King of Fighters 98 Terry Bogard Players Guide July 4, 1999 by: Patrick Hwang email: Table of Contents 1. Disclaimer 2. About the guide 3. About Terry 4. Moves/Special Moves/DM info 5. Combos 6. Strategies 7. Conclusion 1. Disclaimer Blah blah blah, you know the drill on this. Use it for personal uses. Wanna copy it? Let me know and give me credit. Please don't money off of it, etc etc etc. 2. About this guide So this guide is designed to let you know more about Terry Bogard. I believe most people already. Know how to play this Bogard brother, well then, this guide is probably useless. I dont think there is much that I would know that you don't already. I guess, this is just for those people that stick to only a few people. Well whatever, just use this as a reference, and not a way to play. The majority of this guide is in my opinions. Good players will have already developed their own style of play. Well enjoy. 3. About Terry Bogard Mr. Terry Bogard, since 94, has been in every King of Fighters tournament. "The Lone Wolf" is a very simple, yet powerful character to play. His moves are all around good, and his combos are powerful. Newbies will find no trouble learning how to play him and experts will be able to take advantage of his many combo possibilites. Since 97, Terry has been weakened. Greatly weakened. No longer is he able to connect a power geyser after his rising tackle. In addition, his infinite combo in 97 has also been taken out. Despite being toned down, Terry still remains one of the more powerful characters in Kof98. Intro 1st Round: Puts on Hat, ready to fight 2nd/3rd: Fixes hat, ready to fight Vs. Andy Bogard: Terry and Andy both bow to each other as a sign of respect Vs. Blue Mary: Terry has his hat on backwards, the rearranges it as Mary calls him. Taunt: Terry whistles, taunting you to fight Winning Poses Terry's poses are quite boring IMO A: Throws off hat, says, "Okay" B: Brushes off hat C: Throws hat...again D: Fixes hat...yay 4 Moves/Special Moves/DMs Ratings: *: bad, poor, useless. dont use the move too much **: okay move, not too great. use it once in a while to surprise the opponents ***: average move. not too good, not too useful ****: good move. actually a very good move. use it often, but dont get too predictable *****: excellent, great move. abuse as much as you can Basic Moves Standing A: jab. a simple jab, the usual weak but fast attack *** B: kick. a long ranged kick, fast and good for poking **** C: punch. a big punch, comes out fairly fast, not too much range *** D: side kick. a big, looong ranged side kick to the mid level. long range but slow ** CD: spin kick. slow spin kick, Terry takes a step forward when executing *** Close A: elbow. fast, quick blow ** B: knee. knee to the midsection, fast and weak also ** C: double punch. ah..THE punch for combos, one of his best moves IMO ***** D: big kick. a close frontal kick to the face, quick and powerful, can be comboed **** Crouching A: a jab. quick and good for combos *** B: low kick. a low kick with little range ** C: punch. a very long ranged, powerful punch. somewhat quick in coming out **** D: sweep. long ranged, but slow sweep. useful but not too useful. just an average sweep *** Jumping A: jump jab. yay another one... ** B: jump kick. a good upwards kick. long ranged, seems to have some priority **** C: jump punch. a punch directed downwards. good for combo starting **** D: jumping kick. a jump kick, also good for combos **** CD: downwards kick. a long kick directed very low *** Command Moves Forward+A: a two hit elbow plus move, Terry takes a step forward when executing *** Downforward+C: uppercut. quick move, good for tagging extra hit in combos **** Special Moves Power Wave QCF+A/C *** A good, quick projectile attack. Goes along the ground. A is quicker but has less range. C button is slower and more powerful, it also travels a little farther across the screen. Not too reliable. Rising Tackle DP+A/C **** Wowee, does this move have auto-guard! The entire front of this move has auto guard when goin up. A goes a little off the ground. C button goes forward a little and gives you the most hits. It also seems like it has a "suck in" ability, but it also leaves you very open if missed. I love the sound it makes when you connect :) Burn Knuckle QCB+A/C **** for A, ** for C The burning knuckle. Terry rushes at you with a fist of flame. A is quick and has little recovery time. It can catch opponents off guard. C button has long start up and big recovery time. It also goes farther. Opponents can see this coming a mile away, never use the C unless they are sleeping. Power Charge HCF+B/D **** "POWER CHARGE" yup the move for the infinte in 97. Its been toned down a bit. Terry shoulder rams you a few feet away, if it connects you get a freebie attack while they are in the air. B button is quick and recommended. D is a bit slower but has a *little* more range. Power Dunk DP+B/D *** Terry goes up into the air, and dunks his fist down. Personally i like to finish off with this move. Not too good, can catch stupid opponents off guard. Otherwise only useful in combos after the power charge. I find that D doesnt always knock down. Crach Shot QCB+B/D *** Well the crach shot is just an okay move. Terry flip kicks you. It can whiff against short standing fact, it whiffs most of the time against standing opponents. Good air counter though...not too useful IMO. B is quicker, D goes farther. DM/SDM Power Geyser QCB, HCF+A/C **** The original DM that Terry has had since the beggining of time. Fairly quick to come out, it does a single big blast. Opponents cannot jump over the blast. This DM is good for finishing combos. The SDM is a triple geyser instead of one and will juggle opponents. The third will not connect if the opponent is in the corner. High Angle Gayser QCF, QCF+B/D *** This move is new since 97. Sounds like he says "War machine" IMO. anywayz, this is a pretty weak DM, if blocked, leaves you open big time! Terry shoulder rams you, then hits you up, and finishes with a big power geyser. The SDM adds in many blasts instead. Though weak, it is time consuming and great to watch. 5. Combos Basic combos that I know or have seen. I will not list all chain moves, I dont know them all. Most used combos are listed.. Low B, low A, Downforward+C, Burn knuckle Low B, low A, Downforward+C, Power geyser Jump B/C/D, Close C (2 hit), X X means you can do any of the following 1. power wave 2. rising tackle 3. power charge 4. power geyser DM/SDM 5. high angle gayser DM/SDM Jump B/C/D, Close C(2 hit), forward+A, power charge, power dunk jump B/C/D, close C(2 hit), power charge, rising tackle NOTE rising tackle must be done right away no delay or it will not connect *NOTE all combos above involving the close C 2 hit may be substitued with a close D instead Jump B/C/D, Close C(2 hit), Downforwards C, X X means you can do any of the following 1. power wave 2. rising tackle 3. burn knuckle 4. power charge, then power dunk 5. power geyser DM/SDM 6. high angle gayer DM/SDM Mix and match combos, they all work, simple eh? 6. Strategy Terry is simple to play, just combo the opponent. Learn the basic combo: jump in attack, C, special move. Add in additional moves such as the DwnFwd+C upper for extra hits. Terry isnt too difficult to play, unfortunately, that also means that Terry doesnt have much variety to play. Yet, Terry remains powerful despite his simplicity. One thing, i have found that computer will fall for a simple strategy. This is somthing that the computer has fallen for since 97. Land a power charge on the opponent. After the opponent is in the air, immediately jump after him/her with a jump kick. If done right, Terry should land first, right next to the opponent. Do a close C (2 hits) and chain into a power charge again. Repeat. Opponent will not block and continue to fall for the same combo. You can get perfects and straights by this. 7. Conclusion I know I'm missing a lot of information and extra tidbits. The truth is, all this is from the top of my head. There really isnt much else, i believe I've touched most of the important parts. Email me with questions or arguments. Thanks for reading. copyright 1999 Patrick Hwang