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Their influence is seen worldwide, and transfer gates are built in numerous locations. A primarily magical civilization flourishes, based on the power of the Resonance Spells. BG 47: The existence of Another World is confirmed. BG 2: The existence of "Harmful Frequencies" is confirmed. Use of resonance spells is banned henceforth. AG 1: Viola Ruhm, which was under construction, and a part of the Harmful Frequencies are used to transfer an aggregate of Harmful Frequencies to Another World. The resonance generated by part of the Harmful Frequencies which went out of control create the grand fault known today as Gagharv. The remaining Harmful Frequencies are locked up and sealed in Selbart, in Ohstern, The are henceforth known as the Dark Sun." AW 0: Some members of the Blue Tribe relocate the Another World to keep watch on the transferred "Harmful Frequencies." The transferred aggregate of the Harmful Frequencies is named the "Otherworldly Moon." AW 50: Reports are heard of babies being born with natural talent for wielding magic. AW 75: Reports are heard of the effects of the Otherworldly Moon. AW 147: The existence of a rift in space is recognized again. AW 149: Travelers successfully reached the world of our forefathers by traveling through the rift. Thus begins our pilgrimage to the Shrines. AW 276: Activity detected in the Harmful Frequencies contained in the Otherworldly Moon. Use of magic is confirmed to result in a direct discharge of Harmful Frequencies. AW 464: Enlargement is seen in the now-saturated Otherworldly Moon. AW 739: Part of the land is contaminated by the Otherworldly Moon, widening the "Neverdawn Land." The capital is moved to Esfin. AG 873: Grabadel is hit by a massive fire that continues to burn for ten days. The fire burns down the entire town and castle, and destroys numerous assets. AG 890: Leone completed the "Water Melody," a recreation of the "Lost Melody." The tune is divided into 24 phrases and each segment is engraved on a stone, so as to prevent its misuse. The stones are named the Resonance Stones. AG 893: Grandpa Rayzen meets Leone. ???: ???????? AG 893: Leone visits Selbart. AG 893: McBain meets Leone. The encounter inspires McBain to become a musician. AG 923: The Rect Island Prison is closed off. AW 908: Leone, adrift at sea, is rescued by villagers from Aprout. AW 908: Leone is appointed Court Musician for the Royal Family of Merveel. AW 932: DeMille is elected as the new mayor of Kavaro. AG 933: Hostile monsters appear in a quarry in Greysul. The quarry is subsequently sealed off. AG 933: Rish Campbell visits Kavaro. AG 935: Rauzen's plot to overthrow the Royal Family succeeds, and he assumed power as Emperor. AG 940: Ryutom Island is attached by pirates almost daily. The island becomes a private property of Rish. AW 954: Isabelle, as well as a girl with silver hair, is born. AW 955: Isabelle is chosen to be the next Queen. Leone and the girl with silver hair go missing. AG 943: McBain receives a package from Shao containing the book "Water Melody" by Leone, which McBain has been long searching for. AG 943: Forte and Una help Grandma Shela and deliver some dye to Grandma Kapero in Cranka. AG 943: Una plays a tune on her piccolo on a riverside along the Ruth Road. AG 943: McBain defeats a monster on the roof of the lighthouse, accidentally creating a hole in the terrace, which allows access to a secret room inside the lighthouse. AG 943: Explored the bottom of a well in Racos Palma, and discovered an old key. Escaped from the cave under the well, thanks to McBain's "Rock Crash." AG 943: Discovered a Magic Map in the chest in the secret room inside the lighthouse. AG 943: The waterways in Crank are contaminated by a large discharge of poisonous fluids. AG 943: Halted the waters in the waterways of Cranka, and found the Resonance Stone of "Purification" in the underground waterway. AG 943: The new McBain company begins its tour of Weltluna. ???: ????????? ???: ????????? AG 943: The McBain Company holds a concert in front of the fountain in Pinzel for some female fans of Forte's. AG 943: Gave a performance in a tavern in Fargot. AG 943: Passport stolen at the dock in Fargot. AG 943: Boarded the Stomach from the port of Fargot. Held a concert on the deck of the Stomach. AG 943: Met Shao and Rachel in Trim. AG 943: Rescued a child in front of the Glysis Cave. AG 943: Found the Resonance Stone of "Mind's Eye" in the Glysis Cave. AG 943: Put up advertising posters for a concert in Trim. AG 943: The McBain Company holds their "Open Your Mind" concert in Trim. AG 943: Rescued a desert rat on the Forest Road. AG 943: Ended up taking a part-time job arranged by Shao in Viento. AG 943: Gave cookies to a desert rat in the basement of the mansion. AG 943: Una is kidnapped by the Swing Gang. AG 943: Rescued Una from the Aquaharp Cave, with the help of a mouse. AG 943: Found the Resonance Stone of "Water" in the Aquaharp Cave AG 943: The desert rat "Rick" joins the McBain Company in ArbenCottle. AG 943: Met Shuber in Kantus. AG 943: The Swing Gang attacks a concert organized by the Music School. AG 943: The McBain Company performs at the concert organized by the Music School. Obtained the Resonance Stone of "Life." AG 943: Reunited with Altos in Bozerl. AG 943: Confronted Boss Dunk and received permission to enter the quarry. AG 943: Obtained the Resonance Stone "Earth" at the quarry. AG 943: Knocked out by the Swing Gang at the quarry. Robbed of the Resonance Stone of "Earth." AG 943: Faced the Swing Gang at the old quarry. Obtained the Resonance Stones "Earth" and "Lullaby." AG 943: Rescued Viscount Egool from an attack by monsters in Levanpasso. AG 943: Obtained the Resonance Stone "Perseverance" from Viscount Egool. AG 943: Found Uto, who had been reported missing, in the Cave Path. AG 943: Received a reference letter from Viscount Egool, along with a personal letter from the Viscount to the Duke. AG 943: Reported back to Viscount Egool. Received a small velvet bag. AG 943: Distributed bread to the people of Envorin, and held a concert. AG 943: Handed a small velvet bag to the Duke of Pensola. AG 943: Received the Resonance Stone of "Technique" from Edgar. AG 943: Set off for Ryutom Island. AG 943: The McBain Company holds a concert on the deck of the Grumble. AG 943: Obtained the Resonance Stone of "Bind" on Ryutom Island. AG 943: The McBain Company participates in the concert on Ryutom Island. AG 943: Overheard a conversation between Bureger, Ramon and Rish on Ryutom Island. AG 943: The Banquet is attacked by the pirate Ramon. AG 943: The McBain Company boards the Black Dragon and faces Ramon. AG 943: The Planetos II appears and drives away the pirates for good. AG 943: Met the real Diplomat Slade in Polka. AG 943: Saw a girl with a clear singing voice at Lake Wyolina. AG 943: Obtained the Resonance Stone of ?Target? at the Lakeside Shrine. AG 943: Encountered Palman and his troops in the swamp. AG 943: Chased away Nue at the Shrine of Lightning in the swamp. Obtained the Resonance Stone of "Light." AG 943: Saw Commander Zenon in Kavaro. AG 943: Found Captain Palman, wounded in the swamp. AG 943: Initiated an operation to rescue Aria. AG 943: Successfully escaped from Kavaro with Aria. AG 943: Obtained the Resonance Stone of "March" past the Grass Barrier. AG 943: Arrived at the hidden village of Shulf. AG 943: Met a mysterious man looking at the fault of Gagharv. AG 943: Heard about the Water Tribe from Oratorio, the Tribe Chief in Shulf. Obtained the Resonance Stone of "Force." AG 943: Reunited with Shao and Rachel at Rozet?s Workshop. AG 943: Jan smells Bang Bang in the underground waterway in Ekyul. AG 943: Found Bang Bang at the Giraffe Cave. AG 943: Rozet is kidnapped. AG 943: A battle with Bureger and Necross at the lighthouse in Giraffe. Rescued Rozet and obtained the Resonance Stone of "Wind." AG 943: The McBain Company performs for a newlywed couple on the Grim Bridge. AG 943: The McBain Company holds a concert in Selbart. AG 943: Obtained the Resonance Stone of "Fire" in the Underground Ruins beyond the Lava Cave. AG 943: Discovered the Dark Sun in the Underground Ruins. AG 943: Obtained the Resonance Stone of "Darkness" in the Oasis. AG 943: Obtained the Resonance Stone of "Spirit" in the Lake Cave near Grim Bridge. AG 943: The Numeros Army and Zenon appear in Selbart and take away the Dark Sun and Aria. AG 943: Caught up with the Numeros ship in Ened, but were unable to prevent the enemy from escaping. Saved by the Planetos II. AG 943: Escaped using fake wooden soldiers from Kroto's yarn. AG 943: Found Kapuri in Cleda. AG 943: Obtained the Resonance Stone of "Mirror" in the Mirror Cave. AG 943: A battle with resonance wood soldiers in Cleda. Obtained the Resonance Stone of "Confusion." AG 943: A battle with Bureger. Kapuri and Pedro are broken. AG 943: The McBain company enlists in the Numeros Army. AG 943: Obtained the Resonance Stone of "Quagmire" in the Mud Cave. AG 943: The Dark Sun runs amok. AG 943: Received the Resonance Stones of "Quagmire" and "Love" from Captain Naresa. AG 943: Witnessed the Witch's Island Phenomenon at the North Wall of Castle Grabadel. AG 943: Aria collapses in Castle Grabadel. AG 943: Received the Resonance Stone of "Time" from Prince Duorl. AG 943: Traveled to Rect Island in search of a Resonance Stone. AG 943: Obtained the Resonance Stone of "Hermit" on Rect Island. AG 943: Learned how to travel to Another World in the Calendar Room. AG 943: Traveled to Another World on the Planetos II. AG 943: Met Queen Merveel of Another World. AG 943: Passed the Ancient Ruins and reached Leone's cabin. AG 943: A battle with three assassins sent to eliminate Leone. AG 943: A battle with Revas XIV, who had become a monster, in Fossil Forest. Obtained the Resonance Stone of "Birth" from Revas XIII. AG 943: Prince Duorl operates the barometric pressure adjustment system. AG 943: Reunited with everyone at the Water Cloister. AG 943: Caused the Viola Ruhm to rise at the Water Throne. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to snkupo for his walkthrough!