Tales of Rebirth テイルズ オブ リバ一ス Storyline & Skits Translation Guide Version 2.13 by Lanyn My Tales of Rebirth, Tales of Destiny 2, and Tales of Destiny PS2 projects on Youtube for the curious and the bored: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=lanyn COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Copyright 2010 (Esther J. Choi) Okay, I'm just going to start with the standard one: all trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. At present, this written FAQ should only be found at www.gamefaqs.com and www.supercheats.com, so I would appreciate it if you happen to notice it floating around on the internet where it shouldn't be. This FAQ and any video links contained within represent my own work unless otherwise stated. So don't plagiarize this, attempt to make a profit off of it, or turn it in as one of your term papers; if you do, bad things will happen to you (especially with that last one). UPDATE HISTORY: Version 2.12 (7-2-2010) More script polishing, updated the FAQ section, changed the spelling of Karegia to Callegea (see FAQs for details), Version 2.11 (1-8-2010) Updated copyright, changed the spelling of Sannytown to Sunnytown because I finally concluded that it was retarded to keep Bamco's Engrish spelling, smoothed over a couple of poorly translated lines, changed the name of the "Mao's Song" skits to the more accurate "Singing Mao," changed the name of Tytree's Force to the Force of Timber (again, more accurate based on the Kanji), made some small updates to the FAQs section...I still have a ton of editing that I have to do to this thing though. ;_; Version 2.10 (7-23-2009) Added FAQs section, renumbered the sections accordingly, and removed my contact email for now(check the FAQs if you're wondering why), corrected a couple of lines in the script, stole some stuff from my other FAQ and incorporated it into this one =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== 1) About the game [ABO000] 2) How to use this guide [HOW000] 3) Frequently asked questions [FAQ000] 4) Basic controls [BAS000] a) PSP version [BASa00] i) Map Screen [BASa01] ii) Main Menu Screen [BASa02] iii) Battle Screen [BASa03] b) PS2 version [BASb00] i) Map Screen [BASb01] ii) Main Menu Screen [BASb02] iii) Battle Screen [BASb03] 5) Menu options translation [MEN000] 6) Storyline and Skits Translation [STO000] 7) Credits [CRE000] =============================================================================== 1) About the game [ABO000] =============================================================================== Tales of Rebirth (PS2) was released in Japan on December 16, 2004 as the sixth installment of the main "Tales of" series by Namco Bandai (or Bamco, as I like to call them). While the game contains many features which are staple for the series (e.g. cooking, skits, Grade), Rebirth also has its own share of quirks (e.g. Enhancement, the Force Cube, super-obsessive male protagonists). The game carries a heavy theme of racism too, so if you're one of those sensitive people, think happy thoughts and don't chuck anything at me or the screen. The PSP port of Rebirth was released in Japan on March 19, 2008, and thus far Bamco has not announced an English localization for the game. For the most part, the PSP version is a direct port of the PS2 game with some small but nice additions such as the arena and the illustration book. In any case, while there is no official English translation at the moment, there is this guide and Spekio's guide (more on the differences between the two in the next section) to help you better understand the storyline for Rebirth. Um, that pretty much sums things up, right? =============================================================================== 2) How to use this guide [HOW000] =============================================================================== First off, let me explain exactly what this guide is. This is a translation that is admittedly based on the script for the PS2 version of the game, BUT as far as I know, only two major changes to the script have been noted by players thus far (the absence of one of the word puzzles in Razilda and some dialogue after the appearance of the last dungeon). So for the most part, this guide should be accurate for BOTH versions of the game, but I will be noting any differences that I see between the 2 versions. So what makes this any different from Spekio's translation guide for the PS2 version then? Well, one thing I can say for certainty is that I stole his formatting. It's simple yet efficient; if it ain't broke, then don't fix it, right? The translation is a result of my own work though and hopefully it shows. While Spekio took the literal interpretation with his translation, I tend to prefer a more figurative approach the text. The style of translation doesn't have much of an impact when you're looking at simple sentences such as "Let's go" or "CLAAAAAAAAAIRE!!" (sorry, couldn't resist), but it can be much more noticeable when looking at complex or vague dialogue. In a nutshell, you could say that I am doing more of a localization while Spekio went more with a direct-style translation. Different strokes for different folks, that's all. Oh, I am including the translations for the Skits as well, which is no small feat, mind you. That being said though, one thing that some of you will notice is that I don't include terms such as -san or -sama in my guide. The reason being is that I want this guide to be as accessible as possible for people who don't know a single word of Japanese, and grasping the full meaning of such terms of respect requires some basic familiarity with the Japanese language and culture. And besides, those of you who do know what the difference is can surely hear the terms in the dialogue as you play the game, no? However, I didn't completely ignore the terms of respect; I simply translated them when I felt that it was either appropriate (whenever someone refers to the Queen or if two people are meeting for the first time) or unusual for the character in question (whenever Veigue refers to anyone in a respectful manner because he normally doesn't). For the most part, the script which appears here will be identical to the ones that appear in my video translations (if you don't know what I'm talking about, then check out the Youtube link that I listed at the top of this FAQ). I will be making corrections and smoothing things over as needed though (yeah, that first video was a mess...). I want to keep this guide fairly basic, but if I ever feel up to it, I may add a very simple "go here, do this" type deal so that you know how to progress the storyline. Absolutely no gameplay-related stuff though; I already have a FAQ for those types of questions (most of which applies to both versions of Rebirth). You can find it along with a bunch of other Rebirth FAQs in the PS2 section for this game on GameFAQs. =============================================================================== 3) Frequently asked questions [FAQ000] =============================================================================== Q: Do I need to know any Japanese in order to play this game? A: If you follow this guide in conjunction with Kouli's FAQ, then no, you shouldn't have any problem completing the game with no knowledge of the Japanese language (and technically, you don't even really need this guide if you don't care about the storyline). That being said though, navigating through the game is much easier if you know how to read Kana (i.e. Katakana and Hiragana) and can recognize basic Kanji. Q: Okaaay, so does that mean that I should learn Japanese or what? A: Unless you're a) planning to import more JRPGs, b) have an interest in Japan's culture, or c) have a knack for picking up languages, then I'd say no. That's a lot of effort for little return, not to mention that it's very difficult to learn a foreign language if you're not self-motivated. I mean, be honest, how many of you actually remember anything useful from when you were forced to take Spanish or whatever in school? However, if you have the time and the ambition, don't let the opinion of a jaded old fogey like me discourage you. ^_~ Q: Tell me then, why should I even bother with Rebirth? A: Because it'll change your life forever. Well, not really (unless you're an impressionable little sap like myself), but it'll definitely bring your appreciation for 2D games to a whole new level. While the game suffers from a cheesy, predictable plot like all Tales games, it has a battle system that is as engaging as it is refreshing and a memorable cast like no other. But they say that a video is worth a thousand words (or something like that), so just check out this battle footage if you don't believe me (the video's spoiler-free for your convenience): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AWvc1emKIo Plus, you can't say that you've really lived until you've heard the famous KUREAAAA scream at least once. Q: What are the differences between the PS2 version and the PSP port? A: *deep breath* First off, let me mention stuff that DIDN'T change. As far as I can tell, no changes were made to the actual battle system (except for the reconfiguration of some of the buttons, obviously). The storyline, for better or worse, made it through intact as well. There is a very small portion of dialogue that was added towards the end of the game of the PSP port, but otherwise the original script seems to have been left untouched. In other words, the script for the PSP version is practically the same as the one used for the PS2 version. Most of the bugs seem to have carried over as well (the cooking bug, the Ougis bug, etc) aside from cap on the Battle Encounter (although I doubt that qualifies as a bug, even though everyone likes to treat it like one). The Duel the Sun Extensions for the PSP port are the same except for the fact that you press the L button instead of the L2 button for the Blue Earth Extension (and yes, you still have to press all 5 buttons 11 times). For the curious, apparently Hilda performs all of the extensions by herself in ToR PSP (although you still have to have Mao in your party...whacky, I know). Let's see, good changes found in the PSP version...an arena was added (can be found in the Minal gym, but it's only accessible after the completion of all of the trials; there is no cameo battle, BTW), there are some new weapons (e.g. the Jewel of Gardios) and titles, and the game is now widescreen (which makes sense). There are also some new Hi-Ougi cut-ins for friend and foe alike, an Illustration Book (found in the basement of Claire's house at the beginning of the game), and there is now a LOAD option on the Main Menu (don't mistake this for the SAVE option!). They also changed how the saved data appears on your memory card, so the picture looks different depending on where you are in the storyline. There are now some new options in the Grade shop (thanks to RPGmonkey for posting the list for the Tales board! ^^): All Damage Halved (10 Grade), Experience Halved (100 Grade), Item Capacity 20 (1000 Grade), Item Capacity 30 (2000 Grade), and Reset Battle Encounter Number (10 Grade). Oh, they also increased the limit on the Battle Encounter since it can now go over 10,000...I have no idea what the new limit is, although I guess it really doesn't matter since they put in the new Grade Shop option there. x32 DAMAGE weapons FTW!!! In addition, the third word puzzle (the one by the flower cart that had to do with the seasons) was removed for the PSP version. You can now purchase Apple Gels, and there's a new God difficulty rank that is available on your third playthrough. Hmm, the not-so-good additions to the PSP version...the load times and the music. Not that I wasn't expecting this, but there are now some slight but noticeable load times at the start and finish of each battle. The slowdown doesn't happen every time you get in a fight though, so I don't know if there's something specific that causes it but I have yet to figure out what's triggering it. The most jarring of the delays probably revolves around the victory quotes; sometimes it takes the game several seconds to load the voices. As for the music, only two songs in particular seem to have suffered from the transfer: Battle Organization (the random encounter battle music for the first portion of the game) and Fanfare A (the one that plays when you don't earn any Grade). They're not bad persay, but it sounds like there are some instruments missing or something. I noticed that the in-game sound effects are a bit weak too, but that's just a nitpick. So which version is better, you may ask? To be honest, they're essentially the same game, but the PSP version probably has the slight advantage for most people due to the extras and the lack of region locking for the system. Most of the complaints I noted are minor and people playing the game for the first time on the PSP may not even be aware that those are issues that didn't exist in the PS2 version. My personal preference is for the PS2 version at this point, but that's more because small, expensive electronic devices and I don't get along too well. Anyway, your call. Q: Alright, I'm sold! So, uh, how do I play imports? And where can I get them? A: If you're interested in the PSP version, then you're in luck. PSP games are not region-locked (the UMD movies are, but that's a whole different story), so you can literally just pop the disc in and start playing (assuming that your firmware is up-to-date, of course). If you're looking into the PS2 version, then you basically have 3 options: Swap Magic, modding, or a Japanese PS2. The first option is probably the most common method for playing imports and is generally the least expensive; however, some people say that it wears down the laser on your system and that it can scratch your discs to hell. I've never modded my system before, so I couldn't really tell you much about that. A Japanese PS2 is likely the most expensive option, but is also the safest since you don't have to do anything special to play imports. I personally didn't encounter any problems with Swap Magic, so I'd recommend it for first time importers (just google Swap Magic and it should bring up a website that has a list of places that carry SM; the place I ordered mine from doesn't carry it anymore, so I can't recommend any of the sites personally). If you can find a JPN PS2 for a decent price though, I'd say go for it. ^^ And a note for you PS3 owners: you CANNOT play JPN PS2 games on a US PS3. While Japan and NA are in the same region for this generation of consoles, it doesn't change the fact that PS2 games still use the old region coding. As for where to get the games, it depends on what you're interested in. If it's something that's relatively new (generally not more than a year old), then Playasia is usually the first place I look: http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-1j3v.html I've been ordering from them for years and I haven't had any major issues with them yet (knock on wood). Just be aware that if something is listed as having an availability that's longer than 2 weeks, then there's a fairly high chance that you won't ever get it. Another alternative would be good old Flea...er, eBay, especially for the out of print stuff like ToR PS2. As always though, buyer beware with some of those sellers. Other options include himeyashop, yesasia, and deputy services such as Shopping Mall Japan, although all of these tend to be much more costly than PA and eBay. Q: I heard that the Namco's trademark for Rebirth in North America has expired. Does that mean that Rebirth has no chance of getting localized? A: I'll start off with the good news: once a trademark is registered (in the US anyway), it NEVER expires. So yes, technically this means that Rebirth will always have a chance at getting localized. So what's the bad news then? Well, right now, the trademark for Rebirth is listed as "abandoned," which is what happens when a company fails to file the appropriate paperwork and/or pay the fees associated with keeping a trademark active. Bamco has the option of activating the trademark at any time, but it's basically going to take some extra effort for them to do so. In other words, the fact that the trademark is abandoned highly suggests that Bamco has no interest in localizing Rebirth in North America any time soon. No love for Team Destiny over here, let me tell ya. Q: How long did it take for you to translate all of this anyway? A: In terms of months, about 21. In terms of hours, I have no earthly idea and I don't even want to think about it because it'll make me depressed. And I swear that one day, I'm going to go through this script again to smooth out all of the rough spots. Q: Did you change any of the official name spellings? A: This seems to be a major point of debate in the translating world as of late, so I figured that I should just address it and get it over with. I only changed 2 instances of Bamco's Engrish: Sannytown (changed it to Sunnytown) and Walto (changed it to Waltu); everything else I left alone or I had to come up with my own spellings (e.g. minor characters such as the Dark Wings). Actually, scratch that, I did change one more spelling: the name of the country. Fan translation precedent has it spelled Karegia, but in a move that will most likely prove to be wildly unpopular, I decided to change it to Callegea. So why the change, you ask? Well, the spelling is taken from this ToR novel thingie which may or may not be canon; it kinda looks like it is, but I haven't read it myself and judging from its page count, I probably never will. Anyway, at this point in time, it's the closest thing to an official spelling that I'm aware of. To be honest, I was originally going to leave it as Karegia just because that's how I'm used to seeing it spelled. However, it's always looked Engrishy to me and had I known about the novel spelling earlier, I probably would have went with Callegea to begin with. Now watch me get flambeed by the naming nazis. Q: So how much do you "spice up" the script anyway? A: I've been asked this on more than one occasion and to be honest, I'm not sure if I can give a proper response to this since I'm never going to be completely objective when evaluating my own translation...oh well, I'll try to answer the question anyway. I do my best to make sure that my interpretation of the text is justifiable; if I can't think of a single good reason to make a meaningful change to something, then I generally won't touch it (or add it, or whatever); I'm a translator, not a script writer (and thank god for that), so I personally don't like to inject humor or whatnot into a sentence if it wasn't there to begin with (note that I don't have a problem when other people decide to do this, it's just not my thing). That being said though, I will exaggerate, stress, or otherwise add emphasis when I feel that it is a) appropriate for the situation at hand (e.g. people are generally pretty pissed when their love interest is kidnapped), b) in character for the person who is saying the line (e.g. Veigue and Tytree are the cussing types, Claire and Agarte are not), or c) it is somehow implied in the original Japanese (e.g. usage of one particle versus another, inflection, etc). Back to the original question though, in terms of whose dialogue got spruced up the most, I'd probably have to say Tytree's and Saleh's. Tytree is part nut, part klutz, and part awesome, so it's kinda hard not to get carried away with him sometimes. And Saleh? Well, he's borderline psychotic, so anything goes as far as I'm concerned. ^^; Q: Help! The battle system is killing me! A: Wrong FAQ. Check out the following link or link to my Youtube channel at the top of this FAQ: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/920236/50720 Q: How many times does Veigue yell KUREAAAA in this game? A: The world may never know. Q: What programs did you use to translate Rebirth and edit those spiffy little videos of yours? A: I use three main things when I translate: a NDS program called Kanji Sonomama Rakubiki Jiten to decipher Kanji, Jim Breen's Online Japanese-English dictionary for definitions, and dictionary.com for sentence variety. Every once in a while, I consult some of my old textbooks from school too. For my videos, I started out using Ulead Videostudio version 8.0, but I eventually gave in and upgraded to version 11.0, which allowed me to add Japanese text and made the writing of this FAQ feasible. I obtained the video footage by using a USB capture card. Q: You're a little...off, you know that? A: *applauds* How very observant of you. Q: Hey, how can get in contact with you? I have something to ask you and/or you made a mistake and I want you to know about it. A: I used to have an email account just for these types of situations, but I ended up deleting it because it eventually got to the point where I was too busy/lazy to check it, which kind of defeats the purpose of having one in the first place. Plus I noticed that 95% of the questions that I was getting could have been answered on a board and while I hate to sit here and rationalize my lazy ass, it's not like I'm the ONLY person in the entire gaming community who can tell you how to perform Hi-Ougis or get past the word puzzles. That being said, the best places to post questions would be the ToR PSP board on GameFAQs or the Tales forums (register if you haven't already and use this thread: http://tales.namco.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=2833263#2833263). If you absolutely have to reach me personally, you can go through Youtube, but I don't guarantee that you'll get an answer. I *am* trying to juggle med school, a family business, an eccentric family, a dog, 2 cats, a bird, the remnants of my personal "life," a couple of FAQs, my volunteer work, what's left of my sanity, defend the free world, nurture world peace, and STILL make it home before my bedtime. Er, that's a really horrible run-on sentence, but you get the picture, right? Q: Are you planning on translating any other Tales games? Because I'd love you for life if you decided to do *insert any Japan-only game here* next! <3<3<3 A: Right now, I'm currently working on Tales of Destiny 2 and Tales of Destiny PS2 (the Director's Cut version) on the side, which are going to keep me busy for a while. As for what's next, I haven't decided and I won't decide until I am done with ToD2 and ToDr (hell, I don't even know if I'm going to keep translating or not). Part of the decision is going to depend on what other projects are going on at the time (no point in translating game X if someone else is already working on it) and also what game I think has the LEAST chance of being localized. And then there's the whole I-like-this-game-and-I-think- more-people-should-be-playing-it factor. And I'm conveniently leaving out the technical aspects (e.g. I have to actually own the system that the game is on) for brevity's sake. See, I really do think these things through! Q: Are you a girl? A: I guess there's a bit of confusion over this due to my boorish personality, but yes, I'm female. Q: Your guide sucks/I'm getting a headache from going back and forth between my computer and the TV or PSP screen/Japanese letters scare me. Is there an English patch for this game? A: As far as I know, there isn't one. I know that Penance over at Nocturnal Creations is working on a (menu?) patch for the PSP version (google is your friend). Phantasian Productions has also voiced an interest in making a full patch for ToR PS2, but Cless currently has his hands full with ToP, ToD2, and ToD:DC. Absolute Zero did an April Fool's joke involving ToR PSP, but thoroughhim is busy with ToI and ToD:DC at the moment and I'm not sure if he's ever said anything about an actual patch or not. Q: (And on the flip side) I love the script! I want to make a donation as a token of thanks, so where do I send the money? A: Although I am strapped for cash most of the time, I actually don't accept donations. The way I see it, other people need the money a lot more than I do and no one else has to pay to use this guide, so you shouldn't feel obliged to do so either. Plus, unlike most other fan translators, I don't run a personal website so my costs in regards to translating are relatively low. I really do appreciate the thought though. ^^ But if you absolutely insist on sending money somewhere and you don't already have a charity in mind, please Paypal something over to these folks: http://www.shelterrescueinc.org/ It's a 501c3 non-profit animal rescue group based in North Georgia. There are Paypal links about 2/3 of the way down the front page under the "Please help the kitty cats!!!" and "Please help the doggies!!!" headings; you can use either link since they both go to the same organization. Note that while I have met some of their volunteers in person, I am in no way affiliated with this group. It's just that I was able to find my super awesome pound puppy, Yuri, thanks to them, so I try to return the favor by getting them donations. Plus as an extra bonus, the donation is tax-deductible, for those of you who have to worry about Uncle Sam. And of course, the most important thing is that you're helping to save lives. I win, you win, and the furries win! ^_^ Q: I see a whole bunch of weird squiggly-looking symbols instead of squiggly-looking Japanese characters. How can I fix this? A: This guide is written in a code known as Shift-JIS, so it sounds like your PC is set on Western fonts. Right click on the screen and go to "Encoding". Then scroll down to the "More" option and select Japanese Shift-JIS. If you're having trouble and you happen to be using a Mac, then you're on your own since I've only touched a Mac maybe twice in my entire life. Q: So what's this Dramatic Peach Pie DVD thing I keep hearing about? A: It's the pre-order bonus that was supposed to come with the PSP port of Rebirth that Play-asia decided not to give to me. No, I'm not bitter or ANYTHING. *ahem* Anyway, it contains a cute little scene with Veigue, Eugene, Mao, Tytree, Milhaust, and even a cameo-ish appearance by Saleh. There's also a new trailer for Tales of Vesperia, a recipe for how to make a peach pie, and some other stuff I'm forgetting about at the moment. Thorough is my middle name. As for where you can find a subbed version of the Peach Pie DVD... Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMmqiH-GPI0 Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3j13ivgx2M I don't know who's screwing up Veigue's reputation more, Bamco or me. ^^;; Q: Do you know where ______ is on the World Map? I can't find it! A: Fear not, zer83, our resident ToR Map Man, has an answer for you all! Thanks again for letting me steal your find, zer83! ^^ Note that zer83 nor I am responsible for the creation of the map, but zer83 did type up all the locations and such for us. http://www.matukin.com/image/tor_world_map_basic.jpg Red Numbers: 1: Sulz 2. Great Larulen Bridge 3. Keketto Hostel 4. Etoray Bridge 5. Minal 6. Petnadjanka 7. Toyohose Hostel 8. Sunnytown 9. Tel Alla Hostel 10. Anikamal 11. Babilograd 12. Babilograd Harbor 13. Balka Harbor 14. Balka 15. Razilda Harbor 16. Razilda 17. Pipista 18. Great Pokunan Bridge 19. Kyogen 20. Kyogen Hostel 21. Nolzen 22. Nereg Hostel 23. Belsas Harbor 24. Belsas 25. Mocrado Village 26. Katz Village 27. Len Pao Sky Garden Blue Numbers: 1. Alvan Mountains 2. Forest Labyrinth 3. Karez 4. Oasis 5. Climbers' Cavern 6. Mesechina Cavern 7. Balka Prison 8. Shrine of Eephon 9. Flamer-Holders 10. Shrine of Fenia 11. Tower of Nereg 12. Shrine of Wontiga 13. Shrine of Gillione 14. Mount Sovereign 15. Yuris' Realm 16. Cyglorgs' Chambers =============================================================================== 4) Basic controls [BAS000] =============================================================================== If you've played a Tales game before (or any RPGs in general), then this shouldn't be much of a surprise, but there are different sets of controls depending on what screen you're currently on. In Rebirth, the three main area types are the Map screen (this includes the World Map, towns, and dungeons), the Main Menu screen (pressing the TRIANGLE button on the Map screen will bring you to this screen), and the Battle screen (this screen is brought up when you have a random enemy encounter or you enter a boss/event battle). ******************************************************************************* PART A: PSP CONTROLS [BASa00] The PSP is lacking a tad in the buttons department, so these may look a bit strange (especially if you've played the PS2 version). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP SCREEN [BASa01] Directional Pad: Used for walking (although you'll run instead if you use it on the World Map) and for highlighting a selection Analog Stick: Used for running and highlighting a selection Circle Button: Used for talking, investigating, and making a decision X Button: When pressed with the Square button-->allows you to speed through in-game dialogue When pressed with the L button-->changes your on-screen character When pressed with the R button-->brings up the World Map Triangle Button: Brings up the Main Menu screen Square Button: Allows you to use your Force (when applicable) L/R button: Lets you change the direction that you are facing Select Button: Activates Skits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN MENU SCREEN [BASa02] Directional Pad/Analog Stick: Used to highlight a selection Analog Stick (Skills screen ONLY!): Used to flip the Force Cube Circle Button: Used to make a decision (i.e. select an item/choice) X Button: Used to cancel out of something or to return to the World Map screen Triangle Button: Used to view the plot summary up until this point; can also be used to discard items and to change who is in your active battle party (as well as who you are controlling) Square Button: Used to switch between the different descriptions for certain items (e.g. equipment) and for displaying more information about particular terms (e.g. Force Cube Effects) L Button: Used to change between lists (e.g. items) or characters (i.e. Skills) R Button: Same as the L Button, but can also change a character's battle mode (i.e. auto, semi-auto, manual) when you have that person highlighted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BATTLE SCREEN [BASa03] Directional Pad/Analog Stick: Used for movement and highlighting a selection Circle Button: Used for executing a Normal attack and for making a decision X Button: Used for executing a Skill and for canceling an item Triangle Button: Displays the battle menu screen (also used to return to the battle screen) Square Button: Used to defend and to change your RG level when used with the Directional Pad/Analog Stick L Button: Used to change your battle strategy when used with the Directional Pad/Analog Stick R Button: Used to change targets when used with the Directional Pad/Analog Stick Start Button: Used to jump (like you'll ever need to, but...) Select Button: Used to change your battle mode (e.g. auto, semi-auto, and manual) ******************************************************************************* PART B: PS2 CONTROLS [BASb00] If you're old-skool or if you just prefer the PS2 version, here are the controls for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP SCREEN [BASb01] Directional Pad: Used for walking (although you'll run instead if you use it on the World Map) and for highlighting a selection Left Analog Stick: Used for running and highlighting a selection Circle Button: Used for talking, investigating, and making a decision Triangle Button: Brings up the Main Menu screen Square Button: Allows you to use your Force (when applicable) L1/R1 buttons: Lets you change the direction that you are facing L2/R2 Buttons: Changes your on-screen character R3 Button: Displays the World Map Select Button: Activates Skits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN MENU SCREEN [BASb02] Directional Pad/Analog Stick: Used to highlight a selection Right Analog Stick (Skills screen ONLY!): Used to flip the Force Cube Circle Button: Used to make a decision (i.e. select an item/choice) X Button: Used to cancel out of something or to return to the World Map screen Triangle Button: Used to view the plot summary up until this point; can also be used to discard items and to change who is in your active battle party (as well as who you are controlling) Square Button: Used to switch between the different descriptions for certain items (e.g. equipment) and for displaying more information about particular terms (e.g. Force Cube Effects) L1/R1 Buttons: Used to change between lists (e.g. items) or characters (i.e. Skills) L2 Button: Used to scroll through lists R2 Button: Used to scroll through lists and can also change a character's battle mode (i.e. auto, semi-auto, manual) when you have that person highlighted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BATTLE SCREEN [BASb03] Directional Pad/Left Analog Stick: Used for movement and highlighting a selection Circle Button: Used for executing a Normal attack and for making a decision X Button: Used for executing a Skill and for canceling an item Triangle Button: Displays the battle menu screen (also used to return to the battle screen) Square Button: Used to defend and to change your RG level when used with the Directional Pad/Left Analog Stick L1 Button: Used to change your battle strategy when used with the Directional Pad/Left Analog Stick R1 Button: Used to change targets when used with the Directional Pad/Left Analog Stick R2 Button: Allows you to jump Start Button: Pauses the game Select Button: Used to change your battle mode (e.g. auto, semi-auto, and manual) =============================================================================== 5) Menu options translation [MEN000] =============================================================================== Note that the intended purpose of this section is not to tell you how to use the menu options; I'm just giving you a translation so that you can navigate through it a little easier. If you have questions about how to assign Skills and stuff like that, then please consult the other Rebirth FAQs. First Line, from left to right: 術技 (Skills), エンハンス (Enhance), 作戦 (Tactics/Strategy), 料理 (Cooking), カスタム (Customize), ライブラリ (Library, PSP only) Second Line, from left to right: アイテム (Item), 装備 (Equipment), バトルブック (Battlebook), ステータス (Status), セーブ or 中断 (Save or Suspend), ロード (Load, PSP only) =============================================================================== 6) Storyline and skits translation [STO000] =============================================================================== This goes without saying, but there are obviously major spoilers in this section, so don't scroll too far ahead if you don't want anything ruined for you. One note about the Skits...I have them numbered here for my convenience, but this is not necessarily the same order that you're going to get in if you play the game (especially for the ones that show up in large clumps). Don't worry about the shortcuts that I left in either; I may or may not decide to do something with those in the future. I will put some squigglies (~) in between groups of skits though to make it a bit easier to navigate through this. Also, if I didn't trigger a Skit for my videos, then I won't have an entry for it. Sorry, but there are supposedly over 1,000 Skits in the game and I'm already a third of the way through my life expectancy here. Now, on to the main event! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milhaust: Your Majesty! Eugene: Your Majesty! You mustn't do this! Milhaust: If you use your Force any further, you'll...! Eugene & Milhaust: Your Majesty! Claire: Veigue! Veigue: Stay back! Veigue: Claire, run away! Claire: But! Veigue: Run, Clai...! Veigue: CLAIRE!!! Veigue: Who's there! Mao: Hi there, Veigue. Mao: I'm Mao. Eugene: Eugene Gallardo. Eugene: Veigue Lungberg... Eugene:...we've come for you. Veigue: Who are you...how do you know my name... Mao: No need to worry, we're your friends. Since we're here, won't you listen to what we have to say? Veigue: There's nothing to talk about. Leave... Mao: Really? I wouldn't be so sure about that. We think we can help you get used to your power... Veigue: What can you possibly do? You don't know the first thing about me... Mao: I know more about you than you do. I know the "answer" to your problem. Veigue: Screw you. Like hell you have the "answer." Mao: Let's talk this over, Veigue. If you won't come to us, then we'll just go over to you. Eugene: Looks like he can control the Force. Mao: Yeah, better than I imagined. Veigue: Leave me be. Next time I won't hold back. Mao: And if he's being like this? Eugene: I didn't want to do this the hard way, but it appears that we have no choice. Mao:...Sure looks that way. So, what're the conditions? Eugene: No Force and without injuring the target for 60 seconds. Mao: Ehh?! Talk about strict! Eugene: You can't do it? Mao: Do you think that I can't do it? Eugene: I'm not impressed that you answered my question with a question. Veigue: What are you two talking about! Hurry up and leav... Mao: If you're going to back down, now's the time, Veigue. Veigue: Go to hell!! Mao (Opening Quote): Here I come!!! Mao (Ending Quote): Hmph, I was careless! I've had enough of this! Veigue: My ice and your flame...are they the same...? What on earth is this power...? Eugene: That power of yours is known as Force. If used correctly, it will become a great asset for you in the days ahead. Veigue: Force...? Mao: That's right, Force. Mao: This is the physical representation of Force, the Force Cube. Mao: We're on a journey to find companions who have the Force, people with special powers like you and me, in order to save the world. Mao: All of this is a result of the Force, you know. Eugene: Force is a special ability that arises from the power of life and the soul. Eugene: Originally, Force only manifested itself in Gajuma like myself. Veigue: If that's true, then why do Humas like him and me have that kind of power... Mao: Since that time, it seems that Force users have appeared among Humas too. Mao: Right now, there's no distinction between the two races and there are many different types of Force Users. Mao: Your force is "ice." Veigue: The Force of Ice... Mao: You can manipulate ice at will, right? Veigue: I can now...but I can't do anything about the ice around Claire... Mao: That's because this ice is from when your Force went berserk. Eugene: Force is a power that comes from the heart. If a Force User grows emotionally unstable, there is too strong of a reaction and it becomes uncontrollable. Mao: In your case, the power awakened without warning. Your mind and spirit weren't prepared and so you were unable to control it. And she was.... Mao: That's what happens when the Force goes berserk. Eugene: It is impossible to get rid of this ice at your current skill level. Veigue:...What should I do? Claire is... Mao: Leave this to me, Veigue. If you're ice, then I'm flame. In order to melt ice...you should just bring it near a flame. Mao: O Force of Flame!! Free the young lady from her icy slumber!! Mao: Now's your chance, Veigue!! Smash the ice!! Veigue: Uaaaaah!! Veigue: Claire!! Zapie: Ki~!! Veigue:...Claire!! Are you...alive? Claire:...Veigue...? Veigue: Claire...!! Does it hurt anywhere? How do you feel...? Claire: Yeah...I... Veigue: Claire... Veigue:...Claire...Are you trembling? Claire:...N, no, it's not that, Veigue... Claire:...It's a bit chilly in here. I'd like to warm up in the sunlight... Veigue: Claire!! Veigue: Claire...I'm sorry for what I did to you... Claire:...What happened? What...exactly...? Veigue:...You don't remember...? Claire: I was engulfed by a blue light that came out of your body...After that...I... Mao:...You've been trapped in ice this whole time. Claire:...And you two are...? Veigue:...I was able to save you thanks to their help. Mao: Nice to meet you. I'm Mao. And this is... Eugene: Eugene Gallardo. Eugene: Veigue's Force went out of control and you got caught up in it. Eugene: And now, one year later...Veigue was finally able to rescue you. Veigue: Claire...I am so sorry... Claire:......... Mao:...It wasn't Veigue's intent to imprison you in ice. Mao: He must have tried to free you countless times before....Isn't that right, Veigue? Claire: Veigue...Your hands are covered with scratches... Veigue:......... Claire: Is it because you were trying to free me...? Veigue:...But there wasn't a thing I could do about it....All I could do was watch over you. Claire:......... Veigue: Claire...I don't know how I can make this up to you... Claire:...Oh! Veigue, I...need to return home. Claire: Father and mother are probably worried and I want to put their minds at ease. Claire: Veigue, thanks for saving me. Claire: As you can see, I'm perfectly fine. Claire: ...Um...If you'd like, the two of you are free to rest at my home. Claire: It's not much, but I'll ready a meal for your arrival. Eugene: She's a good girl. Veigue:.......... Mao: Well now...shall we go eat? Mao: I'm starving since I used my Force. Eugene: Mao... Mao:...I know, I know! Mao: Veigue, there's something we need to talk about. That's why we came here to see you. Veigue: We'll talk here. Eugene: If possible, I'd prefer to talk in a quiet area. Veigue:.......... Veigue: That's...!! Mao: It's a Frost Crow, an ice Virus. Eugene: It's coming this way!! Veigue: Why did the Virus come inside the village...? Eugene: Viruses are elements of nature that have taken on the form of a monster. There is a possibility that they will show up no matter where you are. Mao: Thanks to a certain something, the number of Force Users and Viruses have increased throughout the world. Veigue:...The appearance of the Force...The increase in Viruses...What in the world is going on...? Veigue:...Mao, you said something about "saving the world." Does that... Mao: S, sorry...looks like I'm at my limit. Eugene: It's a long story. Before that, could we get Mao something to eat? Veigue:...Understood...it's this way. Veigue:...About Claire...you have my gratitude. NOTICE: Mao and Eugene have become your companions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #1 [SKI001] ----------------------------------- 「マオのバトルブック・1」 Mao's Battlebook Part 1 Mao: La la la~! La la la la~! Veigue: You look pretty happy. What are you doing? Mao: I'm writing about the enemies and Viruses that we've fought against in the Battlebook. Veigue: Why are you doing that? Mao: To create memories! La la la~! Veigue:...... NOTICE: You received the Battlebook. Read the Battlebook? Yes No ----------------------------------- Skit #2 [SKI002] ----------------------------------- 「クレアさん家って?」 Claire's House? Mao: Veigue, which way is Claire's house? ----------------------------------- Skit #3 [SKI003] ----------------------------------- 「そんなところだ」 Something Like That Mao: Hey Veigue, what is your relationship to Claire? Veigue:...We were raised together...I guess you could say that she's like a younger sister...or family...something like that. ----------------------------------- Skit #4 [SKI004] ----------------------------------- 「ス一ルズ雑感」 Impressions of Sulz Mao: This is a really quiet village, isn't it. Veigue: Yeah. Mao: This place would be perfect if it was just a little bit warmer. Eugene: There are many glaciers nearby, so there's nothing that can be done about the cold. ----------------------------------- Skit #5 [SKI005] ----------------------------------- 「マオが...」 Mao is... Eugene: Mao is extremely hungry. Could you let him have something to eat soon? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eugene:...Everything started one year ago on that day...on The Dusk of Ladras... Veigue: The Dusk of Ladras... Eugene: It's the day that the ruler of Callegea, King Ladras, met his demise. You know about it, don't you? Veigue:.......... Rakiya (Claire's mom): Veigue didn't pay any attention to the events surrounding him because of what happened to my daughter. Eugene:...I see...so you don't know about His Majesty's death. Eugene: About 6 months before he passed away, His Majesty was bedridden due to illness. Eugene: Treatment was ineffective and His Majesty's condition deteriorated. Shortly thereafter, he began to repeat utter nonsense from his sickbed. Eugene: Then, on that day...His Majesty released all of the Force within himself and lost his life. Veigue: Claire, are you all right? You just got back home and yet... Claire: Yes, this is a lot of fun. Claire: Eugene, please continue. Eugene:...The Force which escaped from His Majesty became a light that showered down upon the entire country. This awakened the Force that lay dormant in many people. Eugene: People were terrified of their newly awakened abilities, and one after another, the Force went out of control. This caused enormous damage to the area and Callegea fell into a state of chaos. Mao: This means that you weren't the only one. Veigue:.......... Eugene:...It gets worse. During the time that the Force was raging away, there was a massive outbreak of Viruses which began to attack people. Eugene: People began to refer to this worldwide catastrophe along with the King's death as The Dusk of Ladras. Eugene: On The Dusk of Ladras, many people lost their lives and even now the scars remain... Claire: Throughout the world...something like that had...how tragic... Claire: Ah, I shouldn't do that. I'm interrupting your story, aren't I? Mao: Claire says that even though she had a difficult time herself... Veigue: Claire has always been like that...She's the type of person who worries about others more than herself... Mao: By the way, this story concerns Lady Agarte, the successor to the late king... Veigue: Agarte...the only daughter of King Ladras, Princess Agarte? Mao: Right. She's Queen Agarte now. Lady Agarte and those around her have begun to act suspiciously all of a sudden. Eugene: His Majesty was even willing to sacrifice his life so that the Force could be released. He must have had some important reason for doing so. Eugene: We're on a journey to investigate the truth behind the various tragedies within the kingdom that began on The Dusk of Ladras. Mao: That's the reason why we need to join forces with strong Force Users like you. Veigue:.......... Popura's Voice: I'm coming in~!! Claire: Aunt Popura!! Popura: Little Claire, thank goodness! I was very concerned, you know. Claire: I'm sorry to have worried you. Popura: I'm happy for you too, Rakiya. Rakiya: Yes, I'm just glad to see Claire healthy and smiling like this... Zapie: Kiki! Popura: To celebrate Claire's return, I baked little Veigie's favorite, peach pie~! Mao: Wow, that smells great! Popura: Oh...guests...? Please have some if you'd like. Mao:...So little Veigie loves peach pie... Veigue:........... Popura: This dish is my pride and joy, so savor it well. Well then, see you later. Veigue: Ah, Auntie... Veigue:...Thanks. Mao: So tasty!! This is absolutely delicious!! Veigue:...Going back to our conversation, why do you need to find strong Force Users? Mao: Ah...whoops, my bad. I almost forgot. Mao:...Due to the circumstances, we might have to fight against the country itself. Our enemy has Force Users just like us among them. Skilled, powerful Force Users. Veigue:...I am in your debt. However, I cannot join you. Mao: Huh? Veigue: Right now, I can't leave this house or the village... Mao: What do you mean? Veigue: I did something horrible...therefore, I cannot simply leave the village without having atoned. Claire: Veigue, thanks... Claire: But you didn't do anything wrong. So I don't want you to use a word like "atone." Claire: Besides, these people need you so why don't you give them a hand?...OK? Veigue: It's not just you, Claire. Claire: Huh...? Veigue: While you were trapped in the ice, your parents took care of me the entire time. Veigue: They took someone like me under their wing without saying a word... Rakiya: Don't be silly, that's because you're like family to us. We believed in you and knew that Claire would return to normal someday... Rakiya: That's why my husband and I decided that we would wait for this day with you by our side...so that we wouldn't feel lonely while Claire was away. Veigue: Aunt Rakiya, thank you... Marco (Claire's father): This is bad!! Rakiya: Dear, what's wrong!? Marco: A bunch of people carrying weapons are coming into the village!! Veigue: Where are they now!? Marco: At the assembly hall plaza. Mao: Eugene, could it possibly be... Eugene: Let's hurry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #6 [SKI006] ----------------------------------- 「気になる集会所」 Assembly Hall on the Mind Veigue: Let's go check out the assembly hall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ???: Hmm, I have no idea...how am I supposed to tell whether a Huma girl is beautiful or not? ???: Hey, you...can you tell? Callegean Soldier: Forgive me, Lord Tohma. They all look the same to me. Tohma: Hey, Huma girl. What's your name? Monica: M, Monica... Tohma: Monica...are you beautiful? Monica: I, I don't know...that sort of thing. Tohma: What are you so afraid of? All I'm only asking you whether or not you're beautiful. Monica:......... Veigue: What in the world are they doing... Steve: I'm not sure, but they only captured the Huma girls of the village and gathered them other there. It looks like they're investigating something... Mao: Eugene, it was them after all. Eugene: Yes, it's The Royal Shield...Tohma, huh...if he's here, then that means that other guy is too... Veigue:...The Royal Shield...? Eugene: A unit made up of entirely of Force Users that is under the direct control of the royal family...That is The Royal Shield. Eugene: They use their special abilities to aid the royal family by acting as bodyguards as well as carrying out special missions in secret. Mao: As the name implies, they literally shield the royal family. Eugene: At the same time, they also intend to subjugate Force Users. Mao: That's because there's a few mischievous Force Users out there. It's all about making them allies before they become enemies. Tohma: Man, what a pain! Go and bring the most beautiful girl in the village back here! Monica: Huh? M, me...? Tohma: Tohma here is not the patient type. If you don't want to get hurt, then bring her here now. Tohma: Hurry up! If she's not in this group, then I don't care if you choose someone from over there. Monica:.......... Claire: Monica... Tohma: Oh, that girl, huh? Monica: N, no!! She's...!! Tohma: Shut up!! Claire: Monica...!! Tohma: Hey you...! Royal Shield Soldier: Sir...! Royal Shield Soldier: These are Lord Tohma's orders. Come!! Veigue: Wait...don't you dare touch Claire. Royal Shield Soldier: Who the heck are you...? Scram!! Royal Shield Soldier: Y, yikes...!! Tohma: Force... Veigue:...Release everybody at once and get out of the village! Tohma: Heh... Mao: It's a strong Force reaction...!! Eugene: The user of magnetic fields, Tohma...that's the Force of Magnetism. Tohma: Ice, huh? I'd heard rumors, but this is the first time I've ever seen it. Veigue: Bastard has the Force too... Tohma: So this is what happens if I oppose you? How dreadful. Tohma: However, my Force is even more dreadful. Wanna try me!? Mao: Veigue!! We'll fight too. Tohma: Your friends are here too, huh. Interesting...ack, you're...! Eugene: Tohma, stand down! ??:...Well? I wonder how long this third rate play will last? Eugene: Saleh...!! Saleh: What are you dawdling around for, Tohma? Miss Claire, was it? She's the finest jewel in the village. Tohma: Grr...Saleh! What do you mean by dawdling! Saleh: Honestly...if you make such a riot, our little dolls will get injured and you'll be reprimanded. Tohma: Can it already! You don't have to tell me every little thing! Saleh: If that's the case, then fine...let's hurry up and pick a girl to go with us. Veigue: Wait!! Tohma: You again...you're becoming obnoxious! Saleh: Tohma, forget about him. We've already discussed this. Saleh: Isn't that right? Commander Eugene... Veigue: Commander!? Eugene:........... Saleh: Oh, isn't the one next to you that boy Mao, the deserter? Veigue: Deserter...!? Saleh: In the old days, The Royal Shield would not have ignored such a serious offense as desertion, but our hands are already full due to the growing number of Force Users. Saleh: Well, we can dispose of a little runt like you at any time anyway. Mao:.......... Saleh: Commander Eugene, surely you know how I like to do things, don't you? Veigue: What are you trying to say? Saleh: For those of you who aren't familiar with my ways, direct your attention overhead. Veigue:........!? Saleh: That's right, everything in the world is about give & take. Veigue: You bastard... Saleh: My dear Claire, you understand, don't you? Right now, that Gajuma woman's life is in your hands. Claire:......... Saleh: What's it like? I wonder how important a life feels? Claire:...I understand... Veigue: No, don't go, Claire!! Saleh: You be silent. Veigue: Why, you!! Veigue: Gwaa!! Saleh: Your life is insignificant. Veigue: Ugh...! Veigue:...Uaa~!! Veigue: Aah...!! Saleh: That's my Commander for you. Eugene:.......... Veigue: W, why... Veigue: C, Claire...run away...! Saleh: Now then, shall we go, my dear Claire? Claire:...Before that, please bring down Aunt Popura and release everyone. If you don't, then I won't go. Veigue: Claire...! Saleh: My dear Claire, if you promise that you will really come with us, then I'll free those girls for you. Claire: I promise. So please let everyone go... Saleh: Very well. Saleh: Dismiss the young ladies. Monica: Claire...sorry, I'm so sorry. Because of me... Claire: Monica, it's not your fault... Monica:...But they may do something horrible to you if you go, Claire... Saleh: Don't worry. We'll take excellent care of dear Claire. Monica:......... Saleh: It's about time for us to part ways. Claire: Veigue...I'm going away...for a little bit. Veigue:...C, Claire...d, don't go... Saleh: Everyone, withdraw!! Marco: Claire!! Claire: Father, mother... Claire: Zapie...go to them. Marco:......... Rakiya:......... Saleh: Farewell, Commander Eugene. Farewell, boy. Until we meet again. Saleh & Tomah: Ha ha ha ha~! Eugene:........... Veigue: Ugh...Claire... Veigue: Claire, where's Claire? Mao: Claire isn't here. Veigue:...! That's right, Eugene, you!! Eugene: It had to be done. Eugene:...With your power...no, even if all three of us fought against Saleh, the odds would have been unfavorable. Mao: Saleh likes to joke around, but he's also cruel, ruthless...and powerful. Mao: If Eugene hadn't stopped you back then, you would have been killed. Undoubtedly, the girls, Aunt Popura, and everyone else in the village would have been as well... Veigue: No way... Mao: Even though Saleh would have slaughtered the villagers, he would have likely taken Claire with him. Unharmed, of course...Saleh's just that type of guy. Veigue: Why do you know so much about him...who are you people!! Mao: The former commander and a deserter. Veigue:.......... Mao: Until 6 months ago, Eugene was the commander of The Royal Shield. I was one of his subordinates. Veigue: Was...? Eugene: Just as I explained at Claire's house, I was investigating the truth behind the string of disasters that began with His Majesty's death. Mao: But because of that incident, we are being pursued by the military. Veigue:...Mao, why did you desert? Mao:...The Dusk of Ladras...on that day, my Force awakened and apparently went berserk... Veigue: Apparently...? Mao: Yeah. It seems that I lost my memory due to the shock. Mao: I had no place to go, so Eugene looked after me and let me join The Royal Shield. Mao: If Eugene leaves the military, then so do I. That's the way things are. Veigue: So you have amnesia... Mao: I don't have any memories up until now, but it doesn't bother me. The important thing isn't the past; it's the future!!...or something like that, right? Veigue:...I understand the situation. Veigue: However, I wasn't able to protect Claire... Mao: But Claire had already made up her mind. She decided to make a deal in order to save those girls. Veigue: That's right...she's that type of person. Veigue: That's why...that's why I...wanted to protect Claire... Mao: Veigue... Veigue: Can't I do anything for her!? Eugene: Unfortunately, right now you couldn't defeat Saleh even in your wildest dreams. Veigue: What'd you say!? Eugene: However, you have potential. I can tell since I've seen plenty of Force Users. Eugene: Grow strong, Veigue. And then, go save Claire. With your own hands. Veigue:........... Eugene:...Anyway, we should chase after The Royal Shield. Their behavior concerns me. Mao: I agree. There's a possibility that The Royal Shield was involved in The Dusk of Ladras incident. Mao: If we follow them, we might learn something. Mao:...So, what are you going to do? Veigue:...The answer's obvious. NOTICE: Mao acquired the title "The Boy with Amnesia." Slash Defense Power +2 Mao acquired the title "Deserter." Thrust Defense Power +2 Eugene acquired the title "Former Commander." Slash Defense Power +2 Each character can acquire or will be given titles that will boost battle parameters. The bonuses given by the titles are cumulative, so you are free to choose any title that you would like for the character. The more difficult the conditions are for obtaining a title, the bigger the bonus, so try your best when searching for them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #7 [SKI007] ----------------------------------- 「誰もいないの?」 Isn't there anyone? Mao: Veigue, isn't there anyone you want to say your goodbyes to before we begin our journey? ----------------------------------- Skit #8 [SKI008] ----------------------------------- 「それでいいのか?」 Is this what you want? Eugene: Are you really all right with leaving on a journey without saying a word to your family? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Aunt Rakiya...Uncle Marco... Marco: Veigue... Veigue: I'm sorry...I... Marco: Take Zapie with you. Zapie: Kii! Veigue: I will bring Claire back, no matter what. Marco: Veigue, take care of yourself...you're one of our precious children too. Rakiya: You two...please look after Veigue and Claire for us. Mao: What nice people...so they're the mother and father who raised Claire. Eugene:...They are excellent parents. Veigue:.......... Eugene: From here, we should head towards Minal. Veigue: Minal? Eugene: From here, the port town Minal is in the south-southeast direction. Eugene: The Royal Shield headed south after leaving the village. If they intend to return to the capital city, Balka, then they must be planning to ride a boat from there. Veigue: They're taking Claire to the capital? Eugene: Yes...there's no doubt that this is a task given to them by Queen Agarte. Mao: Saleh made it sound like The Royal Shield is gathering up Huma girls. Eugene: Right. However, what does Her Majesty plan to do with those Huma girls...? Veigue:...I couldn't care less about that. All that matters to me is getting Claire back. In any case, let's head toward Minal. NOTICE: Cooking is now possible. There are various establishments to visit such as the inn, grocery store, item shop, weapons shop, and so forth. Drop by the grocery store to procure ingredients needed for cooking and prepare for your adventure. Read the Battlebook? Yes No ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #9 [SKI009] ----------------------------------- 「ダメなのかな?」 Is it futile? Eugene: Mao...you still can't recall anything from your past, can you? Mao:...No...nothing at all...I wonder if it's useless to try and remember? Eugene: There's no need to push yourself, but your memory may never come back either. Mao: It really doesn't matter to me if I can't remember anything. Right now, I'm having fun being with you and all. Eugene: However, your family and friends may be worried about you. Mao: Oh yeah, that's right...well, I'm sure that things will work out somehow! Mao: Besides, if I go on a journey, I might meet someone who recognizes me. Eugene: Yes, you're right. ----------------------------------- Skit #10 [SKI010] ----------------------------------- 「おしゃべりだな」 Chatterbox Veigue: Mao...you sure are talkative. Your conversations are often without end. Mao: That's because you and Eugene don't say anything! I'm doing my best to liven things up here! Mao: If you two would actually talk, then I could ease up a little. Eugene: It's not fitting for soldiers to idly talk. Veigue:...I don't have any time to chat... Mao: What kind of reasoning is that! Oh, forget it already! I can't stand gloomy people! Mao: I want to make friends with someone I can talk to! ----------------------------------- Skit #11 [SKI011] ----------------------------------- 「ボクたちの旅」 Our Journey Veigue: How is it that you guys knew about me? Mao: We heard rumors about you and Claire from other towns and travellers. Eugene: One shouldn't assume that all of the Force Users whose power awakened on the Dusk of Ladras are being controlled by The Royal Shield in spite of their numbers. Eugene: There are people who conceal their power as well as those who don't even realize that their Force is active. Mao: We're continuing to journey in order to find those kind of Force Users and have them join our group. ----------------------------------- Skit #12 [SKI012] ----------------------------------- 「物知りだネ」 Well-Informed Mao: What kind of animal is Zapie? Veigue: He's a Mufmuf. You haven't heard of them? Eugene: I believe the official name is Norstalia kenagaris. They mainly inhabit wooded areas in cold regions. Mao: Eugene, you really do know about everything, don't you. ----------------------------------- Skit #13 [SKI013] ----------------------------------- 「同じだネ」 We're the same, aren't we. Mao: Veigue, why do you live at Claire's house? Veigue:...My parents died right after I was born... Veigue: After that, my grandfather who adopted me also passed away. I've been staying at Claire's house ever since then. Mao: I see, so you don't remember your parents' faces either...you're the same as me then, aren't you. Veigue:...Yeah, I suppose so. ----------------------------------- Skit #14 [SKI014] ----------------------------------- 「王の盾の目的」 The Royal Shield's Objective Mao: Hey, I wonder if Saleh and company are kidnapping Huma girls from villages other than Sulz? Eugene: It's possible as they came to a remote region like Sulz. Eugene: However, why would The Royal Shield do something like that... Veigue: What is The Royal Shield trying to accomplish by doing this... Mao: Maybe the Queen is desperate for some friends? Eugene: I doubt that. She wouldn't use The Four Stars for something like that. Veigue: If that's the case, then what about Claire and why... ----------------------------------- Skit #15 [SKI015] ----------------------------------- 「ミナ一ルヘの道筋」 The Road to Minal Mao: Minal is to the south along Keketto Road. The path is not difficult, so I don't think you'll get lost! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #16 [SKI016] ----------------------------------- 「ミナ一ルヘ急ごう」 Let's hurry to Minal Eugene: Minal is down south along Keketto Road. Let's hurry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Hmm? Eugene: Is it Force...? Veigue:........ ????: Haa ha ha ha... ????: Hear me, fools who would defy The Royal Shield!! ????: Hear me, yah!! ???: If you wish to cross over this bridge, then you will have to defeat the three of us first! Mao: What the...? I thought I heard voices coming from underneath the bridge. Veigue: Show yourselves!! ????: We've been waiting for you to say that!! Alright, here we go!! ???: Here I go!! ????: I'm going, yah!! Veigue: Who are you!? ????: The blade of beauty who severs the night!! The noble youth of darkness, Ginnal!! ????: Superhuman, herculian, vice-like, and Buddha-esque strength!! The unseen drummer, Drumb, yah!! ???: The world exists only for me!! The charming Madonna, Yucia!! Ginnal: We are!! Everyone: The mightiest band of warriors, The Dark Wings!! Veigue: The Dark Wings...? Ginnal: Eugene the exile and his underlings!! We shall bring you knaves to justice!! Drumb: To justice, yah!! Mao: Was there a group like this in The Royal Shield? Ginnal: I'll have you know that we, The Dark Wings, have been acknowledged as an adept troop by The Four Stars!! Veigue: The Four Stars...? Eugene: They are said to be the four strongest Force Users in The Royal Shield, which includes Saleh and Tohma. Mao: You say you were recognized by The Four Stars, but what you really mean is that you got ditched in a place like this, right? Ginnal: We did not get ditched! Lord Saleh gave us the noble task of detaining you. Mao: So you're a grunt after all... Ginnal: We shall defeat the likes of you, unfold our wings as warriors on par with The Four Stars, and soar towards Callegea's future... All: Waaah~!! Ginnal: I, it looks like we've disturbed the sleeping lion... Ginnal: Curse you...let's go, Drumb, Yucia!! Veigue: It's time to put an end to this! Ginnal: N, not...bad... Drumb: N, not bad, yah... Yucia: You passed... Mao: Huh? Yucia: I said, you passed... Ginnal: It's just as Yucia says. You passed the test. Therefore, we shall grant you permission to cross this bridge!! Drumb: We will, yah! Mao:...Aren't you embarrassed about having to say that? Ginnal: S, silence!! You passed the test, but this is just the beginning. Don't let it go to your heads. Yucia: Ah!! Look at that!! There's a pink piggy flying in the sky!! Ginnal: Farewell~!! Mao: Ah...wait...! Eugene: Mao, leave them be. Mao: But... Veigue: It's okay. Leave them alone. Mao: I have this nagging feeling that we'll be seeing them again... Eugene: More importantly, I'm concerned about The Four Stars. Eugene: When we met Saleh and Tohma, I had thought that we wouldn't be able to avoid them, but... Eugene:...One of The Four Stars, Waltu...if possible, I don't want us to become enemies. Veigue: "Waltu?"...is he tough? Mao: Saleh is dangerous, but having Waltu as an opponent would be a real pain in the butt. Eugene: We'll tell you the details while we walk. For now, let's hurry to Minal. Veigue: Right. NOTICE: An explanation of battle operations has been added to the Battlebook. FG (Force Gauge) RG (Rush Gauge) HP (Hit Point) These three values are all intimately connected to each other. If you can look past the terminology and understand each parameter, you will be able to go into battle with confidence. Read the Battlebook? Yes No ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #17 [SKI017] ----------------------------------- 「漆黒の翼って何者?」 Who are The Dark Wings? Mao: Hey Eugene, about those Dark Wings earlier, did you know about them? Eugene: No...I hadn't even heard of them. They probably just recently joined The Royal Shield. Mao: They must not have had much training or something if they thought that they could take us on. Eugene: However, overconfidence breeds carelessness. Be on your guard regardless of the opponent. Mao: Yessir~! ----------------------------------- Skit #18 [SKI018] ----------------------------------- 「ワルトゥとは?」 Waltu? Veigue:...What type of person is this Waltu fellow? Mao: Waltu is a Gajuma Force User. Eugene has quite a bit of respect for him. Eugene: Yes. You could say that Waltu is a war buddy and a veteran amongst The Royal Shield. Eugene: In addition, he has a natural talent for the Force, a strong will, an excellent eye for battle tactics, and was crucial for planning military operations. Mao: Do you think that Waltu will join us if you speak to him, Eugene? Eugene: That I don't know... Veigue:...... ----------------------------------- Skit #19 [SKI019] ----------------------------------- 「ケケット街道の先に」 Ahead on Keketto Road Eugene: If you go along the road, you'll arrive at Minal. Let's hurry. ----------------------------------- Skit #20 [SKI020] ----------------------------------- 「ヴェイグの焦り」 Veigue's Impatience Veigue:...... Eugene: Don't be impatient, Veigue. As you are now, the chances of you defeating Saleh are slim. Eugene: The important thing is to be prepared by refining your skill and strength until you have perfected them. Mao: That's right. You need to proceed with caution if you want to take Claire back from them. Veigue:...I have to become stronger...much, much stronger... ----------------------------------- Skit #21 [SKI021] ----------------------------------- 「ミナ一ルヘ向かって」 Headed Towards Minal Mao: The ship that goes to Balka leaves from Minal! For now, let's head towards Minal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Ah...it's a hostel. Let's go rest for a bit. Veigue: We don't have time for that. As we speak, Claire is... Eugene: Veigue, I understand how you feel, but it is best to rest when such places are available. Mao: That's right. There won't necessarily be places up ahead for travellers to stay. Veigue:.......... Mao: It looks like we can take a break in this back area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #22 [SKI022] ----------------------------------- Name: 「休める時に休め」 A Time to Rest Eugene: Veigue, we don't know what's to happen from here on so rest when you can. That is a part of fighting too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Innkeeper: W, welcome!! Eugene: We'd like to rest. Innkeeper: A room for three, correct? I hope you enjoy your stay. Eugene: Having trouble sleeping? Veigue: Yeah... Eugene: Is it because you're worried about Claire? Veigue:.......... Eugene: Go to sleep!...is what I'd like to say, but I doubt that would be enough to make you sleepy. Eugene: However, no matter the circumstances, you should always get your sleep. It's going to be tough from here on out. Veigue: I know... Mao: Zzz...zzz... Eugene: So it's that time already. We should get going. Veigue: Right. Veigue: Hey Mao, wake up. Mao:...Mm...Uhn... Veigue: Hey, Mao's acting strangely. Mao:...The power of seven...I'm the eye...I'm... Veigue: The power of seven...What's he talking about? Eugene:...He's always like this...I think perhaps he is seeing some of his lost memories while he is dreaming... Veigue:...Get up, Mao. Veigue:......... Eugene: Veigue, look out!! Veigue: Hey, what's the meaning of this!! Innkeeper:.......... Eugene: Mao, it's the enemy. Mao: Huh!? Mao: But I don't sense any Force... Veigue: However, that wasn't an ordinary attack. Is he a Royal Shield Force User? Eugene: No...perhaps he's... Veigue:...? Mao: In any case, let's run after him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #23 [SKI023] ----------------------------------- 「オヤジはなぜ!?」 Why old man!? Veigue: Why did that old man attack us!? Eugene: At any rate, let's follow him. ----------------------------------- Skit #24 [SKI024] ----------------------------------- 「でも、そうなの?」 But is it true? Veigue: Who exactly is that old man anyway!? That wasn't normal! Mao: But I didn't feel any Force. If you think about it... Mao: Oh no, could this possibly be...!? Veigue: Any ideas about what's going on!? Mao: Just one!! But is it true, Eugene!? Eugene: I hope not, but... Eugene: Anyway, we have no choice but to catch the old man and see for ourselves! ----------------------------------- Skit #25 [SKI025] ----------------------------------- 「オヤジを追え!」 Go after the old man! Mao: Veigue, let's go after the innkeeper! Veigue: Got it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Innkeeper:...Die! Mao: Eugene, as we suspected, the Force doesn't react to them...! Eugene:...So it's true then. Eugene:...Wait, Veigue. You can't attack these people. Veigue: Why not!? Mao: They're being manipulated. Veigue: Manipulated!? Mao: He's finally appeared...the user of the Force of Sound, Waltu. Veigue: Waltu...of The Four Stars!? Veigue: Ugh...their strength...isn't normal...!? Mao: Waltu's Force is able to draw out the latent potential that people cannot normally utilize! Eugene: Waltu's Force allows him to control people by using sound. Mao: A particular sound acts as a trigger and elicits a certain action or behavior. Mao: Like attacking us, for example. Mao: The sound itself is not a Force. That's why you can't sense the Force from the people being manipulated. Eugene: That also explains why the Force doesn't react to them. This is what makes the Force of Sound so bothersome. Veigue: So what are we supposed to do!? Eugene: We have to undo the suggestion given by Waltu! Veigue: Can that be done? Eugene: It's possible! The suggestion is activated by the triggering sound. Eugene: Veigue, go find that sound! If these people hear it one more time, the suggestion will become void!! Mao: Leave this place to me! Veigue: Got it!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #26 [SKI026] ----------------------------------- 「暗示の音...?」 The Suggestive Sound...? Veigue: The sound that triggered the given suggestion...? What kind of sounds were made in this room after we came? Veigue: The bell...a bird's voice...the sound is a cue...it's meaningless to think of sounds which can be heard at any time... ----------------------------------- Skit #27 [SKI027] ----------------------------------- 「暗示の音を探せ」 Search for the Suggestive Sound Veigue: Search for the triggering sound. If we don't cancel the suggestion, they'll... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Hm...a clock? Now that I think about it, a bit earlier... Veigue: Did that work, Mao? Eugene? Mao: Bingo, Veigue!! Eugene: You did it. Veigue: Good grief... Mao: Looks like we can't relax yet...he's close. Outside!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #28 [SKI028] ----------------------------------- 「緊急事態!?」 Emergency Situation!? Eugene: Hurry outside!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eugene: Waltu, it was you after all. Veigue: So this is Waltu... Waltu: It's been a long time. Commander, Mao. Mao: That was quite the greeting for a heartfelt reunion. Waltu: Was it not to your liking? Veigue: Cut the crap! Eugene: Wait, Veigue!! Waltu: So you are Veigue then. If you let your blood boil like that, you'll end up melting your Force of Ice, you know. Eugene: Did you come to make small talk? Or... Waltu: I have no intention to quarrel with you any further. Mao: Even though you manipulated those people at the hostel and had them assault us? Waltu: I had to see for myself whether or not you were the type of individual who would do something like that, Commander. Eugene:......... Waltu: Commander...please return to The Royal Shield. Veigue:........!! Mao:......... Waltu: Since that incident, chaos continues to run rampant within The Royal Shield. You are the only one who can rectify the present situation. Veigue: That incident...? Eugene: As a criminal who was banished from the army, exactly what can I do? Waltu: That incident was a trap meant to dishonor you. Eugene: Why do you think that? Waltu: Why else would you assume responsibility for the crime without some type of vindication? Eugene: I'm not impressed that you answered my question with a question. Waltu: Commander!! There must be some crucial reason as to why you have remained silent on this issue. If you disclosed the truth, could you not return to The Royal Shield? Eugene: The sin I have committed will not change. Besides, your speculations are baseless. Waltu: Do you truly mean that...? Eugene: I've never been one to crack jokes. Waltu: Then are you saying that you caused that incident for no reason whatsoever!! Veigue:.......!! Eugene:......... Mao:.......... Eugene: I committed a grave sin...that is all there is to it. Eugene:........... Waltu: I understand what you are thinking, Commander. Right now, this country is being misled down the wrong path in accordance to someone's will. This person is likely... Eugene: That's far enough, Waltu. I have no plans to return to the army nor do I intend to stop fighting. Waltu: What can you possibly expect to accomplish with just three people? Mao: If you're concerned, Waltu, you can join us. Waltu: This is not the time for jokes. Mao: I was actually pretty serious... Waltu: This situation cannot be remedied from the outside!! Eugene: That's why you're there. Waltu:...Very well. I shall withdraw for today. However... Waltu: I am one who has sworn an oath of loyalty to Callegea. Even if it is the Commander, I cannot overlook someone who has turned their back on their country. The next time we meet, it shall be as enemies. Eugene: That is fine. Waltu: Then I shall take my leave... Veigue: Wait!! Waltu:...Did you need something of me? Veigue: Why are you kidnapping Huma girls!? Waltu: If it is an order from our Queen, then it cannot be helped... Veigue: What do you mean!? Where's Claire!? Veigue: Gah!! Eugene: Let me ask just one thing. Is Claire safe? Waltu: There is no need to worry about the young ladies. They are all safe and sound. Eugene: Really? Waltu: One could say that even Saleh did not lay a finger upon the precious young girls, correct? Now if you'll excuse me...Commander. Veigue: Guh...!! Mao: You okay? Eugene:........... Mao: Hey Veigue...aren't you wondering about Eugene? Veigue: Wondering about what...? Mao: The reason why Eugene is being pursued by the military. Eugene: Stop it, Mao...! Mao:...But it's going to cause problems if Veigue has any weird misunderstandings... Veigue: Whatever you did in the past doesn't matter to me. Veigue: Right now, I just want to save Claire as soon as possible...let's go. Eugene:......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #29 [SKI029] ----------------------------------- 「ワルトゥの計算」 Waltu's Calculations Mao: In any case, isn't it a bit cruel to manipulate normal people and have them attack us like that? Eugene:...No, that was merely a demonstration for him. Eugene: The fact that we wouldn't attack them, unravel the truth, and dispel the suggestion...these were all a part of his calculations. Mao: I see...so Waltu isn't such a bad person after all. I hope we don't have to fight him. ----------------------------------- Skit #30 [SKI030] ----------------------------------- 「情けない」 Pathetic Veigue: Mao, what sort of dream did you have earlier? Mao: Dream? I forgot. What was it about again...? Eugene: You forget as soon as you wake up. It's pathetic how that always happens. Mao: Hey now! Everyone quickly forgets stuff like dreams, don't they!? ----------------------------------- Skit #31 [SKI031] ----------------------------------- 「古い絆」 Old Ties Eugene: Waltu...I never thought that we'd ever have to fight each other like this. Mao: He's an old acquaintance, isn't he. Eugene: Yes...it's been almost 20 years now. We once trusted and supported each other, but... Eugene:...you never know when or by what chance the relationship between two people will crumble. Eugene: However, I do believe this...that we both share the same desire to protect this country... ----------------------------------- Skit #32 [SKI032] ----------------------------------- 「その時でいい」 The Proper Time Mao: I wonder if it would have been better to have talked to Veigue after all... Mao: About why the army is chasing after you... Eugene: No...sooner or later, there will be an opportunity to discuss it. We'll talk about it then. Mao: Sorry...even though this is a painful subject for you, I keep... ----------------------------------- Skit #33 [SKI033] ----------------------------------- 「これからなの!」 From here on out! Eugene: Veigue, you didn't sleep well, did you? Veigue:...No... Mao: I somehow got more than enough sleep. Mao: Eat well and sleep well! I'm a growing boy, after all! Veigue: All things considered, you're rather small. Mao: Leave me alone! My growth spurt starts from here on out! ----------------------------------- Skit #34 [SKI034] ----------------------------------- 「助かっちゃうよネ」 What a lifesaver! Mao: I wonder who built the hostel? It's such a lifesaver for travellers like us. Eugene: Yes, the number of places where one can safely rest are certainly limited. Eugene: You should rest when such places are available no matter how much of a rush you're in. Veigue:...Understood. ----------------------------------- Skit #35 [SKI035] ----------------------------------- 「四星、そしておうのたて...」 The Four Stars and then the Royal Shield... Veigue: The Four Stars...and then The Royal Shield...can I take Claire back from them... Eugene: The Four Stars are indeed powerful. Eugene: Not to mention that there are probably plenty of Force Users within The Royal Shield with unknown powers. Eugene:...However, there is a strong possibility that you have a great hidden power within you that is capable of defeating them. Eugene: It is for this reason that we came to get you. Veigue:...... ----------------------------------- Skit #36 [SKI036] ----------------------------------- 「ミナ一ルまで、あとひと息」 A Stone's Throw Until Minal Eugene: It won't be long until we reach Minal once we cross Etoray Bridge. Mao: It's just a stone's throw away! ----------------------------------- Skit #37 [SKI037] ----------------------------------- 「ミナ一ルは目の前」 Minal is within sight Mao: Minal's just a stone's throw away! If things go well, we might catch up with The Royal Shield! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eugene: We've finally reached Etoray Bridge. Once we cross this, Minal is located directly to the east. Veigue: Alright, let's go. ????: We've been waiting for you!! Mao: I heard something like a voice just now... ????: Haa ha ha ha... Mao: Ah, this voice is... ????: Haa...ha...ha...ha... Mao: I have this feeling that this is going to be nothing but trouble... Eugene: Let's go. ????: H, hey, wait!! Mao: There you are, Dark Wings!! Do you want to become airborne again? Ginnal: Ha ha ha ha...it appears that this little kid doesn't know anything. Drumb: Doesn't know, yah! Yucia: Boy! I'll let you in on a se-cr-et. Ready, set, and go! Ginnal: Right!! Drumb: Right!! Ginnal: The sabre tooth tiger that rips through the darkness!! Ginnal!! Drumb: The Naumann elephant that rumbles in the night!! Drumb, yah!! Yucia: The vampire bat that flutters during the moonless evening!! Yucia!! Ginnal: Formerly The Dark Wings...we are!! All: The mightiest band of warriors, The Dark Fangs!! Ginnal: That was perfect... Ginnal: What's the matter, are you so amazed that you're at a loss for words? Mao:...The Dark Fangs? Ginnal: That's right, The Dark Fangs!! Mao: What a funny name!! Ginnal: W, what's so funny about it!? Mao: I mean, doesn't that sound like you have rotting teeth or something? Ginnal: Aah...when you put it like that... Yucia:...Ginnal, you are so...that hurt, you know... Ginnal: B, but you two were delighted and agreed that it was a great name, didn't you... Mao: Now now, before you start fighting, why don't you try to think of another name? That'll be your homework until the next time we see you. Ginnal: R, right... Ginnal:...Er, wait, you villains!! It doesn't matter what our name is!! Mao: Aren't you the ones who are making a fuss about it? Ginnal: Shut up!! Whatever the case, we won't allow you louts to proceed any further!! Drumb: No further, yah!! Ginnal: Oh my, in the mood for a fight? Eugene: I'd back off. If you don't want to get hurt, that is. Ginnal: We ARE Force Users of The Royal Shield, so don't underestimate us! We can prevent you from crossing this bridge no matter what!! Mao: Do you guys think that you can beat us? Yucia: Heh heh! Take a good look at the bridge!! Yucia: Un, deux, trois!! Mao: Aah!! The bridge!! Ginnal: Mwa ha ha...I told you that you maggots wouldn't be able to cross this bridge. Mao: What are you talking about, you toothless trio!! Ginnal: Who's are you calling the toothless trio!! We shall show you the power of our fa... All: Gya~h!! Ginnal: Grr...you wretch...another surprise attack...you will not get away with this!!! Ginnal:...Y, you've become a bit stronger... Drumb: Stronger, yah... Yucia: We shouldn't have gone easy on you... Ginnal: A, all right...it's over. Mao: Huh? Ginnal: The special training is over...you withstood it well, you newbie trio. Yucia: Ah!! Look at that!! A pure white zebra is sprinting with everything it's got!! Mao:........... Ginnal: Farewell!! Mao: Ah, in front of you...! Ginnal: Eh...? Traveller: Where are you guys headed to? Ginnal: Y, yes? Where, you ask, that's... Traveller: It couldn't be that you broke the bridge and were planning to run away, now were you? Ginnal: O, of course not...I was just about to go get some tools for the repairs...ha ha...ha ha ha... Drumb: That's right, yah...ha ha ha... Traveller: That's what I thought. Here, use these. Traveller: Until the repairs for the bridge are complete, we won't take our eyes off of you for even a second. Got it? All: Y, yes!! Traveller: If you understand, then start cracking!! All: Y, yes sir!! Mao: This is a bit too much... Veigue: We won't make any progress at this rate...now what are we supposed to do!? Eugene: Veigue, calm down. If we head west, we can pass through the Alvan Mountains. Veigue: The western mountains? Isn't Minal east from here? We'd be going in the opposite direction then. Eugene: Unfortunately, there's no other way to Minal from here. Veigue: Claire... Mao: Veigue... Eugene: Don't be impatient, Veigue. There's nothing that can be done about the detour. Veigue: If that's the case, then every second counts. Let's head towards the Alvan Mountains. NOTICE: An explanation of the Force Cube has been added to the Battlebook. Choose 4 of the 8 corner enhancement properties (aka Force Cube Effects, or FCE) on the Force Cube to strengthen your battle skills. After you read the Battlebook, go to the Skills menu and try turning the Force Cube around in different ways. Read the Battlebook? Yes No ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #38 [SKI038] ----------------------------------- 「急がば山へ」 Haste Makes Waste Veigue:...... Eugene: Veigue, there's a saying that haste makes waste. Let's cross over the Alvan Mountains and go to Minal. ----------------------------------- Skit #39 [SKI039] ----------------------------------- 「エトレ一橋の歴史」 Etoray Bridge's History Mao: That sure was a really rundown bridge. Eugene: The bridge is certainly old, but to the Callegean hero Etoray and the people of Minal in ancient times... Eugene:...it became a place of significance once the people living at the base of the Alvan Mountains settled down. Mao: Wow, is that so. If that's true, then those Dark Whachamacallits made quite a mess back then, didn't they? ----------------------------------- Skit #40 [SKI040] ----------------------------------- 「憎めないよネ」 Can't Hate Them Mao: They really are a hopeless bunch, aren't they. Veigue:...... Mao: But since they are fixing the bridge, somehow or other it's hard to hate them. Veigue: Dammit...those guys... Mao: Veigue, take out that anger on Saleh and the others! Mao: That's another reason why we should forget about those guys for now and hurry ahead, right! ----------------------------------- Skit #41 [SKI041] ----------------------------------- 「回り道・アルヴァン山脈」 Detour to the Alvan Mountains Mao: You can see the Alvan Mountains to the west from Etoray Bridge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: We can cross the mountains from here? Eugene: That's right. The rugged mountain path to the summit is falling into ruin. Mao: I've been to this mountain before for training and it's pretty tough. Eugene: With no way to cross Etoray Bridge, we have to take this path. Veigue: If it wasn't for those three, right now we'd be... Mao: Let's do our best to cross this mountain order to catch up with Saleh and company! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #42 [SKI042] ----------------------------------- 「峠を目指して」 Aim For The Pass Eugene: For now, let's advance along the pass. The footing is poor, so climb carefully. ----------------------------------- Skit #43 [SKI043] ----------------------------------- 「山越えの道」 Mountain Pass Road Veigue: To think that there was a road in a place like this... Eugene: Quite some time ago, they say that the army used this mountain pass road to carry out secret operations. Eugene: Now that the country is at peace, it isn't used often outside of military training. Mao: Really! This is the first time I've heard that. ----------------------------------- Skit #44 [SKI044] ----------------------------------- 「ダメ...?」 No good...? Mao: Speaking of mountain climbing, we really should have brought a box lunch with us. Eugene: Why's that? Are you hungry? Mao: It's not that...it just feels like that type of atmosphere, doesn't it? Mao: No good, huh...? Eugene:...... ----------------------------------- Skit #45 [SKI045] ----------------------------------- 「早く山を越えよう」 Cross the Mountains Quickly Veigue: Let's hurry up and cross over the mountains...! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTICE: The Viruses in this area fortify their defenses after particular attacks. Look at how the enemy attacks and think about how to time the counterattack. Attacking an enemy in a defensive position reduces the damage dealt to 1/4. Take care not to attack recklessly and to avoid counterattacks. Veigue: It's a dead end. Isn't this the path that crosses the mountain? Eugene: This should be it...a storm or flood probably caused the road to give way and this is what remains. Veigue:...Can we advance with the ground being in such an unstable condition? Mao: We should be okay...look! Mao: See? It's safe. Eugene: That answers that. Let's go, Veigue. NOTICE: In the lower righthand corner of the screen, there is an icon which indicates when to press the Circle button in order to jump. (Warning: A running approach is required.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #46 [SKI046] ----------------------------------- 「奈落を飛び越えて」 Jump Over the Abyss Mao: If the road breaks off, you can just hop, skip, and jump over the mountain, boing! Or something like that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: We're not going to be able to jump over this cliff. Veigue: Do we have to turn around after coming this far...? Mao: Nope, now it's your turn, Veigue! Mao: So here's the question! What do you suppose we can use to cross this cliff? Veigue: What...do we use? Mao: The answer is within you! Take your time and try to think about it. Veigue:...My Force? Mao: Correct!! Eugene: Use the Force of Ice, Veigue. You can do it, right? Mao: You're up now!! NOTICE: When a Force Cube balloon appears above your head, it indicates that you can use the Force. Press the Force button (Square) to use the Force of Ice to create ice platforms. Veigue: Indeed, if we make platforms, we should be able to make it over. NOTICE: Make ice platforms by pressing the Square button (You can change the direction by pressing the R1/L1 buttons for the PS2 version, or the L/R buttons for the PSP version). Eugene: I would advise that you don't needlessly expend your Force along this harsh mountain path. Don't push yourself. Veigue: I know. Mao: We're counting on you, Veigue! Eugene: Alright, let's hurry on ahead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #47 [SKI047] ----------------------------------- 「フォルスは身を助ける」 Force Helps Oneself Veigue: So how Force is used is dependent on the user as well... Eugene: Right, there's no Force that is strictly for the purpose of attacking your opponent. Mao: It's exactly as Eugene says! That being said, aim for the pass and let's go! ----------------------------------- Skit #48 [SKI048] ----------------------------------- 「フォルスを使って進め」 Use the Force to Advance Mao: Use the Force properly so we can crunch through the snowy path until we reach the pass! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Whew, finally reached the pass. I'm pooped...let's take a little break. Veigue: We can't. While we're doing this, Claire is... Eugene: I thought I told you not to push yourself. You should be fairly exhausted given our fast pace and the fact that you are using your Force. Veigue:...I'm fine. Something like this is nothing compared to what Claire's been through... Veigue:...She was trapped in ice for an entire year, and even though she was finally freed... Mao: What's that? Veigue: This is... Claire: Veigue, look... Veigue:...What's this...? Claire: I found this pretty stone with a motif etched in it by the river. It's a little early, but here's your birthday present. Veigue:...Thanks, Claire. Claire: Tee hee! Mao: I see...so that pretty stone was a present from Claire... Veigue:...Claire... Eugene: I understand how you feel, but how will you save her if you end up using up all your strength here? Veigue:.........? Eugene: If we catch up to Saleh and the others, do you think that they're just going to give her back? Eugene: Our objective is not simply to catch up with them. Don't forget that. Veigue:.......... Mao: Veigue, if we rest and recover our strength, we can speed up enough to make up for it!! I'll even run the entire way!!...Or something like that. Veigue: Mao...I understand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #49 [SKI049] ----------------------------------- 「峠の少屋でひと休み」 Rest a Bit at the Cabin Pass Mao: Let's rest in this mountain cabin. It's just too dangerous to walk around the mountain path when we're tired. Eugene: Mao is exactly right. If we injure ourselves along the way, then everything will be lost. Veigue: I know... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Whoa, I wasn't expecting much, but this is even more rundown than I had thought. Eugene: If it shields us from the wind and rain, then it's sufficient. Veigue:......... Eugene: What's wrong, Veigue? Veigue:...Supposing that we even caught up with Claire... Mao:.........? Veigue:...Right now, I...it'd be impossible for me to take Claire back from them after all...wouldn't it? Eugene: I don't know...you are certainly more accustomed to your Force than you were before. Eugene: You still have a ways to go before you reach Saleh's level, but you will become much stronger. I am confident about that. If you do, then even rescuing Claire will be... Mao: Lucky! There's still some firewood left. Chichinpuipui!!...I say. Mao: Right. Force should be used so that people can be happy. Veigue: So that people can be happy...huh. Eugene:......... Eugene: Veigue, come over here and warm yourself up. Veigue: Okay. Veigue: Using Force so that people can be happy... Veigue: The Force suddenly awakened in a Huma like me who didn't know how to use it because the king released his Force, right? Eugene: Yes, that's correct. Veigue: Why would the king do such a thing...? Mao: Why...? Veigue: The king was thinking that he should keep Force Users on hand and observe them, wasn't he? Veigue: However, with the number of Force Users constantly on the rise, he won't be able to do that, will he? Eugene:........... Veigue: So that people can be happy...if that's the case, then how should we use this power...Why did the king do something like this to us? Eugene: Veigue...we don't know the answer to that either. However, I can say this. Eugene: His Majesty was a peace-loving and compassionate soul. Eugene: I don't believe that His Majesty intended to involve the world in his battle against madness. If His Majesty was attempting to awaken the Force, then I think that it was for the sake of those people. Veigue: Even if the manifestation of the Force led to the appearance of those who would abuse it? Eugene:...I believe in His Majesty. It is for this reason that I wish to find the truth and dispel any doubts about him... Veigue:.......... Mao: Is it just me, or has it gotten kinda gloomy in here? The important thing is how we decide to use our Force, isn't it? Eugene: It's as Mao says. Mao: Anyway, let's rest for now. Thinking about this and that is forbidden! If you don't give your mind a break too, then you won't feel rested. Veigue:...You're right. Mao: And now, a spell to drive away fatigue. Chichinpuipui!! NOTICE: The Enhance command is now available. Your armors and weapons can demonstrate their true power through enhancement. Load up on battles and strengthen your equipment. Read the Battlebook? Yes No ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #50 [SKI050] ----------------------------------- 「合言葉は...」 The catchphrase is... Mao: Chichinpuipui...aye! Eugene: It looks like you are thoroughly enjoying yourself. Mao: Well? Why don't you try it too, Eugene? Eugene: No...I'll pass... Mao: Man, how boring! It's really fun, you know! ----------------------------------- Skit #51 [SKI051] ----------------------------------- Name: 「下り坂」 Downhill Mao: Now all we have to down is climb down! Eugene: Mao, on a snowy path, it takes more energy to descend than ascend. It's not an easy path, you know. Mao: I know that already! ----------------------------------- Skit #52 [SKI052] ----------------------------------- 「滑ってみるか?」 Want to try slipping? Eugene: It's easy to slip on the way down. Mind your footing. Mao: Since we're going down anyway, it might just be quicker to slip. Eugene: Want to try slipping? Mao: I was only joking...!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eugene: A lump of snow, huh...Mao...! Mao: OK! It's my turn now. Veigue: Mao, can you handle it? Mao: No problem! This kind of snow is simple. NOTICE: Press the Force button (SQUARE) to melt the lumps of snow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #53 [SKI053] ----------------------------------- 「マオにおまかせ!」 Leave it to Mao! Mao: Leave the big lumps of snow to me! Chichinpuipui!...and they'll melt just like that! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eugene: The thawed ice up ahead is refreezing so it has become slippery. Pay attention to your footing. Veigue: Got it. Mao: Aye! Eugene: We can climb up through here in case we need to return to the mountain cabin. Veigue: I see. Mao: Eh, we're going back? Eugene: I was just saying that we could go back if need be. Mao: So that's how it is. Alright, let's go then! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #54 [SKI054] ----------------------------------- 「港町ミナ一ルについて」 About the Port Town, Minal Veigue: What kind of city is Minal? Eugene: It's a large port town with an ocean liner that comes and goes from the capital, Balka. Mao: You've never been there before, Veigue? Veigue: I hardly ever stepped outside of Sulz... Mao: I see...if you ever thought about going on a journey, I doubt you imagined that you would be doing so to rescue Claire...how ironic... Veigue:...... Mao: It looks pretty strong... Veigue: I'll take care of it with one blow! Eugene: Be careful! Don't get close to that strange Virus! Defend and attack as needed! Provide me with some cover! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #55 [SKI055] ----------------------------------- 「今度こそミナ一ルへ」 To Minal For Sure This Time Eugene: As it is, if we proceed east, we should be able to see Minal. Mao: You'll know it when you see it since it's by the sea. ----------------------------------- Skit #56 [SKI056] ----------------------------------- 「ミナ一ルは東」 Minal is to the east Eugene: Minal is along the ocean after you come out of the plains. Head to the east. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Hm, it's raining... Eugene: That's unusual. It's not supposed to rain often in this area... Mao: It's just a little further to Minal. Let's cut across this prairie before it begins to downpour. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #57 [SKI057] ----------------------------------- 「平原を突っ切れ」 Cut Across The Wilderness Mao: If we run across these plains, we should be able to see Minal soon. ----------------------------------- Skit #58 [SKI058] ----------------------------------- 「ミナ一ル平原の気候」 Climate Of The Minal Plains Eugene: In general, rain clouds end up disappearing over the Alvan mountain range, so this side of the mountain doesn't get much precipitation. Eugene: Because of that, the Minal plains are warm and arid. Veigue: But it's raining right now. Eugene: Yes...this really is unusual... ----------------------------------- Skit #59 [SKI059] ----------------------------------- 「とにかく...」 In Any Case... Mao: Minal is up ahead...supposedly... Eugene: In any case, let's keep moving forward. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: The rain has gotten stronger. Eugene: It has...however, Minal is just before us. Let's continue on. Veigue: Just a minute. Eugene: What is it? Veigue: It may just be my imagination, but didn't we pass through here earlier? Mao: I don't think so... Veigue: I have this feeling that I've seen this terrain before... Eugene: Indeed...it's about time that we saw Minal up ahead so it's to be expected, but...did we take the wrong path? Mao: The rain's just making it difficult to see, isn't it? It's gotten rather cold, so let's speed up. Mao: Eh? Mao: The minute I say that, it starts snowing!! Eugene:...This does not bode well... Mao: Geez, Eugene!! Don't say weird things like that! Eugene: Anyway, let's hurry to Minal. Veigue: Uhn!! Eugene: What's wrong? Veigue: For a split second, there was bloodthirst in the air... Mao: Oh, stop it! Not you too, Veigue. Aren't you just imagining things? Eugene:...At any rate, let's go... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #60 [SKI060] ----------------------------------- 「もしかして...?」 Could it be...? Veigue: It's hard to see because of the snow...which way should we go? Mao: Minal is east! Mao:...Or at least it's supposed to be... ----------------------------------- Skit #61 [SKI061] ----------------------------------- 「妙だ...」 How odd... Eugene: No matter how you look at it, the fact that it's snowing...is odd. Veigue: Is The Royal Shield behind this...? Mao: No way! What would they be trying to accomplish by making it snow? ----------------------------------- Skit #62 [SKI062] ----------------------------------- 「ウソのようだ...」 Can Hardly Believe... Eugene:...What is going on with this sudden chill...one could hardly believe that it was warm up until just now... Mao: The snow did come out of nowhere...I wonder...is it abnormal weather? Eugene:...No, somehow it doesn't seem like it's just that... ----------------------------------- Skit #63 [SKI063] ----------------------------------- 「迷子のヴェイグたち」 Little Lost Veigue & Company Veigue: Is Minal really in this direction? Eugene: It should be, but due to the poor visibility, there's no way to make certain... Mao: Could it be that we've gotten lost? Eugene:...Is it better to wait until the weather clears up, or... Veigue: This is not the time to sit around...! We need to hurry to Minal... Eugene: Hmm...let's try walking for a while longer. ----------------------------------- Skit #64 [SKI064] ----------------------------------- 「ミナ一ルは東...?」 Minal is to the east...? Eugene: We should be able to see Minal right about now...It is difficult with this snow though... Veigue: Minal's to the east, so we'll move that way. Eugene: Right... 38 00:02:49,200 --> 00:02:53,300 [Could it be...?] It's hard to see because of the snow...which way should we go? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: That's weird...we should have arrived in Minal by now... Mao: I'm exhausted! Eugene:.......... Veigue: This is... Veigue: Take a look at this. Mao: Is this your...? Veigue: Yeah. Eugene:...That's from when you used your Force earlier. Mao: What's it doing here...? Eugene: This means that we've been walking around in circles. Veigue: If it's because of this weather, then we'll have to wait it out. However... Eugene: Yes, these conditions are too unnatural. Mao: Could it be someone's Force...? Eugene: I'm not sure what kind of Force this is, but there's no mistake that this is somebody's handiwork. Eugene: Unless we somehow root out whoever is responsible for this, we'll probably never escape from this maze. Isn't there something that we can do about this... Veigue:...It's no use...unless this rain and snow stops, the enemy could be hiding anywhere... Mao: That's it, I've got it!! Mao: If the rain and snow are getting in our way, then we should just get rid of them!! Mao: Over there!! Mao: Veigue, Eugene!! Mao:Isn't it about time you came out? Your Force can't help you now. ???:...It seems that it is useless to hide. Mao: A...girl? ???: As I expected...however, my Force has served its purpose. You must be physically and mentally drained from walking around in the pouring rain, correct?...I shall ease your suffering for you now. Veigue: An assassin!? ???: Stay out of this. Veigue: What? ???: My grievance is with that filthy Gajuma fugitive, and him alone! Mao: Eugene!! ???: You're definitely a Gajuma...you didn't feel any pain even with a wound like that, did you. ???: However, my Huma father was different...In agony and despair, he continued to call out the name of the best friend who stabbed him... ???: Eugene Gallardo!! He called your name!! Veigue: Who are you? ???: I am Annie...Annie Barrs!! Annie: That's right, I'm the daughter of Doctor Barrs, whose life was snatched away by that Gajuma. Eugene:......... Eugene: Annie... Annie: Don't say my name so casually! Annie: I will never forgive you...I will have you atone for that sin with your life!! Eugene: Wait! Annie...! Mao: Eugene! Veigue: Ugh! Mercenary: We have no business with you Humas. Back off! Mercenary: Look Mr. Gajuma, it's nothing personal. We're just doing our job. Mercenary: Prepare yourself!! Mao: What are you going to do, Eugene? It looks like she intends to fight as well... Eugene:...I do not wish to fight, but... Veigue: Here they come! Annie: I will avenge my father, no matter what it takes! Annie: I can...I can still fight... Eugene: Stop it...the battle is over. Annie: I... Annie:...Fa...ther... Eugene:.......... Veigue: Mao? Mao: The Force...isn't reacting to her anymore. Veigue:.......... Eugene:...So this is how it felt, huh... Annie: Eh...? Eugene: Didn't you want me to have a taste of the pain that Barrs felt? Annie: I will not forgive you...because you're the one who stole my father's life... Eugene: That's right...I took Barrs' life. That fact will not change. Eugene: I will not run away. Not from this pain...not from the sin I committed. And not from you either. Annie:.......... Eugene: That is the one and only thing that I can do to make amends. Eugene: Until you're satisfied...until I understand Barrs' pain, I'll let you stab me as many times as you wish. Eugene: So don't ever act this recklessly again. Do not treat your life so frivolously. For Barrs' sake as well... Annie: What should I do from now on...father...even though he was all the family I had left... Eugene:...Hate me. Live so that you can kill me. Annie: Eh... Eugene: There is something that I must do, so for now I cannot allow myself to die. Eugene: However, if I accomplish my objective, I promise to hand my life over to you. So...live. Veigue: Eugene... Annie:...Even if...you didn't...say...that... Eugene: Hey, pull yourself together!! Annie!! Annie: Won't forgive...you...ever...won't... Eugene: This isn't good...!! It seems that she consumed a considerable amount of energy in the battle just now!! Mao: She used quite a bit of her Force and it was probably emotionally straining as well... Eugene: There should be a doctor in Minal. Let's hurry. Veigue: Do you intend to save her? Eugene: She's the daughter of a dear friend. Mao: But isn't she after your life, Eugene? Eugene: Yes, when she recovers, she may try to take my life once more. However, if that gives her reason enough to live...then so be it. Eugene: That is my...atonement. Mao:...Then promise me that you'll take care of yourself so that she will continue to live. Eugene:...I promise. Veigue:...Eugene...I'm going on ahead. Mao: You know, Veigue, you're kind-hearted after all even though you won't admit it. Veigue:.......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #65 [SKI065] ----------------------------------- 「ミナ一ルヘ急げ!」 Hurry to Minal! Eugene:...For now, let's hurry to Minal...! ----------------------------------- Skit #66 [SKI066] ----------------------------------- 「アニ一の事」 About Annie Mao: Is it really okay to help her? Once she comes to, she'll come after you again... Eugene: I've known her since she was a baby. In truth, she's a very kind and gentle-hearted person. Eugene: She loved her father more than anyone else, so her feelinsg of resentment towards me are understandable... Eugene: That alone pains me...in the event that I am killed by Annie, I... Mao: Cut it out, Eugene!! If you say any more weird stuff, then I'll get mad at you for real!! Eugene:...... ----------------------------------- Skit #67 [SKI067] ----------------------------------- 「急がねば...」 We must hurry... Eugene: If we go to Minal, there should be a doctor. We must hurry... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: If those The Royal Shield guys are going to the capital, then they would ride a boat from here, right? Eugene: Yes, that's right. Veigue: Let's hurry and leave her with a doctor so that we can get on a boat too. Mao: Right. First, we have to search for a doctor. ????: Is something the matter? Eugene: One of our companions is not feeling well. Isn't there a doctor somewhere? ????: That's terrible!! It would be best to have her examined by Dr. Curia right away. Mao: Dr. Curia? ????: She's the best doctor in this town. I'm her assistant, Misha. Eugene: Could you show us where the doctor is right now? Misha: The doctor is currently in the middle of her rounds. I'll go get her, so everyone please wait at that inn. Eugene: That would help. Mao:...I wonder if he's going to be okay... Eugene: In any case, let's wait at the inn. Veigue: Right. ????:...There, all finished. Misha: Thank you for your hard work, Dr. Curia. Curia: I don't know what happened, but she is extremely weak. She's cold to the touch and her lips are blue. Curia: However, her life is not in danger. She should recover soon if she stays warm and remains in bed. Eugene: I see. Mao: Thank goodness. Eugene: Yes...well then, shall we go? Veigue:...But... Eugene: We can't spend a lot of time here. Veigue:...Yes...that's true, but... Eugene: It's fine, let's go. Curia: Where are you all going? Eugene: We're in a hurry, so please excuse us. Curia: Wait, what about her!? Eugene: When she gets better, please do whatever you like with her. Curia: Isn't she one of your companions? Eugene: She had collapsed in the snow and we saved her...that is our only connection to her. Veigue:.......... Eugene: I apologize for the request, but please look after her from now on. Curia: Wait, you guys can't just... Mao: Doctor, take good care of Annie, okay? Curia:........ Misha:........ Curia: Did he just call her...Annie? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #68 [SKI068] ----------------------------------- 「バルカ行きの舟」 Boat Headed For Balka Eugene: The Royal Shield most likely rode a boat to the capital city Balka from the harbor. Let's try going to the port. ----------------------------------- Skit #69 [SKI069] ----------------------------------- 「よかったネ」 What A Relief Mao: It looks like we don't have to worry if she's with that doctor. What a relief, right, Eugene? Eugene: Yes, it is... Mao: I hope Annie gets well soon. Eugene: Yes, me too... ----------------------------------- Skit #70 [SKI070] ----------------------------------- 「ドクタ一・バ一スについて」 About Doctor Barrs Mao: Hey, wasn't Annie's father, Doctor Barrs, the physician for the King? Eugene: Yes, he was recognized by King Ladras as a brilliant medical advisor. He even served as the family doctor for His Majesty. Eugene:...Unfortunately for Barrs, that was...that incident's...no... Mao:...Sorry...I brought up some painful memories, didn't I...? Eugene:...It's all right. It doesn't bother me that much. I'm fine. Mao:...... ----------------------------------- Skit #71 [SKI071] ----------------------------------- 「まだ早いな」 Still Too Early Mao: Doctor Curia was a beauty, wasn't she. Eugene: I see...Mao, so you have a preference for that type of woman... Mao: Eh? Preference...no way, Eugene, that's not what I meant...! Eugene: I suppose not...it's still too early for you, Mao. Mao: Hey now!! Don't treat me like a little kid! ----------------------------------- Skit #72 [SKI072] ----------------------------------- 「港へ行こう!」 Let's go to the port! Mao: Let's hurry up and go to the port! So that we can catch up with The Royal Shield! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Callegean Soldier: Hey, this area is off limits. Callegean Soldier: At present, incoming and outgoing traffic from Balka has been suspended for all non-military vessels. It's unfortunate, but there's no boat that you people can board. Mao: That can't be! We came all the way from Sulz so that we could ride the ocean liner to Balka! Veigue: Why have the boats been stopped? Callegean Soldier: We have no idea what the higher-ups are thinking. We're just following orders. Veigue: When will the boats start running again? Callegean Soldier: Who knows. Could be today, could be tomorrow...could even be next year for all we know. Veigue: Tch...Saleh's orders, huh...! Eugene: No...the regular army is separate from The Royal Shield. Saleh shouldn't have the authority to mobilize the regular army, but... Mao: But isn't this strange? It isn't normal for the regular army to operate on such a large scale. Eugene: Indeed...for the army to seal off the harbor and forbid maritime traffic to and from the capital...Did something happen in Balka? No, is something about to happen...? Mao: If that's the case, I wonder if The Royal Shield is actually headed for Balka? Veigue:...Is this also related to what happened with Claire? Eugene: I don't know...in any event, right now we can't reach Balka by crossing the ocean... Mao:...Hey mister, will you let us ride on the army's boat? Callegean Soldier: Of course not. Now go away! Eugene: Let me ask just one thing. When did the last boat set sail? Callegean Soldier: Hmm, I believe it was...about one week ago. Eugene: Was it a military boat? Weren't there some Huma girls riding on it? Callegean Soldier: I'm not sure, were there...? Eugene: How can a Callegean soldier be so irresponsible! Callegean Soldier: F, forgive me, sir!!...Eh? Callegean Soldier: What'd you do that for! Grilling me like a superior...I apologized without even thinking! Eugene:...Sorry. Callegean Soldier: Now that I think about it, you people look awfully suspicious. What are you guys going to Balka for? Mao: W...we're not suspicious or anything like that. Me and my big brother are going to search for our long-lost mom... Callegean Soldier:...And this Gajuma man here? Mao: He's my servant. It's dangerous for children to travel by themselves, so he acts as a bodyguard...right? Eugene: R, right...I mean, yes. Callegean Soldier: Hmm, oh well...for now, I cannot allow you to ride on the army's boat. Mao: Aww, you've got to be kidding me... Eugene: It can't be helped...er, there's nothing that can be done about it, is there. Let's go, young master. Mao: Really...that's too bad...mister, sorry for being so pushy. Let's go, big brother. Veigue:........... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #73 [SKI073] ----------------------------------- 「こっちを見ている」 Looking This Way Veigue: Isn't there any other way to reach Balka besides using the regular boat service? Eugene: Mao...that soldier from earlier is looking this way...it looks like we should move away from the harbor before he begins to suspect us. ----------------------------------- Skit #74 [SKI074] ----------------------------------- 「首都バルカの状況」 The Situation In The Capital City, Balka Eugene: Did something happen in Balka...? Mao: I can think of several reasons why they would seal off the ports. A rebellion occurred or a horrible crime took place... Eugene: Perhaps they closed the harbors to prevent dangerous elements from entering Balka... Mao: You can't mean that they're on to us...? Eugene: No, if that were the case, I would expect that there would be a search party out looking for us. Eugene: Those soldiers didn't seem to be paying attention to us or anything else for that matter. Mao: So that means that something unrelated to us is stirring, huh... ----------------------------------- Skit #75 [SKI075] ----------------------------------- 「一度、街へ戻ろう」 Let's return to the city once more Eugene: It seems we should return to the city once more and search for a different means to get to Balka. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Whew, we managed to fool them somehow. Eugene: It seems that way. Veigue: More importantly, what are we going to do now? Should we procure one of the ships at the port? Eugene: If we carelessly create a disturbance, we'll end up fighting with the regular army. We should avoid unnecessary battles. Veigue: Then how do we...!? ????: If you're talking about a boat, I have one. Eugene: Who are you? ????: I am Tomichi. I happened to see that you gentlemen are in need of a boat, isn't that right? Mao: Were you listening in on our conversation? Tomichi: Absolutely not. I saw you arguing with the soldiers by the port and I thought that you might just need a boat? Eugene: That's some impressive intuition you have there. Do you have any connections in terms of riding a boat? Tomichi: I am but a humble fisherman in this town who can barely make a living. However, since they closed the port, I've been staring endlessly at the ocean every day... Eugene:...So you're after money, huh? What's your price? Tomichi: As I expected of you, good sir, this will speed things up! Well, somewhere around 1,000 Gald should do it. Veigue: Could we set sail right away? Tomichi: I would need a little time for the preparations, but once I'm finished with that, I can lead you to the boat. Mao: This smells really fishy to me though. Veigue:............ Tomichi:...It really doesn't matter to me either way. There are plenty of people who need a boat, you know. Tomichi: If you decide to take me up on my offer, please come to the entrance of the city. Tomichi: Well then, see you later... Mao:...As I was saying, that was just way too suspicious. Veigue: However, we're out of other options. Eugene:........... Mao: Wait, we may just have one! Mao: Look at that box. Mao: See, that box has the mark of the Callegean military painted on it, right? So the destination would be...? Veigue:...The military boat? Mao: Wouldn't it be? If we follow him, couldn't we board the boat together? Veigue: No way, it couldn't be that easy... Mao: For the time being, let's try talking to that man. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #76 [SKI076] ----------------------------------- 「まだいい...」 That was still okay... Veigue: Mao...how did I become your older brother? Mao: No harm done, we're like brothers anyway, right? Besides, don't you think that the two of us bear a surprising resemblance to each other? Veigue: No, we don't... Eugene: That was still okay. I was treated like a servant. Mao: W, well, you see...if I said that you were my father, he wouldn't have believed me. Eugene: Even so, there had to have been a better way to word it. Honestly... ----------------------------------- Skit #77 [SKI077] ----------------------------------- 「もうひとつの可能性」 One More Possibility Mao: Let's try listening to the man who's taking a break over there by the parcel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bar Manager: What is it? I'm a little busy at the moment... Mao: Where are you going with that box? Bar Manager: I'm carrying it to the military ship that's sitting at the harbor. Mao: Wow, that sounds tough. Bar Manager: Yeah, I usually let the young guy handle this, but unfortunately he's off today. Bar Manager: This manual labor is rough on a man my age, so I've been struggling like this all day. If I keep taking breaks though, the job will never get done. It really is a problem... Mao: So that's how it is. Mao: Say, why don't we help him out? Veigue: We don't have time to be doing something like that. Mao: But you see, if we help him, couldn't we use that as an excuse to board the ship? Eugene: However, even if we board the boat, there's no guarantee that we can stay on it. In addition, the risk is high... Mao: Well, that's true, but... Mao: Do we decide on Tomichi's boat, or do we help that man and board the army boat? That's the question. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #78 [SKI078] ----------------------------------- 「海を渡るためには...」 In Order To Cross The Sea... Mao: What's taking you so long! Do we ride Tomichi's boat, or do we board the army boat... Eugene: Yes, you must promptly come to a decision... ----------------------------------- Skit #79 [SKI079] ----------------------------------- 「旅は楽しいばかりじゃない」 Travelling isn't all about fun Eugene: Seeing as the army has sealed off the port, there will be danger no matter which way we choose to cross the ocean. Mao: I'm used to it, but...are you okay about this, Veigue? Veigue:...I'm prepared. Mao: Alright! Then let's go, Veigue! ----------------------------------- Skit #80 [SKI080] ----------------------------------- 「どっちの舟にするの?」 Which Boat To Choose? Mao: Do we ride on Tomichi's boat or the army boat...which do we choose? Eugene: There's no time to hesitate, you know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: You can choose to ride Tomichi's boat as well if you have 1,000 Gald handy. You will have an extra fight (more opportunity for Grade!) and you do get your 1,000 Gald back in the end. I just chose to help the bar manager since I'm such a nice person (aww~!) and because there are more Skits that pop up specifically for the box scenario, but the end result is the same: no ride. Mao: Hey mister. Would you like us to give you a hand? Bar Manager: Really? Hmm...setting the little one aside, those two look strong enough...is it okay if I ask for your help? ああ、運ぶよ。 Yeah, we'll carry it. ちょっと待ってくれ。 Wait a minute. Veigue: Yeah, we'll carry it. Bar Manager: Wow, that would be a big help! As a token of my appreciation, I'll treat you to my famous cooking tonight. NOTICE: You picked up the wooden box that needs to be delivered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #81 [SKI081] ----------------------------------- 「荷物運びをする」 Carry The Parcel Veigue: Hurry to the boat...! Eugene: Don't rush things, Veigue. Let's proceed with caution. ----------------------------------- Skit #82 [SKI082] ----------------------------------- 「仕事はきちんと」 Properly Finish The Job Mao: If we leave the city while carrying the box, he'll get mad at us. We have to carry it to the ship...! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Callegean Soldier: Back already, kid? The port is still closed, so no boats are setting sail. Mao: Actually, this time we came because of work. Callegean Soldier: Work? Mao: We've decided to work in this town until the regular boat service resumes. Callegean Soldier: Yeah, that's good. Eugene: This is from the bar manager. We want to load this on the boat, so could you let us through? Callegean Soldier: Yeah, of course. Now finish up what you need to do. Veigue: That went well. Mao: I feel bad for the bar manager, but let's head straight to Balka with this boat!! Eugene: No...it doesn't look like things will go that smoothly... Mao: Huh? Eugene: You can see the ships anchored off the coast, can't you. Mao: Yeah...are those... Eugene: It's not just the harbor...the entire ocean is sealed off. Eugene: Supposing we were to set sail, in this state they'd have no qualms about bombarding us if we made any suspicious moves. Mao: Isn't there a way to go through undetected? Eugene: Even if we made it out onto the open sea, they'd immediately send out an alert and would probably pursue us. Mao: I see...then I guess this won't work... Veigue:...I hate to say it, but let's go back... Mao: Thanks! Callegean Soldier: Good job. Work hard, you hear. Mao: We will! Veigue:...What should we do now... Mao: Should we try going to Tomichi? Eugene: No. With the marine blockade in effect, whichever boat we choose will probably not be able to leave. Mao: Hmm...isn't there anyone in this town who we can rely on? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #83 [SKI083] ----------------------------------- 「カレギア軍の船団」 The Callegean Naval Fleet Mao: To think that they would seal off the ocean with so many ships...but it makes sense that the military would have that many vessels in the first place. Eugene: That's because they are normally cruising around the ocean. There were also incidents when even more boats were gathered together. Mao: Really...but since they've brought together this many boats, something pretty important must be going on, right? Mao: I wonder what it could possibly be... ----------------------------------- Skit #84 [SKI084] ----------------------------------- 「カレギア軍の船団と大事件」 The Callegean Naval Fleet And The Big Incident Mao: Hey Eugene, what was the incident where even more Callegean ships were gathered together? Eugene: Hmm...a band of pirates who worshipped the legendary pirate Aifreed went around and looted the northern seas. Eugene: Due to the large number of Force Users in the pirate gang, even The Royal Shield was given orders to mobilize. Eugene: That was when I found a kindred spirit in Barrs, Annie's father...it's been almost 20 years now... ----------------------------------- Skit #85 [SKI085] ----------------------------------- 「街の人に話を聞こう」 Let's ask the people of the city Mao: If we ask the people of the city, we might learn something. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Misha: Eh, you are all still here? You left in such a hurry, so I thought you weren't in the city anymore... Mao: The port's been closed off. We don't know what to do since we can't ride a boat. Misha: I'm afraid that a boat is out of the question. It's been like that for close to a week now. Misha: If you want to cross the ocean, why don't you try going around to other harbors? Eugene: So that's the only option left after all, huh... Veigue:.......... Eugene: By the way, how is Annie doing? Misha: She's...still sleeping. Eugene: I see...I'm sorry, but I'm leaving Annie to you. Misha: Yes, I'll take good care of her!! Um...by the way... Eugene: What's the matter? Misha: Yes, about that. Um...the one making the scary face over there... Veigue: Are you...referring to me? Misha: Yes... Mao: He said your face is scary! Misha: I, I'm sorry...!...Are you Mr. Veigue, by any chance? Veigue:...How do you know my name!? Misha: So it's you after all, isn't it? I had thought that you might be someone else. Misha: A patient who came to see the doctor earlier told us about you. Misha: She said that a tall, scary-looking Huma named Veigue who carries a big sword and has long hair might come. Veigue: Who was it, what was that patient's name...? Misha: I don't really know her name, but she was a Huma girl who was just about the same age as you. Mao: Could she possibly be... Veigue: Claire...? Was it Claire? Misha: Um...I'm not sure...you would need to ask the doctor for the details... Veigue: The doctor is still at the inn, isn't she? Misha: Yes. She is with Annie. Veigue: Let's go...! Eugene: Right... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #86 [SKI086] ----------------------------------- 「やはり...」 After All... Veigue: So Claire had been in this town after all... Mao: Let's go ask Doctor Curia about her. ----------------------------------- Skit #87 [SKI087] ----------------------------------- 「ヴェイグの心配」 Veigue's Concern Mao: I wonder if Claire was sick since she went to see Doctor Curia...? Veigue: Sick!? Claire was...!? Mao: Uh, for example, that was just an example... Veigue:...Is Claire really all right... Eugene: If you think pessimistically, then the awful things that you imagine shall come to pass. Claire is alive and well...believe in that. ----------------------------------- Skit #88 [SKI088] ----------------------------------- 「キュリア先生に話を聞こうヨ」 Let's ask Doctor Curia Mao: Let's go see Doctor Curia and ask her about Claire. Mao: She might know something about The Royal Shield as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Curia: I see...so you're the Veigue that the young lady mentioned... Veigue: So that means Claire was... Curia: Before I answer, could you tell me this? Who are all of you? And what is it that's going on right now? Eugene:.......... Curia: You people are a bit strange. Curia: You bring in a child this weak, drop her off, and then leave immediately afterwards. And the situation with that child named Claire wasn't normal either... Curia: If you can't give me a proper explanation for all of this, then I have nothing to say to you. Veigue:.......... Eugene:...It seems that we have to tell her. Curia:...I see, so that child Claire was taken by The Royal Shield... Curia: Moreover, this child...as I suspected, she was the daughter of Doctor Barrs. Eugene: Did you know Barrs? Curia: I went to his lectures when I was training to become a doctor. Doctor Barrs spoke often about Annie. Curia: About the doctor, did you really...is it true...? Eugene:......... Curia:...There was some type of circumstance, wasn't there? I won't pry any further then... Veigue:...More importantly, what about Claire!? Why did she come to you? Was she ill? Curia: A soldier said that she was injured and brought her here, but it was really just a scratch. I disinfected it. Veigue:...Didn't Claire say anything to you? Curia: Yes, she asked me to give you a message. Veigue: Message? Curia: "Don't get on a boat." Veigue: Don't get on a boat...? Anything else? Curia: The soldier kept her under strict surveillance, so she was barely able to say even that. Veigue: Claire... Eugene: It looks like Saleh and the others might be gathering more Huma girls from other towns. Eugene: If you think about it that way, it would explain why they are travelling by land and not by sea: so they can stop by the surrounding towns. Mao: That's what Claire was trying to tell us...Claire really is a strong person through and through, isn't she... Curia: What does The Royal Shield intend to do with the girls that they abduct? Veigue: I don't know. But that doesn't matter. I just want to save Claire as soon as possible! Curia:......... Veigue: Let's go. Mao: Yeah! We don't need a boat anymore either. Eugene: Right... Eugene:......... Curia: Do you...want to leave things like this? Eugene:......... Annie: Unn... Annie: This is... Annie: You guys...! Annie: Ouch... Misha: Are you all right!? Annie: Don't touch me!! Mao: Annie!? Misha has been taking care of you this entire time! Why? Annie: NO!! I don't want to be touched by a Gajuma!! Don't come near me...stay away...stay away!! Misha: Stay away...she said...n, no way...I...I...! Misha: Wah~!! Curia: Misha!! Curia:......... Annie:.......... Mao: Hey Annie. Why did you say that? Gajumas and Humas are both people, aren't they? Annie:...I don't like what I don't like. Mao: Why? Veigue:...Is it because...your father was killed by Eugene? So now you despise all Gajumas? Annie:.......... Eugene:......... Mao: Is that it? Annie: Anyone would feel the same way if they were in my position... Veigue:...What would you have done if the perpetrator has been a Huma? Annie:......... Eugene:......... Mao:...More importantly though, I'm worried about Misha! His reaction wasn't normal! Come on, let's go! Veigue: Eugene... Eugene:...Right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #89 [SKI089] ----------------------------------- 「どうしちゃったんだろ?」 I wonder what's wrong? Mao: I wonder what in the world is wrong with Misha... Eugene: In any case, let's search for him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Doctor, did you find Misha? Curia: No...he's nowhere to be found. Eugene: Why are you in so much of a panic? Curia: Please...help Misha... Curia: If we don't find him soon and make calm him down, then Misha will... his Force will end up going berserk!! Veigue: He's a Force User too? Curia: That's right. That child is one of the many whose power awakened on The Dusk of Ladras... Mao: But why would his Force end up going berserk right about now? Curia: The words that Annie said...Misha has heard those same words before. From his beloved mother, no less... Veigue: From his mother? Curia: When Misha's Force went out of control, it startled his mother. Without thinking, she yelled "Stay away!" Eugene:.......... Curia: Misha's Force started to go berserk due to that shock...I happened to be present at the time and I somehow managed to stop Misha's Force from getting out of hand, but... Curia: In the end, it seems that he was essentially abandoned by his mother because of that. Curia: That's why I decided to adopt that child and have him help me with my work. Mao: So that's what happened... Curia: Ever since his Force went berserk, Misha hasn't been treated kindly by those around him. But even so, that child has held on and done his best. Curia: Even though his Force has been stable since then, and other people are finally beginning to accept him... Curia: If he loses control of his Force now, what's going to happen to him...!? Mao:...We'll save him. Veigue:...Mao? Mao: I'm sorry, Veigue. I know that you want to hurry ahead, but I can't leave Misha alone like this. Veigue: Why's that? Mao: I lost my memory when my Force went berserk. Mao: My father, my mother...I've forgotten about everyone, but...I may have also been deserted just like Misha... Mao:...That's why I can't help but think that this is my problem too. Eugene: Veigue...don't you remember what this is like as well? Veigue:......... Eugene: When your Force ran wild and Claire got caught up in it, how did the people of the village react? Veigue: If Uncle Marco and Aunt Rakiya hadn't stood up for me...right now, I'd be... Mao: Veigue... Veigue:...Let's go help Misha. Mao:...Veigue! Curia: Thank you. Veigue: Mao, can you sense his Force? Mao: I can't tell which direction it's coming from yet, but I can feel the Force rising. Veigue: Let's hurry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #90 [SKI090] ----------------------------------- 「ミ一シャに何が?」 Can we do anything for Misha? Mao: I wonder where Misha ran off to... Eugene: Search the middle of the town thoroughly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: There he is! It's Misha!! Misha:...Stay away...!! Mao: Misha? Misha: I'm telling you to stay away!! Eugene: Settle down, Misha. If your heart is perturbed any further, you will... Misha: Stay back! Stay back!! Mao: This is pretty bad. He's already on the verge of losing control!! Veigue: Misha, please. Calm down. Misha: Leave me...I said leave me alone!! Mao: He's headed towards the shoreline!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #91 [SKI091] ----------------------------------- 「ミ一シャはいずこ?」 Where is Misha? Mao: The Force is increasing...! Outside the city...in the direction of the shoreline!! ----------------------------------- Skit #92 [SKI092] ----------------------------------- 「マオの幸せ」 Mao's Blessing Mao: Misha... Mao: You know, to be abandoned by your own mother...I wonder how painful that is... Veigue:...Mao... Mao: I guess there might be times when it's a blessing to not have any memories... Eugene: Mao, this is not the time to discuss this. Go after Misha! Mao: Yeah, let's go!! ----------------------------------- Skit #93 [SKI093] ----------------------------------- 「ミ一シャは海岸に!」 Misha is headed towards the shoreline! Eugene: Misha is headed towards the shoreline! Mao: If we don't hurry...! He's already on the brink of going berserk!! [Where is Misha?] The Force is increasing...! Outside the city...in the direction of the shoreline!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Curia: Misha ran outside of the city... Curia: Please! Please save him...! 海岸へ急ぐ Hurry to the shoreline. 様子を見る Wait and see what happens. Callegean Soldier: H, help us~!! Veigue: What's wrong? Kallegean Soldier: When we came to do our rounds on the beach, some Gajuma kid showed up... Mao: It's Misha!! Callegean Soldier: If you guys don't run away soon, then V, Viruses will come get you!! Eugene: That's Misha!? Mao: We're too late!! His Force has gone completely berserk!! Veigue: Why are there Viruses around Misha? On top of that, there are so many different types of them too... Mao: I got it. That's the Force of Fang!! Veigue: The Force of Fang? Mao: It's a special ability that lets him control Viruses. Eugene: I'm certain of it! That is the only way to explain why they aren't attacking Misha even though he's right in the midst of them. Eugene: If his Force continues to run wild like this, he is quite capable of gathering an endless number of Viruses. Hurry! Mao: Here they come!! Mao: Annie!! Did you come to help us!? Annie:...I simply don't want anyone to be unhappy because of me... Eugene:......... Annie: And besides, that person...the one who will defeat Eugene...is me, so... Mao: Be careful! They're back again!! Annie: So this is...the Force of Fang... Eugene: Are you all right, Annie? Annie:...! Eugene: Ugh...!! Annie: Y, you... Eugene: Are you all right? Annie: Y, yes...I am...but... Eugene:...It seems that his Force has settled down somehow. Curia: Misha!! Curia: It's better for you to stay back. Curia: Your words touched a part of Misha that was never meant to be touched...if you get near him again, he will... Annie: I...I only... Misha: I'm sorry, doctor...I...ended up losing control again... Curia: It's okay, Misha...more importantly, are you all right...? Misha: Yes, I'm fine...it's my fault for going berserk after being told such a little thing. Even though I heard about Annie's circumstances... Misha: Annie...I'm sorry. And...thank you for saving me. Annie:.......... Misha: Let's go, doctor...I'm tired...and really sleepy... Curia:...Yes, you need to rest. Misha: Well then, everyone...excuse us. Curia: No matter what reason you may have, if Doctor Barrs had heard the words you confronted Misha with, he'd surely be stricken with grief. Annie: Father would have...? Curia: I have been to one of your father's lectures. Curia: At that time, Doctor Barrs said this many times as if it were his favorite phrase: "There is no color in life." Annie:...There is no color in life...? Curia: Try to think carefully about what those words mean. Annie:.......... Eugene:...Annie... Annie:...Leave me alone... Mao:...Eugene, let's also return to the inn for a minute. Eugene:.......... Veigue:...After we've rested for a bit, we'll depart. Veigue: What will you do? Annie: That's none of your business. Veigue:...I see. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #94 [SKI094] ----------------------------------- 「気になるんですけど...」 You Know, I'm Worried About Him... Mao: I wonder how Misha is doing...? Eugene: Want to go and visit him? ----------------------------------- Skit #95 [SKI095] ----------------------------------- 「かわいそうだネ...」 Poor Thing... Mao: I wonder what Annie is going to do from now on...? Veigue: Even if she decides to return to Balka, the ships aren't running... Mao: If she does that, then the poor girl will end up hating all Gajumas... Eugene:...... Mao: Ah...s, sorry, Eugene. I didn't mean to put the blame on you or anything like that...! Eugene: No...it's fine. ----------------------------------- Skit #96 [SKI096] ----------------------------------- 「命に色はない」 No Color In Life Mao: There is no color in life, huh...that means that Gajumas and Humas are the same, doesn't it... Eugene: That's not all...it also means that there's no difference between people whether you're the leader of the country or a mere citizen. Eugene: Barrs was the medical advisor for King Ladras, but he also built a clinic in Balka where he was involved in treating the illnesses of many people. Mao: I see...I hope that Annie will come to understand her father's feelings... Eugene:...She will...because she's Barrs' daughter... ----------------------------------- Skit #97 [SKI097] ----------------------------------- 「ミ一シャの具合は?」 How is Misha doing? Mao: Somehow I'm...worried about Misha... Veigue:...Let's go visit him before we leave...we can make up for the lost time if we run... Mao: Veigue...! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eugene: How is Misha doing? Curia: He's fast asleep...he'll be fine if he gets plenty of rest. Eugene: That's good to hear. Veigue:...Yes it is. Mao: While it's important to be concerned about Misha, are you okay, Eugene!? It looked like you took the full brunt of that Virus' attack earlier... Eugene: Yes, there's nothing to worry about. A wound like this will heal soon. Curia:...Even so, the world has become a frightening place. Eugene: Frightening? Curia: You never know when something will trigger someone and cause them to go berserk...The Dusk of Ladras...there's a possibility that it may happen all over again... Curia:...I have no idea what the leaders of this country are thinking. But if we leave things as they are, I have a feeling that an irreparable mistake will be made. Eugene:........... Veigue:...Shall we go? Curia: Take care...I can't do much, but come here if you ever require my help. Mao: Okay, thanks!! Curia: And about Annie... Eugene: She is my responsibility. Please do not blame her for this. Curia: I have no intention accusing her of anything. But at this rate, things will... Eugene: Yes...if there is anything that I can do, then I would like to find some way to do it, but... Curia: I see... Eugene:...Well then, if you'll excuse us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #98 [SKI098] ----------------------------------- 「再出発」 A Fresh Start Eugene: If you are sufficiently rested, then let's depart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Annie? What's the matter? Annie:...I was concerned about that child, so... Mao: If you mean Misha, the doctor said that there's nothing to worry about. Annie:...Thank goodness... Eugene: Where are you headed off to? Annie:...That is none of your concern. Eugene: Why don't you come with us? Annie: What do you mean by that... Eugene: If you accompany us, then there will be plenty of opportunities to take my life. Annie:.......... Eugene: What's wrong? Or did you already decide to give up on exacting Barrs' revenge? Annie: You really are...an unpleasant person to deal with. Eugene:.......... Annie: Why did you protect me earlier? Eugene: I didn't mean to protect you. I lost my footing as the Virus lunged at you. That's all it was. Annie:........... Annie: Did you truly...murder my father...? Eugene: No matter how many times you ask, the answer will remain the same, won't it? Annie:.......... Annie:...I'll go with you. Mao: Yay! We've gained another companion!! Annie:...I'm not a companion... Annie: I cannot trust what you say...even when you claim to have taken my father's life... Annie: Until I learn the truth, I won't kill you. But if you really did murder my father... Eugene: It's the truth. Annie:...Enough already...I will ascertain the truth for myself. That's why I...it's for that reason that I will go with you. Eugene:.......... Veigue:.......... Mao: Hey Annie. If you keep making a scary face like that, you'll end up looking like Veigue, you know? Veigue: I have no intention of ever making a face that scary. Mao: You're not just scary, you're the definition of gloom itself, Veigue. I mean, you never ever smile or anything! Veigue:...Am I...gloomy...? Annie: *giggles* Veigue:...Did you just laugh? Annie: I, I'm sorry... Veigue: Things are much better that way. Annie:.......... Mao: Well, let's depart! Eugene: Let's head towards Petnadjanka. It's a prosperous industrial city to the southwest of here. Veigue: That's where The Royal Shield is...? Eugene: If they are travelling by land, then the nearest city to here would be Petnadjanka. Annie:...Are you pursuing The Royal Shield? Mao: Yeah, they've taken Veigue's childhood friend, Claire. Eugene: The ones who abducted Claire were Saleh and Tohma of The Four Stars. Waltu is also on the move. Annie: The Four Stars? What about Militsa? Veigue: Militsa? Eugene: One of The Four Stars. Although all I know about her is her name... Mao: How much do you know about Militsa? Annie:...I don't know any details about her either...she's the only female amongst The Four Stars, and she's extremely powerful according to most of the rumors I've heard... Mao: I'm sure we'll have to fight her sooner or later...man...how depressing... Eugene:...There's no point in thinking about that right now. First, we should head towards Petnadjanka. NOTICE: Annie has become your companion. Explanations for "Elemental Attributes" and "Battle Terms: Battle Formation" have been added to the Battlebook. Read the Battlebook? Yes No ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #99 [SKI099] ----------------------------------- 「ペトナジャンカへ」 To Petnadjanka Mao: Petnadjanka is to the southwest of Minal. ----------------------------------- Skit #100 [SKI100] ----------------------------------- 「アニ一の゛仲間゛たち」 Annie's "Companions" Mao: Hey Annie. Those people who fought with you earlier...it's horrible how they left you and ran like that, seeing as you were their companion and all. Annie: They weren't my companions or anything...I hired them. Because I knew that I couldn't win against that person by myself... Annie: But it was no use in the end anyway... Mao:...... ----------------------------------- Skit #101 [SKI101] ----------------------------------- 「ペトナジャンカについて」 About Petnadjanka Veigue: What kind of city is Petnadjanka? Eugene: It's a city with a thriving manufacturing industry. The people are also well off and the atmosphere is lively. Mao: Wow...I'm kind of looking forward to going there... Eugene: Mao...don't let your guard down. Mao: I know~! ----------------------------------- Skit #102 [SKI102] ----------------------------------- 「アニ一の趣味」 Annie's Hobbies Mao: Hey Annie, what are your hobbies? Annie: Huh, w, what's this all of a sudden...my hobbies...? What...I wonder... Mao: *buzzer sound* Ran out of time! Now it's my turn. My hobbies are...! Annie: Wait...I'm still in the middle of thinking about it, so...! ----------------------------------- Skit #103 [SKI103] ----------------------------------- 「飛ばして行こう」 Let's Dash Eugene: Petnadjanka is to the southwest of Minal. Let's dash over there to make up for lost time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTICE: The viruses in this area automatically defend when their ally's Rush Gauge (RG) falls below a certain level. Choose a strategy which is difficult to defend against such as performing Rush Charges or cooperating with your allies when attacking. Also, there are cooking recipes that will raise your RG at the beginning of battle, so use them wisely. Mao: Hey, don't you somehow get the feeling that we've been wandering around in circles...? Eugene:...This is most likely the "Forest Labyrinth." Veigue: Forest Labyrinth? Eugene: I've heard that if you carelessly enter this forest, you'll become disoriented and won't be able to leave. Mao: What's going to end up happening to us if we can't find our way out...? Eugene: We would probably have to walk aimlessly through the forest for the rest of our days. Mao: You can't be serious!? There's no way I'm doing that!! Veigue: Is there a way to escape from here? Eugene: Unfortunately, I have no idea. Mao: What are we going to do? We can't go to Petnadjanka if we're stuck here, right? Veigue: In any case, we have to make our way through here. Let's go. Annie: It's useless to go that way. Mao: But isn't this the only path? Annie: You'll just get lost if you follow that path. Eugene: Do you know how to pass through this forest? Mao: Where are you going, Annie? Annie: This is the correct path. Mao: You mean over here? Those are just a bunch of everyday bushes, aren't they? Eugene: Mao, use your Force to burn those bushes. Mao: Oh, I see...right, got it. Veigue: A pathway in a place like this... Annie: Long ago, back when people still lived here, it appears that they created a natural maze in order to protect themselves against outside invaders. Mao: Wow, you're pretty familiar with this forest, aren't you? Annie: That's because when I was studying under my father to become a doctor, we would often come to these woods to pick medicinal herbs. Mao: So Annie, you're aiming to become a doctor, right? Eugene:.......... Annie: I hear that there are other traps in this labyrinth. Veigue: Is that so...let's proceed carefully. NOTICE: Annie acquired the title "Aspiring Lady Doctor." FG Recovery +2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #104 [SKI104] ----------------------------------- 「微妙な二人・1」 The Delicate Two Part 1 Annie:...... Eugene:...... Annie:...What? Eugene:...No, it's nothing. Annie:...... ----------------------------------- Skit #105 [SKI105] ----------------------------------- 「クレアさん...か」 Claire...huh Annie: Veigue... Veigue:...What is it? Annie: You had mentioned earlier that your childhood friend had been taken by The Royal Shield...but why? Veigue:...I don't know...but it doesn't matter what the reason is. Claire was taken...that's all I need to know. Annie: Claire...huh...I hope that...she's doing well... Veigue: Me too...thank you, Annie... ----------------------------------- Skit #106 [SKI106] ----------------------------------- 「暗い気分...?」 Gloomy Atmosphere...? Mao: This sure is a dark, dense forest, isn't it... Veigue: Yeah... Mao: It feels like the gloominess is even starting to affect me somewhat. Veigue: So something like that is possible even for you. Mao: Gloomy is the norm for you though, right? Veigue:...... ----------------------------------- Skit #107 [SKI107] ----------------------------------- 「まだまだです」 A Ways To Go Annie: There appear to be different types of traps ahead. Let's proceed with caution. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Hey Annie. What happened to the people who were living here? Annie: That I don't know... Mao: Maybe they were eaten by Viruses that settled down in the forest? Ooh, how scary~!! Veigue: Who'd be afraid when you've got that huge grin on your face? Veigue: What's wrong, Annie? Annie: It, it's nothing. Mao: Ah hah, Annie's scared!! Annie: I am not the least bit scared! Mao: It's even more obvious when you deny it like that. I would have never expected Annie to be a scaredy cat. Annie: Honestly...that's enough already! Mao: Aah~!! Veigue: Mao...! Where are you? Eugene:...A pitfall, huh. Annie: Are you all right? Mao: Ugh...owwie...I think I'll be okay...probably... Veigue: Think you can climb back up? Mao: Well, not from here. Mao: Oh, it looks like I can climb up from over there. Hang on a sec. Mao: Eh heh heh... Eugene: Watch your step as we proceed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #108 [SKI108] ----------------------------------- 「歌うマオ・1」 Singing Mao Part 1 NOTE: You earn the title 歌好き "Likes to Sing" for Mao after viewing this Skit. Also, these series of skits are more commonly known as "Mao's Song" Skits on the interwebs, but "Singing Mao" is actually more accurate. Mao: The chances are~ Mao: I won't jump far~ Mao: While I'm in the woods~! Mao:...I say. Veigue: What are you singing, Mao? Mao: Veigue, you heard that? That song is called, um, "The Forest Song!" ----------------------------------- Skit #109 [SKI109] ----------------------------------- 「ユ一ジ一ンの役目」 Eugene's Role Veigue: Damn the Royal Shield...I will...I will save Claire without fail... Eugene: Veigue, calm down. If you lose sight of yourself, then you'll just play right into their hands. Mao: Exactly, you need to be more relaxed! Eugene: Mao, you need to show more restraint. Mao: Hee hee, Eugene sounds like he's our dad or something! Annie:...... ----------------------------------- Skit #110 [SKI110] ----------------------------------- 「マオのコワイお話・1」 Mao's Scary Tale Part 1 Mao: At any rate, this is one spooky forest... Veigue: Mao, don't you have anything else to say? Mao: But we don't know where or when a Virus might attack us, you know. Mao: If we're not careful, something may just go "Chomp!" and devour us. Annie: Enough already...no ones likes persistent people, you know! ----------------------------------- Skit #111 [SKI111] ----------------------------------- 「意外だなぁ」 Unexpected Mao: Nevertheless, I can't imagine that you'd be afraid of anything, Annie. I was under the impression that you were more brave. Annie: But the way in which you tell those stories is scary, so... Mao: Even though I'm smiling while I talk? Annie: That's what makes it so creepy... Mao: What's that supposed to mean!? ----------------------------------- Skit #112 [SKI112] ----------------------------------- 「何があるかわからんぞ」 We Don't Know What Is Up Ahead Eugene: Pay attention to your surroundings as we advance. We don't know what is up ahead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Looks like we made it through safely. Mao: You don't have to be afraid anymore, Annie. Annie:........... Veigue: Petnadjanka is just ahead, isn't it? Eugene: Right. Although we were able to escape from the forest, it ended up delaying us quite a bit. Veigue: The Royal Shield may have gotten there long before us... Eugene: Even if that's the case, there is a strong possibility that we will run into them at Petnadjanka. Veigue: At any rate...let's hurry... NOTICE: Annie acquired the title "Scaredy Cat." Skill Defense Power +2 Ougis (Attack Artes) are now available. You can learn and set ougis from the Skills menu. Read the Battlebook? Yes No ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #113 [SKI113] ----------------------------------- 「先に行っちゃうヨ」 Let's go on ahead Mao: We should already be near Petnadjanka. If you're fooling around, let's hurry up and move! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: So this is Petnadjanka...it's an awfully quiet place. Annie: This city felt more lively when I came before... Eugene: This does not bode well... Mao: So is it...The Royal Shield after all? Eugene: Most likely...let's proceed with caution. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #114 [SKI114] ----------------------------------- 「ヴェイグの第六感」 Veigue's Sixth Sense Veigue: It smells like soot, doesn't it... Annie: There is a factory in this city. Wouldn't the smell be coming from there? Veigue: It's a rather irritating scent...it makes me feel uneasy. Mao: That might not just be because of the smell... ----------------------------------- Skit #115 [SKI115] ----------------------------------- 「静かすぎる街」 The All Too Quiet City Eugene: All things considered, it's too quiet. What's going on... Mao: Maybe they're having a festival somewhere? Let's look around the middle of the city. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: There's nobody around, is there. Annie: It really is...just too quiet... Mao: Look at this! Eugene: So it's The Royal Shield then!? Mao: Over there!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #116 [SKI116] ----------------------------------- 「感じるヨ」 I can feel it Mao: I sense an immense Force coming from the inner portion of the city! Hurry, let's go! ----------------------------------- Skit #117 [SKI117] ----------------------------------- 「不穏なの空気」 Uneasy Atmosphere Eugene: There's a reaction to the Force and yet there's hardly a soul in the city...this is... Veigue: Definitely not normal... Mao: Right...and it's also not very good either... Annie: Whatever the case may be, let's hurry! ----------------------------------- Skit #118 [SKI118] ----------------------------------- 「確か街の奥には...」 As I Recall, In The Back Of The City... Eugene: The Force is coming from the rear of the city, correct? As I recall, there's an iron manufacturing plant back there... ----------------------------------- Skit #119 [SKI119] ----------------------------------- NOTE: You need to sleep at the inn in order to trigger this Skit. 「夢を見た」 The Dream I Saw Veigue:...... Mao: What's wrong, Veigue? I'd say you were brooding over something. Veigue: I had a dream where I saw the time when Claire was abducted...in the end, I failed to save her again... Veigue: Once is painful enough, but twice is...I... Mao: Veigue, you'll save her for sure this time. That's why we're on this journey, isn't it? Mao: Cheer up and do your best, okay! Veigue:...Yeah, you're right...this time for sure... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annie: This is...it can't be!? Mao: The Force is running amok!! Eugene: It's the Force of Timber! Veigue: Something like that exists? Eugene: I've seen it before. It's a Force that allows the user to manipulate plant life at will. Veigue: A Royal Shield Force user!? Eugene: At any rate, search around! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #120 [SKI120] ----------------------------------- 「百聞は一見に勝る?」 A thousand words are better than a picture? Mao: Anyway, let's try asking about what happened! ----------------------------------- Skit #121 [SKI121] ----------------------------------- 「一体何が...?」 What in the world...? Veigue: The Force of Timber? Who in the world... Annie: In any case, let's ask the people of the city about it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: What happened? Man: Before we knew it, a bunch of guys who looked like soldiers had taken over the city...Then, they brought the Huma girls into the factory and locked themselves inside. Mao: That has to be Saleh and the others!! Eugene: Is everybody still trapped inside? Man: The factory manager and Tytree went in to negotiate and some of the girls were released, but those two and Tytree's older sister, Selena, haven't returned yet. Veigue: Who is this Tytree person that you mentioned? Man: He's a young man who was working in the factory. Factory Manager: H, Help me!! Man: Boss!! Eugene: Are you all right!? Factory Manager: Tytree's! Selena's been, by those guys, the factory a forest...! Mao:.........? Eugene: Calm down! Please speak slowly! Factory Manager: That's why, my own daughter...no, Tytree is...aah...! Annie:........... Annie:...Have you settled down? Factory Manager:...uh, ah, yes, somewhat... Annie: Please tell us what happened. Factory manager: Right...no, that...you see, there's this odd pair of guys who brought the soldiers here. Factory Manager: Then those guys decided to take Selena with them. Said that she was the prettiest Huma girl in the group... Mao: Looks like it was Saleh and his crew after all. Factory Manager: After that, a tree vine suddenly grew out from the floor of the factory, and it looked like it was trying to take Selena back from those people... Factory Manager:...I know that Tytree can do something like that, but... Factory Manager: After those people mowed down all of the vines, more plants and trees sprung up one after another as if it were an act of desperation. I barely escaped with my life... Eugene:...As I suspected, his Force went berserk. Mao: So, where are Saleh and Tohma? Saleh: Right here, boy. Veigue: Saleh, Tohma!! Saleh: Now you shouldn't lie like that, manager. Didn't you promise to hand over Ms. Selena in exchange for your precious daughter's safety? Saleh: But then again, I had absolutely no intention of taking your daughter from the start. Saleh: The reason being is that your daughter simply isn't beautiful. Veigue: You bastards, where is Claire!! Tohma: As you can see, she's not here. Veigue: Where did you send her!? Claire...give Claire back! Saleh: It's too bad, but we just don't have the time to chat. Eugene: Wait!! What are you people trying to accomplish!? Is this the notion of Her Majesty, the Queen? Mao: Oh no, we can't move forward!! Selena: Please!! I'll be okay, so please...stop my younger brother, Tytree!! Selena: If this continues, the townspeople will eventually be swallowed up by Tytree's strange power!! Saleh: That is a request from me as well. I wouldn't want this lovely older sister of his to be sad because of him. Veigue:...You won't get away...!! Eugene: Wait, Veigue. Bringing this Force under control comes first. Eugene: I know that it's frustrating to let them escape. However, are you going to ignore the situation at hand so that you can give chase? Veigue: But...! Eugene: Even though Selena had no idea as to why she was being taken, she entrusted the safety of this town and her brother to us since she was concerned about them. Mao:...That is similar to what Claire did back in Sulz... Veigue:.......... Veigue: The Force... Veigue: Let's go stop the Force... Mao:...And then, we have to help Tytree, right! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #122 [SKI122] ----------------------------------- 「製鉄工場の中へ!」 Enter the Iron Factory! Annie: Let's go save Tytree! Eugene: He's inside the factory! Let's hurry, Veigue! ----------------------------------- Skit #123 [SKI123] ----------------------------------- 「工場の中は...!」 The inside of the factory is...! Mao: I can feel an enormous Force coming from the inside of the factory! It's gone completely out of control!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: This is the power of the Force of Timber... Mao: But this is just the beginning of what the Force of Timber is capable of. Veigue: Mao, can you figure out Tytree's whereabouts? Mao: The Force reaction is coming from every direction, so I can't determine where the source is. Eugene: That's the fault of the trees that grew due to the Force. In any case, we'll have to search. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #124 [SKI124] ----------------------------------- 「ティトレイはどこだ!?」 Where is Tytree!? Eugene: We must walk around and search every corner of the factory. Mao: We have to do that since we cannot pinpoint the specific location of the Force reaction. ----------------------------------- Skit #125 [SKI125] ----------------------------------- 「未知の力」 Unknown Power Mao: The Force of Timber...for it to turn the entirety of the factory into a jungle like this is just too amazing... Eugene: That is what the power of the Force is all about. Eugene: To lose control of the Force is like releasing an untapped potential. The mysteries of the human heart are vast indeed. ----------------------------------- Skit #126 [SKI126] ----------------------------------- 「暴走を止めろ!」 Stop the rampage! Mao: I wonder where Tytree is...!? We have to find him quickly and stop this rampage, or... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Are you okay...? Worker: Yes, somehow...are you people planning to go deeper into the factory? Veigue: Yeah, in order to save a guy named Tytree... Worker: But the inside is crawling with poisonous Viruses, you know? Mao: Viruses are like nothing to us, right guys? Worker: Will you be able to get through with all of the weird plants blocking the way? Mao: If I burn them with my flame, they'll be gone before you know it! Worker: But...wait, that's right...! You should use this. NOTICE: You received a Poison Check. Worker: If you equip that, it'll protect you against poison. Worker: The item shop in town also sells these. Try using it if you'd like. Veigue: Thanks... Worker: Please take care of Tytree! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #127 [SKI127] ----------------------------------- 「珍しいな」 That's Certainly Unusual Mao: What the heck is that humongous flower!? It makes me feel sick!! Eugene: It is likely that plants experience abnormal growth due to the influence of the Force of Timber. Mao: Say, this flower isn't going to do anything, is it? Eugene: What's the matter? It's certainly unusual for you to be on edge. Mao: For some reason when I look at that flower, I feel like I'm getting smaller and I hate that! ----------------------------------- Skit #128 [SKI128] ----------------------------------- 「仕方がない...」 We had no choice... Annie: It feels like we've done something terrible somehow... Mao: Are you talking about burning the flower? Annie: Yes...when I see the flower set ablaze, I feel sorry for it... Mao: But if we didn't roast it, we wouldn't be able to make any progress. Besides...that flower is pretty creepy, you know? Eugene: We had no choice in that situation. Annie: No matter what the sacrifice, you kill them, claim that "We had no choice" and that's the end of that, isn't it... Eugene:...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: This is...coal, isn't it. Annie: I wonder if it's fuel for something? Take the coal? Yes No NOTICE: You received some coal. Throw the coal inside the furnace? Yes No Mao: Now all that's left is igniting the coal!! Mao: We did it!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #129 [SKI129] ----------------------------------- 「臨界直前」 Right Before The Critical Point Mao: This is not the time to be wandering around aimlessly! We have to stop this Force pronto! ----------------------------------- Skit #130 [SKI130] ----------------------------------- 「ティトレイはこの近くに!?」 Tytree is around here!? Mao: The Force Cube is going bonkers!! Tytree is nearby!! Veigue: If we don't stop his Force soon... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: He's near! He has to be back here! Veigue: We're going in...! Mao: Look at this reaction!! He has to be in here!! Veigue: That's Tytree!? Annie: We have to calm him down somehow! Everyone: *screams* Tytree: Sis...give Sis back!! Veigue: Stop!! Tytree:...Sis, where's my big Sis!! Veigue: Come to your senses!! Your older sister asked us to...! Tytree: Silence!! Everyone: *screams* Eugene: No matter what you say, it's useless to talk to a Force User who is in a berserk state!! Mao: We have no choice but to fight! Veigue: But this guy's...just like me... Annie: If we don't engage him, his raging Force will eventually consume us along with Tytree himself!! Veigue: Do we have to fight...do we have to!! Tytree: Aaaahhhhh...!! Eugene: Veigue, do it!! Veigue: Uaaaaaah!! Tytree: Sis~!! Mao: We won't get anywhere at this rate! Mao: If we hurt him any further, we might kill him! Veigue: Isn't there any way we can save him?! Eugene: We have no choice. Mao, let's put an end to this!! Mao: I guess "that" is our only option now...here we go!! Mao: O crimson explosion, come dwell within us!! Eugene: The roaring blast of this demon spear shall burn everything to ashes!! Eugene & Mao: Hi-Ougi! Inferno Drive!! Tytree:...Sis... Eugene: This man is still calling for his older sister... Mao: He sounds exactly like a certain somebody we all know. Tytree:...Ugh... Tytree: I... Tytree: That's right, Sis!! Eugene: Calm yourself, Tytree. Tytree:...And you people are...? Tytree:...So that's what happened. What I did was really outrageous... Veigue: Well, given the circumstances...there was nothing you could do about it... Tytree:...No! I will definitely repay this debt on our journey!! Mao: What do you mean by "our" journey? Tytree: You guys are chasing after that Royal Shield too, right? Then it only makes sense that we travel together as companions, doesn't it? Annie: Companions... Tytree: Companions with a common enemy!! Besides, you all have the same power as me, right? So that makes it official then!! Mao:..."Official"...you know, even if you say that, you're... Tytree: Oh, you don't have to worry about me. I may not look like it, but I'm not exactly the shy type! Ha ha ha... Tytree: Alright!! If that's decided, then off we go!! Mao: It's gotten somewhat lively all of a sudden, but...that might not be such a bad thing. Eugene: Right...we may just need an ally like that as well. Veigue:........... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #131 [SKI131] ----------------------------------- 「工場の外へ」 To The Outside Of The Factory Mao: In any case, let's exit the factory for now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Factory Manager: Tytree...!! I'm really sorry!! My daughter is so dear to me, but because of that Selena was...forgive me... Tytree: Well, I must admit...in a way, I ended up letting my emotions get the better of me too...Besides, it goes against my grain to ramble on about stuff that is over and done with... Factory Manager: But...but Selena was abducted and... Tytree: I'm going to go save Sis. Together with my buddies here. Factory Manager: I see...I am truly sorry...I am nothing but a coward... Factory Manager: Be careful, you hear...well, I suppose that goes without saying...since you have that power of yours and all. Tytree:...Sorry for keeping you in the dark like that. I'll beat the snot out of those guys with my Force and bring back Sis before you know it. Tytree: I'm going to take a little time off, but you'll let me work again once I get back, right? Factory Manager: Of course, absolutely. I'll be waiting for you two to return. I'll be on my way then... Veigue:...Let's head out. Tytree: By the way, do you know which way those guys who took my Sis are headed? Eugene: They're most likely going to Sunnytown. From there, they can transport the captured girls to the capital city Balka by boat. Veigue: Sunnytown? Mao: It's a pretty city that is built on the ocean! Veigue: A city that is sits on the water...? Mao: Well, you'll see what I mean when we get there. Tytree: The Toyohose River is to the southeast of Petnadjanka. If we're going to Sunnytown, it would be quicker to take a boat from there instead of walking. Eugene: Southeast, huh...very well, let's head towards the Toyohose River. NOTICE: Tytree has become your companion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #132 [SKI132] ----------------------------------- 「よろしくね」 Welcome Mao: Welcome to the group, Tytree! Tytree: Yeah, nice meeting you, um...Mao, was it? And you too, Veigue. Veigue: You're...quite the familiar guy, aren't you. Tytree: Ha ha ha... Tytree: You know, it's funny because the people around here say the exact same thing to me all the time. Veigue & Mao:...... ----------------------------------- Skit #133 [SKI133] ----------------------------------- 「姉貴を追って」 Chase After Sis Tytree: We have to hurry and catch up to Sis and the others...in any case, let's go outside the city! ----------------------------------- Skit #134 [SKI134] ----------------------------------- 「トヨホウス河を下ろう」 Go Down The Toyohose River Mao: We're taking a boat from Sunnytown so that we can go to Balka, right? Tytree: Yeah, but before that we have to go down the Toyohose River. It apparently flows out from near the city. ----------------------------------- Skit #135 [SKI135] ----------------------------------- 「おれたちの共通点」 Things We Have In Common Tytree: Hey Veigue. How old are you? Veigue: I'm 18...and you? Tytree: I'm 17 right now, but I'll be 18 this year. In other words, we have the same birth year. Tytree: Our circumstances are similar and we're close in age, so we should be a great combo! Veigue:...... ----------------------------------- Skit #136 [SKI136] ----------------------------------- 「平気なんですか?」 Are You All Right? Annie: Tytree...are you all right? Because of the factory manager, your older sister was... Tytree:...I'm really pissed. But you know what? There was nothing that I could do about it... Annie:...... Tytree: If I had more power then, I could have protected Sis...I completely ruined the factory too... Tytree: That's why I want to become stronger!! So that I can save Sis and beat the living daylights out of The Royal Shield!! ----------------------------------- Skit #137 [SKI137] ----------------------------------- 「悪いか?」 Is that bad? Mao: Tytree, you were working at the factory with your older sister, weren't you? Tytree: Yeah, that's right... Mao: You were always with your older sister then. Tytree: I, is that bad? Mao: I never said that there was anything particularly wrong with that... ----------------------------------- Skit #138 [SKI138] ----------------------------------- 「さらわれた娘たちの共通点?」 Things That the Captured Girls Have In Common? Veigue: Tytree...how old is Selena? Tytree: What's with this, all of a sudden... Tytree: Wait, don't tell me that you're interested in Sis...!? Veigue: That's not it. I was just thinking that the captured girls might share something in common... Tytree: I, is that so, sorry... Tytree: Sis is 21. What about Claire? Veigue: Claire just turned 17...it looks like they aren't being chosen based on age then... ----------------------------------- Skit #139 [SKI139] ----------------------------------- 「マオのバトルブック・2」 Mao's Battlebook Part 2 Mao: La la la~! Tytree: What are you writing? Hey wait, this is about me, isn't it? Mao: I'm jotting down stuff about opponents we've faced. That includes you too! Mao: If you ever run into a tough foe, I'll let you look at this, so ask me anytime. Tytree: So basically, if I read the Battlebook, I can learn about the enemy's weak point and stuff like that, right? Mao: Right, exactly...Tytree's weakness is... Mao: Selena, and... Tytree:...H, hold it right there! ----------------------------------- Skit #140 [SKI140] ----------------------------------- 「トヨホウス河へ」 To The Toyohose River Annie: To get to Sunnytown, we have to go down the Toyohose River. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree: Ah, this is it. Mao: It says "Gugura's Down River Service." Tytree: Yeah, Gugura's is famous as a transport service down the Toyohose River. Tytree: It's a manual boat that is powered and maneuvered by a Gajuma. The level of craftmanship is said to be about 3 stars! Tytree: Hi!! 3 adults and 2 children to Sunnytown please. Gugura: Sorry. I can't send any boats out right now. Tytree: Why's that? Gugura: Last night, a terrible storm unexpectedly came. I woke up only to find that the boats were destroyed and the pieces had been washed away. It's rather distressing. Tytree: A big storm? Wasn't the night sky so clear yesterday that you could easily see the stars? Mao: Speaking of storms... Veigue: Was it Saleh's Force? Eugene: Yes, it seems that they are attempting to detain us here somehow. Tytree: You mean to say that you don't have a single boat left? Gugura: That's right...I'd like to repair them, but the forest is so dangerous these days. With monsters on the move and my limited supply of lumber, I can't help but feel uneasy. Gugura: Well, if you can wait 2 or 3 days, I'll have a replacement boat ready then. Tytree: That's just too slow... Eugene: Could you somehow manage something if you had the timber? Gugura: Yes, since we normally do this type of repair work ourselves. Mao: Really! Then, let's start making preparations!! Eugene: That sounds good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #141 [SKI141] ----------------------------------- 「木材を集めよう」 Let's Gather Timber Eugene: Let's gather timber in the forest up ahead that can be used to repair the boat. ----------------------------------- Skit #142 [SKI142] ----------------------------------- 「ググラの河下りについて」 About Gugura's Down River Service Annie: Tytree, what does it feel like to go down river? Tytree: We're just riding a log raft that is being pulled by Gugura, but that's what makes it so thrilling. Annie: Thrilling? Tytree: The Toyohose River has a dreadful current, so an average raft would capsize in a heartbeat. Tytree: Anyway, if we ride one of these, we'll catch up to Sis and the others in no time! ----------------------------------- Skit #143 [SKI143] ----------------------------------- 「ググラじいさんのために」 For Gugura's Sake Tytree: Gugura's waiting for the wood! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eugene: Let's spread out and search for wood that would be suitable material for a boat. Annie:...Come to think of it, I'm pretty hungry too... Mao: Alright then, let's look for stuff we can eat while we're gathering timber. Tytree: Oh, that's a great idea! This area is well-known for its delicious mushrooms! Mao: Wow, I can't wait! But where are we going to cook? Eugene: There was a hostel near the pier, wasn't there. Let's make use of that place. Tytree: Leave the cooking to me! Veigue:...You can cook? Tytree: You've got nothing to worry about, Veigue. I may not look the part, but I can make quite a racket over my cooking skills!! Veigue: You're always making a racket, period. Tytree: Ha ha ha...that was a good one. Veigue:...Figures that using sarcasm against this guy would backfire.* Mao: Maybe he'd get it if I lit his back on fire? Just kidding!* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *Editor's Note: Japanese pun alert. I did a cruddy job of making an English equivalent for this one (although it's a lot better than the pun I originally had), so I may just completely change this later instead of trying to preserve the original joke. If you're dying to know what the deal is, then read the description for this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ch4mGDhxPU /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Veigue:??? Tytree: Wa ha ha...Mao, you're the best! Eugene: Don't forget that we came here to collect timber. Tytree: I know, I know! Anyway, when you're done picking mushrooms, bring them over to me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #144 [SKI144] ----------------------------------- 「早く木材を...」 Gather The Timber Quickly... Veigue:...Quickly gather the materials for the boat...If we don't catch up to Claire... ----------------------------------- Skit #145 [SKI145] ----------------------------------- 「どういう意味?」 What Do You Mean? Mao: Hey Tytree, what did you mean when you said it was "3 stars"? Tytree: It means so-so, I guess? The highest ranking is 5 stars. Mao:: So then that means the lowest ranking is 1 star? Tytree: No no no no no...the worst stuff doesn't even deserve a portion of a star. Tytree: I'll let you use my ranking system if you want to, Mao! Mao:...No, I'm fine. ----------------------------------- Skit #146 [SKI146] ----------------------------------- 「ふたりきりの旅路・1」 Just The Two Of Us Part 1 Tytree: Mao, Eugene, after you guys left the army, what kind of journey did the two of you have before you met Veigue? Eugene: We fought against a variety of Force Users... Mao: That's right. We stopped people who were going berserk, we were attacked by people who held a grudge against Eugene, and so forth. Tytree: Wow, that must have been tough. Mao: But it was fun too! Thanks to that, we were able to learn about many different types of Force. Mao: And we never lost, of course! ----------------------------------- Skit #147 [SKI147] ----------------------------------- 「腹が減ると...」 When You're Hungry... Tytree: Say Veigue, aren't you hungry? Veigue: No, I'm not. Tytree: How can you just ignore it like that. You haven't said a word for some time now, right? They say the mouth is empty when the stomach is empty, you know? Veigue: You're shaking. Tytree: Really? I don't have the energy left to say anything besides I'm hungry... Veigue:...Eugene, let's continue on ahead. ----------------------------------- Skit #148 [SKI148] ----------------------------------- 「採れましたか?」 Have You Picked Any? Annie: Veigue...have you...picked up any mushrooms? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTICE: You received a mushroom. Veigue: This should be enough, I guess... Tytree: Whoa there!? Who are you, gramps! Mysterious Man: Shh!! Pipe down. Mysterious Man: You're Tytree, aren't you? Tytree: H, how do you know my name? Mysterious Man: That doesn't matter, so listen up. Make your friends drink this poison. If you do that, we'll return your precious sister. Tytree: You'll let Sis go!? Mysterious Man: I thought I told you to keep your voice down!! Mysterious Man: You only get one chance. If you want to save your sister, then do exactly as I say. Mysterious Man: I'm counting on you, partner. Tytree: Sis... Tytree: So, how'd it go? Did you gather any ingredients for the feast? Veigue:...This is what I found. Valuable Item: Kinoko (Mushroom) A large type of fungus. Some varieties are edible, but... NOTE: The dialogue varies slightly at this point depending on which mushrooms you picked in the forest; there appear to be 6 different variations, from getting no stars to 5 stars with Tytree. This is the dialogue that proceeds if all of the mushrooms you picked had NO spots on them. Tytree: Wow, amazing!! These are 5 stars!! Could it be that you knew? Veigue: Knew about what? Tytree: All of the mushrooms you picked are safe to eat! Tytree: There's this terrible, polka-dotted fungus around here called the Laughing Mushroom which is poisonous. If you eat it, it causes you to have uncontrollable fits of laughter for a little while. Veigue: Oh, really? Tytree: You didn't know? No, wait...maybe this means that you're a mushroom hunting genius? Tytree: All right, I'm going to treat you to the best Special Mushroom Menu that I can make! You just wait! Veigue:.......... Eugene: How's it going? Did you gather any timber? Veigue: This is all I have... Valuable Item: Timber Wood necessary to put together a raft. Eugene: That will probably be fine. If we consolidate everyone's share, then there will be enough to fix the boat. Mao: Huh? Where are Tytree and Annie? Veigue: It looks like Tytree took the mushrooms that I found and went to prepare our meal. As for Annie... Mao: Annie, how'd you do? Annie: I gathered some wood. More importantly though...Tytree was acting somewhat strangely... Mao: Isn't Tytree always a little off? Annie: That's not what I meant... Veigue:.......... Eugene: In any case, let's bring the timber that we collected to Gugura. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #149 [SKI149] ----------------------------------- 「木材を届けに」 Deliver The Timber Eugene: Let's go deliver the timber to Gugura. ----------------------------------- Skit #150 [SKI150] ----------------------------------- 「男の料理」 Male Cooking Mao: Hey, I wonder what kind of mushroom dish Tytree is going to make for us? Eugene: He sounded rather confident, but... Mao: I hope that whatever comes out of the pot is actually edible... Veigue: That is certainly...a valid concern... Mao: A dicey situation, indeed... ----------------------------------- Skit #151 [SKI151] ----------------------------------- 「小屋へ戻ろう」 Let's Return To The Hostel Mao: What are you doing? Let's bring the wood back to Gugura! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Time to dig in!! Veigue: W, wait... Mao: Hm...? Eugene: What's the matter, Veigue? Annie:........... Veigue: Ah...! Mao: You're being weird, Veigue! Mao:...Mmm~! Tasty!! This is really tasty!! Eugene: Yes...it has a good flavor to it... Tytree: Yeah, it does, doesn't it? Hm? What's wrong, Veigue? Aren't you going to have some? Veigue:...No... Tytree: Why not, it doesn't taste bad or anything. Mao, Eugene, and even Annie looks like she's enjoying it, right? Annie: Veigue, do try some. It really is delicious! Veigue: But... Gugura's voice: W, what are you doing!! Man's voice: Hmph, I won't forgive anyone who supports guys like them!! Eugene: That was Gugura's voice!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #152 [SKI152] ----------------------------------- 「緊急事態!?」 Emergency Situation!? NOTE: This Skit appears to have been removed from the PSP version. Eugene: Hurry outside!! ----------------------------------- Skit #153 [SKI153] ----------------------------------- 「外で何が!?」 Something Outside!? Mao: Didn't something happen to Gugura? Let's go check on him! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Stop right there!! Mysterious Man: Damn... Tytree: Those guys...! Veigue:.........! Eugene: Are you all right? Gugura: Yes, I'm fine. Those guys were trying to destroy the boat. Go teach them a thing or two for me!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #154 [SKI154] ----------------------------------- 「謎の敵を追え!」 Chase After The Mysterious Enemy! Veigue: Is it The Royal Shield again? Eugene: I don't know. In any case, we're chasing after them. ----------------------------------- Skit #155 [SKI155] ----------------------------------- 「とっちめてやる!」 Teach Them a Lesson! Tytree: We're going to teach those punks a lesson so that they don't mess with Gugura again!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mysterious Man: So you came...we've been waiting, you foolish Force Users. Veigue: You bastards...! Are you Royal Shield Force Users? Mao: The Force isn't reacting to them! Tytree: What did you just say...? Then how did they know about Sis? Mysterious Man: We heard about her from those Royal Shield guys who passed through here. Mysterious Man: They said that sooner or later, the stupid younger brother of one of the kidnapped girls may come after his sister along with his Force-using buddies. Tytree: Stupid younger brother...wait, you talking about me!? Mysterious Man: Who would have thought that you would be lured here exactly as I had planned. Eugene: What are you talking about? Mysterious Man: We don't have any Force. But we can compensate for that lack of power with tools. Mysterious Man: People use tools. And at times, even a person can become a tool...isn't that right, Tytree? Tytree:......... Veigue: Tytree, you...don't tell me that you actually put that bottle of poison in the food... Eugene: Did you say "poison"? Annie: Is it possible that the bottle Tytree had back then was... Mao: Annie, you saw something too? Annie: Yes...but... Tytree:...Hhm hhm hhm... Annie: Tytree? Tytree: Ha ha ha hah!! Mwa ha ha ha... Annie: Surely you didn't...!? Mao: Huh...!? Annie: Uh huhn...uh huhn huhn huhn... Mao: Ah hah...ah hah hah hah... Tytree: Wah ha ha ha ha... Eugene: Mm hmm...mm hmm hmm hmm... Mysterious Man: Meh heh heh...looks like the poison finally kicked in. Well done, Tytree!! You are a true cooking genius. Tytree: No, wait...I didn't...!! Hee hee hee...ha ha ha... Mysterious Man: Well now...The Royal Shield has been quite generous to us, so we'd better wrap up our end of the deal. Veigue: What'd you say? You're doing this for the money? High Mountain Thief: It's not just that. We can't stand you bloody Force Users! Veigue: The Royal Shield is a group made up of Force Users too! High Mountain Thief: Exactly, and we've ripped off quite a lot of money from those stupid idiots too! High Mountain Thief: It seems like there's one person who is able to hold his own since the poison didn't affect him, but take all of them down with one fell swoop! Veigue: They're coming!! Everyone, pull yourselves together! NOTE: This isn't exactly related to the storyline, but this battle is amusing since you get to hear your party members laugh the entire time. ^^ Veigue:...So we won. Eugene:...It seems that the poison has worn off as well. Now then, would you care to explain, Tytree? Tytree:...Are you having doubts about me? Veigue: I saw you take the bottle with the poison in it from that guy. Veigue: But I don't want to think...that you really put that in the food. Tytree: It's true that I accepted the bottle. But you know what, I would never do it! I'd drink the poison myself before I'd ever serve it to my friends. That's the way I live! Mao: But didn't Annie say that she also saw Tytree holding the bottle too? Annie: Tytree immediately discarded it. Annie: When I tried to say that earlier, Tytree suddenly burst out laughing, so... Tytree: Yeah, that's the gist of it. Mao: Okay then, what in blazes happened to us earlier... Annie:...I had thought as much, but I believe that feeling is similar to the symptoms you experience when you consume a poisonous mushroom. Eugene: What'd you say...? However, the only poisonous mushroom to speak of that grows around here... Eugene:...Would be this Laughing Mushroom, but... Tytree: No, the Laughing Mushroom is this one over here... Tytree: Isn't it this one? Eugene: That is an Akadamadake, a mushroom with a sweet aroma, a pleasant taste, and a good texture. Annie: Then that means that the food we ate before had a large quantity of these Laughing Mushrooms in it...? Mao: Tytree!! Eugene: It appears that the truth has come out. Tytree: No, that's not it, I didn't do it on purpose!! It was just a slight misunderstanding, that's all! Please forgive me!! I'm begging you here, see!! Mao: We'll forgive you, Tytree. We do have big hearts, after all. Annie: Everyone is safe, so you don't have to apologize that much... Veigue: Yeah...I'm glad that things didn't become serious. Eugene: It's fine as long as you don't repeat the same mistake twice. So with this, the matter has been resolved. Tytree: Thank you!! Thank you!! As a man, I shall not forget your kindness. Next time, I definitely won't get them confused!! Mao: Right!! Well, should we head back...wait, "next time"!? Do you intend to cook again? Tytree: It'll be all right, I tell you! They say failure is the key to success, right? Next time, I'll make the finest feast ever! Tytree acquired the title "xx Chef." Skill Attack Power +2 Gugura's Apprentice: The preparations for the down river craft are complete. It looks like my master can head out anytime. Please come to the pier once you are ready. Veigue: Got it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #156 [SKI156] ----------------------------------- 「準備はいいか?」 Are You Ready? Eugene: If you're ready to head down the river, then go to Gugura. ----------------------------------- Skit #157 [SKI157] ----------------------------------- 「ゴメンね、ティトレイ」 Sorry, Tytree Veigue: Tytree, I'm sorry for doubting you... Tytree: It's okay, really! I said that it's against my nature to harp on the past, didn't I? Mao: But it IS true that you put poisonous mushrooms in our food, isn't it? Tytree: Are you still saying that!? You're gonna make me cry here! ----------------------------------- Skit #158 [SKI158] ----------------------------------- 「舟の事ならじいさんだ」 Ask Gugura For The Boat Tytree: If you want to ride the boat, then just ask Gugura. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gugura: Ride the boat? Yes No Need an explanation? Yes No Directions for operating the boat: CIRCLE: Throw fruit (when you have them) X: Jump LEFT/RIGHT ON D-PAD: Move to the left or right line START BUTTON: Pauses the game Avoid logs and rocks as you aim for the goal. Your life will decrease by 1 if you come in contact with obstacles or the bats. If you lose all of your life, then you must try again (This first time is an exception though). Items explanation: FRUIT: 1 fruit=5 throws (looks like a kiwi) SWIM RING: Recovers 1 life point (Max life=5) OAR: Speeds up left/right movement FISH: Only increases your score BAT: Decreases your life BUBBLE: Cannot jump for fixed interval; Can be destroyed by throwing fruit at it Check the sign to see your high score. Mao: Ah, you can see the city over there!! Tytree: Oh, that has to be Sunnytown for sure!! Veigue: That's Sunnytown... Tytree: Thanks, old man!! How much do we owe you? Gugura: I cannot take money from benefactors. Gugura: You folks gathered the wood for my boat, after all. Gugura: Come visit me if you're ever by the Toyohose River. You can ride the boat anytime. Free of charge, of course. Tytree: Thanks, that'll help!! Right, guys!! Veigue: Thank you, Gugura. Gugura: See you later. Tytree: Alright! Let's begin our pursuit after The Royal Shield right away! Eugene: There should be a boat leaving for Balka from the sea side port. Let's try going there first. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #159 [SKI159] ----------------------------------- 「港に行くんだろ?」 We're Going To The Port, Right? Tytree: We're going to the port, aren't we? Annie: But since there's water all around us, it feels like we could ride a boat from anywhere, doesn't it. ----------------------------------- Skit #160 [SKI160] ----------------------------------- 「水の都・サニイタウン」 The Water Metropolis, Sunnytown Annie:...This really is a lovely city, isn't it. Tytree: Yeah, to visit anyway. Tytree: It's a bit of a pain if you live here though. Annie:............? Tytree: When a storm comes, this town ends up getting flooded. Thank goodness that the weather is nice today, yes, yes indeed... ----------------------------------- Skit #161 [SKI161] ----------------------------------- 「バルカ行きの舟に乗ろう」 Let's Ride A Boat Going To Balka Eugene: There should be a boat leaving from the harbor that is going to Balka. Let's go check it out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Callegean Soldier: Halt. This area is off limits. The port is under the control of the Callegean military. All public maritime traffic has been suspended. Veigue: The Callegean army...here too, huh. Mao: I wonder if Saleh and the others left already? Eugene: When was the harbor sealed off? Callegean Soldier: Two weeks ago. Tytree: So then, the last military boat left around that time too, right? Callegean Soldier: I cannot disclose any classified information concerning the military. Tytree: Did you see someone come here with a whole bunch of young Huma girls? Callegean Soldier: I cannot answer that. Tytree: You know what!! You've got a lot of nerve for such a small fry!! We're racing against time here!! Callegean Soldier: Why you!! Veigue: Cut it out. Tytree: Let go of me, Veigue! Annie: We're sorry...we didn't mean to bother you... Mao: This guy's in a bad mood since he just got dumped by a girl. So, will you forgive us? Pretty please? Callegean Soldier: Leave this place at once. If you do so, then I won't press any charges against you people. Annie: Thank you so much. Mao: Come on, let's go! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #162 [SKI162] ----------------------------------- 「ティトレイと失恋」 Tytree And Unrequited Love Tytree: Hey Mao, who'd you say got dumped by a girl? Mao: Sorry dorry! Tytree: I may not look it, but I haven't been dumped even a single time. Annie: Is that true? Tytree: Hey, what's with that surprised response! ----------------------------------- Skit #163 [SKI163] ----------------------------------- 「王の盾は陸路を行く?」 The Royal Shield Is Going By Land? Mao: It looks like The Royal Shield didn't ride on a boat. Tytree: That soldier wasn't necessarily telling us the truth, you know. Eugene: At any rate, let's find someplace quiet where we can think about our next step. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Woman: Excuse me... Woman: Are you all searching for a Huma girl? Eugene: What makes you say that? Woman: I could hear you talking to the soldier at the port. Was that child you spoke of kidnapped, by any chance...? Tytree: Lady, do you know something? Woman: Actually...my daughter was also taken away by Saleh and Tohma. It happened just yesterday... Veigue: Where did they go? On a boat? Woman: No, they headed west with my daughter along with some other young girls. Eugene: West? So that means that they're taking the Tel Alla Highway then. Tytree: Yesterday, huh...if we hurry, we might be able to catch up to them. Woman: If you are going to go save that girl, could you please...also free my daughter, Hilda, as well? Eugene: Your daughter's name is Hilda? Woman: Yes, I beg of you!! Please save my daughter... Tytree: Yeah, we'll bring her back no matter what! You just wait here for us, Miss. Woman: Thank you very much... Tytree: Let's book it!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #164 [SKI164] ----------------------------------- 「さらわれて娘を救え」 Rescue The Kidnapped Girls Eugene: Let's head towards the west to the Tel Alla Highway. Don't let your guard down. We may be attacked by a Royal Shield assassin. ----------------------------------- Skit #165 [SKI165] ----------------------------------- 「王の盾はなぜ?」 Why Would The Royal Shield? Veigue: Tytree, didn't you hear the reason as to why The Royal Shield is kidnapping Huma girls? Tytree: No, I don't know anything...but Saleh looked at their faces and then decided, right? Tytree: This probably doesn't mean much coming from me, but my older sister is quite the beauty, after all. Tytree: Still, it's surprising that she'd be chosen to be with the Empress... Veigue: Wouldn't Princess Agarte's partner be a Gajuma man...? Tytree: Oh yeah, I guess you have a point there...hmm... ----------------------------------- Skit #166 [SKI166] ----------------------------------- 「テルアラ街道へ」 To The Tel Alla Highway Tytree: The Royal Shield is advancing west, huh...so Sis and Claire may be together then. Veigue: Right, let's hurry! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Hmm...there are hardly any signs that this place was used. Annie: They might have continued on without stopping here. Eugene: Be on your guard. Veigue:.........!? ???: H, help me...I'm being chased by some horrible people... Annie: Are you all right!? Veigue: Horrible people? Tell us more about them. ???: I am...Hilda. These guys captured me in Sunnytown, but I managed to escape while I was being taken somewhere... Mao: Hilda!? We saw your mother in Sunnytown! She was extremely worried. Hilda:...You've met mother!? Tytree: Yeah, we promised her that we would definitely save you. Hilda: But...there are a lot of girls who were taken besides me...they kept us under very strict surveillance...but I was finally able to run away alone... Hilda:...Because of her...it was all thanks to Claire... Veigue: Claire? Is Claire safe? Hilda: Yes. I was able to escape because of her help... Tytree: Wasn't there someone named Selena with you? Hilda:...Selena was there. She also helped me. Tytree: Sis...!! Annie: Where are Saleh and the others right now? Hilda: They were travelling south along the highway, so they might be heading towards the Kurodadaku Desert. But... Eugene: But...? Mao: There's a reaction to the Force!! And it's strong too! Hilda: It's Tohma!! Tohma took some of his men and chased after me, and now he's come back here! Hilda: Something terrible may happen to me if I'm caught...Please! Save me...! Tytree: Sure, just leave them to us! Veigue:...Let's go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #167 [SKI167] ----------------------------------- 「ヤツか!?」 Is It Him!? Mao: I can feel the Force! It's strong! Outside! Eugene: It might be Tohma. Everyone, be careful. ----------------------------------- Skit #168 [SKI168] ----------------------------------- 「ヤツが来る!!」 He's Coming!! Mao: The Force reaction is coming from outside of the hostel! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Tohma!! Tohma: There's a Huma girl inside that hostel, isn't there. Hand her over if you value your lives. Tytree: We're not handing over anyone!! YOU'RE the ones who need to give back Sis, Claire, and the rest of the girls! Tohma: Oh, is that so...if that's the case, then die. Everyone: *screams* Tytree:...Hilda...you... Tohma: That's why I told you, didn't I? To hand her over if you valued your lives. Annie: You're a Force User as well...!? Hilda: Yes...of The Royal Shield. Mao: What do you mean...? Then your mother who we met in Sunnytown was...? Hilda: She was a paid performer, nothing more. She was no mother of mine... Veigue: Then your story...about Claire and Selena was also... Hilda: I've never met them. I just used their names. Tytree: Using such dirty tricks...how dare you!! Hilda: It's your fault for being deceived. Tytree: You'll pay for this...I'll make you pay for this, no matter what!! Tohma: Hilda! Rip them to shreds! Hilda: This is also...fate. Hilda: How humiliating... Tohma: Tch! That's why I warned you. Things wouldn't have turned out this way if you hadn't broken off your precious horns for the sake of your worthless desires. Hilda:...Those horns...I don't need them! Tohma: I've had enough! You worthless impurity. I have absolutely no use for a weakling who cannot perform her duty! Hilda: This isn't...over yet!! Tytree: Horns, impurity...what are you talking about? Eugene:...It couldn't be, is Hilda...? Tohma: That's exactly right, she's a... Hilda: Silence!! Tohma: Hmph, I'm going to expose your wretched shape to these guys. Hilda: NO! Don't...! Annie: A Huma with horns...!? Hilda:...Don't look...don't look at me!! Tohma: This thing here is a Half. She's not a Huma or a Gajuma, just a good-for-nothing impurity! Annie: It can't be true...? A child from a Huma and a Gajuma is just... Tohma: Even if you don't believe me, you can tell by looking at her head, can't you? Those horns are proof that she's an accursed child born between a Huma and a Gajuma. Eugene: She certainly has horns...I hear that Halfs are also born with tails as well, but... Eugene: Don't tell me that you broke off your own horns in order to conceal the fact that you are a Half!? Tohma: Foolish woman...you must have known that horns boost the power of the Force in Halfs. Tohma: Well, even so, I showed some pity and put you to work since you were begging me with tears in your eyes. But that has come to an end. Hilda: No way...I can still fight...I'll...defeat these guys...and get the body of a pure person... Tohma: Get a pure body? What nonsense! Do you really think that you can change the body that you born with! Hilda: It can't be...you promised, Tohma!! That I could rid myself of this detestable body if I killed them... Eugene: You're being deceived, Hilda. This man...is just using you! Tohma: Hmph! If you only had your horns, I would have continued to show you nothing but pleasant dreams! Hilda: What do you mean by..."dreams"? Tohma: I only cared for you because I wanted the extraordinary abilities of a Half for myself. Even without your horns, I thought that you could do at least something, but in end, you're just an impurity. Hilda: How cruel... Tohma: It's your fault for being deceived, isn't that right? Hilda:...How cruel...how cruel...how cruel... Mao: This isn't good!! She's starting to go berserk!! Tohma: It looks like you'll be a little useful after all. Show me what a Half is capable of, Hilda! Hilda: Uaaaaahhhh!! Tohma: Fu wah hah hah... Veigue: Wait, Tohma!! Veigue: Ugh!! Eugene: Veigue, we can't leave Hilda like this! Veigue:...Tch! That's right! NOTE: As far as I know, you will only finish this battle with a Hi-Ougi if Veigue and Annie are in your party. Veigue: You leave us no choice. Annie: Veigue! Annie: The Gate of Purification is not to be disturbed!! Veigue: I see right through you!! Annie: Finishing strike!! Veigue & Annie: Ryuuko Metsugazan!! Hilda:...Ah...Ergh...Ngh... Eugene: Stop it, are you trying to kill yourself!! Hilda:...Unh... Veigue: Give it up, you're already at your... Tytree: Uah!! Group: Tytree!! Tytree: Ouchie...that was a 4 star attack... Hilda:...What are you doing...why won't you let me die? Tytree: Why is it that you have to die...! Hilda:.......... Tytree: Ow, that smarts... Tytree: No matter what kind of reason you have, I can't allow you to simply throw away the precious life that your parents gave you!! Hilda: If I must continue to live in this Half body for the rest of my days... then I would rather die... Veigue:...Why? What's wrong with being a Half? Hilda: You wouldn't understand... Veigue: You don't come across too many people like you...there are Gajumas and Humas...and to think that there are Halfs as well... Hilda: Neither the Humas nor the Gajumas will accept me...that feeling... Hilda: How could you people possibly understand...what it feels like to have stones thrown at you from both sides!! Hilda: I didn't want to be born...as some Half... Tytree: Hilda!! Annie:...She's still breathing. But if we don't treat her quickly...! Eugene: Veigue, Tytree. I know this is not in your favor, but is it all right with you two if we return to Sunnytown? Tytree: That's no excuse to just leave her like this, is it? Right, Veigue? Veigue:...Right. Mao: Veigue... Veigue: Let's hurry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #169 [SKI169] ----------------------------------- 「ヒルダを連れて」 Bring Hilda Annie: In any case, we need to treat Hilda right now. Let us return to Sunnytown. ----------------------------------- Skit #170 [SKI170] ----------------------------------- 「そんなに...」 Is It That... Veigue: Is being a Half...that difficult... Eugene: There are probably a multitude of pains and hardships that we couldn't even imagine... Eugene: Purely speaking, as Humas and Gajumas, we can never truly fathom the amount of suffering that they go through... Veigue:.............. ----------------------------------- Skit #171 [SKI171] ----------------------------------- 「使い過ぎにご用心」 Use With Caution Tytree: Annie, how is Hilda doing? Annie: It appears that she has accumulated a substantial amount of physical and mental fatigue. Annie: It will be necessary for her to rest for a while... Tytree: I guess you have to be mindful of when you are overusing your Force... ----------------------------------- Skit #172 [SKI172] ----------------------------------- 「知ってた?」 Did You Know? Mao: Eugene, did you know about Hilda? Eugene: No...it's likely that Tohma secretly raised her on his own in order to keep her under his control. Mao: But why? Was it necessary to do that? Eugene: Hmm...there were people in The Royal Shield who kept subordinates of their own so that they could carry out their duties more efficiently. Eugene: Tohma probably used Hilda in a similar fashion and had her join The Royal Shield sometime after we left. Mao: Hmm, but I just can't picture Tohma being able to manipulate a person so well like that... ----------------------------------- Skit #173 [SKI173] ----------------------------------- 「ヒルダが最優先だ」 Hilda Is Our Top Priority Tytree: Let's return to Sunnytown quickly and let Hilda rest! ----------------------------------- Skit #174 [SKI174] ----------------------------------- 「急ごう...」 Let's Go... Veigue:...Let's hurry... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue:...How is she, Annie? Annie: Her regenerative ability is astouding. Her Force has stabilized as well, so she should return to normal if she rests for a while. Tytree: Really...thank goodness, what a relief! Annie: Luck was on our side, wasn't it. Veigue: Hm? Annie: She wields this much power even though her horns are broken. Imagine what it would be like if she had them... Eugene: A Half, huh...I had heard about them, but I didn't think that they actually existed. Mao: Gajumas and Humas don't really get married in the first place though, right? Eugene: Well...interracial marriages are certainly regarded as being taboo, but you do hear of such couples on rare occasions. Mao: Oh, really...I didn't know that... Annie: Moreover, Half children go through a difficult birth and are prone to illness due to their weak bodies. Mao: Then that means Hilda is a miracle child, isn't she. Annie: Miracle child? Mao: Hilda's had a rough time ever since she was born, and yet she beat all of the odds and managed to make it to adulthood. Isn't that just amazing? Tytree: That's right...you're absolutely right, Mao! I feel the same way. Annie: But Hilda removed her horns in order to conceal the fact that she is a Half, didn't she... Mao:............ Tytree:...T, that may be true, but... Annie: Tytree, would you have wanted to be born as a Half? Tytree: Well, that is... Annie: Even though you have horns and a tail, you're not a Gajuma. But because you have horns and a tail, you're not a Huma either. You wouldn't even be the same race as your only blood relatives, your father and mother... Annie: If I were her...I would resent the parents that gave me that body. If it were possible to change bodies, then I think I would do so. Tytree: But you know, I don't think that it really matters whether you're a Huma, a Gajuma, a Half, or whatever. Annie: But... Tytree: Besides, there's no way to change your body in the first place anyway. I think that it's a matter of facing the facts and deciding for yourself that you're going to continue living. Annie: That's true, but... Woman's voice: Aah! Man's voice: Wah! Mao: Force!? It's close!!...Outside! Veigue: Let's go! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #175 [SKI175] ----------------------------------- 「また来たヨ!」 Here's Another One! Mao: It's another Force User! Eugene:...Let's go...! ----------------------------------- Skit #176 [SKI176] ----------------------------------- 「能力者は外に!?」 A Force User Outside!? Eugene: Veigue, we're going outside! It might be The Royal Shield. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Are you okay? ????: Eh...Erh... Annie: You'll be alright! It's just a surface wound! Tytree: What's wrong, what happened!? ????:........... Mao: Something big's headed this way!! Tytree: The Royal Shield again...!? Mao: Right over there!! Tytree: But there's no one there!? Tytree: H, hey, a person just appeared out of thin air!! Annie: That person's...those horns...!! ?????: What a sickening stare. Are Halfs really that unusual. All: *screams* Tytree: W, what the hell was that for!! ?????: Hand over that girl. Tytree: That again! Veigue: Who the hell are you! Eugene: What do you intend to do with this girl!? ?????: I am Militsa. It is my duty to take that girl into custody and bring her back to Callegea Castle. Annie: If I'm not mistaken, the only female among The Four Stars is Militsa...but to think that she was a Half... Mao: Eugene! This isn't another trap using a fleeing woman, is it? Eugene: I cannot confirm it, but... Militsa: Eugene...? I see...the former commander of The Royal Shield... Militsa: So you must be the Force Users who are impeding our progress...then you shall feel the fury of my Force of Rainbow. Tytree: What the!? She made shadow clones of herself!? All: *screams* ????: No...NO!! Mao: Ah, wait a minute...! Militsa: You won't get away... Tytree: H, hold it... Militsa: You're in the way! Party: *screams* Militsa: Hmph... Veigue: Chase after Militsa! That girl's in danger...! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #177 [SKI177] ----------------------------------- 「逃亡者を救え」 Aid The Runaway Eugene: In any case, look for the Huma girl from earlier. We have to find her before Militsa does and protect her! ----------------------------------- Skit #178 [SKI178] ----------------------------------- 「手がかりはあの娘」 That Girl Is The Key Eugene:...That girl...judging from her ragged appearance, she must have been fleeing for her life. Veigue:.............. Mao: Eugene, if you say stuff like that, you're going to end up alarming Veigue again. Veigue: No...she might know something about Claire... Eugene: Right, let's find her and ask. ----------------------------------- Skit #179 [SKI179] ----------------------------------- 「ミリッツア追走」 Chase Down Militsa Tytree: Where is Militsa!? There's going to be trouble if she finds that girl before we do! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree: Dammit...where'd that girl run off to! Mao: We have to find her before Militsa does!! Militsa: Too late. Annie: Aah!! Eugene: Are you okay, Annie! Annie: I'm fine, that was nothing! Eugene: But... Militsa: It would have been better if you had stayed down like a good girl. Veigue: She's coming at us again!! Eugene:...Did we miss her real body!? Militsa: Don't interfere. I cannot be beaten by the likes of you. Tytree:...What should we do. What the heck is the Force of Rainbow anyway? Mao: Is it the ability to create illusions? Tytree: Those were definitely not illusions. Veigue: Is it the ability to produce shadow clones? Tytree: We're going to be in trouble at this rate... Annie: Rainbow...light, perhaps? It may have to do with light. Veigue: Light? Annie: Wouldn't Militsa's Force of Rainbow be the ability to manipulate light and create mirage-like images? Tytree: What do you mean!? Annie: I think that Militsa is most likely compiling her Force into balls of light and fashioning them after herself, which she can then maneuver at will. Eugene: If Annie's hypothesis is correct, then those shadow clones are nothing more than illusions. It's meaningless to destroy them. Eugene: We cannot defeat her unless we find her real body and hit it directly. Mao: But they are perfect copies in every way, so we'll never be able to tell them apart. And on top of that, the Force reacts to all of them... Annie: It can be done. Mao: Really!? Annie: As I expected, the key to overcoming the Force of Rainbow which creates illusions from light...is light. Annie: If the images are made out of light, then disturbing the light in the surrounding areas should cause them to vanish! Mao: So in other words, the shadow clones will disappear and only her real body will be left behind! Eugene: I see...so that means we need to think of a way to disrupt the light in order to eliminate Militsa's shadow clones. Veigue: How about steam? With my ice and Mao's flame... Eugene:...It seems like it's worth trying. Man's voice: Wah!! Woman's voice: Stop it!! Tytree: That woman...she plans to find that girl from earlier even if it means digging up the entire city!! Eugene: We have to stop her!! Mao: Right! Let's go! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #180 [SKI180] ----------------------------------- 「チカチカするぜ!!」 They Sting!! Eugene: Search for the real Militsa! Tytree: Damn it!! My eyes are stinging!! ----------------------------------- Skit #181 [SKI181] ----------------------------------- 「ミリッツアを探せ!」 Look For Militsa! Tytree: Which one is the real Militsa anyway...! Man, it's making my head spin... Eugene: Get a hold of yourself, Tytree. If you get confused, then that is exactly what the opponent wants. Tytree:...Grr...damn it all! ----------------------------------- Skit #182 [SKI182] ----------------------------------- 「本物はどれだ?」 Which Is The Real One? Annie: We have no choice but to find the real Militsa! The shadow clones created by her Force should disappear if we strike at her actual body! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Mao, you're up! Mao: Right...! Militsa: Where do you think you're aiming at? Mao: I'm aiming right where I intended! Veigue: So that's the real Militsa! Militsa:...H, how did you figure it out...! Eugene: I'm afraid that your Force of Rainbow is no longer effective against us. Veigue: The light has been dispersed! Eugene: There she is! Militsa: Aaaahhhh!! Militsa: Uhn...how could I let this happen... Tytree: We're not afraid of your lousy shadow clones anymore!! Militsa:...I can dispose of you wretches at my leisure. Right now, locating that girl takes precedence... Veigue: What'd you say!? Mao: She's over there!! Tytree: Like we're going to let you escape!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #183 [SKI183] ----------------------------------- 「ミリッツア逃走」 Run After Militsa Eugene: Militsa was headed towards the exit to the north. Tytree: Militsa's nothing to be afraid of without her cloning trick! ----------------------------------- Skit #184 [SKI184] ----------------------------------- 「ミリッツアを捕らえろ」 Capture Militsa Eugene: If we capture Militsa, we may learn something about The Royal Shield's movements. Tytree: It looked like Militsa was making her way to the northern exit of the city! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Militsa: What an utterly loathsome sort you are...loathsome...absolutely loathsome!! Hilda's voice: Militsa!! Tytree: Hilda...!? Militsa: So you were alive, Hilda... Hilda: Militsa...there is no need for us to fight for The Royal Shield any longer. Militsa: What are you trying to say? Hilda: We've been tricked by Tohma!! We won't obtain some "Pure Body". That was simply a story that he made up in order to take advantage of us!! Militsa:.......... Hilda: So that's why we shouldn't fight any more meaningless battles... Militsa: Why should I care? Hilda: Eh...!? Militsa: Where else are Halfs like us welcome outside of The Royal Shield? Hilda: Well, that I... Militsa: Don't interfere, Hilda. Otherwise, I will eradicate you as well. Hilda: Open your eyes, Militsa!! Militsa: Get out of the way, Hilda. Hilda:........!! Militsa: I'm serious... Hilda:...Why? Why do we have to take up arms like this? Hilda: Hadn't we grown up together up until now. And yet, now we...I don't want to have to face a fellow Half like this...!! Militsa:...You renounced your horns. You cast aside the fact that you are a Half! Do not speak as if we are the same! Hilda: Stop it, Militsa...stop! Veigue: Hilda! Watch out! Eugene: Stand down, Militsa! You've lost. Militsa:........... Mao: Hey, why were you chasing after that girl? What is The Royal Shield going to do with the captured women? Militsa: I know nothing. There was no need to know and I am better off not knowing. Hilda: Militsa... Militsa: Hilda...without a doubt, the time will come when you will regret this...there is no place where we belong... Hilda:......... Veigue: She vanished... Mao: The signs of her Force have completely disappeared. It looks like she's left the city. Eugene: Well then, let's search for that girl from earlier. Mao: Oh, that's right!! I forgot!! Eugene: She must possess some important information for The Royal Shield to go out of their way to retrieve her. Veigue: She might have heard something about Claire and Selena too. Eugene: Right. Let's search for her. Veigue: Hilda...what are you going to do? Hilda: Huh...? Veigue: Why don't you come with us? Hilda:...Are you serious? Veigue: A place where you belong... Hilda: Eh...? Veigue: Militsa had mentioned that there was no place for Halfs to go, so... Hilda:...So you pity me, is that it? Because I'm a Half... Veigue: Pity...? Hilda: You feel sorry for me, don't you? "The poor little thing!", that's what you're thinking since I'm a Half, isn't it? Veigue:.......... Tytree:...Humas, Gajumas, Halfs...what the heck are those anyway!? Tytree: Kind-hearted people and not-so-kind-hearted people. In other words... right versus wrong. If a thing such as race exists, then it has to be one of those two things. Tytree: Tohma, the one whom you have a grudge against, is evil. If you defeat him, then you will become just. Hilda: But I tried to kill all of you... Eugene: If you feel sorry for attacking us, then how about repaying your debt by lending us your strength. We have witnessed your fighting capabilities firsthand, and we would like to have you as a companion. Hilda: I can't stand partnerships. Hilda: But, I will pay back what is due...to you, and to that Tohma without fail...!! Annie: Then that means...! Hilda: Yes...I'll go with you. Mao: Welcome to the group, Hilda. Hilda: Quit it. I said that I didn't like people getting cozy with me, didn't I. Tytree: That reminds me, there's something that I need to return to you. Hilda:.........? Tytree: Here you go. Hilda: These are... Tytree: I can't very well have this sticking out of my back forever, you know. Mao: Hey, what kind of card is that? Hilda: The Reverse Death... Tytree: Hey now, that sounds ominous... Hilda: No...the Reverse Death symbolizes..."A Great Turning Point," and also..."Rebirth." Tytree: Man, I give up. That's just way over my head...you know. Veigue: Alright, let's go. NOTICE: Hilda has become your companion. Veigue + Annie Mao + Eugene Tytree + Hilda Hi-ougis between these party members are now available. Read the Battlebook? Yes No Hilda's possession, the Collector's Book, has been added as a Valuable Item. Valuable Item: Collector's Book An indispensable book for item collectors. Try to complete it! You received the Collector's Book. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #185 [SKI185] ----------------------------------- 「あの娘はどこに?」 Where Is That Girl? Veigue: We might learn something about Claire if we ask that girl... Eugene: Yes, I'd like to inquire about The Royal Shield's objective as well. Let's search anywhere that looks like a potential hiding place. ----------------------------------- Skit #186 [SKI186] ----------------------------------- 「ミリッツアについて」 About Militsa Tytree: I feel sorry for Militsa too. Tytree: At best, she's convinced that there's no other place besides The Royal Shield where she belongs, right? Hilda:...I'm not so sure about that... Tytree: It's true...besides, even if you claim that that is where you belong, Tohma tricked the two of you, didn't he? Hilda:...I cannot forgive Tohma for what he's done...I don't think that he is right, either. But... Hilda: The Royal Shield was the only place...that acknowledged and accepted a Half such as myself... Tytree:............ ----------------------------------- Skit #187 [SKI187] ----------------------------------- 「そんなの!」 No, That's...! Mao: Say, are Halfs really that rare? Annie:...Up until now, I had never met a single Half person before... Annie: My father once told me that they were extremely uncommon... Mao: You mean he said that Humas and Gajumas hardly ever fall in love? Annie: No, that's!...that's... Annie: That's only natural, isn't it... Annie: For love to exist between a Huma and a Gajuma is just... ----------------------------------- Skit #188 [SKI188] ----------------------------------- 「ヒルダのカ一ド」 Hilda's Cards Mao: Hey Hilda, what are those cards that you carry around with you? Hilda: They're cards used for fortune-telling... Mao: They look pretty old...did someone give them to you? Hilda: Who knows... ----------------------------------- Skit #189 [SKI189] ----------------------------------- 「大人ですね」 You're An Adult, Aren't You Annie: Hilda, may I ask how old you are? Hilda: Me...? I'm 21... Annie: Wow, you're an adult, aren't you. Hilda:...How about you...? Annie: I'm 15 years old. Hilda:...I see, you're still a child then... Annie:............ ----------------------------------- Skit #190 [SKI190] ----------------------------------- 「居場所...」 A Place To Belong To... Tytree: Say, Hilda...a place to belong to...is that something that someone usually gives to you? Hilda:...Huh? Tytree: Someone like me wouldn't understand the pain and suffering that you Halfs go through. But you know... Tytree: If it were me, I think that I would just make my own little place where I belong...even if I had to force myself. Mao: Yeah exactly, just like when you decided to join us of your own accord, right! Hilda:...Make a place where I belong for myself... ----------------------------------- Skit #191 [SKI191] ----------------------------------- 「なんでだろ...」 I Wonder Why... Tytree: Hey Veigue...have you ever met a Half before? Veigue: No, Hilda is the first one...what about you? Tytree: Me too...I had never heard or even thought of Humas and Gajumas getting married or anything like that... Tytree: I wonder why...even though I think that we are both the same people, why hadn't I thought about that sort of thing... Tytree: For some reason...it irritates me...I feel like I'm talking about something really unpleasant... Veigue:...Yeah, you're right... ----------------------------------- Skit #192 [SKI192] ----------------------------------- 「幸せの子」 Miracle Children Veigue: Eugene, did you know anything about Halfs? Eugene: Yes, somewhat...but like the rest of you, I had never actually seen one until I met Hilda... Eugene: I've heard that Halfs have weak bodies and that many die at a young age... Eugene: Because of that, I believe that Hilda and Militsa really are miracle children... ----------------------------------- Skit #193 [SKI193] ----------------------------------- 「ぼうや」 Boy Mao: Let's see...Hilda, how old did you say you were again? Hilda:........... Mao: Eh? Should I not have asked that? Hilda: It's a breach of etiquette to ask a lady about her age or weight. You'd best remember that, boy. Mao: What was that! You'd better not treat me like a kid, you hear!! Hilda: Getting angry like that is what makes you a child, you know... ----------------------------------- Skit #194 [SKI194] ----------------------------------- 「それでいい」 That's Good Eugene: What do you guys think about Halfs? Veigue:...I was surprised at first, but...they're not that different from us, are they...? Eugene:...Yes, you're right...but...there are many people who cannot view them that way... Tytree: Why is that! What is it about being a Half that's so wrong!? Tytree:...Huh, what's with the happy look on your face? Eugene:...No, I was just thinking that with young people like you two around, I'm sure that someday, everyone will understand... Eugene:...Remember this doubt and anger that you have, and forever treasure these feelings... ----------------------------------- Skit #195 [SKI195] ----------------------------------- 「身を隠すなら...」 If I Were To Hide... Mao: It looks like Militsa is gone, so we need to find that lady from earlier. Tytree: Where would I hide, where would I hide, if I were you... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ????: !!! Veigue: So you were safe. ????: W, what about the person who was chasing me...? Veigue: It's okay, she's no longer in the city. ????:...I, I've been saved...haven't I... Eugene: Why was Militsa after you? ????:........... Tytree: My older sister and Veigue's girlfriend were...they were abducted by The Royal Shield. That's why we'd like you to tell us anything that you know about them. Veigue: She's only a childhood friend. Tytree: What are you correcting me for? Wasn't she your girlfriend? Annie: Tytree, this isn't the time to be discussing this. Tytree: Yeah, you're right, but... ????: Is it true...? Did they really take your friends and family too...? Veigue: Yes...so, please tell us what happened... ????:...I understand...I'll tell you what I know if that's what you want... ????: I'm Susie. I was captured in the city of Belsas by a Gajuma and a Huma. Mao: That had to have been Saleh and Tohma... Susie: I was transported by boat along with some other girls. Veigue: Where to? Susie:...To Callegea Castle. Tytree: By Callegea Castle, you mean the castle where the Queen lives, right? The one in the capital city, Balka, that castle? Susie: That's right...there were a large number of Huma girls like me that had been gathered from all over the country. Veigue: Were any of the girls there named Claire or Selena? Susie: Eh...? I don't think so...are those the people you are looking for? Tytree: Yeah... Annie: Are all of the captured women safe and sound? Susie: Yes...aside from the fact that we were not allowed to leave the room, we were not bothered or exposed to any danger. Mao: It sounds like what Saleh said is true: they really are taking good care of the Huma girls. Veigue:...Yes, it seems that way. Tytree: Hilda, don't you know something about this? Hilda: No, I haven't heard anything like that. Tytree: I see... Eugene: And then? Susie: Then, I met with the Queen...Lady Agarte... Veigue: Queen Agarte... Imperial Guard: All hands at attention!! Imperial Guard: It is time for an audience with the ruler of Callegea, Her Majesty, Queen Agarte! Imperial Guard: This day, the one honored to be chosen by Her Majesty is Susie Quess. Step forward! Susie: Y, yes... Imperial Guard: This person who appears before you is Her Majesty's aide, Lady Zilva! Show your respect! Zilva: There is nothing to worry about. Due to her social standing, there have not been many occasions for Her Majesty The Queen to associate with young ladies of a similar age. Zilva: Therefore, even if it is but a brief respite from her official duties, she would love the opportunity to converse with you over tea. Susie:........... Zilva: Please, I ask that you grant Lady Agarte's modest request. Susie: Very well... Zilva: Thank you. I am grateful for your kindness. Agarte: So you are Susie? Susie: Yes, my Queen. Agarte: Be at ease. Now, come here... Susie: Y, yes... Agarte: What a pretty face... Susie: Eh...n, no, not at all...it is nothing...compared to Your Majesty... Agarte:.......... Susie: A, after all...I have never seen a Gajuma woman as beautiful as Your Majesty before... Agarte: I wonder if you have laid eyes upon a Huma woman who is more attractive than myself... Susie: Not at all...Your Ladyship is the most...beautiful of all... Agarte:...Is that what you truly think? Susie: Yes...it's the truth. You are very...extremely attractive...But you possess more than just beauty...you are also elegant...and so wonderful... Agarte: Thank you, Susie...for calling someone such as myself beautiful... Susie: Y, Your Highness...? Agarte: If you are so pleased with this body, then I shall...bestow it upon you... Susie: At that moment, it appears that I lost consciousness...When I came to, I could hear a voice off in the distance... Zilva:...Princess!! Princess, are you all right? Agarte: Why...why does it reject me? If, if we don't make haste... Zilva: Princess, we will find it without a doubt. So please, have patience. It will surely come to pass before long... Agarte:...Zilva...I cause nothing but trouble for you...I am sorry... Zilva: What are you saying, Princess. It is my duty to serve you...do not concern yourself with such matters. Agarte:...Zilva... Zilva: Well then, shall we be on our way, Princess? Please allow me to handle this. Susie: The next time I awoke, I was back in the room I was in before. Veigue:...And then...? Susie: I'm not too sure, but I thought that something even more terrible would happen to me if I remained there. Susie: I then faked illness and when I left the room, I quickly hid myself in a garbage bag that was laying there until I was taken outside of the castle. Susie: After that, I climbed onto a ship out of desperation and somehow made it to this city, but I was discovered by one of the Queen's pursuers... Mao: You're talking about Militsa. Susie: And when I had thought that it was the end of the road for me, you all appeared...thank you, you truly saved me... Susie: That is all I can tell you... Eugene:...Susie, thank you. So, what do you plan to do from here on? Susie: I want to return to Belsas since my father is probably worried about me, but... Eugene: Militsa was wounded and has fled, but another pursuer will come after you. They may follow you to Belsas. Mao: That's right. Wouldn't it be better to stay in this city for a while until things calm down? Susie: Yes...thank you. I would like to show my appreciation, so please come visit me if you are ever in Belsas. Mao: I wonder if the Queen met with any of the girls besides Susie? Or was Susie special somehow? Tytree: Whatever the case, it doesn't seem like she's just searching for someone to keep her company during tea time. Annie: I wonder what happened while Susie was unconscious? Eugene: Moreso than what happened, I'm concerned about what caused her to lose consciousness in the first place... Veigue: There's no doubt that the Queen tried to do something to that girl. But it didn't go well... Hilda: And then, she seems to be in a rush to accomplish something as soon as possible... Mao: In a rush, huh. It certainly felt that way from Susie's story, but...I wonder what they are in a hurry to do? Tytree: Hmm...I haven't the slightest! What in the world is the Queen trying to do!? Eugene: But in any case, it appears we have confirmation that the captured girls are safe. Mao: As long as they don't try to escape like Susie did, anyway. Mao: Hm? I wonder if something is going on? Tytree: Let's go check it out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #196 [SKI196] ----------------------------------- 「ティトレイ、大激怒」 Tytree's Fury Mao: That poor Susie must have been frightened to death. She got her clothes dirty and everything... Tytree: Yeah, even if it's the Queen's orders, there are some things that you just shouldn't do! Tytree: I hope that Sis and Claire don't go through something like that... Tytree: In any case, damn the Queen! I'm going to clobber her for sure when we meet!! ----------------------------------- Skit #197 [SKI197] ----------------------------------- 「何があったんだ?」 What's Happened? Tytree: It looks like something's going on over there. Mao: Let's take a look. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Callegean Soldier: Now for the announcement. On the upcoming Day of Goldba, a crowning ceremony will be held in honor of Her Majesty's ascension to the throne. Mao: A crowning ceremony? Why on the Day of Goldba, I wonder? Eugene: The Day of Goldba commemorates the day when the ancient hero Goldba, along with many others, established the kingdom of Callegea and rose to the throne as the first ruler of this country. Eugene: Her Majesty probably thought to liken her rise to power with historical events by having her crowning ceremony on that day. Callegean Soldier: There were pressing matters to address after the death of King Ladras, so the Queen complied with having only an informal coronation ceremony. However, the country has settled down at last, so that has become the occasion for this celebration. Callegean Soldier: In addition, as an added measure of security, all ports except for the one in Babilograd will be sealed off and traffic to and from the capital Balka is prohibited until the conclusion of the crowning ceremony. Tytree: So that is why the harbors were closed off? Eugene: No...the atmosphere felt too imposing for it to be simply a security issue... Veigue: Is this related to The Royal Shield's movements...? Eugene: Yes...it might be. Mao:...Does the fact that they are gathering girls have some connection to the crowning ceremony being held on the Day of Goldba? Annie: Do you mean that they are collecting girls for the ceremony? Tytree: I'm not quite sure why, but I have a bad feeling about this... Veigue: We don't have that much time left until the Day of Goldba... Eugene: If Susie's story is true, then the final destination for the kidnapped Huma girls should be Callegea Castle. Tytree: Then Sis and Claire are both... Veigue: Let's hurry to Balka. He said that the boats are running in Babilograd, didn't he. Eugene: Right...however, the journey won't be easy. Eugene: In order to reach Babilograd from here, we must traverse through the Kurodadaku Desert. Mao: Right, the desert heat is brutal and there's no water either, so brace yourselves! Let's head out once we've finished with our preparations! Hilda:...The Upright Moon...uneasiness...doubt... Tytree: Hm? Hilda: It's nothing... Tytree: Alright, let's go!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #198 [SKI198] ----------------------------------- 「とりあえずの目的地」 Our Destination For Now Eugene: First, let's head towards the Kurodadaku Desert. Exit the city and head west on the Tel Alla Highway. ----------------------------------- Skit #199 [SKI199] ----------------------------------- 「ひとまず砂漠へ」 To The Desert For Now Tytree: Let's leave the city after we're done preparing. We proceed to the southwest, right? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Claire...wait for me... Claire Side> Saleh: Well then, let's rest here for today. I think that you already know this, but I will be outside along with the guards. Saleh: It's not in your best interests to come up with any strange ideas either. There are those among us who don't know how to exercise restraint, if you know what I mean. Claire:.......... Saleh: Heh heh...it's all right. I will guarantee your safety as long as everyone behaves themselves. Saleh: You all are very valuable, after all. No harm will ever befall you. So do not cry or grieve, for your sorrow will end up casting a shadow over your beauty. Saleh: Well then, see you later. NOTE: At this point, you are supposed to talk to all of the other girls with Claire. If you don't care about what's being said, then just skip down a bit. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Woman: What's going to happen to us from here on? Claire: Calm down, Helen. My childhood friend, Veigue, will come to save us, no matter what. Helen: Really? Are you sure? Claire: ...Up until now, Veigue has come for me every time something's happened to me...so let's both do our best! Selena: Thank goodness that you are here, Claire. I am able to keep my spirits since you cheer everyone up. Claire: Oh no...I can only do it because you are here, Selena... Selena: Let's get through this together. Surely someone will come to rescue us. Believe in that... Claire: Yes... Woman: I want...to go home...I want to see my mother... Claire: Wipe your tears, Mira. I'm sure that you'll be able to return home. Mira: You're just saying that...I'll never make it back safely...None of us ever will... Claire: That's not true, Mira. Please, smile. Claire: Things will turn our way if we think positively. Mira:.......... Woman: I want to run away...if only I had a special power like Tohma... Claire:...Rebecca. There has to be a way out of this. Let's think about it together. Rebecca: For all of us, together...? Claire: That's right. So don't think like that, okay. Woman: Why did it have to be us!? What have we done wrong? Claire: Fahm, you and I...we didn't do anything wrong. The ones who are at fault are the people who captured us. Fahm: Then why are we the ones who are shut up in a place like this? Fahm: What on earth are they going to do to us from now on? Claire: That...I don't know...I'm sorry...I'm really sorry... Woman: I feel better when I look at you and Selena. We'll be saved for sure, right! Claire: Yes, we certainly will, Maya. Maya: I'm glad that I could meet you, Claire... Maya: Will you be my friend after we get out of here? Claire: What are you saying? We're already friends, aren't we? Maya: Claire... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Claire: Veigue...where are you right now? Are you close...? Claire:........... Claire: I know...I know that you'll come for me...Veigue... Claire:...I'm okay, Veigue. It's just a little bruise, that's all. Veigue:...Your wound...is it really all right? Claire: Yes...thank you for coming to my rescue. I wouldn't have been able to climb back up that cliff by myself... Veigue: I'll come to save you anytime. Whenever you're in trouble...whenever you're...crying... Claire: Heh heh...oh, Veigue...hearing that makes me so happy... Veigue Side> Veigue:........... Tytree: Veigue, whatcha doing? You'll get left behind, you know. Veigue: Sorry, I'm on my way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #200 [SKI200] ----------------------------------- 「砂漠を進め」 Move Through The Desert Veigue: Eugene, about how far is it until we reach Babilograd? Eugene: It's still a ways off. In any case, for now we have to cross the desert safely. ----------------------------------- Skit #201 [SKI201] ----------------------------------- 「クレアさんの想い」 Claire's Thoughts Mao: Veigue, that charm is really important to you, isn't it? Veigue: Yes...just having this makes me feel as if I am being protected by something... Mao: I'm sure that it's filled with Claire's thoughts and feelings. Veigue:...Claire... Tytree: What is it? Got some interesting story? Mao: Man! Tytree, you completely ruined the mood! Pay more attention to your surroundings! Tytree: What's with this, all of a sudden! You're completely negating my existence here! ----------------------------------- Skit #202 [SKI202] ----------------------------------- 「今だって」 Even Now Eugene: Hilda, did you truly believe what Tohma told you? Hilda: That I could obtain the body of a pure person...?...I believe it even now. Eugene:.............! Hilda: The world is a big place, you know. You cannot say with certainty that such a method doesn't exist simply because Tohma didn't know about it, can you. Hilda: I don't think it will be so bad to spend the rest of my days searching for a way. Eugene: The world's a big place...there might also be people out there who will accept the fact that you are a Half. Hilda:............ ----------------------------------- Skit #203 [SKI203] ----------------------------------- 「忘れたわ」 I've Forgotten Mao: Hey Hilda, you looked at a card earlier, right? What card was it? Hilda: I've forgotten... Mao: Was it a...bad card, by any chance? Hilda: It doesn't matter, does it...? Mao:...So it was a bad card after all. Hilda:.............. ----------------------------------- Skit #204 [SKI204] ----------------------------------- 「私が与えたもの」 What I Was Given Veigue: Hilda...didn't you hear about what the Queen and The Royal Shield are after? Hilda:...All that I received from Tohma were orders to eliminate Eugene and his companions. Hilda: It wasn't necessary for them to tell me anything besides when, where, and what I was supposed to do... Hilda: Not to an assassination tool like me anyway... ----------------------------------- Skit #205 [SKI205] ----------------------------------- 「バビログラ一ドの遠い道」 The Distant Road To Babilograd Eugene: If you go past the desert and cross the bridge to the southern continent, the entrance to Babilograd lies there. ----------------------------------- Skit #206 [SKI206] ----------------------------------- 「歌うマオ・2」 Singing Mao Part 2 Mao: Shoo-, shoo-... Mao: Shooting star~ Mao: Can you make my wish come true~ Annie: Tee hee...what song is that? Mao: You like it? I made it up myself. It's the Star Song! Annie: He he he... Mao: Flow, flowing~ Mao: O flowing star~ Mao: I wonder if I too~ Mao: Will flow away with you~ Tytree: What a weird song... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree: Man, is it hot! Eugene: Saying that only makes heat all the more unbearable. Tytree: Hey Veigue, won't you make some ice for me? Veigue: I refuse. Tytree: Then Annie, make it rain for me... Annie: What are you saying... Tytree: We have to cross over this desert in order to get to Babilograd, don't we? Eugene: That's right. If we're taking the land route, then there's no way to bypass the Kurodadaku Desert. Tytree: This desert...it's awful...four and a half stars worth... Tytree: Uaaaahhh!! Party: Tytree! Mao: Hey, you okay? Mao:........... Mao: Farewell, Tytree. You were an airhead, but we'll still miss you. Tytree: Don't go killing people off like that!! Annie: Tytree! Are you all right!? Tytree: I'm better than all right, I feel fantastic! Annie: Do you suppose that he bumped his head on the way down...? Mao:...He was like that to begin with, wasn't he? Tytree: I can hear you, you know!! I didn't hit my head or anything!! Mao: Well, what else are we supposed to think when you say that you feel fantastic... Tytree: It's cool in here, that's what's so great! Annie: It's cool!? Even if you take the shade into account, there shouldn't be that much of a temperature difference... Eugene: What do you mean, Tytree? Tytree: I'm talking about water! There's water down here! The water is flowing from the inner part of the cavern, so it's cool! Mao: Is he talking about an underground river? Tytree: Just come down here already, will ya. There's a ladder somewhere, right? Mao: What should we do? Annie: I want to try going down there. There's something that I would like to confirm real quick. Veigue: We can't very well leave him by himself like that either. Eugene: It's decided then. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #207 [SKI207] ----------------------------------- 「おかしい...」 How Strange... Veigue: How strange...the landscape is shifting... Mao: Veigue, people call that heat haze! Veigue: Heat haze? Mao: In short, it's a natural phenomenon where things appear to warp due to the heat. Mao: I bet you've never seen one before since you were born in a cold region. Veigue: Yeah, this is the first time... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annie: I thought so... Tytree: See, it's quite refreshing in here, isn't it? Mao: It sure is! These passages look like they link up somewhere too. Veigue: What is this place exactly...? Annie: This is Karez. Tytree: Karez? What's that supposed to be? Eugene: Karez, huh...if that's the case, then Tytree deserves the credit for finding this place. Annie:...Yes. It might be safer to follow these waterways instead of crossing the desert. Tytree: Hey now. It's nice that you two are getting along so well, but let the rest of us in on this too, okay. Annie: We are most certainly NOT getting along! Mao:...Annie. Tytree: What gives? You don't have to deny it so adamantly, do you. Eugene:...Karez refers to these underground channels. Mao: Is it something that somebody built? Annie: Long ago, the people connected wells to this underground water vein and it became the source of life for the desert town. Veigue: What did you mean when you said that Tytree deserves the credit? Annie: There is a strong possibility that this waterway leads to a place where there are people. Mao: I get it! They wouldn't go through the trouble of directing the water to a place where it wasn't needed. Tytree:...So you're saying...that we should walk around down here, right? Hilda: It looks like it's headed in the right direction. We don't know how far we can go, but this is better than walking around in the desert. Eugene: Nevertheless, we don't know what lies ahead. Proceed with extreme caution. Tytree: Alright!! Let's go as far as we can then!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #208 [SKI208] ----------------------------------- 「アニ一の日記・1」 Annie's Dairy Part 1 NOTE: You may be able to trigger this one earlier in Sunnytown after Hilda joins your party, but I know it is available after you enter Karez. You must stay at the inn in order to view this Skit. Annie: Let's see...today, I...there... Tytree: Oh? Annie, you're keeping a diary? Impressive, impressive indeed. Annie: Gyah...Tytree! Please don't look! Tytree: What's the big deal, a little peek won't hurt, will it? It's not like it's going to lose its value or anything. Annie:...If it's seen by you, then I have a feeling that it will won't ever be the same again... Tytree: What is THAT supposed to mean!? ----------------------------------- Skit #209 [SKI209] ----------------------------------- 「カレ一ズについて」 About Karez Tytree: Say, why underground? Channels are supposed to be above ground, aren't they? Annie: It's not a simple matter to construct a waterway on top of sand, you know. Annie: Besides, if they build it underground, that can also prevent evaporation from occurring. Tytree: Oh, I see, I see. It kills two birds with one stone. ----------------------------------- Skit #210 [SKI210] ----------------------------------- 「ふたりきりの旅路・2」 Just The Two Of Us Part 2 Tytree: Mao, Eugene, after you two left the army to go on a journey, what did you do about your meals? Eugene: I was in charge of that. I could only make basic army grub though. Mao: That's not true. Your food was pretty elaborate and well-made! Eugene: Is that so...now that you mention it, the rice porridge that you made for me when I caught that cold was delicious... ----------------------------------- Skit #211 [SKI211] ----------------------------------- 「ヒルダの占い指南・1」 Hilda's Fortune-Telling Guidance Part 1 Annie: E, excuse me...Hilda...could you possibly read my fortune for me? Hilda: Huh...why do you ask all of a sudden...? Annie:...I'm a little curious...um, but if I'm troubling you...then I... Hilda:...You're not bothering me, but...are you sure? I'm not an expert at this or anything... Annie: Oh, but Hilda, you wouldn't want to waste your time on someone like me...that's it, isn't it? Hilda:...That's not what I...it's not a problem, so I'll tell you your fortune if that's what you want... Hilda: A simple fortune that can be done with tarot cards, that is. Annie: Y, yes...if you would please! ----------------------------------- Skit #212 [SKI212] ----------------------------------- 「ティトレイ、素朴な疑問」 Tytree's Naive Inquiry Tytree: Why does Annie get so irritated when we talk about Eugene? Mao:...Annie doesn't have many good sentiments towards Eugene for a variety of reasons. Tytree: Huh, really!? I completely missed that...so, what are those reasons? Mao: Hmm...it's really complicated. I'll tell you the whole story some other time when we get a chance. ----------------------------------- Skit #213 [SKI213] ----------------------------------- 「ユ一ジ一ンのみだしなみ・1」 Eugene's Appearance Part 1 NOTE: Eugene acquires the title Dandy after viewing this Skit. Tytree: Eugene, that tail pouch of yours is pretty stylish. Eugene: Oh, you mean this. This is basically the Gajuma equivalent of a hat except that it's for our tails... Eugene: Mine is of the same quality that is used in official locations and by the royal family. Mao: Eugene, you're surprisingly quite the fashion statement. Veigue: A so-called high class accessory, huh... Eugene: Hmm, well...something like that...I suppose you could call it the gentleman's wardrobe... ----------------------------------- Skit #214 [SKI214] ----------------------------------- 「ゴルドバ」 Goldba Veigue: Eugene...doesn't the Day of Goldba have any other meaning aside from it being the anniversary of the crowning of our first king? Eugene: No, not particularly, but... Eugene: Hmm, Goldba, huh...if I'm not mistaken, there's something called the Moon of Goldba... Veigue: The Moon of Goldba...? Eugene: It's a sacred stone that is said to be passed down in the royal family from generation to generation, but they are the only ones who know the details... Tytree: The Day of Goldba and the Moon of Goldba...ah, it's no use...I can't figure it out...! ----------------------------------- Skit #215 [SKI215] ----------------------------------- 「涼しいネ」 It Sure Is Cool Mao: Wow...it sure is cool! I want to stay in here forever. Eugene: I don't mind if you want to stay here, but we'll leave without you. Mao: No! Don't leave me behind like that, please! Mao: Just kidding! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: There's a rock blocking the way. Eugene: Let me handle this. Tytree: Yeesh! Scared the crap out of me! Veigue: To think that a Virus would fall out with the sand... Eugene: It seems that there used to be wells above us. It had probably become a Virus nest and it ended up collapsing. I misjudged my power...sorry. Tytree: Don't sweat it! But I wonder why they stopped using the wells? Hilda: Who knows...in any case, this means that we need to be careful about determining how much power to use if we come across another place like this. Eugene: Right. Let's be careful. NOTICE: Eugene's Force of Steel can smash rocks that are blocking the waterways. The length of time that you spend holding the Force button (Square button) changes its destructive power, so exercise caution and moderate it accordingly when breaking rocks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #216 [SKI216] ----------------------------------- 「バイラスも...」 Viruses Too... Tytree: So Viruses cool themselves off in wells too, don't they. Mao:...Tytree, are you serious? ----------------------------------- Skit #217 [SKI217] ----------------------------------- 「さっさと」 Without Delay Hilda: The humidity makes me feel sick for some reason...let's leave this place without delay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: What's wrong, Annie? Annie:...I'm a bit tired. Tytree: We have been walking in water like this the entire time. There should be a place around here where we can take a breather. Mao: It looks like we can go above ground from here...let's climb up and rest for a little! Annie:...I'm sorry. Mao: No worries, no worries! Take a break, take a break! Eugene: We should be able to rest here for a while. Tytree: Alright! Now, should we head out!! Hilda: You seem to be enjoying yourself for some strange reason. Tytree: Hm? Did you say something? Hilda: Who knows... Eugene: Do you feel sick or anything? Annie:...No, it's nothing. Mao: But you don't look so good, you know? Annie:...It's nothing, nothing at all. Really. Eugene: Are you certain? Annie:...Let's hurry on ahead. Eugene:........... Veigue: Don't push yourself, okay. Annie: I won't. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #218 [SKI218] ----------------------------------- 「微妙な二人・2」 The Delicate Two Part 2 Eugene:.............. Annie:........What...? Eugene:......Are you all right? Annie:...It's nothing that I want you to be concerned about... Eugene:...Sorry... ----------------------------------- Skit #219 [SKI219] ----------------------------------- 「心配」 Concern Eugene: You really do not look well. Don't you feel ill? Annie: ...There's nothing wrong with me...and even if there were, I wouldn't want someone like you worrying about me... Tytree: Annie, come on now, you... Eugene: Tytree...it's fine. Tytree: But this is...! Tytree:............. ----------------------------------- Skit #220 [SKI220] ----------------------------------- 「けっこう繊細」 Fairly Delicate Tytree: I just don't get it...how can someone go on a journey with a person who they hate? Mao: You mean Annie? Veigue:...She is finding answers in her own way. Tytree: Huh?...Good gravy, she's sure doing things the hard way... Mao: Not everyone goes through life on such general terms like you do, Tytree. Tytree: I may not look it, but I'm actually quite naive, you know? Mao: Yeah, yeah... ----------------------------------- Skit #221 [SKI221] ----------------------------------- 「マオのコワイお話・2」 Mao's Scary Tale Part 2 Mao: It sure is creepy in here since it's so dim. At any time, from the middle of the darkness... Mao: A Virus will go "Boo!!," and...! Annie:............. Mao: Huh? Annie, you're not scared? Annie:...No, I'm not! Mao: Shucks! ----------------------------------- Skit #222 [SKI222] ----------------------------------- 「カレ一ズを突破せよ」 Break Through Karez Tytree: It's getting colder and colder...let's get out of here pronto. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree: Ahh!! O radiant Sun, you feel awesome! Hilda: Weren't you the one who said, "I'm hot, so make me some ice" before we entered Karez? Tytree: You mustn't dwell on the past. Live in the future...Hilda. Tytree: Right, so that settles it... Eugene: We still have a fair distance to travel before we leave the desert. Hilda: It's unreasonable to try to make it across in a single trip, I suppose. Veigue: Isn't there a place around here where people live? Hilda: Let's see, around here...there's a village called Anikamal. I think that it was just a little bit further. Eugene: Right. It shouldn't be that far. It lies to the south from here. Tytree: Then we'll rest for a minute at that Anikamal place, and after that, it's a straight shot to Babilograd! Mao: Then let's make tracks!! Eugene, Mao, & Tytree: Annie!! Veigue: What an awful fever... Tytree: Hey, Annie! Pull yourself together!! Hilda: I wonder if it's because of this heat...? Eugene: I don't know...whatever the reason, it's dangerous to leave her like this. Mao: What should we do... Eugene: Let's search for a doctor in Anikamal. Veigue: Let's hurry!! NOTICE: Annie has been removed from the battle party. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #223 [SKI223] ----------------------------------- 「アニカマルへ」 To Anikamal Eugene: Let's go to a place where we can tend to Annie. If you head south through the desert, Anikamal is there. ----------------------------------- Skit #224 [SKI224] ----------------------------------- 「アニカマルへ急げ」 Hurry To Anikamal Tytree: Annie's fever is getting worse...! If we don't get to Anikamal soon...! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree: So this is Anikamal, huh. Do they even have a doctor in such an out-of-the-way place? Eugene: For the moment, let's go to the inn and let Annie rest. We'll look for a doctor after that. Tytree: There you go. Now, let's bring a doctor here on the double!! Annie: *breathing heavily* Hilda: She seems to be having more difficulty breathing now than she did earlier...! Veigue: Let's hurry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #225 [SKI225] ----------------------------------- 「医者はどこだ?」 Where Is The Doctor? Veigue: If we don't find a doctor soon and have Annie treated, then... Eugene: Please...endure for just a little bit longer...Annie... ----------------------------------- Skit #226 [SKI226] ----------------------------------- 「医者の不養生」 A Doctor's Self-Neglect Hilda: The doctor's self-neglect, huh... Mao: What's that? Hilda: It means that doctors are often so busy healing other people that they never get around to taking care of their own health. Mao: That's what going on with Annie right now, isn't it... Eugene:...It's my fault... ----------------------------------- Skit #227 [SKI227] ----------------------------------- 「ヴェイグ、おまえもか?」 Veigue, You Too? Tytree: This town is too hot for words...it's amazing how people can live in a place like this... Veigue: Yeah...I can't...stop sweating... Tytree: What, so you're not good at dealing with the heat either, are you, Veigue... Veigue:...We don't have days that get this hot in Sulz, so... Veigue:...No, this goes way beyond hot...ugh... ----------------------------------- Skit #228 [SKI228] ----------------------------------- 「医者はいないのか!?」 Isn't There A Doctor!? Veigue: Isn't there a doctor...? Where are they...? Eugene: Let's try asking the people of the town. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Isn't there a doctor somewhere? Inn Landlady: I'm a little busy...ask someone else... Veigue:........... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #229 [SKI229] ----------------------------------- 「なんだよ!」 What's The Deal! Tytree: What is the deal with this village...! Are the residents here a bunch of animals or what...! Eugene: Don't say things like that. We need to search for a doctor. ----------------------------------- Skit #230 [SKI230] ----------------------------------- 「変な感じだよネ」 A Weird Feeling Mao:...This place feels weird for some reason, doesn't it... Veigue:...Let's try talking to some other people too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: We have a sick person. Isn't there a doctor somewhere? Woman: I have no idea. Tytree: No idea...you live here, don't you? Woman: How annoying. You're bothering me, so buzz off. Veigue:........... Veigue: Isn't there a doctor in this village? Man: Hmm, I wonder. Mao: Even a medicine shop clerk will do... Man: Hmm, I wonder. Eugene: What's with that tone of voice!! Someone is sick, you know! Man: Oh really, that's too bad. Eugene: You bastard...! Mao: Stop it! That's not like you, Eugene! Eugene: Grr... Man: Hmph... Eugene: What should we do!? If we don't do something soon, then Annie will... ????:...Did you need something from me? Veigue: We're looking for a doctor. ????: Did you find one? Veigue:...No... Eugene: We asked the townspeople, but they completely ignored us. ????: I'm not surprised...the people of this village dislike strangers. No, it wouldn't be an overstatement to say that they just plain hate them. Tytree: What's with that, anyway? ????:...Where is the patient? Eugene: Do you know a doctor? ????: I'll take a look at her for you. Tytree: Are you a doctor or something? ????: I'm an adventurer. Mao: An adventurer? ????: Pardon the late introduction...my name is Frantz. I'm an adventurer in pursuit of The World's Seven Great Illusions. Mao: The World's Seven Great Illusions... Tytree: I don't know much about adventurers, but can you treat a sick person? Frantz: When you go on an adventure, you pick up a variety of skills. It's not much, but I have a working knowledge of medicine as well. At any rate, there are no doctors or the like in this village. Eugene: If that's the case, then could you possibly come to the inn that we are staying at? Frantz: Got it. I'll head right over once I've finished my preparations. Go back and wait for me. Eugene: Please. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #231 [SKI231] ----------------------------------- 「大丈夫なのか?」 Is It Going To Be All Right? Veigue: He said that he was an adventurer, but...is it really going to be all right...? Eugene: Right now, we have no choice but to believe in him. Let's return to the inn and wait for his arrival. ----------------------------------- Skit #232 [SKI232] ----------------------------------- 「ひとまず宿屋へ」 Return To The Inn For The Time Being Veigue: He said to wait at the inn, didn't he...in any case, let's return to our room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree: How is she, Frantz? Frantz:........... Mao: Frantz? Frantz:...Unless I'm mistaken...based on my examination, the chances of saving this girl are next to zero. Veigue: You mean that we can't save her? What illness does Annie have exactly... Frantz: Death Garo Fever. Frantz: Death Garo Fever is said to be...the epidemic that singlehandedly wiped out the town that used to be above Karez. Tytree: Have you ever heard of a disease like that? Veigue: No, this is the first time I've ever heard of it. Hilda:...Same with me. Frantz: It was an extremely brutal disease that swept through the region and annihilated everyone. Because of that, talk of it hardly gets around. Eugene: But why has this disease that Annie has reappeared now after all this time? Frantz: I don't know...but she has a high fever and her limbs are abnormally cold to the touch. And this swelling in her throat is... Frantz: Her symptoms are unmistakably similar to those caused by Death Garo Fever. Frantz: This is just my opinion, but I can't help but think that some of the original pathogen survived somehow. Could you describe the situation prior to her collapse? Tytree: Annie fainted when we left Karez, right? Frantz: If that's the case, then this young lady may have been exposed to Death Garo Fever while she was in Karez. Frantz: What happened...after you entered Karez? Veigue:...Desert...waterways...sand...well... Frantz: That's it...the sand from the well. Mao: The well? Frantz: The sand inside of the well contains a moderate amount of moisture that it absorbs from Karez. That probably provided a suitable environment for the microbes to live in this entire time. Eugene:...Indeed. Annie's condition began to deteriorate after that incident. Mao: Eh! Then aren't the rest of us in danger too!? Frantz: They say that you won't last more than one day once you contract this disease. You will need treatment as soon as possible, but... Veigue: And the course of treatment is...!? Inn Landlady: Get out!! Tytree: What are you yelling about all of a sudden! Inn Landlady: That doesn't matter, just leave!! This instant!! Man: Get out of here!! That girl has Death Garo Fever, doesn't she? Man: It'll be the end of this village!! Leave immediately!! Tytree: Wait a minute! Our friend's life is at stake here! Old Man: The same goes for us as well. Tytree: I know that, but... Old Man: We've had enough of the Death Garo Fever...! Tytree: But...! Annie:...Don't worry about it...Tytree... Veigue: Annie...! You... Annie: I don't want to be saved...by these...by some Gajumas... Man: Now you've gone and done it, you Huma girl!! Get the hell out of here right now!! Tytree: Dammit, what a bunch of assholes!! Hilda: This is not the time to be angry. The poor girl is at her limit, you know. Frantz:...Let's go to my tent. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #233 [SKI233] ----------------------------------- 「行き場はひとつ」 One Place To Go Eugene: Let's carry her to Frantz's tent. It's dangerous for her to remain outdoors like this. ----------------------------------- Skit #234 [SKI234] ----------------------------------- 「フランツのテントへ」 To Frantz's Tent Hilda: For now, we need to transport Annie to Frantz's tent! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Frantz: It seems that she has settled down a bit. Let's go back to where everyone else is. Tytree: How's Annie? Frantz: She's calmed down a little. Right now, she's sleeping. Hilda: What's the deal with this village... Frantz:...Once, when the people who used to live in the desert above Karez were exposed to Death Garo Fever, a number of them fled here to Anikamal. Frantz: The people of Anikamal, who had no knowledge of Death Garo Fever, diligently cared for those who fell ill after making it to this village. Frantz: The following day, however, the patients suddenly left and disappeared somewhere. Veigue:......? Frantz: Then, as soon as they left, the Death Garo Fever raged through this town. The few who survived suffered from a horrible fever. Mao: So you mean that they infected the people of this village and left them to die? Frantz: The people of Anikamal seem to think so. But, no one knows what really happened. Frantz: Since then, rumor has it that around the time that they vanished, there were multiple sightings of a certain something in the desert. Veigue: A certain something? Frantz:...The illusionary Virus, Live Garo. Veigue: Illusionary Virus!? Frantz: One of the World's Seven Great Illusions that I am seeking. Frantz: It is said that if you grind the Live Garo's horn into a powder and boil it, it will become a panacea that can cure any illness. Hilda: Is it all right to consume something that was made from the horn of a Virus!? Frantz: Haven't you ever heard this saying? "In small doses, poison becomes medicine; in large doses, medicine becomes poison." Frantz: Viruses possess a variety of different properties and on rare occasions, these characteristics can be useful. The Live Garo happens to be one of the latter cases. Tytree: So are you saying that perhaps the people who left Anikamal were the ones who spotted that Live Garo? Frantz: I don't believe that that is the case. Those people probably felt responsible for bringing the disease to Anikamal, so they made plans to find the Live Garo. Frantz: But in the end, they didn't return to the village. Frantz: The people of Anikamal believe that they were betrayed by the very people who they saved, and that hatred remains even to this day. Tytree: So is the Live Garo just an illusion after all? Frantz: The Live Garo is real. Hilda: What makes you say that? Frantz: I've heard stories of people seeing a mysterious Virus near the oasis located to the northeast of here. I've been keeping an eye on it to see whether or not that is the Live Garo. Tytree: What kind of guarantee do we have that this thing is the Live Garo? Frantz: My intuition as an adventurer! Mao:...That doesn't sound very reassuring, does it... Eugene: No...let's head to the oasis. It doesn't matter how poor the odds are. For now, we have no choice but to bet on this. Tytree: You'll be sorry if we don't find it, you know? Eugene: I know that...but what else can we do!! Eugene: Annie...because I used the improper amount of Force, she was covered with the sand that made her fall ill... Eugene: Yet despite that, there is not a single thing that I can do to help her. Tytree:...Eugene... Frantz: I don't know what the circumstances are, but there is not much time left. Eugene: I'm going, even if I have to go alone. Mao: I'm going too. Hilda:...I'll accompany you. Tytree: I know that I'm going. Veigue: That settles it then. Frantz: Let me go with you. The illusionary Virus is one of the things that I seek. Mao: Tytree, what are you doing!? Annie's sick and you know that... Tytree: We don't know what those bloody villagers will do to her if we leave her behind in a place like this! Eugene: You have a point...I feel uneasy about going and having her here by herself. Veigue: I agree. Let's bring her with us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #235 [SKI235] ----------------------------------- 「リブガロはオアシスに?」 The Live Garo Is In The Oasis? Veigue: Which way is the oasis? Eugene: Exit the town and head to the northeast. ----------------------------------- Skit #236 [SKI236] ----------------------------------- 「死の病」 Deadly Disease Veigue: Death Garo Fever...what a dreadful disease... Eugene: Hmm...all illnesses are problematic, but if you don't know how to treat it, then there's nothing that can be done about it. Eugene: This time, we were saved thanks to Frantz, but... Eugene: I have a feeling that there are still many other unknown diseases like that left in the world... Tytree: Later down the road after Annie gets better, she'll have to become a doctor who can get rid of those incurable illnesses. Eugene: Yes...I hope so. ----------------------------------- Skit #237 [SKI237] ----------------------------------- 「オアシスは村の北東」The Oasis Is To The Northeast Of The Village Hilda: The oasis is to the northeast of the village. Don't get lost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Frantz: Yes, this is it. The Virus that appears to be the Live Garo was spotted up ahead. Mao: Hey Frantz. What does the Live Garo look like? Frantz: There are various rumors, but what that they all share in common is that it has a single horn and a golden body. Mao: A golden body? Frantz: It seems that all of the eyewitnesses say that you'll recognize it when you see it. Veigue: So that's our only lead, huh... Eugene: We must find the Live Garo at all costs. Tytree: Annie, we'll be back soon!! Just hang in there for a little bit longer, okay!! Eugene: Frantz, please look after Annie for us. Frantz: Got it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #238 [SKI238] ----------------------------------- 「オアシスについて」 About The Oasis Veigue: The oasis, huh...to think that there would be a water hole like this in the middle of the desert... Eugene: This is true for Anikamal as well, but there is a place under the desert sand where a layer of the earth has turned into something similar to clay. Eugene: When water gushes out of the ground and collects in such areas, it becomes an oasis similar to this one. Veigue: Then I guess it makes sense that this place would become a gathering spot for Viruses.. Eugene: Well, water is an important substance for both Viruses and people... ----------------------------------- Skit #239 [SKI239] ----------------------------------- 「けっこう精報通」 Fairly Knowledgeable Tytree: I may not look it, but I know my fair share of rumors about illusionary beasts. Even so though, this is the first time that I've heard of the Live Garo. Mao: What kind of illusionary beasts are there? Tytree: It seems that there's a monster living in the mountains on the northern side of the eastern continent that can conceal its entire body with one hand! Tytree: In the sea to the north of Callegea, they say that there's a gigantic creature from ancient times, you know! Tytree: Well, it's doubtful that either of them are real, and they're both probably nothing but tall tales anyway. Mao: If you were the one who told us about it then I'd be skeptical, but at the very least we have to find the Live Garo, no matter what! Tytree: Yeah, you're right. For Annie's sake too...! ----------------------------------- Skit #240 [SKI240] ----------------------------------- 「リブガロよ!」 Hey Live Garo! Tytree: Live Garo!! Where are you! Answer if you're here! Hilda: Hey you, quit acting like a fool and search already! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: What kind of Virus is that!? Mao: Look at its golden shine! Tytree:...Then you mean that's!! Eugene: We must dispatch it without fail! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #241 [SKI241] ----------------------------------- 「幻のバイラス・リブガロ」 The Illusionary Virus, Live Garo Eugene: If we don't obtain the horn of the Live Garo soon... Veigue: Eugene... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eugene: Annie... Valuable Item: Live Garo's Horn The horn of the illusionary Virus, the Live Garo. An ingredient for the miracle drug that can cure Death Garo Fever. You received the Live Garo's Horn. Eugene: We did it...it's the Live Garo's horn!! Tytree: We can save Annie with this! Mao: Frantz, make the medicine quickly!! Frantz: I can't do it here... Tytree: Why not!? Frantz: I can use the contents of the horn to make the medicine, but it will degrade if it is exposed to light. I need a place that is pitch dark. Veigue: A pitch dark place, huh...we'll have to borrow a room in Anikamal. Mao: But are things going to work out? Eugene: Let's return to Anikamal. We will save Annie by any means necessary. Veigue: Alright, let's hurry! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #242 [SKI242] ----------------------------------- 「薬を作るためには・・・」 In Order To Make The Medicine... Eugene: Return to Anikamal and borrow a room, a dark one where we can make the medicine! ----------------------------------- Skit #243 [SKI243] ----------------------------------- 「アニカマルでへやを!」 Borrow A Room In Anikamal! Mao: A dark room so that we can make the medicine, huh...I wonder if the people of Anikamal will lend one to us...? Eugene: If it will convince them to let us use a room...then I'll do anything...! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eugene:.......... Eugene: Wait! Hear me out!! We defeated the illusionary Virus, Live Garo, and brought back its horn. Eugene: With this horn, we can make medicine that will cure Death Garo Fever. In order to do that, we need a pitch dark room. Please, I'm asking for your cooperation!! Man: Like you could really cure it with something like that! Leave! Man: That's none of our concern!! Tytree: Why is it that this village is still here even though the Death Garo Fever once swept through this place!! Isn't it because somebody saved you!? Tytree: And yet when other people are in trouble, you won't do a damn thing for them, is that it? Eugene: I don't want to have to use force, but if anything happens to Annie, then I... Annie:........... Inn Landlady: You can use my place. Eugene:...Are you sure? Man:......! What are you thinking, old lady! Stop it! Inn Landlady: No...you've got it all wrong...it's exactly as this person says. Several decades ago, this town was saved... Inn Landlady: When the disease was flourishing, I picked up a horn by the entrance to the village just like the one they are holding... because of that, this place was spared. Inn Landlady: Perhaps that was...wasn't it something that people coming from the desert found and left for us to use... Man:.......... Eugene:...Could we possibly borrow a room? A room with minimal sunlight, if that's all right with you. Inn Landlady: That's fine...feel free to use any room that you like... Eugene: Thank you... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #244 [SKI244] ----------------------------------- 「アニ一に休息を!」 Let Annie Rest! Mao: Let's hurry and let Annie rest in a room. ----------------------------------- Skit #245 [SKI245] ----------------------------------- 「連れ回すべきじゃない」Don't Drag Her Around Veigue: We shouldn't drag Annie around any more than necessary. Let's have her rest in a room... ----------------------------------- Skit #246 [SKI246] ----------------------------------- 「待つしかない」 Nothing To Do But Wait Veigue: I hope that the medicine works...but for the time being, let's wait outside of the inn. ----------------------------------- Skit #247 [SKI247] ----------------------------------- 「回復を信じて」 Believe In Her Recovery Eugene: Frantz is looking after her for us. We'll wait for them outside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Annie!! Are you feeling better already? Annie: Yes...I can walk on my own now. Tytree: That's wonderful, Annie! Annie: Everyone...thank you... Tytree: This is great, just great!! Isn't that right, Eugene!! Eugene:...Yeah. Tytree: What's with the cool act. You were the one who was the most concerned, you know. Tytree: Thank goodness... Eugene: What's wrong, Tytree!? Tytree: Heh...heh heh...oh look, the world is spinning... Mao: Don't tell me that Tytree caught the Death Garo Fever too...!? Frantz:...No...this is...! Frantz:...A mild case of heatstroke... Annie:...Um... Annie: Umm... Annie:...Thank you. Eugene:.......... Tytree: Woohoo! I'm cured, all cured!! Mao: Good for you!! Tytree: Oh yeah!! Annie, are you doing okay? Annie: Yes. Eugene: Frantz, I can't thank you enough. Frantz: No, it was my pleasure. I couldn't be more satisfied now that I've seen the Live Garo with my own eyes!! Mao: Frantz, what are you going to do from now on? Frantz: I'm going on a new adventure after I have my preparations in order. There are still many things left that I have to do. Mao: Such as chase after the World's Seven Great Illusions, right? Frantz: Right, that's the romantic spirit of adventure. It's about time that I get going. Mao: It feels kind of sad to part ways with you, Frantz. Frantz: What are you talking about, if we both keep travelling, then we'll definitely meet again somewhere. Well then, see you sometime!! Annie: I'm sorry...we ended up getting delayed here because of me... Tytree: It couldn't be helped given the circumstances! Don't let it bother you too much, Annie. Tytree:...Having said that though, I'm worried about Sis and Claire. Let's move it! Veigue: Let's go. To pursue The Royal Shield. Eugene: From here, head southeast and go past the Kurodadaku desert. Then use the Shirag Bridge to cross into the area around Babilograd. Eugene: We can make up for lost time by cutting straight across. Is everyone ready? NOTICE: Annie has rejoined the group. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #248 [SKI248] ----------------------------------- 「バビログラ一ドを目指して」 Aim For Babilograd Eugene: If you pass the desert and advance to the southeast, we can continue onto the southern continent by using the Shirag Bridge. Eugene: Babilograd is across from there. ----------------------------------- Skit #249 [SKI249] ----------------------------------- 「ヒルダの占い指南・2」 Hilda's Fortune-Telling Guidance Part 2 Hilda: What's the matter, Annie? You look depressed... Annie:...I wanted to have my fortune told now, but...it doesn't look like anything favorable is going to happen for a while... Hilda: Annie, the outcome of a reading shouldn't be used as a guide that influences how you live your life. Annie:...Really, is that so? Hilda: It merely a way to anticipate the future based on your current situation and the flow of fate... Hilda: If you change yourself, then your future in turn can also change...no, it will change... Hilda: So...hang in there... Annie:...Yes, I'll do my best... ----------------------------------- Skit #250 [SKI250] ----------------------------------- 「男のロマン・七大まぼろし」 A Man's Spirit of Adventure: Seven Great Illusions Tytree: The Seven Great Illusions, huh...now I want to try and search for them too. Mao: Okay then, when this journey is over, why don't we all go looking for them? Tytree: Ooh, Mao, you're the best!! What a great idea! Hilda:...I'll pass. You guys do whatever you please. Tytree: Kah, this is the one thing that I don't like about women. They just don't understand a man's spirit of adventure. ----------------------------------- Skit #251 [SKI251] ----------------------------------- 「微妙な二人・3」 The Delicate Two Part 3 Annie:............. Eugene:............ Annie:............. Eugene:...What is it? Annie:...It's nothing... Eugene:...I see, sorry... Annie: Why are you apologizing? Eugene:...Well, I...sorry... Annie:............. ----------------------------------- Skit #252 [SKI252] ----------------------------------- 「大切なカ一ド」 Precious Cards Mao: Hilda, it seems like you always treat your cards with the best of care. Hilda: If you fold them or get them dirty, then they won't be able to give you an accurate prediction. Mao: Oh, really? Hilda: If you mixed the bent and soiled cards into the deck, then that would end up drawing the attention of the other party, right? Mao: I get it...so you have to properly maintain them. ----------------------------------- Skit #253 [SKI253] ----------------------------------- 「アニカマルの樹」 The Anikamal Tree Veigue: The tree that is growing in this village...I haven't seen it anywhere else... Eugene: That is the Anikamal tree. Veigue: Anikamal? The name of this village is... Eugene: It's Anikamal. This town derives its name from that tree. ----------------------------------- Skit #254 [SKI254] ----------------------------------- 「めざすのは南東!」 Aim southeast! Tytree: Babilograd is across this sizzling desert. Aim for the southeast! ----------------------------------- Skit #255 [SKI255] ----------------------------------- 「アニ一の日記・2」 Annie's Dairy Part 2 NOTE: You must stay at the inn in order to view this Skit. Annie:........... Hilda: Annie...you keep a diary? Annie: Ah, yes...it's become a habit of mine... Hilda: You're like me then...it would be better if I could keep it up for more than three days though... Tytree: Annie, you shouldn't pick up habits from an old hag, you know! Hilda: You...I'm going to give you a beating if you don't shut your trap! ----------------------------------- Skit #256 [SKI256] ----------------------------------- 「ティトレイの夢」 Tytree's Dream NOTE: You must stay at the inn in order to view this Skit. Tytree: Sis... Mao: Did you have a dream about Selena? I know that you're concerned and all, but... Tytree:...Dammit...now I'm really worried... Mao: What kind of dream was it? Did something horrible happen to her? Tytree: No, it was a dream where Sis left me behind and ended up going away to somebody else's place. Mao: Isn't that known as marriage...? Mao: I hate to break this to you, but...Selena isn't always going to be yours, you know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eugene: If we head through this Climbers' Cavern, then we'll be in Babilograd. Tytree: We have to climb through a cave in order to get to the city? I swear, this journey is just full of surprises. Mao: I can feel a Force. Mao: It's coming from inside the Climbers' Cavern. Tytree: So they're going to ambush us, huh. Everyone, let's stay on our toes and move on ahead!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #257 [SKI257] ----------------------------------- 「登山洞を進め」 Advance Through The Climbers' Cavern Eugene: If we climb this Climbers' Cavern, then we'll reach Babilograd. Mao: Let's advance carefully too since I sense Force ahead. ----------------------------------- Skit #258 [SKI258] ----------------------------------- 「マオのコワイお話・3」 Mao's Scary Tale Part 3 Tytree: The darkness makes it a bit creepy in here. Mao: So that means that it's time for one of my scary tales then. Right, Annie! Annie: Oh, Mao, stop it already! Tytree: Since we're going up the stairs, we might as well have some scares, huh? Wah ha ha hah!!* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *Editor's Note: Japanese pun alert. In this Skit, Tytree uses the word KAIDAN, which can mean both "stairs" and "ghost story" (same pronunciation, different Kanji characters). /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Annie:............. Mao: Huh, I wonder why? I haven't started my scary story yet, but I've already got the chills... ----------------------------------- Skit #259 [SKI259] ----------------------------------- 「登山洞について」 About The Climbers' Cavern Veigue: This passage is very well-maintained, isn't it... Eugene: It appears that this is a natural cavern formed by the erosion of the mountain's surface due to rain. They then decided to make it into a passageway that led through the mountain. Veigue: I see... Hilda: There is a holy temple in Babilograd. Hilda: It seems that this also became a path for those who are making a pilgrimage there. Hilda: Although it looks like the number of would-be pilgrims has all but disappeared. ----------------------------------- Skit #260 [SKI260] ----------------------------------- 「待ってろよ!」 Wait For Us! Eugene: This place should not be particularly complex. We probably won't have any trouble getting through here. Tytree: Alright, then after that, we ride a boat to Balka! Wait for us, Sis, Claire! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Be careful. I felt a Force just now. Mao: Huh!! Ginnal: Perfect timing, you vermin... Ginnal:...Correction! We've successfully lured you here with our waylaying stratagem, you fools!! Mao: You're the idiots around here!! You Dark Fangs!! Tytree: Who the heck are these guys? Mao: They're an amusing trio from The Royal Shield. Hilda: Never even laid eyes on them...must be flunkies... Yucia: So what if we're underlings! And did you just say The Dark Fangs? You are grossly behind the times! Drumb: That's right, yah!! Mao: Eh!? Ginnal: Allow me to enlighten you...we have been reborn. Formerly known as The Dark Fangs... All: The Dark Claws... Veigue:.......... Eugene:...We're going on ahead. Ginnal: Y, you mustn't!! We cannot let you pass so easily!! Tytree: Oh ho! So you want piece of us!? Ginnal:...Urm...! We have no intention of engaging you in battle at the moment! Ginnal: We declare an armistice! However, we cannot simply let you through! ...Argh... Hilda: What's with these people? They're not making any sense... Veigue: What are you three up to? Yucia: We're not planning anything!! Tytree:...Suspicious. Too suspicious... Annie:...Um, is your leg...injured, by any chance? Ginnal: Gwah!! Drumb & Yucia: !! Eugene: Is that it? Ginnal: It's an honorable wound resulting from a stumble! Yucia: Listen here...Ginnal. Under these circumstances, how about you quit being stubborn and let them help you? Drumb: That's right, yah... Annie:...This is only an emergency measure, but you should be able to walk for the time being. Ginnal:...Very well, let's be on our way! Yucia, Drumb! Ginnal: I will reciprocate this kind favor without fail!! Tytree: If you say so, but we won't hold our breaths. Ginnal:...Farewell... Yucia: Ginnal, are you all right? Drumb:...All right, yah? Tytree: Oh brother...I hope those guys can reach the exit without killing themselves. Veigue: Does it bother you? Tytree: Yeah, for some reason...they don't seem like bad people or anything like that. Mao: I know, right. I kind of like them too. Annie: I have a feeling that we will meet again. Veigue:...Let's go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #261 [SKI261] ----------------------------------- 「予想してみない?」 Wanna Try And Predict? Mao: I wonder why the Dark Trio changes their name every time that we see them? Mao: Wanna try and predict what they're going to call themselves next time? Tytree: Okay... Tytree:.............. Tytree:.............. Tytree:...How about something like The Dark Wings? Pretty cool, don't you think? Mao: They were The Dark Wings before they were The Dark Fangs! Your taste in names is as shady as theirs! Tytree: Gah! H...how could I let that happen... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree: Whew, we've walked quite a ways, haven't we. Just how far do we have to go before we reach the city... Annie: Judging by the distance that we've covered, I think that the exit is nearby. Tytree: I see. It seems that we'll be able to pass through the Climbers' Cavern without incident. Veigue: Mao, that Force that you felt earlier...was it just because of those guys? Mao: Hmm, maybe. We might have been overthinking things with the enemy ambush deal. Veigue: Saleh!! Tohma!! Tytree: Saleh!! Tohma!! Veigue: Damn bastards, why are you two here of all places...!? Tytree: You slimeballs!! Give back Sis and Claire!! Saleh & Tohma:......... Mao: Huh? What's going on? Saleh & Tohma:.......... Eugene:...Something isn't right! All: Aaaahhh!! ???:...You doopid fools...how do you expect to make conversation with mud dolls... Eugene: A Force that manipulates the earth!? Mao: That's a new face. Tytree: Who the heck are you!! ???: I am Donnell of The Royal Shield. By Lord Saleh's command, I shall utterly doostroy you!* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *Editor's Note: If you haven't noticed, Donnell has a rather unique accent. He randomly attaches the sound DO (pronounced dough) to the beginning of words. This is a pun of sorts since DO means earth or dirt in Japanese. I've done my best to replicate the joke in English, but if you're having problems figuring out what Donnell is saying, you may want to try reading his lines out loud. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Donnell: How did you like the taste of my Force of Earth? I bet that it was doolicious! Donnell: You doolish idiots who stand against The Royal Shield!! Your petty attacks are dooseless against me!! Donnell: Ack, the ground suddoonly froze over!! Veigue:...How doo you like that? (Veigue, sarcastic? Naaaah!) Tytree: Ice needles, huh!? Donnell: Scoundrool, how infuriating! Doofend yourselves!! To battle!! Mao: I know that they're mud dolls, but having Saleh and Tohma there is a tad intimidating... Donnell: Each and every one of dyoo shall meet your doomise! Donnell: I do-do-do-doo not believe this! Donnell: You cursed doogs...I have failed to complete my dooty. I will be redooced to dust by Lord Saleh...if that is the case, then I shall bring you down with me! Donnell: Dooaugh!! Donnell: I doo look forward to our reunion on the other side!! Donnell: Dooiyahh... Eugene: Everyone, stand back!! Eugene: Is everybody safe? Veigue: Yeah, somehow. Mao: We're okay over here. Right! Tytree: How could that dirtbag be so reckless... Veigue:.......... Tytree: By the way...what are we going to do about these rocks? Eugene: Leave them to me. Veigue: Be careful. Hilda: We'll let you off the hook if you make a mistake like you did in Karez though. Eugene:...I will proceed with the utmost of care. Everyone, wait here for me. Eugene: I'm finished... Tytree: Yeesh...I was afraid that I'd be buried alive, you know... Eugene:...It's all right now. Veigue: Let's continue on ahead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #262 [SKI262] ----------------------------------- 「言葉は正しく」 Speak Properly Mao: Hey, Tytree, I'm doongry. Make me something doo eat! Tytree: What's with you and the funky speech? Mao: Huh? This? I'm imitating Donnell~! Eugene: Cut it out, Mao...don't act eccentric like that. Speak properly. Mao:...Man, and it was starting to grow on me too... ----------------------------------- Skit #263 [SKI263] ----------------------------------- 「ハンパじゃないぜ」 No Joke Tytree:...Good god, there's a hell of a lot of stairs in this place. Eugene: These stairs were built to make the climb up to the city above easier. Eugene: They had no choice but to increase the number of steps, which naturally made the stairs longer. Tytree: Man, just forget it!! I'm sick and tired of staring at these stairs! ----------------------------------- Skit #264 [SKI264] ----------------------------------- 「立ちはだかる能力者たち」 The Opposing Force Users Mao: There's the Dark Trio, and now Donnell...it looks like the number of soldiers in The Royal Shield has grown over the past year. Eugene: The increase in Force Users is likely due to the influence of The Dusk of Ladras. Eugene: It's possible that a wide variety of Force Users with unknown abilities will come after us from here on out. Mao: Right, there have been plenty of weird ones lately, but overconfidence breeds carelessness, right! Eugene: Yes, that's exactly right. ----------------------------------- Skit #265 [SKI265] ----------------------------------- 「出口は近い」 The Exit Is Near Eugene: After you leave the Climbers' Cavern, you'll be in Babilograd. The exit is just over there. ----------------------------------- Skit #266 [SKI266] ----------------------------------- 「バビログラ一ドはすぐそこ」 Babilograd Is Just Over There Mao: Babilograd is only a little bit further. It'd be nice if we could catch up with The Royal Shield this time! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree: Whew...we finally made it. But is Babilograd supposed to be in the middle of a mountain like this? I had heard that it was a port town... Eugene: There is a drop in altitude between the town and the port. You can quickly travel from here to there using a device called a lift, but the lack of an alternative means of transportation is a bother. Eugene: So once you miss the lift, you cannot go down to the harbor until it returns. Veigue: I want to get on a ship bound for Balka as soon as possible. For now, let's go over to the place where we can board that so-called lift. Hilda: Eavesdropping is not a very admirable pastime. Reveal yourself! Mao: Can we help you? Veigue: What's wrong? Why won't you respond!? Eugene: No, wait...the young girl cannot reply. She is observing one of the commandments of the Blue Beast Faith that is passed down in this town. Eugene: You mustn't exchange words with men and women who are outside of your family. It is forbidden for young girls to show their faces. Those are the absolute precepts of Babilograd's Blue Beast Faith. ??:........... Annie: We're sorry...we had no idea that such tenets existed. It looks like we ended up frightening you by accident. Veigue:...I apologize. Hilda: Don't move. Hilda: There's one more person. Hilda: If you don't come out, then I'll cut this person with my cards. Mao: Hold on a second, Hilda...you can't do something like that! Eugene: Show yourself... Tytree: I'd rank the level of suspiciousness at 3 stars...who are you? ????: My name is Ox. I am a resident of this town. I am not a suspicious person. Please believe me! Veigue: Why were you hiding yourself? Ox: It would be unpleasant if anyone saw me talking to her...to Dana, so... Annie: Is it because you would be violating the teachings by conversing with someone outside of your family? Dana: There is that as well. But...you can tell, right? I'm a Gajuma...and he's a Huma. Hilda:......... Tytree: Hilda... Hilda: I do not approve of such talk...nor do I even want to understand it! Ox: Someone is coming... Veigue: Wait a moment. We'd like to ask you something. Ox: I don't want to be seen by the townspeople. I'm sorry, but please direct your question to somebody else. Tytree: H, hey...they're gone...honestly, what is going on here? Eugene: There are some things that you are better off not knowing. Veigue: Right now, we should look for the lift. Let's go. NOTICE: In order to talk to the people of Babilograd, it is necessary to switch between your male and female characters. You can easily change your displayed character with the R2 and L2 buttons (PSP version: press the L button while holding down X). Talk to females with Annie or Hilda set as your displayed character. Depending on your displayed character, your conversations with Humas and Gajumas may differ (i.e. talking to male Gajuma w/ Veigue may produce different results than if you use Eugene). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #267 [SKI267] ----------------------------------- 「うたうマオ・3」 Singing Mao Part 3 Mao: The sky, the sky, the sky~! Mao: How far does the vast sky go~ Mao: Those clouds look tasty, don't you know~ Mao: Later on, Tytree cooks them all~! Annie: Tee hee! Hilda: What song is that? Annie: Mao really likes to sing. What about you, Hilda? Hilda: Let's see...I do enjoy music. When I performed with my cello, it was pretty impressive if I do say so myself. Mao: Really! You should play for us sometime. Hilda: Sure, if the opportunity arises... ----------------------------------- Skit #268 [SKI268] ----------------------------------- 「リフトに乗れ」 Ride The Lift Mao: We have to ride the lift in order to go down to the port side, don't we. Veigue: Let's go to the place where we can ride the lift. ----------------------------------- Skit #269 [SKI269] ----------------------------------- 「蒼獣信仰の戒律」 Precepts Of The Blue Beast Faith Tytree: A city where men and women aren't allowed to talk with each other... this place is totally weird. Eugene: That is something which is quite natural in this city. Every region has its own unique customs. Eugene: Don't you have something along those lines in Petnadjanka as well? Tytree: Let's see, regional customs...if I were to pick one...I guess it would be the "83 Ingredient Marbled Tofu"...? Tytree: Even though it's quite scrumptious, it doesn't get prepared very often for some reason. Mao: That's just YOUR custom!! You better not serve something like that to us, you hear! ----------------------------------- Skit #270 [SKI270] ----------------------------------- 「不便だよな?」 Isn't It Inconvenient? Tytree: Hey Veigue, don't you think it's inconvenient that men and women cannot speak to each other. Veigue: You think so? Tytree: Yeah, I mean, what would you do if someone told you that you couldn't talk to Claire? Veigue: Claire is family. I should be able to speak with members of the household. Tytree: Oh, I get it! Claire is like a little sister to you. Veigue:...A sister...huh... ----------------------------------- Skit #271 [SKI271] ----------------------------------- 「ユ一ジ一ンのみだしなみ・2」 Eugene's Appearance Part 2 Tytree: It's pretty obvious that Veigue and I have long hair, but your hair's pretty lengthy too, Eugene. Eugene: Hmm...I started to grow my hair out 15 years ago when I became the commander of The Royal Shield. Tytree: Dang, that's a long time! That was before Mao was even born...yeesh! Eugene: Yeah...that's how things ended up anyway. It requires attention once every two months though. Mao: That's right, I have to go snip-snip and trim it from time to time! ----------------------------------- Skit #272 [SKI272] ----------------------------------- 「リフトで港へ」 To The Port Using The Lift Eugene: You can go down to the port side if you ride the lift. There should be a boat leaving from there that is headed for Balka. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lift Manager: Hmm? The lift? Sorry, but we just sent some parcels down. Veigue: When will it be back? Lift Manager: Hmm, not sure. It'll come back once they're done unloading the packages below, but...it's going to take a while. Veigue: What should we do...? Eugene: I know that we're in a hurry, but this can't be helped. Let's go look around the city. We may learn something about The Royal Shield. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #273 [SKI273] ----------------------------------- 「リフトを待つ間に...」 While We Wait For The Lift... Mao: Why don't we try talking to the people of the city? We might be able to ask them about The Royal Shield, you know? ----------------------------------- Skit #274 [SKI274] ----------------------------------- 「時間は有効に」 Available Time Tytree: In any case, we can't go to the port until the lift returns, so let's take a look around the town for a bit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annie: It seems like we won't be able to ride the lift anytime soon. Veigue: Will we really be able to infiltrate the capital city of Balka from Babilograd's harbor? Eugene: I am fairly certain. If what we heard in Sunnytown is true, then all of the other ports are sealed off. Eugene: This also includes the distribution of supplies. Seeing as Babilograd is the closest port to the capital, it makes sense that this would be the only place where boats are still running. Mao: Then does this mean that the girls who were captured by The Royal Shield are also being sent to Balka from this harbor? Hilda: But it doesn't look like they have any sizable buildings near the port that could accommodate a large group of people, and wouldn't it be too time-consuming to use the lift since that would require multiple trips? Mao: Hrmm... Veigue:...........! Woman:...Excuse me. Veigue: No harm done. Priest:...Hurry...we must go... Man:...Make haste. Woman:...I'm sorry. Mao: What was that just now...? Eugene: Judging from the clothing, I'd say that he was a priest of the holy temple. Tytree: It looks like they were headed towards the lift, so I wonder if it's available now? Veigue: Let's go check it out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #275 [SKI275] ----------------------------------- 「戻って来たんじゃない?」 Didn't It Come Back? Mao: Those people who passed by earlier went towards the lift. Wouldn't that mean that the lift has returned? ----------------------------------- Skit #276 [SKI276] ----------------------------------- 「気のせいなのか...」 Was It Just My Imagination... Veigue: Wasn't there something strange about those three people who walked by us earlier? Tytree:...Now that you mention it, they were awfully tight-lipped, weren't they. Hilda: They are probably just reserved, unlike you. Veigue:...Was it just my imagination then... ----------------------------------- Skit #277 [SKI277] ----------------------------------- 「もう一度、リフトへ」 To The Lift Once More Eugene: It's about time for the lift to return. Let's go and look. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Can we ride the lift now? Lift Manager:...No, you can't. Mao: Man, we're in a hurry. Let us get on the lift, please? Lift Manager: No, you can't...leave. Tytree: Come on, we're asking you for a favor here...right! Veigue: Tytree! Tytree: Khh...who is this guy...he's pretty freakin' strong...a Force User!? Mao, what about the Force? Mao: But the Force Cube isn't reacting to him... Veigue: Hm...? This reminds me of something... Eugene: Yes, this is... Tytree: What's the big deal, huh! Eugene: Wait! Tytree! That man is being manipulated. Mao: Wait, you don't mean...Waltu? Eugene: Right, there's no mistake that he's under the influence of a suggestion given by the Force of Sound. Hilda: The Royal Shield might be nearby. Veigue:...Now that I think about it...! Mao: Hmm...? What's wrong, Veigue? Veigue: Earlier, that girl from this town apologized to me directly...but didn't that go against the teachings of the Blue Beast Faith? Hilda: Then that girl from before was not a resident of this city. Mao: But she was dressed like a townsperson! Hilda: What if they did that in order to deceive us? And the only ones who would deem it necessary to go through such lengths would be... Annie: The Royal Shield!! Those people were the women who were taken by The Royal Shield, weren't they!! Veigue: Tch...we just missed them then...! Mao: Veigue! What do you think you're doing!? Veigue: I'm going to move the lift! Eugene: Wait, Veigue! The lift is not something that an amateur should tamper with. More importantly, we should search for sound that will null his suggestion first. Tytree: Hang on, you just completely lost me. I know that this guy's being controlled by that Waltu fellow, but what's this about a sound that will undo the suggestion? Mao: Waltu's Force of Sound allows him to use a particular sound as a trigger to bring out certain behaviors in people. Mao: In order to dispel this suggestion, you have to make him listen to the same sound that acted as the trigger in the first place. Hilda: You mean we have to search for a sound? There are a myriad of things that produce noise, aren't there. You're asking for the impossible. Eugene: Waltu has a distaste for needlessly manipulating people with his Force. It is always his custom to void the suggestion once it has served its purpose. Eugene: At the same time, that also removes all traces of his actions. Eugene: He normally arranges to have a collaborator for that purpose. That person is most likely somewhere in the city. Tytree: I get it, if we find that guy, then we'll learn what triggered the suggestion in the lift manager, right? Eugene: Exactly. Tytree: Alright, we'll get that conspirator of his to tell us how to undo this guy's suggestion, and then we'll go rescue Sis and Claire! Right, Veigue. Veigue:...Right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #278 [SKI278] ----------------------------------- 「ワルトゥの協力者」 Waltu's Collaborator Eugene: Waltu's collaborator should be somewhere. Let's try talking to the townspeople. ----------------------------------- Skit #279 [SKI279] ----------------------------------- 「暗示の力」 The Power Of Suggestion Annie: To think that it allows him to manipulate other people at will...the Force of Sound is a frightening thing. Mao: Yeah, since the suggestion can affect any number of people as long as they are within range of the sound. Eugene: The kidnapped girls are likely under the influence of the suggestion as well. Doing so would prevent them from making a scene. ----------------------------------- Skit #280 [SKI280] ----------------------------------- 「前向きな男」 A Man Who Doesn't Look Back Veigue:......Claire....... Tytree: Things will work out, Veigue! Let's do whatever we can! Tytree: If we do that, then we'll definitely save Claire and Sis! Veigue:...Yeah, you're right... ----------------------------------- Skit #281 [SKI281] ----------------------------------- 「協力者を探せ!」 Find The Collaborator! Mao: If we ask the people in the city, then we might learn something about Waltu's accomplice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wife: For some time now, the people who have been assisting the priest have been acting strangely. Wife: You see, my husband went to help him as well. Normally, my husband's quite the conversationalist, but now he is absent-minded and hardly makes a peep. Wife: Lately, he's been dazed when he comes back here with the priest, but with a single phrase from him, my husband returns to his normal self. Wife: I guess that the priest really does have a way with words, doesn't he. Veigue: Eugene, this reminds me of... Eugene: Right, this resembles the reaction that people have when they are being controlled by Waltu. Mao: I wonder if the other townspeople are also being influenced by his suggestion? Eugene: I can imagine that he used the suggestion in order to make them help with transporting the girls to the port. Eugene: People who are affected by Waltu's suggestion don't remember anything during that time period. The ones who helped out have no memory of doing so, which means there's no evidence of the girls being moved. Mao: For now, why don't we try talking to her husband? Annie: Where might your husband be at the moment? Wife: My husband? He's on the second floor. Do you need something from him? Annie: No ma'am, we simply wish to ask him about the work that he did for the priest. Wife: I asked him about it too, but he insisted that he "couldn't talk about it since he was doing sacred work." Wife: I doubt that he will tell you anything no matter how many times you ask, but if you happen to hear something, please let me know in secret, okay. Annie: Yes, we will. Veigue: What did the priest ask you to help him with? Husband: Is this about the work I did for him? I afraid that I can't tell you that. Veigue: What you really mean is that you don't remember anything, isn't that right? Husband: How did you know about that... Eugene: Could you tell us about what happened just before you lost your memory? We promise that we won't reveal this to anyone else. Husband: Well, the truth is...I only remember going to the Holy Blue Temple... I can't recall a single thing after that. Husband: I don't remember helping him, nor do I know how I got back home. Husband: People will think that I've gone crazy if word of this got out, so I ask that you please keep this to yourselves. Veigue: Right, we'll tell your wife that we didn't learn anything if she asks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #282 [SKI282] ----------------------------------- 「心のままに」 True To One's Heart Tytree: Grr, I can't believe how stiff and formal this city is!! Hilda: Indeed, the rules when speaking to members of the opposite sex are that way, but that is certainly not the only example around here where you "can't do this" or you "can't do that." Tytree: In the end, it really is best when people live true to their hearts! Annie: But there would be trouble if everyone lived as they pleased. Self-restraint is necessary as well. Hilda: Well, it's all about living in moderation...even though that is one of the most difficult things to do in life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree: Good call on the fact that he didn't remember anything. Veigue: That's because previously when the people under the influence of Waltu's suggestion returned to normal, they had no memory from when they were being controlled. Hilda: It appears that a single phrase from the priest is what released this man from the suggestion. Eugene: Then this means that the collaborator who Waltu used to null the suggestion given by his Force was the priest. Annie: It looks like the key to dispelling the suggestion wasn't a sound but a word. Mao: So let's go to where this priest is and ask him about the answer to the riddle that will get the lift moving! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #283 [SKI283] ----------------------------------- 「カギは聖殿に」 The Key Is At The Holy Temple Hilda: The priest should be aware of the word that is key to offsetting the suggestion. Mao: The priest is at the temple for sure! Let's hurry! ----------------------------------- Skit #284 [SKI284] ----------------------------------- 「カギを握る人物」 The One Who Holds The Key Eugene: Go see the priest and get him to tell us the words that will void the suggestion. He's probably in the temple unless he's stepped out somewhere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: We'd like to have a word with you. Priest:...Leave this place. Mao: We can't do that. Because the way we see things, you're the one who's cooperating with Waltu. Priest: Leave this place... Tytree: We don't have all the time in the world here, pal! Cough up the word that will undo the lift manager's suggestion and be quick about it!! Priest:...Leave this place. Veigue: Don't tell me that even the priest is being manipulated? Eugene: This priest is most likely under a suggestion which has a different triggering cue from the one used on the other men in the city. Tytree: So if we look for that, then we can just undo the priest's suggestion, right? Eugene: Well, no...he won't have any memory whatsoever from the time when he was given the suggestion. The man from earlier was like that as well, remember. Eugene: When the priest regains his senses, he will no longer know which word was used to trigger the suggestion in the townsmen. Hilda: Then are you saying that we won't be able to move the lift? Tytree: Dammit all...so this means that we've been running all over the town searching for nothing! Veigue: There has to be a solution to this. We should find it if we just search. It must be somewhere close by... Annie:...Yes, that makes sense, doesn't it. After all, the suggestion couldn't be something that would be used in everyday conversation... Annie: If the role of the priest who was being manipulated is to dispel the suggestion given to the townspeople, then I think the answer would be a word that would not sound odd coming from a man of the cloth. Tytree:...Yeah, that has to be it! Let's search this place inside and out! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #285 [SKI285] ----------------------------------- 「キ一ワ一ド」 Keyword Veigue: The "key" to undoing the suggestion...isn't there some kind of a clue... ----------------------------------- Skit #286 [SKI286] ----------------------------------- 「祭司とキ一ワ一ドの関係」 The Connection Between The Priest And The Keyword Veigue: Words that would not sound strange coming from the mouth of a priest...they should be somewhere in this temple... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: This is...!? Veigue: I haven't seen letters like this before... Hilda: It has Blue Beast Scriptures written on it in ancient Callegean. Mao: You can read that? Hilda: For the most part. The complex passages are impossible for me to decipher, but the simple ones are used in fortune-telling. Hilda:...There's a bookmark inserted in this page though... Hilda: "We the masses...the blue sea...the blue sky...in the city of blue...it will be born...beloved sea...beloved sky...over yonder...sea and sky... impart onto us your protection..." Priest:...You mustn't read that. Priest:...Be on your way. Tytree: Hey now, is it okay for you to do that? Eugene: All I did was knock him out. Since we're on the verge of finding the answer that we seek. Veigue: Does it have something to do with the fact that the priest reacted to Hilda's words? Eugene: The priest was trying to interrupt Hilda. The key to voiding the suggestion should be among the words that Hilda read. Hilda: The lady from earlier said that it was "one phrase," didn't she. So in other words, that means that the answer lies somewhere in this one verse. Tytree: Let's hurry to where the lift manager is! Annie: Before that, let's speak with the family who helped the priest and ask them if he said anything in particular. They might just know the answer. Veigue:...Got it. Let's go check and see if they heard what the priest said when the suggestion wore off. Mao: Shouldn't we do something about the priest's suggestion? Eugene: I mentioned this earlier, but Waltu erases all traces of his presence. The priest's suggestion will most likely take care of itself. NOTICE: You received the Blue Beast Scriptures. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #287 [SKI287] ----------------------------------- 「カギとなる言葉」 The Words That Became The Key Eugene: The words to void the suggestion should be in this verse of the scriptures. The question is which words are the ones that we need though... Mao: Let's try talking to the townspeople. ----------------------------------- Skit #288 [SKI288] ----------------------------------- 「その言葉が聞きたい」 I Want To Hear Those Words Hilda: It's pointless to read the Blue Beast Scriptures as-is. We need to find the specific words that were used for the suggestion! Tytree: The people in the city might have heard him say those words. We have to get them to tell us! ----------------------------------- Skit #289 [SKI289] ----------------------------------- 「教えて、街の人」 Please Tell Us, Townspeople Mao: Let's go talk to the people in the town one more time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: You have to talk to the townspeople before you can input the answer for the word puzzle. The answer is いとしきそら (ITOSHIKISORA). If you have no idea how to write in Japanese, then follow the instructions that I have listed below. If you make a mistake, you can erase by pressing the SQUARE button. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// From the starting position (the top left-hand corner): Move to the right 1 time and press Circle. Move down 3 times, then right 3 times and press Circle. Move left 3 times, then up 1 time and press Circle. Move up 1 time and press Circle. Move down 1 time, then right 3 times and press Circle. Move down 6 times, then left 4 times and press Circle. Finally, press the Triangle button. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Lift Manager: You're the people who... Veigue: We want to go to the port using the lift. Could you operate it for us? Lift Manager: Oh, now that you mention it, it just came back a minute ago. I'll let you ride on it since we're finished with the parcels. Mao: We did it! Lift Manager: Well then, I'll go on ahead since I have to get the lift started. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #290 [SKI290] ----------------------------------- 「間に合え!」 Make It In Time! Tytree: Let's hurry up and take the lift to the port so that we can chase after The Royal Shield! Veigue: Right...! ----------------------------------- Skit #291 [SKI291] ----------------------------------- 「リフトは動く」 The Lift Is Moving Eugene: The lift manager's suggestion has been dispelled. The lift is already in motion. Let's go down to the harbor. ----------------------------------- Skit #292 [SKI292] ----------------------------------- 「リフトについて」 About The Lift Mao: This lift is amazing. I wonder what kind of mechanism it uses for movement? Eugene: Steam power is transmitted to a gear which causes the wire to move. That in turn raises the lift. Tytree: They really thought this through...to think that they'd end up hauling stuff from the seashore to a high place like this. Truly a 5 star achievement! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lift Manager: Want to ride the lift? Ride the Lift? Yes No Priest:...You mustn't operate that. Priest: W, what on earth was I... Mao: Huh? It looks like the suggestion cleared up. Annie: The sound of the lift must be what released the priest from the suggestion. Mao: I get it, if the priest frees the lift manager from his suggestion, then the lift will be running. Eugene: The priest probably passes by at a specific time and he cancels the lift manager's suggestion after his own has been triggered. Hilda: I see, that way, all of the evidence disappears...just what I'd expect from one of the Four Stars... Tytree: Alright, let's book it then!! Before the captured girls are sent off to Balka! Eugene: We may not be able to avoid a direct confrontation with Waltu this time around. Steady yourselves and let's move on. Tytree: Right, we'll save Sis and the others no matter what it takes!! Veigue: I can only hope that I make it in time...Claire... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #293 [SKI293] ----------------------------------- 「娘たちは港に」 The Girls Are At The Port Mao: Let's hurry to the port! I'm sure that the girls are still there! Tytree: Sis...let me be on time... ----------------------------------- Skit #294 [SKI294] ----------------------------------- 「舟が出る前に!」 Before The Boat Leaves! Annie: Let's go to the harbor! If we don't hurry, the boat will leave without us! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree: Sis!! Selena: Tytree!! Royal Shield Soldier: Where the hell did you come from! The lift is supposed to be closed off, isn't it!? Mao: We'll be taking those people back, thank you very much!! Waltu: We can't very well have a disturbance in the presence of ladies, now can we? Hilda: Militsa!! Waltu: I made every endeavor to have things planned out, but...for me to see you in this city so soon...that was a miscalculation on my part. Eugene: If we had arrived a little bit later, then we probably wouldn't have known that you were even around here. Waltu: However, I shall complete the task that was given to me, Commander. Eugene: I do not wish to feud with you. Stand down, Waltu!! Waltu: Our mission is to safely escort the young ladies to where Her Majesty The Queen is. To renounce such a duty constitutes treason. Do you believe me to be a man who would betray his country? Eugene: What is the purpose of doing something like this, Waltu! Are you saying that this is for the well-being of the country!? Waltu: I myself would prefer not to utilize such boorish methods. Waltu: Nevertheless, I can ill afford to be mindful of trivial matters given the urgency of my orders. Tytree: If that's the case, then we'll just take them back by force!! Tytree: Ooriyaahhh!! Tytree: Sis, are you all right! Come over here, quickly!! Selena: M, my body...won't move!! Tytree: Bastards, what the hell did you do to Sis!? Waltu: I only made a simple request of her. That I'd like her to remain still for the time being. Tytree: What'd you say!? Waltu: Seeing as I have pressing business to attend to, I'd like to keep the brawling to a minimum. Could you possibly leave us be? Hilda:...Hnn!! Waltu: Or perhaps...you would rather defeat us and rescue the young ladies? Although if we do fight here, I cannot account for their safety...they are immobilized, after all. Tytree: You damn coward!! Eugene:...I didn't expect that you'd resort to such methods. Waltu: If it must be done in order to carry out my mission, then I cannot be selective about the means. I assure you that this is not a game. Selena: Fight them, Tytree!! Tytree: Sis!? Selena: You mustn't give in to their demands. If you people are willing to risk your lives and fight, then I will wager my life as well! Woman: I'm prepared too!! Woman: Please fight! I beg you! Tytree: But then... Veigue: At this rate, we won't be able to save the girls either way...let's do it! Tytree!! Waltu: I wanted to settle this peacefully, but it seems like that will not come to pass...very well then. Waltu: However, I will be in quite a predicament should the young ladies actually come to harm. Militsa. Militsa: I know. NOTE: You get to hear Hilda scream Militsa's name one more time if you have her in your active party. Hilda: Stop this! Militsa!! Militsa:......... Waltu: It's about time for us to end our little chat. I presume that there will be no need for us to hold back. Waltu: Within this space created by Militsa's Force, no matter how grand the struggle, the damage will not extend beyond this wall of light. Waltu: In other words, we are free to battle to our heart's content, Commander. Have at you!! Tytree: Just what I wanted! Veigue: Here we go!! Hilda: Militsa...why...even if you do something like this, you won't obtain the body of a "pure person"!! Militsa: I told you before...that there is no place outside of The Royal Shield where I belong... Militsa: Or are you implying that you...have you found a place that welcomes a Half with open arms? Hilda: W, well, that's... Eugene: Withdraw, Waltu!! Waltu: Splendidly done, Commander...however, I will complete my mission without fail. Veigue: Waltu...!! Waltu: I'm going to...have you take leave of your senses for a while, if you don't mind. Selena: Aah...my head is... Tytree: Sis!! ??????: What is the meaning of this! ??????: You're causing quite an uproar, are you not. Waltu. Waltu: General Milhaust... Veigue: That guy is... Mao: That's Milhaust Selkirk, the Commander-in-Chief of the Callegean National Forces. Mao: He distinguished himself soon after enlisting in the army and became the general at a young age due to his skill and popularity. He's an elite among the elite. Milhaust: If you are tending to such urgent matters here in Babilograd as you claim to be, then what do you think that you are doing by involving civilians in this disturbance? Explain yourself at once. Waltu: With all due respect, we, The Royal Shield, are following orders issued directly by Her Ladyship. I cannot speak on the subject without Her Majesty's consent. Milhaust:...You're absolutely right. Then, this is something that I shall address with Her Highness. Milhaust: However, you will withdraw from this place. I will not allow citizens of this country to be harmed right before my eyes. Namely, the oath of loyalty that I swore to Callegea also applies to its people. Waltu: But... Milhaust: If you refuse to listen to reason, then I shall be your next opponent. Waltu: If I were to go as far as to force your hand...very well, you have my compliance. Commander, until we next meet. Eugene:........... Hilda: Militsa! Eugene: It's been a long time, hasn't it, Milhaust... Milhaust:...You who once stood by my side as a defender of this country...one who now bears no allegiance...your words fall on deaf ears... Eugene: I see...however, let me pass along one piece of advice as a former comrade. Milhaust:.......... Eugene: Return to Her Majesty's side as soon as possible. Then I'd like you to see with your own eyes what is taking place. Eugene: I trust that you will be able to determine the truth. Eugene: My deepest wish is that the day where we must cross swords with you never comes. Milhaust:........... Tytree: Wait...! Mister Milhaust!! Tytree: Thanks a bunch for saving everybody!! Annie: Is everyone all right? Selena: Yes, we're all safe. Tytree: Sis, these people were all kidnapped by those guys, right? Selena: That's right. They then kept us locked up in the holy temple on top of the mountain. There was a large number of girls in there besides us as well. Tytree: Say, wasn't there a girl named Claire in that group? Selena: Claire!? Tytree: You know her, don't you Sis? Selena: But how do you know that name? Tytree: This guy here...Veigue, he's her boyfr...sorry, my mistake, a friend of hers. Selena: I see...but Claire was carried off along with some other girls... Veigue: When did they take Claire away from here!? Selena: Just two or three days ago. Veigue: Tch!! Eugene: Didn't they say anything as to why they had abducted you? Selena: No, not a word...but there is one thing that has been bothering me... Eugene: Bothering you? Selena: When we were in the temple, I could hear them say this from the outside: "There's not much time left. The moon is waxing." Hilda: The moon is getting fuller...does this mean that something is going to happen on the next full moon? Selena: I'm sorry. That's all I heard... Annie: If I'm not mistaken, the upcoming full moon is on the eve of the Day of Goldba. Mao: The crowning ceremony is being held on the Day of Goldba! Eugene: So it seems that there is a connection between the movements of The Royal Shield and the ceremony after all. Veigue: Claire... Veigue: Let's hurry!! Tytree: Sis, I hate to do this, but...I can't go back home with you. I can't really celebrate until we rescue the other girls. Selena: Yes, I know. I would have scolded you if you had said that you were coming home with me. Tytree: Sis...I'm heading off. Selena: Take care of yourself. Everyone, please be careful as well. Please look after Tytree for me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #295 [SKI295] ----------------------------------- 「首都への船」 Boat Headed For The Capital Mao: The boat headed for Balka's port is leaving, you know. Tytree: Let's go to Balka! In order to save Claire! ----------------------------------- Skit #296 [SKI296] ----------------------------------- 「人聞き悪いぜ」 Bad Reputation Annie: Mao, isn't Tytree always picking on you? Tytree: Hey now, don't give me a bad reputation. Who do you think is bullying who? I'm the one who's getting pushed around by Mao! Annie: But every time I look, you're always imposing on him... Mao: That's because I'm cute, yessiree! Tytree:............. ----------------------------------- Skit #297 [SKI297] ----------------------------------- 「おれがアニキだ」 I'm Your Big Bro Mao: Tytree, you really do have a soft spot for Selena! Tytree: Mao, you sure are using Sis to push my buttons, aren't you. I get it, you want to have a sibling too, right? Tytree: I guess that I'll just have to become your big Bro. Tytree: You're going to have to deal with Annie being your big Sis. Mao: Huh, what about Selena? Tytree: Sis is my big Sis... ----------------------------------- Skit #298 [SKI298] ----------------------------------- 「モテモテだ」 Popular Mao: Militsa is the only woman among The Four Stars, isn't she? Tytree: Ooh, then that means she's popular! Mao: But the other three members are Saleh, Tohma, and Waltu, remember? Tytree:...That has to suck... ----------------------------------- Skit #299 [SKI299] ----------------------------------- 「ミルハウストの目的」 Milhaust's Objective Veigue: Why was Milhaust in this city? Hilda: A little while ago, I heard that he was dispatched to resolve a dispute that had taken place on the eastern continent...perhaps he was on his way back from that? Veigue: The man who stands at the very top of the military personally went to the site of the conflict? Hilda: Distinguished military personnel cannot leave crucial matters in the hands of others. Hilda: And besides, simply having his presence there boosts the morale of the troops. Much to the chagrin of writers everywhere anyway. Veigue: What does that mean? Eugene: It means that there are few people who will shy away from a chance to prove their loyalty towards the country or even display their sense of justice. Veigue: Milhaust, huh... ----------------------------------- Skit #300 [SKI300] ----------------------------------- 「首都バルカへ」 To The Capital City Of Balka Annie: The boat which is going to Balka is anchored at the harbor. Eugene: If you have something that you want to purchase before getting on the boat, you should head to the store. ----------------------------------- Skit #301 [SKI301] ----------------------------------- 「おいしいお酒・1」 Heavenly Sake Part 1 NOTE: You have to enter the Lift Manager's hut after the battle with Waltu and Militsa to trigger this Skit. Hilda will acquire the title "One Who Enjoys Sake" after viewing this. Annie:...Hilda, didn't you have something to drink earlier? Hilda:...It had a rich, mellow taste to it...aah, it was heavenly... Annie: Was it sake, by any chance...? Hilda: The manager treated me to bottle of Babilograd's famous specialty sake, "Myth Gallow." Annie: Ah...that's the sake that my father loved so much. He drank it quite often. It sure brings back memories... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sailor: Would you like to ride on the ocean liner? The fare is an even 300 Gald. Take the ocean liner? Yes No Balka Harbor Don't ride the ocean liner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree:...Whew, somehow we were able land in Balka... Veigue: Is the crowning ceremony something that demands this much security? Eugene: In this day and age, there are no guarantees that some of the more unsavory lots out there won't take advantage of the occasion. As always, we should proceed with the utmost of care. Hilda: I wonder if that is the only pretext for the strict surveillance...? Annie:...I feel the same way. There's the affair involving Claire and the others as well, but it feels as if some other important matter is also taking place. Mao: We have to be careful since someone might recognize Eugene. Eugene: Right...but there aren't many days left until the ceremony. We need to gather information swiftly and discreetly. Veigue: Let's go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #302 [SKI302] ----------------------------------- 「バルカ港から市街地へ」 From Balka Harbor To The Urban Areas Annie: The city of Balka is slightly to the north of this port. Veigue: Then that must be where Callegea Castle is too. ----------------------------------- Skit #303 [SKI303] ----------------------------------- 「覚えてる?」 You Remember? Mao: We've finally made it back to Balka, haven't we? Eugene: Yes...it certainly is nostalgic to return after such a long time. Mao: You remember? About what happened when you left Balka? Mao: I had decided to go with you but you told me that I couldn't, right Eugene? Eugene: Yes, but even so you didn't listen and said that you were going to follow me anyway. Eugene: I ended up getting used your company during my travels before I even realized it. Mao:............. ----------------------------------- Skit #304 [SKI304] ----------------------------------- 「バルカ市街地」 The Urban Area Of Balka Eugene: Callegea Castle is in the urban area of Balka. The palace is a magnificent building that is suitable for the royal family. Mao: In any case, let's go to the capital! It's just a little ways to the north of this harbor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Old Lady:...You people over there...yes, you young 'uns...you... Tytree: Hm, what's up, Grams? Old Lady: Not you, young 'un. That young man over there with the hair of silver... Veigue: You mean me...? Old Lady: I see a foreboding shadow on the horizon. From this day forth, your heart may fall prey to a happenstance which will rend it asunder... Tytree: What do you mean by that, Grams? Old Lady: Such is foretold by the stars... Old Lady:...Moreover, it appears that this shadow is coupled with an even greater shadow... Hilda: Old lady, are you a fortune-teller? Old Lady: Yes, that's right...young man, choose a card. Veigue:........... Mao: What'd you pick, Veigue? Hilda:...The Moon Card. In the upright position, it suggests "fear" and "doubt". In the reverse position, it's an "indication of improvement", or perhaps a "realization of the truth"... Annie: What exactly will take place? Hilda:...Who knows? Old Lady: Do not allow yourself to be consumed by the darkness. You must take care to become strong of heart... Tytree: I seriously have no idea what Grams here is talking about. Veigue: The moon... Eugene: There's no use thinking about it. For now, we should go to the city and gather information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #305 [SKI305] ----------------------------------- 「アニ一の占い講座」 Annie's Course On Fortune-Telling Veigue:............ Annie: Veigue...are you thinking about the reading that the old lady did for you earlier? Veigue:...Something that will tear my heart into pieces...a large shadow... Annie: Veigue, the outcome of a reading isn't meant to be used as guide that influences how you live your life. Annie: If you change yourself, then that means that you can change your future as well. Veigue:...Really...yes, you're right... Annie:...Well, that's what someone once told me anyway... ----------------------------------- Skit #306 [SKI306] ----------------------------------- 「占いは誰に?」 Who Taught You? Annie: Hilda, who taught you how to read fortunes? Hilda:...I learned it on my own...as a child though, all I did was gaze at the pictures... Hilda: Just the simple act of holding these tarot cards made me forget about all of the horrible things that I went through. Hilda: Eventually, I gained an interest in fortune-telling...and it grew little by little... Annie: So that's what happened... ----------------------------------- Skit #307 [SKI307] ----------------------------------- 「迷惑だった?」 Was I A Nuisance? Mao: Hey Eugene...has it been a nuisance having to travel with me? Eugene:...No, I'm glad that you were there for me. Mao: For real? Is that what you really think? Eugene: Yes, it's the truth. You are one of my irreplaceable companions... Mao: Yay!! Mao: We'll always be together then, right, Eugene! Eugene: Right... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree: What a huge city...Petnadjanka doesn't even come close to this. Mao: Tytree, is this your first time here? Tytree: Yup, I am a country bumpkin and all. Veigue, what about you? Veigue: This is my first time too....The city is impressive, but so is the fog. Eugene: Indeed, this place is blanketed in mist throughout the year. One might think it would make policing difficult, but it can also be used to our advantage when we conduct operations. Mao: Eugene and I are pretty familiar with this city, so leave the directions to us. Veigue: Right...we're counting on you. Veteran: What're you so afraid of? Young Soldier: Is this city always so dark and gloomy? The enemy could be lurking about and we'd have no way of knowing it, would we... Veteran: This is your first time in Balka, isn't it. Nothing's going to happen, so don't get all uptight like that. We have some excellent sake here in Balka, you know. Let's go get some drinks after our shift is over. Young Soldier: Y, yessir!! Tytree: I really don't want to have to fight those guys. Eugene: One can only hope that it doesn't happen. Veigue: So that's Callegea Castle... Hilda: Yes...I don't exactly have many fond memories of the place though... Veigue: Is it okay if we get a little bit closer to it...? Eugene: I have no objections, but...I trust that you have no intention of barging in through the front gate, correct? Veigue:...I would if I could. But... Mao: Why don't we take a peek at the castle and see how the atmosphere is? The mood has probably changed a bit since the last time we were here. Eugene: You have a point. I know that you've heard me say this many times, but the security is very tight. Do not forget that. Veigue: I know... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #308 [SKI308] ----------------------------------- 「クレア囚われし城」 The Castle Where Claire Is Imprisoned Veigue: I want to see Callegea Castle up close. Eugene: I know. But the security is tight. Be sure to act accordingly. ----------------------------------- Skit #309 [SKI309] ----------------------------------- 「蒸気機関車」 Steam-powered Locomotive Tytree:...Man, this fog is depressing... Annie: While it's true that the terrain encourages the formation of mist, I don't believe that is the only reason for this thick fog. Annie: The steam-powered locomotive does produce an impressive amount of vapor as it moves, you know. Tytree: A steam train! I've heard rumors about it! It's amazing, isn't it? I wonder if we'll get to ride on it? Hilda: I imagine that we'll have to ride on it if we plan to explore the capital. Tytree: Woohoo! ----------------------------------- Skit #310 [SKI310] ----------------------------------- 「霧の都」 City Of Fog Tytree: This city is so gloomy for some reason... Annie: Balka is completely covered in fog for about 3 months out of the year. Mao: Not to mention that there are lots of rainy days. Tytree: Unh...i, it's no use...! This city just doesn't suit my personality!! ----------------------------------- Skit #311 [SKI311] ----------------------------------- 「カレギア城へ」 To Callegea Castle Tytree: Let's go check out Callegea Castle...Veigue! Veigue: Yeah... ----------------------------------- Skit #312 [SKI312] ----------------------------------- 「ユ一ジ一ンの夢」 Eugene's Dream NOTE: You need to stay at the inn in order to view this Skit. Eugene: Last night, I had a dream about my childhood... Mao: It's kind of difficult to picture you as a child, Eugene! Eugene: You may say that, but I'll have you know that I had a reputation for being the cutest kid in the neighborhood. Mao: That's even harder for me to imagine! Tytree: Then how did things end up like this... Tytree: Mao, sooner or later, you'll be saying stuff like this too. Mao:........... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: It's kind of a pain to get around in Balka, so I'm going to be giving some basic directions while you're in the city. There's a guy wearing blue at the top of the screen that you're on now; that's the train operator. To progress the story, talk to him and select the option that says カレギア城前. This will bring you in front of Callegea Castle. Annie: This is Callegea Castle, the place which has served as the foundation of our kingdom from ancient times up until the present. Veigue:...So this is where Claire is being held... Zapie: Kiki... Annie: I wonder if Zapie understands that Claire is inside of this castle... Veigue:...Claire... Veigue Side-->Claire Side Imperial Guard: This day, the one honored to be chosen by Her Majesty is Claire Bennett. Step forward! Claire: Y, yes... Zilva: There is no need for you to be so nervous. I only ask that you spare us a moment in order to have a pleasant chat with Her Majesty The Queen. Claire: That's fine. Zilva: Then please follow me. Agarte: I thank you for coming. And your name is...? Claire: It's Claire. I am from the village of Sulz. Agarte: I see...your face and also your hands and feet...they're simply exquisite... Claire:...Eh? Ah...it is an honor to receive such praise from you, my Queen. Agarte: With such beauty, you could have the hand of any suitor whom you desired, am I right... Claire: Huh...? Agarte: If only one could obtain allure such as yours...your angelic face... your silky skin... Claire:...Um, if I may...is a person's appearance is really that important? Agarte: What did you say just now? Claire: Oh...I'm sorry...but I...I believe that once people have come to like each other, looks are not that big of a factor in the relationship. Claire:...A long time ago, my parents apparently met for the first time when they got lost in a pitch dark cave. Agarte:........... Claire: In the darkness, the two of them encouraged one another as they continued to search for the exit. Claire: When they finally came out of the cave the next morning and looked at each other for the first time, they both burst out into laughter. Agarte:...For what reason? Claire: What my father had thought was a cute, dainty young lady turned out to be a muddy village girl with frizzy hair. The strong, dependable gentleman that my mother had pictured ended up being a toothpick of a man with a shaggy beard. Claire: The two of them couldn't help but laugh at how far off their imaginations had been, and they admitted that while they were in the cave, they mistook the other for a prince or a princess. Agarte:.......... Claire: But even so, my parents said that they grew fond of each other before they left the cave. Claire: That's why I think that it's not what's on the outside, but what's on the inside that matters the most to people. Agarte:...Suppose that when they emerged from the cavern, one of them happened to be a Gajuma. Are you of the opinion that your parents would make the same claim in spite of that? Claire:...I think that they would. Once you've fallen in love with someone, I feel that it is meaningless to consider things such as race. Agarte: Meaningless? Surely you jest...? Claire: No, I'm being serious. Agarte: Such lies...speak what is truly on your mind...Gajumas are unsightly beings...that is how all Humas feel, is it not? Claire:...Your Majesty...? Agarte: I have never known darkness...! Agarte: It is a matter of fact for me to have my every move monitored. I cannot freely depart from this place, nor am I permitted to simply meet with people as I please... Claire:...Could it be that Your Majesty is... Agarte:...Be silent!! Agarte: You possess that which I desire above all else!! Claire: Lady...Agarte... Claire:......... Zilva: Princess...how do you feel? Agarte: The feeling was exceedingly pleasant...it was unlike anything I have ever experienced...this child will...Claire will be the one who shall redeem me... Zilva: I ask that you be patient for just a moment's time. My Princess, you'd best conserve your strength until the day of the ceremony... Agarte: You are right...at long last, everything shall come to an end with the close of the ritual... Zilva: No, it will not be an ending. The ceremony will come to pass and Milady, as well as this country, shall be reborn. It shall be a glorious genesis, so to speak. Agarte: If I am born anew...do you suppose that he will acknowledge my presence... Agarte: Can you conceive of me living in the same world as him... Zilva: There is nothing to fear. Once Milady is born again, the barrier which now separates the two of you shall surely vanish without a trace. Agarte: I thank you... Zilva: Who goes there!? ????: Oh crap...! Zilva:...Guards! Where are the guards...! Claire:...Veigue... Claire Side-->Veigue Side Veigue: Claire, wait for me. I will rescue you no matter what... Tytree: I have no idea what these guys are up to, but I'm positive that it's gonna be a flop. They definitely have an ass-whopping headed their way. Annie: Hilda, do you know of a way to gain entry into the castle? Hilda: I'm afraid not, I normally entered through the front gate like everyone else...but, Eugene might... Eugene: Can't say that I do...the fortification around Callegea Castle is solid. I doubt that penetrating its defenses will be an easy task. Eugene: But perhaps if we investigate further... Guardsman's Voice: Halt!! Halt, I say!! Veigue: Hm? Guardman's Voice: We won't allow you to escape! Guardsman: How on earth did that worm get in here... Guardsman: We cannot let someone who's sullied the name of Her Grace slip away!! Split up and search for him!! Eugene: That man... Mao: You know him? Eugene: Yes...so he's still up to his old tricks... Veigue: Old tricks? Eugene: Hmm, I wonder...he might know of a way to infiltrate the castle... Tytree: What do you mean? Eugene: I'll explain later. Let's run after him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #313 [SKI313] ----------------------------------- 「怪しいガジュマ」 The Suspicious Gajuma Veigue: Eugene, is that Gajuma an acquaintance of yours? Eugene: Yes, but let's save the details for later. We should go after him first. ----------------------------------- Skit #314 [SKI314] ----------------------------------- 「どこかで...?」 Somewhere...? Hilda: I have a feeling that I've seen that Gajuma before...somewhere... Annie: For now, let's chase after him! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: To progress the story, talk to the train operator and select 商店前. Enter the store and go all the way to the rear to trigger the following dialogue. While I'm babbling away, I might as well mention that the next new guy has a slight accent (my English not be that bad, really!). ????: Uh oh, so you found me, eh. Eugene: Wait, Yottsua. Have you forgotten about me? Yottsua:...Hm? Master Eugene! I haven't heard from you since that last time you helped me out. Mao: Yottsua, you mean the guy who's known as the Callegean Dictionary? Yottsua: Yup! I can tell you everything there is to know about this country, be it anything from national secrets to the neighborhood gossip. Yottsua: The country's best source of information, the Callegean Dictionary Yottsua, that be me. Hilda: Eugene, you actually know this guy? Eugene: Previously, I had placed him under arrest for sneaking into the castle. Yottsua: No no, you be the one who saved my life. Back then, I thought that I was going to be executed, but Master Eugene granted me a special pardon. Eugene: Well, The Royal Shield is also indebted to you for all of those times that you provided us with information. But still, haven't you learned your lesson about slipping into the castle? Yottsua: Eh heh heh...at any rate, I heard that you were driven out of the castle and had left Balka? Eugene: A lot of things have happened, so I've come back for the moment. Veigue:...Since you're an informant, I'd like you to tell us something. Yottsua: Sure, go ahead. You're with the Master, so I'll let you have a freebie, on the house. What be it? Veigue: Are you aware that The Royal Shield is kidnapping Huma girls? Yottsua: Ah, of course I am. They've scraped a whole bunch of them together inside of the castle. As I recall, one of them escaped the other day and caused quite a commotion. Veigue:...You haven't heard the name Claire before, have you? Yottsua: Claire...ah, I did hear it once. That be the name of the girl that was with the Queen's aide, Zilva. Veigue: Claire, you say...!? Yottsua: That probably be her judging from the way that the Queen be speaking. Said that this kid Claire will redeem her. Veigue: Claire is going to save the Queen? What is that supposed to mean? Yottsua:...Beats me. They be talking about weird stuff like being reborn and walls disappearing, so I didn't really understand what be going on... Yottsua: After that, Zilva realized that I be there, so I ran out on the double. That be about all that I can tell you. Veigue: Let me ask you one more thing. How is the security around the castle? Yottsua: You can't tell from the outside, but the inside be a nightmare. You see, the place be crammed with Force Users day in and day out. It certainly seems like they be on the lookout for something... Eugene: But how did you manage to sneak into the castle with that kind of security on the inside? Yottsua: That be something that I cannot tell even Master Eugene. Tytree: What do you mean by that? You owe Eugene your life, don't you? Yottsua: Ah...you make me feel guilty when you put it that way... Yottsua: Okay, I hear you. You should go to Jibel's place then; he lives across from the item shop. Yottsua: This be something that I just cannot tell you. You'll have to ask Jibel about that. Veigue:.......? Yottsua: If you go to Jibel's house, say this: "I want to see the continuation of the dream that lies deep within the mist." Eugene: A password, correct? Understood. Yottsua: Well, I be on my way then... Veigue: Across from the item store, huh...let's go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #315 [SKI315] ----------------------------------- 「謎の人物・ジベ一ル」 The Mysterious Figure, Jibel Eugene: We have no choice but to meet with this man named Jibel. Mao: He lives across the way from the item store, right? I wonder what kind of person he is... ----------------------------------- Skit #316 [SKI316] ----------------------------------- 「霧の奥にある夢の続きが見たい」 I Want To See The Continuation Of The Dream That Lies Deep Within The Mist Annie: "I want to see the continuation of the dream that lies deep within the mist"...what do you suppose it means? Tytree: It's just a run-of-the-mill password. It's not supposed to have a deeper meaning to it or anything. Hilda: A dream deep within the mist...it has a fairytale-like ring to it. Tytree: I dunno, doesn't it sound dismal and long-winded to you? Hilda: The man knows nothing about atmosphere... ----------------------------------- Skit #317 [SKI317] ----------------------------------- 「ジベ一ルの家は...」 Jibel's House Is... Veigue: Let's go meet with Jibel. His residence is near the item store, isn't it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: To get to Jibel's house, talk to the train guy and pick 南門広場. This should bring you to the entrance of the city. From here, head to the northeast between the two buildings. On the next screen, enter the house on the right side and go down the stairs. Veigue: Is Jibel here? ????: I am Jibel, but...what business do you have with me? Veigue: "I want to see the continuation of the dream that lies deep within the mist." Jibel: Hmm...so you've met with him, have you... Veigue: Yes, we heard about you from Yottsua... Jibel: For what reason do you intend to infiltrate the castle? Jibel: Especially you, the former Commander...Eugene... Eugene: There is something stirring within the kingdom at this time. We must enter the castle in order to uncover the truth. Veigue:...Please, tell us how we can get in! Jibel: Hmm...however, even with Yottsua's referral, I cannot simply let you through. Tytree: Are you saying that you can't trust us!! Jibel: Well, something like that. That's why I want you to prove yourselves. Show me that you people are not my enemies through an act of good faith, if you will. Veigue: What do you want us to do? Jibel: My subordinate, Hack, is currently conducting some archaeological research. However, he went to investigate the Mesechina Cavern located to the northeast of the city and has yet to return. Jibel: Perhaps he was involved in some type of accident, or maybe he was captured by the enemy... Mao: So you want us to go and search for that Hack person, right? Jibel: Yes...that's right. Veigue: The cavern to the northeast, right. Let's go. Jibel: Just a minute. Jibel: As things stand, there's no guarantee that you people won't run away and report me to the authorities. Anyone will do, but I want two of you to remain here. Tytree: Old man, you just sat there and listened away, and now you have the nerve to exploit us!! Jibel: Like it or not, that is simply the way I am when people ask me for a favor. Tytree: What'd you say!! Hilda: Let it go, Tytree! He has the upper hand. Jibel: You seem to be familiar with the ways of the world, Miss... Tytree:...Tch. Alright already. So who's staying behind? Eugene: Veigue, you decide. Veigue: I'm going. We'll need Mao too so that we can detect any hostile Force Users. That leaves... Characters listed in yellow are in your battle party. Characters listed in blue will be left behind. Press the Circle button to switch people in or out of your party. Veigue Mao Eugene Annie Tytree Hilda Finalize your battle party. Veigue: Let's head out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #318 [SKI318] ----------------------------------- 「ハックを助けに」 To Save Hack Mao: The cave to the northeast...is that the Mesechina Cavern? Veigue: The Mesechina Cavern...in any case, let's go look for Hack. ----------------------------------- Skit #319 [SKI319] ----------------------------------- 「ここだけの話」 Just Between Us NOTE: This Skit only pops up if you have Tytree in your party but NOT Hilda. Tytree: This is just between us, but doesn't Hilda come across as being a tad headstrong? Mao: Ah, Tytree! I'm going to tell on you! Tytree: W, what's the big idea, Mao! Don't pin all of the blame on me when you were thinking the exact same thing! Tytree: Veigue...you think so too, don't you? Veigue: No, not particularly... ----------------------------------- Skit #320 [SKI320] ----------------------------------- 「メセチナ洞窟へ」 To The Mesechina Cavern Mao: Hack went to the cavern to the northeast, didn't he. ----------------------------------- Skit #321 [SKI321] ----------------------------------- 「マオの心配」 Mao's Concern NOTE: This Skit only pops up if Annie and Eugene are NOT in your party. Mao: I wonder if it was okay to leave Annie and Eugene behind... Tytree: I'm telling you, there's nothing to worry about. If it comes down to it, maybe things will turn out for the better after a good catfight. Hilda: Sometimes, I'm envious of that optimistic outlook of yours. Mao:...I would like it if those two would only get along, but... Veigue: Mao... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #322 [SKI322] ----------------------------------- 「静かだネ」 It Sure Is Quiet NOTE: This Skit only pops up if Tytree is NOT on your party. Mao: I wonder if Tytree will behave himself while we're gone...? Veigue: Hard to say...it would be nice if he didn't cause any trouble, but... Mao: Instead of worrying, maybe it would have been better to have him come along? Veigue: You might be right... ----------------------------------- Skit #323 [SKI323] ----------------------------------- 「あれが獣王山」 That's Mount Sovereign NOTE: You have to get within close proximity of Mount Sovereign (located to the north of Balka) to trigger this Skit. Tytree: What the heck is that mountain...? It looks like it has two horns growing out of it... Eugene: That is Mount Sovereign. They say that it was named after the first King of Callegea, Goldba. Tytree: Really?...That thing's in pretty good shape then. Eugene: There's also a legend which says that the mountain is protected by some type of mysterious power. Eugene: You see, this is a sacred place for both the country and the royal family. ----------------------------------- Skit #324 [SKI324] ----------------------------------- 「ハックはここに?」 Hack's In Here? Mao: I wonder if Hack is actually in a place like this? Veigue: We'll just have to find out for ourselves. Let's go. ----------------------------------- Skit #325 [SKI325] ----------------------------------- 「ここはメセチナ洞窟」 This Is The Mesechina Cavern Veigue: What could Hack be investigating in this cavern? Mao: ...If I remember correctly, the word Mesechina means "light of the moon." Mao: Waltu told me that when we were in The Royal Shield. I forgot about the details though. Veigue: Moonlight...now that you mention it, the inside of this cavern glows as if it were being lit by the moon... Mao: Maybe he was looking into some secret involving that? ----------------------------------- Skit #326 [SKI326] ----------------------------------- 「洞窟のどこかに」 Somewhere In The Cavern Veigue: Let's search for Hack. If Jibel was right, then he should be somewhere in this cave. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ???: H, help me!! Mao:...Could that be Hack? Veigue: Let's go...!! Veigue: Are you alright? ???: T, thank you! You're a lifesaver...but...what are you guys doing here... Veigue: We came here on Jibel's request. You're Hack, aren't you? Hack: Jibel asked you to? Veigue: Jibel was worried since you left a while ago but hadn't come back yet. What were you doing? Hack: I'm sorry...I was so absorbed in my research that I lost track of the time. Thanks for saving me. I'm going to start heading back right about now. Mao: We should be able to earn Jibel's trust with this! Veigue: Right, let's hurry back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #327 [SKI327] ----------------------------------- 「任務完了」 Mission Complete Mao: We rescued Hack and all, so now he should tell us how we can enter the castle. Veigue: Right. Let's go back to Jibel's place. ----------------------------------- Skit #328 [SKI328] ----------------------------------- 「街へ戻ろう」 Let's Return To The City Veigue: Let's head back to Jibel's house. Mao: The other two are waiting for us, after all. We should hurry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jibel: Good work. Let me tell you how you may enter Callegea Castle. Jibel: If you leave through the rear entrance of this place, you'll find an underground tunnel. You can enter the castle by going through there. Hilda: You can't be serious! Does such a straightforward path actually exist? Hack: It looks like it was originally built as an escape route for the royal family in the event that there was an emergency at the castle. Hack: But it seems like they completely forgot about it since it wasn't being used. Eugene:...The darkest spot is at the base of the lighthouse, huh... Tytree: Alright, in any case, let's make our way over there!! Hack: That charm you're holding...isn't that a Blue Moonstone? Veigue: Blue Moonstone? Hack: It's a very mysterious stone. It waxes and wanes just like the moon. Veigue: Waxes and wanes? Hack: Here, take a look. That stone that you have is already lit more than half the way. Veigue: What did you say...? Hack: The stone will be completely full before long. Hack: Long ago, people who watched the moon wane and then wax believed that the celestial body was sacred and that it could revive itself after death. Hack: That's why the people from ancient times worshipped the moon in hopes that even if they died, they would be reborn. Hack: That explains why this stone which mimics the various phases of the moon became a good luck charm. Tytree: What's going to happen when this stone lights up all the way? Hack: According to an old legend, it's said that the Divine King will rise again...but I, uh, still haven't figured out what that means. Mao: Really... Veigue: More importantly though... Eugene: Right, let's go. Veigue:...We appreciate your help, Jibel. Jibel: Mm hmm... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #329 [SKI329] ----------------------------------- 「地下道の秘密」 Secret Of The Underground Tunnel Annie: To think that there would be an underground tunnel to the castle behind Jibel's house... Mao: Yeah, what a surprise. Veigue: Let's sneak into Callegea Castle! ----------------------------------- Skit #330 [SKI330] ----------------------------------- 「地下道への扉」 The Door That Goes To The Underground Tunnel Eugene: If you've finished preparing, then let's enter the castle from the underground tunnel. Eugene: To get to the entrance of the underground tunnel, leave through the rear exit of Jibel's house. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue:...I have a request. Veigue: I've come this far in order to save Claire...the enemy is most likely waiting for us inside. I won't be able to handle them by myself. Veigue: Please, lend me your strength... Mao: What are you saying? Of course we will! We're your friends, you know! Eugene: We would have done so even if you hadn't asked. Annie: I will also do the best that I can. Veigue:...Thanks. But that's not the only favor that I need to ask. Tytree: Just name it and it's yours. Veigue: In the event that I fall in battle...I'd like you to take care of Claire for me. Veigue: It doesn't matter to me even if I die. It's okay as long as Claire is safe. So that's why... Annie: Veigue... Tytree: No way, nothin' doin'. Veigue:.........? Tytree: I can't let you go in there with a death wish, you know. Veigue:......... Tytree: It's not like YOU would have anything to worry about after you kicked the bucket. Talk about taking the easy way out. Tytree: You're going to fight to the bitter end, so don't even think about dying. Veigue: Tytree... Tytree: Save Claire with your own two hands!! Life can be rough, but...there has to be something out there that makes it all worthwhile!! Tytree: So don't talk about throwing your life away like it's no big deal. And if you happen to croak on me, I'm going to beat the life back into you. You got that? Veigue:...Yeah, I hear you. Veigue:...Let's go!! Eugene: Who would have thought that there would be a passageway in a place like this... Tytree: Whether you want to call this carelessness or a breach in security... apparently there's always a way to get to wherever you need to go. Hilda: Do you honestly think that they're just going to let us waltz into the castle? Eugene: Hmm, I would presume that they took measures to ward off intruders. Proceed with caution. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #331 [SKI331] ----------------------------------- 「初めての地下道」 The First Underground Passageway Veigue: If we go through this underground passageway, we'll be able to reach the inside of the castle, right...? Tytree: Right. We're almost there, so hang on to your seats and let's go! ----------------------------------- Skit #332 [SKI332] ----------------------------------- 「地下通路の用途」 Usefulness Of The Subterranean Tunnel Mao: I wonder if this underground passage has even been used before...? Hilda: I don't think there has ever been a disturbance during 'ssssssCal history which was great enough to warrant the evacuation of the royal family. Eugene: You're probably right. Well, no, King Yaso's son might have used it when he went down to the city incognito. ----------------------------------- Skit #333 [SKI333] ----------------------------------- 「地下通路について」 About The Underground Pathway Veigue: Hack said that this underground path was an escape route for the royal family, but...you were in the service of the king and you didn't know about it? Eugene: Right, it's a truly pathetic tale to tell, but... Eugene: As you know, the country has been at peace for several hundred years and the royal family has never had to retreat from the castle. Eugene: But it might be about time for the country to rethink its security measures and prepare a contingency plan in the event of an emergency. Veigue: What makes you say that...? Eugene:...Isn't the fact that we are standing here right now reason enough? ----------------------------------- Skit #334 [SKI334] ----------------------------------- 「地下道の先に...」 Further Down The Underground Path... Mao: We can reach the castle if we go down this underground path. Eugene: This is my first time here as well, but I am certain that this passageway is headed in the direction of the palace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree: Yikes! The door just closed by itself! Mao: Is it something to protect against intruders? Eugene: Probably. However, if this place was intended to be an escapeway for the royal family, there must be a way to revert things back to how they were before. Veigue: I guess that we'll just have to search around then. NOTE: To solve the puzzle, examine the clock on the left 3 times. Mao: We're finally inside of the castle... Veigue: Where are we? Eugene: A guest room. There are a great number of rooms just like this one within Callegea Castle. Tytree: I wonder where Claire and the others are? Annie: We were told that Her Highness is treating the girls who are brought here with the best of care, correct? Annie: Then wouldn't that mean that they would be keeping them in guest rooms similar to this one? Tytree: If we can't find them anywhere, then we should just head over to the Queen and ask her. Hilda: If you can reach her, that is. Veigue:.........? Hilda: The Queen is surrounded by bodyguards. Powerful ones from The Royal Shield... Eugene: Our objective is to rescue Claire and then discover what Her Majesty's true intentions are. If possible, I would like to avoid any confrontations. Veigue:........... Eugene:...I understand how you feel...Should that time come, I am prepared for the worst. Only then will we fight. Even if we must face...the Queen herself. Veigue: Let's go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #335 [SKI335] ----------------------------------- 「クレアを探して」 Look For Claire Mao: The girls are being held in a room somewhere. Claire has to be in there too! ----------------------------------- Skit #336 [SKI336] ----------------------------------- 「カレギア城について」 About Callegea Castle Veigue: Is Claire really in this castle...? Eugene:...There's no way to prove it. Eugene: However, there is no mistake that Her Majesty gave an order to go gather Huma girls. Eugene: If we inquire with Her Majesty, I believe that we could obtain some reliable information as to Claire's whereabouts, but... Veigue:...Agarte...you will give Claire back, make no mistake about that... ----------------------------------- Skit #337 [SKI337] ----------------------------------- 「緊張するぜ」 Man, Am I Nervous Tytree: Ooh...I'm kind of nervous... Mao: What's wrong, Tytree? Tytree: I mean, right now we're actually inside of the castle where the Queen lives, you know? Mao: Whoa!! And here I thought that you didn't give a flip about the Queen! Tytree: Well, that's true, but...doesn't coming to a place like this make you feel kind of awestruck? Mao: Not really...I used to come in here all the time when I was in The Royal Shield. ----------------------------------- Skit #338 [SKI338] ----------------------------------- 「クレアはどこに?」 Where Is Claire? Veigue: Claire...where is Claire...!? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eugene: It's dangerous to run through the main hall. Let's go around from the left side. Saleh: Where do you think you're going, my little sewer rats? Veigue: Saleh!! Where have you taken Claire!? Saleh: That's a good question, where did I leave her... Veigue: Cut the crap!! Saleh: You're the ones who are playing around, are you not? I'll give you credit for sneaking into the castle...but only a fool would expect a loyal subject such as myself to reveal confidential information due to a mere threat, after all. Eugene: There is something that I would like to speak of with Her Majesty. Move... Saleh: Who exactly do you think I am? I am Saleh of The Four Stars. That being said, do you seriously believe that I am going to step aside like a good little boy? Veigue: If that's how it is, then we'll just take you down. Saleh: Those burning eyes...do I ever hate them. When I look at people like you, it makes me want to torment you even more. Zilva: What have we here? Agarte: You are...Eugene? For what reason would you be here... Eugene: Your Majesty! I wish to ask about the true intent behind Your Highness' actions! Please, spare me but a moment of your time! Zilva: They are intruders. Seize them! Agarte: Wait, Zilva. Do allow me to have a word with Eugene. Zilva: But, those people came here so that they may... Agarte: I realize such matters. However, Eugene is not an individual who cannot be reasoned with. He shall surely come to understand. Zilva: Your Majesty... Eugene:...Nothing brings me more joy than to be able to appear before you this day, Your Highness. Zilva: Eugene...you are one who hath slain another and been banished from the castle once before. Her Majesty's Grace knows no boundaries to grant an audience with one such as yourself... Eugene: I am fully aware of that... Veigue: We're...! Eugene: I know. That's why I ask that you leave this in my hands...please. Veigue:........... Agarte: Eugene...you stated that you wished to hear of my true intentions, correct? Eugene: Indeed, allow me to be frank. What does Your Majesty intend to do with the Huma girls that you have gathered? Agarte:.......... Eugene:...Your Majesty...? Agarte:...There exists a legend that goes as such. Agarte: "In an ancient war, the Divine King fell into decline and an ebon moon was set loose upon this land. Be that as it may, when the refined moon is brimming with a light of red, the Lord shall appear before us once more." Veigue: The Divine King...the light of the moon? Is there some type of connection with this charm...? Agarte: Long ago...the Divine King and the Six Saints reigned over this world with the arcane power that they each possessed. Agarte: Once, the King and the Six Saints came into conflict over opposing ideals. Soon thereafter, an epic battle ensued which would involve the entire world in its wake. Agarte: Countries everywhere feared what was to come, so they quarrelled over how to fashion the model society. At that time, there was no such thing as vice or virtue. Agarte: At the close of the battle that raged without end, the Six Saints prevailed over the Divine King and sealed him within the earth. Agarte: I am conducting this ceremony to negate the seal so that I may call forth the Divine King. Agarte: Now is the time, for this country and myself are in need of such power. Agarte: Concurrently with the awakening of Force Users brought about by my father Ladras was the havoc wrought by the rampant proliferation of Viruses...My country is steadily proceeding down the path to destruction. Tytree: Path to destruction!? You mean to say that things have really gotten that hairy!? Agarte:...Therefore, it is imperative that I arrange for preemptive measures before such comes to pass. Hilda: How do you plan to control the power of the Divine King once it has been restored? Agarte: With my Force of Moon. Agarte: The Force of Moon manifests itself solely within members of the royal family. Should it be fused with the power of the Divine King, then Callegea can surely know deliverance. Agarte: Such is my belief. Annie: Then the "ebony moon" refers to Her Majesty's Force? Agarte:...People outside of the royal household are not privy to such knowledge. Veigue: That's not what I wanted to ask you! Where are the Huma girls who were kidnapped by your orders!? Where is Claire right now!? Agarte: Ah...so that's what this is about...Claire...I see...so you must be a friend of hers. Veigue: That's right, her name's Claire. What does she have to do with the ceremony? Agarte:...Light...if only the world were devoid of light. Agarte: This world is...far too lustrous. Darkness and its brethren are nowhere to be found. Agarte: She is essential if we are to survive in such a dazzling brilliance. Agarte: Claire shall be...my hope. Veigue: What are you talking about? Agarte: Worry not. After the ceremony is completed, she shall be returned to you at once. Agarte: Regardless of what may come, she shall never change for she is able to close her eyes. Veigue:...What do you mean!? What do you plan to do with Claire!! Agarte:.......... Eugene: Your Majesty? Lady Agarte!? Tytree: Isn't she acting kinda weird? Agarte: Claire...she shall...be mine... Mao: What is this!? All: *screams* Tytree: M, my strength is fading...!! Veigue: A...Agarte!! Zilva: Saleh!! Zilva: Princess, are you all right!? Zilva: Arrest them!! Do not defile the throne room with their blood!! Royal Shield Soldier: Yes m'lady!! Veigue: Here they come!! Veigue: Where is Claire!? Veigue: Queen!! Where is Claire!! Zilva: Such futile resistance...! Seize them!! Veigue: What the!! All: *screams* Zilva: You impudent whelps!! Veigue: Let go of me...let go... Marco: From now on, this boy is a part of our family. Be nice to him. Claire: I'm Claire. Nice to meet you. Claire:.....? What's your name? Veigue: I, I'm Veigue... Claire: Nice meeting you! Veigue: Claire...! Zapie: Kiki!! Veigue: Zapie...this place is...? Tytree: Let us out!! Let us out of here, you damn jerks!! Veigue: Tytree! Tytree: Is that you, Veigue? So you've come to, huh? Veigue: Where are we? And what about everyone else? Eugene: This is a prison that was designed to contain Force Users. Anyhow, it appears that we are all unharmed... Veigue:...How much time has passed since then? Claire is...that's right, the ceremony...if we don't stop the ceremony...! Eugene: Hack said that when the charm you have lights up, the Divine King will be resurrected. Eugene: If this is the same Divine King that Her Majesty spoke of, then I would assume that the ceremony will be held when that stone is fully lit, but... Veigue: It's almost completely full!! We need more time...!! Tytree: Damn it! They confiscated our weapons and our Force doesn't do crap to these jail cells either!! What the hell are we supposed to do, huh! Eugene: The doors are fitted with a device which renders our Force useless. We cannot escape from here unless we use a key! Veigue:........... Annie: Veigue, please calm yourself!! Veigue! Hilda: Wait a second, hush. I hear something... Ginnal: Hah ha ha ha ha ha... Mao: This voice is... Yucia:...Hey Ginnal! Think about where you are! Quit laughing so loudly. Ginnal:.......... Tytree: You guys! Ginnal: The Dark Key makes its debut! Mao: The Dark Key!? Drumb: That's right, yah. Ginnal: Hn hn hn...feast your eyes upon this. Annie: Those wouldn't be...for these jail cells...!? Ginnal: Your fate is within my hands. Tytree: Did you guys come here to mock us or something! Ginnal: My little captive blue birds. Spread your wings and fly. Like us, The Dark Wings!! Yucia: Ginnal, that's the name that we started out with. Ginnal:......It matters not! Henceforth, we shall forever go by the name The Dark Wings! Yucia: I thought I told you to pipe down! Veigue: This is...our...how come you're doing this? Ginnal: I said this once before in the Climbers' Cavern. That I'd return the favor. Veigue: You guys... Ginnal: M, make no mistake. We are only freeing you. Strange as it may seem, we are members of The Royal Shield. We do have our loyalty to consider. Ginnal: Whether or not everyone is able to escape rests on your shoulders. Veigue: Yeah...got it. Ginnal: The ceremony will begin before long...make haste. Veigue: ! ! ! NOTICE: You received the Prison Keys. Ginnal: We have repaid our debt. We shall meet again somewhere if you make it through this. Tytree: M...man, that was pretty damn cool. Mao: I think that I'm really starting to like them! Eugene: You can celebrate later. Hurry up and release the locks. Veigue: What's this piece of paper...? It has "Oft-referenced Operation Memo" written on it. NOTICE: You received Ginnal's Memo. Eugene:...I see, so that's it. For now, let me and Tytree out of here. Veigue: Got it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #339 [SKI339] ----------------------------------- 「解放」 Liberation Veigue: In any case, let's release Eugene and Tytree using this key. ----------------------------------- Skit #340 [SKI340] ----------------------------------- 「まずは二人を...」 Start With Those Two... Veigue: First of all, I need to let Eugene and Tytree out of their cells... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eugene: That memo describes how to disarm the mechanism which nullifies our Force. Veigue: It looks like the colors written on this memo match the colors of the spheres. Tytree:...So you're saying that if we arrange the spheres according to this memo, then we can make that light disappear? Veigue: Right...let's give it a try. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #341 [SKI341] ----------------------------------- 「ギンナル・メモ」 Ginnal's Memo Veigue: If we follow the memo, we should be able to deactivate the device... ----------------------------------- Skit #342 [SKI342] ----------------------------------- 「仕掛を解け」 Disarm The Device Veigue: We have to hurry and free Mao and the others by turning off the mechanism... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solution to the puzzle (from left to right): blue, yellow, red, orange, grey Veigue: Now everyone's been released. ???: Commander!! Eugene: If you're calling me Commander, then that means...are you a part of The Royal Shield? ???: Yes, I am Nattsu. I disobeyed my orders since I didn't agree with Lord Saleh and Lord Tohma's methods, so they threw me in here. I only did what I felt was right. Nattsu: There are others who were also imprisoned on the pretext that they were resisting orders when The Royal Shield began to gather up Huma girls. Please, let us out... ???: Whew, I'm saved. Thanks a lot. ???: Thank goodness...I thought that I'd never be able to go home again. Thank you. Nattsu: Thank you so very much. Veigue: Let's get back to Callegea Castle. Hurry! NOTE: If you talk to these guys afterwards, you find out that the other two guys are Igol and Mauro. You bump into them again down the road, so I figured that you should at least know their names. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #343 [SKI343] ----------------------------------- 「残された時間」 The Time Left Remaining Eugene: There's not much time left until the ceremony. Let's hurry back to Balka. ----------------------------------- Skit #344 [SKI344] ----------------------------------- 「不審の儀式」 Ambiguous Ceremony Veigue: The ceremony...what exactly is the Queen trying to accomplish... Mao: If I remember correctly, the story is that this is a crowning ceremony... Tytree: From the way the Queen was talking, it doesn't sound like that is the only reason though. Tytree: Whatever the case, she's probably up to no good, right? We have to take Claire back before the ceremony begins! Mao: Yeah, you're right! Veigue: Claire...please be safe... ----------------------------------- Skit #345 [SKI345] ----------------------------------- 「捕えられた人々」 The Captured People Tytree: Boy, rescuing someone sure does give you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Mao: Even so, it's sad that they were thrown in prison simply because they were opposed to the way that Saleh and Tohma did things. Eugene: So that means that they couldn't speak freely...I wonder if that reflects Her Majesty's point of view... Tytree: Well, at any rate, she's letting Saleh and Tohma get away with it. Talk about reckless... ----------------------------------- Skit #346 [SKI346] ----------------------------------- 「急行!カレギア城」 Expedited Travel To Callegea Castle! Eugene: We must save Claire before the ceremony begins...let's head towards Callegea Castle! Tytree: Right. I don't know what the Queen is up to, but I just know that it's going to amount to nothing! ----------------------------------- Skit #347 [SKI347] ----------------------------------- 「クレアの居場所」 Claire's Whereabouts Annie: We don't have much time until the ceremony. We must hurry and find out which room Claire is in... ----------------------------------- Skit #348 [SKI348] ----------------------------------- 「探すんだ!」 Search! Tytree: Let's search for Claire and the other girls. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guardsman: Don't dawdle around. Woman: Y, yes... Guardsman: W, what the, who are you people? How the hell did you get in here!! Veigue: We came to retrieve the girls who were taken away by The Royal Shield! Guardsman: You cursed ruffians...!! I won't allow you to roam about the palace as you please! Woman: You people are... Annie: We have come for the people who were kidnapped by The Royal Shield. Where would everybody else be? Woman: You came to save us, didn't you!? Oh...thank you so much...everyone is being kept in this room! Veigue: Is Claire here!? Annie: Please relax. We're here to rescue all of you. Mao: Hey everybody, do you happen to know anything about a person named Claire? Veigue:...Where is she! Woman: Um...I don't know Claire, but...I heard the guardsmen say that there were also some girls in the other rooms. She's sure to be on this floor somewhere... Veigue: Let's go. Eugene: You ladies get out of here while you have the chance. Nattsu: Please wait, it's me, Nattsu! I'm the person you saved back at the prison. I wanted to assist the Commander, so I came here. Eugene:...Good, in that case, I would like you to guide the young girls in this room outside of the castle. There is a hidden stairwell in a guest room on the first floor. You can escape through an underground tunnel from there. Eugene: There are soldiers on the lookout throughout the interior of the castle. Proceed with caution. Nattsu: Affirmative!! Tytree:...Hey Eugene. Did you actually commit a crime that would warrant being chased by the military? Eugene:...Now is not the time to be discussing that. Annie:.......... Hilda: This isn't the time to be idling, you know. Veigue: Let's go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #349 [SKI349] ----------------------------------- 「城内の見張り」 The Castle Watch Viegue: The guards inside of the castle are keeping a closer watch than they were before... Mao: We might know some of them too, so I'd prefer to skip a fight if we can... Eugene: Let's try to search for hallways with as few soldiers as possible. Tytree: What are you going to do when it's unavoidable? Eugene: If that happens...then we have no choice but to take up arms... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Where is Claire? Hilda: It doesn't look like she's in here. Mao: It's alright, Veigue. Claire has to be in another room. Hurry and let's go! Nattsu: Everyone, please come with us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #350 [SKI350] ----------------------------------- 「クレアはどこかの部屋に」 Claire's In A Room Somewhere Veigue: Somewhere...Claire's in a different guest room somewhere...! Eugene: It is precisely in times like this that you should remain calm. Impatience will cause you to make a fatal error...! ----------------------------------- Skit #351 [SKI351] ----------------------------------- 「他の部屋だヨ!」Another Room! Mao: Claire's in one of these other rooms, I just know it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Claire... Veigue: No...you're not Claire... Woman: Are you Claire's friend!? She was taken away just now!! Please rescue her...! Veigue: Where, where did they go!? Woman: I don't know...Lady Zilva came with her attendants and said "Her Majesty is waiting. The ceremony is about to begin." Veigue: The ceremony!? Where are we supposed to go!? Eugene: There's a ritual dais located on the roof!! That is the only place where they could conduct a ceremony. Nattsu: Please leave the rest to me! Veigue: Let's hurry!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #352 [SKI352] ----------------------------------- 「城の最上階へ!」 To The Highest Level Of The Castle! Eugene: To the dais on the roof! Every important function related to the royal family is held there! ----------------------------------- Skit #353 [SKI353] ----------------------------------- 「屋上の祭儀場へ急げ」 Hurry To The Dais On The Roof Annie: The ceremony will start if we don't do something quickly! Let's make haste to the ritual dais on the roof! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eugene: The stairway up ahead leads to the roof. Let's sprint up to the top. Saleh: Well now, I've heard that voice somewhere before, haven't I? Saleh: Hello there, my dear miscreants. I wonder how you managed to break out of the prison? Veigue: Saleh!! Tohma!! Tohma: Oh ho! Hilda, so now you're with them, are you. You would join forces with traitors out of spite for The Royal Shield just because you were tossed aside? Tohma: How fortunate for you that there are nutcases out there who would pick up a broken impurity such as yourself. Hilda: Silence, Tohma!! Veigue: We don't have time to deal with you two!! Saleh: The modest dream of our Princess is on the verge of becoming a reality. I simply cannot let you interfere. Veigue: To hell with her dreams!! Move away from there!! Tohma: Do you expect us to move out of the way? Veigue: Then get your asses over here!! Forever to be immortalized by the Dramatic Peach Pie DVD. ^^ Veigue: Saleh! Give Claire back! Saleh: Claire, Claire, Claire, Claire! You sound like an idiot! Veigue: Damn you to hell!! Saleh: Hee hee hee...what fun! Tohma: Guh...how could someone like me...impossible...! Eugene: This is the end of the line!! Saleh, Tohma! Saleh:...So even ants like you can grow stronger with time...but I'm not finished with you yet... Veigue: Move!! Don't get in our way!! Saleh: That glare of yours is priceless, Veigue. Heh heh...makes me want to puke! Veigue: Saleh! Saleh: Ah yes, that's it...more...entertain me some more, Veigue. I want to see your face full of anguish next... Veigue: You bastard...uoooooh!! Saleh: The hell!? Saleh & Tohma: Uwaaahh... Saleh: Ugh, what kind of joke is this...? I was actually...by a pissant like him... Tytree: Someone like you who takes pleasure in trampling on the hearts of others will never ever understand! The human heart...the feelings that people have are stronger than anything else!! Remember that!! Veigue: Let's go. Saleh: Ha...ah ha ha...the human heart, you say? You mean that I lost...to something so ridiculous...I won't have it...I won't have it, you hear!! Agarte: O moon that illuminates the vast land of Callegea. O soul of the king who slumbers within the earth. That time is upon us. Claire:.........!! Agarte: I present my body for thine rebirth. May light befriend blood in the scarlet moon in which you dwell so that your power shall be known once more!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #354 [SKI354] ----------------------------------- 「ト一マについて」 About Tohma Veigue: Why is that Tohma guy always with Saleh? Hilda: To be honest, I'm not really sure. Hilda: I've heard that Tohma arbitrarily decided to keep Saleh under observation, but... Mao: People also say that their Force is incredibly powerful when the two of them combine their strength. Hilda: At the very least, one could say that he certainly enjoys Saleh's company. ----------------------------------- Skit #355 [SKI355] ----------------------------------- 「サレについて」 About Saleh Mao: I don't really understand what goes on in Saleh's mind... Eugene:...For some reason, he's always been amused by the misfortune of others. Mao:...I feel sorry for him in a way. He doesn't even realize that there are so many other ways to have fun. Tytree: You'd better not be sympathizing with a creep like him! I absolutely hate people who've strayed off the beaten path like that! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Agarte:...If I should become one other than myself...then he shall pay me heed... Agarte:...I shall be reborn...alongside the power of the Divine King... Tytree: What's that light!! Veigue: Claire!! Waltu: I won't allow you to proceed any further. Militsa:.......... Mao: Waltu!! Hilda: Militsa!! Tytree: Now's your chance, Veigue!! Annie: Please, hurry and save Claire!! Veigue: Uoooooh!! Agarte:........... Zilva:...Princess!! Agarte:...Have no fear, Zilva. Agarte: How magnificent...the light is bathing my body and becoming one with my blood...this sensation feels as if I am being converted into light itself... Agarte: The energy is...enveloping my entire being...my moon is at its fullest... Agarte: The ceremony has come to fruition...the power of the Divine King has been awakened here this day... Agarte:...Claire, come this way. Veigue: Claire...Claire!! Zilva: Restrain that man! Veigue: Move!! Zilva: I won't allow you to intervene!! I cannot surrender that girl to you at this time! Veigue: Claire is...why does Claire have to suffer like this!! Veigue: Get away from Claire!! Agarte: Cease such actions. No advance can ever hope to faze me in my current state. Agarte: For you see, the power that I wield is...the power that I have acquired from the Divine King... Veigue: Stop it!! Veigue: Gwaaaah!! Zilva: You fool...you need only watch and remain silent! Eugene: Your Majesty...! What are you, what are you doing... Agarte: At long last, the time has come for my wish to be granted...at length, these feelings shall be... Veigue: Claire!! Agarte: Kyah...!! W, what art thou...what is happening...Zilva!! Zilva:...T, that is...!! Mao:...Her Force is going out of control!! Eugene: Your Majesty!! Lady Agarte! ??????:...I am known as...the Sacred Beast King, Geyorkias. Veigue: The Sacred Beast King...Geyorkias!? Zilva: This is...The Divine King...! Tytree: You mean he's not human!! No one said anything about that!! Geyorkias: My Second Advent shall be upon this place, so that the foul traces of the wicked may be effaced from this land. Veigue: What!? Hilda: Watch out!! Mao: That was too close for comfort!! Veigue: Claire!! Geyorkias: At present, I shall consummate my charge. Mao: Your mission!? What do you mean by that!? Geyorkias: My calling is to deliver peace unto the earth, namely through the eradication of Humas. Eugene: The extermination of Humas!? For what purpose!? Geyorkias: All is for the sake of this world. I shall not endure any interference. Now perish. Mao & Tytree: Uwah!! Veigue: I'm going to protect Claire!! I WILL protect her this time, no matter what happens!! Tytree: I don't know what the heck a Sacred Beast King is, but like hell I'm gonna just stand around and let it waste me!! Veigue: Here we go!! Geyorkias: Gwaaaah... Agarte:...Aaaaaaahh... Geyorkias: Gwaaaaahhh...!! Mao:...Geyorkias' power and the Force of Moon are repelling each other... Hilda: I knew it...is it even possible for a human to govern that type of power...? Milhaust: Your Highness...! Milhaust: What in heavens name...how did this...come to be... Zilva: Why, why has it come to this...!? Milhaust: Your Highness!! Veigue: Claaaaaaire!! Party: Veigue!! Mao: Veigue!! Veigue:.......... Mao: Thank goodness...thank goodness she's safe, Veigue... Veigue:...Yeah. Eugene:.......... Eugene:...What about Her Majesty? Milhaust:.......... Eugene: Gnh......... Milhaust:.......... Veigue:........... Zilva:...What should we do...from now on...I... Claire: Uh unh... Veigue:...Claire...? Are you awake? Claire:...W, who's there...? Veigue:...It's me, Veigue. Claire:...Where...am I...? Veigue: At home...we've come back to Sulz. Claire: Home...? Sulz...? Veigue: Do you remember? About the ceremony at Callegea Castle... Veigue: The ceremony was a failure...it's all over. Eugene carried you here while you were sleeping. Veigue: Everyone...my companions...they were all worried about you... Veigue: What's wrong, Claire? Zapie: Ki... Veigue: Zapie...? Veigue: Claire...! Are you all right? Don't push yourself, okay. Marco: What's the matter, Veigue? Did you need something for Claire... Marco:...Claire...! Rakiya: Claire...you've finally come to, haven't you... Marco: That's great...thank you, Veigue... Veigue: It looks like she's still a little disoriented... Rakiya: But thank goodness...I'm so relieved... Marco: How do you feel? Claire... Claire:.......... Marco:......? What's the matter, Claire? Would you like something cold to drink? Claire:.......... Veigue:...Uncle, I'll go fetch some water. Marco: Oh...that'd be great. Steve: Ah, Veigue...thank god you're home...could you come with me for a second? Veigue: Did you need me for something...? Steve: Aunt Popura really adores you, doesn't she? If you talk to her... Steve: In any case, please come to the assembly hall! It's really urgent! Veigue:...Aunt Popura...? What's going on...? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #356 [SKI356] ----------------------------------- 「ポプラおばさん...?」 Aunt Popura...? Veigue: The assembly hall...? What's going on with Aunt Popura? ----------------------------------- Skit #357 [SKI357] ----------------------------------- 「気になる...」 Something's Bothering Me... Veigue: Claire's finally come back and yet...Aunt Popura, huh...Zapie's strange behavior is bothering me too... ----------------------------------- Skit #358 [SKI358] ----------------------------------- 「気になる集会所」 Assembly Hall On The Mind NOTE: This is almost a carbon copy of Skit #6...the only difference is the ellipsis. Veigue: Let's go check out the assembly hall... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: What happened!? Steve: Aunt Popura is hanging out around the entrance and won't let anyone go inside!! Popura: The assembly hall was originally constructed by us Gajumas! Popura: Good-for-nothing Humas like you have no right to use it!! Veigue: Aunt Popura!! Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden? Popura: This isn't "all of a sudden"!! I've always felt this way. You Humas are making fools out of us Gajumas, aren't you!! Popura: You people only take on the nice and easy jobs, and then make us do all of the hard, dirty work!! Man:...She has a point...now that I think about it, she's exactly right. Don't you think that's somewhat unfair? Popura: That's right! We Gajumas would be better off creating a village just for ourselves! Woman: What'd you say? Do you seriously think that you can build a village without Humas when you can't even count money correctly? Man: What was that? If we Gajumas weren't around, you people wouldn't even be able to repair one lousy house by yourselves! Man: We can do manual labor or whatever even without having to rely on some Gajumas! Man: Oh really! If that's the case, then why don't you go ahead and show me some of that so-called strength of yours!! Veigue: Calm down!! Quit bickering!! Veigue: Auntie...what exactly are you... Veigue: Cut it out...please stop, Auntie...! Popura: What a nuisance!! You Humas...we'd be better off without you!! Steve: Veigue! Man: Popura...don't you think you're overdoing things a bit... Veigue: A, auntie...w, why...!? Annie: Veigue...!! Veigue:...Auntie...! Zapie: Kiki!! Veigue: Annie...!? What are you doing here...? Annie:.......... Veigue:...You saved me back there. Thanks, Annie. Annie:......... Marco: But still...why would Aunt Popura do something like that... Veigue: I do not know... Annie:...This isn't the only town that is like this. I...witnessed a number of similar happenings on my way over here. Annie:...Something is amiss with that Gajuma as well... Veigue: That Gajuma? You mean that...even Eugene is acting like Aunt Popura? Annie:...I am not sure. But I was told that he calls out for you and the others in an incoherent manner... Veigue:...So he asks for Tytree and Hilda? Annie: Yes...in any case, he does nothing but repeatedly request that everyone be gathered... Veigue: Did you...come all the way out here for Eugene's sake...? Annie: N, no, that's not it!! I'm doing this as a favor for Mao! Mao said that he wanted to stay near that person, so that's why I... Veigue:......... Annie: Veigue, would you please accompany me? Veigue: But...I... Annie:...It's Claire...isn't it... Marco: How is Claire? Rakiya: She fell asleep again. Marco: I see... Marco: There's no need to worry about Claire. Go with Annie. For the sake of the companion who fought by your side so that you could save Claire. Rakiya: Go to him, Veigue. I don't fully understand the circumstances, but this is something that is very important to you, isn't it? Rakiya: I'm certain that Claire would feel horrible if she found out that you turned down something like this because of her. Veigue:...Auntie, Uncle...thank you... Veigue:........... Veigue: Let's go, Annie. Annie: Yes!! NOTICE: Annie has joined your party. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #359 [SKI359] ----------------------------------- 「再出立」 In And Right Back Out Annie: Veigue, have you finished making preparations before we head out? ----------------------------------- Skit #360 [SKI360] ----------------------------------- 「どうなっているんだ」 What's Going On? Veigue: Annie, you said that you saw some similar incidents while you were coming over here, right? Annie: Yes...when I was trying to catch a boat, the Gajuma captain said that Huma customers were not allowed on the ship... Annie: I somehow managed to get on a different boat, but... Annie: On the boat, the Humas and Gajumas argued with each other every time the opportunity presented itself. Veigue: What's going on between the Humas and the Gajumas...? ----------------------------------- Skit #361 [SKI361] ----------------------------------- 「ユ一ジ一ンは今...」 Right Now, Eugene Is... Veigue: How is Eugene doing? Annie: He seemed like he was in a lot of pain... Annie: He would sometimes scream out loud as if he were having some sort of nightmare... Veigue:...Why did Eugene call for myself and the others... Annie:...It's not like I would know...what that person is thinking... Veigue:.............. ----------------------------------- Skit #362 [SKI362] ----------------------------------- 「泥沼」 A Mess Annie: Veigue, Sulz is quite a bit colder than I had expected. Veigue: Is it...? Is this your first time coming to this area? Annie: Yes. Living here must be rather uneventful seeing as there is not too much to do... Veigue:...Uneventful... Annie: Ah, I mean...I didn't mean to imply that this is a backwater village or anything like that... Veigue: No, you're right...this place is definitely rural... ----------------------------------- Skit #363 [SKI363] ----------------------------------- 「今度は二人で」 This Time, The Two Of Us Annie: If you're ready, then let's depart. That person is...no, Mao is waiting for us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: Where is Eugene right now? Annie: He's confined himself to the Mesechina Cavern, which is located on the outskirts of the capital city, Balka. He said that he didn't want to cause any trouble for anyone should something happen. Annie: Let's hurry, Veigue. It ended up taking longer than I had anticipated for me to get here, so it may be better if just the two of us go... Veigue: No, we should...let's go get Tytree. We'll never hear the end of it if we don't. And besides...we can depend on him. Annie: Yes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #364 [SKI364] ----------------------------------- 「ペトナジャンカへ」 To Petnadjanka Annie: We're going to Petnadjanka, correct? I wonder what Tytree is doing... ----------------------------------- Skit #365 [SKI365] ----------------------------------- 「いつか通った道」 The Road Travelled Once Before Annie: We can follow this road south all the way to Petnadjanka, right? Veigue: Right. Before, we had to make a big detour since the bridge was destroyed, but now it's been fixed. We should be able to head straight over there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veigue: At any rate, what in the world is going on with Eugene's body? Annie: I don't know. Only...I feel as if somehow the mood of the entire world is changing. Veigue: So the incident with Aunt Popura would be an example of that, huh. Veigue:...So Mao's with Eugene then. Annie:...He was extremely worried. Veigue: I bet that Eugene is like a father figure for someone like Mao who has lost his memory. Annie: But, I...it's not that I dislike Mao, but...the fact that he is able to be friends with that person is just... Veigue: Is that because Eugene killed your father? Veigue: So that's how it is...however, I don't believe that Eugene would take the life of an innocent person. Veigue: I think that Mao feels the same way. And deep down, you do too... Annie: That's not true! I... Veigue: Then why did you come all the way to get me on Eugene's account? Annie: That's because Mao has a predicament on his hands...I...I simply cannot place my trust in some Gajuma. Veigue: Not "Eugene," but a "Gajuma," huh... Annie:...I...am I mistaken? Veigue:...Hard to say. Annie: But Veigue, I thought you shared the viewpoint that Humas and Gajumas were both people, don't you? Veigue: Up until recently, I never really paid much attention to race. Veigue: We encountered the issue of race a number of times while we were travelling together. But I didn't think that it was such a big deal. Annie: Do you still feel that way even after witnessing the disturbance caused by that Gajuma woman just now? Veigue:.......... Veigue: Tell me something, Annie. After you become a doctor, what are you going to do if a Gajuma patient comes to see you? Annie: Well, that's...please don't answer my question with a question... Veigue: That's Eugene's favorite phrase. Annie:...Veigue, you jerk... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #366 [SKI366] ----------------------------------- 「きっと、あの人も」 Surely, That Person As Well Veigue: I never thought that I'd see Aunt Popura act like that... Annie: I'm sure that the Gajumas, they...they all feel that way... Annie: That must have been how that person felt when he murdered my father...! Veigue: Stop it, Annie...everyone has different sides to them, both good and bad...am I wrong? Annie:............. ----------------------------------- Skit #367 [SKI367] ----------------------------------- 「あいつを呼びに」 Picking Him Up Annie: Our next destination is Petnadjanka, correct? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zapie: Kiki!! Veigue: Looks like somebody's coming. Veigue: Claire!? Why are you here? Claire: I, I was simply... Veigue: Where are you going? Carriage Driver: She asked me to take her to Balka, so I was taking her to Minal. Veigue: Balka? Why? Claire: T, that would be... Annie: Could it be that you wanted to go with Veigue, and so you...? Claire: You two are also on your way to Balka? Annie: Yes. Weren't you headed towards Balka because you were aware of that? Claire: Y, yes...of course... Veigue: Claire...go back right now. Claire: I, I cannot do that... Veigue: Claire... Annie: Claire has come this far so that she could be with you, Veigue. Please take her feelings into consideration. Veigue: But... Claire:...I will be fine. I assure you that I won't become a burden, so please take me with you. Veigue:...Okay. But make sure that you don't leave my side. Claire: Y, yes... Zapie: Ki...kii... Veigue: What's wrong, Zapie? Zapie: Kiki!! Annie: I wonder if something happened? Veigue: Let's go straight to Petnadjanka. NOTICE: Claire will accompany your party as a guest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #368 [SKI368] ----------------------------------- 「あんまり...」 Not Much To Talk About... Annie: I wonder if Tytree is doing well? Tytree: Who knows... Annie:...Oh, this is our first time travelling with you, isn't it Claire? Claire: Ah, y, yes, that's correct... Annie:............. Annie:...It's difficult to keep a conversation going...with just the three of us, isn't it... ----------------------------------- Skit #369 [SKI369] ----------------------------------- 「ザピィはどうして...?」 Why Is Zapie...? Veigue: Claire...about Zapie...what do you think is bothering him? Claire: Eh? Z, Zapie...you say? Veigue: Even though he's attached to you the most, you see how he refuses to leave my side? Claire:...T, that would be because we haven't seen each other for quite some time...wouldn't it...? Veigue:...Maybe you're right. I guess I'll leave it at that for now... ----------------------------------- Skit #370 [SKI370] ----------------------------------- 「三人で」 The Three Of Us Veigue: Let's go pick up Tytree. Annie: Yes, let's hurry to Petnadjanka. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tytree: Veigue, Annie, and even Claire! What are the three of you doing here? Tytree: Oh wait, I know...you had a craving for my wonderful cooking, didn't you! Tytree: Zapie!! So you're here too!! Ha ha ha ha ha...how have you been? Zapie: Kiki! Selena: Claire...it's been a while, hasn't it. Are you feeling better already? Selena: Oh my, is something the matter? Claire:...N, not at all...it certainly has been a long time... Selena: Yes, it has. The air about you seems to have changed a little. Tytree: Well, a lot of things happened after the two of you were separated. Tytree: But anyway, what's up? You didn't seriously come here to chow down on my cooking, did you? Veigue: Eugene is calling for all of us. It seems that something has happened to his body. I'd like you to come with us. Tytree: Alrighty then, let's head out! Annie: Just a moment, Tytree, are you sure about coming to a decision so quickly? Tytree: This isn't something to sneeze at, you know? When a friend is in need, there's no such thing as having second thoughts. Tytree: Sis, I hate to do this, but... Selena: I know, it's about the factory, right? Selena: I'll inform the factory manager that you'll be taking another short leave of absence in your stead. Take care and have a safe trip. Selena: Veigue, Annie...please look after my younger brother. Selena: And Claire, do be careful... Claire: T, thank you very much... Tytree: So, are we off to get Hilda next? Annie: No. We don't know where she is at the moment... Tytree: I see...what should we do? Veigue: For now, why don't the four of us head over to Balka where Eugene and Mao are. NOTICE: Tytree has joined your party. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #371 [SKI371] ----------------------------------- 「ユ一ジ一ンのところへ」 Go To Where Eugene Is Veigue: Eugene is in the Mesechina Cavern where we saved Hack before, right? Annie: That's correct. In that cavern. ----------------------------------- Skit #372 [SKI372] ----------------------------------- 「故郷は遠きにありて...」 Being Far Away From Home... Tytree: Claire, how was it being back in Sulz after so long? Claire: Eh? Huh? I, I... Tytree: I went here and there on a previous journey but I'm telling you, nothing beats the place where you were born and raised! Claire: Y, yes...h, how true...after all, one's hometown is... ----------------------------------- Skit #373 [SKI373] ----------------------------------- 「行方不明の女王」 The Missing Queen Tytree: Say, do you think that Queen Agarte is dead? Veigue: During that explosion...the best that I could do was rescue Claire, but... Veigue: There was a tremendous power welled up inside of that light...I somehow doubt that she made it through in one piece... Annie: But the kingdom hasn't issued any sort of announcement regarding that ceremony or the Queen's disappearance... Tytree: You have a point. No matter which town you look at, everybody is going about their daily lives without too much of a fuss. Veigue:...Where do you suppose the Queen would be right now if she were still alive... Claire:............. ----------------------------------- Skit #374 [SKI374] ----------------------------------- 「許されざる者」 The Unforgiven Tytree: Man, the nerve of that Queen...I just can't forgive her for kidnapping you and the others! Claire: T, there was simply no choice in that matter...Her Ladyship was concerned about the well-being of this country... Tytree: What's with you, Claire? Why are you sticking up for the Queen and all? Tytree: You're the one who has to live with all of those painful memories from when you were abducted, right? Claire:...Yes, t, that is true, but... ----------------------------------- Skit #375 [SKI375] ----------------------------------- 「漂泊のヒルダ」 Hilda The Wanderer Tytree: What happened to Hilda? Annie: She said that she was going to search for a way to obtain the body of a pure person and set off on a journey. Veigue: I wonder where she is right about now... Tytree:...Or better yet, is it even possible for someone to just switch bodies like that? Veigue:...I'm not too sure about that. Claire:............. ----------------------------------- Skit #376 [SKI376] ----------------------------------- 「メセチナ洞窟へ急げ」 Hurry To Mesechina Cavern Annie: Veigue, Tytree, let's hurry. Mao is waiting for us at Mesechina Cavern. Tytree: You mean Eugene moreso than Mao, don't you? Annie:.............. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zapie: Kiki!! Mao: Zapie!!...Then that means...Veigue!! Tytree! And even Claire! Mao: Ah...I'm so glad! You guys came to my rescue...Annie, thank you so much! But I'm already at my wit's end... Tytree: What's going on with Eugene's body? Mao: Anyway, come this way...I've tried everything but nothing seems to work...hurry...! NOTICE: Mao has joined your party. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #377 [SKI377] ----------------------------------- 「早く早く!」 Hurry Hurry! Mao: Hurry Veigue! Eugene is in the back of the cavern!! Veigue: Got it. Let's get moving. ----------------------------------- Skit #378 [SKI378] ----------------------------------- 「洞窟の奥だヨ!」 The Back Of The Cavern! Mao: Veigue, hurry up! Eugene is towards the rear of the cave! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Eugene!! Veigue and Tytree have come to see you!! Now please, come out! Eugene: I can't!! Don't open it!! Mao: Eugene... Tytree: What's wrong? Why are you in a place like this...? Eugene:...Veigue, Tytree...kill me this instant! Mao: Hang on a second, Eugene! Is that the reason why you told me to go get Veigue and the others!? Eugene: That's right...hurry, there's no time to waste...kill me...please... exact revenge for Annie... Tytree: You gotta be kidding me!! As if I'd have any reason to take the life of a companion who once fought by my side!! Eugene: My heart is being consumed by hatred...at this rate, I...I'll end up massacring you Humas...!! Eugene: I'm at my limit...please put me out of my misery...if you don't act soon, then...I will...kill you...I will slaughter the lot of you!! Veigue: Calm down, Eugene!! Eugene: Hold your tongue, you feeble Huma!! Begone! Begone, every last one of you!! Uoooohh!! Mao: Eugene!! Annie: Everyone, let's temporarily withdraw! Veigue: Mao, it's dangerous! Mao: But...! Veigue: We need to go outside for now and think about what we should do! Mao:...I know that, but... Mao: I can't bear to watch anymore...I...what am I supposed to do! Annie: I tried to treat him as well, but nothing proved to be effective... Tytree: Perhaps he's right...maybe it's like Eugene says...and we have no choice but to actually kill him, you know...? Mao: No, you can't do that! Killing Eugene is completely out of the question!! Annie:...I'm not certain about this, but...I've heard that there is a local medicine made in Razilda on the eastern continent which pacifies the heart. Annie: It's only hearsay, so I don't know whether it's true or not... Tytree: Then why don't we go search for that thing!? It's not like we have anything else to go on. Let's stick to our best bet! Annie: If we're going to the eastern continent, then we'll be taking a boat from Balka Harbor. Mao: I'm worried about Eugene, so...would it be okay for me to wait here with him? Veigue: Yes, please stay by his side while we're gone... Tytree: But is he okay with having you nearby? Mao: For some reason, he doesn't seem to mind if it's me. I guess it's because we've spent a lot of time together... Veigue:...Claire, I hate to bother you, but would you please stay here for me? I'd like you to watch over Mao so that he doesn't push himself too hard. Claire: Eh...ah...y, yes...understood...! Veigue: Mao, take care of Claire. That way, she won't have to worry about keeping up with us since we're in a rush. Don't let her get too close to where Eugene is... Mao: Right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #379 [SKI379] ----------------------------------- 「お薬はラジルダに」 The Medicine Is In Razilda Annie: I was told that a medicine which calms the heart exists in Razilda, but...as to whether that's true or not... Tytree: We don't have any other leads, so we'll just have to go and see. We can take a boat to Razilda from Balka Harbor. Let's book it! ----------------------------------- Skit #380 [SKI380] ----------------------------------- 「ユ一ジ一ンのために」 For Eugene's Sake Tytree: At any rate, I still can't believe it...Eugene acting like that... Annie:...Still...I...that person, he...Gajumas scare me... Tytree:...Annie... Veigue: That's not the real Eugene. In any case, let's bring back the medicine... Annie:.............. ----------------------------------- Skit #381 [SKI381] ----------------------------------- 「マオの不思議」 The Mystery Involving Mao Veigue: Mao said that Eugene didn't mind when he was around because they were always together. Veigue: But Aunt Popura attacked me even though I've lived next to her ever since I was a small child... Tytree: Hmm...it was probably because you were away from the village for a while since you left on a journey, right? That would explain things, wouldn't it? Annie: However, she assaulted the other villagers as well... Tytree: Oh, I see...then that's not it... Annie: This conversation feels somewhat awkward, doesn't it... ----------------------------------- Skit #382 [SKI382] ----------------------------------- 「ラジルダに行くなら...」 If We're Going To Razilda... Tytree: We're going to Razilda to pick up that medicine, right? Our first stop is the port of Balka! ----------------------------------- Skit #383 [SKI383] ----------------------------------- 「ラジルダと港の関係」 Razilda's Location In Relation To The Harbor Tytree: We heard this on the boat, but Razilda is apparently to the northeast of the wharf. ----------------------------------- Skit #384 [SKI384] ----------------------------------- 「港から北東だ」 Northeast From The Port Annie: Razilda is located slightly inland from the harbor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Are you all right, Eugene!? Just a little bit longer, okay!! Veigue and the others are going to bring back some medicine for you, so hang in there!! Claire:........... Tytree: So this is Razilda, huh. The town's kinda low-key, isn't it. Veigue: You haven't been here before? Tytree: Nope, not me. What about you, Annie? Annie: Neither have I... Veigue: I see...then I guess we'll just have to search for somebody who knows about the medicine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #385 [SKI385] ----------------------------------- 「秘薬はどこにある?」 Where Is The Medicine? Veigue: Let's search for someone who knows about the medicine. ----------------------------------- Skit #386 [SKI386] ----------------------------------- 「秘薬を知る者」 Someone Who Knows About The Medicine Tytree: At least one person around here has to know about the medicine, right? Let's take a look. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ???: I am Iga, the leader of the Humas of Razilda. What business might you have with me? Annie: We are searching for a local remedy that is said to be in this area... Iga: Are you referring to the Pill of Serenity which is made from Belde grass? Annie: The Pill of Serenity? Iga: It is a medicine which can soothe even a heart which surges as violently as the Razildan sea in mere moments. Iga: The formula is something that is passed down only within this region, thus it is highly prized by other lands. From time to time, there are those such as yourselves who come seeking this medicine. Iga: While I would gladly part with it were it for the sake of a fellow countryman...could you kindly inform me of the reason why you would journey this far to obtain it? Veigue: We came so that we could quiet the spirit of our companion in Balka... Iga:...I see, so you travelled all the way from Balka in order to save a dear friend, did you. What an admirable group of young folks you are. Iga: And so? What kind of condition is your comrade in? Annie: We are unsure of the cause, but the situation is dire; his hatred towards others is growing and he acts in an extremely aggressive manner. Tytree: Things are getting pretty bad. If we don't have Eugene take this medicine soon, he'll start taking out Humas for real! Iga: Kill Humas?...Surely you don't mean that the one whom you are attempting to save is a Gajuma!? Tytree:...Uh...but, I mean... Iga: Leave at once!! I have no intention to aid any Gajuma!! Tytree: But wait, Eugene's... Iga: Need I repeat myself? I shall not hand over the medicine to the likes of you. Veigue:...Let's leave. Tytree: I'm sorry...if I hadn't blurted out all of that, then we'd... Veigue: At least we've confirmed that there is a medicine which can calm the heart. Now let's think of a way to acquire it. Annie: But how should we go about... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #387 [SKI387] ----------------------------------- 「鎮魂錠を求めて」 Look For The Pill Of Serenity Tytree: The Pill of Serenity, huh...I wonder how we're going to obtain it. Veigue: There has to be a way somehow. Let's think it over... ----------------------------------- Skit #388 [SKI388] ----------------------------------- 「ロ一ラ一作戦」 Operation Door-To-Door Tytree: Now that it's come to this, let's try hitting up the entire town until we find a lead! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zapie: Kiikii! Veigue: Zapie, what is it? Veigue: Hilda!? Tytree:...So Hilda, you mean to say that you came here to dig up some stuff on Geyorkias then? Hilda: Geyorkias, who was called the Divine King...suppose if I were to use that power...then even this body of mine... Tytree:............ Annie:............ Veigue:...Find any clues? Hilda: I came to Razilda after hearing a rumor about a legend concerning a mysterious power, but...it's not like I can find anyone who knows about it. I'm ready to call it a day. Hilda: So what are you all going to do? You weren't able to obtain the medicine that you need to save Eugene, right? Tytree:...Wanna try asking him one more time? Hilda: You'd just be wasting your time. There is a deep sense of rivalry between the Humas and Gajumas in this town. Hilda: No Huma will lend a hand for the sake of a Gajuma and of course, vice versa. Tytree: Annie, you wouldn't happen to know how to make this, would you? Annie: Iga said that it was composed of Belde grass, but I'm not familiar with the formula and... Hilda: If you're looking for Belde grass, it grows along the Azura Coast up ahead. How about if we just gather the ingredients for now? Tytree: That sounds great, so let's go!! We'll figure out how to make the medicine right after we find the Belde grass. Hilda: I'll accompany you since my investigation has come to a standstill. The change in scenery may help me see something in a new light. Hilda: The Azura Coast is to the south of this village. NOTICE: Hilda has joined your party. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #389 [SKI389] ----------------------------------- 「アズ一ラ海岸へ」 To The Azura Coast Hilda: You want some Belde grass, don't you? Exit the town and head south to get to the Azura Coast. ----------------------------------- Skit #390 [SKI390] ----------------------------------- 「対立の街」 The Town Of Conflict Hilda: In Razilda, the Humas and the Gajumas have their own individual leaders and they are constantly at each other's throats. Tytree: Really...even though this is a agricultural town? Hilda: On the surface, at least... Veigue: Did the conflict start recently? Hilda: The village has been this way for a long time. It looks like there was some kind of bloody dispute in the past. Tytree: Gajumas and Humas, huh...how idiotic. It sure would be nice if everyone could just get along. Annie:.............. ----------------------------------- Skit #391 [SKI391] ----------------------------------- 「私が案内するわ」 I'll Guide You Tytree: Um, which way are we supposed to go again? Hilda: Azura Coast is to the south of the town. In any case, let's leave Razilda. I'll guide you from there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hilda: Belde grass is supposed to grow around here. Tytree: Not to say that I don't believe you, but I don't see a single blade of grass in this area, do you? Veigue: Let's try going down a little further that way. Veigue: Is that... Annie: What's the matter, Veigue? Igol: Oh!? You people are...don't you remember me from the prison? It's me, Igol, one of the people that you let out of the jail. You really saved my neck back then! Igol: So what are you doing in a place like this? Veigue: We came to collect some Belde grass since it is the main ingredient for a medicine, but... Igol: So you're planning to make a Pill of Serenity, right? If that's the case, then you should go see an old man named Iga in Razilda. He'll gladly hand it over. Annie:...We've already been to see him once. Veigue: It seemed like he was going to give it to us before, but...once he learned that we were using it to save a Gajuma, he simply turned us down. Igol:...I see, so that's what happened. What a real shame. Igol: Would the Gajuma that you're trying to help happen to be that huge fella that was with you back at the prison, by any chance? Veigue: Yeah, that's him... Igol: I see...alright, this is my chance to give a helping hand. I'll see to it that you get the Pill of Serenity. Tytree: Really? Igol: Yes, I owe you guys one after all. Wait for me at Razilda's inn. I'll go bring you the Pill of Serenity. Veigue: That would help us out, but...how do you intend to get it? Igol: Don't worry about it. Iga's my old man. Igol: See you later then. Tytree: We did it!! Helping people sure pays off, doesn't it!! Veigue: Let's go back to Razilda. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #392 [SKI392] ----------------------------------- 「イゴルを待ちながら」 While We Wait For Igol Tytree: Helping people in need certainly pays off. Let's return to the inn and wait for Igol. ----------------------------------- Skit #393 [SKI393] ----------------------------------- 「宿屋で待とう」 Let's Wait At The Inn Annie: With this, that person will... Veigue:...Right. Let's wait for Igol at the inn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Igol: Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. My old man is really on edge, so it took a bit longer than I thought. NOTICE: You received the Pill of Serenity. Veigue: We appreciate it. Igol: Let me ask you one thing. That fella didn't hate Humas before, did he? Veigue: Right, Eugene is not that kind of man... Igol: I see...I guess that makes sense seeing as he's a friend of yours... Igol: It's just that I've heard similar stories from other villages. Igol: There are stories of Humas and Gajumas who had gotten along fine up until now who have started to drift apart and openly show hostility towards each other. Igol: With Force Users like you and the unusual incidence of Viruses...what's going on with this country... Igol: Oh, sorry...I didn't mean to make it sound like Force Users are strange or anything like that. In any case, you guys better get going. Igol: Well, see you sometime. Say hello to the big fella for me. Veigue: We should leave as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #394 [SKI394] ----------------------------------- 「叱られちまうぜ!」 We'll Get Chewed Out, You Know! Tytree: Let's return to where Eugene is. We'll get chewed out by Mao if we fart around, you know! ----------------------------------- Skit #395 [SKI395] ----------------------------------- 「似たものどうし・1」 Two Of A Kind Part 1 Hilda: Veigue, you're looking rather unsociable as usual... Veigue: And you as well... Hilda:.............. ----------------------------------- Skit #396 [SKI396] ----------------------------------- 「憎悪が満ちている」 The Animosity Is Growing Veigue: Are people in other towns being driven by hatred like they are in Razilda? Hilda: Yes...I was attacked by some Force Users who were like that. I took care of them though. Annie: Same with me. A fight broke out on the ship and I had to put an end to it. Tytree: Now that you mention it, lately things have gotten sort of unfriendly in Petnadjanka too. Veigue:...And then, there's that disturbance in Sulz as well...huh... ----------------------------------- Skit #397 [SKI397] ----------------------------------- 「義理と人情」 Social Obligation And Sympathy Tytre: Igol's a nice guy...fulfilling his social obligation and everything... Annie: If we hadn't met Igol, then we'd probably still be at a loss in regards to the medicine. Tytree: There aren't too many people like him in a rough world like this where duty and kindness are almost a memory... Annie: Tytree, it seems that you take a liking to that sort of thing. Tytree: You got that right! People who lack social responsibility and sympathy don't deserve to be called people! ----------------------------------- Skit #398 [SKI398] ----------------------------------- 「鎮魂錠について」 About The Pill Of Serenity Veigue: A medicine which can soothe the heart, the Pill of Serenity, huh... Veigue: I wonder if this will calm Eugene down since it sounds like none of the other medicines had any effect...? Tytree: Well, this is quack medicine we're talking about here. Shouldn't it be able to cure the angriest of hearts? Tytree: If that's true, then that really is some amazing stuff. Right, Hilda? Hilda: Yes. How about if you have a little bit as well? That way, we'd have some peace and quiet. ----------------------------------- Skit #399 [SKI399] ----------------------------------- 「薬を早く!」 The Medicine, Quickly! Hilda: Eugene's in trouble, isn't he? Hurry up and let's go to Mesechina Cavern then. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Callegean Soldier: You there woman, halt. Callegean Soldier: Hey! You! Stop right there!! Claire: Are you referring to me? For what reason!? Callegean Soldier: Why? Isn't it obvious? This area is off limits to unauthorized personnel. Now, be on your way. Callegean Soldier: That's enough!! If you insist on making your way in, then I'll place you under custody!! Claire: What insolence! Unhand me at once!! Milhaust: What is happening here! Claire: Milhaust...! Claire: Please gaze upon me, I... Milhaust: For what purpose have you come here!?...Leave! Withdraw this instant!! And do not appear before this place ever again! Claire: Y, you are mistaken!! I am A... Milhaust: Silence! Milhaust: The fault lies with Her Majesty concerning that matter...yet even so, I cannot bring myself...to grant the lot of you amnesty... Milhaust: God be willing, I would personally lay each and every one of you to waste. However, I will not draw my blade for vengence. This I swear upon my pride as a member of the Callegean army... Claire:...B, but I am... Milhaust: Leave this place at once. Claire: Wait! Milhaust!! Milhaust: At this time, chaos is spreading throughout the kingdom. Even the most trifling of matters have the potential to become grave. As ones who have been entrusted with the entrance of the castle, I ask that you remain ever vigilant in upholding our defenses. Callegean Soldiers: Yes sir! Claire:...Milhaust... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #400 [SKI400] ----------------------------------- 「待ってろよ、ユ一ジ一ン」 We're Coming, Eugene Tytree: Alright, all that's left is to head straight for Mesechina Cavern. We're coming, Eugene! ----------------------------------- Skit #401 [SKI401] ----------------------------------- 「メセチナ洞窟って...」 Mesechina Cavern Is... Hilda: Mesechina Cavern is the place that Hack couldn't escape from before, correct? Annie: Yes. It's the cavern that's on the outskirts of Balka. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Veigue!! What took you so long!! Veigue: Sorry for the wait, Mao. Mao: Did you get the medicine? Mao: Hurry, hurry!! Claire's waiting too, you know! NOTICE: Mao has joined your party. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #402 [SKI402] ----------------------------------- 「早く薬を!!」 Hurry, The Medicine!! Mao: Hurry, hurry! Please give Eugene the medicine! He's waiting in the back! ----------------------------------- Skit #403 [SKI403] ----------------------------------- 「ボク、もう...」 I Can't Take It Anymore... Mao: Hurry and have him take the medicine! Mao: I can't stand to see Eugene like that any longer! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Eugene!! Veigue and everybody brought back some medicine for you!! It's safe to come out now... Eugene:........... Mao: Eugene...please...come on out... Mao: Eugene!! Eugene:........... Tytree: Eugene!! Veigue: Pull yourself together!! Mao: Eugene, here...if you take this, you can go back to your normal self, so... Eugene:........... Mao: Eugene? Eugene:...Hate...hate...you Humas...must die!! Veigue, Mao, & Tytree: Uwaahh!! Annie: Mao!! Eugene: Graaahhh!! Mao: Eugene!! Hilda: It's no use!! His mind is in disarray!! We have to stop him somehow!! Veigue: We have no choice but to fight!! Mao: No, anything but that!! Hilda: As things stand, you know that we'll end up getting killed by Eugene, don't you!? Mao: But!! Veigue: We just need to knock him out!! Fight, Mao!! Mao:........... Eugene: Graaahhh!! Mao: Eugene!! Don't do this anymore! Please, I'm begging you! Mao: I'll save you...I'll save you, no matter what, so...! Eugene!! Tytree:...That was worse than facing Geyorkias. Annie: Mao, administer the medicine now while you have a chance. Eugene: *coughs* Mao: Eugene, take this...please...it's medicine...that Annie and the others brought back for you... Eugene:........... Mao:...How is it? Eugene:........... Eugene:...It's bitter. Mao: That's not what I meant, did it work? Eugene:...Yes, probably... Mao: I'm glad...I'm so glad...Waaahh!! Eugene:...Mao? Mao: I don't know what I would have done without you, so...!! That's why I... I...!! Eugene: Mao... Eugene:...I see. So I wasn't the only one who underwent this change after all... Veigue: Did you have some idea about what was happening? Eugene:...Up until now, I had never labeled or felt hatred towards another based on race. However, my mind was constantly on edge after the ceremony. Eugene: I had suspected that it was due to the adrenaline rush from our life and death struggle with Geyorkias... Eugene: But...I was wrong...whenever I saw or spoke to a Huma, one sentiment dominated my thoughts. Humas are detestable...slay them all!! Eugene: No matter how much thought I gave it, I could not determine the cause of this sudden change. However... Mao: Do you remember when Geyorkias came back to life? He said that his mission then was the eradication of Humas, didn't he? Eugene: I do not know how that is related to the current hatred towards Humas. Eugene: But I can say that I began to feel uneasy after the ceremony. There might be some type of connection to Geyorkias. Hilda:...Geyorkias indeed. I tried to investigate, but...I give up. There's hardly any information about him. Eugene: We also tried to gather intelligence on Geyorkias after that ceremony since we couldn't get him off our minds. Mao: We rescued a man named Hack who was studying archaeology in this cavern earlier, right? Mao: I remembered him telling us about The Divine King, so we tried giving him a visit. Mao: Then, he told us that there's some sort of link between this cavern and The Divine King, or in other words, Geyorkias. Eugene:...Just as we were about to begin our inquiry, I became as you saw before. Eugene: I then isolated myself in this cavern. Before I ended up killing someone...so that I could wait for someone to come and end my life for me... Eugene: Because of that, we've made little progress in terms of our investigation. Hilda: Then let's resume the search without delay. NOTICE: Eugene has joined your party. NOTICE: Claire will accompany your party as a guest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #404 [SKI404] ----------------------------------- 「聖なる王の洞窟」 The Cavern Of The Divine King Eugene: There should be some clues somewhere regarding the Divine King. Comb through the interior of the cavern. ----------------------------------- Skit #405 [SKI405] ----------------------------------- 「ありがとう」 Thank You Mao: Eugene, are you really okay? Eugene: Yes...I'm fine. I had you worried, didn't I, Mao. Mao: You sure did! Honestly...! Mao: But since Annie went to get Veigue and the others for me... Mao: Not to mention that she's the one who told us about the Pill of Serenity too! Eugene: Annie...thank you... Annie: I, it was nothing...I didn't do it for your sake, so... Eugene:.............. ----------------------------------- Skit #406 [SKI406] ----------------------------------- 「メセチナ洞窟にういて」 About The Mesechina Cavern Hilda: What was the original purpose of this cavern anyway? Mao: It's said that Goldba, the king from ancient times, held a ceremony here to declare the founding of this country. Hilda: Mao, you're surprisingly knowledgeable on the subject, aren't you. Mao: Ahem! Eugene: I would imagine so since we heard about that from Hack. Mao: Now why'd you have to go and say that? You're mean, Eugene! ----------------------------------- Skit #407 [SKI407] ----------------------------------- 「アガ一テはどこへ」 Where Did Agarte Go Tytree: At that ceremony...what happened to the Queen? Eugene: No remains were found...I would like to think that...she is safely in hiding somewhere, but... Tytree: But with that kind of explosion... Eugene: Well...even Claire was able to survive unscathed. Surely somewhere... Claire:............. ----------------------------------- Skit #408 [SKI408] ----------------------------------- 「クレアの外出」 Claire's Outing Mao: By the way, did you go someplace earlier, Claire? Claire: Eh...? Oh, m, me...? Um... Veigue: Were you going somewhere? Claire: Ah, I, I went outside of the cavern so that I could wait for you and the others to return. Veigue:...Claire...it's dangerous, so it'd be better if you didn't wander around by yourself too much. Claire:...Y, yes... ----------------------------------- Skit #409 [SKI409] ----------------------------------- 「ちゃんとやろうよ!」 Let's Do It Right This Time! Mao: Let's check this place out more thoroughly, okay? There has to be some hints about Geyorkias somewhere! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mao: Does anyone else hear a rustling sound? Veigue: Yeah, you're right... Eugene: There's a draft coming from somewhere. This cavern may lead to another area. Let's look around. Mao: It looks like this is the source of our noise. Mao: The sound echoes. Maybe there's something in the back? I wonder if it's okay to break down this wall? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- Skit #410 [SKI410] ----------------------------------- 「空気を読め」 Read The Air Eugene: We felt a breeze passing through here earlier, didn't we. Perhaps there is something in that direction... Hilda: Let's investigate further. ----------------------------------- Skit #411 [SKI411] ----------------------------------- 「ス一ス一」 Whoosh Mao: The wall is making a whooshing sound, right? Wouldn't there be something on the other side then? ----------------------------------- Skit #412 [SKI412] ----------------------------------- 「洞窟の中に潜む謎」 The Mystery Lurking Inside Of The Cavern Eugene: Let's examine the interior of the cavern more closely. We don't have any other leads. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~