_____ ___ _ _ __ |_ _|| | | \/ || \ | | | | | | ||_ / | | | | | | || || \ |_| |___| |_||_||__/ __ __ __ __ __ | \ | | | | \ | | \ | / | | | | | |_ | / | / |__| | | | | | / | \ | | | | | | | \ | \ | | | |__/ |__ | \ _________________________________ \ / \ Tomb Raider Anniversary / \ PS2 version / \ / \ Written By Rikku4788 / \ _____________________ / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A little bit about me :) Well here we are, i know your only here to read my work but i felt like i should put something here...in case your interested...or if your computers slow and this takes a while to load up...you now have something to read :P I'm Rachael and i will be your guide for this flight :P This is my first FAQ *shock horror*. Reason for writing was because a.no one else had written any at the time *feels special* and b. because for once us brits got a game before the americans :P So it game me a chance before everyone started writing a guide. I use this site all the time and after using countless guides i felt it time to give something back to you all. Also i was on exam leave from college so ive had several months of sitting doing nothing and not finding a job:P shh... I'm a huge gamer...spend (or as my dad calls it 'wastes') 80% of my free time playing games. I wish i had something else to do but sadly games are the only thing i can get my head around. I tell people this and they sit and look at me like im weird...becuase im a girl..apparently girls and games shouldnt go. Which is complete £$%^^&* frankly:P So to annoy my parents some more im studying animation at university to hopefully one day get into the gaming industry...its a long shot...but i love it :) I play alot of games but i generally stick to RPG (huge fan of final fantasy and Kingdom Hearts(Dont be put off by the disney characters, it actually works really well! i promise) i love platform games like Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter!!!.Action/adventure (i guess im putting Tomb raider in this part, if im wrong dont hold it against me:P) and im getting into Halo and Half Life. But enough about that, you here for Tomb Raider, right? So here we are and erm... little bit about me and tomb raider... Well i guess you could find me in the box named 'Tomb Raider Fans'.The first game i ever played on was Tomb Raider 2 (with the exception of a Hercules demo :P) and even then i didnt dare play more than the manor...needless to say i became an expert at the training course..but as far as game play went i was too young and scared that i might kill her.It was extremes like running out of the room when i couldnt make her surface in a pool of water:P dont be harsh, i was only 9 at the time. Then eventually i grew to play each game as they were released. I loved the story within the original, it was fantastic, and although i only really fully played it a few years ago, i grew used to the blocky graphics. (Considering i was playing PS2 games at the same time:P)When i heard they were making a remake i was a bit 'ooo' not sure kind of thing.Remakes are never good, but then i thought, this is Tomb Raider, it WILL be fantastic. The second game, and everyones personal favourite. I've lost my copy and i so badly want to replay it again! The third game was also really good and i loved the way we could control the direction the game was going a little bit. Revelation..hmm..its a good game but theres something missing from it. Maybe its just me, i still loved it in the way i loved all the Tomb Raider games, but...hmm...though saying that its probably the one TR i play the most. Chronicles was good but i only really wanted to know whether she had died or not! Then the long wait for the next gen game..and a damn long wait it was too! Now most people really didnt like AOD...but if im honest ...i didnt see the problem. True, it was short, controls were appaling and graphics werent amazing really. But i still liked it at the time, albeit a few parts were ..well crap really:P Then another seriously LONG wait for legend. I loved this game at the time but it only occured to me, when i was fighting the final boss, that it was the end of the game. I had rented this game for 3 days and completed in 1 and half. I would have traded the fantastic graphics for more levels and a longer game. So enough ranting, here we are, Lara in her last game before she high flies to next gen. I sit and look on game sites waiting eagerly for Underworld to come out.It looks truely amazing and i wish i wasnt such a poor uni student so i could afford a next gen console to play it on when it finally comes out.But enough now, im not here to go on about whats happened (although if you want to i could go on alll day:P) or whats going to happen with our favourite heroine. So here you are, a guide through a fantastic game. I'm here to help, through the good times and the bad. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction to the game Lara’s back in an almost new adventure :P As a fantastic way to celebrate her 10th birthday, we are blessed with a remake of the game that started it all. Its great for players who didn’t get a chance to see her first time round, and also for those die hard fans. Journey back to Lara's past as she is hired by the owner of Natla industries to aquire the long lost Scion of Atlantis. Travel through Peru,Greece,Egypt and the Lost World to uncove the truth behind it all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATES - List of the stuff ive recently added, check here to see whats new :) 12/10/08 (for the easily confused, ive had a couple of people referencing my guide to the wrong date. The date i use is the BRITISH way of writting the date(quite obviously because i am in fact British)...typical picky me ...but just so you know :P -yet again im still amazed to find things need altering here...and even more amazed that something so obvious hadnt been noticed earlier. Crocodiles have been added to the "enemy list", thanks go to D.L for noticing it was missing. -Over the past few months a few emails have arrived mentioning little details that could be corrected...so while ive got an hour with nothing to do...ive read through the guide and corrected, most, if not all of the teeny tiny mistakes. -Bad language.Please dont send me emails full of bad and dirty language.its sad and pathetic that you have nothing better to do. Also, if you give me some advise and i include it in my guide, i will edit (*** it out:P) out bad language.dont take offence but i know younger users read this guide and i dont want any angry parents emailing me to say they arent impressed with their 8 year old child had learned a new word :P if you find that ive used it in my guide please let me know. ive tried to be good and bad words occasionally slip in :P -Note on contacting* *The email address given is only for emailing me. Ive had countless adds on messenger that i can only assume are from you guys because no one else knows it:P im flattered, really, but if you want to say hi,talk about games or something, email me. Dont email me to say youve added me on messenger becuase i dont use it. Thank you :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of what you will find here, if you don’t want to manually look through it all to reach a certain place, artefact or…something…then type the number next to the appropriate section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introductory stuff | | ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- Controls |Main |[01] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- |Swimming |[02] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- |Combat |[03] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- |Other Moves And Techniques |[04] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | | ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- Information |Collectables |[05] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- |Enemy List |[06] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | | ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- Main Walkthrough | Level 1 – Mountain Caves |[07] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | Level 2 – City Of Vilcabamba |[08] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | Level 3 – The Lost Valley |[09] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | Level 4 – Tomb Of Qualopec |[10] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | Level 5 – St Francis Folly |[11] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | Level 6 – The Coliseum |[12] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | Level 7 – Midas’s Palace |[13] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | Level 8 – Tomb Of Tihocan |[14] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | Level 9 – Temple Of Khamoon |[15] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | Level 10 – Obelisk Of Khamoon |[16] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | Level 11 – Sanctuary Of The Scion |[17] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | Level 12 – Natla’s Mines |[18] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | Level 13 – The Great Pyramid |[19] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------- | Level 14 – Final Conflict |[20] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|----------------- | | ---------------------|-----------------------------------|----------------- Extra's | The Mansion – Lara’s House |[21] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|----------------- |Rewards and extra stuff |[22] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|----------------- |Frequently Asked Questions |[23] ---------------------|-----------------------------------|----------------- |Contact info and thanks |[24] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [01] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main controls All this can be found in the booklet, however I’m feeling nice so I will type it all out for you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Left analog stick |Movement – tilt gently to sneak, slightly more to walk, |and fully tilted to run -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Right analog stick |Rotates camera -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Circle button |Crouch/roll |Release from ledge (whilst hanging from ledge) -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Square button |Throw/retract grapple -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Triangle button |Interact/action (while standing next to an object) |Pick up item/weapon (while standing next to item/weapon) |Safety grab/balance (prevent Lara from falling off ledges |or objects) | |Fast traverse (speed up Lara’s movements on ledges) |Pull grapple (only whilst grapple is latched onto -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Cross button – Jump|(hold to jump further) -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- L2 |Reset camera angle -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- R2 |Walk (allows Lara to move carefully) -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- R3 |Manual aim mode -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Up button |Use large medipack -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Down button |Use small medipack -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Right button |Cycle through weapons clockwise -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Left button |Cycle through weapons anti-clockwise -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [02] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swimming controls --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Left analog stick |Swim left, right, forwards -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Right analog stick |Rotate camera -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Square button |Dive (hold to dive deeper) -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Triangle button |Interact/action (pick up rewards) |Swim quickly (when button is pressed repeatedly) -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Cross button |Surface (hold to swim more quickly) -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [03] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat controls --------------------------------------------------------------------------- L1 |Lock onto target -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- R1 |Fire weapon (performs headshot if timed correctly during |an Adrenaline Dodge) -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Right analog stick |Flick left or right to change targets -------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Left analog stick |forwards, backwards, left or right sumersault and cross button | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Left analog stick and Circle button – Multi-directional roll Adrenaline Dodge (if an enemy if performing a Rage attack) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [04] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other useful controls --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grappling and wall running --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is it just me, or is this game slowly turning into prince of Persia? Hmm…anyway…grappling is the same as legend. When the grapple is available to use, a Square hint icon will appear (isn’t that nice?) run in the direction of the grapple hook and quickly press Square to latch on. To move up and down the line, hold triangle and use up/down on the analog stick. Now wall running is a new technique, which allows Lara to show off some more. Connecting is the same as grappling (though some people find it hard to get the hang of it at first). Once connected you can move up and down (like before). To run, press the analog stick in the direction she is running, when you reach you destination press the cross button to jump off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pole techniques --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lara can shimmy and swing along a pole to get to her desired destination. Use the left analog stick to move Lara across the role, or to start her swinging. Press the cross button to jump off, but remember to time your jumps carefully. To let go of a pole, press Circle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Column traversal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the left analog stick to move Lara up and down the column, or to shimmy around it. Use the cross button to jump off at any point but remember to aim: P also, something new, Lara can now balance on top of columns. Use the left anaog stick to turn Lara, and push the cross button and up on the analog to make her jump. Lara will start to loose her balance if left on a column for too long, to counter act this, press triangle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rope work --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ropes are used in the same way you move whilst your grappling hook is connected; push forwards to start swinging… press circle to let go of the rope. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ladders --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lara can move up and down a ladder (as if that wasn’t obvious). Use the left analog stick to move her, pressing triangle repeatedly will make her move quicker, and pressing circle will cause her to let go. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swan dives --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not a necessary technique you need, but it looks good really good when diving from a high point. Whilst running, press cross for Lara to jump, then immediately press circle. This can be a little tricky to master, so go get some practice. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knockdown recovery --------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Lara is hit by an enemy, it may cause her to fall down. When timed right (as she starts to stumble) quickly press the cross button for her to jump back up before the enemy can start attacking you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tumbling --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just to make us all feel bad, Lara can show off her tumbling and acrobatic techniques. Quickly tap circle to make her to do various tumbles. Pressing the cross button repeatedly will make her back flip and stuff. These buttons can be combined to make a really fancy sequence. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adrenaline Dodge --------------------------------------------------------------------------- At first, I thought what the hell? But I quite like this move, and one your going to have to learn for certain aspects of the game. During combat some enemies will go into ‘rage’ mode, when this happens they will charge towards you. The screen will blur except for you and the enemy, a hint icon will appear telling you to dodge roll (move the analog stick left/ right and press circle). If done correctly, time will slow down, and two cross hairs will appear. As soon as they come together, press the trigger button to complete the headshot (the cross hair will turn red and it does make a ‘click’ sound, so use this to your advantage). Timing is critical, if not done correctly Lara will get knocked down by the enemy, with a little practice, you should get the hang of it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [05] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collectables -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small medi pack |Fills 25% of Lara’s health bar ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- Large medi pack |Completely restores Lara’s health bar ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- Dual pistols |Lara’s trademark weapons, comes with unlimited ammo. |Although they may lack in attack power compared to other |weapons, they are an overall good weapon. ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- Shotgun |High damaging weapon but only really does damage at close |range. ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- Dual .05 Caliber|Deals more damage than normal pistols, pistols |but fires at a slower rate. ----------------|---------------------------------------------------------- Dual mini SMGs |Weapon of the gods :P ok, maybe not. But there damn good. |High damage at high speed. Just keep an eye on your ammo |count, these guys will get though your supply. ----------------|---------------------------------------------------------- Shotgun,50 |Self-explanatory really.All three can be collected before caliber and SMG |Lara obtains the actual weapon. ammo | ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- Grappling hook |small…metal…grappling hook. What else do you need to know? |Allows Lara to get to difficult areas she can’t reach by |foot. ----------------|---------------------------------------------------------- Journal |If your stuck in an area, check the journal and Lara will give |you a small clue. Nothing useful like ‘climb the hidden ledge, |three steps from the right’ kinda thing, but you get the idea. ----------------|----------------------------------------------------------- Collectables |Keys, machinery, tools etc. all found throughout the game. ----------------|---------------------------------------------------------- Scion fragments |Again, self-explanatory really. They are…fragments of the |scion: P Bet you didnt see that coming... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rewards Throughout Lara's adventure there are various Artefacts and Relics to be discovered and collected. Picking up these items open up bonus content and extra features such as outfits,concept art and lots more! So make sure Lara scours the environment thoroughly. After each level is complete you will be notified to which reward(s) you have managed to unlock. Selecting 'rewards' from the main menu will allow you to view and select the rewards you have achieved. Tip:Selecting the Replay Level option from the game menu will allow you to replay completed missions and collect missed items. Please see the 'Rewards and extra stuff' for more information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [06] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy List (in order you will encounter them) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bats |Easy kill,couple of pistol shots will take them down ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- Wolves |Although not very strong they often come in packs to make |up for this. Keep moving to avoid being knocked down. ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- Bears |My,what big teeth you have. Take a fair few shots to take |down,use a stronger weapon or use the adrenaline dodge for |an easy kill. ----------------|---------------------------------------------------------- Raptors |Come in packs of three or four, fast, furious and a pain. Kill |them and make use of higher ledges to avoid their attacks. ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- Rats |Rat sized (unlike the original..which featured rats the |size of your average dog:P) like the bats, they are easy |to kill, a few simple pistol shots will do the trick. ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- Gorrilla's |Arent they supposed to be the most gentle of the primapes? |Either way, they dont like you and wont stand for letting you |hang around (and im not talking about a simple 'wave-my-arse- |in your-face-to-get-you-to-stop-looking' kind of way :P) |in my opinion they hold the same strength as the bears. ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- Lion's |I am fully aware they are actually lioness's but its easier to |write.Fast like the wolves with the strength of the bears, |charming.Kill them with a strong weapon before you turn up |as lunch. ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- |These badboys can be a real pain. There fast and lethal |and if your not keeping a eye on them they can easily Crocodile |overwhelm you. Keep moving and rolling left/right to |dodge their attacks.As always, the trusty shotgun works |great against these guys. ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- Panther |The same as the lions (sorry, lioness's) except black...like a |panther..makes sence i suppose:P ----------------|-------------------------------------------------------- Mummy |Sadly they wont give you a plaster to give you when you cut |yourself..neither will they bake you cookies. Not too |pleased you stumble on their homes they will bounce around |like a kangeroo, swiping with their claws or firing balls of |flame. Keep moving to avoid their attacks and you should be |fine. ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- Centaur |Technically these come before panthers but as a regular enemy |they are in the right order :P so ner. Have the same attacks |really as the mummies,they like to throw fire balls at you |for small damage...and then charge when things dont go their |way. Make sure to kill them quickly to avoid using up your |supply of medipacks. A nice head shot is usually the quickest |way of dealing with these guys. ----------------|--------------------------------------------------------- Flying demon |Not really sure what they are so will stick with 'flying |demon'.To be honest they are just like the mummies but |with wings. You usually fight them on ledges high above |the ground, which can be fatal when they attack with their |flame ball and knock you off.Better deal with them |sooner...rather than later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSSES -------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-REX |Well its a tyrannosaurus rex...big..green lizard:P Well he's |doubled in size since the original and that makes him even |tougher. You must keep moving to avoid his attacks and watch |out for his tail. ----------------|---------------------------------------------------------- Centaur |Different to the regular ones you find but just as much of a |pain in arse. With a combination of turning you to stone and |charging at you you'll do well to learn the secret to killing |them quickly. ----------------|---------------------------------------------------------- Giant Mutant |Not really sure what it is...two arms dragging a large mass of |a body. Fairly easy to avoid its attacks and easy to take care |of once you know its attack pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You said in the walkthrough that you didn't know what the Giant Mutant was so I thought I'd let you know that it's a giant version of the very annoying monsters who pop out of the eggs, but It hasn't formed fully because Lara took the scion and that took away the power to the pyramid, causing it to hatch early.I call him Hugh Jass :-P Info from ~scutterman~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Final Boss |I'm not saying what 'it' is because i dont want to ruin the |suprise for some people who may not know. Again its just a |trial and error approach. Go into this battle with a few |health packs, learn their attack pattern and your set for |victory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [07] - Walkthrough --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peru _____________________________________ Level One – Mountain Caves |Artefacts-3 Relics-1 Time Trial- 6:00| ------------------------------------- After the movie sequence, you finally get control of Lara. This bit is really an intro to the level, just to guide you along the main abilities you will need to use throughout the game. If youve played Legend then you will be familiar to the majority of the controls. If your new, try the croft manor level to get yourself used to the various moves. First off, run straight ahead to the ledge on the wall and grab on, shimmy right all the way to make your first wall jump. Time it correctly and make it to the other side, carry on shimmying until you are able to jump off to the ledge behind you. You should see another ledge available for you to jump onto, make your way onto it and climb up the wall using the ledges to guide you. Time to use your grapple; the little square icon should pop up when faced in the right direction (just in case you get a little lost). Run, jump and quickly press square to connect your grapple to the hook. Start swinging and jump off when she has gained enough momentum. Well done, congratulate yourself if you like. Wander over to your ‘guide’, he doesn’t have much to say so carry on. To his left…no…your left…you know what I mean, will be a snowy ramp (highly convenient) run up it and jump off to grab the platform. To your right will be another grapping hook, so grapple away and make it to the other side. As you land you should notice some ledges on the wall, climb on, and make your way to the top. Press the button and another movie sequence takes place. Dammit, now you’re stuck. Luckily you’ve got me to get you through the caves. See, how nice I am? I could be playing away but no, I’m sat doing this. You can thank me later. Right, follow the path and DO NOT tread on the floor panel. What? You did? You never listen do you? Carry on going and you’ll be faced with…*drum roll* darts! (If you turn to face the way you came, there are some ledges to reach the top of the structure, at the top there are 2 levers to turn the darts off). If your feeling a little daring you can avoid them using rolls, jumps and general fancy moves. The first couple can be avoided by crawling/crouching…whatever you want to call it; the last few need careful timing so that you make it through. Once past the trap, if you can call it that, you will see an opening in the wall in front of you.To get up there, head on into the next room, up the stairs and follow the path around. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 1 Before heading onto the ledge on the left, turn around to face the way you just came. Climb on the ledge above you, head to the end and jump to the next one. Head round the right and jump to grab the edge of a passage. Head through this and jump to the next ledge, jump off the slope to grab the opposite ledge. Climb up and collect the artefact. Drop down and head back to where you were. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Climb onto the ledge, and shimmy around until you can pull yourself up. Wasn’t too difficult was it? Pull out your guns, its time for your first kill. As you move along, three bats will jump out…well fly out. Kill them all, poor buggers and carry on through the path. You will come to a large pit; watch out as a couple more bats will try and take your soul! Ok…was a little OTT, either way, kill them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 2 The slope in front of you allows you to gain the next artefact. Slide down and jump, when the grapple icon appears quickly grapple. Climb up the grapple and find the ledge in front of you, swing and jump to it. Shimmy left and jump to grab the ledge above you, lean back and grab the one behind you. Drop down to the one below you then head right, once you reach the end, jump to grab the ledge behind you. Climb up and collect the artefact. To get back down, hang from the ledge and drop down to the ground. Kill the two bats that appear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find the hole and drop down, at the end, pull the lever, and head on through the doorway. Now, if you played the original, you will all recognise this area…oh the memories. Anyway, follow the path and head over to the rope bridge. As you make your way…it will break. If you hadn’t noticed already, two wolves will be hovering around beneath you (there not literally hovering…though the the imagery of a wolf sitting on a hovercraft does come to mind...ahem...). As your first proper battle, it can over whelm you, just keep mashing the trigger button, make sure to keep moving and you’ll be fine. The second half of the bridge is climbable so make your way up and follow the trail out of this room. Enter onto magical pillar room, to your left is another pit with a rope for you to jump across. If you happen to fall down, be prepared to fight a bear. Now, it will be a little tougher than the wolf battle as you don’t really have a lot of room…and only your pistols to kill it with. Keep moving and eventually he will die. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 3 To make your way back up you can use the ledges however, that means missing out on the last artefact. Head into the alcove the bear was in before you lured him out. Pull the switch to open the door (I think its on a timer but I’m not sure) head on through, drop to the lower ledge and collect the artefact. Drop down to the room below and you’ll find yourself back where you fought the wolves. Head back to the bear pit and swing across. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once across head down the stairs carry on until you reach another pit. This one fortunately, contains no bears. Use the pole to swing across and make your way out of the room. Again you will be faced with darts, roll across, dodging them as best you can. Nice, big, fancy doors awaits you. Sadly, it’s locked. Fear not, two levers are scattered around to help out. To the left will be some ledges for you to make your way up, once at the top ignore the ledges in front of you and kill the wolf that comes out from the doorway to your left. Make your way through and turn left, swing across the poles and as you land on the other side, quickly dispose of the two wolves that appear. Run through here and climb the ledges at the far wall, jump back onto the pole and allow it to move. Once in position, swing and grab the lever. As you pull it down, one of the locks becomes released. One more to go. Drop down to where the big door is, make your way back up the ledges (where you went originally) and climb up the ledges in front of you (the ones I told you not to go up before). Climb up, shimmy along and jump onto the second lever. The door is now accessible. Drop down, back to the door and stand on the pressure pad. Assuming you didn’t take too long pulling the second lever, the door should open. However, if you decided to take a detour or went to make a coffee, you may find the constant "ticking" has gone and you'll need to repeat the above steps to pull the levers again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relic – Killer Whale Bottle To get this, you need to head back to where you pulled the first lever. Once your there you need to climb onto the ledges like before, this time, when you land on the pole, you need to jump straight off to grab the crevice on the left. This can be a little tricky, just keep trying. Shimmy left and at the end jump to reach the pole. Swing to the small ledge in front of you, jump up, then jump to the pole behind you. Swing across and grab the ledge, climb up and collect the relic. To get back, use the same way you came, when you reach the last pole, drop to the ground and head through the door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [08] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________ Level Two – City Of Vilcabamba |Artefacts-1 Relics-0 Time Trial- 7:00| ------------------------------------- Continue through the door and head up the steps. Be careful as you go along as you will have another encounter with a bear and also your first chance to perform the adrenaline dodge. Take care as there isnt alot of room to move around in. When he's dead carry on until you reach a large pit with two columns. Jump onto the one nearest to you, slide down and drop to the floor, near by will be a ledge for you to climb. Jump up to the next ledge and jump onto the column behind you. Turn to face the way you came in, climb up a bit and jump backwards to the platform. Carry on through the doors and eventually you will see the village. Make your way down the steps on your left, when you reach the cave area, pull out your weapons and kill the two wolves lurking in there. As you exit this cave, you will enter the village itself, as you move forward a bear will come out. After a couple of shots he will enter ‘rage’ mode and charge towards you. When the on screen icon appears quickly dodge roll, then when the cross hair’s join and turn red, press R1 to fire your weapon. If done correctly you will have completed your first headshot. Well done. You can check out the area if you wish, there isn’t a lot to be done here so head into the water. Find the underwater tunnel and swim through, remember to keep pressing triangle to make her swim faster. At the end pull the lever; allowing you to surface and get some much needed air. Climb out and head up the stairs, jump across the gap (keep the jump button pressed to make her jump further, its quite a long jump.) As you enter the next room, the wooden planks will collapse. Damn. Find the gate and shoot the lock (you will most likely need to enter manual aim mode) don’t go through the gate yet, it only leads back to the village. In a hole nearby, is a moveable box, move it out the way so you can access the room behind. At the back of the room, collect the shotgun shells, and in the little alcove to the left, pick up the Village Key. Now make your way back to the village. Bring the box with you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact Position the box next to the column back in the village; the column should be opposite the stairs you used to enter this area originally. Climb onto the column, at the top jump off to the platform and kill 2 bats. Jump to the pole and swing across to the ledge in front. Climb up and grapple the hook, swing across and jump to grab the small ledge on the other side. Shimmy left, jump up and grab the pole, jump to the next one and finally grab the top of the waterfall. Another 2 bats will come out, so kill them and collect the artefact. Jump to the nearby roof and slide down. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at the village find the lock and use the village key you picked up earlier. Pull out your weapons and prepare for some quick moves, head in a little to lure out some wolves (they will literally jump out at you so be quick and keep dodging them.) When they are dead, enter the next room, another wolf will come out from the far corner. The big shiny door in front of you is sealed by two locks; three guesses where the other two doors lead. It doesn’t matter which order you do them, so for the hell of it, enter the left door first. You will find yourself in a large room, lots of ledges and a nice big swimming pool should you fall and want a softer landing. Head up the stairs and start climbing, the layout is simple so make your way to the top. Your final jump requires you to jump to a platform behind you, as Lara lands she will not catch it properly and you will be taught how to use ‘recover’, press triangle and she will grab the edge with both hands. Run along the path and beware as two bats fly up in front of you. Once dead, jump over the gap, and then jump to the pole to activate the first lever. Drop down and carefully make your way to ground floor. Head through the right hand door and you will find yourself in a room similar to the other. Follow the same procedure and make your way to the top, kill the bats in the next room and jump onto the pole to open the door. See? Wasn’t too difficult was it? Enter the next area and jump onto the ledge with the ramp, slide down and jump grab to the pole, swing across to the column. Push forwards and jump to make it off safely. At the next pit, jump to grab the ledge and lower yourself to the floor, run to the other end, find the ledge on the wall and climb on. Jump back to the pole behind you, swing across and land on the opposite ledge. Make your way to the wooden platform, but be careful as you climb up, and there are darts flying across. Once on the ledge, turn around, jump to land on the top of the column, jump across and follow the path to reach the end of the level. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [09] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________ Level Three – The Lost Valley |Artefacts-2 Relics-1 Time Trial- 15:00| -------------------------------------- Now this level is quite long compared to the previous two, but its also a damn good level :P you’ll see what I mean later on. As you enter, admire the pretty waterfall and the serenity of the surroundings. How nice, peaceful and calm. Time to mash things up, let’s start with a bit of wolf killing shall we? Drop down and two wolves will come out from there little cave, if you get a chance to do a head shot, do it. You’re going to need the practice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Dive into the pool of water and locate the underwater tunnel, swim through, climb out and collect the small medi-pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ignore the ladder for now, you’ll be back later to explore up there. For now, head up the rocks and collect Cog number 1. Follow the ledges and cracks to make your way up to the top of the waterfall. Resist all urges to swan dive into the pool and follow the path to the left, jump across the broken bridge and land on the other side. On the right hand wall are some nicely placed ledges for you to climb up and then jump to the platform behind you. Enter manual aim mode and shoot the rope, climb on the ledge, shimmy around and jump to the pole behind you. Swing across; follow the path, making a U turn. Run, jump and pull out your grapple to swing across, land on the platform. Find the ledge on the back right wall and climb up, jump across the gap and enter the little area. Cross the rope bridge and locate the second cog nearby, as soon as you pick it up, kill the bats that come out from the cave above the waterfall. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the shotgun The place where you get the 2nd cog. Shoot the brigde and grapple on the hook. A bit left to the waterfall is a small cave, you can jump in there using the grapple.Voila got yourself a shiny new shotgun. (And a medpack, I think.) -Thanks to Black. Arrow for emailing me and letting me know :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the end of the ledge and jump to grab the moving pole. Swing and jump to grab the small ledge on the wooden structure. Climb up and when you reach the last one, jump to grab the edge of the platform behind you. Follow the passage and use the switch to open a gate somewhere in the level. This gate will give you access to the Relic, so make sure you pull the switch if you want it. Now, jump into the water and let it take you back to where the level started. As you get out, three wolves will come out from that little cave again, so take care of them. Now, climb the ladder and place a cog on the stick thingy, pull the lever to start the first stage of the mechanism. Jump onto the pole above you and swing to the next set of poles, make your way across and swing onto the ladder. Climb up and place cog number 2 on the stick, and pull the lever. On the right hand side, jump to the ledges and make your way across and then up, finally jumping to the wooden ledge behind you. Now, you will see a revolving ledge in front of you that leads to where cog number 3 goes, but we don’t have it yet. So turn around, face the wall you climbed up, and turn slightly to the right. You will see some more ledges for you to climb. Jump onto them and shimmy around until your back is facing the rope, make sure to be on the higher ledge, else you will fall. Once on the rope, turn right to face the wall, start swinging and when at the peak of the swing, jump off to land on the ledge. Again shimmy along and land on the wooden planks beneath you, the shock will cause the ladder to fall and break, leaving a stick for you to swing on. Ignore that for now and head through the cave. When you reach the low rock, which causes you to crawl, pull out your weapons. As soon as you enter the room a bear will start to attack you, this isn’t easy as there is little room to move. If you wish, you can stand on the rocks nearby and shoot him from there, but chances are he will run back to his little hole and wait for you to stand on the ground floor. On the rocks, climb up and find the .50 caliber ammo on the wooden platform. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 1 Stand near to the horizontal poles, if you look down you will see a wooden slope. You need to jump from here onto the fourth wooden plank from the right. You don’t have to be exact but this is the best way I found to reaching the ledge. When you land on the slope jump to grab the crevice. If your jump doesn’t reach, climb up and try again, at least you know where you have to go. Once on the ledge shimmy left, then jump to the alcove behind you, collect the artefact and climb down. Make your way back to the wooden structure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stand on the top part (where you collected the ammo) and turn to face the way you climbed up. There will be some more ledges for you to climb on, jump over to them and jump onto the column behind you. Remember to press triangle if Lara’s balance starts to fall, make your way across the other column and into the hole. Once in, follow the path and collect the shotgun ammo on the side, and stand on the edge of the platform. Now, you have to place your jumps right, else she will miss and fall. Jump to the ramp in front of you, just before the ramp ends, jump to the ledge. Shimmy right and jump to the platform on the side, where there is some more ammo for you. Jump to the pole, swing across and climb up the ledges on the side to finally reach safe ground. In the next area jump to the ledge and shimmy left, jump to the ledge opposite you and quickly drop. Kill the two bats that start attacking you, and collect the medi pack on the edge. Carry on and enter the grassy cave, follow the trail to the collapsing wood. No way back now. Carry on and enter a large expanse, for those of you who have played the original, you know what’s coming, if you’ve yet to experience this, then your in for some fun. Notice the large rock to the right? Use this as safe ground to kill the next few enemies as they come in numbers and are quite fast unless your used to the combat skills. Move forward to lure out the first three raptors (not sure if that’s what they are but I’m calling them raptors, so tough) they take quite a few shots before going down, if your feeling bored, drop down to their level and cause them to go into rage mode. Its up to you. Soon after, three more will come out, take care of them as well. Checkpoint, think you’re finished? Think again. A movie will take place; unfortunately button sequences were kept from Legend (personally I hate them and think there pointless but hey, whatever). Make sure to push the right buttons else Lara may just end up as lunch. Now the bit we’ve all been waiting for. Time to kick some T-Rex ass. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE - T-REX I guess you could call this your first ‘boss’ battle. He’s a lot tougher than in the original and although he’s one big cookie, taking him down is really easy. First, and most important, keep moving. Mr T-rex is one big dude and can easily catch up to you, keep jumping, rolling, whatever to stay out his way. Basically start shooting away, you will then be informed of his rage bar (which you already new about from previous enemy’s, you just get to see it in the case) the bottom bar will fill up as you shoot him, when its full he will roar and then charge at you. Remember, he moves quickly so perform dodge roll as soon as it appears, and then pull the trigger to complete the adrenaline dodge. Sadly, it doesn’t kill him right away like all the others, but it does cause him to run into the wall taking a little chunk of health. Keep shooting at him; it does take his health away but its very slow going. If you really can’t master the dodge roll technique, just kill him the old fashioned way and shoot him, just make sure his rage bar never fills. Eventually, another button sequence will take place, which finally finishes him off. A quick way to kill him is to position yourself in front of the spiked platform things. When you complete the dodge roll he will run into it and it will take off a massive chunk of health. They do break when he hits them, but they are there to help. I think using all three should kill him off, just remember to position yourself correctly while trying to avoid being eaten. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well done, feel proud, have a meaningful moment to yourself if you like. Maybe a pat on the back? Ok, don’t over do it. In the area, there is some ammo, and a small medi pack, a small consolation for the effort it took to kill the bugger. Oh well, climb the rocks next to where he fell and laugh at his beady little eyes. Hehehe…okay, enough of that. In the next area collect cog number 3 from the island. Jump into the water and find the passage, swim along and surface in an area with a column in the centre. Climb on and jump onto the platform, unfortunately the exit is just out of reach so your going to have to go the long way. Near the exit is a ledge, climb on and make your way along, jump onto the tip of the column and then jump to the next ledge. Then make your way to the exit, the jump will be a little odd angled but she will make it. Once your outside, climb on the rocks in the corner, and run along the stone ledge. On the opposite side you should be able to make out your destination, run along the various platforms to get there. Head onto the column and into the little cave area. Admire the scenery and carry on, were almost there. Jump to the ledge and shimmy around and jump to the wooden platform behind you. Slide down the ramp and jump to the column, use this to get into the hole in the wall. Once you’re in, find the small medi pack nearby, head through the door way and into the next area. Climb the ledges and you’ll find yourself back where you killer the raptors. Jump across the broken rope bridge and collect the large medi pack in the alcove ahead. Head back out of this area and find the ledge to the left side, make your way to the top and face the slope (it has a water dripping onto it). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 2 Before you use the slope, jump over it to land on the ledge behind it. Climb down to the ledge on your right, and then into the area with the artefact. To head out, climb back up and into the next area. You should recognise where you are, head back up to the slope. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slide down, and jump onto another ramp, slide down this and then jump to grab the pole, swing along and enter the grassy cave. Follow it all the way along, slide down and grab the ledge. Lean back to grab the lower ledge behind you, shimmy along to the right and drop down. You should now, fully recognise where you are, if not, you clearly weren’t paying attention earlier. Time to head back across the pit with the slides. Climb down the ledges, jump to the pole behind you and then swing onto the platform. Now you can either try and grab the ledge (and risk her not grabbing, it is an awkward angle) or jump on the slide and immediately jump to the ledge. This time, don’t go right, you’ll only go back to where you where a moment ago, jump up, shimmy left, drop onto the other ramp, slide down and grab the opposite ledge. Climb up and make your way to the top, follow the path then climb the column. At the top, jump to the smaller column and then jump into the alcove. You will now be back where Mr bear was, or is, if you didn’t kill him. From here you should know your way back to the waterfall. Once you’re at the waterfall area, head back up the ladder; now make your way to where the revolving platform was. Time your jump and run along, jumping to the next ledge. Here you can use the last cog, and don’t forget to pull the lever. This will stop the flow of water, revealing a hidden trail. Jump into the water but before heading through the waterfall, its time to collect the Relic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relic – Kero Mug You need to make your way back to the top of where the waterfall used to be, jump into the water and swim now that there is no current. Find the tunnel and swim through, surface and collect the Relic. Make your way back to the pool underneath the waterfall and enter the passageway --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [010] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________ Level Four – Tomb Of Qualopec |Artefacts-2 Relics-0 Time Trial- 13:00| -------------------------------------- Follow the path until you reach the open area. Run and jump towards the column, then onto the next column. From here, jump to the platform on the right, and then finally across to the ledge on the opposite side. Phew, now enter the next area. Firstly run towards the ramp on the other side, as soon as the boulder starts moving, get the hell out of its way. This boulder will destroy part of the path and allow you to move a wooden structure. You should also notice that the ramp is now blocked by three gates, boo hoo. You know the drill by now, three gates usually means three locks. Well done, lets get on with it. Turn to face the way you came in and you should notice a couple of ledges on the right hand side, which will allow you to make a safe journey to the bottom. Do so, when your there, move the broken piece over to the ledges you just used (you need it to get back up). Move the wooden structure on the left hand side and pull it back into the larger area. Find the light patch on the floor and place it on there. Note: it doesn’t have to be ON the light patch, it’s just a rough guide, just make sure it’s somewhere near it. Head back up to the main pillar and jump on the wooden platform, then jump into the alcove. If you cannot make either jump, move the wooden structure so that you can. Honestly, do I have to tell you everything? Once you’re in follow the path and collect the shotgun ammo, watch out for the darts. Jump to the pole and swing to the ledge. Shimmy left and jump to the next ledge. Keep going left, jump across again and try to avoid the darts. They don’t knock you down or anything, but they still take a chunk of health. Drop down to lower ledge and shimmy under the next set of darts. Climb up and then jump to ladder on opposite wall, climb to the top and jump right. Keep heading right, drop down, turn to jump to column behind you and then finally onto the platform. Collect the small medi pack nearby, then another slightly further along the path. Ever get the feeling they’re being too generous with the health items? More darts ahead, lucky you. Eventually you will reach the room with the lever; sadly you’ve got to carry on jumping about till you reach it. Nothing is ever that simple. Run, jump and then grapple to land on the stair island bit. This can get annoying as the grappling hook may snap and you have to keep re trying. Maybe it’s just me, but it happened a lot. Either way, once you’re on, jump to the column on the left hand side, aim as best you can and jump to the pole. Swing to ledge and climb up. Move along the wooden path, collect the ammo on the side before jumping and grabbing the lever. Drop down and make your way back to the pillar. Avoid the darts and swinging blades (they were quickly installed while you were jumping about), be careful of the raptor that jumps out as you turn the corner. Make your way back across the chasm, you can stick to this wall, just keep going left and then swing off the pole at the end. Jump back onto the wooden platform but rather than jumping to the pillar, jump to the left and onto a ledge. Climb up and grab the column, then jump to the top platform. Enter manual aim mode and shoot the ring supporting the big disk, as this falls it will destroy some more of the pillar. Almost done up here, jump across and grapple. Then, become Spiderman and jump and grapple again, swinging across until you reach the alcove with lever number 2. Pull it and another gate will rise up. Just one more to go. Before you can get to it, you need to re arrange the wooden structures. Make your way back down to the ground floor and pull wooden structure you used earlier to the other side of the area, place it right against the sloped wall, then take the new structure and put that on the light area. Head back up and use both to get to the other side. Again, if you cant make the jumps, re arrange them so they are nicely spaced out. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 1 As you reach the new area, hang down from the edge and make your way to the ground. At the far end will be the artefact, collect it and head up the way you came. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again, more darts await you. Jump to the column and then to the ledge on the left hand wall. Shimmy right across the darts and at the end, lean back and jump to the column, before jumping to another platform. As you enter the room, pull out your weapons and moved forward, the floor will break and a couple of wolves are roaming about below. Take care of them. Run up the wooden pathway and find the metal cage hiding in the alcove, pull it out and push it to the floor. Move it to the right pillar, the ledges on it are now accessible. Climb up and make your way across the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 2 When you are on the last hanging pole face the wall so that the lever is on your right. You should notice an opening in the left corner, jump from the pole to the edge and climb up. Pick the artefact up and jump back onto the pole. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carefully aim yourself towards the lever (it may take a few goes to get it right). Jump to the column behind you and then onto the pole, swing onto the ledge on the wall. Make your way up to the top, and then follow the path before jumping back to where you originally came in. Kill another raptor as you make your way back. Jump to the top of the column, then to the pole, swing to the next column climb up. Now make your way back to the pillar. All three gates should now be open, head up with ramp and go around the block that contained the boulder. Enter the room with a piece of the Scion. After the movie run back to the Lost Valley, as far as I know, the falling debris cannot harm you unlike in the original. Either way, you don’t want to hang around here, so make your way back. When you enter The Lost Valley a sequence will start with Larson, push the buttons accordingly and then say farewell to Peru. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [11] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greece ______________________________________ Level Five - St Francis Folly |Artefacts-6 Relics-0 Time Trial- 34:00| -------------------------------------- Kill the lions that attack you, use your new shotgun if you like, it’s a good weapon. Watch the movie with Pierre, I’m sorry, but he’s just not the same I mean I want the Pierre we had in tomb raider chronicles *speaks with a French accent* “come, let uz get out of ere, and zen, I will buy you milkshake” I mean, what was wrong with him? He sounds like a fun guy :P --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also on the St Francis Folly level, at the beginning, if you are facing the door that leads to the rest of the level there is a pillar (one of the two closest to the door) on the right that you can use to climb, and from here you can get straight to the tallest one. I find this quicker than climbing from the midget one near to the door you come in by. Thanks to ~scutterman~ for this -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, lets get on with it, shall we? I haven’t got all day you know. I will apologise for this, its hard to explain, which column is which, so please bare with me. From the entrance climb onto the right hand pillar, shimmy around and make your way to the top. Turn to face the opposite direction and jump towards the column in front of you, you may need to press triangle as Lara grabs the ledge. Shimmy around and up until you reach the top, lean back and jump to the next column. Climb to the top, then run and jump to grab the column in front of you, at the top jump over to the platform, then to the one on the left hand side. Right, if you understood that and you got where I explained…well done… firstly to me because it was readable…and to you for understanding it :P Now, time for your first wall run, this can be tricky, some people find it hard to get going. Basically it’s like connecting the grapple on a normal hook, except this time you run along the wall. Once you’ve got the hang of it, jump into the alcove on the other side. Now for the next puzzle, walk into the room and you will see a portrait with several holes of light, stand on the plate in front to turn them off. Head round to the other side and you will see an identical portrait, however two of the ‘holes’ are highlighted, take note of which ones they are. Go back to the original and shoot the corresponding holes. This should open the door, head back and wall run along to the platform, then jump up to the higher ledge. Here, you will find another copy of the portrait, this time 4 holes are highlighted. Again, take note and head back to the original and shoot the matching holes. If done correctly the gate will open and you can get your hands on the metal ball. Grapple the handles and pull them off, this allows you to move the ball. Roll it onto the floor and down where the columns are, make your way back down using the various pillars and then roll it onto the pressure plate. This opens a gate at the top, to get there you need to head over to the gate below it, turn around and climb on the on left hand column, make your way to the furthest point, then jump onto the other column (the really tall one!) and make your way to the top of that. Once there, run and jump to the ledge with the open gate. Head to the bottom of the room and pull the lever, this opens the gate. You need to get the ball and bring it into this room and put it on the pressure pad, be careful, as 2 more lions will attack you as you leave the room. Once the ball is on the new pressure pad, it will open the door. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 1 Above the door you will see a familiar image, pay attention to the highlighted stones, and then make your way back to original mural. Shoot the stones and access to the artefact will be granted. Once you’ve collected it, head back to where we left off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head all the way down the never-ending stairs and enter the most annoying part ever. I’m not joking either. If you thought my explanation for getting around the columns in the previous section was crap, this is going to be worse. There are so many ledges, cracks, and different things to explain, it’s going to be difficult. Basically, a quick run down of this room. Rule number 1: Do not fall down, it’s a long way, and chances are you’ll have to repeat what you’ve already done. Rule number 2: Do not fall down! For the same reason as above! You will, I guarantee fall down/die a lot in the area. Try and die in the 4 rooms, at least there are checkpoints and you wont have to repeat much. Rule number 3: The main point of this area is to open four doors, each leading to a ‘god room’ as I like to call them. In each room you will ultimately find a key that unlocks the big main door on the ground floor. Obviously, each door requires a lever to open it; the lever is not, I repeat NOT next to the door. So you have to find it then find the door it opened. So lots of fun! Or not. Right, enough babbling. I have replayed this level several times to find the best way to complete it, and I’ve used this way the past 2 times. I hope it makes some sense and that you can actually make it through the level :P either way, it’s going to take a long time. First things first, jump to the main platform and walk to the end of the left hand side. See the extended ledge? See the one next to it that needs pulling out? Grapple it and press triangle to extend the ledge, you’ll need this later on. Run and jump to the one that was already stuck out, it looks pretty far but you CAN make it. Then head into the alcove on the left, grab the pole, swing and land near the steps. Pull the lever to activate the Poseidon door, use the new ledge to jump back to the main structure. Kill the two bats that attack you. Drop down a level on the main structure and face the wall that has the entrance and shoot the button. This causes a ledge to extend which you will need later. Turn left and use the grapple to pull the column down. Drop down another level and you should see the top of a ladder, face it and turn left. Grapple the column to pull it down, like before. Turn left again and cross the column you originally knocked down, collect the medi pack and climb onto opposite side. Climb onto ledge on the wall, shimmy around corner, and jump up twice to reach another lever. This opens the Hephaestus door. Another platform will extend and eventually 2 more bats will come out, kill them both. Return to the central structure. Drop down another level and jump to the island platform near you, from here jump to the extended platform. Grab the ledge on the right hand wall and jump across, pull up then jump to grab the pole, swing and jump across to grab the ledge. Pull up, crawl through tunnel and make your way onto the ledge, which leads to the Hephaestus door. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key number 1 – Hephaestus Head on through until you reach the gate, if you pull the switch it will open the gate, however it will fall off. Don’t stand behind it when it falls, you will get crushed. Turn to face the way you came in, find the ledge and climb up. Shimmy round, when you reach the end, lean back and jump to grab the opening. In the next room you’ll find a grid pattern on the floor and a big ball of lightening that shoots out electricity. And here you were thinking you wouldn’t have to face Thor :P Maybe he got tired, who knows. Anyway, to get through to the next area you need to stand on the four pressure plates, and don’t just run on then off again. You will need to stand on them for a second or two to make sure it gets activated. As you may have noticed, some of the plates rise up, if you also paid attention you will also notice that the lightening will only strike a plate that’s risen up. The ones you need to activate are constantly raised up, so you should be able to find them easily. Make your way across, activating the plates and avoid standing on raised parts. Once all four plates have been stood on, the gate will open to the next area. If you played the original you will recognise the hammer, oh the fun we had :P I will say it now, and if you don’t listen then you can’t say I didn’t warn you. If you stand on the dark square underneath the hammer, it will fall. If you don’t move, it will crush you. Right, the key is in the little hut thing, to open the gate to it, you need to put three statues onto the holes on the floor. Simple, no? Move the one that’s already out, doesn’t matter where it goes, just make sure it faces the right way (notice the arrows on the floor). Statue number two lurks in the block, push the block under the hammer. You should be able to pull the statue without the hammer falling on you. Again, move it into a hole and face it in the right direction. For the last statue you need to be on the balcony to the right of the entrance, to get there, you need the help of the hammer. Facing the hammer, you will see two platforms on either side, to get to the statue; you need to get onto the right hand side. Stand with your back to it, allow the hammer to fall, move away, quickly grab on, climb up and then jump back onto the ledge behind you. If you don’t make it, try again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 2 Jump onto the top of the building and enter the area on the left to collect the artefact. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make your way to the opposite side of the room, find the block and push it off the balcony. Jump down and slot it into the final hole, when all three are in the correct position, the gate will open and you have access to the Hephaestus key. One down, three to go. Head back over the plate grid, avoid the lightening. To get back to the main room, you need to head back through the little hole above the gate. Pull the lever, and grab onto the gate, it will rise up but only for about three seconds. You can’t get into the hole with the gate fully raised, so to get through you have to jump up quickly as the gate starts to fall. To do this correctly, listen to the ‘clunk’ sounds. Just after you hear the 2nd ‘clunk’ press jump, you should make it onto the edge of the hole in the wall. Head back through and you’ll back to where you began. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump to grab the ledge on the pillar on the right, shimmy round the corner and drop down, go right and climb up. Face the Atlas door, grab the ladder on the left hand side and climb down, release to drop to lower level. Go to the other side of the platform and notice the switch in the alcove. To make it safely, jump to the ramp on the right hand side and slide down. Pull the switch to open the Damocles door. Hang from the ledge; slowly drop down to reach the Atlas switch. Drop to the ground floor and approach the central structure, climb on the lower block and then to the one on the left. Grab the crevice, shimmy round and jump to the ladder and climb up. Turn to the left and grapple the hook to pull the ledge out. Climb on the little block, jump to grab the ledge on the opposite pillar and shimmy round two corners. Climb up and jump to the ledge (the one you jumped from to reach the Damocles lever), jump to the ledge on the left and grab the crevice on the left pillar. Shimmy round and grab the upper ledge, jump across to the right pillar and jump up. The Atlas door should now be facing you. Climb the block, grab crevice, shimmy round and jump up. Grab ledge on left and climb up the pillar, shimmy round and grab the ledge above, then climb up. You should now be at the top of the structure (if not, either you missed something or I did :P) Go round to the other side and jump on the extended ledge (the one you pulled right at the beginning) grab the ledge on the right and drop down. Hang from the next ledge and shimmy around the corner, drop down and shimmy again so you are above the ramp. Let go and jump to the ledge, shimmy left, drop down, shimmy again and pull you. With any luck, you should be at the Atlas door. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 3 Run through the door to create a checkpoint and head back out. Hang from the edge you where on, then drop down the one below and shimmy left. At the end, jump to grab the ledge and then onto the pole behind you. Swing and jump into the alcove, climb on the block and collect the artefact. Carefully, jump back to the pole and make your way back to the Atlas door. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Number Two – Atlas Follow the path, pull the lever and grab on the gate. You need to do exactly what you did when returning from the Hephaestus trial. Once through ignore the pole and climb down. Follow the path until you reach the main chamber. To me it makes it a little obvious to what’s going to happen, but ah well. Atlas is at the top of the chamber and he’s waited a long time to see you, so lets not keep him waiting. Push the lever to make the bridge extend, quickly make your way over as it starts to withdraw as soon as you let go of the lever. About half way up, you need to find the ledge on the left hand side and make your way onto the platform. Find the switch which makes two poles connect, you must pull this switch in order to complete the next section. Drop down and head on up to Atlas, now it should be really obvious to you, you need to be quick. Stand as far away as you can and shoot the two targets either side of Atlas. As you hit each one, a row of spikes will disappear and the Atlas key becomes available. However, when you hit the 2nd target, he gets fed up of holding the world (can you blame him?) as soon as the picture clip shows you this, pull down on the analog stick to give you a little extra time to escape. The ball moves quickly, don’t jump or roll, just run. Now the camera becomes a real pain here, in true style you can’t see where you’re going, so you’re going to have to pay close attention. As soon as you see the edge of the gap, jump and grab the pole and IMMEDIATELY jump off. You have to press the jump button as soon as you grab onto it, else the boulder will break the pole and you’ll fall. This can be tricky, mainly for the pure fact you cant tell where the hole is, with a little practise, you will get the hang of it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- just thought you might like to know that you can escape the rolling globe in the atlas room WITHOUT running back to the pole.as you have pointed out that the camera angle Sucks! (with a capital "S") in that room. you can however take advantage of the ledges on the left that leads to items on top. just stand as near as possible to the ledge while in range of the targets on either side of Atlas. After shooting the targets, instead of running back to the pole. you only need to run & jump up to the ledge on the left and QUICKLY shimmy to the next ledge then pull-up to the next ledge then to the topmost platform keeping her safe from harm. this trick saves time if you're doing this on time trial mode. -Thanks to Byeng for this :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don’t leave, were not done yet. Push the lever to make the bridge extend again. Head back on up to claim the Atlas key. Whilst heading back down the ramp, notice the broken pillar on the left hand side. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 4 At the top behind some rubble, is the artefact. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find the switch, pulling it makes the bridge extend once again to allow you to exit this place. You need to drop down quickly before the bridge withdraws, you can now leave. Wasn’t too bad was it? Only two more to go. Head back to the gate, pull the switch and grab on. This time, jump to grab the pole behind you and use this to swing into the hole in the wall. Head on back into the main room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run and jump to the opposite ledge and pull up. Climb down the ladder on the right hand side and drop to the platform beneath you. Turn right and jump to the opposite ledge, it should have a broke column for you to walk on. Cross over it and climb up the right hand side, pull the box as far as you can. Hang down and shimmy right around the corner, collect the medi- pack and shimmy back round. Stand on the box; jump forward to grab the ledge above and in front of you. Shimmy and drop down to the ledge below, collect the small medi pack. Hang from here and drop down, traverse the corner and drop down. Slide down the slope to reach the Damocles door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Number Three – Damocles Oh, my favourite. Or not. I hated this part in the original, and I hate it more so in this :P If you know your Greek gods then you know all about Damocles. Had a fondness for swords, just thought I’d briefly prepare you. Again follow the same steps to get into the hole in the wall, however this gate sucks and wont support your weight. If you noticed when you came in, there is a block in the hole, grapple it and pull it to the floor. Pull the lever and quickly push the block underneath it to support it, climb up through the hold and into Damocles lair. If you look up, the ceiling is set into grids, and in some of those grids, are nice big swords. They may be daunting, but you CAN walk under them. Make your way to the other side of the room and collect the key, quickly, and I mean, quickly, move. The chandelier will fall, and it will kill you if you are in its way. Now a series of event happen, the entrance door closes, spikes come up from the patterned floor and there was something else. Let me think, oh yeah, those hanging swords in the ceiling, wont be hanging should you step underneath it. Needless to say, your journey back, wont be as easy as getting here. Find the sloped ledge at the back of the room, run up it and jump, grapple the hook to wall run to the platform on the other side. Now, I had problems getting the grapple to connect, you have to make sure you jump high and throw it at the peak of her jump. It’s frustrating, but it’s the only way up. From the platform, jump to the ‘L’ shaped ledge in the middle of the room. On the right hand side, jump to the broken section and then into the alcove in front and pull the switch. Drop to the floor, its time to make your way back. As you enter the room a sword will pound down, there big, heavy and don’t really like intruders. If you get in its way, say bye bye to Lara. Now, keep to the wall on the right hand side and you shouldn’t get hit. You now have to get across the spikes. It’s easy, but can take some time to perfect. The white squares hold the spikes down for a little longer than the red ones. Your exit from the square is a few squares up and to the right, its not far, but getting there can be annoying. If you touch a blade near to you it will cause Lara to stumble and by the time she recovers, the blades beneath her will come back up. You will have to cross the red squares, to get out, just move quickly and very carefully. Face the first white square, when the blades go, stand on it. As soon as the white square to your upper left becomes available, head onto it. Then to the next one, and then to the exit between the two pillars. I’m sorry if that wasn’t much use, I scribbled all this down on paper a week ago and now I’m typing it up, it doesn’t make much sense :P You should be able to see the gap from where you started, so use this as a guide, you don’t need to cross the whole thing. Once you are safe, take a deep breath, its not over yet. Also, there are a lot of swords dangling above you, take care when crossing this next section. The camera probably won’t allow you to look up enough to see where they are, so use the method I did, stick to the wall. Firstly, take a couple (I mean a couple) of steps forward, a sword will fall but shouldn’t hit you, from here as long as you move straight ahead, you can climb on the broken pillar in front of you. From here you should be able to move the camera enough to see where the swords are, but if you stick to the wall you should be fine. Follow the wall and make your way around, I found a couple of swords will fall near to you, but as long as you are right against the wall, they will not hit you. At the end, climb on the broken pillar, run to grab the ledge, climb up, shimmy round and then pull yourself up and pull the lever. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 5 You need to make your way back to the room that had the key in. Jump over the swords next to the pillar to allow easy access. Make your way to the platform at the top. Above the doorway are two ledges (the one on the right had a lever that you used earlier, remember?) the one on the left is where you need to go. Collect the artefact and then head back to the lever you pulled a moment ago. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once back at the platform, climb the pole and face the wall, so that her back is facing the pillar behind you. Jump and grab onto this, then jump to the next one. From here, jump to another pole, slide down and collect the medi pack. Jump to the crevice on the left hand side, jump up and head left. Now jump off and throw the grapple to perform the wall run. You need to spring off the wall and onto the pillar behind you. This is annoying as she won’t always spring off the wall, she’ll jump off. I find turning the camera so she is running left to right, rather than up and down (if that makes any sense). At the peak of her wall run, jump off to land on the pillar. Make your way across the columns and onto the ledge on the far wall. Shimmy right and you’ll eventually reach the lever, which opens the door. Pull it, quickly drop down and exit. Follow previous steps to make your way back to the main room. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, only one more to go. It’s possibly the easiest out of them all so lets get it over with and get the hell out of this level. Hang from either side of the ledge and drop down till you reach the bottom of the room. Start making your way back up and onto the ladder, climb up. Turn left and jump to the ledge you extended earlier. Jump to the crevice, shimmy right and keep going. Climb up two ledges and pull yourself up. Climb onto the ledge on the right and crawl under the rock, at the end drop down to enter the Poseidon door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Number Four – Poseidon Last but not least, god of water…or something like that. You know the drill by now, use the gate to enter the hole in the wall and make your way through. Kill three rats that appear as you turn the corner. Jump into the water, swim through and find the lever, its on a timer so swim through and surface. If (like me) you were expecting a water maze, think again. On the platform on the right of the entrance (when you face it) is a small medi pack. Jump into the water and climb onto the central platform and start to climb. At the top, find the fish statue pull the block away to raise the water level. Jump into the water and find the lever on the platform you climbed a moment ago. This opens a gate, which lets a wooden plank out, sadly it gets caught. Surface and find the block you moved a moment ago, on the opposite side of the room, is another alcove with a box, push this into the water. Head back to the other side and push the box back under the fish’s mouth, this makes the water go back down to its original position. Head down and the box you pushed should have landed in an alcove with a statue, push it over the grate to lower the water level again. You can now access the wooden platform. Climb down to the bottom and position the wooden platform so that it is next to the pile of rocks on the floor. Climb back up and flood the room, then climb the pillar and flood the room again. If the wooden platform is in the right place, is should be floating in the middle of the two walkways. You should now be able to jump onto this and then into the alcove. If it’s not in the right place, you will need to completely drain the water and re-position it from the ground floor. Once in the alcove, climb the ledge, shimmy around and jump to the opening and climb up. Drop down and you can collect the key, the lever opens the gate and allows you to leave this place. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 6 Swim into the water and find the lower most lever on the central structure. This opens a gate near to where you collected the small medi-pack. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to find the tunnel you used to get here, if you don’t think Lara’s breath will last that long, drain some of the water and swim out. Again make your way back to the main room. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump back to the central structure for the last time and make your way to the ground floor. Use the keys in the right locks and the door will open. Make a hasty exit and leave this place. Thank god for that. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [12] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________ Level Six - The Coliseum |Artefacts-1 Relics-0 Time Trial- 11:00| -------------------------------------- Fairly easy level, not to long either, makes up for the pain in the ass level you just did. Follow the path until you reach an open area. Two rats will come out so take care of them. Head over to the far, right corner and climb up. Drop into the next section and into the water. You will nee to be quick in this next section. Take the right path (has a huge rock in the archway) then take another left, then right and swim through the hole in the wall. Surface and enter a room with lots of cages. Kill the bats and rats that appear when you climb out the water. Find the low box and jump to the ledge (next to where you surfaced), shimmy left and make your way onto the pole. Jump onto the larger box and jump through the gap. Head up the sandy path and watch the cinematic. When it ends kill both gorillas. Find the ramp, run up and jump to the ‘seating’ area. Make your way up to the pillar in front of you, go behind it and kill the 2 bats. Grab onto the crevice, shimmy left then grab the ledge above you. Jump to grab the platform and climb up. Slide down the ramp and climb onto the platform on the left hand side. From here jump onto the ledge above the entrance to the coliseum. Head inside and turn left to find a lever, pull it to open a gate below. Head back down to the arena and prepare to take on 2 gorillas and 2 lions. Using the adrenaline dodge will really help out here. If you prefer to fight from a safe distance, climb back onto the seating area and shoot them from here. Once you done head through the newly opened gate, on the left alcove as you enter, you will see a key on top of a cage. You can’t reach it from here, so head into the next room. Climb onto the box in the left corner and grapple the box from the cage. Push this into the previous room and use it to gain access to the key. You need to head back to the balcony, I wont explain it all again. If you forgot how to get there, look in the previous paragraph. Once there, use the key to open the gate. Climb the ladder to reach the top of the coliseum. Head left and jump across the gap, run and jump and grapple the hook in front of you. Slide down and start swinging, you should notice another hook on a ledge below. Make your way onto this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Use the first grapple hook to swing to the platform above the 2nd hook. Jump to grab the ledge in the pillar, shimmy left and climb up. Collect the .50 caliber pistols. Hang from the ledge and shimmy left to reach the platform you were originally on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry! this IS where you can get the guns earlier than when the game gives them to you.Thanks to ..... for correcting me on this. i had already collected the guns when i found this secret so naturally i only found ammo for it :P -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact Once on the 2nd grapple hook, slide fully down the rope and find alcove with the artefact in, swing to this grab the ledge and climb up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hang from the ledge with the artefact and shimmy right, climb up onto the platform. Slide down the slope and jump to grab the crevice in the pillar, shimmy round and grab the ledge above you and climb up. Jump to the ledge in front of you, climb the column, then jump to the next one, and finally to the top of the building. Jump down to the rock at the far end, turn around and jump to the balcony, follow path to reach the end of the level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [13] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________ Level Seven – Midas’s Palace |Artefacts-1 Relics-2 Time Trial- 16:00| -------------------------------------- See the big statue? We’ll discuss him in a moment. Head into the room and kill the 2 gorillas, when they are dead, another will come out from the left corner so take care of him. Now, this (big statue guy) is Midas and seeing as all these Greek guys have some trait, his was that anything he touched turned to gold. I mean anything, including out heroin so take care when moving near his hand. If you wish to watch Lara die whilst turning into gold, go ahead; just find a checkpoint before hand. There are four slots in the statues base that need something put in, one has already been done. So lets go find the other three. Turn to face the entrance; you need to climb onto the fountain using the little rock. From here, jump to the crevice in the wall and then make your way onto the balcony. Collect the medi pack and pull the lever. Head back down and head through the gate you just opened. Follow the path and enter the spike room, as I like to call it. Turn to face the way you came in and notice the rocks on your right, grapple them and pull them down. Find the entrance to the right (when you enter the room), to the right of the stairs is a block, pull it all the way out of the room (the reason for this is that you need it to help get the relic, if you don’t want it just pull the box out enough to get the lever) pull the lever behind it to open the gate on your left. Again, head on through. At the top you will find another lever, this raises the platforms from the room below. However, some only stay for a few seconds when Lara has stood on them, so you’re going to have to be quick when completing this next section. Firstly, take note of the sloped platform in the top left hand corner. You need to get the box you moved, pull it out and place it under this platform. There is a chunk missing from the side of platform that is revealed when you pull the lever, which raises them. If the box is placed correctly, it will allow you to gain one of the Relic’s for this level. Jump to the platform in front of you and then to the spiked one on your left. Shimmy round twice and then jump back to a sloped ledge, jump off this onto a ledge. This will start to withdraw once Lara is standing on it, jump to the ledge on your right, jump up a level and shimmy round twice. From here you need to jump the platform behind you and then onto the slope in front of you. Immediately jump onto the ledge, then to the one on the left, then to the pillar on the left of that. You are safe for the moment. Shimmy left, at the end, jump back to the platform behind you. Climb up and then jump to the alcove, in here collect the lead bar. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relic 1 To get this, you need to get into the alcove behind the rocks you pulled down. There are several ways of doing this but I find this way easier. Head back to the lever that raises the pillars. In the far left corner is a sloped platform, you need to drop down from here and push the box into the cracked section. This prevents the pillar from falling down when you stand on it. Now, make your way back up. You need to follow the same steps as before, when you were retrieving the lead bar. This time, rather than jumping to the alcove where the lead bar was, jump to the sloped ledge to the left of this and jump into the alcove containing the Athenian Owl Figurine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact Again, I think there is a couple of different ways to do this; my friend did it a different way to me but they both seem to work. Head back up to the lever and pull it, jump on the pillar in front, then jump down to the darkened pillar below you on the right. You can drop down and climb on this if you want, rather than jump onto the first pillar. Quickly jump to the pillar in front of you that starts to rise, climb up then jump to the alcove with the artefact. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head back down and back to the main room, be careful as two gorilla’s attack as you enter. Stand on the base of Midas and find the crevices, use them to get to the top. Pull the lever at the back to open the other gate down below. Head back down using the ledges and head through the gate. When you reach the new area you will be shown the lead bar, which is trapped in the pillar. Head into the entrance in the top left corner and follow the path, as you enter the under ground area, a gorilla and a lion will attack. Take care of them and pull the three supports with your grapple, this makes the lead bar fall down. Pick it up and head back to the previous room. You will notice that its now full of sand, head back to the original entrance. Don’t go back to the statue; you still have one more lever to pull. Take the stairs on the left and make your way to the top. Kill the four bats that fly out from the corner climb up the rocks on your right and into the crevice on the right hand wall. Shimmy left and then wall run to the ledge on the opposite side. Shimmy right and jump to the rope behind you. You need to swing to the central pillar which is now broken, when you land on it slide down and jump to the rock in front. Turn around to face the pillar and jump to the crevice, shimmy round and jump to the broken platform (this is where the bats came out earlier). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alot of people have trouble swinging from the rope and actually landing on the pillar. It took me several times before i made it. The problem is the location of the rope itself, putting a wall behind it was a big mistake, when she gains enough momentum to swing to the pillar you end up hitting the wall behind you and you cant make it. In order to make it across in a easier way follow this instead. When you start to climb up on the right hand side, dont move to the next wall, instead jump across to the ledge on the left side (it has a large medipack on it) shimmy across this and then jump off across the slope. when you stop sliding you will be behind the pillar youve spent so long trying to get to :P there is crack just above you but you cant jump high enough to make it. To get there, face the slope, jump up it and then immediatly jump again to make her grab the crack. Its worked everytime for me and its so much easier and theres less of a chance for a controller to be thrown at a loved one. Feel free to make it across the other way but it takes time and effort :P --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Climb on the ledge, jump up and shimmy right. Jump across to the next ledge and climb up. Wall run to the sand against the wall and slide down. Enter and follow the passage, two gorillas will attack so watch out. Make your way onto the balcony and pull the final lever. Go down and climb back up the statue, head on through the new door. You will find yourself in a large room; the balcony on the opposite side of the room is where you need to go. First things first, jump into the water and lure the crocodile out, climb out the water and kill it. You don’t have to; it just makes things easier if you fall in. Find the under water switch which raises a pillar above you. Climb back out the water and stand on the pressure plate, this makes things a little more interesting. Every one loves a bit of flaming death. As far as I’m aware you can’t actually catch on fire like before, but it does still harm you. Obviously. Right, jump to the platform in front of you with the single flame, from here jump to the one on the right. Wait for the flames to pass you and then follow them, about ¾ of the way round, climb to the ledge in the pillar and climb up. At the top, lean back and jump to the alcove behind you, pull the lever to raise another platform. Jump into the water and head back to the beginning. Head back to the pillar with the moving flames and then jump to the pillar you raised a moment ago. Wait for the fire to go and jump to the pillar in front (has lion heads breathing fire). Shimmy left and stop under the 2nd lion, lean back and jump to the small platform behind you. Find the ladder on the nearby wall climb up and pull the lever. Stand on the little out crop and jump back to the lion pillar; you should land on the golden strip, which has the lions on. Wait for the fire to go and shimmy left, again wait, then quickly climb up. Repeat until you reach the top of the pillar. Jump to the next pillar with the moving flames; quickly climb on the crevices on the left side and climb up 2 ledges. When the fire next to you goes, quickly shimmy right, do this again for the next lion head. When the fire above you goes, jump up and shimmy right out of harms way. Jump to the balcony behind you and collect the lead bar. Jump into the water and head back. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relic This is annoying, and may take a few attempts. Make your way to the alcove with the first lever you pulled. Face the lever and turn left, you will see a hook on the wall, jump and grapple it to start a wall run. Jump to grab the ledge on the left, drop down and slide, before you reach the end jump to grab the next ledge. Jump to the ledge on the right and climb up. Head onto the slope behind you, jump off and land on the pole, swing to the next one and then land on the pole. Before you lose your balance, jump to the slope and then into the alcove. Pull the switch. Now, you have about 50 seconds (ish) to retrieve the relic before the pillar returns to its original position. If you don’t make it, you will have to repeat the process all over again. You need to make your way as if you were going to get the lead bar. Once you land on the last pillar (with the moving flames) head round the side and collect the Griffin Head Protome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head back to the statue and kill the two gorillas along the way. Stand next to the broken hand; don’t stand on it for obvious reasons. When the triangle button appears, press it to bring up the item list. Select a lead bar, when it’s on the hand it will turn to gold. Pick it up and repeat for the next two lead bars. When they are all gold, place them in the slots and the gate will open. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [14] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________ Level Eight – Tomb Of Tihocan |Artefact-2 Relic-0 Time Trial-13:20sec| -------------------------------------- Head into the water and through the gate, follow the path and get air if you need to. Climb out and push the box into the next room. Kill the rat and place the box under the switch, pull it to open the trap door. Drop down, kill the rat and enter the next area. For those who played the original, you will recognise this as the Cistern. For some reason they combined the two original level. It also means they cut out a lot of what happens in the Cistern. Right, enough reminiscing (oo big word) lets get on with it. The path to the left leads to a lever, don’t pull it yet. Instead find the pole on the right and swing to grapple the hook. Wall run and jump to grab a ledge, shimmy along and then jump to the next grapple hook (I managed to get across without using the ledge by complete accident, I tried again and she died) Any who, wall run to the platform on the other side, go left then jump up to the next ledge. Jump to grab the pole and swing to the next one, finally swing to the platform and push the box off. Stand on the edge and jump to grab the crevice, then up to the next one. Jump to grab the pole, swing across and jump to the next ledge. Go to the other side and grab the crevice, head round the corner and use the two poles to swing to the ledge in the opposite side. Shimmy round and grab the ledge behind you, climb up and push the box off the platform. Cross the bridge and jump to the other side. You now need to head to the bottom, the easiest and quickest way is just to jump into the water. Quickly climb out and kill the crocodiles in the pool. The box you pushed should be here, so push it into the pool. Head around this area until you find a lever, push it to drain the water in the pool, push the second box into the area where the pool used to be. Carefully drop into the pool and push the two boxes onto the pressure plates. One grate reveals a wooden platform; the other lowers some bars nearby. Find the slope to the left of the bars and quickly jump to grapple the hook. Wall run to land on a ledge in the left hand corner, jump to grab the crevice and shimmy around. Jump to grab the above ledge and the jump to the pole. Swing to the crevice on the opposite side, go around 2 corners and jump to grab the next pole. Swing to grab the ledge in front, climb up the ledges and make your way back to the top. Find the lever and pull it again to flood the pool. Face the pool and go to the right to reach the canal like area, grapple the wooden plank and pull it into the canal as far as you can. Now its time to head all the way back up, jump back into the pool and find the low ledge to climb out of. Go left and find the ramp that leads to a pillar with ledges on. Jump up, shimmy left and head onto the pole, swing across to the ledge. Climb up, now its time for a tricky jump as I find that she doesn’t always grab the ledge. You need to turn to the pillar you just climbed on, and jump back onto it. Once you make it, shimmy round and climb up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- there is an easier way of getting to the top of the room, if you are struggling with the above route. Once you have pulled the wooden plank into the canal, turn left and climb into the next area. Here, you should very clearly see a pillar with a ladder, head up to the top of it. Jump to the crevice on the right hand wall and make your way along. Climb up and you'll notice you are back to where you knocked down the first box. From here you should be able to make your own way back to where you first entered this room. i hope this helps :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To finish this area use the lever thats next to the entrance, this floods the room allowing you to access the last part of the level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 1 Behind one of the under water pillars is a switch, pull it to open a gate at the bottom of the pool(down where the crocs were). Swim down to collect it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find the wooden platform, stand on it and use it to reach the balcony above. If you cant reach it, stand on the walkway and grapple it so you can reach it. Once you are in swim along and let the current drag you. When you gain control, find the next tunnel and swim through. You are now at the temple. Swim to the left and find a little platform with some items for you. Drop back into the water. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 2 Facing the ledge with the items on, locate the underwater tunnel to the right. Swim through to get the artefact. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swim back to where you entered this room and find the under water tunnel on the left. Swim through and pull the lever, which opens the gate to the temple. Swim back through and enter the temple. Watch the scene and prepare for another button sequence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Battle – Centaurs They are a little trickier to kill than in the original, whoever said plain old shooting them was no fun? You need to keep an eye on them, use your pistols to shoot one until they enter rage mode. They will then either start aiming at you with a green ray, or charge at you. If they start aiming they will eventually turn you to stone, keep pressing left and right to break the stone. If they charge at you, you know the drill, dodge roll. When you have dodged, quickly grapple its shield and pull it off. You can do this with both centaurs if you wish, but one will suffice. Stay relatively close to the fallen shield, now rage them again and when they start aiming, quickly pick up a shield to reflect the attack. Once the centaur is turned to stone, shoot it to take off massive damage. It is possible to kill them in one turn with your pistols but it may take longer. When one of them is dead, repeat the process for the other one. Another thing i found out is that their rage bar's act together...so if your shooting at one of them and then fill the rage bar, its not to say THATS the centuar that will start charging at you. Last thing,how annoying is the green laser? well, when they aim at you, simply duck down :) and voila! When youve finally killed them (and believe me it can takes days:P even weeks) watch the movie and you’re free to leave Greece. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- i noticed everyone seems to have a prob with the centaurs part, which i didnt get after reading ur guide and taking ur advice i was able to beat it 1st try. i do have an addition tip tho that i just stumbled on, literally. when the centaurs start shooting u with the green laser s***, you know how u have 3 or so seconds before ur actually stone? well if u jump, walk, or fall into the water it stops the "trance" and you dont turn to stone. its a hell of a lot faster than pressing L - R 10 times and occasionally getting smashed up. Once i found that u could do this i just paced back and forth along the edge and shot the b*****, it made it real easy. -Thanks to JCizzle for this (aswell as a few others who have let me know but i didnt mention before.sorry!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This info has been emailed to me several times but i lost track of everyone who told me. so i apologise that no names are mentioned here and thanks to everyone who let me know :) I finally got a chance to test this out (no idea why it took me so long) but if your having issues regarding the "laser beam" of whatever you wish to call it, then theres an easy way to avoid being turned to stone. the above info didnt work for me so i finally tried out this method. Simply put your weapons away...not hugely inspiring :P but it works and i know how much of a pain this boss can be so i hope it helps --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are having trouble with them i have written a list of all the things i know will help to kill this boss. You can find it in the FAQ section. I know alot of people get stuck here, and if you know something else to help with this problem please let me know :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [15] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Egypt _________________________________________ Level Nine – Temple Of Khamoon |Artefacts-3 Relics-1 Time Trial- 20:30sec| ----------------------------------------- Follow the path and head into the next room. Carefully drop down and pull the block nearby, collect a medi pack from inside. Grapple the two pillars and pull them down, allowing you to leave this area. The left one will leave a block, climb on and grab the ledge. Shimmy left and onto the next crevice, jump up twice and shimmy left. Jump to the pole and swing across to the slope, jump onto the next ledge in front of you. Shimmy around, jump to pole behind you, swing across to the platform and climb up.Shimmy right, jump to the hole and climb up. Quick note about scarab beetle levers, use them like any other ledge, except they cannot hold Lara’s weight. You must quickly jump to the next ledge to avoid the beetle moving down. At the next part stop at the hole, pull out your weapons and then jump in. Kill the panther that’s hiding in the right hand corner. When its dead collect the ammo from the corner it was in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret 1 climb on the ledge leading into the next area, use the ledges to reach the platform and collect the Large Medi-pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drop down and head into the next area. Watch the scene and quickly take care of the mummies when it ends. There is a small medi pack in the pool if you want it. Remember this area, as we will be returning here later on. To the left of the sphinx opposite the way you came in is a broken pillar. Climb to the top then jump to the next pillar, again, climb to the top and jump across to the platform. Shoot the target and a pole will come out from the wall, use it to get to the other side quickly as it only stays out for a few seconds. Collect the ammo and jump to the top of the next pillar. Find the one below you and jump to that, from here jump to the sphinx’s shoulder and climb up the ladder. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 1 Climb into the opening above the sphinx’s head, and climb into the alcove on the right. Collect the artefact. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump to the sphinx’s head, then run and jump to grapple the hook. Swing to the pillar then jump to the next ledge. Complete two wall runs to reach the other side of the room. Jump to the head and drop down, pull the lever. Climb down and head through the door you just opened. At the end of the room is 2 panthers waiting for you, kill them and find the switch next to the room they were in. Pull it to move the statues, however it also releases 2 more panthers, kill them and then pull the switch again. Quickly run to the other side, climb on the small rock and jump to the platform, it will start to move away so jump across to the one on the left. Make your way across the statues on the left hand side. At the last one, grapple the hook and do a wall run to grab the ledge above the lever. Drop down and shimmy right, then jump up to the gate. Quickly jump to the ledge above that, as the gate will start to fall. If you don’t make it, you will have to pull the lever and make your way back. Shimmy right and grab the ledge above, shimmy right again and then climb into the next room. Follow the path and slide down, kill the rats that are waiting. Pull the block that’s next to the slope and move it to the other side of the pit, climb on it to get out. At the next pit wait for the pole to come out, swing across and then onto the next pole. Swing to the beetle and quickly jump up and climb out. Hang from the ledge to lure a crocodile out, if you cant shoot it from here, go down and kill it, another will come from the other side of the room so be prepared to kill it. There is a medi pack in the hole the crocodile was in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret 2 Face the cat statue and head into the far left corner behind the pillars. Head into the opening and pick up the small medi-pack an the shotgun ammo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump into the water and through the hole, pull the lever and quickly swim through the gate. Surface and climb out. Find the beetle on the wall, jump to it and climb to the ledge above that. Shimmy right and jump to the next ledge, quickly climb up as it starts to recede into the wall. Turn right and jump across to the other side, jump to grab the crevice. You should now be on the wall that’s opposite to where you came in. Jump to the ledge on the left and then jump to the one behind you. Quickly run across this and jump to grab the beetle, quickly jump to grab the ledge. Shimmy right and jump to platform, enter the room. Jump to the pole, then onto the beetle and quickly to the ledge above it. Jump back to the pole and balance on top, head into the alcove on the left hand side. Pull the left and climb back down. Jump to the platform that now has a box on it, pull the box to the other side of the platform and position it so you can reach the ledges. Climb up them and then to the ledge behind you. It starts to move so run along it to grab the beetle, jump up. Jump to the beetle on the right and the climb up. Shimmy left to the next ledge and then onto the pole behind you. Swing to the alcove and turn to face the other side of the room. Grapple the gate at the far end and pull the door down. Quickly swing across and into the room before the gate closes. Find the lever and pull it. You’ll now be on a balcony facing the room where you killed the crocodiles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 2 Notice the hook on the wall? Grapple it and wall run to the ledge on the other side. Grab the hook behind you and turn around. Find the next two hooks and wall run them both to reach the cat. Grab the artefact. Jump to safe ground. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another two crocodiles are lurking so kill them. Head over to where the floor fell away under the statue and climb down. Slide into the next room, a panther is wandering in the pit. Drop down and kill it, another 3 will join it when you drop down. Find the lever next to a cage with more panthers. Pull it and kill them. Find the ledge, jump up and then jump across to the gate, quickly lean back and jump to the ledge behind you. Climb up and jump to the bar, which will move. When it slots into the pillar, shimmy left and jump back to the wall. Jump up then climb to platform. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret 3 Look left and find the button on the far wall, shoot it to make a grapple hook appear. Swing across to collect Large Medi-Pack and .50 caliber ammo. Swing back across to continue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head into the room and follow the path, kill the panther. Head into the alcove in front and climb the ladder. In the next room kill the mummy. Find the ladder and climb up. You will be on a balcony overlooking the statues from the beginning of the level. Pull the lever to see them move. Cross over them avoiding the walls that block your way, you need to almost zig zag to the other side. Collect medi pack and pull the next lever, head back to the room where you killed the mummy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 3 Climb onto the blocks in the corner and jump to grab the hook. Grapple it but don’t wall run. Climb up till her feet are in line with the base of the bars. Jump back to land on the pillar, and then jump to the one on your left. Use the pillars on the right to reach the crevice on the wall. Jump to grapple the hook and wall run to the other side, climb up and collect the artefact. Carefully make your way back down. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make your way back onto the hook like before, again don’t do the wall run. Jump to the pillar behind you but this time go right. Jump to the ledge in the wall. Quickly shimmy across as some parts break and jump to the pole. This activates the trap door beneath you, swing across to land safely. Head down the door using the ledges and enter the room next to you. To make things easier I’m going to number the pillars in front of you. Number one is on your far left, next to that is pillar number 2 and so on, so number 4 is on your far right. Got it? There are eight blocks in the room; pulling four of them will raise the pillars. But which ones which? I’m going to start with the block right of the entrance, you don’t have to start here; I just am to make things easier. Pull each block out in a clockwise direction. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st block |Contains an item -----------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd block |A panther will run out, raises pillar number 2 -----------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd block |Contains an item -----------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 4th block |Raises pillar number 4 -----------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 5th block |Another panther, raises pillar number 1 -----------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 6th block |Empty -----------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 7th block |Raises pillar number 3 -----------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 8th block |Contains an item. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now all the pillars are raised you need to turn the obelisk so that the correct image points towards the exit door. The images for them are: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pillar 1 |2 white pots ----------|--------------------------------------------------------------- Pillar 2 |Blue pot ----------|--------------------------------------------------------------- Pillar 3 |Blue stick and green pot ----------|--------------------------------------------------------------- Pillar 4 |White statue -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door should now be open. If not, re check the images and make sure they are fitted properly (you will hear a ‘clunk’ every time an image is set into place). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relic Move block number 5 (right of the exit door) so that you can climb on it and onto the pillar. Climb up and shimmy round 2 corners and jump to grab the ledge behind. Jump to the next ledge in the next pillar and go round one corner. Jump to the above crevice and jump to the first obelisk. Jump along all of them, at the last one jump to grab the ledge in the pillar and shimmy round. Grab lower ledge and shimmy to alcove and collect the Mummified Cat. Drop down and head through the door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [16] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________ Level Ten – Obelisk Of Khamoon |Artefact-4 Relic-0 Time Trial- 18:15sec| --------------------------------------- Head into the room, turn right and pull the lever to drop down a bridge. Run along it and collect the Eye of Horus. Dive into the water and find the opening in the wall, follow the path and pass through the moving blocks carefully. When you enter the next area, head over to the broken stairs on your right, run up them and jump to the lever, a cut scene will show you that it makes a pillar behind you drop down. Quickly jump off the lever and run to stand on the pillar behind you. When it moves back to the top, jump to the pole and swing to the ledge, climb up to the top ledge. Jump to the platform behind you, quickly run across and jump to the platform in front of you. Now you need to jump from here to the platform in the middle of the room. It’s a long jump but you can make it, she will grab at the last moment, be prepared to press triangle. Climb up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 1 Jump to grab the ledge on the opposite side, go behind the rocks and find the switch. Before you pull it, a word for the wise. If this is your first play of this level, I don’t recommend you get this now. The artefact is located higher up the room, and the pole to reach it only stays for about 90 seconds after you pull the lever. You have to be quick and HAVE to know how to reach the top without hesitation. You can climb up to the top and memorise the way, then climb back down, pull the switch and head back up. Its up to you. If you want to get it, then read below, as you have to head up to the top anyway. I will tell you where the artefact is located. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once on the main central platform and head onto the broken part. Climb onto the pillar, jump up then shimmy right. Jump across to the next pillar but don’t stand on it or get in the way of the darts. Shimmy round and jump to the next pillar, shimmy right, jump up and jump to the crevice in the wall. Go right onto the pole and swing to the other side. Run along and find the ledges on the wall, climb up to the top and then jump to the platform behind you. Quickly jump off this to the platform in front of you. Hang from here and shimmy right, climb up and hand from the other side. Shimmy left and then climb onto the pillar, go left and then jump to the pillar behind you. Drop down and shimmy right and climb up, jump to the ledges on the wall, it can be a little tricky I found she doesn’t always grab, but she will make it. At the top most one, head left and jump back and grapple, wall run to the other side and grab the ledge. Shimmy left and jump across, jump to the pillar behind you and shimmy to the other side. Jump to the next pillar, shimmy right and then climb up so that you don’t get hit by the darts. Jump to the next pillar and climb up to the platform. If you are getting the artefact, the pole to reach it will be on the right hand side, if its not there, then you didn’t reach it in time and will have to head all the way back down. Use the pole on the left to carry on with the level. Swing across and head into the room. Kill the mummy that attacks and jump to the pole, immediately jump to the next one before it falls down. Swing to the beetle and jump up to the ledge, if you don’t make it there is a ladder to climb back up. Shimmy left and jump to the stairs, there will be some more blocks so make your way past them safely. You will find yourself at the top of the room you started in (at least you should be). Climb to the ledge on the right, shimmy across and jump to the pole, swing across and pull the lever to make another bridge drop down. Make your way back to where you came in, this time climb along the ledges on the other side, be careful of the broken parts. Once across, head on through the gate. Crawl under the spinning blades. At the next pit, wait for the blades to go into the slots and then swing across. At the next room, locate the artefact in front of you, you can’t reach it yet, but memorise its location. Slide down the slope and kill the mummy at the bottom, find the switch in the alcove to turn the slope into steps and opens 2 gates. Pull the block from the alcove and position it so you can grab the ledges above you. At the top, jump to grapple and wall run to other side. Jump off the platform and find the crevices, climb up to the top. Time to face the blades. As soon as they go in, grapple the hook, run along to reach the beetle and then jump to the ledge above. Shimmy left and wait for the blades to go, wall run again and run to reach the ledge above the one you were on a moment ago. Jump up and wall run dodging two blades to reach the top of the room. Turn to face the blocks going down and jump to grapple the hook. You may want to go down a couple of steps, she didn’t always grapple for me at the top and would then fall to her death, this way she’ll but only lose a small amount of health. Turn the camera so that it faces the wall (and Lara is running left to right) at the top most point, press jump and down to let go, grapple onto the hook behind you. You should now be above the artefact. If you choose to get it now, feel free, but you will have to make your way back to the top. If you wait, I will show you a better way. Wall run to reach the opposite side and climb up to the top part, jump to the opening. Climb up and head through to find yourself back at the main room. Use the switch to lower the next bridge and head back to the previous room. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 2 Turn left and jump to the ledge you came from a moment ago. Drop down to the square ledge below you. Jump to grapple the hook from before and climb down to reach the artefact. Head back to the bottom of the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find the gate and head through to face evil trap rooms. There not to bad once you learn the timing. Move past the wall and jump to the pole, wait for the blades to go and quickly jump to the next pole. Wait for the blocks to slam together and jump (this sounds crazy but trust me) by the time you reach the pole, the blocks will have gone, giving you more time to get across. Run along to collect the Seal of Anubis. Use the two poles and swing to the other side. Head to the end and use the next 2 poles to reach the platform. Collect the Ankh Of Isis. Head through the opening behind you. Crawl under the blades, jump to the pole and then jump off. Avoid the blocks and when the blocks slam together, jump onto the pole and off again. I had trouble with this, if I stood at the edge she would simply jump over the pole. If this happens take a few steps back, it helped me. When you enter the next room, look down to see the welcoming committee, three mummies. Also pay close attention to the Ankh lever on the left hand side. Do NOT activate it. If you do, your journey will become so much harder. Its not too bad, I pulled it first time through the level, just be careful. If you pull it (or have pulled it), it activates spinning blades throughout this area. Jump to the pillar on your left, its lower down than the one your on. Use the ledges in it to climb down. You can aim at the mummies from here, so shoot them. However, they do have a habit of hiding from you (damn things) so it may be wise just to drop down and kill them. Use the grapple to wall run to the other side and land on the pillar. Again you can try and kill the mummies from here. Before you climb down, see the artefact in the alcove? You can’t reach it yet, but we’ll be back for it later. Drop down and kill the mummies and find the ledges that lead into another area. For the spinning blades, roll under the high ones and jump over the low ones, chances are you’ll still get hit but get through them as best as possible. Now for the hard part. Remember what I told you about jumping to the poles when the blocks are closed? You need to do that for the next few jumps so keep that in mind. Jump to the first one, wait for the next set of blocks to close and jump again, repeat for the last one and then jump to the ledge. Chances are you will need to press triangle on the jumps so be prepared to press it as soon as she lands. A couple of seconds of not moving will lead to death. If you really can’t get through, there isn’t a lot I can say. It took me at least 10 goes to do it first time and that included me throwing the controller across my room :P Good times. You HAVE to go through this area, but this isn’t the worst part so don’t worry :P Once on the ledge, shimmy left/right and wait for the blade to go past you, as soon as it goes, quickly climb up. Pull the lever to knock down the final bridge, if only those bars weren’t there, you could make an easy but long way back :P Sadly, you have to return the way you came. Now, I found getting back across the poles so much harder. Luckily, there is a checkpoint after you pull the lever so you don’t have to worry about going across again if you die. Jump to the first pole, when the middle blocks close, jump to the pole. Wait for the one in front of you to close (if you try jumping straight from the middle you wont make it), as soon as it does, jump and then onto the ledge. Climb up avoiding the blade like before. See? Wasn’t too difficult was it? I assure you that the hard parts over. Think it’s about time for an artefact, don’t you? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 3 Head back to the room and go onto the ledges on the right, shimmy left. Don’t use the ledge above you, it’s for later. Head onto the next ledge and keep going left, pull up into the alcove and collect the prize. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drop to the ground and climb up the ledges you used a moment ago, but climb up into the platform. Climb onto the low block and grab the crevice above. Shimmy left and jump to grab the next ledge. Pull up, grab the crevice and climb on the ledge above. Follow the hallway, as soon as you reach the other side a mummy will attack from the passage you came from. Climb up the two ledges and jump to grab the ledge behind you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 4 Grapple the hook but don’t start the wall run, you need to position yourself first. This is another wall run to get the ledge behind you; however, some people find this hard to do. After experimenting with things, I found that where you are on the grapple line affects it. Move up or down and you’re going to need to get in the right place. The painting on the right hand side is your guide. Start wall running, if she goes past this painting, move up/ down on the line. When you’ve got her so that at the peak of her run, she doesn’t go past the painting, you’re in the right place. Start the wall run and move the camera to the usual position, when she reaches that point on the painting, pull down and jump to ledge behind. Jump to the pole and quickly jump to the ledge and collect the artefact. If you don’t make it, obviously you will fall to the floor and die. This wouldn’t be a problem if you could just re try, however, the last checkpoint, is right at the bottom where you started. So if you do die, you’re going to have to make your way back. It’s not that far, but if you’re really struggling it’s going to get annoying if you’re making the journey over and over. There is (as far as I’m aware) no way to make this easy, it’s just going to be a trial and error thing till you make it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get to the square ledge where you came from and the drop to the one below. Grab the crevice and shimmy left. You should now be able to see the ankh lever on your left. Don’t drop to the lower ledge; you need to jump from here to the block in the corner. Now, I couldn’t make this jump and refused to believe it was possible to make it. However, my friend came over and showed me that it was so feel free to give it a try. Maybe I’m the only one who can’t make it. If I’m not the only one, there is an alternative method to get back out. However, if you have already made your way up to retrieve the artefact, this is a little out of the way. You need to go back to the bottom of the room, yes, all the way to the floor. Once there, climb on the pillar opposite the alcove that contained artefact 3. Grapple the hook and wall run to the other side, climb up and your back at the entrance. See? Isn’t that so much easier? Once your back follow the path (avoiding the traps once more) to reach the main room. Don’t jump into the water yet, move onto the bridge and jump to the one on your left. Collect the Scarab of Osiris and then jump into the water. Swim through the now open gate and surface in the next room. Pull the lever to open the door above you, recognise where you are? I hope so. Climb out and head back to the area with the Sphinx’s; a centaur will be roaming around so kill it. Finally, put the artefacts into the obelisk to end the level. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [17] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________ Level Eleven – Sanctuary Of The Scion |Artefact-2 Relic-1 Time Trial- 28:50sec| --------------------------------------- Head up the stairs and kill the two mummies that are patrolling at the top. Enter the small room and pay attention to the pillars and the symbols on the wall. The images on the wall are mirrored and you need to make the pillars do the same. The image on the front two pillars must face each other and so on. It’s a little complicated to explain; maybe it’s just me. However, the pillars do not have to show the same image as the wall next to them (sorry if that’s badly worded :S). Move the pillar on the immediate left and upper right twice; a platform will rise from the floor. Take a look at the images if you like to see what I was trying to explain :P Climb up the raised blocks and make your way up the ladder. At the pit, you need to time your jump carefully. You need to reach the ledge on the left hand side, to do this you need to stand on the platform. When the blocks shut, jump to the platform (just like before, with the poles, by the time you reach the platform the blocks will go into the wall) and then quickly to the ledge. Climb to the ledge above and then to the beetle, let it fall down. Jump to the beetle behind you and quickly to the ledge above. Shimmy left and jump across when the block goes. Shimmy across and then jump to the platform behind you. Follow the path, when you enter find the ladder on the left hand side and climb down. Drop to the floor and head to the other side. You will find yourself next to a rather large Sphinx, hey, wouldn’t be Egypt without one right? Any who, if you look closely at the door between the sphinx, there are two key slots. So lets go get the keys, would be pretty pointless other wise. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret 1 When you climb the first ladder on the floor and jump to right. After climbing another ladder, turn around (there would be shotgun ammo on a ledge on your right) and move ahead. Instead of jumping to the crevice, jump onto the slope. From there grab onto the pillar nearest you and climb up. Two flying mumies would show up. After killing them jump from the ledge (I jumped from the part facing the sphynx) and use the grappling hook to swing towards the sphynx. Jump and immediately use another grappling technique for the next hook. From there you can jump onto the sphynx head and claim the prize. Getting back was most difficult for me. I found this another walkthrough and found out that you need to get back the similar way but it was really difficult but I managed to grab the first hook and from there jumped directly to the ledge instead of the grappling to second hook. As I was trying this I noticed that the game doesn't record the smg's if Lara dies like it records relics and I had to do it several times. -thanks to Labeeb for emailing me and letting me know :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Climb up the ladder and go right (you can go left by the way, you don’t have to go right first). Shimmy across and jump to the pole, then swing to the steps. Go up the ladder and jump to the ledge and climb up. Jump to the platform and climb up. Run and jump to the crevice in the pillar and make your way to the top, quickly climb up though, as two flying mummy/demons will start firing flame balls at you. Dodge their attacks and kill them, be careful not to fall off if your moving around. If Lara gabs the ledge to save you, chances are they will knock you off. Use the pole to swing across to the platform, at the end use the ledges to climb down and pull the lever. Head through the door. Time your jumps across the pit; the first pole will go into the wall for a few seconds then come out. Learn its pattern with the blocks and swing across, don’t stop moving else you will get smushed. At the other side enter the next area. The lever on the other side wont be of any use to you at the moment, so leave it. Use the ledges on the left and jump to the ladder, climb down and at the bottom jump to the ledge. Drop down twice and jump across to the crevice, it will start to move down so start to climb up to the top one. If you don’t, you will eventually reach the water and the lever will rise up again, you need to stay on long enough for the beetles to lock it into place. Once it’s done, jump to the pillar behind you and climb to the top then jump to the ledge above the lever. Jump back to the ledge on the wall. Jump up then jump to the pole behind you, quickly swing across all of them to the other side, jump to the lever. Remember to climb to the top part to avoid hitting the water. Let go and jump to the water, find the platform and climb on. Use the pole to balance on and then jump to the ledge. Climb up and then jump across to the next lever. Don’t let go, instead jump to the pillar and climb to the top. Shimmy round and jump to the extended ledge. Use the pole to swing to the ledge, then jump to the last lever. All four pillars should now be raised. Time to climb back up, jump to the pillar behind you and climb up, shimmy round and jump onto the now fully extended bridge. Go to the end and use the poles to go left and back onto the wall. Use the ladder to make your way back up, now pull the switch. The light will refract onto the pillars and the door will open. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 1 Start making your way back down like before, when you reach the bottom of the second ladder, jump across to reach the doorway. Shimmy right and go around the corner and drop down, collect the artefact. Shimmy back and drop onto the bridge. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head into the dark room, as you enter the door will close and you will have to kill the mummy and collect the golden ankh to open it. You can kill the mummy from the bridge if you want. Edge towards the door but don’t go in, else the door will close. You should be able to get a good view of the mummy. Once the ankh has been collected jump into the water, swim to the exit and follow the path. You’ll be back at the Sphinx, head back to the ladder. Be careful as a centaur is roaming around, make sure to kill him. Climb back onto the ladder and this time go left. On the ledge, jump to the small section of stairs, jump over the gap and climb up the blocks. Slide down and jump to grab the crevice, climb up onto the ramp. At the top jump to the pillar, make your way to the highest point and then jump to the next pillar. Again, climb to the highest point and jump to the final pillar. This time, climb onto the top ledge and position Lara on the seam of the pillar (you don’t have to be here to reach the next ledge, I just had problems with her grabbing it and this was the only place she could jump from). Lean back and jump to the ledge on the wall behind you. Climb up and jump to the platform, climb up and kill another two flying mummy/demons. Swing across the pole and jump to the ledge, shimmy left and jump to the platform. At the end, use the ledges to reach the floor and pull the lever, head through the next door. Avoid the first set of blocks; the second lot are a bit trickier. Use the little ledges in the middle, jump to the first one and crouch, when the blocks go, repeat till you reach the end. You will reach another room similar to the last one. You have to do exactly the same as before, it’s just a slightly different layout. Again, ignore the lever for now and find the ledges on the wall. Jump to the ladder and head down, before you reach the end, jump across to the pole. Quickly swing across to the other side. At the ledge, jump across to the first lever; remember to climb up to the top. Once it’s in place jump into the water and climb out. Use the broken piece on the floor as a ramp, and jump to the lever. Jump to the platform behind you and climb up, jump to the platform behind you. Jump to the crevice on the wall and jump across to the next lever. Jump to the pillar behind and shimmy round, jump to the extended bridge. Use the grapple at the end to wall run to the other side, grab the ledge and then jump across the pull the final lever. Again, you need to head back up. Jump into the water and climb out. Climb to the top of the lever once again and jump across the ledges to the ladder, make your way back up and pull the switch. Once it’s pulled, jump into the water, and climb out once again. Climb back to the top of the lever and jump to the pillar, at the top shimmy round and jump to the bridge. The room follows the same rules as the other one; kill the mummy from outside if you want. Collect the ankh to open the door. Jump back to the water and use the now open gate to leave this area. Follow the path to reach the Sphinx once again, this time there are two centaurs in the area so take care of them. Put the ankhs into the holes to open the door. After a long discussion with fellow gamers we came to the conclusion that there is not official use for the boulder. The only use i found for it was to roll it in the hope of road killing a few rats :P however the chance of actually rolling over one is slim so all in all...its pointless. Follow the long path down and kill the seven rats along the way. Before heading into the water, notice the entrance on the other side of the room. This leads to the end of the level, but the water level isn’t high enough at the moment. Dive into the water and swim between the two statues to find a lever pull it to lower the water level. Surface and swim back the way you came, climb onto the right hand statue. Climb up the block and onto the ledge, jump back onto the pole and quickly swing to the other side before it falls down. Shimmy around the leg and then wall run to the ladder. Climb up and jump to the ledge behind you, shimmy all the way left to reach a platform. Using the picture on the floor, shoot the beetles to match the positions show on the floor. When done correctly the gate will open, climb in and pull the lever to raise the water. Drop down and climb to the top of the ladder, jump to the ledge and shimmy right to the other side. Jump to the pole behind you and swing to the ledge on the other side, find the lever on your right and jump across to it. It opens a gate in the statue your hanging on, drop down and quickly swim through it as it’s on a timer. Ignore the pattern on the floor and get some air. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preparation to get the relic You cant get the relic till the room is fully flooded, but you need to do a few things to get access to it. Climb out of the water and walk forward, if you look to a ledge below you will see a block on it. Climb down and push this block into the water. Jump back into the water and swim between the statues and pull the lever to drain the room. Swim back to the block you just moved and position it under the timed gate. You now need to climb back up to where you solved the first beetle puzzle, DO NOT pull the lever. Continue climbing up the ledges and crevices until you reach the ankh symbol that opens the timed gate. Once you open the gate, drop into the pool. Swim back and climb on the ledge that has the block. Climb on it and quickly pass through the gate before it closes. Use the crevices to reach the ledge above. Exit to the front side and drop down to the ledge where the block initially was. Hang from the edge, shimmy to the right and release to grab the crevice of the foot. Traverse to the right and jump to grab the ankh symbol. This opens a gate on the same side of this statue. For the last time, climb up to where you solved the first scarab puzzle. This time use the switch to raise the water level. Drop back down and climb up the ladder. Once more, make your way to the ankh symbol that opens the timed gate. Once you grab it, drop to the pool and quickly make your way to the gate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now go back underwater and pay attention to the pattern on the floor, you need to look at it as if you were coming through the gate. Go back up and shoot the beetles to match the pattern under water, pull the lever. Swim to where you did the first puzzle and surface in the alcove with the lever. Climb on the beetle and then to the ledge above. Jump to the pole, quickly swing across to the ledge. Shimmy and climb up. Use the ledges in the opening to reach the top of the statue. Jump across to the lever to fully flood the room. You can now leave this room. If you want the relic, you can now get to it, swim to the gate you opened and collect the Horus Idol. Once out of this room, follow the path until you reach a room. Kill the two centaurs and mummies that appear. Now there are lots of pillars in this room, you are going to need to climb on half of them to reach the two platforms at the other side. I will try and describe this as best I can. Climb on the first red pillar to the right of the entrance, climb up the ledges to the top, drop down and shimmy so that your back is facing the pillar behind you, jump to it. Shimmy round and jump to the silver pillar, climb to the top and at the end, grapple the hook to wall run. Turn the camera (as usual) to face the wall, at the end of her run, push down and jump to grab the silver pillar. Shimmy and reach the top, jump to the last silver pillar. Shimmy round and climb to the top, jump across to the red pillar. Shimmy all the way around and jump to the platform behind you. Use the Scion of Tihocan to remove the first set of gates. Head all the way back to the entrance and climb onto the pillar like before. Make your way onto the second pillar and up to the top, this time go left to the edge of the crevice. Jump to the hook and swing to reach the pillar on the other side (it will be right in front of you when she uses the grapple). Shimmy round to reach the next pillar and then onto the last platform, use the Scion of Qualopec. If you want the final artefact don’t head through the door yet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 2 Go back and climb up the first red pillar. You need to use the pillars as if you were reaching the 2nd platform. Use the grapple like before and land on the pillar. Climb to the topmost crevice and jump to grab the next pillar. From the middle ledge, jump to grab the crevice of the inner silver pillar. Climb to the topmost ledge, jump to the alcove with the Artefact. Collect it, drop down and head through the door. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [18] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lost Island ______________________________________ Level 12 – Natla’s Mines |Artefacts-4 Relics-1 Time Trial- 17:00| -------------------------------------- Welcome to the beginning of the last part of the game. It’s sad to know it’s going to end soon, but we’ve still got plenty to do. I started writing this using the ‘cheat’ way, then I realised that people playing this for the first time wont have that option *feels like a fool* so I’ve had to go through it all. Skip ahead a few paragraphs to find out what i meant, i think its just after getting the relic. Right, you have no weapons for the majority of the level, obviously were going to get them back. When the level begins, swim forward and climb behind the waterfall. Follow the path until you reach the edge, jump across to the pole and swing to the ledge. Jump across to the next ledge and then to the rope behind you. Drop to the box, run and jump to the next one. Jump to the rope hanging above the water and swing to the ledge on the left side of the waterfall, shimmy round and jump to the ledge behind you, climb up. Follow the cave to reach the next open area. The glasshouse to your right contains your beloved pistols; sadly we can’t get them yet. To your left is the control room, go check it out if you like, there’s not a lot we can do for the moment. Follow the tracks to the left at the end you will see another glassed room and some machinery. Climb onto the skip and collect the red fuse. One of three, once you have them all, you have access to your weapons. Try and ignore the rats for now, there are there to annoy you but be patient, you can kill them later if you wish. Head back and go into the control room, use the red fuse and pull the lever. This moves a block above the glasshouse. Head out of here and find the yellow box near the glasshouse, move it so that you can get onto the roof. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 1 Once on the roof, find the poles sticking up from the fallen walkway. Jump onto them and then to the ledge on the wall. Go left and jump to the next ledge, climb up then jump to the pole behind you. Swing to the slope, jump to the walkway and collect the artefact. Climb down and head back onto the glasshouse. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go behind the box you moved with the fuse and enter the tunnel, follow the path to reach the other side. Jump across the gap, follow the path and drop down to the wooden walkway below. Push the yellow box off the walkway, so that if you fall off here at any point, you can just climb up. Jump across to the next section and then onto the ledge. Jump up, shimmy left and jump to the wooden platform. She will grab the very edge. Jump to slope and jump off to the next part. Jump to the broken part, hang and drop down. Pick up the green fuse. Find the hook on the wall and grapple it. Wall run and move the camera like before. Jump to the ledge behind you; shimmy right and onto the next ledge. Climb up the ladder, at the top, jump over the fence and land near to where you found the red fuse. Go back to the control room and put the green fuse in and pull the switch. This moves the box even further, before leaving the room, push the red switch once more. Head out of here and climb the boxes to reach the one you just moved. Don’t forget to collect the medipack. Jump to the box, shimmy round and then jump to the walkway behind you. Follow the path and enter the cave. Take the path on the right and climb all the way down. Your back behind the fenced area, but further down from where you collected the green fuse. Jump to the ledge in front, drop down and land on the slope. Avoid the rat and head to the other side of the area, pick up the blue fuse and climb on the box. Jump to the pipe and be careful of the steam. Jump to the next one, climb up and then jump to the platform. The camera will move and you will clearly see a rotating thing (highly descriptive aren’t I? :P) wait till the flat side is available and jump to land on it, you need to be on the right hand side. Wait for it to rotate and when you see the rubbish bins, jump to grab it. The timing has to be right else she will miss it. Quickly shimmy along as the bin starts to move, when on the next one, lean back and jump to grab the ledge. Shimmy round the corner and jump to the pipe, climb up and jump to the ledge. Shimmy round to the very edge, lean back and jump to the ledge behind you. Shimmy right and climb up into a little alcove. You need to jump into the hole you came from and climb back up the ladders and back to the control room. Push the red and green switches once to move the box back above the room, put the blue fuse in and push the switch to gain access to the room. Climb in and collect your pistols, shoot the glass to leave this place. Now that you have them, you can go back to the first main room and get a couple of artefacts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 2 Back in the main room, climb onto the boat and shoot the rope holding it in place. The current will drag it along, don’t move yet. When it hits the wall, it will stop briefly to turn around, climb onto the ledge on the wall. Jump across to the next one and climb up. Jump to the ledge behind you and shimmy right. Use the ledges to reach the alcove and collect the artefact. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relic Go behind the waterfall and make your way onto the hanging boxes. Stand on the first one and shoot the ring that’s holding it to the rope. You will fall to the floor and the box will open, inside is the Chalice of Torment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make your way back to the control room area. Go back to where you go the red fuse, stand on the skip and shoot the glass. NOTE: Now, if you’re doing this on time trial you can safe a hell of a lot of time. You don’t need the fuses if you have the cheat activated for unlimited 50-caliber ammo. If this is turned on, you can shoot the glass when you fist enter this area. Climb into the room and pull the switch, this puts the drilling machine onto the track. Climb down and stand on the machine, press triangle to start it moving. When you get so far along a cut scene will take place, watch out for the button sequence. Now I was really annoyed that I didn’t get to kill him properly. I think showing her reaction to killing someone was really clever, but I still thought we should have jumped around shooting at him, like the good old days. Maybe it’s just the fact I think button sequences ruin the game. Anyway, collect the shotgun from him and head back into the control room. Put the blue fuse back into place and pull the switch for the last time. Head back onto the machine and start it up again, let it go all the way and destroy the wooden barrier. I really don’t think I need to explain what will happen if you fall into the lava, it’s pretty obvious. On that note, don’t fall down. Stand on the edge and jump to the platform on your lower left. Jump to the pole, balance on it and jump to the slope, slide down and jump to the next one, then finally jump to the pole, turn left and jump to the ledge. Shimmy left round the corner and jump to the platform behind you. Run and grapple the hook, jump to the slope and jump onto the pole, which moves when you land on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 3 Turn around on the pole and notice the little platform in front. Yes, you need to swing to it. No, it’s not suicidal. You will, literally land on the edge. Collect the artefact. Use the poles on the right hand side to get back to the slope, jump back to the pole. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swing off the pole onto the slope, jump to the ledge opposite. Climb up and jump across to the other side. Follow the path and enter the next room. Jump onto the sloped rock and immediately jump to grab the ledge. Climb up, and then climb to the top ledge. Jump across the room to the other side; climb up onto the next rock. Jump to the slope and then into the room. Head forward to initiate another sequence. Again I’m very bitter about not getting to kill them like the original :P I wanted to kick some bad guy ass. Right, almost done. Head over to the skater kid and steal his SMG’s (I hardly think he’s going to need them now). Push the box on the left side and climb up onto the rocks. Climb the ledges and at the top most one, shimmy right and jump onto the top of the slope. Jump and climb up the side to reach the top. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- see the level were you are jumping on the cone things on the roof and they activate the lever to open the door to 'The Great Pyramid' level.... well i found an alcove with lots of ammo and a medi pack ... see if you climb up the left side of the room using the ledges etc and you reach the very top and lets say you are just about to jump on a cone thing well... DONT ! xD LOL :P .. cause if you jump straight ahead and slide down again.. and jump half way down .. Lara will grab an alcove and its all in there mann oh yer xD ammooooo and heeeaalllth LOL! :p -Thanks to Geo for this ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take a look to your right. Lots of vertical poles for you to stand on. I’m not joking either, you should also notice that some of them are coloured differently, there are six of them altogether and you need to stand on them all to activate them. Don’t stay on them to long as the sink into a lava pit. The good thing about this is, is that if you miss one of them, you can climb up and start again. Okay, its not so great having to repeat it, but would you rather fall into lava and do it all again? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 4 You can only get to this by standing on a pole, the tricky part is, the closest pole to the artefact is one of the six you have to stand on. So if you miss the jump after its sunk into the lava, there is no way to get it. So be careful. It will probably be the last spire you stand on, you need to jump to the ledge in the rocks, climb up to get the artefact. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once they are all done, you need to make your way up the slope into the alcove with the lever. If you pull it, it opens the door and ends the level. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [19] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________ Level 13 – the Great Pyramid |Artefact-1 Relic-1 Time Trial- 16:15sec| --------------------------------------- Again this level has been re-named. If you played the original this level was called Atlantis (or something), the original Great Pyramid was where you fought the final battle. Don’t worry; you still have plenty more to do before the final boss. Follow the path and at the end you will reach a room with six pods, three on each side. Go through the next opening and watch the scene. When its over kill the four demons that have hatched. Go towards the entrance of this room and the door at the far right is now open. Go through it and climb up the ladder. Turn around and enter the room above the six pods. Two of them will explode and flying mutants will get released. Quickly kill them and go through the opening at the far left, follow the passage to the next area. You reach a ledge in the tall room; you have to reach the top of the room. It’s quite an annoying process but if you’re quick and know what you have to do, then its not so bad. Notice the button on the right hand wall. Shoot it until all symbols around it glow. This will bring up a grapple hook above the button. However, it will only stay there for about 10 seconds. Kill a flying demon that the button released and shoot the button again. Jump to grab the crevice in the pillar and shimmy around. Jump to grab the hook with your grapple and wall run to reach the ledge in the opposite corner. Grab the crevice above, shimmy around and jump to grab the ledge behind you and pull up. Shoot the next button like before; it will bring up a ring above the button, which will stay there for about 15 seconds. A flying mutant will get released again so kill it and shoot the button again. Jump to grab the crevice in the pillar, then to the next one. Shimmy around and jump to grab the hook above the button. Wall run again and jump to grab the crevice of the pillar on the opposite side. Jump to grab the upper crevice and shimmy around. Jump to grab the next crevice above, then the ledge behind you. Repeat the process of shooting the button until all symbols around it glow. This time, it will bring up two rings; one above the button and another one on the next wall. It will also extend three poles; two on your side and one on the wall with the button. Before proceeding, kill the two flying mutants that get released. You have about 20 seconds to make it to the next safe ledge, before everything slides back into the wall. To get across you have to jump on the slope of the pillar, jump to grab the first pole, then the next one. Turn around, swing and jump to grab the crevice in the pillar. Shimmy round, jump to grab the pole and immediately jump to grab the hook. Wall run and jump to the slope in the opposite corner. Before sliding down, jump to grab the next ring and perform the wall run to reach the crevice in the next pillar. Jump to grab the crevice above, shimmy around and grab the ledge behind you. Getting bored of this? I’m sure you are, only two more buttons to go. Shoot the fourth button to extend two horizontal poles from the next wall, which will stay there for about 10 seconds. Again, two flying demons will get released, so kill them before doing anything else. Shoot the button to bring everything out and jump to the slope in the corner. Jump to grab the first pole, swing and jump to the slope. Jump to grab the next pole, swing and jump to grab the crevice of the pillar. Jump to grab the crevice above you and Shimmy around. Jump to grab the ledge behind you and pull up. Yay! Last one. Shoot the button to extend two grapple hooks, one on the wall with the button and one on the opposite wall. Both will stay there for about 15 seconds, but before doing anything else, kill yet another two flying mutants. Shoot the button again and jump to the slope in the corner. Jump and grapple the first hook, perform the wall run and jump to the slope in the corner. Jump off the slope and grapple the next hook. Wall run to reach the crevice of the pillar in the left hand corner. Grab the upper crevice and Shimmy round. Jump to grab the ledge behind you and pull up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 1 Don’t go through the opening just yet, notice the alcove on the other side. Jump to grab the crevice in the pillar, shimmy around and climb up into the alcove. Pick up the Artefact and jump to grab the edge of the ledge you came from. Pull up and kill the last flying mutant of this area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the passage to reach a series of traps. Wheres the fun in raiding tombs without some traps? Go carefully through the room. You’ve had lots of experience in closing blocks, so go past them. Wait for the fire darts to go and move past them. Once you get past the traps enter the next room. Slide into the next room and kill the three demon mutant things, be careful not to shoot at demon Lara. If you played the original game or Tomb Raider 4, most of you will remember that Lara gets re created. She is, in effect Lara,if you shoot her she will shoot back.You can get a little look at demon Lara if you like but she won’t be staying long. To get out of here we need to kill her without killing our Lara as well. Rotate the lever in the middle of the room to extend two ledges; one beneath each ladder. They are timed, so run and jump to grab the ledge on the right (assuming the entrance is to your back). Pull up and climb up the ladder. Jump to grab the crevice on the right and quickly jump to the ledge behind. You will land on a trapdoor, which will close the exit door, dammit. Pick up the Large Medipack and draw weapons. As you move further along, a flying mutant will be released from its pod, so kill it. Use the switch to open the trapdoor behind you, don’t fall into it!. The trapdoor is timed and you have about 30 seconds (I think :S) to lure the creature into the trap. Climb down and rotate the mechanism to extend the ledges again. Run and jump to grab the ledge on the left (if the entrance is to your back). Pull up and climb up the ladder. Jump to grab the crevice on the right and jump to the ledge behind you to land on a pressure plate. If you make it on time, the cut scene will show the last part of your jump. A flying mutant will be released from the pod, so kill it. Use the switch to open the exit door. Drop down and rotate the mechanism to extend the ledges. Climb on the one that will lead you to the exit (the right one if the entrance is to your back) and climb up to the top like before. Follow the passage to the next room. Be careful not to accidentally fall into the lava pit ahead! There are two switches in the room and to reach them, you have to pass the two moving sets of metal cylinders. The ones on the left hand side are easy enough to cross, just wait for them to do and stop in the gap. Once you’ve pulled the lever a demon will rise up and attack, kill it and head back. The ones on the right hand side are a little more difficult, or at least, I found them difficult. They move together but there is not floor for you to rest on and wait. You have to jump on them to reach the other side. Timing is critical and it will take a few goes to get it right. Pull the switch to give full access to the exit door. Again, another mutant will rise up so kill it. Sadly you have to go back the way you came, just learn the timing of the cylinders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relic Cross the bridge but don’t go through the door. Draw weapons and shoot the rock above the doorway. It will fall down, destroying part of the floor. Drop to the slide below and jump to grapple the hook beneath the bridge. Swing to the alcove ahead and pick up the medipack. Continue through the passage and climb up the ladder. Pick up the Torc of Embitterment, climb into the opening and drop down at the other side. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross the bridge and jump to the opposite side to end the level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [20] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________ Level 14 – The final Conflict |Artefact-4 Relic-0 Time Trial-23:50sec| -------------------------------------- Last level folks. The level begins where the last one ended, enter into the next room. Watch the long scene and prepare yourself for the first boss. Please read through the boss bit before you do it. Ive had a fair few emails regarding problems with this boss so make sure you are fully aware of how to kill him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss – Giant Mutant There is only one side of the platform that doesn’t touch a wall. This plays a part in the killing of the monster. Stand with your back to the lava and shoot it till it enters ‘rage’ mode. It will then either charge at you or slam his fist down in an attempt to hurt you. If he charges, make your way to the side of the platform that isnt shielded by a wall and complete the adrenaline dodge to make him fall off. Keep shooting till he pulls himself up. If, however, he slams his hand down, you MUST dodge his attack. Not only to preserve your health but also because his hand will get stuck in the platform. Move the right analog stick to lock onto his hand if it doesnt lock on automatically. Start shooting at his hand untill it...well... exploades:P nice image for you there. If it doesnt, repeat the process. Once his hand has gone, get him into rage mode again and this time he will charge at you. Get him to fall off and hang on the side, again, start shooting at his hand. As his other hand is no longer there it will take him longer to climb back up. When he's back on the platform repeat the process of removing his hand again (for the easily confused, the hand regrows after each time he hangs off the ledge :P) Once the hand is gone again, adrenaline dodge to make him fall off blah blah blah. Shoot his hand untill he climbs back up. Carry on repeating this technique a couple more times untill he looses complete grip on the platform and falls into the lava below. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the mutant is dead, the door opens, before heading through, collect any items that are in the area. Go through and follow the tunnel to a lava river. I bet you can guess how much fun this bits going to be :P Jump to the small ledge ahead and turn right. Jump across to the next ledge and pick up the Medipack. Jump to the vertical structure ahead and then to the next one. Jump to grab the opposite ledge and pull up. Kill the mutant that flies up from below and use the switch. When the second ledge stops, jump on it and enter the passage. Pick up the ammo and follow the passage along. As you enter the next room, a centaur will attack, so take care of him. Pick up the medipack and ammo in front of the door on the left and go to the other side of the room. Use the switch to close the door you came from and to open the other one. This also releases a flying mutant from one of the pods, so kill it. Go through the door you just opened with your weapons out. Kill the two mutants, go to the other side of the room and pick up the ammo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 1 and 2 Might as well get both of them in one go. Head into the pool of water and pull the lever to extend a ledge outside. Surface and climb out of the water. As you approach the ledge you just extended, a mutant will get released, so climb on the ledge and kill it from there. Climb into the opening and collect the medipack. Head into the next opening and push the movable cage to knock it down and into the room from before. Don’t go down yet, instead turn around and notice one of the artefacts on the ledge opposite you. Jump across and get it. Jump back to the opening. Drop to the room with the two lava pits and position the cage next to the stone pillar. Climb onto the cage and then onto the pillar. A flying mutant will come out so kill it. Climb on the ledge and use the switch to open the door. Drop down and push the cage into the corridor. Position it beneath the alcove on your left. Climb on the cage, then into the alcove. Pick up the artefact and drop down. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bring the cage back inside the room and position it next to the stone pillar (the one you used to climb to the lever). Climb on the cage, then on the pillar. This time, jump to grab the crevice above the lava. Quickly make your way across the ledges to the crevice in the other corner (don’t stay on them for too long as steam will fire out and knock you into the lava). From there, jump and grapple the hook on the wall. Wall run to reach the crevice on the left. Shimmy to the left and jump to grab the edge of the opening above. Pull up and pick up the ammo. Drop to the room with the pool, you’ll be behind some rocks. Jump to grab the lever on the wall and let it slide down. Let go and shoot the button before the lever comes back up, this opens one of three gates in the pool. Climb over the rocks to get back into the main area. There two more levers on the opposite side use both to open the other two gates in the pool. Be careful when you pull the left side one as a mutant is released. Jump into the pool and swim through the gates, getting a medipack on the way. Surface at the end of the tunnel and climb out of the water, follow the passage to a lava river. Go all the way down and jump to the ledge on the right side of the river. Move ahead and jump to the opposite side. Turn right and head to the edge. Jump to grab the ladder and climb to the top. Jump to grab the crevice on the left and before it releases steam, jump to grab the alcove above. Quickly move before it breathes fire and jump to grab the crevice above, then to the one on the left. Shimmy left and jump to grab the next crevice. Be careful here, as the lava waterfall can kill you if you touch it. Drop down to grab the ledge below. Pull up and pick up the medipack. Hang from the edge and drop to grab the lower ledge. Lean back and jump to the crevice behind you, release to grab the lower one. Then drop to the ground. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 3 You need to be quick, as the two ledges will sink when you stand on them. When you reach the second one, go right and jump to the stone ledge, this part is safe. Go behind the lava waterfall and collect the artefact. Return back to where you were. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump on the platform in the lava river and jump to grab the handhold ahead. Jump to grab the upper ledge and shimmy round the corner. Jump to land on the pole behind you and turn right. When the alcove stops breathing fire, jump to the next one. Jump to the horizontal pole, swing and jump to the ledge in front. Quickly jump to the safe ledge ahead. Turn left and jump to the next ledge. It won’t stay there for long so quickly jump to grab the ladder and climb to the top. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 4 It may be a good idea to go forward a few steps to create a checkpoint, just in case something drastic happens. Turn around and jump off the ledge. Use your grapple to grab the hook on the ceiling and swing across to the opposite side. Wait for the fire to go and drop down to get a medipack. Turn right and jump to the opposite ledge to get another medipack. Jump into the alcove on the right and pick up the artefact. Make your way back to the top of the ladder and head into the next room. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch the scene and its time to deal with Natla, bring it on. Although its all one big fight, its separated into two parts, it also makes things a bit easier. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final boss – Natla Part One Just to get things quite clear, you can’t kill Natla at the moment. I strongly recommend using your pistols for the fight, if you want to use the other weapons (not including the shotgun as its only short range and useless in this fight) then feel free, but you will run out of bullets. Natla’s wings are the only vulnerable part, so start shooting at them. Keep jumping from side to side (good, old traditional Tomb Raider method to killing a boss:P) to avoid her fireball attack. When about half her health is gone, the next cut scene will play. Part Two Like the boss battles before, the key to finishing her off, lies in ‘raging’ her. Don’t forget to keep dodging her attacks and keep firing at her. As soon as she is ‘raged’ she will start to charge at you, she will keep doing this till her rage bar is depleted. When she runs at you, you need to successfully complete the adrenalin dodge.This process can be a little trick as she will swipe her wings at you and you can complete the process. Ive found jumping directly over her to be the best way. It pretty much guarantee's a direct hit and avoides her wing attack. If you manage to get the bullet in, Natla will crouch down for a few seconds. When she does this you must be quick, lock onto the shiny bit on her back and fire away. She will go back to firing flame balls at you, get her into rage mode again and repeat the process of jumping over her and shooting the weak spot on her back. Do this a few times and eventually her health will go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- in order to get natla to crouch you have to hit the spot on her back with the adrenaline dodge. a way that is almost guaranteed is to charge natla as she charges you and the jam the analouge stick to the diagonal and dodge. lara should leap past natle but off to one side - thus avoiding the sweep of the wing - and nail the shot. this method has never failed for me. using the ordinary pistols to rile natla up then switching to the .50 calbre pistols and hammering the fire button when she's frozen usually brings her down in about 4 if not 3 goes. - Thanks to Phoenix for emailing me and letting me know :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch the scene and prepare for button pressing, when its over watch Lara escape the island. Well done kiddies, you’ve done it! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [21] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________ The Mansion – Lara’s Home |Artefacts-8 Relics-0 Time Trial- 19:00| -------------------------------------- Set out is like Legend but there’s so much more to do! And we get to go outside and the maze is back! The mansion is like a level in itself really, lots of things to do and collect and there is actually a point to completing it. It can be accessed at any point and serves as a training level as well, just like the good old days! Although completing this place takes some time, if your new to the game i reccomend running around and try out some of the moves just to get used to them. To be honest, the moves in Tomb Raider and easy to do and shouldnt take too long in mastering them. You start off in the main hall reading a letter apologising for the boxes and the clutter. When you have control climb up the boxes and jump to the top of the picture. Shimmy across and jump to the other side, here you will find a "decorative cog". Drop back down and find the moveable box hidden amongst the mess. Drag it out and put it on the pressure plate to reveal a hidden treasure behind the fireplace. There are many books scattered around the mansion, some are just for general reading, three contain clues to access something special in the level. You know if it’s a clue because a word will be highlighted. I’m not going to write down the extracts from the books, if you want to figure out the clues on your own…I suggest you stop reading this walkthrough. Head up the stairs and go left, head into the first door on the right. Follow the hall and enter the Library, once you enter, the door will lock you in. First things first, locate the pink book on the right hand side and push it, collect the Maze map from inside. Go up the stairs and notice the elephant behind the glass, head into the next room and pull the two levers to get your weapons. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 1 Exit from the room and shoot the glass to collect the elephant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stand on the edge of the walkway (next to the entrance of the room that held your guns) and jump to the painting. Jump off, back onto the walkway and quickly shoot the button hidden behind the painting. This opens the secret passage to the Trophy Room, head on through. Half way along you will find some boxes, hidden on some shelves is an Empty Bucket, pick it up. At the end, push the button and enter the room. If you have collected any of the relics in the levels, here is where they will be. Obviously if you haven’t got any, the cases will be empty. Head up the stairs and enter the room, shoot the right hand glass to obtain the Sundial piece. Head back down and push the button to unlock the doors. Exit and follow the hallway to the end, you will enter back into the main hall of the mansion. Time to enter the gardens. Go down the stairs and find the door in the right hand corner (if your back is to the stairs), follow the passage all the way and exit into the gardens. Make your way over to the sundial. Place the piece on the end and grab hold of the bar. Move the dial to point to 11, then 2, and then 7. The controller will vibrate when it’s near the number and it will ‘click’ into place when the right number is selected. If you really don’t know your roman numerals, the numbers are XI, II and VII. You now have access to the maze. Use the map to get around, the only problem is, there is no marker telling you where you are, so if you get lost your going to have to wander around until you reach a pattern on the map (usually a grass patch or a statue). If your majorly stuck there are a few maps scattered around on the internet or youtube a video of the process being done. Once youve sucessfully made it to the middle a few times, you'll know it off by heart. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefacts 2,3,4 They are all located in the maze. Use the map, along with my description to hopefully get the right location. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of them is located in the ‘cross’ pattern on your map, to the left of the entrance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another is in the far bottom right corner (circular pattern, I think it’s a fountain). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last one is in the square section directly above the entrance to the middle of the maze. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to get to the middle of the maze using the entrance from the top part. Use the map to make your way up there, its really simple once you learn the way. Once in the middle section you will see a large statue, he’s not complete yet. He needs a Bow and Arrow. Get the grapple from the side and use it to open the gates, you now have easy access to the maze. Leave here now and head back to the mansion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 5 Head into the library once again, use the grapple to hook the chandelier and pull it down. This opens a little room to the left of the door. Collect the elephant. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in the main area, head through the door on the top right (if your facing the stairs). Enter the gym, its time to get some goodies. A slight improvement from the original gym and the layout is similar (kind of) to Legend. Your going to take 6 journeys in here, 2 of them are for Artefacts. Blue mat number 1 – Jump to the pole, when you land it will rotate. Jump to the ledge on the wall and then jump across to the one on the left. From here, jump to the pole behind you, again this will rotate. Swing to the ledge on the wall in front, then jump across to the ladder. Climb up and jump to the alcove behind you, push the button to raise the four pillars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 6 Blue mat number 2 – Jump to the stone structure and climb to the top, shimmy round to the side and jump to land on the first pole. Jump to the next lowest pole and then onto the ledges in front. Climb up and shimmy all the way left, lean back and jump to the alcove with the elephant in. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue mat number 3 – Climb up the 2 ledges in front and shimmy left, climb up to the above ledge. Lean back and wall run to reach the ledge above the alcove. Shimmy round, drop down and jump across into the alcove. Push the button to rotate a pole. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Artefact 7 Blue mat number 3 – Again make your way up and use the grapple like before. If you haven’t played the game yet (or seen my walkthrough) you wont be familiar with my technique of awkward wall jumping. Once your grappled on the wall, turn the camera to face the wall. Start running, at her highest point when going left, push down and jump. This only works if the camera is facing the wall. You will land on a slope, jump to land on the next one and then onto the pole, it will rotate. Swing into the alcove and collect the treasure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue mat number 3 – Again climb on but this time go right, climb to the top most ledge and then jump to the one behind you. Shimmy along until you’re on the ledge on the wall. Jump across to the next one and then drop down, shimmy right all the way to the other side. Lean back and grapple, wall run and jump to reach the ledge above the slope. Shimmy to the end, jump to the pole behind you. Swing into the alcove and push the button to move the final pole. Blue mat number 3 – Make your way as before onto the ledge on the wall, jump across to the next one. Don’t drop down, this time lean back and jump to the pole. Swing to the hanging pole and climb on, jump across to the next one. From here, jump to the vertical pole, balance and jump to the next one. Finally jump to the metal platform and pick up the Wrench. Head back outside the manor. Go all the way to the other side and enter the gravel pit with the water tank. Use the Wrench and pull it back to get the water running again. Head back to the house and along the way fill up the Empty Bucket using the fountain. Once back inside, use the water on the fire and pick up the Arrow. Almost done, head into the pool house. Unfortunately the pool is under construction so no swimming is available. Locate the red dump bin in front, pull it back a few steps or until the floorboards wont let you. Turn right and grapple the statue with the pole, pull it to give access to it. At the other side is a see saw type walkway, however the plank of wood is being kept down, shoot the rope to make it useable. Use the pile of boxes in the corner and jump to the pole, swing across to grab the edge of the balcony, shimmy to the other side. Jump to the wood behind you and shimmy all the way to the other side. Jump to the pole behind you and swing to the upper balcony. Pull the big box full of poles to the hole in the floor to match the statue, move the poles to point in a cross direction. The panel reveals a button so shoot it, don’t drop down yet. Go behind the rubble on the left and shoot the rope holding the statue. Climb down and climb up the boxes again, shimmy around the balcony like before and onto the wooden plank. Shimmy round but not to the other side, lean back and jump to the walkway. In front of you is another walkway, to reach it you need to jump to the metal pole, balance on and jump off. If you didn’t move the pole in the dump bin far enough, go down and move it. Once across. Find the grapple hook on the wall, wall run to the other side. Push the crate off the walkway; you can use this to climb back up, rather than going the long way. Head into the balcony. Grapple the statue and pull, with enough force the arms will release the ball, as it falls it should roll into the hole. If not, give it a helping hand. Again, go behind the boxes in the corner and shoot the rope, just one left. Go back to where you pushed the box off the walkway. You need to jump to the see saw, allow it to tilt and run up and grab the other side. It can be a little tricky as you either don’t get enough height, or you tilt it too much. Keep trying and use the box to climb back up. Once you make it to the wooden plank, shimmy round. Jump to the planks of wood behind you and on the left, she will grab them, shimmy left a bit and when in the right part, jump to the balcony behind you. Shoot the final rope and the statue will crash through the floor and into the pool. Climb down and head underwater, collect the Bow that the statue dropped. Either swim through the tunnel and exit into the gym, or climb out, either way go back to the main area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artefact 8 Swim through the tunnel that leads to the gym, part way along you will find the last elephant. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go back to the gardens and back to the middle of the maze. Place the Bow and Arrow on the statue. Use the grapple to pull the grate off the front and place the cog inside, finally pull the lever to activate the statue. After the scene, collect the music box and head back to the mansion. Finally, last area. Go up the stairs, turn right and take the 2nd door on the left. Use the music box to gain access to the room, head through to finish the level. You can carry on with this level but there isn’t a lot else to do. You can play the instruments (nothing too exciting :P she’ll just push a key or pluck a string) if you head over to the Record Player you can listen to any of the music tracks you’ve unlocked so far. You can’t leave it playing and then run around the house like the original but the music is pretty cool. You can quit from the menu (remember to save the rewards if you haven’t done so!) or go back to the main area and use the front door to leave (its opposite the fire place). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [22] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rewards And Extra Things Please note, i have not included the cinematics and the music. Dont email me and let me know. Other than that, this list should be complete, if you find a mistake, please let me know. Special -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note to the Fans |Automatically available. -------------------|------------------------------------------------------ Style Units |Unlock by finding all the relics in the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Art Galleries (Some of these become available after getting a certain amount of artefacts from the required level, some require all of them to be collected. If you know the amount needed please let me know.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Origins of Lara Gallery |Collect artefacts from Level 1 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Box Art Gallery |Collect artefacts from Level 3 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Peru |Collect artfacts from level 4 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Kid |Collect artefacts from Level 9 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Kold |Collect artefacts from Level 10 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Egypt |Collect artefacts from Level 11 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Pierre |Collect artefacts from Level 5 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Game Gallery |Collect artefacts from Level 6 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Greece |Collect artefacts from Level 8 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Lost Island |Collect artefacts from Level 12 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Doppelganger |Collect artefacts from Level 14 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Natla |Collect artefacts from Level 14 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Atlantean Creatures |Collect artefacts from Level 14 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Items and Artifacts |Collect artefacts from Level 14 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Other Characters |Collect artefacts from Level 14 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Promotional Materials |Collect artefacts from Croft Manor Gallery | -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ TR1 vs. TR:A Peru Gallery|Collect artefacts from Level 3 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ TR1 vs. TR:A Greece |Collect artefacts from Level 7 Gallery | -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ TR1 vs. TR:A Egypt |Collect artefacts from Level 11 Gallery | -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ TR1 vs. TR:A Lost Island |Collect artefacts from Level 13 Gallery | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Bios -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lara Croft | Collect artefacts from Level 2 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Larson | Collect artefacts from Level 4 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Kid | Collect artefacts from Level 5 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Kold | Collect artefacts from Level 6 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Pierre | Collect artefacts from Level 8 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Winston | Collect artefacts from Level 10 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Natla | Collect artefacts from Level 11 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Doppelganger | Collect artefacts from Level 12 -------------------------|------------------------------------------------ Richard Croft | Collect artefacts from Level 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outfits -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anniversary | Automatically available ------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Legend | Collect relic from Level 1 (KILLER WHALE BOTTLE) ------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Doppelganger | Collect relic from Level 13 (TORC OF EMBITTERMENT) ------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Camouflage | Collect relic from Level 9 (MUMMIFIED CAT) ------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Golden | Collect relic from Level 7 (GRIFFIN HEAD PROTOME) ------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Croft Manor Sport | Collect relic from Level 7 (ATHENIAN OWL) ------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Classic | Collect relic from Level 3) (KERO MUG) ------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Wetsuit | Collect relic from Level 12) (CHALICE OF TORMENT) ------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Catsuit | Collect relic from Level 11) (HORUS IDOL) ------------------|------------------------------------------------------- Scorched Natla | Collect all relics) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relics -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Killer Whale Bottle |Level 1 - Mountain Caves --------------------|----------------------------------------------------- Kero Mug |Level 3 - Lost Valley --------------------|----------------------------------------------------- Athenian Owl |Level 7 - Midas's Palace --------------------|----------------------------------------------------- Griffin Head Protome|Level 7 - Midas's Palace --------------------|----------------------------------------------------- Mummified Cat |Level 9 - Temple Of Khamoon --------------------|----------------------------------------------------- Horus Idol |Level 11 - Sanctuary Of The Scion --------------------|----------------------------------------------------- Chalice of Torment |Level 12 - Natla's Mines --------------------|----------------------------------------------------- Torc Of Embitterment|Level 13 - The Great Pyramid -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits (Automatically Available) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaries -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unlock the commentary, complete all the levels for the apropriate area. Select Replay Level and scattered around the levels you will find floating crystals (much like the save crystals used in the original game) Press action and the game creators will chat about certain aspects of the game and the transition between the original and the remake. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheats -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Shotgun |Complete all Time Trials For Lost Island -------------------------------|------------------------------------------ Silver Mini SMGs |Complete all Time Trials For Lost Island -------------------------------|------------------------------------------ Infinite 50 Caliber Pistol Ammo|Complete all Time Trials for Peru -------------------------------|------------------------------------------ Show Enemy Health |Complete all Time Trials for Peru -------------------------------|------------------------------------------ Infinite Mini SMG Ammo |Complete Time Trials For Egypt -------------------------------|------------------------------------------ Infinite Health |Complete Time Trials For Egypt -------------------------------|------------------------------------------ Infinite Shotgun Ammo |Complete Time Trials For Greece -------------------------------|------------------------------------------ All Weapons |Complete Time Trials For Greece -------------------------------|------------------------------------------ Textureless Mode |Finish the game -------------------------------|------------------------------------------ Infinite Breath |Finish the game -------------------------------|------------------------------------------ Sunglasses |Finish the game -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replay Level -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unlock a level you MUST have completed the area the level is in. For example, to unlock the lost valley you must have finished all the Peru levels. To unlock St Francis Folly, you have to finish all the levels in Greece etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [23] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions Ive had a few frequests asking about the maze in the Croft Manor. To help you guys out ive made a map, i will try and get it uploaded soon, so keep an eye out for that :) Aslo a few people have asked about the outfits. Yes they are playable in the game. Go to the menu, select "replay level" and choose the outfit from there. You CANT start a new game with the costumes, sorry, you can only play the game fully using the anniversary oufit. Glitches - All games will have them, it would be wonderful if they didnt. I'm not going to make a list of them because i simply dont know them all. If you come across one, let me know and i will post it here (with your permission of course) so that everyone else is aware of it :) Centaur boss-i havent credited people becuase ive had so many people ask. Alot of people have emailed me saying they have had problems with this boss. Mainly, the grapple will refuse to connect to the sheild. You HAVE to complete the adrenaline dodge to stun the centaur for a few moments. To sucessfully do the dodge, you have to wait for the on screen icon which tells you to dodge. Then wait for the white circle to hover around the boss, when it turns red press the trigger button. If you press it before or after the circle turns red, the adrenaline dodge cannot be completed. Also, make sure your facing the centuar, most of the time the grapple is pretty nice and will go where you want it to, but just make sure. You only need to press square once, pressing it again will let go of the grapple and thats where some of you are having trouble. I still think that there is a glitch that does stop you from grappling. Again, all i can reccomend is that you save the game (it will load just before you fight the boss, so you dont have to worry about re doing the level) turn the PS2 off (it gets a little hot and bothered so be gentle with it, let it have a little rest) and turn the game back on. Most glitches will go after you have reset the console, however if your spending a week on one part clearly theres something a bit more severe going on :P -Time trial problems.ive had a couple of emails regarding problems with completing time trials and unlocking the "cheats".Now with most problems it could be a simple glitch error...with most gitches,saving,turning the console off and back on again should correct this. i keep getting asked that they are completing X level in the alloted time i have given and yet when the level is completed it does not acknowledge that the time trial has been completed.Also certain cheats are not being activated when trials have been completed. Time trials are a pain :P we all know this but despite being so annoying we feel the compulsion to complete them :P so if your having problems read this... To actually play the level on time trial you have to access the option from the main menu (i think this is where some people have got confused and just think replaying the level is enough).Load the game,Select "start game" and you will get the option to start a new game etc... select the option "replay level" and THEN change the difficulty setting to "time trial" and there you go :P choose the level and your set :) for the easily confused there will be a timer counting down as you play the level...if you see no timer...then your not on time trial mode. Finally you cannot,no way,zip-all chance of using the cheats during your first play through of the game.Sorry folks :P if we had super pumped up weapons during your first gameplay it just wouldnt be the same would it? :p hense...the option to use the cheats you have activated will become available as soon as you complete the game :) so you can complete the time trials before completing the game, you just cant get the reward of doing so till later on :P Last note, the levels become available for time trial when you complete the whole area, not just the specific level. Example, you must be IN Greece before the Peru levels become available for Time Trial. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [24] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Thoughts What a fantastic game! It was brilliant and what makes it 10 times better, is that it’s a remake we like! When has that ever happened? Personally when I first found out this was going to be a remake I wasn’t happy, mainly because I wanted them to get Legend 2 out but alas I shall have to wait another year…and till I own the console…damn didn’t think about that. I’m sorry but I still thought this game was a little short. I know Tomb Raiders aren’t really long games but…I don’t know. Overall I still loved this game. Graphics were amazing! Only thing I didn’t like was some of the stuff they cut from the game…like levels… and…stuff :P would have given us a couple of hours more play time. The extras were really good and I love the outfits! Wouldn’t it be better if in the Natla costume we could actually fly?! Would make time trials a breeze :P Anyway, enough of me rambling, I suppose I should include some sort of contact info. This is my first ever FAQ so undoubtedly its not going to be perfect. My email address is shadow_child@hotmail.co.uk. If you want to ask me something feel free, if you want to me to add something, feel free to ask. If I’ve made a mistake, please let me know (something serious like a whole level:P I don’t want someone telling me I’ve missed out some grammar or something. This is a walkthrough, not an English essay). OR if you just feel like saying what a damn good job I’ve done…please feel free. I will try and get back to you as soon as I can, I check my mail like 34 times a day so :P ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please, please PLEASE dont send me junk mail.i get enough already. so no more 'send this to 50 people in the next 5 seconds or you'll have bad luck for eternity' :P if it makes you feel big having 50 friends to send this to then im happy for you, but i dont want junk mail. Also PLEASE give a title to the email stating something relating to the game. please? and ive had a couple of emails lately that well..havent been too detailed. im not asking for a full page description...just please be a tiny bit detailed. I dont mind you saying 'i hope you know where i mean' becuase i know this game too well:P but i had an email that said 'im in a level and im stuck and dont know how to get to this ledge.HELP!' im not joking. There are 15 levels in this game with countless ledges, please just be a little nicer with the descriptions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I feel the need to point out a few things after some recent emails. 1.If you dont like my walkthrough, dont read it, im not forcing you to. 2.Dont email me to slag my work off, then ask me for help. its a joke, and i wont help you. 3.Please be aware of time differences, i am in the uk. I also need sleep:P i cant be awake all the time to email you back. Please be patient and i will email you as soon as i get a chance :) 4.If you ask me something and i dont answer it to your satisfaction, im sorry. I am not a fountain of knowledge :P i have replied to every email that has been sent, and with that i try to help as best as i can. If you dont like what i have to say, figure it out for yourself, or go ask someone else. 5.PLEASE only ask about the PS2 version. I have not, nor never will play this game on the PC (or other console). If its about the game then i will help but i'm not sure if the game varies slightly between the consoles, so my information may be incorrect. If you are NOT playing the PS2 version then it might be wise to look up a different guide if something doesnt add up from my guide and your game. 6.Lastly, thank you to everyone who has emailed me so far. Youve liked my guide (or so you say :P) and im happy to know its helped you guys :) keep up the good work. That is all...for now :P -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are only 2 reasons why i wont reply, 1.Please check in the frequently asked questions section if your question is there, saves you the effort of emailing me a question ive already answered :) and 2.i need to understand the email.Please state that its something to do with the game, else i will regard it as junk. Try and be a little specific on your location. Dont say "im stuck on a ledge, where do i go?" tell me what level and stuff.its a simple request :) Oh, legal stuff. Please please PLEASE ask if you want to take something from my walkthrough. I’m a nice person, chances are I’ll let you take it, just email me to ask and I’ll let you know. Right kiddies, that’s all from me. It’s been a blast, I shall miss you all. Be safe and…erm..yea..bye!