 50% Ice Weak: Electric, Nuclear Gravity Blast Item: Mabufu Stone Name: Pixie Order: Fairy Type: Element Subtype: Wind Level: 2 HP: 12 SP: 26 Skills: Dia, Garu Repel: 50% Wind Weak: Electric, Nuclear Gravity Blast Item: Life Stone ============================= Name: Cherub Order: Divine Type: Light Subtype: Expel Level: 64 HP: 512 SP: 640 Skills: Samarecarm, Makarakarn, Megidola, Hieroglyphein, Azure Cessation Null: Element, Force Weakness: Physical, Death Item: Bead Name: Throne Order: Divine Type: Light Subtype: Expel Level: 57 HP: 570 SP: 570 Skills: Makouha, Diarahan, Arrow Volley, Guilt Eyes Repel: 50% Element, Force Weakness: Spear, Death, Curse Item: Light Wave Tablet Name: Dominion Order: Divine Type: Light Subtype: Bless Level: 52 HP: 520 SP: 520 Skills: Mediarahan, Tetrakarn, Megidola, Crystal Wall, Heat Wave Repel: 50% Element, Force Weakness: Spear, Death, Curse Item: Enkeller Name: Virtue Order: Divine Type: Light Subtype: Expel Level: 44 HP: 440 SP: 440 Skills: Baikouha, Media, Eternal White, Crimson Sublation Null: Element, Force Weakness: Physical, Death Item: Bagh Nakh Name: Power Order: Divine Type: Light Subtype: Prayer Level: 36 HP: 360 SP: 360 Skills: Diarahan, Recarm, Dekaja, Double Thrust, Heavenly Cyclone Null: Element, Force Weakness: Physical, Death Item: Turquoise Name: Principality Order: Divine Type: Light Subtype: Expel Level: 29 HP: 290 SP: 290 Skills: Kouha, Tetraja, Guilt Eyes, Sanraigeki Null: Element, Force Weakness: Physical, Death Item: Magical Guard Name: Archangel Order: Divine Type: Light Subtype: Prayer Level: 21 HP: 210 SP: 210 Skills: Tetraja, Dia, Megido, Twin Slash, Hell Drop Null: Element, Force Weakness: Physical, Death Item: Kokuteki Bow Name: Angel Order: Divine Type: Light Subtype: Bless Level: 14 HP: 140 SP: 140 Skills: Media, Sukunda, Guilt Eyes, Rapid Fire Null: Element, Force Weakness: Physical, Death Item: Athame Knife ============================= Name: Adramelech Order: Fallen Type: Dark Subtype: Curse Level: 71 HP: 710 SP: 710 Skills: Deathtika, Terror Eyes, Clone, Dark Verdict Repel: 50% Element, Force Weaknesses: Rush, Expel, Miracle Item: Daily Meal Name: Paimon Order: Fallen Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 65 HP: 650 SP: 650 Skills: Maeiha, Moon Shatterer, Self-Destruct, Candy Voice Repel: 50% Element, Force Weaknesses: Rush, Expel, Miracle Item: Dark Wave Tablet Name: Barbatos Order: Fallen Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 56 HP: 569 SP: 560 Skills: Maeiha, Luna Trap, Evil Smile, Paral Eyes Repel: 50% Element, Force Weaknesses: Rush, Expel, Miracle Item: Dis-Para Name: Berith Order: Fallen Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 48 HP: 480 SP: 480 Skills: Mamudo, Burning Spear, Tackle, Crimson Sublation Absorb: 100% Fire, Death Weaknesses: Ice Item: Doggerel Tablet Name: Alastor Order: Fallen Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 41 HP: 410 SP: 410 Skills: Baeiha, Heat Wave, Eternal Black, Hell Eyes Null: All Magic except Expel, Absorb Death Weaknesses: Physical Item: Metal Card Name: Eligor Order: Fallen Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 33 HP: 330 SP: 330 Skills: Shibaboo, Dragon Whirl, Azure Cessation Null: All Magic except Expel, Absorb Death Weaknesses: Physical Item: Silver Prayer Wheel Name: Malphas Order: Fallen Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 26 HP: 260 SP: 260 Skills: Marin Karin, Thunder Kick, Earthly Vortex, Demon's Kiss Null: All Magic except Expel, Absorb Death Weaknesses: Physical Item: Silver Prayer Wheel Name: Nisroc Order: Fallen Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 17 HP: 170 SP: 170 Skills: Death, Guilt Eyes Null: All Magic except Expel, Absorb Death Weaknesses: Physical Item: Slick Drop Name: Ukobach Order: Fallen Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 9 HP: 90 SP: 90 Skills: Slumpa, Hula of Misfortune Absorb: 100% Fire, Death Weaknesses: Ice Item: Turtle Candy ============================= Name: Ouroboros Order: Snake Type: Light Subtype: Expel Level: 67 HP: 850 SP: 670 Skills: Eternal White, Megaton Raid Item: Tora Stomachband Name: Culebre Order: Snake Type: Light Subtype: Ice Level: 59 HP: 826 SP: 590 Skills: Water Wall, Stun Bite Strong: Physical Weaknesses: Element, Force Item: Hiranya Name: Otohime Order: Snake Type: Light Subtype: Ice Level: 50 HP: 700 SP: 500 Skills: Gentle Wave, Candy Voice, Water Wall Absorb: 100% Ice, Expel Vulnerable: Fire Item: Aquamarine Name: Mizuchi Order: Snake Type: Light Subtype: Ice Level: 44 HP: 616 SP: 440 Skills: Mighty Wave, Stun Bite Absorb: 100% Ice, Expel Vulnerable: Fire Item: Onyx Name: Naga Order: Snake Type: Light Subtype: Wind Level: 38 HP: 532 SP: 380 Skills: Heavenly Cyclone, Bonecrusher Strong: Physical Weaknesses: Element, Force Item: Onyx Name: Nozuchi Order: Snake Type: Light Subtype: Earth Level: 30 HP: 420 SP: 300 Skills: Gokuraku Fall, Rainbow Strike Absorb: 100% Earth, Expel Vulnerable: Wind Item: Metal Card Name: Yato no Kami Order: Snake Type: Light Subtype: Curse Level: 22 HP: 308 SP: 220 Skills: Eternal Black, Tackle Strong: Physical Weaknesses: Element, Force Item: Iron Claw ============================= Name: Fafnir Order: Drake Type: Force Subtype: Occult Level: 70 HP: 799 SP: 700 Skills: Poison Breath, Viper Smash Strong: Physical Weaknesses: Element, Force Item: Olive Ring Name: Cromm Cruach Order: Drake Type: Force Subtype: Curse Level: 58 HP: 870 SP: 580 Skills: Eternal Black, Hell Eyes Strong: Physical Weaknesses: Element, Force Item: Ruby Name: Mushus Order: Drake Type: Force Subtype: Electric Level: 51 HP: 765 SP: 510 Skills: Sanraigeki Repel: 50% Electric Weak: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth Item: Stone Bite Name: Kiyohime Order: Drake Type: Force Subtype: Fire Level: 43 HP: 645 SP: 430 Skills: Fire Breath, Candy Voice, Fire Wall Absorb: 100% Fire Weak: Ice, Wind, Earth Item: Answeller Name: Phunbaba Order: Drake Type: Force Subtype: Ice Level: 33 HP: 495 SP: 330 Skills: Ice Breath, Binal Strike Absorb: 100% Ice Weak: Fire, Wind, Earth Item: Amethyst Name: Wyvern Order: Drake Type: Force Subtype: Wind Level: 23 HP: 345 SP: 230 Skills: Fog Breath, Wing Flap, Spike Claw Absorb: 100% Wind Weak: Fire, Ice, Earth Item: Moonstone Name: Cockatrice Order: Drake Type: Force Subtype: Wind Level: 15 HP: 225 SP: 150 Skills: Stone Claw, Wing Flap, Sweet Trap Absorb: 100% Wind Weak: Fire, Ice, Earth Item: Dis-Stone ============================= Name: Rukh Order: Flight Type: Element Subtype: Wind Level: 55 HP: 330 SP: 440 Skills: Magarudyne, Bufudyne, Sexy Dance, Wing Flap Null: Wind Weak: Gun Item: Bufudyne Stone Name: Aello Order: Flight Type: Element Subtype: Wind Level: 47 HP: 292 SP: 376 Skills: Magarula, Garudyne, Needle Rush, Wing Flap Repel: 50% Wind Weak: Electric, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Mararula Stone Name: Celaeno Order: Flight Type: Element Subtype: Wind Level: 39 HP: 234 SP: 312 Skills: Mabufula, Garula, Spike Claw, Wing Flap Repel: 50% Wind Weak: Electric, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Mabufula Stone Name: Ocypete Order: Flight Type: Element Subtype: Wind Level: 28 HP: 170 SP: 224 Skills: Maragion, Garu, Death Claw, Wing Flap Repel: 50% Wind Weak: Electric, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Aquamarine Name: Toufei Order: Flight Type: Element Subtype: Wind Level: 19 HP: 114 SP: 152 Skills: Magaru, Bufula, Shuuraigeki, Wing Flap Null: Wind Weak: Gun Item: Magaru Stone Name: Ba Order: Flight Type: Element Subtype: Wind Level: 10 HP: 60 SP: 80 Skills: Magaru, Agi, Sweet Trap, Wing Flap Null: Wind Weak: Gun Item: Metal Card ============================= Name: Hresvelgr Order: Raptor Type: Force Subtype: Blast Level: 66 HP: 528 SP: 528 Skills: Maziodyne, Mazandyne, Dive, Bind Voice Absorb 100% Wind Weak: Fire, Ice, Earth Item: Nerve Stone Name: Alecto Order: Raptor Type: Force Subtype: Blast Level: 53 HP: 400 SP: 424 Skills: Freidyne, Mazanma, Hell Eyes, Wing Flap Absorb 100% Wind Weak: Fire, Ice, Earth Item: Petra Stone Name: Tisiphone Order: Raptor Type: Force Subtype: Blast Level: 36 HP: 220 SP: 288 Skills: Mazanma, Zandyne, Waltz of Sadness, Wing Flap Absorb 100% Wind Weak: Fire, Ice, Earth Item: Opal Name: Megaera Order: Raptor Type: Force Subtype: Blast Level: 25 HP: 170 SP: 200 Skills: Mazio, Zanma, Frenzy Song, Wing Flap Absorb 100% Wind Weak: Fire, Ice, Earth Item: Longinus Name: Moh Shuvuu Order: Raptor Type: Force Subtype: Blast Level: 14 HP: 60 SP: 112 Skills: Mazan, Zan, Binal Strike, Wing Flap Null: Weapons, Force Weak: Gun Item: Revival Bead ============================= Name: Gdon Order: Beast Type: Light Subtype: Prayer Level: 54 HP: 405 SP: 486 Skills: Tetrakarn, Makakaja, Megidolaon, Ice Breath, Heavenly Hit Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Revival Bead Name: Selket Order: Beast Type: Light Subtype: Prayer Level: 46 HP: 345 SP: 414 Skills: Tarukaja, Dekaja, Stun Needle, Virus Claw Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Garnet Name: Orthrus Order: Beast Type: Light Subtype: Prayer Level: 37 HP: 277 SP: 333 Skills: Rakukaja, Dekunda, Megidola, Bind Voice, Poison Claw Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Megido Stone Name: Genkurou Order: Beast Type: Light Subtype: Prayer Level: 29 HP: 232 SP: 261 Skills: Tetraja, Makarakarn, Dekaja, Feral Claw, Despell Tango Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Spike Somai Name: Nekomata Order: Beast Type: Light Subtype: Prayer Level: 20 HP: 150 SP: 180 Skills: Tarukaja, Rakunda, Feral Claw, Candy Voice Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Turtle Candy Name: Cu Sith Order: Beast Type: Light Subtype: Prayer Level: 12 HP: 90 SP: 108 Skills: Sukunda, Rakukaja, Squash, Stun Needle Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Shadow Needle Name: Cait Sith Order: Beast Type: Light Subtype: Prayer Level: 6 HP: 45 SP: 54 Skills: Tarunda, Sukukaja, Waltz of Sadness Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Slick Drop ============================= Name: Fenrir Order: Wilder Type: Dark Subtype: Ice Level: 75 HP: 660 SP: 750 Skills: Ice Breath, Megaton Raid, Bind Voice, Feral Claw, Dark Verdict Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: None Name: Mangadhai Order: Wilder Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 63 HP: 554 SP: 630 Skills: Panic Voice, Bonecrusher, Azure Cessation Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Knuckle Barong Name: Catoblepas Order: Wilder Type: Dark Subtype: Curse Level: 52 HP: 429 SP: 520 Skills: Tackle, Binal Strike, Stone Bite, Toxic Sting Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Tanzanite Name: Scylla Order: Wilder Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 43 HP: 354 SP: 430 Skills: Genocide Fan, Squash, Lullaby, Dissolvent Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Topaz Name: Black Widow Order: Wilder Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 31 HP: 255 SP: 310 Skills: Darkness Nail, Passionate Kiss, Eternal Black, Crimson Sublation Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Physical Guard Name: Cath Palug Order: Wilder Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 22 HP: 193 SP: 220 Skills: Baeiha, Haprima, Poison Claw, Candy Voice, Feral Bite Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Rattle Drink Name: Nue Order: Wilder Type: Dark Subtype: Curse Level: 16 HP: 132 SP: 160 Skills: Feral Claw, Bind Voice, Bonecrusher, Stun Needle Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Medicine Name: Afanc Order: Wilder Type: Dark Subtype: Ice Level: 9 HP: 74 SP: 90 Skills: Water Wall, Tackle, Stun Claw Null: Tech, Rush Weak: Whip, Gun Item: Dis-Para ============================= Name: Rangda Order: Femme Type: Force Subtype: Nuclear Level: 59 HP: 590 SP: 472 Skills: Megidola, Magrydyne, Sexy Dance, Paral Eyes, Tackle Repel: 50% Nuclear Weak: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth Item: Megidola Stone Name: Dakini Order: Femme Type: Force Subtype: Nuclear Level: 51 HP: 510 SP: 408 Skills: Freidyne, Maziodyne, Lullaby, Hell Eyes, Wolf Fang Repel: 50% Nuclear Weak: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth Item: Balm of Life Name: Salome Order: Femme Type: Force Subtype: Electric Level: 43 HP: 430 SP: 344 Skills: Ziodyne, Mazanma, Waltz of Sadness, Sexy Dance, Darkness Nail Repel: 50% Electric Weak: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth Item: Mazanma Stone Name: Arachne Order: Femme Type: Force Subtype: Gravity Level: 34 HP: 340 SP: 272 Skills: Grydyne, Magryva, Genocide Fan, Tackle, Stun Claw Repel: 50% Gravity Weak: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth Item: Magryva Stone Name: Iwate Order: Femme Type: Force Subtype: Nuclear Level: 29 HP: 290 SP: 232 Skills: Megido, Mazionga, Lullaby, Ichimonji Slash, Passionate Kiss Repel: 50% Nuclear Weak: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth Item: Silver Prayer Wheel Name: Siren Order: Femme Type: Force Subtype: Occult Level: 23 HP: 230 SP: 184 Skills: Gryva, Zanma, Frenzy Song, Lullaby, Candy Voice Strong: Nuclear, Blast, Gravity, Electric Weak: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth Item: Magry Stone Name: Yomotsu Shikome Order: Femme Type: Force Subtype: Nuclear Level: 17 HP: 170 SP: 136 Skills: Freidyne, Gry, Double Thrust, Poison Claw, Deathtouch Repel: 50% Nuclear Weak: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth Item: Silver Prayer Wheel ============================= Name: Yaksa Order: Brute Type: Light Subtype: Expel Level: 52 HP: 520 SP: 416 Skills: Mahama, Nervundi, Triple Slice, Bright Judgement, Eastern Impact Resist: Element, Force Weak: Death, Curse Item: Holy Writ Tablet Name: Purski Order: Brute Type: Light Subtype: Miracle Level: 44 HP: 440 SP: 352 Skills: Recarmdra, Petradi, Lightning Kick, Squash, Shuuraigeki Resist: Element, Force Weak: Death, Curse, Axe Item: Oniguruma Name: Yaksini Order: Brute Type: Light Subtype: Expel Level: 37 HP: 370 SP: 296 Skills: Mahama, Paraladi Stone, Sonic Bullet, Sexy Dance, Wolf Fang Resist: Element, Force Weak: Death, Curse Item: Bardiche Name: Picollus Order: Brute Type: Light Subtype: Expel Level: 32 HP: 320 SP: 256 Skills: Hamaon, Penpatra, Rainbow Strike, Eternal Black, Eternal White Resist: Element, Force Weak: Death, Curse Item: Hexa Drive Name: Tokebi Order: Brute Type: Light Subtype: Miracle Level: 25 HP: 250 SP: 200 Skills: Recarm, Nervundi, Thunder Kick, Stun Needle, Drumroll Punch Resist: Element, Force Weak: Death, Curse, Axe Item: Paraladi Stone Name: Hannya Order: Brute Type: Light Subtype: Expel Level: 16 HP: 160 SP: 128 Skills: Hama, Posumudi Stone, Flurry Stab, Needle Rush, Panic Voice Resist: Element, Force Weak: Death, Curse Item: Guren no Muchi Name: Ihika Order: Brute Type: Light Subtype: Bless Level: 8 HP: 80 SP: 64 Skills: Patra, Dia, Spin Kick, Gentle Wave, Water Wall Resist: Element, Force Weak: Death, Curse, Axe Item: Mop ============================= Name: Ubelluris Order: Jirae Type: Element Subtype: Earth Level: 54 HP: 540 SP: 540 Skills: Mamagnadyne, Mamagnara, Magnara, Deadly Fist Absorb: 100% Earth Weak: Wind, Blast Item: Magnadyne Stone Name: Kwancha Order: Jirae Type: Element Subtype: Earth Level: 45 HP: 450 SP: 450 Skills: Magnadyne, Agidyne, Triple Slice, Eastern Impact Absorb: 100% Earth Weak: Wind, Blast Item: Agidyne Stone Name: Duergar Order: Jirae Type: Element Subtype: Earth Level: 32 HP: 320 SP: 320 Skills: Mamagnara, Magna, Earth Slicer, Sweet Trap Absorb: 100% Earth Weak: Wind, Blast Item: Mamagnara Stone Name: Kobold Order: Jirae Type: Element Subtype: Earth Level: 20 HP: 200 SP: 200 Skills: Magnara, Agi, Destruction Smash Absorb: 100% Earth Weak: Wind, Blast Item: Life Stone Name: Leprechaun Order: Jirae Type: Element Subtype: Earth Level: 11 HP: 110 SP: 110 Skills: Mamagna, Garu, Fist of Fury, Drumroll Punch Absorb: 100% Earth Weak: Wind, Blast Item: Mamagna Stone Name: Knocker Order: Jirae Type: Element Subtype: Earth Level: 4 HP: 40 SP: 40 Skills: Magna, Flurry Stab Absorb: 100% Earth Weak: Wind, Blast Item: Arm Guard ============================= Name: Hecatoncheires Order: Jaki Type: Element Subtype: Earth Level: 61 HP: 610 SP: 427 Skills: Magnara, Megaton Raid, Viper Smash Repel: 50% Earth Weak: Electric, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Emerald Name: Girimehkala Order: Jaki Type: Element Subtype: Ice Level: 53 HP: 530 SP: 371 Skills: Bufula, Evil Smile, Poison Breath, Drumroll Punch Repel: 50% Physical Weak: Element, Force Item: Silver Prayer Wheel Name: Rakshasa Order: Jaki Type: Element Subtype: Wind Level: 42 HP: 420 SP: 294 Skills: Garula, Myriad Arrows, Western Blow Repel: 50% Wind Weak: Electric, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Moonstone Name: Ocelot Order: Jaki Type: Element Subtype: Fire Level: 35 HP: 350 SP: 245 Skills: Garula, Myriad Arrows, Western Blow Repel: 50% Fire Weak: Electric, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Blizzard Storm Name: Sarashina-hime Order: Jaki Type: Element Subtype: Fire Level: 27 HP: 270 SP: 189 Skills: Agi, Lullaby, Passionate Kiss Repel: 50% Fire Weak: Electric, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Rattle Drink Name: Ogre Order: Jaki Type: Element Subtype: Earth Level: 19 HP: 190 SP: 133 Skills: Magna, Fist of Fury, Gokuraku Fall Strong: Element Weak: Force Item: Onyx Name: Gremlin Order: Jaki Type: Element Subtype: Ice Level: 13 HP: 130 SP: 91 Skills: Bufu, Love Whip, Hula of Misfortune Repel: 50% Ice Weak: Electric, Nuclear, Gravity, Blast Item: Slick Drop ============================= Name: Miyasudokoro Order: Haunt Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 66 HP: 660 SP: 580 Skills: Mamudo, Crystal Wall Repel: 200% Gun Resist: Magic Item: Kolkata Souvenir Name: Vetala Order: Haunt Type: Dark Subtype: Curse Level: 54 HP: 540 SP: 270 Skills: Virus Claw, Poison Breath Repel: 200% Gun Resist: Magic Item: Pearl Name: Druj Order: Haunt Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 47 HP: 470 SP: 235 Skills: Hell Eyes, Virus Bite, Dissolvent Repel: 200% Gun Resist: Magic Item: Physical Guard Name: Yaka Order: Haunt Type: Dark Subtype: Curse Level: 34 HP: 340 SP: 170 Skills: Nervma, Earthly Vortex Repel: 200% Gun Resist: Magic Item: Physical Guard Name: Carrie Order: Haunt Type: Dark Subtype: Curse Level: 28 HP: 280 SP: 140 Skills: Terror Eyes, Azure Cessation, Sanraigeki, Western Blow Repel: 200% Gun Resist: Magic Item: Slick Drop Name: Enku Order: Haunt Type: Dark Subtype: Fire Level: 21 HP: 210 SP: 105 Skills: Crimson Sublation, Stun Claw Repel: 200% Gun Resist: Magic Item: Malachite Name: Fuji Musume Order: Haunt Type: Dark Subtype: Curse Level: 12 HP: 120 SP: 60 Skills: Luna Trap, Paral Eyes Repel: 200% Gun Resist: Magic Item: Dis-Para Name: Preta Order: Haunt Type: Dark Subtype: Curse Level: 3 HP: 30 SP: 15 Skills: Feral Bite, Poison Claw, Deathtouch Repel: 200% Gun Resist: Magic Item: Dis-Poison ============================= Name: Legion Order: Spirit Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 45 HP: 450 SP: 225 Skills: Hell Eyes Null: Gun, Tech, Rush Weak: Sword, Fire, Expel Item: Kyubi no Muchi Name: Kuchisake-onna Order: Spirit Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 34 HP: 340 SP: 130 Skills: Mamudo, Balzac, Passionate Kiss, Stun Bite Null: Gun, Tech, Rush Weak: Sword, Fire, Expel Item: Dis-Para Name: Hanako Order: Spirit Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 25 HP: 250 SP: 99 Skills: Maeiha, Shibaboo, Darkness Nail Null: Gun, Tech, Rush Weak: Sword, Fire, Expel Item: Life Stone Name: Bukimi Order: Spirit Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 19 HP: 170 SP: 68 Skills: Mudoon, Last Resort, Hula of Misfortune Null: Gun, Tech, Rush Weak: Sword, Fire, Expel Item: Strike Tail Name: Dribbler Order: Spirit Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 15 HP: 150 SP: 57 Skills: Delyte, Squash, Fastball Null: Gun, Tech, Rush Weak: Sword, Fire, Expel Item: Guten Tag Name: Ghost Order: Spirit Type: Dark Subtype: Death Level: 8 HP: 80 SP: 29 Skills: Mudo, Quikka, Pulinpa Null: Gun, Tech, Rush Weak: Sword, Fire, Expel Item: Magical Guard Name: Quicksilver Order: Spirit Type: Dark Subtype: Nerve Level: 5 HP: 50 SP: 20 Skills: Shuuraigeki, Drumroll Punch, Sweet Trap Null: Gun, Tech, Rush Weak: Sword, Fire, Expel Item: Core Shield Name: Poltergeist Order: Spirit Type: Dark Subtype: Occult Level: 2 HP: 20 SP: 10 Skills: Slumpa, Last Resort, Sweet Trap Null: Gun, Tech, Rush Weak: Sword, Fire, Expel Item: Life Stone ============================= Name: Zombie Painter Order: Grave Type: Force Subtype: Blast Level: 41 HP: 410 SP: 205 Skills: Mazandyne, Self-Destruct, Dissolvent Null: Gun Weak: Element, Force Item: Adamantium Claw Name: Zap Order: Grave Type: Force Subtype: Curse Level: 35 HP: 350 SP: 190 Skills: Virus Feral Bite, Poison Breath, Destruction Smash Null: Gun Weak: Element, Force Item: Gian Kun Shi Name: Teketeke Order: Grave Type: Force Subtype: Normal Level: 26 HP: 260 SP: 285 Skills: Virus Claw, Stone Bite, Bonecrusher Null: Gun Weak: Element, Force Item: Dis-Stone Name: Zombie Cop Order: Grave Type: Force Subtype: Normal Level: 11 HP: 110 SP: 135 Skills: Single Shot, Stun Claw Null: Gun Weak: Element, Force Item: Dis-Para Name: Zombie Nurse Order: Grave Type: Force Subtype: Normal Level: 5 HP: 50 SP: 90 Skills: Fastball, Feral Claw Null: Gun Weak: Element, Force Item: Magical Guard Name: Zombie Girl Order: Grave Type: Force Subtype: Normal Level: 4 HP: 40 SP: 75 Skills: Feral Claw Null: Gun Weak: Element, Force Item: Magical Guard Name: Zombie Boy Order: Grave Type: Force Subtype: Normal Level: 3 HP: 30 SP: 25 Skills: Feral Claw Null: Gun Weak: Element, Force Item: Arm Guard Name: Mr. Zombie Order: Grave Type: Force Subtype: Normal Level: 1 HP: 10 SP: 5 Skills: Feral Claw Null: Gun Weak: Element, Force Item: QQ Helmet ============================= Name: Grimies Order: Foul Type: Force Subtype: Electric Level: HP: 700 SP: 816 Skills: Paral Eyes, Hell Eyes, Terror Eyes, Maziodyne Weak: Element, Force Item: Ziodyne Stone Name: Shadow Order: Foul Type: Force Subtype: Blast Level: 50 HP: 550 SP: 300 Skills: Deadly Fist, Western Blow Absorb: 100% Physical Weak: Element, Force Item: Metal Card Name: Doppleganger Order: Foul Type: Force Subtype: Electric Level: 41 HP: 429 SP: 234 Skills: Lightning Kick, Shuuraigeki Absorb: 100% Physical Weak: Element, Force Item: Malachite Name: Anatomy Order: Foul Type: Force Subtype: Normal Level: 32 HP: 343 SP: 197 Skills: Darkness Nail, Dissolvent Weak: Element, Force Item: Twin Bird Name: Kokkuri Order: Foul Type: Force Subtype: Normal Level: 24 HP: 264 SP: 240 Skills: Drumroll Punch, Sweet Trap Weak: Element, Force Item: Mail Breaker Name: Yakuza Order: Foul Type: Force Subtype: Normal Level: 15 HP: 165 SP: 60 Skills: Terror Eyes, Ichimonji Slash Weak: Element, Force Item: Plasma Sword Name: Hoodlum Order: Foul Type: Force Subtype: Normal Level: 8 HP: 88 SP: 32 Skills: Thunder Kick, Self-Destruct Weak: Element, Force Item: Revival Bead Name: Slime Order: Foul Type: Force Subtype: Normal Level: 1 HP: 18 SP: 10 Skills: Dissolvent, Demon's Kiss Weak: Element, Force Item: Silver Prayer Wheel ============================= Name: Pride Order: Karma Type: Dark Subtype: Normal Level: 55 HP: 515 SP: 830 Skills: Balzac, Maziodyne, Magrydyne, Mazandyne, Megidolaon Null: Physical Weak: Expel Item: None Name: Sloth Order: Karma Type: Dark Subtype: Normal Level: 52 HP: 483 SP: 786 Skills: Desanga, Maeiha, Mamudo, Mador, Quikka Null: Physical Weak: Expel Item: None Name: Wrath Order: Karma Type: Dark Subtype: Normal Level: 50 HP: 441 SP: 724 Skills: Quikka, Maragidyne, Mabufudyne, Mamagnadyne, Magarudyne Null: Physical Weak: Expel Item: Diamond Name: Envy Order: Karma Type: Dark Subtype: Normal Level: 49 HP: 384 SP: 696 Skills: Mador, Deathtika, Nervma, Petrama, Paralama Null: Physical Weak: Expel Item: None Name: Greed Order: Karma Type: Dark Subtype: Normal Level: 47 HP: 379 SP: 629 Skills: Makajam, Makouha, Mahama, Recarmdra, Diarahan Null: Physical Weak: Expel Item: None Name: Lust Order: Karma Type: Dark Subtype: Normal Level: 45 HP: 328 SP: 587 Skills: Marin Karin, Decover, Delyte, Slumpa, Makajam Null: Physical Weak: Expel Item: None ============================= Name: M.I.B. Order: Meta Type: Normal Subtype: Normal Level: 56 HP: 492 SP: 321 Skills: Lightning Kick, Powder Shot, Long Shot Resist: N/A Weak: N/A Item: Metal Card Name: Agent Order: Meta Type: Normal Subtype: Normal Level: 20 HP: 222 SP: 99 Skills: Deadly Fist, Drive Shot, Middle Shot Resist: N/A Weak: N/A Item: Metal Card Name: Secret Police Order: Meta Type: Normal Subtype: Normal Level: 14 HP: 187 SP: 67 Skills: Single Shot, Powder Shot Resist: N/A Weak: N/A Item: Muscle Drink ======================== 6.06 - Skill Listing ======================== Element: Fire Name: Agi Damage: 26 Range: Single Description: Small fire damage to single target Name: Agilao Damage: 50 Range: Single Description: Moderate fire damage to single target Name: Agidyne Damage: 100 Range: Single Description: Heavy fire damage to single target Name: Maragi Damage: 20 Range: All Targets Description: Light fire damage to all targets Name: Maragion Damage: 45 Range: All Targets Description: Moderate fire damage to all targets Name: Maragidyne Damage: 90 Range: All Targets Description: Heavy fire damage to all targets Name: Fire Breath Damage: 70 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate fire damage to all targets in straight line. Name: Crimson Sublation Damage: 60 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate fire damage to all enemies in target area.. Name: Azure Cessation Damage: 60 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate fire damage to all enemies in target area.. ============================================= Element: Ice Name: Bufu Damage: 22 Range: Single Target Description: Small ice damage to single target with chance to freeze Name: Bufula Damage: 40 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate ice damage to a single target with a chance to freeze Name: Bufudyne Damage: 80 Range: Single Target Description: Heavy ice damage to a single target with a chance to freeze Name: Mabufu Damage: 18 Range: All Targets Description: Small ice damage to all targets with chance to freeze Name: Mabufula Damage: 35 Range: All Targets Description: Moderate ice damage to all targets with chance to freeze Name: Mabufudyne Damage: 75 Range: All Targets Description: Heavy ice damage to all targets with chance to Shibaboo Name: Ice Breath Damage: 70 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate ice damage to all targets in straight line with chance to freeze. Name: Mighty Wave Damage: 50 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate ice damage to all enemies in target area with chance to freeze. Name: Gentle Wave Damage: 50 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate ice damage to all enemies in target area with chance to freeze. ============================================= Element: Wind Name: Garu Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Small wind damage to a single target Name: Garula Damage: 40 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate wind damage to a single target Name: Garudyne Damage: 75 Range: Single Target Description: Heavy wind damage to a single target Name: Magaru Damage: 18 Range: Single Target Description: Small wind damage to all targets Name: Magarula Damage: 35 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate wind damage to a all targets Name: Magarudyne Damage: 70 Range: Single Target Description: Heavy wind damage to all targets Name: Heavenly Cyclone Damage: 50 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate wind damage to all enemies in target area.. Name: Earthly Vortex Damage: 50 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate wind damage to all enemies in target area.. ============================================= Element: Electric Name: Zio Damage: 25 Range: Single Target Description: Small electric damage to single target with chance to shock Name: Zio Damage: 45 Range: Single Target Description: Small electric damage to single target with chance to shock Name: Zio Damage: 90 Range: Single Target Description: Small electric damage to single target with chance to shock Name: Mazio Damage: 20 Range: All Targets Description: Small electric damage to all targets with chance to shock Name: Mazio Damage: 35 Range: All Targets Description: Small electric damage to all targets with chance to shock Name: Mazio Damage: 75 Range: All Targets Description: Small electric damage to all targets with chance to shock Name: Sanraigeki Damage: 60 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate elec damage to all enemies in target area with a chance to shock. Name: Shuuraigeki Damage: 60 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate elec damage to all enemies in target area with a chance to shock. ============================================= Element: Earth Name: Magna Damage: 30 Range: Single Description: Small earth damage to single target Name: Magnara Damage: 50 Range: Single Description: Moderate earth damage to single target Name: Magnadyne Damage: 95 Range: Single Description: Heavy earth damage to single target Name: Mamagna Damage: 25 Range: All Targets Description: Light earth damage to all targets Name: Mamagnara Damage: 45 Range: All Targets Description: Moderate earth damage to all targets Name: Mamagnadyne Damage: 91 Range: All Targets Description: Heavy earth damage to all targets Name: Hell Drop Damage: 60 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate earth damage to all enemies in target area.. Name: Gokuraku Fall Damage: 60 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate earth damage to all enemies in target area.. ============================================= Element: Blast Name: Zan Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Small blast damage to single target Name: Zanma Damage: 40 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate blast damage to single target Name: Zandyne Damage: 80 Range: Single Target Description: Heavy blast damage to single target Name: Mazan Damage: 16 Range: All Targets Description: Small blast damage to all targets Name: Mazanma Damage: 35 Range: All Targets Description: Moderate blast damage to all targets Name: Mazandyne Damage: 75 Range: All Targets Description: Heavy blast damage to all targets Name: Eastern Impact Damage: 50 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate blast damage to all enemies in target area.. Name: Western Blow Damage: 50 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate blast damage to all enemies in target area.. ============================================= Element: Nuclear Name: Frei Damage: 50 Range: Single Target Description: Small nuclear damage to single target. Name: Freila Damage: 65 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate nuclear damage to single target. Name: Freidyne Damage: 80 Range: Single Target Description: Heavy nuclear damage to single target. Name: Megido Damage: 85 Range: All Targets Description: Small nuclear damage to all targets. Name: Megidola Damage: 100 Range: All Targets Description: Moderate nuclear damage to all targets. Name: Megidolaon Damage: 140 Range: All Targets Description: Heavy nuclear damage to all targets. ============================================= Element: Gravity Name: Gry Damage: 25 Range: Single Target Description: Small gravity damage to single target Name: Gryva Damage: 50 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate gravity damage to single target Name: Grydyne Damage: 90 Range: Single Target Description: Heavy gravity damage to single target Name: Magry Damage: 20 Range: All Targets Description: Small gravity damage to all targets Name: Magryva SP: 12 Damage: 40 Range: All Targets Description: Moderate gravity damage to all targets Name: Magrydyne SP: 19 Damage: 80 Range: All Targets Description: Heavy gravity damage to all targets ============================================= Element: Death Name: Eiha Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Inflicts small death damage every turn to a single target. Name: Baeiha Damage: 40 Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Inflicts moderate death damage every turn to multiple targets. Name: Maeiha Damage: 60 Range: All Targets Description: Inflicts heavy death damage every turn to all targets. Name: Mudo Damage: Death / 10 Range: Single Target Description: Kills a single angel type enemy or inflicts small death damage to a single target. Name: Mudoon Damage: 20 Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Kills a single angel type enemy or inflicts moderate death damage to multiple targets. Name: Mamudo Damage: 30 Range: All Targets Description: Kills a single angel type enemy or inflicts heavy death damage to a all targets. Name: Eternal Black Damage: 50 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate death damage to all enemies in target area.. Name: Dark Verdict Damage: 50 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate death damage to all enemies in target area.. ============================================= Element: Expel Name: Kouha Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Inflicts small expel damage every turn to a single target. Name: Baikouha Damage: 40 Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Inflicts moderate expel damage every turn to multiple targets. Name: Makouha Damage: 60 Range: All Targets Description: Inflicts heavy expel damage every turn to all targets. Name: Hama Damage: Death / 10 Range: Single Target Description: Kills a single devil type enemy or inflicts small expel damage to a single target. Name: Hamaon Damage: 20 Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Kills a single devil type enemy or inflicts moderate expel damage to multiple targets. Name: Mahama Damage: 30 Range: All Targets Description: Kills a single devil type enemy or inflicts heavy expel damage to a all targets. Name: Eternal White Damage: 50 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate expel damage to all enemies in target area.. Name: Bright Judgement Damage: 50 Range: All Enemies Description: Inflicts moderate expel damage to all enemies in target area.. ============================================= Element: Status Attacks Name: Feral Bite Damage: 10 Range: Single Target Description: Weak physical bite attack. Name: Venom Bite Damage: 10 Range: Single Target Description: Weak physical bite attack with chance to poison. Name: Stun Bite Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Weak physical bite attack with chance to paralyze Name: Virus Bite Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Weak physical bite attack with a chance to make target sick Name: Stone Bite Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Weak physical bite attack with a chance to petrify Name: Feral Claw Damage: 15 Range: Single Target Description: Weak physical scratch attack. Name: Poison Claw Damage: 15 Range: Single Target Description: Weak physical scratch attack with a chance to poison Name: Stun Claw Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Weak physical scratch attack with a chance to paralyze Name: Virus Claw Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Weak physical scratch attack with a chance to make target sick Name: Stone Claw Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Weak physical scratch attack with a chance to petrify Name: Toxic Sting Damage: 10 Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Multi-hit attack to targets with a chance to poison Name: Stun Needle Damage: 15 Range: Single Target Description: Multi-hit attack to targets with a chance to paralyze Name: Needle Rush Damage: 15 Range: Single Target Description: Multi-hit attack to targets with a chance to poison Name: Genocide Fan Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Multi-hit attack to targets with a chance to cause death Name: Tackle Damage: 45 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate physical rush attack. Name: Bonecrusher Damage: 65 Range: Single Target Description: Name: Squash Damage: 75 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate physical rush attack. Name: Heavenly Hit Damage: 80 Range: Single Target Description: Heavy physical rush attack. Name: Megaton Raid Damage: 110 Range: Single Target Description: Heavy physical rush attack. Name: Twinkle Punch Damage: 5 Range: Single Target Description: Weak punch attack Name: Fist of Fury Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Weak punch attack Name: Deadly Fist Damage: 50 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate punch attack Name: Beak Damage: 5 Range: Single Target Description: Weak dive attack Name: Wing Flap Damage: 5 Range: Single Target Description: Weak dive attack Name: Dive Damage: 10 Range: Single Target Description: Weak dive attack Name: Spike Claw Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate dive attack Name: Death Claw Damage: 35 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate dive attack Name: Twin Slash Damage: 60 Range: Single Target Description: Weak sword type attack. Name: Heat Wave Damage: 80 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate sword type attack. Name: Deathbound Damage: 100 Range: All Targets Description: Heavy sword type attack to all targets Name: Wolf Fang Damage: 90 Range: Single Target Description: Heavy broadsword type attack Name: Triple Slice Damage: 120 Range: Area, Multi-Hit Description: Three hit, heavy broad sword attack to targets in the area of effect. Name: Double Thrust Damage: 40 Range: Area, Multi-Hit Description: Weak Spear attack to multiple targets in the area. Name: Dragon Whirl Damage: 70 Range: Area, Multi-Hit Description: Moderate spear attack to multiple targets in the area Name: Burning Spear Damage: 95 Range: Area, Multi-Hit Description: Heavy spear attack to multiple targets in the area Name: Flurry Stab Damage: 80 Range: Single Target Description: Weak axe attack Name: Destruction Smash Damage: 110 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate axe attack Name: Earth Slicer Damage: 145 Range: Single Target Description: Heavy axe attack Name: Love Whip Damage: 30 Range: All Enemies Description: Weak whip attack to all enemies in the area. Name: Infinite Spiral Damage: 45 Range: All Enemies Description: Moderate whip attack to all enemies in the area. Name: Moon Shatterer Damage: 50 Range: All Enemies Description: Moderate whip attack to all enemies in the area. Name: Fastball Damage: 35 Range: All Enemies Description: Weak blade attack to all enemies in the area. Name: Darkness Nail Damage: 60 Range: All Enemies Description: Moderate blade attack to all enemies in the area. Name: Sonic Bullet Damage: 85 Range: All Enemies Description: Heavy blade attack to all enemies in the area. Name: Rapid Fire Damage: 50 Range: Area, Multi-Hit Description: Weak arrow type attack to all enemies in the area. Name: Myriad Arrows Damage: 65 Range: Area, Multi-Hit Description: Moderate arrow type attack to all enemies in the area. Name: Arrow Volley Damage: 90 Range: Area, Multi-Hit Description: Weak arrow type attack to all enemies in the area. Name: Spin Kick Damage: 10 Range: Single Target Description: Weak tech damage to one target. Name: Thunder Kick Damage: 30 Range: Single Target Description: Moderate tech damage to one target. Name: Lightning Kick Damage: 40 Range: Single Target Description: Heavy tech damage to one target. ============================================= Element: Good Status Name: Doronpa Range: Single Target Description: Turns Invisible Name: Doroid Range: Single Target Description: Makes target more resistant to everything. Name: Quikka Range: Single Target Description: Grants Counter status / Cures Status Ailments Name: Balzac Range: Single Target Description: Turns Berserk / Cures Status Ailments Name: Mador Range: Single Target Description: Turns Wild / Cures Status Ailments Name: Wolbaan Range: Single Target Description: Turns into animal / Cures Status Ailments ============================================= Element: Status Ailments Name: Dormina Range: Area, Multi-Targets Description: Afflicts all targets in the area with the Sleep status ailment. Name: Shibaboo Range: Area, Multi-Targets Description: Afflicts all targets in the area with the Shibaboo status ailment. Name: Pulinpa Range: Area, Multi-Targets Description: Afflicts all targets in the area with the Panic Status. Name: Haprima Range: Area, Multi-Targets Description: Afflicts all targets in the area with the Happy status. Name: Sexy Voice Range: Area, Multi-Targets Description: Afflicts all targets in the area with the Charm status Name: Makajam Range: Area, Multi-Targets Description: Afflicts all targets in the area with the Mute status ailment. Name: Delyte Range: Area, Multi-Targets Description: Afflicts all targets in the area with the Blind status ailment. Name: Slumpa Range: Area, Multi-Targets Description: Afflicts all targets in the area with the Unlucky status ailment. Name: Decover Range: Any Single Target Description: The target can no longer heal themselves. Name: Desanga Range: Any Single Target Description: The target can no longer change Persona. Name: Paral Eyes Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Paralyzes all targets in the area of effect. Name: Petra Eyes Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Petrifies all targets in the area of effect. Name: Hell Eyes Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Causes Death to all targets in the area of effect. Name: Guilt Eyes Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Causes guilt in all targets in the area of effect. Name: Terror Eyes Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Horrifies all targets in the area of effect. Name: Sexy Dance Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Charms all targets in the area of effect. Name: Happy Dance Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Causes Happiness in all targets in the area of effect. Name: Hula of Misfortune Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Causes Misfortune in all targets in the area of effect. Name: Despell Tango Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Causes Mute in all targets in the area of effect. Name: Waltz of Sadness Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Causes sadness in all targets in the area of effect. Name: Lullaby Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Causes sleep in all targets in the area of effect. Name: Panic Voice Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Causes panic in all targets in the area of effect. Name: Panic Voice Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Causes panic in all targets in the area of effect. Name: Bind Voice Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Binds all targets in the area of effect. Name: Frenzy Song Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Causes fear in all targets in the area of effect. Name: Candy Voice Range: Area, Multi-Target Description: Causes Charm in all targets in the area of effect. Name: Hot Lips Range: Single Target Description: Reduces a target male by one level. Name: Demon's Kiss Range: Single Target Description: Reduces a target female by one level. Name: Evil Smile Range: Single Target Description: Reduces a target human by one level. Name: Deathtouch Range: Single Target Description: Reduces a targets experience points. ============================================= Element: Status Attacks Name: Petrama Damage: 30 Range: Single Target Description: Slightly damages the target and causes the petrify status. Name: Paralama Damage: 30 Range: Single Target Description: Slightly damages the target and causes the paralyze status. Name: Poisma Damage: 30 Range: Single Target Description: Slightly damages the target and causes the poison status. Name: Nervma Damage: 30 Range: Single Target Description: Slightly damages the target and causes the sick status. Name: Poison Breath Damage: 35 Range: AllTargets Description: Inflicts moderate poison damage to all targets in straight line. Name: Fog Breath Damage: 35 Range: AllTargets Description: Inflicts moderate sick damage to all targets in straight line. ============================================= Element: Restoration Magics Name: Dia Range: Single Target Description: Cures one target of small damage. Name: Diarama Range: Single Target Description: Cures one target of moderate damage. Name: Diarahan Range: Single Target Description: Cures one target of heavy damage. Name: Media Range: Entire Party Description: Cures your party of small damage. Name: Mediarama Range: Entire Party Description: Cures your party of moderate damage. Name: Mediarahan Range: Entire Party Description: Cures your party of heavy damage. Name: Patra Range: Single Target Description: Cures all temporary ailment levels from one target. Name: Penpatra Range: Entire party Description: Cures one temporary ailment level from the entire party. Name: Posumdi Range: Single Target Description: Cures the poison status ailment from a single target. Name: Paraladi Range: Single Target Description: Cures the paralyze status ailment from a single target. Name: Petradi Range: Single Target Description: Cures the petrify status ailment from a single target. Name: Nervundi Range: Single Target Description: Cures the Sick status ailment from a single target. Name: Recarm Range: Single Target Description: Brings one target back from death with some HP. Name: Samarecarm Range: Single Target Description: Brings one target back from death with full HP. Name: Recarmdra Range: Entire Party Description: Heals your entire party to full HP but drops the users to 1 HP. ============================================= Element: Stat Changing Spells Name: Tarunda Range: All Targets Description: Lowers the strength of all enemies. Name: Rakunda Range: All Targets Description: Lowers the defense of all enemies. Name: Sukunda Range: All Targets Description: Lowers the accuracy of all enemies. Name: Dekunda Range: All Targets Description: Removes all stat debuffs from your party. Name: Tarukaja Range: All Targets Description: Raises the strength of your party. Name: Rakukaja Range: All Targets Description: Raises the defense of your party. Name: Sukukaja Range: All Targets Description: Raises the accuracy of your party. Name: Makakaja Range: All Targets Description: Raises the magic rating of your party. Name: Dekunda Range: All Targets Description: Removes all stat buffs from the enemies. ============================================= Element: Defensive Magics Name: Tetraja Range: All Targets Description: Prevents energy drain attacks from afflicting your party. Name: Makarakarn Range: All Targets Description: Reflects 25% of all magic damage cast at your party for one turn. Name: Tetrakarn Range: All Targets Description: Reflects 25% of all physical damage directed at your party for one turn. Name: Water Wall Range: All Targets Description: Absorbs 25% of ice magic to restore the party hit points for three rounds. Name: Fire Wall Range: All Targets Description: Absorbs 25% of fire magic to restore the party hit points for three rounds. Name: Crystal Wall Range: All Targets Description: Reflects 25% of attacks at the enemy for one round. Name: Steel Wall Range: All Targets Description: Reflects 25% of attacks at the enemy for one round. ============================================= Element: Special Magics These special, and highly unique, attacks will damage every enemy in the game mostly ignoring all defenses that they might possess. Most of these are actually fairly weak though so this trait isn't quite as useful as it might seem at first glance. Name: Sweet Trap Damage: 20 Range: Single Target Description: Drops an object onto an enemy dealing special physical damage. Name: Viper Smash Damage: 25 Range: Single Target Description: This attack deals more special physical damage each time it's used in a single fight. Name: Drumroll Punch Damage: 35 Range: All Targets Description: Does random amounts of damage to each enemy in the area of effect. Name: Rainbow Strike Damage: 20 Range: All Targets Description: Inflicts special damage to all enemies in the area of effect. Name: Binal Strike Damage: 150 Range: Area, Multi-Hit Description: This ability inflicts heavy damage to targeted enemies but it kills the host Name: Last Resort Damage: 200 Range: All Enemies and Allies Description: This skill deals heavy damage to the enemies and your allies. Name: Self-Destruct Range: Single Target Description: Destroys the user and one non-boss targeted demon. Name: Dissolvent Damage: 10 Range: Single Target Description: This attack deals more special physical damage each time it's used in a single fight. ============================================= Element: Miscellaneous Magics Name: Estoma Description: Scares weaker enemies away until the next new moon. Name: Liftoma Description: Protects the party from damage floors until the next new moon. Name: Alsanga Range: Single Target Description: Restores the ability to change Persona to one party member. Name: Luna Trap Description: Prevents the enemy group from escaping from combat. ========================================================= 7. About the Author ========================================================= My name is Daniel Acaba, I live in Groton, Connecticut and I am 27 years old. Im a freelance writer who has done work for a number of sites and have come onto the writing staff of a website recently. I am still actively pursuing more paid work in the field of video game journalism, preferably as a FAQ / strategy guide writer. --------------------------------------- So far Ive written the following FAQs: --------------------------------------- Genji: Days of the Blade - PS3 Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom - PS3 Bloodrayne 2 Boss FAQ - Xbox Sims 2 Career FAQ - PC Resistance: Fall of Man - PS3 Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus Boss FAQ - PS2 Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony - PSP Brave Story New Traveler - PSP Super Star Soldier - Wii Ninja Gaiden Sigma - PS3 Lair - PS3 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army - PS2 Dawn of Mana - PS2 Two Worlds - XBox 360 / PC Conan - PS3 / XBox 360 Clive Barker's Jericho - PS3 / XBox 360 / PC Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - Wii Turok - XBox 360 / PS3 Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 - PS2 Frontlines: Fuel of War - Xbox 360 Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES - PS2 Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga - PS2 Overlord: Raising Hell - PS3 The Lord of the Rings: Conquest - Xbox 360 / PS3 Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2 - PC Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 - PS2 Sacred 2 - PC / PS3 / Xbox 360 --------------------------------------- CCC Exclusive FAQs: ------------------- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men - XBox 360, PS3, PC Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom - XBox 360 --------------------------------------- Games Radar Game Guides: ------------------- Guides to Everyone in Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Wii Fallout 3 Main Quest Game Guide - PS3 / Xbox 360 Gears of War 2 Game Guide - Xbox 360 Mirror's Edge Game Guide - PS3 / Xbox 360 --------------------------------------- IGN Exclusive FAQs: ------------------- Fable 2 - Xbox 360 F.E.A.R. 2 - Xbox 360 / PC Bionic Commando Mini-Guides - Xbox 360 / PS3 Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 - Xbox 360 / PS3 Dragon Age Origins - PC / Xbox 360 / PS3 Darksiders - Xbox 360 / PS3