============================================================================== SUPER ROBOT WARS MX (Playstation 2) ============================================================================== Super Robot Wars MX FAQ/Walkthrough Version .995 June 03, 2004 - June 24, 2004 Written by gundamtotoro and Magenta Galaxy E-Mail: (Read the E-Mail Guidelines first) gundamtotoro: gundamtotoro(at)hotmail(dot)com Magenta Galaxy: rbvandy(at)msn(dot)com ============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================== I. Introduction and Version Notes II. E-Mail Guidelines III. Intermission Menu IV. Gameplay V. Walkthrough VI. Combination Attacks VII. Secrets VIII. Frequently Asked Questions IX. Robot Library X. Special Thanks XI. Links XII. Copyright Information ============================================================================== I. INTRODUCTION AND VERSION NOTES ============================================================================== Super Robot Wars MX is the third game in the series on PS2. I have been writing FAQs for the last several SRWs and am continuing to do so. Luckily, I actually have some help with this one even if Magenta is quiet (sometimes) and does not want to say anything here. This FAQ will offer a complete walkthrough and provide explanations of the various gameplay features so that those of us in the world with barely functional knowledge of Japanese written languages can play the game, or at least the newcomers who have not memorized almost every command over the course of the series. Version .995 (June 24, 2004) Clarification on the Assist/Support/Command Attack issue with kudos in the Special Thanks section. Strategies are clarified, and some extra info in the Secrets section. Copyright section also received some updated entries for Dragonar and Dendoh. Version .99 (June 19, 2004) A few updates to the walkthrough, general information, combination attack list, secrets (I kept Full Armor Dendoh and didn't even realize it was a secret until recently), and S Attack Terrain's bonus is a 23% damage increase. The Walkthrough is now complete, huzzah! Version .35 (June 09, 2004) The walkthrough now covers up until the end of the game, and is *nearly* completely finished. Black Great has been confirmed. Robot Library section has been added. Version .25 (June 07, 2004) The walkthrough covers up until the end of Chapter 45. The first Earth/Space path split is also covered. Combination Attacks, Secrets, and Copyright have been updated. Version .01 (June 03, 2004) Basic gameplay stuff, frequently asked questions, and a little bit of a walkthrough. ============================================================================== II. E-MAIL GUIDELINES ============================================================================== First off I would like to point out the "Find" function available on most browsers by pressing "Ctrl + F." Please use this command to find what you are looking for before emailing me. Please put "SRWMX: (name of subject)" or something similar in the subject heading, I do not read emails where there is no subject. Also avoid using caps, bad spelling, any non-default colors, or any non-default fonts. This will be a quick way to ensure that your message is deleted and you will receive no reply (or if you do receive a reply, it will be an incredibly nasty one. I would also appreciate it if you would include a link to what site you found this FAQ at since only one site is allowed to host it. This helps me sue random bitches who don't take my Copyright Notice seriously. I do not know cheat codes, I do not use them, I do not see any legitimate reason for their need. Do not email me code requests unless you enjoy being told what a worthless piece of crap you are. Alright... I said all the mean angry stuff... so its time to be nice and ask for any additional assistance help. I would highly appreciate any help with the FAQ, any clarification, corrections, and additional information would be very much appreciated and credit will be given. My katakana translations are pretty literal and I'm sure you will notice that names that are unfamiliar to me can have some ugly translations. ============================================================================== III. INTERMISSION MENU ============================================================================== I really prefer the intermission menu in @2 with its easily understood english text to the side, but this still isn't anything too bad. Here is how the list works out vertically: Pilot Examine: Look at Data on your Pilots Pilot Customize: Customize your Pilots Unit Change: Place another Pilot in an available unit Unit Examine: Examine your Units here Unit Upgrade: Upgrade your units' stats, weapons, and weapons stats Item Equip: Equip items for your units Encyclopedia: Look at the characters and robots currenty in your encyclopedia. Skills: Shows available spells and skills, and which pilots have them. Data: Save your game, or load a file (which would make you lose your current game). Continue: Moves you onto the next scenario The following are more detailed descriptoins of the options under the Pilot, Unit, and Factory options. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pilot Examine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All available pilots are listed here. You can press R3 (push the right analog stick in) and then press Circle on what category you want to arrange pilots by. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pilot Customize ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All available pilots will be arranged here. The default order is ranking by number of Pilot Points in descending order. R1/L1 can rearrange pilots in order of level in descending order, or by series. When selecting a pilot, the first option is to increase a pilot's stats in one of six areas at the cost of 4 Pilot Points per + 1 stat increase. The stats are in this order: -------------- Melee: Close Range fighting ability Shooting: Long range fighting ability Dodge: How well a pilot can dodge. Hit Rate: How accurate a pilot is. Defend: Determines a pilot's defense. The higher the rating of the skill, the less damage a unit they pilot will receive. Skill: Basically it determines how often a pilot will use a critical attack or be hit by a critical attack. The higher the number, the more likely an attack will be critical and the less likely a pilot will be hit by one. -------------- The second option allows you to buy skills for your Pilots. Pilot Points are a fairly recent addition to SRW games. Pilot Points will be given to a Pilot after destroying an enemy unit. The following skills can be purchased for pilots: Infight 20 PP (+5 for each additional level) Gunfight 20 PP (+5 for each additional level) SP Up 30 PP (+5 for each additional level) Potential 20 PP (+5 for each additional level) Sword Cut 10 PP (+5 for each additional level) Support Attack 40 PP (+5 for each additional level) Support Defend 20 PP (+5 for each additional level) Counter 20 PP (+5 for each additional level) Assist Attack 40 PP (+5 for each additional level) Command Attack 120 PP Concentration 80 PP Battle Spirit 20 PP SP Recover 100 PP Hit & Away 70 PP Attacker 100 PP Revenge 60 PP High Morale 80 PP E Save 60 PP B Save 50 PP EXP Up 100 PP Guard 40 PP Infight: I have so missed this skill from OG and I am glad it has returned. This skill raises your base damage for melee attacks, and can increase movement range by up to 2. Gunfight: This is Infight's twin. It raises the damage of shooting attacks and it can also increase their range by up to 2. SP Up: The more levels of SP Up, then the more SP you will have at your disposal. A nice skill to have, but it is better saved for replays. Potential: The good old SRW standby. Stats for a unit go up as HP goes down. Higher levels mean better bonuses with less HP loss. Sword Cut: This skill has been properly trimmed in MX. If a pilot will always pilot a machine incapable of Sword Cut, then this skill is not available for them. For those who have this skill available, it can be a way to repel enemy melee attacks, destroy missiles, and destroy funnels. It is a nice skill, but chances are a pilot will already have this innately if they can use it. Assist Attack (previously known as Support Attack): This skill gives a pilot the ability to use a support attack. Example: Pilot A moves next to Pilot B, who has the Support Attack skill. When Pilot A attacks, Pilot B can use a Support Attack which will take place after the enemy's counterattack. The higher a Support Attack level, the more times a pilot can use a Support Attack. This is particularly helpful when finishing off some bosses who are fond of retreating. Assist Defend (previously known as Support Defend): Support Defend works in a similar way to Support Attack, but has some more options. Example: Pilot A is being attacked and Pilot B is on the adjacent square (or in Pilot A's platoon) and has the Support Defend skill. Pilot B will basically move in front of Pilot A and be hit by an enemy attack instead at lower damage than if Pilot A received the attack. This skill works best when used with Shields, which helps decrease damage further if not nullify it completely. Counter: This skill lets a pilot attack first when he/she is attacked. This is particularly helpful when it destroys the attacking unit before it can even attack. This skill can be used once per turn for each level it is at. Example: A pilot with Counter +5 can use Counter 5 times in one turn. Support Attack: Pilots with this skill can be supported by those around them before actually attacking. A pilot will be able to call upon one mecha for each level of Assist Attack the pilot has. If a pilot has one Assist Attack level, then he/she can be assisted by one unit that has an Assist-capable weapon, is within range, and has not used its turn yet. A pilot with Support Attack level 4 can have up to four units assist it (as long as the same conditions exist). Basically, you can arrange five units in a formation that looks like a + sign, and the unit in the middle can initiate a support attack for a lot of damage. This skill is usually inherent to the main character of a series, but this is not always the case. Command Attack: A pilot with Command Attack can perform a joint attack at the same time with someone with Assist Attack. They will both hit for critical as well. Concentration: Another fantastic skill from Original Generation that has made its return. SP Cost for spells/seishin is reduced to 80% of its amount. It doesn't sound too impressive, but this can be a life saver. The cost is also much more reasonable than a few levels of SP Up. Battle Spirit: This will give you +5 to your starting morale, and its only 20 PP. There are better skills, but this is a cheap goodie. SP Recover: +10 SP back per turn, your choice if the cost is worth it. Hit and Away: This is absolutely a must for some RRs. This lets them attack and then move forward. This lets RRs use their strongest attacks, and not be left behind from the group. Have I mentioned OG had a great skill assortment? This skill will not let Cellfighters be able to move after changing batteries. >_< Attacker: Another returning skill from Original Generation. Damage is 1.2x the normal when the pilot reaches 130 morale. A very nice skill, but the cost is somewhat high. I personally think this is a must for every unit you deploy meant for combat. Revenge: A poor man's Attacker basically, and it is also from OG. 1.2x damage for counterattacks. It is much cheaper, and has no morale requirements. Unfortunately, the damage does not apply when your pilot is initiating an attack though. High Morale: A pilot will gain +2 morale for two turns. If you want Morale, then get Battle Spirit. E Save: A nice simple and wonderful skill. EN Cost for attacks is reduced to 80%. This is nice for SRs and RRs, and particularly helpful with units that really suck up EN. B Save: This is a wonderful skill for Cellfighter/booster and Valhalla. The skill raises bullet counts by 1.5x. Three batteries is definitely nicer than two batteries. Exp Up: Experience gain is 1.2x. If you can justify the cost... Guard: Raises the defense for a unit when its pilot is at 130 morale. An obvious choice for SRs. Repair Plus: This lets a pilot (who can access a unit with a repair function), to repair for 1.2x the normal HP that is repaired. Very nice skill for healers, but some healers already come with it. Resupply Plus: This skill lets a unit perform resupply (refill EN, Ammo, Shields) after moving, which can not be normally done. Unfortunately this does not let Cellfighter pilots change batteries post-movement, but it will let them resupply other units. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pilot Change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When selecting this, two options will be brought up. The top one is 'Main' which lets you change the main pilot for a unit. This option is used for UC Gundam pilots, Mazinger pilots, and Cellfighter pilots. The bottom option is 'Sub' which lets you change the sub-pilot for a unit (mosty used for the Cellfighters from Dendoh). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unit Examine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Examine your available mecha under this menu. Press R3 (the right analog stick), select a category, and press Circle to arrange units by that category. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unit Upgrade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can arrange units as you would in Unit Examine. When you select a unit two options are brought up. The first will upgrade a unit's actual stats. The second option can upgrade a unit's weapons, weapon accuracy, and weapon critical rate. Here are the options to modify unit stats by: -------------- HP : Unit's Hit Points EN : Amount of EN (energy) available to a unit Mobility : Basically this is the unit's speed rating, and aids dodging. Armor : Basically this is the unit's defense rating. -------------- After a unit has these four stats fully upgraded, then it is possible to obtain a unit bonus. Mote that the HP, EN, Mobility, and Armor bonuses are based on the unupgraded version of that stat, so those bonuses end up being rather low. I would suggest either A Movement/S Attack for a terrain or added movement: -------------- | HP +10% | EN +10% | Mobility +10% | Armor +10% | Movement +1 | "A" Movement Terrain and S Terrain for either Air, Land, Water, | or Space (basically a hit/evade bonus for that terrain type). -------------- Here are the options by which weapons can be modified in MX: -------------- Attack Power : All weapons/attacks are upgraded together in blocks Accuracy : Accuracy of all weapons/attacks can be raised Critical : Critical rate (damage x 1.2) of all attacks can be raised -------------- After a unit has these three attack stats upgraded then it is possible to obtain a weapon bonus. The S Terrain Attack bonus will give a 23% increase to damage on that terrain type and is highly suggested. Your Hit and Critical rates should already be substantially high since you upgraded them already, so they would have low utility now. Ammo +1 has very little use in this game. Range isn't bad, but an item can grant that. EN Cost is not bad either, but not a great advantage unless it is doubled with EN Save (and there are better pilot skills than that). Morale Requirement -5 is nice, but my preference is for the S Terrain. -------------- | Hit +30 | Critical +40 | Ammo +1 (WHY???) | Range +1 (except for MAP Attacks) | EN Cost 80% | Morale Requirement +5 | S Attack Terrain (if it is already an A) for either Air, Land, | Water, or Space -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Item Equip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This option lets you equip items on a mecha to increase its stats in various areas. Armor, HP, EN, Mobility, Accuracy, Weapon Range, HP/EN Regen, and other items can all be equipped here. Thanks to ericbogardRETURNS for some of the translations. Repair Kit - Full HP Recover Propellant Tank - Full EN Recover Cartridge - Resupplies Ammo Super Repair Kit - Full Recover of HP, EN, and Ammo Ramune - 20 SP Recover Mother's Stew - 50 SP Recpver Fried Andromeda - Raise Pilot Morale by +10 Booster - Movement +1 Mega Booster - Movement +2 Apogee Motor - Movement +1, Agility +5 Magnetic Coating - Mobility +5 Bio Sensor - Mobility +10 Psyco Frame - Mobility +25, Critical +10% Haro - Movement+2, Mobility +25, Accuracy +20, Range +1 Chobham Armor - HP +500, Armor +100 Chogokin Z - HP +1000, Armor +150 Chogokin New Z - HP +1500, Armor +200 SpaceGokin Gren - HP +2000, Armor +250 High Performance Radar - Range +1 Shuffle Crest - Pilot's Starting Morale +5 Wolf Crest - Pilot's Starting Morale +10 Large Generator - EN +50 Mega Generator - EN +100 High Performance Targeter - Accuracy +30 Image Sensor - Critical +20% Solar Cell - 10% EN Recover every turn Ultimate Cell - Recover 10% HP every turn Beam Coating - Shields Beam Damage that is 700 or below I-Field Generator - Shields Beam Damage that is 850 or below Minovsky Craft - Makes a unit flight capable (and attacks become able to attack flying opponents, particularly useful for Eva-01 and 02) Dust Proofing - Makes a unit have A terrain on Ground Scrurrier Module - Makes a unit have A terrain in Water (great for those water stages) Thruster Module - Makes a unit have an A terrain in Space (great for Valkyrie) Jammer - Prevents Missile Attacks from hitting an equipped unit EWAC - Creates a 2 square area field around an equipped unit that gives +15 evade and +15 hit to any player units within the field. Star Amulet - Nullifies status changes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Encyclopedia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is one of the new features in MX, well for the intermission menu anyway. You can look at characters that you've seen so far and what robots you have seen so far. Data should be retained on replay games. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shows available spells and skills, and which pilots have them. This is a nice feature, but it is not as needed as pilot and mecha modification. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Selecting this option will bring up two more options. The top one will save your game. The bottom option will let you load a previously saved game (which would make you lose your current game). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Continue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moves you onto the next scenario. Thanks to the Free Order System you can choose which scenario to go on next, but basically this is what you need to select to continue playing the game further. ^^ ============================================================================== IV. GAMEPLAY ============================================================================== The Gameplay section is divided into several subsections. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Map Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are the commands available to units, but not all units have all of these commands. This is the order the appear in when available, and the following information gives an explanation of that command. MOVE ATTACK FLY/LAND TRANSFORM SPELLS STATUS ITEM MOVE: When chosen, the squares a unit can move to are highlighted. When a square is selected, the unit will move to that location. ATTACK: Available when an enemy unit is in range of an attack. A screen is displayed showing available attacks. When an attack is chosen the effective range is highlighted in red. When an enemy unit is chosen, the attack then commences. FLY/LAND: Allows a unit to take off or land, mostly useful to let flying units move on land to reduce their EN consumption. TRANSFORM: Some units can transform, this lets them do it. Triangle also works, and rather well. SPELLS: Displays the spells available for that pilot, which can be used when selected. Press L1/R1 to toggle through all of the pilots, or use L2/R2 to go through all of the pilots on a specific machine. STATUS: Shows information on that unit. ITEMS: Any battle use items equipped on a unit can be used with this option. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Being Attacked ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The left-most option will go with the computer's default pick on what to do, sometimes this option is alright, but I prefer more manual methods. The second option lets you choose what to do. When this is selected, the top option will allow you too choose a counterattack when available, the middle will choose to defend, and the bottom will choose to dodge. The third option chooses whether to use Support Defend or not. The final option allows you to select whether to turn battle animation on or off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Support Techniques ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When allied units are adjacent to each other (not diagonal) then a Support Attack/Defend can happen (if a pilot has either skill). A Support ability may be purchased for a pilot using pilot points if you wish. Pilots who are known for being caring individuals often have Support skills as a default. Support Attack: This skill gives a pilot the ability to use a support attack. Example: Pilot A moves next to Pilot B, who has the Support Attack skill. When Pilot A attacks, Pilot B can use a Support Attack which will take place after the enemy's counterattack. The higher a Support Attack level, the more times a pilot can use a Support Attack. This is particularly helpful when finishing off some bosses who are fond of retreating. Support Defend: Support Defend works in a similar way to Support Attack, but has some more options. Example: Pilot A is being attacked and Pilot B is on the adjacent square (or in Pilot A's platoon) and has the Support Defend skill. Pilot B will basically move in front of Pilot A and be hit by an enemy attack instead at lower damage than if Pilot A received the attack. This skill works best when used with Shield Defend, which helps decrease damage further if not nullify it completely. Support techniques can be turned on or off before an attack takes place by selecting the third option. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ace Pilot System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Ace Pilot System returns again. When a pilot obtains 50 kills he/she will receive an Ace Mark by their kill count and they will start each Chapter at 105 Morale. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weapon Characteristics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ P: P stands for Post-Movement. An attack with this icon means you can use it after moving. M: M stands for MAP, meaning a MAP Weapon. These weapons can actually be used on the map screen itself and are capable of destroying or harming several units at the same time. W: W stands for Double Attack, since W sounds like Double to some people. This attack will let you attack two adjacent enemies with the same attack. A: A notes that this can nullify an AT Field. G: G notes that this attack can nullify a Distortion Field. O: O appears in the final two columns. In the next to last column it means that the attack uses missiles that a Jammer can disable. In the final column it means that attack can be used to break down walls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replay System/New Game + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can load your cleared game save data and start a new game. You will retain a portion of your money [N/(N+1)] with N as the number of times you have finished the game. In other words 1/2 money, then 2/3 money, and so on. Pilot Points will be distributed among all of your pilots. You also get to keep most of your items. Consumable items (Repair Kits, Ramune, etc) can have up to 99. Non-Consumable Items (Mega Boosters, Haros, Psyco Frames, EWAC, etc.) will only have 9 of each carried over on replays. You can earn more over the course of a game (such as staring with 9 Haros and earning 6 more), but only 9 will be retained at the start of each new playthrough. ============================================================================== V. WALKTHROUGH ============================================================================== Do I really have explain this part? It is a walkthrough for the game. It will obviously be a work in progress until it is finished. =Þ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Started ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click on Start off of the main menu of course. The first thing you see is Hugo's smirking face. The top option here will allow you to rename Hugo and the bottom option will go onward to Aqua. If you choose to play with Hugo's name then the next screen you have the following options: Switch Family and given name and then Change Alphabets (even to arabic). Feel free to put your own name here if you are the type, or you could write out Hugo Medio in arabic if you would like. R1 and L1 will allow you to move around and change individual characters. Select the final option when you are finished with name editing. Aqua will then be presented and you can rename her the same way. The next screen will allow you to choose Garmreid (the big red Super Robot) or Cerberus (the white and blue Real Robot). You will then have the option of changing your unit's name after selecting it. After choosing your main pilot, then you get to choose your favorite series, and units from that series will get extra upgrade slots and the pilots will gain more money and experience. The "wheel" starts off on the Banpresto originals. CLock-wise from there it goes Rahxephon, Raideen, Daimos, Zeorymer, Grendizer, Getter Robo G, Great Mazinger, Mazinger Z, G Gundam, Char's Counterattack, Gundam Double Zeta, Zeta Gundam, Dragonar, Nadesico, Dendoh, Evangelion, and finally Machine Robo (Vaikungfu). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 1 - Super Robot Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Units: TFO (Koji) Player Reinforcements (1): Grendizer (Duke) Player Reinforcements (2): Garmreid (Hugo) Enemy Units: Minifo x4 Motherburn (Burakki) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Saucer Beast Gilgil Enemy Reinforcements (2): Medius Locus (???) Items: Repair Kit: Minifo Chobahm Armour: Saucer Beast Gilgil Events: Turn 2 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements (1) arrive, Burakki retreats, Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Enemy Reinforcements (1) Destroyed: Player Reinforcements (2) Arrive, Enemy Reinforcements (2) Arrive. Strategy: On your turn, have Koji move directly northeast (by your default view, anyway) towards the two Minifos. On their phase they'll head up northwest towards the lab - which is exactly what you want them to do. Amid some rabid screaming, Grendizer will launch out of the lab, showing off this game's utterly awesome map effects. Burakki will then send out a Gilgil and retreat. In any case, Grendizer can handle the two Minifos that went over towards the lab fairly easily, have him run up and sock one of them with a Screw Crusher Punch to kill it off - you won't need Lock On. Have Koji head northwest again to catch up with Gren. The other Minifo should attack Gren... smack him in the face with yet another Screw Crasher Punch to send him to his grave. One of them will drop a Repair Kit too, so when Turn 3 rolls around go send the TFO to pick that up. In any case, it's pretty much hack and slash for the moment. Feel free to have a muck-around with some of Gren's moves - they're pretty impressive and all worth a watch. Some of the enemies may go after the TFO, but it has such insane evasion it's not worth worrying about - give them a taste of the TFO's missile attack if they do. The main worry here is the GilGil - it has 7200 HP which, in most SRWs, would be considered quite good for a first boss. Grendizer, however, will easily disprove that - you can quite easily take it down in two hits if Grendizer has enough morale to use Double Harken (which he should). Once the enemies are taken out, some originals will appear - Medius Lox will arise from the woodwork and survey the scene, noting Grendizer's immense energy levels. Just as it's about to strike... up pops Garmreid. The pilots talk a bit amongst themselves, and then the action kicks off - you'll need to reduce Medius Locus to below 80% HP without any of your units dying. Easy. My first recommendation is to have Aqua (the Garmreid's blue-haired subpilot) cast her third spell, Hirameki (or "Flash"), which will completely evade one attack, and then rush up to Medius Lox and use Garmreid's third attack - the most powerful one available to you at the moment (it's called "Thunder Spinedge", for reference). That should deal over the 3200 damage you need to make Medius Lox retreat and end the scenario. Duke and Koji will join during the intermission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 1 - Real Robot Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Gundam ZZ (Judau) Zeta Gundam (Roux) Super Gundam (Elle) Hyakushiki (Beecha) Qubeley Mk. II (Puru) Qubeley Mk. II (Puru Two) Mega Rider (Mondo) Player Reinforcements: Cerberus (Hugo and Aqua) Enemy Units: Dora x 04 Gelf (Dan) Gelf (Carl) Gelf (Warner) Enemy Reinforcements: Medius Locus (??? & ???) Items: Chobham Armor: Warner Repair Kit: Dan Screw Module: Carl Strategy: The little satellites offer +10 Defense and +5 Dodge to any units on them. They also give HP and EN Regeneration. I really like Roux' updated portrait. ^_^ Start off taking down the Torahs to build morale. If any line up beside each othre than use a Double Attack (with the W icon, since W sounds like double). Judau can fairly easily take down two Torahs at once. Anyway, take down the Torahs to build up morale, then take down Maiyo's flunkies. Try to set up everyone so that they can Support Attack and Support Defend for each other to maximize damage and to take minimal damage. Medius will show up after all enemies are defeated. Cerberus should be able to force it to retreat in two attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 2 - Super Robot Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Units: Grendizer (Duke) Garmreid (Hugo) Player Reinforcements (1): TFO (Koji) Player Reinforcements (2): Getter Dragon (Ryoma) Enemy Units: Minifo x6 Saucer Beast Gilgil x2 Motherburn (Valendos) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Grangen Items: Booster: Valendos Cartridge: Gilgil Chogokin New-Z: Grangen Events: Turn 2 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Turn 4 Player Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive, Player Reinforcements (2) Arrive, Getter Dragon pilots gain 30 morale. Strategy: The first turn will probably be rather uneventful - have Hugo use his first spell (Accelerate) so he can move further - and move up towards the Vegans. You should also switch Grendizer to Spacer mode so you can move further but regardless of what you do you will not be able to attack on your first turn. You probably will get attacked by some of the Minifos on the Enemy Phase, but they're so utterly weak you'll probably kill them in one hit with your counter-attack. o_o; Koji will sortie in the TFO on the second turn - but you don't really need any backup, the Minifos are so weak that they can barely scratch your units. You can use him to heal up any damage caused by the Gilgils, though, as they can pack quite a punch. One of them will also drop a Cartridge. On the fourth turn, a Grangen will appear... and that causes Ryouma to just go over the limit... Getter Dragon sorties, flies over to your units and all three pilots go up to 130 morale. This is looking fun, eh. o_O; In any case you should be able to take out the remaining Minifos and Gilgils this turn - try and spread out the morale evenly enough so as that both Grendizer and Garmreid have access to their final attacks (Double Harken Storm and Burning Breaker, respectively). From here on out, just use your defensive seishin like Flash, Invincible and Concentrate. Valendos retreats when his HP gets low. Double Harken Storm being supported by Burning Breaker works rather well. You will want to destroy Valedos before the Grangen, because Valendos will automatically retreat when the Grangen is defeated. Getter Dragon will be available for use after this scenario. Getter Q will also be available. Both groups from the Real and Super routes will meet up after this chapter as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 2 - Real Robot Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Dragonar 1-L (Kaine) Dragonar 2-L (Tap) Dragonar 3-L (Light) Eva-02 (Asuka) Player Reinforcements: Near Argama (Bright) 8 Units Enemy Units: Gebaye x 06 Gelf (Dan) Gelf (Carl) Gelf (Warner) Falguen (Maiyo) Items: Booster: Carl High Performance Targeter: Maiyo Repair Kit: Warner Events: Turn 3: Player Reinforcements Arrive Strategy: Asuka is limited on her movement away from the carrier, but she can take down Gebayes very easily. Keep the Dragonars together with Dragonar 2 in the middle to Support Defend. Player Reinforcements will arrive on Turn 3. I would suggest equipping Cerberus with the Screw Module to improve its performance in the water. Be careful when facing off against Maiyo. He is an excellent pilot, and he will retreat when reduced to below 4500 HP. Reduce him as close to that amount as you can. I personally finished him off with Cerberus being supported by Dragonar 3-L performing a D Formation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 3 - Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Rahxephon (Ayato) Alpha Unit 2 (Elvy) Player Reinforcements: Aliel (Haruka) Enemy Units: Allegrato Events: RahXephon has a battle encounter: Player Reinforcements (1) Arrive, RahXephon powers up and kills Allegreto. Scenario moves to second half Strategy: Lookie, the second episode of Rahxephon. Honestly, I would just avoid Allegrato until Turn 3. A scene will then play out where the Xephon destroys it. The scenario will then move on to the second half. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 3 - Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Main Character 14 Units Player Reinforcements: Alpha Unit 2 (Elvy) Enemy Units: Medius Locus (??? & ???) Enemy Reinforcements: Dotem x 06 Events: Medius Locus is reduced to 80% HP: Medius Locus retreats. Player and Enemy Reinforcements Appear Turn 2: Medius Locus retreats. Player and Enemy Reinforcements Appear Items: Magnetic Coating: Dotem Strategy: The first part of the this fight is comprised of having your main unit run over and smack the crap out of Medius Lox. Your other units are totally unable to move until Medius retreats, so run on over and smack him with the strongest move available to you - you only need to deal 3200 damage like last time in order to make him run off. This is quite easily done with a Thunder Spinedge or whatever the hell Cerberus has in it's array. o_O; Once that occurs, a scene will play out with RahXephon running out of Tokyo Jupiter... and far, far away. o_O; Haruka will then follow him... and Medius will run off whilst you're distracted. Elvy will then run out... pursued by a load of Dotems. Oh what fun. In any case, the Dotems are basically complete cannon fodder. Just run up with your units (using Accelerate where applicable) and start beating them up. Do be wary of their close-range attack, though, as it can do quite immense damage to your units. o_o; Kill off all the Dotems to end that rather easy scenario. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intermission after Chapter 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is your first chance to use the Free Order System. The first choice goes to GEAR HQ, the second choice goes to outside Tokyo Jupiter again (but with a G Gundam-related scenario), and the third choice goes with Grendizer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 4/5/6 GEAR HQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Valkyrie (Vega) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga & Hokuto) Player Reinforcements: Near Argama (Bright) 14 Units Enemy Units: Machine Beast Orbiton x 01 Enemy Reinforcements: Galfa Beast x 03 Machine Beast Orbiton x 03 Casmoton x 02 Fulgos x 03 Devil Satan 6 Events: Enemy Units are Defeated: Player and Enemy Reinforcements Appear Items: Anti Beam Coat: Devil Satan 6 Biosensor: Machine Beast Orbiton Repair Kit: Fulgos Strategy: I love this scene. Ginga and Hokuto are chosen by Dendoh to be its pilots, Vega has to instruct them on how to operate the machine, and they Ginga and Hokuto move together (hence the counting) and everyone is all impressed. Then again Ginga and Hokuto try to walk away from the enemy first instead of fighting though. XD Of course that is remedied, and it is time to kill our first Galfa. Vega should go ahead and attack the Galfa first, and Dendoh can make for a nice stylish finish with its Shinpuu Sanbengeki. Player and Enemy Reinforcements will then arrive. Dendoh will also gain access to more attacks. The enemy reinforcements are pitiful. Devil Satan 6 puts up a little bit of a fight, but it will not retreat. Finish it off as you see fit. Ginga, Hokuto, and Vega will join after this scenario. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 4/5/6 Tokyo Jupiter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) 15 Units Player Reinforcements: God Gundam (Domon) Fuunsaiki (Fuunsaiki) Enemy Units: Deathbirdie x 04 Deatharmy x 04 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Dragon Gundam (Sai) Gundam Rose (George) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Deathbirdie x 04 Deatharmy x 04 Events: Enemy Units are Destroyed: Player and Enemy Reinforcements Appear Dragon Gundam's HP reduced to 50%: Dragon Gundam heals and Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Items: Booster: Dragon Gundam Propellent Tank: Deatharmy Shuffle Crest: Gundam Rose Strategy: Send a unit after the Deatharmy units and a unit after the Deathbirdies. Domon will arrive after they are defeated to trounce a few Deartharmy units that appear. Sai and George will then arrive and Sai will challenge Domon to a Gundam Fight (which forces all units except for God Gundam to be unable to move). Just beat down Sai with God Slashes for 15 EN. When Sai's HP reaches 50% then it is revealed that both Sai and George are infected with Devil Gundam Cells once again. More Deathbirdies and Deatharmys show up as well. God Gundam (and maybe even Fuunsaiki) may need Trust spells cast on them to refill their HP. I'd suggest combining them, have Domon use Concentrate, and Fuunsaiki use Iron Wall if you feel it is needed. Be careful defeating Sai and George. An enemy unit (including either Sai or George) may move next to Domon and take a container in the process. I would suggest waiting to finish off Sai and George until all the grunts are out of the way, and when Domon is in between them. Feel free to have someone other than Domon finish those two off though. Domon and Fuunsaiki join after this scenario. It is so cute watching Ginga hero-worship Domon!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 4/5/6 Grendizer Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Grendizer (Duke) Player Reinforcements: Near Argama (Bright) 15 Units Enemy Units: Gebaye x 06 Gelf (Dan) Gelf (Carl) Jagd Gelf (Warner) Falguen (Maiyo) Enemy Reinforcements: Minifo x 06 Saucer Beast x 03 Motherburn (Valendos) Items: Cartridge: Dan Chobham Armor: Warner Jammer: Maiyo Events: Turn 3 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements Appear Maiyo retreats or is defeated: All Enemy Units retreat, Enemy Reinforcements appear if they have not done so already. Turn 5 Player Phase: Enemy Reinforcements Appear Strategy: Grendizer has to defend the base alone (what? no TFO?!?!). On your first turn, I'd recommend having Grendizer move towards the three Gebaye to the southwest. You may be able to damage or even destroy one in the first turn. Holding your ground is not a good idea as Grendizer will be forcefully moved anyway on the second turn, so you may as well make the best of it. One thing that should be noted is that all of the Metal Armor units have a Shield, which allows them to lower the damage of one attack. Once they take an attack, they lose the shield. Generally, though, any of the morale-requiring attacks will be strong enough to just punch straight through it and kill the enemy... o_O; The third turn is where things will start heating up - most likely all three enemies on the southwest will be alive AND able to reach the base this turn. Abuse Accelerate where possible - a decently upgraded Garmreid may well be able to one-hit kill an enemy, and a Double Getter Beam combination from Getter Dragon and Getter-Q will definitely kill off whatever it hits. In any case, your units should be able to get over to the enemies and kill them in the turn provided, but I think the enemies are actually more inclined to go after you than the base at times... so you may get a saving grace. o_O; As far as dealing with Maiyo goes, treat him as a huge threat. He has one hit killed some of my units on several occasions, and he doesn't pull any punches with his accuracy, either. Spell up with Flash and Resist seishins, as using Concentrate will generally not save you. He'll run off and take the rest of his flunkies with him when he gets down to reasonably low (about 30-40%) HP, so finish off the rest of his goons first, then finish him off. On turn 5, some Vegans will appear... fairly standard stuff, really. If you've been on the Super Robot route then this should be utterly easy due to the load of new units you've gotten - but for real routers, be wary of the Gilgils, they are surprisingly strong. The Minifos are utter cannon fodder and will die in one hit from most attacks. Valendos' Motherburn is a fairly simple matter since he will not retreat. He does not drop any items either though. >_< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Zeorymer of the Heavens (Masato & Miku) Player Reinforcements (1): Near Argama (Bright) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga & Hokuto) Valkyrie (Vega) 15 Units Player Reinforcements (2): Cellfighter (Kirakuni & Ellis) NPC Units: Unicorn Drill Enemy Units: Lanster of the Wind (Saiga) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Galfa Beast x 06 Galfa Capture Beast x 02 Enemy Reinforcements (2) Knight GEAR Ogre (Altea) Events: Lanster reaches below 6,000 HP: Player Reinforcements (1) Appear, Masaki awakens, Zeorymer retreats, NPC Units and Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear. Turn after Player Reinforcements Appear: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Enemy Reinforcements (2)'s second Enemy Phase: Knight Ogre obtains Viper Whip, reduced Dendoh to critical, Dendoh obtains Unicorn Drill, Player Reinforcements (2) Appear, and Ogre is reduced to critical HP and retreats. Items: Mega Booster: Galfa Beast Mega Generator: Saiga Ramune: Galfa Beast Strategy: The first part of this stage is rather lopsided to say the least. Have Masato use his Iron Wall seishin (the 30 SP one) and Miku use her Accelerate (5 SP). Have Zeorymer move directly towards Lanstar, you want to do as much damage as possible without taking too much (hence the Iron Wall). This should get Lanster in range of your second attack, Energy Blast. Stand your ground, use Iron Wall where applicable, and just keep blasting at Lanster with it. When Lanster is reduced to less than 50% HP (which should be the enemy phase of the second turn), Player Reinforcements pop up - including Dendoh. All is not good, however, for Lanster powers up and uses his most powerful attack, the Dead Long 'Phoon, on Zeorymer. "Masaki" will then take over Masato's body and show what Zeorymer is capable of as Reinforcements show up. Zeorymer then disappears. Unicorn Drill will be attacked by some Galfa for a couple of turns. Ogre soon shows up, will obtain Viper Whip and then rush over and beat down Dendoh with it. Unicorn Drill will then run over to Dendoh and be installed. Dendoh will then use Unicorn Drill Final Attack on Ogre, which will cause it to retreat. Dendoh could probably use some healing after these events too. >> Finish off the rest of the enemies and the chapter will end. Nothing like stages where most of the action is done automatically... Cellfighter is an available unit after this scenario with Kirakuni and Ellis as its pilots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 8 - Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga & Hokuto) Valkyrie (Vega) Cellfighter (Kirakuni & Ellis) Enemy Units: Knight GEAR Ogre (Altea) Strategy: It is a Dendoh and Ogre smack down, until Ginga decides to waste a Final Attack and Dendoh pays for it when receiving a Viper Whip Final Attack. Eva-01 briefly appears, but Ramiel makes it well known that it hates Shinji as much as the rest of the world. Now we need Eva and Dendoh characters to bicycle to power up Dendoh and Eva-01's Positron Rifle... what a fantastic plan... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 8 - Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Eva-00 Yellow (Rei) Eva-01 (Shinji) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga & Hokuto) 15 Units Player Reinforcements: Kenryu (Rom) Enemy Units: Kismodon x 04 Zarios x 04 Galfa Beast x 05 Devil Satan 6 Deontora Hunomena Enemy Reinforcements: Knight GEAR Ogre (Altea) Events: Deontora reduced to below 15,000HP: Enemy and Player Reinforcements Appear Ogre reaches below 11,000HP: Dendoh is recharged and receives Leo Circle Rom reaches 130 morale: Kenryu transforms into Vaikungfu All enemies other than Ramiel are Destroyed: Ramiel's Destruction Event Items: Minovsky Craft: Deontora Repair Kit: Devil Satan 6 Supper Alloy Z: Hunomena Strategy: Send almost everyone to go after the enemies. Concentrate on Deontora to trigger Rom and Altea's appearance. Rom's entrance is fantastic! Altea is a cheesehead and will block most of the time. Beat him down enough and Dendoh will be recharged and Ginga will gain Leo Circle as his Data Weapon. No enemies will retreat here at all, so hit them with everything you have. When everything but Ramiel is destroyed, then we will go through the entire Ramiel event thanks to the neato MAP effects Banpresto has for us now. The beams even bend as they go by each other. ^^ Rom will take off at the end of the scenario. Shinji, Asuka, and Rei will all join with their respective Evas though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Raideen (Akira) Flugar (Mary) Player Reinforcements: Near Argama (Bright) God Gundam (Domon) 15 Units Enemy Units: Telgum x 07 Enemy Reinforcements: Deatharmy x 06 Deathbirdie x 06 Gundam Maxter (Chibodee) Bolt Gundam (Argo) Events: Turn 2 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements Appear Enemy Units are Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements Appear Items: High Performance Targeter: Argo Screw Module: Chibodee Strategy: The Telgums are total cannon fodder. Chibodee and Argo arrive and are DG Cell controlled too. Bolt does not have a very long range, and can be easily sniped into oblivion. Try to use Flash or Iron Wall to avoid damage from Chibodee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intermission before Chapter 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Free Order System gives some options here. The first is Robot Museum, the second is an encounter with Maiyo in Kyoto, and the third is an SOS call from the Saotome Lab. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 10/11/12 Robot Museum - Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: TFO (Koji) Enemy Units: Minifo x 02 Motherburn x 01 (Valendos) Events: Both Minifos are defeated OR Turn 4 Enemy Phase: Scenario moves to second half. Strategy: Koji needs to destroy two Minifos, and then he will be captured. >> Fighting Valendos is pointless since it is essentially impossible to defeat him within four turns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 10/11/12 Robot Museum - Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Grendizer (Duke) Player Reinforcements (1): Mazinger Z (Koji) Player Reinforcements (2): Near Argama (Bright) 15 Units Enemy Units: Mazinger Z (Koji) Great Mazinger (Valendos) Enemy Reinforcements: Saucer Beast Jinjin x 04 Saucer Beast Gabigabi x 04 Saucer Beast Koakoa x 01 Motherburn (Valendos) Events: Mazinger Z is reduced to below 60% HP: Koji can be convinced. Koji is convinced: Great Mazinger can be attacked. Great Mazinger's HP is reduced to critical: Player and Enemy Reinforcements Appear Items: Chogokin New Z: Valendos Magnetic Coating: Saucer Beast Gabigabi Propellent Tank: Saucer Beast Jinjin Strategy: The game just had to be tricky and have Vegans trying to steal Mazinger Z and Great Mazinger (see Grendizer vs. Great Mazinger for source material on this battle). Reduce Mazinger Z's HP (remember that Duke has Mercy in this game), and then have Duke use "Convince." As always, Convince is a special command that only appears in select situations. It will be the second option after moving, and the next to last option while standing still. Be sure to have Duke continually cast Iron Wall, or he might not survive this fight un-upgraded. Weaken Great Mazinger and then Koji will return to himself. Further reduce Great Mazinger's HP so that Valendos will bring out the big guns and Player Reinforcements will appear. Use Trust spells to heal Duke and Koji, and then kick in Valendos' face. Boss and Sayaka show up after the scenario and join. Koji will have a choice on whether to keep his Grendizer outfit, or to resume wearing his Mazinger outfit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 10/11/12 Kyoto ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Banpresto Original Valkyrie (Vega) Dragonar 3-L (Light) Player Reinforcements: Near Argama (Bright) 15 Units NPC Units: Black Selena Enemy Units: Gebaye x 04 Dorah x 03 Dyne x 07 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Medius Locus (Albero & Eldie) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Shishiki x 04 Events: Turn 1 Enemy Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear Turn 2 Enemy Phase: Medius reduces Original to critical. Vega reaches corner of map, or all Metal Armors are Destroyed: Player Reinforcements Appear. Metal Armors are Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear. Turn after Enemy Reinforcements (2) Arrive: NPC Units Arrive Items: Cartridge: Gebaye EWAC: Dyne Image Sensor: Shishiki Strategy: Honestly the three units you have can take the Metal Armors easily. Forcing Medius Locus to flee is the hard part. Wait until the event in Turn 2 before you start attacking, or you will see the damage you have done gone to waste as the unit heals itself completely. Medius Locus will retreat when reduced to below 40% HP and it does not drop any items. When all enemies are clear, or if Vega reaches the patch of dirt in the corner, then Player Reinforcements will appear. Some Shishikis will arrive when all of the Metal Armors are gone. The Shishikis are actually insanely good. They have very high HP, are very accurate and are generally quite powerful. To make matters even worse, they have a Distortion Field. The HM Black Selena will literally tear them to pieces, though, so you can just sit back and watch the show if you wish. What is the fun in that, you don't want him stealing all your PP, do you? =P Chances are he will most likely kill off at least two of them, but you can at least grab the spoils from some - they give 6 PP each so it is definitely not bad. The scenario will end when all four Shishikis are defeated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 10/11/12 Saotome Labs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Getter Robo G (Ryoma, Hayato, & Benkei) 15 Units Player Reinforcements: Zeorymer of the Heavens (Masato & Miku) Enemy Units: White Mechabeast x 06 Blue Mechabeast x 06 Oni Empire Battleship x 01 (Hitler) Enemy Reinforcements: Briest of the Flame (Shi Ain) Gallowin of the Water (Shi Tau) Events: Turn 2 Player Phase: Enemy Reinforcements Appear Turn Player Phase: Player Reinforcements Appear Items: Chobham Armor: Hitler Mega Generator: Shi-Tau Ramune: Shi-Auen Strategy: It should be noted right from the get-go that if any enemy unit reaches one of the nine orange-marked squares by the Saotome Institute, it is a Game Over. As such, you have a few options. You can either 1.) send your units forward and to the side and hopefully prevent all enemies from getting close to the labs or 2.) you can send send 9 units or so to go sit on top of the labs to prevent them from being touched while sending the rest of your group to take out enemies. In any case, the rest of your units should go after Hitler and his goons. Focus on what os in front of you - Hitler and the blue mechabeasts. They have quite high HP considering the grunts you have faced so far, but they are not incredibly difficult. They should fall in a few hits, so just swarm them and enjoy. When turn 3 rolls around, you will get some new opponents in the form of the Zeorymer twins - Shi Ain and Shi Tau. Their mechs have over 35,000 HP each. They retreat at half of that, too, and unless you are either cheating or insane, then you will not be able to kill off either of them on a first playthrough (and it really is not worth the trouble on a replay game either). You can still see what items they have using a Scan ability, though, so feel free to drool over that big fancy Mega Generator. o_O; *yawn* Your main problem is Hitler - he too has quite high HP (19,000) and will retreat at half of that. The usual goes for killing bosses with high HP ,a combination attack (Double Getter Beam works nicely) supported by another powerful attack, like your original character's strongest attack or something like God Gundam's Sekiha Tenkyoken. Defeat all enemies and force the Shi twins to retreat to end the scenario. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Alpha Unit-2 (Elvy) Player Reinforcements (1): Rahxephon (Ayato) Player Reinforcements (2): Near Argama (Bright) Raideen (Akira) 15 Units Enemy Units: Dotem x 06 Enemy Reinforcements: Grave Dotem x 08 Items: Biosensor: Grave Repair Kit: Dotem Chogokin Z: Dotem Events: Turn 2 Player Phase: Player (1) and Enemy Reinforcements Appear Turn 3 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements (2) Appear, Ayato is raised 130 morale, Akira is raised to 130 morale, and Rahxephon gains new attack selection. Strategy: The group heads to Nirai Kanai, TERRA's headquarters. Of course Dolems are already attacking TERRA, and Ayato gets his trial by fire. At the start of the chapter I would suggest having Elvy use Accelerate and Concentrate and head for the Dotems. Ayato will arrive on the second turn, and should use Iron Wall (yes, Concentrate was enough for the last time we saw Ayato, but Iron Wall is needed now). Elvy should head for the new group of Dotems that arrived. She can handle the Dotems very easily with Concentrate, while they can actually be dangerous for Ayato if they have the chance to swarm him. Near Argama arrives on Turn 3. Akira launches with Raideen, and this triggers Ayato's own voice. It is amazing, just listening to Akira seems to have raised Ayato's ability as an Instrumentalist more than almost the entire TV series did. >_> Ayato also manages to receive his version of God Voice (just referred to as Voice here) before Akira does. >> Go kick the crap out of the remaining enemies with Rahxephon and Ayato's new abilities. Ayato may need some HP help through trust spells, but he can handle it on his own without outside help. Why you need 17 more units at this point is beyond me. I had everything destroyed before Raideen could even get in range. Ayato will join with Rahxephon after this chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: GEAR Fighter Denodh (Ginga & Hokuto) God Gundam w/Fuunsaiki (Domon & Fuunsaiki) Banpresto Original (Hugo & Aqua) Valkyrie (Vega) Cellfighter (Kirakuni & Ellis) Enemy Units: Deatharmy x 05 Dearthbird x 03 Enemy Reinforcements: Knight GEAR Ogre (Altea) Events: Turn 2 Player Phase: Leo Circle and Unicorn Drill Appear Dendoh reaches the marked spot OR all enemies are defeated: Dendoh regains it's Data Weapons, Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Dendoh and Valkyrie retreat. Items: High Performance Radar: Altea Mega Booster: Deathbirdie Propellent Tank: Deatharmy Strategy: Little Miss "I graduated MIT" before puberty loses Unicorn Drill and Leo Circle. >_< Simply move forward and destroy Deatharmy units. The Data Weapons will appear on the second turn, and Dendoh needs to move to the marked square on the island. Be sure to have someone take out the Deathbirdies since one drops a very valuable Mega Booster. When Dendoh reaches the marked square, then all chaos breaks loose. Dendoh gets cornered by six brand spanking new uber-Galfa units, Vega tries to help, and Vega, Ginga, and Hokuto all disappear with the Galfa. Michelo Chariot also comes back from the dead to bother Domon, but soon leaves. Domon will move next to Altea to battle with him. Altea will retreat when reduced to below 8500HP. Try to have Hugo support Domon here for the finish. After this scenario there is a path split. The first option will be to stay on Earth. The second option is to go to Space. Here is a list of what units will go on which route: |------------------------|---------------------------| | Space Path | Earth Path | |------------------------|---------------------------| | Banpresto Original | Banpresto Original | | | | | Dendoh | Dragonar 1 Lifter | | Cellfighter | Dragonar 2 Lifter | | Valkyrie | Dragonar 3 Lifter | | | | | Zeta Gundam | Raideen | | Gundam ZZ | Bluegar | | Hyakushiki | | | Quebeley Mk. II | Rahxephon | | Quebeley Mk. II | | | Super Gundam | Eva-00 | | Mega Rider | Eva-01 | | | Eva-02 | | God Gundam | | | Fuunsaiki | Mazinger Z | | | Great Mazinger | | | Grendizer | | | Diana A | | | Venus A | | | Boss Borot | | | TFO | | | | | | Getter Dragon | | | Getter Q | ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 15 - Earth Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Grendizer (Duke) Mazinger Z (Koji) Diana A (Sayaka) Boss Borot (Boss) TFO (Hikaru) Getter Dragon (Ryoma, Hayato, & Benkei) Getter Q (Michiru) Player Reinforcements (1): Double Spacer (Maria) Player Reinforcements (2): Near Argama (Bright) 10 Units Enemy Units: Minifo x 06 Saucer Beast Gilgil x 04 Saucer Beast Jirajira (Jigura) Enemy Reinforcements: Minifo x 06 Saucer Beast Gabigabi x 03 Saucer Beast Jinjin x 03 Motherburn Events: Turn 3 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements (1) Appear Enemy Units are Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements and Player Reinforcements (2) Appear Items: Magnetic Coating: Motherburn Propellent Tank: Saucer Beast Gabigabi Screw Module: Jigura Strategy: Grendizer will be disabled at the start of the battle, but luckily Jigura will not attack Grendizer again until it combines with Double Spacer. You can either fully concentrate on the Vegans in front of you, or split up your forces to attack the Vegans and to go support Duke. Maria will launch in Double Spacer on Turn 3, and will automatically combine with Grendizer if the Enemy Units are destroyed. The Enemy Reinforcements are easily taken apart. The Evas' AT Fields are particularly nice when weakening the Saucer Beasts. Be careful with Grendizer's HP in this battle. If Grendizer is destroyed then it is Game Over. Double Spacer will not act as an armored carrier for Grendizer either. Refill Grendizer's HP with spells, or have the TFO repair it. Koji can also use Support Defend to help Duke out. Maria will join with Double Spacer after the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15 - Space Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Units: Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) Cellfighter (Kirakuni & Ellis) Banpresto Original God Gundam (Domon) Super Aestavalis - Saburouta (Saburouta) 8 Units Player Reinforcements (1): Vaikungfu (Rom) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga) Enemy Units: Galfa Beast x12 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Casmoton x3 Zarios x3 Devil Satan 6 Deondra Knight GEAR Ogre - Viper Whip (Altea) Items: Cartridge: Deondra Chobham Armour: Devil Satan 6 Thruster Module: Altea Events: Enemy Units Defeated: Player Reinforcements (1) and Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Strategy: Can you say hack and slash? I think so! These enemies are incredibly weak and will die in generally one hit, so feel free to rush up and smack them with whatever takes your fancy, they almost certainly won't get a chance to repay the favour. Things only really get interesting when they all die - Dendoh reappears, Phoenix pops out to say hi, and pulls out Viper Whip. Dendoh gets it's Data Weapons back, the Machine Robo villains appear, and then Rom makes his usual flashy entrance. All in one scene! :D In any case, the order of the day is getting the hell out of there. You have two choices - blow everything up within 3 turns, or getting everything except Rom into the Nadesico B within 3 turns. Not a tough decision - killing everything is so much more fun, after all. However, there is a stipulation that you get a Game Over if any unit dies... so be careful, and keep your spells up if you do go for killing everything. Althea, Devil Satan and Deondra will all retreat at 30% HP or less, so make sure to kill them with something reasonably powerfulish. I like a Hot Blooded God Hand Smash myself, or a few nice attacks chained together with Assist Attack. Whatever, just make sure you deal the 5000-6000 damage needed to make sure they don't stuff their tails between their legs and run. Do remember to keep spelled up, though, and save regularly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 16/17 - Earth Route - Gundam Fight (first choice) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Dragon Gundam (Sai) Player Reinforcements (1): Bolt Gundam (Argo) Player Reinforcements (2): Nobel Gundam (Allenby) Player Reinforcements (3): Near Argama (Bright) 12 Units Enemy Units: Bolt Gundam (Argo) Enemy Reinforcements (1): DG Bolt Gundam (DG Argo) DG Dragon Gundam (DG Sai) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Deatharmy x 11 Deathbirdie x 06 Gundam Heavens Sword (Michelo) Events: Bolt Gundam is damaged: Player and Enemy Reinforcements Appear? DG Bolt or Dragon is reduced to 50%: Enemy Units Heal and Bolt and Dragon gain additional attacks. DG Clones are Defeated: Enemy Reinforcements (2) and Player Reinforcements (2) Appear Player Turn after Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear: Player Reinforcements (3) Appear Items: High Performance Targeter: Michelo Repair Kit: DG Sai Shuffle Crest: DG Argo Strategy: This chapter starts off with Dragon versus Bolt in a Gundam Fight. Bolt is easily damaged. DG copies of Bolt and Dragon appear and are piloted by DG Cell clones of Sai and Argo. Use SP as you see fit and trounce on one of them. They will heal, but then Argo and Sai will gain their Hyper Mode attacks, be healed, and have full SP. After the attack of the clones *ahem*, then the real enemies show up. Allenby can hold off Devilarmy units rather easily (which is good since Argo and Sai may be somewhat beaten up after fighting their DG cloens). The Near Argama arrives on the next turn to give Michelo a sound beating. Michelo will not retreat, so let him have it. Allenby, Sai, and Argo join after this chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16/17 - Space Route - La Vie En Rose (first option) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Units: Nu Gundam (Amuro) Player Reinforcements (1): Gundam Maxter - Super Mode (Chibodee) Gundam Rose - Super Mode (George de Sand) Player Reinforcements (2): Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) 15 Units Enemy Units: Gebaye Maf x4 Gelf Maf (Dan) Rebi Gelf Maf (Carl) Jagd Gelf Maf (Wilner) Falguen Maf (Maiyo) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Shishiki x 04 Dowzen x 06 Items: Beam Coating: Falgen Maf High-Performance Targetter: Gelf Maf Ramune: Type-6 Events: An enemy unit reaches La Vie En Rose: Player Reinforcements (1) Arrive, Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Amuro reaches the signal beacon: Player Reinforcements (2) Arrive. Falguen Maf retreats or is defeated: Scenario ends. Strategy: A rather annoying mission to begin with. You have to get Amuro to the little marked beacon within 4 turns - it's possible to do in 3, though. The problem is that the Nu Gundam isn't very resistant and enemies are quite accurate in this game, so you have to be careful. My recommended suggestion is to use Concentrate and Flash (Amuro's two 10 SP seishins) every turn. Move directly southeast (by your default view) as far as possible each turn - the enemy reinforcements will most likely pop up on turn 2 and the Shishiki will make some rather large holes in the Nu Gundam if you're too close to them - this will ensure they're out of range but will also make sure you reach the beacon within 3 turns. In any case, the Gelf Maf and Falgen Maf will be chasing after Amuro - the Gebai Maf and, when they appear, Dowzen, will be more concerned with the La Vie En Rose more than anything else. In any case, Flash should make sure the Falgen doesn't hit you, and if you followed my advice with movement, you should only be attacked with one attack that you can't flash off, and that won't be fatal even if it does hit. When one of the Gebai Mafs reaches La Vie En Rose (probably on turn 2, enemy phase) some more enemies will appear - Dowzens, and Shishikis piloted by Martian Successors. The Martian Successors are seemingly allied with Maiyo, and will help him try and kill off Amuro. The Dowzens will go after your friendly reinforcements... Gundam Maxter and Gundam Rose. Have them use Concentrate each turn and stand on top of La Vie En Rose - they'll get nice HP and EN recovery and a boost to their dodge and defense stats to help them clean house. Your reinforcements will arrive when Amuro reaches the marked space. Be VERY careful when dealing with Falgen Maf - if he reaches 6000 HP or less he'll retreat - and if he retreats or is defeated he'll take everyone with him. So if you're having trouble, just blast him to end the stage, but if you're after all the nice money and items (which you should be) then try and avoid attacking him - kill everything else off then finish him with a nice strong attack. I like using a Hot Blooded Sekiha Tenkyoken myself, but your original should be able to do the trick as well. Rain, George, Chibodee and Amuro will join with their respective Gundams after the stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 16/17 - Earth Route - Gilgilgan (2nd choice) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Boss Borot Player Reinforcements (1): Near Argama Getter Dragon 15 Units Player Reinforcements (2): Great Mazinger Enemy Units: Gilgilgan Enemy Reinforcements (1): Gilgilgan Minifo x 06 Saucer Beast Jinjin x 03 Saucer Beast Gabigabi x 03 Saucer Beast Koakoa x 02 Saucer Beast Jirajira (Jigura) Items: Alloy Grand: Gilgilgan (final form) Apogee Motor: Jigura Strategy: Lookie, the Great Mazinger vs. Getter Robo G movie. Super alien freaky acid and Chogokin Z do not mix. The rela meat of the scenario starts off with the fantastic plan of Boss luring the Gilgilgan to the marked area on the map. Be sure to cast Invincible on Boss and start running. Gilgilgan will chase Boss as long as Borot is 8 or more squares away. After Gilgilgan steps into the marked area then the Player Reinforcements appear. You need to surround Gilgilgan and NOT ATTACK IT. Wait until a turn where everyone is at a optimum attack point, and then attack it. You have to destroy it within one turn of damaging it. After Gilgilgan is defeated, then a Mazinban is kamikazed beside it to give it another meal so it can heal and further grow. >> Tetsuya will launch in Great Mazinger to further help out though. I would personally wait another turn and then make another assault on Gilgilgan. It is possible to destroy it twice on a single turn though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16/17 - Space Route - Terminal Colony Amaterasu (second choice) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Units: Nadesico B (Ruri) Aestavalis C - Ryoko Type (Ryoko) Player Reinforcements: Super Aestavalis - Sabuouta Type (Saburouta) 13 Units Enemy Units: High Mobility Black Selena (Prince of Darkness) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Batta x10 Enemy Reinforcements (2): Shishiki x 05 Items: Magnetic Coating: Batta Repair Kit: Batta Solar Panel: Shishiki Events: HM Black Selena is reduced to below 50% HP: Enemy Reinforcements (1) and Player Reinforcements (1) Arrive. HM Black Selena retreats. A unit enters the Amateras: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Arrive. Strategy: I'll be blunt. The beginning of this stage sucks - the Nadesico can't move and if the Aesty takes a hit, it DIES. That causes a Game Over. You need to reduce the Black Selena to below half to trigger the next series of events. This can be really tough - what you need to do is use Concentrate and Resist, and smack Akito with a Distortion Attack. Dodge when he counterattacks, spell up again, and smack him - this SHOULD knock him below half, and it's the only real viable way of doing it. Once that's done, you're introduced to a new system in MX - the dual map system. By pressing the Square "[]" button over a purple square on the map, you can go inside it. You can move units inside the map, and that is your aim here, to get a unit to the square marked yellow inside the Amateras. It's also fairly important to get Ryoko back within the Nadesico B's range before it blows the hell up too, as it STILL can't move. As far as enemies go, the Battas aren't too much of a worry. They have an annoying Distortion Field, but their low HP and armour means that they'll fall in a few hits anyways. The Shishikis are a real threat - 12,000 HP each and a Distortion Field - and don't forget quite powerful attacks. I personally like to use a barrage of map attacks - God Gundam's with a Hot Blood can easily take off about 8,000 off each of them - leaving them nicely weakened for another robot's most powerful attack to finish them off. In any case, the scenario will only end once a unit reaches the marked point, even if all units are defeated. If you don't feel like fighting the Shishiki, then you can just swerve past them and head towards the point. This will trigger a series of events where the group will find that a piece of a Mars relic is inside Amaterasu, and this relic contains Yurika (a nice demo sequence is shown here unveiling Yurika as well) and the stage will end. Ryoko will join with her Aestivalis Custom after this stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Dragoon (Kaine) Dragoon (Tap) Dragoon (Light) Player Reinforcements (1): Full Armor Hyakushiki Kai (Quattro) NPC Units: Dragoon x 04 Player Reinforcements (2): Kenryu (Rom) Player Reinforcements (3): Dragonar 1 Custom (Kaine) Dragonar 2 Custom (Tap) Dragonar 3 Custom (Light) Player Reinforcements (4): Near Argama Banpresto Original 12 Units Enemy Units: Gebaye x 04 Dyne x 02 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Dajin x 04 Dorah x 04 Dune x 04 Gebaye x 04 Stark Dajin (Jin) Stark Dyne (Min) Stark Gundora (Ganon) Stark Gebaye (Gol) Gaizam (Gun Jym) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Medius Locus (Albero & Eldie) Events: Enemy Units are Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (1), Player Reinforcements (1) Appear, and NPC Units Appear Turn 2 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements (2) and NPC Units Appear. Player Units retreat. Turn 3 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements (3) Appear Turn 3 Enemy Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Turn 4 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements (4) Appear Strategy: Kaine, Tap, and Light start off testing the Dragoons, the mass-produced versions of their Dragonars. Double Attacks can handle the Gebayes pretty easily. The Dynes can be weakened, and easily finished with counterattacks on the Enemy Phase. The real enemies show up after the AI test dummies are destroyed... man they are an ugly bunch. o_O; Quattro launches in FA Hyakushiki Kai with some NPC Dragoons (some of which may actually survive the scenario *gasp*). Kaine, Tap, and Light soon retreat so that they can ditch the Dragoons for their newly upgraded Dragonars. Rom will show up standing on Gun Jym's noggin to help out. Dragonar Customs will soon launch, and then later the real reinforcements. Unfortunately, no items are dropped on this scenario. Fortunately, no one will retreat either. The Stark units can be somewhat tough though, particularly Jin's with its EWAC and Bunshin abilities. Lock-On is almost required to take him down. Rom can handle things fairly well on his area of the map if you are using Iron Wall, but he will likely run very low on EN in the process. Quattro will join with FA Hyakushiki Kai after the scenario. Kaine, Tap, and Light will now have their Dragonar Customs. Everyone regroups after this chapter as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Venus A (Jun) Player Reinforcements (1): Great Mazinger (Tetsuya) Player Reinforcements (2): Getter Dragon (Ryoma, Hayato, & Benkei) Getter Q (Michiru) Player Reinforcements (3): Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) Eva-01 (Shinji) Eva-02 (Asuka) 15 Units Enemy Units: Combined Bongu Enemy Reinforcements (1): Minifo x 03 Saucer Beast Gabigabi x 03 Saucer Beast Jinjin x 03 Saucer Beast Gilgil x 03 Motherburn x 01 Enemy Reinforcements (2): Briest (Shi-Aen) Gallowin (Shi-Tau) Enemy Reinforcements (3): Saucer Beast Gabigabi x 03 Saucer Beast Granken x 02 Saucer Beast Koakoa x 02 Events: Combined Bongu is reduced to critical: Player Reinforcements (1) and Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear Turn 3 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements (2) Appear Turn 4 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements (3) and Enemy Reinforcements (2) Turn 6 Enemy Phase: Zeorymer shows up and destroys Briest and Gallowin, and promptly disappears. Motherburn is attacked: Bigtron is destroyed. Enemy Reinforcements (3) Appear Items: Image Sensor: Shi-Tau Chogokin Z: Valendos Strategy: Jun should move down to the end of the bridge. This will give Venus A an HP recharge every turn, and prevent the enemy from getting on the bridge and getting that recharge for itself as well. Bigtron here seems invincible, but he will no longer be if you can get someone to attack the Motherburn. Great Mazinger will then give it a nice big helping of Great Booster for its last meal. Be careful when sending a unit after the Motherburn though because Enemy Reinforcements will show up around the Motherburn, and could easily destroy a unit that doesn't have Iron Wall and/or Concentrate. Shinji and Asuka launch and perform the Unison Kick combination attack for the first time... on a non-Angel. They could stand there and keep fighting while not connected to an umbilical cable... but that would be bad. Have Asuka and Shinji both cast Flash and flee for the Near Argama or Nadesico B to connect cables. Ignore the twins, because Zeorymer will show up to take care of them shortly. Just avoid their shots with Flash (they can pierce the AT Field), and watch them die in a couple of turns. Nobody will retreat, so finish off all enemies as you see fit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 20/21/22 Photoatomic Institute ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Mazinger Z (Koji) Double Spacer (Maria) Diana A (Sayaka) Boss Borot (Boss) Player Reinforcements (1): Power Loader (Leina) Jet Drill Jim Player Reinforcements (2): Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) 15 Units Enemy Units: Machine Beast Fighters x 02 Machine Beast Orbiton x 02 Fulgos x 06 Galfa Beast x 03 Galfa Capture Beast x 02 Deondra Devil Satan 6 Enemy Reinforcements: Mecha Beast x 06 Mecha Beast x 03 Events: Player Phase Turn 3: Player and Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear Player Phase Turn 5: Player Reinforcements (2) Appear Items: Anti-Beam Coat: Devil Satan 6 Biosensor: Dendora Repair Kit: Mecha Beast Strategy: Yay! Mazinger Z receives Whirlwind and Giant Rocket Punches. I love these attacks. *grumbles at @2 for not giving them until late in the game* Anyway, keep your units together and take down units as you go. Leina and company arrive soon, and I would suggest having them meet with the Mazinger group. This helps keep them safe, and it will drop your coming Player Reinforcements in amongst the Mecha Beasts... and those things are not going to last against 15 more units that suddenly appear beside them. Devil Satan 6 and Deondra will not flee, so have fun taking them out. Leina and company will leave after the scenario is over though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 20/21/22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Zeorymer (Masato [technically Masaki] & Miko) Player Reinforcements: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) 15 Units Enemy Units: Rose C'est La Vie (Giso) Enemy Reinforcements: Mechabeast x 04 Mechabeast x 10 Oni Battleship (Hitler) Events: Turn 3 Player Phase: Masato's morale drops to 80 Turn 4 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements Appear Turn 5 Player Phase: Enemy Reinforcements Appear Items: Biosensor: Giso Dustproofing: Hitler Strategy: Masaki is having fun being alive again in Masato's body. Amazing how nobody is really getting a clue either... Anyway, another Hau Dragon shows up. Iron Wall is sure to protect Zeorymer well enough here. Masato becomes himself again on Turn 3 and finds the situation he is in to be confusing. His morale drops down to 80. >_< Iron Wall is definitely your friend. Reinforcements arrive on the next turn. The Hau Dragon here drops a Biosensor, but he will retreat at 30%HP. Hitler arrives with a bunch of mecha beasts on the following turn. A few will cross the bridge and others fly over the sea. They should not pose too much of a threat, even if the shields are somewhat annoying. Hitler himself will not retreat, so enjoy the Dustproofing you get from him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 20/21/22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Banpresto Original Dragonar 1 Custom (Kaine) Dragonar 2 Custom (Tap) Dragonar 3 Custom (Light) Player Reinforcements: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) 15 Units Enemy Units: Medius Locus (Albero & Eldy) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Dorah x 03 Stark Gundorah (Ganon) Dajin x 03 Stark Dajin (Jin) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Dajin x 03 Gaizam (Gun Jym) Dyne x 03 Stark Dyne (Min) Gebaye x 03 Stark Gebaye (Gol) Events: Turn 2 Enemy Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear Turn 3 Enemy Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Turn 4 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements Appear Items: Booster: Min EWAC: Gun Jym Super Repair Kit: Albero Strategy: I really liked the flashback with the Gespensts battling against the Deatharmy... and Hugo and Albero's problems with Feria (?) being infected by DG Cells. This is one of the tougher scenarios so far. I would personally group everyone together and make sure they are not flying to take advantage of terrain bonuses. Basically the key is to survive until Turn 4 when the cavalry arrives. The only enemy that will retreat is Albero, but he only drops a Super Repair Kit. No one else will flee. A Booster and another EWAC are always welcome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) Eva-00 (Rei) Eva-02 (Asuka) Raideen (Akira) 15 Units Enemy Units: Alegrato x 03 Grave x 03 Dotem x 09 Vivace Items: Cartridge: Dotem Chobham Armor: Alegrato Haro: Grave Events: All Enemy Units other than Destroyed: All hell breaks loose. Strategy: Honestly, this is more of a story scenario than anything. The battle is very basic, but there is one very important thing I have to note. A Dolem pops a Haro. As always, Haros are one of the most important items in any SRW. BE SURE TO PICK IT UP! Back to the chapter, basically a Dolem captures Rahxephon and Eva-01 and feeds an alternate reality to Ayato and Shinji. Ayato wants to go back to the "real" reality, even if this fake one is honestly what he wants, or at least wanted out of life back on Tokyo Jupiter. Shinji goes back to reality just because he does what anybody tells him to do and Ayato has superior emotional development. =Þ Raideen gains God Voice, blasts the Dolem, and frees Rahxephon and Eva-01. Rahxephon then finishes off the Dolem with the help of a berserk Eva-01. o_O; Anyway, Eva-01 gains the Maglock E-Sword after the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga & Hokuto) Daimos (Kazuya) Player Reinforcements (1): Re-GZ/Dijeh SE-R (Camille) Player Reinforcements (2): Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) 15 Units NPC Units: High Mobility Black Selena (Akito) Enemy Units: Gendoro x 04 Katonbo x 02 Jiro x 04 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Jiro x 04 Katonbo x 02 Enemy Reinforcements (2): Shishiki x 06 Yatenkou (Hokushin) Events: Daimos is reduced below 50% HP: Daimos joins Player Units, Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive. 7 Enemies Remain OR Turn 3 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements (1) Arrive, Enemy Reinforcements (2) Arrive. Turn 3 Enemy Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (3) Arrive. Turn 4 Player Phase: Friendly Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Turn 5 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements (2) Arrive. Hokushin or Akito drops below 40% HP: Enemy Reinforcements (3) and Friendly Reinforcements (1) Retreat. Strategy: The start of this chapter is a friendly sparring match between Daimos and Dendoh. Go ahead and raise Dendoh's morale as high as possible with Ginga's spell set, use Lock-On (otherwise Kazuya will likely beat off Dendoh with Daimos' version of Sword Cut), and go ahead and use Hot Blood so we can hurry things along. Don't worry because Ginga and Hokuto will have their SP refilled immediately afterwards. An assortment of Jovian Lizard/Martian Successor mecha arrive. Send Daimos after the Jiros to the left. Five Shooter counterattacks should take care of that group, and trigger the next set of Enemy Reinforcements who will appear in the corner where Dendoh started at. Kamille will also launch in Re-GZ or the Dijeh SE-R (depending on the levels of the ZZ Pilots). Hokushin arrives with a small legion of Shishikis. Destroy the Shishikis if you would like, or just watch Akito and Hokushin try to kill each other until Hokushin retreats. Playe Reinforcements will appear on Turn 5. Focus on the Shishikis for the moment as they may well retreat at any time, and you want the experience, money, and PP. Try and focus on one at a time so you can get as much money and PP as you can before they retreat. As always, keep spelled up at all times and blast them with your strongest attacks to get through their Distortion Fields. When they retreat, go and clear off the rest of the enemies if they have not already destroyed. Camille will join with whatever mech he arrived in after the scenario. You may wish to move him into Zeta so he and Judau can finally execute the Double High Mega Launcher combination attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 25/26/27 Medios Cube ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga & Hokuto) Valkyrie (Vega) Cellfighter (Kirakuni & Ellis) 10 Units (all made up of G Gundam and Nadesico units) Player Reinforcements: Kenryu (Rom) NPC Units: Gatling Boar Dragon Flare Enemy Units: Machine Beast Fighters x 03 Machine Beast Orbiton x 03 Knight GEAR Ogre (Altea) Bug Virus Error Log Enemy Reinforcements (1): Kismodon x 08 Zarios x 08 Ashura Events: Turn 2 Enemy Phase: NPC Units, Enemy Reinforcements (1), and Player Reinforcements (1) Appear Items: Chogokin New-Z: Bug High Performance Radar: Knight GEAR Ogre Strategy: Equip Dendoh so that it has 10 Movement. Move next to square (12,19) (12 right from the northwest corner and 19 down) on your second turn, preferably to (13,19) or (12,18). Dragon Flare will appear on (12,19) during the enemy's phase on Turn 2, and Hokuto will immediately File Save at the start of Turn 3. Move next to Gatling Boar, and Ginga will File Save it. This prevents any concerns about having to race with Altea to obtain Data Weapons. This also puts Dendoh in a good position to handle the enemy reinforcements instead of Rom. Rom can of course handle them on his own, but he doesn't retain the PP that he would earn in doing so. The rest of the scenario just involves wiping up Altea's knights, and Altea himself. Unfortunately, Rom will disappear again after the scenario. >_< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 25/26/27 Tokyo 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) 14 Units Enemy Units: Batta x 03 Jiro x 06 Shishiki x 03 Katonbo x 04 Dinodilos of the Earth (Rockfell) Burrstone of the Mountain Events: Turn 3 Enemy Phase: Dinodilos Retreats Burstone is reduced below 50% HP: Burstone moves to the mountain in the far corner from your starting point. Items: Mega Booster: Burstone of the Mountain Mega Generator: Dinodiros of the Earth Repair Kit: Katanbo Strategy: Do not even bother going after Dinodilos. It is virtually impossible to beat her and get that lovely Mega Generator without a Haro-filled maxed-out Dijeh SE-R with a pilot with both Accelerate and Soul. Speaking of units... you will not have access to all your units at this point in time as they have been split into groups to handle the different threats. You are essentially limited to your Gundams, Raideen & Rahxephon, and the Evas. Anyway, this is a fairly simple mission for the most part. Dinodilos will automatically retreat on turn 3, so do not worry about Rockfell. You should go use the Jiro and Batta enemies as cannon fodder for your planned boss-killers if, of course, you plan to actually kill Burrstone. If not, just make things easier for yourself and send out everything at once. The Jiro and Batta enemies should die in one hit from any unit you have not totally neglected. Katonbos and the Shishikis are your usual high-HP Distortion Field-wielding enemies. Raideen is excellent for dealing with these guys as his SP regenerates automatically due to his Nendoukousen ability. He can fire off Hot Bloods as he sees fit. Keep spelled up if you feel you need it. Rahxehon can probably stand on a building and have enough defense to shrug off all attacks and counter effectively with beams and arrows. As far as dealing with Burrstone goes, keep spelled up at all times. He can more than easily break AT Fields and any other barriers you may have. Try and weaken him down to as close as possible to 15,000 HP then let it rip with your most powerful moves. A Hot Blooded Voice from Rahxephon with a Unison Kick combo is useful. Not a hard stage, just a frustrating one at times. The scenario will end when all enemies are defeated or forced to retreat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 25/26/27 Giganos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Mazinger Z (Koji) Great Mazinger (Tetsuya) Grendizer (Duke) Double Spacer (Maria) Diana A (Sayaka) Venus A (Jun) Boss Borot (Boss) Dragonar 1 Custom (Kaine) Dragonar 2 Custom (Tap) Dragonar 3 Custom (Light) Enemy Units: Gebaye x 04 Stark Gebaye (Gol) Dajin x 04 Stark Dajin (Jin) Dorah x 06 Stark Gundora (Ganon) Dyne x 06 Stark Dyne (Min) Enemy Reinforcements: Gaizam (Gun Jym) Events: Turn 3 Enemy Phase: Enemy Reinforcements Appears. Dragonar 1 Custom is disabled. Turn 4 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements Appear Items: Apogee Motor: Gun Jym Jammer: Jin Propellent Tank: Gol Strategy: My suggestion for this scenario is to not advance forward. There are some buildings to the south that everyone can stand on (literally stand, be sure to land your units if they are flying) to receive defense bonuses and a slight EN recharge (which is very useful for Mazinger combination attacks). Have your Mazingers placed along diagonals and have healing units interspersed among them. I would honestly put Dragonar 1 Custom in the back. Gun Jym arrives on Turn 3 Enemy Phase and promply knocks Dragonar 1 Custom down to 10 HP and disables the unit. Heal the unit with repair capable units, and continue knocking down Stark units with Triple Mazinger Blades and Double Lightning Busters. Leina and company are not going to be much help here, so just move them to the back where it is safe. They can provide some additional support fire if enemies ever get close enough. No one will retreat and there are no special conditions. Jin should fall quickly. Make sure you use Lock-On to counteract his Bunshin ability, and he is fairly flimsy if you can actually hit him. Ganon is gimmickless too, so just surround him and beat up on him. Remember to keep spelled up throughout. Gun Jym is surprisingly pathetic compared to A and will also go down just by ganging up on him. You have several repair and resupply units to use, so make use of them! You can not afford to lose any units though, so keep non-attackers in the back. Also be aware that Min's Stark Dyne has a MAP Attack. The chapter will end when all Enemy Units are destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Zeorymer (Masato) Player Reinforcements: Banpresto Original (Hugo & Aqua) Daimos (Kazuya) Galba FX-II (Kyoshiro & Nana) Getter Dragon (Ryoma, Hayato, & Benkei) Getter Q (Michiru) Player Reinforcements: Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) 12 Units Enemy Units: Rose C'est La Vie of the Moon (Ritsu) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Jiro x 04 Katonbo x 04 Shishiki x 03 Enemy Reinforcements (2): Medius Locus (Albero & Eldy) Events: Zeorymer's HP reduced to yellow: Player Reinforcements (1) and Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear Enemy Phase of 2 Turns after Reinforcements Appear: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Player Phase of 3 Turns after Reinforcements Appear: Player Reinforcements (2) Appear Medius Locus is reduced to yellow: Medius Locus transforms and destroys the Banpresto Original mecha. Rose C'est La Vie is reduced to critical HP: C'est La Vie to C'est La Vie Event Items: Cartridge: Katonbo I-Field: Shishiki Image Sensor: Rose C'est La Vie of the Moon Strategy: The first order of business is to have Zeorymer get the crap get kicked out of it. Miku has been captured so you won't have her services... and thus you will have no Dimensional Coupler system, so you lose access to the Meiou attacks and the regens you've come to know and love. Run up, let Zeorymer get smacked a bit. Save your Iron Walls for later. You really want to let Zeorymer drop below 40% on a player phase so you can heal it up quickly as its loss will cause a game over. When it drops below 40% it will trigger reinforcements for both sides. Once again, the loss of any of these units will cause a game over, so keep spelled up. I would suggest having Zeorymer flee to the lake in the corner so that your next set of reinforcements can maim Rose C'est La Vie in a few turns. If Player Reinforcements (1) consist of weak units for you, then have them retreat to the border behind them, and flee along the side of the map. Medius Locus soon shows up and takes away your original mecha for a one on one showdown. Medius Locus will transform when reduced to critical HP, and will then show off its new form by destroying your original mecha. >_< Player Reinforcements are a god-send on this chapter. Go take care of Rose C'est La Vie and any remaining enemies. When Rose C'est La Vie is reduced to critical HP then it is time to say C'est La Vie to Rose C'est La Vie (haha). It is revealed that its pilot hates Masaki for making him look like a girl. Poor guy, he was created to be a decent mecha pilot, he has this deep sexy voice, and he is gorgeous. Masaki takes control of Masato again, has the Dimensional Coupler System (Miku, yes she is a freaky-looking ugly robot under that kawaii exterior) teleport from Hau Dragon headquarters (nice little scene, even if it skips on Miku's clearly present nipples from the anime), and of course Masaki viciously destroys Rose C'est La Vie with flashing boob lights. >> Zeorymer then disappears again. The chapter will end when all enemies are destroyed. Don't worry about Hugo and Aqua. Almost any robot in SRW can be repaired no matter how many pieces it is blown up into... and hey... repairing a robot is an excellent time to upgrade it. You will have Cerberus Ignite or Garmreid Blaze after this scenario. Aqua can now be an actual pilot! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) GEAR Fighter Dendoh w/Gatling Boar (Ginga & Hokuto) Banpresto Original 15 Units Player Reinforcements (1): Unicorn Drill Leo Circle Dragon Flare NPC Units: Zeorymer (Masaki/Masato & Miku) Enemy Units: Dinodilos (Rockfell) Burrstone Omzack Enemy Reinforcements (1): Ragoh Enemy Reinforcements (2): Galfa Beast x 04 Galfa Capture Beast x 04 Machine Beast Fighters x 04 Events: Turn 2 Player Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (1) and Player Reinforcements (1) Appear Turn 2 Enemy Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (2) and NPC Units Appear Ragoh is reduced below 30%: Unicorn Drill and Leo Circle are infected with Ragoh's virus and retreat. Ragoh also retreats. Items: Wolf Crest: Galfa Capture Beast Star Amulet: Robot Beast Fighters Repair Kit: Galfa Robot Beast Strategy: Honestly this stage is all about Ragoh. It is mean, nasty, has two attacks per turn, is the natural enemy of Data Weapons, and likes to eat metal more than even Gilgilgan. Hit it with a Clock Manager from Dendoh to make it more manageable and hit it with everything you have. Ragoh will attack Unicorn Drill and Leo Circle after it is reduced to yellow HP. Ragoh is probably the only thing in the universe that can really truly hurt a Data Weapon. It has a virus that can infect the Data Weapon's code and destroy it. This it does to Unicorn Drill and Leo Circle (and hence why they look all purple and icky in the intermission after the chapter). After the Ragoh event, then have anybody go attack one of the Hau Dragons and they will end their super invulnerable fight and be promptly vanquished by Zeorymer. Here I was thinking all of the Hau Dragons would have made for excellent enemy encounters in the game, but they all turn out to be event cannon-fodder. >_< Masato will regain control of himself after the chapter. He basically accepts himself to be Masato, with characteristics of both the Masato he was before all this happened, the stuff with Masaki, and formed into a new identity that isn't evil. Loren shoots himself because he can't stand to destroy the Hakkeshin once and for all on his own, and Masato and Miku have to go off and destroy the Hau Dragon Base before all sorts of nukes all over the world go off. You think this could be an actual scenario coming up? Of course not, Zeorymer teleports to the base as in the anime. Some Martian Successors try to get in the way, but the only get caught up in the huge blast that destroys the Hau Dragon fortress. The Zeorymer ended right when the blast took place, but in SRWMX it seems that Zeorymer survived... yay... or something. The Gandora lands their base in the crater, and Rom and company save Zeorymer. Masato, Miku, Rom, Leina, Jet, Drill, and Jim join permanently. A path split choice is also given. Your choices are 1.) Space or 2.) Earth. |------------------------|---------------------------| | Space Path | Earth Path | |------------------------|---------------------------| | Banpresto Original | Banpresto Original | | | | | Dendoh | Raideen | | Cellbooster | Bluegar | | | | | Kenryu | Dragonar Unit 1 Custom | | Power Loader | Dragonar Unit 2 Custom | | Drill | Dragonar Unit 3 Custom | | Jet | | | Jim | Mazinger Z | | | Great Mazinger | | Nu Gundam | Grendizer | | FA Hyakushiki Kai | Diana A | | Dijeh SE-R | Venus A | | Zeta Gundam | TFO | | Gundam ZZ | Double Spacer | | Hyakushiki | Boss Borot | | Quebeley Mk. II | | | Quebeley Mk. II | Eva-00 | | Super Gundam | Eva-01 | | Mega Rider | Eva-02 | | | | | Nadesico B | Getter Dragon | | S Aestivalis | Getter Q | | Aestivalis-Ryoko Custom| | | | God Gundam | | Daimos | Gundam Maxter | | Galba FX-II | Dragon Gundam | | | Gundam Rose | | | Bolt Gundam | | | Nobel Gundam | | | Fuunsaiki | |----------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 30 - Space Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) FA Hyakushiki Kai (Quattro) Nu Gundam (Amuro) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga & Hokuto) 15 Units Enemy Units: Dyne x 09 Gelf (Dan) Gelf (Carl) Jagd Gelf (Warner) Falguen (Maiyo) Gebaye x 15 Items: Thruster Module: Maiyo Strategy: A terribly simple scenario for the most part. The Dynes are total cannon fodder. Maiyo and his flunkies are flying in a tight formation. Make Warner waste his support defends, then nail Maiyo and Warner with Double Attacks. Dan and Carl can be easily picked off without anyone support defending for them. The Gebayes can easily be destroyed with Double Attacks to make a path for Nadesico B to reach the marked square and finish the scenario. be handled with Double Attacks though, and make a nice path for the Nadesico B to reach the marked square. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 30 - Earth Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Units: Getter Dragon (Ryouma) Getter-Q (Michiru) Main Character Player Reinforcements: Near Argama (Bright) 15 Units Enemy Units: Minifo x 06 Saucer Beast Gilgil x 02 Saucer Beast Gabugabu x 02 Saucer Beast Jinjin x 02 White Mechabeast x 02 Blue Mechabeast x 02 Battleship Mechabeast Enemy Reinforcements (1): Midifo x 08 Combined Bongu x 02 Skybeast Grangen x 03 Vegan Beast Zoomzoom x 02 Vegan Beast Kingoly x 02 Motherburn (Zrill) Items: Screw Module: Battleship Mechabeast Cartridge: Combined Bongu Mega Booster: Motherburn Events: Player Phase 3 turns after Battleship Mechabeast is hit: Getter Dragon gains the Shine Spark attack and kills the Battleship Mechabeast. Player Reinforcements (1) and Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Strategy: First rule, if an enemy reaches any of the marked squares on the Saotome Institute, it's an automatic Game Over. It's also worth adding that the loss of any unit is a Game Over, and it is also IMPOSSIBLE to HURT the battleship until an event later on. In order to trigger that event, though, you need to hit the battleship. If you want to make life simple for yourself, try and hit it on the first or second turn, as it will happen exactly three turns after you hit it. As far as dealing with the enemies goes... I'd suggest using whichever unit is your most upgraded to deal with the enemies, and use the other two to get in the way of the battleship. I used my maxed-out original to defeat the enemies and didn't even get hit thanks to the Terminus Energy Sphere barrier. Getter Dragon and Getter-Q also have their nifty combo attacks which they can use if anything does decide to go after them... so that setup worked very well for me. It may also be beneficial for some players to try to surround the battleship to slow down its progress. Three turns after you poke the Battleship Mechabeast with an attack... enemy reinforcements appear. Joy. By this point you should have most if not all of the original group of enemies cleared up, and your group can clear up any that have managed to survive now. Your original character may well need an EN top-up at this point so make sure to bring a resupply unit... and of course some repair units for any damage your units need clearing up. The new enemies are really nothing special. The Midifos are honestly not much better than the Minifos before them, so just use those as nice one-hit cannon fodder enemies. The Vegan Beast enemies here are most certainly new to you, but they're nothing special. Use defensive spells when dealing with them (Flash/Resist is probably more cost effective and useful here than Concentrate or Iron Wall) and just kill them off. They're quite useful for leveling up weaker pilots too due to their high HP and low armour. The Motherburn... by this point it's really quite pathetic. This is the sort of thing you were facing twenty stages ago. Keep spelled up, blast it with Hot Blooded attacks of some kind and it should really fall in two Hot Blooded hits. Yum. It will not retreat, and it drops a lovely Mega Booster for your convenience. The scenario will end when all enemies are defeated. Shine Spark will be available for Getter Dragon's use from now on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 31 - Space Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga & Hokuto) Cellbooster (Kirakuni & Vega) Kenryu (Rom) 15 Units Enemy Units: Galfa Beast x 06 Machine Beast Orbiton x 06 Machine Beast Fighters x 06 Virus Error Bug Log Enemy Reinforcements (1): Ragoh Enemy Reinforcements (2): Galfa Capture Beast x 03 Enemy Reinforcements (3): Kismodon x 05 Fulgos x 05 Fenmana x 03 Devil Satan 6 Events: 2 Enemy Units Remain: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear Enemy Phase after Ragoh Appears: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Ragoh reaches marked squares: Enemy Reinforcements (3) Appear Ragoh reduced to critical HP: Leo Circle and Unicorn Drill form Kiba, and Ragoh gets pwned. Items: Apogee Motor: Log Strategy: The team arrives on the moon to try to get a piece of Ragoh to analyze to save Leo Circle and Unicorn Drill. Will they succeed? Mo, but whenever these two boys yell "Bakayarou," a miracle happens. The scenario starts with a need to simply clear the map. These Galfas should provide little difficulty at this point in the game. When only two enemy units remain, then Ragoh will appear. Ragoh will absolutely and totally focus on Dendoh, which is good, since Dendoh needs to lure Ragoh back to the large crater at the beginning that has squares highlighted. I suggest placing Dendoh on the lowest-left square. Ragoh will consistently stop right in front of Dendoh within the crater. Unfortunately, Devil Satan 6 shows up with some units to be disruptive. You can honestly ignore the lot of them if you don't mind missing some money and PP though. When Ragoh is reduced to critical HP then it will regenerate. An event will play where Leo Circle and Unicorn Drill actually die due to the virus they are inflicted with. Phoenix will react and resurrects the two of them. Leo Circle and Unicorn Drill can now form a new Data Weapon, Kiba. The two Data Weapons definitely have some payback to inflict upon Ragoh, and they get their revenge. ^_^ The scenario will end after the event depicting Ragoh's destruction (yay, no more scary metal-eating, data weapon-poisoning, two-headed winged poodles!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 31 - Earth Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) 15 Units Player Reinforcements (1): Dragonar-1 Custom (Kaine) Gundam Rose (George) Enemy Units: Stark Gundora (Ganan) Dora x 10 Stark Gebaye (Gol) Gebaye x 10 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Dowzen x 06 Stark Dowzen (Jin) Dyne Maf x 06 Stark Dyne (Min) Gilgazamne (Gun Jym) Items: Repair Kit: Stark Gebaye EWAC: Stark Dowzen Image Sensor: Gilgazamne Events: Enemy Units are defeated: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Turn after Enemy Units are defeated: Player Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Any "Stark" unit is destroyed: Gun Jym casts Hot Blood, Sure Hit, Flash and Iron Wall. Gilgazamne drops below 50% HP: Gun Jym casts Hot Blood, Sure Hit, Flash and Iron Wall and moves away. Strategy: This stage is very difficult to write for as there's very little strategy except "Don't die"... o_o; I suppose the best advice I can give is to bring out your best units on this stage. Your original should definitely be brought along as well as anything else that's reasonably upgraded. Bring along some support units for repair. Priority should also be given to flying units, or those equipped with Minovsky Crafts. A large portion of this stage is covered in water, and mobility can be a concern. You have essentially 22 morale available in the initial enemy units, which every unit will get regardless of kills. Your best units should be at their prime morale maximum. That means that all their abilities are active and they have enough morale to use their best moves. Try and spread out morale like this, and use the Motivate seishin sparingly if it seems difficult. The strategy here involves using a single fast unit with an effective cheap or free attack who can basically run in and come out unscathed. This can give a free 20 morale for any unit, even if they get no kills. It is a cheap strategy... but it works. Keep spelled up and Ganon and Gol should not provide too much trouble. Try to get your units to the bridge in the mean time. If they are land-based units, then load them up on Argama, have Bright use Accelerate, and get them to the bridge so they can deploy on ground suitable for them. The real fun begins, of course, when all the enemies are taken out. The remaining two Starks appear, along with Gun Jym and his Gilgazamne. Utilizing a system called the Berserker System it is quite a force to be reckoned with. The two remaining Starks are a pain as always. Remember to use Sure Hit when dealing with Jin, as he has quite a number of secondary defenses. You should also keep your units spread out a bit so that Min doesn't use her wine bottle of death map attack. o_o; Remember to use defensive seishin, though. Use as much SP as you feel is necessary to stay alive. I would suggest taking out all of the "Stark" units BEFORE you take out the Gilgazamne, though, so you expend his seishin. The turn afterwards, the Gilgazamne will pop along and smack the Neul Argama. This will prompt the arrival of the D-1 and Gundam Rose. Heal up the Neul and take into account that the loss of the D-1 is a Game Over... so if you do not feel confident that you can keep it alive, shove it back in the ship. Deal with the cannon fodder grunts and the Starks, then focus your attention on the Gilgazamne the turn AFTER you kill the last Stark. There is very little point in attacking him when he has Sure Hit and Iron Wall up, after all. o_o; When he drops down to 50% HP... he gets yet ANOTHER seishin boosting. Joy oh joy. He also runs over towards the inside of the city... and activates his insanity mode. That basically means that he attacks anything that gets near him.. friendly or otherwise. o_O; You could make use of this by running away like you've never run before if any enemies remain. In any case, keep spelled up with any defensive seishin you have (as with his Potential ability he can and will one-hit-kill most RRs) and lay into him with some Hot Blooded attacks if you can spare the SP. He should eventually keel over... then miraculously recover and run off. You still get the yummy Image Sensor, though. The scenario ends when all enemies are defeated.. Strategy #2: Another way to handle this chapter is to avoid Jin and Min and focus soley on Gun Jym when he arrives. Gun Jym will take out Jin on his own when the Berserker System activates and Min will flee (neither of them drop items, and it would only be a slight loss of PP to use this method). Gun Jym then no longer gets spelled up as much, and is an easier opponent to deal with. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 32 - Space Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Falguen (Maiyo) Player Reinforcements: Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) Enemy Units: Doraw x 11 Gebaye x 07 Dyne x 06 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Dyne (Dolmonv) Gebaye x 02 Enemy Reinforcements (2): Doraw x 03 Enemy Reinforcements (3): Dorah x 04 Enemy Reinforcements (4): Shishiki x 03 Enemy Reinforcements (5): Yatenkou (Hokushin) Shishiki x 03 Events: Mass Driver is Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear, Falguen is Destroyed, Dolmonf retreats, and Player Reinforcements Appear First door is destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (4) and NPC Units Appear Second door is destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (5) Appear Strategy: Have Carl use Encourage on Maiyo to increase his morale by 10. Have Maiyo use Concentrate to increase his dodge rate, and move toward the pink highlighted square. Select the second option to exit outside of the little building. The objective of this chapter is to destroy the Mass Driver, which is highlighted with an orange square on the map. Move toward it while destroying Metal Armors on the way. Dolmonv is the only possible threat on this chapter, but just avoid his attacks. Destroy the Mass Driver with a single Hot Blood missile barrage when you get close, and Maiyo's involvement with this chapter will end after some Doraws gang-bang him. Do not worry though, Char... err... Maiyo will be back later. Player Reinforcement will then arrive, and their goal is to get into the bunker that Maiyo started in. Whenever any unit enters the bunker then Enemy Reinforcements (3) will appear in that room. Take them out, and destroy the door with (the area that can be attacked is marked by a small yellow arrow). The destruction of the door will trigger the appearance of Enemy Reinforcements (4) and Black Selena as an NPC unit. Destroy the Shishikis and send some units to take care of the second door. The destruction of the second door will make Hokushin show up, and Akito will Boson Jump over to his location. When Yatenkou is reduced to yellow HP, then Hokushin will retreat. The scenario isn't quite over with yet. Altea attacks with a group of Galfa and kidnaps Vega, his sister. You may notice that Altea is sporting a new style now with his aqua color hair flowing all mullet-like from the back of his helmet. Remember, mullets grant their confident users with great power. Vega's kidnapping really messes with Ginga and Hokuto, so much so that their contracts with their Data Weapons are lost. Data Weapons choose a user based on characteristics that they like, and when this is lost, then the Data Weapon will leave its user. When Ginga and Hokuto are absolutely emotionally crushed then all ties are off. Altea promplty saves all of the remaining Data Weapons. >_< Rom will help somewhat to salvage the day. >> Of course loss of Data Weapons means one good thing... Full Armor Dendoh! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 32 - Earth Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Units: Vermillion (Elvy) Player Reinforcements (1): Mandala Gundam (Kiral) Player Reinforcements (2): Near Argama (Bright) God Gundam w/Fuunsaiki (Domon) Nobel Gundam (Allenby) Raideen (Akira) 15 Units Enemy Units: Death Birdy x 06 Death Army x 04 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Death Army x 03 Death Birdy x 08 Gundam Heaven's Sword (Michelo) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Death Birdy x 12 Death Army x 12 Grand Gundam (Chapman) Walter Gundam Items: Super Repair Kit: Gundam Heaven's Sword High-Performance Targetter: Walter Gundam High-Performance Radar: Grand Gundam Events: Turn 2 Player Phase: Mission instructions change to preventing enemies from reaching the big old statue. Turn 3 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements (1) Arrive, Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Enemy Units (NOT Reinforcements) are Defeated: Player Reinforcements (2) Arrive. 6 Enemies Remain: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Arrive. Strategy: Vermillion kicks ass. Vermillion kicks too much ass. Want proof? Run up to any of the pairs of two Death Birdies near you and hit them both with a Bowcircasl (R). Watch them die. On the second turn you'll be asked to protect the statue from which Raideen makes his apperance. Don't worry too much about that, though, as you'll have someone to guard it appearing very soon, so just focus on letting the Vermillion kill stuff. Of course if you would like then go ahead and head for the statue and camp on top of it and gun down Death Birdie On turn 3, enemy reinforcements appear... it is the Gundam Heaven's Sword! Hoorah. He appears with a load of Death Army units to spoil your fun... and surround Vermillion. Just as all looks bleek, Mandala Gundam swoops out of nowhere, blows up the Death Birdy units that surrounded the Vermillion and appears about 2 spaces away from the statue. Have him use Concentrate, drop him on aforementioned statue and it is safe... for the moment. Mandala can more than handle the ground-based units coming after the statue (thanks to the boosts and regens given by the statue) so Vermillion should consider taking a round trip of all the Death Birdies and sending them to early retirement. Beat up the original enemies (which should really be a case of Mandala finishing up what comes his way) and your guys arrive. RahXephon will not be available for use... but Raideen will, and it gets a morale boost, huzzah. Try and keep God and Nobel together throughout to make use of Double God Finger attacks. As always, keep spelled up with whatever you feel necessary. Try and drop the enemy number to 6 on a player phase, too. Preferably early on in a player phase, because when you do you're ambushed by TWENTY-FOUR DG units. I think it goes without saying that taking these out quickly is your priority. Use Double Attacks where possible - as speed is of the essence, the last thing you want is 24 units attacking your units from every direction, especially as these ones have been powered up a bit. Of course, taking hits is a good way to increase morale so... whatever works for you. I'd suggest taking them out quickly, though. As far as the bosses go... same-old, same-old. Keep spelled up to avoid taking (too much) damage, and use Hot Blood where you feel it's necessary. You may wish to use Sure Hit when dealing with Heaven's Sword as well, as he has quite high evasion and can be rather a pest. Grand has okay-ish evasion, but probably not enough to make Sure Hit worth bothering with - Concentrate should quite easily knock you up to 100% anyway. Just keep wittling away at them and they'll fall eventually. The scenario will end when all enemies are defeated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 33 - Space Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) Full Armor Dendoh (Ginga & Hokuto) Cellbooster (Kirakuni & Ellis) Aestivalis-Ryoko Custom Aestivalis-Izumi Custom Aestivalis-Hikaru Custom 15 Units Enemy Units: Galfa Beast x 10 Machine Beast Fighters x 05 Machine Beast Orbiton x 10 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Galfa Beast x 06 Galfa Capture Beast x 03 Machine Beast Fighters x 06 Knight GEAR Ogre Leo Circle Unicorn Drill Dragon Flare Gatling Boar Events: Turn 3 Player Phase: Giga Gourmet "accidentally" blows a big hole in Altea's ship. Player Unit enters ship: Enemy Reinforcements Appear, Dendoh loses Full Armor Ogre is reduced to below 30,000HP: Ogre installs Viper Drive Ogre is reduced to below 20,000HP: Ogre installs Bull Drive Ogre is Destroyed/Retreats: Dendoh regains Data Weapons Items: Haro: hiding on the map Chogokin Z: On the Map behind the first destroyable wall Fried Adromeda: Altea Strategy: Hikaru and Izumi finally join! Yay! Full Armor Dendoh is of course ready to bring the pain... even though Full Armor Dendoh is actually missing three of its attacks... and the Galfa here are just pitiful. Giga Gourmet will arrive on Turn 3 Player Phase and take a shot at Dendoh, even though there is a risk of harming Altea's ship. Gourmet, along with pretty much every Galfa other than the Emperor, does not like Altea and wants to see him gone. Gourmet misses Dendoh, and therefore misses another chance at glory, but he manages to wound Altea's ship which brings him some amusement. The ship can now be entered. Ginga ejects the Full Armor as soon as he enters the ship though. Altea will send Unicorn Drill, Leo Circle, Dragon Flare, and Gatling Boar at Dendoh. DO NOT ATTACK THE DATA WEAPONS! Just defend. Hokuto or Ginga should probably cast Iron Wall too. When Ogre is reduced to below 30,000HP, it will install Viper Whip and probably try a Final Attack. Bull Horn will be installed when Ogre is below 20,000. The Data Weapons will likely the wall that needs to be destroyed, so you need to get rid of Altea to continue on with the chapter. Altea will retreat when reduced to below 8,000, so keep this in mind when attacking him. When Ogre is destroyed, then Dendoh will regain its Data Weapons. The rest of the chapter is basically wall breaking and taking down some cannon fodder Galfa. After breaking down the second wall, be sure to take down the one directly parallel to it, and take the container. The container has a Haro, and it will not be picked up unless you manually pick it up with one of your units. After breaking down the final door, then Altea regains his memories, saves Vega, and seems to be destroyed... but of course we know better right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 33 - Earth Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Units: Getter Dragon (Ryouma) Mazinger Z (Kouji) Great Mazinger (Tetsuya) Grendizer (Duke) Near Argama (Bright) 15 Units Enemy Units: Dragonsaurus Enemy Reinforcements (1): Mechabeast Battleship (Hitler) White Mechabeast x 09 Saucer Beast Gilgil x 03 Saucer Beast Jinjin x 03 Saucer Beast Gabugabu x 03 Midifo x 07 Motherburn (Zrill) Vega Beast Jirajira (Jigra) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Skybeast Grangen x 03 Saucer Beast Coacoa x 03 Vegabeast Zumezume x 05 Items: Repair Kit: Dragonsaurus Shuffle Crest: Mechabeast Battleship Mega Booster: Motherburn Events: Turn 1 Enemy Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Turn 3 Player Phase: Dragonsaurus starts flying. 18 Enemies Remain: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Arrive. Dragonsaurus reaches the marked area: Getter Dragon, Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger and Grendizer's jump to 150 morale and regain all EN. Final Dynamic Special will be available for use. Player Phase after Dragonsaurus reaches the marked area: Boss escapes. Strategy: Boss has been captured by the Dragonsaurus. Are YOU a bad enough dude to rescue Boss? Basically, the idea here is to lure the Dragonsaurus to the marked point without its HP dropping below 90%. If it drops below 90%, Game Over... and the enemies that pop up will be going after the Dragonsaurus more than you. >_< As far as handling this scenario goes, I would suggest splitting up your units into two groups. The Mazinger units, Grendizer and Getter Dragon should either directly lure the Dragonsaurus to the island, or they can stay on the island themselves because Dragonsaurus will automatically be following them even if they stay all the way over there. Either way their purpose is to lure Dragonsaurus over to the wire nets on the marked squares. The rest of your units should head over to the furthest corner from your little starting island where the enemies will arrive. As far as the Dragonsaurus goes, do NOT attack it. Focus on destroying enemy units that are moving toward it. Block Dragonsaurus' attacks if it actually manages to attack you, and just gradually lure it over towards the island. The enemies should be your first concern though since Dragonsaurus will slowly move toward the island as long as Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Grendizer, and Getter Dragon are on the island. The enemies which appear over at the top left are quite numerous, quite defensive and also quite powerful. It is the usual old stuff, abuse Double Attacks where you can, keep spelled up, try to keep your units together to make use of supports, and try to use attacks that can pierce shields. Setting up some MAP Attacks would also be beneficial. Throwing a single unit into the midst of the enemies works but it will get you killed if you are not careful. Note that the Vegan units are more concerned with the Dragonsaurus than your units, but the Oni will happily stick around to play the game of life. Try and have a fast unit run over and teach those Midifos a lesson before they start beating up on the Dragonsaurus. Enemy reinforcements will appear when the number of enemies drops below 18... but apart from the Jirajira there is nothing here you have not faced before. Note that the bosses have more HP than the last time you had an encounter with them, but they are still quite pathetic and drop nice items. Hitler and Zrill both drop some very nice stuff so make sure you at least kill those two off. I personally try and clear up everything for the yummy PP and money, though. If Dragonsaurus reaches one of the squares next to the net, then I would suggest surrounding the net and Dragonsaurus with any available units except for Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Grendizer, and Getter Dragon. They should move toward whatever direction you want to lure Dragonsaurus in. Dragonsaurus will follow them, and land in the net. On the next player phase, Boss will escape from the darned thing at long last and hence you are free to start attacking the Dragonsaurus. It has innate HP Regen of about 7,000-8,000 a turn. It will not counterattack, so feel free to lay into it without fear. It will attack you on it's phase... but its honestly nothing you ca not shrug off by simply blocking or evading. Weaken it down to about 5000 HP or so... and then put Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Grendizer, and Getter Dragon together (as long as they are adjacent or diagonal to one another). Use Hot Blood... and hit that damned tomato with Final Dynamic Special. Make sure you turn the animation on, and ENJOY. ^___^ The scenario will end once Dragonsaurus gets pwned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 34 - Space Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) 7 Units GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga & Hokuto) Player Reinforcements: Knight GEAR Ogre (Altea) Near Argama (Bright) 8 Units Enemy Units: Galfa Beast x 06 Machine Beast Orbiton x 04 Machine Beast Fighters x 04 Virus Error Bug Log Galfa Capture Beast x 02 Giga Gourmet Enemy Reinforcements: Kismodon x 05 Fulgos x 05 Zarios x 05 Deondra Ashura Events: Giga Gourmet is reduced to below 50,000 HP. EN Draining Barrier is destroyed, Player and Enemy Reinforcements Appear, Gourmet gets 18950 knocked off of its HP Items: Image Sensor: Deondra Psyco Frame: Giga Gourmet Strategy: Ah, the aftermath of the destruction of a starship. Did Ginga, Hokuto, and Vega survive? Well of course. Did Altea survive? Wait a few turns... There is an EN draining barrier, which is an absolute and total pain. Nadesico units can briefly become MVPs here because they will have EN Regen every turn (even if they lose half of it instantly). Try to get someone to Giga Gourmet as soon as possible and start wailing on him. Altea will arrive and further beat down Gourmet, and cause the barrier to malfunction. Everyone will be magically granted full EN in the process. Deondra and Ashura arrive to support Gourmet, but your own Reinforcements arrive to help handle them. No one will retreat, just beat down everyone as you feel is needed. All Galfa will retreat when Gourmet is defeated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 34 - Earth Route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga) 15 Units Player Reinforcements (1): Knight GEAR Ogre - Viper Whip (Altea) Enemy Units: Galfa Beast x 06 Machine Beast Orbiton x 04 Machine Beast Fighters x4 Galfa Capture Beast x2 Virus Lock Bug Error Giga Gourmet Enemy Reinforcements (1): Casmoton x5 Falgos x5 Zarios x5 Deondra Ashura Items: Mega Generator: Giga Gourmet Heart Warmer: Bug Chogokin-Z: Deondra Events: Giga Gourmet drops below 50K HP: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Player Reinforcements Arrive. You BOW to Altea like the slave you are. EN Draining Field is removed. Giga Gourmet is defeated: Scenario ends. Strategy: The first part of this stage is a bitch... there is a field in place that drains half your EN every turn, and that will KILL most of your units. Also note that it takes place AFTER EN regeneration, so that silly Dimensional Coupler System of Zeorymer's will be useless for a start. You will really want to divide your units into two groups, one to deal with the original enemies and the rest for the reinforcements. The group that goes after Gourmet should be primarily ammo-based... units like Dragonar Unit-2 and 3, Vermillion and both battleships (who are immune to the drain) are good choices. The EVAs will also get a full EN regain each turn and will thus begin every turn with half of their max EN. Just don't go spamming Maglock E. Sword and you'll be fine. o_o; The Aestivalis units will also have regenerating EN. If you are using Zeorymer, then I would suggest moving him between those two plateus just a little ways down from your Player Units. This can set up a really brutal MAP Attack. Note that the reinforcements will appear pretty much on the cliff where your units start, so keep the main group there in waiting. Basically, you want to try and smack Giga Gourmet down to below 50,000 HP. Of course, that does not mean you should ignore the other enemies... but do not sidetrack, head straight towards Giga Gourmet as soon as possible. Start hitting him around a bit and with a bit of luck you should be able to trigger the next event on the second or third turn. In the aforementioned event, a shooting star falls down to earth... and amidst a lot of shock from everyone... its Ogre! Altea is here to save your guys from death and destruction, now with 100% less brainwashing. He will smack Giga Gourmet, drop him down to just under 30,000 and remove the EN-sucking field. All your units will return to full EN automatically. It will also trigger the arrival of more enemies arriving... but you were expecting those. This is really just more of the usual. Keep spelled up, use support attacks to ensure your weaker units get kills, use Double Attacks where you can with the stronger units... fairly simple stuff. You can even be simpler and have Zeorymer roast the entire enemy group with MAP Attack and then take off what litle HP Ashura and Deondra have left. Very predictable stuff, MX seems to be rather lacking in the strategy aspect. Where are all the enemies that fail at long range yet never move! Bah! ...anyway, don't kill Giga Gourmet just yet as his defeat will end the scenario. Beat the living daylights out of the surviving Galfa, weaken him down to quite low HP and leave a unit there to finish him off. The rest should go head off to deal with the reinforcements (if there are any left). Once again... fairly simple stuff with the bosses. Ashura is exactly as he was as you faced him before the route split, and Deondra's the same as ever except with some stat boosts. No Medius-like second form, unfortunately. Keep spelled up, use Hot Blood where necessary, yadda yadda yadda. Does this gameever actually require any darned strategy? Beat the hell out of them, THEN kill off Giga Gourmet to end the scenario. Nice easy simple money. The scenario will end when Giga Gourmet is retreated. All the units that buggered off during the Space Route will return. Huzzah! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) Vermillion (Elvy) Raideen (Akira) 15 Units NPC Units: Rahxephon Alegrato Enemy Units: Dotem x 10 Metronome x 12 Events: Turn 3 Player Phase: Rahxephon and Allegratto go into Tokyo Jupiter Items: Ramune: Dotem Chogokin New-Z: Metronome Minovsky Craft: Metronome Strategy: Ayato and Quon head off to Tokyo Jupiter to try to find out the truth about who they are. Of course everyone has to chase them down, particularly with Motoko's new leadership of TERRA. >> There really isn't much to say about this scenario. First off, bring units that can fly or have A Movement in Water. Almost the entire level is water-based so the last thing you want are units getting stuck behind in the water. On another note... it is not possible to kill off the Alegreto, so do not bother making a special effort to go after it and kill it within the two turns. Dotems are total cannon fodder as usual. Metronomes are actually somewhat tough with 15,000HP, but nothing that you can not handle. One of them even pops a Minovsky Craft (which would be perfect to start performing Unison Kicks on airborne enemies). Elvy and Haruka go into Tokyo Jupiter themselves at the end of the chapter. No one else follows because the Vermillion is one of the two units (the other being Rahxephon) in your group capable of bypassing the barrier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Eva-00 (Rei) Eva-01 (Shinji) Eva-02 (Asuka) Eva-03 (Touji) Player Reinforcements: Rahxephon (Ayato) Enemy Units: Dotem x 08 Metronome x 02 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Eva-03 Enemy Reinforcements (2): Vibrato Events: Enemy Units are Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear. Eva-00 and Eva-02 Retreat. EVA-03 turns into 13th Angel Bardiel. 13th Angel Bardiel is reduced to 70% HP: Eva-01 and Bardiel retreat. Enemy Reinforcements (1) and Player Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Vibrato is hit: Ayato jumps to 150 morale and gets red eyes... good or scary depending on one's viewpoint. Items: Propellant Tank: Dotem Solar Generator: Metronome Biosensor: Metronome Strategy: It is suggested that some upgrades are placed onto EVA-01 before this chapter as it is going to be taking quite a battering from an opponent later who can nullify A.T. Fields. Also try and conserve Shinji's SP throughout this scenario. It would be extremely difficult to lose the first part. Dotems can not break AT Fields, and a Metronome *should* not be able to. The biggest danger would be expending too much EN for an Eva, and it not having enough EN to use its AT Field to defend against attacks. It is suggested that Shinji's morale be raised as much as possible (if you want, have him kill off all 10 enemies! Easy 150 morale!). It may be beneficial to put Minovsky Crafts on Eva-01 and 02 so that they can use their Unison Kick combination attack to help weaken the Metronomes who have high HP as usual. After all of the Dolems are destroyed, then Eva-03 seemingly shuts down. It is actually be possessed by the 13th Angel, Bardiel. It (literally) kicks the crap out of Eva-02 and 00, and Shinji has to risk killing his best friend The method of reducing Bardiel's HP will vary according to the player. Players who have been getting a lot of use out of Shinji (and obtained Attacker and perhaps Infight as skills) and have an upgraded Eva-01 can probably end this battle by having Shinji spell up and use a single Maglock E-Sword slice. For those of you who have not been making use of Shinji... A recommended strategy for fighting Bardiel is to try and lure him into a position so that Shinji is on a building (terrain bonuses) and Bardiel is not. You want to avoid his range of fire until you have met these conditions. Once you do, then you want to use Flash each and every turn whilst spamming at him with Maglock E-Sword. You should have at least 100 EN so that means two uses per turn. Three should be enough to knock him below 70% of his 38000 HP, and if not... hey, four works nicely too. Be warned of his HP regeneration though, and his ability to negate AT Fields. If necessary, you can just lose at this point as doing so enables you to keep the money you earned off the Dotems and Metronomes which you can invest into the Eva-01 upgrades fund. You can also use Awaken if you wish to try and get in an extra turn or so but it may cost you some Flash SP. Once Eva-03 is reduced to 70% HP then Gendoh gives the order for the dummy plug to take over Eva-01 so that it can tear apart Eva-03 without the need of Shinji's control. >> Ayato takes it upon himself to prevent the mayhem from continuing, but the Evas run away. o_O; Vibrato shows up though, and Ayato gets into a totally clueless murderous rage. Yes, as the battle progresses Asahina screams in pain as she herself is hurt along with Vibrato who she is bonded to. In the anime, you almost start screaming at Ayato to stop and look around him... but no... in SRW... you are the one in control... and it personally left me feeling icky. The fight is incredibly simple, and losing is almost impossible. When Rahxephon hits Vibrato once, then Ayato will power up to 150 morale at which point Rahxephon is basically invincible. Exchange attacks until she drops to about 15,000 HP then let lose with a Hot Blooded voice... then watch the sad scene. The text in the movies says "Ayato-kun..." and "Sayonara" respectively). The scenario will end when Vibrato is defeated. Eva-03 will not join just yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Rahxephon (Ayato) Player Reinforcements (1): Eva-02 (Asuka) Player Reinforcements (2): Eva-00 (Rei) Player Reinforcements (3): Vaikungfu (Rom) Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) 15 Units Enemy Units: Dotem x 04 Metronome x 08 Alegrato x 03 Grave x 03 Obligato (Torigai) Enemy Reinforcements: 14th Angel Zeruel Events: Obligato reduced to below 55,000HP: Player Reinforcements (1) and Enemy Reinforcements Appear. Ayato is raised to 150 morale. Rahxephon is surrounded by Metronomes. Asuka gets Flash, Lock-On, Iron Wall, and Hot Blood cast on her. Player Phase after Eva-02 is critically damaged: Player Reinforcements (2) Arrive. The Dolems will actually start attacking. Eva-02 is critically damaged: Player Reinforcements (3) Appear All enemies except Zeruel are defeated: Scenario ends. Items: Super Repair Kit: Metronome Strategy: Rahxephon should land and move on top of one of the buildings. This will raise its defense and help with incoming attacks. Concentrate on damaging Torigai's Obligato to trigger the next series of events. Ayato will go up to 150 morale, but will be surrounded by Obligato and three high HP Metronomes. Asuka will launch to try to defend Terminal Dogma from Zeruel, but she is unable to break through its AT Field. Zeruel will eventually wear down Eva-02 to critical HP, which will trigger an event where Eva-02 is reduced to 10HP. Rei will launch in Eva-00 and try to assault Zeruel with an N2 Mine. The attack ends up being ineffective, and Zeruel reduces Eva-00 to 10 HP. Shinji will freak out, and Rom will make an entrance and give Shinji the much needed pep talk. Rom will launch in Kenryu, and instantly transform into Vaikungfu. Near Argama and Nadesico will arrive in Tokyo-3 and deploy some much needed reinforcements. Everyone will launch at 150 morale, so hit the enemy with everything you have in Tokyo-3. Do not worry about Zeruel, other than Rom needs to defend against its attacks. When all of the enemies top=side in Tokyo-3 are defeated, then Shinji will finally launch. Eva-01 of course goes berserk and ingests the S2 Engine. The chapter ends after Eva-01's supper. Touji and Eva-03 will be playable after this chapter. EVA-01 will have the S2 engine (and hence will not need the umbilical cable) and EVA-00 will have its N2 Mine MAP attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) Grendizer (Duke) 15 Units Enemy Units: Saucer Beast Gilgil x 05 Saucer Beast Gabigabi x 03 Saucer Beast Jinjin x 03 Saucer Beaast Koakoa x 03 Midefo x 08 Mecha Beast King Gory x 02 Mechaa Beast Zume Zume x 02 Mecha Beast JigaJiga (Morris) Enemy Reinforcements Combined Bongu x 03 Saucer Beast Gurangen x 03 Mecha Beast Zume Zume x 02 Mecha Beast King Gory x 02 Motherburn x 01 Saucer Beast Jirajira (Jigra) MP Great Mazinger (Valendos) MP Great Mazinger x 07 Events: Morse is convinced: Objective changes to defeating Morse. Morse is defeated: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Arrive. Boss defeats a Mass Produced Great Mazinger: MP Great Mazinger is captured and available for use after the stage. Items: Apogee Motor: Valendos Mega Booster: Motherburn Space Chogokin Grand: Jigra Strategy: Dendoh is installed with a new cockpit system that only requires one pilot. This allows Hokuto to start piloting Ogre on this chapter. Cellfighter Valhalla is also completed with Vega as its default pilot. It is possible to obtain an MP Great Mazinger on this stage if you deploy Boss in Boss Borot. If you do not deploy Boss, then you will be out of luck. The starting objective for this chapter is to destroy all of the enemies with the exception of Morris. Duke needs to use "Convince" on Morris before anyone destroys his unit. Not using "Convince" will result in a game over. Enemy Reinforcements will Appear, and Morris heroically sacrifices himself to save you a tiny bit of trouble. The Enemy Reinforcements here are not very impressive other than the number of MP Great Mazingers they managed to collect. If you would like one for yourself, then have Boss destroy any of them except the one that Valendos is piloting. You will know you are successful if the unit teleports away after being destroyed instead of exploding. It is possible to set your units up in a line and weaken the incoming enemies with MAP Attacks. I personally enjoyed seeing Near Argama, Nadesico B, God Gundam, and Eva-01 laying waste to multiple units with a few MAP shots. The enemies will approach your units wherever they are, so it may be in your best interest to take advantage of that little fact. An MP Great Mazinger is now available on the intermission menu if you followed the needed steps. Any character from Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, or Grendizer can pilot it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga) Knight GEAR Ogre (Hokuto) Cellfighter Valhalla (Vega) 15 Units Enemy Units: Galfa Beast x 16 Machine Beast Fighters x 08 Log x 02 Machine Beast Orbiton x 08 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Virus x 06 Enemy Reinforcements (2): Bug x 05 Error x 02 Giga Absolute Enemy Reinforcements (3): Bug x 05 Error x 02 Giga Witter Enemy Reinforcements (4): Spiral City Items: Haro: Back-Room of Spiral City Psyco Frame: Giga Absolute Strategy: The start of the scenario seems simple enough, but it soon becomes obvious that those Logs are going to be trouble. They have over 30,000HP and will defend until they are destroyed. To make them even more troublesome, there is a second Log on the other end of Spiral City that is guarding a door to a Haro. Basically you will have to send a unit (or a few) to take care of that door and obtain that Haro if you want it. Of course since Haros are the most valuable items in the game then you want it. I suggest sending someone with a nice MAP Attack to clear the door since those can not be defended against. Whenever anyone enters the "front door" to Spiral City, then six Virus mecha will appear. Three will be in front of you, and three will be on the other side. The left breakable wall leads to Absolute, and the right breakable wall leads to Witter. They are troublesome, and have over 50,000HP, but are fairly generic as far as SRW boss mecha go. When Absolute and Veda are both defeated, then an event will occur. The core of Spiral City will reveal itself, and Dendoh and Ogre will automatically move there (even if they have to destroy walls to get there). Spiral City is a tough opponent, and can easily pierce an AT Field. Use Flash, Iron Wall, and/or Invincible to avoid taking damage. Be sure to use Hot Blood to increase damage. Hit him with everything you have because that is all that is left to finish the chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) 15 Units Enemy Units: Dotem x 14 Metronome x 12 Ralgo Items: Mega Generator: Ralgo Minovsky Craft: Metronome Ramune: Dotem Strategy: I guess Banpresto wanted to give us a small break after the last chapter. Dotems and Metronomes provide no real resistance, just the Metronomes may require a few hits. One of the Metronomes drops a Minovsky Craft though, so be sure to pick that up. Ralgo will retreat when reduced to 40% HP or below. He drops a Mega Generator, but do not worry yourself too much with obtaining it. If you want it though I would suggest setting up a nice Command or Support Attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) Banpresto Original (Hugo & Aqua) 15 Units Enemy Units: Ralgo Enemy Reinforcements (1): Medius Locus (Albero & Eldy) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Frons x 02 Delgim x 02 Enemy Reinforcements (3): Mechabeast x 08 Mechabeast x 10 Oni Battleship (Hitler) Events: Turn 1 Enemy Phase: Enemy Reinforcements Appear Medius Locus is damaged: Medius Locus heals and Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Turn 2 Enemy Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (3) Appear Items: Biosensor: Mechabeast Propellent Tank: Frons Wolf Crest: Hitler Strategy: Pretend that Ralgo doesn't exist. Your units need to move directly forward to encounter Hitler and some Mechabeasts. Medius Locus will appear on the first turn and lure Hugo away. Land your original mecha on one of the buildings for a terrain bonus, and just try to avoid damage until your other forces finish Hitler off. The Mechabeasts here are somewhat tough, and Hitler has a lot of HP. No one will retreat though. Beat up Mechabeasts to build up morale, spell up, and hit Hitler for everything that you have. Hitler's defeat will trigger the end of the chapter where Kunugi activates the Jupiter System to destroy Kuuki, Kunugi's former bastard commander who gave an order that needlessly sacrificed human life. Unfortunately Kunugi himself is killed in the blast. >_< Banpresto did an excellent job in recreating the scene though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Getter Lyger (Hayato, Benkei, & Ryoma) Player Reinforcements (1): Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) 15 Units Player Reinforcements (2): Getter Dragon (Ryoma, Hayato, & Benkei) Vaikungfu (Rom) God Gundam (Domon) Enemy Units: Mechabeast x 02 Mechabeast x 02 Mechabeast x 02 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Mechabeast x 05 Mechabeast x 05 Mechabeast x 05 Saucer Beast Koakoa x 03 Vega Beast King Gory x 03 Vega Beast Zumezume x 03 Saucer Beast Gurangen x 02 Dragonsaurus Oni Battleship x 03 Combined Bongu x 02 Enemy Reinforcements (2): Gilgilgan Bigtron x 02 Oni Empire Robot (King Brai) Events: Turn 3 Player Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear, Player Reinforcements (1) Appear. Getter Dragon retreats. Turn 3 Enemy Phase: Rom and Domon Retreat Player Unit reaches the top of enemy battleship: Player Reinforcements (2) and Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Items: Chogokin New Z: Brai Mega Generator: Gilgilgan Strategy: The scenario starts off with Getter Lyger against six mechabeasts. If you have been using Getter Robo G consistently then this part of the chapter should be relatively easy for you. If Getter is not your best unit, then I would suggest having Getter Lyger drill into the ground and hide. A lot of enemies arrive on Turn 3. Player Reinforcements arrive to help deal with this threat. Getter Robo G will combine to form Getter Dragon and heads back to the lab. The buildings and forests on this stage can provide for some nice terrain bonuses if you choose to use them. Send your units out and try to prevent any enemies from reaching the lab. Dragonsaurus shows up again. I remember the days of SRW4 where this enemy was a huge threat, so much so that some players still have nightmares of the experience. In R, he was a pathetic push-over. Right now... it is slightly stronger than it was in R. ^^; Be sure to cast spells to prevent damage when facing against the beast though. It can easily wipe out some unupgraded units in a single hit, but it will not be a danger if you take the basic precautions. When you feel you have made enough of a dent in the enemy forces to allow them to receive reinforcements, then send a flying unit on top of the enemies' large battleship that is taking up a large chunk of the map. This will trigger a dramatic entrance from Rom, and reinforcements will arrive for yourself and the enemy. Gilgilgan is relatively weak compared to how it was in your last encounter. It went down in two hits for me. The Bigtrons have a lot of HP though. You can ignore them if you wish though. Brai's defeat will trigger the end of the stage. Use Hot Blood/Spirit to maximize the damage of your attacks and use Flash/Concentrate/Iron Wall/Invincible to help prevent your units from being damaged. Brai has over 70,000HP, but his unit is not capable of great destruction as long as you playing somewhat smart. The chapter will end with Brai's defeat. Getter Dragon will of course keep Shine Spark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga) Cellbooster (Kirakuni & Ellis) Valkyrie (Vega) Player Reinforcements (1): Knight GEAR Ogre (Hokuto) Player Reinforcements (2): Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) 15 Units Enemy Units: Galfa Beast x 04 Kismodon x 04 Zarios x 04 Denondora Devil Satan 6 Register (Subaru) Enemy Reinforcements: Error x 04 Virus x 04 Bug x 04 Log x 04 Galfa Beast x 03 Zarios x 05 Kismodon x 05 Fulgos x 10 Aiansanto (Bugu) Zero Events: Turn 2 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements (1) Appear Subaru is defeated/retreats: Enemy Reinforcements Appear Player Turn after Subaru is defeated/retreats: Player Reinforcements (2) Appear Items: Apogee Motor: Zero High Performance Radar: Deondra Mother's Stew: Subaru (explain that to me since Subaru doesn't know he) (has a mother) Strategy: First off, none of the initial Player Units are allowed to die. Equip Valkyrie and Cellbooster with Biosensors and Psyco Frames to help boost their mobility and increase their survivability. Subaru here is Emperor Galfa's other "son" (the other one being Altea). Subaru was raised from a much younger age and doesn't have any problems with previous memories screwing with his morale or belief in the Galfa cause. Anyway, the Galfa's plan at the moment is for Subaru to steal Altea's white Gear Commander, steal Ogre, and continue fighting the good fight. This is why Ogre is moving toward the enemy group at the start. Ginga should start taking down Galfa to build his morale. Hokuto will take Ogre back on Turn 2. The main goal at this point is to reduce Subaru's HP to below 40% so he retreats, or destroying his unit. I love Subaru, but he is too much fun to blow up to resist... even if all he pops is a Mother's Stew... nevermind that Subaru was stolen from his mother as the Galfa were taking over the planet and killing humans... I suggest Ginga using Clock Manager as a Support Attack to Hokuto... and then rocking Subaru out with a Kiba Striker Final Attack. Of course everything goes to hell when Subaru is defeated/retreats. Zero will sabotage GEAR Japan's HQ and a flood of Machine Robo enemies will enter it. More Galfa enemies will appear top-side as well, and Hokuto will be kidnapped along with Ogre. The next enemy turn is all about your units just surviving until Reinforcements appear. If you want to finish the scenario as quickly as possible, then send your units into the base and focus on destroying Zero as quickly as possible. You can also go with the destructive route and clear both areas of all enemies before taking down Zero. Deondra is the only one who pops an item though, and it is only a High Performance Radar. Hokuto is now being brain washed by Subaru and Zero. >> This also means no more access to the Kiba Data Weapon for awhile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 44 - Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico B (Ruri & Haley) Vaikungfu (Rom) Power Loader (Leina) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga) Cellfighter-Valhalla (Vega) 15 Units Enemy Units: Zarios x 06 Kismodon x 06 Fulgos x 10 Fenmena x 16 Ashura (Ashura) Aiansanto (Bugu) Deondra Devil Satan 6 Gulsious Enemy Reinforcements (1): Knight GEAR Ogre (Hokuto) Register (Subaru) Zero Events: Turn 3 Player Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear Ogre is reduced to 50% HP: Ogre installs Viper Whip Ogre is reduced to below 10% HP: Player Reinforcements (1) Appear and Zero and Subaru Retreat Items: Psyco Frame: Fenmena Super Repair Kit: Fulgos Strategy: Strangest map design ever... I would highly suggest making good use out of every Minovsky Craft that you have for any units not capable of flight. It is actually rather nice that Leina is deployed on this stage, because you will be damaged, and she is an excellent healer. Start off going after Bugu and Ashura's forces right beside you. Build up a little bit of morale fighting the Fulgos right there, and the Kismodons and Zarios units that come in. Ashura and Bugu both have some decent dodge rates, so Lock-On or Concentrate may be needed. Subaru, Zero, and Hokuto arrive on Turn 3. I would suggest placing most of your efforts on Ogre as it moves next to your forces. You do not want to destroy Ogre. You only want to reduce it to below 10% of its HP. Hokuto does not make this easy though. Ogre will install Viper Whip when it reaches below 50% HP. Viper Whip has this ability called Illusion Flash, which is for all intents and purposes Bunshin. Ogre will create multiple copies of itself and evade an attack. It is suggested that you use Lock-On after Viper Whip is installed, or you may miss even if you have a 100% chance of hitting. When Ogre's HP reaches below 10% then Ogre and Dendoh will fire Final Attacks at each other (just like they do in the anime... and in SRWR). The new thing this time is that Hokuto soon overcomes his brain washing during this event and returns to your side. Subaru and Zero will then retreat... then again Zero eating a Unicorn Drill Final Attack may have helped prompt him to do so. ^_^ I would suggest going after Deondra and Devil Satan 6 next. If you have any units with a range of 8 or more, then they have an excellent sniping opportunity here. Neither of them drop any items though, but they will not retreat either. Repair and Resupply your units before heading off to take on Gulsious. Gulsious is another case of having over 50,000HP, and nothing to show for it. I swear the Fenmenas are a greater danger. Anyway, Gulsious will not retreat, and go crazy with the spells since he is the last enemy you will face honestly. After his defeat, Leina will go into her obligatory melodramatic role of being kidnapped. Gurdy, Rom's semi-estranged brother, gives Rom his sword for even greater over the top Vaikungfu action. Before it can be put to use though... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 44 - Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Vaikungfu (Rom) Power Loader (Leina) Jet Drill Jim Enemy Units: Gadess Events: Rom hits Gadess: Rom kills Gadess >> Items: Haro: Gadess Strategy: Rom faces off against Gadess, the entity responsible for the deaths of many people... umm... robots... umm... whatever on Rom's planet. You think this would be a huge dramatic battle where the five will barely remain victorious thanks to careful planning and some good old fashioned robot kung fu... I'm afraid not. Have Rom hit Gadess, this will trigger an event where Rom tries out his new sword and kills Gadess in the process. Gadess even pops a Haro for your complete lack of effort. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Dragonar 1 Custom (Kaine) Knight GEAR Ogre (Hokuto) 15 Units Enemy Units: Draus x 05 Gebaye x 08 Dyne x 08 Dorah x 12 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Register (Subaru) Zero Enemy Reinforcements (2): Gilgazamne x 04 Events: Turn 3 Enemy Phase/Enemy Units and Reinforcements (2) are Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear Hokuto and Subaru have three battle encounters/Register is reduced to below 15,000HP: Register is Destroyed and Zero Retreats Turn 5 Enemy Phase/Enemy Units are Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Strategy: The Nadesico C crew is being put together, so Nadesico B is not available for this stage. This is not good for any Aestivalis units that you may use. >_< The stage is fairly simple though. Metal Armors put up little resistance to your forces. Subaru and Zero will arrive on Turn 3. Hokuto will go ahead and move next to Subaru to start fighting/convincing him. Zero will just by and watch. Zero does not drop any items, and will defend. He is basically only here for story value (to make Register attempt to self-destruct on Ogre), so do not bother fighting him. Hokuto can use Flash each turn, and let Subaru attack him. After three battle encounters then Zero will force Register to self-destruct. Hokuto saves Subaru before the explosion though. Yay, a new pilot or sub-pilot for a Cellfighter! Some Gilgazamnes will arrive on Turn 5. They will Support Attack/Defend for one another so keep this in mind. Double Attacks are still an excellent way to bypass Support Defending. None of them pop items though. The end of the chapter is marked by Kaine leaving the group. >_< Subaru will join after this scenario. Feel free to spend some PP on him and place him in a Cellfighter as a sub-pilot or pilot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 46/47/48 - Giganos - Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Dragonar 2 Custom (Tap) Dragonar 3 Custom (Light) Re-GZ/Dijeh SE-R (or whatever Camille is piloting) (Camille) Getter Dragon (Ryoma, Hayato, & Benkei) Enemy Units: Draus x 08 Gebaye x 08 Gilgazamne x 06 Tetsujin x 08 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Dragonar 1 Custom (Kaine) Events: Any Enemy Unit is Attacked: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear Strategy: The first half of this scenario is wonderfully simple. Attack an enemy and Kaine will show up. Have Tap use "Convince" on Kaine and this half of the stage will end. Of course feel free to try to take down all of the enemies on this half if you so wish, but all that is required is to convince Kaine. It is fun seeing Dolmonv be shocked that his forces were destroyed though. ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 46/47/48 - Giganos - Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Dragonar 2 Custom (Tap) Dragonar 3 Custom (Light) 12 Units Player Reinforcements: Dragonar 1 Custom (Kaine) Falguen (Maiyo) Stark Dyne (Min) Enemy Units: Gebaye x 10 Denjin x 06 Daimajin x 04 Gilgazamne x 08 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Dora x 06 Daitetsujin x 02 Denjin x 02 Enemy Reinforcements (2): Draus x 02 Gebaye x 02 Gilgazamne x 01 Enemy Reinforcements (3): Draus x 02 Gebaye x 02 Gilgazamne x 01 Enemy Reinforcements (4): Gilgazamne x 04 Gilgazamne (Dolmonv) Items: Biosensor: Gilgazamne (Enemy Reinforcements (3)) Solar Cell: Denjin Events: Tap goes into base: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear First Wall is Destroyed: Player Reinforcements Appear Second Wall is Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Third Wall is Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (3) Appear Fourth Wall is Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (4) Appear Strategy: I really hate this stage. You can only use UC Gundam, Dragonar, and Getter units. If you use these units then you should have no problem. Those who do not use these units regularly may have some problems, so equip key units with some items to help balance things out. Kaine will do his best to kill Tap and Light at the start of the stage. Place Support Defenders around them for safety, and use Getter Q, Mega Rider, and Dragoanr 3 Custom to heal any damaged units. Send your stronger units ahead to take on the Martian Successors and Gilgazamnes. When a sufficient path is cleared then send Tap inside the base. Light will automatically enter and scan the area revealing a breakable wall. Clear out the enemies and break the wall. Kaine will now return to your side, and Maiyo and Min will even help out. Kaine may need a resupply from Mega Rider since he may have drained a lot of EN while fighting earlier. >_< Feel free to abuse Falguen and Dragonar 1 Custom's Twin Laser Sword combination attack. It is cheap, damaging, and can really wreak havoc on Gilgazamnes.... which is good because you are about to fight a whole bunch of them. Another wall needs to be broken down, and a Gilgazamne is there with some Draus and Gebayes. There is a wall after them, which will trigger the appearance of another set of them. After this set of enemies is finished off then be sure to repair/resupply everyone before destroying the final wall. Dolmonv is behind the final wall in a tricked out Gilgazamne, with four others beside him to provide him with Support Attacks and Support Defends. The fortunate thing is that these units are lacking in attack range and you should have an army of Real Robots deployed in this stage. Snipe off the support Gilgazamnes first. Set up Double Zeta, Hyakushiki, and Full Armor Hyakushiki Kai to take MAP shots at the group from different angles to help weaken them. Double Getter Beam and Twin Laser Sword are quite helpful here as well. Dolmonv is a pain of course... and he even has a MAP Attack (which can not hit any of the diagonals straight away from his Gilgazamne). Continue sniping as you would the other Gilgazamnes and be sure your close range attackers are properly spelled up to avoid taking damage. He will not retreat, and he is the final enemy of this stage (finally!). Hit him hard and fast since you honestly do not want to see any units be destroyed with a MAP shot (he actually took down Maiyo on my game). After the stage, Maiyo will join with his Falguen. Min will join with Stark Dyne. Carl will join with Gelf. Warner will join with his Jagd Gelf. Dan will join with his Rebi Gelf. Kaine will now stay with the group. The Twin Laser Sword combination attack also remains available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 46/47/48 - Mars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Nadesico C (Ruri & Haley) Black Selena (Akito) Aestivalis Ryoko Custom (Ryoko) Aestivalis Hikaru Custom (Hikaru) Aestivalis Izumi Custom (Izumi) S Aestivalis (Saburouta) Kenryu (Rom) Power Loader (Leina) Blue Jet Road Drill Jim Enemy Units: Denjin x 02 Daimajin x 02 Shishiki x 06 Yatenkou (Hokushin) Madura x 06 Daitetsujin x 03 (Kusakabe) Items: Psyco Frame: Kusakabe Notes: Ah... I love the Nadesico cast. Concerts, distortion fields, and the Aesti pilots discussing Ryoko's sex life as they take down the Martian Successors... great stuff... This stage can be as complicated as you want it to be. Kusakabe drops a Psyco Frame, so the stage can last a little while if you choose to obtain it. If you are the more impatient type, then just focus on Hokushin. All of your units start off at either 150 or 130 morale, so it should be easily to finish off Hokushin quickly. Hokushin can be destroyed or reduced to below 20,000HP to trigger an event, which one doesn't matter because he won't pop PP or experience. Akito will attack Hokushin one last time and loses the Black Selena armor in the process to reveal the pink Aestivalis Akito Custom underneath. The scenario will end and Yurika will be freed. Yurika's "prince" will have already left though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 46/47/48 - Skull Moon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Grendizer (Duke) Player Reinforcements: 15 Units Enemy Units: Midefo x 04 Saucer Beast Koakoa x 01 Saucer Beast Gabigabi x 01 Saucer Beast Jinjin x 01 Saucer Beast Gilgil x 01 Vega Beast Zume Zume x 01 Vega Beast King Gory x 01 Motherburn (Zrill) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Midefo x 06 Saucer Beast Jinjin x 03 Saucer Beast Gabigabi x 03 Saucer Beast Koakoa x 02 Saucer Beast Jirangen x 02 Vega Beast King Gory x 02 Vega Beast Zume Zume x 02 MP Great Mazinger x 07 Combined Bongu x 02 Vega Beast Guragura (Gandal) Enemy Reinforcements (2): MP Great Mazinger x 06 Bigtron x 02 Gilgilgan x 01 Motherburn x 01 King of Vega (Emperor Vega) Events: Turn 3 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements and Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear Gandal is Defeated: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Items: Chogokin New Z: MP Great Mazinger High Performance Radar: Emperor Vega Strategy: Duke is alone against the Vega enemies for a few turns, but that is what he gets for going off alone right? Retreat to the nearest corner of the screen if you have not sufficiently upgraded Grendizer, or stay there and rumble if you have. Iron Wall is highly suggested, but you should conserve your SP because this has the potential to be a very draining battle. Reinforcements will arrive on Turn 3 Player Phase. If Tetsuya's kill number was 50 or above before the start of the scenario, then Black Great (Mazinger) will be an available unit to deploy. It would be quite effective for Maria to take out her frustrations on the Vega Empire with. I would go ahead and upgrade its EN though so you can take advantage of Double Lightning Busters with Great Mazinger and Grendizer... which can be very helpful with the large amount of high HP enemies on this stage. Be sure to deploy Flugar and TFO on this stage because repair and resupply are almost guaranteed to be needed. Work you way through the enemies (or send in a few units with Iron Wall to weaken/destroy a few). God Gundam can land some very useful MAP Attacks in this stage, so be sure to keep that in mind. Try to be reasonable with your SP usage, and take advantage of repair and resupply. Emperor Vega is a pain. King of Vega has a 3 square-wide beam MAP attack so try to attack it along diagonals to avoid it. Emperor Vega will refill some of its HP when it is reduced to below half and will start retreating (the cowardly bastard). Try to surround it with your units to prevent it from running further (even though the terrain here, namely the towers on the Skull Moon base, may make it difficult to surround him with fewer than six units). He will not retreat off of the map, so finish him off with any assortment of attacks that you wish. Just be sure that you do not allow him to manually leave the map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 49 - Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Rahxephon (Ayato) Aliel (Haruka) Vermillion (Elvy) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga) Knight GEAR Ogre (Hokuto) Cellbooster (Kirakuni & Ellis) Cellbooster-Valhalla (Vega & Subaru) Eva-00 (Rei) Eva-02 (Asuka) Eva-03 (Touji) Zeorymer (Masato & Miku) Banpresto Original (Hugo & Aqua) Enemy Units: Alegrato x 03 Metronome x 04 Dotem x 12 Obligato (Torigai) Enemy Reinforcements: Vivace Items: Apogee Motor: Dotem Haro: Alegrato Super Repair Kit: Metronome Events: All Enemy Units except Obligato are Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements Appear Player Turn after Enemy Reinforcements Appear: Strategy: The objective for this stage is to destroy all enemies except for Obligato. Be sure to pick up the items here, particularly the Apogee Motor and Haro. When all enemies except Obligato are defeated then another Vivace will appear. No units are capable of damaging it. On the next player turn then Vivace will be responsible for the assault on Asuka instead of an Angel. Rei ends up sacrificing herself to damage Vivace to end the stage. Everyone freaks out, but do not worry because there are (almost) always plenty of Reis. >> Onward to the second half... where Kaworu tries to get to Adam... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 49 - Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Eva-01 (Shinji) Player Reinforcements: Rahxephon (Ayato) Aliel (Haruka) Vermillion (Elvy) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga) Knight GEAR Ogre (Hokuto) Cellbooster (Kirakuni & Ellis) Cellbooster-Valhalla (Vega & Subaru) Eva-03 (Touji) Zeorymer (Masato & Miku) Banpresto Original (Hugo & Aqua) Enemy Units: Eva-02 (Kaworu) Events: Eva-02 is Attacked: Player Reinforcements Appear Strategy: Shinji should cast Flash and attack Kaworu. No damage will be dealt at all since Kaworu's AT Field is invincible as of this moment. Player Reinforcements will then arrive, and Kaworu's AT Field can now be pierced. I would suggest first placing your units around Eva-02 before starting your assault. It has HP regeneration, and I always feel a need to destroy HP regenerating enemies in one turn. Kaworu will likely attack Shinji (hence why Shinji casting Flash earlier would be helpful). Hit Eva-02 with the works and it will soon be destroyed. Now it is time for Shinji to mourn the loss of his soulmate. *cough* I was wanting to use Kaworu in Eva-04 too... oh well... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico C (Ruri & Haley) God Gundam w/Fuunsaiki Gundam Maxter Dragon Gundam Gundam Rose Bolt Gundam Rising Gundam 15 Units Player Reinforcements: Medius Locus (Albero & Eldy) Enemy Units: Deatharmy x 16 Dearthbird x 18 Gundam Heavens Sword (Michelo) Grand Gundam (Chapman) Walter Gundam Enemy Reinforcements (1): Deatharmy x 04 Deathbirdie x 04 Enemy Reinforcements (2): Grand Master Gundam Devil Gundam Events: Turn 3 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements Appear 24 Enemies Remain: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear (and will continually appear up to four more times) Chapman and Michelo are Defeated: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Ulube is hit once: Grand Master Gundam recovers all HP Grand Master Gundam is reduced to below 55,000HP: Grand Master Gundam refills all HP and Shuffle Domei Ken Event plays Items: Shuffle Crest: Michelo Ultimate Cell: Walter Gundam Strategy: This is without a doubt the most phallic stage ever. The DG Mass Driver is rather phallic in of itself, it is huge, and it is covered in devil tentacles for good measure. XD Deatharmy and Deathbirdies have higher HP than usual but their primary purpose here is to build morale, and give money, experience, and pilot points. The really patient players out there can actually earn a great deal of PP on this stage because these units will continually respawn 8 more whenever there are 24 or fewer enemy units on the map. Of course Michelo and Chapman are going to start attacking you the moment anything comes within their range. I was hoping that Wong would be in Walter Gundam, but it is only a generic DG Zombie. >_< Use spells to lower or avoid damage. Try to conserve some of your SP though for Devil Gundam. When Chapman and Michelo are defeated, then all of the Deatharmy and Deathbirds will be gone. Ulube will appear in Grand Master Gundam with Devil Gundam behind him. Attack Grand Master Gundam once, but do not bother using Hot Blood. Grand Master Gundam will instantly regenerate whatever damage is done by the first attack done to it. Again use spells to avoid damage and try to knock Grand Master down below 55,000HP. It will try to regenerate its HP, but the Shuffle Alliance will fire off a Shuffle Domei Ken to further reduce its HP. Grand Master Gundam will no longer regenerate any HP, so finish it off. Ulube isn't done yet though. He then takes control of Devil Gundam, which has over 150,000HP and has HP Regeneration. I would wait until the next player turn to start a full assault against it. You know the drill at this point I hope. Use Hot Blood/Spirit, Invincible, Iron Wall, Concentrate, and/or Flash to maximize the damage that you deal and minimize the damage that you receive. After Devil Gundam's defeat, it tries to keep fighting... but Domon and Rain will be sure to remove the core (for good?) with a Love Love Tenkyoken. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico C (Ruri & Haley) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Dendoh) Knight GEAR Ogre (Hokuto) Cellbooster-Valhalla (Vega & Subaru) 15 Units Player Reinforcements (1): Black Selena (Akito) Enemy Units: Error x 08 Virus x 12 Bug x 08 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Log x 06 Enemy Reinforcements (2): Log x 06 Enemy Reinforcements (3): Zero Events: 15 Enemy Units Remain: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear 15 Enemy Units Remain: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Turn 3 Player Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (3) and Player Reinforcements Appear Strategy: The goal of this stage is to get Near Argama and Nadesico C to the marked square on or before Turn 8. There are several of the relatively elite Galfa enemies here and they have high HP... but at least none of them will sit around and block this time. There isn't a significant boss on this stage either so, so spell up as you see fit. Zero will teleport in on Turn 3 and damage the Nadesico C down to 4000HP. Ruri will call for Akito and he shows up to knock Zero down to 33,600HP. He will also stay around. Zero is as always relatively immortal. If you defeat him then he will just come back again in a new body with full HP. He does not offer any PP, money, or items though in this game. Concentrate on getting the Nadesico B healed and keep trying to move forward. You can surround Zero with four units if you would like so that he will not chase after the battleships though. The Logs will appear near the exit, so you may want to finish these guys off before the battleships get too close so that the will not be swarmed. The stage will end when Nadesico C and Near Argama reach the marked square. Zero will try to attack Hokuto and Vega will try to defend him. The Cellbooster-Valhalla will fall, and Hokuto will chase after them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico C (Ruri & Haley) GEAR Fighter Dendoh (Ginga) 15 Units Player Reinforcements: Knight GEAR Ogre w/Phoenix (Altea) Cellfighter-Valhalla (Vega & Subaru) Enemy Units: Galfa Beast x 18 Error x 04 Virus x 04 Bug x 04 Log x 04 Zero Enemy Reinforcements (1): Spiral City x 05 Zero Enemy Reinforcements (2): Error x 02 Virus x 02 Bug x 02 Log x 02 Spiral City x 02 Pektar Zero Enemy Reinforcements (3): Emperor Galfa Events: Zero is Defeated Once: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear Zero is Defeated Twice: Enemy Reinforcements (2) and Player Reinforcements Appear. Dendoh and Ogre install Phoenix Data Weapons Dendoh enters temple: Enemy Reinforcements (3) Appear. Dendoh gains 7 Gods Blade Items: Solar Cell: Emperor Galfa Strategy: I really hate Zero, but we get to kill him for good on this stage so that is very enjoyable. ^_^ Start off the scenario by defeating various enemies to build up morale. Zero needs to be defeated a few times to continue with the scenario, but it can make things very messy very quickly. Defeating Zero once will trigger the appearance of five Spiral Cities. These are not lower HP versions with an AI pilot, these are the same as the core of Spiral City that you fought a few scenarios ago. They still have HP Regeneration too. Luckily for you, the courtyard directly around the temple gives some nice terrain bonuses in addition to HP and EN regeneration. Depending on your own playstyle you may want to go ahead and take down each Spiral City one by one. The more impatient players will want to go ahead and take down Zero one more time to trigger the next event. Hokuto will arrive with Ogre and Vega and Subaru will be in Cellbooster-Valhalla. Phoenix will then be awakened... and Phoenix basically freaks everyone out since its chosen form is that of Vega when she was a child. ^^; Ginga and Hokuto resume piloting Dendoh together. Altea will resume piloting Ogre. Dendoh and Ogre will both install Phoenix Drives, which are beneficial due to their high power and both units will have a full EN recharge at the beginning of their turn. Your units are supposed to head into the temple at this point... then again having seven Spiral Cities doing their best to kill you isn't that much fun either. Emperor Galfa will appear when a unit enters the temple. This will also trigger an event where Phoenix grants Dendoh with the 7 Gods Blade for its normal form (it will still get the full EN recharge though). Emperor Galfa is very strong (even did significant damage to a maxed Vaikungfu), and has 190,000HP. Dendoh will likely not be able to handle this enemy on his own, so send a few units to help him out. The end of the scenario is somewhat tricky. Reduce Zero's HP before destroying Emperor Galfa. After destroying Emperor Galfa, then promptly destroy Zero on the same turn. This will prevent either of them from generating a new body and will end the scenario (all of the Spiral Cities will automatically be destroyed). Dendoh and Ogre keep their Phoenix Data Weapons and their new (old?) pilot set-ups. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 53 - Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Rahxephon (Ayato) Player Reinforcements: Vermillion (Elvy) Enemy Units: Dotem x 21 Metronome x 07 Obligato (Torigai) Events: Turn 2 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements Appear Turn 5 Player Phase: End of this part of the stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 53 - Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Eva-02 (Asuka) Player Reinforcements: Nadesico C (Ruri & Haley) Eva-01 (Shinji) Dragonar 1 Custom (Kaine) Dragonar 2 Custom (Tap) Dragonar 3 Custom (Light) 15 Units Enemy Units: Dragoon x 11 Omzack (Taiha) Enemy Reinforcements (1): Eva-05 x 09 Enemy Reinforcements (2): Eva-05 x 09 Events: All Dragoons are Destroyed: Taiha retreats and Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear All of Enemy Reinforcements (1) are Destroyed: Enemy Reinforcements (2) and Player Reinforcements Appear Items: I Field: Dragoon Space Chogokin Gran: Dragoon Super Repair Kit: Eva-05 (Enemy Reinforcements (1)) Strategy: Pretend that Asuka's Eva-02 has an S2 Engine since it doesn't need a cord and it is recharging all of its EN every turn. o_O; Asuka finally gets her AT Field Attack, and these Dragoons are going to feel the pain of it. They actually have some potential to be somewhat bothersome since they all have EWACs, which may make these flies difficult to swat. Of course if they are hit by almost anything then they will explode, but Lock-On would help in the swatting. Ignore Taiha. He will block all attacks, will not attack, and will retreat after taking relatively little damage. Just focus on the Dragoons. Be sure you have a decent amount of EN left when finishing off the last Dragoon. You do not want to run out of energy to power your AT Field when the Eva-05s show up. The AT Field should be able to hold them off, but just using the AT Field against 9 opponents all aiming for you will take at least 45 EN. You shouldn't have any trouble destroying them with counterattacks though, and it is great seeing Asuka counting as she destroys them. ^_^ I would suggest saving one to destroy on your own turn though so that your player reinforcements are able to get the first strike against the next wave. The next wave of Eva-05s are much tougher. They can easily pierce an AT Field, have high accuracy, a decent evade rate, and have 55,000HP each. It is actually quite possible that you may lose a few units... but the music is gorgeous right? Use Hot Blood/Spirit and use spells to avoid taking damage. Just enjoy the music, and don't sweat it too much if a few RRs go down. Just enjoy the music and the spiffy attack animations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico C (Ruri & Haley) Eva-01 (Shinji) Raideen (Akira) Zeorymer (Masato & Miku) Daimos (Kazuya) Banpresto Original (Hugo & Aqua) 15 Units Player Reinforcements: Medius Locus (Albero & Eldy) NPC Units: Rahxephon Rahxephon Enemy Units: Eva-05 x 09 Enemy Reinforcements (1): Omzack (Taiha) Gilgazamne (Miwa) Enemy Reinforcements (2): Obligato (Torigai) Items: Fried Adromeda Eva-05 Mega Generator: Miwa Psyco Frame: Eva-05 Events: Turn 2 Enemy Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (1) Appear Turn 3 Player Phase: Player Reinforcements Appear Turn 3 Enemy Phase: Enemy Reinforcements (2) Appear Strategy: This stage is basically the revenge of the MP Evas. >_< You do not have 150 morale starting off this time, and basically no good way to build morale. Set up your units so that as many units as possible can take advantage of support defend. Also deploy a couple of healers to help with your unit survival. Focus on one Eva at a time, use Hot Blood, and try to cast spells to reduce or avoid taking damage. Taiha and Miwa show up to create further problems. I guess we do get a chance to actually truly fight a unit from Zeorymer... too bad it is probably easier to deal with than the Evas. A cannon fodder Giganos pilot is responsible for the Gilgazamne, but destroying that unit will also end up taking out Miwa... something that every @2 player wanted to do for the entire game. Albero and Eldy will show up in Medius Locus as actual playable units. o_O; Take this opportunity to take the machine out for a test spin... even if it seems a little bit on the slow side. oO; Obligato will try to attack Rahxephon but he honestly doesn't stand a chance. Send some units to help out of you would like, but Ayato will get in the final hit no matter what. >< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 55/Final Chapter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player Units: Near Argama (Bright) Nadesico C (Ruri & Haley) Banpresto Original 18 Units Player Reinforcements: Rahxephon Enemy Units: Shinistara x 16 Dekstera x 16 Medius Locus Enemy Reinforcements: AI1 (Eldy) Events: Medius Locus is Destroyed: AI1 Appears AI1's HP is reduced to 300,000HP or below: Player Reinforcements Appear Strategy: Ah, the classic SRW final stage... but with a new tripper background. Let the Shinistaras and Deksteras come to you so you can hit/get hit/destroy them to build the morale for your units before taking on Medius. The Shinistaras are the blue ones, and are relatively slow and easy to evade. The Deksteras are the biggest threat since they actually have decent accuracy, but they are much more fragile and have limited range. Try to avoid using any SP on these enemies so that you are at maximum potential for the final boss. Position your units around Medius Locus after destroying the various enemies, and wait until your next turn to begin the assault since you have 200,000HP that you need to knock off. Hot Blood/Spirit and Flash/Invincible/Iron Wall as usual are the order of the day. Try to take advantage of Support Attacks and the first half of this battle will hopefully be over shortly. Of course that isn't all though... Eldy's precious AI1 presents itself in... well... a really ugly form with 400,000HP. I would suggest waiting until the next player turn before resuming the attack. It is possible to destroy AI1 in one turn if you have your units positioned relatively well and have them sufficiently upgraded. Ayato will arrive when you take 100,000 off of AI1's HP, and he is even in optimum range for a Hot Blood Voice attack. Be sure to watch AI1's attack animations though... I particularly like Eldy's kiss of death and the Medius Locus clones. Anyway, when AI1's HP is reduced to 0 then Albero tries to redeem himself and is soon on his way to see his son again. Ayato's tuning isn't as dramatic as it was in the series, but it was nice that he helped Akito out. ^_^ Thanks For Playing Super Robot Wars MX. Be sure to save your clear file and enjoy the game further. ^_^ ============================================================================== VI. COMBINATION ATTACKS ============================================================================== Combination Attacks are very specific attacks that only certain characters/mecha possess with certain other characters/mecha. These attacks often have a specific range and those performing the attack must be within close range of each other. Here are a list of some currently known attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D Formation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Dragonar 1-L, Dragonar 2-L, and Dragonar 3-L Range: 1-4 EN Required: 25 of each Morale Required: 110 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: The three Dragonars fly in formation and unload their guns upon an enemy Note: This attack is available as soon as you obtain these units. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D Formation S: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Dragonar 1 Custom, Dragonar 2 Custom, and Dragonar 3 Custom Range: 1-4 EN Required: 30 of each Morale Required: 110 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: The three Dragonars fly up and rain down multi-colored railgun death on an opponent. Note: This attack is available on Chapter 18. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Burning Fire: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Mazinger Z and Great Mazinger Range: 1-3 EN Required: 25 of Each Morale Required: None Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Breast Fire + Breast Burn = HAWT! (literally) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Funnel: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Qubeley Mk. II and Qubeley Mk. II Range: 1-7 EN Required: 25 of Each Morale Required: 105 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Same great funnel taste... twice as many shots. Note: This attack requires its pilots to both be Newtype Level 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Getter Beam: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Getter Dragon and Getter Q Range: 1-4 EN Required: 25 of each Morale Required: 0 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the support unit must be adjacent square to the attacking unit or in the same squad. Description: Getter Dragon takes Getter Q's hand, they rise up to the sky, and rain down pink energy death upon an enemy. Note: This attack is available as soon as you obtain these two units, and it can be used post-movement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Getter Tomohawk: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Getter Dragon and Getter Q Range: 1-2 EN Required: 0! Morale Required: 0 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Both Getters throw tomohawk boomarangs, catch them, wail on the opponent, and Getter Dragon scoops up Getter Q in its arms and flies away. These combinations are so cute! Note: This attack is available as soon as you obtain these two units, and it can be used post-movement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double God Finger: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: God Gundam and Nobel Gundam Range: 1-2 EN Required: 30 of each Morale Required: 130 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Domon and Allenby God Finger an enemy from both sides. Allenby even has a special cut-in for this attack! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Kamaitachi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Vaikungfu and Blue Jet Range: 1-2 EN Required: 30 Morale Required: 110 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Jet transforms and fires upon an enemy as it flies across the screen (I love the shell casings it leaves behind). Jet and Rom cut up the enemy (with a really fantastic cut-in) and there are even close-ups of each of them in front of a sunset background. oO; Beautiful attack, and quite effective. Strategy: This attack is available as soon as both units join. Thanks to Desmond for the attack translation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Lightning Buster: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Black Great and Great Mazinger Range: 1-6 EN Required: 30 of Each Morale Required: None Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Black Great fires Thunder Break while Great Mazinger fires Thunder Break. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Lightning Buster: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Black Great and Grendizer Range: 1-6 EN Required: 30 of Each Morale Required: None Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Black Great fires Thunder Break while Grendizer fires Space Thunder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Lightning Buster: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Black Great and MP Great Mazinger Range: 1-6 EN Required: 30 of Each Morale Required: None Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: MP Great Mazinger fires Thunder Break while Black Great fires Thunder Break. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Lightning Buster: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Great Mazinger and Grendizer Range: 1-6 EN Required: 30 of Each Morale Required: None Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Great Mazinger fires Thunder Break while Grendizer fires Space Thunder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Lightning Buster: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: MP Great Mazinger and Grendizer Range: 1-6 EN Required: 30 of Each Morale Required: None Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: MP Great Mazinger fires Thunder Break while Grendizer fires Space Thunder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Lightning Buster: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Great Mazinger and MP Great Mazinger Range: 1-6 EN Required: 30 of Each Morale Required: None Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Great Mazinger fires Thunder Break along with MP Great Mazinger firing its version of Thunder Break. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Mega Launcher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Zeta Gundam and Gundam Double Zeta Range: 2-7 EN Required: 30 of each Morale Required: 130 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Zeta fires its Mega Launcher while ZZ uses its Hi-Mega Cannon. Note: This attack is available as soon as you obtain these units. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Formation Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Aestivalis-Ryoko Custom, Aestivalis-Izumi Custom, and Aestivalis-Hikaru Custom Range: 1-5 EN Required: 10 of each (and Aestivalis recharge their EN if within range of Nadesico) Morale Required: 105 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: I wonder if they are Dragonar fans... Note: This attack will not be available until Chapter 33. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Final Dynamic Special ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Getter Dragon, Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, and Grendizer Range: 1 EN Required: Morale Required: Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Grendizer lifts the enemy up with an Anti-Gravity Storm, the Mazingers blast it with a Double Burning Fire, and Getter Dragon uses a Shine Spark for the finish. The four then all pose together. Notes: This attack is not available until Chapter 33 - Earth Route. Koji will also have different cut-ins depending on which outfit he is wearing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inazuma Cyclone Ganban Wari ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Vaikungfu and Road Drill Range: 1 EN Required: 25 of Each Morale Required: 110 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Vaikungfu and Drill alternately punch, kick, and headbutt an enemy. Vaikungfu does a spinning pile driver, and throws the enemy down toward Drill. Drill then performs an uppercut that sends the enemy flying. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Love Love Tenkyoken: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: God Gundam & Rising Gundam Range: 1-8 EN Required: 45 of Each Morale Required: 130 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: The power of love blasts a heart-shaped hole through a non-believer. Note: This attack is not available until Chapter 50. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Triple Terror Attack: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Dragonar 1-L, Dragonar 2-L, and Dragonar 3-L or: Dragonar 1 Custom, Dragonar 2 Custom, and Dragonar 3 Custom Range: 1-2 EN Required: 20 of each Morale Required: 110 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Dragonar 2 and 3 will grab an enemy, and drop then down so Kaine can slice them... yay... Note: This attack is available as soon as you obtain these units. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Triple Mazinger Blade: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, and Grendizer Range: 1-3 EN Required: 25 of Each Morale Required: None Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Great Mazinger and Mazinger Z impale an enemy from both sides with Mazinger Blades while Grendizer comes down with a Double Harken. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twin Laser Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Dragonar 1 Custom and Falguen Range: 1-2 EN Required: 10 of Each Morale Required: 105 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Kaine and Maiyo show off their incredible mecha swordsmanship... it is amazing they don't crash into one another or slice off some limbs. This thing is also stronger than Triple Mazinger Blade. Notes: This attack will not be available until the Free Order Split after Chapter 45. The first option is for the Giganos stage, where Maiyo will join and this attack becomes available for the first time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shuffle Domei Ken: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: God Gundam, Gundam Maxter, Dragon Gundam, Gundam Rose, and Bolt Gundam Range: 1-4 EN Required: 55 of Each Morale Required: 130 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other units must be in an adjacent or diagonal square of one another. Description: Just like the anime... the members of the Shuffle Domei all pwn the hell out of an enemy and watch the resulting explosion. Notes: This attack is not available until during Chapter 50. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wind Pair Connected Attacking: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: GEAR Fighter Dendoh & Knight GEAR Ogre Range: 1 EN Required: 25 of Each Morale Required: 110 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: Dendoh and Ogre alternately kick the crap out of an opponent before a joint full speed punch. Strategy: This attack will be available regardless if Altea or Hokuto is piloting Ogre. Data Weapons must not be equipped for this attack to work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unison Kick: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Performed by: Eva-01 and Eva-02 Range: 1-5 EN Required: 20 of Each Morale Required: 110 Placement: The unit initiating the attack must be in range of target, and the other unit must be in an adjacent or diagonal square. Description: The 62 second dance of death (and arguably the best battle in Eva) makes its return as a combination attack you can use any time you want. Strategy: This attack is not available until Chapter 19. It can not be used on airborne enemies unless both Evas are equipped with Minovsky Crafts. ============================================================================== VII. SECRETS ============================================================================== SRWMX has a few secrets, and we are still discovering them. Here is what is generally known so far? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black Great (Mazinger) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tetsuya (Great Mazinger's default pilot) needs 50 kills before the end of Chapter 45. The unit will be available to deploy at the start of the Skull Moon stage, no matter if you choose to play it as Chapter 46, 47, or 48. Thanks to "Duke Fleed" for the info leading up to finding the unit. Note: Some people have had trouble obtaining the unit. Just to be on the safe side I would suggest obtaining the MP Great Mazinger on Chapter 38 by using Boss Borot and fully upgrading Great Mazinger's attacks (the attack power itself, not critical or accuracy). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dijeh SE-R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The average level of Judau, Roux, Puru, Puru Two, Elle, Beecha, Mondo, and Ino must be 25 or above before the start of Chapter 23. The unit has S Terrain in Space, flies, has 8 Movement, and has S attack terrains for Space, Land, and Air (only B on Water). Its strongest move is a brutal series of saber slices with a range of 1-3 and no EN cost. A very nice unit, even if it is a pain to get. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Great Mazinger Item Bug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is possible to put three items on Great Mazinger before deployng it on the Skull Moon stage (Chapter 45/46/47). Somehow it ends up with three item slots after Boss paints original on its crotch, and it will lose the extra item slot after the stage. Any item that you put on there will be kept unless it is removed. Thanks to Adiroth for mentioning the bug. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Armor Dendoh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Full Armor Dendoh parts can be kept. Take the Space route on the second split. Ginga and Hokuto need at least 25 kills between the two of them (Hokuto can have none though) and Dendoh to be the first to enter Altea's ship, Aldeberan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mass Produced Great Mazinger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Have Boss in Boss Borot (Boss can not be in another unit) destroy an MP Great Mazinger (other than the one that Valendos is piloting) on Chapter 38. If successful, then the MP Great will teleport away from the battlefield and Boss will be a happy fat man. The unit will be available after the chapter ends. It is similar to Great Mazinger, but without flight ability, no Great Booster, most of its attacks are 250 base lower than Great's, and its movement range is only 5. MP Great Mazinger can perform a Lightning Buster combination attack with either Grendizer, Great Mazinger, or Black Great. An MP Great Mazinger may also be obtained after the Skull Moon stage. ============================================================================== VIII. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Is this game on CD or DVD? A. The game is on DVD format, and DVD-5 if you want to be specific. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Will this game work on a non-modified US or Euro PS2? A. No, you will have to modify your system in some way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. How can I modify my system? A. Do not ask me, and do not ask on the board either. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. What is the Giga Ultimate Disc? A. It was a pre-order bonus with SRWMX. It featured commercials and some anime clips from the various titles used in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Is there a Limited Edition for MX? A. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. What does MX mean? A. Model X (you'll find out on the last chapter), Magnet Ten, or it might relate to the name of Impact Cross that may have been used early in production. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. WAIII, I WANT GAMESHARK, AR, AND CODEBREAKER CODES! A. Please kindly **** off and die. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Will this game ever come to the US? A. There is about a .01% chance, and I'm probably overestimating. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Where can I get this game? A. www.ncsx.com, www.himeya.com, www.videogamedepot.com, www.yesasia.com are all respected dealers in the community. From my own personal experience, NCSX has always been wonderful. You may also be able to get a deal on the game on ebay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Are Mazinkaiser and Shin Getter in the game? A. No. If you want both of them then go play SRW Alpha 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Are Lord of the Elementals in the game? A. No. If you want them go back to some SNES games or Alpha Gaiden. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. How should I upgrade my units? A. If a unit sucks up a lot of EN then you will want to obviously raise its EN. Raise the Mobility on Real Robots since their ability to evade attacks is their best chance for survival. Super Robots should have their HP and Armor raised since they are meant to tank. Some Super Robots, namely Dendoh, Ogre, and Getters need mobility as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. What is the difference between a Real Robot and a Super Robot? A. Real Robots are mecha that can be considered realistic. There is an established science to the units and their main weapons are likely to consist of various guns (of course there are exceptions). All Gundam series, with the exception of G Gundam that has Super Robots, are Real Robots. Real Robots are most often involved in a military or special operations organization and the mecha themselves are often produced in a similar manner to most military vehicles. Super Robots are those big fantastic robots that run on no realistic scientific application whatsoever. They may fight with giant swords, hammers, bend the elements to their will, and/or fire rocket punches. A punch from a Super Robot can be stronger than a blast of mega particles or other beam weaponry. Super Robots are often created by a single brilliant scientist or a small team of them who are somehow able to create these unique insanely powerful mecha with little outside influence and resources. Basically, Super Robots are not what you would expect of something that could be "real." Some series don't cleanly fit in either category though such as units from Evangelion, Dunbine, and Brain Powerd. It is also possible for a series to have both SR and RR units. Rahxephon is an SR show and Rahxephon is an SR itself. There are vehicles on that show that are RR though (namely the variety of aircraft used by TERRA, with the exception of the Vermillion which would almost be totally RR other than what is under the hood... which puts it into a hybrid category). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== IX. ROBOT LIBRARY ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVANGELION UNIT-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 5400 5670 5940 6210 6480 6750 EN 110 121 132 143 154 165 176 Mobility 95 99 104 109 114 118 Armour 900 945 990 1035 1080 1125 BARRETE RIFLE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3400 3450 3500 3550 3650 3750 3850 3950 4050 Hit Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% Critical Rate +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% PROGRESSIVE KNIFE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3700 3750 3800 3850 3950 4050 4150 4250 4350 Hit Rate +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% +63% +66% +69% +72% +75% Critical Rate +50% +53% +56% +59% +62% +65% +68% +71% +74% +77% +80% SOMETHING ATK!!!12113 Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3900 3950 4000 4050 4150 4250 4350 4450 4550 Hit Rate +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% Critical Rate +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% +73% +76% +79% +82% +85% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVANGELION UNIT-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 5500 5775 6050 6325 6600 6875 EN 110 121 132 143 154 165 176 Mobility 90 94 99 103 108 112 Armour 900 945 990 1035 1080 1125 BARRETE RIFLE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3400 3450 3500 3550 3650 3750 3850 3950 4050 Hit Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% Critical Rate +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% PROGRESSIVE KNIFE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3500 3550 3600 3650 3750 3850 3950 4050 4150 Hit Rate +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% +63% +66% +69% +72% +75% Critical Rate +50% +53% +56% +59% +62% +65% +68% +71% +74% +77% +80% POSITRON RIFLE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3700 3750 3800 3850 3950 4050 4150 4250 4350 Hit Rate +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% Critical Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% POSITRON SNIPER RIFLE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 4100 4150 4200 4250 4350 4450 4550 4650 4750 Hit Rate +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% Critical Rate +00% +03% +06% +09% +12% +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVANGELION UNIT-0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 5600 5880 6160 6440 6720 7000 EN 110 121 132 143 154 165 176 Mobility 90 94 99 103 108 112 Armour 900 945 990 1035 1080 1125 BARRETE RIFLE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3400 3450 3500 3550 3650 3750 3850 3950 4050 Hit Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% Critical Rate +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% PROGRESSIVE KNIFE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3500 3550 3600 3650 3750 3850 3950 4050 4150 Hit Rate +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% +63% +66% +69% +72% +75% Critical Rate +50% +53% +56% +59% +62% +65% +68% +71% +74% +77% +80% POSITRON SNIPER RIFLE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3950 4000 4050 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 Hit Rate +00% +03% +06% +09% +12% +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% Critical Rate +00% +03% +06% +09% +12% +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% POSITRON SNIPER RIFLE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 4100 4150 4200 4250 4350 4450 4550 4650 4750 Hit Rate +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% Critical Rate +00% +03% +06% +09% +12% +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CELLFIGHTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 3300 3465 3630 3795 3960 4125 4290 4455 4620 4785 4950 EN 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Mobility 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 Armour 900 945 990 1035 1080 1125 1170 1215 1260 1305 1350 HYPER DENDOH DENCHI Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hit Rate +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% Critical Rate +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% +00% PROGRESSIVE KNIFE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 2900 2950 3000 3050 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3750 Hit Rate +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% Critical Rate +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEAR FIGHTER DENDOH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 4900 5145 5390 5635 5880 6125 6370 EN 140 154 168 182 196 210 224 238 252 Mobility 85 89 93 97 102 106 110 114 119 Armour 1400 1470 1540 1610 1680 1750 1820 SHIPUU SANSEN GEKI Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3000 3050 3100 3150 3250 3350 3450 3550 Hit Rate +00% +03% +06% +09% +12% +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% Critical Rate +05% +08% +11% +14% +17% +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% SENKOU RAIJIN GEKI Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3400 3450 3500 3550 3650 3750 3850 3950 Hit Rate +00% +03% +06% +09% +12% +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% Critical Rate +00% +03% +06% +09% +12% +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% SENPUU SANREN GEKI Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3500 3550 3600 3650 3750 3850 3950 4050 Hit Rate +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% +53% +56% +59% +62% +65% Critical Rate +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% HADOU RYUUJIN GEKI Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3700 3750 3800 3850 3950 4050 4150 4250 Hit Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% Critical Rate +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% +53% +56% +59% +62% +65% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DENDOH - LEO CIRCLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 4900 5145 5390 5635 5880 6125 6370 EN 140 154 168 182 196 210 224 238 252 Mobility 85 89 93 97 102 106 110 114 119 Armour 1400 1470 1540 1610 1680 1750 1820 FILE LOAD:LEO CIRCLE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3500 3550 3600 3650 3750 3850 3950 4050 Hit Rate +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% Critical Rate +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% LEO ATTACK Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 4100 4150 4200 4250 4350 4450 4550 4650 Hit Rate +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% Critical Rate +05% +08% +11% +14% +17% +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% LEO CIRCLE FINAL ATK Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 4800 4850 4900 4950 5050 5150 5250 5350 Hit Rate +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% +53% +56% +59% +62% +65% Critical Rate +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALKYRIE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 1600 1680 1760 1840 1920 2000 2080 2160 2240 2320 2400 EN 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 Mobility 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 Armour 600 630 660 690 720 750 780 810 840 870 900 MEASURE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 3050 3150 3250 3350 3450 3550 Hit Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% Critical Rate +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% +73% +76% +79% +82% +85% MISSILE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3000 3050 3100 3150 3200 3250 3350 3450 3550 3650 3750 Hit Rate +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% Critical Rate +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DENDOH - UNICORN DRILL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 4900 5145 5390 5635 5880 6125 6370 EN 140 154 168 182 196 210 224 238 252 Mobility 85 89 93 97 102 106 110 114 119 Armour 1400 1470 1540 1610 1680 1750 1820 FILE LOAD:UNICORN DRILL Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3500 3550 3600 3650 3750 3850 3950 4050 Hit Rate +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% Critical Rate +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% DRILL CHARGE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3900 3950 4000 4050 4150 4250 4350 4450 Hit Rate +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% Critical Rate +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% UNICORN DRILL FINAL ATK Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 4900 4950 5000 5050 5150 5250 5350 5450 Hit Rate +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% Critical Rate +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRAGONAR-1 LIFTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 3600 3780 3960 4140 4320 4500 4680 4860 5040 EN 105 115 126 136 147 157 168 178 Mobility 115 120 126 132 138 143 149 Armour 900 945 990 1035 1080 1125 1170 1215 1260 Shields 2 3 4 5 SHOULDER BOMB Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Hit Rate +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% +53% +56% +59% +62% +65% Critical Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% DUAL MISSILE PODS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 2500 2550 2600 2650 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 Hit Rate +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% Critical Rate +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% +53% +56% +59% +62% +65% 75MM HANDRAIL GUN Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3000 3050 3100 3150 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 Hit Rate +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% Critical Rate +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% LASER SWORD Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3400 3450 3500 3550 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 Hit Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% Critical Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRAGONAR-2 LIFTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 EN 105 115 126 136 147 157 168 178 Mobility 110 115 121 126 132 137 143 Armour 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 DUAL MISSILE PODS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 2900 2950 3000 3050 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 Hit Rate +05% +08% +11% +14% +17% +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% Critical Rate +00% +03% +06% +09% +12% +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% 88MM HANDRAIL GUN Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3100 3150 3200 3250 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 Hit Rate +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% Critical Rate +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% DOUBLE RAILGUN Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3300 3350 3400 3450 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 Hit Rate +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% Critical Rate +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% 280MM RAIL CANNON Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3500 3550 3600 3650 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 Hit Rate +00% +03% +06% +09% +12% +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% Critical Rate +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRAGONAR-3 LIFTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 3500 3675 3850 4025 4200 4375 4550 4725 4900 EN 105 115 126 136 147 157 168 178 Mobility 115 120 126 132 138 143 149 Armour 900 945 990 1035 1080 1125 1170 1215 1260 LASER MISSILE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 Hit Rate +50% +53% +56% +59% +62% +65% +68% +71% +74% +77% +80% Critical Rate +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% 50MM HANDRAIL GUN Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 2900 2950 3000 3050 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 Hit Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% Critical Rate +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 2600 2730 2860 2990 3120 3250 3380 3510 3640 3770 3900 EN 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 Mobility 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 Armour 800 840 880 920 960 1000 1040 1080 1120 1160 1200 MISSILE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 3050 3150 3250 3350 3450 3550 Hit Rate +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% +53% +56% +59% +62% +65% Critical Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRENDIZER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 5400 5670 5940 6210 6480 6750 7020 EN 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 Mobility 75 78 82 86 90 93 97 101 105 Armour 1600 1680 1760 1840 1920 2000 2080 HAND BEAM Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3000 3050 3100 3150 3250 3350 3450 3550 Hit Rate +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% Critical Rate +00% +03% +06% +09% +12% +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% SCREW CRUSHER PUNCH Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3400 3450 3500 3550 3650 3750 3850 3950 Hit Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% Critical Rate +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% DOUBLE HARKEN Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3700 3750 3800 3850 3950 4050 4150 4250 Hit Rate +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% Critical Rate +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% SPACE THUNDER Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 4300 4350 4400 4450 4550 4650 4750 4850 Hit Rate +05% +08% +11% +14% +17% +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% Critical Rate +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% DOUBLE HARKEN STORM Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 4800 4850 4900 4950 5050 5150 5250 5350 Hit Rate +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% Critical Rate +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPACER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 5400 5670 5940 6210 6480 6750 7020 EN 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 Mobility 75 78 82 86 90 93 97 101 105 Armour 1700 1785 1870 1955 2040 2125 2210 HAND BEAM Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3000 3050 3100 3150 3250 3350 3450 3550 Hit Rate +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% Critical Rate +00% +03% +06% +09% +12% +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% SCREW CRUSHER PUNCH Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3400 3450 3500 3550 3650 3750 3850 3950 Hit Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% Critical Rate +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% +38% +41% +44% +47% +50% SPIN SAUCER Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3500 3550 3600 3650 3750 3850 3950 4050 Hit Rate +05% +08% +11% +14% +17% +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% Critical Rate +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% SPACE THUNDER Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 4300 4350 4400 4450 4550 4650 4750 4850 Hit Rate +05% +08% +11% +14% +17% +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% Critical Rate +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% SPACER TORNADO Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 4500 4550 4600 4650 4750 4850 4950 5050 Hit Rate +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% Critical Rate +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GARMREID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 HP 5400 5670 5940 6210 6480 6750 7020 EN 130 143 156 169 182 195 208 221 234 Mobility 85 89 93 97 102 106 110 114 119 Armour 1500 1575 1650 1725 1800 1875 1950 BLOODY RAY Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 3050 3150 3250 3350 3450 Hit Rate +40% +43% +46% +49% +52% +55% +58% +61% +64% +67% +70% Critical Rate +00% +03% +06% +09% +12% +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% FANG KNUCKLE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3400 3450 3500 3550 3600 3650 3750 3850 3950 4050 Hit Rate +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% Critical Rate +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% +63% +66% +69% +72% +75% THUNDER SPINEDGE Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 3900 3950 4000 4050 4100 4150 4250 4350 4450 4550 Hit Rate +15% +18% +21% +24% +27% +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% Critical Rate +30% +33% +36% +39% +42% +45% +48% +51% +54% +57% +60% BURNING BREAKER Base Lvl1 Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7 Lvl8 Lvl9 Lv10 Base Damage 4600 4650 4700 4750 4800 4850 4950 5050 5150 5250 Hit Rate +05% +08% +11% +14% +17% +20% +23% +26% +29% +32% +35% Critical Rate +10% +13% +16% +19% +22% +25% +28% +31% +34% +37% +40% ============================================================================== X. SPECIAL THANKS ============================================================================== Thanks to Ceej for this site, and of course GameFAQs Bounties and Contests. Thanks to Magenta Galaxy. Yay for co-writers! Thanks to Otaku, for listening to all of my insane ramblings over the years. Thanks to Shadow00X, just because Dendoh fanboys need to be appreciated. Thanks to kibbitz and TerryBogard for helping me sort out the Suppor/Assist/Command Attack ============================================================================== XI. LINKS ============================================================================== There... so I get fewer emails asking about "Where can I get more info on this series?" and maybe it will result in a few less topics on the board. MX Official Web: http://www.suparobo.jp Destiny3Fates: Misc. Mecha and SRW Goodies, with more info on the way: http://www.destiny3fates.net MAHQ (semi-overrated Gundam site with a tiny bit of Dragonar info): http://www.mahq.net/ Nadesico: Project Schiaparelli http://homepage.mac.com/tatara/nadesicops/ Original Generation (a site dedicated to Banpresto original characters in SRW) http://srwog.bravehost.com ============================================================================== XII. COPYRIGHT ============================================================================== This FAQ is Copyright 2004 gundamtotoro and Andrew Hill (aka Magenta Galaxy) This document is protected by US Copyright Law. It is meant for private use only. This FAQ may not be referenced or altered without permission from myself. This FAQ is a GAMEFAQS Exclusive and may not be hosted elsewhere. Alteration of this Copyright is punishable under Title 17 Chapter 5 Section 506(d) of US Copyright Law for a fine of up to $2,500. "Super Robot Wars," and all related characters and names are property of Banpresto. "Daimos" and all related characters and names are property of Toei Agency. "GEAR Fighter Dendoh" and all related characters and names are property of Sunrise. "Getter Robo" and all related characters and names are property of Go Nagai & Ken Ishikawa/Dynamic Planning and Bandai Visual Co. Ltd. "Gundam", "Mobile Suit", and all related characters and names are property of Sotsu Agency, Sunrise, and Bandai Co. Ltd. "Machine Robo: Revenge of Cronos" and all related characters and names are property of Ashi Productions Company. "Mazinger Z," "Great Mazinger," and "Grendizer" are all property of Go Nagai/Dynamic Planning. "Martian Successor Nadesico" and all related characters and names are property of Xebec Planning. "Metal Armor Dragonar" and all related characters and names are property of Sunrise. "Neon Genesis Evangelion" and all related characters and names are property of Gainax. "Rahxephon" and all related characters and names are property of Bones Inc/Rahxphon Project. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein.