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' `-`-' `-' ' `' `-`-'`-`-`--|`--'-' `-`--' ; `-' +====================================================+ Written by ChildofValhalla/TheSnake the_bloodredsky (at) yahoo (dot) com With notes and additional writing by WanderingOne dragon_serenade (at) hotmail (dot) com Version 3.0 10/07/08 +====================================================+ To start things off, I suppose I should state the following: THIS IS A PLOT ANALYSIS. IT CONTAINS SPOILERS. IN FACT, THIS WHOLE DOCUMENT IS ONE BIG SPOILER. IF YOU HAVEN'T COMPLETED THE GAME OR YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL THE SYMBOLISM AND STORYLINE MEAN, THEN DON'T READ THIS. Please note that this document assumes you have played and completed the game and know the main story. This is NOT the FINAL version. I will continue to update it as needed. This is a complete guide to the plot of Silent Hill Origins. Some people actually didn't pick up on all the background symbolism and surprises! This guide will bring forth all elements of the truth behind the game-- in my words. Remember, none of this has been officially announced by the creators themselves, and it is all theory. However, it has been strongly implied, which I will show. Again! THIS IS WHAT I THINK. NOT WHAT I KNOW (however I am the smartest man alive, duh!) +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ TABLE OF CONTENTS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ 1.) Travis' Mental State/Overview 2.) Travis as the Butcher 2.1) Pyramid Head/The Butcher 2.2) Persona Documentation 2.3) Travis Grady: Serial Killer (Second Ending) 2.31) Women/Mirrors 2.32) Evidence 2.4) Travis Grady: Innocent (First Ending) 2.41) Women/Mirrors 2.42) Astral Projection: Reason to the Madness of Silent Hill 2.43) Evidence 2.44) The Good Ending 3.) Travel Through Silent Hill 3.1) Hospital 3.2) Sanitarium 3.3) Theatre 3.4) Motel 4.) Weaponry 5.) Beastiary 5.01) Straight-Jacket 5.02) Nurse 5.03) Remnant 5.04) Carrion 5.05) Caliban 5.06) Ariel 5.07) Twoback 5.08) The Butcher 5.09) Memory of Helen Grady 5.10) Memory of Richard Grady 6.) Conclusion 7.) Contact 8.) Version History 9.) Afterword Press Ctrl+F and type in the section number to jump to that section! ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ 1.) TRAVIS' MENTAL STATE/OVERVIEW ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ First, we will explore the fact that Travis Grady is mentally ill in some way: The game opens up with a dialogue between Travis and a fellow trucker. Note that the other trucker's first line is "Travis, you messed-up sonofabitch!" Here we can see the first third-party opinion of Travis. The next interesting bit comes once again from the trucker's dialogue. He mentions that Travis has "problems", and Travis gets offended. And our third clue is the descriptions of the game before it was released. Travis was introduced as a "mentally disturbed" trucker. When Travis gets out of his truck to see if Alessa's alright, it is clear that he is actually a kind and caring person, seeing as he was concerned about her well-being. This (and the fact that he runs into a burning house to save a random person, who turns out to be Alessa) shows us that in order for Travis to be a serial killer, he does it involuntarily, with no memory of it whatsoever. It is established that he has split personalities, which will be touched on again in the "Butcher" section. *NOTE: Travis may very well be psychosomatic which would explain his suppression of memories and their being gradually released as manifestations. *Updated Note: Given his behavioral patterns and personality coupled with the trauma he sustained as a child, it is very likely Travis suffers from a mild case of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (or, if one wants to be generic, PTSD) in addition to being psychosomatic. C-PTSD can be caused by childhood abuse, and life threatening situations. The symptoms of C-PTSD include: 1) Variations in consciousness, such as forgetting traumatic events, reliving traumatic events, or having episodes of dissociation (during which one feels detached from one's mental processes or body 2) Varied changes in the perception of the perpetrator, such as attributing total power to the perpetrator or becoming preoccupied with the relationship to the perpetrator, including a preoccupation with revenge 3)Alterations in relations with others, including isolation, distrust... 4)Changes in self-perception, such as a sense of helplessness, shame, guilt, stigma, and a sense of being completely different from other human beings" (~Wiki) The above mentioned symptoms would coincide with the trauma Travis has been through as well as his current behavior. As we can see he has suppressed his own memories (psychosomatic reaction), but he has also begun to relive them over the course of the game (IE the flashbacks before the Memories boss fights, in the theatre etc...). "Varied changes in the perception of the perpetrator..."one can see as being the way Travis sees his mother, still seeing her as his mother despite what she tried to do, then being forced to fight her (owing to his need for revenge as seen by his repressed self). In short, he sees her in two lights: his mother, and his enemy. The same can be said about his father (he remembers the caregiver who looked after him, then the swinging corpse of the man who left him alone). Point 3 would owe to how his past has effected him in the present: an isolated job, without any close relationships (to our knowledge, anyway). As far as distrust may go, we don't know how trusting Travis is but, given his past (nearly gassed, left alone in wake of father's suicide), one could include the possibility of some issues with trust. As for point 4,we can see the guilt and shame over his position in the past as well as his helplessness as a child, however these seem to be things he recovered from in the long term (note how he ran into the burning Gillespie residence to save a perfect stranger? That is definitely not a case of someone being helpless.). Also if one could attribute his guilt being suppressed with his memories, one may make the connection between the Carrion's size increase (see bestiary) and the memory release. Also note, if you will, the posters on the walls of the Cedar Grove Sanitarium...yes, the ones that read 'PTSD: Fact or Fiction?' ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ 2.) TRAVIS AS THE BUTCHER ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ This section will explore the enigma that is the Butcher--being as it is representative of a darker side of Travis; a split personality. There are two possibilities here: Travis is (A) a serial killer or (B) he is an innocent man and the Butcher represents hate. Both possibilities hold very plausible arguments. === 2.1) PYRAMID HEAD/THE BUTCHER === From the very beginning of development, it was said by Oertel and the rest of the team that Silent Hill Origins would draw upon the same plot style of Silent Hill 2: the main character is a killer and doesn't know it, and, through representations of himself and his victim, he is tortured into realizing it. Well, they were right. Silent Hill Origins follows this formula entirely. Let's look at the similarities: In Silent Hill 2, Pyramid Head represents James, who has killed his wife. Pyramid Head is seen raping mannequin monsters and killing Mary's doppleganger, serving as a symbolic reflection of James' inner demon. Many say that the Butcher of Silent Hill Origins is almost identical. That is because, in essence, they are the same character. Whereas Pyramid Head's killing of Maria is meant to show James that he killed his wife, Travis' own inner demon, the Butcher, does almost exactly the same job. Shown dragging creatures around, hanging them upside down, and torturing them with a giant meat cleaver, the Butcher represents a darker side of Travis. Many clues lead to this conclusion, far beyond the fact that the development team promised the concept would be similar to that of Silent Hill 2. It has been suggested that the Butcher's appearance may be inspired by Travis' previous visits to Silent Hill; he may have been to the Historical Society and seen pictures of the "Executioner" (Pyramid Head). Also note the painting of Pyramid Head in the burning house--Travis claims that he can't help but look at it. Perhaps it is then that the image of the Butcher is born? Another interesting thing to note is their headwear: Pyramid Head's triangular helmet was designed to "look painful" and may represent James' self-suffering, whereas the Butcher's half-mask thing may represent the split personality concept the entire game rides on. === 2.2) PERSONA DOCUMENTATION === Two documents found in the theatre titled "An Id Torn in Two" and "Repression and Coercion" further strengthen Travis' dual personality. The first document mentions abused children developing seperate personas: "Throughout these case studies, we see the victims' brains struggling to cope with the conflict caused by abuse at the hands of a loved one. In many of the cases, the abused child's self appears to be split in two. One personality continues to love the abuser and seeks their approval. The other personality contains all the rage and anger of the abused and in many ways becomes a mirror of the abuser, seeking to inflict its pain on others. Sadly, it is often this self that becomes dominant." This file suggests that Travis becomes the enraged, crazy person his mother was when she tried to kill him. While this does not implicitly state that he becomes a killer, it certainly supports the theory. Notice the use of the word "mirror." *NOTE: this may be more indicative of Alessa (bringing her family history into question as well as what we know of her being divided spiritually at the end of the game) "Repression and Coercion" states the following: "It is a fact well known to intelligence services and military agents: the more a mind censors itself, the easier it is for outside influences to take hold and piggyback such mental programming. This is why those agencies chose for their pawns those individuals most compromised by their own mental issues." This document suggests Travis' repression of his other self; he is not consciously aware of his other persona, i.e. the Butcher. When exploring the idea of Travis being the Butcher, it is interesting to note that the Butcher is not seen in the Otherworld--it is only seen in the "standard," foggy world. This supports the idea that Travis may "become one" with the Butcher when travelling to the Otherworld. === 2.3) TRAVIS GRADY: SERIAL KILLER === This possibility states that the Butcher is a representative of Travis being a murderer, tying clues and evidence to the second ending achieved by killing at least 200 enemies within the game. -- 2.31) WOMEN/MIRRORS -- Through the second ending, it shows that at least one of Travis' victims was a woman he claimed to be his "mama." It can be assumed that he did this to many women. It is my belief that he attacked women who reminded him of his mother. Another interesting concept is the fact that almost all of the women's bathrooms are the only ones you can go in, and a large amount of those will transport Travis to the Otherworld. The fact that he can transfer over to the Otherworld in these areas may symbolize his "transformation" into his other half, the Butcher. You must also think about the fact that the Otherworld is accessed by mirrors... Travis' mother also claimed to see the Otherworld in the mirrors while she was going insane. It is clear that Travis is having a similar experience. It is also possible that Helen told Travis about the "people" she saw in the Otherworld, in order to make him understand her purpose for trying to kill him. It has also been suggested that the people in the mirrors have led to the creation of the Butcher, serving as a further catalyst for Travis' delusions. **Note that it is most likely that Travis' mother couldn't actually travel through mirrors; she told this to him as a child and he believes it. And as long as he believes it deep down, it can become a reality in his Silent Hill experience. -- 2.32) EVIDENCE -- A small clue can be found in the theatre. A note mentions that someone saw the Butcher in the motel. It has been shown that notes found within the game are real, and the letter could have been written about someone seeing a famous serial killer known as the Butcher, who is Travis. The most interesting part of the note is that it mentions he was seen at the motel. The Butcher is not only seen dominantly in the motel, but is also confronted there. There is a room here that has drawings and writings all over the walls of the Butcher, and, upon peeking through a hole into the room, he can be seen standing there. He is also a boss in the motel, where he is slowly killing a Twoback monster. The fight isn't particularly hard, but when the Butcher is defeated, Travis takes the Great Cleaver and forcefully slices it into him. This shows Travis' aggression as well as his nonwillingness to accept that he is in fact the Butcher. And of course, our final bit is the second ending. When the game is completed after having killed 200 or more enemies, an ending showing Travis strapped down is shown. While he is struggling, images of the Butcher flash on and off, and voices can be heard. One is of a woman saying "No, I'm not your mama," then clearly being killed. This shows that Travis killed people in a delusion, possibly thinking certain women were his mother or hating them for resembling her. He holds a dark place in his heart for his mother, since she tried to kill him when he was young. Another voice is of the motel manager, telling Travis that the motel is closed, then being killed. What this tells is that Travis would bring victims to the motel and kill them. When you complete the game with this ending you receive the "Butcher" Accolade, a "Butcher" costume, and the Great Cleaver. The description for the accolade reads "You have helped Travis realize a terrible truth." This strengthens the idea that this ending is in fact the true ending, aside the SH2 linkups and the fact that the other ending doesn't really match Silent Hill's feel. The costume bears the description "the clothes of a famous serial killer." This leads us to further believe that Travis is a serial killer, and has killed far more than one person. Imagine if you will, newspaper headlines bearing the text "BUTCHER STRIKES AGAIN!" Travis has possibly killed many people, gained notoriety, and is being punished by the town of Silent Hill itself. About the photos found in the motel: Did you notice in the opening that Travis' truck cab is filled with photographs? There are two very plausible conclusions about the photos found in the motel: (1) They were taken by Travis as a reminder of what crime's he committed (see the film 'Memento') or (2) they are manifestations of the "truth" becoming clear to Travis; his own personal self-revelation (per James' at the end of Silent Hill 2). Also consider the photo of his father. Does Alex perhaps believe he is responsible? === 2.4) TRAVIS GRADY: INNOCENT MAN === by WanderingOne This possibility holds an argument against the serial killer theory, stating that Travis is not a murderer but is in fact innocent, and that the Butcher represents hate for his mother, father, and possibly the entire town of Silent Hill. As was stated, Travis' dark half is the Butcher (a monster that resembles Pyramid Head from SH2), a monster that manifests itself in both the regular and otherworld of Silent Hill. Travis as he is normally (the caring persona) is the mirror of the homicidal Butcher (the dark persona) and is not aware of his dark half as per the 'Repression and coercion' note in the Artaud Theater. The split in persona happened after his family fell apart (mother trying to kill him, father's suicide). What if the notes left in the theater were more of a foreshadowing to Alessa's future situation (her soul split in twain, one half dark, the other innocent?) instead of alluding to Travis' current situation? If that were to be the case, then what of the Butcher? The Butcher still represents Travis' dark self, feelings of anger felt towards his mother for trying to kill him, and towards his father for killing himself. As was the case with Pyramid Head of SH2 (the manifestation of James' inner hate and his ability to kill), I'm skeptical that the same could be said about The Butcher for the reason that we aren't given the concrete fact that Travis has, indeed, killed anyone. Whereas James must state it in the game and thus removing any shadow of a doubt that he ended Mary's life, we haven't the same information flow in Origins and can only speculate with the audio of the second ending that he's done any wrong. It may even be possible (if the notes refer to Alessa solely) that Travis doesn't have a split personality at all and is simply repressing memories from a traumatic time in his life. -- 2.41) WOMEN AND MIRRORS -- Our first introduction to the mirror world (other world) happens at the very beginning of the game, in the opening cut scene where we see Alessa beckoning to Travis in one of the truck's side mirrors. As we know, Alessa is in fact not a figment of his imagination and is calling Travis to rescue her through the power of the other world. This supports the fact that Travis is not delusional about the mirrors being gateways. If this is true, then what of his mother? When she was going mad, she talked of there being another world beyond the mirrors. Given what we find out as the game progresses, one can see that she was right; there is indeed a mirror world (other world) which is a darker version of the regular Silent Hill. As a rule, we know that the ground upon which the town of Silent Hill is built is a sacred place (as Mary told us in SH2) though it was tainted by the cults (the Order, the Holy Mother sect, etc etc...). We know that there are monsters in the other world as there are in the regular Silent Hill as well. Therefore it is plausible that Helen Grady wasn't going insane when she talked with the 'people in the mirror', rather that she was talking to the monsters on the other side. If that is to be the case, what would be their reasoning is asking her to kill her son? Simple: being demons of the Cult's making (or no?), they could foresee the arrival and ritual Alessa would play a part in, her death to birth a new god. They could also foresee, however, that years later Travis would return to Silent Hill and save her, thus stopping the ritual and preventing the birth of the dark god. If Travis had died at his mother's hands, then Alessa's first ritual would've been a success as there would be no one there to stop it. However, her attempt to kill her son and commit suicide failed when a neighbor intervened, which started her downward spiral into insanity as was documented at Cedar Grove Sanitarium (at which point she claimed she could escape through mirrors but went nowhere at all). After his mother was locked away, young Travis didn't receive any real maternal care (his father being the only caregiver) and had no mother figure to look up to. This would've been when he began to harbor feelings of hate and anger towards her for trying to kill him but we'll delve into this later. As was noted in the Serial Killer argument above, the mirrors found are predominantly in women's washrooms. This may tie into the idea of sexual deprivation: guys generally don't go into women's washrooms for the reason they may be labeled 'peeping Toms'. Though, more than likely, the fact that Travis seems to make it a habit of using these rooms as gateways could be more indicative of his mother; a room for just females with a mirror, a place where men generally are not allowed (she drove away her husband and tried to kill her son). **Note that it is most likely that Travis' mother couldn't actually travel through mirrors; she told this to him as a child and he believes it. And as long as he believes it deep down, it can become a reality in his Silent Hill experience. -- 2.42) ASTRAL PROJECTION: REASON TO THE MADNESS OF SILENT HILL -- A conclusion we can reach for all this is that the Butcher is an astral projection of Travis' hate for his mother and father, not himself as a serial killer. As was mentioned in the 'Astral projection: the perfect assassin?” note: ...amongst the tribes who have developed the ability to control and focus their projections, there exists one that is feared throughout the whole community. Their shaman claims to have the ability to kill with thought alone, projecting his desire to kill into the body of the victim... It is possible that, contrary to the note found in the theater concerning Id, Travis' darker personality wasn't the dominant personality and was suppressed with his memories of Silent Hill by his good self, a sort of mental defense that can be seen in a dozen plus cases of abuse and trauma (IE person goes through trauma, mind suppresses memories, person develops other memories to blot out the ones suppressed and continues on- a psychosomatic reaction to extreme mental trauma). This explains why he didn't recognize the town when he came to – his memories were still under lock and key at that point. Psychosomatics have their traumas hidden under mental layers which eventually break down under stress, which explains the minor monsters (Straight Jacket and Nurse) appearing first, followed by an appearance by his dark Id (The Butcher) on the way to the sanitarium; slowly but surely, his defensive layers were breaking down and the first things to surge forth were his feelings/fears (in the forms of monsters) followed in the sanitarium and motel by his memories (boss fight with The Memory of Helen Grady and notes leading up to the fight with Richard Grady).As he remembers more and more, Travis' dark persona (which has been completely freed) now appears in the form of the Butcher and gets progressively violent in accordance with the more he (Travis) learns. The Butcher seems to be a projection of thought by Travis that, even though he isn't consciously thinking it, has enough power to manifest itself in the form of the monster (an astral projection) which goes around, slaughtering everything indiscriminately; thus why when he's looking through the peep holes, he sees the monster in the obsessive photo room then it's gone upon his next glance. Partially the monster is real, partially it's in his head. This is the case until, finally, at the Motel, Travis confronts his dark half and kills it once and for all, liberating himself from his murderous hate and rage caused by his late parents. On a similar but different note, if Travis' mind is creating the monsters, then we can also be sure that the increase in weaponry near the end of the game is also his doing; his mind has created monsters manifestations through the power of astral projection. In order to deal with those monsters, his mind might've thought hard enough on survival that weapons began appearing. Why? Because he needed them in order to survive the growing threat. -- 2.43) EVIDENCE -- If Travis isn't the Butcher physically speaking (aka going around killing people at the motel of his own volition), then who did the 'Sketches' theater note refer to? "Since what happened to Tony. I've dreamt about HIM more and more! THE BUTCHER! He looks just like that monster, the executioner! Now I've seen him when I'm awake. He's at my motel! It's HIM I swear it!" Again, this is answerable through the “Astral projection” note. Travis' dark Id is being released slowly along with his memories that were suppressed (as can be seen in the beginning when he starts remembering his parent's funeral), it is completely possible that the strength of his dark self is so strong it can be manifested while he's not even in town in the place where it frequents (again, strength changes from this person writing “I've dreamt about HIM more and more!” to “I've seen him when I'm awake.” suggesting the dark Id has been growing stronger to the point it is visible by others). Due to the fact that Silent Hill was built on native American sacred land (as was stated before), I have a tendency to believe that the power of astral projection is the culprit (as well as the source for many of the monsters). As for the sighting of the Butcher more and more at the motel, that can be attributed to the complete release of the Butcher (split personality) where it haunts the place where it was completely formed (with the suicide of Travis' father being the final thread that helped the split in persona). The fight between the Butcher and Travis is symbolic of Travis confronting his inner demon and finally defeating it. This is also symbolic of his finally conquering the rage and hate he felt for his parents after they 'left' him alone. The final swing of the great cleaver could be a final blow asserting dominance over the fallen figure of hate and anger. Concerning the photographs used to support the serial killer hypothesis: The photographs of women and their causes of death serve as a foil to the father's photograph and his cause of death: all the women died of obviously fatal things that would be expected to cause death (overdose, shotgun blast etc...). The fact that they all died with such widely recognized causes of death can be considered a foil to the father's photograph and cause of death. The father's cause of death photograph is different because it is of the father and not another woman and the cause of death isn't concrete as the other photographs; he died of a broken heart, (though we later learn he hung himself in the motel room). This series of photographs may also just be seen as a prelude to Richard Grady's suicide seeing as all the deaths listed are well known suicides (IE STABBING was Juliet's end in 'Romeo and Juliet', an overdose killed Marilyn Monroe, a snakebite killed Cleopatra etc...). As for the second ending (after killing 200 plus enemies), it can be argued from the astral projection standpoint. One can't kill thought, and if Travis does start thinking of the anger and hate again without realizing it, he could allow unintentionally for another manifestation of The Butcher. In the case of the second ending, we see Travis strapped down and drugged while audio flashbacks(?) play (IE “No, I'm not your momma!” “Sorry, the motel's closed-”) and flashes of both the Butcher and Pyramid Head can be seen. The reason for the question mark is simple: we aren't 100% sure that these audio clips aren't playing in real time or as true flashbacks. a) real time explanation: If the audio is being played in real time (IE the person is screaming it while Travis is tied down), then one can be sure that he's not responsible for their pain directly as he's incapacitated. However, he is drugged, and his mind did call upon The Butcher before without fully realizing it – feelings of panic and anger arise from being restrained could easily conjure up the monster again (especially in the state Travis is in at this point). It is also possible that what he's hearing aren't actual people at all, but rather his mind creating victims for his hate to kill while confined, thus leading to the realization on Travis' part that he IS the Butcher--or, at least, in part responsible for the monster's killing(? *you can't kill people if they don't exist*) b) flashback explanation: If the audio clips are in fact flashbacks (Travis reliving them as he struggles), then there might be a middle ground instead of assuming he killed at least two people. After the initial trauma of his childhood, Travis must've returned to Silent Hill (or this could've been before he left) and lost it, mentally blacking out and attacking the people heard in the flashbacks. Now let's assume he was stopped in the attempt. In this case, he may have spent time in the sanitarium (furthering his anxiety towards nurses resulting in the green nurse monsters *green is a calming color found in a plethora of hospitals, mainly mental*), largely unaware of his dark persona which remained dormant. His memories now suppressed completely (maybe even out of denial), Travis was his normal self as the shock of his position took hold. This realization made his good self the dominant, pushing his anger and hate to the back of his mind. Flash forward back to the restraints, being tied down might have sparked some anger reminiscent of his being locked up while he recalls the voices of those he attacked due to his dark personality... then coming to the realization that he is the monster responsible for the attacks. That is, assuming that the second ending is canon (though, as this section is trying to prove, it is not). As for the accolade description ('You have helped Travis realize a terrible truth') one can argue that you have made Travis realize that he had a murderous split personality that harbored much resentment towards his late parents, one that, had it been released while he was unaware of it, might have actually caused harm to others. Unlocking the Butcher items (costume and Great Cleaver) is just another reference to the Butcher being a part of his past; it is symbolic of the monster being more than a suppressed memory, yet at the same time isn't concrete enough to mean Travis is a killer. Even though the costume description says 'clothes of an infamous serial killer,' this may only be in reference to the Butcher monster, who ran around mercilessly killing the monstrous citizens of the town. -- 2.44) THE FIRST ENDING -- In the first ending we see that Travis finally makes it out of the town after defeating the demon the cultists summon and gets back into his truck. Before he drives off, he sees Alessa in the side mirror holding a bundle (her baby self) and resets the mile counter back to zero. As he drives off we see that Alessa is actually physically there standing by the roadside with her baby and no longer a ghost in the mirror as she was in the beginning. The symbolism in this ending largely has to do with the mile counter being set back. As we saw in the opening as soon as Travis neared Silent Hill, the radio started to act up then, when he got even closer, and the mile counter hit 365 (the number of days in a theoretical year), he started getting flash backs. How the mile counter plays into this is that the main tragedies he faced as a child were spread over the course of a year as can be seen by dates of notes found within the game (1960-1961). At the end of the game, we see that the mile counter has now moved on: 366, indicative of a new year. Travis resets the counter and, in doing so, has come to grips with his past and drives off, leaving the town of Silent Hill and all the pain associated with it behind in order to start over. ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ 3.) TRAVEL THROUGH SILENT HILL ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ This section will walk through key areas in the game, explain their significance, etc. I won't cover small areas that don't have much to do with Travis' main psyche; i.e. I won't be covering the hospital part before the end that lasts for five minutes or less. === 3.1) THE HOSPITAL === Although he went to the hospital to find Alessa, Travis' trip could be steeped in inner fear. The fact that it turns into the Otherworld and contains nurse monsters [see the section on nurse monsters for more on their possible place in symbolism] serves a possibility that Travis fears hospitals, or attributes them to the traumatizing time when he may have visited one shortly after being attacked by his mother. === 3.2) THE SANITARIUM === Travis' trip to the sanitarium is certainly a return--he visited at times before as a child, and once broke into the female wing to find his mum. Here we find many documents about her and discover her condition. The most interesting things here are near the end. The female seclusion room, where Travis went through to meet his mother, is riddled with discturbing children's drawings, which were obviously done by he himself when he was younger. They depict such things as demons and characters with heads scribbled out. Upon inspection, Travis claims that they make him uncomfortable. It is made clear that Travis was deeply affected by his mother's attack, but why does he go to visit her even after this? It is because he has developed a second personality: a darker, more sinister personality, that will become the Butcher. He will switch between forgiving his mother and still loving her, to being aggressive and hateful towards her. *NOTE* The children's drawings may also indicate confusion onto his emerging split personality and his attempt to keep it under control (scribbling the heads out) *maybe as well as his own premature contact with the mirror world (thus the demons), which would have been suppressed?* *Updated not: The poster 'PTSD: Fact or Fiction' may be an indicator onto what Travis suffers from (forementioned note) === 3.3) THE THEATRE === Many flashbacks occur in the theatre, and may be tied to either Travis' supposed visits to the theatre or the possibility that his father and/or mother were actors there. Other than the possible symbolism with the Ariel [see the bestiary], I don't see much more here in the lines of Travis' backstory. However, a lot of the theatre's significance lies in its history with Alessa. It is mentioned here that a girl had visited the theatre and was scared of the Caliban costume, worn by an actor named Tony. Tony shortly thereafter suffered a nosebleed, which was most likely caused by Alessa's powers. Notice the door puzzle that is based on the concept of light and dark... furthering the theme of duality within the game. === 3.4) THE MOTEL === The motel is the final area (well, pretty much), and serves as the climax of Travis' storyline. Travis once stayed here with his father, presumably when they went to visit his mother. The Butcher is seen here primarily, and it is revealed here that he is in fact the persona of Travis. For more info on this, see the next section. It is interesting to see that the Twoback monster is seen here dominantly, seeing as motels are usually places where people get funky, and presumably because Travis possibly raped his victims here. Note that I said "possibly." The ability to play voyeur and look through the holes into different rooms may suggest that Travis watched his victims in the same fashion. This may have no connection, but I think the fact that the photograph of his father has a strong bearing on this. Plus, why else would the holes be there? *NOTE* the peep holes are more than likely symbolic of a classic 'peepshow' more than a killer watching his prey and is just another indicator of sexual deprivation. ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ 4.) WEAPONRY ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ The biggest innovation in Silent Hill Origins is the fact that many random non-weapon items in the environment can be used lethally. This supports Travis' sadist side, as well as his deadly aggression. The fact that you can actually pick up a television or a meat hook and violently beat down on a monster shows Travis' potential as a killer. Since gameplay has always been affected by the character's personal strengths (and weaknesses), and the fact that combat in the game is more in-depth, violent and aggressive, show that Travis is a sadistic killer. It is also interesting that, near the end of the game, out-of-place weapons can be found, such as spears. Why would a spear be lying around in a toilet, or in a hotel room? Because Travis wants them to be there. Also note that many hotel rooms have beds with knives stabbed into them. *NOTE* Firstly, the fact that you can pick up a TV and use it as a weapon may just prove that in order to survive, one must be resourceful and use what's on hand at the time. As it does show his lethal potential, one must also take into account the situation Travis is in; he is trapped in a nightmarish town full of twisted creatures, each with the potential to kill him if he's not careful. Given this and other factors (amount of adrenaline due to situation), we can be sure that he'd be willing to use anything as a weapon. If Travis is a psychosomatic and his fears and anxieties are being released slowly and surely as manifestations, then his mind may have mental defenses. In short, his mind creates the danger through the release of memory, and basic animal thought in response creates defense as to those memories. The fact that the monsters become larger and more menacing as the story progressesleads us to believe that Travis might want more weapons in order to deal with the growing threat. There are more weapons based on his own need for self preservation. ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ 5.) BESTIARY ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ === 5.01) Straight-Jacket === Almost exactly like the monster "Lying Body" found in Silent Hill 2, they represent restraint. This may be the restraint of Travis' mother in the sanitarium, Travis himself as he's thrown in the looney bin for being a psycho killer, or something more aphysical, like the restraint in his mind keeping him from realizing he's a killer. *NOTE: Possibly represents self containment as well, unable to really open up to anyone due to his being on the road so often === 5.02) Nurse === Nurse monsters exist in every Silent Hill game (well, SH4 had something similar anyway), and personally I think this is their best appearance. As to why they appeared was anyone's guess, but I think that they appear because of Travis' hate for them. Why does he hate them? He probably thinks of them as the ones who are keeping his mother away from him. As he longs for his mum, he probably thinks of the hospital staff as evil people. It may also connect to the time when he broke into the sanitarium to see his mother, and nurses probably tore him away from her. *NOTE: perhaps lack of faith in the healing process, fear of the medical staff after they rescued him from his mother in Cedar Grove, ((or perhaps from his own stay in Cedar Grove(?))) === 5.03) Remnant === The Remnant is the strangest enemy in the game. It is a silhouette of a female body with a head brace. These head braces were used to contain sanitarium patients, and it is obvious that the feminine form is inspired by Travis' mother. I believe its shadowy form symbolizes the darker side of her, and not necessarily Travis' "good" memories of her. *NOTE: Head brace worn by a shadow is symbolic of how his mother was seen by him as a child; trapped, a shadow of herself and violent. === 5.04) Carrion === Carrion is the large creature that looks like an amalgamation of numerous different animals put together, skinned. It is told on the official website that it represents Travis' sympathy for roadkill. Other than this, not much else is symbolic, besides the fact that it is shown in the game that Travis feels compassion towards animals. This is shown when you inspect the mounted heads in the motel. *NOTE: Carrion may also represent feelings of guilt over his situation (parents' deaths. perhaps?). They start out small, but as the game progresses, they get larger. A reason for this is that as he begins to remember more of his suppressed memories, his guilt begins to build up thus the size increase in the monsters. === 5.05) Caliban === Caliban is a twisted version of the classic Shakespearian character. This monster seems to harbor mostly Alessa's fears, as it is stated in a note that a girl came to the theatre, and that she was afraid of the Caliban costume. After the boss version of it is defeated, she also kicks it in anger. *NOTE: It may represent Travis as an adult; a mental monstrosity (due to childhood trauma), but (like Caliban of 'The Tempest') can be considered the only true human in the town (as Caliban was the only true human on the island in the play). === 5.06) Ariel === Ariel is the childlike mannequin creature found in the theatre. Hanging upside-down or walking on their hands, they will grab at Travis and try to choke him. The creature is summoned here by Alessa; it was her favorite character in the play. Why is it so demonic? *NOTE: The choking is reminiscent of the mother trying to kill Travis (asphyxiation, mind you through gas not strangulation) === 5.07) Twoback === The Twoback represents two things: intercourse, and Travis' parents. As a truck driver, Travis never really gets the chance to lie with a woman, so deep in the recesses of his mind he has a similar sexual anxiety that James of SH2 had. In the concept of the monster symbolizing his parents, consider its structure. The bottom half of the creature seems to be larger and male; the back appears to be feminine. This is most likely symbolic of Travis' father carrying the weight of his wife's actions. The two figures are bound together both by an undying love, marriage, and the fact that they will never forget what one another has done. This has perhaps caused Travis to see relationships in a negative light; creating the image of Twoback and ultimately driving Travis away from closeness with females, as suggested in his behavior when seeing Lisa in the theatre. === 5.08) The Butcher === Travis' inner demon and the representation of who he really is. For a really, really in-depth look at the Butcher's role, see the section "Travis as the Butcher." *NOTE: The split personality suppressed by Travis until its release upon entry into the town of Silent Hill. === 5.09) Memory of Helen Grady === At the end of the sanitarium, Travis confronts a demon representing his mother. She is depicted as a sinister demon that is braced in a cage and hanging from the cieling. Simply, it draws on his fear of his mother when she tried to kill him. *NOTE: suspended in a cage or, more accurately, a "gibbet" which was used centuries ago to suspend convicted criminals at the crossroads where their souls would be doomed to remain (a superstitious belief that the criminal's soul wouldn't return to town and exact its revenge for their execution) === 5.10) Memory of Richard Grady === Travis' problems with his father are confronted at the end of the motel. When his father hanged himself, Travis stood there talking to him, trying to wake him up. This was obviously traumatizing for the young Travis. The monster form of his father resembles a leech or maggot hanging from the cieling, accompanied by a hanging set of legs and a hanging torso. Travis may harbor negative feelings towards his father for "leaving" him. *NOTE: the reason for his parasitic appearance is due to his living only for his wife, not his son. *NOTE: Memories of the Grady couple: both were suspended from the ceiling (Helen Grady by a gibbet, Richard Grady by a rope) which can be interpreted as their both being guilty of serious crimes (Helen's attempted murder of her son, Richard's child endangerment through his suicide) resulting in their demonic representations being hung like criminals. ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ 6.) CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ CONCLUSION ONE: Travis the Killer -In this conclusion, as led to in the second ending, the Butcher is a (symbolically) physical embodiment of Travis as a serial killer. Travis' mind has been negatively warped, causing him to destroy innocent people, many of which are supposedly females. CONCLUSION TWO: Travis (Innocent) -In this conclusion, as supported by the first ending, Travis is seen as an innocent man and the Butcher is nothing more than an embodiment of his hate--hate for his mother, father, and possibly the town of Silent Hill itself. Travis has a fresh start at the end of the game, after coming to terms with his bent psyche. OVERALL -Both conclusions can be seen as canon, but not in tandem, it seems. Thus, Silent Hill Origins joins the ranks of previous games in which there are multiple possiblities as for a canon ending, yet none of them are concrete, leaving the player to decide what the protagonist's fate is. However, it is interesting to note that most symbolism within monsters, etc. Is not concrete. Well, not yet... ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ 7.) CONTACT ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ ChildofValhalla/TheSnake may be contacted by email at: the_bloodredsky (at) yahoo (dot) com. I will always reply. Please allow at least one or two days for a response. WanderingOne may be contacted by email at dragon_serenade (at) hotmail (dot) com. ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ 8.) VERSION HISTORY ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ -: 10/07/08 (3.0) Yeah, yeah. I'm on it. -: 03/10/08 (2.5) Lots of stuff. It's been a while! -: 12/22/07 (2.2) Changed a few things. Added a new host. -: 12/20/07 (2.0) Overhaul! Rearranged everything and added new sections; also gained a talented cowriter. Let's make this thing awesome! -: 11/28/07 (1.5) More emails come in and more offers from sites to use the plot analysis. Added more theories and support! -: 11/27/07 (1.3) After a plethora of emails, added other conclusions, more sections -: 11/24/07 (1.0) First edition ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ 9.) AFTERWORD ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ I'd like to thank: Konami and Climax for another EXCELLENT Silent Hill game. Keep 'em coming guys! And you! For reading it. Thanks. Also, I'd like to thank the following people for contributing their own theories for the game: -Sailorhell -Fallen Evil -vampiredude35 -Mrcaliche -bavolis -imxspartacus -TheLyron -afmagana -Cavemanta -roque -M. Dunne -Cetra2001 -Talio -grails8827 -dukenukem155313 -draco28 -M. Roehrs Special thanks go out to WanderingOne and Seta for their incredible contributions. This document is copyright (c) 2007, 2008 by ChildofValhalla/TheSnake and WanderingOne This plot analysis has been approved to be shown on the following sites: -GameFAQs -GameSpot -Neoseeker -Super Cheats -PwnGuide -GamesRadar -CheatPlanet -bbs.tgbus.com (Chinese) -gamer.com.tw (Taiwanese) -Some Brazilian site (forgot the name--Haha!) If you would like to use this plot analysis on your site, please email me for permission (you will most likely be approved). If I find this file on a site other than those listed above, I will be willing to take action. So nyeh. Contact: the_bloodredsky (at) yahoo (dot) com. =+=End of Document.=+=