xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOKOBOT (KARAKURI) FAQ/Walkthrough By Alex "Lleonard Pler" Oliveres ( Version 1.06 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx INDEX 00. Versions History [VER00] 01. Introduction [INT00] 02. Basic Information [BAS00] a) Story [BAS01] b) Characters [BAS02] 03. Gameplay [GAM00] a) Basic Gameplay [GAM01] b) Controls [GAM02] c) Formation & Joint Basics [GAM03] 04. Walkthrough [WAL00] 04-1. Ruins Research a) Valve Air Ruins #1 [WAL01] b) Damper Rock Ruins #1 [WAL02] c) Damper Rock Ruins #2 [WAL03] d) Valve Air Ruins #1 (Revisited) [WAL04] e) Valve Air Ruins #2 [WAL05] 04-2. Taking back the Tokobots f) Grinder Valley [WAL06] g) Kingdom of Crank Belt #1 [WAL07] h) Kingdom of Crank Belt #2 [WAL08] 04-3. Looking for the Pass Codes i) Grinder Valley (Revisited) [WAL09] j) Valve Air Ruins #1 (Revisited) [WAL10] k) Valve Air Ruins #2 (Revisited) [WAL11] l) Damper Rock Ruins #1 (Revisited) [WAL12] m) Damper Rock Ruins #2 (Revisited) [WAL13] n) Grinder Valley (Revisited) [WAL14] 04-4. Sidequest o) The Kingdom of Crank Belt #1 (Revisited) [WAL15] p) The Kingdom of Crank Belt #2 (Revisited) [WAL16] 04-5. Zero q) Valve Air Ruins #1 (Revisited) [WAL17] r) Master Gear Cave [WAL18] 05. Karakuri Abilities [KAR00] a) Joint Actions [KAR01] b) Karakuri Combinations [KAR02] 06. Enemy Encyclopedia [ENE00] a) Standard Enemies [ENE01] b) Bosses [ENE02] 07. Items [ITE00] a) Common Items [ITE01] b) Life Potions [ITE02] c) Slates [ITE03] d) File Items [ITE04] e) Key Items [ITE05] 08. Original Time Attack Mode [ORI00] a) Valve Air Ruins #1 [ORI01] b) Valve Air Ruins #2 [ORI02] c) Damper Rock Ruins #1 [ORI03] d) Damper Rock Ruins #2 [ORI04] e) Grinder Valley [ORI05] f) The Kingdom of Crank Belt #1 [ORI06] g) The Kingdom of Crank Belt #2 [ORI07] h) Master Gear Cave [ORI08] 09. Extras [EXT00] a) Movies [EXT01] b) Illustrations [EXT02] c) Concept Art [EXT03] d) Stories [EXT04] 10. Closing [CLO00] a) Thank you & Credits [CLO01] b) Legal Stuff [CLO02] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00. VERSIONS HISTORY [VER00] Version 0.15 - 20/02/2006: Started to write a guide for "Tokobot". Lots of contents missing yet. Version 0.16 - 02/04/2006: Continued with the walkthrough. Added at the Copyright section a list of authorised websites that can feature this FAQ/Walkthrough. Version 0.17 - 26/05/2006: Continued with the walkthrough. Added the tips on how to defeat the last boss of the game (where many people seems to be stuck at). Added info about some Karakuri Abilities. Version 0.21 - 11/06/2006: Completed the first level of the walkthrough. Added tips on how to defeat the first boss of the game. Updated the Enemy Encyclopedia. Added how to get the first LIFE POTION. Updated the Original Time Attack Mode section, with general tips, and the walkthrough and instructions for the first level. Updated the Extras and Items sections. Added codes to enhance the navigation through the guide. Version 0.22 - 13/06/2006: Added "Concept Art" and "Stories" to the Extras section. Updated the Extras section. Updated the Original Time Attack Mode section with more general tips and details on how to get the best rank in the first level. Updated the Enemy Encyclopedia. Added websites with permission to post my walkthrough at Copyright section. Version 0.23 - 14/06/2006: Added half of the walkthrough for "Damper Rock Ruins #1". Updated the Original Time Attack Mode section. Added more items to the Extras section. Updated Karakuri Combinations and Enemy Encyclopedia sections. Version 0.25 - 16/06/2006: Completed the walkthrough for "Damper Rock Ruins #1" and started the "Damper Rock Ruins #2" one. Updated the Original Time Attack Mode section. Updated the Enemy Encyclopedia. Corrected some mistakes in the whole guide. Added websites with permission to post my walkthrough at Copyright section. Version 0.50 - 18/06/2006: Continued the walkthrough ("Looking for the Pass Codes" section is now complete). Original Time Attack Mode is almost complete now (I need help with some missing Coins, write me if you have any information about them, thank you). Standard Enemies Encyclopedia is now complete. Version 0.75 - 19/06/2006: Finished the "Master Gear Cave" walkthrough. There are only three and a half levels left to completely finish the guide. Corrected some mistakes through the whole guide. Updated the Karakuri Combinations section (which is almost complete). Updated the Bosses Encyclopedia section. Updated the lists at Items section Updated the Original Time Attack Mode section. Added new items to the Extras section. Version 0.76 - 20/06/2006: Updated the Original Time Attack Mode section. Added new items to the Extras section. Version 0.77 - 21/06/2006: Completed the Bosses from the Enemy Encyclopedia. Updated the Original Time Attack Mode section. Version 0.78 - 22/06/2006: Updated the Original Time Attack Mode section (almost complete). Added new items to the Extras section. Version 0.80 - 24/06/2006: Continued the walkthrough. It is almost complete now (only three and a half levels missing). Updated the Karakuri Abilities section. Updated the Items section. Corrected some mistakes in the whole guide. Version 0.85 - 24/06/2006: Continued the walkthrough. Only one and a half levels missing now. Updated & corrected some little things in the whole guide. Version 0.90 - 25/06/2006: Continued the walkthrough. Onle one level missing now. Added new things to the Items section. Corrected and added some little things through the whole guide. Version 0.91 - 26/06/2006: Completed the Items section, including Life Potions, Slates and Files. Updated the Original Time Attack Mode section. Corrected and added some little things through the whole guide. Version 1.00 - 28/06/2006: Finally completed the whole walkthrough. Added new details and corrections through the whole guide. It is now complete, except for some details at "Original Time Attack Mode" and "Extras" sections. These will be added in further updates of this FAQ / Walkthrough. Enjoy! Version 1.05 - 29/06/2006: Updated the Original Time Attack Mode and Extras sections with new details and items (I finally found the 3rd Silver Coing at KoCB1!). Corrected and added some little things through the whole guide. Version 1.06 - 30/06/2006: Updated the Original Time Attac Mode, with a warning about a bug in KoCB1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 01. INTRODUCTION [INT00] Tokobot is a game developed by Tecmo for the PSP. Its original japanese name is Karakuri. Tokobot features an original mix of platforms, action and puzzles. It was released Mid december 2005, both in Japan & USA. It was released by Take 2 in Europe past March 2006. There will be a PS2 version with new additions. This is my first walkthrough ever. I will try to do my best, and I hope you like it and most of all that you find it useful either to beat the game or to enhance your skills at it. I won't be giving too much details about the development of the plot, so I don't spoil it to you. I have written this guide from my own experience with the game. But I have taken some gameplay, story & characters explanations from the manual that comes with the game. Also, at certain difficult parts of the game, I had help from the friendly people of the boards. They all (and the part where they helped me) are mentioned in the "Thank you" paragraph of the "Closing" section. Without them, this walkthrough wouldn't surely have been possible. You can use the Search function (CTRL+F in English navigators, CTRL+B in Spanish ones, etc) to quickly navigate to any section and subsection of this FAQ/Walkthrough by using the character codes between brakets [ ] in the index above (i.e. "[ABC00]"). This is a brief description of each section of this guide: In "Versions History", you will learn about the building process of this guide in different versions. "Introduction" is this text that you are reading now. In "Basic Information" there are some details about the story and the characters of the game, without spoiling too much. In "Gameplay", I teach the basic controls and gameplay features of Tokobot. However, I also explain each movement at least once in the walkthrough, generally the first time that you need to perform it. There are further details about the Joint Actions and the Karakuri Combinations in the "Karakuri Combinations" section. "Walkthrough" is the main section of this guide, with a full level-by-level description to help you through the game. It includes strategies of every room and area, how to beat bosses and enemies, where to find all the objects, how to solve the puzzles, etc. "Enemy Encyclopedia" compiles every enemy and boss from the game, with a basic description and a reminder of how to beat each of them. In "Items", you will find lists, properties and locations of every single object that you may find through the game. They are also mentioned in the walkthrough, but this list may prove useful to locate faster a certain object, such as a LIFE POTION or the SLATE of any Karakuri Combination. Check "Original Time Attack Mode" for detailed strategies on how to get the best rank in these time trials. It features locations of Silver & Golden Coins, the times needed for an Overall Rank S, and the items that you will unlock. In "Extras", you will find lists of the special items that you will unlock in Original Time Attack Mode, including the unlocking method and a brief description. "Closing" is the final section, with special thanks, credits to people who has helped me with some points of this walkthrough, and a copyright reminder, including the websites with permission to host this FAQ / Walkthrough. English is not my first language (I'm from Spain), so please excuse me for any mistake or grammatical error. Don't hesitate to write me at for any correction, suggerence, comment or question. Thank you for reading my FAQ/Walkthrough. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 02. BASIC INFORMATION [BAS00] ==================== = a) STORY [BAS01] = ==================== Bolt is 14 years old and has just started working as an agent of Canewood's Lab. This Lab was founded by Mr. Canewood, the Lord of the Kingdom, in order to research the Prehistoric Ruins which are spread all over the country. In his first mission, Bolt finds 6 robots which were pressumably constructed by the ancient civilization Karakuri. Bolt also finds a wrist-band. Thanks to this item, Bolt is able to control the robots. After returning to the Lab, Mr. Canewood thinks that "Tokobot" will be a fitting name for these robots. He entrusts Bolt in a mission to research the Karakuri ruins and to discover new things about the Tokobots and their utility. ========================= = b) CHARACTERS [BAS02] = ========================= BOLT: 14 years old. Canewood Lab's newest agent. He is the character controlled by the player. MR. CANEWOOD: Lord of the Kingdom, and founder of Canewood Lab. His wisdom will help Bolt, and teach him about the history of Karakuri civilization and ruins. RUBY: 17 years old. She is Canewood Lab's transmission operator. She will help Bolt in his missions thanks to a communication device, giving him clues and also explaining him any new moves and abilities acquired. FUEL: A former Canewood Lab's agent. Two years ago he joined the army. Now a colonel, he knows many secrets about the Karakuri ruins and is looking for the Tokobots. He intends to overthrow the government. FLAMES: Fuel's right hand. She is a dangerous opponent. BART: A samurai-looking man. He is from the eastern country O-EDO, where he used to hold a key position. Now he is helping Fuel because of unkown reasons. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 03. GAMEPLAY [GAM00] ============================ = a) BASIC GAMEPLAY [GAM01]= ============================ Tokobot is an original game which mixes platforms, action and puzzles. Because of this, you will have to test your abilities on jumping, attacking and solving puzzles. The game is divided in various stages. You will gain access to each of them when progressing through the game. In order to beat each stage, you will have to face different challenges with the help of your Tokobots until you reach the end. You will usually find new abilities in the ruins. But while exploring them, also be sure to gather parts (necessary if you want to use a Karakuri Combination) and energy recovery items from boxes, jars, and beaten enemies. The Karakuri ruins are full of ancient mechanisms. Your Tokobots will usually be able to interact with them. You can know if mechanisms such as magnets, doors and BUTTONs are functional by checking if they are grey with orange patterns. If they are only grey (or grey and dark blue), it means that they are deactivated, so you must find a way of making them work again. You can save your game at the shining yellow circles (SAVE POINTS) that you will find at specific places. Here you can also go back to the Canewood Lab. It is very recommended to save the game anytime you find one of these yellow circles. They are usually located before or after a difficult challenge. If you happen to lose all of your energy hearts (by being hit by an enemy or falling to a pit), a "Mission Failed" message will appear, and you will have to load from your last save. If after falling to a pit you still have at least one energy heart, you will go back to the entrance of the last room you visited. Besides of platforms, mechanisms and puzzles, there are many enemies all around the ruins. Also, at the end of each stage, there is at least one Boss waiting for you. It is often very tricky to find to the correct strategy to beat these Bosses. Between each stage, you will usually visit the Canewood Lab. Here you can save your game ("Research Record"), check the files and items you have collected ("Tokobot's Vault"), check the Enemy Enciclopedia ("Sources"), chat with Ruby and Mr. Canewood ("Headquarters") and finally select your next mission ("Deployment Hatch"). You can revisit places where you have been before to collect more parts. Also, sometimes you will be forced to return somewhere, so you can use a new ability and reach a new zone. ======================= = b) CONTROLS [GAM02] = ======================= ANALOG STICK: It is used to move Bolt. D-PAD: Opens the menu of Karakuri Combinations. When using a Karakuri Combination, with the D-PAD you can deactivate it. L (press): Centers the camera behind Bolt. There are some places where this is not possible. L (hold): Activates Bolt's point of view. Use the Analog Stick to move it. There are some place where this is not possible. R (hold): JOINT. Needed for the Joint Actions. While jointing, you can't fall from platforms. R (hold for a long period): Calls back any lost Tokobot. X: JUMP. Also used to accept commands or select options from the menus. SQUARE: While jointing with R, performs the Joint Action of the current Formation. CIRCLE: Used to open doors, activate elevators, check things & places, cancel selections. Also to PULL, PUSH and LIFT some moveable objects. TRIANGLE: Switch between the 3 Tokobot FORMATIONS. START: Opens the Options Menu. SELECT: Switch between a close and a far camera angle. ======================================= = c) FORMATION & JOINT BASICS [GAM03] = ======================================= Jointing is the main feature of the Tokobots. While holding the R BUTTON to joint, press the SQUARE BUTTON to perform a different joint action, depending of the current FORMATION you are on. There are three FORMATIONS: O (Tokobots surrounding you), V (Tokobots aligned after you) and U (Tokobots split in two groups, one at each of your sides). The joint actions (and other abilities) can be unlocked when you find their Slate, usually after solving a puzzle or beating an enemy or a boss. If you have not find yet the Slate of an ability, you will not be able to make use of it even if you know how it works. You can check the Slates you already own at the "Super Chip" option of the Options Menu. You can only use the joint actions with a minimum of 4 (four) Tokobots near you. If not, then you will have to call them back holding the R BUTTON. Note that when you exit a room, all the Tokobots come automatically back. These are the main joint actions that you will need to use since the initial stages (but there are a lot more): STAMP: While in O FORMATION, JUMP with X and press SQUARE. Don't joint before, or you will not perform the STAMP. If done correctly, Bolt and the Tokobots will hit the ground harder than usual. It is useful to hit BUTTONs in the ground, to hit enemies from above, and to destroy objects. THROW: While in V FORMATION, joint with R and press SQUARE. You will THROW the line of Tokobots right in front of you. It is useful to hit high enemies, press BUTTONs on the wall, to destroy objects and also to create ladders and bridges (when hitting a magnet). SPIN: While in U FORMATION, joint with R and press SQUARE repeatedly. You will start to SPIN with the help of the Tokobots (slowly first, then faster). In the slow phase, be sure not to collide with anything or you will not reach the fast phase. You can stop from spinning by not pressing SQUARE anymore. If you have been spinning for a long time, Bolt will faint for a moment. In the fast phase, SPIN is useful to activate some gears, to destroy objects and to hit enemies from the side. In order to progress in the game, you will need to learn which Join Action is necessary or more convenient in each situation. You will also need to be quick switching between FORMATIONS and get used to hold the R BUTTON for jointing before performing the necessary Joint Actions. I won't usually remind you to switch formations before perfoming an ability, and I won't remind you the controls of a certain ability: I will just do it when you need to be really quick or precise, or also while explaining a specially difficult section. However, you can check Section 5 ("Karakuri Abilities") of this FAQ / Walkthrough for further explanation of these abilities. Remember that while playing the game, Ruby will teach you how to use any new ability you have acquired, and that you can read again any tutorial file in the pause menu, at the "Collected Items" section. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 04. WALKTHROUGH [WAL00] ======================== = 04-1. RUINS RESEARCH = ======================== -------------------------------------------------------------- a) VALVE AIR RUINS (The Aquatic Land In The Jungle) #1 [WAL01] -------------------------------------------------------------- After the intro movie and the conversation at Canewood Lab with Mr. Canewood, you will automatically appear in the first level. This is a rather easy, straightforward tutorial level. When the level begins, your operator, Ruby, will introduce herself. She will be giving support and advises throughout the levels. Soon after you start walking ahead, Ruby will tell you about Formations and you will get two files: "About Formations" and "About Jointing". You can press START and select COLLECTED ITEMS to check all the files and key items that you got so far. It is recommended to read the files at least once. You will often get stuck at some points of the game because of forgetting that you can perform a particular movement or ability. Now press the R button to perform your first JOINT. Ruby will cheer about it. Walk ahead. The elevator doesn't work yet. So turn left for now. Ruby will tell you about magnets, and you will get the file "About Throwing 1". Facing the gap and the magnet, JOINT while in V FORMATION and press SQUARE to perform a THROW against the magnet, so you can climb the Tokobots and cross the gap. Ruby will cheer once again. Go ahead and repeat the process: face the gap, JOINT and THROW to the magnet. Now Ruby will tell you about THROWING right after a JUMP to reach higher places. So go ahead until you reach the high magnet. JOINT, JUMP with X button, and THROW to the magnet. Climb to the platform. Repeat the process with the next magnet ahead to reach a new platform. Ruby will tell you then about the Prehistoric parts. You can get three of them, one of each type, at your left. They have no use at this point of the game, but from now on it is important that you collect as many as you can. Keep walking ahead. JUMP to get over the two little steps. Ruby will tell you about the pots ahead. Break them with THROW to get a new part. Go ahead the corridor. Ruby will tell you about STAMP, and you will get the file "About Stamping". Jump the little step. While in O FORMATION, JUMP and press SQUARE to perform a STAMP against the button in the ground. You will press it, and the bridge will lower. Cross it. Ruby will talk to you once again, and you will get two new files: "About the Number of Tokobots" and "Calling Back Tokobots". Basically, if you keep pressed the R button, you will call back any near Tokobots. And if you keep pressed the R button for a longer time, any missing or left behind Tokobots will be teleported back to you. Don't do it when standing right at the edge of a platform, or the Tokobots will fall. JUMP over the little step. Turn right. There are three jars. Destroy them with either THROW or STAMP to get a part. There is a magnet to the left. THROW to it and climb. There are two boxes. Break them like the jars to get another part. Keep walking ahead. Ruby will soon introduce you the first enemy of the game. It is an egg-like creature called Beepers. You will get the file "About Throwing 2". Kill Beepers with THROW. Go ahead, near the end, there is a ruined wall at your right. Enter the hole. The camera will switch to an air point of view. Get the part inside. Back outside, keep walking through the passage. You will see a Beepers ahead. Before you can attack it, Ruby will you introduce you a new enemy surrounded by spikes and called Prickles. You will get the "About Keepers & Workers" file. First kill Beepers with THROW, and then attack Prickles with either THROW or STAMP. You will have to hit it a few times before it dies. Now reach the strange wall ahead. Ruby will send you the "About Pull & Push" file. Stand near one of the cages of the wall. Press CIRCLE button to start pulling it with the help of the Tokobots. Move back until the cage is far enough from the wall. Press CIRCLE to release the cage. Cross the hole left by the missing cage. You will appear in a new area, surrounded by four Beepers. Ruby will teach you about a new move, SPIN. You will get the "About Spinning" file. While in U FORMATION, press SQUARE many times. First you will spin slowly, and later you will SPIN very fast, hurting the enemies and activating the gears on your way. Don't touch any obstacle or wall when spinning slowly, or you will stop and not reach the fast phase. SPIN is only useful in the fast phase; whether you want to hit an enemy or activate a gear, you need to reach the fast SPIN. So when I mention SPIN in this guide, I am refering to fast SPIN. Kill the four Beepers surrounding you with SPIN. Note that you can kill them with THROW or STAMP as usual, but SPIN is recommended here because there are four of them surrounding you. Once they are dead, go to the right of this area. There are two boxes with food inside. Break them. Then THROW to the nearby magnet. Climb to the next platformw. JUMP over the little step. Go to your right. JUMP the big step. It is better to do it while in O or U FORMATION so there are no Tokobots left behind. Remember that you can call back any missing Tokobots pressing the L button for a long time, anyway. Now turn to the left to reach a big new area. There is another Prickles and an annoying flying enemy called Sashi waiting for you. Kill Prickles as usual (THROW or STAMP). To take care of Sashi, first you need to avoid its bombs. Perform a well-timed THROW to make it fall to the ground. Then you will be able to hurt him with either THROW, STAMP or SPIN. It is possible that you need to repeat the process, because Sashi has a lot of energy. After killing the enemies, destroy the four boxes in the middle of the area to get some food and parts. Check the strange obelisk at the right: it is a save point. Ruby will send you the "About Save Points" file. You can press CIRCLE while standing on the shining orange symbol in the ground to save your progress or return to the lab. Then head to the big statue in the opposite side of the save point. Check it. Ruby will comment about it. Remember this place, you will need to return here later in the game. Once you are done in this big area, go to the big door ahead. Open it with CIRCLE. There is a tile in the middle of the new room. It is an elevator. Stand on it, and press CIRCLE to activate it. As soon as you arrive to the new area, SPIN to destroy two jars behind you (almost hidden by the camera angle) to get another part. Go ahead. Ruby will send you the "About Jointing 2" file. While in U FORMATION, JOINT and reach the edge. Neither you or the Tokobots will fall thanks to being JOINTED. Be careful with these pits; if you fall you will lose one heart, and will appear in front of the last door that you crossed. While standing near the edge and still JOINTING, JUMP to the magnet and quicky THROW to it. Climb to the platform. There, a new enemy called Speedy is waiting for you. It is similar to Beepers, but bigger and more dangerous. It will charge at you, and it will hurt you and also make you fall to the pit if you are still close the edge. Either THROW or SPIN will hurt him, but STAMP is more powerful against it. Now walk to the next edge. JOINT, reach the edge, JUMP to the magnet and THROW. Climb to the platform. From here, you will see a new area far ahead, with some boxes and another Speedy walking around. Don't bother about it yet, you won't be able to reach this area until later in the game. For now, cross the big door at your left. Inside the room, check the strange tile in the floor. Its meaning is rather obvious, isn't it? SPIN against the gear in the left wall to rise some platforms in the opposite side of this room. Now SPIN again to activate the gear in the right wall to rise even more platforms. Start walking to these platforms. They have divided the room in two. Choose the right path. Go ahead until you reach a magnet. THROW to it and climb. There is another magnet at your left. THROW to it and climb. There is yet another magnet ahead. JUMP and THROW to climb. From here, drop to the lower platform at your left. Face the next magnet. THROW and climb. The last magnet awaits at your right. THROW, climb to the last platform and leave the room through the door ahead. You will be outdoors again. There are two Beepers and one Speedy waiting for you. Take care of them with the usual method: STAMP. The elevator at the left of this platform connects with the one you saw at the entrance of the level. But as I mentioned before, it isn't working yet. So go ahead until you reach some boxes blocking your way. Destroy them to get some parts, and also to be able to pass through. Be careful with the gap: THROW your Tokobots to the magnets in order to construct a bridge and safely cross the gap. Enter the door in front of you. Here you will find a second save point (it is recommended that you save your progress now because of the challenge ahead). There are also four jars around the room. Destroy them to get some parts. Leave the room by the door in front of you. Get close to the weird block in the middle of the new room. Ruby will send you the "About Carrying" file. While standing near the block, press CIRCLE to lift it with the help of the Tokobots. Move to either side, until you have fully uncovered a button in the ground. Drop the block with CIRCLE. Now get to the button that was hidden below the block and STAMP it to activate the next door, as Ruby will notice. Open it with CIRCLE. Now Ruby will introduce you the first boss of the game: Morphbot. But don't worry: it's rather easy to defeat it. First, note the part and the FRUIT at your left, and the part and the LIFE POTION at your right. Get the FRUIT whenever you need to replenish your energy. But while fighting the boss, be sure to gather the parts and, most important, the LIFE POTION. It will add one small heart to your life energy maximum. The LIFE POTIONS are limited, and only appear at specific places that I will be mentioning in this walkthrough. You should get all of them if you want to increase your survival possibilites throughout the game. Now get to the combat. In the first phase, the boss looks like a pillar with three sections and a head. Each section has a cannon and they will rotate trying to aim at you. Be quick perfoming a SPIN against the lower section to eliminate it. If you're fast enough, the boss will not even have time to shoot you. Repeat the process until the three sections are gone. After this, the second phase will begin. It's as easy as the first. The boss will morph into a robot. It will face you, and then charge at the direction where you were standing until he reaches a wall and charges again. Don't stop moving around (now it's a good time to gather the parts or even the LIFE POTION if you hadn't done it yet), and it won't hurt you. After two charges, Morphbot will charge again against you but will stop in the middle of the room to rest, becoming vulnerable. Perform a THROW or a STAMP to hurt it. He will start charging again. When you hit it two or three times, it will be history. After this victory, Ruby will talk to you. An altar will rise in the middle of the room, and you will automatically get two Key Items: "Unknown Piece" and "Emblem Slate". While Ruby checks this items, you must walk to the door in front of you. Open it with CIRCLE to get to a room with four boxes in each corner. Destroy them to get four parts. Now check the tunnel and the tile at the end of the room. Ruby thinks that it may be an abandoned mine with a monorail. You still lack the ability which is needed to go further, so Ruby will tell you to go back to the Lab. You will be automatically teleported there. A conversation with Ruby and Mr. Canewood follows. It seems like the Emblem Slate may be related to an are calle Damper Rock. When this conversation ends, the Enemy Encyclopedia will be updated with all the enemies that you defeated in the first level. Take your time to check the different sections of Canewood Lab menu. You can talk to Ruby and Mr. Canewood for a piece of advice ("Headquarters"), you can save your progress ("Research Record"), you can consult the Enemy Encyclopedia ("Sources") and also the lists of files, super chips and items that you have obtained so far ("Tokobots' Vault"). Once you are done, select "Deployment Hatch" to select the next mission: "Damper Rock Ruins". ------------------------------------------------------------------- b) DAMPER ROCK RUINS (The Ancient Temple Under The Sand) #1 [WAL02] ------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as you enter this level, you will notice a large gate right in front of you. It's not active yet, so it won't open. Ruby will ask you to look for another way in, while two mysterious characters are watching. Once you gain control of Volt, turn left and go straight ahead. Kill the Beepers there with the usual method. Turn right and keep walking. You will soon meet a platform. Perfom a THROW to its magnet, and climb it. Now, make a second THROW to the magnet ahead and climb. Walk for a while, and drop down the two large steps until you arrive to the sand ground. JUMP to the lower platform. Quickly, take care of the Prickles that was waiting here. Now THROW to the magnet ahead, and cross to the other side. There's another magnet to the right. THROW to it, cross to the other side. From here, go to the left and drop down. Kill the Beepers there. Walk ahead until you find the first save point. There are also two jars with some food and a part. To the right, the path goes on. Kill the Spikey that you will soon find. Open the door with CIRCLE. Cross the room. STAMP the button in the floor to activate the elevator block. JUMP to any of the side platforms, and JUMP to the elevator. Press CIRCLE to go to the upper level. Then drop down: there was a hole hiding behind the elevator block. Access the new room. Kill the three Spikeys inside, and destroy the two jars for some parts. Go back to the button in the floor and STAMP it once more so the elevator comes down again. JUMP onto it, use it to go to the upper level. Leave through the door, but not before Ruby talks about the ruins. In the new room, there is a Sashi to your right. Kill him as usual: THROW to make it fall, then STAMP or any other attack to kill it. It is not necessary to kill it, and it will rarely leave a part behind, but it is helpful to eliminate his nasty attacks to perform the next tasks safely. Now, go to the left of the room and make a THROW against the button on the wall. This will make appear a new portion of this room floor, but it will only last 10 seconds. You must be quick: STAMP the two buttons in the ground of the new section, so another part of the floor appears, letting you safely cross to the other side before the time is over. Don't bother about the Sashi at your left. Just leave through the door at your right. As soon as you enter the new room, THROW to the magnet at your right and climb. Now THROW to the magnet located in the far left corner, and climb. Destroy the jar in this new platform for a part. Walk to the edge of the platform, standing besides the magnet you just used. From here, THROW to the next magnet. Climb and cross the platform, then turn right. THROW to the magnet ahead. Climb. Destroy the jar for another part. Leave through the door at your left. Now, you will have to kill two Speedys that are waiting inside the room. Remember that STAMP is the strongest method against Speedy. Once you kill them, an altar with a Slate will rise in the middle of the room and you will acquire your first Karakuri Combination, SAMURAI HOVER. Ruby will send you the "About Karakuri Combinations" and "About Samurai Hover" files. Basically, to access the Karakuri Combinations Menu, you have to press any direction in the D-Pad (don't forget about it!). Then select the Karakuri Combination that you want to use. Note that in order to activate a Karakuri Combination, you need to have collected enough parts. For example, Samurai Hover requires 2 green parts and 4 blue parts to be activated. Once Volt and Tokobot form a Karakuri Combination there will appear an energy bar that will last for a certain time (and will go down if you use an special move or attack, or if get hurt). You can disengage a Karakuri Combination anytime before the energy is over by pressing any direction in the D-Pad and accepting. Samurai Hover is controlled with the analog stick, just like Bolt, and with SQUARE you will slash your enemies. If you are short of parts and you need them to activate a Karakuri Combination, you can get them by replaying any past level. But there is an easier way to gather parts. Kill any enemy near a door, get the part it leaves. Then exit and reenter the room. Kill the enemy again for another part. You will try your new Karakuri Combination soon. But for now, leave this room through the door in the wall opposite to the altar. You will meet a ramp with rolling pillars coming down once and again. It's easy to avoid them, though, by zigzagging around the ramp and taking profit of the free spaces. Turn right when you get to the end of the ramp. JUMP and STAMP the button in the floor. Use the elevator block that comes down to access the upper level. There is a jar with some food, destroy it if you need to refill your energy. Leave through the door ahead. A rather big room here. The elevator at your left is not working, and although the elevator at your right is activated, don't use it yet. Instead, cross the room and kill the two Beepers there. Now, activate Samurai Hover with the method that I mentioned in the previous paragraph, and slash the new jumping enemy, called Stompy. This is a rather nasty enemy that is always moving and has a lot of energy. But thanks to Samurai Hover, you will soon take it down. Other recommended ways to kill Stompy if you haven't got enough parts to activate Samurai Hover are: THROW (if Stompy is about to jump at you, you will interrupt its jump) and STAMP. Once Stompy is dead, and before checking the altar that has just appeared, feel free to gather new parts by destroying the two pots that are hidden behind two of the columns that fill the room: the 3rd at the right, and the 4th at the left. Now walk to the altar at the end of the room and ckeck it to acquire the Karakuri Combination CRANE-O-MATIC. While Ruby checks its functionality, you must return to the entrance of this room, and use the working elevator that I mention before. You will access the lower level. Before you can enter the next room, Ruby will send you the "About Crane-O-Matic" file. There is a save point to your left (it's a good idea to save your progress now, because it can be difficult to solve the next puzzle at the first try). Now keep walking. Ignore the cage that occupies most of the room. Also ignore the first ramp that you will meet. Just go ahead, turn right and check the screen that it's on the wall. You will be shown an holographic image of a triangle. You need to remember the position of the triangles' vertexes to solve the puzzle ahead. More or less: ________ | O | | | | | | O | |___O__| Now return to the ramp that you just saw. Get to the top: there's a strange looking tile in the floor. It's the symbol for CRANE-O-MATIC. This is a special Karakuri Combination that, unlike SAMURAI HOVER, can only be activated at the specific tiles with its symbol. So while standing in this tile, press any direction in the D-Pad and select the CRANE-O-MATIC combination. You will access the puzzle cage that was filling most of this room. The controls for the CRANE-O-MATIC are: SQUARE to move right or left, TRIANGLE to move up or down and CIRCLE to grab a block or release it. When moving with SQUARE or TRIANGLE, the crane will move just in one direction until it gets to the limit, and then the crane will start moving in the opposite direction. If you pass the position you wanted, you must keep pressing the button, until the crane moves back again to the right spot. For a higher precision, it's better to move the crane bit by bit, instead of pressing TRIANGLE or SQUARE for a long time, which makes it difficult to be precise. To solve this challenge, you need to pick three of the blocks that are in the left part of the puzzle room, and then release them in the three holes of the puzzle in the right order. The goal is that the three orange dots which are located in the same positions as the holographic triangle's ones, become connected thanks to the blocks you move. Hope that this graphic helps: BLOCKS | PUZZLE ..o..... XaX | |xxxxxxO XXb | |xxCxxx| XXX | oxxxxxxo cXd | oxxxxBx| XeX | |xExxxx| fXX | Oxxxxxxo ..o.O... a, b, c, d, e and f are the blocks that you can pick. The correct ones are: b, c and e. B, C and E represent the holes in the puzzle where you must place the correct blocks. Different o's represent the orange dots that will not become connected, while the three O's represent the orange dots in the same locations as the holographic triangle's vertexes, and that will become connected thanks to the blocks. When grabbing or releasing the blocks, check that the shadow of the crane is right in the middle of the block or the hole, to assure a correct grab or release without wasting energy. Otherwise, you will fail to grab/release it correctly and you will have to repeat it. Obviously, the block b must be placed in the the hole B, the block C must be placed in the hole C, and the block e most be placed in the hole E. Once you solve this puzzle, you will see a cutscene where a ramp will appear in the room full of pillar where you were minutes ago. Save your progress in the near save point. You will notice that the elevator that you used to get there is not working now. Cross the whole room by walking around the puzzle cage, ignoring the first ramp, the holographic screen and the second ramp. Destroy the jars near the end for some parts. Use the elevator ahead to go to the upper level again. Enter once more the large room with columns. The big ramp has rolling pillars falling down. Once again, go zigzagging through the ramp and taking profit of the free spaces. You can also get a Bread in the top of the 4th left pillar, and a Part in the top of the 5th right pillar. If a pillar is coming too close and you don't have space to avoid it, go to the closest pillar and wait until the pillar passes by. When you get to the end of the ramp, turn right. JUMP the two steps ahead, and leave through the door. In the new room, destroy the six jars there (three at your right, and three at your left) for some food and parts. Then go ahead. The camera will change to a point of view from above. You can see two walls full of spikes moving forward and back. They have a hole in the middle with the shape of a circle. Switch to O FORMATION. When the walls move back, walk towards the middle of the room and stay there. The walls will surround you and your Tokobots. When they move back again, walk for the next room. There are two more walls moving back and forward, this time with a hole rectangular-shaped. Switch to U FORMATION and use the same method than in the previous room: wait for the walls to move back, walk to the center of the room, wait, leave through the door. You will now get to a large room with a thin winding corridor, and some strange looking slates with a shining green symbol. They are called Eye Slates. If you walk in front any of them, you will be hit by their blinding light, which will take you to a lower room with two jars and connected with the elevator at your right. (You can get there also by falling from the thin corridor.) Note that all the paths of the corridor have at least one Eye Slate, making it impossible to safely cross to the other side. For now, use the elevator at your left to access the upper level. Here you will find a replica of the corridor from the previous level (but you can't fall, as it's only painted in the floor) and some fake Eye Slates, which are almost transparent and have a special tile at their feet. There are also some cages around the room with shining green symbols, similar to the Eye Slates' ones. And two Sashis are flying around (they will keep regenerating if you kill them, so don't bother about them and just try to avoid their attacks the best that you can). There is also a LIFE POTION inside the box near the south left corner. Get it to increase your maximum life. Your goal in this room is to move the cages that are around the room, in front of the fake Eye Slates. This way, the true Eye Slates from the previous room will not detect you, and you will be able to cross the corridor. However, the number of cages is limited to four. Look close to the paths of the corridor: there are some paths with two consecutive Eye Slates, and alternative paths with just one Eye Slate. These last paths are the ones where you must take the cages to. PULL the first cage one block (remember: to PULL or PUSH, stand near the object you want to move, and press CIRCLE, move forward or backwards to pull or push, press circle again to release) until it blinds the first fake Eye Slate. When the cage is properly placed, it will become almost transparent. Now PUSH the next cage 4 blocks ahead to blind the second fake Eye Slate. PULL the third cage (at the left of the room) four blocks down to blind the third fake Eye Slate. And finally PUSH the remaining cage five blocks to the east of the room and two blocks to the north to blind the last fake Eye Slate. Once you are done, return the previous room by using the elevator. Now you can safely cross the winding corridor, as the cages will be blinding the Eye Slates in the path that you need to walk on by to get through. So walk without worries across the room, taking the path where there are just single Eye Slates blinded by cages: north, east, north, west, north, east, north, east, south, east, north, west, north. Leave through the door. There is a SAVE POINT here. Also, 6 boxes with parts. Once you have saved (soon you will meet a boss, so it is highly recommended to save), walk to the next door, and open it. Now STAMP the button in the floor, right in front of you, to activate the door above. A countdown of 10 seconds will then begin. You must hurry to get to the door before the time is over, or you will need to STAMP the button again and restart the whole process. Make a THROW to the magnet at the right of the button. Climb. THROW to the magnet ahead and climb. Ignore the jar (it is empty) and go to the left of the plaftorm. THROW to the magnet there and climb. Turn right. THROW to the magnet ahead and climb. The jar here has some Meat inside. If you have enough time left or you need to refill your energy, destroy it and get the food. Anyway, THROW to the last magnet, climb and leave through the door. Ruby will introduce you the boss of this level, Flames' robot: Chocoroc. After some conversations, the fight will begin. Chocoroc is standing in the middle of the room, while two flying patrols spin around it and throw a blue laser beam that will hurt you. Don't bother to attack Chocoroc yet. Instead, JUMP to your left (the little walls will protect you from the lasers) and make a THROW to the button on the left wall. This way, the flying patrols will stop for 10 seconds. Now approach Chocoroc. It will take a rock and try to throw it at you. You can either avoid the rock or SPIN against Chocoroc to make the robot fail the throw. Anyway, after this, Chocoroc will stand looking around. It is vulnerable in this moment. Perform a THROW against him from the front to hurt it. Repeat the process of avoiding the rock throw and attacking Chocoroc until the countdown is about to get to 0. Then quickly get to the button in the wall and push it again with THROW. Keep attacking Chocoroc with the same method, it won't be long until the robot explodes (about 6 or 8 successful THROWs). Ruby will cheer when you defeat Chocoroc, and Flames will promise revenge. Now use the elevator that was just activated in the middle of the room. In this new place, you will find a capsule with two Tokobots inside. After some dialogue, you will automatically get them. Now you have a total of 8 Tokobots, which will let you get to higher or further targets. Leave through the opposite side of the room. Open the door ahead. Walk to the big mechanism in the center of the room, and Ruby will use it to restore the main power of Damper Rock Ruins. Cross the room. Before leaving, you can get some parts from the 5 jars around. Leave through the door ahead. ------------------------------- c) DAMPER ROCK RUINS #2 [WAL03] ------------------------------- You will be outside again. Ruby and Mr. Canewood will congratulate you for your recent findings, and will ask you to keep researching the ruins. There is a SAVE POINT in front of you. There are two jars with Parts at both sides of the ramp. And the big gate at your right connects with the beginning of the previous level. It is working now thanks to the restored main power, so you can use it to quickly access "Damper Rock Ruins #2" when revisiting this level. At the upper left corner, there is a path where a Stompy is jumping here and there. Either kill this nasty enemy, or keep moving. You will get to a wide corridor that turns south. Follow it. Soon, some rolling pillars will start chasing you. Quickly get to the hole ahead. Drop into it and wait for two pillars to pass by. Then JUMP and keep moving down the corridor. JUMP over the next hole, which is full of spikes. Drop into the third hole and wait for two more pillars to pass by. JUMP and keep moving. You will get to the end of the corridor. It looks like a dead end, right? Just JUMP ahead to the section of a platform that can be seen in the southern part, like if you were trying to get into the camera... and the point of view will change, showing a better angle of the level. (Many people, myself included, were stuck here because of the bad camera which wrongly makes the corridor seem like a dead end.) Drop down and then JUMP over the next few steps. Kill the Spikey there. Drop to the right to break a jar with some Bread inside. THROW to the magnet to the right. Climb. Now kill the Prickles and also the Stompy that is jumping just a little further. Continue through the path. Kill the Prickles down there. There is a part inside the nearby pot. Enter the door of the tower. Once inside, kill the two Beepers that will appear. Destroy the four boxes around the room (some contain parts, others are empty). Go ahead and kill the Speedy that waits in the next section. THROW to the magnet ahead and climb. There is a Save Point right in front of you. Turn right until you get to a wall with a magnet. THROW into it and climb. The jar is containing a part. THROW to the next magnet at your right. After climbing, STAMP the button in the floor of the platform. Quickly switch to V FORMATION and walk to the edge while jointing. JUMP and THROW to the magnet ahead as soon as the moving platform reaches your height. Climb onto it and wait to reach the upper level. Jump to the next section and leave through the door ahead. Outside again, you will meet a four-legged tank called Beamod. Powerful and with a lot of energy, could be seen as a mini-boss. It will mostly move forward and backwards, but sometimes it stops to shoot a deadly laser all around, and then creating an explosion that will hurt you if you're too close. THROW is the way to go here. Walk between its legs to get to its back. THROW to him various times until it rotates back at where you are. Then repeat the process. Remember that when its head starts spinning, it means an incoming laser & explosion, so walk away until the danger is over. If you've got enough parts, Karakuri Combinations such as SAMURAI HOVER aren't a bad idea either. You will get the third LIFE POTION of the game once you kill Beamod. Enter the door ahead. Kill the two Prickles there. Ignore the gears in the middle of the room for now. Destroy the boxes around the room for some parts. You will see three doors, but only the central one is activated. Don't cross it yet, as it will take you to a room where you can't proceed yet. Instead, SPIN into the left gear to activate the left door. Enter it. There is a fan in the floor of this new room. In front of you, two gears forming part of a valve mechanism, and a deactivate button in the wall. You need to hit the gears so their corresponding marker points up and the valve and the fan in the floor become activated. Spin into the gears in this order: right, left, left, right, left, left. If you fail, you can push the button in the wall with a THROW to reset the valves & the gears. Once you activate the fan, stand above it and start SPINNING. After a while, the wind from the fan will take you into an upper room. Kill the Prickles and the Spikey that will appear. Then you will receive a Super Chip Piece, half of a Slate. Now press CIRCLE to return to the room below, and exit through the door. This time, SPIN into the right gear to activate the right door and enter it. You will meet yet another fan in the ground. This one is surrounded by four coloured buttons, much like the popular "Simon Says" game. When you step into the fan, the buttons will shine in a particular sequence. As soon as it finishes, you must STAMP the buttons in the correct order: red, blue, green, green, yellow, red. If you fail, you will return to the previous room and will have to try again. If you are successful, the fan in the floor will be activated. Stand above it and start SPINNING. After a while, the wind will take you into the upper room. Take care of the Sashi and the Stompy that will appear. The Karakuri Combination SAMURAI HOVER is not a bad idea against Stompy. After you kill the enemies, you will receive a second Super Chip Piece. In combination of the one you found before, it will automatically give you the LAUNCH-A-BOMB slate. Now press CIRCLE to return to the room below, and exit through the door. In the gears room, you can finally leave through the central door. Before you leave, Ruby will send you the "About Launch-A-Bomb" file. This new room has two deactivated doors. There is also a button in the wall ahead, protected by a glass which you can't break with your Tokobots. Just in front of you, there is a strange looking tile. It's a LAUNCH-A-BOMB tile. Stand on it and activate this Karakuri Combination. LAUNCH-A-BOMB is useful to defeat enemies flying too high or too far, and also for breaking some glasses. It may take some time to get used to it. Just remember your trajectory lessons from physics class. Use the analog stick to move the yellow arrow that corrects the trajectory. You need to move it down until it points it to the center of the button in the wall. Press SQUARE to fire the LAUNCH-A-BOMB and the glass protecting the button will break. Go ahead. JUMP and THROW to press the button in the wall. Doing so will rise an altar in the middle of the room. Go check it to acquire the Joint Action GLIDER. Ruby will send you the "About Glider" file. Now the two doors will be activated. Ignore the left one, as it reaches to a place where you can't proceed yet. Leave through the right one. Save your progress in the Save Point there. Keep walking. Before you reach the edge, Ruby will notice about the gap ahead. It's time time to perform your first GLIDER. Switch to U FORMATION. JOINT and walk to the edge. JUMP ahead and quickly press SQUARE repeatedly. You will spin through the air (GLIDER), falling slower and further than normal. Land in the next platform. Walk to the next edge and GLIDER into the platform ahead. Repeat this to land in the lower platform in front of you. Now face to your right. Call back any missing Tokobots. JUMP ahead and THROW to the magnet. Climb into the high platform. Reach its left edge and GLIDER into the last platform to the left. The pots contain some parts. Follow the path until you arrive to a new area with platforms and also some enemies, called Bittas, flying high in the air. You won't be able to hit them with your Tokobots, but they can shoot their bombs at you, hurting you and making you fall to the pit below. To kill them, you must use the LAUNCH-A-BOMB (hence the tile for this Karakuri Combination right here). Once you activate LAUNCH-A-BOMB, move the yellow arrow slightly to the right (pointing to the right Bitta) and slightly down. Shoot to destroy the Bitta. Now move the arrow to the left until you point the central Bitta, and then slightly down. Shoot again to destroy the enemy. Move the arrow to the left to point the last Bitta, and then slightly down. Shoot to defeat it. Disengage. JUMP ahead and THROW to the magnet. Climb to the platform. Ignore the jar there because it's empty. Face to the left. JUMP ahead and THROW to the magnet. After climbing, reach the right edge of the platform and GLIDER to the platform ahead. From there, walk to the edge and GLIDER to the next platform. The jars there contain some parts. Now switch to V FORMATION. Call back any missing Tokobots. Joint and reach the edge. Wait for the moving platform with a magnet to get close to you. Quickly JUMP ahead and THROW to get it. Climb. Face the left edge. GLIDER into the moving platform ahead when it gets close enough. Call back any missing Tokobots. Now face the right edge of this new platform, and wait for it to be in front of the pillar. JUMP and THROW to the magnet. After climbing, get to the left edge and GLIDER into the last platform below. Be careful with the occasional, automatic camera angle switch, as it can make you miss and fall into the pit. Kill the two Prickles that are waiting for you. The two pots to the left are empty. Leave through the door to get to a Save Point room. Save your progress, because you are about to meet a new boss. The jars to the right contain a Meat and a Part. Open the door ahead, cross the room and open the last big door. Ruby will introduce you the boss of this level: Dongle. This is a very easy boss, although some people seem to get stuck with it. The strategy to defeat Dongle is rather easy: first SPIN to its gear-like body. Dongle will become unconscious for a little while. Quickly THROW to its head to hurt it. If you hit the body, not the head, you won't hurt it. Repeat the process until it dies. If you aren't fast enough with SPIN, Dongle will hit the ground with its hand, then sweep it for a while. Get away from the hand and you should be safe. After the second or third successful THROW, Dongle will protect its gear-like body with its hand. You won't be able to attack it with SPIN until the robot moves away its hand again. Once it happens, repeat the method: SPIN to the gear, THROW to the head (which will now be located at its stomach, making it easier to hit). It won't take long to defeat it. Ruby will cheer. An altar will rise, and you will get the MONO CHOO-CHOO Slate. You will automatically get to the lab. After some conversation with Mr. Canewood and Ruby, they will ask you to return to "Valve Air Ruins" and explore the monorail that you found at the end of that level. The Enemy Encyclopedia will be updated with all the new enemies that you met at Damper Rock Ruins. When you are done at the Lab, save your progress and select "Valve Air Ruins" from the Deployment Hatch. ----------------------------------------- d) VALVE AIR RUINS #1 (Revisited) [WAL04] ----------------------------------------- As Ruby will notice, you can use the elevator in front of the entrance. Activate with CIRCLE as always. Once in the upper level, turn right. Kill the enemies if you want. Destroy the boxes blocking your way to get some parts. THROW the Tokobots into the next magnet and cross the bridge. Leave through the door ahead to get to the Save Point room. Destroy the jars around for some parts and also save your progress if you want. Open the next door. Cross the room with a deactivated button in the ground and enter the door ahead. Cross the room with an altar in the middle and leave through the big door to reach the second part of Valve Air Ruins. ----------------------------- e) VALVE AIR RUINS #2 [WAL05] ----------------------------- There are boxes around the room with some parts. Ruby will notice you about the monorail. Stand on the tile in front of the tunnel and Ruby will send you the "About MONO CHOO-CHOO" file. This Karakuri Combination can only be activated when standing on its tile, marked with a train symbol. So activate the MONO CHOO-CHOO ride and a minigame will start. You need to reach the end of the railway. Each hit (against an obstacle or an enemy) will lower your energy. Falling to the pit below, will take you back to the beginning of the railway. There are some parts through the path that will partly refill your energy. If it reaches zero, you will get to the room with the MONO CHOO-CHOO tile. The controls for this Karakuri Combination are: analog stick to move right or left, X to JUMP and SQUARE to shoot. Turn right. Turn left. JUMP above the obstacle. SHOOT to the enemy ahead. Turn left. JUMP over the gap. Get a Part. SHOOT to the enemy ahead when you are about to collide with it (otherwise, you will shoot to the air). Quickly JUMP over the gap. Turn to the left to get a Part. Turn right. Turn left and SHOOT to the enemy ahead. Turn right. JUMP over another gap. SHOOT the enemy far ahead. Quickly JUMP over the gap. There will be four enemies to all sides. SHOOT at least the ones to the right and turn right to get a Part. Now you need to JUMP over five consecutive gaps. SHOOT the enemy after them. JUMP over the last gap to reach the end of the monorail and automatically finish the MONO CHOO-CHOO minigame. Two Prickles and a Morphbot will be waiting for you in the new room. Kill the Prickes first, and then defeat the Morphbot boss like you did with the one you first met at the end of "Valve Air Ruins #1". Check Bosses section if you need to refresh your memory. Once you beat Morphbot, the two doors at both sides will be activated. An altar with a Slate will also rise and you will get the Joint Action SWING. Ignore the door to the right, as for now it directs to a dead end room. Leave through the left door instead. Use the Save Point there to save your progress. Now go right. Ruby will send you the "About Swing" file. While in V FORMATION, JOINT and reach the edge of the platform. JUMP ahead and THROW to the magnet bar. Tokobots will attach to it and you will start swinging. When you are as forward as possible, press SQUARE to release from the bar, and then THROW to the magnet. If you fail, you will fall to the stairs below, just go up and try again. From the magnet, climb. Go on, drop down. One of the jars contains a part, the other one is empty. Drop down and kill the Stompy there. Go down the stairs and get the fourth LIFE POTION from the middle jar. There is a part inside the right one, the left one is empty. Go up the stairs again. Face the edge, looking to the 3 swinging bars. JUMP and THROW to the first one. And then SWING from one to the other. Just remember to jump to the first bar perfectly aligned with it (or you will swing in diagonal and will mostly fall sooner or later) and also to release from a bar when you are in the most forward position, or you may not reach the next bar. After the third bar, THROW to the magnet, climb and leave through the door. Cross the room until you are standing in the middle of the platform surrounded by candles. Switch to U FORMATION and call back any missing Tokobots. Start spinning and move slightly around to turn off the fire of the candles thanks to the touch of the Tokobots. It's not difficult: just have the 8 Tokobots with you while spinning, and don't move around too far from the center. If you are too slow, the candles will turn on again. Repeat until you turn off all of them. Once you do, the sliding platform and the spiked pole ahead will start moving again. Stand in the sliding platform. Move to any position where a spike has just passed by and there is still place for you to pass before the next one comes. You will automatically get to the next room. The jars to the right contain a Part and Bread. Save your progress in the Save Point there. Now turn left. There are 3 swinging bars. JUMP and THROW to the first one, SWING from one bar to the other. Be aware that if you fail this time, you will fall down to the pit below. Just remember to release from one bar when you reach the most forward position, otherwise you will fall. It may take some time and some retries adapting to this process of releasing from bar to bar. THROW to the magnet. Climb and leave through the door. Turn to the left. There are some Parts inside the jars there. Kill the Sashi. Approach the edge to the right. GLIDER to the moving platform far ahead when it is getting close. Call back any missing Tokobots. Get to the left edge, near the left corner. Wait for the moving platform with the magnet to be in front of you. A well-timed JUMP & THROW from the left corner to the magnet will avoid the Airon moving around. Climb and walk to the edge ahead. Wait for the next platform to be aligned with you and the Airon to retire from your way. Then quickly JUMP & THROW to the next magnet. Climb and reach the edge ahead. There are 3 new swinging bars. The Airon moving between them shouldn't be much of a problem, as it's easy to avoid it, but also if your Tokobots touch it when swinging from bar to bar, it will be killed. So just JUMP and THROW to the first magnet and SWING from one to the other. THROW to the magnet. Before climbing, be careful with the bombs that the Sashi is throwing. Climb when it's safe. Kill the Sashi and enter the door. There are some boxes to the left with some parts. Cross the room, ignoring the other elements, and save your progress at the Save Point there. Now return to the CRANE-O-MATIC tile in the middle of the room. Activate this Karakuri Combination. You need to grab a cage from the sliding platform above, and then bring it and drop it onto the button below. Press the grab button before the cage is under the shadow of the crane, at about one-cage distance; otherwise you will fail the grab. Once you are successful, the released cage will push the button. A platform will rise, and three guillotines will be activated. Walk to the edge of the platform that has just risen. JOINT in V FORMATION and get to the right corner. As soon as the guillotine starts moving from right to left, quickly JUMP ahead and THROW to the magnet. (If you are not quick enough, you will be hit by the guillotine, falling to the pit below.) Climb and go through the thin corridor. It is not difficult to avoid the two next guillotines, just walk through when they reach one of the extremes. The boxes to the left of the door contain a Fruit and a Part. Leave through the door. As soon as you walk into the next room, Ruby will notice about the new Eye Slates. JUMP and THROW to the magnet ahead, and climb onto the corridor full of Eye Slates and Airons. These Eye Slates will flash & hit you, making you fall to the pit, if you face them. Switch to O FORMATION. Face to the left (west) and JOINT. One of the good things about jointing is that it doesn't let you change the direction you are facing, even when you are moving around. Don't stop jointing, and move past the two first Eye Slates and the two first Airons. Now, right before the third Eye Slate, stop jointing. Face to the right (east) and JOINT. Cross past the two next Eye Slates. Stop joiting again. Face to the left (west) and JOINT to get through the three remaining Eye slates and the last Airon. THROW to the magnet ahead (be sure not to face the Eye Slate to your right when doing so). Cross to the other side. Turn right and leave through the door. You will meet a room with a wide pit in the middle which you can't cross. There is a button in the floor to the left. Don't STAMP it, like you would normally do. Instead, stand in the middle of the platform and from there make a THROW to the button in the ground. It will activate the 4 swinging bars accross the pit and a 10 seconds countdown (when it reaches 0, the swinging bars will move down again and you will fall, so you better be quick). When you gain control of Volt again, move forward to the pit (thanks to being in the middle of the platform, you will easily and fastly align with the swinging bars). Reach the edge while jointing, and JUMP and THROW to the first magnet bar. SWING from one to another as quick as possible (but always remember to release from a bar when you reach the most forward position, or you will not reach the next one). THROW to the magnet, climb and leave through the door. There is the last Save Point of the level. Save your progress. The six boxes around it contain Meat and many Parts. Walk to the door ahead. Open it. Cross the next empty room and open the big door, which will take you to the boss room. Ruby will introduce you the boss of this level, a pillar looking enemy, called Sonic. This is a nasty boss. It's not difficult to beat, the strategy is not that difficult to guess... but you must take care of so many things all at once and it has some randomness factor, which overall makes it one of the tougher bosses of the game. Ignore the Prickles and the Spikey that will be crossing the room every now and then. They won't attack you (although they can be in your way when you need to attack the boss... just try that this doesn't happen). Like I already mentioned, Sonic is the pillar-like figure in the middle of the room. After a while, it will shoot a mine from its head. There is no way to predict where the mine will be placed, but you must be quick to get near it. Then you must SPIN to hit the mine so it is throwed against the pillar. Watch for the alarm sound of the mine which indicates how much time there is left for it to explode, and don't be near when this happens or you will get hurt. Once you manage to hit the pillar with a mine (it's not difficult to miss the proper trajectory, but just repeat with the next mines until you are successful), four yellow buttons will appear around the pillar. You must get close to one of them before they disappear and STAMP it to destroy it, and this will hurt the boss. Bad news, besides the randomness of the mines placement, are that this boss has two more attacks: a sonic wave (notice the orange triangles apprearing at the pillar body, JUMP to avoid it) and a blinding light that will switch your formation. That's what I meant when I said that you had to take care of too many things all at once. After you hurt Sonic, repeat the process of performing a SPIN against a mine to hit the pillar, then performing a STAMP onto one of the remaining buttons. When the four of them are destroyed, Sonic will be dead. Ruby will cheer. An altar will rise with another "Unknown Piece". There will be a flash then. You will have only four Tokobots now. After the next conversations, you will automatically return to the lab. Some more dialogues will take place. Mr. Canewood and Ruby will ask you to go to Grinder Valley to find back your Tokobots. The Enemy Encyclopedia will be updated. Save your progress. Once you are don in the lab, choose "Grinder Valley" from the Deployment Hatch. ================================== = 04-2. TAKING BACK THE TOKOBOTS = ================================== --------------------------------------------------- f) GRINDER VALLEY (The Waterless Cave Ruin) [WAL06] --------------------------------------------------- This level is very difficult. Not only there are some complicated challenges, but also having just four Tokobots makes it a lot harder. Your mission is to find the Tokobots that Fuel & his companions have stolen from you. Ruby will introduce you the "Forgotten Valley". Walk down the corridor. Soon, a guard piloting a grey Chocoroc will notice you. He is custodied by 4 Clunkers. Kill them before attacking Chocoroc like you did before (SPIN when it is about to throw a rock at you, THROW when it stands looking around). After this robot dies, it will leave a Bread, and two buttons will become active. Walk to the right platform. THROW to its magnet. Climb. Ignore the box to the right (it's empty), and JUMP and THROW to the magnet at your left. Climb to the top. Now it's quite tricky. Face the magnet you just used, with the button at your back. JOINT and walk backwards to the opposite side (the Tokobots won't fall thanks to being jointed). Then JUMP back (not too much), let you fall a little, and THROW to the button to push it. Go to the other platform. THROW to its magnet. Climb. The box to the left is empty. JUMP and THROW to the magnet at your right. Climb to the top. Face the wall. JOINT, move towards the right edge and finally JUMP sideways to the right. THROW to the button to push it. With the two buttons pushed, the main door of the building will become active. Enter it. You will access a wide room, mostly an enormous pit with some moving platforms, and a Sashi and two Airons moving around. There is a Save Point near the entrance, to the right. Kill the Sashi if you want to prevent its nasty bombs. JUMP to the first platform when it is near the entrance. Use GLIDER for a better chance of reaching it. Wait until the platform is as far as possible, and the next one is located to the right. GLIDER into it, but be careful not to fall. Ignore the moving platforms to the left (they lead to a place where you can't go any further yet). Instead, GLIDER into the moving platform to the right when it is near your platform and the Airon has just retired to either side. Quickly switch to V FORMATION and face to the platform at your left. JUMP to the magnet when the platform is as near from it as possible. THROW and climb. Leave through the door. You will meet a room with a conveyor belt and 6 pairs of moving blocks that will trap you if you get between when they are closing. When the first pair of blocks opens up and the second one is still closed, JUMP ahead, advance. The second pair will soon open. Pass through it (remember that JUMP is quicker here) and stand between the third pair. Wait for the fourth one to close and open up. Then JUMP ahead, advance. The fifth blocks will be closed, but keep JUMPING into them until they open and you can get through before the fourth ones are closed again. Wait for the sixth pair to close and open up again, and then go ahead until you reach the end. Leave through the door. This quite a large room. The boxes to both sides, near you, contain some Parts. The door to the opposite side is deactivated. Cross the room anyway and get close to the strange pillar next to the door. PULL it with CIRCLE button and a mini-game will start. Is like one of those fair games where you need to cross an electric circuit using a ring, without touching the circuit itself. This is quite a tricky section. Just be careful when controlling the pillar through this circuit, and don't get too close to the yellow margin (because if you touch them, you will lose some energy, and will have to restart the mini-game). Be careful with the moving yellow margins that you will meet in the middle of the circuit. Wait for them to stop and quickly get through to the other section of the circuit; then ignore the right path (a dead end) and go left instead. When you reach the end, release the pillar with CIRCLE button again to place it above the ciruclar symbol in the ground. A Beamod like the one you faced in "Damper Rock Ruins #2" will appear. Kill it with the same strategy. Check the "Bosses" section if you need to refresh your memory. Once you defeat it, an altar will rise and you will get the Karakuri Combination MEGA-HAMMER. Ruby will also send you the "About MEGA-HAMMER" file. This a powerful Karakuri Combination. It is controlled with the analog stick. Press SQUARE to charge its attack (press it for a short time for a weak attack, a medium time for a medium attack, and a long time for a really powerful attack). Open the door, which has finally been activated. Inside the new room, ignore the door to the right, but save your progress at the Save Point next to it. When you're done, JUMP over the tall, garnet ledges to the left. JUMP and THROW to the magnet you will meet in the top. Climb and get through the sort-of-window. JOINT in V FORMATION and walk to the edge ahead, facing the swing bars. JUMP ahead, THROW to the first bar and swing from one to another. (If you happen to miss a jump and fall below, kill the Clunkers waiting there, destroy the boxes in the center for some Parts and Food, and use the activated door to reach the garnet ledges area again.) Release from the last bar (when being as forward as possible, like always), fall for a little while and THROW to the magnet when you reach its height. Climb and STAMP the button there to activate a door in the room below. Drop there. Kill the Clunkers and destroy the boxes if you hadn't done it yet. Open the door you just activated. It leads to a small corridor. Cross it and leave through the door ahead. You will reach an area full of Helibombers and, as Ruby will notice, Search Lights. You need to get to the next door without being detected by the Search Lights (or you will be teleported back to the entrance of this room). You can go for the hard method by using the LAUNCH-A-BOMB tile to the left to kill the Helibombers and then trying to find a safe path between the Search Lights. Or you can also use and easier, faster method. Here it is. As soon as you gain control of Volt after Ruby's dialogue, exit the room by the door you just crossed. Then re-enter the Search Lights room again. Quickly cross the safe path that the Search Lights will be leaving when you re-enter the room: to the right, to the left, straight to the door (JUMP ahead in this last section and be fast opening the door to avoid being hit by the Helibombers' bombs). Now, it is the turn for a room where some people seem to have some difficulties. It has 4 conveyors belts, transporting some rocks. There are also 2 Airons and a Helibomber moving around. Ignore the enemies and concentrate in getting through. As soon as you enter the room, switch to O FORMATION and JOINT. Don't stop jointing until you reach the fourth conveyor belt (or your Tokobots will most probably fall to the pit below). Be quick in going slightly to the right, past the first Airon. Wait for the first block to pass by, and then JUMP into the first conveyor belt. Now wait (and I mean wait, don't move Volt, let you be slipped by the conveyour) for the two blocks on the next conveyor to pass by and JUMP into it. A block will be about to pass by in the third conveyor. Wait for yet another one to pass by and then JUMP into the conveyor. Now you must wait for the group of three blocks to pass by in the fourth conveyor. Then quickly JUMP into it. Switch to V FORMATION, JOINT, walk to the edge and JUMP and THROW to the bar ahead. From here, release when in the most forward position to land in the last platform and leave through the door. (Note that if you reach the end of a conveyor belt, you will be teleported back to the entrance of the room.) You will meet a room with a thin corridor full of enemies. Ignore the Sashis flying around. Switch to U FORMATION and JOINT. Walk across the corridor. Choose the path leading to the right, and reach the end. GLIDER to the next section and don't stop SPINNING so you can kill the Spikey waiting near the landing spot. Keep JOINTING and walk ahead. Choose the path leading to the left. When you reach the end, GLIDER to the next section and, again, don't stop SPINNING to kill the Spikey. Now walk through the remaining corridor and reach the exit. Leave through the door. There is a Save Point there (it is highly recommended to save). The boxes around contain a Meat and some Parts. When you're done here, open the door ahead. Cross the small corridor and leave through the last, big door. Flames is waiting in the last room. She will introduce her new robot, Tankaloo. Like its name tells, its a Tank. And a strong, tough one, to say the truth. Tankaloo will charge from one side to another. It enters one of the doors (that you can't access) on the wall, and randomly appears on another one of the same side. In the second charge, Tankaloo will stop to rest in the middle of its trajectory. You must take profit of this moment to attack the tank with a THROW from its back. Once you hit it, be sure to move back before the tanks restarts his charge. If you fail, sometimes the tank will rise its stomach and will shoot some fire balls from there that you must avoid. If you fail various times; the tank will go mad and will start charging from one side to another, very fast and without resting, for a while. In order to have enough time to hit Tankaloo while it's resting, you must watch from which door it will start its charge, calculate the trajectory, and then go to the middle point (more or less), facing the place where its back will be when Tankaloo rests. Like I said, it's quite tricky. It may take a few tries before you get used to calculating the trajectory and predicting the place where Tankaloo will stop. The boxes in each corner of the room are empty, except the lower right one, which contains a Part. Once you defeat Tankaloo, a conversation will take place. Then the big door ahead will become activated. Enter it. Check the capsule in front of you to get back two of your Tokobots. Now you have six of them again. The boxes in these room contain some Parts. Check the nearby closed door with some strange symbols drawed on it, and shining blue lines in its lower part. It won't open. Ruby will ask you to return to the lab. You will be automatically teleported there. After some conversations, the Enemy Encyclopedia will be updated. Save your progress and select your next destination: "Kingdom of Crank Belt" from the Deployment Hatch. ------------------------------------------------------------------- g) KINGDOM OF CRANK BELT (The Invincible Millenium City) #1 [WAL07] ------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as you arrive to Crank Belt, Ruby will explain you some things about this city, and will ask you to find the secret entrance to the castle. Your mission is to find the two remaining Tokobots. Be prepared for a large, tough stage. Take care of the Helibombers first. A couple of THROWS to each of them will do. Then, destroy the boxes near the entrance. After destroying one of the boxes under the small porch, you may notice a different looking tile, like a circle. It's an elevator. It will take you to a lower room where you will find a LIFE POTION. Now go back to the entrance. If you need additional parts, you may want to check three elevators that will take you to three different rooms full of boxes and easy enemies. They are located: at the right of the ramp, at the dead-end of the corridor on the right, and behind the undestroyable cage on the left. Once you are done with each of these dead-end rooms, go back to the entrance. To move on, go to the undestroyable cage on the right. Behind it, you will find yet another elevator. This is the one leading to the secret entrance to the castle. When you arrive to the lower corridors, you can save your game if you wish so in the SAVE POINT near the entrance. If you go through the door to the left, Ruby won't let you go any further because, according to her data, the castle is not in that direction. So instead of going to the left, go on straight ahead. Kill the two enemies (one with STAMP or THROW, the other with SPIN). You will arrive to a split up of the corridor. Take the right path and go through the door: you will arrive to a broken bridge that blocks the way. Ruby thinks that you should find a method of repairing the bridge so you can reach to the other side. It will be a long time until you can lift it up, but remember this broken bridge. Go back to the split up, and now take the left path. Break the jars & boxes to find some objects. Go through the door: there's another bridge. But this one is not broken like the one before. Cross it to the other side. You will arrive to a quite tricky room. Make a THROW to the magnet, and go up to the platform. You will see an enemy (kill it with a well timed THROW), a wide space full of water and a platform far away. In order to reach that platform, you need to perform various consecutive SWINGS from bar to bar, which is a difficult task because the bars are moving away from your target. The best moment to JUMP to the first bar is when it reaches the nearest columns which are drawn in the walls. Once you are swinging from the first bar, you just need to correctly time the next JUMPs & SWINGs. But be quick, or the bar will take you back to the platform where you began. When you arrive to the final platform, drop onto it. Make a STAMP to press the BUTTON in the ground. Doing so will break the bridge you crossed in the previous room and also lower the water level. Now JUMP & SWING to one of the bars, and let it take you back to the entrance. Exit this room. In the bridge room, fall to the part of the bridge that you have just lowered. Don't be afraid, you won't get hurt. Now you will see a cube which is an elevator that can take you back to door leading to the split up corridor (a good idea if you want to save your progress again). In the opposite direction of the elevator, the lowered bridge leads to a door. Go through it and you will arrive to yet another tricky room. As soon as you enter, you will notice various columns with platforms in the top (and some of them also have MAGNETs). This line of columns leads to a high platform far away. Switch to the O FORMATION. Then JUMP to the first platform ahead (with the O FORMATION, Tokobots will follow you without falling). This column will begin to go down, and the column in front of you will begin to go up. Quickly switch to the V FORMATION and joint. JUMP and THROW the Tokobots before the platform with the magnet is too high to reach. Now JUMP & THROW the Tokobots to the next platform. Note that it is possible that the platform which went up, is not high enough to reach the next one if you jumped too early. If you fail a JUMP, or columns are not at the desired height, drop to the corridor in the pit below (but be careful not falling to the sections with water). You will find one elevator at each side that will take you back to the entrance. Exit and re-enter the room to reset the columns to their initial positions, and try again. Standing on the third column, switch to the O FORMATION again. JUMP to the next platform. Like before, it will start to go down and the column ahead will start to go up. Quickly switch to V FORMATION, joint and time once again your JUMP & THROW before it's too late to reach the next magnet. Now you will have to JUMP to a bar, and from it, SWING and THROW to the magnet of the final platform. STAMP to press the BUTTON in the ground. Doing so, will lower the bridge and the water level from the previous room for the second time. So drop down to the corridors below, cross the room to one of the two elevators on the sides and go up to the previous room. Now drop down (you will not get hurt) to reach the lowest part of the room. There you will find some boxes with food & parts, an elevator to the top (use it if you want to save your game in the split up corridor), and a door. Go through it and you will find a quite tough enemy called Fadotron. It moves constantly, being transparent, and protected by wind. It stops sometimes, becoming solid, to throw a bomb at you. And then it starts moving again. It is only vulnerable when it stops and becomes solid, so don't lose time trying to hit it when it's moving and transparent, just prepare to THROW at the incoming position. Its usual, most frequent pattern for stopping is like this (it may change from time to time): exit door ____| |____ | | | 5 4 | | 0/2 | | 3 1 | |___ ____| | | entrance door Knowing this pattern will help you to predict where Fadotron will stop next. Be quicker than it, so you can THROW the Tokobots as soon as it becomes vulnerable, and luckily before it shoots a bomb at you. Attacking with Karakuri Combinations is not recommended here because most of them don't move fast enough. Just stick to THROW the Tokobots and it will not take long to beat Fadotron. Once it is dead, gather the food it leaves and go through the door that has just opened. Inside the new room you will find a SAVE POINT and an altar with the MECHAN-O-WHEEL slate. Taking this SLATE will finally trigger the broken bridge you met in the first place. Ruby was right, there was a way to lift it up again. Now you have to make all the way back to the split up corridor. This time take the right path and go trough the door. Now you will be able to cross the bridge and make it to the other side. Exit by the door. You will arrive to the backside of the castle. It's time to make use of your new Karakuri Combination, MECHAN-O-WHEEL. Access the Karakuri Combinations menu while standing on the tile, and use the MECHAN-O-WHEEL. It's rather easy to perform it: after the countdown, just rotate the analog stick clockwise and quickly, until the orange bar fills up. If you're successful, the bridge leading to the castle will come up from the water. Cross it and you will automatically enter the castle. Inside the castle, you will see a corridor with boxes. Break them for some parts. As soon as you turn right, you will notice two EYE SLATES rotating and protecting an altar with an ability SLATE. In front of them, you can also see three Helibombers. Take care of them performing THROW to the magnet on your right, so you can hop to the high platform with a LAUNCH-A-BOMB tile on it. Use this Karakuri Combination to take down the three Helibombers. Now you must get to the altar with the SLATE. Take in mind than when the EYE SLATES are facing towards you, lots of spikes will lift from the ground and hurt you. It is a good idea to be in U FORMATION, and quickly JUMP & GLIDER to avoid the spikes, so you can land again on the ground when they are gone. Even though, you should hurry to the altar. The SLATE there will give you the Karakuri Combination SUPER TANK. Keep crossing the spiky ground with the JUMP & GLIDER method until you reach the other side. Break the boxes on the left for some parts, and then go through the door on the right. Here you will find a SAVE POINT, and four boxes with more parts and food. After going through the door, the castle guards will detect you. You will have to beat four robots, two small (Clunkers) and two big (Chocoroc). Take care of the small ones first with your prefered method (SPIN, THROW, STAMP). These Chocorocs are different from Flames' one because they are not just vulnerable to THROW after launching a rock, but also when holding it with SPIN. After various successful SPINS and THROWS to their front side, each of the robots will fall down, and the barrier of rocks will disappear. On the right wing of this wide room, there's a throne and a portrait of the King behind it. On the left wind, there are two steps leading nowhere. Climb to the top of the steps and use the first person view to check the platform with jars and a magnet in the front that is located above the entrance of the room. Near this platform, you will also see a chandeler hanging from the ceiling, with a second magnet. Now drop from the steps. Use CIRCLE to LIFT them, and carry them so you can now reach the high platform you just saw. From the top of the steps, THROW the Tokobots to the magnet. Once standing in the platform, don't worry about the jars (they're usually empty). Instead, face the chandeler, JUMP and use THROW to its magnet. This will make the chandeler fall down, and the portrait of the King rise up, revealing a secret passage that was behind it. Go through it. In this new room, you'll find two giant gears already rotating, a platform going up & down, a bar in the highest part of the room, two Helibombers and also the exit in the upper part. Drop to the lower gear, and wait for the platform to come down. THROW to its magnet and climb up. Now wait for the platform to reach the highest level and THROW to the bar, so you can SWING from it to the higher gear. The bombs of the Bittas shouldn't make much trouble. From the higher gear, JUMP and THROW to the magnet that leads to the platform with the door. Exit the room. You're now outside. There are two towers connected by two moving bridges. There's a bar in front of the first bridge, and a magnet in the edge of the second one. There are many enemies flying around. Move to the edge of the first bridge, and wait for it to reach the middle point of its trajectory, so you can JUMP and THROW to the bar. Be careful not to collide with the enemy that is guarding the bar. Keep the SWING until the second bridge reaches its middle point, right in front of the bar, so you can THROW to its magnet. Now just cross the bridge. Either kill the enemies or avoid them with a couple of JUMPS. Enter the new tower through the door. Inside, you will find a circle room, with a SAVE POINT and a strange glass covering the floor, with the picture of some kind of warrior or samurai. It looks like a rosette. Ruby will inform you that the Tokobots are in the lower part of this tower. STAMP against the rosette to break the glass. You will fall to another room with another rosette. STAMP again. You will fall to a third room like the previous ones. Repeat the STAMP, and you will fall to the room where a new Boss is waiting for you. You will meet Bart, who will introduce you to his robot, Torcherer. It looks harder than it actually is. If you're far from the robot, it will charge against you. And if you're near, it will just hit the floor with its head, trying to hurt you. After each attack, Torcherer will be vulnerable if you attack the big gear in its back. A simple THROW will hurt it. Be careful because after being attacked, the robot will throw flames from its mouth. So run away before they can touch you. Once Torcherer stops throwing flames, just wait for it to attack again with its head, and repeat the process until you beat him. Note that there are parts and food around the room, don't hesitate to gather them when you need it. With Bart's robot defeated, you will get "Bart's Memo" (File). Also, the door of this room will be opened. It leads to another room, where you will finally get back the two remaining Tokobots. Now you've got eight of them again. There's a SAVE POINT at your right (be sure to save your progress), and another door. Exit the room through it. ----------------------------------- h) KINGDOM OF CRANK BELT #2 [WAL08] ----------------------------------- The door you just crossed will now be closed. Break the boxes for a piece of MEAT, and a part. Approach the door in the opposite side. You will get a message of alarm: all the gates of the castle will close in six minutes. Ruby asks you to find a way of escape, quickly. A countdown of six minutes will then begin: if the time runs out, it will suppose a Game Over. When the last minute is running, the countdown will go red and and an alarm will sound. This will be by far the toughest challenge you have met in the game by now. Not only the rooms ahead are tricky, but also the time limit is very narrow and there are no SAVE POINTS along the way, so there is no place for mistakes. But don't surrender. As soon as the countdown begins, exit the room through the door. You will arrive to a new room, with a winding, thin passage surrounded by pits. Don't worry about Tokobots falling right now. Just make sure that Bolt doesn't fall. Walk carefully by the thin passage. In the right wall, there's an Airon coming in cycles. You need to JUMP over it when it's coming to you. Get going by the thin corridor. Watch for the Airon going up and down. Don't lose time killing it. Just pass through when the enemy is up. Now in the wall in front of you, there's another Airon coming in cycles. Wait for it to pass by. Stand near the right corner of the corridor, facing the wall. Call back your Tokobots until you've got at least four of them. Wait for the Airon to come back and, while still JOINTING, make a sided JUMP to the right. You should be now standing near the final edge of the corridor. From here, don't stop JOINTING, walk to the edge. Quickly GLIDER to the next section in the right, a lower corridor. Stop jointing and walk towards the door. Before entering it, switch to V FORMATION. As soon as you enter the room, JOINT and walk to the edge of the platform. Don't move to either side. Just wait for the platform ahead (that is moving back and forth) to be near you, and perform a THROW to the side of its magnet. Climb up quickly, and while approaching to the last part of the Tokobot-ladder, move slightly to the left so when going from the ladder to the moving platform, you won't fall down. There's another Airon coming back and forth. Don't lose time killing it. It will soon move towards the right wall, that's when you have to cross the platform, approaching the upper left corner. Switch to U FORMATION and JOINT. To the right, there's a lower platform moving back and forth. As soon as it starts moving towards you, GLIDER to it. Be quick, or you will fall down. Now stand near the edge, in the middle of the platform, call back your Tokobots and perform a THROW to the magnet of the high platform in front of you when you're aligned with it. Climb up. SPIN to the enemy here until it falls down. Now you must STAMP the platform you're standing on. It will go down, and the one in front of you will rise. STAMP the platform again, so the other one is higher. Face the next ahead. JOINT, and get to the edge. JUMP and THROW to the magnet of the platform ahead. Climb up, get to the middle section of its edge and JUMP and THROW to the last, tiny magnet. Climb up and exit the room through the door. In the next room, you will notice a drawing in the floor. It's the pattern of the puzzle that you will solve very soon. (If you hold L BUTTON to use the first person camera and check the left wall, you will see a hole there. But you won't be able to reach it until you get the TOSS ability much later; for now just remember the hole.) Go to the platform ahead with two squares on the sides and a BUTTON on the ground. STAMP it. The two squares at the sides will rise revealing two pillars, and the 4 pieces of the puzzle will appear in the room. After the cut-scene, you will be at the center of the room, standing on the drawing. Notice that the pillars are going down again: they are like a secondary countdown for this puzzle. To refresh the time you've got to solve this puzzle (but NOT the 6 minutes countdown to escape), just STAMP again the BUTTON, and the pillars will rise again. If the pillars go totally down, you will have to restart the puzzle. So be quick, and don't hesitate to STAMP the button whenever you see the pillars are very low. This is the pattern of the puzzle: A C dc ba B D With A, B, C and D being the blocks of the puzzle, and a, b, c and d being the places where you must have to bring the blocks to. I personally recommend you to place the blocks in this order: D, C, STAMP the BUTTON, A, STAMP the BUTTON, finally B. (Remember that in order to PULL or PUSH an object you just have to be close to it, press CIRCLE and then back or forth with the ANALOG STICK depending if you want to PUSS or PUSH it. To stop and release, press CIRCLE again.) Completing the puzzle will open the door behind the BUTTON. Exit the room. You will be at the outside of two towers connected by two moving bridges again. Kill the enemy ahead with a THROW (note that STAMP is dangerous here because of the moving bridges). Wait for the bridge to stop in the middle section of its trajectory and then JUMP & THROW to the bar. Because of the camera angle, it will seem that the bar is not centered with the bridge, but it is: just be sure to JUMP when the bridge is right in the middle section, not after, not before. Now SWING from the bar and THROW to the magnet. Take care of the enemy here. You can enter safely the door ahead. Once inside, STAMP the rosette in the ground: it will break, and the countdown will finally stop. You can breath back again. It was tough, wasn't it? Anyway, in the new room, there are six parts around you. Gather them all and walk to the MONO CHOO-CHOO tile. Transform into the MONO CHOO-CHOO Combination to start a new mini-game. It is rather easy, but in the next paragraph I will shortly cover what you need to do to get to the end of the railway. First there will be three enemies: one at each side, one front. Either destroy or avoid them. Jump over the gap. Two new enemies, one at each side. Avoid the pillar by moving to either right or left. Jump the bridge. Jump over the gap. One enemy straight ahead. Later, one at the right side and one pillar in the middle. Now, here comes a series of pillars, gaps and enemies: move right, shoot, move left, shoot, move right, jump over the gap, move left, jump over the gap, move right, shoot. Quickly shoot the enemy in front of you and jump to reach the end. Note that if you fail the mini-game, you will be back at the MONO CHOO-CHOO tile, with no life loss, and still parts around the room, so you can keep on trying until you manage to beat it. As soon as you arrive to the new room, another annoying Fadotron will be waiting for you. Good news are that its usual pattern is exactly the same than before: exit door ____| |____ | | | 5 4 | | 0/2 | | 3 1 | |___ ____| | | entrance door Just remember to THROW to Fadotron your Tokobots when it stops and becomes vulnerable. It won't be long until it dies. Exit through the door. There you will finally meet a SAVE POINT. It was about time. Save your game, and destroy the four boxes around the room to get some food and parts. Exit through the next door. You will get to the outside of the castle. Here Ruby will tell you to run accross the rooftops to the meeting point near the factory. For now, just go right and JUMP (but not in V FORMATION, or most of the Tokobots will fall). Kill the Clunkers there. Also, kill the Helibomber with to well-timed THROWS. JUMP and GLIDER to the lower rooftop of the right. Don't fall to the space between. Now perform a THROW to the magnet ahead, and climb. Kill the next Helibomber with another two THROWS. Walk to the right, and then walk to the camera to enter a new area. Kill the Helibomber there with two THROWS. Then GLIDER to the rooftop at the left. Kill the Clunkers and the Helibomber. JUMP to the left rooftop and kill the Clunkers and the Helibomber that are waiting here. Now GLIDER to the lower rooftop at the left. Approach to the left edge in V FORMATION. JUMP and THROW to the bar ahead. SWING to the next bar. You will authomatically appear at a new area, with a SAVE POINT to the right and some boxes which contain food and parts. Cross the corridor until you reach the hole in the wall. Enter. Once inside, you will meet Fuel. During the conversation, you will learn some facts about the characters and the story. When the dialogue ends, you must defeat Fuel's robot Tornader. It seems tougher than it actually is. In the first phase, Tornader follows you, so guide him to the bombs about to explode that appear from the robot's back. When Tornader touches a bomb, it will get hurt. After three hits, there will be some changes in the room, and a new phase will begin. You will notice that there are a new platform at each side of the room. The robot will stand in front one of the platforms to charge and throw and attack of wind and thunder. Also when the alarm lights are on, it means that the floor is about to be full of spikes for a while. The strategy here is to quickly head to the platform opposite of the place where Tornader is standing at. THROW your Tokobots into the magnet at the edge of the platform. Climb and then face the other side. You must cross the bars using the SWING ability, but be sure to do it so you can arrive safely to the opposite platform without colliding with the robot. Once you arrive to the other platform, get close to Tornader from behind, and perform a THROW to its head in order to hurt it. If you fail or are too late, it will leave for the other side of the room. After two successful hits, the platforms will move back. You will have to guide Tornader into the bombs again. After three hits, the platforms will move forward again and you will have to repeat the previous strategy, and hit the robot two or three times more. After this, it will be destroyed. You will get the COLONEL'S KEY (Key Item), the SLATE of the TOSS ability and the "About Tossing" File. Now, return to the Lab. There will be a conversation. After this, the Enemy Encyclopedia will be updated. Now, you must return to "Grinder Valley". Note that there's no access to other places from the Deployment Hatch. ==================================== = 04-3. LOOKING FOR THE PASS CODES = ==================================== ------------------------------------- i) GRINDER VALLEY (Revisited) [WAL09] ------------------------------------- You will arrive at Grinder Valley with just four Tokobots again. But don't be afraid: this is a very easy and short level, and you will gain back your missing Tokobots once you finish it. Cross the corridor and enter the main gate. You will authomatically appear at the last room you visited before. Check the door ahead. It will now open thanks to the COLONEL'S KEY. Use the elevator in the narrow room after the door. You will arrive to Fuel's private room. Break the boxes at your left to get a LIFE POTION. Now check the map on the wall. Then check the desk to get Colone'ls report. You will get: "Power to Control the World" (File) and "5 Earthquakes" (File). Then go check the library on the wall to get: "About Master Gear and the Two Keys" (File), "Pass Code" (Key Item), "Pass Code Finder" (Key Item) and "About P.C. Finder" (File Item). After the earthquake, you will authomatically return to the lab. Your mission is now to revisit some of the previous levels to gather the five PASS CODES that you're still missing to complete the Circular Slate, which is necessary to access the very last level, Master Gear Cave. Fortunately, you will be assisted by a green radar which will turn orange whenever you are really close to a PASS CODE, or blue when there's no other PASS CODE in the level you currently are. So in the first place, select to revisit "Valve Air Ruins" from the Deployment Hatch. Note that I won't be giving much details about certain sections of these levels, as you should already know them from your previous visits. If needed, you can check previous sections of this walkthrough to refresh your memory about the levels. Fortunately, the puzzles you already solved will keep solved, but most of the enemies have been replaced by stronger versions, red in the case of standard enemies and purple in the case of bosses or mini-bosses. (You can alternatively beat the Side Quest at "Kingdom of Crank Belt" before all this to get the last LIFE POTION and the remaining Karakuri Combination OCTO-PULSE, or also leave it until you have already gathered the Pass Codes. The Side Quest is covered in the 04-4. subsection of this walkthrough. You choose.) ----------------------------------------- j) VALVE AIR RUINS #1 (Revisited) [WAL10] ----------------------------------------- This time, take the working elevator ahead to access the upper level. Go to the left to enter the room full of pillars and platforms, and drop down to the ground. Leave through the door near the gears. From here, face to the left. GLIDER to the platform below. Kill the red Speedy if you want, and get some Parts from the boxes here. When you're done, enter the door nearby. You will find a maze full of Eye Slates in the walls. If you face any of them, you will be teleported back to the entrance of the maze. You must use the same method as one of the previous times: do not face any of the nearest Eye Slates, JOINT while in O FORMATION and walk until you get to a safe zone. Then repeat the process until you get to the end of the corridor. Either kill or avoid the enemy. STAMP the button at the end, and a door will open, revealing the first PASS CODE. Now you will be automatically teleported back to the door that leads to the room with gears on the wall. Enter, and get to the top again magnet by magnet. Exit back to the are where the elevator first took you. Now go ahead, destroy the boxes, THROW the Tokobots to get to the door. Save your progress in the Save Point inside, and break the boxes around for some Parts. Walk into the next room, take the parts around if you want and activate the MONO CHOO-CHOO. ----------------------------------------- k) VALVE AIR RUINS #2 (Revisited) [WAL11] ----------------------------------------- After the MONO CHOO-CHOO ride, kill the two enemies in the room and leave through the right door. PULL the highest pillar and bring it below the hole in the wall. TOSS to reach the top of the pillar. Now call back your Tokobots and TOSS again to reach the hole in the wall. Once outside, you will meet a wide pit full of bars. THROW and SWING from one bar to another, and finally THROW to the magnet. Climb. Now check the altar ahead to get the second PASS CODE. The radar will turn blue, because there is no other PASS CODE in Valve Air Ruins. You will automatically return to he room right after the MONO CHOO-CHOO ride. Leave through the left door. Use the Save Point there to get back to the Lab. Save your progress and select to revisit "Damper Rock Ruins" from the Deployment Hatch. ------------------------------------------- l) DAMPER ROCK RUINS #1 (Revisited) [WAL12] ------------------------------------------- Proceed through the whole level as normal, until you get to the first Save Point. Kill the Spikey to the left, and enter the door. Go ahead, and ignore the button in the ground. Walk through the hole ahead. You can kill the three Spikeys here with SPIN. Now approach the left wall, and you will notice a hole. TOSS to reach it. Inside the room, kill the two Spikeys there. Now STAMP the lower nail that comes out one of the gears in the floor. Then PULL the box in the corner near one of the higher nails. From the ground, joint in V FORMATION. JUMP onto the box and THROW to the nail. THROW again. Drop to the ground to make the last THROW to the nail. Repeat this very same process with the remaining nail. Once the three or them are as down as possible, the gears will be activated, thus opening the door. Leave through it. You will meet a purple Morphbot. Kill it with the usual method (check Bosses Section if you need to refresh your memory). Once it is dead, you will get the Information Slate "The End of the World" (File). The door ahead will now be open. Enter it and check the altar to get your third PASS CODE and the Information Slate "The Power" (File). Now get back, cross all the previous rooms until you get to the Save Point outside again. Use it to return to the Lab. Save your progress. Select "Damper Rock Ruins" once more, but this time instead of going through the level, enter the main gate ahead to access "Damper Rock Ruins #2". ------------------------------------------- m) DAMPER ROCK RUINS #2 (Revisited) [WAL13] ------------------------------------------- Get through the whole level until you get to the room with a LAUNCH-A-BOMB tile and a button in the wall in front of it. Ignore them and leave through the left door, now activated. You will meet a MECHAN-O-WHEEL tile. Activate this Karakuri Combination and beat the easy mini-game (rotate the analog stick until the power bar is filled). A bridge will rise. Cross it and go ahead the passage until you meet a disactivated door. There is a CRANE-O-MATIC tile next to it. Activate this Karakuri Combination. Now you need to complete the puzzle. There are 8 pieces missing. The completed puzzle has the same picture as the "Emblem Slate" (check it under Key Items, in the Collected items section of the Pause Menu). The blocks that you must grab to complete the puzzle will be sliding in a platform above the panel. Because of the speed, you will easily miss some of them when trying to grab them, but they will re-appear after the 10-pieces cycle is completed. Just don't fail too often grabbing or placing blocks, because the energy for a Karakuri Combination is limited. This is the puzzle panel that you must fill, with each hole marked with a letter: xxxxxxAx xxxBxxxx Cxxxxxxx xDxxExxx xxFxGxxx xxxxxxxH This is the list of the pieces, in the order in which they will appear in the sliding platform. Piece 01: c Piece 02: b Piece 03: d Piece 04: f Piece 05: e Piece 06: g Piece 07: a Piece 08: h Piece 09: does not belong to the puzzle. Piece 10: does not belong to the puzzle. Obviously, you must place the piece c in the hole C, the piece b in the hole B, etc. Completing the puzzle will open the door ahead. Enter it. Inside you will find the fourth PASS CODE. You will also get the Information Slate "God of Damper Rock" (File). Now go back outside and walk ahead until you arrive the room with the LAUNCH-A-BOMB tile and the button in the wall. Leave through the door located at your left to get to a Save Point. Return to the Lab. Save your progress. Select to revisit "Grinder Valley" from the Deployment Hatch. ------------------------------------- n) GRINDER VALLEY (Revisited) [WAL14] ------------------------------------- Walk through the passage and enter the door. Get to the room with moving platforms, but this time use the left ones to get to the left magnet and climb to the left door. Leave through it and you will meet a MECHAN-O-WHEEL tile. Activate this Karakuri Combination and beat the easy mini-game (rotate the analog stick until the power bar is filled). A platform ahead will go down to the next section. There are 3 swing bars in front of you. The last PASS CODE can already be seen far away, in an altar at a lower platform. THROW and SWING from bar to bar. When you release from the last bar, you will start falling because there is no place to get to. Don't panic. THROW just when you reach the magnet's height that waits down the pit. Climb up and check the altar to get the last PASS CODE. You will get the File "The Power and the Prototype". An earthquake will happen and you will automatically return to the lab. After some conversations, you can revisit "Valve Air Ruins" to access the very last level of the game. But before that, it is strongly recommended that you revisit "Kingdom of Crank Belt" to get the last LIFE POTION and the powerful eighth Karakuri Combination, OCTO-PULSE. =================== = 04-4. SIDEQUEST = =================== ----------------------------------------------- o) KINGDOM OF CRANK BELT #1 (Revisited) [WAL15] ----------------------------------------------- As soon as you enter the level, go to the elevator behind the undestroyable right box. Go down to the Save Point corridor. Turn left and leave through the door. Cross the door ahead, that Ruby didn't let you enter in your first visit to Crank Belt. You will meet Flames again, controlling a purple Chocoroc. Before the fight starts you will get the "Flames' Poem" file. To defeat this robot, stand in front of it, JOINTING in V FORMATION. JUMP over the lasers when they get close and then THROW against Chocoroc. Too bad that you can't deactivate the robots this time, like in the first combat. Repeat this JUMP & THROW method until Chocoroc explodes. Note that it's not an easy fight, and you will most likely lose a lot of energy. Karakuri Combinations are not recommended here, as they will run out of energy too quick because of the lasers. After defeating the purple Chorococ, get the last LIFE POTION. Now you have the maximum life: ten hearts. Return to the Save Point, and then proceed through the level. Note that the bridge in the right room is already risen, so you can cross it without facing the challenges in the left rooms. Reach to the end of the level. You won't face Bart's Torcherer either. Access the room with the capsule where you found the Tokobots and leave through the door ahead. ----------------------------------------------- p) KINGDOM OF CRANK BELT #2 (Revisited) [WAL16] ----------------------------------------------- Cross the whole level until you get to the room with the four-blocks puzzle (which is already solved). Good news are that there won't be any countdown this time. In the puzzle room, JUMP the steps to reach the platform to the left of the entrance. In the middle of the ledge, you may notice a hole in the wall. Use the Tokobots to TOSS into it. You will arrive to a new room, with two Helibombers and an Airon. Take care of the Airon with a well timed THROW. You can't hit the Helibombers, so do your best to avoid their bombs. Now watch the two moving bars ahead. You need to JUMP and THROW into the first one when it is about to reach the middle. Then SWING until the second bar is properly aligned and JUMP and THROW into it. Then JUMP and THROW to the magnet ahead. From the top of this platform, you may see a pit and a hole down in the wall in front of you. You must GLIDER into this hole to reach a little alcobe. Be careful with the bombs from the Helibombers, and also with the walls: if the Tokobots collide with them when GLIDERING, you will fall to the pit. It is quite a tricky challenge, but it is possible to do it. The best thing is to GLIDER straight down, and only start moving towards the alcobe when you are about to reach it. Inside, you will find the altar with the OCTO-PULSE Slate. You will get the last and powerful Karakuri Combination, and the "About Octo-Pulse" file. Check the Karakuri Combinations section for further explanations about OCTO-PULSE. You will be automatically teleported to the puzzle room. Exit through the door ahead. Cross the moving bridges as normal, STAMP the rosette in the next room, gather the Parts and activate the MONO CHOO-CHOO. Beat the MONO CHOO-CHOO mini-game once again. After it, you won't face the Fadotron. Leave through the door ahead to finally reach the Save Point. Use it to return to the Lab. Save your progress and select your next destination, "Valve Air Ruins". ============== = 04-5. ZERO = ============== ----------------------------------------- q) VALVE AIR RUINS #1 (Revisited) [WAL17] ----------------------------------------- Ignore the elevator, and go through the whole level until you reach the zone with the first Save Point to the left. Do you remember the strange big Statue that was in the wall in front of it? It is gone now. There is a strange tile in the ground. Check it with all the Tokobots with you and you will be teleported to the very last level of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------- r) MASTER GEAR CAVE (The Being which Stalked the Star Core) [WAL18] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Another Earthquake will take place as soon as you arrive this level. There is a Save Point right there (I recommend to save your progress because this level is very hard). The ice blocks around the Save Point actually are breakable boxes which contain some Parts and Food. Leave through the door ahead. JUMP and THROW to the bar ahead. THROW to the magnet. While climbing, Ruby will notice a rotating Eye Slate in the opposite side of the room. Don't move when it's facing towards you, or it will hurt you and push you back (making you fall to the pit most of the time). So continue climbing when the Eye Slate is not facing towards you. Now SPIN to activate the gear to the left, which will rise a platform in the pit ahead. Walk to the edge (take care of the Eye Slate). GLIDER to the platform that has just risen. Note that you need to be exactly at the edge, and with no Tokobots falling from it, to reach it safely. As soon as you stand on the platform, it will start going down again. The good news is that the Eye Slate can't hurt you when standing in this platform. But you must hurry to get to the other side. If the platform goes down too much, you won't be able to reach the magnet ahead (in this case, face to the platform from where you glidered, THROW to the magnet on its edge, and repeat the process). Stand near the edge of the lowering platform, be aware that you must JUMP when the guillotine is far from your side. JUMP and THROW to the magnet. Wait for the Eye Slate to be facing away, and hurry to get the door at the left corner (but without walking in front of the Eye Slate face, of course). This is an empty room. There is a bid door to the right. Open it and leave. Inside the next room you will meet Dongle again. The strategy to beat this robot is exactly the same as before. Check Bosses section if you need to refresh your memory. Once it is dead, gather the bread that appears, and leave through the elevator that has just been activated in the opposite side to the door. Another empty room. Cross it. Open the door ahead and leave. Inside the next room you will meet Sonic again. The strategy to beat this robot is exactly the same as before. Check Bosses Section if you need to refresh your memory. Once it is dead, leave through the elevator that has just been activated in the opposite side to the door. A Save Point room (it is recommended to save, of course) and four ice boxes with some parts and Meat. Cross the room and leave through the elevator. STAMP the button that you will meet at the start of the new room. It will show you an invisible path that will let you cross through the pit. It is something like this: --- x xx x x x x xx x --- The best way to cross this path is to JOINT while in O FORMATION. This way, you and your Tokobots won't fall to the pit, but you will know when you reach the edge of the invisible path because the Tokobots will be lower than the place where you are. When you get to the end of the first section of the path, change to U FORMATION and shortly GLIDER to the left. Then switch to O FORMATION again and cross the remaining path with the same method from before until you get to the door. Open it and leave. Inside this room you will face Tankaloo once more. The strategy to beat this robot is exactly the same as before. Check Bosses section if you need to refresh your memory. However, this time you can also beat it using OCTO-PULSE. Activate this Karakuri Combination, lock on Tankaloo and shoot repeatedly to kill it in a matter of seconds. Once it is dead by any method, get the bread it leaves and exit through the elevator that has just been activated in the opposite side to the door. You will meet a room with another wide pit, and three buttons right in front of you. You must press the buttons in the right order to rise some pillars that will let you cross to the opposite side of the room. Pressing the wrong button, will teleport you to the previous room with one heart less. The correct order to press buttons is: right, left, center, left, right. Now you can go through. Walk to the left edge of the platform and GLIDER to the first pillar to the left. From here, be sure that you still have 7 or 8 Tokobots and JUMP and THROW to the magnet above to climb to the top of the pillar. Look to the right: there is another pillar far away. GLIDER to reach to its top. Look to the left: another pillar far away. GLIDER to reach it. Now call back any missing Tokobot. Face to the left, facin the next pillar. JOIN and walk to the upper right corner, perfectly aligned with the edge. Now JUMP and THROW to the magnet above. Climb to the top of the pillar. Turn right, call back any missing Tokobots, and JUMP and THROW to the last magnet. Climb and leave through the door. Inside the next room, you will meet Tornader once again. The strategy to beat this robot is exactly the same as before. Check Bosses section if you need to refresh your memory. Once he is dead, leave through the elevator that has just been activated in the opposite side to the door. A room with a Save Point and four ice boxes with some parts and Meat. I highly recommend you to save your progress because you are about to face the two last bosses, which are very tough. Cross the room and leave through the elevator. The next door is empty. Ignore the lava pit in the center of the room. JUMP from platform to platform of either side of the room, and reach the door ahead. Open it to access the very last room of the game. You will meet Fuel's new robot, Battleby. After some conversations, the fight will begin. Note that there is a Meat and a Bread in the lower corners of the room, get them when needed. Also note that the edges of the room lead to a lava pit, so avoid falling. Battleby is a tough boss, mainly because of the lack of a good strategy to beat it. It moves very fast, getting far when you try to attack it, and then suddenly approaching you for a quick and deadly summersault or sometimes crouching to shoot a couple of missiles. When Battleby attacks, it is a good moment to attack it with a THROW (if you can be quick enough to avoid the enemy attack, and then attack it). After a lot of hits, Battleby will explode, and Fuel will be defeated. If you have plenty of parts, it would not be a bad idea to activate a Karakuri Combination to attack Battleby (and also avoid losing as many Volt's life as possible). Mega-Hammer is quite powerful against this robot. Other Karakuri Combinations may not be fast or strong enough. Some conversations will take place. The main wall of the room will tear apart... revealing a big robot, Zero, sitting in its throne. This is the last boss of the game. In the first phase, you need to get close to the shields around the room, so Zero shoots its eye-lasers and destroys them. Don't you touch the shields, and try that the Zero's lasers hit the shield near you, but not you. To destroy the two higher shields, you will need to TOSS close to them when Zero is about to shoot its lasers. With the 4 shields down, the second phase will begin. Now you need to hit the 4 balls that will be flying around Zero and its throne. This is best done from the sides of Zero's throne, where you will be almost safe from the enemy's attacks. Don't get too close to Zero or, apart from its lasers, it will shoot a powerful blue energy attack. Once you hit twice a ball using THROW, it will be destroyed and Zero will perform an almost unavoidable attack. Try a fast JUMP to the front of the throne (but far from it). When two of the balls are destroyed, Zero will hit the ground with his foot, and then the ceiling will start to collapse, making it harder to hit the two remaining balls. Again, the sides of the throne are the safest place, but it's almost impossible to avoid the falling rocks (be aware of their shadows before they fall), so you better be quick destroying the remaining balls with THROW. Once you manage to do it, Zero will be over. Note that sometimes, it looks hard to hit a certain ball from one of the sides of the throne. When this happens, change of side and try from here. Usually, one ball is easier to hit from the left side, and the other three from the right side. Another good method to attack the balls is with the OCTO-PULSE's multitarget lock on ability, although they are quite resistent against it. When you defeat Zero, some conversations will take place. Relax, watch the ending and the credits of the game. Congratulations for beating Tokobot. Save your game when returning to the Lab. "Original Time Attack Mode" will be unlocked. A new section called Movies will appear at the Sources section of the Lab, with the "Ending Movie" unlocked. Your collection rate should now be at 43%, with the Enemy Encyclopedia completed. Check [ORI00] if you feel like beating the Original Time Attack Mode. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 05. KARAKURI ABILITIES [KAR00] ============================ = a) JOINT ACTIONS [KAR01] = ============================ ------ STAMP: ------ While in O FORMATION, JUMP with X and press SQUARE. Don't joint before, or you will not perform the STAMP. If done correctly, Bolt and the Tokobots will hit the ground harder than usual. It is useful to hit BUTTONs in the ground, to hit enemies from above, and to destroy objects. FOUND IN: You have got it since the beginning. ------ THROW: ------ While in V FORMATION, joint with R and press SQUARE. You will THROW the line of Tokobots right in front of you. It is useful to hit high enemies, press BUTTONs on the wall, to destroy objects and also to create ladders and bridges (when hitting a magnet). FOUND IN: You have got it since the beginning. ----- SPIN: ----- While in U FORMATION, joint with R and press SQUARE repeatedly. You will start to SPIN with the help of the Tokobots (slowly first, then faster). In the slow phase, be sure not to collide with anything or you will not reach the fast phase. You can stop from spinning by not pressing SQUARE anymore. If you have been spinning for a long time, Bolt will faint for a moment. It is useful to activate some gears, to destroy objects and to hit enemies from the side. FOUND IN: You have got it since the beginning. ------- GLIDER: ------- While in U FORMATION, joint with R, JUMP with X and press SQUARE repeatedly. Bolt will spin through the air, falling slower than with a normal jump and, more important, reaching further places. It is useful to cross wide gaps and also to reach lower, far away platforms. FOUND IN: "Damper Rock Ruins #2", after successfully using LAUNCH-A-BOMB for the first time. ------ SWING: ------ While in V FORMATION, joint with R, JUMP with X and press SQUARE to THROW against a magnet bar. You will start SWINGING in the magnet bar. When you are as ahead as possible when SWINGING, press SQUARE again to release, and then SQUARE again if you need to reach a new magnet bar or a magnet. In sequences of magnet bars, just remember to jump to the first bar perfectly aligned with it (or you will swing in diagonal and will mostly fall sooner or later) and also to release from a bar when you are in the most forward position, or you may not reach the next bar. FOUND IN: "Valve Air Ruins #2", after beating Morphbot after the MONO CHOO-CHOO ride. ----- TOSS: ----- While in O FORMATION, joint with R and JUMP with X. Tokobots will help Bolt to make a higher jump. It is useful to reach high platforms, and also to get to some holes in the wall, impossible to reach otherwise. FOUND IN: "Kingdom of Crank Belt #2", after defeating Fuel's Robot. ==================================== = b) KARAKURI COMBINATIONS [KAR02] = ==================================== These powerful transformations will help you to beat some enemies and also to solve some puzzles. You need parts to activate them, a different amount and type(s) for every Karakuri Combination. If you are short of parts, you can get them by replaying any level. Kill an enemy near a door, get the part it leaves. Then exit & reenter the room. Kill the enemy again for another part. To activate a Karakuri Combination, press any direction in the D-Pad and select the desired combination. Note that some of them can only be activated while standing on its corresponding tile, marked with their own symbol. You will be able to use the Karakuri Combination that you activated for a limited period of time, before its energy runs out. To disengage a Karakuri Combination before its energy goes down to 0, you can press any direction in the D-Pad, and confirm. ------------- SAMURAI HOVER ------------- This is a basic Karakuri Combination that enables you to slash your enemies with its powerful attack. However, not all the enemies are specially vulnerable against this. CONTROLS: analog stick to move, and SQUARE to attack. PARTS NEEDED: Green x 02, Blue x 04, Red x 00 FOUND IN: "Damper Rock Ruins #1", in the room with two Speedys, after you kill them. ----------- MEGA-HAMMER ----------- This is a very powerful Karakuri Combination. It has 3 levels of attack. At maximum power, it can kill most enemies, even bosses, with one single hit. CONTROLS: analog stick to move, and SQUARE to charge (3 levels of power). PARTS NEEDED: Green x 03, Blue x 06, Red x 00 FOUND IN: "Grinder Valley", after defeating Beamod. ------------- CRANE-O-MATIC ------------- This Karakuri Combination can only be used while standing on its corresponding tiles, marked with a CRANE symbol. It activates mini-games where you need to grab some blocks and release them at the proper places to solve a puzzle or even activate a button. When moving with SQUARE or TRIANGLE, the crane will move just in one direction until it gets to the limit, and then the crane will start moving in the opposite direction. If you pass the position you wanted, you must keep pressing the button, until the crane moves back again to the right spot. For a higher precision, it's better to move the crane bit by bit, instead of pressing TRIANGLE or SQUARE for a long time, which makes it difficult to be precise. If you don't align the shadow of the crane with the middle of the block you want to grab, you won't be able to grab it correctly, and it will fall. So align the shadow as best as possible. CONTROLS: SQUARE to move right or left, TRIANGLE to move up or down and CIRCLE to grab a block or release it. PARTS NEEDED: Green x 01, Blue x 00, Red x 01 FOUND IN: "Damper Rock Ruins #1", after you beat Stompy in the large room full of pillars. ---------- SUPER TANK ---------- A powerful Karakuri Combination than can attack with its fast-shooting cannon. Its energy goes automatically down, and also when you're hurt. CONTROLS: Analog Stick to move the tank, TRIANGLE to switch between a steady and a mobile cannon, SQUARE to shoot the cannon. PARTS NEEDED: Green x 05, Blue x 08, Red x 01 FOUND IN: "Kingdom of Crank Belt #1", after you enter the castle. Its SLATE is guarded by two EYE SLATES. -------------- MECHAN-O-WHEEL -------------- This Karakuri Combination can only be used while standing on its corresponding tiles, marked with a GEAR symbol. After the countdown, just rotate the ANALOG STICK clockwise and fast until you completely fill the orange bar. This will complete your task with the MECHAN-O-WHEEL. Be sure to fill the orange bar before the energy goes out. CONTROLS: Analog stick (clockwise) to charge the bar. PARTS NEEDED: Green x 02, Blue x 00, Red x 03 FOUND IN: "Kingdom of Crank Belt #1", inside a room after you beat the first Fadotron. ------------- LAUNCH-A-BOMB ------------- This Karakuri Combination can only be used while standing on its corresponding tiles, marked with a CATAPULT symbol. Useful to defeat enemies flying too high or too far, and also for breaking some glasses. It may take some time to get used to it. Just remember your trajectory lessons from physics class. CONTROLS: Analog Stick to move the yellow arrow that corrects the trajectory and SQUARE to shoot. PARTS NEEDED: Green x 01, Blue x 03, Red x 01 FOUND IN: "Damper Rock Ruins #2", after finding the two broken slate pieces when solving the fans puzzles. -------------- MONO CHOO-CHOO -------------- This Karakuri Combination can only be used while standing on its corresponding tiles, marked with a train machine symbol. Activating this Combination will start a mini-game where you control a TRAIN MACHINE across a railway full of obstacles and enemies. If you happen to run out of energy, or you fall to a pit, you will be teleported to the MONO CHOO-CHOO tile again. CONTROLS: Analog stick to move right or left, SQUARE to shoot and X to JUMP. PARTS NEEDED: Green x 02, Blue x 02, Red x 01 FOUND IN: "Damper Rock Ruins #2", after defeating Dongle. ---------- OCTO-PULSE ---------- This the most powerful Karakuri Combination. It moves very fast. Its attacks can hit multiple targets thanks to its lock on ability, and they can even hurt some enemies when they would be invulnerable to other attacks. Some bosses like Tankaloo are specially vulnerable to OCTO-PULSE and will die in matter of seconds. CONTROLS: Analog stick to move the OCTO-PULSE, TRIANGLE to lock on targets in sight, and SQUARE to shoot. PARTS NEEDED: Green x 10, Blue x 15, Red x 05 FOUND IN: Revisited "Kingdom of Crank Belt #2". You must enter a hole in the left wall of the puzzle room from the six minutes escape. You need the TOSS ability to reach the hole. Beat the challenge inside to get the SLATE. (Check the Side Quest from the walkthrough for further information.) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 06. ENEMY ENCYCLOPEDIA [ENE00] This is a list of the different enemies that you will find throughout the game. I will explain their main specifications and the best strategies to beat them. =============================== = a) STANDARD ENEMIES [ENE01] = =============================== ---------------- BEEPERS (Keeper) ---------------- This egg-like creature is one of the easiest enemies to kill. It just walks around chasing you, but it is too slow. THROW, SPIN or STAMP will kill it fast. ----------------- PRICKLES (Keeper) ----------------- This small creature is surrounded by spikes, so it can only be attacked from above. Be sure not to touch the spikes or you will get hurt. Both THROW or STAMP will hurt it. It is invulnerable to SPIN. -------------- SASHI (Keeper) -------------- This flying creature is rather annoying because it moves very fast. It also shoots a bomb sometimes. Hit the creature with THROW, so it falls to the ground. Then hit it with either THROW, SPIN or STAMP. You may have to repeat the process because it has a lot of energy. --------------- SPEEDY (Keeper) --------------- This is the big brother of Beepers. A big white egg that will charge at you. Be sure not to be in his way once he charges, you will get hurt and even fall if you are close to the edge of a platform or a pit. It is not a bad idea to hurt it with THROW or SPIN, but STAMP is the fastest method, as you will usually kill it with one single STAMP, instead of having to hurt him many times. --------------- SPIKEY (Keeper) --------------- This little enemy is very similar to Prickles. It has a big spike on its head, meaning that it cannot be hurt from above. SPIN is the way to go here. It is invulnerable to THROW, and you will get hurt if you try to STAMP it. -------------- BITTA (Keeper) -------------- This enemy is a Helibomber which will shoot at you and rarely will fail. It doesn't moves, but it is usually floating too high to get hurt with any of your attacks... except the Karakuri Combination LAUNCH-A-BOMB (if you're lucky to find a LAUNCH-A-BOMB tile in the zone, of course). -------------- AIRON (Keeper) -------------- This razored enemy spins in the air and has the nasty habit of being in zones where you need to perform a specially precise jump or movement. It will move either right to left, left to right; or up and down, down and up. THROW is usually recommended against it. ----------------- CLUNKERS (Worker) ----------------- This enemy is a small green tank which doesn't attack. It just walks around or onto you, hurting if it touches you. Any attack is good against it, one hit and it will be gone. ------------------- HELIBOMBER (Worker) ------------------- A little flying helicopter, always moving around and shooting at you. Not difficult to kill with a couple of THROWs. --------------- STOMPY (Keeper) --------------- This is a rather nasty enemy that is always jumping moving and has a lot of energy. Best methods to kill it are THROW (if Stompy is about to jump at you, you will interrupt its jump), STAMP and Karakuri Combinations like Samurai Hover. ===================== = b) BOSSES [ENE02] = ===================== ----------------- MORPHBOT (Keeper) ----------------- This is the first boss you will meet in the game, and it's rather easy. You will meet it at the end of "Valve Air Ruins #1". HOW-TO-BEAT: In the first phase, the boss looks like a pillar with three sections and a head. Each section has a cannon and they will rotate trying to aim at you. Be quick perfoming a SPIN against the lower section to eliminate it. If you're fast enough, the boss will not even have time to shoot you. Repeat the process until the three sections are gone. After this, the second phase will begin. It's as easy as the first. The boss will morph into a robot. It will face you, and then charge at the direction where you were standing until it reaches a wall and charges again. Don't stop moving around, and it won't hurt you. After two charges, Morphbot will charge again against you but will stop in the middle of the room to rest, becoming vulnerable. Perform a THROW or a STAMP to hurt him. It will start charging again. When you hit it two or three times, it will be history. ----------------- CHOCOROC (Worker) ----------------- This is the second boss of the game. You will find it in "Damper Rock Ruins #1" and it belongs to Flames. It is not very difficult to beat, although it is only vulnerable at specific times. HOW-TO-BEAT: As soon as the combat begins, Chocoroc will be standing in the middle of the room, while two flying patrols spin around it and throw a blue laser beam that will hurt you. Don't bother to attack Chocoroc yet. Instead, JUMP to your left (the little walls will protect you from the lasers) and make a THROW to the button on the left wall. This way, the flying patrols will stop for 10 seconds. Now approach Chocoroc. It will take a rock and try to throw it at you. You can either avoid the rock or SPIN against Chocoroc to make the robot fail the throw. Anyway, after this, Chocoroc will stand looking around. It is vulnerable right in this moment. Perform a THROW against it from the front to hurt it. Repeat the process of avoiding the rock throw and attacking Chocoroc until the countdown is about to get to 0. Then quickly get to the button in the wall and push it again with THROW. Keep attacking Chocoroc with the same method, it won't be loing until the robot explodes (about 6 or 8 successful THROWs). --------------- DONGLE (Keeper) --------------- This is a very easy boss, although some people seem to get stuck with it. You will meet it in "Damper Rock Ruins #2". HOW-TO-BEAT: The strategy to defeat Dongle is rather easy: first SPIN to its gear-like body. Dongle will become unconscious for a little while. Quickly THROW to its head to hurt it. If you hit the body, not the head, you won't hurt it. Repeat the process until it dies. If you aren't fast enough with SPIN, Dongle will hit the ground with its hand, then sweep it for a while. Get away from the hand and you should be safe. After the second or third successful THROW, Dongle will protect its gear-like body with its hand. You won't be able to attack it with SPIN until the robot moves away its hand again. Once it happens, repeat the method: SPIN to the gear, THROW to the head (which will now be located at its stomach, making it easier to hit). It won't take long to defeat it. --------------- BEAMOD (Keeper) --------------- This is not exactly a boss, but it can be so annoying and difficult to beat the first time, that could be considered as a Mini-Boss. You will meet it at "Damper Rock Ruins #2" and "Grinder Valley". HOW-TO-BEAT: It could be seen as a four-legged spider tank. Powerful and with a lot of energy. It will mostly move forward and backwards, sometimes stopping to shoot a deadly laser all around, and then creating an explosion that will hurt you if you're too close. THROW is the way to go here. Walk between its legs to get to its back. THROW to him various times until it rotates back at where you are. Then repeat the process. Remember that when its head starts spinning, it means an incoming laser & explosion, so walk away until the danger is over. If you've got enough parts, Karakuri Combinations such as SAMURAI HOVER aren't a bad idea either. -------------- SONIC (Keeper) -------------- This is a nasty boss. It's not difficult to beat, the strategy is not that difficult to guess... but you must take care of so many things all at once and it has some randomness factor, which makes it one of the tougher bosses of the game. You will meet it in "Valve Air Ruins #2". HOW-TO-BEAT: Ignore the Prickles and the Spikey that will be crossing the room every now and then. They won't attack you (although they can be in your way when you need to attack the boss... just try that this doesn't happen). The boss is the pillar-like figure in the middle of the room. After a while, it will shoot a mine from its head. There is no way to predict where the mine will be placed, but you must be quick to get near it. Then you must SPIN to hit the mine so it is throwed against the pillar. Watch for the alarm sound of the mine which indicates how much time there is left for it to explode, and don't be near when this happens or you will get hurt. Once you manage to hit the pillar with a mine (it's not difficult to miss the proper trajectory, but just repeat with the next mines until you are successful), four yellow buttons will appear around the pillar. You must get close to one of them before they disappear and STAMP it to destroy it, and this will hurt the boss. Bad news, besides the randomness of the mines placement, are that this boss has two more attacks: a sonic wave (notice the orange triangles apprearing at the pillar body, JUMP to avoid it) and a blinding light that will switch your formation. That's what I meant when I said that you had to take care of too many things all at once. After you hurt Sonic, repeat the process of performing a SPIN against a mine to hit the pillar, then performing a STAMP onto one of the remaining buttons. When the four of them are destroyed, Sonic will be dead. ----------------- TANKALOO (Worker) ----------------- This is Flames' second robot. It's quite tricky to defeat it, even if you already know the strategy to do it. You will meet it in "Grinder Valley". HOW-TO-BEAT: Tankaloo will charge from one side to another. It enters one of the doors (that you can't access) on the wall, and randomly appears on another one of the same side. In the second charge, Tankaloo will stop to rest in the middle of its trajectory. You must take profit of this moment to attack the tank with a THROW from its back. Once you hit it, be sure to move back before the tanks restarts his charge. If you fail, sometimes the tank will rise its stomach and will shoot some fire balls from there that you must avoid. If you fail various times; the tank will go mad and will start charging from one side to another, very fast and without resting, for a while. In order to have enough time to hit Tankaloo while it's resting, you must watch from which door it will start its charge, calculate the trajectory, and then go to the middle point (more or less), facing the place where its back will be when Tankaloo rests. Like I said, it's quite tricky. It may take a few tries before you get used to calculating the trajectory and predicting the place where Tankaloo will stop. The best method to kill Tankaloo is with the Karakuri Combination OCTO-PULSE, attack constantly and it will be dead in less than 30 seconds. However, you won't be able to get this Combination until you already faced Tankaloo for the first time. ----------------- FADOTRON (Keeper) ----------------- This is not exactly a boss, but it can be so annoying and difficult to beat the first time, that could be considered as a Mini-Boss. You will meet it at both levels of "Kingdom of Crank Belt". HOW-TO-BEAT: Fadotron moves constantly, being transparent, and protected by wind. It stops sometimes, becoming solid, to throw a bomb at you. And then it starts moving again. It is only vulnerable when it stops and becomes solid, so don't lose time trying to hit it when it's moving and transparent, just prepare to THROW at the incoming position. Its usual, most frequent pattern for stopping is like this (it may change from time to time): exit door ____| |____ | | | 5 4 | | 0/2 | | 3 1 | |___ ____| | | entrance door Knowing this pattern will help you to predict where Fadotron will stop next. Be quicker than it, so you can THROW the Tokobots as soon as it becomes vulnerable, and luckily before it shoots a bomb at you. Attacking with Karakuri Combinations is not recommended here because most of them don't move fast enough. Just stick to THROW the Tokobots and it will not take long to beat Fadotron. ------------------ TORCHERER (Worker) ------------------ This is Bart's robot. You will find it at "Kingdom of Crank Belt #1". HOW-TO-BEAT: Torcherer looks harder than it actually is. If you're far from the robot, it will charge against you. And if you're near, it will just hit the floor with its head, trying to hurt you. After each attack, Torcherer will be vulnerable if you attack the big gear in its back. A simple THROW will hurt it. Be careful because after being attacked, the robot will throw flames from its mouth. So run away before they can touch you. Once Torcherer stops throwing flames, just wait for it to attack again with its head, and repeat the process until you beat him. ----------------- TORNADER (Worker) ----------------- This is Fuel's first robot. It is not that tough to defeat, though the strategy to do it can be hard to guess and perform. You will meet it in "Kingdom of Crank Belt #2". HOW-TO-BEAT: In the first phase, Tornader follows you, so guide him to the bombs about to explode that appear from the robot's back. When Tornader touches a bomb, it will get hurt. After three hits, there will be some changes in the room, and a new phase will begin. You will notice that there are a new platform at each side of the room. The robot will stand in front one of the platforms to charge and throw and attack of wind and thunder. Also when the alarm lights are on, it means that the floor is about to be full of spikes for a while. The strategy here is to quickly head to the platform opposite of the place where Tornader is standing at. THROW your Tokobots into the magnet at the edge of the platform. Climb and then face the other side. You must cross the bars using the SWING ability, but be sure to do it so you can arrive safely to the opposite platform without colliding with the robot. Once you arrive to the other platform, get close to Tornader from behind, and perform a THROW to its head in order to hurt it. If you fail or are too late, it will leave for the other side of the room. After two successful hits, the platforms will move back. You will have to guide Tornader into the bombs again. After three hits, the platforms will move forward again and you will have to repeat the previous strategy, and hit the robot two or three times more. After this, it will be destroyed. ----------------- BATTLEBY (Worker) ----------------- This is Fuel's second robot. It is difficult to beat because it doesn't have any proper strategy. It's just a matter of both luck and speed. You will meet it in the last room of "Master Gear Cave", right before Zero. HOW-TO-BEAT: Battleby is a tough boss, mainly because of the lack of a good strategy to beat it. It moves very fast, getting far when you try to attack it, and then suddenly approaching you for a quick and deadly summersault or sometimes crouching to shoot a couple of missiles. When Battleby attacks, it is a good moment to attack it with a THROW (if you can be quick enough to avoid the enemy attack, and then attack it). After a lot of hits, Battleby will explode, and Fuel will be defeated. If you have plenty of parts, it would not be a bad idea to activate a Karakuri Combination to attack Battleby (and also avoid losing as many Volt's life as possible). Mega-Hammer is quite powerful against this robot. Other Karakuri Combinations may not be fast or strong enough. -------------- ZERO (Keeper) -------------- This is the last boss of the game. It is also very tough to defeat (mainly because of the loss of life during the previous fight with Battleby, but also because the high amount of attacks and dangers around the room). You will find it in the last room of "Master Gear Cave", after Battleby. HOW-TO-BEAT: In the first phase, you need to get close to the shields around the room, so Zero shoots its eye-lasers and destroys them. Don't you touch the shields, and try that the Zero's lasers hit the shield near you, but not you. To destroy the two higher shields, you will need to TOSS close to them when Zero is about to shoot its lasers. With the 4 shields down, the second phase will begin. Now you need to hit the 4 balls that will be flying around Zero and its throne. This is best done from the sides of Zero's throne, where you will be almost safe from the enemy's attacks. Don't get too close to Zero or, apart from its lasers, it will shoot a powerful blue energy attack. Once you hit twice a ball using THROW, it will be destroyed and Zero will perform an almost unavoidable attack. Try a fast JUMP to the front of the throne (but far from it). When two of the balls are destroyed, Zero will hit the ground with his foot, and then the ceiling will start to collapse, making it harder to hit the two remaining balls. Again, the sides of the throne are the safest place, but it's almost impossible to avoid the falling rocks (be aware of their shadows before they fall), so you better be quick destroying the remaining balls with THROW. Once you manage to do it, Zero will be over. Note that sometimes, it looks hard to hit a certain ball from one of the sides of the throne. When this happens, change of side and try from here. Usually, one ball is easier to hit from the left side, and the other three from the right side. Another good method to attack the balls is with the OCTO-PULSE's multitarget lock on ability, although they are quite resistent against it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 07. ITEMS [ITE00] These are the full lists of all the types of items that you will find during the whole game: common items, life potions, files, key items... =========================== = a) COMMON ITEMS [ITE01] = =========================== You will find these items inside boxes, jars or randomly left by enemies. 1. FRUIT: Recovers a small amount of energy. 2. BREAD: Recovers a medium amount of energy. 3. MEAT: Recovers a high amount of energy. 4. GREEN part: Necessary for activating the Karakuri Combinations. 5. BLUE part: Necessary for activating the Karakuri Combinations. 6. RED part: Necessary for activating the Karakuri Combinations. 7. SILVER COIN: Necessary to get a good rank in the Original Time Attack Mode. It will only appear in this mode. 8. GOLDEN COIN: Necessary to get a good rank in the Original Time Attack Mode. It will only appear in this mode. =========================== = b) LIFE POTIONS [ITE02] = =========================== Life Potions are a very useful item. Not only they will recover full energy, but they will also add half a heart (or a full heart, depending on which one you get) to your maximum energy bar, until you have 10 hearts. They are located at specific locations, but sometimes they are hard to find. Here is a little guide to know where to look at: LIFE POTION #1: "Valve Air Ruins #1", in the Morphbot boss room. Adds half a heart. LIFE POTION #2: "Damper Rock Ruins #1", inside a box in the fake Eye Slates room. Adds half a heart. LIFE POTION #3: "Damper Rock Ruins #2", as a reward for defeating Beamod. Adds a full heart. LIFE POTION #4: "Valve Air Ruins #2", in the middle jar under the second swinging bars section. Adds half a heart. LIFE POTION #5: "Kingdom of Crank Belt #1", inside a pot in the lower room that you access from the elevator in the porch to the left of the level entrance. Adds a full heart. LIFE POTION #6: "Grinder Valley", inside Fuel's private room, after revisiting this level with the COLONEL'S KEY. Adds half a heart. LIFE POTION #7: "Kingdom of Crank Belt #1", after beating Flames' purple Chocoroc in the underground room to the left of the first SAVE POINT. Adds a full heart. ===================== = c) SLATES [ITE03] = ===================== You will find these SLATES standing on the top of altars. Just check the altar when you find one and you will automatically get the SLATE. 1. U FORMATION SLATE: Unlocks the Joint Action SPIN. You have got it since the beginning. 2. V FORMATION: Unlocks the Joint Action THROW. You have got it since the beginning. 3. O FORMATION: Unlocks the Joint Action STAMP. You have got it since the beginning. 4. SAMURAI HOVER SLATE: Unlocks the Karakuri Combination SAMURAI HOVER. It can be found in "Damper Rock Ruins #1", inside the room with two Speedys. 5. CRANE-O-MATIC SLATE: Unlocks the Karakuri Combination CRANE-O-MATIC. It can be found in "Damper Rock Ruins #1", inside the large room with pillars. It will appear after you kill Stompy. 6. LAUNCH-A-BOMB SLATE: Unlocks the Karakuri Combination LAUNCH-A-BOMB. You get it after finding two broken Slate pieces in "Damper Rock Ruins #2", in the fans puzzle rooms. 7. GLIDER SLATE: Unlocks the Joint Action GLIDER. Found in "Damper Rock Ruins #2" after successfully using LAUNCH-A-BOMB for the first time. 8. MONO CHOO-CHOO SLATE: Unlocks the Karakuri Combination MONO CHOO-CHOO. It can be found in "Damper Rock Ruins #2", after defeating the boss Dongle. 9. SWING SLATE: Unlocks the Joint Action SWING. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #2", after defeating the boss Morphbot. 10. MEGA-HAMMER SLATE: Unlocks the Karakuri Combination MEGA-HAMMER. Found after defeating Beamod at "Grinder Valley". 11. MECHAN-O-WHEEL SLATE: Unlocks the Karakuri Combination MECHAN-O-WHEEL. It can be found in "Kingdom of Crank Belt #1", inside a room after you beat the mini-Boss. 12. SUPER TANK SLATE: Unlocks the Karakuri Combination SUPER TANK. It can be found in "Kingdom of Crank Belt #1", after you enter the castle. It is guarded by two EYE SLATES. 13. TOSS SLATE: Unlocks the Joint Action TOSS. Found after defeating Tornader in "Kingdom of Crank Belt #2". 14. OCTO-PULSE SLATE: Unlocks the Karakuri Combination OCTO-PULSe. It can be found in your second visit to "Kingdom of Crank Belt #2". TOSS into the hole in the left wall of the four-blocks puzzle room and beat the challenge ahead to get it. ========================= = d) FILE ITEMS [ITE04] = ========================= "About Formations": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About Jointing 1": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About Throwing 1": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About the Number of Tokobots": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About Throwing 2": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About Breakable Objects": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About Stamping": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About Calling Back Tokobots": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About Push & Pull": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About Spinning": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About Save Points": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About Jointing 2": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About Carrying": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About Keepers and Workers": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". "About Karakuri Combinations": Tutorial. Found in "Damper Rock Ruins #1". "About SAMURAI HOVER": Tutorial. Found in "Damper Rock Ruins #1". "About CRANE-O-MATIC": Tutorial. Found in "Damper Rock Ruins #1". "About LAUNCH-A-BOMB": Tutorial. Found in "Damper Rock Ruins #2". "About Glider": Tutorial. Found in "Damper Rock Ruins #2". "About MONO CHOO-CHOO": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #2". "About Swing": Tutorial. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #2". "About MEGA HAMMER": Tutorial. Found in "Grinder Valley". "About MECHAN-O-WHEEL": Tutorial. Found in "Kingdom of Crank Belt #1". "About SUPER TANK": Tutorial. Found in "Kingdom of Crank Belt #1". "Bart's Memo": Reveals Bart's intentions. Found after defeating Bart's robot in "Kingdom of Crank Belt #1". "About Tossing": Tutorial. Found in "Kingdom of Crank Belt #2". "The Power to Control the World": Reveals relevant information. Found in your second visit to "Grinder Valley". "5 Earthquakes": Reveals relevant information. Found in your second visit to "Grinder Valley". "About Master Gear and the 2 Keys": Reveals relevant information. Found in your second visit to "Grinder Valley". "About Pass Code Finder": Tutorial. Found in your second visit to "Grinder Valley". "The Power and the Prototype". Reveals relevant information. Found in your second visit to "Grinder Valley". "The End of The World": Reveals relevant information. Found with one of the Pass Codes at Valve Air Ruins. "About The Power": Reveals relevant information. Found with one of the Pass Codes at Valve Air Ruins. "God of Damper Rock": Reveals relevant information. Found with one of the Pass Codes at Damper Rock Ruins. "Flames' Poem": A love/hate poem written by Flames. Found before fighting Purple Chocoroc at "Kingdom of Crank Belt #1". "About OCTO PULSE". Tutorial. Found after finding the OCTO-PULSE Slate at "Kingdom of Crank Belt #2". ======================== = e) KEY ITEMS [ITE05] = ======================== UNKNOWN PIECE: Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1" and "Valve Air Ruins #2". They turn to be PASS CODES after revisiting "Grinder Valley" with the COLONEL'S KEY. EMBLEM SLATE: An Slate related to Damper Rock Ruins. Becomes helpful to solve one puzzle to find a PASS CODE. Found in "Valve Air Ruins #1". SUPER CHIP PIECE: You will find two of them in "Damper Rock Ruins #2". Once you find both of them, they will turn into the LAUNCH-A-BOMB SLATE. COLONEL'S KEY: Found in "Kingdom of Crank Belt #2" after defeating Tornader. PASS CODE: Eight or them are needed to access the last level of the game. They are hidden throughout various levels. Check the section "Looking for the Pass Codes" of the walkthrough to find the 5 missing ones. PASS CODE FINDER: A radar that will tell you whether there are any PASS CODES in the current level or not. Found in your second visit to "Grinder Valley". xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 08. ORIGINAL TIME ATTACK MODE [ORI00] This special mode is only unlocked when you beat the whole game. You can access it from Canewood Lab, it's the center-bottom option. Depending on the grades you get on this special mode, different extras will be unlocked at the "Sources" section of the Lab: Illustrations, Concept Art, Stories... The methods of obtaining most of these extras vary, and you can even get the same extra in another phase than I did. Note that if you get a high ranking, you will also get the extras obtained in a lower ranking of that same level. Help me to complete this guide by explaining me at how did you get the extras (I will add the info, and give credit to you). Thank you. The grades you can get are (from worst to best): F, E, D, C, B, A, S. The game calculates your grade with three factors: your clearing time, your damage rating and the special coins (golden & silver) that you get. To get a Overall Rank S you must: get all the coins, not get hurt at all (although some of the levels will not be as strict and will let you to get hurt once or twice without seeing your damage ranking suffer), and beat each level in less than a determined time. You can select any separate level from the menu of the Original Time Attack Mode, and you can also exit any level by pressing Start and selecting the Quit option. Your goal is to reach as quick as you can the end of the level, but without being hurt, gathering the 3 silver coins and the golden coin, and killing the end boss of the level. All this, without performing any error: you must do it all perfectly to get the best time possible and obtain an Overall Rank S. The time limit for an Overall Rank S is very, very narrow. You will have all the life potions, abilities and Karakuri Combinations that you got in the main game. But note that your number of Tokobots will be limited to the one you had the first time you accessed the level in the main game. Also, you will begin each level with a limited amount of parts (and you are not supposed to waste them, as you will need to use at least one specific Karakuri Combination to get an Overall Rank S in each level). The save points will not be functional during the Time Attack. Most of the zones will have the powerful red enemies that appear near the end of the game. However, all the buttons, doors, gears, elevators, etc, will reset to their initial status, meaning you will have to activate them again to go further in the levels. There are some areas that you won't be able to reach, even if you have the ability to do it, because a message will appear when you try to approach them. The general tips are: be quick, don't bother attacking the enemies unless they are blocking your way; jump ahead instead of walking whenever you can (you will advance slightly faster), specially at long straight zones; don't lose time breaking boxes, jars or pots unless they have a coin inside or are blocking your way; don't get hurt; avoid falling to pits (if you do, both your damage and time scores will be affected); don't waste parts activating a Karakuri Combination unless it's specified in this walkthrough or you need to activate it to solve a puzzle or situation to proceed. ----------------------------- a) VALVE AIR RUINS #1 [ORI01] ----------------------------- SILVER COIN #1: Near the beginning, after the first magnets. It is right in the main path, so you will rarely miss it. GOLDEN COIN: Hidden behind a ruined wall at the right of the main corridor, right after you meet the first enemy of this level. SILVER COIN #2: Inside the top right box, of the four boxes group in the area next to the Zero statue and the first save point. SILVER COIN #3: In the Morphbot boss room, at the right, where the first LIFE POTION was waiting in the main game. There are no enemies that you should kill besides the boss Morphbot. Not even the Prickles near the wall with the cages that you have to pull to get through (it will retire when you approach the wall with cages), nor the red Speedy in the platform before the two gears that you activate (be careful while climbing to the platform where Speedy is at, JUMP to avoid his charge, be quick reaching the next platform). Avoid all the other enemies to save time. Also, if you want to reach an Overall Rank S, you must use the MEGA HAMMER at full power against Morphbot when it rests after 3 charges. This way, you will kill it with one single attack, and save about 30 seconds of time. Note that you start the level with only 5 blue parts (you need 6 to activate the MEGA HAMMER), but fortunately at least one of the two boxes before the last savepoint that you must destroy because they are blocking your way, always leaves one blue part. These are the contents that you will unlock depending on your ranks (remember that I am listing how I unlocked them, but it may vary): Overall Rank C: Illustrations 1, 2 and 9. Overall Rank B: Illustration 3. Overall Rank A: Story 1. Overall Rank S: Illustration 5. Damage Rank S: Illustrations 4 and 10. Beat 7 times: Concept Art 6. Beat 8 times: Story 9. Beat 9 times: Concept Art 7. Beat 10 times: Concept Art 8. Beat 11 times: Concept Art 9. Beat in less than 5 minutes: Concept Art 5. The time that you need to get an Overall Rank S is less than 04' 30'' 0. My current best time is 03' 52'' 09, with Overall Rank S. I have already beaten it 13 times. ----------------------------- b) VALVE AIR RUINS #2 [ORI02] ----------------------------- GOLDEN COIN: While riding the MONO CHOO-CHOO, in the wide chamber before an enemy and a gap. JUMP to get it. SILVER COIN #1: Below the second swinging bars section, in the middle jar. Drop down the steps protected by a red Stompy to get there. SILVER COIN #2: As soon as you pass through the three guillotines, in the middle box at the left of the exit door. SILVER COIN #3: In the room of the Eye Slates, next to the last ones, floating in the air. Toss under its shadow to obtain it. The time that you need to get an Overall Rank S is less than 9' 00'' 0. My current best time is 8' 29'' 6, with Overall Rank S. I have already beaten it 5 times. These are the contents that you will unlock depending on your ranks (remember that I am listing how I unlocked them, but it may vary): Overall Rank A: Story 2. Overall Rank S: Concept Art 1. ------------------------------- c) DAMPER ROCK RUINS #1 [ORI03] ------------------------------- SILVER COIN #1: In the room hidden behind the elevator block that you activate with a button in the floor. Inside the right jar protected by 3 red Spikeys. GOLDEN COIN: In the room filled with pillars, inside the pot behind the 4th left column. SILVER COIN #2: In the room with the fake Eye Slates, inside the box at the left part of the room, where a Life Potion was hiding before. SILVER COIN #3: In the room with the timed door just before the boss of the level, inside the jar located in the platform left to the button in the floor. You can kill Chocoroc with just one single blow from the MEGA HAMMER. Just deactivate the robots as usual with the button in the wall, activate MEGA HAMMER, move around and charge it to maximum power while Chocoroc throws the rock. When the Chocoroc stops to look around, attack it with MEGA HAMMER. The time that you need to get an Overall Rank S is less than 10' 00'' 0. My current best time is 8' 44'' 2, with Overall Rank S. I have already beaten it 9 times. These are the contents that you will unlock depending on your ranks (remember that I am listing how I unlocked them, but it may vary): Overall Rank A: Story 3. Overall Rank S: Illustration 6. ------------------------------- d) DAMPER ROCK RUINS #2 [ORI04] ------------------------------- SILVER COIN #1: Right after the rolling pillars near the beginning of the level, inside the jar below the first magnet. SILVER COIN #2: Soon after finding Silver Coin #1, inside the pot at the left of the tower with a door. GOLDEN COIN: Given as a reward after defeating the purple Beamod that is waiting for you between the first and the second buildings. SILVER COIN #3: After using LAUNCH-A-BOMB for the second time, inside the jar in the first platform ahead. There are no gears inside the second building, so don't bother about the doors at both sides, just cross the room and open the door straight ahead. There are no enemies that you should kill besides the mini-boss purple Beamod, the Bitta (with LAUNCH-A-BOMB) and the boss Dongle. Avoid the rest of them to save time. The time that you need to get an Overall Rank S is less than 7' 00'' 0. My current best time is 06' 34'' 6, with Overall Rank S. I have already beaten it 5 times. These are the contents that you will unlock depending on your ranks (remember that I am listing how I unlocked them, but it may vary): Overall Rank A: Concept Art 10 and Story 4. Overall Rank S: Concept Art 2. ------------------------- e) GRINDER VALLEY [ORI05] ------------------------- SILVER COIN #1: Inside the box in the left platform, near the beginning of the level. SILVER COIN #2: You will see it floating as soon as you enter the first room. Get to the second moving platform and wait for it to be under the coin. Then JUMP. GOLDEN COIN: To the left of the room full of search lights. Either try to walk near the left wall and wait for the search lights to move away and leave a path to get the coin or (an easier, faster method) get to the exit door, re-enter the room and then the search lights will be gone. SILVER COIN #3: Above the fourth sliding platform in the room that you enter after the search lights. You will need to TOSS below it to get it. The last boss of the level is specially vulnerable to continuous OCTO-PULSE attacks. This Karakuri Combination needs 10 Green Parts, 15 Blue Parts and 5 Red Parts, but you begin 13 Blue Parts only, so you must gather 2 additional Blue Parts, whether by killing some enemies (there are many blocking your way through the whole level) or by finding them inside boxes. The lower left box at the Save Point room before the boss usually contains a Blue Part. You can lose up to 4 and a half hearts without harming your Damage Rank S. The time that you need to get an Overall Rank S is less than 9' 00'' 0. My current best time is 7' 59'' 9 with Overall Rank S. I have already beaten it 4 times. These are the contains that you will unlock depending on your ranks (remember that I am listing how I unlocked them, but it may vary): Overall Rank S: Story 5. Overall Rank S: Illustration 7. ----------------------------------- f) KINGDOM OF CRANK BELT #1 [ORI06] ----------------------------------- SILVER COIN #1: As soon as you enter the level, go to your left, destroy the two boxes, and access the lower level. It's inside the pot there. GOLDEN COIN : Given as a reward when you defeat purple Chocoroc again. Remember that this robot is in the room to the left of the first Save Point. SILVER COIN #2: It's in the right box to the left of the door, after the spiked floor and rotating Eye Slates. SILVER COIN #3: It's in the left jar, in the alcobe before jumping to the lamp's magnet to rise the picture on the wall. WARNING: There is a bug that will make it impossible to find this coin. It seems that if you defeat the Chocoroc to the right in the first place, the 3rd Silver Coin will not appear. So kill the left one first. It is not recommended to defeat the 2 Chocorocs with OCTO-PULSE (although it is quite powerful against them), because of the bug that happens if you kill the right one first. Better stick to the usual method (SPIN when they hold a rock, THROW when they not) and kill the left one first. As for the boss Torcherer, it is useful to attack it with MEGA-HAMMER. Note that it's not possible to activate any Karakuri Combination in the fight against Flames' purple Chocoroc. You must perform this combat the best that you can, or the hits from the lasers will affect your Damage Rank. Don't lose time activating LAUNCH-A-BOMB when you find the tile, just progress through the spiked floor JUMPING and GLIDERING. The time that you need to get an Overall Rank S is less than 13' 00'' 0. My current best time is 11' 36'' 9, with Overall Rank A. I have already beaten it 7 times. These are the contains that you will unlock depending on your ranks (remember that I am listing how I unlocked them, but it may vary): Overall Rank A: Story 6. Overall Rank S: ???. ----------------------------------- g) KINGDOM OF CRANK BELT #2 [ORI07] ----------------------------------- SILVER COIN #1: Floating in the air, above the second moving platform outside the towers. You will need to TOSS to get it. GOLDEN COIN: In the MONO CHOO-CHOO ride, soon after the bridge and the gap that you jump over, when the railway turns to the left. JUMP to get it. SILVER COIN #2: Soon after the Golden Coin, in the section full of obstacles and enemies. To the left. SILVER COIN #3: When you reach the rooftops area, go back (to the left of the screen). You will notice a shadow near the edge. Stand below it in O FORMATION and TOSS to get the remaining coin. This level is as hard as always, except that fortunately this time there won't be any 6-minutes countdown. The boss (Tornader) doesn't seem to be vulnerable to any Karakuri Combination, so there seems that no shortcut is possible. The only way to have a good rank is: do it all at the first try, do not fall, do not get hurt, be quick and do not miss even once when fighting the boss. The time that you need to get an Overall Rank S is less than 10' 00'' 0. My current best time is 9' 20'' 1, with Overall Rank S. I have already beaten it 4 times. These are the contents that you will unlock depending on your ranks (remember that I am listing how I unlocked them, but it may vary): Overall Rank A: Story 7. Overall Rank S: Illustration 8. --------------------------- h) MASTER GEAR CAVE [ORI08] --------------------------- SILVER COIN #1: Given as a reward when defeating Dongle. SILVER COIN #2: Given as a reward when defeating Sonic. SILVER COIN #3: Given as a reward when defeating Tankaloo. GOLDEN COIN: Given as a reward when defeating Tornader. Completing this level is very difficult because of the lack of Save Points, but at least you will rarely miss any of the Coins, because you must defeat the bosses that give them in order to proceed. I recommend you to break all the ice boxes of the level to get the parts & food they contain. The best method to get a good rank is to defeat Tankaloo with OCTO-PULSE and then use SAMURAI HOVER or (if you've got enough parts left) MEGA-HAMMER to hurt Battleby as much as possible without being hurt. The time that you need to get an Overall Rank S is less than 15' 00'' 0. My current best time is 12' 19'' 4, with Overall Rank B. I have already beaten it 5 times. These are the contents that you will unlock depending on your ranks (remember that I am listing how I unlocked them, but it may vary): Overall Rank A: Story 8. Overall Rank S: ???. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 09. EXTRAS [EXT00] This is a list of the extras unlocked depending on your ranks at the "Original Time Attack Mode". The unlocking conditions may vary on some of the items. I listed the method how I obtained them, but maybe you can obtain them in other ways. ===================== = a) MOVIES [EXT01] = ===================== Ending Movie: The name says it all. The ending credits. Automatically unlocked after clearing the game. ============================ = b) ILLUSTRATIONS [EXT02] = ============================ 1. Illustration 1: Volt and the Tokobots using the LAUNCH-A-BOMB Combination. Unlocked with at least an Overall Rank C in "Valve Air Ruins #1". 2. Illustration 2: A rather impressive picture showing the MONO CHOO-CHOO in action. Unlocked with at least an Overall Rank C in "Valve Air Ruins #1". 3. Illustration 3: Volt and the Tokobots running away from the attack of the boss Dongle. Unlocked with at least an Overall Rank B in "Valve Air Ruins #1". 4. Illustration 4: A cool looking landscape with Volt using the Tokobots to climb some ruins. Unlocked with a Damage Rank S in "Valve Air Ruins #1". 5. Illustration 5: Samurai Hover fighting against Chocoroc, and Volt throwing the Tokobots. Unlocked with an Overall Rank S in "Valve Air Ruins #1". 6. Illustration 6: Two beautiful landscapes of Damper Rock Ruins and Valve Air Ruins. Unlocked with an Overall Rank S in "Damper Rock Ruins #1". 7. Illustration 7: Two beautiful landscapes of Kingdom of Crank Belt and Grinder Valley. Unlocked after getting an Overall Rank S in "Grinder Valley". 8. Illustration 8: A cool picture of Master Gear Cave. Unlocked after getting an Overall Rank S in "Kingdom of Crank Belt #2". 9. Illustration 9: It features all the characters from the game. Unlocked with at least an Overall Rank C in "Valve Air Ruins #1". 10. Illustration 10: A cheerful picture with Volt being tossed by the Tokobots, and Ruby and Mr. Canewood watching. unlocked with a Damage Rank S in "Valve Air Ruins #1". ========================== = c) CONCEPT ART [EXT03] = ========================== 1. Concept Art 1: Many Karakuri fighting against a giant child-robot (maybe a discarded version of Torcherer?). Unlocked after getting an Overall Rank S in "Valve Air Ruins #2". 2. Concept Art 2: A strange looking robot made of wood, probably a member of the Karakuri tribe. Unlocked after getting an Overall Rank S in "Damper Rock Ruins #2". 3. Concept Art 3: ??? 4. Concept Art 4: ??? 5. Concept Art 5: A capsule for the Tokobots. Unlocked after beating "Valve Air Ruins #1" in less than 5 minutes. 6. Concept Art 6: A Karakuri vacuum cleaner. Unlocked after beating "Valve Air Ruins #1" 7 times. 7. Concept Art 7: Ruby standing still with different clothes than in the game. Unlocked after beating "Valve Air Ruins #1" 9 times. 8. Concept Art 8: An unknown female character with purple hair and clothes similar to Volt's. Unlocked after beating "Valve Air Ruins #1" 10 times. 9. Concept Art 9: An earlier version of either Bleepers or Speedy, it had mouth. Unlocked after beating "Valve Air Ruins #1" 11 times. 10. Concept Art 10: An earlier version of Chocoroc. Unlocked after getting an Overall Rank A with Damage Rank S in "Damper Rock Ruins #2". ====================== = d) STORIES [EXT04] = ====================== 1. Story 1: "Historic Technology Works 1: Lossless Metal". Unlocked after getting an Overall Rank A in "Valve Air Ruins #1". 2. Story 2: "Historic Technology Works 2: Monopole and the Semimagnetic Conductor". Unlocked after getting an Overall Rank A in "Valve Air Ruins #2". 3. Story 3: "Historic Technology Works 3: Eternal Engine". Unlocked after getting an Overall Rank A in "Damper Rock Ruins #1". 4. Story 4: "Canewood's Lab Research Reports 1: Tokobots". Unlocked after getting an Overall Rank A with Damage Rank S in "Damper Rock Ruins #2". 5. Story 5: "Canewood's Lab Research Reports 2: Zero". Unlocked after getting an Overall Rank A in "Grinder Valley". 6. Story 6: "Canewood's Lab Research Reports 3: Master Gear". Unlocked after getting an Overal Rank A in "Kingdom of Crank Belt #1". 7. Story 7: "Mr. Canewood's Individual Memos 1: Flames". Unlocked after getting an Overall Rank A in "Kingdom of Crank Belt #2". 8. Story 8: ???. Unlocked after getting an Overall Rank A in "Master Gear Cave". 9. Story 9: "Mr. Canewood's Individual Memos 3: Colonel Fuel". Unlocked after beating "Valve Air Ruins #1" 8 times. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10. CLOSING [CL00] ================================= = a) THANK YOU & CREDITS [CL01] = ================================= Thanks to MR_SIGNMAN from boards for explaining me how to beat the 4th room of the 6 minutes escape in "Kingdom of Crank Belt #1", and also telling me where to get the seventh LIFE POTION. Thanks to KILGOREHALSIG from boards for teaching me how to get the last Karakuri Combination, OCTO-PULSE. Thanks for Tecmo for developing and releasing such a great game. ======================= = b) COPYRIGHT [CL02] = ======================= Game, music, names, rights, and all other things related to this game belong to Tecmo and are copyright reserved by Tecmo. I typed this FAQ / Walkthrough myself from my own experience with the game, and the help of the people from Gamefaqs board. Feel free to use it for your personal use but don't take any of it, publish it or share it at any place without asking me first at my e-mail address: Thanks in advance for your consideration. Only these websites have permission to feature my FAQ/Walkthrough:,,,, and Thank you for reading. Enjoy the game. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx