Wild ARMs XF Battle Mechanics Guide Version 1.01 December 19 2011 by Dark Holy Elf (aka NeoElfboy) FOREWORD This guide was by a big fan of both Wild ARMs XF, and of similar guides for other games. I always wanted one for Wild ARMs XF, and since nobody else seemed to jump to the task, I figured it was finally time for me to give back to the FAQ community. Beyond that, this guide is written to shed light on the battle mechanics of Wild ARMs XF: how the game arrives at the figures for damage and accuracy that it does. In the tradition of strategy RPGs like Final Fantasy Tactics, Wild ARMs XF uses largely non-random, highly predictable formulas to determine the effects of the actions chosen by the players and enemies in the game. This guide is intended for anyone who has an interest in how the game puts these numbers together, wants a rigorous description of exactly what the game means when it claims that Drop Kick's damage increases against lower targets, or just wants to calculate damage ahead of time before committing to a strategy in a tough battle. :) Whatever use you puts this guide to, I hope you find it helpful. If you like it, be sure to tell others who might also be interested. This guide should only be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ http://www.rpgdl.com/ If you'd like to host the guide elsewhere, or just have any questions, comments, or (especially!) corrections regarding this guide, you can contact me, either by posting on the message boards of the above two sites, or by finding me on AIM (sometimes) as DarkHolyElf. VERSION HISTORY 1.01 - Corrected a few errors and typos 1.0 - Initial release of the guide. TABLE OF CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------- [DEFN] 1. Definitions and Notes [FORM] 2. Fundamental Formulas [BATK] 3. The Attack Command [F-AR] 3-A Formation Arts [C-AR] 3-B Combination Arts [PROP] 4. Damage-influencing Properties [ELEM] 4-A Elements [EPRO] 4-B Special Enemy Properties [ORIG] 5. Original Commands [OVER] 5-A Overview of Original Commands [DMGO] 5-B Details on Damaging Original Commands [NDMG] 5-C Descriptions of Non-damaging Original Commands [CLAS] 6. Classes, Class Skills, and CSP [CSKL] 6-A List of Class Skills and Mastery Skills [SEFF] 7. Status Effects [PEFF] 7-A Positive Status Effects [INEF] 7-B Irresistible Negative Status Effects [RNEF] 7-C Resistible Negative Status Effects [MSEF] 7-D Miscellaneous Status Effects [HFEF] 7-E Hex and Field Status Effects [STAT] 8. Stats and Stat Growth [ITEM] 9. Items [EQPM] 10. Equipment [BAEQ] 10-A Base Equipment Stats [NBEQ] 10-B Calculating Non-base Equipment Stats [SPEQ] 10-C Special Equipment [EQPR] 10-D Equipment Properties [BUGS] 11. Bugs SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS AND NOTES [DEFN] -------------------------------------------------- In writing this guide, I assume the reader is familiar with the terms used by the Wild ARMs XF game itself. Additionally: -A "physical" attack is an attack made either by the attack command, or by an Original marked with a red diamond. -A "magical" attack is an attack made by an Original marked with a blue circle. -A "special" attack is an attack made by an Original marked with a yellow shield. -A "unit" is any character or enemy on the battlefield. -The "caster" refers to the unit whose turn it currently is, whether or not they are using a spell (as the name suggests) or some other action. -A "target" is a unit being affected by the current action. Note that all formulas listed in this guide assume standard order of operations, i.e. multiplication (*) and division (/) come before addition (+) and subtraction (-). The game usually (though not always) rounds down at the end of calculations, though exactly when the rounding occurs in the case of multistep calculations is something that I haven't yet tested thoroughly. Abbreviations: HP - Hit Points. A unit is defeated when these are reduced to 0 cHP - Current HP (cMP, cVP used similarly) mHP - Maximum HP (mMP, mVP used similarly) Note: cHP may never exceed mHP under any circumstance. If cHP is raised or mHP is lowered such that this would happen, cHP is set to mHP immediately. Similar restrictions apply on cMP/mMP and cVP/mVP. ATK - Attack, the stat used to calculate physical damage given DEF - Defense, the stat used to calculate physical damage received MAG - Magic, the stat used to calculate magical damage given RES - Resistance, the stat used to calculate magical damage received AIM - Aim, the stat which determines chance to hit a physical attack EVA - Evade, the stat which determines chance to evade a physical attack RFX - Reflex, the stat which affects how quickly the unit gets turns MOV - Move, the stat which determines how many hexes the unit can move in a turn CLM - Climb, the stat which determines the maximum step height a unit may take WGT - Weight, the stat which determines damage to VP incurred each turn HT - Height, the height of the hex a unit is standing on EXP - Experience points CSP - Class skill points Caster_ATK, Caster_DEF, etc. - The relevant stat of the caster Target_ATK, Target_DEF, etc. - The relevant stat of the target DS - Dandelion Shot Hal - Halberdier Arc - Arcanist MM - Martial Mage Sto - Stormrider RF - Royal Fencer Sec - Secutor Ele - Elementalist Fan - Fantastica Gad - Gadgeteer Sen - Sentinel SS - Sacred Slayer Exc - Excavator Geo - Geomancer Ber - Berserker Eni - Enigmancer Str - Strider Gra - Grappler Ni - Nightstalker Emu - Emulator Ext - Extremist HC - High Cavalier HR = Horizontal Range VR = Vertical Range SECTION 2: FUNDAMENTAL FORMULAS [FORM] -------------------------------------------------- Wild ARMs XF makes extensive use of two basic formulas for damage and accuracy. The accuracy formula applies only to PHYSICAL attacks. It is the chance that such an attack will strike the target, and is the HIT percentage listed in the attack preview. It is as follows: Hit rate = (1.8 - Target_EVA / Caster_AIM) * 100% Obviously, this rate is capped at 0% and 100%. This means that if the target's EVA and caster's AIM are equal, there is an 80% chance to hit. If the target's EVA is 80% of the caster's AIM or below, the attack always hits. If the target's EVA is 180% of the caster's AIM or better, the attack always misses. The main damage formulas are as follows, although some attacks take liberties with them: Physical damage = (Caster_ATK * MovePower / 100 - Target_DEF) / 6 Magical damage = (Caster_MAG * MovePower / 100 - Target_RES) / 6 Special damage = same as magical damage 0 is the minimum allowed damage. If the game has a maximum damage, I don't know what it is. MovePower is 200 for the attack command (normally), and falls in the range of 150 to 300 for most other moves, to give you an idea. Note that both these formulas have a slight error attached, presumably due to rounding. At this time I haven't bothered to sit down, sort through numbers, and figure out exactly where all the rounding errors occur and how to predict the result. Regardless, the above formulas should predict everything within 1-2 points. Finally, there's the Chain bonus to damage. It's a little less fundamental, but still something that applies to all types of offensive actions. All HP damage (not healing) is multiplied by the following formula at the end of all other calculations: Final damage = Damage * (100% + 4% * Chain count) Chain count is the number of turns consecutively previous to the current one in which units on the same team as the current attacker (possibly including the attacker him or herself) have successfully dealt HP damage on their turn. To be clear, this chain is broken by an enemy turn, or an allied turn which is used for a non-damaging action, or one where the damaging action missed or otherwise failed to deal damage. The game informs you of the chain count of playable characters after each attack, e.g. "3 chain" for the attack that was made with chain count of 3, or the fourth consecutive attack. Enemies get this chain bonus too, with identical mechanics, but the number isn't displayed. SECTION 3: THE ATTACK COMMAND [BATK] -------------------------------------------------- This is basic method of attack in Wild ARMs XF, and it is hereafter referred to as a basic attack. It has a power of 200, is physical (meaning it makes an evade check) and typically strikes an adjacent hex, with a vertical range of 2. Basic attacks have a chance to strike a critical hit. The chance of this is unknown. If an attack is a critical hit, its final damage is multiplied by 150%. Basic attacks against adjacent targets, regardless of whether or not they hit, have a small chance to trigger a counterattack by the target. This counterattack is also a basic attack, except that it can not trigger Formation Arts, Combination Arts, or a second counterattack (normally). Normally, actions besides basic attacks can not trigger counterattacks. 3-A: FORMATION ARTS [F-AR] If a basic attack is made against a single, adjacent target who is also adjacent to one or more allies of the attacker, Formation Arts occur. Both player-controlled units and enemies can use Formation Arts. Allies suffering from certain status effects (Stone, Sleep, and Confusion) can not assist in triggering Formation Arts. Anyway, rather than describing the exact formations needed to trigger these, I will instead provide you with some second-rate ASCII art. Note that all the diagrams can be rotated in any way. A = Attacker T = Target S = Supporting ally 2-unit formation art: ___ / \ ___/ \___ / \ / \ / A \___/ \ \ / \ / \___/ T \___/ / \ / \ / \___/ S \ \ / \ / \___/ \___/ \ / \___/ 3-unit formation art: ___ / \ ___/ \___ / \ / \ / A \___/ S \ \ / \ / \___/ T \___/ / \ / \ / \___/ \ \ / \ / \___/ S \___/ \ / \___/ 6-unit formation art: ___ / \ ___/ S \___ / \ / \ / A \___/ S \ \ / \ / \___/ T \___/ / \ / \ / S \___/ S \ \ / \ / \___/ S \___/ \ / \___/ Formation Arts increase the damage dealt by a basic attack of the attacker. More formally, they increase the power of the basic attack used in the damage calculation, so Formation Arts are especially effective against high defences. 2-unit formation art: 250 power 3-unit formation art: 300 power 6-unit formation art: 350 power Note that Formation Arts only make use of the ATK stat of the unit who initiates the attack; the stats of the assisting units are irrelevant. There also appears to be a boost to either HIT or final accuracy associated with using a Formation Art, but it is difficult to gauge how large this is. 3-B: COMBINATION ARTS [C-AR] From the storyline battle in Act 1-13 onwards, the Lock-On command becomes available, by choosing to make a basic attack against a target and then hitting triangle instead of X to confirm. The Lock-On command causes the target to forgo making a basic attack against the target to "lock on" to it. This act of locking on lasts until the target gets a turn, the unit who locked on gets a turn, or an ally triggers Combination Arts against the target. If a basic attack is made against a target whom one or more of the attacker's allies are currently locked onto, Combination Arts occur. Although they are activated by attempting a basic attack, it is important to note that Combination Arts are NOT basic attacks, and do not trigger any abilities normally triggered by basic attacks (such as counterattacks, or Attack & Heal MP). In this way they differ from Formation Arts. Note that there is no choice of whether to trigger Combination Arts; using a basic attack against a target that is subject to an ally's Lock-On WILL trigger Combination Arts, even if a basic attack or Formation Arts would deal more damage. Combination Arts deal special damage instead of physical. This means they are based off the attacker's MAG versus the target's RES. It also means they ignore the target's DEF and EVA, as well as the Soft, Hard, and Flying properties, making Combination Arts a good way to get around those. The stats of the allies who locked onto the target are not relevant to the damage of Combination Arts, so optimum use of this ability involves having a unit with high MAG trigger the attack. Unlike Formation Arts, enemies will not make use of Combination Arts. The power of Combination Arts varies by the number of units who participate in the attack. For the purposes of the following list, participating units include both the units who are currently locking onto the target, and the unit who initiates the attack itself. 2-unit combination art: 360 power 3-unit combination art: 480 power 4-unit combination art: 630 power 5-unit combination art: 790 power 6-unit combination art: 930 power Like Formation Arts, the damage dealt by a Combination Arts is based only on the stats (in this case, MAG) of the character who initiates the attack. This means it's a good idea to have your highest-MAG unit be the attack initiator, when possible. Note that Combination Arts reach much higher powers than Formation Arts, presumably because the former actually requires turns from all participants, instead of positioning. Positioning is not relevant to Combination Arts. SECTION 4: DAMAGE-INFLUENCING PROPERTIES [PROP] -------------------------------------------------- This section details some of the permanent properties you'll run into on enemies that influence how much damage you will do with attacks against them. 4-A: ELEMENTS [ELEM] If an elemental attack (earth, fire, water, or wind) is used, the power of the attack is modified by the listed elemental resistance of the target as follows: Power = Base Power * (1 - Resistance%) Note that this is a modification to Power, not final damage, so elemental resistances and weaknesses make a bigger impact than you might expect and are worth your time to pay attention to. For example, if the caster's MAG and the target's RES are equal, it takes only a +50% elemental resistance to null out damage from a 200-power Elementalist spell, while a -100% elemental weakness results in triple the normal damage (before the powerful Exploit Weakness skill is considered). Generally speaking most elemental attackers will have more MAG than their target has RES, which makes resistances not -quite- as relatively important as the above example, but the example should still give you a general idea. Lightning attacks (Electrigger and Lightning itself) work differently. The vast majority of enemies react to this as if it were not elemental at all, but there are a few exceptions. Mushroom-type enemies are healed by these attacks, while golem-type enemies are weak to them. When a lightning attack is used against a golem-type enemy, two things happen: -The target's DEF and RES are treated as 0 for the attack -The final damage is multiplied by 150% These combine for quite a potent increase in damage. If the caster has the Exploit Weakness skill, final damage is multiplied by 150%, should the attack be elemental and hitting any level of negative elemental resistance (it makes no difference whether the resistance is -1% or -100%), or if the attack is lightning hitting a golem. A third type of weakness-hitting is the Original Sanctify, which sees its power multiplied by 3 against undead. It does not benefit from the Exploit Weakness skill, however. 4-B: SPECIAL ENEMY PROPERTIES [EPRO] An enemy property is an attribute that all enemies of a certain class have that influences how they react to certain attacks. There are six such properties. SOFT: -Jelly Blobs, Mus, and Forsaken Mutants with the Downhearted skill have this property. -Any physical damage done to a target with the Soft property has its damage multiplied by 10% after all other calculations. -Innocent Blow ignores Soft. HARD: -Rhinoceroses, Gorgons, Tarasques, Armored Dragons, Forsaken Mutants with the Petrify or Toxic Breath skills, and a boss equipped with Ares Plate have this property. -Physical attacks can not do more than 1 damage to a target with the Hard property. -Basic attacks made by polearms, axes, hammers, and rapiers ignore Hard. -Heavy Throw, Ground Slam, and Innocent Blow ignore Hard. FLYING: -Harpies and the boss of Final Act 3 have this property. -Physical attacks have greatly reduced hit rate against a target with the Flying property. The exact formula is unknown, but can be approximated by: Hit rate = (1 - Target_EVA / 225) * Caster_AIM / 3 * 1% -Basic attacks made by projectile weapons and bells ignore Flying. -Howling Shot and basic attacks made by Strahl Gewehr do NOT ignore Flying, even though you might think they would. UNDEAD: -Damnations, John Does, and discoloured versions of generic classes have this property. -Undead have a chance to auto-revive when killed. Undead who revive in this way get a bonus to all stats which increases each time they are revived. Undead killed by the original Sanctify or by being moved into a hole can not auto-revive. -The power of the original Sanctify is tripled against undead, and if the caster has the Paladin skill, it will instantly kill them. Critical hits made by sabers also instantly kill undead. -Undead have their stats lowered if adjacent to a unit with the Holy Order skill. GOLEM: -Various robotic enemies encountered only during storyline fights, including a pair of bosses, have this property; it should be obvious which ones. -Lightning attacks against Golems, as well as basic attacks made by wrenches, are calculated by taking the Golem's DEF and RES as 0, and then multiplying final damage by 1.5. INVISIBLE: -Stealth Stalkers have this property. -Invisible enemies can not be targetted directly. Attacks and originals may only be used against them if they are multitarget and also target at least one non-invisible unit. Possibly due to a bug, the original Orbital Ring is exempt from this. -If an invisible enemy is in a hex which is targetted by the original Detect, the invisible property is cancelled for the rest of the battle. SECTION 5: ORIGINAL COMMANDS [ORIG] -------------------------------------------------- This section details Original Commands (which I'll frequently shorten to Originals), the special moves available to each class. Note that no Originals may be used when the caster is suffering from the Misery status. 5-A: OVERVIEW OF ORIGINAL COMMANDS [OVER] Originals may be divided into two broad categories: those that do "damage" (which in this context includes healing, MP damage, and VP damage, i.e. any attack that causes numbers of some colour to appear on the target) and those that do not. Both will be covered in the following table. For damaging Originals, the table suffices for information on their behaviour, along with a collection of notes that will be found immediately after the chart. Non-damaging Originals will be detailed in the section after. As far as targetting is concerned, it is worth noting here that the majority of originals (and indeed, other commands such as basic attacks and items) can not target the caster. Exceptions to this will be noted. Legend: USER = The class that uses this Original PM? = Indicates whether the Original can be used after moving (Yes or No) T = Type: P = Physical (red diamond) M = Magical (blue circle) S = Special (yellow shield) I = Item (yellow triangle) N = None (green wedge) POWER = The MovePower of the Original (see Fundamental Formulas) MP = MP consumed by using this Original HR = Horizontal range of the Original. Widespread can exceed this. VR = Vertical range of the Original. EFF = Effect radius. The Original affects all hexes within this distance of the targetted hex. Can reach hexes outside the horizontal but not vertical range of the Original. While a 0 and a - both indicate a lack of effect radius, a 0 means that the radius can be extended to 1 by the Widespread skill. Note: For all ranges, ** indicates infinite WEP = Indicates whether the Original requires a specific weapon type to be used (Yes or No). The weapon type is always the one used by the home class of the Original, and is one of the following: Strahl Gewehr Polearm Tonfa Boomerang Broadsword Spear One-handed melee weapon (a weapon with HR 1 that allows shield use) NOTES = Notes on the Original's targetting and damage formula An ! indicates information on a damaging Original too complex to be displayed on the chart. See section 5-B for more details. Table: Originals USER| NAME |PM?| T |POWER| MP | HR | VR | EFF|WEP|NOTES ----+-------------------+---+---+-----+----+----+----+----+---+---------------- DS | Howling Shot | N | P | 300 | 32 | ** | 2 | - | Y |Hits line, ! DS | Sacrifice | N | M | 400 | 16 | 4 | 4 | 0 | N |Ignores RES, ! DS | Encourage | Y | S | - | 8 | 1 | 5 | - | N |All adj. hexes DS | Rob Turn | N | S | - | 32 | 3 | 4 | - | N | Hal | Shockwave | Y | P | 250 | 12 | 1 | 2 | - | Y |3 adj. hexes Hal | Upper Hand | Y | P | ! | 20 | 3 | ! | - | N |Ignores EVA Hal | Disarm | Y | P | 100 | 8 | 1 | 4 | - | Y |! Hal | Status Absorb | Y | S | - | 16 | 0 | 10 | 3 | N | Arc | Lightning | N | M | 100 | 8 | 3 | ** | 0 | N |Lightning Arc | Revive | Y | S | 240 | 48 | 4 | 4 | - | N |Empty hex, ! Arc | Warp | N | S | - | 8 | 6 | 4 | - | N |Empty hex Arc | Replica | Y | S | - | 32 | 3 | 4 | - | N |Empty hex MM | Blast | Y | M | 300 | 16 | 4 | 3 | 0 | N | MM | Graviton | N | M | ! | 12 | 4 | 8 | 0 | N | MM | Rushing Beat | Y | P | ! | 16 | 1 | 2 | - | Y | MM | Cancel Strike | Y | P | 200 | 24 | 1 | 2 | - | N |! Sto | Orbital Ring | Y | P | 300 | 8 | 1 | 4 | - | Y |! Sto | Raving Rage | N | P | 200 | 32 | 1 | 0 | - | N |Multihit, ! Sto | Hyper Attack | Y | M | - | 32 | 3 | 4 | 0 | N |Can hit self Sto | Provoke | Y | S | - | 8 | 4 | 5 | - | N |Can't hit allies RF | Revolver Sweep | Y | P | 250 | 16 | 1 | 2 | - | Y |All adj. hexes RF | Exhaustion Strike | Y | N | ! | 8 | 1 | 2 | - | Y |Damages VP RF | Royal Cheer | Y | S | - | 8 | 1 | 5 | - | N |All adj. hexes RF | Status Lock | Y | S | - | 24 | 3 | 4 | 0 | N |Can hit self Sec | Hard Smash | Y | P | 250 | 16 | 1 | 2 | - | Y | Sec | Smart Drive | Y | P | ! | 16 | 1 | 2 | - | Y |Ignores EVA Sec | MP Burst | Y | N | - | 0 | 0 | - | - | N | Sec | Change Equipment | Y | I | - | 8 | 0 | - | - | N | Ele | Crush | N | M | 200 | 16 | 5 | 6 | 0 | N |Earth Ele | Freeze | N | M | 200 | 16 | 5 | 6 | 0 | N |Water Ele | Fire | N | M | 200 | 16 | 5 | 6 | 0 | N |Fire Ele | Vortex | N | M | 200 | 16 | 5 | 6 | 0 | N |Wind Fan | Slow Down | N | M | - | 12 | 5 | 4 | 0 | N | Fan | Feeble Mind | N | S | ! | 15 | 5 | 4 | 0 | N |Damages MP Fan | Invoke | Y | S | - | 28 | 4 | 4 | 0 | N | Fan | Rush | Y | S | - | 8 | 4 | 4 | 0 | N | Gad | Mystic | Y | I | - | 20 | 1 | 4 | 2 | N |Can hit self Sen | Heavy Strike | Y | P | 300 | 24 | 1 | 2 | - | Y |! Sen | Allowance | Y | P | 200 | 4 | 1 | 2 | - | Y |! Sen | Force Field | Y | N | - | 28 | 0 | - | - | N | Sen | Amplifier | N | N | - | 32 | 0 | - | - | N | SS | Heal | Y | M | 450 | 12 | 4 | 4 | 0 | N |Can hit self, ! SS | Sanctify | N | M | 150 | 24 | 6 | 4 | 0 | N |3x POW vs undead SS | Fragile | N | M | - | 20 | 4 | 4 | 0 | N | SS | Turn Shift | Y | S | - | 32 | 3 | 4 | - | N | Exc | Analyze | Y | S | - | 4 | 4 | 4 | 0 | N |Can't hit allies Exc | Detect | Y | S | - | 8 | 0 | 4 | 5 | N |Can hit own hex Exc | Switch | N | M | - | 16 | 3 | 4 | - | N | Exc | In & Out | Y | I | - | 12 | 0 | - | - | N | Geo | Translate | Y | S | - | 8 | ** | ** | - | N |Empty hex Geo | Replace | N | S | - | 12 | 6 | 4 | - | N | Geo | Shut Out | N | S | - | 16 | 3 | 4 | 0 | N | Geo | Ley Spread | Y | S | - | 32 | 0 | - | - | N | Ber | Charging Thrust | N | P | ! | 12 | 8 | 0 | - | Y |! Ber | Sonic Boom | N | P | 200 | 12 | 7 | 0 | - | Y |! Ber | Quick Step | Y | N | - | 8 | 0 | 4 | 0 | N | Ber | HP Burst | Y | N | - | 4 | 0 | - | - | N | Eni | Devastate | N | M | 300 | 20 | 0 | 2 | 2 | N | Eni | Protect | N | S | - | 12 | 4 | 4 | 0 | N |Can hit self Eni | Dispel | Y | S | - | 16 | 3 | 4 | 0 | N |Can hit self Eni | Prevent | N | S | - | 8 | 8 | 4 | 0 | N | Str | Swift Shock | Y | P | 200 | 12 | 1 | 2 | - | N |! Str | Drop Kick | Y | P | ! | 20 | 3 | ! | - | N | Str | Mesmerize | Y | M | - | 24 | 0 | 4 | 3 | N | Str | Trail | Y | M | - | 8 | 7 | 4 | - | N | Gra | Heavy Throw | Y | P | ! | 20 | 1 | 3 | - | N |Ignores Hard, ! Gra | Ground Slam | Y | P | ! | 16 | 1 | 3 | - | N |Ignores Hard, ! Gra | Item Toss | N | I | ! | 8 | 4 | ! | - | N | Gra | Transport | Y | N | - | 4 | 1 | 3 | - | N | Ni | Six-Shooter | Y | P | 150 | 24 | 1 | 2 | - | Y |! Ni | Innocent Blow | Y | P | 200 | 12 | 1 | 2 | - | Y |! Ni | MP Shift | N | M | - | 0 | 3 | 4 | - | N | Ni | Blackout | Y | M | - | 32 | 0 | - | - | N | Emu | Download | Y | S | - | 0 | 4 | 4 | - | N |Can't hit allies Emu | Kirlian Buster | Y | S | - | 48 | 4 | 4 | 0 | N | Emu | Stink Cloud | Y | S | - | 48 | 4 | 4 | 0 | N | Emu | Petrify | Y | S | - | 48 | 6 | 3 | 0 | N | Emu | Slumber Fog | Y | S | - | 48 | 6 | 3 | 0 | N | Emu | Toxic Breath | Y | S | - | 48 | 6 | 3 | 0 | N | Emu | Luminous Moss | Y | S | - | 48 | 6 | 3 | 0 | N | Emu | Downhearted | Y | S | - | 48 | 6 | 3 | 0 | N | Emu | Asphyxiate | Y | S | - | 48 | 6 | 3 | 0 | N | Emu | Electrigger | Y | S | 200 | 36 | 6 | 3 | 0 | N |Lightning Emu | Dangerous Matter | Y | S | ! | 48 | 4 | 4 | 0 | N | Emu | Buried Alive | Y | S | 200 | 32 | 6 | 3 | 0 | N |Earth Emu | Hydro Pressure | Y | S | 200 | 32 | 6 | 3 | 0 | N |Water Emu | Crimson Cremation | Y | S | 200 | 32 | 6 | 3 | 0 | N |Fire Emu | Storm Blade | Y | S | 200 | 32 | 6 | 3 | 0 | N |Wind Ext | Debilitator | Y | M | - | 32 | 6 | 4 | 0 | N | Ext | High Slugger | Y | P | ! | 16 | 1 | 4 | - | Y | Ext | Anchor Hook | N | P | 100 | 4 | ** | 3 | - | N |Ignores EVA, ! Ext | Passive Style | Y | S | - | 24 | 0 | - | - | N | HC | Quicken | N | M | - | 20 | 3 | 4 | 0 | N |Can hit self HC | Intrude | N | M | - | 64 | 0 | - | - | N | HC | Status Transfer | Y | P | ! | 4 | 3 | 6 | - | N | HC | Remain | N | M | - | 32 | 3 | 4 | 0 | N | 5-B: DETAILS ON DAMAGING ORIGINAL COMMANDS [DMGO] Howling Shot: A line of sight is required for targets of this attack. Sacrifice: Final damage is multiplied by (Caster_cHP / Caster_mHP), taking the stats of the character at the time that the original is selected. Using this original reduces the caster's HP to 1. If a corsage is equipped, the caster's HP is instead halved (rounded down) each time the attack hits or misses a target. Upper Hand: Has downwards VR 4, upwards VR 10. Power = 200 unless the target is above the caster, in which case... Power = 200 + 10 * (Target_HT - Caster_HT) Disarm: On a successful hit, also has an unknown chance of removing the target's weapon. Estimated at 40%. Revive: Ignores target's RES, heals HP instead of dealing damage, and places the revived character in the target hex. Graviton: Hit rate is determined by target's Gravity susceptibility. Damage = Target_cHP * (12 + 2 * Target_WGT) / 100 Rushing Beat: Power = 300 + Caster_RFX - Target_RFX Cancel Strike: On a successful hit, cancels the target's next turn. This does not cause subsequent turns to come more quickly. Orbital Ring: Ignores the Flying attribute. This attack travels around a ring of radius 1, clockwise from the caster. The attack ends when it passes through a hex that exceeds this attack's VR, or one that has an obstruction besides a unit in it. Raving Rage: Number of hits is 1 + N, where N is the number of unobstructed (except possibly by a hole), empty hexes of the same or lesser height directly behind the target (compared to the caster). The number of hits is limited by the caster's MOV stat. The target is knocked back N hexes, and the caster moves as many hexes as possible towards the target in the process. If the target has Anti-Knockback, N is zero. If the target is pushed into a lower hex, all movement caused by this attack stops and N is automatically its maximum value. Final damage is multiplied by the number of hits. A single accuracy check is made for all hits. Movement of caster and target occurs even if the attack misses. Hit or miss, if the target is pushed into a hex of height lower than its previous hex by an amount that exceeds Target_CLM, then the target takes fall damage equal to: 10 * (Height change - Target_CLM) Exhaustion Strike: VP damage = Target_mVP / 4 Smart Drive: This attack has a power of 200. Although this attack's accuracy is not subject to the target's evade, the hit percentage is still calculated as normal, and the final damage dealt by this attack is multiplied by that percentage. Feeble Mind: MP damage = Target_mMP / 5 Heavy Strike: On a hit, the target is knocked back, provided the hex behind the target (compared to the caster) is unoccupied (except possibly by a hole) and at an equal or lesser height to the target's original hex, and Target_WGT < Caster_WGT. If the target is pushed into a hole, the target is immediately killed; units killed in this manner can not auto-revive. If the target is pushed into a hex of height lower than its previous hex by an amount that exceeds Target_CLM, then the target takes fall damage equal to: 10 * (Height change - Target_CLM) Allowance: If damage from this attack would reduce the target below 1 HP, the target's HP is reduced to 1 instead. Heal: Ignores target's RES, as well as Magic Block and Prevent, heals HP instead of dealing damage. Charging Thrust: The target must be on a straight line from the caster, unobstructed and with all intermediate hexes (if any) having the same height as the caster's. The caster will, regardless of whether this attack hits, move along this line to the hex adjacent to the target. Power = 190 + 50 * (Number of hexes moved by the caster in this way) Sonic Boom: The target of this attack is an empty hex rather than a unit, and said hex must be on a straight line from the caster, unobstructed and with all intermediate hexes (if any) having the same height as the caster's. The caster will, regardless of whether this attack affects any other units, move along this line to the targetted hex. Any other units adjacent to either the targetted hex or the intermediate hexes, EXCEPT for a unit on the hex on the same line as the caster's movement, will be struck by this attack and subject to its accuracy and damage checks. Swift Shock: The caster's RFX is doubled until the end of his or her next turn. Drop Kick: Has downwards VR 10, upwards VR 0. Power = 200 + 5 * Caster_WGT + 5 * (Caster_HT - Target_HT) Heavy Throw: After choosing a target unit for this attack, the caster also chooses a target hex. This target hex must be unoccupied, and lie within HR 5 and upwards VR 4 (no downwards VR limit) from the caster. The target is moved into this hex, regardless of whether this attack hits. Damage is calculated based on height of target's hex after movement. Power = 200 + 12 * Target_WGT + 12 * (Caster_HT - Target_HT) Ground Slam: See Heavy Throw, except with HR 3 and no VR limit. Power = 200 + 6 * Target_WGT + 15 * (Caster_HT - Target_HT) Item Toss: Has upwards VR 4, no downwards VR limit. Consumes a chakram-type item in the caster's inventory. Damage = 50 * (Rank of item consumed) Six-Shooter: This attack hits 6 different times at its listed power, each hit making a separate accuracy check. The accuracy is half that of a normal attack; that is, the final hit percentage obtained from the accuracy formula is divided by 2. Innocent Blow: This attack treats the target's DEF as 0, and ignores the Soft and Hard properties. Dangerous Matter: Hit rate is determined by target's Gravity susceptibility. Damage = Target_cHP / 2 High Slugger: Damage = (Caster_ATK + Caster_EVA * 1.2 - Target_DEF) / 6 Anchor Hook: Can target poles and units. The target must be on a straight line from the caster, unobstructed (except by "hole" panels) and with no intermediate hex having a height which exceeds (Caster_HT + 3). If the target is a pole, there must be an empty hex immediately in front of the pole, and the caster is moved to said hex. No damage is done to the pole. If the target is a unit, the unit is moved along the line of sight to the hex adjacent to the caster, regardless of whether this attack does non-zero damage. If said hex is a hole, the target is immediately killed; units killed in this manner can not auto-revive. Some enemy units are immune to Anchor Hook. Status Transfer: The statuses that can be transferred by this attack include HP Down, Disease, Poison, and stat-downs (Slow Down, Fragile, Mesmerize, and Debilitator). Shut Out and Trail are not transferrable. Power = 150 + 10 * (number of statuses transferred) 5-C: DESCRIPTIONS OF NON-DAMAGING ORIGINAL COMMANDS [NDMG] Encourage: All targets have the time until their next turn significantly shortened. Rob Turn: Attempts to inflict the Turn Stolen status. Automatically misses if this status is already present. Status Absorb: All negative statuses from any targets are healed. Any statuses healed this way are applied to the caster. Note that while this status infliction ignores modifications due to status susceptibilities, it does not ignore Status Lock. Warp: Targets unoccupied hexes instead of units. The caster moves immediately to the targetted hex. Replica: Creates a copy of the caster in the targetted hex. The replica is summoned with an empty turn gauge, and has all stats and skills copied from the caster except for HP (1) and MP (0). The replica may not attack, use items, or use originals, but may move. The replica does not count as an ally for the purpose of formation arts. Hyper Attack: Ignores Magic Block and Prevent, inflicts the Hyper status. Provoke: Attempts to inflict the Provoke status. Royal Cheer: Inflicts the Royal Cheer status. Status Lock: Inflicts the Status Lock status. MP Burst: 85% chance of tripling the caster's cMP. If this does not happen, reduces the caster's cMP to 0 instead. Change Equipment: The caster may switch equipment (weapon, armour, and/or shield) with anything available and legally equippable in inventory. Slow Down: Inflicts the Slowed status. Invoke: Inflicts the Invoke status. Rush: Inflicts the Rush status. Mystic: Consumes an equipped item that normally has a range of 0 (before Item Range Up); its effect is applied to every target. Force Field: Inflicts the Damage Blocked status. Amplifier: Inflicts the Damage Up status. Fragile: Inflicts the Fragile status. Turn Shift: Exchanges the turn gauges of the caster and target; this has the effect of giving the target an immediate turn. The caster's RFX is doubled until his or her next turn. Analyze: Inflicts the Analyze status. Detect: Targets hexes instead of units. Reveals any hidden items in range; these items can be acquired by having a player unit end his or her turn in a hex with one. Switch: Hit rate is determined by target's Switch susceptibility. Exchanges the target's cHP and cMP; if this results in cHP being zero, the target is killed. In & Out: The caster may switch equipped items with anything available and legally equippable in inventory. Translate: Targets unoccupied hexes instead of units. The caster must be on a leypoint, and the target hex must lie on a leypoint of the same element. The caster moves immediately to the targetted hex. Replace: Exchanges the position of the caster and target. Shut Out: Targets hexes instead of units. Inflicts the Shut Out status. Ley Spread: The caster must be on a leypoint. Inflicts the Ley Spread status, with the element of the current leypoint, upon the battlefield. Quick Step: Inflicts the Quick Step status. HP Burst: 85% chance of tripling the caster's cHP. If this does not happen, reduces the caster's cHP to 0 instead, killing him or her. Dispel: The target of this attack is a hex rather than a unit (although the hex may be occupied). Removes all statuses from the target hex, as well as any positive or negative statuses applied to the occupant of the hex if one is present. Protect: Inflicts the Protect status. Prevent: Inflicts the Prevent status. Mesmerize: Inflicts the Mesmerize status. Trail: Ignores Magic Block and Prevent. Inflicts the Trailed status. Transport: After choosing a target unit for this attack, the caster also chooses a target hex. This target hex must be unoccupied, and lie within HR 1 and VR 3. The target is moved into this hex. MP Shift: Ignores Magic Block. Increases the target's cMP by the caster's cMP, and reduces the caster's cMP to 0. Blackout: Inflicts the Blackout status. Download: 50% hit rate. If the target does not have the Emulator OC set, this attack automatically fails. If the target does, and knows an Emulator attack which the caster does not, then the caster learns that attack permanently as an Emulator Original Command. If the caster already knows all the Emulator attacks which the target possesses, then the caster deals MP damage to the target equal to 10% of the caster's mMP, and regains that much. This drain effect is limited by both the cMP of the target, and the amount of MP the caster can regain. Kirlian Buster: Attempts to inflict the HP Down status. Stink Cloud: Attempts to inflict the Disease status. Petrify: Attempts to inflict the Petrify status. Slumber Fog: Attempts to inflict the Sleep status. Toxic Breath: Attempts to inflict the Poison status. Luminous Moss: Attempts to inflict the Confuse status. Downhearted: Attempts to inflict the Misery status. Asphyxiate: Provoke: Attempts to inflict the Death status. Debilitator: Inflicts the Debilitator status. Passive Style: Inflicts the Passive Style status. Quicken: Ignores Magic Block and Prevent. Inflicts the Quickened status. Intrude: Gives the caster two immediate turns. Remain: Ignores Magic Block. Inflicts the Auto-Revive status. SECTION 6: CLASSES, CLASS SKILLS, AND CSP [CLAS] -------------------------------------------------- There are 23 available playable classes in Wild ARMs XF (plus a whole host of enemy-only classes). 16 of these are available to every playable character, plot or drifter, with the exception of Tony, and they are unlocked for the player's use in sets of four as the game's storyline proceeds. The remaining 7 classes are unique to the seven storyline playable characters, and are available as soon as you get the character in question. Between battles, each character can choose any available class to change into as his or her current choice. The only exception here is Tony, who is stuck in his unique Crossbreed class (which has the additional downsides of having no class skills, originals, equipment, or Item command... life's tough for the team dog). Each of the playable XF classes (except Crossbreed) has five innate abilities, called class skills. Simply being in a class counts as setting all five of said skills. However, in order to set the class skills from a class other than the one a unit is currently in, he or she must first learn the skills. Skills are learned by gaining CSP (class skill points) while in the class. In general, 1 CSP is gained per enemy reduced to 0 HP (a few rare enemies are worth more; one famous one who exists only in free battles can give far more. See another guide for details). It doesn't matter who gets the kill; the CSP is gained by every unit available for the map, whether or not they participated in it, and whether or not they finished the battle alive. The only way to miss out on CSP (and EXP, for that matter) is to be completely unavailable for that battle. Hired drifters, strangely, count as available for every battle, even the rare few where they can't be used. Being in battle does give more CSP, however, as there are a few in-battle effects that result in gaining more CSP. How this works is that there is a CSP multiplier applied to each unit who finishes the battle alive. By default this multiplier is 1, but the following effects will raise the multiplier: +0.3 for finishing the battle with cVP at least 75% of mVP +0.2 for finishing the battle with cVP between 50% and 75% of mVP +0.1 for finishing the battle with cVP between 25% and 50% of mVP +0.4 for having the CSP Up skill set +1.0 for finishing the battle with the CSP Up status Note that the CSP Up status (not skill) is granted only by using a Potential Egg. It is also cleared if you die, so if you plan to use a Potential Egg, it's best to do so late in a battle, just in case. Initially, every character starts with Class Level 1 in all classes (with a few exceptions: later-joining plot characters tend to have a class level above 1 in their unique class). When a character gains enough CSP in a class, he or she will gain a class level. The following table lists the CSP requirements for each level, first the total required to reach that level starting from 0 CSP, then the difference between this level's CSP requirement and the previous level's. Table: Class Levels by CSP required LEVEL | TOTAL | DIFF ------+-------+------ 1 | 0 | 2 | 8 | 8 3 | 22 | 14 4 | 47 | 25 5 | 90 | 43 6 | 165 | 75 7 | 293 | 128 It's a possible point of interest that each level is about 1.73 times as difficult to reach as the previous, or about the square root of 3. Reaching Class Level 2 unlocks, in all cases, the OC of that class to be set while in other classes. Setting the OC of a class gives you access to all of its Original Commands in battle. Reaching Class Levels 3 to 7 instead each unlock a different class skill, which will be detailed shortly. These skills can then be set if the character changes to a different class. Also, as an extra bonus to reaching Class Level 7 (the highest level), the character will also learn a mastery skill for the class at that point. Mastery skills work differently than class skills; they are not available before Class Level 7 even if the character is in that class, and they can not be set should the character leave that class. However, they are always available, at Class Level 7, while the character is in that class. Characters can continue to gain CSP after reaching Class Level 7, but this does not accomplish anything. There is a limit to the number of skills that a character can set. The class skills and OC of the current class do not count towards this limit, nor does the mastery skill if applicable. Otherwise, setting an OC costs two skill slots, setting any other class skill costs one. The number of available skill slots is simple, and given by: Skill slots = 3 + Level / 10 That's experience level, not class level, just to be clear. 6-A: LIST OF CLASS SKILLS AND MASTERY SKILLS [CSKL] Each skill here will be listed with, in parentheses, first the class with which the skill is associated, and then the Class Level required to learn the skill and set it while in a different class. Mastery skills are also included here. Note that each class has an "EQ" skill. In the interests of time, I will only list the level at which said skill is unlocked, since the descriptions are all the same: they allow the character to equip any equipment which is naturally available to the associated class. See Section 10 for more details. Wait & Heal VP (Secutor 3): If the character chooses Wait without moving, he or she recovers VP equal to 5% of mVP. Blood Heat (Secutor 4): Multiplies the Power of counterattacks by 125%. Weapon Block (Secutor 5): 25% chance to nullify any basic attack made against the character. Secutor EQ (Secutor 6) ATK +25% (Secutor 7): ATK multiplied by 125%. Retaliate (Secutor mastery): If the Weapon Block skill activates, the blocked damage of the incoming attack is dealt instead to the attacker. Elementalist EQ (Elementalist 3) Wait & Heal MP (Elementalist 4): If the character chooses Wait without moving, he or she recovers MP equal to 2% of mMP. Crisis Conserve MP (Elementalist 5): Original costs are multiplied by 75% while the character is in crisis. Magic Block (Elementalist 6): 25% chance to nullify any magic attack made against the character by another. MAG +25% (Elementalist 7): MAG multiplied by 125%. Reflect (Elementalist mastery): If the Magic Block skill activates, the blocked damage of the incoming attack is dealt instead to the attacker. Fantastica EQ (Fantastica 3) Zone Effect (Fantastica 4): Any ally who begins his or her turn adjacent to the character has AIM and EVA multiplied by 110% until the start of his or her next turn. Any enemy who begins his or her turn adjacent to the character has AIM and EVA multiplied by 90% until the start of his or her next turn. Arts Support (Fantastica 5): The Power of any Formation Art or Combination Art the character uses is multiplied by 110%. CSP Up (Fantastica 6): If the character finishes a battle alive, his or her CSP multiplier is increased by +0.4. Object Attack (Fantastica 7): Basic attacks used by the character will destroy barrels and push adjacent blocks one hex directly further away if possible. Extra Support (Fantastica mastery): Doubles the effect of Zone Effect and Arts Support, replacing 110% with 120% and 90% with 80% in their effect descriptions. Gadgeteer EQ (Gadgeteer 3) Decelerate (Gadgeteer 4): If a basic attack made by this character deals damage, it also removes 25% of the target's "accumulated RFX", i.e. the accumulated time needed for the target to get his or next turn. Item Effect Up (Gadgeteer 5): HP damage and healing effects of items used by this character (through the Item command, Mystic, and Item Toss) are multiplied by 150%. MP and VP healing is not affected. Item Range Up (Gadgeteer 6): Increases the HR of all items, as well as Mystic, by 1. Notably, this turns an item with HR 0 to have HR 1 instead, allowing it to be used on targets besides oneself. Item Carry Up (Gadgeteer 7): Increases the number of equippable items to 7 from the usual 4. High-Class Items (Gadgeteer mastery): High-class items become legal for use by the character. Anti-Knockback (Sentinel 3): The character is immune to being knocked back e.g. by Heavy Strike and Raving Rage. ZOC Effect (Sentinel 4): Enemy units can not move into two consecutive hexes adjacent to the character in a single move action. Note that this does not stop movement created by other actions (such as Charging Thrust) nor does it stop movement through the character allowed by Skip Enemies. DEF +25% (Sentinel 5): DEF multiplied by 125%. Sentinel EQ (Sentinel 6) Defender (Sentinel 7): If a singletarget enemy physical attack targets an ally adjacent to the character, there is a chance (around 25%) that the character will switch places with the ally before the attack resolves. If this occurs, the character takes half normal damage from the attack. Auto Guard (Sentinel mastery): The character has a chance (around 25%) to multiply damage from an enemy physical attack by 1/4. If the character activates the Defender skill, then the chance of Auto Guard is instead 100%, leading to a total damage multiplier of 1/8 from the the two skill effects combined. Sacred Slayer EQ (Sacred Slayer 3) Crisis RFX Up (Sacred Slayer 4): RFX is multiplied by (100% + 10% * number of allies in crisis + 20% * number of allies who are dead). This is a different skill from the High Cavalier skill with the same name. Damage Recovery (Sacred Slayer 5): Low chance (10-25%) to recover HP after taking damage equal to 10% of the damage dealt. RES +25% (Sacred Slayer 6): RES multiplied by 125%. Widespread (Sacred Slayer 7): Expands the effect radius of many magic Original Commands by to 1. See Section 5-A for the full list of affected originals. Paladin (Sacred Slayer mastery): Causes the Sanctify original, when used by the character, to instantly kill any undead it hits. Also reduces the chance the character will be affected by negative status; how effective this is is unknown. Attack High/Low (Excavator 3): Extends the upwards VR of projectile weapons and Item Toss to 8, unless it was already greater. Gella Bonus (Excavator 4): When the character reduces an enemy to 0 HP, that enemy drops extra gella equal to its normal dropped gella value. Item Bonus (Excavator 5): When the character reduces an enemy to 0 HP, that enemy has a chance of dropping an item from its dropped item list. Excavator EQ (Excavator 6) Discover Item (Excavator 7): The character will sometimes discover an item after moving. The mechanics behind what item is discovered are something I have not investigated. Rare Item Bonus (Excavator mastery): Allows more valuable items to be discovered from Discover Item, and doubles the gella received from Gella Bonus. Ley Attack (Geomancer 3): Basic attacks made by the character will be of the element of the leypoint the character is standing on, if any. Move & Heal HP (Geomancer 4): The character recovers HP equal to 5% of mHP at the end of any turn in which he or she uses the Move command. Geomancer EQ (Geomancer 5) Ignore Move Cost (Geomancer 6): The character treats the movement cost for entering any unobstructed hex as 1. Crisis MOV Up (Geomancer 7): MOV and CLM are both increased by (1 for each ally in crisis + 2 for each ally dead), capping at +4. Ley Boost (Geomancer mastery): Multiplies certain stats by 120% when standing on a leypoint. The leypoint elements and associate stats boosted are: Earth - DEF, RES Water - MAG Fire - ATK Wind - AIM, EVA, RFX Move & Heal MP (Berserker 3): The character recovers MP equal to 2% of mMP at the end of any turn in which he or she uses the Move command. Penetrator (Berserker 4): Allows projectile weapons and Item Toss to target anyone in range, regardless of any obstacles in the way. Berserker EQ (Berserker 5) EXP Up (Berserker 6): If the character finishes a battle alive, his or her EXP multiplier is increased. MOV Up (Berserker 7): MOV is increased by 1. Valiant (Berserker mastery): Whenever this character deals non-zero damage, (mHP - cHP) is added to said damage. Enigmancer EQ (Enigmancer 3) Caution (Enigmancer 4): The character enters crisis when cHP is below 30% mHP, instead of 20%. IFF (Enigmancer 5): The character can not deal damage or inflict negative status effects on allies, nor heal or inflict positive status effects on enemies. Damage and healing affects are thus restricted whether they affect HP, MP, or VP. Combination Arts ignore this. Extend (Enigmancer 6): Positive status effects on the character which normally wear off after 3 of the target's turns instead wear off after 6 of the character's turns. Levitation (Enigmancer 7): The character is not affected by the damage of lava hexes nor the poison of poison hexes. MAG Charge (Enigmancer mastery): The character has a charge-counter which starts the battle at 0. At the end of any turn in which the character uses a magic attack, the counter is reset to 0. At the end of any other turn, gotten by anyone, it increases by 1. A charge boost of 5 * charge-counter is added to the character's MAG stat after all other calculations, and this is recalculated whenever the character's charge-counter is changed. See Section 11 for a bug related to this. Remove Trap (Strider 3): Trap hexes are visible when it is the character's turn. Trap hexes do not activate when the character stands in them, and if the character chooses Wait in a trap hex, the trap is disarmed and can no longer activate. CLM Up (Strider 4): CLM is increased by 1. Strider EQ (Strider 5) AIM +25% (Strider 6): AIM multiplied by 125%. Critical Rate Up (Strider 7): Increases the character's chance of getting a critical hit by an unknown amount. Sniper Shot (Strider mastery): The character has approximately a 1/3 chance of getting a critical hit on an attack that can do so, and critical hits have damage multiplied by 2 instead of the usual 1.5. Accelerate (Grappler 3): At the end of the character's turn, there is a 1/3 chance for him or her to get a random bonus to his or her turn gauge, reducing the time until his or her next turn. Grappler EQ (Grappler 4) Red Zone (Grappler 5): The character gets an immediate turn whenever anyone on his or her team enters crisis. The character's turn gauge is reset after this turn, as normal. Throw Range Up (Grappler 6): Extends the HR of projectile weapons and Item Toss by 1. VP +25% (Grappler 7): mVP and initial cVP multiplied by 125%. ATK Charge (Grappler mastery): The character has a charge-counter which starts the battle at 0. At the end of any turn in which the character uses a physical attack, the counter is reset to 0. At the end of any other turn, gotten by anyone, it increases by 1. A charge boost of 5 * charge-counter is added to the character's ATK stat after all other calculations, and this is recalculated whenever the character's charge-counter is changed. See Section 11 for a bug related to this. HP Recovery (Nightstalker 3): The character recovers HP equal to 5% of mHP at the start of each turn he or she gets. Counter Rate Up (Nightstalker 4): Increases the character's chance of getting a counterattack by an unknown amount. Nightstalker EQ (Nightstalker 5) Illusion (Nightstalker 6): 25% chance to nullify any physical or magic attack made against the character by another. RFX +25% (Nightsalker 7): RFX multiplied by 125%. Inertia Cancel (Nightstalker mastery): When the character is about to make a counterattack, the player can hit cancel, and the character will instead get a turn. Action Replay (Emulator 3): When an allied unit uses a singletarget action (basic attack, original, or item) on an adjacent target which is also adjacent to the character (at the end of the initial action), the character has a chance to also use the same attack on the same target, at no MP or item cost. The chance is actually quite high, unlike most chance-reliant events in the game. Formation Arts and Combination Arts can not trigger Action Replay. MP Recovery (Emulator 4): The character recovers MP equal to 2% of mMP at the start of each turn he or she gets. Emulator EQ (Emulator 5) Exploit Weakness (Emulator 6): When the character uses an elemental attack and hits a target with negative resistance, or uses a lightning attack against a golem, the final damage of the attack is multiplied by 150%. Conserve MP (Emulator 7): Multiplies the MP cost of Originals by 75%. Replay Master (Emulator mastery): Increases the chance of Action Replay, and raises Download's hit rate to 75% from 50%. EVA +25% (Extremist 3): EVA multiplied by 125%. Attack & Heal HP (Extremist 4): The character recovers HP equal to 5% of mHP at the end of any turn in which he or she uses a basic attack. Attack & Heal MP (Extremist 5): The character recovers MP equal to 2% of mMP at the end of any turn in which he or she uses a basic attack. Extremist EQ (Extremist 6) Command Critical (Extremist 7): The character's originals can make critical hits in the same manner as basic attacks. Concentration (Extremist mastery): Damage dealt by the character is multiplied by 150%. Also, the character's rate of skill activations is increased by an untested amount. Wait & Heal HP (High Cavalier 3): If the character chooses Wait without moving, he or she recovers HP equal to 5% of mHP. Distribute (High Cavalier 4): If the character reduces an enemy to 0 HP using a singletarget damaging attack, then any damage beyond what was needed to reduce the enemy to 0 is divided by the number of other enemies within 3 hexes and dealt to each of them. If the character restores HP to a single target on his or her team via an original or item, then any HP healed beyond what was needed to raise the target's HP to maximum is divided by the number of allies of that target within 3 hexes and restored to each of them. Crisis RFX Up (High Cavalier 5): RFX multiplied by 150% while the character is in crisis. This is a different skill from the Sacred Slayer skill with the same name. Defeat & RFX Up (High Cavalier 6): When the character kills an enemy, his or her RFX is multiplied by 200% until the end of his or her next turn. High Cavalier EQ (High Cavalier 7) Holy Order (High Cavalier mastery): At the start of any turn, the Holy Order status is inflicted on any undead units adjacent to the character for that turn. Soul Survivor (Dandelion Shot 3): Death susceptibility becomes 0%. Dandelion Shot EQ (Dandelion Shot 4) Throw Block (Dandelion Shot 5): 40% chance to nullify an attack from a projectile weapon or Item Toss. Courageous Heart (Dandelion Shot 6): When the character first enters crisis, her MAG, RES, and EVA are multiplied by 120%. This effect lasts the entire battle. Extra Critical (Dandelion Shot 7): Critical hits have damage multiplied by 2 instead of the usual 1.5. The in-game description of this skill suggests it is more complicated than this. Overflow (Halberdier 3): The Power of any attack used by the character is increased by 10 for each enemy he has killed so far in the battle. Crisis AIM UP (Halberdier 4): AIM multiplied by 150% while the character is in crisis. Halberdier EQ (Halberdier 5) Counter Rate Up (Halberdier 6): Increases the character's chance of getting a counterattack by an unknown amount. The description suggests that the increase is based on the number of adjacent enemies. Attack Assist (Halberdier 7): Presumably due to a bug, this skill does nothing. Arcanist EQ (Arcanist 3) Attack & AIM Down (Arcanist 4): If a basic attack by this character hits, it inflicts the Mesmerize status. Critical Extra Turn (Arcanist 5): The character gets a turn immediately after any turn in which she makes a critical hit. Distortion (Arcanist 6): If an attack would deal damage to the character that does not exceed 25% of her mHP, it instead deals 0 damage. Magic Effect +25% (Arcanist 7): Damage and healing created by magical attacks used by the character have their damage or healing multiplied by 125%. Damage that is calculated by a method besides the standard magic damage formula (e.g. Dangerous Matter) is not affected. Martial Mage EQ (Martial Mage 3) Skip Enemies (Martial Mage 4): The character can move through hexes occupied by enemies, but can not end his movement there. Detonation! (Martial Mage 5): The target's rate of skill activations is increased by an untested amount. Effective from the start of the battle until the character first takes damage. Execrate (Martial Mage 6): When the character makes an attack that has a status susceptibility check, the status susceptibility is multiplied by 150% for that attack. Counter-Counter (Martial Mage 7): The character has a chance to counterattack in response to being the target of a counterattack. Anti-Critical (Stormrider 3): Other units can not get critical hits against the character. Move & Heal VP (Stormrider 4): The character recovers VP equal to 5% of mVP at the end of any turn in which he uses the Move command. Stormrider EQ (Stormrider 5) Tactical Evasion (Stormrider 6): At the start of any turn, EVA is multiplied by (100% + 4% * number of adjacent empty hexes) for that turn. Raving Revenge (Stormrider 7): Raving Rage is used in place of a basic attack when the character makes a counterattack. Raving Rage used this way does not consume MP. Anti-ZOC (Royal Fencer 3): The character's movement is not affected by ZOC Effect. Leader's Duty (Royal Fencer 4): The character gets a turn immediately at the start of every battle. This turn occurs before any unit's turn gauge even begins to fill. Strong Heart (Royal Fencer 5): RFX multiplied by (100% + (mVP - VP) / mVP). Royal Fencer EQ (Royal Fencer 6) Skill Success Up (Royal Fencer 7): The target's rate of skill activations is increased by an untested amount. The description suggests that the increase is based on the number of turns passed. Skill Slots +3 (DS/Hal/Arc/MM/Sto/RF mastery): The character's number of skill slots is increased by 3. SECTION 7: STATUS EFFECTS [SEFF] -------------------------------------------------- Wild ARMs XF has a large number of status effects, which affect the performance of the unit, hex, or field upon which they are inflicted (henceforth referred to as the target of the status). Most status effects are target units, although one targets hexes, and one targets the entire battlefield. Status effects have a time-based duration. Each status effect targetting a unit wears off in one of five ways: -At the start of the first turn the unit gets after it is applied -At the end of the Nth turn the unit gets after it is applied, for some fixed N -At the start of any random turn gotten by the unit -At the start of any random turn gotten by ANY unit -Never Status effects also wear off when the target unit is killed, at the end of the battle, or when the target is hit by "Dispel". Certain status effects also wear off if specific conditions are met. These, if any, will be specified in the description of the status effect. Status effects can not be "refreshed". In other words, they can not be reapplied in order to extend the original duration. Many status effects act as multipliers to certain stats. These multipliers stack; e.g. Hyper Attack is a 150% multiplier to ATK, while Debilitator is a 75% multiplier to ATK (among other stats). Stacking them yields a 150% * 75% = 112.5% multiplier to ATK. Note that stats are always rounded down to the nearest integer at the end of any such calculations. A few status effects are not listed here, namely those used exclusively by enemies. Most of these take the form of 3-turn positive or negative stat alterations, and make no resistance check; their function as such should be fairly obvious when they are encountered. The Fairylight's 50% multiplier to MAG, applied by their Follow Around attack, is perhaps the best example. 7-A: POSITIVE STATUS EFFECTS [PEFF] All of these have effects which would generally be considered positive; typically, they default to targetting self or allies. Status: Hyper (name not shown) Ends: After 3 of target's turns Effect: ATK multiplied by 150% Status: Royal Cheer Ends: After 1 of target's turns Effect: ATK, DEF, MAG, RES, AIM, EVA, and RFX multiplied by 110% Status: Status Lock Ends: After 3 of target's turns Effect: Further status effects (both positive and negative) can not be applied to this unit, with the exception of Trailed. Status: Invoke Ends: After 1 of target's turns Effect: Physical attacks made by the target will have a 100% hit rate, and his or her rates of critical hits and skill activations rise by a large, untested amount. Status: Rush Ends: After 2 of the target's turns Effect: The target may use any Original Commands after moving, even ones that normally do not allow it. Status: Damage Blocked Ends: Before the start of the target's next turn Effect: The target is immune to HP damage, and all of his or her status susceptibilities are lowered to 0%. This does not grant immunity to statuses which are not subject to a susceptibility check, however. Status: Damage Up Ends: After the target deals damage Effect: Damage done by the target is doubled. If this status is applied a second time while it is already in effect, it is upgraded, and damage done by the target is tripled instead. Further stackings have no effect. Status: Quick Step (name not shown) Ends: After 3 of the target's turns Effect: MOV and CLM are increased by 1. Status: Protect (name not shown) Ends: After 3 of the target's turns Effect: DEF and RES multiplied by 150% Note: Inflicting this status also removes the Fragile status (and vice versa) Status: Blackout Ends: Before the start of the target's next turn Effect: Most enemies can not "see" the target, and will act as if he or she does not exist (and thus, will never attack the target directly). However, this does not protect the target from enemy attacks which strike multiple hexes, and certain enemies appear to ignore this status effect entirely. Status: Passive Style Ends: Before the start of the target's next turn Effect: All damage done to the target (except healing, and any damage which is calculated from the target's max HP, MP, or VP) is multiplied by 75%. The target's rate of skill activations is increased by an untested amount. Status: Quickened (name not shown) Ends: After 3 of the target's turns Effect: RFX multiplied by 150% Note: Inflicting this status also removes the Slowed status (and vice versa) Status: Auto-Revive Ends: No duration limit Effect: When the target is killed, he or she is revived to 1 HP immediately. This counts as being killed and then revived, so any status effects on the target are removed (including Auto-Revive), and the time until the target's next turn is reset. Status: All Stats Up (name not shown) Ends: After 3 of the target's turns Effect: ATK, DEF, MAG, RES, AIM, EVA, and RFX multiplied by 150% Status: EXP Up Ends: No duration limit Effect: If this status effect is present when the battle ends, +1.0 is added to the character's EXP multiplier. Status: CSP Up Ends: No duration limit Effect: If this status effect is present when the battle ends, +1.0 is added to the character's CSP multiplier. 7-B: IRRESISTIBLE NEGATIVE STATUS EFFECTS [INEF] All of these have effects which would generally be considered negative; typically, they default to targetting enemies. Status: Slowed (name not shown) Ends: After 3 of the target's turns Effect: RFX multiplied by 50% Note: Inflicting this status also removes the Quickened status (and vice versa) Status: Fragile (name not shown) Ends: After 3 of the target's turns Effect: DEF and RES multiplied by 50% Note: Inflicting this status also removes the Protect status (and vice versa) Status: Prevent Ends: After 3 of the target's turns Effect: Any magical Original Commands used by the target have their final hit rate multiplied by 50% (rounded down). The commands Hyper Attack, Heal, Trail, and Quicken are exempt from this. Status: Mesmerize (name not shown) Ends: After 3 of the target's turns Effect: AIM multiplied by 50% Status: Debilitator Ends: After 3 of the target's turns Effect: ATK, DEF, MAG, RES, AIM, EVA, and RFX multiplied by 75% Status: Holy Order Ends: At the end of any turn for which its conditions are not met Effect: ATK, DEF, MAG, RES, AIM, EVA, and RFX multiplied by 80% Status: Gella Up Ends: No duration limit Effect: When the target is killed, the gella it normally drops is doubled. 7-C: RESISTIBLE NEGATIVE STATUS EFFECTS [RNEF] As above; however, all of these status effects have their hit rates determined by the susceptibility of the target. For instance, playable characters have a 50% susceptibility to Misery, meaning that "Downhearted" will have a 50% hit rate against them (normally). If a command both does damage and inflicts status, the hit rate of the status is subject to this susceptibility rate, but the infliction of damage occurs regardless. (This only applies to certain enemy-only attacks.) Status: Turn Stolen Ends: After the target would normally get a turn When the target's next turn comes, the target does not get a turn; instead, the unit who inflicted this status gets a turn. The time until next turn for both units is reset by this. Status: Provoked Ends: After 1 of the target's turns Effect: The target will prioritise killing the unit who inflicted this effect on him or her. This does not prevent the target from attacking other units, however, e.g. if the target can not reach the Provoker or if the the target can attack both the Provoker and other foes at once. Status: Max HP Down Ends: No duration limit Effect: mHP multiplied by 50% Status: Disease Ends: Rarely, at the start of the target's turn Effect: Any effects which heal the target's HP have their recovery reduced to 0. Status: Stone Ends: Rarely, at the start of the target's turn Effect: The target can not move or act. If the target is hit with a physical attack, his or her cHP is immediately reduced to 0. Status: Sleep Ends: Rarely, at the start of any unit's turn Effect: The target can not move or act. Status: Poison Ends: No duration limit Effect: At the end of any turn the target gets, he or she suffers damage equal to 5% of his or her mHP. Status: Confusion Ends: Rarely, at the start of the target's turn Effect: The target can not be controlled normally. On any turns he or she gets, he or she will make a basic attack against a random unit (friend or foe) in range, moving if necessary. If no units are in range, the confused unit will move randomly. Status: Misery Ends: No duration limit Effect: Any effects which heal the target's MP have their recovery reduced to 0. The target can not use Original Commands. Status: Death Ends: No duration limit Effect: The target is removed from the battlefield, and no longer gets turns. The target can only be returned to action by the status effect Auto-Revive, the item Revive Fruit, and the Original Command "Revive". A killed unit always has 0 cHP, and can not have any status effects besides Death affecting him or her. If revived, he or she must wait a "full round" for a turn, as if he or she just got a turn normally. This status is inflicted automatically if a unit's cHP is reduced to 0, and no susceptibility check is made in this case (nor is it made for units killed by falling into pits). The Original Command "Asphyxiate", along with certain enemy-only attacks, are the only attacks which make a susceptibility check for Death. 7-D: MISCELLANEOUS STATUS EFFECTS [MSEF] These status effects are neither positive nor negative in nature. Status: Crisis Ends: No duration limit Effect: The status is automatically triggered when a unit's cHP is below 20% mHP, and automatically ends when this condition is no longer met. Crisis has no direct effects, but several skills are affected by it. Status: Analyze Ends: No duration limit Effect: Only non-playable units can be affected by this status. Reveals the unit's type (i.e. Flying, Hard, or Soft), items dropped, CSP, EXP, and gella. Check the unit's status to see these. Status: Trailed Ends: No duration limit Effect: After any turn in which the target moves, the unit who inflicted this status will get an instantaneous turn, in which he or she will automatically attempt to move towards the target. No control is offered to the unit in this "Trail turn", and no action may be taken. This turn does not affect the time at which the unit's next normal turn will arrive, but does count as a turn towards the expiration of status, VP depletion, and other turn-related effects. 7-E: HEX AND FIELD STATUS EFFECTS [HFEF] These status effects do not target units, but instead target a hex (Shut Out) and entire battlefield (Ley Spread). As such, they wear off in a different manner; they wear off at the start of the 20th turn after they are applied (not including the turn that was used to apply them). Status: Shut Out Ends: At the start of the 20th turn after being applied Effect: No unit may move into, out of, or through the target hex. This restriction applies to teleportation effects, too. Status: Ley Spread (name not shown) Ends: At the start of the 20th turn after being applied Effect: All attacks of a certain element (determined by the element of leypoint the caster is on when this effect is created) have their damage doubled. Simultaneously, all attacks of the opposite element (Fire opposes Water, Earth opposes Wind) have their damage halved. Two Ley Spread statuses may be present at once if they do not strengthen opposite elements. However, if they do strengthen opposite elements, they can not co-exist, and both are immediately nullified. SECTION 8: STATS AND STAT GROWTH [STAT] -------------------------------------------------- All of a unit's stats (except MOV, CLM, and WGT) are calculated according to the following formula: Unequipped Stat = [[Base stat * Class Multiplier / 100] * (Level + 49) / 50] -The "Base stat" is a hidden, immutable value associated with the character. For special characters such as Clarissa, as well as for each enemy encountered in the game, these values are fixed and will be the same each time the game is played. For hired drifters, you choose these values when the drifter is hired; they are the values you see beside each stat before you choose a class or level for the drifter. Once the drifter has been hired, their base stats can never be changed. -"Level" refers to the experience level of the character. -"Class Multiplier" is a value associated with the class the character is currently in. For instance, an Enigmancer is obviously going to have higher MAG than a Sentinel; this is reflected in the fact that the Enigmancer's MAG class multiplier 116 while the Sentinel's is 84. Note that the stat generated by the above formula is the unequipped stat. Equipment adds directly onto stats (only ATK, MAG, AIM, DEF, RES, and EVA are modified by equipment). After equipment boosts, skill multipliers (such as ATK+25%), and status multipliers (such as Slow Down and Crisis AIM Up) are factored in. Since they are multipliers, the order they are applied in is largely irrelevant. However, a few temporary effects add to stats instead of multiplying them. These are the equipment ability of the Pocket Watch, which is added after skill multipliers but before status multipliers, and the skills ATK Charge and MAG Charge, which are added after everything. Ignoring these exceptions, however, the general formula is: Final stat = (Unequipped Stat + Equip Bonus) * Skill mults * Status mults Of course, to make sense of all this, you'll need access to two things: class multipliers, and base stats. First off, here are the class multipliers. Included on this chart, for completion purposes, are the MOV and CLM stat associated with each class; they are not multipliers, but rather are fixed base values that anyone in that class will have (although they can be modified by skills such as MOV Up and Quick Step). Also, note that a few classes have skill boosts to certain stats (Secutor's ATK +25%, etc.) which are ALWAYS active while a character is in this class; as such, unless the character learns this skill and sets it while in a different class, the advantage to being in this class for the purpose of this stat is even higher than the numbers on this chart indicate. As a reminder of this, asterisks are placed beside such stats. Table: Class Multipliers CLASS | HP | MP | VP | ATK | DEF | MAG | RES | AIM | EVA | RFX |MOV|CLM ------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+---+--- DS | 96 | 96 | 96 | 92 | 96 | 104 | 116 | 100 | 96 | 108 | 3 | 3 Hal | 112 | 88 | 116 | 108 | 116 | 84 | 84 | 96 | 92 | 100 | 4 | 3 Arc | 92 | 116 | 92 | 84 | 88 | 116 | 112 | 88 | 90 | 96 | 3 | 2 MM | 106 | 104 | 90 | 96 | 92 | 88 | 96 | 104 | 100 | 116 | 5 | 4 Sto | 116 | 80 | 104 | 100 | 100 | 92 | 88 | 102 | 112 | 104 | 4 | 3 RF | 100 | 92 | 100 | 116 | 104 | 96 | 100 | 112 | 104 | 84 | 4 | 3 Sec | 90 | 76 | 108 | 132*| 100 | 76 | 76 | 104 | 96 | 92 | 4 | 3 Ele | 84 | 106 | 84 | 76 | 76 | 132*| 102 | 92 | 100 | 98 | 3 | 2 Fan | 86 | 108 | 84 | 96 | 88 | 104 | 108 | 102 | 110 | 88 | 4 | 3 Gad | 92 | 100 | 80 | 88 | 92 | 96 | 100 | 108 | 102 | 112 | 4 | 3 Sen | 108 | 96 | 116 | 112 | 132*| 84 | 80 | 108 | 94 | 76 | 4 | 2 SS | 96 | 112 | 80 | 88 | 100 | 88 | 132*| 96 | 102 | 82 | 3 | 2 Exc | 88 | 90 | 88 | 84 | 86 | 100 | 96 | 110 | 112 | 116 | 5 | 5 Geo | 100 | 96 | 112 | 106 | 96 | 96 | 96 | 104 | 96 | 88 | 4 | 3 Ber | 112 | 84 | 84 | 108 | 112 | 84 | 104 | 106 | 108 | 108 | 7*| 3 Eni | 80 | 124 | 92 | 88 | 108 | 116 | 96 | 100 | 106 | 100 | 4 | 2 Str | 104 | 92 | 96 | 88 | 100 | 80 | 92 | 132*| 104 | 104 | 4 | 6* Gra | 114 | 84 | 132*| 104 | 112 | 84 | 88 | 112 | 98 | 96 | 4 | 2 Ni | 76 | 92 | 92 | 80 | 96 | 92 | 92 | 110 | 94 | 132*| 5 | 3 Emu | 106 | 104 | 76 | 80 | 80 | 108 | 116 | 96 | 92 | 84 | 4 | 3 Ext | 116 | 80 | 100 | 116 | 84 | 88 | 92 | 104 | 132*| 96 | 4 | 2 HC | 132 | 98 | 88 | 100 | 112 | 108 | 96 | 100 | 92 | 88 | 4 | 2 Next, here are the base stats of the PCs. Table: Base Stats of Playable Characters CHARACTER | HP | MP | VP | ATK | DEF | MAG | RES | AIM | EVA | RFX ------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----- Clarissa | 126 | 142 | 134 | 60 | 62 | 70 | 76 | 72 | 60 | 78 Felius | 158 | 126 | 166 | 72 | 76 | 52 | 54 | 66 | 56 | 66 Labyrinthia | 118 | 162 | 126 | 52 | 54 | 76 | 72 | 56 | 54 | 54 Levin | 143 | 150 | 120 | 64 | 58 | 60 | 65 | 72 | 66 | 84 Ragnar | 166 | 118 | 150 | 68 | 66 | 62 | 58 | 68 | 76 | 72 Alexia | 134 | 134 | 142 | 76 | 72 | 68 | 66 | 76 | 68 | 48 Tony | 195 | 56 | 208 | 142 | 118 | 48 | 136 | 129 | 87 | 54 A note on Tony: For Tony, these are his base stats assuming that his "Crossbreed" class has class multipliers of 100 across the board. Due to how the stat formula works, it is possible these are not the numbers that exist in the code, but there is no way to discern the truth short of hacking. These numbers provide a perfectly valid model for the behaviour of Tony's stats in-game. And if they seem high, remember that Tony can not make use of equipment or skills (and has no use for MP or VP), making all Tony's stats except HP and RFX much lower than the above chart suggests in practice. Crossbreed, as a note, has 5 MOV and 5 CLM. Drifters hired in towns have, as mentioned, base stats which are generated at the time of hire. Uniquely among characters, you can view their base stats directly before choosing a class or increasing their level. Drifter base stats appear to be totally random, within certain set ranges. There is no natural balance to drifter stats; high stats in one area do not imply low stats in another, so a patient player can hire drifters with extremely high overall base stats compared to the storyline playable characters. Here are the maximum and minimum stats of any drifter, along with the mid-range value (which I presume is the average, although the method by which stats are generated is not known). Table: Ranges for Base Stats of Hired Drifters | HP | MP | VP | ATK | DEF | MAG | RES | AIM | EVA | RFX ------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----- Minimum | 109 | 109 | 109 | 48 | 48 | 48 | 48 | 48 | 48 | 64 Average(?) | 144 | 135 | 144 | 64 | 64 | 64 | 64 | 64 | 64 | 76 Maximum | 178 | 161 | 178 | 79 | 79 | 79 | 79 | 79 | 79 | 88 As a side note, Drifters also have randomly generated elemental resistances. Unlike stats these are balanced against each other; they will always sum up to zero (i.e. the sum of the positive resistances is equal to the sum of the negative weaknesses). SECTION 9: ITEMS [ITEM] -------------------------------------------------- Characters in Wild ARMs XF can equip up to 4 items (normally), and can access them through the item command. When an item is used (either through the Item command, or through the originals Mystic or Item Toss), it is consumed, permanently deleting it from inventory. Using an item is otherwise a lot like using an original. All items either have fixed effects, or deal special damage, i.e. they use the magical damage formula but are not considered magical. Items listed as removing "all" statuses in fact remove only resistible negative status effects, and do not remove Death, Turn Stolen, or Provoked. Legend: HI? = Indicates whether the item is a high-class item. Note: Only units with the High-Class Items skill can use these. RANGE = Indicates the range of item. Item Range Up increases HR by 1. Self = HR 0, VR 4. Can target self. Can also be used via Mystic. Close = HR 1, VR 4. Targets an empty hex instead of a unit. Far = HR 4, VR 4. Area = HR 0, VR 4, effect radius 2. DESCRIPTION = Brief description of the item's effect on the target. Table: Battle Items ITEM | HI? | RANGE | DESCRIPTION ----------------+-----+-------+------------- Heal Berry | N | Self | Heals 100 HP Potion Berry | N | Self | Heals 200 HP Mega Berry | Y | Self | Heals 300 HP Holy Berry | Y | Self | Heals all HP Revive Fruit | N | Close | Revives ally in empty hex, heals HP, 240 power Full Revive | Y | Close | Revives ally in empty hex, heals all HP Antidote | N | Self | Removes Poison Medicine | N | Self | Removes Disease Peppy Acorn | N | Self | Removes Misery Breath Mint | N | Self | Removes Sleep Pinwheel | N | Self | Removes Confusion Pygmalion | N | Self | Removes Stone Nectar | N | Self | Removes Max HP Down, heals 100 VP Holy Root | Y | Self | Removes "all" statuses Great Apple | Y | Self | Inflicts All Stats Up Ambrosia | Y | Self | Removes "all" statuses, heals all HP/MP/VP Lucky Card | N | Self | Can't hit enemies, inflicts EXP Up Gella Card | N | Far | Can't hit allies, inflicts Gella Up Potential Egg | N | Self | Can't hit enemies, inflicts CSP Up Break Gem | N | Far | Earth damage, 200 power Cyclone Gem | N | Far | Wind damage, 200 power Fire Gem | N | Far | Fire damage, 200 power Freeze Gem | N | Far | Water damage, 200 power Exploder Gem | N | Area | Damage, 300 power Smart Bomb | Y | Far | Reduces HP by half, checks Gravity suscept. Unholy Berry | Y | Far | Reduces HP to 1, checks HP-1 suscept. Exploder | Y | Close | Sets trap which does cHP/2 damage when tripped Imprisoner | Y | Close | Sets trap which inflicts Shut Out when tripped Money Pit | Y | Close | Sets trap which steals gella when tripped Break Gem +1 | Y | Far | Earth damage, 400 power Cyclone Gem +1 | Y | Far | Wind damage, 400 power Fire Gem +1 | Y | Far | Fire damage, 400 power Freeze Gem +1 | Y | Far | Water damage, 400 power Exploder Gem +1 | Y | Area | Damage, 500 power Nectar +1 | N | Self | Removes Max HP Down, heals 200 VP Nectar +2 | Y | Self | Removes Max HP Down, heals 300 VP Antidote +1 | N | Self | Removes Poison, heals 100 HP Antidote +2 | Y | Self | Removes Poison, heals 200 HP Medicine +1 | N | Self | Removes Disease, heals 100 HP Medicine +2 | Y | Self | Removes Disease, heals 200 HP Peppy Acorn +1 | N | Self | Removes Misery, heals 100 HP Peppy Acorn +2 | Y | Self | Removes Misery, heals 200 HP Breath Mint +1 | N | Self | Removes Sleep, heals 100 HP Breath Mint +2 | Y | Self | Removes Sleep, heals 200 HP Pinwheel +1 | N | Self | Removes Confusion, heals 100 HP Pinwheel +2 | Y | Self | Removes Confusion, heals 200 HP Pygmalion +1 | N | Self | Removes Stone, heals 100 HP Pygmalion +2 | Y | Self | Removes Stone, heals 200 HP Holy Root +1 | Y | Self | Removes "all" statuses, heals 100 HP Holy Root +2 | Y | Self | Removes "all" statuses, heals 200 HP Magic Berry | N | Self | Heals 100 MP Magic Berry +1 | Y | Self | Heals 200 MP Additionally, there are special items that can not be used normally through the Item command (or Mystic), but through the Item Toss command, dealing damage equal to 50 * Item Rank. Here are the tossable items: Table: Items used through Item Toss ITEM | RANK ----------------+------ Chakram | 1 Ring Edge | 2 Large Moon | 3 Flying Saucer | 4 Dark Nebula | 5 Circle Zapper | 6 Angel Halo | 7 Buzzsaw | 8 SECTION 10: EQUIPMENT [EQPM] -------------------------------------------------- Wild ARMs XF has no shortage of equipment. For each type of equipment (e.g. swords, rings), there are at least 27 different pieces of equipment of that type. Fortunately, there is little need to detail the over 1200 individual pieces of equipment here, because each piece of equipment has stats that are generated using a formula, using the stats of the base piece of equipment of that type. 10-A: BASE EQUIPMENT STATS [BAEQ] The following is a table of the base pieces of equipment of each type, i.e. the ones you can purchase for 200 gella in most shops. Each type is listed alongside the class that uses that type (meaning that to use this equipment, you must either be in said class, or have the "EQ" skill from said class set) and the name and stats of the base piece of equipment in that class. Table: Base Weapon Data CLASS | TYPE | BASE WEAPON | ATK | MAG | AIM | WGT ------+---------------+---------------+-----+-----+-----+----- Sec | Sword | Short Sword | 85 | 40 | 70 | 4 Sec | Axe | Tomahawk | 100 | 40 | 40 | 5 Ele | Spellbook | Spellbook | 40 | 100 | 40 | 2 Fan | Bell | Clear Chime | 65 | 75 | 65 | 2 Gad | Wrench | Toy Tool | 55 | 65 | 80 | 3 Sen | Hammer | Mace | 75 | 50 | 70 | 5 SS | Saber | Dagger | 55 | 55 | 50 | 1 Exc | Slingshot | Slingshot | 50 | 70 | 85 | 3 Geo | Throwing Star | Shuriken | 60 | 65 | 45 | 2 Ber | Spear | Spear | 80 | 50 | 75 | 4 Eni | Staff | Shaft | 50 | 80 | 60 | 2 Str | Bow | Short Bow | 55 | 45 | 100 | 3 Gra | Glove | Leather Glove | 70 | 50 | 90 | 2 Ni | Rapier | Rapier | 40 | 60 | 85 | 3 Emu | Bomb | Bomb | 45 | 90 | 50 | 2 Ext | Cutlass | Shotel | 75 | 55 | 60 | 4 HC | Dec. Sword | Light Fencer | 70 | 70 | 60 | 3 Hal | Polearm | Pole Arm | 80 | 50 | 65 | 5 Arc | Iron Fan | Battle Fan | 50 | 90 | 60 | 2 MM | Tonfa | Tonfa | 55 | 55 | 60 | 2 Sto | Boomerang | Boomerang | 70 | 60 | 55 | 3 RF | Broadsword | Royal Brand | 90 | 65 | 85 | 4 Table: Base Shield and Armour Data CLASS | TYPE | BASE ARMOUR | DEF | RES | EVA | WGT ------+---------------+---------------+-----+-----+-----+----- Sec | Shield | Buckler | 20 | 20 | 20 | 1 Sec | Vest | Vest | 70 | 40 | 55 | 4 Ele | Ring | Ring | 40 | 75 | 60 | 3 Fan | Badge | Badge | 55 | 80 | 65 | 4 Gad | Apron | Apron | 60 | 70 | 85 | 2 Sen | Plate Mail | Plate Mail | 100 | 45 | 45 | 7 SS | Talisman | Charm | 70 | 100 | 65 | 4 Exc | Boots | Sneakers | 50 | 65 | 90 | 2 Geo | Jewel | Jewel | 65 | 65 | 50 | 2 Ber | Headgear | Headgear | 85 | 50 | 80 | 4 Eni | Robe | Robe | 80 | 65 | 75 | 3 Str | Amulet | Amulet | 70 | 60 | 70 | 3 Gra | Belt | Belt | 85 | 55 | 55 | 1 Ni | Mask | Mask | 65 | 60 | 70 | 3 Emu | Pocket Watch | Pocket Watch | 45 | 90 | 40 | 3 Ext | Magatama | Guard Jewel | 65 | 60 | 100 | 4 HC | Suit of Armor | Suit | 85 | 65 | 40 | 6 DS | Corsage | Brooch | 65 | 90 | 65 | 4 Hal | Gauntlet | Gauntlet | 90 | 50 | 60 | 6 Arc | Ribbon | Ribbon | 55 | 85 | 55 | 3 MM | Coat | Coat | 60 | 65 | 70 | 4 Sto | Bandana | Bandana | 70 | 55 | 85 | 5 RF | Breastplate | Silver Plate | 75 | 70 | 75 | 5 10-B: CALCULATING NON-BASE EQUIPMENT STATS [NBEQ] Okay, so what about the other 26 pieces of equipment of each type? They always fall into the following descriptions: -24 are stat-specialised. There are 8 tiers of stat-specialised equipment, each tier including one equip that specialises in one stat (ATK, MAG, and AIM for weapons; DEF, RES, and EVA for shields and armours). Only the lowest tier, referred to here as Tier 0, and the highest tier, Tier 7 have unique names. For tiers 1 to 6, they are referred to by the same name as their corresponding tier 0 equips, with a +X tacked onto the name, where X is the tier in question. -Finally, the last two each have their own tier, referred to here as tier 8 and tier 9. There is only one equip on each tier, and each has a unique name. -As a side note, the Strahl Gewehr, Iskender Bey, and Sheriff Star are unique pieces of equipment and do not fall under the above classification. There are various enemy-only (usually boss-only) pieces of equipment which behave similarly. As mentioned, all of the above equipment have their stats derived from the corresponding stats of the base piece of equipment of their type. For Tier 0 through 7, there are two formulas. The first is for the specialised stat of those equips (the one listed in the description of the weapon, armour, or shield), the "strong" stat. The second is for the other stats on that equip, the "weak" stat. Strong stat = Base stat * (20 + Tier * 4) / 16 Weak stat = Base stat * (18 + Tier * 4) / 16 For tier 8 and tier 9, all stats use the same formula. They are: Tier 8 stat = Base stat * 51 / 16 Tier 9 stat = Base stat * 55 / 16 In the above four formulas, the final result is rounded to the nearest integer, rounding up in case of the decimal being a .5 exactly. For weight, the formula is a little different. In fact, it's probably easier just to list all the possible weights for each weapon type at each tier. The following chart lists all possible weights of equipment, based on the tier of the piece of equipment, and the weight of the base piece of equipment of that type. Table: Weights of Non-Base Equipment \ BASE | | | | | | | | | TIER \ WGT | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4A | 4B | 5A | 5B | 6 | 7 -----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---- 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 8 1 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 9 2 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 10 3 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 11 4 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 10 | 11 5 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 7 | 9 | 9 | 11 | 12 6 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 11 | 13 7 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 12 | 14 8 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 9 | 11 | 11 | 13 | 15 9 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 14 | 15 You'll note the above chart lists base weights of 4A, 4B, 5A, and 5B. Basically, there are two growth patterns for each of the base weights of 4 and 5. Fortunately, the only difference between each is found on the tier 9 versions of the equips in question. The equips belonging to each weight pattern are as follows: 4A: Spear, Cutlass, Broadsword, Vest, Badge, Talisman, Headgear 4B: Sword, Magatama, Corsage, Coat 5A: Hammer 5B: Axe, Polearm, Bandana, Breastplate Example: The Claymore +3 is an ATK-specialised weapon, tier 3. It is a broadsword, and the Broadsword's stats are 90 ATK, 65 MAG, 85 AIM, 4 WGT. We can calculate its stats as follows: ATK = 90 * (20 + 3 * 4) / 16 = 180 MAG = 65 * (18 + 3 * 4) / 16 = 121.875 = 122 AIM = 85 * (18 + 3 * 4) / 16 = 159.375 = 159 WGT = (see chart: base WGT of 4A, Tier 3) = 6 Here are the names of the pieces of equipment in each class. They'll be listed in charts with the following as models: _____________________________________________________________ | (Tier 0 ATK+ Wpn) (Tier 0 AIM+ Wpn) (Tier 0 MAG+ Wpm) | | (Tier 7 ATK+ Wpn) (Tier 7 AIM+ Wpn) (Tier 7 MAG+ Wpn) | | (Tier 8 Weapon) (Tier 9 Weapon) _____________________| |_______________________________________/ (Weapon class) _____________________________________________________________ | (Tier 0 DEF+ Arm) (Tier 0 EVA+ Arm) (Tier 0 RES+ Arm) | | (Tier 7 DEF+ Arm) (Tier 7 EVA+ Arm) (Tier 7 RES+ Arm) | | (Tier 8 Armour) (Tier 9 Armour) _____________________| |_______________________________________/ (Armour class) (The second chart is used for shields, too.) Table: Equipment Names _____________________________________________________________ | Katzbalger Rapier Scramasax | | Dragvandil Sharp Iron Caledfwich | | Vorpal Blade Durandal _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Swords _____________________________________________________________ | Battle Axe Francesca Tabarzin | | Judgement Three Widowmaker Fafnir | | Battle Tomahawk Guillotine _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Axes _____________________________________________________________ | Mystic Wand Secret Sign Elder Record | | Ars Magna Grand Grimoire Dogra Magra | | Fortune Teller Blue Book Report _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Spellbooks _____________________________________________________________ | Lilac Bell Rubas' Bell Rainbow Bell | | Deus Bell Devil's Bell Maria Bell | | Sistram Evil Cat Bell _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Bells _____________________________________________________________ | Spanner Pliers Wrench | | Heracles Horn Overbreaker Destruction | | Rippifier Machine Jumbler _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Wrenches _____________________________________________________________ | Flail Miter Scepter | | Morgenstern Jackhammer Onion Crown | | Vajra Meteor Smasher _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Hammers _____________________________________________________________ | Baselard Main Gauche Pescado | | Gladius Stiletto Crysknife | | Violator Sabertooth _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Sabers _____________________________________________________________ | Frontier Quickshot Grand Ciel | | Crime Cracker Rapid Reloader Elegy Owl | | Barbatos Tathlum Shooter _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Slingshots _____________________________________________________________ | Shinden Tenrai Kyokko | | Toryu Hien Shoki | | Shusui Shusui II _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Throwing Stars _____________________________________________________________ | Corcesca Javelin Partisan | | Gungnir Pike Thruster Ahlspiess | | Brionac Sakahoko _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Spears _____________________________________________________________ | Mage Staff Dream Wand Magical Rod | | Lunatic Staff Crested Wand Starlight Rod | | Caduceus Dist Dims _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Staves _____________________________________________________________ | Composite Bow Sniper Bow Elven Bow | | Arbalest Cranequin Gastraphetes | | Ranger Strike Exorcist Bow _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Bows _____________________________________________________________ | Power Glove Tech Glove Spirit Glove | | Omega Crusher Iron Fist Mirage Hand | | Gold Finger Chin Bracer _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Gloves _____________________________________________________________ | Badelaire Estoc Foil | | Koenigsmark Zirah Bouk Jagdplaute | | Pretzen Piercer Boss Vesper _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Rapiers _____________________________________________________________ | Grenade Dynamite Devastate | | Killer Pineapple Mashed Potatoes Rotten Tomato | | Adept Bomb Orbital Destroyer _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Bombs _____________________________________________________________ | Cutlass Shamshir Falx | | Richtschwert Executioner Harvest Sickle | | Dainslef Muramasa _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Cutlasses _____________________________________________________________ | Schweizer Sinclair Azoth | | Calamitix Extinction Phantomizer | | Zafar Takieh Sylvan Fencer _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Decorative Swords _____________________________________________________________ | Bullova Halberd Voulge | | Dinosaur Fang Nail Eclipse | | Bardiche Gram-Zanber _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Polearms _____________________________________________________________ | Attraction Seduction Infatuation | | Polignac Benemunde Charpentier | | Cardia Elizabeth _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Iron Fans _____________________________________________________________ | Hawk Baton Falcon Baton Raven Baton | | Agungaluda Simurgh Hresvelgr | | Super Mystere Messerschmitt _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Tonfas _____________________________________________________________ | Delta Force Wing Edge Trifang | | Afer Ventus Septentrion Dingir Im | | Grand Train Brutal Boomerang _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Boomerangs _____________________________________________________________ | Claymore Bastard Sword Macuahuitl | | Eulalia Genevieve Veronica | | Mary Magdalene Anastasia _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Broadswords _____________________________________________________________ | Shield Targete Scutum | | Dragon Shield Tiger Shield Lion Shield | | Valiant Barrier Aegis Barrier _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Shields _____________________________________________________________ | Chrome Vest Travel Vest Leather Vest | | Warrior's Vest Red Vest Brave Vest | | Ferdinand Brigandine _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Vests _____________________________________________________________ | Phantom Ring Fairy Ring Dryad Ring | | Shining Ring Gaia Ring Dusk Ring | | Moebius Ring Andvaranauts _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Rings _____________________________________________________________ | Armor Badge Shield Badge Cup Badge | | Frog Badge Fish Badge Chick Badge | | Griffin Badge Sword Badge _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Badges _____________________________________________________________ | Work Apron Play Apron Stylish Apron | | Dog Applique Chick Applique Rhino Applique | | Battle Apron Master's Uniform _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Aprons _____________________________________________________________ | Cuirass Faulds Hauberk | | Guild Galad Mail Meria Boule Mail Sylvaland Mail | | Maximilian Starfire Armor _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Plate Mails _____________________________________________________________ | Power Charm Agility Charm Ward Charm | | Exorcism Crest Purification Crest Atonement Crest | | Elder Sign Almagest _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Talismans _____________________________________________________________ | Safety Boots Spiked Boots Rubber Boots | | Vidar Boots Perseus Boots Cait Sith Boots | | Rad Sneakers Wicked Sneakers _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Boots _____________________________________________________________ | Enstatite Serpentine Diopside | | Fire Crystal Moonstone Black Onyx | | Kohinoor Legacy & Legend _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Jewels _____________________________________________________________ | Type: DEF Type: EVA Type: RES | | Lion Headgear Owl Headgear Wolf Headgear | | High Gear Hyper Gear _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Headgear _____________________________________________________________ | Notarikon Robe Temurah Robe Gematria Robe | | Criosphinx Hieracosphinx Androsphinx | | Magius Robe Gaia Robe _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Robes _____________________________________________________________ | Talisman Lapis Lazuli Ankh Cross | | Demon Amulet Bird Amulet Insect Amulet | | Eye of Horus Vestalle _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Amulets _____________________________________________________________ | Convent Belt Study Belt Training Belt | | Kamaitachi Belt Fujo Belt Senki Belt | | Black Belt Megingjord _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Belts _____________________________________________________________ | Black Mask Shadow Mask Dark Mask | | Sombra Roja Sombra Azul Sombra Blanca | | Diamond Eye Spirit Sight _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Masks _____________________________________________________________ | Conservative Traditional Nostalgic | | Clotho's Watch Lachesis's Watch Atropos's Watch | | Wind-Up #160 Grand Stopwatch _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Pocket Watches _____________________________________________________________ | Red Jewel Green Jewel Yellow Jewel | | Ara-Mitama Nigi-Mitama Kushi-Mitama | | Radiant Jewel Black Stone _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Magatamas _____________________________________________________________ | Armor Suit Mirage Suit Holy Suit | | Valiant Suit Fleet Suit Blessed Suit | | Noblesse Oblige Breidablik _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Suits of Armor _____________________________________________________________ | Rose Corsage Pine Corsage Lily Corsage | | Prytwen Flower Avarice Flower Crantz Flower | | Four-Leaf Clover Tiny Flower _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Corsages _____________________________________________________________ | Hard Guard Vambrace Boom Getter | | Starlight Wrist Chaser Wrist Serenade Wrist | | Force Eater Airgetlam B/V _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Gauntlets _____________________________________________________________ | Lovely Ribbon Cute Ribbon Pretty Ribbon | | Golden Rose Swallowtail Morpho Helena | | Raziel Ribbon Loco Attis _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Ribbons _____________________________________________________________ | Wilderness Blue Gale Twilight | | Loewe Mantle Pegasus Mantle Drache Mantle | | Coat of Valor Shade Wielder _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Coats _____________________________________________________________ | Hirsch Band Luchs Band Pfau Band | | Panther Scarf Jaeger Scarf Daredevil Scarf | | Aymur Band Wolves' Bandana _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Bandanas _____________________________________________________________ | Licht Plate Wind Plate Meer Plate | | Durga Plate Lakshmi Plate Saraswati Plate | | Pallas Athena Warrioress Garb _____________________| |_______________________________________/ Breastplates 10-C: SPECIAL EQUIPMENT [SPEQ] There are some pieces of equipment which are not covered by the above sections. Most are available only to enemies. There are three PC-side exceptions, covered here. Strahl Gewehr is the only piece of equipment of its type (Dandelion Shot weapon), the other two fall under existing types. Stats calculated by level are rounded down after calculations, and are based on their wielder's experience level. Strahl Gewehr (Strahl Gewehr): Can't be sold. Has 3 WGT, and stats as follows: ATK = 54 * (Level + 40) / 40 MAG = 62 * (Level + 40) / 40 AIM = 64 * (Level + 40) / 40 Iskender Bey (Broadsword): Can't be sold. Has 6 WGT, and stats as follows: ATK = 81 * (Level + 40) / 40 MAG = 58 * (Level + 40) / 40 AIM = 76 * (Level + 40) / 40 -Assuming Alexia's level is in the range of the enemies fought after obtaining Iskender Bey, it will have stats roughly similar to a tier 4 broadsword. -Interestingly, the constants found in front of Iskender Bey's stat formula can be derived from the Broadsword base stats * 0.9, rounded down. Sheriff Star (Badge): 235 DEF, 325 RES, 275 EVA, 4 WGT. -For comparison, the Sword Badge (tier 9 badge), has stats of 189 DEF, 275 RES, 223 EVA, 9 WGT, so the Sheriff Star is quite a bit better. 10-D: EQUIPMENT PROPERTIES [EQPR] The following table shows the range of basic attacks made by each weapon type, as well as the special properties of that weapon type. All properties of a weapon apply only to its basic attacks, except where otherwise noted. So, for example, equipping a bow will not allow a range-5 Hard Smash, nor will equipping an axe allow Drop Kick to do full damage to enemies with the Hard property. Legend of properties: Ignores Hard/Flying: Basic attacks ignore this special property. Two-handed: Equipping this makes the character unable to equip a shield. Projectile: Basic attacks made by these weapons have several properties: -Infinite downwards vertical range (upwards VR is shown on table) -Ignores Flying -When attacking a target below the attacker, power is multiplied by 100% + 5% * (Caster_HT - Target_HT) -Affected by Penetrator, Attack High/Low, Throw Range Up, Throw Block Minimum HR 2: Can not target units in adjacent hexes. Hits targets on a line: Can only target units on a straight line of hexes. A ** indicates no range limit. A ! indicates a unique property that takes too much space to explain in the table, see below for a complete list. Table: Weapon Ranges and Properties TYPE | HR | VR | PROPERTIES --------------+----+----+------------------------------------------------- Sword | 1 | 2 | Axe | 1 | 2 | Ignores Hard Spellbook | 1 | 1 | Bell | 2 | 2 | Ignores Flying Wrench | 1 | 2 | ! Hammer | 1 | 2 | Ignores Hard, ! Saber | 1 | 2 | ! Slingshot | 5 | ** | Two-handed, Projectile, ! Throwing Star | 4 | 4 | Projectile, minimum HR 2 Spear | 2 | 3 | Two-handed, hits both targets on a range-2 line Staff | 1 | 2 | ! Bow | 5 | ** | Two-handed, Projectile, minimum HR 2 Glove | 1 | 2 | Two-handed, ! Rapier | 1 | 2 | Ignores Hard, ! Bomb | 2 | 4 | Projectile, ! Cutlass | 1 | 2 | ! Dec. Sword | 1 | 2 | ! Strahl Gewehr | ** | 2 | Hits the nearest target on a straight line Polearm | 1 | 2 | Two-handed, Ignores Hard Iron Fan | 1 | 1 | ! Tonfa | 1 | 2 | ! Boomerang | 4 | 4 | Projectile Broadsword | 1 | 2 | Two-handed Here are detailed descriptions of the special properties of weapons and armour. Except where otherwise noted, special properties are common to all weapons or armour of a certain type. There is one PC-side exception and three enemy-only exceptions, all listed at the end of this section. Descriptions refer to the unit equipping the weapon or armour, and the attacks he or she makes, except where noted otherwise. Wrench: Basic attacks against Golem-type enemies are calculated by taking the DEF of the target as 0, then multiplying final damage by 1.5. Hammer: Basic attacks can not make critical hits. Saber: Critical hits against Undead-type enemies instantly kill the target. Slingshot: When attacking an ally with a basic attack, damage can not be higher than 1. Staff: Basic attacks use the target's RES instead of DEF in damage calculation. Glove: When the unit uses the originals Heavy Throw or Ground Slam, damage is multiplied by 125%. Rapier: Basic attacks use Target_DEF / 4 instead of DEF in damage calculation. Bomb: When a basic attack made on the attacker's own turn deals damage, secondary damage is also dealt to every unit adjacent to the target (including the attacker if applicable). This secondary damage is equal to half the damage dealt to the main target, rounded up, and can not be modified or reduced in any way by the secondary targets, except that it is still nullified by the Damage Blocked status. Cutlass: The power of basic attacks is multiplied by (1 + TurnCount / 40), where TurnCount is the number of turns the attacker has had in the battle previous to the current one. Also, basic attacks against Soft-type enemies can not make critical hits. Decorative Sword: Basic attacks use the attacker's MAG instead of ATK in damage calculation. Fan: The unit is considered to have the Weapon Block skill. Tonfa: Basic attacks make 6 hit checks instead of the usual 1. Final damage is then multiplied by (Number of hit checks passed / 6). The attack is considered to be a hit for the purposes of skills which require them if even one hit check is passed. Shield: Damage to the unit is multiplied by 90% when the attacker is at least two hexes away. Ring: If the unit chooses Wait without moving, EVA is multiplied by 150% until the end of the unit's next turn. Badge: Formation Arts used by the unit have their damage multiplied by 1.5. Apron: When the unit uses an item (including through Mystic and Item Toss), RFX is multiplied by 200% until the end of the unit's next turn. Boots: At the end of any turn in which the unit uses the Move command, DEF is multiplied by 150% until the end of the unit's next turn. Jewel: Elemental attacks against the unit have their damage multiplied by 2/3. Lightning attacks are not affected. Headgear: Formation Arts used against the unit have their damage multiplied by 2/3. Robe: When the unit is dealt HP damage by a non-item original, he or she regains MP equal to the base cost of the original used. Amulet: (Caster_HT * 2%) is added (not multiplied) to the final accuracy of the unit's physical attacks. Belt: The originals Heavy Throw and Ground Slam have their damage multiplied by 50% when used against the unit. Also, fall damage sustained by the unit is multiplied by 50%. Mask: The unit can counterattack originals made by adjacent casters as if they were basic attacks. Pocket Watch: At the end of any turn the unit gets, he or she gets an added bonus to DEF equal to (mMP - cMP). This bonus lasts until the end of the unit's next turn. The bonus is added after skill multipliers but before status multipliers, regardless of when the latter are applied. Magatama: At the end of any turn in which the unit uses the Move command, EVA is multiplied by 150% until the end of the unit's next turn. Suit of Armor: Healing from items and originals targetting the unit are multiplied by 150%. Corsage: When the original Sacrifice is used, the caster's HP is halved (rounded down) each time it hits or misses a target, instead of being reduced to 1. Gauntlet: The unit is considered to have the Defender skill. Ribbon: When the unit would counterattack, she instead inflicts the Analyze status on the triggering attacker. Coat: At the end of any turn the unit gets, his DEF, RES, and EVA are multiplied by (100% + 2% * Caster_HT) until the end of his next turn. Bandana: If a basic attack misses the unit, his chance of countering that attack is increased by an unknown amount. Breastplate: Targets of the unit's physical attacks have their EVA multiplied by 90% for the purpose of calculating her hit rate. Iskender Bey (special broadsword): If a basic attack from this unit kills a target, the unit gets another turn immediately after the current one. Also, the unit's critical hits have their damage multiplied by a further 125%. Note that the enemy-only version of Iskender Bey does not have either ability. Kanajana (enemy-only sword): Whenever the unit deals non-zero damage, (Target_mVP - Target_cVP) is added to said damage. Ares Plate (enemy-only armour): The unit gains the Hard property. Artemisia (enemy-only armour): The unit has an untested chance to nullify damage from the originals Heavy Throw and Ground Slam. SECTION 11: BUGS [BUGS] -------------------------------------------------- Like pretty much every other game out there, Wild ARMs XF has a few bugs in it. Here are the ones that affect gameplay: Item duplication bug: It seems like most games have one of these. Probably the game's most powerful bug, as it can give you 255 of any item with the right setup and a little luck. To see this bug, you must fight a Harpy, who is capable of stealing items. Equip Labyrinthia with an item that you have only a small number of, and have her use Replica. The harpy then needs to steal from the replica (this part is tricky and luck-reliant, of course). This decreases the number of that item in your inventory by one. However, Labyrinthia still has the original copy of that item, and can consume it herself. If that copy and every other copy you have is consumed during the battle, the number of items will have gone down by one more than you originally had... meaning you'll have -1 of the items, which the game interprets as 255. At this point, you will notice that the game does not display 255 items properly, but rest assured, they are there. You are free to sell all your many extras of the item (99 at a time maximum, still). Note that if you ever GAIN more of the item while you have over 99, it will reset to 99. If you try to buy more copies of an item you already have more than 99 of, the game will force you to buy as many as you can afford (even if this is into the thousands), then set the number of items to 99. Attack Assist bug: The skill Attack Assist doesn't actually do anything. It presumably should act like an Action Replay for basic attacks only. ATK/MAG Charge bug: The skills ATK Charge and MAG Charge are presumably supposed to reset their charge counters when you give up in a battle, but they do not. This essentially means you can use a mastered Enigmancer or Grappler to build up ATK/MAG just by passing turns, give up the battle, and restart with the boost intact, giving you an unfairly powerful attack (999 ATK/MAG at maximum) to start the battle. Orbital Ring vs. Stealth Stalkers: Most likely a bug; Stealth Stalkers can not normally be targetted with any attacks that do not also target non-invisible allies or enemies. Orbital Ring is exempt from this, and can target Stealth Stalkers normally. Howling Shot vs. Flying enemies: This one could be either a bug or a documentation error. The game's help text claims that Howling Shot ignores the Flying property, but it in fact does not. Common sense might dictate that Strahl Gewehr itself should also ignore the Flying property, but it doesn't either; though, to be fair, this time the game's help text at least doesn't try to suggest otherwise. Courageous Heart bug: It's possible that this one is deliberate, but it's suspicious enough to include here anyway. Courageous Heart boosts Clarissa's MAG, AIM, and EVA while she is in crisis, much like various other crisis-related skills (such as Crisis AIM Up). Unlike them, it persists for the rest of the battle (even if she dies) once she leaves crisis. This inconsistency leads me to believe this behaviour may be a bug. THANKS -------------------------------------------------- This guide would not be possible without the work of Pyromania and Talaysen, whose work testing and documenting the game on the RPG Duelling League website was something I drew on extensively when making this. Thanks also to everyone else at the RPGDL, for encouraging me to work on this and generally being a cool crew of people to hang out with. Thanks to darklao for making a FAQ for the game which I used as a reference while doing my own testing. Thanks to dinit 7 for independently calculating the class multipliers and base stats of playable characters, allowing me to crosscheck my own data and find a few errors in it. Thanks to Daidaisuki for pointing out a couple typos in the original version of this guide.