------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warhammer: Battle for Atluma Sony Playstation Portable (PSP) Updated 02/28/07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Army Deck Cardlist FAQ by AngelDefender] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warhammer: Battle for Atluma Cardlist FAQ v0.9 Copyright 2007 - Jon Carlo Aragon This FAQ cannot be posted in any form without the written consent of Jon Carlo Aragon (aka AngelDefender). The only authorized site to post this file is GameFAQs.com and its affiliates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (0) [Table of Contents] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (0) Table of Contents (1) Version History/Notes (2) FAQ Information (3) Card List Quick-Index (Alphabetical) (4) "Neutral" Cards (Dogs of War) (5) "Good" Cards (Grand Alliance) (6) "Evil" Cards (Hordes of Darkness) (7) Special Thanks/References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) [Version History/FAQ Notes] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Current FAQ version is "0.9", meaning that this cardlist is not guaranteed to have 100% completeness because the game developers did not provide a final, definite number of cards that are available in the game. Bandai Namco just announced a possible "450+" cards available, of which I currently have 400+. Therefore, until the final number of cards are confirmed this "Army" cardlist is tentatively at "90%+ completion". [-] This FAQ version (v0.9) will only contain the card's attributes and abilities. When the initial FAQ has been accepted and posted, additional card notes ("flavor text", comments, user opinions, etc) MAY be included in the next versions, if it meets GameFAQ's criteria. [-] This is one of my many attempts to contribute to GameFAQs, and due to the current interest level in the game in the GameFAQs forum (please see link below) I will continue to update this and other of my submitted FAQs.Please post your opinions/questions in the topic "Questions on Warhammer for PSP?" http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=933959&topic=33454589 [-] Version History: v0.9 - first edition (213 Army Cards) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) [FAQ Information] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Due to the number of cards in the PSP game, I broke the cardlists into two categories (and separate files/FAQ) as reflected in-game by the "Army Deck" and "Action Deck". This FAQ covers the Army Deck cards and is further categorized by faction (side). Deck-builders can only create an Army Deck composed of either "Good" or "Evil" factions, or all "Neutral" decks (which default to the "Evil" faction). "Neutral" cards can be included in either "Good" or "Evil" sides/factions as well. [-] You may notice that I had entered some words in "quotations", this simply means that I am trying to direct your attention to something special (a trigger effect, requirement, condition, etc.), otherwise the text has been copied straight from the card itself. In later versions I will include comment sections for each card to further explain the "quoted" word(s). [-] I had wanted to include a "terminology section", but I think would be impractical for this format (not to mention space-wise), so I hope that you understands most of the game's mechanics and wordings ("blocking", "non- infantry", "committed", etc). If you need any help please post a question in the GameFAQ message board (link provided above) and I'll answer it as best as I can (if it relates to the game). Don't worry if you think your question might sound too "newbie" because there are NO bad questions. [-] I WILL put one important term that is relevant to this FAQ : "Fortifications" are units which have the inherent ability of being unable to "initiate" an attack, AND if the fortification is being targeted (under attack) by the enemy, any of your other ready INFANTRY units could "block" or intercept this attack. "Fortifications" are just what they sound like, immobile buildings with no tactic points, but they normally provide a support tactic or other benefit for your units (not to mention allowing you to effectively control and react to enemy attacks or "pick your fights"). I have not included this description for each "fortification" to avoid redundancy. Now enough with the speeches, on to the cardlist! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) [Card List Quick-Index (Alphabetical)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Index#) "Card Name" -------------------- (N.01) Abandoned Fort (G.58) Aetholbrin Eldenstar (N.02) Al'muktar's Desert Dogs (G.59) Alarielle, the Everqueen (G.60) Alith's Shadowed Steeds (G.30) Altdorf Halberdiers (G.31) Ar-Ulric's Teutogen Guard (G.61) Archers of Nightfall (G.62) Aveldan's Sea Rangers (H.01) Azyrneth's Deathbringers (H.02) Azyrneth's Skullreavers (N.11) Bane Banner (N.12) Banner of Terror (G.01) Barak's Strongbolts (H.51) Bartog's Savage Rippas (H.25) Beastlord Rakarth of Karrond Kar (N.03) Beorg's Bearmen (H.52) Big Boss Ghulgar Headsplitter (H.53) Big Gulgog's Maulers (H.03) Bileth's Marauders (H.04) Bilith's Madmen (H.26) Black Ark Hunters (G.32) Black Knights of Morr (H.27) Blades of Twilight (H.54) Blagark the Colossal (N.13) Bloodfire Scythe (G.92) Boldur Runestriker (G.02) Bolok Rocksmasher, Drummer of Karaz (H.85) Borgokk Bonecaster (G.03) Borri Durinsson's Stoutbeards (G.33) Bremen's Knight Panther (H.05) Bull Lords of Pain (H.06) C'ulvan's Chosen (H.07) C'ulvan's Pestilence Swarm (N.14) Cache of Scrolls (G.63) Calamir Truedance (G.64) Calath's Sentinels (G.65) Caradril's Silver Arrows (G.34) Carroburg City Garrison (G.35) Carroburg Swordguard (G.66) Celethil's Swordmasters (H.08) Chaos Furies (H.09) Charon Helgor's Deathreapers (G.67) Cothique Sapphire Company (H.10) D'aggorn's Deathblades (H.11) D'aggorn's Hellrazers (N.04) Dark Emissary (H.28) Death Dealer (H.29) Death Reapers (H.30) Death Swords (H.12) Deathclaw Brethren (G.93) Doramin Gimragson (G.04) Dorgan's Iron Guard (G.05) Dorgan's Ironshields (G.68) Dragon Princes (G.06) Droken Stoneheart (G.69) Eagle's Claw (G.70) Ellerion's Ghost Blades (N.15) Enchanted Armor (N.16) Enchanted Halberd (G.94) Erwin Fandelhoch (G.36) Fabian Techlich (G.37) Fandelhoch's Crossbowmen (G.38) Fandelhoch's Hellblaster (G.39) Fandelhoch's Yeomen (H.31) Fell Sisters of Clar Karond (G.07) Forest Stalkers (G.71) Galathel's Greycloaks (G.08) Ganulf's Youngbeards (G.09) Garagrim Ironfist (G.10) Gates of Karaz-A-Karak (G.40) Gausser's Foresters (H.55) Ghulbag's Big 'Uns (H.56) Ghulgar's Tuska Boyz (H.13) Gibbering Hordes (H.57) Gitnob's Gitz (H.58) Gobbo Elfchasers (G.11) Greybeard Thunderers (H.59) Grimgore's Spider Riders (G.12) Grimjaw's Excavators (G.13) Grimjaw's Grudgebearers (G.14) Gripnir's Stormguard (H.60) Grubbi Hookblade (H.61) Grubbi's Wolfboyz (N.05) Grunson's Marauders (H.86) Gurt Bigfist (H.32) Ha'asek's Knights of Terror (H.33) Ha'asek's Twilight Ghosts (H.34) Ha'asek's Witch Elves (H.35) Ha'asek's Wraithriders (G.41) Halbediers of Ostland (H.36) Har Ganeth Executioners (H.37) Hellebron's Witches (H.14) Herd of Skulkkoth (G.15) High King Thorgrim (N.17) Hilt of the Norn Sword (G.72) Ilthorial's Riders (G.73) Imrik, Dragon Prince of Caledor (G.74) Imrik's Knights (G.16) Iron Brotherhood (G.17) Ironfist's Disciples (G.18) Izzumbard's Old Growlers (H.62) Jezzi Poisonbite (H.63) Jezzi's Ambush Gang (H.64) Jezzi's Stingers (H.65) Kaltorg Skinripper (G.42) Katarin's Lancers (H.38) Khardil, Herald of Naggaroth (G.43) Knight General Mikael Kobernecht (G.44) Knights of Sigmar's Blood (G.45) Knights of the North Star (G.46) Knights of the Panther's Claw (G.47) Kobernecht's Crossbowmen (H.87) Kogkog the Dangerous (H.66) Kurgrot's Doom Divers (H.15) Kurlon the Rotten, Trumpeter of Decay (G.75) Lathain's Patrol (N.06) Leonus the Beastmaster (H.39) Lillet Nightwind (G.76) Luril Ellerion (G.77) Mage Bilgarim Whitestar (G.95) Malakai Makaisson (H.40) Malus Darkblade (H.67) Manmangler's Armoured Orcs (H.68) Manmangler's Boarboyz (H.69) Manmangler's River Trolls (N.18) Master Kwoh (H.41) Menghil's Mankillers (G.48) Middenheim Halberdiers (G.49) Middenland Swordsmen (N.19) Mighty Warhorn (H.70) Moonscowler's Jabbers (H.42) Morbeth's Corsairs (H.43) Morbeth's Dread Knights (H.71) Mulguk's Smashas (H.44) Narsin's Black Guard (H.72) Nazall the Nasty (H.73) Ogdrag's Arrer Boyz (H.74) Ozol's Snotling Swarm (G.78) Phoenix Guard of Asuryan (H.75) Pigstikkas (G.50) Piotr's Gryphon Legion (H.16) Pleasureseekers (G.79) Quenarion's Brightspears (H.88) Raaghra the Culler (H.76) Raggedy Banner (G.51) Reik River Patrol (G.52) Reikmarshall Kurt Helborg (G.53) Reiksguard Knights (G.80) Rhyian Dawnrider (G.81) Rhyian's Emerald Company (G.82) Riders of the Golden Star (H.45) Rikhaine's Foot (H.77) Rotfang's Brawlerz (G.19) Runesmith Gottri Grimsson (H.46) Ryneys Sharpwing (H.89) Rynsethryn Cruelheart (H.47) Sa'Har the Ashen Lord (H.48) Sa'Har's Ashen Riders (G.83) Sea Guard of the Northern Ports (N.07) Sengupta's Cobra Cult (G.20) Skollan Stoneheart (H.17) Skulkkoth the Defiler (G.96) Sons of Grungni (G.84) Sorrow's Song (N.20) Standard Bearer (N.21) Standard of Faith (N.22) Sword of Striking (H.18) Swords of Chaos (H.19) Tallymen of Plagues (G.54) Tamislav Ratai (G.21) Thagrund the Greybeard (G.22) Thagrund's Gold Miners (G.23) Thagrund's Longbeards (G.24) Thagrund's War Cannon (G.85) The Bow of the Seafarer (H.78) The Conqueror's Smashin' Boyz (N.08) The Crowmaster (H.20) The Destroyer (H.49) The Gates of Karond Kar (G.25) The Hammer of Fate (G.55) The Penitents of Altdorf (H.50) The Serrated (G.26) Thorek Ironbrow (G.27) Thorgrim's Trollslayers (G.97) Toby Rultzpold (N.09) Truthsayer (G.86) Tylith Puresong (G.87) Tyrion's Ulthuan Defenders (H.21) Tzadiqel's Enchanted Warriors (H.22) Tzadiqel's Screaming Chariot (H.79) Ugbog's Big Rumbler (G.28) Ulfson's Sharpshooters (N.23) Unity Stone (H.80) Urguck's Chainas (H.81) Urguck's Chukka Boyz (H.82) Uzzag Gharkhul Skullburster (G.88) Vanguard of the Silver Lord (G.29) Varamir's Forest Walkers (H.90) Vial of Unicorn Blood (H.23) Virhoch's Blood Trackers (H.24) Virhoch's Hounds (G.56) Von Trapp's Mortars (N.24) War Banner (G.57) Warriors of Ulric (N.10) Watch Tower (H.83) Wazzi Moonscowler (H.84) Wazzi's Night Raiderz (G.89) White Lions of Chrace (G.90) Whitestar's Defenders (G.91) Whitestar's Protectorate (G.98) Witch Hunter (H.91) Zarahadron, Hydra of War ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) ["Neutral" Cards (Dogs of War)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (N.01) Abandoned Fort (Unit/Fortification) [Cost:2 / Str:2 / Tac:0 / Ldr:1] Support Tactic: your unit gets "+1 ranged attack". (N.02) Al'muktar's Desert Dogs (Unit/Cavalry) (**Unique**) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength". If you lost this combat, remove this unit from the game. (N.03) Beorg's Bearmen (Unit/Infantry) (**Unique**) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Terror:1" Combat Tactic: This unit gets "+2 strength" vs "cavalry". (N.04) Dark Emissary (Unit/Infantry) (**Unique**) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Wizard:2" Spell Support Tactic (1): your unit gets "Terror:2". (N.05) Grunson's Marauders (Unit/Infantry) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] "Ranged Attack:4" / "Wizard:2" / "Scout:2" / "Terror:2" / "Faith:2" (N.06) Leonus the Beastmaster (Unit/Cavalry) (**Unique**) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength". This unit may not make a "follow-up attack". (N.07) Sengupta's Cobra Cult (Unit/Infantry) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] Support Tactic: the enemy unit gets a "-1 strength" token. (N.08) The Crowmaster (Unit/Infantry) (**Unique**) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Wizard:2" Spell Support Tactic (1): your unit gets "+2 ranged attack". (N.09) Truthsayer (Unit/Infantry) (**Unique**) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] "Wizard:2" Spell Support Tactic (2): your unit gets a "+1 strength" token. (N.10) Watch Tower (Unit/Fortification) [Cost:2 / Str:2 / Tac:0 / Ldr:1] "Scout:2" Support Tactic: Your unit gets "+1 strength". (N.11) Bane Banner (Attachment/Standard) (**Unique**) [Cost:1] Combat Tactic (Discard you Hand): This unit gets "+4 strength". (N.12) Banner of Terror (Attachment/Standard) [Cost:1] This unit gets "Terror:2". (N.13) Bloodfire Scythe (Attachment/Weapon) (**Unique**) [Cost:1] Warcry: reduce the enemy unit's strength to half of it's current strength, rounding down. (N.14) Cache of Scrolls (Attachment/Item) [Cost:1] This unit gets "Wizard:1". (N.15) Enchanted Armor (Attachment/Armor) [Cost:1] Combat Tactic:If this combat ends in a "slaughter", your unit wins instead. (N.16) Enchanted Halberd (Attachment/Weapon) [Cost:1] This unit may play tactics as if "blocking" or "being blocked". Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength". (N.17) Hilt of the Norn Sword (Attachment/Shard) (**Unique**) [Cost:1] Combat Tactic: "Combat Tactic" cards you play have their "tactic point" cost reduced by 1. (N.18) Master Kwoh (Attachment/Character) (**Unique**) [Cost:1] "Wizard:1" While this unit is in combat,your "tactic cards" cost 1 less "spell point". (N.19) Mighty Warhorn (Attachment/Item) [Cost:1] This unit gets "Scout:3". (N.20) Standard Bearer (Attachment/Character) [Cost:1] This unit gets "Victory: +3". (N.21) Standard of Faith (Attachment/Standard) [Cost:1] This unit gets "Faith:2". (N.22) Sword of Striking (Attachment/Weapon) [Cost:1 / Str: +1] (N.23) Unity Stone (Attachment/Item) (**Unique**) [Cost:1] Support Tactic: your unit with the same "army keyword" as this unit gets "+1 strength". (N.24) War Banner (Attachment/Standard) [Cost:2] While this unit is ready, all your "combat rolls" get +1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5) ["Good" Cards (Grand Alliance)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (G.01) Barak's Strongbolts (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:4] "Short Ranged Attack:6" (G.02) Bolok Rocksmasher, Drummer of Karaz (Attachment/Character)(*Dwarf Only*) [Cost:1] Support Warcry: your "Dwarf" unit gets "+3 strength". Only playable if you have a "War Machine" and a "Fortification" in play. (G.03) Borri Durinsson's Stoutbeards (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:4] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength" vs "ranged attack" units. (G.04) Dorgan's Iron Guard (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Victory:+2" Combat Tactic: this unit gets"+2 strength".Only playable vs "Skaven" units. (G.05) Dorgan's Ironshields (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Victory:+2" While this unit is in combat, your enemy may not use "support tactics". (G.06) Droken Stoneheart (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:4] Combat Tactic: double this unit's strength. You may not play any more tactics this combat. (G.07) Forest Stalkers (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Scout:1" Combat Tactic: this unit gets a strength bonus equal to its "Scout" level. (G.08) Ganulf's Youngbeards (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:2 / Str:2 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] 'Victory:+2" (G.09) Garagrim Ironfist (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) (**Unique**) [Cost:6 / Str:7 / Tac:5 / Ldr:5] "Victory:-2" Support Tactic: your "Dwarf" unit gets "+2 strength" vs "monster" and "Daemon" units. Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" if you have 3 or more cards in your hand. (G.10) Gates of Karaz-A-Karak (Unit/Fortification/Dwarf) (**Unique**) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:0 / Ldr:1] "Victory:+2" Support Tactic: your "Dwarf" unit gets "+1 strength". (G.11) Greybeard Thunderers (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:4 / Str:2 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] "Long Ranged Attack:4" / "Victory:+2" Support Tactic: your unit gets "+1 ranged attack". Only playable during a "ranged attack". (G.12) Grimjaw's Excavators (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] Support Warcry: your enemy may not play "support tactics". (G.13) Grimjaw's Grudgebearers (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Support Tactic: your unit gets "+2 strength". Only playable if this unit has a "standard" attached. (G.14) Gripnir's Stormguard (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:5 Str:5 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength". Only usable while this unit has a "weapon" attachment. Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength". Only usable while this unit has an "armor" attachment. (G.15) High King Thorgrim (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) (**Unique**) [Cost:6 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:4] Warcry (discard your hand): this unit gets "+4 stength" Support Warcry: your "Dwarf" unit gets "+2 strength". Only playable while your unit is losing the combat. (G.16) Iron Brotherhood (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Victory:+2" (G.17) Ironfist's Disciples (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:4 / Str:2 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+X strength" vs "monster" units. "X" equals the enemy unit's "gold cost". (G.18) Izzumbard's Old Growlers (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf/War Machine) [Cost:2 / Str:0 / Tac:1 / Ldr:2] "Ranged Attack:4" Support Warcry: your unit gets "+1 ranged attack" for each of your "war machine" units in the "battle line". (G.19) Runesmith Gottri Grimsson (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Runesmith:1" (counts as "Wizard") While this unit is in combat, all your enemy's "spells" cost 1 additional "spell point". (G.20) Skollan Stoneheart (Unit/Infantry/DwarF) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:4 / Ldr:4] Warcry: this unit gets a strength bonus equal to the enemy unit's "printed" strength. (G.21) Thagrund the Greybeard (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) (**Unique**) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] "Faith:2" Support Tactic: your unit gets "+1 strength". Only playable if your unit has a "weapon" attachment. (G.22) Thagrund's Gold Miners (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] Warcry: destroy all enemy "strategy cards". This unit gets "+1 strength" for each "strategy card" destroyed. (G.23) Thagrund's Longbeards (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:5 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] "Victory:+1" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" if this is the first battle, "+2 strength" if this is the second battle, or "+3 strength" if this is the third battle. (G.24) Thagrund's War Cannon (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf/War Machine) [Cost:3 / Str:1 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] "Short Ranged Attack:8" Support Tactic: both units in the combat get "-3 tactic points". (G.25) The Hammer of Fate (Attachment/Weapon) (**Unique**) (*Dwarf Only*) [Cost:2] Spell Warcry(2): this unit gets a strength bonus equal to its "leadership". (G.26) Thorek Ironbrow (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:4] "Runesmith:2" (counts as "Wizard") Spell Support Tactic(1): your "Dwarf" unit gets "Terror:2". (G.27) Thorgrim's Trollslayers (Unit/Infantry/DwarF) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:4 / Ldr:4] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength" vs "monster" units. (G.28) Ulfson's Sharpshooters (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Ranged Attack:4" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 ranged attack" for each of your "war machine" units. (G.29) Varamir's Forest Walkers (Unit/Infantry/Dwarf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Scout:2" While this unit is in combat, your enemy may not play "tactic cards" with a "tactic point" cost greater than 2. (G.30) Altdorf Halberdiers (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:3 / Str:4 / Tac:1 / Ldr:3] (G.31) Ar-Ulric's Teutogen Guard (Unit/Infantry/Empire) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / Str:4 / Tac:5 / Ldr:4] "Faith:1" Support Tactic: your "Empire" unit gets "+2 strength". Only playable if the enemy unit has a printed "leadership" of 2 or less. (G.32) Black Knights of Morr (Unit/Cavalry/Empire) [Cost:5 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] This unit is immune to "Terror" while in combat with "Khemri" and "Vampire Counts" units. Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" and "+2 leadership". (G.33) Bremen's Knight Panther (Unit/Cavalry/Empire) [Cost:4 / Str:2 / Tac:6 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+X strength". "X" equals the number of "infantry" units in the "battle line". Only playable while attacking or defending from the "battle line". (G.34) Carroburg City Garrison (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:2 / Str:2 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] Support Tactic (commit): the enemy unit gets "-2 leadership". (G.35) Carroburg Swordguard (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] "Scout:2" Warcry: this unit gets a strength bonus equal to its "Scout" level. (G.36) Fabian Techlich (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Faith:2" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength". Only playable vs "Khemri" or "Vampire Counts" units. (G.37) Fandelhoch's Crossbowmen (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Short Ranged Attack:6" Support Tactic: your unit gets "+1 strength" vs "cavalry" units. (G.38) Fandelhoch's Hellblaster (Unit/Infantry/Empire/War Machine) [Cost:3 / Str:1 / Tac:2 / Ldr:1] Support Warcry: your unit gets "+2 strength". Only playable while your enemy has another copy of the unit that is in the combat. (G.39) Fandelhoch's Yeomen (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:2 / Str:1 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] "Ranged Attack:4" Support Tactic (commit): your unit gets "+4 strength" vs "blocking" units. (G.40) Gausser's Foresters (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Scout:3" / "Ranged Attack:6" Warcry: this unit gets "+1 strength" or "+1 ranged attack" for each of your other "Scout" units. (G.41) Halbediers of Ostland (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" vs "cavalry" units. Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" vs "Chaos" units. (G.42) Katarin's Lancers (Unit/Cavalry/Empire/Kislev) [Cost:5 / Str:3 / Tac:4 / Ldr:4] Warcry: this unit gets "+4 strength" vs "infantry". (G.43) Knight General Mikael Kobernecht (Unit/Flyer/Empire/Monster) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] "Terror:1" While this unit is in combat, your enemy may not play "Warcry" cards or abilities. (G.44) Knights of Sigmar's Blood (Unit/Cavalry/Empire) [Cost:5 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:4] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength". Only usable while "blocking". (G.45) Knights of the North Star (Unit/Cavalry/Empire) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Warcry: this unit gets "+1 strength" for each of your "committed" "war machines". (G.46) Knights of the Panther's Claw (Unit/Cavalry/Empire) [Cost:5 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:4] Combat Tactic: this "attacking" unit gets "+1 strength". Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" for each of your "Dwarf" units. (G.47) Kobernecht's Crossbowmen (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:2 / Str:1 / Tac:1 / Ldr:2] "Short Ranged Attack:3" Support Tactic (commit): your unit gets "+2 ranged attack". (G.48) Middenheim Halberdiers (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:2 / Str:1 / Tac:2 / Ldr:1] Support Tactic (commit): your unit gets "+2 strength". (G.49) Middenland Swordsmen (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Support Tactic (commit): your unit gets "+3 leadership". (G.50) Piotr's Gryphon Legion (Unit/Cavalry/Empire/Kislev) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:0 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+5 tactic points". (G.51) Reik River Patrol (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Short Ranged Attack:8" (G.52) Reikmarshall Kurt Helborg (Unit/Cavalry/Empire) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / Str:4 / Tac:6 / Ldr:3] While this unit is "ready", your "cavalry" may play "Warcry" cards as if they were "combat tactics". (G.53) Reiksguard Knights (Unit/Cavalry/Empire) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 tactic points". Only playable while you have a "ready" "Unique" unit. (G.54) Tamislav Ratai (Unit / Cavalry/Empire/Kislev) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] "Terror:1" Combat Tactic: the enemy unit gets "-X strength". "X" equals this unit's "Terror" level. (G.55) The Penitents of Altdorf (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:3 / Str:0 / Tac:0 / Ldr:5] "Terror:1" Warcry: this unit gets "+1 strength" for each card in your enemy's hand. (G.56) Von Trapp's Mortars (Unit/Infantry/Empite/War Machine) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] "Long Ranged Attack:6" Support Warcry: all units in this combat get "-2 tactic points". (G.57) Warriors of Ulric (Unit/Infantry/Empire) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" for each of your "committed" units. (G.58) Aetholbrin Eldenstar (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / Str:3 / Tac:5 / Ldr:4] "Wizard:2" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" for each of your "ranged attack" units. (G.59) Alarielle, the Everqueen (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / [Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:4] "Wizard:2" Support Tactic: your unit gets "+1 strength" or "+1 ranged attack". (G.60) Alith's Shadowed Steeds (Unit/Cavalry/High Elf) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] This unit gets "Terror:2" while "attacking" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" vs "Dark Elf" units. (G.61) Archers of Nightfall (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] "Ranged Attack:6" Support Tactic: your unit gets "+1 strength" vs "cavalry" units. (G.62) Aveldan's Sea Rangers (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:2 / Str:1 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] "Scout:2" / "Ranged Attack:4" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength" vs "Dark Elf" units. (G.63) Calamir Truedance (Unit/Cavalry/High Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Wizard:1" Spell Support Warcry (3): your unit gets a strength bonus equal to its "tactic points". Spell Warcry (2): this unit gets a strength bonus equal to its "tactic points". (G.64) Calath's Sentinels (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Support Tactic: your "High Elf" unit gets "+1 strength". Only usable while this unit is in the "battle line". (G.65) Caradril's Silver Arrows (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:5 / Ldr:2] "Ranged Attack:6" (G.66) Celethil's Swordmasters (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] While this unit is in combat, your tactic cards cost 1 less "tactic point". (G.67) Cothique Sapphire Company (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:4 / Ldr:4] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" for each "strategy" card you have in play. (G.68) Dragon Princes (Unit/Cavalry/High Elf) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 tactic point" for each of your "ready" "cavalry" units. (G.69) Eagle's Claw (Unit/Infantry/High Elf/War Machine) [Cost:3 / Str:1 / Tac:1 / Ldr:1] "Ranged Attack:5" Support Tactic (commit): your unit gets "+2 strength". (G.70) Ellerion's Ghost Blades (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:5 / Ldr:3] "Ranged Attack:6" (G.71) Galathel's Greycloaks (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] "Scout:4" (G.72) Ilthorial's Riders (Unit/Cavalry/High Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:4 / Ldr:2] While "attacking" from the "battle line", this unit attacks as a "flyer". (G.73) Imrik, Dragon Prince of Caledor (Unit/Flyer/High Elf) (**Unique**) [Cost:6 / Str:5 / Tac:6 / Ldr:5] Reaction: After your "High Elf" unit "routs" an enemy unit, choose the target of it's "follow-up attack". (G.74) Imrik's Knights (Unit/Cavalry/High Elf) (**Unique**) [Cost:6 / Str:4 / Tac:6 / Ldr:4] Warcry: this unit gets "+3 strength". Only usable while "attacking" from the "battle line". (G.75) Lathain's Patrol (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] "Long Ranged Attack:6" (G.76) Luril Ellerion (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Wizard:1" Spell Combat Tactic (1): this unit gets "Terror:1" for each of your other "wizard" units. (G.77) Mage Bilgarim Whitestar (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Wizard:1" Spell Support Tactic (1): your unit gets "+1 leadership". (G.78) Phoenix Guard of Asuryan (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:6 / Str:5 / Tac:4 / Ldr:4] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength". Only playable while you have no other "ready" units. (G.79) Quenarion's Brightspears (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" vs "Dark Elf" units. (G.80) Rhyian Dawnrider (Unit/Flyer/High Elf) (**Unique**) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] "Wizard:1" Spell Support Tactic (1): your unit gets "+2 ranged attack". (G.81) Rhyian's Emerald Company (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:4 / Ldr:2] "Ranged Attack:6" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 ranged attack". Only playable if you have an "Empire" unit. (G.82) Riders of the Golden Star (Unit/Cavalry/High Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" vs "cavalry" units. (G.83) Sea Guard of the Northern Ports (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength" vs "flyer" units. (G.84) Sorrow's Song (Unit/Infantry/High Elf/War Machine) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] "Ranged Attack:5" Support Tactic (commit this unit): the enemy unit gets "-2 strength" and "-1 tactic point". If the enemy unit is a "monster", it gets an additional "-2 strength" and "-1 tactic point". (G.85) The Bow of the Seafarer (Attachment/Weapon)(**Unique**)(*High Elf Only*) [Cost:2] Spell Warcry(1): this unit gets "+2 ranged attack". If you win this combat, destroy the enemy unit. (G.86) Tylith Puresong (Attachment/Character) (*High Elf Only*) [Cost:1] Support Warcry: your "High Elf" unit gets "+1 strength". If your "High Elf" unit has at least twice as many "printed" "tactic points" than the enemy unit, it gets "+3 strength" instead. (G.87) Tyrion's Ulthuan Defenders (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" and "+1 leadership" vs "Dark Elf" units. (G.88) Vanguard of the Silver Lord (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / Str:2 / Tac:5 / Ldr:4] "Victory:+4" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" for each of your "spell points". Only playable if you have "Teclis, High Loremaster" in play. (G.89) White Lions of Chrace (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" and "+1 leadership". Only playable while this unit has a "character" attachment. (G.90) Whitestar's Defenders (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] This unit may play cards as if it was attacking. (G.91) Whitestar's Protectorate (Unit/Infantry/High Elf) (**Unique**) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] "Scout:2" Combat Tactic (commit): this unit gets "+6 strength". Support Tactic (commit): your unit gets "+3 strength". (G.92) Boldur Runestriker (Attachment/Character) (**Unique**) [Cost:1] "Runesmith:1" (counts as "Wizard") Spell Combat Tactic (1): your enemy loses 2 "spell points". (G.93) Doramin Gimragson (Attachment/Character) (**Unique**) [Cost:2] "Runesmith:1" (counts as "Wizard") While attached to "Logtok Gimragon", this attachment's "Runesmith" rating is increased by 1 Spell Warcry (2): this unit gets a strength bonus equal to its "tactic points". (G.94) Erwin Fandelhoch (Attachment/Character) [Cost:1] Combat Tactic: this "War Machine" unit gets "+2 strength" and "+1 tactic point". (G.95) Malakai Makaisson (Attachment/Character) (**Unique**) [Cost:1] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength". Only playable if you have a "ready" "war machine" unit. (G.96) Sons of Grungni (Attachment/Character) [Cost:2 / Str:+1 / Tac:+1] Combat Tactic: your enemy may not play cards or abilities that would create a "slaughter". (G.97) Toby Rultzpold (Attachment/Character) [Cost:1 / Tac:+1] Warcry (destroy this card): if this unit wins this combat, destroy the enemy unit. Only playable during a "ranged attack". (G.98) Witch Hunter (Attachment/Character) [Cost:1] This unit gets "Faith:1" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength" vs "Wizard", "Monster", "Vampire Counts" or "Khemri" units. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (6) ["Evil" Cards (Hordes of Darkness)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (H.01) Azyrneth's Deathbringers (Unit/Infantry/Chaos) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+4 strength" vs "blocking" units. (H.02) Azyrneth's Skullreavers (Unit/Cavalry/Chaos) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] "Scout:4" (H.03) Bileth's Marauders (Unit/Infantry/Chaos) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] This unit attacks as a "flyer". (H.04) Bilith's Madmen (Unit/Infantry/Chaos) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength" vs units with a higher "gold cost". (H.05) Bull Lords of Pain (Unit/Infantry/Chaos/Beastmen) [Cost:4 / Str:5 / Tac:5 / Ldr:5] "Victory:-2" / "Terror:3" This unit may not make "follow-up attacks". WarCry: this unit gains "+3 strength" and "+3 tactic points". Only playable while attacking. (H.06) C'ulvan's Chosen (Unit/Cavalry/Chaos) [Cost:4 / Str:7 / Tac:3 / Ldr:2] "Victory:-5" Combat Tactic: this unit gets a number of "+1 Victory" tokens equal to the enemy's "Victory" bonus. (H.07) C'ulvan's Pestilence Swarm (Unit/Infantry/Chaos/Daemon) [Cost:2 / Str:1 / Tac:1 / Ldr:2] This unit may attack the enemy's "reserves". (H.08) Chaos Furies (Unit/Flyer/Chaos/Daemon) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" vs a unit with a "support tactic" ability. (H.09) Charon Helgor's Deathreapers (Unit/Cavalry/Chaos) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:1 / Ldr:4] "Victory:-5" Warcry: this unit gets "+5 strength". Only usable while "attacking". (H.10) D'aggorn's Deathblades (Unit/Cavalry/Chaos) [Cost:5 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] While this unit is in combat, your enemy's "combat roll" gets "-2". (H.11) D'aggorn's Hellrazers (Unit/Cavalry/Chaos) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" vs "wizard" units. (H.12) Deathclaw Brethren (Unit/Infantry/Chaos) [Cost:4 / Str:5 / Tac:1 / Ldr:3] (H.13) Gibbering Hordes (Unit/Infantry/Chaos/Daemon) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:4] Combat Tactic: both units in combat get a "-1 strength" plague token. You may play this ability twice per combat. (H.14) Herd of Skulkkoth (Unit/Infantry/Chaos/Beastmen) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:1 / Ldr:1] Your enemy may not make a "follow-up" attack after "routing" this unit. Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" for each of your other copies of this unit. (H.15) Kurlon the Rotten,Trumpeter of Decay(Attachment/Character)(*Chaos Only*) [Cost:1] Support Warcry: your "Chaos" unit gets "+3 strength". Only playable if you have a "Daemon" unit and a "Beastman" unit in play. (H.16) Pleasureseekers (Unit/Cavalry/Chaos/Daemon) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] Warcry: the enemy unit gets "-2 leadership". Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 tactic points". Only playable if the enemy unit has "leadership" 1 or less. (H.17) Skulkkoth the Defiler (Unit/Infantry/Chaos/Beastmen) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Wizard:2" Spell Warcry (1): raise this unit's strength to equal the enemy unit's strength. (H.18) Swords of Chaos (Unit/Cavalry/Chaos) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" and "+2 tactic points". Only playable during a "follow-up" attack. (H.19) Tallymen of Plagues (Unit/Infantry/Chaos/Daemon) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Terror:1" Combat Tactic: the enemy unit gets "-2 strength". Only playable if one of your units has a "standard" attachment. (H.20) The Destroyer (Unit/Cavalry/Chaos) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:4 / Ldr:2] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength". Only playable during a "follow-up attack". (H.21) Tzadiqel's Enchanted Warriors (Unit/Infantry/Chaos) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] "Terror:1" Warcry: this unit gets "+1 strength" for every 3 "spell points" that you have. (H.22) Tzadiqel's Screaming Chariot (Unit/Cavalry/Chaos) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" for each of your "Orc" units. (H.23) Virhoch's Blood Trackers (Unit/Cavalry/Chaos) [Cost:2 / Str:2 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] "Scout:2" Combat Tactic: the enemy unit's "leadership" is reduced by this unit's "Scout" level. (H.24) Virhoch's Hounds (Unit/Cavalry/Chaos/Daemon) [Cost:2 / Str:1 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+4 strength". If this unit wins the combat, any "rout check" made gets a "-3" penalty to the roll. (H.25) Beastlord Rakarth of Karrond Kar (Unit/Flyer/Dark Elf) (**Unique**) [Cost:2 / Str:0 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" for each of your "ready" "monster" units. Support Tactic: your "monster" unit gets "+2 tactic points". (H.26) Black Ark Hunters (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength". Only playable while the enemy unit has "0 tactic points". Support Tactic: your unit gets "+1 strength" vs "High Elf" units. (H.27) Blades of Twilight (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength". Only playable while "defending". (H.28) Death Dealer (Unit/Cavalry/Dark Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] Reaction: after this unit "routs" an enemy unit, choose the target of your "follow-up attack". Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength" vs "committed" units. (H.29) Death Reapers (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) (**Unique**) [Cost:3 / Str:1 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] Support Tactic (destroy this unit): this combat ends in a "Slaughter". (H.30) Death Swords (Unit/Cavalry/Dark Elf) [Cost:5 / Str:3 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" for each of your "Dark Elf" "infantry" units. (H.31) Fell Sisters of Clar Karond (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:3 / Ldr:4] Warcry: if this combat ends as a "slaughter", this unit wins instead. (H.32) Ha'asek's Knights of Terror (Unit/Cavalry/Dark Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Terror:1" Support Tactic: your unit gets "Terror:1". (H.33) Ha'asek's Twilight Ghosts (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Short Ranged Attack:6" (H.34) Ha'asek's Witch Elves (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:5 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" for each unit it has "routed" this command. (H.35) Ha'asek's Wraithriders (Unit/Cavalry/Dark Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] Warcry: this unit gets "+3 strength". Only usable while you have a "ready" unit that costs 6 or more gold. (H.36) Har Ganeth Executioners (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] While this unit is in combat, your enemy's "tactic" cards cost 1 additional "tactic point". (H.37) Hellebron's Witches (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Spell" cards and abilities cost one additional "spell point" while this unit is in combat. (H.38) Khardil, Herald of Naggaroth (Attachment/Character) (*Dark Elf Only*) [Cost:1 / Tac:+2] Support Warcry: your "Dark Elf" unit gets "+2 strength" if you control more units or attachments with "support tactics" than your enemy. (H.39) Lillet Nightwind (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] "Wizard:2" /" Scout:1" Combat Tactic: when this combat ends, the result is a "slaughter". Only playable if your enemy has no cards in their hand. (H.40) Malus Darkblade (Unit/Cavalry/Dark Elf) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / Str:3 / Tac:5 / Ldr:4] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength" and "Terror:2". (H.41) Menghil's Mankillers (Unit/Cavalry/Dark Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: when this combat ends, the result is a "slaughter". Only playable while the enemy unit has "0 tactic points". (H.42) Morbeth's Corsairs (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: the enemy unit gets "-2 tactic points". Only playable if you have a "ready" "Chaos" unit. (H.43) Morbeth's Dread Knights (Unit/Cavalry/Dark Elf) [Cost:5 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:2] Support Tactic: your "Dark Elf" "cavalry" unit gets "+3 strength". Only playable vs "non-flyer" units. (H.44) Narsin's Black Guard (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:5 / Ldr:3] Warcry: this unit gets "+2 strength" and "+2 leadership". Only playable while you are losing combat. (H.45) Rikhaine's Foot (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] Warcry: the enemy unit gets "-2 tactic points". Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength". Only playable while this unit is losing a combat. (H.46) Ryneys Sharpwing (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) [Cost:5 / Str:3 / Tac:6 / Ldr:3] "Wizard:2" Spell Support Warcry (2): if your "Dark Elf" unit has a higher "printed" "tactic points" than the enemy unit, this combat ends as a "slaughter". (H.47) Sa'Har the Ashen Lord (Unit/Cavalry/Dark Elf/Monster) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] "Terror:2" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" for each "ready" unit in your enemy's "reserves". Only playable while attacking. (H.48) Sa'Har's Ashen Riders (Unit/Cavalry/Dark Elf) (**Unique**) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] "Short Ranged Attack:6" Combat Tactic (commit): this unit gets "+3 strength". (H.49) The Gates of Karond Kar (Unit/Fortification/Dark Elf) (**Unique**) [Cost:3 / Str:4 / Tac:0 / Ldr:1] Support Tactic: if your "Dark Elf" unit wins this combat, you get "+1" to your "rout check". (H.50) The Serrated (Unit/Infantry/Dark Elf) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" vs "High Elf" units. (H.51) Bartog's Savage Rippas (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] This unit may play tactics as if it were "blocking" or "being blocked". (H.52) Big Boss Ghulgar Headsplitter(Atchment/Charactr)(**Unique**)(*Orc Only*) [Cost:2 / Tac:-2] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength". Only playable during a "follow-up attack". (H.53) Big Gulgog's Maulers (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:6 / Str:5 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength". Only usable while you have no "committed" units. (H.54) Blagark the Colossal (Unit/Infantry/Orc/Monster) [Cost:6 / Str:7 / Tac:4 / Ldr:5] "Victory:-2" / "Terror:3" Support Tactic: your unit with a negative "victory" bonus gets "+1 strength". (H.55) Ghulbag's Big 'Uns (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:3 / Str:5 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] "Victory:-3" (H.56) Ghulgar's Tuska Boyz (Unit/Cavalry/Orc) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength" vs "committed" units. (H.57) Gitnob's Gitz (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:2 / Str:2 / Tac:2 / Ldr:1] Support Tactic (destroy this unit): your unit gets "+3 strength". (H.58) Gobbo Elfchasers (Unit/Cavalry/Orc) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:2 / Ldr:1] Reaction (commit this unit): after another of your "Orc" units "routs" an enemy unit, do not make a "follow-up attack". Your unit returns to the "battle line" "ready". (H.59) Grimgore's Spider Riders (Unit/Cavalry/Orc) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] Support Tactic: your "Orc" unit gets "+2 tactic points" if it has more "strength" than "tactic points". (H.60) Grubbi Hookblade (Unit/Cavalry/Orc) (**Unique**) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:3 / Ldr:2] Support Tactic: your "infantry" unit gets "+1 strength". (H.61) Grubbi's Wolfboyz (Unit/Cavalry/Orc) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] "Scout:3" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" for each of your "committed" units. (H.62) Jezzi Poisonbite (Unit/Cavalry/Orc) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] "Wizard:1" While "attacking" from the "battle line", this unit attacks as a "flyer". Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" vs "infantry" units. (H.63) Jezzi's Ambush Gang (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:2] "Scout:2" Enemy units may not play "Warcry" cards or abilities while in combat with this unit. (H.64) Jezzi's Stingers (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] "Short Ranged Attack:8" (H.65) Kaltorg Skinripper (Unit/Flyer/Orc) (**Unique**) [Cost:5 / Str:4 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Wizard:1" Spell Warcry (1): this unit gets "+3 strength". Only playable while this unit is losing a combat. (H.66) Kurgrot's Doom Divers (Unit/Infantry/Orc/War Machine) [Cost:2 / Str:1 / Tac:1 / Ldr:2] "Ranged Attack:3" Support Warcry: your enemy may not play "Warcry" cards or abilities. (H.67) Manmangler's Armoured Orcs (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:4 / Str:7 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Victory:-5" (H.68) Manmangler's Boarboyz (Unit/Cavalry/Orc) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:4 / Ldr:3] Support Tactic: both units in the combat get a "tactic point" bonus equal to their "printed" "tactic points". (H.69) Manmangler's River Trolls (Unit/Infantry/Orc/Monster) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:3 / Ldr:5] "Terror:1" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" vs units with a "gold cost" less than this unit's "gold cost". (H.70) Moonscowler's Jabbers (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:2 / [Str:2 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" vs "Dwarf" units. (H.71) Mulguk's Smashas (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:2 / Ldr:4] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength". Only usable while you have more "ready" units in your "battle line" than your enemy. (H.72) Nazall the Nasty (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:2 / Str:1 / Tac:0 / Ldr:2] "Wizard:2" Spell Support Tactic (2): your unit gets "+2 tactic points". (H.73) Ogdrag's Arrer Boyz (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:1 / Ldr:2] "Ranged Attack:5" Support Tactic: your unit gets "+3 strength". Only usable during a "follow-up attack". (H.74) Ozol's Snotling Swarm (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:3 / Str:4 / Tac:0 / Ldr:1] Warcry: this unit gets "+3 tactic points". Only playable if you have another "ready" "Orc" unit. (H.75) Pigstikkas (Unit/Cavalry/Orc) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:2] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength". Only playable if you have a "ready" "Chaos" unit. (H.76) Raggedy Banner (Attachment/Standard) (**Unique**) (*Orc Only*) [Cost:2 / Str:+1] Your "Orc" unit gets "+1 leadership". (H.77) Rotfang's Brawlerz (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:4 / Str:5 / Tac:4 / Ldr:2] "Victory:-2" (H.78) The Conqueror's Smashin' Boyz (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:4 / Str:4 / Tac:2 / Ldr:4] You may have up to 6 copies of this card in your deck. Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" for each copy of this card in your "discard pile". (H.79) Ugbog's Big Rumbler (Unit/Cavalry/Orc) [Cost:3 / Str:2 / Tac:3 / Ldr:2] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+3 strength". Only usable while "attacking". (H.80) Urguck's Chainas (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:5 / Str:6 / Tac:1 / Ldr:3] "Victory:-3" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength" vs "cavalry" units. (H.81) Urguck's Chukka Boyz (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:4 / Str:3 / Tac:2 / Ldr:3] "Short Ranged Attack:8" Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 ranged attack" vs "Dwarf" units. (H.82) Uzzag Gharkhul Skullburster (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:3 / Str:3 / Tac:3 / Ldr:3] "Wizard:1" Spell Combat Tactic(1): this unit gets "+1 strength" for each of your "committed" "wizard" units. (H.83) Wazzi Moonscowler (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:2 / Str:1 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] "Wizard:1" Reaction: after you "rout" an enemy unit, you get 1 "spell point". (H.84) Wazzi's Night Raiderz (Unit/Infantry/Orc) [Cost:2 / Str:2 / Tac:1 / Ldr:1] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+2 strength". Only playable while you have no cards in your hand. (H.85) Borgokk Bonecaster (Attachment/Character) (**Unique**) [Cost:1] "Wizard:1" Spell Combat Tactic (1): this unit gets "+2 strength". Only playable if you have more "ready" units than your enemy. (H.86) Gurt Bigfist (Unit/Infantry/Monster) [Cost:7 / Str:10 / Tac:1 / Ldr:3] "Victory:-8" (H.87) Kogkog the Dangerous (Attachment/Character) [Cost:1 / Str:+2 / Tac:+1] This unit gets "Victory:-3". (H.88) Raaghra the Culler (Attachment/Character) (**Unique**) [Cost:1] Combat Tactic: this unit gets "+1 strength" and "Terror:1". (H.89) Rynsethryn Cruelheart (Attachment/Character) [Cost:2] While this unit is in combat, neither player may play cards that change the result of a "slaughter". (H.90) Vial of Unicorn Blood (Attachment/Item) [Cost:1] Combat Tactic (destroy this attachment): You get 3 "spell points". (H.91) Zarahadron, Hydra of War (Unit/Infantry/Monster) [Cost:5 / Str:5 / Tac:2 / Ldr:2] "Terror:2" Combat Tactic: this unit gets a "+1 strength" token. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (7) [Special Thanks / References] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks and additional reference materials: NAMCO-BANDAI (http://www.namcobandaigames.com/games/warhammerbfa/) SABERTOOTH GAMES (http://www.sabertoothgames.com/warcry/) Paul Hempsall at CCGTOOLS (http://www.ccgtools.co.uk/) GameFAQs.com (please post this FAQ already!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------