?ソ T A L E S O F T H E W O R L D RRRRRRR A DDDD III A N NN TTTTTT RRRRRRR AA D DD II AA NN NNT TT T RR AAAA D DDII AAAA N N NN TT R RRR AAAAA D DDII AAAAA N N NN TT RRRRRR A A D DD II A A N NNN TT RR R AA AADDD IIIAA AAN NN TT 222222 RR R 222 222 RR RR 22 22 M M 22 22 MM MMYY YY TTTTTT HH HH OOOO LL OOOO GGGGGYY YY 22 MMM MMM YY YY T TT THH HHOO OOLL OO OOGG GG YY YY 22 MMMMMMMMM YYYY TT HHHHHHO OLL O OG G YYYY 22 MM MMM MM YY TT HH HHO OLL O OG GGG YY 22 MM M MM YY TT HH HHOO OOLL OO OOGG GG YY 22 MM MM YY TT HH HH OOOO LLLLL OOOO GGGGG YY 22 MMM MMM 222222222 2222222222 ----------------------------- [RE-1] Table of Contents ----------------------------- [RE-1] Table of Contents [RE-2] Introductory Notes [RE-3] Version History [RE-4] How do you get the first Radiant set? [RE-5] How do you get the second Radiant set? [RE-6] The Radiant Sets [RE-WA] Warrior [RE-WA.1] First Radiant Set [RE-WA.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-SW] Swordsman [RE-SW.1] First Radiant Set [RE-SW.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-MK] Magic Knight [RE-MK.1] First Radiant Set [RE-MK.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-FI] Fighter [RE-FI.1] First Radiant Set [RE-FI.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-AR] Archer [RE-AR.1] First Radiant Set [RE-AR.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-TH] Thief [RE-TH.1] First Radiant Set [RE-TH.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-NI] Ninja [RE-NI.1] First Radiant Set [RE-NI.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-MA] Magician [RE-MA.1] First Radiant Set [RE-MA.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-PR] Priest [RE-PR.1] First Radiant Set [RE-PR.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-BI] Bishop [RE-BI.1] First Radiant Set [RE-BI.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-DS] Dual Swordsman [RE-DS.1] First Radiant Set [RE-DS.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-BS] Broad Swordsman [RE-BS.1] First Radiant Set [RE-BS.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-MO] Monk [RE-MO.1] First Radiant Set [RE-MO.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-PI] Pirate [RE-PI.1] First Radiant Set [RE-PI.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-HK] Holy Knight [RE-HK.1] First Radiant Set [RE-HK.2] Second Radiant Set [RE-7] Credits =============================================================================== ----------------------------- [RE-2] Introductory Notes ----------------------------- Radiant sets are special sets of equipment that can be obtained after completing a number of conditions. Radiant sets excell equipment available at the level at which they can be used, but some parts can be surpassed in certain aspects through item refining of higher level items. Some unique items can further surpass Radiant items in usefulness thanks to the introduction of Lv 233 uniques to the series. There are 2 Radiant sets for each class in Radiant Mythology 2. One more than in Radiant Mythology 1. The first set requires a player to be at level 55 to use, while the second requires a level of 144 to use. The factors on the Radiant sets are randomly generated, meaning that the factors listed are not what you should expect to obtain every time you receive the set. In fact, chances are quite rare to get the maximum percentage/amount for any particular factor other than the ones that just add 1 point. Even if you do manage to obtain the maximum amount in any one factor, since the parts are all randomly generated, chances are that another item in the set will have very poor stats. However, it should also be noted that any one factor will not govern the other parts of the set, so you could essentially obtain a set with parts that all have generally high factors. The factors on the set that you receive are determined at the time that you talk to Kratos to receive your reward for having done the personal request, so it's a good idea to save before talking to him so you can try to take a chance at getting a re-roll if you don't like what you get. In the list of factors, +1 Guard means that while guarding, you can take more hits before your guard breaks. +1 Guard Break means that when you're attacking an enemy that's guarding, you can break them out of guarding faster than you normally would. Some enemies have the ability to continue fighting without getting interrupted for up to a certain number of hits, +1 Stagger will reduce the number of times you need to hit them in order to interrupt them. Similarly, +1 Stagger Guard, which is not offered by any of the Radiant equips, would allow characters to be able to continue fighting without getting interrupted, so long as the number of hits doesn't surpass their threshold (based on the number of items that are providing the character with Stagger Guard). Attack +X% and Defense +X% factors are applied only to the item that it's on. So for example, getting +89% Defense on the Pirate's eye patch will only merit you as much as +1 Defense (since the patch itself is 1 Defense), so it's pretty pointless trying to get a high Defense +X% factor for that. It therefore does NOT add 89% to the sum of your base Defense and all the base Defenses of your equipment. =============================================================================== ----------------------------- [RE-3] Version History ----------------------------- Version 1.0 ----------- - The guide was started =============================================================================== ----------------------------- [RE-4] First Radiant Set ----------------------------- After opening the dungeon, "繝槭Φ繝?繝シ繧ク蝨ー荳矩⊆霍。", and completing the story quest "繝ォ繝√Ν繝悶Λ繧、繝医?險ュ鄂ョ" at said dungeon, Kratos may reveal a personal request to the player called "繝ャ繝?ぅ繧「繝ウ繝医∈縺ョ謇?quot;. In other words, roughly at about Story part 44. You will need at least 1,800 Fame (蜷榊」ー) in order to open up this request, so if you don't have enough, do some more subquests if you want to get it as soon as possible. If you've been doing all of the subquests as they've become available, you should already have enough to open this request after completing the story quest. Kratos should have a yellow circle with an exclamation mark over his head. If you don't get it right away, don't panic. Leave the ship and re-enter (or save in the room where Kratos is and reload) and it should appear eventually. Having a lot of characters waiting for you to respond to personal requests can sometimes cause other characters' requests to not appear, but it's random whose will be offered if there are a lot open. Kratos's request is to return to 繝槭Φ繝?繝シ繧ク蝨ー荳矩⊆霍。 and defeat the R.Warrior located at the base of the World Tree (where you had to go for the story quest). You can go there with a team of up to 4 (including yourself). Return to Kratos after you've defeated the R.Warrior. You may need to leave the ship and return (or use the save and reload trick), but Kratos will have another personal request immediately after, titled "霈昴¢繧句?蝎ィ(CLASS)", where CLASS is whatever job class you're using. This personal request will require you to go to an appointed location to search for the R.[CLASS] and fight it 1-on-1. Below is a list of where you will be appointed to go based on your class: Warrior 繧ャ繝ャ繝?ヨ譽ョ譫怜玄 1F Swordsman 繧「繝。繝シ繝ォ縺ョ豢樒ェ 3F Magic Knight 繝槭Φ繝?繝シ繧ク蝨ー荳矩?蟶りキ。 2F East Fighter 繝√Η繝ュ繧ケ豬キ蠎暮⊆霍。 6F Archer 迯?摩豢 1F Thief 繝壹Μ繝シ驩ア螻ア 2F East Ninja 繝√Η繝ュ繧ケ豬キ蠎暮⊆霍。 6F Magician 邊倩曙縺ョ蟾」 3F Priest 繧「繝。繝シ繝ォ縺ョ豢樒ェ 3F Bishop 繧オ繝ウ繧エ縺ョ譽ョ 2F Dual Swordsman 邊倩曙縺ョ蟾」 3F Broad Swordsman 繝壹Μ繝シ驩ア螻ア 2F East Monk 迯?摩豢 1F Pirate 繧ャ繝ャ繝?ヨ譽ョ譫怜玄 1F Holy Knight 繝槭Φ繝?繝シ繧ク蝨ー荳矩?蟶りキ。 2F West Take note that this is also the set of quests that are required in order to obtain the class-specific Titles. After you defeat the R.[CLASS], return to Kratos for your reward. Kratos will tell you to see Paneel to retrieve the Radiant set. Go to Paneel and choose the last option available. You will find your Radiant set there. Press O to open it, then go back and choose the second last option available to retrieve each individual piece of the set. If you have close to 300 equippable items in your inventory, you may need to drop / sell some first. =============================================================================== ----------------------------- [RE-5] Second Radiant Set ----------------------------- After the story question titled "繧キ繝シ繝会ス・繝吶ャ繝峨?險ュ鄂ョ", which involves going to 繝。繧ケ繧ォ繝ォ螻ア閼 with Tear and Leon, you should see an event with Chat, Kratos and a few others talking about Barbatos's appearance. At about Story part 59, after the story quest titled "繝「繧ケ繧ウ繝斐?遐よシ?縺ク縺ョA?・繧「繝ウ繝?リ險ュ鄂ョ", which involes going to 繝「繧ケ繧ウ繝薙?遐よシ? with Eugene and Mao, you should see an event where Kratos talks to Chat about having found Barbatos's whereabouts. Fame requirements are possible, but again, if you've done the subquests up to this point, you shouldn't have any problems getting the event to occur. After the event, you should eventually see a quest called "繝舌Ν繝舌ヨ繧ケ險惹シ撰シ?1)". If you haven't been doing the subquests, it will likely get buried beneath them, so you'll need to keep re-entering the ship (or using the reload trick) to get it to appear. There are three quests named the same way (just with a 2 and 3 in the brackets instead of the 1), each involving you taking up to 3 characters with you (the first quest will require you to have Kratos with you as one of the 3) to seek out and defeat Barbatos. He will get slightly stronger each time. Prior to (2) and (3) appearing, you should see an event just like the one before (1) appeared where Kratos talks to Chat about Barbatos's whereabouts. Indicating that the next quest is available. The third time you fight him, he will have the ability to inflict poison. Take note that you cannot use items while fighting Barbatos, or you'll have to suffer the wrath of his Hiougi (thanks goes to gwaposidemz for pointing that out to me). Upon defeating Barbatos the third time, you will receive a Title that basically says you defeated Barbatos and does nothing. See Kratos a few times (you'll witness a couple of events) and eventually, he should offer another personal request called "莨晁ェャ繧定カ翫∴縺ヲ(CLASS)", where CLASS is your character's class. This request will require you to go to the same location where you fought the R.[CLASS] (refer to the chart above for the locations) to fight Barbatos for the fifth time (once during the story quest, and 3 times during the Barbatos quests). Take heed however, as this form of Barbatos is possibly one of the hardest enemies you will ever face in the game. Upon defeating him, you will need to go through the same process as before to actually get the set (i.e. talk to Kratos, then go to Paneel, choose the last option, open the set from there, go back to the previous menu, choose the second last option, take each individual piece of the set). =============================================================================== ----------------------------- [RE-6] The Radiant Sets ----------------------------- [RE-WA] Warrior =============== ------------------------------------- [RE-WA.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (WARRIOR) ------------------------------------- 謌ヲ螢ォ縺ョ譁ァ (Weapon) -------------- Base Attack: 203 +34% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +21% Overlimit fill rate 謌ヲ螢ォ縺ョ逶セ (Shield) -------------- Base Defense: 89 +8% Max HP +8% Defense Elemental Defense (Fire) +1 Guard +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 謌ヲ螢ォ縺ョ蜈 (Head) ------------ Base Defense: 61 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 謌ヲ螢ォ縺ョ骼ァ (Body) ------------ Base Defense: 177 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 謌ヲ螢ォ縺ョ遽ュ謇 (Arms) ------------- Base Defense: 71 +8% Max HP +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -13% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 謌ヲ螢ォ縺ョ繝悶?繝 (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 52 +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) -------------------------------------- [RE-WA.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (WARRIOR) -------------------------------------- 髣伜」ォ縺ョ譁ァ (Weapon) -------------- Base Attack: 444 +89% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +21% Overlimit fill rate 髣伜」ォ縺ョ逶セ (Shield) -------------- Base Defense: 215 +11% Max HP +11% M.Defense Elemental Defense (Fire) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 髣伜」ォ縺ョ蜈 (Head) ------------ Base Defense: 150 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 髣伜」ォ縺ョ骼ァ (Body) ------------ Base Defense: 429 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 髣伜」ォ縺ョ遽ュ謇 (Arms) ------------- Base Defense: 171 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -21% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 髣伜」ォ縺ョ繝悶?繝 (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 128 +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) [RE-SW] Swordsman ================== --------------------------------------- [RE-SW.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (SWORDSMAN) --------------------------------------- 蜑」螢ォ縺ョ髟キ蜑」 (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 161 +34% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +21% Overlimit fill rate 蜑」螢ォ縺ョ逶セ (Shield) -------------- Base Defense: 89 +8% Max HP +8% M.Defense Elemental Defense (Fire) +1 Guard +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 蜑」螢ォ縺ョ蜈 (Head) ------------ Base Defense: 62 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 蜑」螢ォ縺ョ骼ァ (Body) ------------ Base Defense: 178 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 蜑」螢ォ縺ョ邀?謇 (Arms) ------------- Base Defense: 70 +8% Max HP +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -13% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 蜑」螢ォ縺ョ繧ー繝ェ繝シ繝 (Feet) -------------- Base Defense: 52 +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -18% Escape time +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) ---------------------------------------- [RE-SW.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (SWORDSMAN) ---------------------------------------- 鬨主」ォ縺ョ髟キ蜑」 (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 354 +89% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +21% Overlimit fill rate 鬨主」ォ縺ョ逶セ (Shield) -------------- Base Defense: 215 +11% Max HP +11% M.Defense Elemental Defense (Fire) +1 Guard +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 鬨主」ォ縺ョ蜈 (Head) ------------ Base Defense: 150 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 鬨主」ォ縺ョ骼ァ (Body) ------------ Base Defense: 429 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 鬨主」ォ縺ョ邀?謇 (Arms) ------------- Base Defense: 171 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -21% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 鬨主」ォ縺ョ繧ー繝ェ繝シ繝 (Feet) -------------- Base Defense: 129 +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) [RE-MK] Magic Knight ====================== ------------------------------------------ [RE-MK.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (MAGIC KNIGHT) ------------------------------------------ 鬲疲ウ募殴螢ォ縺ョ髟キ蜑」 (Weapon) ----------------- Base Attack: 161 +34% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +21% Overlimit fill rate 鬲疲ウ募殴螢ォ縺ョ逶セ (Shield) ---------------- Base Defense: 89 +8% Max HP +8% M.Defense Elemental Defense (Fire) +1 Guard +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 鬲疲ウ募殴螢ォ縺ョ蜈 (Head) -------------- Base Defense: 62 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 鬲疲ウ募殴螢ォ縺ョ骼ァ (Body) -------------- Base Defense: 178 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 鬲疲ウ募殴螢ォ縺ョ遽ュ謇 (Arms) --------------- Base Defense: 71 +8% Max HP +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -13% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 鬲疲ウ募殴螢ォ縺ョ閼帛ス薙※ (Feet) ---------------- Base Defense: 53 +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) ------------------------------------------- [RE-MK.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (MAGIC KNIGHT) ------------------------------------------- 鬲疲ウ暮ィ主」ォ縺ョ髟キ蜑」 (Weapon) ----------------- Base Attack: 354 +89% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +21% Overlimit fill rate 鬲疲ウ暮ィ主」ォ縺ョ逶セ (Shield) ---------------- Base Defense: 215 +11% Max HP +11% M.Defense Elemental Defense (Fire) +1 Guard +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 鬲疲ウ暮ィ主」ォ縺ョ蜈 (Head) -------------- Base Defense: 150 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 鬲疲ウ暮ィ主」ォ縺ョ骼ァ (Body) -------------- Base Defense: 429 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 鬲疲ウ暮ィ主」ォ縺ョ遽ュ謇 (Arms) --------------- Base Defense: 171 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -21% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 鬲疲ウ暮ィ主」ォ縺ョ閼帛ス薙※ (Feet) ---------------- Base Defense: 129 +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) [RE-FI] Fighter ================= ------------------------------------- [RE-FI.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (FIGHTER) ------------------------------------- 諡ウ髣伜」ォ縺ョ諡ウ (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 137 +34% Attack +55% Chance of landing a Critical hit +1 Guard Break -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 諡ウ髣伜」ォ縺ョ繝舌Φ繝 (Head) --------------- Base Defense: 27 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 諡ウ髣伜」ォ縺ョ繧ュ繝医Φ (Body) -------------- Base Defense: 151 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 諡ウ髣伜」ォ縺ョ髱エ (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 53 +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) -------------------------------------- [RE-FI.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (FIGHTER) -------------------------------------- 蟆剰ヲ?視縺ョ諡ウ (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 301 +89% Attack +55% Chance of landing a Critical hit +1 Guard Break -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 蟆剰ヲ?視縺ョ繝舌Φ繝 (Head) -------------- Base Defense: 65 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 蟆剰ヲ?視縺ョ繧ュ繝医Φ (Body) --------------- Base Defense: 365 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 蟆剰ヲ?視縺ョ髱エ (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 128 +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility [RE-AR] Archer ================ ------------------------------------ [RE-AR.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (ARCHER) ------------------------------------ 迢ゥ莠コ縺ョ蠑 (Weapon) -------------- Base Attack: 137 +34% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +21% Overlimit fill rate 迢ゥ莠コ縺ョ蟶ス蟄 (Head) ------------- Base Defense: 26 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 迢ゥ莠コ縺ョ譛 (Body) ------------ Base Defense: 152 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 迢ゥ莠コ縺ョ遽ュ謇 (Arms) ------------- Base Defense: 71 +8% Max HP +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -13% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 迢ゥ莠コ縺ョ繝悶?繝 (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 52 +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) ------------------------------------- [RE-AR.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (ARCHER) ------------------------------------- 蜷榊ー?焔縺ョ蠑 (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 301 +89% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +21% Overlimit fill rate 蜷榊ー?焔縺ョ蟶ス蟄 (Head) -------------- Base Defense: 65 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 蜷榊ー?焔縺ョ譛 (Body) ------------- Base Defense: 365 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 蜷榊ー?焔縺ョ遽ュ謇 (Arms) -------------- Base Defense: 171 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -21% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 蜷榊ー?焔縺ョ繝悶?繝 (Feet) --------------- Base Defense: 128 +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) [RE-TH] Thief =============== ----------------------------------- [RE-TH.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (THIEF) ----------------------------------- 逶苓ウ翫?繝?繧ャ繝シ (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 137 +34% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +68% Chance of getting Rare items 逶苓ウ翫?繝峨Α繝 (Head) ------------- Base Defense: 26 +8% Max HP +34% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle +10% Chance of finding Items 逶苓ウ翫?譛 (Body) ------------ Base Defense: 152 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 逶苓ウ翫?遽ュ謇 (Arms) ------------- Base Defense: 71 +8% Max HP +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -13% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 逶苓ウ翫?繝悶?繝 (Feet) -------------- Base Defense: 53 +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) ------------------------------------ [RE-TH.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (THIEF) ------------------------------------ 鄒ゥ雉翫?繝?繧ャ繝シ (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 301 +89% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +68% Chance of getting Rare items 鄒ゥ雉翫?繝峨Α繝 (Head) ------------- Base Defense: 64 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle +10% Chance of finding Items 鄒ゥ雉翫?譛 (Body) ------------ Base Defense: 365 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 鄒ゥ雉翫?遽ュ謇 (Arms) ------------- Base Defense: 171 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -21% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 鄒ゥ雉翫?繝悶?繝 (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 129 +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) [RE-NI] Ninja =============== ----------------------------------- [RE-NI.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (NINJA) ----------------------------------- 蠢阪?繧ォ繧ソ繝 (Weapon) -------------- Base Attack: 161 +34% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit +1 TP Recovery using regular attacks +21% Overlimit fill rate +68% Chance of getting Rare items 蠢阪?鬆ュ蟾セ (Head) ------------ Base Defense: 27 +8% Max HP +34% Defense -13% TP Cost +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 蠢阪?陦」 (Body) ----------- Base Defense: 152 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 蠢阪?邀?謇 (Arms) ------------ Base Defense: 70 +8% Max HP +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -13% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 蠢阪?雜ウ陲 (Feet) ------------ Base Defense: 52 +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) ------------------------------------ [RE-NI.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (NINJA) ------------------------------------ 鬆ュ鬆倥?繧ォ繧ソ繝 (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 354 +89% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +21% Overlimit fill rate +68% Chance of getting Rare items 鬆ュ鬆倥?鬆ュ蟾セ (Head) ------------- Base Defense: 65 +11% Max HP +89% Defense -21% TP Cost +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 鬆ュ鬆倥?陦」 (Body) ------------ Base Defense: 365 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 鬆ュ鬆倥?邀?謇 (Arms) ------------- Base Defense: 171 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -21% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 鬆ュ鬆倥?雜ウ陲 (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 129 +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) [RE-MA] Magician ================== -------------------------------------- [RE-MA.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (MAGICIAN) -------------------------------------- 鬲碑。灘クォ縺ョ譚 (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 131 +8% M.Attack -13% Casting time +1 Guard -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 鬲碑。灘クォ縺ョ蟶ス蟄 (Head) -------------- Base Defense: 27 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +8% M.Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +13% Chance of getting Rare items 鬲碑。灘クォ縺ョ繝ュ繝シ繝 (Body) --------------- Base Defense: 123 +8% Max HP +34% Defense +8% M.Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 鬲碑。灘クォ縺ョ謇玖「 (Arms) -------------- Base Defense: 70 +34% Defense +8% M.Attack +8% M.Defense -13% Casting time +3% Max TP Recovered at the end of battle 鬲碑。灘クォ縺ョ髱エ (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 53 +8% Max HP +34% Defense -13% Casting time -13% TP Cost +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) --------------------------------------- [RE-MA.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (MAGICIAN) --------------------------------------- 鬲泌ー主クォ縺ョ譚 (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 286 +13% M.Attack -13% Casting time +1 Guard -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 鬲泌ー主クォ縺ョ蟶ス蟄 (Head) -------------- Base Defense: 65 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +11% M.Defense +89 Luck +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) 鬲泌ー主クォ縺ョ繝ュ繝シ繝 (Body) --------------- Base Defense: 300 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 鬲泌ー主クォ縺ョ謇玖「 (Arms) -------------- Base Defense: 171 +89% Defense +13% M.Attack +11% M.Defense -13% Casting time +3% Max TP Recovered at the end of battle 鬲泌ー主クォ縺ョ髱エ (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 129 +11% Max HP +89% Defense -13% Casting time -21% TP Cost +13% Fasting walking speed on the field (not in battle) [RE-PR] Priest ================ ------------------------------------ [RE-PR.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (PRIEST) ------------------------------------ 菫ョ驕灘」ォ縺ョ譚 (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 131 +8% M.Attack -13% Casting time +1 Guard -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 菫ョ驕灘」ォ縺ョ蟶ス蟄 (Head) -------------- Base Defense: 27 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +8% M.Defense +13% Fasting walking speed on the field (not in battle) +13% Chance of getting Rare items 菫ョ驕灘」ォ縺ョ繧ッ繝ュ繝シ繧ッ (Body) --------------- Base Defense: 124 +8% Max HP +34% Defense +8% M.Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 菫ョ驕灘」ォ縺ョ繝溘ヨ繝ウ (Arms) -------------- Base Defense: 71 +34% Defense +8% M.Attack +8% M.Defense -13% Casting time +3% Max TP Recovered at the end of battle 菫ョ驕灘」ォ縺ョ髱エ (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 53 +8% Max HP +34% Defense -13% Casting time -13% TP Cost +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) ------------------------------------- [RE-PR.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (PRIEST) ------------------------------------- 蜿ク逾ュ縺ョ譚 (Weapon) -------------- Base Attack: 286 +13% M.Attack -13% Casting time +1 Guard -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 蜿ク逾ュ縺ョ蟶ス蟄 (Head) ------------- Base Defense: 65 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +11% M.Defense +89 Luck +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) 蜿ク逾ュ縺ョ繧ッ繝ュ繝シ繧ッ (Body) -------------- Base Defense: 300 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 蜿ク逾ュ縺ョ繝溘ヨ繝ウ (Arms) ------------- Base Defense: 170 +89% Defense +13% M.Attack +11% M.Defense -13% Casting time +3% Max TP Recovered at the end of battle 蜿ク逾ュ縺ョ髱エ (Feet) ------------ Base Defense: 129 +11% Max HP +89% Defense -13% Casting time -21% TP Cost +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) [RE-BI] Bishop ================ ------------------------------------ [RE-BI.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (BISHOP) ------------------------------------ 蜿ク謨吶?邇狗ャ (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 131 +8% M.Attack -13% Casting time +1 Guard -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 蜿ク謨吶?繝溘ヨ繝ォ (Head) ------------- Base Defense: 27 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +8% M.Attack +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +13% Chance of getting Rare items 蜿ク謨吶?繝ュ繝シ繝 (Body) -------------- Base Defense: 123 +8% Max HP +34% Defense +8% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 蜿ク謨吶?繝溘ヨ繝ウ (Arms) ------------- Base Defense: 70 +34% Defense +8% M.Attack +8% M.Defense -13% Casting time +3% Max TP Recovered at the end of battle 蜿ク謨吶?繝悶?繝 (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 53 +8% Max HP +34% Defense -13% Casting time -13% TP Cost +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) ------------------------------------- [RE-BI.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (BISHOP) ------------------------------------- 謨咏嚊縺ョ邇狗ャ (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 286 +13% M.Attack -13% Casting time +1 Guard -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 謨咏嚊縺ョ繝溘ヨ繝ォ (Head) ------------- Base Defense: 65 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +11% M.Defense +89 Luck +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) 謨咏嚊縺ョ繝ュ繝シ繝 (Body) ------------- Base Defense: 300 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 謨咏嚊縺ョ繝溘ヨ繝ウ (Arms) ------------- Base Defense: 171 +89% Defense +13% M.Attack +11% M.Defense -13% Casting time +3% Max TP Recovered at the end of battle 謨咏嚊縺ョ繝悶?繝 (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 129 +11% Max HP +89% Defense -13% Casting time -21% TP COst +13% Fasting walking speed on the field (not in battle) [RE-DS] Dual Swordsman ======================== -------------------------------------------- [RE-DS.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (DUAL SWORDSMAN) -------------------------------------------- 髱帝セ榊? (Weapon 1) --------------- Base Attack: 131 +34% Attack -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +34 Agility +21% Overlimit fill rate 譛ア髮?蛻? (Weapon 2) --------------- Base AttacK: 131 +34% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit +1 Guard Break -13% TP Cost +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 莠悟?蜑」螢ォ縺ョ蜈 (Head) -------------- Base Defense: 61 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 莠悟?蜑」螢ォ縺ョ骼ァ (Body) -------------- Base Defense: 178 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 莠悟?蜑」螢ォ縺ョ邀?謇 (Arms) ---------------- Base Defense: 71 +8% Max HP +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -13% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 莠悟?蜑」螢ォ縺ョ閼帛ス薙※ (Feet) ---------------- Base Defense: 53 +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) --------------------------------------------- [RE-DS.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (DUAL SWORDSMAN) --------------------------------------------- 逋ス陌主? (Weapon 1) --------------- Base Attack: 286 +89% Attack -21% TP Cost +34 Agility +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle +21% Overlimit fill rate 邇?ュヲ蛻? (Weapon 2) --------------- Base Attack: 286 +89% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit +1 Guard Break -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 莠悟、ゥ蜑」螢ォ縺ョ蜈 (Head) -------------- Base Defense: 150 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 莠悟、ゥ蜑」螢ォ縺ョ骼ァ (Body) -------------- Base Defense: 429 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 莠悟、ゥ蜑」螢ォ縺ョ邀?謇 (Arms) --------------- Base Defense: 171 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -21% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 莠悟、ゥ蜑」螢ォ縺ョ閼帛ス薙※ (Feet) ---------------- Base Defense: 129 +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) [RE-BS] Broad Swordsman ========================= --------------------------------------------- [RE-BS.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (BROAD SWORDSMAN) --------------------------------------------- 繝?Χ繧。繧、繝上Φ繝?繝シ (Weapon) ---------------- Base Attack: 245 +34% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit +1 Stagger -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 螟ァ蜑」螢ォ縺ョ蜈 (Head) ------------- Base Defense: 74 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 螟ァ蜑」螢ォ縺ョ骼ァ (Body) ------------- Base Defense: 213 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 螟ァ蜑」螢ォ縺ョ邀?謇 (Arms) -------------- Base Defense: 75 +8% Max HP +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -13% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 螟ァ蜑」螢ォ縺ョ閼帛ス薙※ (Feet) --------------- Base Defense: 63 +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) ---------------------------------------------- [RE-BS.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (BROAD SWORDSMAN) ---------------------------------------------- 繧ィ繧ー繧シ繧ュ繝・繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝翫? (Weapon) ------------------ Base Attack: 534 +89% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit +1 Stagger -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 蜃ヲ蛻大濤陦御ココ縺ョ蜈 (Head) --------------- Base Defense: 223 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 蜃ヲ蛻大濤陦御ココ縺ョ骼ァ (Body) ---------------- Base Defense: 579 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 蜃ヲ蛻大濤陦御ココ縺ョ邀?謇 (Arms) ----------------- Base Defense: 232 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -21% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 蜃ヲ蛻大濤陦御ココ縺ョ閼帛ス薙※ (Feet) ------------------ Base Defense: 239 +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) [RE-MO] Monk ============== ---------------------------------- [RE-MO.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (MONK) ---------------------------------- 蜃?教螢ォ縺ョ諡ウ (Weapon) --------------- Base Weapon: 137 +34% Attack +55% Chance of landing a Critical hit +1 Guard Break -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 蜃?教螢ォ縺ョ繝舌Φ繝 (Head) -------------- Base Defense: 27 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 蜃?教螢ォ縺ョ繧ク繝」繧ア繝?ヨ (Body) ---------------- Base Defense: 152 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 蜃?教螢ォ縺ョ髱エ (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 53 +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) ----------------------------------- [RE-MO.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (MONK) ----------------------------------- 螟ァ遽?」ォ縺ョ諡ウ (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 301 +89% Attack +55% Chance of landing a Critical hit +1 Guard Break -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 螟ァ遽?」ォ縺ョ繝舌Φ繝 (Head) -------------- Base Defense: 65 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 螟ァ遽?」ォ縺ョ繧ク繝」繧ア繝?ヨ (Body) ---------------- Base Defense: 365 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 螟ァ遽?」ォ縺ョ髱エ (Feet) ------------- Base Defense: 129 +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) [RE-PI] Pirate ================ ------------------------------------ [RE-PI.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (PIRATE) ------------------------------------ 豬キ雉翫?遏ュ蜑」 (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 137 +34% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +10% Chance of finding Items 豬キ雉翫?逵シ蟶ッ (Eye) ------------ Base Defense: 1 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 豬キ雉翫?譛 (Body) ------------ Base Defense: 152 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 豬キ雉翫?邀?謇 (Arms) ------------- Base Defense: 71 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -21% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 豬キ雉翫?髱エ (Feet) ------------ Base Defense: 53 +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) ------------------------------------- [RE-PI.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (PIRATE) ------------------------------------- 繝エ繧。繧、繧ュ繝ウ繧ー繝?繧ャ繝シ (Weapon) ----------------- Base Attack: 301 +89% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks +10% Chance of finding Items 繝エ繧。繧、繧ュ繝ウ繧ー繝代ャ繝 (Eye) -------------- Base Defense: 1 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 繝エ繧。繧、繧ュ繝ウ繧ー繧ッ繝ュ繝シ繧ケ (Body) ---------------- Base Defense: 365 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 繝エ繧。繧、繧ュ繝ウ繧ー繧ー繝ュ繝シ繝 (Arms) ---------------- Base Defense: 171 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -21% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 繝エ繧。繧、繧ュ繝ウ繧ー繝悶?繝 (Feet) --------------- Base Defense: 129 +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) [RE-HK] Holy Knight ===================== ----------------------------------------- [RE-HK.1] FIRST RADIANT SET (HOLY KNIGHT) ----------------------------------------- 蠕灘」ォ髫翫?螟ァ蜑」 (Weapon) ---------------- Base Attack: 245 +34% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit +1 Stagger -13% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 蠕灘」ォ髫翫?蜈 (Head) ------------- Base Defense: 62 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 蠕灘」ォ髫翫?骼ァ (Body) ------------- Base Defense: 178 +8% Max HP +8% Max TP +34% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 蠕灘」ォ髫翫?邀?謇 (Arms) -------------- Base Defense: 70 +8% Max HP +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -13% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 蠕灘」ォ髫翫?繧ー繝ェ繝シ繝 (Feet) --------------- Base Defense: 53 +34% Defense +8% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) ------------------------------------------ [RE-HK.2] SECOND RADIANT SET (HOLY KNIGHT) ------------------------------------------ 蜑」閨悶?螟ァ蜑」 (Weapon) --------------- Base Attack: 534 +89% Attack +21% Chance of landing a Critical hit +1 Stagger -21% TP Cost +1 TP Recovery when using regular attacks 蜑」閨悶?蜈 (Head) ------------ Base Defense: 150 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) +21% GP rewarded at the end of battle 蜑」閨悶?骼ァ (Body) ------------ Base Defense: 490 +11% Max HP +11% Max TP +89% Defense +89 Luck +34% Gald rewarded at the end of battle 蜑」閨悶?邀?謇 (Arms) ------------- Base Defense: 170 +11% Max HP +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -21% TP Cost +13% EXP rewarded at the end of battle 蜑」閨悶?繧ー繝ェ繝シ繝 (Feet) -------------- Base Defense: 129 +89% Defense +11% M.Defense -18% Escape time +34 Agility +13% Faster walking speed on the field (not in battle) =============================================================================== ----------------------------- [RE-7] Credits ----------------------------- This FAQ was written by Kazamu. Sources ======= http://www20.atwiki.jp/kanonno/pages/147.html