Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfigher 2 Weapons Guide V 1.0 Started: 4-08-08 Finished: 4-23-08 Written by: David Callander I recently bought Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfigher 2 for the PSP. Although it wasn't quite what I was expecting it turned out to be a decent game for the price I paid for it. While I am familiar with most of the weapons in the game, there were times when I couldn't decide on what to use. It was because of that I have decided to make this guide after finishing the game at least once. ------------------- |Table of Contents | | | |1) Introduction | |2) Basic Info | |3) Handguns | |4) Assault Rifles | |5) Sniper Rifles | |6) Explosives | |7) Credits | ------------------- 1) Introduction Welcome to my Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfigher 2 Weapons Guide. This is the first guide I have wrote for a "next gen" system, as my previous other guides have been either for the NES, SNES, or GBA systems. As to this guide it is not a full walkthrough, just lists the various weaponry that you can obtain throughout the course of the game. After I finish my current game which is on "Hard" difficulty and I gain more understanding of it I may consider a walkthrough. If you have questions or comments about this guide feel free to email me at: I get a lot of spam with hotmail so please make a mention of the game or guide in the subject line so I don't delete your email thinking it is spam. While this is not the biggest guide I have made, feel free to post it on your own website should you wish. All I ask is that you send me an email at the address above to let me know that you're using it. 2) Basic Info Throughout the course of the game you'll have a chance to acquire many different weapons. You can carry at most at any time is a handgun, your primary weapon, a secondary weapon which can be changed with other weapons, and grenades. To pick up a new weapon you have one of two choices, you can either get one from the ammo box, which is shown on your map as a blue triangle, or by getting one from a dead guard. The guards carry various weapons, usually ones that can be obtained from the box but not always. Do note that when you get weapons from the guards, even if it has the option for full auto, sometimes it is set to single fire only. Also note that you cannot replenish handgun ammunition or grenades unless you get to an ammo box. The charts for the weapons will look something like this: Name: The name of the weapon. Caliber: This is the caliber of the weapon according to the game. Fire modes: The type of firing the weapon can do, single shot, full auto etc. Ammo capacity: This indicates the max each magazine will hold as well as the most extra you can carry. 30/300 for example indicates 30 per magazine and a max carry amount of 300. Zoom mode: This is the type of zoom the weapon has. It can be standard advance (just tapping the zoom button for a slightly better view), scope standard, (holding the zoom button until the scope appears but no chance of pushing down to increase zoom), or scope advance (holding the zoom button until the scope appears and able to push down to double sight range). Vehicle damage: This is how much if any the weapon damages vehicles. It can be either poor, medium or good. There will also be a damage percent inside parenthesis, estimating how much damage per hit it might cause. Aim at the diamond and you should see a number from 1 to 100. That is the life of your target. This will be tested only on jeeps and trucks, as I am pretty sure tanks and other heavily armored vehicles require explosives to destroy. Aiming at the windows also seems to be more effective than shooting at the body. 3) Handguns There are only 2 handguns in the game and should only be used as a last resort. Their firing circles are small and they don't carry a lot of ammo but they can kill. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: M9 Pistol | |Caliber: 9x19mm* | |Fire modes: single shot | |Ammo capacity: 15/60 | |Zoom mode: standard advance | |Vehicle damage: poor (1%) | -------------------------------------------------------- *: I'm not totally sure on this because you can't get another M9 from the ammo box. This is the info that is given from the M9SD. Its the same gun except without a silencer so I can't imagine it being a different caliber. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: M9SD Pistol | |Caliber: 9x19mm | |Fire modes: single shot | |Ammo capacity: 15/60 | |Zoom mode: standard advance | |Vehicle damage: poor (1%) | -------------------------------------------------------- As I mentioned before I would stay away from using the handguns as much as possible. You could always use them should you run out of ammunition for your two other weapons, or are just looking for a challenge of going through the game with very limited ammo and stopping power. 4) Assault Rifles Assault rifles make up the majority of the weapons you'll be using. These all have high magazine capacities, and loads of extra ammunition. Once you obtain the M29 OICW to replace your SCAR-L you may want to consider keeping the ZEUS MPAR as your permanent secondary weapon. The M29 carries an obscene amount of ammo, plus it has a few types of grenades to use. If the ammo box in a mission has the ZEUS launcher in it odds are you'll probably need it and it can be time consuming to run back to the box, change out your secondary weapon and go back to destroy the vehicle that your M29 can't touch. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: SCAR-L | |Caliber: 5.56x45mm | |Fire modes: single shot, full auto | |Ammo capacity: 30/360 | |Zoom mode: standard advance | |Vehicle damage: poor (1%) | -------------------------------------------------------- This is your default primary weapon at the start of the game. You cannot drop it by collecting two different secondary weapons. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: M29 OICW | |Caliber: 5.56x45mm/20mm | |Fire modes: single shot, three shot burst, full auto, | |Fire modes: grenade*, laser designation | |Ammo capacity: 30/450 | |Zoom mode: standard advance, zoom advance | |Vehicle damage: poor (3-4%) | -------------------------------------------------------- This becomes your primary weapon a few missions into the game. This weapon is basically an all in one weapon. It carries the most ammo besides the MK21 and MK48, and it has a built in grenade launcher with three different types. There is even a laser designator to lase targets for an airstrike. *: See the explosives section below for more information on the grenades. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: AKS-47 | |Caliber: 7.62x39mm | |Fire modes: single shot, full auto | |Ammo capacity: 30/300 | |Zoom mode: standard advance | |Vehicle damage: poor (1-2%) | -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: AK-47 | |Caliber: 7.62x39mm | |Fire modes: single shot, full auto | |Ammo capacity: 30/300 | |Zoom mode: standard advance | |Vehicle damage: poor (1-2%) | -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: MK48 LMG | |Caliber: 7.62x51mm | |Fire modes: full auto | |Ammo capacity: 100/600 | |Zoom mode: standard advance | |Vehicle damage: poor (3-4%) | -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: MG21 LMG | |Caliber: 7.62x51mm | |Fire modes: single shot, three shot burst, full auto | |Ammo capacity: 100/600 | |Zoom mode: standard advance | |Vehicle damage: poor (3-4%) | -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: M8 CARBINE | |Caliber: 5.56x45mm | |Fire modes: single shot, full auto | |Ammo capacity: 30/420 | |Zoom mode: standard advance, zoom standard | |Vehicle damage: poor (1-2%) | -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: M8/M320 | |Caliber: 5.56x45mm/40mm* | |Fire modes: single shot, full auto, grenade | |Ammo capacity: 30/420* | |Zoom mode: standard advance, zoom standard | |Vehicle damage: poor (1-2%) | -------------------------------------------------------- *: This is for the grenade launcher that is part of the rifle. Being an explosive I shall include more of the stats below in the Explosives section. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: 36K CARBINE | |Caliber: 5.56x45mm | |Fire modes: single shot, three shot burst, full auto | |Ammo capacity: 30/360 | |Zoom mode: standard advance, zoom standard | |Vehicle damage: poor (1-2%) | -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: MP5SD SMG | |Caliber: 9x19mm | |Fire modes: single shot, three shot burst, full auto | |Ammo capacity: 30/210 | |Zoom mode: standard advance, zoom standard | |Vehicle damage: poor (2-3%) | -------------------------------------------------------- 5) Sniper Rifles Sniper rifles are much less common than the assault rifles. These allow for long range kills, although it seems that this game isn't all about stealth than one might think. You can be looking at an enemy through your scope all the way across the screen and he'll suddenly see you and start chasing and/or shooting at you. So much for the stealth part. While the sniper rifles carry far less ammo than the assault rifles they do pack more of a punch to targets. One round from a sniper rifle provided it is a shot to the body of a target should be enough to drop it. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: PSG-1 SNIPER | |Caliber: 7.62x51mm | |Fire modes: single shot | |Ammo capacity: 5/40 | |Zoom mode: standard advance, zoom advance | |Vehicle damage: poor (4-5%) | -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: M107 SNIPER | |Caliber: 12.7x99mm | |Fire modes: single shot | |Ammo capacity: 10/30 | |Zoom mode: standard advance, zoom advance | |Vehicle damage: medium (varies*) | |Vehicle Damage (heavy armor): poor (1-2%)** | -------------------------------------------------------- *: I'm not sure what to say on this. In the campaign mode the first mission you can use it on, I shot up a truck with it and it did 24% damage per hit. Used it on the jeep later on, and 60% damage. Later it was only doing 5-10% damage on the truck behind it. **: Yes you can use this weapon to damage heavily armored vehicles. Sure its not much damage but every other weapon will not even dent them. 6) Explosives Explosives are used primarily for what their name implies, to make things explode. You'll always have three types of these at your disposal. A regular grenade, smoke grenades, and some C4 to blow up stationary objects. I have also included the other types of grenades fired from certain assault rifles, plus the ZEUS MPAR rocket launcher. As with the handguns you cannot replenish grenades without going to an ammo box. There is a slight change to the charts for explosives. The grenades fired from assault files have different icons associated with them, probably to let the player know what is what. I've listed them for the three grenades they apply to. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: Grenade | |Icon: Human circled with a line through it* | |Caliber: 40mm | |Fire modes: single shot | |Ammo capacity: Varies by weapon** | |Zoom mode: varies by weapon | |Vehicle damage: good (50-100%) | -------------------------------------------------------- *: I am unsure what that means, whether its meant to be used against something other than human targets, or just the opposite. You can kill yourself with it if fired too close so I must say it works well against human targets. **: This is rather odd. It seems that the M8/M320 holds 5 grenades max, 1 loaded and 4 extra, while the M29 OICW holds 6, all 6 loaded and no extras. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: Grenade | |Icon: Vehicle circled with a line through it* | |Caliber: 20mm | |Fire modes: single shot | |Ammo capacity: 6/0 | |Zoom mode: standard advance, zoom advance | |Vehicle damage: good (varies**) | -------------------------------------------------------- *: As with the grenade above, I have no idea if this icon indicates whether or not to use it against vehicles. It can damage them but not all at once. It looks like a cluster bomb dropped from aircraft with various bomblets that look like sparks around it. **: As mentioned above this thing functions like a cluster bomb. You can hit a vehicle with it and it drops its health by 1-2% a second and it sometimes lasts for a few seconds and can drop it by 50% or more. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: Grenade | |Icon: Flames* | |Caliber: 20mm | |Fire modes: single shot | |Ammo capacity: 6/0 | |Zoom mode: standard advance, zoom advance | |Vehicle damage: good (75-100%) | -------------------------------------------------------- *: Again I'm not sure on this but I think that it is an incendiary grenade. Flames burst up when it hits something which probably adds to the damage. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: M67 FRAG* | |Caliber: N/A | |Fire modes: single shot | |Ammo capacity: 1/4 | |Zoom mode: standard advance | |Vehicle damage: good (50-75%) | -------------------------------------------------------- *: By holding down the fire button you can control how far you will throw the grenade. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: M18 SMOKE* | |Caliber: N/A | |Fire modes: single shot | |Ammo capacity: 1/2 | |Zoom mode: standard advance | |Vehicle damage: none | -------------------------------------------------------- *: By holding down the fire button you can control how far you will throw the grenade. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: DEMO CHARGE* | |Caliber: N/A | |Fire modes: single shot | |Ammo capacity: 1/4 | |Zoom mode: standard advance | |Vehicle damage: good (75-100%) | -------------------------------------------------------- *: After setting at least one charge of C4, one or all of them have to be activated using the remote detonator. Select this from your grenade selection to use it. Note that it only shows up after one Demo Charge has been set first. -------------------------------------------------------- |Name: ZEUS MPAR | |Caliber: 84mm HE | |Fire modes: single shot | |Ammo capacity: 1/3 | |Zoom mode: standard advance, zoom standard | |Vehicle damage: good (75-100%) | -------------------------------------------------------- And there you have it. I do believe that is all the weapons in the game. With any luck I haven't missed any because the ammo box at any time only holds three weapons to choose from. The vehicle damage listing could be flawed too, I'm not sure if the difficulty level has anything to do with that or not. 7) Credits First off I'd like to thank CJayC and the rest of the Gamefaqs staff for hosting my guides that I have made over the years. I'd also like to thank Ubisoft, Red Storm Entertainment, and High voltage Software for making such an entertaining game. This document is ©2008 David Callander.