_________ __ __ __ / _____// |______ _______ / \ / \_____ _______ ______ \_____ \\ __\__ \\_ __ \ \ \/\/ /\__ \\_ __ \/ ___/ / \| | / __ \| | \/ \ / / __ \| | \/\___ \ /_______ /|__| (____ /__| \__/\ / (____ /__| /____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ___________ \_ _____/__________ ____ ____ | __)/ _ \_ __ \_/ ___\/ __ \ | \( <_> ) | \/\ \__\ ___/ \___ / \____/|__| \___ >___ > \/ \/ \/ ____ ___ .__ .__ .___ | | \____ | | ____ _____ _____| |__ ____ __| _/ | | / \| | _/ __ \\__ \ / ___/ | \_/ __ \ / __ | | | / | \ |_\ ___/ / __ \_\___ \| Y \ ___// /_/ | |______/|___| /____/\___ >____ /____ >___| /\___ >____ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ Contents ---------------------------------- 1 - Information [01] 2 - Tips and Strategies [02] 3 - Bosses [03] 3.01 - Rogue Jedi [3A] 3.02 - General Rahm Kota [3B] 3.03 - Darth Desolous [3C] 3.04 - Junk Titan [3D] 3.05 - Drexl Roosh [3E] 3.06 - Junk Guardian [3F] 3.07 - Kazdan Paratus [3G] 3.08 - Darth Phobos [3H] 3.09  Rancor [3I] 3.10 - Shaak Ti [3J] 3.11 - Shadow Guard [3K] 3.12 - Rogue Jedi [3L] 3.13 - Ozzik Sturn [3M] 3.14 - Bull Rancor [3N] 3.15 - Maris Brood [3O] 3.16 - Shadow Guard [3P] 3.17 - Kleef [3Q] 3.18 - Basilisk [3R] 3.19 - Chop'aa [3S] 3.20 - Darth Vader p1 [3T] 3.21 - Darth Vader p2 [3U] 3.22 - Emperor [3V] 4 - Saber Hilts and crystals [04] 4.01 - Hilts [4A] 4.02 - Crystals [4B] 5 - Frequently Asked Questions [05] 6 - Version History [06] 7 - Copyright Information [07] 8 - Contact Information [08] ---------------------------------- Information [01] ---------------------------------- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is a game made by Lucas Arts. It is on all the next gen systems including the PS2. I made this guide for the PSP version but it should be similar to all versions of the game. The game focuses on Darth Vader's secret apprentice and how Vader uses him to defeat various Jedi. I will try and guide you on how to defeat them easier. There are bosses everywhere in this game. There is at least 1 boss at the end of each level and there are sometimes a few mini-bosses in between the levels. Also, I have made a section to all the lightsaber hilts and color crystals. I have gathered several sources together to aquire this information. I trust that it is correct but have not tested it out personally. If there is anything wrong, please feel free to contact me. Tips and Strategies [02] ---------------------------------- 1. Always hold block when moving or standing. The only time you should let down your guard is when you are attacking or using maelstrom or repulse. 2. Never run straight at a Jedi. He has of attacks and force that can hit at range. 3. Use the finishers. The some bosses can be killed if you keep on attacking, but the some bosses at the end of each stage CAN NOT be killed by fighting normally. They are invincible at around 20% health. The only way to defeat them is to press the button combination properly. 4. Try to change your attacks, I find that if you spam a particular combo again and again, they learn to block it after a few times. 5. Try to press jump when Jedi use force push on you. It will counter their attack. 6. Throwing objects do huge damage. If you can manage it, you can try to pick up an object and throw it at them. It is easier with monsters since they are bigger and you can hit them easier. 7. Dashing is your best friend. If they can not hit you, they can not hurt you. You will always want to dash against a monster. Dashing is also effective to get distance between your opponent if you want to range. Bosses [03] ---------------------------------- I will categorize all the bosses as monster, infantry, or Jedi. Infantry is the easiest type of boss. They are extremely weak against lightsaber. You can probably beat them just by spamming lightsaber combos. Another easy way to beat them is to upgrade Maelstrom and charge it up. They will probably run away and you blast it when they turn their back. Monsters have no defence but they will not recoil when you attack. Thus you will rarely want to use lightsaber combos against a monster. Monsters are immune to the push abilities. You will usually use aerial attacks or throw objects. Lightning also works well on melee monsters with no range. The only exception is if the monster is ranged, and you should get close and personal with it. Added by Nick: I find that using the saber throwing technique seems to work quite well against all the monsters and the AT-ST's and stuff. Just center the camera onto them (R + down) and keep circling around them and throwing the saber at them. With the monsters you want to stay just out of their reach, and if they do get to close just dash away, and with the AT-ST's try to stay behind them so they can't hit you. Also, if you keep doing this they will sometimes just turn your back on you for a few seconds and walk away as if you're not there, and when this is the case you could use lighting or start hacking away at their feet/legs. Jedi is the hardest type of boss. These guys are the ones that will really test your skills. They can use force same as you, and they have a lightsaber. My advice is to get close and personal with the saber. I find the saber combos are the most effective and the shockwave attacks will help you cover ground if they get too far. They can use the force real well so don’t try to range unless you are real good at throwing objects. Rogue Jedi  Jedi [3A] ---------------------------------- This is the guy at the end of the first level. He should be real easy since it’s like a training mission. Just get up close and personal and spam the saber on him. After he gets around 20% health, use the finisher to kill him. General Rahm Kota - Jedi [3B] ---------------------------------- This is your first true test. He can overwhelm you if you are not careful. A good cheap tactic choke him and then run for cover while you regerate your force and choke him again. He is very vulnerable to choke and I can sometimes use the full force bar on him. There is a health container behind the ship hologram so if you are low on health, run there and heal. Again, use the finisher when he gets to around 20% health. Darth Desolous - Jedi [3C] ---------------------------------- The force is weak in him. He is very weak against force attacks. Just keep your distance and throw force objects at him. His saber skills are not that much better. Most of the saber combos get through. It is easy as long as you keep the offensive. Junk Behemoth - Monster [3D] ---------------------------------- It's big, but it is slow and stupid. This is the first monster you face and he is not that hard. He has a ranged attack where he shoots out his arms. That leaves him extremely vulnerable to saber attacks. A good tactic is to get some distance, and let him shoot his arms. That gives you a few seconds to dash in, do a saber combo, and dash out. Drexl Roosh - Infantry [3E] ---------------------------------- Soon after you fight your first monster, you face your first infantry. Quick refreshment on infantry. They have no force and they don't block saber very well. There is not much to fear from this guy since he is so weak. His henchmen might pester you while you fight so the first thing you want to do is repulse all his henchmen away. When you get him face to face, get up close and personal with the saber and show him that you don't like being set up. Junk Titan - Monster [3F] ---------------------------------- Now this guy is big, bad and ugly. Like all monsters, he is immune to push and recoil so try not to get too close for too long. There is nothing to throw at him so you can't do anything with push. One thing about him is that he attacks slowly. You can probably defeat him by doing hit and runs with dashing. He sometimes summons minions which can be annoying. Just get back and force push the minions away. Kazdan Paratus - Jedi [3G] ---------------------------------- This dude has a double bladed saber. But he does not know how to use it properly. He is agile and likes to move around. Just keep close to him and use saber combos. If he gets too far, use Ground Slam or Saber Assault to get close. Darth Phobos - Jedi [3H] ---------------------------------- Now this b**** has your girlfriend's face and another double blader. (You don't get that when you unlock her for Force Unleashed) But that still doesn't make her any more dangerous. She loves throw things, so return the favor whenever you can. There are a lot of objects here so if you see something floating either throw it back or run away. She also loves to teleport and appears out of nowhere, so keep your guard up and stay alert. She can also make a double of herself, but the double will die in one hit. Despite her double blader, she is very weak to saber attacks. You beat her easily with saber combos. Watch the cut scene; I love how this fight ends :o Rancor - Monster [3I] ---------------------------------- Now this is one big brute. He is big but his attack speed is slow. He can fight on the ground well so you should use not stand still. A good tactic is to dash behind him and use saber combos. Keep on dashing between his legs when he faces you. You can also try to use Aerial Shock to get free hits on him. Added by IMJUSTAFREAK: The Rancor section I found can be completed real easy with Lightning, especially if you have it upgraded to the second level. All I do is use Lightning on them for a bit and then dash out of the way. I found that to take care of them real fast and allow you to carry on killing stormtroopers. Shaak Ti - Jedi [3J] ---------------------------------- For a long term Jedi master, she is very weak to saber attacks. I find that Storm is especially effective. She loves to call for help from minions so Maelstrom is good on them. There are not many objects to throw around so push is pretty useless. Just keep on hitting her with saber combos and she will fall. Shadow Guard - Jedi [3K] ---------------------------------- The force is weak in him. He is very vulnerable to Maelstrom. I used it and it hit him every single time. Force push also hits him easily. Lightning doesn't work very well on him so don't use it excessively. He sometimes summons guards that are annoying but you should be able to take them out with Maelstrom. Rogue Jedi - Jedi [3L] ---------------------------------- The ultimate battle between father and son. But is not nearly as epic as the fight between Luke and Anakin. Have a nice reunion because you will never see him again. As for fighting, he's just a typical Jedi that uses force and saber. There are chairs for you to throw if you want. Just beat the crap out of him with saber combos. Ozzik Sturn - Monster [3M] ---------------------------------- Now this guy is in a cheap giant robot suit. But he's just an overgrown At-ST. He has normal guns and two cannons that can do AoE damage so it is unblockable. There are also four shield generators around him. These shield generators keep him invulnerable. The only way to hurt him is to get rid of his shield generators. Sometimes one of the generators would get a shield of their own and you can't damage it. But there will always be at least one vulnerable target. After all the generators are destroyed, get behind him and use saber combos. He moves slowly and his rear is totally unarmed. There are also some rocks if you want to have some target practise. Bull Rancor - Monster [3N] ---------------------------------- This guy is the same as a Rancor. He has more health but you should have better skills. Read about the Rancor to know how to beat his ugly brother. Maris Brood - Jedi [3O] ---------------------------------- You beat up her master so now she is pissed. Now let's teach her that this is how the big boys play. She has two sabers but she can't really use them properly. She is quite vulnerable to saber combos. There are huge rocks that you can play dodge ball with. Have fun with her. Watch the cut scene and see how she begs for mercy :S Shadow Guard - Jedi [3P] ---------------------------------- He's back for round two. Poor sucker never learns... But let’s try to teach it to him again. He hasn't gotten much better from last time. This time around he can use Maelstrom. When he uses it, run because you can't block it. But his defensive abilities still suck. Force is great on this guy, especially push and Maelstrom. When he calls for guards, use Maelstrom to teach them that you do not like being disturbed. Kleef - Infantry [3Q] ---------------------------------- Why does this guy talk funny? Let's give him a lesson in grammar and then another in manners. Anyway, he has two robots which are more annoying that he is. Just beat the robots into scrap metal before you deal with him. After the robots are gone, he is a real pushover. He is very vulnerable to saber attacks. Just get up close and personal to show him that a lightsaber is the sword of the future. Basilisk - Monster [3R] ---------------------------------- So this is how he wants to negotiate? Two can play at this game. Now this bad boy can hit hard. Do not go anywhere near him. Saber attacks are suicide. The only way to beat him is to throw stuff. Luckily, there is lots of stuff to throw. Throw something and dash away. When he floats in the air, throw something to knock him back down. He's pretty easy as long as you know how to throw and keep your distance. Chop'aa - Infantry [3S] ---------------------------------- Now that his big scary robot is down, let’s show him how much better your negotiating skills are better than his. He has no range attacks and he can't fight that well in close combat. And he's a real wimp. He actually runs away very easily. Now you can fight like a man, or you can use my cheap tactic. Wait until he gets close and charge Maelstrom. As soon as he gets close to your Maelstrom, he runs away. As soon as he turns his back on you, release Maelstrom and watch him fly for a record of a full 2 seconds. Have fun :) Darth Vader (Part 1) - Jedi [3T] ---------------------------------- Now this bastard killed your father, tried twice to kill you, destroyed your droid, and kidnapped your friends. Let's show him how you feel right now. Now he has pretty good defenses. He blocks most saber combos and force attacks. You can try to throw some items but there is not much to pick up. My advice is to use shockwave attacks. Death from above works well to keep you on the offensive. Added by Darth Gspott: Vader is weak specifically against your lightning attacks. I have had very good luck in taking him down quickly with the Sith Seeker. You push your target back then follow up with a ball of lightning that deals out massive damage. Final Bosses ---------------------------------- After you beat Vader the first time, you will be standing in a hallway facing a room with the Emperor standing on the left and Vader standing on the right. This is the only part where you can make any decision on anything. You will have to fight one of them and get an ending and a costume. If you run towards Vader, you will kill him to get the dark side ending and Sith Stalker costume. If you run to the Emperor, you will fight to get the light side ending and Ceremonial Jedi Robes. Darth Vader (Part 2) - Jedi [3U] ---------------------------------- So he just won't stay dead eh? Well he's pretty much the same as before. Keep on using lightning, death from above, and sith seeker to take him down. Emperor - Jedi [3V] ---------------------------------- Now this guy is a force maniac. He loves to use lightning and force push to throw objects. He is fairly vulnerable to ground slam. Watch the ending and that no good, backstabbing bastard. Honestly, I would have done what he wanted and killed him when he told me to. Kill him and you might save countless lives. Should be a good deed. :S Added by bigguy132l: Keep using the Sith Seeker. It can't be blocked by him...strange. I did this (it's my own strategy) and he went down FAST!!! Saber Hilts and Crystals [04] ---------------------------------- At first this was not a guide to crystals and hilts but after numerous questions I have decided to put it on here. Hilts [4A] ---------------------------------- 1 - You start with this hilt. 2 - Raxus Prime 1 After you defeat Drexl, there will be an area where you have to force push open a door. Turn around and with the door behind you, look for a platform. It is too high to jump but you can play lego and build a ladder. 3 - Jedi Temple 1 In the main room behind a broken pillar. 4 - Felucia 1 When you fight the two rancors, there will be some purple flower on the wall next to the entrance to the tunnels. There will be a giant mushroom beside it making a platform. Jump onto it. 5 - Nar Shaddaa On a path above an arch. You have to jump. 6 - Kashyyyk When you fight the second AT-ST, destroy all the bushes and debris in the room and it will appear. 7 - Felucia 2 In front of the exit in the room where you fight the Bull Rancor. When you destroy all the debris. 8 - Raxus Prime 2 On a ledge in the room where you fight the AT-ST. Destroy the computers and then the AT-ST will blow up and open a door. Then go to the empty AT-ST bay and double jump to the cross bar in the bay. Double jump into the door, then double jump again to get to the second level. Turn back towards the entrance. Creep out the window, then do a double-jump and dash to the ledge that is right above the entrance door. 9 - Cloud City At the beginning of the stage, you can break a few windows in the building. You jump out onto a ledge outside. 10 - Death Star When you cross a bridge and enter a room with two entrances, one in front and one on the left, and you have to force open the one in front. It's in that room. Crystals [4B] ---------------------------------- Red 1 - Your initial saber color. TIE Fighter Factory Green 3 - It's smack dab in front of you on this level. It's in front of you when you go up the elevator. If you can't see this, I suggest you find a doctor ASAP Jedi Temple 1 Purple 2 - Go into the main room and smack the statue on your left. Raxus Prime 1 Orange 3 - Left of the entrance in the room where you fight the second Junk Behamoth Purple 3 - It's right beside the boss fight on the main path. Jedi Temple 2 Green 2 - Behind the column when you enter the main room. Blue 2 - When you enter the main room, go into the left hallway. Felucia 1 Red 2 - Hidden in a rock in the area where you first fight the rancor. When you enter, follow the left side. Purple 1 - After you fight the two rancors, stand in front of the exit and turn left. It is on a ledge. Kashyyyk Red 3 - It's hidden among some debris after you fight the first AT-ST. Orange 2 - It's hidden in some bushes in the area before you fight the second AT-ST. When you enter the area, look on the left side. Felucia 2 Green 1 - After you kill the Bull Rancor, look behind a mushroom in the area. Raxus Prime 2 Blue 3 - Spot above the AT-ST you destroyed. Red 4 - It's in the room after the one with AT-ST sitting on a ledge. Could City Blue 1 - At the end of the level before you fight the boss, go behind the elevator. Death Star Orange 1 - It's on a platform above the spot where you fight the AT-ST. Frequently Asked Questions [05] ---------------------------------- Q - You sometimes talk about shockwave attacks. What are they? A - They are Saber Assault and Ground Slam. The attacks do AoE damage so if you can land close to them, it will hit. These attacks are also unblockable so the only way is to jump away. These are bad attacks for monsters though, since they do not recoil so if you land close, they can hit you. Q - What are the specific button combinations for the finishers on each boss? A - They are always random. There is no way to prepare for it beforehand. Q - Can you wield a staff? Dual sabers? A - No. You will use a single saber throughout the game. Although sometimes opponents like Kazdan Paratus and Darth Phobos use a staff and Maris Brood uses dual sabers, you won't get your chance in Force Unleashed mode. You will never get to use anything besides a single blade. Even Darth Maul in Force Unleashed uses a single saber. Don't really know why they put him in since the staff was what made him cool. Q - How do I get combat crystals? A - You get them through the story. They are given out at different intervals of the game. You will automatically recieve them after you finish the specified mission. Q - How do I get costumes? A - You get them my playing the storyline. You will aquire all of them except one on your first playthrough. You can get the final costume after you play it again and choose the different ending. Q - How can you get a black lightsaber? A - You can't; at least not in the PSP version. I heard that it was in the PS3 and X360 versions but I don't have them and can't verify that. In PSP, you only get red, blue, green, and yellow. Q - I have a question about your guide. How can I contact you? A - Read the section below contact details. Contact Information [06] ---------------------------------- I have stopped playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and moved onto other games now. Please do not e-mail me any more questions as i have given the game to a friend now and haven't played it in a long time. Please only e-mail me if you have some suggestions or a major problem with the guide. You can e-mail me at: dth_blade@yahoo.com Copyright Information [07] ---------------------------------- Copyright 2008 Richard Hung. I have discontinued working on this FaQ now. You are free to host it on any website that you wish provided that you keep the whole guide intact. Version History [08] ---------------------------------- Final - 29/09/2009 - Added a new strategy someone suggested. Updated copyright and contact information. 1.13 - 15/01/2009 - Added missing lightsaber crystal 1.12 - 05/12/2008 - Major updates. Most noticeable are the hilts and color locations. 1.02 - 02/10/2008 - Added more sites to host this. 1.01 - 27/09/2008 - Added some new info and a new site to view this on. 1.00 - 17/09/2008 - Finished guide with all the bosses.