From: mOOnrun OnE Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 20:42:45 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [KOF] Athena stuff and other interesting stuff from Combo ML(long) Oh well, just thought maybe i would post some interesting stuff from the combo ML in here from time to time... Athena : Near corner A-Athena F-fireball O-opponent cX-crossup s-stand d-down cX B, s A, hcf P, bk bk d B(NO HIT), qcb A, hcf D, s A, hcf P, bk bk d B(NO HIT), qcb A, hcf D, s C, fw B, hcb x 2 P ascii explaination (lousy tho') | | |A O | near corner, Athena in corner | A | | O | Athena crossup opponent | | | OA | Athena execute hcf P throw |O | | --->A | Athena immediately do bk bk down B after throw to go far back | | |0 fA | As soon after bk bk d B, do fireball, opponent still about to land and recover | | |O f A | As fireball about to hit opponnent, do hcf D teleport | | |Of A<--- | Athena teleport | | |fOA | Athena should appear infront of opponent as soon as fireball hit and opponent is still stunned from fireball and open for combo Then simply combo with stand A into hcf P again to repeat process |O | | --->A | Athena immediately do bk bk down B after throw to go far back | | |0 fA | As soon after bk bk d B, do fireball, opponent still about to land and recover | | |O f A | As fireball about to hit opponnent, do hcf D teleport | | |Of A<--- | Athena teleport | | |fOA | Athena should appear infront of opponent as soon as fireball hit Then finally do stand C, forward B, hcb x 2 A/C Kim : -corner -no stock j D, s C, d d D, hcf D, c B, c B, c A, d u C. j D, s C, d d D, hcf D, c B, c A, d,b,f K. -corner -counter s CD, qcb A, qcb A, qcb B, d u D, d D. Standing CD, San Ren Geki A x 2, Hangetsuzan B, Hienzan D, H.Finisher. -corner -counter s CD, qcb A, qcb A, d b f K. Standing CD, San Ren Geki A x 2, Houou Kyaku DM/SDM. Chin : (CORNER) j C, s C, dwn dwn C, tap C then ABD, fireblast DM QCF x 2 A/C note: tapping C will help produce a far C from the cancellation of the down down C. s D, dwn dwn C, tap C then ABD, QCB A note : same principle, C to produce far C from cancellation of down down C also can do tap B, ACD, or tap A BCD tapping B will produce far B animation from cancelling down down C and..aye u get it.. Terry: -corner -counter cX CD, qcb B, j B. Crossup CD, Crack Shot B, Jump B. Vice : Vice infinite toooooo easy to do.. i use Chang as opponent..also tried with Iori as opponent.. just simply make them jump in practice 2 player corner.. controller set to SPECIAL.. then simply do.. qcf tap upfw press R1 repeat.. btw..i even manage to do this.. jump R1, jump R1, land R1, Hyperjump R1, land R1, jump R1, jump R1, land QCB a/C, hcf A/C Andy: -corner Jump C/D, Stand C(1 hit), f+B, qcf+B, P finisher, Stand C. Jumping C or D, Standing C(one hit), f+B command attack, Genei Shiranui, Punch finisher, juggle with Standing Close C. -MAX -corner Jump D, Stand C(1 hit, hcf+P, qcf,uf+B, P finisher, df+A, Jump A-D/CD/hcf+K/DP+A/DM/SDM. Jumping D, Standing C(one hit), Dam Breaker Fist, jump a bit Genei Shiranui, Punch finisher, juggle with df+A command attack, finish with desired move. -corner Jump D, Stand C(1 hit, hcf+P, qcf,uf+B, P finisher, dp+P. Jumping D, Standing C(one hit), Dam Breaker Fist, jump a bit Genei Shiranui, Punch finisher, juggle with Shoryudan. Kensou: -corner -MAX Jump D, Stand D, f+B, Stand D, qcf,hcb+K. Jumping D, Standing D, f+B command attack, Standing D, Dragon God Dubbing SDM. j D, s C, d d D, hcf D, s C, qcb C, qcb C, qcb C. till then... m00nrun