SSSSS OOOOO NN NN IIIII CCCCC SS OO OO NNN NN III CC C SSSSS OO OO NN N NN III CC SS OO OO NN NNN III CC C SSSSS OOOO0 NN NN IIIII CCCCC RRRRRR IIIII VV VV AAA LL SSSSS RR RR III VV VV AAAAA LL SS RRRRRR III VV VV AA AA LL SSSSS RR RR III VV VV AAAAAAA LL SS RR RR IIIII VVV AA AA LLLLLLL SSSSS Boss FAQ Version 1.5 Written by 6pieisgood9 (Brandon Batche) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents I. Version History II. Controls III. Boss Guides A. Forest Falls Zone (Egg Turtle) B. Colosseum Highway (Egg Falcon) C. Crystal Mountain Zone (Egg Lynx) D. Death Yard Zone (Egg Kong) E. Meteor Base Zone (Egg Destroyer) IV. Frequently Asked Questions V. Contact Information VI. Legal Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Version History 1.0 (11/19/06) Began the FAQ. All bosses are complete. 1.1 (11/21/06) Corrected some spelling mistakes. Also replaced the final boss's name from "Vulture" (which is not the name of it) to "Final Boss." I also added something to the Contact information. It is just some things I would like to know if you have any information on them. 1.2 (11/22/06) Fixed a few more mistakes. 1.21 (11/25/06) Added a site to the approved list at the bottom of the FAQ. 1.3 (12/11/06) I finally found out the name of the boss in Death Yard Zone, Egg Kong. Thank you GhStron for this information! I also updated the Frequently Asked Questions section a bit and I added 2 questions. 1.4 (1/5/07) Thanks to Bloodred Nemesis for information on the name of the boss in Meteor Base Zone! I have also updated the appoved sites list. 1.5 (3/15/07) Been a while since my last update eh? Added a bit more information for Egg Kong. Thanks to Alice for the information! =) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Controls The controls of this game are quite simple. ANALOG STICK......................................................Move (X) BUTTON........................................................Jump (O) BUTTON........................................................Attack (TRIANGLE) BUTTON.................................................Use Power-Up (X)(X)............................................................Homing attack DOWN + (X)........................................................Spin Dash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Boss Guides Here are the walkthroughs to the bosses in the game. ---------------------------------------------- A. Forest Falls Zone (Egg Turtle) This boss isn't too difficult. Just make sure you don't let your rival attack it before you do! He has two attacks. One where he shoots his head and tail out onto the stage, and one where he shoots his head and tail out onto the stage and then spin for a while. This boss is constantly spinning. Keep running around the stage to avoid getting hit. You want to hit him on the head, so run in the direction that the Egg Turtle is spinning staying close to the head. As soon as he moves his head out onto the stage, attack the head. You will need to do this 6 times. Of course, you need to also watch out for your rival. He will try to attack the Egg Turtle, as well as you! You can hit the boss's tail to attack your rival, but it isn't very necessary. Make sure you are constantly collecting rings! The first one to hit the boss 6 times will win. ---------------------------------------------- B. Colosseum Highway (Egg Falcon) This boss is a little bit harder than the last. You are placed on another circular stage with platforms up in the air. You want to be on the top platforms to be able to hit the boss. This boss has a few attacks. He mainly drops bombs. There are three types of bombs. One will freeze a platform, so that when you jump on it, you freeze for a while. Another bomb will set a platform on fire, so that when you jump on it you take damage. The last bomb will shrink a platform, making it harder to get up onto it. There are also springs on the level to help you get to the top fast, but it's hard to use them because there are usually platforms above it. To attack him, stay on one of the top platforms and wait until he descends a little bit. Then hit the cockpit. Make sure you are staying in front of him always so that it will be easier to hit him when he descends! Make sure you watch out for your rival too! If you stand still too long, he will attack you. The first to hit him 6 times wins. ---------------------------------------------- C. Crystal Mountain Zone (Egg Lynx) You are now placed on a semi-circular stage, so you are going to have to do a lot of running back and forth. This guy has two attacks. He will first shoot out a bunch of missiles out at you and your rival. After he shoots off a few missiles, he goes out onto the stage and slams his paws down, destroying part of the stage temporarily. Stay out of the way of this. This is when to attack. Jump up on his paws and jump onto the cockpit. After each hit he starts to shoot more and more missiles out at you. They aren't hard to dodge, as long as you are constantly moving back and forth on the stage. Make sure to collect the rings! And attack your rival every so often. The first one to hit him 6 times wins. ---------------------------------------------- D. Death Yard Zone (Egg Kong) You are now fighting against Metal Sonic and this guy, who looks like an ape. This boss fight isn’t hard at all. Make sure you are constantly running around the track, never stopping and always collecting rings. Attack Metal Sonic whenever you pass by him, if you are going the opposite way he is going. This boss has a few attacks. He will shoot out a bunch of missiles out you first. There are times when he will shoot out a missile that can freeze you or your rival. Make sure you dodge this. After a while, his head will open up and the brain capsule will move out onto the middle of the stage and send out an attack that travles in opposite directions around the stage. Attack the capsule and jump over the attack to dodge it. Repeat 5 more times and he's gone. You obviously don't need to worry about Metal Sonic attacking the boss. Alice writes "When fighting the boss of the Death Yard Zone (Egg Kong), the boss will shoot missiles. Sometimes, these missiles will get lodged in the ground, creating temporary Boost Objects. When you pass over one of these embedded missiles, you can press X or O to Air Boost or Speed Boost off of it. If you do this, the missile will be "reactivated"; it will travel up into the air and then down at an angle, or it will travel horizontally in a circle along the track, depending on whether you Speed Boosted or Air Boosted. This means you can get the missiles to hit your rival and freeze him, if you time it right. But beware; they can still hit you, too!" Thanks Alice! =) ---------------------------------------------- E. Meteor Base Zone (Egg Destroyer) This is it. The final boss. Metal Sonic is here too! This time, you are racing against the timer. He's not as much as a boss than he is a ship. There are four portions of the ship. You must attack each portion twice. You start out on the far left portion of the ship. You must race to the right and attack the cannon for each portion. Of course there are obstacles in the way. The first portion has two obstacles. One is an electric force field that will damage you if you touch it. Wait until it goes away then quickly jump over the thing before another force field comes up. The second obstacle is a jet of wind that will push you back. Keep jumping and when there is no wind, jump over the device. Attack the cannon. Repeat this again and you will move onto the next portion. On this portion, the first obstacle is a kind of cannon that shoots out ice. If you touch the ice, you freeze. Wait until the cannon goes away, then quickly proceed. The next obstacle is another cannon-like object that will shoot out fire. Jump over the fire and attack the large cannon. Repeat and proceed to the third portion. The first obstacle is a jet of wind, that turns into an electrical force feild. Navigate through this quickly. The second obstacle is the cannon that shoots ice, that turns into the cannon that shoots fire. Navigate through this and attack the large cannon. Proceed to the last portion, which has three obstacles! The first obstacle is the cannon that shoots ice, that turns into the cannon that shoots fire. Navigate through this quickly. The second obstacle is an electrical force field. Nothing special about this. The third obstacle is the cannon that shoots ice, that turns into the cannon that shoots fire. Navigate through this, and attack the cockpit. Repeat, and you win! Congratulations! You beat the final boss and beat the game as whatever character you played as! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Frequently Asked Questions I see many questions on the message boards that are asked way too much. Here are a majority of them. Q. Is this game going to be ported? A. NO! Stop asking about it! Q. Is this game a remake of an older Sonic game? A. Nope. This is a completely new Sonic game. Q. How do I use power ups? A. I answered this in the controls, but all you need to do is press the triangle button. Q. Do you get to play as Metal Sonic? A. Yes. You unlock him by collecting 3 cards that are related to him. I got those cards by playing through all story modes so, just play through all of the stories and you should unlock him. Q. How do I unlock clothes? A. (Taken from Goldanas's post on the message boards) "To unlock clothing items you need to collect the FULL set of a group of three (3) cards. Once you have the full set, you will unlock one clothing item, be it glove, shoe, or suit. It all depends on the symbol in the upper-left corner of the card. Don't worry, it will tell you when you get something new. To put on the clothes when you're in any mode, go to the character select screen, highlight your character of choice, and press "Triangle." It seems to save your selections across all modes." Q. Is there a last story? A. No. Q. Are there super forms? A. No. Q. Do you unlock anything after collecting all 150 cards? A. No. Q. Is this game fun? A. That all depends on your taste in games. I have written a review and submitted it to GameFAQs recently so, when that shows up, you can read that and decide for yourself if this is the game for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Contact Information See any mistakes in this FAQ? Do you have a question about the game? Or even the FAQ? Feel free to email me at and I'll be sure to answer your question, or update my FAQ with your information. I'll be sure to give you credit. Please type so it will be readable. I WILL NOT answer any emails that have absolutely stupid questions (like "z0m6 l1l<3 l-l0\/\/ D0 J00 l_l/\/L0Cl< /\/\37/-\L 50/\/1C N00BZ LOLOLOLOLOLPWNAGE 2 DA MAXXORZZZ"), offending criticism, hate mail, or anything that doesn't have to do with this game or FAQ. If you would like to use my FAQ on your video game site, please ask me for permission to use this FAQ. I would be happy to let you use it, as long as you ask me first! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Legal Stuff and Copyright Information Copyright 2006 Brandon Batche. This FAQ is strictly written for GameFAQs. You many not post this FAQ on any other website without my permission. If you use parts of this FAQ in something of your own you MUST email me for permission and give me credit for the information that you have copied from this FAQ. If you see this FAQ in any other website besides GameFAQs and the ones listed below, then please email me about it and let me know about it. Here are the sites that I have allowed to use my FAQ. I may update this list if another website would like to use this FAQ. I am generally nice about other sites using this FAQ as long as they ask for permission and give me credit.