Wild Arms XF Searching and Synthesis Guide Blizzerd03 Wild Arms XF is a strategy RPG for the PSP. One of the more interesting aspects of this game is the ability to search for items throughout the game and using these items to craft new weapons and armors throughout the game. This guide is designed to make it a little easier to get the items you need to craft the most powerful weapons and armor in the game. Table of Contents To quickly find a specific section, press Control+F to enter the find option in your web browser and enter the numbers within the () next to the section you are looking for. Frequently Asked Questions (00100) Item Scopes (00200) Table of Items (00300) Searching (00400) Synthesis Items (00410) Ores (00411) Plants (00412) Bones (00413) Consumable Items (00420) Synthesis (00500) Consumable Items (00600) Contributors (00700) Version History (00800) Contact Information (00900) Legal Stuff (01000) Frequently Asked Questions (00100) Q. I found a different item at (location) than you have listed, what gives? A. Keep in mind that all of the information in this guide was gathered from a file in the Final Act with all 12 Item Scopes. The items you can find change depending on how many Item Scopes you have. Also, when it comes to consumable items, I only listed the base item. You can find higher level consumable items (i.e. a Nectar +1 or +2 as opposed to just a regular Nectar that I have listed) Q. What about the Guardian Shrine? A. Yes I know that it's available for searching for a short while in the game. I have not gotten to that point in my current play through yet. When I do, I will post the information here. Q. I have all the Item Scopes, and I still found something different from what you have listed. A. It's possible that I missed something, just email me with what you found and I'll check it out as soon as I have time to. If you find something that I don't have and I verify you'll be given full credit for the item. Item Scopes (00200) The Item Scopes are key items that affect the level of the items you are able to find, as well as the items you are able to synthesize. I will have more information on the exact effect of each Item Scope as it is added to your inventory as I continue to play through the game again and gather this information. For now, here are the locations of the Item Scopes. 1-4 Automatic 1-9 Promise Hill - using Excavator's Detect ability. 1-16 Automatic 2-7 Automatic 2-15 Automatic 3-4 Guardian Temple - using Excavator's Detect ability. 3-7 Automatic 3-13 Automatic 4-5 Automatic 4-7 Found in Chest located in map 4-11 Automatic Epilogue - Foothills of no Return using Excavator's Detect ability. I rarely found use for the synthesis of consumable items, these items will be listed in the Consumable Items (00600) section of the guide. Having one Item Scope allows you to search for up to level 2 items. Two Items Scopes allow you to search for up to level 2 items, and allows you to synthesize items up to the +1 level. (You are able to have two Item Scopes before synthesis is available to you upon reaching Act 1-10.) Three Item Scopes will allow you to search for items up to level 4, and will allow synthesis up to the +2 level of items. Four Item Scopes allow you to search for items up to level 5, and allows synthesis of equipment up to the +3 level. Five Item Scopes allows you to search for items up to level 6, and allows synthesis of the +4 level equipment. Six Item Scopes allows level 6 synthesis items and allows synthesis up to the +5 level. Seven Item Scopes allows you to find all synthesis items, but not at the full rate that I have listed in the guide. This also allows for the synthesis of +6 level equipment. Eight Item Scopes allows you to find all synthesis items at the full rate, and allows synthesis of the Maxed level equipment. Nine Item Scopes allows the synthesis of Master level equipment. More to come as I get the information. Table of Items (00300) These are the items that you will find by searching and thusly use for Item Synthesis. I have them broken down into the three branches as they will appear in the game, Ore, Plant, and Bone. Once you reach the Specialized level of equipment every weapon and armor will increase a certain statistic more than the other two of that level. The Ores will be used to craft equipment with higher ATK and DEF, Plants will craft items with higher AIM and EVA, and Bones will craft items with higher MAG and RES. Rank Ore Plant Bone 1 Iron Ore Mantrap Vine Tatzelwum Horn 2 Elesium Tabanga Branch Kalivos Claw 3 Spirit Crystal Alraune Pollen Gigamantis Claw 4 Meteoric Iron Tryphid Fruit Yurung Fang 5 Median Metal Reguleus Sap A Bao A Qu Drop 6 Gulclyte Iron Dendrobium Petal Belleclaire Horn 7 Mystic Silver Ent Leaf Tarasque Tusk 8 Dragon Fossil Black Fern Seed Sol Niger Spike Searching (00400) When you search for items you send Drifters into vacant battle maps to find items. Each map can yield different levels of item types, but not different branches of item types. For example, at Trader's Road, you can find Mantrap Vines and Tabanga Branches. These are the level 1 and 2 items of the Plant branch. You cannot find Ores or Bones of any level at this map. Along with the Synthesis Items, you can also find consumable items from time to time on the maps. The Synthesis Items listed on these maps are what is available to be found when you have all 12 Item Scopes found in the game. If the map contains items of a higher level than you have the Item Scopes to find, it will be replaced with a lower level item. For example, from the map Path to the Shrine, you can find Elesium, Spirit Crystals, and Meteoric Iron. However, if you only have one or two Item Scopes, and have no yet unlocked the level 3 and 4 items from searching, you will only be able to find Iron Ore and Elesium. Every map has a certain number of turns that it takes to find the Synthesis Items. There are two ways to pass the turns. You can either select the Wait command from the search menu or have your remaining characters engage in free battles. Every turn that you wait costs 100 Gella. In addition to taking several turns, it also costs money to send Drifters to search for items. The cost ranges from 50 to 80 Gella and you can send up to 6 Drifters to search at once. Increasing the number of Drifters yields more items as they return. There is really no reason to send less than six Drifters ever. I have broken the maps down by the Type of Synthesis Item you can find at them, Ores first, then Plants, then Bones. In addition to the type and level of item you can find at each location. I have also included the range of how many items you can expect to find at each location. The frequency of items will be represented as such. F 0-6 of the item D 4-10 of the item C 9-15 of the item B 14-19 of the Item A over 18 of the item. As you can see, there are overlaps among the level at which the items appear. Obviously it will be much easier to look for a single item on a map where it has an A Frequency. There are maps later in the game however, where you can find smaller amounts of a greater number of items. How you choose to acquire the items you need is up to you. Keep in mind that all of this data was gathered with all 12 Item Scopes, and with sending 6 Drifters to Search every time. Synthesis Items (00410) Ore Search Locations (00411) Promise Hill 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Iron Ore (A) Elesium (F) Rusty Docks 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Iron Ore (F) Elesium (A) Path to the Shrine 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Elesium (F) Spirit Crystal (A) Meteoric iron (D) Rainy Pass 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Meteoric Iron (D) Median Metal (A) Gulclyte Iron (F) Dead Plateau 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Median Metal (F) Gulclyte Iron (A) Mystic Silver (F) Quarry of Desire 4 Turns 60 Gella Per Drifter Gulcylte Iron (F) Mystic Silver (B) Dragon Fossil (F) Wayward Path 4 Turns 60 Gella Per Drifter Mystic Silver (F) Dragon Fossil (A) Twilight Valley 4 Turns 60 Gella Per Drifter Iron Ore (D) Elesium (F) Spirit Crystal (F) Meteoric Iron (F) Median Metal (F) Secret Base 6 Turns 70 Gella Per Drifter Spirit Crystal (D) Meteoric Iron (D) Median Metal (F) Gulclyte Iron (F) Mystic Silver (F) Foothills of no Return 8 Turns 80 Gella Per Drifter Meteoric Iron (D) Median Metal (F) Gulclyte Iron (F) Mystic Silver (F) Dragon Fossil (F) Schnell Ruins 14 Turns 80 Gella Per Drifter Elesium (D) Spirit Crystal (F) Meteoric Iron (F) Gulclyte Iron (F) Mystic Silver (F) Guardian Shrine 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter (This location only available for a short time in Act 3) Spirit Crystal (F) Meteoric Iron (A) Median Metal (F) Plant Search Locations (00412) Trader's Road 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Mantrap Vine (F) Tabanga Branch (B) Bandit's Forest 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Mantrap Vine (B) Tabanga Branch (F) Fallen Fowl Swamp 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Tabanga Branch (F) Alraune Pollen (A) Tryphid Fruit (F) Deserter's Camp 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Alraune Pollen (F) Tryphid Fruit (A) Reguleus Sap (F) Frightful Abyss 4 Turns 60 Gella Per Drifter Tryphid Fruit (F) Reguleus Sap (D) Dendrobium Petal (C) White Devil Plains 4 Turns 60 Gella Per Drifter Reguleus Sap (F) Dendrobium Petal (A) Ent Leaf (F) The Frozen Lands 4 Turns 60 Gella Per Drifter Ent Leaf (D) Black Fern Seed (A) Lonely Waterside 6 Turns 70 Gella Per Drifter Dendrobium Petal (F) Ent Leaf (A) Black Fern Seed (F) Guardian Temple 6 Turns 70 Gella Per Drifter Mantrap Vine (D) Tabanga Branch (F) Alraune Pollen (F) Tryphid Fruit (F) Reguleus Sap (F) Quiet Sands 8 Turns 80 Gella Per Drifter Alraune Pollen (D) Tryphid Fruit (F) Reguleus Sap (F) Dendrobium Petal (F) Ent Leaf (F) Boot Hill 8 Turns 80 Gella Per Drifter Tryphid Fruit (D) Reguleus Sap (F) Dendrobium Petal (F) Ent Leaf (F) Black Fern Seed (F) Path of the Unjust 12 Turns 70 Gella Per Drifter Tabanga Branch (D) Alraune Pollen (F) Tryphid Fruit (F) Reguleus Sap (F) Dendrobium Petal (F) Bone Search Locations (00413) Windhalt Gatehouse 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Tatzelwurm Horn (F) Kalivos Claw (B) Creedmore Prison 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Tatzelwurm Horn (A) Kalivos Claw (F) West Wind Guidepost 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Kalivos Claw (F) Gigamantis Claw (A) Yurung Fang (F) Fort Molasar 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Gigamantis Claw (F) Yurung Fang (B) A Bao A Qu Drop (F) Starlit Path 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter Yurung Fang (F) A Bao A Qu Drop (A) Belleclaire Horn (F) Rhino River 2 Turns 50 Gella Per Drifter A Bao A Qu Drop (F) Belleclaire Horn (B) Tarasque Tusk (F) The Flatwoods 4 Turns 60 Gella Per Drifter Belleclaire Horn (F) Tarasque Tusk (A) Sol Niger Spike (F) Rasalom Keep 4 Turns 60 Gella Per Drifter Tarasque Tusk (F) Sol Niger Spike (A) Circle Valley 4 Turns 60 Gella Per Drifter Tatzelwurm Horn (D) Kalivos Claw (F) Gigamantis Claw (F) Yurung Fang (D) A Bao A Qu Drop (F) Desert Ocean 8 Turns 80 Gella Per Drifter Gigamantis Claw (D) Yurung Fang (F) A Bao A Qu Drop (F) Belleclaire Horn (F) Tarasque Tusk (F) Trail to the Summit 8 Turns 80 Gella Per Drifter Yurung Fang (D) A Bao A Qu Drop (F) Belleclaire Horn (F) Tarasque Tusk (F) Sol Niger Spike (F) Consumable Items (00420) You can also find a variety of Consumable Items by Searching. Personally I didn't find much use for this. Unless you are trying to level up your characters or learn more class skills it's probably easier to get the items you're looking for by either buying them or synthesizing them. You can find Lucky Cards, Gella Cards, and Potential Eggs which can make leveling easier. Also, depending on how many Item Scopes you have you can find higher levels of the items. For example, at Bandit's Road you can find Heal Berries early in the game. With all 12 Item Scopes these become Mega Berries. The only items I will list are the base items. Traders Road Antidote Heal Berry Windhalt Gatehouse Potential Egg Lucky Card Bandit's Forest Heal Berry Promise Hill Cyclone Gem Break Gem Creedmore Prison Lucky Card Gella Card Rusty Docks Freeze Gem Fire Gem Fallen Fowl Swamp Fire Gem Revive Fruit Path to the Shrine Exploder Gem Chakram West Wind Guidepost Potential Egg Fort Molasar Lucky Card Rainy Pass Freeze Gem Fire Gem Starlit Path Lucky Card Potential Egg Rhino River Potential Egg Gella Card Deserter's Camp Nectar Dead Plateau Chakram Exploder Gem Quarry of Desire Exploder Gem Chakram Frightful Abyss Medicine Wayward Path Break Gem The Flatwoods Gella Card Lucky Card Rasalom Keep Lucky Card Potential Egg Twilight Valley Cyclone Gem Circle Valley Gella Card White Devil Plains Breath Mint Sundome Abbey Ruins Lucky Card Lonely Waterside None Path of the Unjust None Secret Base Freeze Gem Desert Ocean Gella Card Quiet Sands Holy Root Boot Hill Great Apple Seed The Frozen Lands Pygmalion Guardian Temple Peppy Acorn Foothills of no Return Exploder Gem Schnell Ruins Fire Gem Trail to the Summit Potential Egg Guardian Shrine (Only available for a short time in Act 3) Break Gem Cyclone Gem Synthesis (00500) Ok, so I've spent all this time finding these items, now what do I use them for? You want stronger weapons right? That's what they're for. There are 11 different levels of items. They are as follows: Base Items (Basic items you can buy in shops) Specialized Items (These are the items that increase a specific stat more than the others, ATK AIM or MAG for weapons. DEF, EVA, or RES for armor) +1 (Each one has an increased stat, just like the Specialized, these are just Stronger) +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 Maxed (Same as Specialized, increased statistic, but stronger than +6) Master (There is only one Master level weapon and armor for each class, so the three branches combine into one weapon. You can make it from any kind of Maxed weapon or armor.) Ultimate (The strongest weapons or armors in the game, made only from a Master level weapon or armor) To upgrade weapons you need to have the previous level weapon, along with a certain amount of Synthesis Items. To upgrade any item level, just look it up in the table. It doesn't matter if you are using a weapon with increased ATK or an armor with increased EVA, as long as you are upgrading to the next level in the branch the requirements are the same. From To Synthesis Items Money Base Specialized 3 lvl 1 240G Specialized +1 5 lvl 1 3 lvl 2 480G +1 +2 6 lvl 2 5 lvl 3 960G +2 +3 8 lvl 3 6 lvl 4 1920G +3 +4 9 lvl 4 8 lvl 5 3840G +4 +5 11 lvl 5 9 lvl 6 7680G +5 +6 12 lvl 6 11 lvl 7 15360G +6 Maxed 14 lvl 7 12 lvl 8 30720G Maxed Master 23 lvl 5 23 lvl 6 61440G 23 lvl 7 53/62/71 lvl 8 When going from Maxed level items to Master level items, the number of level 8 Synthesis Items required varies depending on which branch item you are using. If you are using the ATK/DEF branch (ores), it requires 53 level 8 items. AIM/EVA (plant) requires 62 level 8 items. MAG/RES requires 71 level 8 items. I'm not sure exactly why, but its how it is. To upgrade from Master to Ultimate requires 38 Iron Ores, 38 Mantrap Vines, and 38 Tatzelwurm Horns (the level 2 Ore, Plant, and Bone items) along with 53 Mystic Silver, 38 Ent Leaf, and 38 Tarasque Tusks (the level 7 Ore, Plant, and Bone items) This final upgrade also costs 122880 Gella. These items are very expensive, and not really needed in your first play through of the game (IMO). Also, you are able to change the upgrade from one branch to the other. So if you have a +2 level ATK weapon and you want to make it a +3 AIM weapon you can do so, it will just cost slightly more in Synthesis Materials, but no more in Gella. From To Synthesis Items Money Specialized +1 7 lvl 1 5 lvl 2 480G +1 +2 9 lvl 2 7 lvl 3 960G +2 +3 11 lvl 3 9 lvl 4 1920G +3 +4 14 lvl 4 11 lvl 5 3840G +4 +5 16 lvl 5 14 lvl 6 7680G +5 +6 18 lvl 6 16 lvl 7 15360G +6 Maxed 20 lvl 7 18 lvl 8 30720G There is also one more item that you can Synthesize once you have all 12 Item Scopes. This item is the Sheriff Star. To make this item, you need 2 Sword Badges (Ultimate Fantastica Armor), 2 Wicked Sneakers (Ultimate Excavator Armor), 2 Megingjord (Ultimate Grappler Armor), 2 Breidablik (Ultimate High Cavalier Armor), 2 Tiny Flower (Ultimate Dandelion Shot Armor), 2 Warrioress Garb (Ultimate Royal Fencer Armor), and 2 Aegis Barrier (Ultimate Shield), and 184320 Gella. This is the strongest armor in the game, but good luck getting it. Consumable Items (00600) You are able to have two Item Scopes before synthesis becomes available in Act 1-9, so I don't know if there is any difference between the items you are able to make with one or two Item Scopes. Three Item Scopes Potion Berry Exploder Gem Large Moon Elemental Gems +1 Exploder Gem +1 Nectar +1 Antidote +1 Medecine +1 Breath Mint +1 Four Item Scopes Exploder Gem (new recipe) Mega Berry Revive Fruit Flying Saucer Elemental Gems +1 (new recipes) Exploder Gem +1 (new recipe) Antidote +2 Medicine +2 Peppy Acorn +1 Pinwheel +1 Pygmalion +1 Five Item Scopes Holy Root Imprisoner Money Pit Dark Nebula Nectar +2 Breath Mint +2 Holy Root +1 Six Item Scopes Holy Berry Smart Bomb Exploder Circle Zapper Pygmalion +2 Full Revive Unholy Berry Peppy Acorn +2 Pinwheel +2 Magic Berry Seven Item Scopes Angel Halo Holy Root +2 Eight Item Scopes Buzzsaw Nine Item Scopes None Added Contributors (00700) None so far Version History (00800) 5/11/08 Version .90 Initial version. Almost complete, just need to continue with my second play through to find how many Item Scopes you need to be able to search for the level 5-8 Synthesis Items as well as what each Scope unlocks in terms of items you can synthesize. 7/7/08 Version .95 Original intent of guide nearly completed, just need to finish playthrough to acquire the rest of the Item Scopes. I will also be adding the synthesis recipes for Consumable Items at a later date. Contact Information (00900) Blizzerd1984@yahoo.com (Please make sure that you have the game title somewhere in the subject line, or I will ignore your message entirely.) In addition, if you are contributing something that I may have missed in the guide, or have a correction on something I had listed. Please include how you wish you be listed within the Contributors section of the guide. Legal Stuff (01000) Websites permitted to have this guide: www.gamefaqs.com If you see this guide in any form on another website, please notify the author as soon as possible. Copyright 2008 Adam Pramik This guide may not be reproduced except for private use. It may not be used in any public medium either digital or in print without consent of the author. Use of this guide without consent of the author is strictly prohibited, and is a violation of copyright.