============================================================================= RALFFFFFFFFFFF FAQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ!!!! King of Fighters '98 Complete Ralf Guide Version 1.0 EX A+ (heheh) by Bloody Tears ============================================================================= v1.0 EX A+ 05/07/99 First released version. The latest version of this guide can be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com Contact Address : vinz8@hotmail.com Contents -------- 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this document 1.2 Why Ralf is cool 1.3 Changes from '97 2. Background Stuff 2.1 Biography 2.2 Colours 2.3 Intros, Quotes, etc 3. Moves 3.1 Normals 3.2 Command attacks & throws 3.3 Specials 3.4 DMs 4. Strategy 4.1 Combos 4.2 Advanced vs. Extra 4.3 Elements of gameplay 4.4 Matchups 5. Acknowledgements/Credits ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I would like to say that is my first FAQ that I have ever written, and it will have some "bugs" in it that will be fixed up in later updates. 1.1 Purpose of this document ----------------------------- The purpose of this document is to share my knowledge on how to use the character in the game King of Fighters '98 named Ralf. This is the second Ralf FAQ (as far as I have seen). I finally found a Ralf faq on the net today (May 24, 99) and i have to say that only half of the infomation is correct. The person (who will remain unnamed DOES NOT USE RALF AT ALL!) ha. HA.HA!! The rest of the info is just crap that most novice players will believe :p So I decided to finally write one for one of my favorite characters, Ralf. He is one of my best characters, and i know that he can keep up with the best of the characters, and it seems that he has become even more powerful :) 1.2 Why Ralf is cool ---------------------- I started using Ralf consistently since KOF 96. My friend, Iori Kusunagi showed me how to use him in 96. Ralf (along with his best bud and partner Clark) have been in every single KOF tournament. Ralf is a good beginner character, because his moves are simple, and that he is very strong. His moves hiT REALLY HARD (unlike the weak, annoying hits of Kyo...) and he is blessed with the "CRITICAL HIT!" that not many characters have. Ralf himself is a fun guy. He jokes around with his good friend and partner Clark a lot. Clark is the calm one, while Ralf is the wild guy. Ohh and he drinks! KiCk A$$! I used him once in 94, and i sucked with him (actually at the whole game...i made it to Rugal once!). Ralf was EXTREMELY STRONG (as far as i remember) in this version. His Vulcan punch took off at least 30% with 2 hits! In KOF95 (which i have...heheh), Ralf gained a new move, the "Bomb Punch" (more on this l8r), and....well that was it. In KOF96 (which i also have..hehehheh) Ralf seemed more like a complete character. He gained his infamous "Ralf KICK!" and a new DM. Ralf was ranked near the top on this game (but no where as high as Iori, Clark, or Choi), because his DM where really strong and good for ticking, and his CD was extremely long ranged, fast, and had high priority. Ohhh and he had "RALF KICK"!!!! This is the second strongest version of Ralf (98 being the best) In 97, Ralf gained a new DM, the infamous Galactica Phantom! Not many ppl knew how to use this correctly (But i did!...more on this move l8r) and overall Ralf became even stronger. You could hit the opponent after a hit Ralf kick, and he had many more combos. His Bomb punch was calmed down in tick damage though. Not many players used him much from 94-97. Poor Ralf players use him in 98 just to be scrubby and turtle. Good players can use him either offensely or defensively and add in a bit of cheap to keep the opponent on guard. I still rarely see ppl use him well, though. 1.3 Changes from '97 --------------------- When a 97 player uses Ralf in 98, they will notice that his attacks (esp. his C) comes out much quicker than in 97. So much faster, that Ralf has once again risen in the ranks of KOF again! Ralf can be used VERY VERY cheaply in 98 (More on this l8r). His Hard Punch has EXTREMELY high priority in 98. It will knock out most attacks (or at worst trade). Ppl have called him one of the cheapest characters in 98, because he is very dangerous when constantly attacking, or on the other hand, turtling. His power is among the highest of all the characters. I have tried this MANY times, and it takes only 8 hits from a powered up Ralf to kill a player with a full bar (not kidding) His Ralf kick is slightly weakened since 97. it does not really affect his game play too much though. His Super Argentine Backbreaker has changed for the better now. His range is the same as Clark now, and it takes off much more damage (in 97, it was his weakest special move). Even though it can whiff (same as everyone else), it can be used exactly as Clarks to "vacuum" the opponent in when they do a move. There are many ways to use this move well. His Gatling Attack has not changed much at all, but it seems a bit weaker. Not much change in speed though. His Bomb punch stayed the same. There are a few good ways to use this move, most of the time to surprise ppl. Ralf lost his 100% combo :( ...in case you are wondering what it was it was this: Requires 2 stock (Advanced only) First you break one stock, then you do this combo: Jump C, Stand C (or crouch C)into Gatling Attack. All 4 hits MUST hit. ALWAYS dizzy! Then go into SDM Galactica Phantom.....100% (!) Overall, Ralf is a LOT stronger this year. A lower/middle tier character in '97, he can now hold his own among the upper echelons of '98's rankings. I will go more in depth on each move l8r, along with his DM's. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Background Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1 Biography -------------- Thanks to Joe Palanca and his THE KING OF FIGHTERS GENERAL INFORMATION FAQ v5.0 for the information and background on Ralf. ------ RALF!!! ------- Full name : Ralf Jones Original Game : Ikari Warriors Other Games : Ikari Warriors series, KoF series Place of Birth : Brazil or Argentina Heritage : Brazilian or Argentinian Fighting Style : Armed Forces Training & Native American Wrestling (I have also read his fighting style is Martial arts and Heidern style assasination techniques.) Birthdate : 25/8/1958 Height : 188 cm (6'1") Weight : 110 kg Blood type : A Favourite food : Bubble gum Favourite sport : Baseball Most valuable : Badge of Honor Hates most : Snakes Hobby : Collecting knives Background Info : Ralf and Clark had been on a mission in Brazil, when their helicopter when down (their stage in '94). While they were working their way out of the jungle (and after a brief incident with Clark revealing Ralf's distaste for snakes), a leopard attacked them, but was stopped by Heidern. He gave them an invitation to join him in the KoF tournament. The Brazilian soldier of fortune agreed to join up with Heidern and his partner Clark on their toughest mission yet. He has learned to focus his chi into fists of flame. Unlike Clark who prefers guns, Ralf likes to use knives to take care of the enemy. Ralf is older than Clark, and of higher rank, but it makes no difference to either of them because they are such good friends. He owes allegiance to no country, but rather works as a mercenary for hire. 2.1 EX A+ ------------ There are 3 Ikari Warrior games. They were Ikari Warriors, Ikari Warriors 2: Victory Road, and Ikari Warriors 3: The Rescue. They were all made by SNK. It has been said that to fight against Ralf and Clark in war is to fight against Death himself, but if they were on your side, they are said to be saviours. I think "Ikari" translated from japanese is "Lightning". Anyways.. Ralf was known as "Vince" in Ikari Warriors. "Vince" was the first player, who sported a red headband. Clark was known as "Paul", who was the second player. "Paul" had the blue headband...... weird! 2.2 Colours ------------ A - His original colours. Red bandana w/ green streaks. Blue jeans w/ white shirt, and his trademark (along w/ Clark) blackish brown army jacket w/ bullets strapped to him. One hand has a glove, while the other just had a wrist thingie. (This, as in all fighting games, changes as Ralf switches side....and the weird thing is that Ralf only seems to hit with his UN-GLOVED HAND ....weird) My third favorite colour scheme. B - Orange bandana. Black jeans/ dark grey shirt w/ a dark purple jacket. This was one of his Extra colours in 97. My second favorite colour scheme C - Green bandana w/ lighter green streaks. Dark green jeans w/ dark green shirt. Black jacket. The best colour scheme imo. D - Green bandana. Green, yellowish (?!!!?) jeans w/ yellowish green shirt. Greenish black jacket. Changed from the even stranger colour of him in 97 (Extra) The worst (imo). It lo_oks really gross. 2.3 Intros, Quotes, etc ------------------------ Generic Intro ------------- Ralf stands there with a cocky smile on his face with a bottle of beer in one hand and his bandana in the other. He takes a drink while twirling his bandana. He then throws the bottle in the direction of the oppenent, then he puts on his bandana. He then cracks his knuckles then says something in japanese..... which means something like "Prepare yourself" Vs. Clark ---------- The hilarious spoof of the Power Rangers dance. Ralf and Clark both stand there in a form. The first 4 forms are the same, then the last form Ralf is standing up while Clark in on the ground. In the last form, a DM spark is shown (!). Ralf says something in japanese..... and it means "Are you ready Clark?" Clark replies "Yes!" They both yell "CROSS CHANGER!" This intro must be seen! It's one of the most original and funny intros. Vs. Leona ---------- Ralf does his generic intro, while Leona does that weird stance where she holds her arm w/ the other arm, and she mutters something in japanese..... which means "I never thought i would fight you...". This is a weird intro. She says this because Ralf stopped Leona from killing herself in '97, when after she realized she had the Riot of Blood curse in her. Weird. Vs. Heidern ------------ Ralf stands there in a really strange way, and then salutes Heidern. Heidern points at Ralf with his "pointing stick" then throws it away. Thats it. (?) Victory Poses ------------- A - His original (I think..) win stance. Ralf does his weird 96 win stance w/ his arms in a bent and straight(?) manner while kneeling on the ground. He says "Ninmou kanryou" which can be translated into "Mission accomplished". I usually use this win stance when i win against either Ralf, Clark Leona, or Heidern. heheh. B - A new win stance in 97. The startup is the same, but the end is different. Ralf clutches his arm with the other arm while standing on his toes. He then returns to normal then points at the opponents body. This is a really strange win stance. I rarely use it at all. I don't know what Ralf says. C - His A win stance in 97. Ralf looks at you, pounds his fists together, then puts his head back and yells "Raaaa!!!" This is my favorite win stance. It enforces the power and fearlessness of Ralf! I use this stance when it was a really close match, or either when i pounded the crap out of the opponent :) D - His new 98 win stance!. Ralf clutches his hands together and cracks his knuckles and smirks at the opponent with disgust. This is my second favorite win stance. Use this when you beat a scrub. It enforces your disgust with them. And you still managed to beat them! ;) Winning quote -------------- -=== That's enough for now. I can only be forgiving so much. ===- This is one of the better quotes in 98. The worst quotes are from Chizuru, Chris, and Yamazaki. Imo the best are Clark's, Iori's and Yashiro's. Taunt ----- Ralf stands upright with his arms at his side, his head lo_oking down, and a cocky smirk on his face. He then puts one arm in the air, and says something is japanese...... which means "Let's get this over with!". I don't really use this much, unless i feel really cocky...or when time is about to run out. It is a rather long taunt, and you can cancel out of it. Background animation -------------------- Before he fights: Ralf stands in an army-like manner with his hands behind his back and his legs apart. I think this is called "At attention". He stands in the exact same manner as Clark. When your team member hits the opponent, Ralf puts his hands together and smiles. When you win, he does the same pose. If you lose, i think he bends forward in shame. After he loses: Ralf is slumped on the ground facing towards you. It's exactly the same thing with Clark, but Clark has his back turned away from you. When you win, Ralf raises his left arm, with his bandana on his face, and smiles. KO -- As he flies backward to hit the ground for the final time, Ralf screams "Ouu- ahhhhh!!!". Nothing special. Time-out loss ------------- Ralf takes off his bandana, then he lo_oks down at the ground with a frown. :( Damn turtlers! Finally the part everyone has been waiting for........ :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Moves ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When describing Ralf's moves I'll rate each one's usefulness on a scale of one to five "stars," a technique pioneered by Andrew Park and Greg Kasavin in their excellent '97 Kim and Yashiro guides respectively (both are available at http://www.gamefaqs.com ). 3.1 Normals ------------ Standing A ----------- I can't really see any point distinguishing between the far and close versions. They both look identical (a short, standing jab) and the close one is interruptable. I don't use this much. I usually use it if i want to mess around with the opponents mind by standing there and jabbing, or just by accidently pressing it. It is pretty fast, but the range is quite poor. It would be okay if Ralf didn't have better attacks, but he does, so i find very little, if no use for this move. Players can easily duck under it, and it's too short to be a useful poke. I don't think it can chain with any other normal attacks. oh well. Usefulness: Nigh useless [*.5----] Far B ----- This is a high kick. It comes out relatively quick, and can be easily wiffed if the opponent ducks. It has longer range than the A. The bad part is that it is not combo-able in any way. The damage is low, once again. Again, this is only useful if you want to mess round with the opponents mind to sucker punch them with the C punch. Do not use this move much if you want to win. Usefulness: Very useless [*----] Close B ------- This is a sort of low kick, except it can be blocked high. Ralf hits you in the mid section. This move does not whiff, and it is combo-able. This is much better than the far B, and much more useful than the close A. The damage is relatively low, but it comes out quick. The range on this move is not so great though. This move is useful if you want to annoy the opponent, and combo with the Super Argentine Backbreaker after. This is one of Ralf's better attacks. Good but weak. Usefulness: Quite useful [****--] Far C ----- YESSSS!!!! This is THE POKE!!! Ralf turns around and does some sort of strange, but long ranged (Full extention of the arm) backfist. This move is one of Ralf's greatest assets, and it is EXTREMELY STRONG!!! When powered up, 8(!!!) hits kill the opponent! When powered up, this move takes off more than a non-powered up Backbreaker. Ralf can use this move to retaliate against ANY missed attack eg. Kyo's uppercut. This is the move that can easily turn the match in you favor. It is strong, and it has very high priority. In fact, if you do this move all day, the only thing most characters can do to retaliate is to sweep you. The move works like a dream for turtlers, because of its speed and strength. Most (if not all) normal moves will not be able to beat it. Also there is no(!) recovery time for this move. I cannot stress this enough: ABUSE THIS MOVE! It is totally cheap! This is one of the best safe pokes in the game, along with Goro's stand D and B, and Terry's stand B. The only bad point that i can find with this move is that it is not combo-able. Ohh well. You can't have everything. Usefulness: Too good [*****]** Close C ------- YEAH! NINMOU KANRYOU!!! ANOTHER CHEAP Move for Ralf!!! Ralf does a strange lo_oking punch with the opposite hand while twisting his body. This is a very damaging move (but not as damaging as the far C). This is Ralf's main combo starter. You can combo into any of his special moves and DM's. This move lo_oks like it hits high, but it does not whiff on the short characters. Another strange thing about this move is that it can be used as ANTI-AIR. It will knock attackers out of the air, or at the worst trade hits with them. This is a strong, fast and dependable move used by good, normal Ralf players and scrubs alike. Yes, Ralf is truly the epitome of the one button character...if you don't believe me, you will see l8r. Usefulness: Very useful [*****] Far D ----- Ralf delivers a strong mid kick to the stomach. It really reminds me of Iori's far D, but it does not come out as fast. It is a good, meaty attack, but slow to start up. You can use it as a poke and as a keep away, but his far C is better. It will not whiff, but is is not combo-able. It has a pretty bad recover time, and can be punished. I don't really use this move too much, but it's not too bad. Just don't expect to win too much by abusing this move. Relatively strong and long ranged, and with an acceptable speed. Usefulness: Marginally useful [***--] Close D ------- Wow. That's all i can say about this move. Wow as in "Wow. This move is a total piece of crap!" This move helps Ralf to re-enforce his one button game. Ralf does some sort of strange lo_oking drop kick on the opponent. It is slow to start, and it has horrible recovery time. He kind of jumps, so it will go above sweeps but it is not useful at all. It is not combo-able at all. The start-up animation of the move is the same as far D, so it might trick you into using this crappy move. Avoid at all costs if you want to live. Usefulness: Why did they put this move in the game? [0] Stand CD -------- A punch with long wind-up animation and Ralf lunges and punches while aiming low. The animation of this move changed from '96 to '97. In 96, Ralf punches so fast that you can't see, but in 97 and 98, you can see it. This move is very slow to start up, and can be punished very badly, and the lag time is equally horrible. The good aspect of this move is combo-able....but what would you combo into? (More on this l8r..) If you move this move while close to the opponent, it will totally miss. The priority of this move is acceptable, but is still think that this move should not be used. Usefulness: Fairly useless [**---] Stand CD EX A+ (CD Counter) ---------------------------- The same lo_oking move as the standing CD, only a bit faster. This is no doubt the worst CD counter in the entire game. It is EXTREMELY slow (Almost as slow as the norma stand CD), and Ralf still takes the step forwards. Because of this, Ralf often goes THROUGH the opponent! The actual punch misses, and it goes right through, just like a Counter Roll. This has happened to me a quite a few times, resulting in the loss of my round. So far, i have only hit my opponent once with this counter, and that is because they were in the air. DO NOT USE! Waste of stock!! Usefulness: Why did they put this move in the game? [0] Stand CD EX A++ (CD counter) ----------------------------- I was recently informed by SOyuncastor that there actually IS a use for Ralf's CD counter! I found it pretty amazing. After you do the CD counter and go through your opponent, you are close to them, therefore you SAB them! I have not tried this out yet, but i assume that it works. I suggest to do this only in close matches though, because if not, it turns to be a waste of stock. Usefulness: Marginally useful [***--] Low A ----- A short ranged jab to the knee area. This move is acceptable to mess around and poke with when close to the opponent.....but you have better low pokes, such as the low C and D. This move is combo-able into another low A, or into special moves. The lag time on this move is low, but the damage is also low. I don't use this too much, not even for style points. Usefulness: Nigh useless [*.5----] Low B ----- A quick low hitting quick kick to the foot. The only good reason to use this move is because this is one of Ralf's two moves that hit low. It is a poor ranged move, but quick to start and to recover. The priority of this move is poor when compared to Ralf's other moves. It can be used like the computer to annoy your opponent. It can be comboed into a low A, but it's really not worth it. I really don't use this much, because it is better to use the low D. Usefulness: Nigh useless [*.5----] Low C ----- MR. C! That's Ralf's new name! Yes, this is yet another kick a$$ move with the C button. Ralf does a low, long ranged punch with both arms. The startup speed is absolutely nothing, and there is no recovery time also. This is one of Ralf's main moves in his keep-away cheap. The move is quite high in damage, and it's priority is also high. The only ground attacks that will knock this attack out are low hitting sweeps. It will trade with the high hitting sweeps. Another good point about this move is that it is combo-able. You can combo into every one of Ralf's special moves (except Ralf Kick). A great way to stop the opponent from running at you is by using this move. Just do it twice and they will stop rushing at you. Another good way to use this move is when the opponent rolls at you. Just do use this and you will knock them out of their roll, and follow up with a stand C, in case they attack. Most of the time i use to combo into Gatling attack. You can also combo into Backbreaker, but it is more difficult. This is yet another good move to abuse, and yet again makes Ralf the one button character. Usefulness: Very useful [*****] Low D ----- A low hitting sweep kick. It lo_oks as if Ralf is sticking his foot out, and it is the same animation of Clark's low D, but a bit slower. This is the second of Ralf's two attacks that hit low, and the more useful of the two. It seems a bit slow to come out, but the recovery time is good. The damage is pretty high. This move has pretty good range and priority, though most of the time it will trade. It is not combo-able, but it catches many players off guard because they usually are not prepared to block a low sweep when fighting Ralf. If you use this move infrequently, chances are that you will get a clean hit, and you in a good position to be on the offensive. Usefulness: Quite useful [****--] A preliminary note on jumping attacks: -------------------------------------- In '98 Ralf's jumping attacks are the not the same whether they are done from a vertical jump or a diagonal jump. This is also true with 97. I will go over each jumping attack together. Jumping A ---------- Ralf does a small sort of elbow drop on the opponent. The damage is weak, and it is not very useful. Ralf has much better defensive moves. This move is combo-able, into other attacks, but there is not much reason to use this move. His body stays in the same position, he just moves his elbow into position to hit the guy on the head. Do not use this move at all, even for style. Usefulness: Very useless [*----] Jumping Towards A ------------------ Ralf does a jump punch at the opponent, directed at the head. This attack is quick, but once again weak, so it is not too useful. It is comboable, like his other jump attacks, but still no go_od. Once again, no reason to use this move, not good offensive nor defensive. It is an ugly lo_oking attack, but not as ugly as his jump kicks. Don't use it. Usefulness: Very useless [*----] Jumping B ---------- A very VERY strange lo_oking attack. Ralf SITS on the opponent. It really lo_oks like a wrestling-style leg drop. The damage is weak, and this move is very hard to time correctly. It comes out quickly, but it is useless. The move is also comboable, but Ralf has better air attacks. Once again, do not use if you want to live. Usefulness: Very useless [*----] Jumping Towards B ------------------ Ralf does a jump kick at the opponents head. One of Ralf's better air attacks, and actually go_od at annoying the opponent. I use this attack in a similar fashion to Iori's jumping towards B: to poke in the air. The move is quick, low damage and combo-able. The best way to use this move is to hop into it, then hop into it again, or hop C. It is not great, but not bad overall. Usefulness: Marginally useful [***--] Jumping C ---------- Yet another go_od Ralf move with the C button. Ralf does a very fast and strong jump chop straight down. This move is great for keeping away, and with it's high priority, it knocks most attacks away. It should be strictly used for defensive measures only, because the range on this attack is rather poor. I think it is combo-able, but i really suggest that you don't use it as one. Use it as a good keep away when to opponent goes hop crazy (as well as stand C) Usefulness: Quite useful [****-] Jumping Towards C ------------------ Of course, YET ANOTHER great attack by Ralf's C button.... Truly Mr. C.... Ralf does a wrestling style elbow drop on the opponent. It comes out quickly, and it quite strong. This move is Ralf's main combo starter from the air. Amazingly, this can be cancelled into a Mid-air Bomb punch before Ralf lands (more on this technique l8r..) The priority is good, but if you want to win in a jump-kick war, make sure Ralf jumps higher than your opponent. It will at least trade with the opponent, and is great for Guard Crushes on the opponent; just keep on abusing it with quick air hops into it, then hop fake...they will block = Free backbreaker! Usefulness: Very useful [*****] Jumping Towards C EX A+ ------------------------ Is it just me, or does the jumping towards C lo_ok exactly like Clark's Flash Elbow?!! Jumping D ---------- Possibly the strangest lo_oking move in all of Ralf's reportoire. If you lo_ok fast enough, you will notice that Ralf is doing his leg drop (as in jump B) BUT HE ACTUALLY FLIPS OVER ONE WHOLE TIME BEFORE THE LEG DROP!!. This is a very difficult to use move. You must actually time it correctly, or the move will completely whiff the opponent. It actually took me some time to learn how to time and hit a standing opponent. It is better used if your opponent is in the air. It takes off more damage than the jump C, but the timing is difficult, and often tricky. The priority is good, but i really suggest NOT to combo this move, even though you can. Do not use, nor abuse. Usefulness: Fairly useless [**---] Jumping Towards D ------------------ An odd l0_0king reverse hook kick. Ralf seems to turn his whole body around, while his foot points downward. A strong and quick move; good combo starter. It has good priority, but i don't think it is great as anti-air wars. I only use this move to mix it up with the jump C to get the opponent off guard, not really to attack. For mind games. It will usually trade with other jump kicks, but don't expect too much from this move. Usefulness: Marginally useful [***--] Jumping/ Jumping Towards CD ---------------------------- A rather NORMAL lo_oking jump kick! The start up speed is slow, but the move itself is relatively useful when compared to most of Ralf's air attacks. When you use it, make SURE that your opponent is on the ground!! NEVER ENGAGE IN AIR JUMP KICK WARS WITH THIS ATTACK!! The lag time on the startup will certainly get Ralf knocked out of the air. The move has good priority, and usually won't trade because it knocks out most stand attacks. It is difficult to go hop crazy with this move. Most of the time I use it in Guard crushes. You air-cancel this move into the Mid-air Bomb punch! Very useful. Most ppl won't block if it is the first time they see this strange chain. It does not combo, but it cancels. More info later... Usefulness: Marginally useful [***--] 3.2 Command Attacks and Throws ------------------------------- Command attacks ---------------- NONE. WHAT THE HELL!!!! NONE!!! ALMOST EVERY CHARACTER IN KING OF FIGHTERS '98 HAS COMMAND ATTACKS, AND RALF HAS NONE!! bUll$HI!!! SOME CHARACTERS EVEN HAVE 3 COMMAND ATTACKS ALREADY!!! DAMMIT KYO AND IORI BOTH HAVE 3, EVEN CHIZURU HAS ONE!!! HOLY $HIT....I really think that Ralf is the ONLY character that does not have any command moves!!. If i am wrong, please correct me. Command attacks EX A+ ---------------------- If i was to make a command attack for Ralf... it would be Yashiro's Hammer command attack (Forward + A) That would show the true power of Ralf... it wouldn't be able to combo though... IT JUST KNOCKS EM DOWN!!! hehe Throws ------- Dynamite Headbutt (Fwd/Back + C [close]) ----------------------------------------- Ralf grabs the opponent, and delivers a REALLY painful lo_oking headbutt. One of my favorite throws in the whole game. The really kewl part is the startup animation, when Ralf prepares to headbutt the opponent. The damage of this throw has decreased significantly from 97 (a powered up headbutt took off more than a backbreaker!). It still is very useful when the opponent turtles, just to keep them on alert. It sends the opponent quite far from you. Hopefully you are not playing against ppl who l0_ok down on throws....screw them! I think you can land from this throw. Usefulness: Very useful [*****] Power Bomb Drop (Fwd/Back + D [close]) (I don't know what the real name is...) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ralf grabs the opponent, lifts them upside down, and literally PLANTS them into the ground! It reminds me of a mix of a backdrop and a piledriver... anyways, after Ralf crouches, lo_oks at you and raises his arm! Definitely kewl. The damage is still high, but i'm not sure which throw is stronger. The pose after reminds of Clark's frankensteiner pose...kind a...but nevertheless kewl. The opponent cannot land from this throw. Usefulness: Very useful [*****] 3.3 Specials ------------- Gatling Attack (GA) (Charge Back, Towards +A/C) ------------------------------------------------ Ralf spins, punches, spins, punches, and spins into a double hitting uppercut. A total of 4 hits. First of all: NEVER use this move unless you combo it. The startup time is nothing, but the lag time is HORRIBLE. If the opponent blocks this move, prepare yourself for BIG_TIME pain... The A version does not go as far, but the lag time is much less. The C version goes about a third of the screen. The move is partially anti-air but I REALLY don't suggest it, because it may trade poorly. This is my least used special move, because it leaves Ralf way too open. The damage is high when all 4 hits connect, but if not, it is weak compared to Ralf's other Special moves. Another bad point about this move is that it will whiff on the short characters, leaving Ralf open for a big combo, or at least a DM. Most smart ppl will simply roll through this move, but if you use it RARELY (and i really stress that) you may catch them off guard and hit them. Not a move to abuse, nor a move to use (unless comboed). Usefulness: Fairly useless [**---] Ralf Kick (RK) (Charge Back, Towards +B/D) ------------------------------------------- Ralf ducks down, then launches himself, feet first, spinning in a torpedo- like manner horizontally at the opponent. A total of 1 REALLY painful hit. (This is Ralf's CRITICAL HIT move) The B button goes half the screen, while the D version goes across the entire screen. This is a very good anti-air move...as long as the opponent doesn't jump higher than you.. if you knock most ppl out of the air with this move, they will smarten up...but i insist that you do NOT use this on Benimaru.... This move has very high priority when Ralf is in the air (even though it went down in '98) but quite slow to start up. This move CANNOT be comboed, BUT you can combo AFTER it. When you combo after it, (depending on what you did) it knocks th $hiT out of the opponent. (MUCH more on this l8r). The B version is your best friend. Use it to keep away and poke. It will at least trade with air moves, and knock out almost all ground attacks. An excellent all around move.... ohh and it goes over almost all fireballs!!! YESSS!! CoMbO TiMe!!! The D button one is still good, but do not abuse it like the B button version. This move is great for long range fireball throwers, but timing is CRITICAL, or Ralf will get knocked out before he jumps into the air. Only use this move when the opponent is across the screen from you, NEVER when they are close. Repeat after me "I WILL NEVER USE THE D BUTTON RALF KICK WHEN FIGHTING GRAPPLERS!!!!!" This is instant death. There is lag time after a Blocked Ralf Kick, and the opponent will grab yer sorry @$$ out. This is a very good move to keep away and abuse, just time it correctly so you won't get knocked out b4 you jump into the air. If blocked, go into a crouch C, then stand C. Another strange thing about the D version is that it may sometimes cross-up the opponent, when they are ducking down. This is good, and tricky, but do not rely on it. Also the damage is decreased, and more difficult to follow up with another hit. B version: Usefulness: Quite useful [****-] D version: Usefulness: Marginally useful [***--] Vulcan Punch (VP) (A/C Rapidly) ------------------------------- Ralf starts throwing punches in the air, arms turning red with gunfire, and when hits sets the opponent on fire. Maximum of 2 hits (when counter... HIGH damage) Usually 1 hit. This is a total scrub move. It is the ultimate in scrub defensive measures, because if you miss ANYTHING, the scrub will go into either: 1. Crouch C, into 1 hit VP 2. Stand C, into 1 hit VP 3. COUNTER, and 2 hit VP...ouch It knocks almost anything out of the air, and it a least trades. I really don't use this move much..it's really cheap, and only poor players can time it correctly (i am not kidding!). I only use this move against the computer. The priority is amazingly high, fast startup, and Ralf is vunerable only to low hits. When the counter is on, it hits twice, resulting in more damage than a Ralf kick, or Backbreaker. Very cheap. Hard to use properly, because ppl will see you mashing on the buttons, but when a scrub uses this move, they ALWAYs mash, and the move comes out and kicks yer @$$. It has very bad lag time though.... but it scares the crap out of most opponents...most. Don't use it much unless you are a scrub, or want to be branded as one. Does tick damage, and sounds kewl though. Usefulness: Fairly useless [**---] Diving Bomb Punch (DBP) (Charge down, up + A/C) ------------------------------------------------ Ralf rockets almost straight up in the air, hitting with his knee, then he dives down, at the opponent fist-first with his hand on fire. When knee hits, no fire though. Knee hits for 3 hits, diving punch only 1 hit. I really don't use this version of the move much. It is good as a get up move, but if it is blocked, you are in big trouble (Ralf does bounce back though). The computer uses this move very similarly to Guile's Flash Kick (no charge...for the computer ONLY). It is difficult to time this move correctly to hit ground opponents, but it is possible. The move has no startup time and if used correctly, it really rocks...but i just can't use it correctly. If you dare use this move, and use it correctly, Ralf becomes an even more deadly force, because the opponent will be too scared to jump at Ralf...and when they are on the ground, Ralf has the advantage. The best way that i can use it is to dash into it! You ask how is this possible? Well, its strange. Here goes: You dash at the opponent. When running at the opponent, move the joystick from towards to down-toward and hold it for 2 seconds to charge. Then, when your opponent does any move, do the DVP, and you will knock them out of it. I know this works, but when your opponent smartens up, DO NOT do it. Duh. This is an overall good move, but it takes instinct and guts to use it correctly. Don't use it much if you don't know how to. Usefulness: Fairly useless [**---] (If you don't know how to use) Usefulness: Marginally useful [***--] (If you do know how to use) Mid-air Bomb Punch (MBP) (In air, QCF +A/C) -------------------------------------------- Ralf just does the diving part of his DBP. Only one hit, but does tick damage and sets opponent on fire when connected. This is one of Ralf's best moves. Almost EVERYONE falls for it, and it knocks down, so Ralf is save afterwards. This move is MUCH better than the DBP imo, because ppl don't know when its coming, so it surprise them. If you use this move frequently (Which i suggest you do) ppl will have a hard time trying to counter, BUT never use this move when the opponent is in the air. They will pound you silly. Also, when blocked, most ppl rush in for the attack. That is why i usually do a backbreaker right after, or with stock Super Vulcan Punch :P The move is very good for Guard crush, and i usually cancel this move from a jump CD, or jump C. (Note: Jump D, does NOT cancel into it.) Use this move with caution when fighting "frenzy jumpers" and characters with high priority standing attacks (eg. Daimon's D, and Ralf's C). Another good way to use the move is to be real tricky with it. The best way to do this is to backbreaker the opponent into the corner. Super jump back, then go into MBP. This usually works well, because most will try to counter your jump, and get hit by the Bomb punch. Another good way to use this is by hopping towards into it, Super jump back into it, then jump towards w/ B (intentionally miss) then backbreaker. (Note to EXTRA players: You can cancel the hop into this....but i don't think it's too useful, but i think it hits) Usefulness: Quite useful [****-] Super Argentine Backbreaker (SAB) (Close, HCF +B/D) ---------------------------------------------------- Ralf grabs the opponent, throws them up into the air. They land on his back, then Ralf throws them onto the ground. Two hits, unblockable (duhh..) Will whiff when too far. This is one of Ralf's best moves. The range has increased significantly since '97, and the damage has also increased. It has increase so much that sometimes it takes off more than Clark's backbreaker!! (not including the Flash Elbow). Ralf can now use this move in the same manner as Clark. It has very high priority, and will suck out all normal attacks, and some special attacks. The range is very good, but kinda tricky, cuz sometimes Ralf whiffs, leaving you open for a combo. My suggestion is to use the move when you are sure that you will cancel out the opponents attack. One good way to use this move is the same way as the computer: Dash into SAB. The timing is tricky and you must do it quickly, but when perfected your opponent will get very annoyed, becuz, they won't be able to do anything. BUT do not do this tactic on other grapplers... The SAB is also comboable, and it results in a lot of damage. DO NOT use this move when the opponent is hop-crazy; instead knock them out of the air with the stand C. With this move, Ralf becomes much more offensive and defensive. Since you cannot land from the throw part, you can now set up another attack, or plan. Another way to use this is as a counter when you opponent fakes a jump combo. Block the jump attack, do the motion, and when the opponent lands, you will backbreaker them. Just make sure it is not a deep hit... You can also take the hit, and the backbreaker will suck them in also, but it also must not be a deep hit. This is one of Ralf's most used and useful moves. Use it when you can, but do not always aim for this move. If you use it often, but not tooo often the opponent will not know what hit them. Do not abuse though... cuz whiff! Usefulness: Quite useful [****-] 3.4 DMs -------- Super Vulcan Punch (SVP) (QCF, HCB + A/C) ------------------------------------------ DM: Ralf starts up as the same way as GA, then goes into a Vulcan punch (facing at you), then at the last hit, he does an uppercut which sets the opponent on fire and knocks them into the air. Total 15 hits. SDM: Ralf does the GA, but spins twice, then goes into the Vulcan punch, hitting many more times, then does a sort of ShinShoryuken (4 hits), in which the last hit sets the opponent on fire and knocks them up into the air. Total 28 hits. Ralf yells "FIRE!!" then charges at the opponent. At the last hit, he yells out.... which can be translated into "DESTRUCTION!!" This is Ralf's most used, and most useful DM. The only thing that changed since '97 about this DM is the damage. This now is Ralf's weakest (!) DM. It still has the invincible frames at the beginning of the move, but it seems that there are more in the SDM version. The startup time is none, and this is possibly the best wakeup move in the entire game. This will catch many ppl off guard, and especially ppl who dash in. The lag time is very bad, and once again, leaves Ralf open for a big combo. The tick damage is INCREDIBLE though. In 97, the SDM was the 2nd highest tick damage move (First was Athena's SDM Phoenix Bomb...which ticked off almost 1/3 of the entire bar!!!!!!! NO joke!). Do not rely on tick damage though, because almost everyone uses CD counters in 98... and the worst are the players who can do CD counter combos!!....like me :P. This DM can be comboed, and the DM version is a part of one of Ralf's 60% comboes!!. (More on this in the combo section). Do NOT use this as an air counter; it will not work. Ralf will hit the opponent only 3 times, and he is left open for a combo. Another good way to ensure a hit is to use it after a blocked DBP. Most ppl will rush in, and get hit. Yet another way to hit the opponent with this move is by doing a RK (preferably B one, but D will work), and make sure they block it. RIGHT after they block it,do the SVP, cuz most players will try to counter after the RK, leaving them open. An overall very go_od DM, just make sure you time it correctly. Usefulness: Quite useful [****-] Horse-Mounted Vulcan Punch (HMVP) (QCB,HCF + B/D) --------------------------------------------------- DM: Ralf raises his arm in the air, rushes at the opponent with a clothesline, and knocks them down. He sits on top of them, and starts punching very rapidly (Vulcan punch) at the opponents face....ouch. After, he yells, and raises his fist for one last, high damaging hit. Total 14 hits. SDM: Same as the DM, but Ralf punches many more times, but with 4 high damaging hits. The last hit is the highest damaging. Total 24 hits. When Ralf raises his arm, he says...... which means..... When Ralf yells for the last hit, he says "Moichou!!!!" which can be translated into "ONE MORE!!!". This is Ralf's second highest damaging DM, and equally useful as the SVP. The damage is also decreased from '97, but it is still stronger than the SVP. One of the most useful aspects about this move is that it can be used as ANTI-AIR. It will knock most jump attacks out of the air, if timed correctly. In order to time it correctly, you must wait for the last second to pull off the move. This will then suck your opponent out of the air, and is extremely good for hyper jumper attackers, such as Iori. The worst aspect about this DM, is that if it is blocked, it has EXTREMELY BAD lag time. Ralf will be close to the opponent, and vunerable for around 1 whole second, leaving him open to ANY combo...bad. The move is comboable off all comboable attacks, and the best aspect about this move is that it can be comboed from Ralf Kick!!!!. This makes this move extremely useful, and the move is great for the COUNTER messages. (I will go over this l8r) When comboed from RK, this adds a LOT to the damage, probably ending the round! The opponent will fear you!!! hahahahahh!! . And even better, the SDM version can be used for the new 100% "combo" for Ralf in '98!!!!. YEA!!! NINMOU KANRYOU!!!!. I will go over this combo l8r. The B version makes Ralf rush half of the screen, while the D version makes Ralf rush the whole screen. An overall good DM, just be careful to connect it. Usefulness: Quite useful [****-] GALACTICA PHANTOM!!!! (GP) (QCF, QCF + A/C) --------------------------------------------- DM: Ralf uses his other arm to hold back his hitting arm. Ralf charges back, and then delivers a TREMENDOUSLY STRONG FULLY UNBLOCKABLE PUNCH to the opponents face! Total of 1 super damaging hit! SDM: Ralf does the same thing, but the punch from the hit sets the opponent on fire!! ohh and yeah... This is the strongest SDM in the ENTIRE GAME!!!!. Also it has FULL Autoguard!!!!! only grapples and fireballs will knock Ralf out of it!. And also... if it is a COUNTER.... it cleans out you opponents FULL life bar...no joke... i've done it. Total of one super damaging hit! The usage of this DM determines whether you are a Ralf expert, or just a Ralf player. Unlike another faq writer (who will remain unnamed), this is NOT the worst DM in the game!!! In fact, it is actually a good and useful DM!!! Hmmm, it seems that the other faq writer is NOT a Ralf expert!! oh well... :p When Ralf charges back he yells "GALACTICA PHANTOM!!", and when he hits the opponent, he yells "DOKAN!!" which can be translated into "BANG!!". Mwaa hahahaha! I use both versions of this DM, but mostly the DM version, because it can be commboed!!! WHAT you say?? COMBO GALACTICA PHANTOM??!?!!? yess, it can be done!, and oddly enough, it adds up to his 2 60% combos, and his 100% combo!! I will go over all 3 combos l8r in the combo section. I really like this DM, but apart from the combos, i rarely hit with either. They are both difficult to use, and they cannot be tricky because of the forced lag time. Unlike the computer, DO NOT do the GP DM after the SAB... Players are simply good enough to roll through and open a can of whupass. The SDM version may work, but don't bet on it. The SDM version is useful because of its autoguard. If ppl don't know it, i am almost 100% sure that you will hit them. Also, the SDM version takes off 100% when it is COUNTER... this is especially good with players with multiple hit DM that miss...such as Heavy D!, and Yashiro. You will literally kill them. I only use the DM version in combos. You can only do the combo when you have 2 stock. I sometimes use the SDM version. A really good way to hit the opponent with the SDM GP is by hitting them with a jump CD, then "combo" into the GP just when you land. If timed correctly you will hit them just when they get up. They can roll, but it really requires expert timing. I'm really sure that they won't. This tactic will NOT work when the opponent is in the corner! DO not do it is the corner!. You can also do the same tactic with the standing version CD, but this is more difficult to hit with. This is an overall very good DM, even though the damage has slightly decreased since '97. The usage of this move separates the wannabe Ralf players, and the real Ralf players. DM version: Usefulness: Quite useful [****-] SDM version: Usefulness: Marginally useful [***--] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Keep on mashing the C button all day. Heh heh. I'll go over the strategies with Ralf in 4.3 4.1 Combos ----------- What?!! Ralf has combos?!!?? No way! He's just a one button character!!! Well here are all of Ralf's kick @$$ combos, like i promised. They are not fancy like Iori's or Kyo's, but they do a LOT of damage! Basic combos ------------- Jump towards C/D, Stand C, SAB Basic strong combo, use as often as you can. Jump towards C/D, Stand C, GA (C version) The A version of GA may whiff, so be careful. Jump towards C/D, Stand C, VP Scrub combo. *Note* The Stand C can be substituted with the Crouch C. This is more difficult, but more fancy. Crouch A, crouch A Useless combo Crouch A, crouch B Another useless combo Close B, SAB Fancy, but less damaging combo Stand/Crouch C, SAB My most used combo Stand/Crouch C, GA Be carefull..... whiff! Advanced Combos ---------------- Ralf Kick (preferable B version, but D will work), GA (C version) A high damaging, useful combo. You must do the GA very quickly, or the GA will whiff. The most damage comes when the opponent is in the corner, or when the RK hits deep. This will make you opponent think twice before trying to counter the Ralf Kick. Ralf Kick (once again, same as above), Stand/Crouch C Another higher damaging, useful combo. Use this combo if you are scared that the GA will whiff. This is less damaging, but much safer. If the C misses, prepare to follow up. Guard crush "combos" --------------------- These combos do NOT actually work, but they are meant to crush your opponents guard. These are still very useful, and will scare most turtles into finally attacking. And also, they are very annoying :) Jump C/ CD, MBP A favorite of mine. This is annoying, and you can follow up if blocked relatively well. This is great for Guard crush because the DBP ticks twice for damage. This combo also cannot be airblocked! The Jump C/CD can be, but the DBP will knock them out. More useful in the corner though. To follow up, use a stand C, or crouch C. If you see an opening, use the SVP. Jump C, Crouch C, Stand (far) C Very, very annoying combo. The only moves that i can think of that can knock you out of this is Kyo's Demon Scorcher (the uppercut), and Terry's Rising Tackle. I personally know that Iori's uppercut will trade. This combo crushes guard very quickly, and leaves Ralf relatively safe. But this combo is really cheap! Ralf Kick (B version), crouch C, Stand C Another very annoying and cheap combo. If you are not aiming for a Guard Crush, after the Crouch C, wait half a second. 90% of the time, your opponent will try to counter attack, then use the Stand C, to knock them out of it. Annoying, good keep away, and strong. With the high priority of the Far C, most moves will get knocked out. Use this combo only if the guy is a scrub... cuz this is a super cheap tactic. DM combos!!!!!! (finally!) --------------------------- I personally have done all of these combos, and i know that they ALL work.... you just need timing. They are all VERY high damaging (duh), and included in them are the 2 ~60% combos, and the 100% "combo". Basic DM combos ---------------- Jump C/D, Crouch/Stand C, SVP Strong, useful, DM combo Jump C/D, Crouch/Stand C, MHVP Fancier, useful DM combo Advanced DM combos (yesssss!!!!) --------------------------------- *Note* All of these combos require at least one stock (duhh), and the 100% combo requires 3 stock (ADVANCED) or flashing bar fully charged (EXTRA) Ralf Kick (B button preferred), MHVP A combo that existed since '97. Not many ppl knew of it, and they first time I saw it, I was amazed. This is a very high damaging combo, and it will leave ppl who have never seen it before really scared. This combo works the best in the corner, with the B button, but I have done it in mid-screen. Just make sure that the Ralf Kick hits deep, to "pop" your opponent up, and the MHVP will take them out of the air. This is an especially useful combo against low to mid ranged fireball characters (eg. Kensou, Athena, Iori, RB2 Terry, Iori). This combo also makes TOTAL mincemeat out of Billy (both versions), when they do the corner "keep away" pattern with the low A and C. The RK will hit him really deep, and ALWAYS give enough time for the HMVP. SVP (DM version ONLY!), GP (60% combo) HAHAHAAHA!!! You don't think this works?!! well it DOES, and it works wonders!! This is one of the 60% combos. In order to do this combo correctly, you need to cancel the last punch of the SVP (the punch that knocks the opponent into the air). To cancel it, right after the "knock up punch", do the motion for GP. Ralf will IMMEDIATELY cancel into the GP while the opponent is still in the air. Ralf will start charging for the GP even before the opponent lands on the ground. Just when the opponent gets up, they will get hit by the GP!!! There is no avoiding it. You do not need much timing, just cancel the last punch. It has ALWAYS worked, and i still use this combo very much today... but there is a catch to it... THIS COMBO WILL NOT WORK WHEN THE OPPONENT IS IN THE CORNER!!!!!!. It will only work if you are mid- screen, or if you are in the corner. If done in the corner, the opponent will have enough time to get out and the GP WILL MISS!. A good and stronger variation of this combo is by using Jump towards C, stand C, SVP, then go into GP. Just make sure that the opponent is not in the corner. Note that the SDM version of the SVP WILL NOT work because in the last 2 punches, Ralf leaps into the air, so there is not enough time to charge for the GP. Also note that the SDM version of the GP will NOT work, because there will not be enough time to charge. Many, many ppl have not seen this combo before, and it actually was found by my friend Iori Kusunagi. In 97, he canceled a blocked SVP into another SVP. It worked, so he tried to cancel a connected SVP into the GP. Needless to say, it made mincemeat out of Orochi! Only a few characters (computer) could reverse this, and i seriously think that no human player is fast enough... except for maybe some chinese players out there ;) This is a kick @$$ high damage combo when connected. Use when you can and impress your friends! They will soon be hearing "Ninmou Kanryou!" HMVP (DM version), GP (60% combo) Break Stock. Stand close C, HMVP (SDM version, GP (!!!!100%!!!! combo!!!) Yup. The first is the 60% combo and the second is the 100% combo. Both of these are much more difficult to do than the SVP+GP version, but they both do much more damage. Precise timing is CRUCIAL when doing both, because if the GP is timed incorrectly, you will either punch before the opponent gets up, or punch too late, leaving time to roll. Both situations leave Ralf open for a combo. In order to both combos correctly, once again your opponent must NOT be in the corner, because the GP will miss. These combos must be done mid- screen or Ralf in the corner. OK? OK! Heres the full explanation on how to do the combo: 1. Hit the opponent with HMVP (making sure they are NOT in the corner) 2. They will be momentarily "STUCK" in the ground when Ralf delivers his last punch from the MHVP 3. IMMEDIATELY WHEN THEY GET "UNSTUCK" DO THE GP. RALF SHOULD YELL "GALACTICA PHANTOM" JUST AS YOUR OPPONENT FALLS BACK FROM THE "STUCK" POSITION. 4. The GP will smoke your opponent in the face. You must time this correctly, or what i said will happen. If this is done correctly, the opponent WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING AND WILL GET HIT BY THE GP!!!. If you timed INCORRECTLY, the opponent WILL be able to roll through them GP. *NOTE: The only character known to be able to jump the GP is CHOI. Everyone else will get hit on the feet. Be careful when fighting him* Suprisingly, many of the players that i fight know about these 2 combos. Just practice these 2 combos on the computer, and when you get the timing right, it's a good as gold. As for the 100% version... well it takes off 100%!. Once again timing and position play a very important part. The 100% works, and may actually be easier because the stand C actually combos to the MHVP. Use this combo when you can. Impress your friends. Kick @$$....Ralf style! CD COUNTER! combos ------------------ *Note* These are true combos, as in if you get hit by the first hit, you will get hit by the rest. These work from anywhere on the screen (unlike the Advanced DM combos). *Note* This is the FIRST CD counter! combos section of it's kind. I have never seen anyone even mention CD counter combos before. If i am wrong, please inform me, and I will correct my error. Jump CD (COUNTER), Stand C This is a good quick, relatively high damaging counter combo. It knocks your opponent back and gives you time to prepare. Use this as often as you can, because it is not cheap. Learn to "see" counters, and when you do, you can put out big-time damage. Jump CD (COUNTER), Super Jump C/D/CD Funny lo_oking cocky combo. This works, but it is easier to do with fast jumpers (eg. Chris) Use it only if you want to annoy your opponent, or as a last hit. Jump CD (COUNTER), GA (C version) This is much more difficult, but more damaging. This works best in the corners, and will leave Ralf safe afterwards. Jump CD (COUNTER), HMVP GREAT counter combo. Ralf will take the opponent out of the air, and the good thing is that this combo works everywhere and anywhere on the screen. If you get used to the timing, this combo will greatly help you kick @$$. This combo is ESPECIALLY good against the infamous "Scum Spider" characters (Blue Mary, Orochi Yashiro, Chris). When you are in the air, they cannot grab you, and since they stay relatively long in the air, it is rather easy to hit them with a jump CD. If you are REALLY good (position-wise), and have another stock, you can pull a GA after!. Just make sure that you hit them and time it correctly. Stand CD (COUNTER), MHVP This version is much more difficult to do (Because Ralf's CD counter is THE WORST in the ENTIRE game!), but it still works. Just make sure you pull out the MHVP fast enough. Once again, if you have stock and room, you can pull a timed GP to hit the opponent on the way up. 4.2 Advanced vs. Extra ----------------------- I used to play entirely in EXTRA mode, but now i play 100% in ADVANCED mode. Unless you are a TOTAL turtle scrub, i suggest that you play in ADVANCED mode. Ralf is best played offensively and ADVANCED mode help Ralf do what he does best. The ability to dash makes Ralf much more offensive and versatile, especially to fake out and punish his opponents. Also the 25% extra damage along with the more offensive nature of ADVANCED make it easier to connect with hits. Even if you are not the most offensive player, it is relatively easy to gain stocks with Ralf. To gain stocks quickly, just do the B version RK, crouch C, stand C. This is cheap, but you gain quite a bit to your bar. Also when maxed out, Ralf depletes the opponents full bar with just 8 hits from his far C. Also, with ADVANCED, you can do the throw escapes, but they are more difficult to do this year. Ralf's MAX is one of the more useful ones in the game, because his speed and priority of his attacks make for easy high damage. I suggest that you keep one stock handy for any DM, and wait till you get another stock and break it. If you don't get the chance to pull of a SDM, it's ok, just wait till you get another stock. The roll helps Ralf quite a bit to gain ground on his "keep away" opponents, but just don't keep on rolling mindlessly. Mixing up super hops and rolls will keep the opponent guessing, and leave them open for attack. EXTRA mode makes Ralf a total defensive scrub player. The extra 50% damage is INCREDIBLE. If you keep on walking up and mixing up your C attacks, chances are that your opponent will miss a block, or get Guard crushed, and you can deliver GREAT damage. His sidestep attack is quite poor, but it can be comboed into his GA or SAB. Also, the DBP can be done from the hop, but its not too useful. As for the unlimited DMs, it is not as good as it was in 97, because most players will CD counter you out of them. I personally think that thhe sidestep are not too useful, and EXTRA mode lacks the throw escaped that ADVANCED mode has. A good point about EXTRA, is that you don't have to worry about the "faces" :) :| :( In summary, I clearly recommend ADVANCED mode over EXTRA mode. Unless you are a honorless scrub :P 4.3 Elements of gameplay ------------------------- Your most used moves will be: Far C, Close C, Crouch C, Jump towards C (Mr. C!), along with the B button RK, SAB, and the MBP. I personally think that Ralf plays the best against opponents just out of grapple range (The range of his Far C, and low D). This will keep the opponent at a controllable distance, and let you deliver the most damage. Ralf can also be played as a close range grappler, (with his great close C to knock out attacks) but this is more risky. To reduce the risk, super hop A LOT with his jump C and mix it up with the jump D and B and fake jumps for a Backbreaker. I also INSIST that you play a ground/ super hop based game (even though his super jump C rocks). This is much better than an air based game because many characters have much nastier jump attacks than Ralf. I also insist that you try you best at KEEPING YOUR OPPONENT ON THE GROUND. Most characters cannot keep up with Ralf on the ground, and that is where your advantage lies. Keep them to the ground (as difficult as it is), and your matches will be much easier. Poking with Far C ------------------ This is a very good tactic, but it is also VERY cheap. If you do it too often, your opponent will either smarten and sweep you, or start playing cheap themselves. Because of the speed and priority of the Far C, it will knock out most attacks. It is also a good way to keep the opponent grounded. Players may CD counter it, but it would be a waste of stock (unless they are trying to corner you). Spend most of the time walking up and dashing up into the Far C. This move is great if they make mistakes, because of the range of the C, you can punish them easily. This tactic is more difficult against autoguard and uppercut characters, so be careful. Also, be careful against fireballs, because you will lose or trade at best. This tactic is best when mixed up with low C's, D's, and hop C's. Also, DO NOT try to hit players when they get up with the Far C, because they will use wake-up attacks (usually a DM). Another thing to be careful of are characters with ranged crouch attacks (eg. Kyo, Chris). Overall though, an excellent, yet scrubby tactic. Poking with Crouch C and Crouch D ---------------------------------- Poking with the Crouch C is just as good as with the Far C. This move will take out the crazy frantic rollers, and knock all characters out of their dash. A good tactic to keep away is to use 2 consecutive crouch C's. The Crouch D is also good, but timed rolls will be able to pass through. It used sparingly though, the Crouch C is almost as good as the Crouch C. Mix up crouch C's and Far C's for great keep away and Guard Crush. Don't abuse this too much, because players will start sweeping you, or worse use uppercuts or autoguards. Whenever the opponent is on the ground and too close for comfort, stick out a crouch C. Another really good tactic which i often employ is charging when using the crouch C, so whenever my opponent makes a mistake, i can let loose a GA. If they don't make a mistake, or just run away, i use a B version Ralf kick. Don't mash, but mix up your crouch C's with hop C's. If you mash, the Vulcan punch may come out when you don't wan't it to. The best situation is if they flinch and miss a move, you combo your crouch C. As for mind games, mix up a Crouch B's with Crouch D's (like the computer) along with your crouch C. Poking with B version Ralf Kick -------------------------------- Good tactic. Use it as much as you can along with your high and low C's. Like i mentioned earlier, a very good tactic to cheap is to do a B version RK, Crouch C IMMEDIATELY, pause half second, then use the Far C to knock out the opponent's counter attack. In fact, i woulduse this tactic all day if the opponent didn't jump! unfortunatly, most do :P The RK will also Crush their guard every so often, so put it to use. Yet another good tactic with poking with RK, is to do a SVP IMMEDIATELY after the blocked RK connects. This MAY catch the opponent off guard (because they were thinking that you would do a crouch C), and go through their attack and punish them accordingly. Once again, only when use the RK when the opponent is closeto the ground, or on the ground, because they could jump kick you out of the RK if they are higher. If you are really good, you can keep the opponent on the ground with the RK. Just like what i mentioned before, always charge. Guard Crushing with Jump C/CD, into MBP ---------------------------------------- Use this tactic often, but not as often as the first 2 tactics. Use it often enough to trick the opponent. Be careful when using this tactic against players with good anti-air, because you will give them a free hit. Just remember to be even more careful against grapplers, because they could dash in a open a can of whup ass. Also be careful against characters with instant attacks (eg. Chris's slide). Mess around with the DVP, and sometimes just super hop, then SAB. This works incredibly well. Be careful, because you opponent may catch on quicker than you think.... Guard Crushing with mindless super hopping C's ----------------------------------------------- Really cheap tactic, especially against characters with bad anti-air. Just act like a scrub and mash on the C while hopping. Mostly, this tactic is to throw your opponents concentration off, and help you stay unpredictable. Use this tactic well, and the opponent will stay grounded. Then stick out a crouch D. You want your opponent to stick to the defensive side, and that is where Ralf delivers most damage. They will make a mistake, and BAM! a Far C! Be careful of characters who have good anti-air normal attacks (it is difficult to pull off uppercuts in times like this). Also be careful when the opponent rolls. The only thing that can possibly ruin this tactic is if the opponent CD counters you. Once in a while, just roll through them, and SAB them. They will be expecting a hop C! Dashing into Super Argentine Backbreaker ----------------------------------------- An EXTREMELY good, but difficult technique. If you have seen the computer Ralf in action, this is what i mean. He counters normal (and some specials!) with a SAB. You must dash in, and do the SAB very quickly. Most ppl will not expect it, and it will suck them in. Mix it up. Dash in, stop. Dash in, hop, SAB. Dash in, stop, Crouch D. Dash in, Stop, far C. You get the picture.... The SAB will suck in even some sweeps. Just make sure that you do not whiff, because you are out of range. Practice this technique as much as you can. Once you get it down cold, ppl you play against will get really screwed up. They won't know what to do, except to jump. That's when you knock them out of the air with your Stand C. This is one of Ralf's best tactics. A must learn for all Ralf players.... plus you get to learn Clark at the same time! Wake-Up -------- Ralf has a very good wake-up: The SVP. BUT there is a catch. If the opponent knows that you are going to do the SVP, you are really screwed. This wake-up is only worthwhile if the opponent is on the ground (duh!). Use this move carefully, especially against grapplers. If they are in the air, it takes gutz and skillz, but you can pull a HMVP. Apart from these 2 moves, Ralf doesn't have too great of wake-up moves. If you don't got stock, you can use the GA (A version), but this is if you are really desparate, and you know it will hit. Try not to get knocked down :) Air Defense ------------ Ralf has relatively average air defense when compared to most characters. His 2 only air defense moves are the Close C, and the HMVP. Use the Close C when you can, but be careful because there are moves that will still knock out Ralf from it. At worst, the C will trade with the high end jump kicks (eg. Iori, Yashiro, Clark). The C will knock out most other jump kicks. Once again, a well timed HMVP will keep the opponent scared from jumping in. But it is much better if you keep the opponent on the ground. Mixing it Up ------------- For every character, the goal is to attack while staying as unpredictable as possible. Every once in a while use a jump (not hop) B. This is an annoying attack, and i have even knocked out Iori's uppercut with it!. Jump around with that to stay unpredictable, and then use hop C's. When you can, do a crouch D, then a stand C. Most likely they will jump back after a sweep, and you will knock them out of it. Do not become to reliant on one tactic (esp. the Jump C/CD into DBP) because your opponent will catch on. If your opponent starts to become cheap, start abusing your C (as if you already don't!). Also, a "vacuum" SAB will really throw your opponent off course, and will frustrate them. If you keep on knocking out most of their attacks, they will be too scared to do anything, and leave them even more open. Mix up all these attacks, and you will be able to keep up with most players. 4.3 EX A+ Fighting against certain types of characters --------------------------------------------------------- Comboers: Possibly the most dangerous type of player. Usually does constant quick hop kicks, and starts combos low. Very difficult to stop if they are on you, unless you use Ralf's pathetic CD COUNTER. My suggestion is to use the Stand C to keep away. Most used characters: Iori, Kyo, Yashiro (both), Chris, RB2 Terry, Shingo, Kim, Heavy D! Cheap style (grapplers): Will do anything to grapple you. Plays similarly to Comboers, but uses grapples instead. Use Stand C to keep at bay. Most used characters: Goro, Vice, Clark, Shingo Cheap style (Keep away turtles): Bases on running away and keeping you away. Usually a beginner, and plays relatively poorly. A much easier to beat fighter. Use RK often to kill them. Most used characters: 95 Ryo, Takuma, Ralf(!), Iori, Chang, Choi, Lucky These basically categorize all the types of players that i have fought so far. If i find more, i will add them, and add techniques on defeating them. 4.4 Matchups ------------- I'm going to try my best to describe the best techniques to defeat each character in the game, but please not that matches untimely depend on your own skill up against the opponents skill. I will provide the most useful tactics (these are the ones that work for me). If your opponent uses different tactics, my tactics may not be as effective. Well here they are :) Kyo --- '98 : One of the most difficult characters to fight against. Usually very offensive, starts combo slow, and kicks yer @$$. Autoguard can be a problem. Usually keepson hopping. Keep down on ground with Standing C's. Punish missed uppercuts with a Far C. Keep rolls away with low C's. Beat fire-fists with your rolls, and SAB. Missed R.E.D. kick with SAB. Main goal is to keep him not too close, or his normal attacks will punish you since they are almost all combo-able. He will use his jumping slam (jump + down + C) and his double sweep to keep you away. Your best weapon is the SAB, but do not abuse, because he can easily counter. Be careful when using DVP, and RK. MAX out asap, because his combos are really strong. One of the most difficult matches. '95 : Never fought before, but i suggest use long range RK to go over fireballs. Annoy him with Far, Close, and low C's. Benimaru -------- Keep on the attack, because his only cheap move now is the Lightning Kick. Roll through that and punish. Avoid using D version RK, because his jump D easily knocks Ralf out. Watch for cross-ups. When you have stock, best advice is to break or use HMVP. Other 2 DM are not as useful. When blocked or missed Shinkuu Katategoma, use RK into GA. Avoid using MBP, but you can use DBP to use as a pseudo- shoryuken. If you are constantly attacking him, he will not be able to tick damage you too much. Keep close to him, and keep on using the C..... But be careful of his EXTREMELY KICK @$$ ELECTRIGGER this year.... beat my Clark's Ultra Argentine Backbreaker!! Goro ---- What can i say? Imo, he is the CHEAPEST character this year.... and we all know the reasons. Keep away with low C. This is really important!. Avoid using RK with D, but use the RK with B. DO NOT use DVP (unless you are playing against a newbie) cuz he will grab your @$$ out of the air. Beat his stand B and stand D with your low C. Keep low, and if he useshop D, roll. I really don't know what else works on him... Leona ----- Unless you are playing a scrub Leona (crazy jump D's all day, mashing crouch B, and throws) she should not be too big of a problem. Punish Boomerang with RK into GA. Keep away with C's. Be aware of her new combo though... Ralf ---- Ahh the mirror match.... This will determine who is the REAL RALF!! I suggest that you use RK to knock away his C's, and use DBP accordingly, but be careful of his own C's. Punish missed RK with SAB. If it is a grappler Ralf, keep away with low C's. Since he is using the same character as you... make sure you know Ralf better than him. Clark ----- Ahh your "brother" Clark.... Damn tough... damn tough Your main goal is to keep on attacking him, while not letting him get into grappling range. This is much easier to day than do, because his air attacks (jump D/CD) are awesome, and his stand D is almost as good as your stand C. Avoid using MBP on him, because if he blocked, most likely he will dash in and Ultra Argentine Backbreak yer @$$. When you are knocked down (which happens quite a lot against Clark), my best suggestion is to jump straight up and AIR-BLOCK. He won't be able to Napalm Stretch (uppercut grapple thingie) or Frankensteiner you. If he whiffs, you can then either combo him of SAB him. If you SAB him often, you may even scare him and keep him away!. If he tries to fake jump kick you, just block, and SAB him. His Rolling Cradle, and his Arabian Backbreaker (the "Ass-breaker") can be used really tricky so be careful. Make him keep his distance with your C's, and be careful with your rolls. Watch for jump ins and SAB. Also avoid using the D version RK, but the B version should be okay in keeping him away. The GA should be useless against him. If you have stock, i suggest that you break it, because it is more worthwhile. Try not to go into a jump kick war against Clark. The best tactic is to use hops, because he won't be able to grapple you. One of the most difficult matches. Kim --- The new combo king in '98. I suggest that you use the RK (B button) as often as you can, because he has only one move that can knock it out (the blade kick thingie). It does pretty low damage, and if it trades with RK, Kim will take more damage. Your SAB will suck out his slide kick special though! Chang ----- Usually a very cheap player. Will abuse the jump C/D/CD. AVOID using RK unless he is on the ground. Best suggestion is to smother him with C's. If you play defensively, you will lose. Get close, and stay close. Choi ---- Some Choi players will try and abuse their drill claw move. They'll use the old in-in-in-out at every opportunity, hoping to catch you in then air. My best tactic is to stand C them after the last hit. If your timing is good, you can beat the $hiT out of them if you time a RK into a GA. The RK will go over the drill claw, and "pop" them up for the GA. MAXing out is the best tactic, because your DM will miss him, leaving you open. DO NOT use the RK from across the screen because his high jump attacks will knock you out. Stay grounded. Ohh a well timed RK will knock out his Tornado Ripper special move AND the DM version... just make sure that you hit him on the way down. Ohh and another thing... do not use high risk moves eg. GA, because they will whiff the short bastard. Also, Choi is the ONLY CHARACTER that can duck the GALACTICA PHANTOM, so be REALLY CAREFUL!!! Keep close and abuse your C, because this is gonna be a cheap fight! Iori ---- Ouch. Iori is still a very high ranked character that can be used in every way possible. When Iori players fight Ralf, they always either 1) Keep Ralf away or 2) Smother Ralf with jump attacks and his Cross-up Kick. The keep away kind is MUCH easier to defeat. Just get close with RK, abuse the C, and use the SAB to vacuum in almost any of his specials. The more offensive type is much more difficult to fight, because if you play defensively, he will Scum Gale you. If you play offensively, he will either uppercut you, or worse, start a low hitting combo. The best tactic is to keep him away with your C's at all cost. His damage this year is much lower, but he is still very tricky. Sweep him once in a while, because most Iori players will not be expecting a sweep from Ralf. The MBP usually works well against him, but be careful of his uppercut and blocked returns. Most Iori players will not use his fireball too much, and that is good, but when they do, go over it with a RK, but once again, be wary of his uppercut. When you have stock, the best thing to do is to either break it, of use it for HMVP when Iori jumps at you. Time it well and he will think twice before jumping at you. Keep him at a distance and your attacks should be able to defeat him. MAX out when you can. One of the most difficult matches. Mature ------ Tick damage. Keep on constantly attacking up close, and the match should be yours. Your C attacks should be faster and stronger than the damage she delivers. Vice ---- Very brutal fight on both sides. The winner will have very little energy left. Do not jump at her, because her Outrage and Rage Fest will make mincemeat out of you. Keep close, but again, out of grapple range. I personally suggest to only use the Far C, low C, RK (B version), and MBP against her. She will most likely grab you before you can SAB her. Do not stay too close, or her Negative Gain will suck you in for big damage. I personnally like to MAX myself when fighting her, because the damage you gain eventually adds up. Terry ----- '98: Definitely toned down from 97, but still a good character. Not used too often, but still good. Be careful of his Rising Tackle, but thats about it. Most of the time, he will try to keep you away. Use RK, and low C's. RB2: The more popular version, and the more cheap version. Will constantly attack you, and try to hit you with his combo which everyone knows. Treat him similarly to the normal Terry, but be more careful, because his combo is instantaneous. Joe --- *I would mention RB2 Joe, but i have never even seen anyone use him, let alone fight him!* A good Joe player will not let you get close to him. If you are playing against a good Joe player, i really cannot help you, because i still have trouble. The only way I can get close is with RK. If you are playing against a poor Joe player, it is an easy battle. One of the most difficult matches. Andy ---- '98: Probably the most improved chararacter. If he tries to cheap you out with his Air Zan-Ei-Ken, jump over him at the last second, and SAB him, or roll through and SAB him. RK works well against him, but watch for air attacks. Be careful of his Dam Breaker combo that can really put a hurt on you. Watch for his C's and counter with your own. RB2: Scrub boy. If you get close to him, the match is yours. Use the D version RK to go over his fireball. The only thing to now watch out for is his uppercut. Athena ------ Ralf is an ANTI-ATHENA. Go over her fireballs with RK, and combo. Watch out for her tricky teleport, but if you have problems, just stick out any C, and she will be knocked out. Apart from that, avoid jumping, because her uppercut still has very high priority. Do not miss your RK, or you will be in big trouble. Keep her grounded and trapped, and the fight is yours. Kensou ------ Ralf is an ANTI-KENSOU. Same tactics as Athena, but much easier. Kensou is really toned down from '97, and your attacks should be able to keep him at the right distance. The only thing to really Lo_ok out for is his 2 uppercuts, and his "punch dance thingie." Chin ---- Imo the most difficult of all three. Chin has so much priority, that he will keep you grounded! Some of his attacks hit twice, and he's got that autoguard rolling thing. Do not use RK, but use SAB instead. SAB seems to be the only special move that works well against him. I suggest that you use a LOT of low C's, and when he's in the corner, combo RK into HMVP. MAX yourself as soon as you can, and use your priority to your advantage. Yashiro ------- Ouch. Another difficult fight. Imo both versions of Yash improved this year, but the normal version improved the most. A very difficult fight on both versions. One of the most difficult matches. '98: Imo the more dangerous version. His combos and mind games can finish you very quickly if you don't know them. His most used tactics is to jump in and combo you to death. Keep him away with your low C and stand C. MAX yourself as soon as you can, because his damage is also very high. Almost all of his normal moves can link into a BIG combo, so keep him on the ground and away. Use your stand close C to knock out (or trade) with his jump D. Both of his DM kick serious @$$, so be careful not to get hit or trapped by them. SAB works well against him, and use RK to keep him away. DO not get too offensive, or his autoguard Upper-Dual will destroy you. Ohh, and sweep him with your crouch D. He won't expect it. Orochi: Toned down is some ways, and improved in other ways. DO NOT try to SAB him (unless you are 100% that you will get him!) because his HCF + punch (i dunno what it's called) throw will beat yours. The only way to beat this character is to fight him many times. Then you know when the Scum Spider is coming, and will be able to avoid it. Watch out for the combo that every O. Yash. player knows. The most dangerous situation is after being thrown by the HCF + punch throw, because Yash gets to pick which side he wants to hit you. Treat him similarly to Clark, but with longer range attacks (sort of a mix of Clark and normal Yashiro). Keep him away once again, and the MBP seems to work well against him. If you got skillz, counter combo his Scum Spider with jump CD into HMVP. Shermie ------- *Note: I would put the Orochi version, but i have never fought her. Advice: RK over her Lightning Kiss, and keep grounded because of her Air Lightning Kick. Use your RK as much as you can to get close to her.* Amazingly, Ralf is actually pretty good against Shermie. She has good air attacks (jump C/CD) and she will keep you grounded with her 2 anti-air moves. That’s alright though, because you want to stay grounded. MAX out when you can, because her C's are strong and combo-able. Keep her away with mostly your crouch C (She can Shermie Shot through your stand C). Keep out her jump attacks with your stand close C. The B version RK does a good job of keeping her away. Do not use the DBP nor the MBP because she can punish you after. Abuse your C, and the match should be yours. Chris ----- Ouch. Another tough battle. Raw power of Ralf against the mind games and sheer speed of Chris. Corny heh?. Chris is another combo king this year, and both versions are dangerous and cheap, but the most used version is the normal version. MAX out as soon as you can, because his combos take off more than your hits. Watch out for his mind games. THE most improved character (normal) and one of the most difficult matches. '98: Stay on the ground, because Chris's jump CD will beat any and ALL of your air attacks. The only time Ralf should jump is when Chris uses his Scum Spider. Use similar techniques when fighting B. Mary and O. Yash. RK should be used sparingly when Chris is not all over you, because his slide will knock you out before you even take off. Your special move is going to be the SAB, because the DBP will be knocked out by his uppercut and Twister Drive DM. When Chris abuses his teleport, stick out a low C. I don't have any 100% working tactics on Chris, because he can easily mix up any of his moves into the Scum Spider to open you up for a combo. Like as i said earlier, MAX asap, because his attacks will chain and add up for big pain, esp. his DM combos. Keep him away from you, because that is where his mind games take place. Also, his uppercut will knock out your C attacks, so be careful when sticking them out. One of the toughest matches. Orochi: I have only fought him a few times, but i know of at least one combo that takes off 60%. Treat him like a hybrid of Kyo and Chris, with a grapple. Do not let him come to close, or he will do that "flaming punch dance" thingie. MAX asap, and keep to the ground. He does not have as many mind games and normal Chris, but his combos are just as bad. You can stick out C's more freely though, because most ppl don't use his uppercut unless they combo it. Also use the SAB, but the RK still sparingly. Easier than normal Chris, but still a tough fight. Heidern ------- Most good Heidern players will try to keep you away, while sucking yer blood. They will not use that Neck Roller too much. The only move to really lo_ok out for is his Moon Slasher. Use your C's to knock out his attacks, and RK over his Cross Cutter. Not as tough as other characters as long as you keep close. Saishu ------ Treat him as a mix of Kyo and Iori, but easier. The only thing you really need to worry about when fighting him is his uppercut and combos. If you keep close at him, while using your SAB and RK, you should be able to keep up with him. Takuma ------ The toughest and cheapest of all three. Almost all Takuma players try to keep away. When you jump in, they do Zan-Res-Ken (multi-punch thingie), or the Soyryu-kyaku (dash kick grapple thing). Do not play jump kick wars against him, because his jump D/CD both rock. Try to time a RK to soar over his fireballs, and when you get close, stay close. DO NOT dash in and roll, because he will Soyryu-kyaku yer @$$. When you finally get close, ABUSE your C, because that will be the only time you can hurt him!. It works pretty damn well too, because it knocks out most of his moves..... just be careful of his counter. When close, your SAB works well against him, and abuse it if you can, but i find the Far C, low C mixture more effective. MAX out asap, and be really cheap. Ohh and another reason NOT to jump at him: He can use his rushing DM same as Iori did in '97. Ryo --- Dammit. Ryo keeps on getting better and better. This is a difficult fight because of his power and his priority. Once again, MAX out asap, because this may be the only edge you gain against him. '98: I cannot stress this enough. Watch out for his uppercut. It will knock out any and all of your special moves. The only real advice that i can give is to use RK to get close, and use your low C's and stand C's. Abuse your SAB if you can. Hell, abuse anything if you can! '95: The keep-away turtle. Use RK over his fireball, and combo if you can. His uppercut is also kick @$$, so be wary of it. Abuse your C. Watch out for double uppercuts. His air Ha-Oh-Ken will knock out you RK. Abuse anything and everything, cuz '95 Ryo was made to be cheap. Robert ------ Suprisingly, Robert has been toned down, and Robert players are generally not as cheap as Ryo players. Don't jump at him, and stay grounded. His air attacks in general will keep you grounded. What out for the combo that every good Robert player knows. '98: The most used version, and imo, the better version. He can't tick damage hell you like in '97, but he can big time combo yer @$$. Your C's do an amazing job on him though. The speed and priority will keep him grounded, and kick his @$$. Mix up your specials, and play tricky against him. Mix up SAB's, with DBP's. This is not a too brutal fight, so just keep non-cheap, and you should be able to outlast him. '95: The cheaper version. This is easier than '95 Ryo imo. Just treat him that way and you will be able to beat him. Yuri ---- *Note: I would put '95 Yuri, but i have never seen anyone use her. Hell i rarely see anyone pick Yuri! The only time i fight her is when the opponent does Roulette!* One of the least used characters, but she can still be a cheap ticking turtle. The only move you really need to lo_ok out for is her Yuri Upper. Your C's, SAB's and RK's willl do the job well. Chizuru ------- Ralf is an ANTI-CHIZURU. Your RK will DECIMATE almost EVERY one of her attacks! You definitly have the advantage in this fight. The only thing to worry about is her shadow-uppercut. If you stop her from using that special move, and keep her grounded, the match is totally yours. Your attacks have higher priority and are stronger. Waste her. Mai --- *Note: I would put RB2 Mai, but i have never fought her. She fights the same way though* Difficult fight. Mai has a wicked high/low game this year, and to block incorrectly means very annoying damage on your side. You must use RK to go over her Kachosens and Ryo-en-bu. Do not jump at her or she will DM you or uppercut you. You must stay close to will, but be careful because a lot of your special moves will whiff her when she ducks down. Use your SAB when she is close, but a lot of her specials will keep you out of SAB range. The MBP works well, but be careful of her uppercut. Your C's will trade with her attacks, but this is still a difficult fight. MAX out asap. Do NOT underestimate her, or you will lose. King ---- If used correctly, King is a tough opponent that can keep up with the best. That's the same with every character i guess! Her jump CD will keep you grounded. Just what out for her corner traps and mind games. Her Tornado Kick has autoguard, so be wary of that. Her stand CD kicks @$$, and her Trap Shot has improved. Your C's and SAB's work well, but be careful when using the RK. Yamazaki -------- This is usually another brutal fight. Your RK will waste his Snake Arms, but watch out for his tricky Sado-Maso, in which he can kick your @$$. Treat his as a mix of a keep-away with grappler tendancies. Missed or blocked RK will result in an Exploding Headbutt, or worse the Yodan Drill DM. SAB works well on him, but be careful of combos that start low. Most good Yamasaki players will not use the Snake Arm when fighting Ralf, so punish him if he does. The MBP also works well against him, but once again be careful of his Sado-Maso. A really funny (but bad) thing is that he can Sado-Maso your Galactica Phantom!!! Your C's work well against him, but be careful of his long range kicks. Mary ---- Weakened from '97, but still an annoying EVERYTHING character. Punish her Mary Spider with a counter combo. Always block low because her Mary Snatcher will get you. Watch for her Backdrop Real, and her Mary Splash Rose DM, because both of these are annoying and painful. Once again, do not jump at her, because her Vertical Arrow will get you. Stay low with crouch C's and the D, and SAB her when you can. It is good to MAX out when you can because her combos really hurt. Billy ----- *Note: I would mention RB2 Billy, but i have never fought him. Anyways he fights way though* Ralf is an ANTI-BILLY. RK will knock out almost all of Billy's special moves (except his uppercut), and enable Ralf to easily combo him. As for his annoying pokes, roll back, and RK over it. MAKE SURE he does NOT hit you when you start to do the RK. That is the only time that you are vulnerable to him. The SAB works really well too, just have to get close. Your C's will out- prioritize most of his attacks, just make sure that he stops poking you. Brian ----- He will put the BIG hurt on ANYONE if he gets off his 60% combo. Make sure he does NOT cross-up you, and use your DBP as a pseudo-ShoRyuKen. A lot of his moves have autoguard, and are just as strong as your attacks, so MAX asap. SAB works well, but i suggest NOT to use high risk moves. You really have to play cheap to win this fight. Annoy him with pokes, and the odd throw every once in a while. Lucky ----- Mr. Cheap Keep Away Mind Game. A very dangerous and tricky fight for any character. As difficult as it may be try to keep close and cheap him out. Your Crouch C may knock out his teleport. Use RK to go over his Death Ball, but use EXTREME caution, because he may use the DM Death Beam instead. This will result in BIG damage. Your C's should work against him, but his attacks are just as quick as your own. The MBP works well, but i think you should stay grounded. A tough, cheap, annoying fight. Heavy D! -------- A mind game/combo king. He is faster than you, but your power should give you an edge when fighting against him. MAX asap, and abuse your C's. This will knock out almost all of his special attacks. Almost all of your special moves work well against him. Just keep constantly attacking, basically smothering him, so he will flinch, and you will hit him. You can play any way you want against him, and it should work well. Keep offensive. Rugal ----- *Note: Aren't you happy that you can't use Omega Rugal in the arcade version?* This fight is not too difficult. Just keep him close, and abuse your C. The only think you really need to lo_ok out for is his Gigantic Presser, and his Genocide Cutter. So don't jump at him. All your specials work well against him, and the High/Low/Hop C's work even better. Shingo ------ A difficult and dangerous fight. Every Shingo player (And i mean EVERY!!) will try to do the Shingo "Grapple Upper" on you, and combo you. His A version Shingo Fist is awesome, and his uppercut is just as good. Treat him as a stronger Kyo with a grapple. Be careful when poking him because of his counter and his uppercut. RK whenever you can, just make sure he is far from you. MAX when you can, because his CRITICAL HIT! is just as good as yours, and enables him to further punish you. You must keep close, and SAB him. Abuse anything you can. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Acknowledgements/Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you think you should be here and you're not, put your name here: _______________________________________ *SNK - For making and improving upon this KICK @$$ game! *Toyota of Japan - For simply making the best car in the world, which is of course, the 4th generation Supra Twin Turbo. http://mkiv.com *The King of Fighters International Federation http://www.multimania.com/virtua/index.html *KOF International Federation members - U know who you R *Iori Kusunagi - Main competitor/Ralf user/Tranlations/Jap friend *SOyuncastor - For another use for the "useless CD COUNTER!" and some strange but useful information against Choi. Ohh, and for corrections! *mOOnrun - For his INSANE KIM comboz!!! http://i.am/moonrun *GReeTz to all of my friendz- Lo_ok, Saint 7, Chippendale, Iori Kusunagi, Geofreak, MANofSTEEL, and everyone else. FAR EAST SIDE!!!! @:) ======================================================================== QUOTES: "My second Favorite passtime is picking up women, driving them to the fancy restaurant in the fast car wearing the slick suite to impress them enough to get them into bed, My FAVORITE passtime is going to bed with them.." Jacky Estacado Mafia Hitman/ Wielder of the Darkness