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Some of you might also take it as one whole piece of humor, but who cares? Anyway, due to the flood of "CHEEZE" moves in '96, this will tell you the moves that if you do repeatedly you will be caled a Cheezer how best to use them, and most importantly how to counter them... Break a Cheddar Stick... Alan Note: This is NOT a traditional FAQ. Not all moves of all characters will be listed in this FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before I get into individuals, almost all force-you-to-take-block-damage-to- death moves, can be countered by a well timed guard cancel or super roll. Both of these need MAX to get off. For guard cancel, do a special move during the blocking animation, for this one timing is more than critical. For the super roll, just push f+AB during the block animation for a forward super roll or AB during the block animation for a backwards super roll. You are totally invulnerable during a super roll. Also, it seems that most of the moves listed below, have an element of anticipating the move coming. IMO, this very good. For unlike most previous fighting games, this is one of the few that focuses a lot on mind games, which is probably the key to success in KoF '96. Oh well, just my theory on to why there's so many moves that can't be countered after blocking. On to individuals... --Team Japan---------------------------------------------------------------- KYO KUSANAGI-Fire fists. Cheezability: Both of Kyo's firefists have good range and can be continued on for nasty damage. The only catch is, is that for the nasty damage combos, the "chaining" firefists also have nasty lag. With out the chains there is virtually no lag though. Think of it what you want. Most Effective: In combos. Cheesing with this won't get you far. Countering: If you're opponent is constantly chaining, hit him. If he is consistantly not, either start jumping or rolling a lot. BENIMARU-Raijinken (Air Lightning Fist) Cheezability: EXTREMELY high air-to-air and air-to-ground priority. Has a slight lag after he lands. Can pretty much do it all day, as long as he doesn't mis-time his jump. Come's out kinda slow though. Most Effective: Uhh...when he's jumping? :). Seriously, if you jump with Beni and you don't plan on air throwing (or comboing), use it. Countering: As I said above, there is a slight lag after he lands, where if you have a quick normal with great range try hitting him afterwards. Or due to the short horizontal range of Beni's jump, you can try using a C or D uppercut to hit him out of the air before the Raijinken comes out. A well-timed DM also might work. Vaccuum Kick Cheezability: Hard to counter after blocking, yet feasible. Ticks off a nice amount of damage. Also does good damage if it hits. It's really not that cheezy. Most Effective: Can be used in juggles. Don't abuse it. I treat it like a one time trick for it does have good range, but after that once, your opponent will be looking for it and will be ready to block and counter. This move is also no longer effective as an anti-air. Countering: If Beni misjudges the range and whiffs, jump and combo him. If you end up blocking, a dashing attack, or a projectile might do the trick. Or maybe even a hyper jump, really quick CD. GORO DAIMON: None. This guy is all skill. The only thing that comes close is his air CD, which somebody was abusing against me today. I need to check this out further. --Team Italy---------------------------------------------------------------- TERRY BOGARD-Power Geyser (DM & SDM) Cheezability: Can be done ad infinitum. The only way Terry is at all vulnerable during the DM or SDM is if its done too late trying to counter a jump attack or if the character is standing right next to Terry (and blocks). Trying to roll through it is a risky pain, with a REALLY low cost-benefit ratio. The SDM is even worse, for if you block, you're at the other end of the screen. Most Effective: Air defense. Can be put into a combo, but that (for me at least) is a real pain. Good damage. It is also good at stuffing people who dash-roll all day (unless they try to roll behind you). Countering: If your opponent is doing it one after the other, try hyper- jumping. It's quicker than a regular jump and harder to react to. Also a projectile or dashing attack might stop the pattern. Another thing to try is (supposing you're out of range or the Power Geyser), try powering up. It will normally get him to advance, or start charging himself, in which case you can start attacking. Make sure he doesn't do the SDM though. Crack Shoot Cheezability: I personally don't find it that cheezy. A lot of people around here are complaining of it's priority against jumping attacks. Frankly, if you go back and check in the previous KoF's, it always stuffed jumps pretty well, just now, he can no longer Power Dunk or Rising Tackle (bad priority). Most Effective: Anti-air. Can no longer put a Power Dunk after it in a combo. Countering: As anti-air, you pretty much can't. I think the only thing that might is the air projectiles (Kasumi-Todo, Geese, and Benimaru). If anyone is stupid enough to use as a ground attack, there's plenty of lag after it. ANDY BOGARD: Zaineken (sp?) Cheezability: Can be done pretty much mindlessly. Now it also has a secondary punch after it that also seems pretty uncounterable (not sure though). Now it doesn't even need a charge. Most Effective: As a mindless move. Andy has better moves for combos. Countering: Keep attacking. Most Andy players won't do this move in close raange if you're constantly attacking. Kuuhadan Cheezability: Counterable after blocking (sometimes). But it must be blocked high, the D version goes over projectiles, and while hit out just about anything. If the Andy player learns to time/space this properly, he can be King Cheddar. This also no longer needs a charge. Most Effective: Just space it right and you have got a winner. Takes out air moves, D goes over projectiles, also against those *shudder* do nothing crouch-blockers (must be blocked high). Countering: Throw an occasional projectile to stop the B version, and the D version requires more precise timing/spacing. Also try rolling (either way) so you won't end up blocking it. If that happens you can counter him. Hishoken Cheezability: Comes out fairly fast, and has very deceiving range. Not really that cheezy, just gives Andy a little too much range. Definitely more than he needs. Most Effective: Cancelling other fireballs, countering missed sweeps, good against characters coming in from a dash. Also very good at pinning people to the ground. Use it often. Countering: Not much to say. You can try rolling through it, or if he is using it to hit you out of your dash, dash-jump occasionally. This is not a lethal move, just difficult to avoid. Most of the time an Andy will use it, it will hit you, not just force you to block. JOE HIGASHI-Bakuretsuken (TNT Punch) Cheezability: By hammering on the C button a few times, you get a 13 hit combo. Go figure. Most Effective: If you're a scrub and have no sense of skillful play (read: spaz) then use it anytime you want. Just watch out for those projectiles. :P *grits his teeth* Countering: Considering how brainless this move is, its hard to counter. Instead of pushing you back after blocking, it kinda sucks you in (like Ken's Shinryuken). So try rolling back and then sweeping. Be careful though this move has good priority. --Team Brazil-------------------------------------------------------------- LEONA-Running Slash Cheezability: Tottally 100% uncounterable after blocking. If you're opponent gets mindless with the move and starts doing it at full screen, its easy to counter. The secondary part of this move, (f+D) can be easily countered. Since this move requires a charge, the charge sorta serves as a flag to prepare you to counter it. Pretty cheezy, but not mindless Most Effective: Short range, as a good poking attack. Extremely hard to react to within half-screen range. Goes OK in combos as well. Countering: Chuck and occasional projectile at a mid-range, charged Leona. To a full screen one, you can just jump up and nail her with a CD as you land. If she does it to you at mid-range rather predictably, try rolling behind her while she's charging. Baltic Launcher A.K.A Cheeze Ball Cheezability: The only thing really cheezy about this move is how it can be used in turtle tactics and the insane damage it does. If you're awake, you can learn to avoid the Cheeze Ball since its so slow coming out. Most Effective: If you can anticipate a jump attack well enough, then use it there. It can also be used as a push-back move. The nastiest and IMO cheeziest way to use this is as follows: Force opponent into corner and make him block a C Cheeze Ball. Just as the ball is about to disappear do crouching C into C Cheeze ball, repeat. One of the nastier corner traps you will ever see. Lastly, if you manage to get a Cheese Ball to hit, you have time to do the DM. OUCH! Countering: The Cheeze Ball has a HUGE flag on the C version, and Leona is vulnerable while hopping up to drop the Cheeze Ball, making it near impossible to time against jump attacks. The A version has little range, and is too low to counter anything except a very deep jumping attack. To get out of the above corner trap, just block until you get MAX! then super roll out. There's not much else you can do, and since the power bar is probably full after blocking one or two Cheeze Balls, I wouldn't do much anything riskier. Besides, you can probably have time to hit Leona after super rolling. RALF-Vari Vari DM Cheezability: Ticks off a lot of damage. Not always counterable. The only thing cheesy about this is the block damage. Most Effective: Can it be put into a combo? Well if it can then use it then. I mostly use it to go through sweeps, CD's, etc. Countering: It normally is counterable with just about anything you want (after blocking). Ralf Kick Cheezability: At long range, there isn't much you can do about it. It has priority over most jumping attacks, and will go over projectiles. If blocked you also can't do much. The one thing to stop a scrub from using this mindlessly is the charge, and the flag at the begining. Most Effective: At long range. It pushes you soooooooo far back after blocking that he can do another one pretty much with out any worry. Countering: Play offensive. This move can't be used as a DP, due to its start up time. If someone does start doing it mindlessly, roll behind them. Having to charge the other way will mess up the trap. CLARK-If you think he's cheap, get a life. Grappling takes skill and if you ended up losing to a Clark bad, it's because the Clark had skill. If you think his Rolling Cradler is cheap, just do a ducking A or B. --Team Mexico--------------------------------------------------------------- YURI SAKAZAKI-running Hundred Slaps Cheezability: For any backwards jump you do, Yuri can catch you with the running HS. (note: I'm talking about the C version, not the A). She will grab you right out of whatever you come down with. Most Effective: Combos, and as listed above. Countering: If you want to jump backwards, don't kick, so you can air-block. Hyper-jumping also throws off her timing. CD's (depending on the character) might work. Phoenix Kick (DM/SDM) Cheezability: Can be done over and over, cause Yuri is pushed so far back after doing this move. Great damage, hard to counter, hard to hit her out of, what else does a scrub need? Most Effective: Going through sweeps, other normals. Countering: Extremely hard to time a roll properly, if you can great, I never have managed to. If she does it at close range to mid range, not much you can do. So when you get MAX!, super roll and escape to the other side of the screen. If she does it at far range, like a good scrub will, jump backwards and CD. Since the range of Yuri's super is just a tad more than 1 screen, she will stop just in front of you, so you can CD her. RYO SAKAZAKI-Mo-ko Raijin Ko (Fierce Thunder Tiger God's Might) a.k.a. Cheezy Sliding Uppercut Cheezability: Will take out ANYTHING, and can pretty much be used over, and over, and over again. Not only that but it pushes you sooo far back, you can't counter it. It can also add on a Koho at the end of it. And you have plenty of time to tell, whether or not the uppercut will hit to decide if you want to risk the Koho. Most Effective: Deadly in combos. But almost as good as a mindless move. :( Countering: These are the type of moves that makes me put Kasumi or Geese on my team :). Other than using those two, go to the other side of the screen. Dash in then roll behind. They will probably do the sliding uppercut. If you timed your roll properly, you should have time to hit him in the back. Ryuko Ranbu (DM/SDM) It's the same as Yuri's so just look up there. ROBERT GARCIA-air Diving Kick Cheezability: If you hadn't been complaing about this move since KoF '94, (I don't play AoF) there's something wrong with you. Almost uncounterable, high priority against both ground and air attacks. Most Effective: Do it about as often as you jump, and you will be in good shape. (you'll also be the biggest scrub on the block) Countering: Don't jump, and if you jump, make it a hyper-jump CD. That pretty much takes care of the air problem. On the ground, some anti-air moves, will take it out, if you don't have one, he kinda bounces up after you block it, making there a little bit of time to counter it with a really fast, long ramge move. --Team China---------------------------------------------------------------- (this will take a long time!) ATHENA ASIMAYA-Phoenix Arrow Cheezability-High priority, ticks off tons of damage, and really fast. This is THE scrub's move. Most Effective: Use it as often as you would use Beni's air Raijinken and Robert's Dive Kick. (read: all the time). You already are the biggest scrub on the block for picking Athena though. Countering: Hit her out of the air before she breaks in to the Phoenix Arrow. Using the C version of your characters anti-air, will normally do the trick. Try super-rolling whenever you can. Reflector Cheezability: The D version does 7 hits and has good range, and the B version does 4 hits and has OK range. The fact that it hits 7 times, also means, it ticks of 7 ticks of damage. Spaced correctly it is also uncounterable. Most Effective: When your opponent is waking up, do it so the sphere of psycho power is just over your opponent. NOTHING can knock you out of it, and most of the time, you friendly scrub will even attempt a wake up move, getting him nailed. Oh yeah, it also reflects fireballs. Countering: On the D version, hit her out of the short hop in the begining. In the B version, you have to block, but since it has not that much range, it won't be that much of a problem. Super-rolling also works. Shining Crystal Bit DM/SDM Cheezeability: Can do over and over. Not much can stop her. Most Effective: I think it can go into a combo. Other than that, jump towards your opponent and do it so whatever anti-air move he does, he'll get hit. Countering: There's a short lag after the move finishes, there you can nail her. If she's holding the fireball, or about to throw it, dash-roll, or just block. SIE KENSOU-Earth Dragon Fang Nibble Cheezability: Can be done over and over. But then again Sie needs it. So who cares? Most Effective: Combos. Hopping over sweeps. Countering: Block low. If you block low, the last kick will miss. Giving you time to counter. Dragon Talon Tear Cheezability: Needs more timing/spacing than Athena's Phoenix Arrow. Can be countered if mis-timed. Other than that, same problem as Athena's Phoenix Arrow. Most Effective: Suprising opponents. It has (I think) better priority than Athena's Phoenix Arrow. Countering: Same as Athena's Phoenix Arrow. Also this can't be used as a cross-up like the Phoenix Arrow, because there's no last kick at the end. CHIN GENTZAI-Full Moon Drunker (that lie down drunk move) Cheezability: Virtually invulnerable while lying down, except for an attack that travels right on the ground. Normally these attacks have very little range and so Chin can just do the up + D move, if he sees it coming. Also the up + B move beats everything and anything with no timing required. Most Effective: What I wrote right up there. Countering: While lying down Chin is vulnerable to all attacks that travel on the ground. That's almost all crouching B's, at the proper range, with certain characters their crouching D. Some projectiles might work. I'm sure about Iori's. Any info about Terry's?, Bigg's? Geese's? Joe's?. Now these will only work if you're playing a very sorry scrub. A "good" scrub, while do it close enough to be able to do the up + D after you do one of the above moves. I can't really say much about countering it after you block one of the secondary moves. If the Chin is just getting close and doing the 100%, sure- as-fire, up+B, the way I try and deal with it, is make sure I trade a little in the first round I play the Chin, so he has only half energy going into the next round and then I just sit in the corner blocking till he gets sick of doing the up+B, and realizes he's going to lose by time. Boring as hell, but it works. Drunken Moon Dance Cheezability: Ticks LOADS of damage, has good priority. Only counterable if blocked low. Sometimes that doesn't even work. Most Effective: Combos. If you think about how much it ticks, think about how much it damages for. Countering: This move has insane priority considering how drunk the guy looks. If the Chin scrub pulls this off sweep range away from you, do not, I repeat DO NOT, try to sweep or jump kick. You WILL get hit. If you're blocking, super-roll if you can, and if you can't block low, in which case Chin will fly over you, giving you enough time to hit him. --Boss Team----------------------------------------------------------------- GEESE HOWARD-Shipuuken (air Wind Slash) Cheezability: Can be done all day when jumping backwards or straight up. If he's jumping forward, sometimes Geese can be hit as he lands. Will hit another Geese or Kasumi out of their block-counters. Most Effective: Countering air attacks. Hitting somebody out of their air defense. Due to this moves excellent horizontal speed/range, its good for jumping so you would land a good distance away (too far to jump kick), and then hit your opponent out of whatever move he tries to counter with on the ground (normally a sweep, a fireball or dashing attack) Countering: If the Geese is cheezing and is only doing the jump backwards Shipuuken, don't worry the move doesn't have that much range. After he jumps backwards, he will probably jump forwards with another Shipuuken. Use this opportunity to hyper-jump CD him. BTW, due to the underpowering that Geese went through to get in to KoF '96, you won't see too many scrubs playing Geese. Which means, not too many people abusing the Shipuuken. KRAUSER-DM/SDM (kaiser...WAVE!) Cheezability: The easiest to execute and most devastating Krauser tactic: get the opponent at full screen distance, get yourself in the red, and Kaiser Wave ad nauseum. Very hard to counter. And if you think that's bad, wait 'till the Krauser starts mixing up the speeds, virtually guaranteeing that you won't have the reaction/timing to roll or jump through it. Most Effective: Whenever you want. Just make sure your opponent isn't in jumping range. *stamps his feet in rage* Countering: Buy the Krauser a soda. Seriously, if you're at full scren, I have yet to figure out a way to consistently get around this tactic. Super-roll after each wave until your in jumping distance is all I can say. MR. BIGG-Nothing really. The only thing that comes close is the Crazy Drums, which is plenty counterable even if you get hit. --Team Korea---------------------------------------------------------------- KIM KAPHWAN-Comet Cruncher Cheezability: Good priority, extremely hard to counter after blocking, and it hits low, what else do you need? The only drawback to this move is that it needs a charge. This is also the move that I blame SNK for making Kim into turtle/scrub bait. Most Effective: A push-back move. It really forces the opponent back into the corner. Countering: Try to prevent him from charging. Roll behind him a lot. If you have a projectile try to anticipate the Comet Cruncher and chuck it before he pulls the Cruncher off. Hangutsuzan Cheezability: Hard to counter after blocking. Has good priority as he's doing the split kick. Doesn't need a charge. OK damage. Most Effective: Hopping over sweeps, annoying opponents, grounding opponents, can be used in a lot of situations. Countering: Give him a quick standing B, before he goes into the split. Time it so the kick hits him before he goes in to the split. If you blocked it, try to give him another move to block. That is, unless he's anticipating this and does a Hienzan. CHANG KOEHAN-Spinning Iron Ball Cheezability: Don't tell me this hasn't happened to you before: A Chang scrub lets of the Spinnning Ball a full screen away. So as he gets close you try to throw to sweep and...Boom! you're on the floor! At least it's not the most eliable move in the world. It ticks loads, it has outrageous priority, it eats projectiles, will knock anybody and anything out of the air, it will tick you from behind if you super roll and it now lasts longer than in '95. Most Effective: In all the things I listed above, the only thing it does consistently (as in 100% of the time) is anti-air, ticking, and eating projectiles. Use it for that. The other things (eating sweeps) has only (ONLY?!?!?) an 80% success rate (about). :( Countering: Don't let Chang get close in. It's that simple. If he lets it off from full screen, power up, and when he gets near super roll toward his back, and then super roll again, so he's about sweep range away from you with his back toward you, then stay that range until that split second after Chang ends the Spinning Ball and hit him then. Hard to do but possible. CHOI BOUNGE-Monkey Slash Cheezability: Think of Wolverine. Now imagine if he didn't bounce up after having the Drill Claw blocked, but could reverse his direction after getting it blocked, or go for another blocked Monkey Slash. Its worse than annoying. Most Effective: To annoy the opponent until he runs across the street to get some Advil. If you manage to catch your opponent in the air you can juggle with it for up to 3 hits. Countering: Hope Choi concentrates on the jumping C more :(. I have yet to figure out how to stop this. --Team Gorgeous------------------------------------------------------------- KASUMI TODO-None. All skill, no cheese. Air Todo Wave/ground Todo Wave comes close but is too easy to get around to be called a Cheezer. MAI SHIRUNAI-Ryu-en-bu (Dragon Flame Dance) Cheezability: Great keep out move, will hit for 2 hits FLAWLESSLY every time. Can even be used as air-defense if timed right. Too much range, pushes opponent too far back to counter, and very good priority. Most Effective: Keep out and combos. It will work as air-defense, but the timing is so precise, why bother? The Flaming Flip (name?) has great priority and needs less timing. Countering: Don't let Mai use it. Unfortunately, it will combo after just about anything. Try to jump over whatever normal move she will put out and then try to combo with (normally a crouching C). You will nail her after the lag of the Ryuenbu. Squirrel Dance Cheezability: Wanna see something cool? Jump backwards with Mai, if opponent tries to jump after you, do the Squirrel Dance. WOW! It hasn't failed me yet! *GRRR!* It will beat anything and everything. The good thing is, that it has a (albeit slight) lag at the end of it (if use against ground opponents). Most Effective: The ground one, seems to fool opponents a lot, for some reason. If your opponent seems to start uppercut it, do the A one (kinda like Adon's Jaguar Tooth). The air one, has 100% priority over air attacks. Countering: If you're trying to jump after a turtle jumping Mai, super-jump. It comes out a lot quicker, and she either takes the hit or air-blocks, which forces her down to the ground. If she is constantly doing the ground one, it has considerable lag, so just block until she messes up with the C one and nail her. KING-Suprise Rose, Suprise Rose, Suprise Rose (ie. what the King AI does) Cheezability: Not hard to break out of, but if used properly can cause some nasty traps. Also it seems that it can be used to juggle infinitely in the corner, if she hits you with the first two hits. Then again, King doesn't have much else, so she should at least be able to preform one move somewhat safely. Most Effective: Corner infinite combo, and ticking away like a mad-man. Countering: It isn't that hard to counter. Just get a nice distance away, (basicly outside sweep range), and if you here that familiar "Suprise Rose", just jump backwards with a jump kick or a CD, either will work fine. Illusion Dance (DM/SDM) Cheezability: Zero, I repeat ZERO lag on it. The only thing to stop a King from doing it over and over and over, is that it doesn't tick off damage. So there's nothing to stop you from just blocking (unless you have less life than King). Most Effective: As noted above, it will counter just about anything: jump-ins, sweeps, missed uppercuts, fireballs (with the right timing), you name it, it works. Countering: First of all, unless you have less life than King, just block. Its that simple. Nobody is forcing you to attack, for this doesn't tick off block- damage. In case you feel like countering it, give her a quick Jab when she's about even with your characters head (the timing is kinda hard to explain, but easy to learn). As for jumps, sweeps etc.: make sure what ever you do is fast. If you jump in, use either a low jump or a super jump. If you dash in, watch King very carefully for the blue flash. --Team Cheeze..er..Orochi--------------------------------------------------- IORI YAGAMI-Just about all of his moves have zero lag. To list 'em: DM/SDM, A-uppercut, Sliding Punches, Scum Gale, Catch 'n' Purple :), and Fireball. Most of these your best bet is dash roll and hope he whiffs one. If you get him to whiff a move, you're in good shape. That's the general rule, now the specifics. Iori deserves this little introduction because he is THE King of Cheezers. DM/SDM Cheezability: The move LOOKS like you can hit him after the move easily. But any Iori player knows that you can follow up with an A-Uppercut after a blocked DM/SDM without a fear in the world. The only drawback to this move is the range which is also longer than it looks. Most Effective: Countering jump attacks, sweeps, and the A-DM can be followed up after a Scum Gale in the corner. The SDM will eat anything and everything. Besides its one of the coolest moves in the game. Countering: The range is not much more than a full screen, so if its being used mindlessly, go full screen and jump backwards or straight up and CD. In close, just block the A-Uppercut and make sure he doesn't throw you. While you're at it, convince your opponent that Iori is one nasty hunk-of-cheese. Fireball Cheezability: Can fireball trap with it. Again, no lag. Most Effective: Do it when ever you want to do it. Just make sure your opponent isn't in the middle of a jump. You can use it in the old push back: CD into Fireball. Countering: Getting the timing to roll through it isn't that hard. Other than that, jump straight up then walk forward a little and repeat. While you're at it, convince your opponent that Iori is one nasty, overpowered, hunk-of- cheeze. A-Uppercut Cheezability: I think this move wins the cheeze award: incredible priority over everything, hits instantly, and can't be countered if blocked. Most Effective: Again, use it whenever you want, you don't have much to lose. Use it against jumps, against dashers, against anybody close in, against high attacks, against low attacks, against taunts, against some "stupid scrub" trying to counter one of your cheezy moves, against cross-ups, against rolls, against (S)DM's, against EVERYTHING. Countering: Lots of Iori players do A-uppercut (which you block), and then do another one right afterwards to counter whatever move you you're "stupid enough" to try and counter them with. If you block the first one and don't try to counter it, the second one will whiff, giving you enough time to counter with your fastest, most-long ranged (excuse the English) move (normally a rushing attack or sweep). Also if you dash in and could swear on your life that the Iori will try the uppercut, you can roll through it, giving you enough time to stab him in the back (YEAH!). While you're at it, convince your opponent that Iori is one nasty, overpowered, no-good hunk-of- cheeze. Sliding Punches Cheezability: Very fast, long-ranged move. Again, zero lag. Nice damage. The priority isn't that good, but its so fast it doesn't matter. Most Effective: Combos. This is Iori's combo move. Again, you can also use it for all the push-back tactics, and mindless mashing that you want. Countering: If you're playing very offensively, Iori players tend to be rather reserved about pulling it off in close due to its priority. But then again, it only takes one A-Uppercut to put Iori on the offensive. In all honesty, you have bigger problems to worry about when you play against Iori. Trying to base your whole game around trying to counter this move is stupid, cause its not even Iori's nastiest tactic, but if all you're seeing is a bunch of Sliding Punches, a few air CD's should stop that. While your at it, convince your opponent that Iori is one nasty, overpowered, no-good, no-skill, hunk-of-cheeze. Catch 'n' Purple Cheezability: Very fast, good damage, good priority, and pushes you too far back too counter. Anything else? Oh yeah, Kyo's is cooler. Most Effective: After a full screen fireball, do this to push your opponent back and to keep him grounded. It doesn't do that well against jumps so it can't be used as mindlessly as the Sliding Punches. It has great priority against ground attacks though. Countering: If your playing against an Iori, you will have bigger problems than this move. If your opponent is like a Beevis or something and does this over and over just because it looks cool, jump CD's will take it out easily. If your opponent is always doing full-screen fireball than the Catch 'n' Purple, try to jump forwards or backwards or straight up (depending on how he spaces/times the fireball and Catch 'n' Purple), and come down with a CD. While you're at it, convince your opponent that Iori is one nasty, overpowered, no-good, no-skill, scrubby hunk-of cheeze. Scum Gale Cheezability: Here's the deal: normally I don't call throws, no matter whether used in tick-throws or not aren't cheap. This is the only exception: he can use this for an infinite combo, can follow it up with a super, can lead it in to a 50% combo (unMAXed)! Most Effective: Endless, damaging, painful-to-watch combos. Countering: Stay out of throw range and give your opponent the "throws are cheap" speech (even if you don't believe in it). Either that or buy your opponent lunch. While you're at it...ah screw it! If he isn't convinced yet he isn't human. MATURE-Running Slash Since I want to keep this FAQ within a reasonable size, just look at Leona's with these few changes: Mature doesn't have to charge, making Mature a bigger pain. Mature also has the long-ranged CD which she can cancel it into, making Mature a bigger pain. VICE-None. Closest thing is that Chun-Li wanna-be kick, which has no range. CREDITS: Alan Abraham Writer, creator, anti-cheezer, originator and most importantly ME! KoF ML Some insights, and also what types of Cheeze can be seen outside of my low-skill arcade. Oh well, I hoped you all enjoyed/got help from this thing, feel free to e-mail me, Alan Abraham, at: 72604.551@compuserve.com. "AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH! MY ARCADE'S MUZZERALLA WALLS ARE FALLING DOWN." ---a local scrub after hearing about me writing this FAQ :).