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So here is the breakdown: All skills are learned when a unit's Class levels. Classes level with the collection of CSP (Class Skill Points). The skills of a class are learned as follows: Skill 1 - 8 CSP Skill 2 - 22 CSP Skill 3 - 47 CSP Skill 4 - 90 CSP Skill 5 - 165 CSP Skill 6 - 293 CSP Special Skill - 293 CSP All skills use MP (Magic Points). Special Skills are non-equipable, meaning they can only be used by the Class they come from. Pretty simple. I will not go into detail about how to accrue CSP easily. I will give one hint though: Gadgeteer + Mystic + Potential Egg Onward to the good stuff! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Initial Set of Classes (SET1): These classes are provided from the beginning. Dandelion Shot (Clarissa Only): Skills: Dandelion Shot OC - Allows Unit to use Dandelion Shot Originals. Soul Survivor - Nullifies instant-death effects. Dandelion Shot EQ - Allows the unit to equip Dandelion Shot equipment. Throw Block - Randomly nullifies thrown-weapon attacks. Courageous Heart - Increases MAG, RES, and EVA when the unit is in Crisis status. Extra Critical - Randomly increases the strength of critical attacks. Can activate multiple times depending on level. Special Skill: +3 Skill Slots Originals: Howling Shot (32) - Attacks all enemies in a straight line. Ignores the "Flying" attribute. Cannot be used after moving, and can only be used when Strahl Gewehr is equipped. Sacrifice (16) - Sacrifices the user's HP to damage the target. Cannot be used after moving. Encourage (8) - Increases surrounding units' RFX. Rob Turn (32) - Steals the target's turn. Cannot be used after moving. ----- Halberdier (Felius Only): Skills: Halberdier OC - Allows the unit to use Halberdier Originals. Overflow - Increases the strength of attacks and Originals for each enemy defeated. Crisis Aim Up - Increases AIM when the unit is in Crisis status. Halberdier EQ - Allows the unit to equip Halberdier equipment. Counter Rate Up - Increases the chance of counterattacking based on the number of enemies surrounding the unit. Attack Assist - Attacks out of turn when an ally attacks an adjacent enemy. Special Skill: +3 Skill Slots Originals: Shockwave (12) - Attacks 3 HEXes with a shockwave. Can only be used when a polearm is equipped. Upper Hand (20) - Attack that gains strength if the target is on a higher HEX than the user. Ignores the "Flying" attribute. Disarm (8) - Physical attack that unequips the target's weapon. Can only be used when a polearm is equipped. Status Absorb (16) - Absorbs status ailment from surrounding ally units, transferring them to the user. ----- Arcanist (Labrynthia Only): Skills: Arcanist OC - Allows the unit to use Arcanist Originals. Arcanist EQ - Allows the unit to equip Arcanist equipment. Attack & Aim Down - Decreases the target's AIM parameter when attacking. Critical Extra Turn - Allows an extra turn after making a critical attack. Distortion - Nullifies all damage below a certain level. Magic Effect +25% - Increases magic effects by 25%. Special Skill: +3 Skill Slots Originals: Lightning (8) - Lightning-elemental magic attack. Deals heavy damage to mechanical units. Cannot be used after moving. Revive (48) - Revive a fallen ally. Warp (8) - Warp the user to another HEX, ignoring intervening obstacles. Cannot be used after moving. Replica (32) - Creates a replica of the user. ----- Crossbreed (Tony Only): Skills: None Specials Skill: None Originals: None Obviously Tony is a dog, but the guide would not be complete without him. Besides, who doesn't love the dependable pooch sidekick. ----- Martial Mage (Levin Only): Skills: Martial Mage OC - Allows the unit to use Martial Mage Originals. Martial Mage EQ - Allows the unit to equip Martial Mage equipment. Skip Enemies - Allows the unit to move through enemy units. Detonation! - Increases the chance of skills activating. Effective until the unit first receives damage. Execrate - Increases the success rate when placing negative status effects on enemies. Counter-Counter - Allows a counterattack in response to a counterattack. Special Skill: +3 Skill Slots Originals: Blast (16) - Non-elemental magic attack. Gravitation (12) - Magic attack that deals damage based on the target's WGT. Cannot be used after moving. Rushing Beat (16) - Physical attack that gains strength based on the difference in RFX between the attacker and target. Can only be used when a tonfa is equipped. Cancel Strike (24) - Physical attack that cancels the target's next turn. ----- Stormrider (Ragnar Only): Skills: Stormrider OC - Allows the unit to use Stormrider Originals. Anti-Critical - Prevents critical hits. Move & Heal VP - Recovers VP after moving. Stormrider EQ - Allows the unit to equip Stormrider equipment. Tactical Evasion - Increases EVA based upon the number of adjacent empty HEXes. Raving Revenge - Uses the Raving Rage command when counterattacking. Special Skill: +3 Skill Slots Originals: Orbital Ring (8) - Physical Attack that hits targets in all HEXes surrounding a HEX adjacent to the user. Can only be used when a boomerang is equipped. Raving Rage (32) - Repeatedly attacks, knocking the target back with each hit. The number of hits is limited by the user's MOV parameter. Hyper Attack (32) - Increases the target's ATK. Provoke (8) - Provokes the target, drawing its attack to the user. ----- Royal Fencer (Alexia Only): Skills: Royal Fencer OC - Allows the unit to use Royal Fencer Originals. Anti-ZOC - Nullifies the effect of the ZOC Effect skill. Leader's Duty - Gives the unit the first turn when starting a quest. Strong Heart - Increases RFX based upon the amount of VP lost. Royal Fencer EQ - Allows the unit to equip Royal Fencer equipment. Skill Success Up - Increases the chance of skill activating with each turn that passes. Special Skill: +3 Skill Slots Originals: Revolver Sweep (16) - Physical Attack on all surrounding HEXes. Can only be used when a broadsword is equipped. Exhaustive Strike (8) - Reduces the target's VP. Can only be used when a broadsword is equipped. Royal Cheer (8) - Increases the surrounding units' parameters. Status Lock (24) - Locks the target's status, preventing Originals from causing status changes. ----- Secutor: Skills: Secutor OC - Allows the unit to use Secutor Originals. Wait & Heal VP - Recovers VP when the unit uses the Wait command without moving. Blood Heat - Increases damage dealt when counterattacking. Weapon Block - Randomly nullifies physical attacks. Secutor EQ - Allows the unit to equip Secutor equipment. ATK +25% - Increases the unit's ATK parameter by 25%. Special Skill: Retaliation - Reflects attacks nullified by Weapon Block back to the opponent. Originals: Hard Smash (16) - Powerful physical attack. Can only be used when a one-handed melee weapon is equipped. Smart Drive (16) - Guaranteed physical attack. Damage is based upon accuracy. Can only be used when a one-handed melee weapon is equipped. MP Burst (0) - Triples the user's MP if successful, but reduces the MP to zero if it fails. Change equipment (0) - Uses the current turn to changed equipped weapons and armor. ----- Elementalist: Skills: Elementalist OC - Allows the unit to use Elementalist Originals. Elementalist EQ - Allows the unit to equip Elementalist equipment. Wait & Heal MP - Recovers MP when the unit uses the Wait command without moving. Crisis Conserve MP - Reduces the MP cost of skills by 25% when the unit is in Crisis status. Magic Block - Randomly nullifies magic attacks. MAG +25% - Increases the unit's MAG parameter by 25%. Special Skill: Reflect - Reflects attacks nullified by Magic Block back to the opponent. Originals: Crush (16) - Earth-elemental magic attack. Cannot be used after moving. Freeze (16) - Water-elemental magic attack. Cannot be used after moving. Fire (16) - Fire-elemental magic attack. Cannot be used after moving. Vortex (16) - Wind-elemental magic attack. Cannot be used after moving. ----- Fantastica: Skills: Fantastica OC - Allows the unit to use Fantastica Originals. Fantastica EQ - Allows the unit to equip Fantastica equipment. Zone Effect - Increase the AIM and EVA of adjacent allies, and reduces the AIM and EVA of adjacent enemies. Arts Support - Increases damage done by Formation and Combination Arts. CPS Up - Increases CSP (Class Skill Points) gained after battle. Attack Object - Allows the unit to move blocks and destroy barrels with the Attack command. Special Skill: Extra Support - Increases the effect of the Zone Effect and Arts Support skills. Originals: Slow Down (12) - Lowers the target's RFX. Cannot be used after moving. Feeble Mind (16) - Reduces the target's MP. Cannot be used after moving. Invoke (28) - Raises the target's accuracy, critical hit rate, and chance of random skill activation to 100% until the end of the target's next turn. Rush (8) - Allows all Originals to be used after moving, including those which normally cannot be used after moving. ----- Gadgeteer: Skills: Gadgeteer OC - Allows the unit to use Gadgeteer Originals. Gadgeteer EQ - Allows the unit to equip Gadgeteer equipment. Decelerate - Reduces the target's RFX counter when attacking. Item Effect Up - Increases the effect of items. Item Range Up - Allows the unit to use items on other units. Item Carry Up - Increases the number of items the unit can equip. Special Skill: High-Class Items - Allows the unit to use high-class items. Originals: Mystic (20) - Extends the range of item effects. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Second Set of Classes (SET2): These classes are provided at the end of Act 1-8. Sentinel: Skills: Sentinel OC - Allows the unit to use Sentinel Originals. Anti-Knockback - Nullifies knock-back effects. ZOC Effect - Reduces adjacent enemies' MOV parameters. DEF +25% - Increases unit's DEF parameter by 25%. Sentinel EQ - Allows the unit to equip Sentinel equipment. Defender - Randomly takes close-range physical attacks targeted at adjacent allies. Special Skill: Auto Guard - Randomly reduces damage taken. Always active when the Defender skill is used. Originals: Heavy Strike (24) - Knocks back unit whose WGT is lighter than the user by one HEX. Can only be used when a one-handed melee weapon is equipped. Allowance (4) - Physical attack that always leaves the target with at least 1 HP. Can only be used when a one-handed melee weapon is equipped. Force Field (28) - Nullifies all HP damage and special effects targeting the user until the user's next turn. Amplifier (32) - Increases damage dealt by the user's next attack. Cannot be cast after moving. ----- Sacred Slayer: Skills: Sacred Slayer OC - Allows the unit to use Sacred Slayer Originals. Sacred Slayer EQ - Allows the unit to equip Sacred Slayer equipment. Crisis RFX Up - Increases RFX when an ally is in Crisis status. Damage Recovery - Randomly recovers HP when attacked. RES +25% - Increases unit's RES parameter by 25%. Widespread - Widens the range of magic that targets single units, so that the surrounding HEXes are also targeted. Special Skill: Paladin - Reduces the chance of status ailments afflicting the unit; also causes Stigma to destroy undead targets in one hit. Originals: Heal (12) - Heals HP based upon the user's MAG. Sanctify (24) - Deals heavy damage to undead enemies. Cannot be used after moving. Fragile (20) - Lower the target's DEF and RES. Cannot be used after moving. Turn Shift (32) - Trades turns with the target, and increases the user's RFX until the user's next turn. ----- Excavator: Skills: Excavator OC - Allows the unit to use Excavator Originals. Attack High/Low - Extends the vertical range of thrown weapons. Gella Bonus - Obtains gella from enemies defeated by the unit. Item Bonus - Randomly obtains items from enemies defeated by the unit. Excavator EQ - Allows the unit to equip Excavator equipment. Discover Item - Randomly obtains items after the unit moves. Special Skill: Rare Item Bonus - Adds a chance of obtaining a rare item, and doubles gella received, when defeating enemies. Originals: Analyze (4) - Displays detailed information on the target's status screen. Detect (8) - Reveals hidden items or units in surrounding HEXes. Switch (16) - Turns gems into gem blocks and vide versa. When used on a unit, exchanges the target's HP and MP. Cannot be used after moving. In & Out (12) - Uses the current turn to change equipped items. ----- Geomancer: Skills: Geomancer OC - Allows the unit to use Geomancer Originals. Ley Attack - Imbues regular attacks with the ley point's element when the unit is standing on a ley point. Move & Heal HP - Recovers HP after moving. Geomancer EQ - Allows the unit to equip Geomancer equipment. Ignore Move Cost - Allows the unit to move without regard to movement costs. Crisis MOV Up - Increases MOV and CLM when an ally is in Crisis or Fallen status. Special Skill: Ley Boost - Increases parameters based on the ley point's element when the unit is standing in a ley point. Originals: Translate (8) - Warps the user between ley points of the same element. Replace (12) - Exchanges the positions of the user and the target. Cannot be used after moving. Shut Out (16) - Locks the target's HEX, preventing movement in or out Cannot be used after moving. Ley Spread (32) - Extend the element of the ley point on which the user is standing to the entire battle field. Attacks of the same element will be strengthened, while those of the opposite element will be weakened. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Third Set of Classes (SET3) These classes are provided at the end of Act 2-3. Berserker: Skills: Berserker OC - Allows the unit to use Berserker Originals. Move & Heal MP - Recovers MP after moving. Penetrator - Allows thrown weapons to pass through obstacles. Berserker EQ - Allows the unit to equip Berserker equipment. EXP Up - Increases EXP gained after a battle. MOV Up - Increases the unit's MOV parameter by 1. Special Skill: Valiant - Increases the strength of attacks based upon the amount of HP lost. Originals: Charging Thrust (12) - Attacks a unit in a straight line from the user; the more distant the target, the stronger the attack. Cannot be used after moving. Sonic Boom (12) - Attacks all units on either side of a straight line. However, units at a significantly different height are not effected. Cannot be used after moving and can only be used when a spear is equipped. Quick Step (8) - Increases MOV and CLM. HP Burst (4) - Triples the user's HP if successful, but reduces the HP to zero if it fails. ----- Enigmancer: Skills: Enigmancer OC - Allows the unit to use Enigmancer Originals. Enigmancer EQ - Allows the unit to equip Enigmancer equipment. Caution - Raises the HP level at which the unit enters Crisis status. IFF - Prevents attacks from damaging allies and recovery effects from healing enemies. Extend - Extends the duration of positive status effect placed on the unit. Levitation - Nullifies the effects of poison and lava areas. Special Skill: MAG Charge - Increases the unit's MAG parameter with each turn that passes. Originals: Devastate (20) - Non-elemental magic attack on all units within 2 HEXes of the user. Cannot be used after moving. Protect (12) - Increases the target's DEF and RES. Cannot be used after moving. Dispel (16) - Removes all status changes from the target. Prevent (8) - Reduces the success rate of magic cast by the target. Cannot be used after moving. ----- Strider: Skills: Strider OC - Allows the unit to use Strider Originals. Remove Trap - Prevents HEX traps from affecting the unit. Disables traps when the unit uses the wait command in a trapped HEX. CLM Up - Increases the unit's CLM parameter by 1. Strider EQ - Allows the unit to equip Strider equipment. AIM +25% - Increases the unit's AIM parameter by 25%. Critical Rate Up - Increases the chance of making critical hits. Special Skill: Sniper Shot - Increases the strength of critical hits and further increases the chance of making a critical hit. Originals: Swift Shock (12) - Physical attack that raises the user's RFX until their next turn. Drop Kick (20) - Physical attack that gains strength when the target is at a lower height than the user. Ignores the "Flying" attribute. Mesmerize (24) - Reduces the AIM of targets within 3 HEXes of the user. Trail (8) - Causes the user to move toward the target each time the target moves. ----- Grappler: Skills: Grappler OC - Allows the unit to use Grappler Originals. Accelerate - Adds a random value to the unit's RFX counter at the end of each turn. Grappler EQ - Allows the unit to equip Grappler equipment. Red Zone - Allows an immediate action when an ally enters Crisis status. Throw Range Up - Extends the range of thrown weapons. VP +25% - Increases the unit's maximum VP by 25%. Special Skill: ATK Charge - Increases the unit's ATK parameter with each turn that passes. Originals: Heavy Throw (20) - Throws the target at the chosen HEX, causing physical damage. Ground Slam (16) - Piledrives the target to the chosen HEX, causing physical damage. Item Toss (8) - Throws an item at the target, causing damage. Cannot be used after moving. Transport (4) - Lifts and moves the target without causing damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fourth Set of Classes (SET4): These classes are provided at the end of Act 3-7. Night Stalker: Skills: Nightstalker OC - Allows the unit to use Nightstalker Originals. HP Recovery - Recovers HP at the beginning of each turn. Counter Rate Up - Increases the chance of making a counterattack. Nightstalker EQ - Allows the unit to equip Nightstalker equipment. Illusion - Randomly nullifies all damage. RFX +25% - Increases the unit's RFX parameter by 25%. Special Skill: Inertia Cancel - Replaces a counterattack with an additional turn by pressing the Cancel button. Originals: Six Shooter (24) - Attacks the target six times: each attack is slightly weaker than usual. Can only be used when a one-handed melee weapon is equipped. Innocent Blow (12) - Deals constant damage regardless of the target's status. Can only be used when a one-handed melee weapon is equipped. MP Shift (0) - Shifts all of the user's MP to an ally. Cannot be used after moving. Blackout (32) - Prevents the user from being targeted by attacks. However, the user will still take damage from wide-range attacks on other units or HEXes. ----- Emulator: Skills: Emulator OC - Allows the unit to use Emulator Originals. Action Replay - Randomly copies the action of an adjacent ally against an enemy adjacent to both allies. MP Recovery - Recovers MP at the beginning of each turn. Emulator EQ - Allows the unit to use Emulator equipment. Exploit Weakness - Increases damage when attacking an enemy's elemental weakness. Conserve MP - Reduces the MP cost of skills by 25%. Special Skill: Replay Master - Increases the chance of Action Replay activating, as well as the success rate of Download. Originals: Download (0) - Randomly learns the target enemy's skills. Recovers MP if the skills have already been learned. ----- Extremist : Skills: Extremist OC - Allows the unit to use Extremist Originals. EVA +25% - Increases the unit's EVA parameter by 25%. Attack & Heal HP - Recovers HP when attacking. Attack & Heal MP - Recovers MP when attacking. Extremist EQ - Allows the unit to use Extremist equipment. Command Critical - Allows Originals to make critical hits. Special Skill: Concentration - Increases the effects of attacks and Originals, as well as the chance of skills activating. Originals: Debilitator (32) - Lowers the target's parameters, and prevents chance-based skills from activating. High Slugger (16) - Physical attack with strength based on the user's EVA. Decreases the user's EVA unit their next turn. Can only be used when a one-handed melee weapon is equipped. Anchor Hook (4) - When used on a pole, moves the user to the next pole. When used on a unit, brings the unit next to the user. Cannot be used after moving. Passive Style (24) - Increases the chance of skills activating and decreasing damage taken until the user's next turn. ----- High Cavalier: Skills: High Cavalier OC - Allows the unit to use High Cavalier Originals. Wait & Heal HP - Recovers HP when the unit uses the Wait command without moving. Distribute - When defeating an enemy, distributes overkill damage to nearby enemies. When healing an ally, distributes extra recovery amounts to nearby allies. Crisis RFX Up - Increases RFX when the unit is in Crisis status. Defeat & RFX Up - Increases the unit's RFX parameter for each enemy defeated. High Cavalier EQ - Allows the unit to use High Cavalier equipment. Special Skill: Holy Order - Reduces the parameters of nearby undead units. Originals: Quicken (20) - Increases the target's RFX. Cannot be used after moving. Intrude (64) - Gives the user an extra turn. Cannot be used after moving. Status Transfer (4) - Transfers status ailments to the target, and deals physical damage based on the number of ailments transferred. Remain (32) - Automatically revives the user from "Fallen" status once. Cannot be used after moving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits (CREDITS): I do not know exactly who to thank. First is Media Vision, for making a great portable version of Wild ARMs. Second is to me, for getting off my lazy ass and actually contributing. Third is GameFAQs, for being the wicked-awesome site it is. Lastly would be to anyone who actually reads this FAQ. I hope everyone enjoys this FAQ and gets some use from it. For the record, I am putting this work in the public domain for all to use.