============================================================================= ||| SYPHON FILTER: DARK MIRROR ||| ============================================================================= Online Multi-player FAQ version 0.92 Written by: MercilessOne Table Of Contents +===============+ 1) Version History 2) Introduction 3) Controls 4) Teams 5) Levels & Game-types 6) Ranks & Badges 7) Weapons 8) Cells & Buddies 9) Miscellaneous Tips 10) Legal Information ============================================================================= 1) Version History ============================================================================= So yeah, this is the version history, complete with dates and updates on the guide. I'm working on it little-by-little, and continually updating pieces of information, since online gameplay has a lot in store. Sorry if some of the sections are still under construction. 01-05-07 - [Version 0.92] Another mini-update. Fixed a few errors I saw reading through the guide. Added somemore info bits to some sections. 01-04-07 - [Version 0.91] A slight update. I fixed the section with the badges and corrected a few grammatical errors. 01-03-07 - [Version 0.90] UPDATE! Again I've come to add more things. Weapons guide and a few new tips from yours truly on the Misc. Tips section of the guide. New year, which means a fresh batch of newbies are coming to this game. >_< 12-15-06 - [Version 0.88] UPDATE! It's been over a month since I've touched this. Added views on weapons, and removed K-Bar from list of misc. weapons. Sorry, that was my bad. THERE IS NO K-BAR IN ONLINE! OKAY?! 11-11-06 - [Version 0.87] UPDATE! Finally, I got my ass into updating this thing. Anyway, thanks a million to cloudstrife07 for helping me with weapon stats. NOTICE: Have a tip, trick, or hint you'd like for me to include in this guide? Then simply talk to me on the message board, or just email me. Include your username and online name. Cheers. 10-20-06 - [Version 0.85] Added more stuff in Misc. Tips section. Refined some sections. (Special thanks to cloudstrife07 for the added tips and information) 10-20-06 - [Version 0.8] Added stuff in Misc. Tips section (#9). NOTICE: Have a tip, trick, or hint you'd like for me to include in this guide? Then simply talk to me on the message board, or just email me. Include your username and online name. Cheers. 10-19-06 - [Version 0.7] Fixed a few sections, added weapons section (still under construction) NOTICE: If you have any tip and hint that you want to add in the FAQ, tell me on the message board, as I'm always on. 10-18-06 - [Version 0.6] Edited a few sections, added legal information, ranks/badges, and finished up levels guide. 10-17-06 - [Version 0.5] Started guide. Added table of contents, some game information, controls, and introduction. ============================================================================= 2) Introduction ============================================================================= Welcome to the world of Syphon Filter! This is the latest installment of the franchise for the Playstation Portable (PSP). This time, you get to play as Gabe Logan, the star of the original Syphon Filter. This game is easily one of the best PSP titles to date, with advanced AI, a multitude of features and gameplay options, and gorgeous graphics for a handheld system. Single player is where you should spend most of your time if you are just starting out, since you can practice kills, moves, and different types of guns before you jump into the online bandwagon. You'll find that single-player is relatively easy and can be beaten within a few hours. Online multi-player is a whole new adventure with more guns and facing off against other players like you in a massive online community! Online is MUCH harder and more fast-paced than single-player. I tell you this because there are players out there who have an advantage(s) over you and are far more skilled. This guide is meant to help you in the online game, and to show you the different weapons, and other things you can unlock and help you through your game. So let's begin. ============================================================================= 3) Controls ============================================================================= Syphon Filter has some controls that are a bit difficult to get used to. And multi-player is no exception, especially if you expect to even stand a chance against other players. As for me, I'm currently using standard settings. Though it's harder to aim perfectly with this set-up, it is the default one and I never really bothered to use other control set-ups. NOTE: I'll assume that you have Target Lock set to "enabled" (it's in options). This basically enables lock-on, which means whenever you hold down the [R] button, you'll automatically lock-on on someone. If you don't do this (or if you're playing multiplayer), then you will kinda sorta zoom in a little when you press the lock-on button. It'll slow down your sensitivity a little, so it'll be a bit easier to precisely aim with your shots. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MENU - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D-PAD: Menu navigation [X]: Choose selected item/skip cutscene [TRIANGLE]: Previous screen [L]/[R]: Cycle through online menu screens [START]: Open pause menu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STANDARD (FREE AIM) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D-PAD [UP]: Interact (jump, crawl, etc.)/Zoom in D-PAD [DOWN]: Crouch/Zoom out D-PAD [LEFT]: Use selected gadget D-PAD [LEFT] (HOLD): Gadget selection screen D-PAD [RIGHT]: Cycle through weapon firing mode (change ammunition or firing type) D-PAD [RIGHT] (HOLD): Weapon selection screen ANALOG STICK: Move forward or backward/strafe [L](WITH SCOPELESS WEAPON)(HOLD): Lock on to target (press it again quickly to switch to another target) [L](WITH SCOPED WEAPON)(HOLD): Enable zoom (press up or down on the D-Pad to zoom in or out) [R]: Fire [X]: Aim down [CIRCLE]: Aim right [TRIANGLE]: Aim up [SQUARE]: Aim left [START]: Pause [SELECT]: Command (when you have a teammate in combat with you, use this to issue orders like "follow me", "take cover", etc.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ADVANCED (FREE AIM) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D-PAD [UP]: Interact (jump, crawl, etc.)/Zoom in D-PAD [DOWN]: Crouch/Zoom out D-PAD [LEFT]: Use selected gadget D-PAD [LEFT] (HOLD): Gadget selection screen D-PAD [RIGHT]: Cycle through weapon firing mode (change ammunition or firing type) D-PAD [RIGHT] (HOLD): Weapon selection screen ANALOG STICK: Aim [L](WITH SCOPELESS WEAPON)(HOLD): Lock on to target (press it again quickly to switch to another target) [L](WITH SCOPED WEAPON)(HOLD): Enable zoom (press up or down on the D-Pad to zoom in or out) [R]: Fire [X]: Backpedal [CIRCLE]: Strafe right [TRIANGLE]: Move forward [SQUARE]: Strafe left [START]: Pause [SELECT]: Command (when you have a teammate in combat with you, use this to issue orders like "follow me", "take cover", etc.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CLASSIC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D-PAD [UP]: Interact (jump, crawl, etc.)/Zoom in D-PAD [DOWN]: Crouch/Zoom out D-PAD [LEFT]: Use selected gadget D-PAD [LEFT] (HOLD): Gadget selection screen D-PAD [RIGHT]: Cycle through weapon firing mode (change ammunition or firing type) D-PAD [RIGHT] (HOLD): Weapon selection screen ANALOG STICK (RIGHT/LEFT): Turn ANALOG STICK (UP/DOWN): Move forward/backward [L](WITH SCOPED WEAPON)(HOLD): Enable zoom (press up or down on the D-Pad to zoom in or out) [L](WITH SCOPELESS WEAPON)(HOLD): Do the kinda sorta zoom I mentioned earlier [R](WITH SCOPELESS WEAPON)(HOLD): Lock on to target (press it again quickly to switch to another target) [X]: Fire [CIRCLE]: Strafe right [TRIANGLE]: Snap to wall [SQUARE]: Strafe left [START]: Pause [SELECT]: Command (when you have a teammate in combat with you, use this to issue orders like "follow me", "take cover", etc.) ============================================================================= 4) Teams ============================================================================= As you can see, there are two sides to each game. Team one are the IPCA agents. They wear black and grey combat uniforms. Team two are the Brotherhood or Red Section. They are generally marked by most players as the "terrorists" due to their objectives and use of communication among one another, and that is how I will note them as in this guide. The weapons, in my opinion, on the IPCA agent side, are somewhat better than the terrorist side. Whatever it be, all teams have the same functions (ex: walking around, picking up a weapon, healing someone, etc.) The main differences would have to be the objective games you play (terrorists are usually involved doing something bad or malicious, while the IPCA agents do the total opposite). Different teams add for some interesting and enjoyable fights among players. And whatever level it is, or whatever game type you're playing, there will always be a side that has an advantage over you, which isn't all bad, but can lead to tougher matches. ============================================================================= 5) Levels & Game-types ============================================================================= THE LEVELS -=-=-=-=-= There are a total of 5 levels to play with in online. The levels all seem to be the same size (from what I've experience), and it shouldn't be too much a problem to navigate through them. Each level presents its own array of traps, hazards, rooms, crates with weapons, and strategic locations for players who are keen in using the environment to their advantage. Also, certain weapons are proven to be advantageous in certain levels, so know which one to use! From personal experience, the Canyon is the easiet level of the bunch, and should be your first to test out your skills online against some fairly inexperienced players like yourself if you are just starting out. The hardest levels (IMO) would have to be Shanty Town and Weapons Plant. These levels will really test your close-quarter combat and sneaking skills. Be prepared for the worst if you're playing in any of these levels. Canyon ------ An easy and basic level. It's fairly small, but offers good places for some decent sniping and grenade throwing. One of the best levels for long-range weapons. Hide in the tunnels for protection against everything being thrown and shot at you and don't forget about setting mines in inconspicious places. Both starting points have pathways that lead down into the canyon. There's a SMAW (see weapons section for more info) located on a cliff over-looking one of the respawn points and a crate with M67 grenades (see weapons section for more info) located on the bottom of the canyon. Refinery -------- Another relatively easy level. This one is perfect for camping (good lord) and mass-spamming. It isn't normally recommended, but if you must insist in order to win and don't care about playing a fair game... then go. The huge tanker at the center can be used for a decent sniping area. Just watch out for the flames if you haven't gotten the wrench yet. Also, take note that the terrorists have access to a passageway leading to the upper-level platforms at the beginning. The top of the building is probably the best spot for snipers. Find your way up to the top and take the DSC-1 Thermal (see weapons section for more info) located near the center if you don't already have some kind of sniper rifle. Just stick around and mindlessly pick-off opponents. The agents have easy access to an MGL (see weapons section for more info), which will make games at this level extremely unfair and cheap should it fall into the wrong hands. Don't forget, again, about mines. They're perfect for this level. Lay them behind support-beams or corners where they're hard to disarm. Makes for an excellent trap, or surprise kill. Bring grenades if you have them, as they work well here too. There are only two respawn points for both teams on this level, and it should be obvious to you once you've played here. Detroit ------- One of my favorite levels. It's mostly open space with a few surprises. If you have grenades, by all means, throw them once you're out and about! There are some hiding places, but none are too good. Once again, laying laser mines (see weapons section for more info) will be very effective in this level, especially if you don't want anyone getting near you while you're at the upper level. There are multiple respawn points, so watch out when someone comes rushing out. Once again, snipers will be the more effective members of your team. Stand on any side at the very end of the level and snipe like crazy. Watch out for grenades flying everywhere. Always stay at the top, unless of course, there are grenades and all sorts of shooting involved. Whatever you do, don't ever hide in any of the shafts with the ladder. It's easy to get killed in there. You'll find all sorts of weapons like grenades, a sniper rifle, and a Desert .50 (see weapons section for more info) on the very ends of the level. There's a SMAW hidden somewhere in a corner, but I'll leave that up to you to find it. Shanty Town ----------- CLOSE-QUARTER COMBAT!!! Bring mines, again. But you can bring grenades, only if you know the trick for some easy kills in the beginning. Try not to get on the mud on the lower section of the level. It will slow your movement and make it harder for you to avoid any oncoming fire from enemies. SHOTGUNS! Bring them here. Sawed-offs or whatever you prefer to use. There are plenty of opportunistic spots to place your mines. It's easy to get killed by them if you're not careful. Like Weapons Plant, the level has multiple respawn points scattered throughout the level, so a player may come in randomly and shoot you from behind. Though if you're inexperienced and aren't used to the controls yet, going on the mud underneath the buildings is actually quite advantageous. You can find a multitude of weapons, and can catch a few players by surprise while they wander around the wooden walkways. Go to the second floor of the shack and stand there for a decent sniping place. Just don't stay there for too long, or, as always, you'll end up dead. CQC melee skills are a must here, and so are strong, close-range weapons. There's a Sweeper 12-Gauge and AU3000 H-BAR (see weapons section, again for more info) in crates somewhere in a room, on your right as you exit the shack. There's a SMAW inside a hidden room, which also adds for another excellent sniping area, but I'll leave your curiousity to find it yourself. Weapons Plant ------------- Another CQC level. Bring sawed-offs (see weapons section for more info) or any other shotgun for your protection. Mines again, most effective. Don't bother bringing grenades, unless you're experienced and know what you're doing, then most likely, you'll end with a large amount of suicides and your team won't be too happy with that. This level also tests your stealth skills. Hide behind a crate, or depressions on the walls to coverage, and then move in for the kill! Plant mines in these places too. The respawn points are scattered all around the level, so you may never know where exactly your opponent might end up next. With that being said, YOU MUST BE VERY CAREFUL! Try to look around and see if anyone is coming towards you, or if you see anyone walking around and has no clue of your presence. Don't stay in one area for too long. Keep moving. And remember, watch out for enemy mines as well! The room with the rubble is the best place to set-up your mines. Just remember to be alert when here. There is a respawn point for both sides here. You could wind up being killed when someone respawns. Stay on the higher sections of the plant. Don't show yourself out on the open. CQC melees are excellent for this level. And a final reminder, take a shotgun or an automatic! They're the best for this level. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE GAME-TYPES -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Of course, online would not be complete without the different game-types to choose from! You can host games with a maximum of 8 players in a room and adjust settings for the game you're going to play in. Game Settings ------------- Time limit - (how long a game is going to last. You can set this to unlimited, BUT only if the score count is set to a limited amount.) Respawn time - (how long it takes for you to start again after being killed.) Respawn count - [Objective games only] (how many reinforcements you have left on your side.) Score count - (how many kills are needed in order for you/your team to win. This can be set to unlimited if you are playing for the maximum.) Target-lock - (Enables/disables target-lock for use in a game. If it is disabled, then you must free aim with your weapons.) Team damage - (Or friendly-fire. If this is enabled, you can kill your own team-mates, and you can get killed by your own weapons.) You can select a small variety of games to play on any or certain levels ranging from deathmatches, to objective games, and more. You'll find each game-type to be quite enjoyable and somewhat difficult. But it all comes down to you when you're playing as a team, or alone. Also note, that whenever an entire team or everybody quits on you during a game, they forfeit and you automatically win! Here is a small guide on each type you can play. Team Deathmatch --------------- Easy. It can go 1-on-1, 2-on-2, 3-on-3, or 4-on-4. You pick a level and play with teams. You can go to any side. IPCA agents or Brotherhood/Red Section. It's all about teamwork and wits. Watch out for campers/spammers, and play well for you team. First team to reach the score limit, or which ever team has the most kills after the time has expired, wins. Deathmatch ---------- 2-8 players allowed in order to start a game. Basically, free-for-all match against anybody! You're on your own agent, as Gabe tells you. It's going to be tough since everyone will be going after each other, even you! Lucky, you can choose any weapon from any side, so use whatever gives you the edge. Remember, anything can happen, so be prepared. First player to reach the score limit, or whoever has the most kills after the time has expired, wins. Objective --------- A mix of multi-player and single-player. Basically, a sort of "mission mode" for online. There are four levels you can play on: Detroit, Refinery, Shanty Town, Weapons Plant. Each side has a set of goals they must accomplish in order to win. There is also a specific amount for respawn count on each side. That is, how many "lives" you have left before you can't respawn anymore after you die again. You can win objective games easily if you concentrate more on killing than trying to do it the old-fashion way. It's much easier, but remember that it can go the other way for your side! 2-8 players allowed. Rogue Agent ----------- A unique type of game. Bascially, you all start out on the same side, and there is a rogue "item" (as I like to call it) that turns you, or anyone, into the rogue agent. Once you, or someone else, is the rogue agent, it is your duty to kill your (former) team-mate(s). Everytime you are the rogue agent, you automatically get all your health and armor back, and all your weapons re-supplied. Use this to your advantage and go on a killing-spree. Also, if you're not the rogue agent, then you can kill the person who is and it will count as a kill. Just don't fight over who is getting the kill or not! First player to reach the score limit, or whoever has the most kills after the time has expired, is declared the winner. ============================================================================= 6) Ranks & Badges ============================================================================= RANKS -=-=- Online experience doesn't get any better. Like many games, Dark Mirror has ranks. Each time you rank up, you gain new weapons (many of which that are MUCH better than the default ones) and further cementing your status as a decent player in the online community. Here is a list of all the ranks you can achieve in the game and what weapons are unlocked for reaching them. Also, reaching ranks require you to reach a certain amount of kills or points. So your best bet is to just keeping playing games and continuously kill, without being conscious of how many you exactly need in order to rank up. As noted, suicides affect your amount of kills needed in order to reach a certain rank. You may find, that you acutally need a few more kills/points than expected because you might have suicided on your last game. So don't suicide so much unless you want a challenge at getting the ranks. The ranks --------- R0 (Recruit 0): (Assault Rifle/Auto. Machine Gun) For this you automatically get the M16A2 for IPCA and FAMAS for Brotherhood. R1 (Recruit 1): (Semi-Automatic Guns) For this you will receive the MDS A3 for IPCA and Spectre for Brotherhood. R2 (Recruit 2): (Sniper Rifles) For this you will receive the 33 SC-1 for IPCA and Stava SG-76 HBAR for Brotherhood. R3 (Recruit 3): (Shot Guns) For this you will receive Shot Defender for IPCA and SPA-12 for Brotherhood. O1 (Officer 1): (Assault Rifles/Auto. Machine Guns) For this you will receive the M60 E-3 for IPCA and Chinese Type 56 for Brotherhood. O2 (Officer 2): (Assault Rifles/Auto. Machine Guns) For this you will receive the M16K for IPCA and Galil AR for Brotherhood. O3 (Officer 3): (Pistols) For this you will receive the Desert Snipers .357 for IPCA and SP-57 for Brotherhood. O4 (Officer 4): (Shotguns/Auto Shotgun) For this you will receive the USAS-12 for IPCA and Sawed-Off Shotgun for Brotherhood. T1 (Top Brass 1): (Sub-Machine Guns) For this you will receive MDS-7 for IPCA and Ripper for Brotherhood. (You can Dual Wield these weapons) T2 (Top Brass 2): (Sniper Rifles) For this you will receive AR-15 for IPCA and Dragonuv SVD for Brotherhood. T3 (Top Brass 3):(Assault Rifles/Machine Guns) For this you will receive TripBar for IPCA and Ramat for Brotherhood. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BADGES -=-=-= There are badges you are awarded for achieving certain things, such as number of headshots, or reviving a certain amount of times. Getting these badges will really help your game, as they unlock more weapons and certains boost-ups for health and such. Some are very easy to obtain, while others require more work. Here is a list of the badges and how to obtain them. Armor Expertise: Keep and find a set of armor on at all time. This should be one of your first badges. Expert: Level 2 Armor Increase Elite: Level 3 Armor Increase Ammo Expertise: Get headshots. Lots of them. 250 for expert, and 500 for elite. There really, seems to be no other way. Expert: 10% Ammo Increase Elite: 20% Ammo Increase One Handed Skill: Get lots of kills using pistols or SMGs (MDS A3, Spectre). Amazingly, the Shot Defender counts too! Expert: Dual-Wield Handguns Ability Elite: Dual Sawed-Off Pistols Hand-To-Hand: Melee attacks, either hitting people with your gun or hands, or snapping their necks. Expert: Melee Damage Increased Elite: EPDD (Taser) Explosive Expertise: Kill people with the M67 Grenades, MGL, M79 and SMAW. Explosive dart kills from the MB-150 and I believe AP mines count towards this badge as well. Expert: EMP Grenade Elite: M67 Grenade Gadget Expertise: Kill people with Laser mines and AP mines. You can also acquire this through arming/disarming mines and kills with your EPDD. Expert: Claymore Mines Elite: Laser Mines Field Medic: Heal your team-mates. A LOT. Expert: Health Increase Elite: More Health Increase Triage: Reviving whenever you can. 100 revives for expert, 200 revives for elite. NOTICE: You MUST constantly revive or you WILL lose this badge. To get it back, simply revive until you have the specific number of revives (ex. 200 revives for elite). Once you have that many revives, you should have that badge permamently. Expert: Medium Medical Pack Elite: Large Medical Bag ============================================================================= 7) Weapons ============================================================================= Of course there are weapons. In online, there are weapons not even available in single-player. All of the weapons you would normally start out a game with are unlocked through achieving ranks for your account. There are also some weapons that are found in the different levels that you cannot start out with. Many of these weapons are better than the standard equipment for obvious reasons. Note that each team has their own weapons. So if you're playing as the terrorist, you would normally start out with the FAMAS, while agents start out with an M16A2 (assuming that you're only an R0). If you killl a member of the opposing team, then you may steal his/her weapon and use it yourself. This can be helpful, especially if you're not a high rank and are in need of a good-killing weapon. IPCA Agents weapons ------------------- G-17 M16A2 MDS A3 33 SC-1 Shot Defender M60 E-3 M16K Desert Sniper .357 USAS-12 MDS-7 AR-15 TripBar Brotherhood/Red Section weapons ------------------------------- Marakov FAMAS Spectre Stava SG-76 HBAR SPA-12 Chinese Type 56 Galil AR SP-57 Sawed-Off Shotgun Ripper Dragonuv SVD Ramat Miscellaneous weapons --------------------- AK-47 AP Mines AU300 H-BAR C8 Rifle Claymore Mines Desert Express .50 DSC-1 Thermal EDT EMP Grenades EPDD Flame Thrower X34 Gas Grenades Laser Mines MB-150 M60 M67 Grenades M79 M82 BFG MGL RPK SMAW Smoke Grenades Sweeper 12-Gauge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPON STATS -=-=-=-=-=-= Here are the stats for each weapon. It displays the ammo capacity, clip size, damage rating, and fire rating. For damage/fire rating, an "I" represents the lowest grade, while a "V" represents the highest grade. Each weapon varies in style and accuracy. I have included my views for each weapon as well how to acquire each one. Weapon stats (IPCA) ------------------- M16A2 fire rate: V damage: III clip size: 30 capacity: 90 View: It's your basic R weapon. It won't get you much kills in the beginning, but with proper usage, it can be a decent headshot weapon. Acquired: Create a new account. Your standard R0 weapon. 33 SC-1 fire rate: II damage: V clip size: 20 capacity: 60 View: First sniper. Basic, not much to it. Acquired: Rank up to R2. Shot Defender fire rate: II damage: V clip size: 8 capacity: 24 View: First decent weapon! Shot Defender owns in close range. Love it. It even helps you with your one-handed badge! Acquired: Rank up to R3. M60 E-3 fire rate: V damage: V clip size: 50 capacity: 150 View: First automatic! AWESOME weapon. You'll love this early in the game once you acquire it. Acquired: Rank up to O1. M16K fire rate: V damage: IV clip size: 30 capacity: 90 View: The so-called "n00b" gun. Long range, fast reload time, most accurate. It takes almost no skill to use this gun. I like it, but don't use it too much. Acquired: Rank up to O2. USAS-12 fire rate: IV damage: V clip size: 10 capacity: 30 View: Automatic shotgun. Rapes anyone within short range. VERY strong, but somewhat inacccurate. Acquired: Rank up to O4. AR-15 fire rate: II damage: V clip size: 10 capacity: 30 View: T sniper. VERY good for a sniper. Fires quite fast. Very accurate. Unless you are good, then don't bringing this into a fire-fight. Acquired: Rank up to T2. TripBar fire rate: V damage: V clip size: 50 capacity: 150 View: Best. Team 1. Weapon. Ever (in my opinion). Very accurate. Strong. High ammo clip. EXTREMELY FAST fire-rate. The only problem is the reload time, which can lead to trouble if you don't aim your shots well. Take on those Ramat/Chinese Type 56 users head on with this. Acquired: Rank up to T3. Weapon stats (Terrorists) ------------------------- FAMAS fire rate: V damage: III clip size: 25 capacity: 75 View: Headshot gun. Not very strong. Not much to it. Acquired: Create a new account. Your standard R0 weapon. Stava SG-76 HBAR fire rate: II damage: V clip size: 20 capacity: 60 View: Quite strong. Very accurate. Basic sniper for Team 2. Acquired: Rank up to R2. SPA-12 fire rate: II damage: V clip size: 5 capacity: 15 View: STRONG. But less accurate than Shot Defender. Decent weapon. Acquired: Rank up to R3. Chinese Type 56 fire rate: V damage: V clip size: 50 capacity: 150 View: Quite accurate for an automatic. This is one the best weapons for fire-fights. This will most-likely be your main weapon for Team 2 until you get the Ramat (or not). Acquired: Rank up to O1. Galil AR fire rate: V damage: IV clip size: 25 capacity: 75 View: True, it is more accurate than the Chinese Type 56 & Ramat, but it's quite weak. And not to mention, the ammo clip is small. And the fire-rate is slow. This weapon requires skill to use. I found it surprisingly good for headshots. Acquired: Rank up to O2. Dragunov SVD fire rate: I damage: V clip size: 10 capacity: 30 View: My favorite sniper. Stronger than the AR-15. But has a slower fire-rate. Excellent long-range weapon. Acquired: Rank up to T2. Ramat fire rate: V damage: V clip size: 50 capacity: 150 View: My favorite weapon of all time. The Ramat is the strongest machine gun for ranks, has a high rate of fire, and has a large ammo clip. It owns in firefights. It is also somewhat accurate. Great weapon. My #1 choice, always. Acquired: Rank up to T3. Pistol stats (All) ------------------ G-17 fire rate: II damage: V clip size: 17 capacity: 51 View: Your basic pistol. Great for headshots once you are able to dual-wield. Acquired: Basic R0 pistol. You start out with these. (IPCA) Desert Sniper .357 fire rate: II damage: V clip size: 8 capacity: 24 View: Snipers. Very strong and very accurate. Acquired: Rank up to O3. (IPCA) MDS-7 fire rate: V damage: III clip size: 20 capacity: 60 View: My favorite weapons to dual-wield. Extremely high rate of fire. Perfect for up-close battles. It has decent range too. Very easy to get headshots with these. Acquired: Rank up to T1. (IPCA) Makarov fire rate: II damage: IV clip size: 8 capacity: 24 View: Same as the G-17s in a sense. Acquired: Basic R0 pistol. You start out with these. (Terrorists) SP-57 fire rate: III damage: V clip size: 10 capacity: 30 View: Awesome to dual-wield. They've proven to be very strong and accurate. I usually brings these over sawed-offs. Acquired: Rank up to O3. (Terrorists) Ripper fire rate: IV damage: III clip size: 20 capacity: 60 View: Rippers... they're suppose to be the Team 2 equivalent of the MDS-7s... I think not. Though I rarely use them, they are somewhat good. They're actually stronger than the MDS-7s, but have a slower fire-rate. Acquired: Rank up to T1. (Terrorists) Sawed-Off Pistol fire rate: II damage: V clip size: 2 capacity: 18 View: Ugh. Sawed-offs tend to be greatly despised despite the fact they guaranteed easy kills. They are some of the strongest close-range weapons online. Even if you hit a player with them, it will most likely knock them down, enabling you to kill the player while he's down. I see a lot of players online who tend to just rely on these the entire match. I usually bring these if the other team is or if it becomes an issue of "fairness". Hard to imagine why they're called "pistols" considering they hit like shotguns. Acquired: Acquired through your elite one-handed skill badge. Auxillary (All) --------------- MDS A3 fire rate: V damage: III clip size: 30 capacity: 90 View: For an auxillary weapon, it's surprisingly good. Very accurate. This should always be with you at all times if you are on Team 1. It provides back up for when you're out of ammo, or looking at a kill and needing to pull out a weapon fast. My advice would be to get headshots with this gun because of it is relatively weak SMG. Acquired: Rank up to R1. (IPCA) Spectre fire rate: V damage: II clip size: 30 capacity: 90 View: Same as the MDS A3, except less accurate. It's still good though. You will probably be bringing this until you reach O4. If you intend to bring sawed-offs, take this over the sawed-off shotgun. That way, it balances out your weaponry nicely. For a back up gun, it's great. Acquired: Rank up to R1. (Terrorists) Sawed-off Shotgun fire rate: II damage: V clip size: 2 capacity: 18 View: Team 2 gets a second alternative to auxillary weaponry choice! VERY strong. In fact, it's supposedly stronger than the Shot Defender and SPA-12 (though I've never tested which causes more damage). I always bring these to substitute the usual sawed-offs and pair it up with other pistols like SP-57s, Desert Sniper .357s, or MDS-7s to matches. Acquired: Rank up to O4. (IPCA) Grenades & Mines ---------------- M67 Grenade fire rate: --- damage: V clip size: 1 capacity: 6 View: Another weapon that tends to be over-used in matches. Grenades will always guarantee kills. The splash damage is just lethal. Granted, one grenade can kill an entire team of players if thrown correctly. They make great suicide weapons too. But don't rely too much on your grenades. I suggest sticking with your main weapon, and only using grenades if you see anybody hiding in a small area, or if trying to remove groups of players from a safe distance. These can "bounce" off walls for some awesome "trick-shot" kills. Acquired: Acquired through your elite explosives expertise badge. EMP Grenade fire rate: --- damage: V clip size: 1 capacity: 6 View: I don't see much use in these, other than clearing a path full of mines or blinding players. They temporarily disable any electronic devies, including your EPDD, your EDSU goggles, and mines (if you're carrying them). Otherwise, stick with M67 grenades and Laser Mines the whole time. Acquired: Acquired through your expert explosives expertise badge. Laser Mine fire rate: --- damage: V clip size: 1 capacity: 3 View: Very good! These make excellent traps. I love mines. In levels such as Shanty Town and Weapons Plant, these RULE. They are easily detectable with your EDSU goggles though. And they can be disarmed or blown up by shooting at them. Otherwise, mines dominate and block off any accesible path. They are almost always guaranteed a kill. Acquired: Acquired through your elite gadget expertise badge. Claymore Mine fire rate: --- damage: V clip size: 1 capacity: 3 View: Not much to say... except that they're somewhat useless. They make great catapults for launching unsuspecting players. They come equipped with a detonater too! So you can detonate it any time. Sadly... they don't much in terms of damage. So pretty much, just keep working on your gadget expertise badge until you get Laser Mines. I have never gotten a kill with a Claymore Mine. Acquired: Acquired through your expert gadget expertise badge. ============================================================================= 8) Cells & Buddies ============================================================================= CELLS & BUDDIES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There are cells, which are basically clans. You can recruit other players and form a clan so that you can play together as a team. You can recruit up to as many as 30 players, and even make a name and choose the patch (up to 60 patch designs) in which your cell-mates wear to be displayed on their player-stats screen. Once you've created your cell (name, and intials in brackets), you can then wage wars against other cells, and discuss certains aspects of the game with your cell-mates. You may even chat with other members of your cell in a private room. If you are leader, you can choose to disband your cell (delete it, release all your members), or recruit players, provided that they aren't already part of one. If you are a member of a cell, then you have the option of leaving your current cell. Unfortunately, you cannot join a cell, you MUST be invited to one. If the name of a player is highlighted when you are looking at a room, then that cell-mate is in that room. Buddies are simply a list of allies/friends you've come across online. You'll find that people will randomly add you or befriend you after a great match. Having buddies are great, because they may go to your side and assist you in battle or help you out against other members. You, yourself can be a great buddy among others. There is a list for buddies you can chat with, much like the cell room, and you may converse with them privately. You can add/remove buddies from your list. You may also choose to ignore players who aren't too fond of you, or you have a dislike for them, as there is an "Ignored Players" list for them. You can even keep up on players in rooms on your buddy list. Same with cells, if the name of a player is highlighted when you are looking at a room, then that buddy is in that room. ============================================================================= 9) Miscellaneous Tips ============================================================================= Here are some tips included in the guide from some of online's best players. These tips are extremely helpful, and are recommended for those who are having trouble, or want to learn a few neat tricks from the experts. Where to mine- Mine heavily used areas. Mine corners. Mine inconspicious areas. Really... For claymore mines I would have to say... put them in areas where people go through. Make sure you can see them, so you can press the detonator. How to move like a crazy maniac- I use the advanced settings for my controls. This makes it easy for me to aim and move. I usually move in diagonals if I want to get closer to someone. I move in little circles if I'm close enough. Basically I twitch. Grenades... where and how to use them- Use them in large open spaces. Small spaces are good for bouncing them off walls. If you see a large pack of people, throw a grenade in front of their path. Sniping- Stay in one spot. Make sure you are using advanced settings. Practice sniping in Canyon. Try training on moving targets. Snipe in a high area. Make sure you make yourself stealthy... Stealth- Yup... Best used in Weapons Plant. Hide in those depressions in the walls. Hide in insconpicious areas. Hide with a sawed-off. You may want to wait until an enemy passes by and shoot them in the back. Stealth can help you win a game... I've used stealth to win a game I was losing horribly. Games- Play against people with your rank.... (If you're a T, this will happen a lot) Don't team stack... EVER! (unless you want to just win) Accuracy- Yeah... keep your freakin' thumb still. You don't want to mess up in a firefight.... Oh yeah... DON'T USE T-LOCK. Target-locking is a handicap for 6-year olds. Submitted by: blitzofchaos 1. Easy way to get the gadget badge is to just disarm and arm laser mines repeatedly if done for about 15 minutes straight you can go from no badge to ELITE. 2. If you press up multiple times you can heal/revive someone multiple times and earn that quickly, but with the heals if multiple heal it doesn't have as much of an effect. 3. Triage badge NEVER disappears after it is elite and when you get the message saying that you've received it. 4. For mining, use places where they can't be disarmed. 5. When playing online if you are getting killed and cant hear or see it the person killing you is probably glitching. 6. Smoke grenades disable target-lock, EMP grenades, disable RTL, mines, EPDD, the DSC-1 Thermal's scope, and your EDSU goggles and flashbang disables your mic's sound and your sight I think. 7. Claymore mines are pretty much useless. Submitted by: cloudstrife07 How to avoid fall damage --- When falling from a high place (not too high), press down on the D-pad to make your player do a roll that will decrease damage sustained from a fall. You can survive some falls that are usually deadly this way. Playing fair --- Yes, whether you're a cheap player or not, playing fair will actually make you a better player. Believe me, I was once a cheap player, then I shed my old ways and became very good at this game. Variety works --- Remember, there are a fairly large selection of weapons at your disposal. See which types and which set-ups work well for you. Try to stray away from the usual set-up (mainly sawed-offs and M16K). From experience, using weapons other than the above mentioned and testing out your skills with them can help make you a better player at times. Submitted by: MercilessOne987 [[MORE TO COME]] ============================================================================= 10) Legal Information ============================================================================= One final note: I would like to thank the users at the Dark Mirror message board and others for helping me to get much of the information, and for contributing tips and helpful hints. -CJayC, of course, for allowing me to post my FAQ online. -blitzofchaos, for your topic guide, which helped lots. -cloudstrife07, clarification on things concerning ranks, weapons, etc. -TROOPER!!! Confirmation on weapons, again. -And EVERYONE I forgot to include who helped me with this. This FAQ belongs to me, Benji Torralba, 2006. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. If you have a problem with this FAQ or you think that something is misspelled, email me at MercilessOne_Sucks@hotmail.com, or Benji_Torralba@hotmail.com. Also, if you think have any suggestion to make this FAQ better; you can email me on that. This FAQ is only being used on: http://www.GameFAQs.com/ http://www.neoseeker.com/ If you see any other site using this FAQ, please contact me and notify me of the situation. Nobody is allowed to use my FAQ on their site(s) unless I grant permission to do so. Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America CO, LTD. 2006