Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd Story (PSP). *Spoilers ahead* Written by: Hiimecchii Version: 1.0 *This Walkthrought is meant for GameFAQs only* --------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION [INT] DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TMGS1&2 AND TMGS3 [DIF] MENU [MEU] OPENING [OPG] GAME MENU [GME] GETTING STARTED [GTT] CONTROLS [CNT] CHARACTER MENU [CHU] ROOM SELECTION [ROO] PROLOGUE [PRG] PARAMETERS [PRM] COMMANDS [CMM] PLAYING THE GAME [PTG] CALENDAR [CLN] EVENTS [EVN] AFTER SCHOOL [AFS] CLUB [CLB] SHOPPING [SPP] DATING [DTN] DURING THE DATE [DTD] APPROACH MODE [APM] AFTER THE DATE [ATD] LOVE MODE [LVM] 3P DATES [3PD] PRIDE VS PRIDE [PVP] OTHER [OTH] TOKIMEKI PANEL [TKP] BOMBS [BMB] FRIENDS [FRD] GUYS SAKURAI RUKA [SKR] SAKURAI KOUICHI [SRK] FUJIYAMA ARASHI [FJA] NIINA JUNPEI [NNJ] --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION [INT] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, Konami decided this time to throw away the PS2 versions and make a PSP one along with the DS normal one, I tried to play the DS one but since there's still no patch yet and my japanese is so poor, so I decided to play the PSP that already has a patch. You may already know this but for those who doesn't, TMGS3 is a dating simulation game where you play as a highschool student and you have three years to get closer to the guy you like. This time you are back again in Habataki Academy (Where TMGS1 took place). Time has already passed, but you get to see some teachers again like the mustached stalker of Amanohashi and the really hot Himuro-sensei XD, but in this game they are not dateable. This is my first guide, so, I'll try to make it as complete as I can. Okay, Said that, let's begin :D --------------------------------------------------------------------- DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TMGS1&2 AND TMGS3 [DIF] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -Friends: This time you get only two friends, Karen and Miyo. Konami added a new feature and now you can give them birthday presents and hang about with them. They are good friends, so, treat them well :D. -Boys life: A new feature added in the OP Menu. Click on that option and you get to see the room of the guys and the things they do there XD. -Extra: This options it's new and it's also in the OP Menu. When you click it you get a menu where you chan choose to play some minigames, see the CGs you got during the game, the endings with the guys you choose, some extra events and a tutorial of the game.(some of this options are only avalible when you complete certain routes) -3P Dates: Now you can go out with two guys in a date (this only apply for centain guys and when their affection for you is the same). -No Tsukushi or Yuu: This time you don't have a little brother, he was the one that help you with the guys info, bombs and skinship, but now, Miyo and Karen do it in his place. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MENU [MEU] --------------------------------------------------------------------- OPENING [OPG] In the screen will appear the Konami logo along with others, and as this happen Ruka will greet/welcome you (only if you haven't cleared other route). This will change when you complete another route, for example: if the last route you cleared was Kou's, well, he'll greet you this time. GAME MENU [GME] On the opening menu you have the options like this: -Start- -Continue- -Option- -Extra- -Install- -Boys Life- -Start- Here you can start a new game. -Continue- Load your saved data. -Option- -Display- -Message Speed- Here you can change the speed of the text. -Activity Speed- Change the speed of the commands. -Sound- -voice- Volume of the voices. -BGM- Volume of the Background Music. -SFX- Volume of the effects. -Backgroud- -Customize Background- Here you can change the background color and pattern of the game. -Room- -Photo Frame- Change the photo of the picture frame that appears in your room at the begining of the game. (It will change later depending on the route you choose. -Default- Restore to default settings. -Extra- -Minigame- -Ball Rolling- -Three-Legged Race- -Ball Tossing- -Valentine's Chocolate- -Pillow Fight- (This games will only unlock if you play them during the normal game). -Album- Here you can see the CGs that you got during the game. -ADV Event- Some events that unlock as you play the game and they'll show you the thoughts of the guys. -Ending- Here are the endings that you've completed. -Tutorial -Approach- -Date Communication- -Great Approach Mode- -Ehimsical Play- A little tutorial that shows you how to use the approach mode during the dates :D (Thanks Konami for this XD). -Install- Recover/add new data. -Boys Life- You can get in the room of the guys and see what they are doing XD. --------------------------------------------------------------------- GETTING STARTED [GTT] --------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS [CNT] You play most of the time using the D-Pad. Use L button to skip the dialogue and commands. Use the Analog Stick to make the Aproach Mode occur. Use D-Pad for anwers and command selection. O button is for selecting, X is for cancel. Also ￾£, O and ￾¡ for the Aproach Mode. CHARACTER MENU [CHU] When you choose -Start- the game will ask for your characters info. -Name: /Last Name/First Name/ -Birthday: /Month/Day/ -Zodiacal Sign. -Blood Type. -Room. About the name, I recommend you to use the Katakana alphabet and to choose an easy name is better for you, because this way you won't have problems settings the EVS :). Birthday and blood type will affect your Horoscope During thegame, but choose it as you like, there are not bad birth dates. ROOM SELECTION [ROO] Choosing your room will affect your parameters, you can choose it depending on the parameter requirements that you need for the guy you are aiming for :D THe rooms will affect as following: Intelligence Arts Fitness Social Style Charm Modern 35 40 50 30 45 60 Simple 60 45 35 30 40 50 Gorgeous 40 60 35 30 50 45 Pop 35 50 40 30 60 45 Japanese 40 35 60 40 35 50 Princess 45 40 45 50 40 50 PROLOGUE [PRG] The game starts when you arrive to Habataki City and you get lost andarrive to this old chuch from TMGS1 where you find a guy sitting in the top of the building, then you tell him that that's dangerous and to get off, then he tells you that he's lost too and then walks you home, that for some reason he knows where your home is but not his (lol XD). Later you two have this akward conversation and then he goes saying that now he remembers his way home. At night you have this dream where you are with your childhood friend: Sakurai Ruka and Kou. The next day is the entrance ceremony and you wake up thinking about the guys in your dream, but then you notice that is late and you have to hurry. When you get out of your house there are two guys waiting for you, Ruka and Kou, you have a conversation and then you remember them and they are happy to see you again. After that, you three made your way to the school, and you tell them that now that you have met again, the three should go the to school together from now on :D. PARAMETERS [PRM] Your parameters are shown in the botom left part of the screen like this: Stress | Money Intelligence | Arts Fitness | Social Style | Charm You can raise your patameters by actioning the different commands. Rising up you parameters make the guys like you and to fulfill the requirements of the guy you're aiming for it's necessary to get his ending. COMMANDS [CMM] | | | | Sleep | Study | Draw | Club | [Join/Quit Club] | | | | | | | Exercise | Read | Dress | Hang out | Magazines | up | with Miyo | | | | | | [Call a | [Go | | Hang out Friend] | Shopping] | | with Karen | | | | | | Change | Internet |Settings | Clothes | | | | | | | | | Schedule | Messages | Load/ | | | Save | | | | *Commands in "[]" are only available during holidays or Sundays. -Sleep command lower your stress, but also the other parameters. If your stress is higher than 100 you'll get sick and have to stay in bed during one or two weeks Note that if a guy is on :) and above, he will go and check on you :D. -Studying: -Increases: Intelligence, Style and Arts. -Lowers: Fitness and Charm. -No effect: Social. -Drawing: -increases Intelligence, Style and Arts. -Lowers: Fitness and Social. -No effect: Charm. -Excercise: -Increases Fitness and Social. -Lowers your Intelligence and Charm. -No effect: Style. -Reading -Increases: Style, Arts and Charm. -Lowers: Intelligence and Social. -No effect: Fitness. -Dress up: -Increases: Style, Arts and Charm. -Lowers: Intelligence, Fitness and Social. -No effect: None -Hang out with Miyo: -Increases: Intelligence, Arts and Social. -Lowers: Fitness and Style. -No effect: Charm -Hang out with Karen: -Increases: Style, Social and Charm. -Lowers: Intelligence and Arts. -No effect: Fitness. -Club: -It depends on wich club you choose -Call a Friend: *Option only availible on holidays and sundays*. In this option you can choose between calling a guy, a girl or to apply for a job. -Call a guy: In this option you can call a guy and tell him to go on a date with you :D. -Call a girl: Here you can call Karen or Miyo. -Call Miyo: You can ask her about people's information, what do they think about you and to hang out with you. -Call Karen: You can ask her about some fashion secrets, guy's fashion preferences and to hang out with you. -Job: You can use this action to apply for a job, the jobs that you've unlocked will be shown in the list below it. -Go shopphing: *Option only availible on holidays and sundays*. With this command you can go shopping, but you can go just to two places each time you go. -Join/Quit club: *Option only availible on holidays and sundays*. Here you can join the club you want. -Change clothes: Action it and you can change you clothes/style. -Internet: Here you can check the news, public events, movies, your horoscope and the lates fashon trends in Goro's and Himeko's blog :D. -Change Settings: -Display: Change tect and activity speed -Sound: Change volume of voices, BGM and SFX -Background: Change option background color. -Room: Change picture in your room. -Data Install: Recover data. -Defautl: Restore to default settings. -Schedule: Here you can check the upcoming events like public events, guy/ friends birthday, trips,work days, etc. -Message: Read messages that a guy/friend/job sends you. -Load/Save: Load/Save data. Also here you can return to the title screen. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAYING THE GAME [PTG] --------------------------------------------------------------------- CALENDAR [CLN] *First Year* (4/4) - Welcome Ceremony. (6/13) - Sports Fest. (6-10/7) - Final Exams. (11/7) - Exam Result. (20/7) - Marine Day/Summer Break. (2/8) - Fireworks Festival. (1/9) - Second Semester. (31/10) - Festival Announce. (1-13/11) - Festival Preparation. (14/11) - Culture Fest. (7-11/12) - Final Exams. (12/12) - Exam Result. (24/12) - Christmas Party. (25/12) - Winter Break. (1/1) - New Year. (8/1) - Third Semester. (13/2) - Valentines Day. (8-12/3) - Final Exams. (13/3) - Exam Result. (14/3) - White Day. (21/3) - Spring Break. *Second Year* (5/4) - Opening Ceremony. (12/6) - Sports Fest. (5-9/7) - Final Exams. (10/7) - Exam Result. (19/7) - Marine Day/Summer Break. (1/8) - Fireworks Festival. (1/9) - Second Semester. (13-17/9) - Field Trip. (30/10) - Festival Announce. (31-12/11)- Festival Preparation. (13/11) - Culture Fest. (6-10/12) - Final Exams. (11/12) - Exam Result. (24/12) - Christmas Party. (25/12) - Winter Break. (1/1) - New Year (14/2) - Valentines Day. (7/11) - Final Exams. (12/3) - Exam Result. (14/3) - White Day. (21/3) - Spring Break. *Third Year* (4/4) - Opening Ceremony/Career Counseling. (11/6) - Sports Fest. (4-8/7) - Final Exams. (9/7) - Exam Result. (18/7) - Marine Day/Summer Break. (7/8) - Fireworks Festival. (1/9) - Second Semester. (29/10) - Festival Announce. (30-11/11)- Festival Preparation. (12/11) - Culture Fest. (5-9/12) - Final Exams. (10/12) - Exam Result. (24/12) - Christmas Party. (25/12) - Winter Break. (1/1) - New Year. (10/1) - Third Semester. (14/2) - Valentines Day. (23/2) - Consultation Day. EVENTS [EVN] *Sports Festival* The Sports Fest occurs every second Saturday of June. You get to choose if you want to join an event or not. If you choose to join, then you have to choose between three minigames: -Ball Rolling. -Three-Legged Race. -Ball Tosing. *Tip* If you are playing this on a PSP emulator, don't choose the "Ball Rolling" game, because you need the Analog Stick and... well is not easy to play with the computer keyboard D: Also if you join an event, you have to get a partner (except for Ball Rolling), and the guy who has the highest afection for you is the one who's gonna join you :) If you get to win the 1st place, then the affection of the guy will grow up, but if you lose, his affection will lower. *Tip* I advice you to save before, so, if you lose you just have to go back. I also recommend you to play the Three-Legged Race, because (at least for me XD) it was the easiest. After this, the day ends with the Folks Dance. You'll get pairied with the three guys that have highest affection for you. *Exams* You will have the Final Exams every 2, 3 or 4 months (it depends). The subjects that are evaluated are the following: -Language. -Math. -Elective Subject. (club you've joined). -Art. -Home Economics. Your parameters will affect your scores, so study hard :D. I also recommend you to use the Study and Club commands before the exams, so you can raise your parameters and get bette grades. If you get 3 red numbers or more, you will end getting extra lessons. *Fireworks Festival* It happens on the first Sunday of August during the 3 years. It's a Summer Fest were you can go with your guy to see the fireworks. *Culture Festival* The Culture Fest Preparations gets place durig the first two weeks of November. During this time the Club command is replaced by the Culture Fest one. Use this command as possible during this weeks for better results :) During the First two yers you will be participating in your club presentation, but unless you are club-less, you will be participating with your class. On the 3rd year you'll be participating in the school play with your guy, this scenes are so cute because every guy has a different role during the play. If your guy doesn't have enough affection for you, you'll be in the play with the guy whith the highest affection, and if there's none, you'll end up in the play with Karen and Miyo. -Ruka: Romeo and Juliet. -Kouichi: Romeo and Juliet. -Arashi: Shinsengumi. -Junpei: Little Red Riding Hood. -Seiji: Chekhov's The Seagull. -Tamao: The Prince and the Pauper. -Miyo and Karen: Cinderella. -Taira: Cinderella. *Tip* I really, really, recommend you to use the Culture Fest command Because, one: it'll raise all your parameters and, two: if you don't prepare enough, your performance will be a mess :( *Rose Queen* Also there￾Ls the "Rose Queen" event that will be introduced to you by Miyo and Karen during your first fest. This is an event where a 3rd year girl is chosen during the Culture Fest because of her aptitudes. For being chosen as the Rose Quee, you have to get "All" of you parameters at 130 and above. Also you need to have "no" guys bombing you, it￾Ls fine if they hate you XD, but No bombs please. *Christmas* There will be a Christmas party every year on December 24th. This party takes place on the Amanohashi mansion and you'll be prompted to buy a gift for the interchange, there you can choose between a 1 rich gift or a 10 rich one. Choose the correct one for your guy :D. Also remmenber to wear a dress to the party, if you do that, then your guy will compliment you, but it's not bad if you wear another thing. Again, you'll get to have a little chat with the 3 guys with highest affection. *Tip* On December 23rd, there's a sale on some boutiques, so I recommend you to go shopping that day and buy a Furisode for New Year (because you get them at 150 rich and not 300 like other days) and also a dress for the party. :D *New Year* This day you'll recieve cards from the guys, friends, and Osako-chan (that always try to make a good drawing but fails XD). If the guy you're daiting likes you enough, he'll call you and invite you to the Shrine visit. If you don't recive any call, you have to call him instead, but if he rejects you, you'll have to go with Karen and Miyo. You should wear a Furisode (Kimono) because your guy will compliment you :) In the Shrine you'll get 3 options to make a wish: -Love. -Health. -Studies. If you choose the first one, then you will have to choose between the guys and the one you choose, his affection for you will grow up. For the second one, it will reduce your stress and the third one will raise your intelligence. After that, you'll get the options og drawing fortunes or not, it doesn't matter what you choose, but it's funny to watch the guy's reactions of his luck XD. Also if you get Excellent luck, your stress will lower, but if you get the Worst one, it will raise. *Valentine's Day* A day before it, you will go to the store and get the option of buying an obligatory and deluxe choco. Choose as you want. Then You'll get the option of making handmade chocos with Karen and Miyo or not. Choose yes if you want to have your guy happy, if you choose not and you give to your guy the bought chocolate, his affection will go down. If you choose yes, then you get in the minigame of making chocos. There are different types of chocos, make the one your guy likes the most. *Tip* You will find what kind of chocos the guys like in their own section. If you give your guy the deluxe or obligatory chocolate, his affection will lower, this also happens if you give him the Mysterious choco. *White Day* It happens on March and is where the guy give you something in return from Valentine's Day. If he like you enough, he'll give you something cute :D, but if that's not the case, he'll just give you an obligatoy one :( *Field Trip* It takes place during your second year. You go to Hokkaido and there are like two days where you have free time. If your guy likes you enough, he'll ask you to spend the day with him.If that's not the case you'll be prompted to ask him, but if you get rejected (D:), you will spend the day with Karen and Miyo. Also during the night of one day (I think it's the last XD) you will be approached by Karen or Miyo (the one who has more affection) and she will tell you that there's so much noise in the guy's room and if you want to go and investigate. If you choose to go, you'll get into a pillow fight with the guys. You will be paired with the guy with highest affection and then there's a minigame. You have to throw the pillows to the other side and at the end, the team with less pillows will win. Also the pillow fight stop when Osako-chan arrives to the room for an insepction an then you need to hide. There are three options. -Under the table. -Under the futon. -In the closet. You can choose whatever you want, but if you are lucky enough, you'll end up in the same place with your guy :D, but if not, you will be with the guy that was in the other team, or with your friend (it doesn't matter how many saves y make, I always end up hiding Miyo XD). *Career Counseling* It happens on April 4th of your thirs year. There you have to go with Osako-chan and choose a n option: -University. -Company. -Ask another person. If you choose the first option, Osako will tell you if you are able to enter to a first, second or third rate University. If you want him to tell you to enter on a First rate, your Intelligence need to be at 130 or higher. If you choose the second option, he will tell you if you can work at a first, second or third rate Company. If you choose to Ask other person, then you will have a list to choose between the guys and girls. *Birthday* This time Konami finally decided to change a little bit this part. Now you can give gifts to the girls to :D. This is a good way to increase the guys' affection. You have to call Miyo and ask her about peoples info, to check out the guys/girls birthday ad they automatically will be added to your schedule. *Tip* Give them a good present, if you give them something they don't like, their affection will lower. *Deciding Your Path* You have to choose which path you aim for. -University. -Company. -Depends on job. If you choose the University or Company one, you will be given the option between 1st, 2nd or 3rd rate one. Choose ehat you want. If you choose the third option, then you'll work at the job you are in. *Tip* I recommend you to choose the path that Osako-chan told you, because if you choose a path that your parameters don't fulfill then you'll end up doing anything else. Also if you use the club command a lot, then you can choose between a normal university and a club-related one. AFTER SCHOOL [AFS] Sometimes when you are going home, you will run into some character and you can choose between: -Ask him/her to go home with you. -Ask him/her to go to a cafe/tea. -Go home by yourself. Also you can choose how to call him/her at that time. If you choose the 1st one, you will walk home with him/her and sometimes you'll have a small chat. If you choose the second then you will go to a cafeteria. If you are going, then you can ask about: -Favorite Food. -Favorite TV Program. -Favorite Sports. -Favorite Music -About School. -Hobby. -Love. -Type of person. Unlocking the different topics, will make your guy to confess his love earlier :D There are sometimes that they are the ones who will ask you to go with them (they have to be at :) and above), but you can also do the same things. If there are two guys/girls who invite you, some of the topics will be: - Favorite Foods. - Favorite Sports. - About School. - Skinship. - About two of them. - Guys' Thoughts. - Types of person. - When their hearts beat faster. - Being Girlish.. - Friendship between guys and girls. - Are you in love? - Kiss. JOBS [JBS] Getting a part-time job isn't required for the game to progress, but is a good way for getting money. (You won't survive with your monthly income, remmember that XD). You can check which jobs you can apply in the Message section. Here￾Ls a list of the jobs along with the requirements, days you need to work and the guy who will join you: -Gasoline Stand: -Requirements: Fitness 60, Social 50. -Days: Wednesday, Friday. -Guy: Kouichi. -Flower Shop: -Requirements: Intelligence 60, Social 50. -Days: Tuesday, Thursday. -Guy: Ruka. -Bakery: -Requirements: Style 60, Social 50. -Days: Tuesday, Thursday. -Girl: Miyo. -Pool: -Requirements: Social 50, Fitness 50, Charm 50. -Days: Tuesday, Thursday. -Guy: Arashi. -Convenience Store: -Requirements: Social 70 (Only avalible on the 2nd year onwards). -Days: Wednesday, Friday. -Guy: Niina. -General Store: -Requirements: Arts 60, Social 50. -Days: Tuesday, Thursday. -Guy: Karen. -Game Debugger: -Requirements: None (Avalible on the 2nd year). -Days: Monday to Saturday. -Guy: None. If you work with your guy in the same place, you will get some extra events and in some cases, CGs. On your second year of working there, the owner will tell you to work full-time there adter you graduate. You can also call to quit the job, but you won't be anble to re-join a job after you quit it. CLUB [CLB] You can join a club by using the Join a club command during sundays. There are Clubs that require practice on certain days. If you miss two practices, then you'll get thrown out and you can't join again. The rules of quiting the club are the same as the ones for jobs. There aren't any parameter requirements for joining a club, except for the Judo one, here you need to get a high Fitness level so you can meet Arashi and be the manager. This are the clubs: -Tennis Club: -Guy: None. -Band: -Guy: Shitara (on 1st and 2nd year). -Judo Club: -Guy: Arashi and Niina. -Requirements: Meet Arashi and accept to be the Judo Club manager. -Student Council: -Guy: Tamao (on 1st and 2nd year). -Art Club: -Girl: Miyo. -Handicraft Club: -Guy: None. -Volleybal Club: -Girl: Karen. -Baseball Club: -Guy: Taiyou. SHOPPING [SPP] There are different shops where you can buy, but you can only go to two shops per day. -Boutique Pamela: -Style: Active. -Availible from the start. -Candy Cane Shop: -Style: Second-hand clothes. -July 2nd year. -Boutique Sophia: -Style: Cute. -Availible from the start. -Boutique Jess: -Style: Chic. -Availible from the start. -Boutique Nenne: -Style: Sexy. -Availible from the start. -Jewerly Jenne: -Semptember 2nd year. -Gen. Store Simon: -Availible from the start. -Jewerly Whip. -Open on June of the 1st year. -Antique Shop Cocotte: -September of 1st year. --------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING [DTN] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, first I need to tell you something important *Save before asking a guy out* so if you get rejected you just have to reload. Before going to the date you have to choose your clothes, I recommend you to wear the style your guy likes most. If you wear the one he hates, he will tell you that he doesn't like it, but if you weat the correct one, he will compliment you :D If one guy is :D and above, he will be the one who asks you out sometimes. Also remember not to ask him out during his part-time job, unless you are in the same job as him. Ask him out to the spots he loves, also save before going. Let's atart! CLOTHES [CHS] Wear the kind of clothes he likes, so he will compliment you. Here is a list of the type of clothes of each guy: -Sakurai Ruka: -Like: Natural. -Hate: vivid. -Sakurai Kouichi: -Like: Vivid. -Hate: Cute. -Fujiyama Arashi: -Like: Active. -Hate: Chic. -Niina Junpei: -Like: Sexy. -Hate: Natural. -Konno Tamao: -Like: Cute. -Hate: Sexy. -Shitara Seiji: -Like: Chic. -Hate: Active. You can also call Karen and ask her about some Fashion tips and the guys' style preferences :D DURING THE DATE [DTD] During the date you have to choose some answers to what the gy ask you. If the answers are correct, his affection will raise, but if not it will lower. *How to know if my response was correct?* Well, there are two ways: 1st: Depending on the way he acts, if he seems happy then your answer was correct, but if he seems disgusted then it's wrong XD 2nd: The game will tell you, after you choose your anwer there will be a little dialogue and then another, the second one is the one that will tell you with the text -I made such a great impresion today!- :D or -I made the worst impresion for today's date- D: Also if you choose the correct dialogue yo have more chances of Approaching him, but if your choose is wrong the best thing to do is not to approach him, or he won't like it. *Tip* You wont get most good answers if the location you choose is one that the guy hates, so, choose a good place. Also, NEVER choose the same location twice in a row because he will tel you that he got bored about going to the same place. This rule applies with the clothes too. APPROACH MODE [APM] For the ones that have played the other DS games, the Approaching Mode is the same as the Skinship, but this is more limited :( The game will tell you when you can approach the guy. It happens when during the date the *Approach* text appears in the top right corner of the screen. There you need to use the Analog Stick and in the screen will appear the buttons: -The first one is the "O": If you just press it, you can smile to the guy, and if you hold it then you can gaze at him. If you push again the Analog to the top it will unlock another one. -The "￾£" button: With this you can touch him and if you hold it, you can hold his hand. Again if you push to the top the Analog, another option will appear. -The last one is the "￾¡": If you press it you can tease him, if you hold it will be a mock. If you continue pushing the Analog then you can Cling (I love doing this XD) *Tip* If the guy doesn't like you enough I recommend you just to smile or touch him. If you make the correct approaches during the firtst dates, then you will recive Approacching Stars (the ones under the Approach text), if you recieve them, then you can approach the guy more. There's a pink heart on the top left of the screen. This is like the guy's heart. If he doesn't like wat you are doing to him, then the heart will turn purple, but if he likes it, then it will grow. If you make the correct chooses and approaches then you'll enter on Climax mode. This is a plart where you are free to Approach the guy. The pink heart will turn into a "Love Metter" (at least that the way I call it XD) and you have to fill it to the %100. *Tip* When you are at Climax mode, never, NEVER, use the same command twice in a row, or you'll get blue heart (<- bad). AFTER THE DATE [ADT] If the guy likes you enough and if you made the correct answer during the date, he will ask you if you have more time and then you will go to the beach. There you will have to choose beyween some conversation topics (the same as the ones from the after school if you invite him to the coffe shop). If you unlock the "Love" topic, then in the next date on your way home he will make his almost confession, and is so sweet <3. If during the date you Approach the guy correctly, then you'll enter in the Love Mode on your way home :D LOVE MODE [LVM] This if like the Climax Mode, but it happens after the guy ask you if you still have time, in your way home. As in the Climax Mode, a love metter heart will appear in the top left and you have to fill it. You have to feel the heart at 43% at least to pass to the neext stage, then you need to raise it to %100. *TIP* It's supposed that you have to fill the heart to %100, but every time I made it, I just got scolded XD, so I recommend you to leave it at %95. If your skinship is a big succes, then you will have a little more intimate conversation with the guy after it. If you are still approaching the guy even when the hearts is already at %100, you'll get scolded (like me lol XD), some of this conversations are a little asdfgh in some cases. 3P DATES [3PD] Yai! Thisis a new feature that Konami added, and it's just so... asdasfgf (sorry XD). For the first time you can go on dates with two guys the same day :D. (But I think this option is to limited guys, I need to confirm it) The 3P dates I unlocked are with: -Ruka and Kou. -Arashi and Niina. -Seiji and Tamao. You can only get into a 3P at once. You know when wou're in 3P mode when the guys call you and ask you to go with them. Both guys need to be at :) or above and you need to have dated both at least once. You won't have to choose between any dialogue in this kind of dates. There's no Approaching during the date. It's only availible when you get in Love Mode with the 3P :D but you can't Approach both at the same time, they will be changing places by themselves. *Note* You won't get a guy's ending if you're still at 3P mode, you will get the 3P End with both guys. You can call Miyo and see if you￾Lre still in 3P mode. Being in 3P is funny XD, but you still can choose between going on a normal date or 3p when you call one of the guys. If you are aiming for a guy's ending, then you have to get out of the 3P mode. For this you can: -Stop going on 3P dates. -Action the PvsP mode. PRIDE VS PRIDE [PVP] This is algo a new thing, and is where two guys fight for you, but they have to be at 3P and they should be at :D or above. *Tip* For getting this to work as it should, I recommend you to have both guys with the same affection level, (for example: both guys are at :D) Also, to keep both guys's affectios as the same, you should go on the 3P dates and during the Love mode, trying to do the same thing to both. You should go in 3P dates alot and then go in a normal date with one of the guys, then the other will feel jealous. *Note* If you are still at PVP mode at the end of the game, you won't get any guys' ending. If you get to stop the PVP, then you'll get the ending of the guy with highest affection. You can check with Miyo the PVP scale and see how are the prides of each guy (the red hearts) There are some funny and sweet events with the PVP mode, but I still feel bad during the PVP with Ruka and Kou, every time I watched their events I felt like a bad person D: Also remmember that every option you choose, will lower on increase the guys's affection. --------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER [OTH] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here I'll put other thing that are also important :D TOKIMEKI PANEL [TKP] The Tokimeki panel has the same function like in the other games, but for those who doesn't know what is this, ill explain it here: The TKP is where the guys' affection is measured. You can acces to the panel by calling Miyo and asking her about what people think about you. This time the panel is easier to read and here you can also check your status (if you are on 3P or PVP) You know that the guy is in Tokimeki state when he is at *￾‹u￾‹*, which means he has the highest affection. BOMBS [BMB] Konami changed a lot of thing, but the bombs are still there D:, great. You will know that a guy is bombing you when: -You tun into him after school and he seems angry. -Miyo calls you and tells you that there are some stars around you that have benn hurt. You can also check this by calling Miyo, there will be a bomb icon text the guy's face in the Tokimeki Panel. If a bomb explotes, it will happen during a date with your guy, if this happens, your guys's affection will lower. *Tip* If I guy￾Ls bombing you, you have to go in a date with him to stop the bomv, but if you don't want to go out with him there are two option for making him reject you: 1st: Invite him during his work days. 2nd: Invite him to a place he hates (this only works sometimes) Also if you want to win the Rose Queen event you souln't have any exploted bombs or guy's bimbing you. FRIENDS [FRD] This time you only got two friends, Karen and Miyo, but don't worry, they are good friends. You don't need any requirements to meet them, And here are the good news: There's no Rival mode in this game :D You will meet them inmediatly during your first day. Also they call you Bambi as a nickname XD Miyo is a girl who believes in the star guidance, and she's the one who will provide you the guys numbers and birthdays. Karen is from the Hanatsubaki's bloodline, she will be the one who tells you about the type of style the guys like. Also you can give presents to them and hang out with them. If you decide o go out with them, then at the end of the date, the girl will give you a little present that increases some of your parameters. Is the girls like you enough, you'll be invited to a sleepover in Karen's house, there, they'll ask you if you like some guy. If you tell them yes, suring the next week you'll recieve a mailfrom the guy asking you what did you tell them about him (only if he likes you enough. If you tell them that there's nobody, nothing really happens. If the girl's likes you enough, she'll ask you out, and some times she'll invite you to a 4P date. There will be your friend, you , and two guys with the highest affection. They also will be the ones that helps you with the Valentine's choco. There￾Ls also an ending for them :D --------------------------------------------------------------------- GUYS [GYS] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the list of the dateable guys and their profiles :D ........................................................... SAKURAI RUKA [SKR] ........................................................... Birthday: July 1st. Sign: Cancer. Blood Type: O Cellphone: ￾œ￾~￾œ-￾¡￾œ￾£-￾¡￾¡￾¡￾œ Height: 180 cm. Weight: 65 kg. Part-time Job: Annalee Flower. Club: None. Path: 1st rate University. CV: Tomokazu Sugita - Kizami Yuuya (Corpse Party). Onizaki Takuma (Hiiro no Kakera). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW TO CALL HIM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :I - Ruka-kun, Ruka. :) - Ruka-chan, Ruu. :D and above - Ruka-tan, Darling. Never call him - Sakurai-outouto, sakurai-kun, Prince. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW HE CALLS YOU +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :I and above - First name-chan. :D and above - First name. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW TO MEET HIM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Automatically. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CONFESSION PARAMETERS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Intelligence: 150. -Social: 150. -Fitness: 150. -Style: 150. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ APPROACH MODE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :I - Smile, Touch. :D and below - Hold Hand, Cling, Tokimeki State - Anything is fine. He doesn't like you to gaze at him during dates. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRESENTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *FOR HIM* -Valentine's Day choco: -Natural, Cute. -Dolphin, Candy Girl, Whipped Cream, Love Plate. -Birthday: -1st Year: Photo Collection. -2nd Year: Dolphin art Piece. -3rd Year: Choir CD. -Birthday: -1st Year: SR400 model/poster. -2nd Year: -3rd Year: -Christmas: -1 Rich: Santa's boot with candy. *FROM HIM* -White Day: -:): Music Box. -:D and above: Oldies CD (or a book, I don't remmember XD). -Birthday: -1st Year: Dolphin Photo. -2nd Year: Angel Key Chain. -3rd Year: Primrose Ring, (you can wear this on your next date :D). -Christmas: -1st Year: Opened-Maple Syrup (LOL). -2nd Year: Snow Globe. -3rd Year: CD. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DATE SPOTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *He likes* -Game Center. -Amusement Park (Merry-Go-Round, Night Parade). -Habataki Castle (Castle Tower). -Aquarium (Dolphin Show, Tunnel). -Zoo. -Karaoke. -Seaside Park (Brick Path). -Botanical Garden. -Farm. -Sea. -Habataki Mountain (Ski). -Skating Rink. -Shopping Mall (Food Court). -Fireworks Fest. -His Place. *He hates* -Amusement Park (Roller Cosater). -Forest Park (Winter). -Museum. -Zoo (Pets). -Planetarium. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STYLE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Likes: Natural. Cute. Ultra Cute. Ultra Natural. Girly. -Hates: Vivid. Sexy (in some cases). -Swimsuit: Natural. Cute. -Color: Aqua Blue. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DESCRIPTION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ruka is one of the main characters of this game. This time we don't have the "prince" guy as the main, Ruka isn't perfect, and I like it. You meet him automatically at the begining of the game, and as in the other games, as the main, he shares a past with Bambi (this is the way Karen and Miyo calls the heroine XD) along with Kou, but this time she does remember them. He's kind with you even at neutral, he's always playing around and getting in fights. He has a sad past, but he try to hide it all the rime. He also calls himself a "hero". He's also Kou's younger brother. He cares deeply for Bambi and he's a funny guy. He always look after her and he's trying to hide his feeling for her, because he thinks that he's not a good guy for her ): Hes a good guy, so treat him well :D +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WHAT TO DO +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Well, his parameter aren't "that" hard to fullfil if you put a good effort on it. Working in the Flower Shop and getting into a good club will help you a lot. First get a job in Annalee's, you'll be working with him, and if you are lucky you'll get some hilarious events there :) Go out with him to the places he likes, wear his favorite type of clothes on dates, and accept his dates when he asks you out. Give him good Valentine chocos and birthday/Christmas presents. Since he's liked Bambi since chilhood, when he's at :), he'll start to ask you out. Try to get good grades on your exams and avoid exploded bombs. ........................................................... SAKURAI KOUICHI [SKK] ........................................................... Birthday: May 19th. Sign: Taurus. Blood Type: A Cellphone: ￾œ￾~￾œ-￾£￾¡￾£￾£-￾¡￾¡￾£￾œ Height: 190 cm. Weight: 73 kg. Part-time Job: Stallion Gas. Club: None. Path: Help his father business. CV: Junichi Suwabe - Akura-Ou/Kirihito (Kamisama Hajimemashita). Akatsuki Kain (Vampire Knight). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW TO CALL HIM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :I - Kouichi-kun, Kou-kun. :) - Kou, Kouichi. :D and above - Kou-chan, Aniki, Husband (Danna). Never call him - Sakurai-kun. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW HE CALLS YOU +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :I and above - Last name. :D and above - First name. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW TO MEET HIM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Automatically. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CONFESSION PARAMETERS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Fitness: 150. -Arts: 150. -Social: 150. -Charm: 70. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ APPROACH MODE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :) and below - Smile, Touch, Tease. :D - Hold hand, Mock. Tokimeki - Anything is fine. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRESENTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *For him* -Valentine's Day choco: -Wild, Pop. -Candy Cane, Whisky Bombon, Girl, Love Plate. -Christmas: -1 Rich: Keychain. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DATE SPOTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *He likes* -Bowling Arena (Bowling, Darts). -Museum (Bike Exhibition). -Seaside Park (Brick Path). -Event Hall. -Planetarium. -Forest Park. -Sea. -Habataki Mountain. -Flea Market. -Amusement Park (Roller Coaster, Night Parade). -Habataki Castle. -Fireworks Fest. -His Place. *He hates* -Karaoke. -Amusement Park (Ferris Wheel, Merry-Go-Round) -Skating Rink -Aquarium (Dolphin Show) -Zoo (Alpaca exhibition.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STYLE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Likes: Vivid. Sexy. Ultra Vivid. Ultra Sexy. Wild. -Hates: Cute. -Swimsuit: Sexy. Vivid. -Color: Orange. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DESCRIPTION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ He's also one of your chilhood friends and is Ruka's older brother. He cares deeply for Bambi and Ruka since chilhool. He's described by Miyo as a delinquent with soft heart (LOL XD), which in part it's true, he also gets in a lot of fights as Ruka, but hes cares about both of you. He has an scary face, but he's kind (<-is so cute). This mode of him is more evident when his affection is high. He also acts like your big brother sometimes. He's a shy guy, so you need to make way to his heart :D +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WHAT TO DO +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You meet him at the start of the game. At first he's sort of happy to see you again, but at the same time he acts a little distant, then when his affection increases he's more protective towards you and for this make sure you: Work at the Gasoline Stall, there are some events there, and this job helps you to raise some of the needed parameters. Also try to find a good club that raises your other parameters. Also make him his favorite chocos and give him good Christmas and birthday presents. If you raise his affection in a good pace, he'll start to ask you out at the mid of the second year. Avoid getting bombs. ........................................................... FUJIYAMA ARASHI [FJA] ........................................................... Birthday: September 8th. Sign: Virgo. Blood Type: AB Cellphone: ￾œ￾~￾œ-￾¡￾~￾¡￾œ-￾~￾£￾~￾œ Height: 178 cm. Weight: 71 kg. Part-time Job: Habataki Pool. Club: Judo. Path: 1st rate Sports University. CV: Eiji Miyashita - Mirai Nikki (Gasai Ushio). Nagakura (Nana). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW TO CALL HIM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :I - Fujiyama-kun, Fujiyama. :) - Arashi-kun, Arashi-san. :D and above - Arashi. Never call him - Yamaarashi (LOL), Judo-kun. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW HE CALLS YOU +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :I and above - Last Name. :D and above - First Name. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW TO MEET HIM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Raise your Fitness parameter to 55. You'll run into him after school and he'll ask you to be the Judo's club manager. -Work at the Indoor Pool. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CONFESSION PARAMETERS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Fitness: 200 -Social: 150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ APPROACH MODE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :I - Smile. :) - Touch. :D - Hold Hand, Tease. Tokimeki - Anithing is fine. At first is really, REALLY, difficult to approach him and to gain Approaching Stars, but when his affection raises, it's a way easier. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRESENTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *To him* -Valentine's choco: -Cool, Wild. -Girl, Medal, Love Plate. -Christmas: -1 Rich: Alpaca Figure. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DATE SPOTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *He likes* -Skate Park. -Zoo (Pets). -Habataki Castle (Castle Tower). -Aquarium (Dolphin Show) -Bowling Alley (Bowling). -Skating Rink. -Indoor Pool. -Sea. -Game Corner. -Fireworks Fest. -His Place. *He hates* -Botanical Garden. -Karaoke. -Live House. -Amusement Park (Ferris Wheel, Merry-Go-Round) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STYLE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Likes: Active. Ultra Active. Sporty. Vivid (sometimes). -Hates: Chic. Cute (sometimes). -Swimsuit: Active. -Color: Blue. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DESCRIPTION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You meet this guy for first time in school when your Fitness is at 55. Yiu'll run into himm after school and he'll ask you to be the Judo club manager. Then you should select to Be the Judo manager and then you are in. At first he only cares about exercising and to make the Judo a former club at the school, but then he starts getting interest on you. He might be a bit serious (well, a lot XD), but he's a nice guy when the two of you get closer. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WHAT TO DO +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Well since he's a little hard to approach, I recommend you to do this: Work in the Indoor Pool, there you can get some events. Also accept to be the Judo's manager, that way you two will growcloser and if you use the command enough, you'll get an special event. As always give him his favorite chocos and presents. During your first dates don't approach him a lot, he will get nervous DX, you can gaze at him or touch him, that way you'll get Approaching Stars in a faster way. ........................................................... NIINA JUNPEI [NNJ] ........................................................... Birthday: November 25th. Sign: Sagittarius. Blood Type: B Cellphone: ￾œ￾~￾œ-￾¡￾£￾œ￾~-￾~￾£￾¡￾~ Height: 176 cm. Weight: 61 kg. Part-time Job: Convenience Store Halogen. Club: Judo (only if you're in). Path: Continue at Habataki high (and he actually wants to become a jewerly designer). CV: Atsushi Kisaichi - Sh?go Asahina (Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion) Meta Knight (Hoshi no Kirby). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW TO CALL HIM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :I - Niina-kun, Niina. :) - Junpei, Jun. :D and above - Jun-kun, Pe-chan. Never call him - Niina-san, Jun-chan. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW HE CALLS YOU +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :I and above - First Name-san. :) and above - First Name-chan. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOW TO MEET HIM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There are two ways for meeting him, the first it's the easiest, but for the second you need more work (I recommend you doing the second one, you'll get a cute CG :D) Because he's a year younger, you will meet him at your 2nd year if: -You'll meet him on your 2nd year but only if your Style is at least at 70. You can meet him on your 1st year only if you complete the requirements below (its worth, trustme :D), but he's not dateable yet. -For your first encounter, by your first year your Style must be at 55. On a Sunday you sould go shopping and you will run into him in your way home. For the Second ecounter, you should guy in a date with any guy and a date disturber will appear(I recommend you to use a Sexy outfit XD) and then Niina will come in your rescue. For the third one, you should go shopping again and you will run into him in your way home. And for the last one you should go shopping alone (do this during (November-January). There you'll get a CG. If you do fave the four eciubters, then you'll meet him automatically during your second year. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CONFESSION PARAMETERS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Style: 200. -Intelligence: 100. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ APPROACH MODE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :I - Smile, Touch. :) and above - Hold hand, Cling. Tokimeki - Anything is okay. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRESENTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *For Him* -Valentine's choco: -Cute, Funky. -Girl, Bear, Love Plate. -Christmas: -1 Rich: Glitter stuff (sorry I don't remmember the name XD). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DATE SPOTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *He Likes* -Karaoke. -Forest Park (Flower Viewing). -Seaside Park. -Habataki Mountain. -Indoor Pool. -Sea. -Skating Rink. -Game Corner. -Ski. -Shopping Mall. -Flea Market. -Business District. -Fireworks Fest. -His Place. *He Hates* -Habataki Castle. -Planetarium. -Botanical Garden (Insect thing). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STYLE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Likes: Sexy. Cute. Ultra Sexy. Ultra Cute. Devilish. -Hates: Natural. Actuve (sometimes). -Swimsuit: Sexy. -Color: Pink. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DESCRIPTION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Niina is a year younger than you, he's funny and kind. He's described by Miyo as a Skirt Chaser (which was true), but now he changed cause of you <3. He feels bad of his past as a "skirt chaser", you can sense that when the blonde date disturber runs into you and has a small chat with Niina. He doesn't like you to treat him as if he were youre little brother. So, don't upset him :D +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WHAT TO DO +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ He's not a hard guy to get, you sould use the Read Magazines command a lot, also don't disregard your Intelligence, because his a model student in that, so if you get good grades he will compliment you, if not, well it's the contrary, Also get a job in the Convenience Store, it'll be availible at the begining of the 2nd year. Also if you are in the judo club, he will join. You and Arashi will run into him after school and theres a little event where you convice him to join. Again give his good presents and chocos. During the Approaching mode, you din't have to hold yourlserf a lot when hes at :), Hes a good and kind guy ;D. --------------------------------------------------------------------- COMING SOON [COS] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Well as you can see this Walk-t isn't complete yet, Ill be posting in this section about the coming updates. So stay alert. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS [CRD] --------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ was written by me: Hiimechii Some of the thing here, like the guy's info, was taken from the game and the Tokimedia page: I'll be adding the necessary credits here as they appear XD. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT [CTT] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to contact me at this mail. I know my English isn't good and there are (many) mistakes, I will appreciate any corrections and I apologize for it. Bye! :D