____ _ _ / ___| _ | | _ _ |_| _______ _| |___ ________ _ _ | |_____ R | | | | | || | |______ \ / _____|/ ____ \| | | || _____| | |_| |_| || |_ _____| || |_____ | |____| || |___| || |_____ \_________/\___|/ _____/ \_______|\________/\_______/ \______| __________ | | ____ ___________________ | ______ ||_| | || | | ________|| _______| |_|______| || |____| || |______|_______ || _______| | ________|\________/\________|_________||________| |_| AUTHOR - Charlie Emery - Hellfire X PSNID - Hellfire_WZ VERSION - 0.6 E-MAIL - ce_hellfire(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk Dedicated to Rowena, my wonderful girlfriend, and to all the staff and members of WipeoutZone. Note to Webmasters: I am NOT looking for any new hosts, so please do not e-mail me asking to host this guide. Permission will not be granted. =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **CONTENTS** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ To quickly navigate the guide, put the appropriate code into the Find function in your browser. - [001] VERSION HISTORY - [002] E-MAIL USAGE - [003] INTRODUCTION - [004] CONTROLS - [005] GAME MODES - [006] RACING TECHNIQUES AND GAME MECHANICS - [007] WEAPON SYSTEMS - Leech Beam - Autopilot - Shield - Turbo - Rockets - Missile - Proton Cannon - Plasma Bolt - Quake Disruptor - Mines - Bomb - Shuriken - Repulsor - [008] MANUFACTURERS - Federal European Indistry of Science and Research - Anti-Gravity Systems - Assegai Developments - EG.X Technologies - Piranha Advancements - Qirex Research and Development - Triakis Industries - Goteki45 - Auricom Research Industries - Mirage Anti-Gravity Racing Excellence - Project Icaras - Harimau International - [009] CIRCUITS - Talon's Junction - Moa Therma - Metropia - Arc Prime - De Konstruct - Tech De Ra - The Amphiseum - Fort Gale - Basilico - Platinum Rush - Vertica - Outpost 7 - Edgewinter - Vostok Reef - Gemini Dam - Orcus - [010] GRIDS - [011] DOWNLOAD PACKS - [012] UNLOCKABLE CONTENT - [013] SOUNDTRACK - [014] USEFUL LINKS - [015] THANKS [001] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **VERSION HISTORY** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ 0.6 - 22.02,08 - Guides for Talons' Junction to Metropia complete. Removed Zone Mode section as it would just have been a repeat of the track guide. Circuits which can be used for Zone Mode have been indicated in the track guides. Harimau and Auricom packs added, as well as their respective grids 0.5 - 18.02.08 - Grids section added, as well as information on the Mirage and Icaras packs along with their respective grids 0.2 - 30.12.07 - Most empty sections filled in, circuit guides ready to be started. Racing Techniques and Mechanics section complete, as well as Game Modes, Unlockable Content and Controls. Soundtrack section updated to include information on uploading MP3s. 0.1 - 01.12.07 - As the game has not yet been released, the guide is only a skeleton of known information. Craft evaluations have been deduced solely from the stats and are likely to change when the game is released [002] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **E-MAIL USAGE** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ My e-mail address is open if you have any comments to make on the guide, such as if anything is missing, if something could be more concise, etc. Useful comments please, any flames and you won't be mailing me again. Please don't mail me with any questions on the game if the answer can be found in the guide, it will be ignored. I have revealed all I know about the game here. If it's not in the guide, I can't help you. On the other hand, if you'd like me to explain something a little more clearly, or if I have missed something, then by all means mail me. If it's something important you'll get a mention in the credits. But above all, DO NOT SPAM MY INBOX. This includes advertising, chain letters and any other useless junk that gets sent. To help avoid this, please do not add my address to your address book if you're in the habit of sending junk like this. Please do not e-mail me asking for the download packs. They are obtainable from the PlayStation Store, and this time you have to pay for them. I paid my money to use them, you can too. Any emails asking for them will be blocked. Also, if I receive ANY emails asking for hacks or cheats for online play, you will be immediately blocked and reported to Studio Liverpool and SCEE. I do not condone any sort of online cheating and those that do deserve to be banned from the network permanently. People that cheat online have no place in the online gaming community and ruin it for everyone else who plays fairly. [003] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **INTRODUCTION** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ In 2197, professional AG Racing returned following a long absence. The FX300 heralded the return of the once most popular sport in the world, and it instantly returned it to its rightful position. Now, 10 years on, AG Racing has gripped the world once again, with both the FX350 and FX400 leagues providing entertainment to a worldwide audience. New circuits in locations all around the world and the inclusion of the new Mag-Lock technology are set to make this the most exciting year in the history of the sport. Welcome to Wipeout Pulse [004] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **CONTROLS** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ D-pad/Nub left/right - Steers craft D-pad/Nub up/down - Tilts nose down/up Circle - Absorb weapon Cross - Thrust Square - Fire weapon Triangle - Look backwards L/R - Left/Right airbrakes Start - Pause game Select - Cycle viewpoints NB: Wipeout veterans will notice that the absorb/fire buttons have been switched from previous games. It is highly recommended that you switch fire to circle and absorb to square if you have had any experience with Wipeout games prior to Wipeout Pure. Wipeout Pulse has two airbrake settings, Single and Dual. The Dual setting is the default, and is shown above. The single airbrake setting assigns the R button to airbrakes and the L button to sideshift. The brake/shift is applied in the direction you are steering. Personally I find this very restrictive, and it is highly recommended you stick with Dual brakes. Veterans should always use Dual. [005] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **GAME MODES** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ \\// :RACE CAMPAIGN: \\// //\\=====================//\\ This is the single player campaign mode. Work your way through each grid, unlocking new content and building up your loyalty points as you go. Each grid segment consists of one of the main game modes. Earn 3 points for a gold, 2 for a silver and 1 for a bronze on each segment, and reach the required points total to unlock the next grid. The grids will also keep track of the AI difficulty that you achieved your best scores/times on. \\// :SINGLE RACE: \\// //\\===================//\\ Pick a track, pick a craft, pick a class and engage in a single race against seven other AI opponents. Difficulty can be selected prior to the race to suit your own ability \\// :TIME TRIAL: \\// //\\==================//\\ No AI opponents to worry about, it's you against the clock in an attempt to clock the fastest lap and race times for the track. You receive one turbo item per lap, so make good use of it to reduce your times as much as possible. Your craft has unlimited energy in Time Trial so you don't need to worry about blowing up. \\// :TOURNAMENT: \\// //\\==================//\\ Tournament mode rewards the consistent racer. All the same options are available as for single race, but this time you can select anything up to 24 tracks to race on in a league-based tournament. Earn points for your position at the end of each race, and the pilot with the most points at the end wins the tournament. The winner of a race receives 8 points, 6 for second, 5 for third, all the way down to 0 for last place. Of course, you receive no points if you are destroyed. \\// :ZONE MODE: \\// //\\=================//\\ The daddy from Wipeout Fusion returns once more. Take a seat in the Zone craft, pick a track and hang on for as long as you can. The thrusters are stuck on full and every 10 seconds it gets a bit faster. All you have to do is guide the craft around the track for as long as possible before it eventually blows up. Perfect laps and perfect zones will really get your score up. \\// :SPEED LAP: \\// //\\=================//\\ Free Play from Wipeout Pure has been replace with Speed Lap. Like TIme Trial, you are on your own against the clock with unlimited energy, but race time doesn't matter here. All you are out to do is to get the best lap time you possibly can. You have 7 laps to do it in, and like Time Trial you will receive a turbo each lap. As you have so many laps to do it is also the ideal mode to get used to a new track. \\// :ELIMINATOR: \\// //\\==================//\\ An old favourite from Wip3out returns. Like Single Race, you are up against seven other AI opponents on a track and class of your choice. Only this time the race doesn't matter. You are out there to blow up as many of your opponents as you can. All weapons are much more powerful and the turbo, autopilot and shield are no longer available. Two more weapons are also added to the arsenal with which you can demolish your opposition. If a craft is destroyed (including yours) it will be respawned with full energy. Absorbing weapons will not restore your shield energy, instead a shield will be activated for one second. The only way to restore energy is to complete a lap. The first player to reach the target number of kills wins. I personally am no fan of Eliminator, as most races tend to be almost entirely luck-based. \\// :ONLINE: \\// //\\==============//\\ A brand new mode to Wipeout Pulse and the one that everybody has been waiting for. Online mode allows you to play other players from around the world via infrastructure. All you require to participate is a Playstation Network ID. Single Race and Tournament are available online. Please note that race and lap times, as well as loyalty points, are not recorded in online play. Also, the craft from the download packs will not be available to use online. [006] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **RACING TECHNIQUES AND GAME MECHANICS** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ A lot of this section is taken from my Wipeout Pure guide as it is equally applicable in Wipeout Pulse \\// :BASIC RACING LINE: \\// //\\=========================//\\ Learning the track is one thing, learning the racing line is completely different. If you know the track, you can direct your craft around it. If you know its racing line, you can get around it in a much faster time and with fewer crashes and collisions. A racing line is the line you need to take through a corner to allow you to take it in minimal time, and also to set you up for the next corner. The best place to test our your racing lines is in Speed Lap mode. Once you have learned a circuit, you can practice exiting particular corners in order to set yourself up perfectly for the next. For example, the last section of Talon's Junction White include a fairly shallow left immediately followed by a sharp right hairpin. Normally when taking a turn you would try to turn the craft as little as possible to maintain your speed, which would involve starting on the outside, moving over to the inside as you pass the apex, then moving back to the outside as you exit. If you do that with this first corner, you will end up on the left hand side coming into the hairpin and you'll have no way of entering it without crashing or slowing down dramatically. The racing line you need to take through these corners requires you to move over to the left upon exiting the first corner so you can actually take the second. Chicanes are another type of corner series that require knowledge of the racing line. You need to use the apex of each turn in the chicane as a sort of slalom marker, keeping the turns as straight as possible. Weaving over to the outside will slow you down somewhat. If the chicane is very shallow, it may be possibleto see a straight line through without the need to turn. In this case, you can easily see the racing line and perfectly illustrates how you need to be able to take the sharper versions. The effect of gravity on sloped sections of track can also have an effect on the racing line, but that will be explained later. \\// :SHIELD ENERGY: \\// //\\=====================//\\ Your shields are what will keep you alive on the AG circuit. The white bar below the green thrust indicator shows you the status of your shields. Any form of impact will drain shield energy. Hitting a wall or another opponent will produce a slight loss whereas a weapon impact will reduce it much further. Obviously craft with a higher shield stat will lose energy at a slower rate than those with lower stats. When your shield energy is reduced to 15%, your computer will say "Energy critical" and your energy bar will begin flashing red. This is an indicator to absorb some weapons quickly. A warning beep will also inform you of your shield's low status. Get reduced to 5% and the beeping will become quicker. Once your shields are reduced to 0%, one more hit will destroy your craft. \\// :ABSORBING WEAPONS: \\// //\\=========================//\\ When you receive a weapon, you can choose to fire it or absorb it. Absorbing a weapon results in it being used to slightly recharge your shields. This adds a more tactical approach to using weapons when you have the option of repairing damage as well as dealing it. If your shields are low, it is highly recommended that you absorb weapons rather than fire them, even if your opponent is in clear view. Better safe than sorry. As a side note, the Quake and Plasma weapons tend to restore more energy than other weapons when absorbed. \\// :USE OF THRUST: \\// //\\=====================//\\ Quite frankly, you'll want to have the thruster hammered down throughout the circuit, but there are times where this can be tantamount to suicide. If you are racing a heavy craft, letting up on the thruster when taking a sharp corner will allow you to turn more sharply, and combining this with the airbrakes (explained later) will allow you to turn as sharply as any lightweight. Letting up on the thruster will also let you go over elevated sections without gaining too much height, which is especially useful when it is followed by a corner. Even so, completely letting up on it isn't recommended as you'll lose too much speed, quick releases of the thruster are all that's needed. \\// :AIRBRAKES: \\// //\\=================//\\ Airbrakes are your absolute saviour on the faster speed classes and the more technical tracks. You have two airbrakes, one on either side of your craft, which are activated by the corresponding shoulder button (unless you've opted for the single brake setup). One function of the airbrakes is to slow the craft down. This is ideal if you find yourself going too fast over a jump or if your craft has become unbalanced, as slowing down will reduce your altitude and balance the craft again. Don't get overly hooked to this method though as the speed reduction is severe. The main function is to use each airbrake to aid your turning. For example, hitting the left airbrake will slow the left side of the craft causing it to veer over to the left. Turning left while using this will dramatically decrease your turning circle at the expense of a little speed. Most turns only need light tapping of the brakes to aid passage, only the sharpest hairpins require holding the brake. Opposite braking (a popular and extremely effective technique in previous games) involves hitting the opposite airbrake to your turning direction, which will cause the craft to laterally shift in the direction if the brake. However, this isn't particularly effective in Pulse as it has been superceded by the sideshift, which will be explained next. In the hands of a skilled pilot, even the heaviest craft can navigate the most technical circuits with ease using the airbrakes adequately \\// :SIDESHIFT: \\// //\\=================//\\ Sideshifting is a new feature to the Wipeout series. Double tapping one of the airbrakes will cause your craft to laterally shift in that direction. This is a very useful technique for sharp corners and hairpins as it allows you to correct your racing line if you have taken the corner too wide, you can simply shift back over to the inside. Chicanes are the ideal place to use this technique as you can shift from side to side to aid your navigation through. Using the Dual brakes as opposed to the Single brake will allow you to shift in the opposite direction to your turning direction, allowing you to turn early and shift into a corner. \\// :BARREL ROLL: \\// //\\===================//\\ Barrel rolling is a quick and easy way of getting a speed boost from a jump. As your craft leaves the track following a sufficiently high jump, pressing left- right-left or right-left-right on the D-pad or nub will cause your craft to barrel roll. This technique will drain a little energy from your shields and divert it to the thruster. Upon landing, you will receive a speed boost. As long as you have enough shield, you should attempt to barrel roll whenever the opportunity presents itself. Be careful though, if you attempt to barrel roll off of a jump that is too low and you do not complete the roll, your shield energy will still be slightly drained but you will not receive the speed boost. The barrel roll may not work if there are a lot of other craft on the screen due to input delay. \\// :PITCH CONTROL: \\// //\\=====================//\\ The pitch control alters the altitude of your craft's nose while airborne. You need to make sure when you land that the craft is absolutely level with the track. If it isn't, you run the risk of cartwheeling and ending up either on your side or on the roof. Raise the nose if you have come off of a jump too slowly and you are nose diving towards the track below. If the jump is okay, you need to really lower the nose as you land or the craft will rear up. This is only really noticeable when you barrel roll and on faster speed classes. Pressing Up on the D-pad or nub lowers the nose and pressing down raises the nose. \\// :EFFECTS OF GRAVITY: \\// //\\==========================//\\ As you navigate the circuit, the craft will feel the effects of gravity as they travel over sloped and undulating sections of track. If the track is sloped from one side to the other, the craft will slide down the track to the lower side. This is a real benefit in corners as the gradient of the track will aid your line around. If the corner is sloped towards the inside, you should stay nearer to the centre of the track rather than move over to the inside, and you'll also need to turn less aggressively. \\// :MAG-STRIPS: \\// //\\==================//\\ A brand new addition to Wipeout Pulse, the Mag-strips add a new dimension of racing to the Wipeout circuits. They are indicated by dark blue sections of track. Going over one will magnetically anchor your craft to the track, allowing the craft to navigate features such as corkscrews and loops without falling off the track. While on a Mag-strip, all navigational controls remain the same and the craft is no longer affected by gravity. Mag-strips can also be used on undulating sections to keep the craft from launching off the track, which can also prevent barrel rolling. \\// :TURBO START: \\// //\\===================//\\ A mechanism that has worked its way into many racing games. While on the grid, wait for the exact moment the announcer says "go". When she does, hit the thruster and you'll activate a turbo as you leave the grid. A great way to keep up with the rest of the pack at the start of a race and also shaves some time off of a time trial too. \\// :AI DIFFICULTY: \\// //\\=====================//\\ For the first time in the Wipeout series, the AI difficulty can be adjusted to suit your ability. The Easy AI are a cakewalk, very slow and very timid with weapons. A good way for beginners to introduce themselves to the game. Medium Ai are what you would expect from previous games, a fairly decent challenge in both racing speed and weapon usage. The Hard AI is a different story. Recommended for experts only, Hard AI opponents are extremely aggressive, pounding you with every weapon they can lay their hands on. They can also navigate a course very easily, requiring you to get a very consistent racing line in order to beat them. \\// :QUICK LAP: \\// //\\=================//\\ A commonly known trick but included here for completion's sake. In Time Trial and Speed Lap you are given one turbo per lap to help you improve your lap and race times. This comes in handy when you are after a good lap time in particular, as if you activate it right before you cross the line, the effect of the turbo carries into the next lap. And of course, you will pick up another turbo as soon as you cross the line, effectively giving you two turbos in one lap. There are several tracks where this is not an effective strategy though, so be careful. [007] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **WEAPON SYSTEMS** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ \\// :LEECH BEAM: \\// //\\==================//\\ _ | | First seen in Wip3out as the energy drain, and then ___| |___ ________ again in Wipeout Fusion as Xios' shield drain, the |___ ___| |________| leech beam makes its return in Pulse under a new | | name. Once picked up, a lock-on cursor will appear |_| over the nearest craft. Activating the weapon will steadily drain the shield energy of the target and will use it to replenish your own shield energy. The link remains open for five seconds and will continue to drain energy even after your own shield is full. In Eliminator mode, the leech beam will remain active until the target is destroyed, making it an instant-kill weapon as long as the target is in range \\// :AUTOPILOT: \\// //\\=================//\\ _____ / ___ \ Every pilot's friend on a technical circuit, the / / _ \ \ autopilot will take control of the craft out of your / / / \ \ \ hands for a few seconds and expertly guide it through | | \_/ | | even the trickiest of corners. Unlike the one in |_| |_| Pure, the autopilot goes back to its early game roots in that you cannot pick up or use weapons while it is active, and it can be deactivated early if you so wish. \\// :SHIELD: \\// //\\==============//\\ __ __ / _||_ \ In a race where weapons are flying about like they're / / \ \ going out of fashion, this will save your backside on / / \ \ many occasions. Activate the Shield to render your \ \ / / craft totally invulnerable to damage for a few vital \ \_ _/ / seconds. Weapons can be picked up, used and absorbed \__||__/ while the shield is active. However, it will not allow you to barrel roll without using up energy, it will only protect you from physical damage. Always fun to have one of these in reserve just as an opponent drops a Quake. \\// :TURBO: \\// //\\=============//\\ .´`. A simple but effective powerup, the Turbo does .´ `. exactly what it says on the tin. Activate to gain a .´ .´`. `. speed boost. Couple these with a barrel roll and | .´.´`.`. | you'll cover a lot of ground. Try to restrict use of .´.´ `.`. these to straight sections though, using one in a .´ .´`. `. corner will likely result in you slamming into a wall | .´ `. | and heavily damaging your shields. .´ `. \\// :ROCKETS: \\// //\\===============//\\ .´`. The rockets are simple, yet fun, weapons that are .´ `. very easy to use. Upon activation, three rockets will | | shoot along the track in a W formation. Due to the `. .´ spread, they will more often than not hit their .´`.`..´.´`. target. On their own, they won't do a lot of damage, .´ `..´ `. but launch them at point blank behind someone and | || | they'll really pack a punch. The ideal place to use `. .´`. .´ them is on an open section, as the shock will more `..´ `..´ than likely push then over the edge. They are also effective in tight corners by slamming your opponent into the wall \\// :MISSILE: \\// //\\===============//\\ || The weapon of choice for taking out a single target __||__ at long range. Picking up a missile will activate a / ____ \ targeting reticule on the HUD and will attempt to / / __ \ \ lock on to the nearest target. Once a lock is / / / \ \ \ acquired, trigger it to send a single missile chasing \ \ \__/ / / after them. While its turning circle isn't .´\ \____/ /`. particularly impressive, it is able to ricochet off .´.´ \______/ `.`. walls which considerably increases its effective ´ ` range. It will explode on its own after a few wall impacts without hitting a target. They can also be fired blind if you can't lock on to an opponent. The arcs of each ricochet mean that the missile will have a blind spot in which it can be avoided, which is usually along the apex of a corner. \\// :PROTON CANNON: \\// //\\=====================//\\ || Returning from Wipeout Fusion, the cannon is a unique __||__ weapon in that it is ammunition based rather than a / ____ \ one-shot weapon. When picked up, 30 rounds will be / / __ \ \ available to use. Holding down the fire button will / / / \ \ \ shoot the rounds straight forward from the nose of \ \ \__/ / / the craft. The rounds do very little damage, but \ \____/ / prolonged impact will slow and disrupt the craft it \______/ hits. When absorbed, the cannon will return a proportion of energy equal to the number of remaining rounds. If you only have one round left, virtually no shield energy will be restored if it is absorbed. The cannon will remain active until either all the rounds are expended or it is absorbed. No other weapons can be picked up until then. \\// :PLASMA BOLT: \\// //\\===================//\\ The ultimate in precision damage. The plasma bolt has always been one of the most feared weapons in Wipeout, and rightly so. When activated, a large purple sphere will charge up for one second at the front of your craft before being thrown down the track in a straight line. Anything it hits will suffer horrendous shield damage. They are very tricky to use because of the charging period, but on straights they can become deadly. If you are hit by one of these, you may find yourself desperately absorbing everything you find. Plasma bolts also seem to restore more shield energy when absorbed than most other weapons. \\// :QUAKE DISRUPTOR: \\// //\\=======================//\\ .´`. If the plasma bolt is meant for precision, the quake ____.´.´`.`.____ is meant for blanket carnage. Completely |____.´ `.____| indiscriminate, unleashing one of these will send a .´`. huge wave of energy down the track, slamming anyone ____.´.´`.`.____ it hits into the track and bringing them to a near |____.´ `.____| halt. It also has a very long range, so it is the ideal weapon to use if you are languishing near the back of the pack. Of course, the AI can also use them. There's not much you can do if you hear one of these coming if you don't have a Shield, but you may be able to outrun it on the faster speed classes. If you're a long way in the lead and you just want some fun, turn around and fire to send it back down the track, straight into the faces of your opponents. \\// :MINES: \\// //\\=============//\\ __ __ __ __ If someone is harassing you from behind, drop a / \/ \/ \/ \ cluster of these things in their face. The mines are \__/\__/\__/\__/ ideal for keeping your opponents out of your racing line, and more importantly, off of speed pads or weapon pads. On activation, five explosive mines are released from the rear of the craft and remain in place either until someone hits them or for about five seconds. Individually they aren't too effective, but someone ploughing through all five will take moderate damage and will find themselves slowed to a crawl. Depending on your circumstances, you can use Mines in two ways. You can either lay them in a straight line to try and get a pursuer to run through the whole lot, or you can weave across the track and lay them in a scattered formation, disrupting a small group. Be careful, unlike previous games, your own mines can damage you. If you end up leaving the track after laying some mines and end up behind them again, they will explode just like they would for any other craft. \\// :BOMB: \\// //\\============//\\ __ __ When Mines won't do, bomb them. Far more powerful / _||_ \ than the mines, this thing will blow your opponents / / __ \ \ clean out from under you if they get too close. /_/ / \ \_\ Activate to drop a high explosive bomb from the rear \ \ \__/ / / of the craft. Contact will lead to a moderately \ \_ _/ / damaging explosion that will unceremoniously slam the \__||__/ unfortunate opponent into the nearest wall, or indeed off the track if there is an open section. Unlike in Pure, bombs do not stay in place for the whole race and will self detonate after a while if no one hits them. They can be destroyed by most weapons, however, unlike Pure this time you can trigger your own bombs. Also, dropping bombs at point blank range is no longer recommended, as the blast will slow you down as well \\// :SHURIKEN: \\// //\\================//\\ ____ ____ /_ / ____ \ _\ The first of the Eliminator-only weapons, the // // / __ \ \\ \\ Shuriken is a newcomer to the series. Activating will // // / / \ \ \\ \\ send a razor sharp disc shooting down the track, \\ \\ \ \__/ / // // richocheting off of the walls before exploding after \\_\\ \____/ //_// a short while. Good for hitting several craft at \___\ /___/ once, but doesn't deal a lot of damage. \\// :REPULSOR: \\// //\\================//\\ .´`. An extremely powerful weapon and the second of the /|____.´.´`.`.____|\ Eliminator-only lineup. Activating the Repulsor will | ____.´ `.____ | charge up an energy ring around your craft before \| .´`. |/ sending out a radial blast of energy with quite a /|____.´.´`.`.____|\ decent range. Anything it hits takes major damage and | ____.´ `.____ | is slammed into the nearest wall unless they are \| |/ directly in front or behind. Get one of these in Eliminator and you can guarantee you'll pick up a few kills [008] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **MANUFACTURERS** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ Please be aware that the downloadable craft cannot be used online. This is due to a late bug that could not be fixed in time. The backstories given in each team section are the official backstories on the Wipeout Pulse website. All these were written by Rob Foxx. \-\/-/ **MAIN LINE-UP** \-\/-/ /-/\-\===========================/-/\-\ \\// :FEDERAL EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE AND RESEARCH: \\// //\\=========================================================//\\ __ . ° °_. / .´ \ . .´ .---- . | .´ .´.------| |__.´ .´.´ _____ | . .´.´.´ . \ .´.´ / °´. __ . ° _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEED - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ THRUST - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ _ HANDLING - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| SHIELD - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ORIGIN - European Union LIVERY - Blue and Yellow ESTABLISHED - 2017 FIRST SEEN - WipEout (F3600) Spurred on by independent competition from one of its member states (in the form of Britain, with Icaras) the Federal European Industrial Science and Research development team have produced what should be a legitimate championship contender in their FX350/FX400 race craft. Their weakness, as has seemingly always been the case, is a lack of outright top speed, but that won't matter too much on the more technical tracks, where the excellent handling will allow the team to shine. Time will tell if FEISAR are the real deal - it could be said that the competition have made greater strides. FEISAR have always excelled in handling, and the FX400 craft is no different. It is an excellent craft to learn in as even at high speeds, airbraking is minimal and this will allow you to slowly get used to it rather than jump in the deep end. Coupled with its decent thrust, this makes it ideal for the more technical circuits. Its major downside however is that it is the slowest craft of them all, making open circuits a challenge when up against the likes of Piranha and Triakis. It is also worth noting that with Auricom being demoted to the download packs, FEISAR is the only team left to have appeared in the starting line-up for every Wipeout game (AG Systems and Qirex did not feature in Wipeout Fusion) \\// :ANTI-GRAVITY SYSTEMS: \\// //\\============================//\\ _____ .´ `. ____.´ _ `.____ | .´ `. | |______.´ `.______| _____________________ | | |__ _____ __| | | `. `. '---' `-----` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEED - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ _ THRUST - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| HANDLING - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| SHIELD - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ORIGIN - Japan LIVERY - Red and White ESTABLISHED - 2017 FIRST SEEN - WipEout (F3600) AG Systems have finally turned the corner after spending the best part of a decade fighting for the scraps in the FX300 League. Their strong performance in the FX350 class events, coupled with confidence inspiring pre-season testing for the FX400 League show that their 2206 FX300 Championship title was no fluke (well, unless you count the fact that they were originally runner-up to Triakis, who were later disqualified). As one of the longest running operations in the history of the sport, the Japanese team look poinsed to continue their resurgence when AG Racing goes global for the 2207 season of the FX400 League. While the FX300 craft may have been a bit of a meek affair, the latest incarnation is a much more aggressive animal. While it is only a little faster than the FEISAR, its thrust and handling are both very good, making it an ideal step-up from the FEISAR if you want something with a little more speed. And unlike the FX300 model, the shields are respectable too. \\// :ASSEGAI DEVELOPMENTS: \\// //\\============================//\\ ___ __________ . ° ° . | ° . / .^. \ | \ . .´ `. . | ____|`. . | .´_ _`. | | | `. | | | | | | | > | | |_____| | | |____ .´ | | | | |.´ . | | | / '_________________'o '___________. ° o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEED - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| THRUST - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ HANDLING - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| SHIELD - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ORIGIN - Unted African Nations LIVERY - Ochre and Light Blue ESTABLISHED - 2113, acquired by Piranha Advancements in 2150 before reforming in 2181 after being released by Piranha FIRST SEEN - Wip3out (F7200) COntinuing in their tradition of producing craft with exceptional handling characteristics, the Assegai team have managed to improve the top end performance for their FX350/FX400 chassis too. Another welcome improvement is a minor upgrade to the shield durability over the FX300 craft, which means that Assegai fans can be confident of seeing strong performances at the head of the pack in 2207 and beyond. The latest version of the Assegai craft takes a nod back to its F7200 predecessor. Its speed and thrust are both decent, but for a craft with this sort of top-end speed, it has a very high handling rating, making it a very good all-rounder, able to navigate technical circuits as well as holding its own out in the open. However, the tradeoff to such good all-round performance is that its shields are sub standard, making this a less than ideal combat craft and an easy target in combat heavy races. \\// :EG-X TECHNOLOGIES: \\// //\\=========================//\\ ___ _____ ____ ____ ,´ | ,´ | | ` . . ´ | ' .---' ' .-----' '---. `._,´ .---' ' ´------. ' ´ `. .´ ' _______|' ' .--. .' '. | |_______ | |____| | __ ___.´ ,-. `.___ | || || || .´ `. | '----------''-------. |'--''----´ `----' |__| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEED - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ THRUST - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| HANDLING - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_| SHIELD - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ORIGIN - China/Finland LIVERY - Maroon and Yellow ESTABLISHED - EG.r Unknown, Xios 2135. Merged in 2172 FIRST SEEN - Separate teams in Wipeout Fusion (F9000). First seen merged in Wipeout Pulse (FX400) Formed in 2172 when F9000 League superpowers Xios and EG.r merged, EG-X was something of an unknown quantity going into the inaugural season of the FX350 League. It turned out that they were more than ready to go racing though, scoring a number of high placed finishes with relative ease for a team that did not contest in the FX300 League. Opting not to release data from pre-season testing for the FX400, the performance of the EG-X chassis has only been seen by those quick enough to catch a glimpse of the sleek ship as it was put through its paces. What was obvious without the data is that the craft is fast out of corners and appears to have a good top speed too. So look for this dark horse partnership between China and Finland to be strong contenders at the front of the grid. EG-X go to even greater extremes than Assegai. It is an incredibly fast machine, with a very good top speed and an even greater thrust, making it very quick off the mark and able to leave other craft in its dust. However, like Assegai, its shields are paper thin and it also has quite heavy handling. As a result this isn't one you should try until you have had some practice with the airbrakes. You'll need to use its speed to keep out of combat. \\// :PIRANHA ADVANCEMENTS: \\// //\\============================//\\ . --- . ,´ .-.`. / `._`_ * . \ |/`. ||,´ . _ ' .' |`. |\/ \ | . _\ ` .-' ' ' .´__ .`, / `. .´.|\_.\` . `- ___ . ´ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEED - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| THRUST - |_|_|_|_|_|_| HANDLING - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_ _ _ SHIELD - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ORIGIN - Brazil LIVERY - Red and Yellow ESTABLISHED - 2060 FIRST SEEN - Wipeout 2097 (F5000) Back with a vengeance after five years of uncertainty behind the scenes, Piranha bring what's claimed to be the engine with the fastest top end performance since the return of professional AG racing in 2197. None, except maybe Icaras with their own extreme power plant, are going to argue the point. Back under the control of the Brazilian government, the Piranha team don't have the financial depth that they've previously enjoyed. The new chassis needs work too - it's not the best when the track gets twisty. But that engine is going to be hard to beat in a straight line, make no mistake. You only need to look at the stats of this thing to see it is one hell of a beast. With a top speed only Icaras is able to match, expect to see the Piranha dominate races on open circuits. It also has a very strong shield too, so shooting it down will also be difficult. The large tradeoff however is its sluggish handling. Without nimble use of the airbrakes, this thing will be clattering off walls like you wouldn't believe, and with a low thrust too, you'll never see that top speed if you keep wall scraping. Make sure you master the airbrakes before jumping in this thing. \\// :QIREX RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: \\// //\\======================================//\\ . --- . . ° _ ===== _ ° . ´ . ´ _ ===== _ ` . ` / ' ´ _ --- _ ` ' \ . / ´ . .-. . ` \ . . ' / -.`._`. \ ' . | ' '' . `. `.`. '' ' | ||| ||| `.`. `.`. ||| ||| | . .. `.`.,´ | .. . | ' . \ `. __ `.`. . ' ' \ . °._ _`. `.`.´. \ ` ` _ --- _`.`. `.`.`. . ` . _ ===== _`.`.`._`.`.`. ` . _ ===== _ .`.`------` `. --- `----------` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEED - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| THRUST - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ HANDLING - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ SHIELD - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ORIGIN - Russia LIVERY - Purple and White ESTABLISHED - 2041, acquired by Tigron Enterprises in 2149 before reforming in 2179 under Feliks Levovich following the collapse of Tigron FIRST SEEN - WipEout (F3600) With massive investment in bleeding-edge facilities at their base on the outskirts of Moscow, Qirex, the Russian powerhouse of the early days of AG Racing, are poised to make a strong return to the front of the grid in the new FX400 Racing League. Director of Operations Feliks Levovich is set to field the talented young pilot Nadia Elenova in an attempt to steal the thunder from bitter rivals Auricom. To quote Levovich himself in a recent interview: "Our rivals should prepare themselves for a high-speed revolution. Qirex are back where we belong. In front." Back in the Quantax craft for the first time since the F7200, Qirex are looking to rejoin the heavyweights with this brutish craft. While it tends to take a while to get going due to its heavy mass, it will reach a very respectable top speed and is also quite easy to handle. It also has very strong shields, allowing it to take considerable punishment too. Some knowledge of the airbrakes will be needed to handle this one, but it is a very good all-rounder nonetheless \\// :TRIAKIS INDUSTRIES: \\// //\\==========================//\\ .--. | `. .´ `. | | | .´ __ | .´ .´ `. | .´ .´ `. `. ´ .´ | .´ .´ .´ .´ .´`. .´ .´ .´ `. '------------´ `------´ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEED - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| THRUST - |_|_|_|_|_|_| HANDLING - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_ _ _ _ SHIELD - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ORIGIN - Australia LIVERY - Camo Green ESTABLISHED - 2132 FIRST SEEN - Wipeout Pure (FX300) Triakis, keen to put the controversy of the 2206 season behind them, will compete with an evolution of their FX350 spec craft in their upcoming FX400 League campaign. Without the reverse-inertia deceleration system - deemed illegal by the AG Racing Commission - the ship looked to be more of a handful than its FX300 counterpart during pre-season testing, although it sported good top end speed eventually. Fortunately, Triakis' strength remains their advanced polymer shielding, which will play an important role now that the team are mid- pack runners in terms of speed. Like Piranha, Triakis have given secondary thought to thrust and handling, preferring to create a craft that will dominate open circuits. It is by far the heaviest craft, as is reflected by the thrust and handling stats, meaning that expert use of the airbrakes will be needed to keep it going. However, when it gets going, there isn't much that can compete with its excellent top speed. Its trademark however is the massive shield it sports, allowing it to take far more punishment than any other craft and keep on going. This makes it the perfect combat craft. An additional note. The reverse-inertia deceleration system mentioned in the back story is actually referring to a bug in Wipeout Pure. The parameter controlling the rate of acceleration/deceleration was lower for Triakis than every other craft. As a result, it took longer to get up to top speed, but also longer to lose speed through corners, giving it a tremendous advantage and making it the most effective craft in the game. This is now no longer the case, and Triakis is now balanced like every other craft. \\// :GOTEKI45: \\// //\\================//\\ _________ | | | .------' | | | | .---. .--. | | | | | | . `. '---' | | `. `. | | `. `--------' | `.____________| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEED - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ _ _ THRUST - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| HANDLING - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ SHIELD - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ORIGIN - Makana, Pacific Islands LIVERY - Yellow, Pink and White ESTABLISHED - 2095, HQ destroyed in 2137, reformed in 2195 FIRST SEEN - Wip3out (F7200) Reformed in 2195 after a 58 year gap in its history, the Goteki45 team will look to improve on the disappointing mid-pack results they've achieved to date in the FX300 League. Now bestowed with financial resources on-par with the leading teams, the new facilities at their base of operations on Makana Island are literally packed with equipment that's ahead of the curve. The newly developed FX350/FX400 class craft has shown good handling balance and superb acceleration in pre-season testing too, leading Goteki45 Director of Operations Keao Manumaleuna to announce the team's new motto: Future Proof. And don't they look it. The Goteki45 craft sports the most powerful thrusters in the initial line-up, making it the most able to keep its speed up on technical circuits and also the quickest to recover from weapon impacts. The good shield rating as well means battering other craft out of the way is also an option. This should come as a relief to those with little knowledge of the airbrakes, as the handling is quite heavy. The top speed is pretty mediocre as well. Ideally this craft should be used on technical circuits where a lot of combat is expected. \-\/-/ **DOWNLOADABLE** \-\/-/ /-/\-\===========================/-/\-\ These craft are available throught the Playstation Store. Please be aware that these craft cannot be used online, this was a late bug that popped up and Studio Liverpool did not have time to fix it. \\// :AURICOM RESEARCH INDUSTRIES: \\// //\\===================================//\\ __________ . ´ | , | ´ /\ | ° / \ | | ______/ \ __| | `. \`..´/ | ` .´_ _`. ´| | / \/ \ | '________/ ,. \_| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEED - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| THRUST - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_| HANDLING - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_ _ _ SHIELD - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ORIGIN - North America LIVERY - Blue and White ESTABLISHED - 2025 FIRST SEEN - WipEout (F3600) Auricom have been muted in their preparation for the inaugural season of the FX400 Racing League, with little being seen of their new ship outside of private testing. Their entry has also been uncharacteristically late, and nothing is known of their pilot roster for the 2207 campaign. Could the American team be sandbagging or are they running scared? It would be foolish to assume the latter - Auricom still enjoy a wealth of resources, and rumour has it that the new ship has an incredible top end speed, but that test pilots have reported "handling issues". Quite how that will affect one of the longest standing teams in AG Racing will be revealed soon enough. One thing is for sure, Auricom have never resisted the temptation to race against their bitter rivals, Qirex. Come the first race, they'll be ready. The new Auricom entry is a fantastic craft, and that's not doing it enough credit. It's a fast beast, able to keep up with the high-end craft, and it's pretty heavily shielded too. Its main advantage over the heavyweights though is its slightly higher thrust value, making it quicker out of corners and off the grid. What is very surprising though is that it handles very well for a craft that is only supposed to have a rating of 6, which goes to show that not everything is immediately apparent just from looking at the stats. Certainly a new favourite and I can see this being a popular choice for single player and ad-hoc multiplayer. Auricom is available now from the Playstation Network in the Auricom Pack, costing £1.99. Please be aware that Auricom cannot be used online. \\// :MIRAGE ANTI GRAVITY EXCELLENCE CENTRE: \\// //\\=============================================//\\ ___ ,-------------------. / \ \ \ / \ \ \ / \ \ \ / \ \ \ / \ \ \ / ___\ \____________________\ / / ___ ____________________ / / / \ \ \ \_________/ /____/ /___________________/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEED - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| THRUST - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| HANDLING - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| SHIELD - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ORIGIN - United Arab Emirates LIVERY - Green ESTABLISHED - 2202 FIRST SEEN - Wipeout Pulse (FX400) Formed in 2202 by the wealthy sand baron Sheikh Mani Zayed, the Mirage team will take the Mantis chassis perfected at the Mirage Anti-Gravity Excellence Centre (MAGEC) outside Dubai, and field elite pilots who have graduated from the centre's developmental programme. The Mantis craft appears to be the most balanced of all of the teams, performing strongly in top speed, acceleration, handling, and shields, it's the kind of race craft where the pilot can make a the difference. With the Mag Strip track technology also being a product of the MAGEC development labs, expect Mirage to get off to a quick start in the FX400 League; especially after their strong showing in pre-season testing and clinical performances in the FX350 League events. If you want the ultimate all-rounder, Mirage fits the bill perfectly. With straight 8s in all categories, this craft will satisfy everything you require of it. It has a decent top speed, good acceleration, good shield energy and pretty decent handling. A craft that should be able to handle whatever you throw at it. Of course, a jack of all trades is a master of none, so specialised craft will be difficult to deal with. Teams like FEISAR and AG Systems will prove a challenge on technical circuits, whereas Piranha and Triakis will be hard to keep up with on open tracks. Mirage is available now from the Playstation Network in the Mirage Pack, costing £3.49. Please be aware that Mirage cannot be used online. \\// :PROJECT ICARAS: \\// //\\======================//\\ ___________________________ ` . `. ` . `. ` . `. ` . .´.`. `---. .´.´ `. `. .´.´ `. `.´.´ .´ ´---------´ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEED - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| THRUST - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_| HANDLING - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_| SHIELD - |_|_|_|_|_|_| ORIGIN - Great Britain LIVERY - Purple and Pink ESTABLISHED - 2109, terminated in 2140, reinstated 2193 FIRST SEEN - Wip3out (F7200) Icaras were the perennial underdogs in the F7200 era racing of the early 2100's. Scoffed at by the larger teams, but firm favourite with the fans, Burnston Burns' outfit never quite enjoyed the success of the elite teams. For them, finishing a race was a victory in itself; doing so in the top half of the field was cause for champagne and back slapping behaviour that those at the head of the grid would think beneath them. That was then. The FX400 is now. The name might be the same, but the Icaras operation of 2207 is a different animal entirely. Well drilled and despite their modest budget, their speed is blinding. The only other chassis with the same kind of top-end is that of Piranha, and even their expertise and riches can't help them match the Icaras in terms of acceleration. Team Director Connor Burns admits, "We make no pretence about it; the speed and acceleration comes from our lack of armour, so we're weak in the shield department. But if they want to take advantage of that, they'll have to catch us first." In the FX400 Icaras will be flying high, without a doubt. If you want pure speed, look no further than Icaras. It is the only craft in the game able to match Piranha for top end speed, and its slightly higher thrust value means it can beat the Piranha out of corners and off the grid. Plus a handling rating higher than the Piranha means it can also navigate technical circuits slightly easier. All this put together makes the Icaras the fastest craft in the game. Of course, this all comes at a huge price. The craft has the weakest shields in the game, and even a minor weapon barrage will leave it crippled. It's by far the best for Time Trial and Speed Lap, but think carefully before going out in a race, you may be absorbing everything you can find. Icaras is available now from the Playstation Network in the Icaras Pack, costing £2.99. Please be aware that Icaras cannot be used online. \\// :HARIMAU INTERNATIONAL: \\// //\\=============================//\\ - / \ ' ' | | . ----- . ´ | | ` , . . ° ° . ' ' | \ / | ` ' --- ´ ` --- ' ´ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEED - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| THRUST - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ _ HANDLING - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| SHIELD - |_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ORIGIN - Malaysia LIVERY - Blue and Yellow ESTABLISHED - 2177 FIRST SEEN - Wipeout Pure (FX300) Harimau will be another team that are arriving late to the FX400 party, having focused most of their recent energies on promoting their international campaign to repopulate suitable parts of the world with genetically engineered tigers. While it's not clear whether this is simply a publicity stunt or a valiant attempt to re-introduce the world to an animal that has been extinct for a century and a half, it has certainly gained welcome media attention for the team. Aside from their tiger cloning efforts, the latest Harimau bio-fuel powered craft looked to be a marked improvement upon its predecessor during pre-season testing, sporting strong top-end speed and handling, which should see them challenging for the top spots in the season ahead. At first clance it would seem that Harimau is an inferior version of Assegai, sharing its stats in all places but thrust, where it trails by one. However, like Auricom, the stats often do not tell the whole story. There is actually very little to differentiate it from the Assegai craft, after testing both in Speed Lap mode, both best lap times were near identical. The only noticeable difference is that the Harimau seems to handle slightly better than Assegai. Not enough to raise its handling statistic to a 10, but just enough to be noticeable. Its shields are still fairly weak though. Harimau is available now from the Playstation Network in the Harimau Pack, costing £2.99. Please be aware that Harimau cannot be used online. The graph below shows a quick comparison of stats between craft: __________________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ | | | | | | | TEAM | SPEED | THRUST | HANDLING | SHIELD | |_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| | | | | | | | FEISAR | 7 | 8 | *10* | 8 | |_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| | | | | | | | AG-Systems | 7 | 9 | 9 | 8 | |_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| | | | | | | | Assegai | 8 | 8 | 9 | 7 | |_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| | | | | | | | EG-X | 8 | 9 | 7 | 7 | |_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| | | | | | | | Piranha | *10* | 6 | 6 | 9 | |_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| | | | | | | | Qirex | 8 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| | | | | | | | Triakis | 9 | 6 | 6 | *10* | |_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| | | | | | | | Goteki45 | 7 | *10* | 7 | 8 | |_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| | | | | | | | Auricom | 9 | 7 | 6 | 9 | |_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| | | | | | | | Mirage | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | |_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| | | | | | | | Icaras | *10* | 7 | 7 | 6 | |_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| | | | | | | | Harimau | 8 | 7 | 9 | 7 | |_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________| [009] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **CIRCUITS** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ The track guides have been written with Phantom class in mind, as at the slower speed classes it should be easier to implement the racing lines and in some cases some of the more advanced techniques shouldn't be needed. In order to keep the difficulty as high as possible, the guides have been written using Triakis. The best modes to use these guides are Speed Lap and Time Trial, as in a race the weapon fire and other craft will make it very difficult to stick to the racing line. You will also have seen that each venue has a White Run and a Black Run. In most cases the Black Run is simply a reverse of the standard White Run, but on some venues the Black Run will have some additional features. Zone Mode takes place on normal circuits this time rather than the specially designed circuits for Pulse. In most cases you can use the normal track guides for help with Zone. Some tracks are not available for use in Zone Mode as they are too technical, I have indicated which ones are unavailable. \-\/-/ **TALON'S JUNCTION** \-\/-/ /-/\-\===============================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Wales Even on Phantom class, Talon's Junction is a very straightforward track. It is the ideal introduction to each of the game's mechanics, with several sloped corners to give you a feel for how the craft will react, a mag-strip loop, and a hairpin near the end. The hairpin will probably be the only time you will need to apply the airbrakes wih any real force. \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ The race came to this secretive energy park in the Brecon Beacons when public finances were withdrawn following the grey goo incidenct. Central to the 5.2k Talon's Junction circuit are the cathedral-like circuit breakers and the dynamic Concordia loop. --- The course starts by curling gently to the right, with two speed pads waiting side by side. A sharper right is just behind this, so be ready to tap the right airbrake to guide the craft through. If you can, try to exit on the right hand side, as there is a straight just beyond this corner with a double speed pad waiting. Weave over to the left to hit another speed pad and line yourself up with the pad in the centre to take you into the loop. The mag-strip will hold you in place as you go through the loop. Try to stay as central as you can, the track isn't entirely straight here and it's easy to weave too far over to one side and hit the wall. Exit in the centre to hit a speed pad into another straight. There are also two more side by side on the exit too. Up ahead is a sharp right hander, but notice the track is sloped. This will guide you through the corner to a small extent, so while you will need to tap the right airbrake, be careful not to overdo it. Following this si a quick left into a shallow chicane series. As you exit the previous corner, move over to the right and turn in from the outside with the left brake. This should line you up with the central line through the chicane and only light turning will be necessary. Behind this is a slightly larger right-left chicane which is still fairly shallow. Tap the right brake so you go through the apex of the right hander, and the swing round to the left to go through the second. Make sure you move over to the left as quickly as you can, as the next corner is a right hairpin. Just before you reach the apex, slam on the right brake and swing the craft through. You can either lift off the thrust a little to improve your turning circle, or you can right shift to bring you away from the wall as you exit. Come out on the left to hit a double speed pad. The final corner is a straightforward left hander taking you back onto the home straight, tap the left brake if needed to get through here. The home straight is a good place to use a turbo if you have one. \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ Hidden at the centre of a Welsh geo-park, Talon's Junction is a hive of government-unapproved activity. 5.2 kilometres of track pass through the clockworks and geometric portals of this dark energy research loop. --- The first corner is a sharp right hander, and it's also pretty dark. Stay over to the left when approaching this one and use the right airbrake to turn slightly early. You'll get to know where the apex is from experience. Hit either speed pad as you exit the corner and move over to the right to approach the hairpin. There is a speed pad on this side to guide you in. Turn early and hit the left brake to slide the craft through, letting off the thruster or using sideshift if you find yourself too close to the wall. The track curls round to the right and then into a left hander. Despite it not being particularly sharp, lift off the thruster slightly going through the left turn as well as giving a slight tap to the left brake. The reason is this will give you a split second to align the craft going into the shallow chicane. Aim for the speed pad in the cente of the track and you should be able to hit the central line perfectly, requiring only some light right turning through the chicane. A fairly sharp left hander follows, tap the left brake as you go through. Hit one of the speed pads on the exit. This will take you through the mag-strip loop. This is a good place to use a boost. Again, the line through the loop isn't exactly straight, so stick to the middle as best you can to avoid inadvertently hitting the wall. As you come out of the loop the track lightly bends to the right. Try to exit slightly over to the left as this will take you over a double speed pad. A long straight follows, move to the centre to hit a speed pad and then drift right for another one. There is a long left hander at the end of the straight and very soon after the last speed pad, so be ready to start turning as soon as you hit it. The turn starts off shallow and then suddenly sharpens, so be ready with the left brake to help you through. SLight tapping should be all that is necessary, but a longer brake can be used near the end if you are caught off guard by the sharpening. Hit either speed pad as you exit and move over to the left to hit one more, taking you through a slight left bend and back onto the home straight. It is advisable not to boost over the line as the first corner is very tricky to take at speed. \-\/-/ **MOA THERMA** \-\/-/ /-/\-\==========================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Italy A fast track that will really suit the heavier craft. Moa Therma is again very straightforward, with two long mag-strip sections near the start and end of the circuit. Be careful of the final corner on the White Run, at speed it can be easy to unbalance the craft if you exit awkwardly. \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ Built on an exclusive island chain off the shores of Sicily, Moa Therma is the very definition of Mediterranean glamour. Race through the horizontal Synchro Logistics dynamo and contribute to the electricity supply for the residential rich and healthy in this 5.3k track --- The first series of corners immediately follow the start line. A fairly shallow left turn followed immediately by a double right hander. A slight tap of the left brake immediately followed by the right brake should allow the craft to drift nicely through the first two turns, and the third should only require an additional tap of the right brake to guide you through. Sometimes you can treat the double right as a single corner if you get the approach right. This will take you onto a long mag-strip straight peppered with speed pads. Like the loop in Talon's Junction, the strip isn't entirely straight so unless you're going for a speed pad, stay as close to the middle as you can. At the very least do not stray over to the right, as at certain sections the wall curls in and can easily catch your craft if you drift too close. There are four speed pads along this stretch. The first two are along the centre of the track and so should be in easy reach if you are staying central. The third one is slightly over to the right, and the last one is back in the centre. At the end of the mag-strip is a sharp, sloped right hander. Apply the right airbrake to guide the craft through and try to emerge close to the centre to hit a speed pad. A fairly shallow left-right chicane follows which can be taken with only light braking. This will take you into a much quicker left-right chicane, but if you go in through the left apex, you'll be able to go straight through. Another mag-strip takes you along an undulating straight, and as you can't get any height it is an ideal place to use a turbo. This will take you into a very tricky right hairpin. It is sloped and so shouldn't require particularly sharp turning, but the exit is very important. There is a quick left hander at the other end of the hairpin that isn't sloped, and if you come out at the wrong angle the craft will stick its nose up in the air and slow right down. As you enter, apply the right airbrake and slide round the corner, hitting the speed pad int he centre. Then as the slope starts to level, out, let up on the thruster briefly and apply the left brake to take you back onto the straight. Try to exit on the left as this will take you over one more speed pad before the line. It is possible to use a turbo on this straight, but make sure you are over on the right hand side and be ready with the airbrakes to take you through the first corner series again. \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ Measuring 5.3 kilometres, the prestige Moa Therma circuit situated amongst prime Sicilian real estate has been sponsored to perfection, from the bumps of the mag ridges to the sculpted high speed dynamo loop. --- The first corner to deal with is the hairpin, but thankfully it is much easier to navigate in the Black run than in White. Cut through the shallow right hander and slam on the left airbrake to slide the craft through the hairpin, although try not to enter too aggressively as if you go airborne you may lose a bit of speed. You may want to lift off the brake slightly early as the slope can pull you over to the left on the exit and straight into the wall. Hit either speed pad to take you along the undulating mag-strip. As before, this is a good place to use a turbo. There is another lone speed pad on the left. This is also a good marker to exit the straight, as this time you cannot see the quick chicane. If you are on the left when you exit then you should just be able to guide the craft straight through the middle. Following this is a longer left-right chicane. The left turn should hardly require any braking at all, while the right may need some light tapping. A much sharper left hander is waiting after this which will require you to left brake heavily. Take it wide if you can as it will make a central exit easier which will take you onto a speed pad. Along the mag-strip straight you will see two sets of triple speed pads either side of each other. Line yourself up early and make sure you hit one of them, it is an ideal opportunity to shave vital time off a lap. It is quite easy to slip straight between the two of them as well, so line up early. As before, the mag-strip section isn't entirely straight. This time, the narrowing walls are on the left, so if you do veer off centre, try to make sure you stray over to the right. Further up the straight is another speed pad slightly to the right of centre. The final set of corners are a double left hander followed by a quick right. The double left can be treated like a single corner. Use the left airbrake and take the first one slightly wide. This will give you a good approach into the second and will keep your speed high going into the last corner. The last two will only need some light brake tapping and try to hit a speed pad to take you over the line. If you choose to use a turbo over the line, be aware of the hairpin and try not to go airborne. \-\/-/ **METROPIA** \-\/-/ /-/\-\========================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Japan Metropia will be your first taste of a technical circuit. The White run is fairly tricky, with several tightening corners and barrel roll opportunities that take you into sharp corners. The Black run is even trickier, as it is darker than the White run in some places and has a fast mag-strip section that can be quite difficult to control. Metropia is not available for use in Zone Mode \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ The New Kyoto assembly fully supports and sanctions the race at Metropia, where the 4.4k track efficiently guides contenders through the uppermost towers and convention centres of the reformed business quadrant --- The course starts with a right bend leading straight into a sharp left hander. The left is sloped, but you'll still need to left brake quite hard for this one if you're coming in at speed. Make sure you let off the brake early though or the slope will throw you into the wall as you exit. A long straight follows, stay over to the left to hit a speed pad. There is a quick jump along this straight but it is not high enough to barrel roll off of. Pull the nose up as you go over to avoid losing speed, go in nose first and you could grind to a halt. A long left hander is at the end of the straight. This is actually trickier than it looks. While only the odd tap of the left brake will be enough initially, the corner suddenly sharpens near the top and can easily catch you out. As you go round, keep an eye out for the Piranha ad board in the distance. When you see it, tighten your turn and left shift. This will take some practice as it is an awkward corner. On the approach it is advisable to stay wide, giving you plenty of room to pull in when the corner tightens. Following this is a short straight going over a small jump. This one is large enough to barrel roll off of, but you need to be very careful about doing this as there is a sharp left very soon after the jump. If you do barrel roll, come off on the right hand side, slam on the left brake and start turning as soon as you land. This should at least get you a good line into the corner, but it's likely you may hit the back wall. Better than hitting the apex though. Another fairly sharp left hander leads into a long straight back to the line, and it is the best turbo opportunity this circuit has to offer. Along the straight, the track dips, and going over it with a turbo gives you enough height to barrel roll. Exit the previous left hander on the right hand side if you intend to do this as there are several quick corners before the line. After the dip, there are two shallow left corners followed by a shallow right to take you back over the line. If you stayed right earlier, pretty much no braking should be necessary. You can turbo over the line here, but you'll really need to slam on the left brake going into the first left hander. \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ Situated amongst the spires and landing platforms of the East Asian corporate heart, the 4.7 kilometre circuit of Metropia contains a vertigo-inducing glass section and a lethal descent into the underbelly of the city. Race with caution --- The Black run starts out reasonably simple, a light left-right chicane followed by another light right hander. None of which require braking unless you're coming in at break-neck speed. The track takes you over a hump before leading you into two tight right handers. The first one isn't too bad, some light right braking will suffice, but you need to exit on the left as the second corner is much sharper. Slam on the right brake early and turn through the apex. Up ahead is another deceptively sharp left, so exit the previous corner on the right and hit the left airbrake to guide you through. A slight right bend takes you into a long descending mag-strip. The strip itself is dead straight, but it is also quite narrow. You need to exit the right bend dead centre and be able to keep the craft from weaving across the track, otherwise you may spend the entire section wall scraping. A slight tap of the right brake going through the bend should be enough, just don't use the airbrakes at all once on the mag-strip. Once out the other side, there is a long right hander followed at the end by a quick left, taking you over a jump. Tap the left brake through the quick left and immediately raise the nose. The jump is very picky about whether it gives you any height or not, and it is usually determined by where the nose is pointing. Too low and it'll just plough you into the track. If you do get some height off of the jump, barrel roll down the straight. You might also get some air as you travel down the straight, giving you another opportunity to barrel roll. be careful of doing it twice though as there is a sharp sloped right hander at the end of the straight. Slam on the right brake going through here, but let up early so you don't get caught out by the quick left immediately after. If you have a turbo, use it down the home straight. \-\/-/ **ARC PRIME** \-\/-/ /-/\-\=========================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Washington, USA \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ What happens when big brother invades the global village? Arc Prime is the answer, where fortified walls and secure network channels offer privacy at a price. Only the race escapes, a portion of its 5k length breaking the boundaries of Seattle's interurban corridor --- \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ Can't stop the signal? The data fortress of Arc Prime already did. Paranoid over every metre of its 5.1k length, every security protocol and standard is adhered to , from the spectator stands to the trackside scanner nodes of this wireless-complex circuit --- \-\/-/ **DE KONSTRUCT** \-\/-/ /-/\-\============================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Switzerland \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ Four and a half kilometres of high-tension track coil around the art deco statements of de Konstruct, the city whose only constant is change, where the fortunate can catch a sideways glimpse of the radio waves amongst the engine flares --- \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ Rising out of the ashes of Geneva, the expansion of de Konstruct is ceaseless. As a result, the ECS broadcast tower lies just beyond the reach of the transit loop, and the casino-run houses a high level bypass near the entrance of this four and a half kilometre track --- \-\/-/ **TECH DE RA** \-\/-/ /-/\-\==========================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Arizona, USA \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ Cold air and water are at a premium in the science principality of solar power specialists Tech De Ra in the last refuge of the great American desert. power through 5 clicks around the brittle canyons and ravines of this one-time hydroponic farm --- \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ As the solar panels power the spectators' coolsuits under the baking midday sun, the 5 kilometre plas-metal circuit arcs lazily through the canyons of Arizona. All that remains outside the Tech De Ra complex is rust, dust and the race --- \-\/-/ **THE AMPHISEUM** \-\/-/ /-/\-\=============================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Nevada, USA The Amphiseum is not available for use in Zone mode \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ Over 5.4 kilometres, The Amphiseum's glass floor leads into the U-turn- separated spectator runs, and the mag-hill, then curving long and right before the spectacular return down to the grid. This is entertainment. --- \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ The natural extension of Las Vegas, The Amphiseum, is a city built purely for entertainment. This immodest circuit runs for 6 clicks and contrasts the searchlights and towers of another busy night with the trall of the masses. It never looked better. --- \-\/-/ **FORT GALE** \-\/-/ /-/\-\=========================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Gibraltar \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ Windmills, waterfalls and low, wide tunnels are peppered throughout the rocky garrison of Fort Gale, perpetrating a jagged, saw-tooth feel that looms over the weapons-friendly straights of this 5.4k circuit --- \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ The weather machines came into Gibraltar's Fort Gale for the research, but they stayed for the race. Hiding themselves between the residential fins, they studiously watch over the five and a half clicks of this viper's nest of a track --- \-\/-/ **BASILICO** \-\/-/ /-/\-\========================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Canada \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ In Basilico, the lights are on but nobody's home. 3.9 kilometres of granite- obsidian glide through this termite nest of a city while the race keeps the plague-spotters and abandoned cargo drones compliant --- \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ This gunmetal grey city was fully excavated after the outbreak of Nova Scotia, leaving only the neon signs and robotic sentries to watch carefully over the crowd-avatars and magnetic twists of Basilico's 4.2 kilometre circuit --- \-\/-/ **PLATINUM RUSH** \-\/-/ /-/\-\=============================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Greenland \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ The parks of Greenland were finally thawed out and preserved forever by a commitee of philantropists with utopian ambitions. THis custom built 4.6 kilometre track provides a whirlwind tour through the ice-blue architecture and petrified trees of Platinum Rush --- \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ The flawless curves of Platinum Rush mimic their surroundings, with sections of the 4.6k track flowing in step with the tree line, then turning to chase the overpass and monorail links to the eugenics centre --- \-\/-/ **VERTICA** \-\/-/ /-/\-\=======================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Cayman Islands Vertica is not available for use in Zone Mode \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ As the cities of the Cayman Islands expanded into the sea, Vertica was born. This tropical paradise is home to the last remaining coral reefs and is a haven for the elite and the reclusive, with strict corporate access to the stands of this 4.3k track --- \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ Business borrows from nature at Vertica, carving a path throught he landscape, lightmoss tunnels and palm-lined drops in a 4.9k track designed with high speed cornering and blind summits --- \-\/-/ **OUTPOST 7** \-\/-/ /-/\-\=========================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Finland Outpost 7 is not available for use in Zone Mode \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ 5.1 kilometres of track are surrounded by the supercooled servers and data centres of Outpost 7. Races bring vital funds into this communications hub at the top of Finland. Marvel at the ever-encroaching ice-nine and ride the narrow memorial bridge --- \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ The sub-zero temperatures of Outpost 7 are offset like carbon emissions by the engine flares and rivalry that heat up this 5.1k Finnish circuit where dual V- turns square off against the satellite uplinks --- \-\/-/ **EDGEWINTER** \-\/-/ /-/\-\=========================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Pacific Ocean, currently near the Midway island chain \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ This 5 click racetrack snakes around the transit system and commercial district of the densely packed metropolis of Edgewinter, a floating island city in the Pacific currently caught in the middle of a tropical storm --- \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ When the rain never stops, Edgewinter keeps going. Last seen near the Midway Atoll, this 5.3k track endures beyond its central high-speed straight, eagerly twisting and undulating itself to accommodate the city. --- \-\/-/ **VOSTOK REEF** \-\/-/ /-/\-\=========================/-/\-\ LOCATION - South Pacific \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ 15 centimetres of reinforced pro-glass keep the water out of Vostok Reef's 4.9 kilometre length, while the powder-fresh spiral tunnel and dockign stations highlight the continual twists and turns of this coolly detatched circuit. --- \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ The construction of this unique underwater seaport prompted the Vostok Island committee to create a new five and a half kilometre circuit under the sea, which highlights the whaleships and mining community central to Vostok Reef --- \-\/-/ **GEMINI DAM** \-\/-/ /-/\-\=========================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Morocco Gemini Dam is not available for use in Zone Mode \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ This Moroccan venue strikes a balance between thrills and technical racing over 5.2 kilometres of tarmacrete, angling between the support platforms and statues in the breezy late-afternoon climate. --- \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ Gemini Dam is the central hub of the North African trade routes, with the 4.9k track briefly dipping down into the slick purification plant, before resurfacing into the sun-baked suburbs. --- \-\/-/ **ORCUS** \-\/-/ /-/\-\=========================/-/\-\ LOCATION - Alaska, USA \\// :WHITE RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ In the subterranean networks below Alaska, high ranking officials work in secret ambience waiting for the bomb to drop. Their only entertainment is the race, carrying its own threat level through 4.3k of permanent gloom. This is Orcus. --- \\// :BLACK RUN: \\// //\\=================//\\ Four and a half kilometres of track run silent though the Orcus Centre For Catastrophe Prevention, as the weak air penetrates this underground locus where the track twists like peel in the code level amber lights. --- [010] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **GRIDS** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ Below are the layouts for each grid and the races for each one. When you start a grid, two cells will be unlocked. Completing the open cells will unlock each adjacent cell. Cells can be completed in any order as long as they are unlocked. For each cell, a Gold gives you 3 points, Silver gets you 2, and Bronze gets 1. The next grid will be unlocked once the required number of points have been obtained. The cells are numbered starting at the two open cells and expanding out toward the outside of the grid. \-\/-/ **GRID 1** \-\/-/ /-/\-\======================/-/\-\ Grid 1 is available at the start of the game. ____ ____ / \ / \ / 04 \____/ 08 \ \ / \ / \____/ 02 \____/ / \ / \ / 03 \____/ 07 \ \ / \ / \____/ 01 \____/ / \ / \ / 05 \____/ 06 \ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction White CIRCUIT - Moa Therma White MODE - Time Trial MODE - Single Race CLASS - Venom CLASS - Venom LAPS - 3 LAPS - 3 GOLD - 1.55.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 1.58.00 BRONZE - 2.03.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Moa Therma White CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction White MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Single Race CLASS - Venom CLASS - Venom LAPS - 7 LAPS - 3 GOLD - 0.40.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 0.42.00 BRONZE - 0.45.00 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Metropia White CIRCUIT - Moa Therma White MODE - Single Race MODE - Single Race CLASS - Venom CLASS - Flash LAPS - 3 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - On WEAPONS - On \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction White CIRCUIT - Metropia White MODE - Zone MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Zone CLASS - Venom LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 3 GOLD - Zone 20 GOLD - 1.40.00 SILVER - Zone 17 SILVER - 1.43.00 BRONZE - Zone 15 BRONZE - 1.48.00 \-\/-/ **GRID 2** \-\/-/ /-/\-\======================/-/\-\ Gain 12 points in Grid 1 to unlock Grid 2. This also unlocks Talon's Junction Black and Arc Prime White for use in Racebox. ____ / \ ____ ____/ 05 \____ / \ / \ / \ / 07 \____/ 01 \____/ 09 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 03 \____/ 06 \____/ / \ / \ / \ / 08 \____/ 02 \____/ 10 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 04 \____/ \____/ \ / \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Arc Prime White CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Venom CLASS - Venom LAPS - 3 LAPS - 3 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 1.58.00 SILVER - 2.01.00 BRONZE - 2.06.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Metropia White CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction Black MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Single Race CLASS - Venom CLASS - Flash LAPS - 7 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 0.32.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 0.34.00 BRONZE - 0.37.00 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction White CIRCUIT - Moa Therma White MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Zone CLASS - Flash CLASS - Zone LAPS - 7 LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 0.34.00 GOLD - Zone 22 SILVER - 0.36.00 SILVER - Zone 19 BRONZE - 0.39.00 BRONZE - Zone 17 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ MODE - Tournament CIRCUIT - Arc Prime White CLASS - Venom MODE - Zone LAPS - 3 CLASS - Zone RACE 1 - Talon's Junction White LAPS - Infinite RACE 2 - Moa Therma White GOLD - Zone 20 RACE 3 - Metropia White SILVER - Zone 17 BRONZE - Zone 15 \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Moa Therma White CIRCUIT - Arc Prime White MODE - Time Trial MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Venom CLASS - Venom LAPS - 3 LAPS - 7 GOLD - 2.00.00 GOLD - 0.39.00 SILVER - 2.03.00 SILVER - 0.41.00 BRONZE - 2.08.00 BRONZE - 0.44.00 \-\/-/ **GRID 3** \-\/-/ /-/\-\======================/-/\-\ Gain 16 points in Grid 2 to unlock Grid 3. This also unlocks De Konstruct White and Moa Therma Black for use in Racebox. ____ ____ / \ / \ ____/ 03 \____/ 06 \____ / \ / \ / \ / 09 \____/ 01 \____/ 11 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 04 \____/ 07 \____/ / \ / \ / \ / 10 \____/ 02 \____/ 12 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 05 \____/ 08 \____/ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - De Konstruct White CIRCUIT - Moa Therma Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Venom CLASS - Flash LAPS - 3 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 0.35.00 SILVER - 0.37.00 BRONZE - 0.40.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction Black CIRCUIT - Arc Prime White MODE - Zone MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Zone CLASS - Venom LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 3 GOLD - Zone 22 GOLD - 1.57.00 SILVER - Zone 19 SILVER - 2.00.00 BRONZE - Zone 17 BRONZE - 2.05.00 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - De Konstruct White CIRCUIT - Arc Prime White MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Single Race CLASS - Venom CLASS - Flash LAPS - 7 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 0.34.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 0.36.00 BRONZE - 0.39.00 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - De Konstruct White CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction Black MODE - Zone MODE - Single Race CLASS - Zone CLASS - Venom LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 3 GOLD - Zone 22 WEAPONS - On SILVER - Zone 19 BRONZE - Zone 17 \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Metropia White CIRCUIT - Moa Therma Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Flash LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 1.57.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 2.00.00 BRONZE - 2.05.00 \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Moa Therma Black MODE - Tournament MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Venom CLASS - Venom LAPS - 3 LAPS - 3 RACE 1 - De Konstruct White GOLD - 2.01.00 RACE 2 - Moa Therma Black SILVER - 2.04.00 RACE 3 - Talons's Junction Black BRONZE - 2.10.00 RACE 4 - Arc Prime White \-\/-/ **GRID 4** \-\/-/ /-/\-\======================/-/\-\ Gain 20 points in Grid 3 to unlock Grid 4. This also unlocks Tech De Ra White and Metropia Black for use in Racebox. ____ ____ / \ / \ ____/ 03 \____/ 06 \____ / \ / \ / \ ____/ 09 \____/ 01 \____/ 11 \____ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 13 \____/ 04 \____/ 07 \____/ 14 \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \____/ 10 \____/ 02 \____/ 12 \____/ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 05 \____/ 08 \____/ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Metropia Black CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra White MODE - Single Race MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Venom CLASS - Flash LAPS - 3 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 0.32.00 SILVER - 0.34.00 BRONZE - 0.37.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Moa Therma Black CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra White MODE - Eliminator MODE - Zone CLASS - Venom CLASS - Zone LAPS - Infinite LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 10 Kills GOLD - Zone 23 SILVER - 7 Kills SILVER - Zone 20 BRONZE - 5 Kills BRONZE - Zone 18 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Moa Therma Black CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra White MODE - Time Trial MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Venom LAPS - 4 LAPS - 3 GOLD - 2.22.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 2.25.00 BRONZE - 2.30.00 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Metropia Black CIRCUIT - Moa Therma Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Zone CLASS - Venom CLASS - Zone LAPS - 3 LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 1.46.00 GOLD - Zone 23 SILVER - 1.49.00 SILVER - Zone 20 BRONZE - 1.54.00 BRONZE - Zone 18 \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra White CIRCUIT - Metropia Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Venom CLASS - Flash LAPS - 3 LAPS - 7 GOLD - 1.51.00 GOLD - 0.31.00 SILVER - 1.54.00 SILVER - 0.33.00 BRONZE - 1.59.00 BRONZE - 0.36.00 \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ MODE - Tournament CIRCUIT - De Konstruct White CLASS - Venom MODE - Single Race LAPS - 3 CLASS - Flash RACE 1 - Metropia Black LAPS - 4 RACE 2 - Tech De Ra White WEAPONS - On RACE 3 - De Konstruct White RACE 4 - Talon's Junction Black \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ MODE - Tournament CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction Black CLASS - Flash MODE - Eliminator LAPS - 4 CLASS - Venom RACE 1 - Talon's Junction White LAPS - Infinite RACE 2 - Moa Therma White GOLD - 10 Kills RACE 3 - Metropia White SILVER - 7 Kills RACE 4 - Arc Prime White BRONZE - 5 Kills \-\/-/ **GRID 5** \-\/-/ /-/\-\======================/-/\-\ Gain 24 points in Grid 4 to unlock Grid 5. This also unlocks The Amphiseum White and Arc Prime Black for use in Racebox. ____ / \ ____/ 03 \____ / \ / \ ____/ 05 \____/ 08 \____ / \ / \ / \ ____/ 11 \____/ 01 \____/ 13 \____ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 15 \____/ 06 \____/ 09 \____/ 16 \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \____/ 12 \____/ 02 \____/ 14 \____/ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 07 \____/ 10 \____/ \ / \ / \____/ 04 \____/ \ / \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum White CIRCUIT - Arc Prime Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Eliminator CLASS - Flash CLASS - Venom LAPS - 4 LAPS - Infinite WEAPONS - On GOLD - 10 Kills SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Arc Prime Black MODE - Tournament MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Venom LAPS - 4 LAPS - 3 RACE 1 - Talon's Junction Black WEAPONS - On RACE 2 - De Konstruct White RACE 3 - Moa Therma Black RACE 4 - Tech De Ra White \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ MODE - Tournament CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction Black CLASS - Venom MODE - Speed Lap LAPS - 3 CLASS - Venom RACE 1 - The Amphiseum White LAPS - 7 RACE 2 - Talon's Junction White GOLD - 0.38.00 RACE 3 - Arc Prime Black SILVER - 0.40.00 RACE 4 - Metropia Black BRONZE - 0.43.00 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - De Konstruct White CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum White MODE - Head To Head MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Flash CLASS - Flash LAPS - 4 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - Off GOLD - 0.36.00 SILVER - 0.38.00 BRONZE - 0.41.00 \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Moa Therma Black CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum White MODE - Single Race MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Venom CLASS - Venom LAPS - 3 LAPS - 3 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 2.03.00 SILVER - 2.06.00 BRONZE - 2.11.00 \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Metropia Black CIRCUIT - Arc Prime Black MODE - Eliminator MODE - Zone CLASS - Flash CLASS - Zone LAPS - Infinite LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 10 Kills GOLD - Zone 23 SILVER - 7 Kills SILVER - Zone 20 BRONZE - 5 Kills BRONZE - Zone 18 \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Arc Prime Black CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra White MODE - Time Trial MODE - Head To Head CLASS - Flash CLASS - Flash LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 2.16.00 WEAPONS - Off SILVER - 2.19.00 BRONZE - 2.24.00 \\// :RACE 15: \\// \\// :RACE 16: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum White CIRCUIT - Moa Therma White MODE - Time Trial MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 2.28.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 2.31.00 BRONZE - 2.36.00 \-\/-/ **GRID 6** \-\/-/ /-/\-\======================/-/\-\ Gain 28 points in Grid 5 to unlock Grid 6. This also unlocks Fort Gale White and De Konstruct Black for use in Racebox. ____ ____ ____ / \ / \ / \ ____/ 12 \____/ 03 \____/ 14 \____ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 15 \____/ 05 \____/ 08 \____/ 16 \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \____/ 11 \____/ 01 \____/ 13 \____/ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 06 \____/ 09 \____/ \ / \ / \____/ 02 \____/ / \ / \ / 07 \____/ 10 \ \ / \ / \____/ 04 \____/ \ / \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Fort Gale White CIRCUIT - De Konstruct Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Single Race CLASS - Venom CLASS - Venom LAPS - 3 LAPS - 3 WEAPONS - On WEAPONS - On \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum White CIRCUIT - Fort Gale White MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Venom LAPS - 7 LAPS - 7 GOLD - 0.32.00 GOLD - 0.41.00 SILVER - 0.34.00 SILVER - 0.43.00 BRONZE - 0.37.00 BRONZE - 0.46.00 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - De Konstruct Black CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra White MODE - Eliminator MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Venom CLASS - Flash LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 4 GOLD - 10 Kills GOLD - 2.09.00 SILVER - 7 Kills SILVER - 2.12.00 BRONZE - 5 Kills BRONZE - 2.17.00 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Fort Gale White CIRCUIT - De Konstruct Black MODE - Zone MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Zone CLASS - Venom LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 3 GOLD - Zone 22 GOLD - 1.43.00 SILVER - Zone 19 SILVER - 1.46.00 BRONZE - Zone 17 BRONZE - 1.51.00 \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - De Konstruct Black CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction White MODE - Zone MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Zone CLASS - Rapier LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 4 GOLD - Zone 24 GOLD - 1.55.00 SILVER - Zone 21 SILVER - 1.58.00 BRONZE - Zone 19 BRONZE - 2.03.00 \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Metropia White CIRCUIT - Fort Gale White MODE - Head To Head MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Flash LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - Off WEAPONS - On \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction White CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum White MODE - Head To Head MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Venom LAPS - 4 LAPS - 3 WEAPONS - Off WEAPONS - On \\// :RACE 15: \\// \\// :RACE 16: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - De Konstruct White MODE - Tournament MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 RACE 1 - Moa Therma Black GOLD - 1.42.00 RACE 2 - The Amphiseum White SILVER - 1.45.00 RACE 3 - Arc Prime Black BRONZE - 1.50.00 RACE 4 - Fort Gale White RACE 5 - De Konstruct Black \-\/-/ **GRID 7** \-\/-/ /-/\-\======================/-/\-\ Gain 28 points in Grid 6 to unlock Grid 7. This also unlocks Basilico White and Tech De Ra Black for use in Racebox. ____ / \ ____/ 03 \____ / \ / \ ____/ 07 \____/ 09 \____ / \ / \ / \ ____/ 11 \____/ 01 \____/ 13 \____ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 15 \____/ 08 \____/ 10 \____/ 16 \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \____/ 12 \____/ 02 \____/ 14 \____/ \ / \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \____/ / \ ____/ 04 \____ / \ / \ / 05 \____/ 06 \ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Basilico White CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Venom CLASS - Venom LAPS - 3 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 0.37.00 SILVER - 0.39.00 BRONZE - 0.42.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Fort Gale White MODE - Tournament MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Flash CLASS - Flash LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 RACE 1 - Metropia White GOLD - 2.27.00 RACE 2 - Moa Therma Black SILVER - 2.30.00 RACE 3 - Tech De Ra White BRONZE - 2.35.00 RACE 4 - Arc Prime Black \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Metropia Black CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Flash LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 2.12.00 SILVER - 2.15.00 BRONZE - 2.20.00 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Basilico White CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum White MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Eliminator CLASS - Flash CLASS - Venom LAPS - 7 LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 0.25.00 GOLD - 10 Kills SILVER - 0.27.00 SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 0.30.00 BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra Black CIRCUIT - Arc Prime Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Flash CLASS - Flash LAPS - 4 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 0.32.00 SILVER - 0.34.00 BRONZE - 0.37.00 \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra Black CIRCUIT - Basilico White MODE - Zone MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Zone CLASS - Venom LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 3 GOLD - Zone 23 GOLD - 1.27.00 SILVER - Zone 20 SILVER - 1.30.00 BRONZE - Zone 18 BRONZE - 1.35.00 \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Moa Therma White CIRCUIT - De Konstruct Black MODE - Eliminator MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Flash LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 4 GOLD - 10 Kills WEAPONS - On SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 15: \\// \\// :RACE 16: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ MODE - Tournament CIRCUIT - Basilico White CLASS - Venom MODE - Head To Head LAPS - 3 CLASS - Flash RACE 1 - Fort Gale White LAPS - 4 RACE 2 - De Konstruct Black WEAPONS - Off RACE 3 - Basilico White RACE 4 - Tech De Ra Black \-\/-/ **GRID 8** \-\/-/ /-/\-\======================/-/\-\ Gain 28 points in Grid 7 to unlock Grid 8. This also unlocks Platinum Rush White and The Amphiseum Black for use in Racebox. ____ ____ / \ / \ ____/ 03 \____/ 06 \____ / \ / \ / \ ____/ 09 \____/ 01 \____/ 11 \____ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 13 \____/ 04 \____/ 07 \____/ 15 \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \____/ 10 \____/ 02 \____/ 12 \____/ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 14 \____/ 05 \____/ 08 \____/ 16 \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush White CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Venom CLASS - Flash LAPS - 3 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 2.35.00 SILVER - 2.38.00 BRONZE - 2.43.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum Black CIRCUIT - Basilico White MODE - Single Race MODE - Zone CLASS - Venom CLASS - Zone LAPS - 3 LAPS - Infinite WEAPONS - On GOLD - Zone 22 SILVER - Zone 19 BRONZE - Zone 17 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra Black MODE - Tournament MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Flash CLASS - Venom LAPS - 4 LAPS - 3 RACE 1 - Basilico White GOLD - 1.52.00 RACE 2 - Tech De Ra Black SILVER - 1.55.00 RACE 3 - Platinum Rush White BRONZE - 2.00.00 RACE 4 - The Amphiseum Black \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum Black CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush White MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Eliminator CLASS - Venom CLASS - Flash LAPS - 7 LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 0.43.00 GOLD - 10 Kills SILVER - 0.45.00 SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 0.48.00 BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush White CIRCUIT - Metropia White MODE - Single Race MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - On WEAPONS - On \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush White CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra White MODE - Time Trial MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 2.03.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 2.06.00 BRONZE - 2.11.00 \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Fort Gale White CIRCUIT - Arc Prime Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Single Race CLASS - Venom CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 3 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 2.04.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 2.07.00 BRONZE - 2.12.00 \\// :RACE 15: \\// \\// :RACE 16: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - De Konstruct Black CIRCUIT - Basilico White MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Venom CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 7 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 0.34.00 GOLD - 1.31.00 SILVER - 0.36.00 SILVER - 1.34.00 BRONZE - 0.39.00 BRONZE - 1.39.00 \-\/-/ **GRID 9** \-\/-/ /-/\-\======================/-/\-\ Gain 28 points in Grid 8 to unlock Grid 9. This also unlocks Vertica White and Fort Gale Black for use in Racebox. ____ ____ / \ / \ / 10 \____ ____/ 16 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 09 \____ ____/ 15 \____/ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 04 \____/ 08 \____/ \ / \ / \____/ 01 \____/ / \ / \ / 03 \____/ 07 \ \ / \ / \____/ 02 \____/ / \ / \ ____/ 05 \____/ 06 \____ / \ / \ / \ ____/ 11 \____/ \____/ 13 \____ / \ / \ / \ / 12 \____/ \____/ 14 \ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vertica White CIRCUIT - Fort Gale Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Flash CLASS - Venom LAPS - 4 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 0.42.00 SILVER - 0.44.00 BRONZE - 0.47.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - De Konstruct Black CIRCUIT - Fort Gale Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Eliminator CLASS - Flash CLASS - Venom LAPS - 4 LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 1.59.00 GOLD - 10 Kills SILVER - 2.02.00 SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 2.07.00 BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Fort Gale Black CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Single Race CLASS - Venom CLASS - Flash LAPS - 3 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - On WEAPONS - On \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush White CIRCUIT - Vertica White MODE - Zone MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Zone CLASS - Venom LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 7 GOLD - Zone 22 GOLD - 0.31.00 SILVER - Zone 19 SILVER - 0.33.00 BRONZE - Zone 17 BRONZE - 0.36.00 \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra Black CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Venom CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 3 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 0.33.00 SILVER - 0.35.00 BRONZE - 0.38.00 \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vertica White CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Eliminator CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Flash LAPS - 4 LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 1.38.00 GOLD - 10 Kills SILVER - 1.41.00 SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 1.46.00 BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush White CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum White MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Head To Head CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 7 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 0.30.00 WEAPONS - Off SILVER - 0.32.00 BRONZE - 0.35.00 \\// :RACE 15: \\// \\// :RACE 16: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction Black MODE - Tournament MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 RACE 1 - Talon's Junction White GOLD - 2.00.00 RACE 2 - Metropia White SILVER - 2.03.00 RACE 3 - Arc Prime White BRONZE - 2.08.00 RACE 4 - Fort Gale White RACE 5 - The Amphiseum White RACE 6 - Vertica White \-\/-/ **GRID 10** \-\/-/ /-/\-\=======================/-/\-\ Gain 28 points in Grid 9 to unlock Grid 10. This also unlocks Outpost 7 White and Basilico Black for use in Racebox. ____ ____ / \ / \ / 15 \____ ____/ 16 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 12 \ / 13 \____/ / \ / \ / \ / 11 \____/ ____ \____/ 14 \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \____/ 09 \____/ 01 \____/ 10 \____/ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 03 \____/ 05 \____/ \ / \ / \____/ 02 \____/ / \ / \ ____/ 04 \____/ 06 \____ / \ / \ / \ / 07 \____/ \____/ 08 \ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 White CIRCUIT - Fort Gale Black MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Zone CLASS - Venom CLASS - Zone LAPS - 7 LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 0.38.00 GOLD - Zone 22 SILVER - 0.40.00 SILVER - Zone 19 BRONZE - 0.43.00 BRONZE - Zone 17 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 White CIRCUIT - Basilico Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Flash LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - On WEAPONS - On \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum Black CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 White MODE - Eliminator MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Venom LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 3 GOLD - 10 Kills WEAPONS - On SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush White CIRCUIT - Moa Therma Black MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Head To Head CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 7 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 0.27.00 WEAPONS - Off SILVER - 0.29.00 BRONZE - 0.32.00 \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Metropia Black CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 White MODE - Time Trial MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Flash LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 1.51.00 GOLD - 2.20.00 SILVER - 1.54.00 SILVER - 2.23.00 BRONZE - 1.59.00 BRONZE - 2.28.00 \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra Black CIRCUIT - Vertica White MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Single Race CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Venom LAPS - 7 LAPS - 3 GOLD - 0.29.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 0.31.00 BRONZE - 0.34.00 \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Basilico Black CIRCUIT - Fort Gale Black MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 7 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 0.28.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 0.30.00 BRONZE - 0.33.00 \\// :RACE 15: \\// \\// :RACE 16: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ MODE - Tournament MODE - Tournament CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 RACE 1 - Arc Prime White RACE 1 - Talon's Junction Black RACE 2 - Basilico White RACE 2 - Moa Therma Black RACE 3 - De Konstruct White RACE 3 - Metropia Black RACE 4 - Fort Gale White RACE 4 - Arc Prime Black RACE 5 - Metropia White RACE 5 - De Konstruct Black RACE 6 - Moa Therma White RACE 6 - Tech De Ra Black RACE 7 - Outpost 7 White RACE 8 - Platinum Rush White RACE 9 - Talon's Junction White RACE 10 - Tech De Ra White RACE 11 - The Amphiseum White RACE 12 - Vertica White \-\/-/ **GRID 11** \-\/-/ /-/\-\=======================/-/\-\ Gain 28 points in Grid 10 to unlock Grid 11. This also unlocks Platinum Rush Black and Vertica Black for use in Racebox. ____ / \ / 16 \ \ / ____ \____/ / \ / \ ____/ 03 \____ ____/ 13 \ / \ / \ / \ / ____/ 07 \____/ 01 \____/ 09 \____/ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 11 \____/ 04 \____/ 05 \____/ 14 \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \____/ 08 \____/ 02 \____/ 10 \____/ / \ / \ / \ / / 12 \____/ \____/ 06 \____/ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ / \ / 15 \ \ / \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush Black CIRCUIT - Vertica Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Flash CLASS - Flash LAPS - 4 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 0.32.00 SILVER - 0.34.00 BRONZE - 0.37.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush Black CIRCUIT - Basilico Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Zone CLASS - Flash CLASS - Zone LAPS - 4 LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 2.06.00 GOLD - Zone 24 SILVER - 2.09.00 SILVER - Zone 21 BRONZE - 2.14.00 BRONZE - Zone 19 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Basilico Black CIRCUIT - Fort Gale Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Venom CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 3 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 2.10.00 SILVER - 2.15.00 BRONZE - 2.18.00 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vertica Black MODE - Tournament MODE - Single Race CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Venom LAPS - 4 LAPS - 3 RACE 1 - Moa Therma White WEAPONS - On RACE 2 - De Konstruct White RACE 3 - Tech De Ra White RACE 4 - Basilico White RACE 5 - Platinum Rush White RACE 6 - Outpost 7 White \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ MODE - Tournament CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush Black CLASS - Flash MODE - Eliminator LAPS - 4 CLASS - Flash RACE 1 - Talon's Junction Black LAPS - Infinite RACE 2 - Metropia Black GOLD - 10 Kills RACE 3 - Tech De Ra Black SILVER - 7 Kills RACE 4 - Fort Gale Black BRONZE - 5 Kills RACE 5 - Vertica Black \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 White CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush Black MODE - Head To Head MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Flash CLASS - Flash LAPS - 4 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - Off GOLD - 0.31.00 SILVER - 0.33.00 BRONZE - 0.36.00 \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 White CIRCUIT - Vertica White MODE - Eliminator MODE - Head To Head CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Rapier LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 4 GOLD - 10 Kills WEAPONS - Off SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 15: \\// \\// :RACE 16: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush Black CIRCUIT - Vertica Black MODE - Head To Head MODE - Single Race CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - Off WEAPONS - On \-\/-/ **GRID 12** \-\/-/ /-/\-\=======================/-/\-\ Gain 28 points in Grid 11 to unlock Grid 12. This also unlocks Outpost 7 Black for use in Racebox. ____ / \ ____ ____ ____/ 08 \____ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 12 \____/ 06 \____/ 04 \____/ 14 \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \____/ 10 \____/ 01 \____/ \____/ \ / \ / \ / \ \____/ \____/ 03 \ / 15 \ / \ / \ / \ / ____/ 11 \____/ 02 \____/ \____/ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 13 \____/ 07 \____/ 05 \____/ 16 \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \____/ 09 \____/ \ / \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 Black CIRCUIT - Vertica Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Venom CLASS - Flash LAPS - 3 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 2.12.00 SILVER - 2.15.00 BRONZE - 2.20.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush Black CIRCUIT - Vertica White MODE - Zone MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Zone CLASS - Rapier LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 7 GOLD - Zone 18 GOLD - 0.24.00 SILVER - Zone 13 SILVER - 0.26.00 BRONZE - Zone 10 BRONZE - 0.29.00 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush Black CIRUCIT - Basilico Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Venom CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 3 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 1.41.00 SILVER - 1.44.00 BRONZE - 1.49.00 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 Black CIRCUIT - Basilico White MODE - Single Race MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - On WEAPONS - 4 \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 Black CIRCUIT - Vertica Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Head To Head CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 2.24.00 WEAPONS - Off SILVER - 2.27.00 BRONZE - 2.32.00 \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - De Konstruct White MODE - Tournament MODE - Eliminator CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - Infinite RACE 1 - The Amphiseum Black GOLD - 10 Kills RACE 2 - Vertica White SILVER - 7 Kills RACE 3 - Basilico Black BRONZE - 5 Kills RACE 4 - Platinum Rush Black RACE 5 - Outpost 7 Black \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 Black CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 Black MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 7 LAPS - 7 GOLD - 0.35.00 GOLD - 0.33.00 SILVER - 0.37.00 SILVER - 0.35.00 BRONZE - 0.40.00 BRONZE - 0.38.00 \\// :RACE 15: \\// \\// :RACE 16: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ MODE - Tournament CIRCUIT - Fort Gale White CLASS - Rapier MODE - Head To Head LAPS - 4 CLASS - Rapier RACE 1 - Arc Prime Black LAPS - 4 RACE 2 - Basilico Black WEAPONS - Off RACE 3 - De Konstruct Black RACE 4 - Fort Gale Black RACE 5 - Metropia Black RACE 6 - Moa Therma Black RACE 7 - Outpost 7 Black RACE 8 - Platinum Rush Black RACE 9 - Talon's Junction Black RACE 10 - Tech De Ra Black RACE 11 - The Amphiseum Black RACE 12 - Vertica Black \-\/-/ **PHANTOM GRID 1** \-\/-/ /-/\-\==============================/-/\-\ Gain 28 points in Grid 12 to unlock Phantom Grid 1. ____ / \ ____ ____ ____/ 10 \ / \ / \ / \ / ____/ 13 \____/ 01 \____/ 09 \____/ / \ / \ / \ / / 14 \____/ 03 \____/ 06 \____/ \ / \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \____/ / \ / \ / 04 \ / 07 \ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ ____ / \ / \ / \ ____/ 05 \____/ 08 \____/ 12 \ / \ / \ / \ / ____/ 15 \____/ 02 \____/ 11 \____/ / \ / \ / \ / / 16 \____/ \____/ \____/ \ / \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction White CIRCUIT - Arc Prime Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 2.18.00 SILVER - 2.20.00 BRONZE - 2.23.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum White CIRCUIT - De Konstruct Black MODE - Head To Head MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 WEAPONS - Off GOLD - 2.03.00 SILVER - 2.05.00 BRONZE - 2.08.00 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vertica White CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush Black MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 7 LAPS - 5 GOLD - 0.22.00 GOLD - 0.27.00 SILVER - 0.23.00 SILVER - 0.28.00 BRONZE - 0.25.00 BRONZE - 0.30.00 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Moa Therma Black CIRCUIT - Fort Gale Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Head To Head CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 WEAPONS - On WEAPONS - Off \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra Black CIRCUIT - Fort Gale Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Eliminator CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 GOLD - 2.10.00 GOLD - 10 Kills SILVER - 2.12.00 SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 2.15.00 BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Metropia White CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction White MODE - Single Race MODE - Eliminator CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 10 Kills SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 White MODE - Tournament MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 7 RACE 1 - Platinum Rush White GOLD - 0.30.00 RACE 2 - Vertica White SILVER - 0.31.00 RACE 3 - Outpost 7 White BRONZE - 0.33.00 RACE 4 - Talon's Junction Black RACE 5 - Moa Therma Black RACE 6 - Metropia Black \\// :RACE 15: \\// \\// :RACE 16: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Basilico White MODE - Tournament MODE - Head To Head CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 RACE 1 - The Amphiseum Black WEAPONS - On RACE 2 - Fort Gale Black RACE 3 - Basilico Black RACE 4 - Platinum Rush Black RACE 5 - Vertica Black RACE 6 - Outpost 7 Black \-\/-/ **PHANTOM GRID 2** \-\/-/ /-/\-\==============================/-/\-\ Gain 28 points in Phantom Grid 1 to unlock Phantom Grid 2. ____ / \ ____/ 13 \____ / \ / \ / 14 \____/ 04 \____ \ / \ / \ \____/ \____/ 08 \____ / \ / \ ____ ____/ 01 \____/ 10 \____ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 12 \____/ 05 \____/ 09 \____/ 11 \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \____/ 07 \____/ 02 \____/ \____/ \ / \ / \____/ 06 \____/ ____ \ / \ / \ \____/ 03 \____/ 16 \ \ / \ / \____/ 15 \____/ \ / \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra White CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 2.32.00 SILVER - 2.34.00 BRONZE - 2.37.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Moa Therma White CIRCUIT - Vertica Black MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Head To Head CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 7 LAPS - 5 GOLD - 0.26.00 WEAPONS - Off SILVER - 0.27.00 BRONZE - 0.29.00 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush White CIRCUIT - Arc Prime White MODE - Head To Head MODE - Eliminator CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - Infinite WEAPONS - Off GOLD - 10 Kills SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Arc Prime White CIRCUIT - Basilico Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Eliminator CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - Infinite WEAPONS - On GOLD - 10 Kills SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction White CIRCUIT - Fort Gale White MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 7 LAPS - 5 GOLD - 0.25.00 GOLD - 2.31.00 SILVER - 0.26.00 SILVER - 2.33.00 BRONZE - 0.28.00 BRONZE - 2.36.00 \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 Black CIRCUIT - Metropia Black MODE - Head To Head MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - Off GOLD - 0.24.00 SILVER - 0.25.00 BRONZE - 0.27.00 \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Basilico Black MODE - Tournament MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 RACE 1 - The Amphiseum White GOLD - 1.57.00 RACE 2 - Fort Gale White SILVER - 1.59.00 RACE 3 - Basilico White BRONZE - 2.02.00 RACE 4 - Arc Prime Black RACE 5 - De Konstruct Black RACE 6 - Tech De Ra Black \\// :RACE 15: \\// \\// :RACE 16: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - De Konstruct White MODE - Tournament MODE - Single Race CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 RACE 1 - Talon's Junction White WEAPONS - On RACE 2 - Moa Therma White RACE 3 - Metropia White RACE 4 - Arc Prime White RACE 5 - De Konstruct White RACE 6 - Tech De Ra White \-\/-/ **PHANTOM GRID 3** \-\/-/ /-/\-\==============================/-/\-\ Gain 28 points in Phantom Grid 2 to unlock Phantom Grid 3. ____ / \ ____ ____/ 01 \____ ____ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 14 \____/ 03 \____/ 05 \____/ 12 \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \____/ 07 \____/ \____/ 10 \____/ / \ / \ / \ / 09 \____/ \____/ 16 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 08 \____ ____/ 11 \____/ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 15 \____/ 04 \____/ 06 \____/ 13 \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \____/ \____/ 02 \____/ \____/ \ / \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Moa Therma White CIRCUIT - De Konstruct White MODE - Head To Head MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - Off GOLD - 0.23.00 SILVER - 0.24.00 BRONZE - 0.26.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum Black CIRCUIT - Vertica Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 2.15.00 SILVER - 2.17.00 BRONZE - 2.20.00 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush White CIRCUIT - Metropia Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Head To Head CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 GOLD - 2.12.00 WEAPONS - Off SILVER - 2.14.00 BRONZE - 2.17.00 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Arc Prime White CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction Black MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Head To Head CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 7 LAPS - 5 GOLD - 0.26.00 WEAPONS - Off SILVER - 0.27.00 BRONZE - 0.29.00 \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Metropia White CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra White MODE - Eliminator MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 7 GOLD - 10 Kills GOLD - 0.26.00 SILVER - 7 Kills SILVER - 0.27.00 BRONZE - 5 Kills BRONZE - 0.29.00 \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Fort Gale White CIRCUIT - Moa Therma White MODE - Single Race MODE - Eliminator CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - Infinite WEAPONS - On GOLD - 10 Kills SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 Black MODE - Tournament MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 RACE 1 - Arc Prime White GOLD - 2.36.00 RACE 2 - De Konstruct White SILVER - 2.38.00 RACE 3 - Tech De Ra White BRONZE - 2.41.00 RACE 4 - The Amphiseum Black RACE 5 - Fort Gale Black RACE 6 - Basilico Black \\// :RACE 15: \\// \\// :RACE 16: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ MODE - Tournament MODE - Tournament CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 RACE 1 - Talon's Junction Black RACE 1 - Outpost 7 White RACE 2 - Moa Therma Black RACE 2 - Vertica White RACE 3 - Metropia Black RACE 3 - Platinum Rush White RACE 4 - Arc Prime Black RACE 4 - Basilico White RACE 5 - De Konstruct Black RACE 5 - Fort Gale White RACE 6 - Tech De Ra Black RACE 6 - The Amphiseum White RACE 7 - Tech De Ra White RACE 8 - De Konstruct White RACE 9 - Arc Prime White RACE 10 - Metropia White RACE 11 - Moa Therma White RACE 12 - Talon's Junction White \-\/-/ **PHANTOM GRID 4** \-\/-/ /-/\-\==============================/-/\-\ Gain 28 points in Phantom Grid 3 to unlock Phantom Grid 4 ____ ____ / \ / \ ____/ 12 \ / 15 \____ / \ / \ / \ / 13 \____/ \____/ 16 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 11 \ / 14 \____/ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ / \ / \ ____/ 10 \____/ 03 \____ / \ / \ / \ / 09 \____/ 01 \____/ 04 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \____/ / \ / \ / \ / 08 \____/ 02 \____/ 05 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 07 \____/ 06 \____/ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vertica White CIRCUIT - Basilico White MODE - Single Race MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 0.21.00 SILVER - 0.22.00 BRONZE - 0.24.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Moa Therma Black CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Single Race CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 GOLD - 2.17.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 2.19.00 BRONZE - 2.22.00 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - The Amphiseum White CIRUCIT - Tech De Ra Black MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Head To Head CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 7 LAPS - 5 GOLD - 0.29.00 WEAPONS - Off SILVER - 0.30.00 BRONZE - 0.32.00 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Metropia White CIRCUIT - Platinum Rush Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Eliminator CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 1.57.00 GOLD - 10 Kills SILVER - 1.59.00 SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 2.02.00 BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ MODE - Tournament CIRCUIT - Arc Prime Black CLASS - Phantom MODE - Head To Head LAPS - 5 CLASS - Phantom RACE 1 - The Amphiseum White LAPS - 5 RACE 2 - Fort Gale White WEAPONS - Off RACE 3 - Basilico White RACE 4 - Platinum Rush White RACE 5 - Vertica White RACE 6 - Outpost 7 White \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Talon's Junction Black CIRCUIT - Outpost 7 White MODE - Time Trial MODE - Single Race CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 GOLD - 2.18.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 2.20.00 BRONZE - 2.23.00 \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ MODE - Tournament CIRCUIT - Fort Gale Black CLASS - Phantom MODE - Speed Lap LAPS - 5 CLASS - Phantom RACE 1 - Talon's Junction White LAPS - 7 RACE 2 - Moa Therma White GOLD - 0.31.00 RACE 3 - Metropia White SILVER - 0.32.00 RACE 4 - Platinum Rush Black BRONZE - 0.34.00 RACE 5 - Vertica Black RACE 6 - Outpost 7 Black \\// :RACE 15: \\// \\// :RACE 16: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Tech De Ra White MODE - Tournament MODE - Eliminator CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - Infinite RACE 1 - Outpost 7 Black GOLD - 10 Kills RACE 2 - Vertica Black SILVER - 7 Kills RACE 3 - Platinum Rush Black BRONZE - 5 Kills RACE 4 - Basilico Black RACE 5 - Fort Gale Black RACE 6 - The Amphiseum Black RACE 7 - Tech De Ra Black RACE 8 - De Konstruct Black RACE 9 - Arc Prime Black RACE 10 - Metropia Black RACE 11 - Moa Therma Black RACE 12 - Talon's Junction Black \-\/-/ **GRID MIRAGE** \-\/-/ /-/\-\===========================/-/\-\ Install the Mirage Pack to access Grid Mirage ____ ____ / \ / \ / 13 \ / 14 \ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ ____ / \ / \ / \ / 08 \____/ 10 \____/ 12 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 09 \____/ 11 \____/ / \ / \ / \ / 03 \____/ 06 \____/ 07 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 04 \____/ 05 \____/ \ / \ / \ \____/ 01 \____/ 02 \ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef Black CIRCUIT - Edgewinter White MODE - Single Race MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Venom CLASS - Venom LAPS - 3 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 0.36.00 SILVER - 0.37.00 BRONZE - 0.39.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef Black CIRCUIT - Edgewinter White MODE - Time Trial MODE - Zone CLASS - Flash CLASS - Zone LAPS - 4 LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 2.25.00 GOLD - Zone 23 SILVER - 2.28.00 SILVER - Zone 20 BRONZE - 2.33.00 BRONZE - Zone 18 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef Black CIRCUIT - Edgewinter White MODE - Zone MODE - Single Race CLASS - Zone CLASS - Flash LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 4 GOLD - Zone 23 WEAPONS - On SILVER - Zone 17 BRONZE - Zone 18 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Edgewinter White CIRCUIT - Edgewinter White MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 7 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 0.31.00 GOLD - 1.50.00 SILVER - 0.32.00 SILVER - 1.53.00 BRONZE - 0.33.00 BRONZE - 2.07.00 \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef Black CIRCUIT - Edgewinter White MODE - Eliminator MODE - Single Race CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Rapier LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 4 GOLD - 10 Kills WEAPONS - On SILVER - 7 Kills BRONZE - 5 Kills \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef Black CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef Black MODE - Head To Head MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - Off GOLD - 0.31.00 SILVER - 0.32.00 BRONZE - 0.35.00 \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Edgewinter White CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Single Race CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 LAPS - 5 GOLD - 2.03.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 2.06.00 BRONZE - 2.25.00 \-\/-/ **GRID ICARAS** \-\/-/ /-/\-\===========================/-/\-\ Install the Icaras Pack to access Grid Icaras ____ ____ / \ / \ ____/ 12 \____/ 13 \ / \ / \ / ____/ 09 \____/ 11 \____/ / \ / \ / / 08 \____/ 10 \____/ \ / \ / \ \____/ \____/ 07 \____ / \ / \ / \ / 05 \____/ 06 \____/ 03 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 04 \____/ \____/ / \ / \ / 01 \____/ 02 \ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Edgewinter Black CIRCUIT - Gemini Dam White MODE - Time Trial MODE - Single Race CLASS - Venom CLASS - Venom LAPS - 3 LAPS - 3 GOLD - 1.50.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 1.53.00 BRONZE - 1.58.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Edgewinter Black CIRCUIT - Edgewinter Black MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Zone CLASS - Flash CLASS - Zone LAPS - 7 LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 0.32.00 GOLD - Zone 23 SILVER - 0.33.00 SILVER - Zone 20 BRONZE - 0.35.00 BRONZE - Zone 10 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Gemimi Dam White CIRCUIT - Edgewinter Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Flash LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 2.15.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 2.18.00 BRONZE - 2.23.00 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Gemini Dam White CIRCUIT - Edgewinter Black MODE - Eliminator MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 4 GOLD - 10 Kills GOLD - 1.50.00 SILVER - 7 Kills SILVER - 1.53.00 BRONZE - 5 Kills BRONZE - 1.58.00 \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Gemini Dam White CIRCUIT - Gemini Dam White MODE - Time Trial MODE - Single Race CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 1.58.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 2.01.00 BRONZE - 2.06.00 \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Edgewinter Black CIRCUIT - Edgewinter Black MODE - Head To Head MODE - Single Race CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 4 LAPS - 5 WEAPONS - Off WEAPONS - Off \\// :RACE 13: \\// //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Gemini Dam White MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 7 GOLD - 0.26.00 SILVER - 0.27.00 BRONZE - 0.29.00 \-\/-/ **GRID HARIMAU** \-\/-/ /-/\-\============================/-/\-\ Install the Harimau Pack to access Grid Harimau ____ ____ / \ / \ / 12 \____/ 13 \ \ / \ / ____ \____/ 10 \____/ / \ / \ / \ / 08 \ / 09 \____/ 11 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ \____/ 07 \____/ / \ / \ / \ / 05 \____/ 06 \____/ 03 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 04 \____/ \____/ / \ / \ / 01 \____/ 02 \ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Gemini Dam Black CIRCUIT - Orcus White MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Single Race CLASS - Venom CLASS - Venom LAPS - 7 LAPS - 3 GOLD - 0.35.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 0.36.00 BRONZE - 0.38.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Gemini Dam Black CIRUCIT - Orcus White MODE - Time Trial MODE - Zone CLASS - Flash CLASS - Zone LAPS - 4 LAPS - Infinite GOLD - 2.06.00 GOLD - Zone 30 SILVER - 2.09.00 SILVER - Zone 27 BRONZE - 2.14.00 BRONZE - Zone 25 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Orcus White CIRCUIT - Gemini Dam Black MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Single Race CLASS - Flash CLASS - Flash LAPS - 7 LAPS - 4 GOLD - 0.27.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 0.28.00 BRONZE - 0.30.00 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Orcus White CIRUCIT - Gemini Dam Black MODE - Eliminator MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Flash CLASS - Rapier LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 7 GOLD - 10 Kills GOLD - 0.28.00 SILVER - 7 Kills SILVER - 0.29.00 BRONZE - 5 Kills BRONZE - 0.31.00 \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Orcus White CIRUCIT - Gemini Dam Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Head To Head CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - On WEAPONS - Off \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Orcus White CIRCUIT - Gemini Dam Black MODE - Time Trial MODE - Sinlge Race CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 4 LAPS - 5 GOLD - 1.33.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 1.36.00 BRONZE - 1.41.00 \\// :RACE 13: \\// //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Orcus White MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 5 GOLD - 1.45.00 SILVER - 1.48.00 BRONZE - 1.53.00 \-\/-/ **GRID AURICOM** \-\/-/ /-/\-\============================/-/\-\ Install the Auricom Pack to access Grid Auricom ____ ____ / \ / \ / 13 \ / 14 \____ \ / \ / \ \____/ \____/ 12 \____ / \ / \ / \ / 10 \____/ 11 \____/ 09 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 07 \____/ \____/ / \ / \ / \ / 02 \____/ 06 \____/ 08 \ \ / \ / \ / \____/ 05 \____/ 03 \____/ \ / \ / \ \____/ 01 \____/ 04 \ \ / \ / \____/ \____/ \\// :RACE 01: \\// \\// :RACE 02: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef White CIRCUIT - Orcus Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Venom CLASS - Flash LAPS - 3 LAPS - 7 WEAPONS - On GOLD - 0.29.00 SILVER - 0.30.00 BRONZE - 0.32.00 \\// :RACE 03: \\// \\// :RACE 04: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef White CIRCUIT - Orcus Black MODE - Zone MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Zone CLASS - Venom LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 3 GOLD - Zone 23 GOLD - 1.37.00 SILVER - Zone 20 SILVER - 1.40.00 BRONZE - Zone 18 BRONZE - 1.45.00 \\// :RACE 05: \\// \\// :RACE 06: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Orcus Black CIRCUIT - Orcus Black MODE - Zone MODE - Single Race CLASS - Zone CLASS - Flash LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 4 GOLD - Zone 25 WEAPONS - On SILVER - Zone 22 BRONZE - Zone 20 \\// :RACE 07: \\// \\// :RACE 08: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef White CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef White MODE - Eliminator MODE - Time Trial CLASS - Flash CLASS - Flash LAPS - Infinite LAPS - 4 GOLD - 10 Kills GOLD - 2.07.00 SILVER - 7 Kills SILVER - 2.10.00 BRONZE - 5 Kills BRONZE - 2.15.00 \\// :RACE 09: \\// \\// :RACE 10: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Orcus Black CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef White MODE - Time Trial MODE - Speed Lap CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 7 GOLD - 1.40.00 GOLD - 0.28.00 SILVER - 1.43.00 SILVER - 0.29.00 BRONZE - 1.48.00 BRONZE - 0.31.00 \\// :RACE 11: \\// \\// :RACE 12: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef White CIRCUIT - Orcus Black MODE - Single Race MODE - Head To Head CLASS - Rapier CLASS - Rapier LAPS - 4 LAPS - 4 WEAPONS - On WEAPONS - Off \\// :RACE 13: \\// \\// :RACE 14: \\// //\\===============//\\ //\\===============//\\ CIRCUIT - Vostok Reef White CIRCUIT - Orcus Black MODE - Speed Lap MODE - Single Race CLASS - Phantom CLASS - Phantom LAPS - 7 LAPS - 5 GOLD - 0.25.00 WEAPONS - On SILVER - 0.26.00 BRONZE - 0.28.00 [011] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **DOWNLOAD PACKS** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ \\// :MIRAGE PACK: \\// //\\===================//\\ SIZE - 11 MB RELEASED - 07/02/2008 COST - £3.49 CRAFT - Mirage Anti-Gravity Excellence Centre TRACK - Edgewinter White TRACK - Vostok Reef Black \\// :ICARAS PACK: \\// //\\===================//\\ SIZE - 8.2 MB RELEASED - 14/02/2008 COST - £2.99 CRAFT - Project Icaras TRACK - Edgewinter Black TRACK - Gemini Dam White \\// :HARIMAU PACK: \\// //\\====================//\\ SIZE - 8.6 MB RELEASED - 21/02/08 COST - £2.99 CRAFT - Harimau International TRACK - Gemini Dam Black TRACK - Orcus White \\// :AURICOM PACK: \\// //\\====================//\\ SIZE - 11 MB RELEASED - 21/02/08 COST - £1.99 CRAFT - Auricom Research Industries TRACK - Orcus Black TRACK - Vostok Reef White [012] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **UNLOCKABLE CONTENT** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ After each race in Wipeout Pulse, you obtain loyalty points for the team you are racing for. This unlocks extra content for use in the game. Note that the loyalty point values given below are for one team only, they cannot be spread over several teams 4000 - Unlock Alternate skin for team you are using 8000 - Unlock Eliminator skin for team you are using 16000 - Unlock Zone craft for team you are using 25000 - Unlock Concept craft for team you are using 60000 - Unlock Alternate skins for all other teams 75000 - Unlock Eliminator skins for all other teams 90000 - Unlock Zone craft for all other teams 100000 - Unlock Concept craft for all other teams [013] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **SOUNDTRACK** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ Artist : Title --------------------------------------------- Kraftwerk : Aero Dynamik Mason : Exceeder Dopamine : Flat Out Move Ya! & Steve Lavers : Chemical Stanton Warriors : Tokyo B Phreak & Groove Alliegence : Break Ya Self Rennie Pilgrem & Blim : Slingshot DJ Fresh : X-Project Edline, Optical & Matrix : Frontline Noisia : Seven Stitches Mist : Smart Systems Booka Shade : Steady Rush Aphex Twin : Fenix Funk 5 Skream : Suspicious Thoughts Guy Gerber & Shlomi Aber : Sea of Sand Loco Dice : City Lights You can also add up to 30 of your own MP3s to the playlist by creating a MUSIC folder on the root of the memory stick. Inside that folder, create a new one called WIPEOUT, and place your MP3 files in there. Be aware that the game is very picky about how they are encoded, so if they don't play, you may need to re-encode them. [014] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **USEFUL LINKS** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ Official Wipeout Pulse site - http://www.wipeoutpulse.com Official Wipeout general site - http://www.wipeout-game.com WipeoutZone - http://www.wipeoutzone.com [015] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **THANKS** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ Studio Liverpool - For bringing Wipeout back from the mire of Fusion and doing such a brilliant job of it GameFAQs, IGN, - For hosting this guide Neoseeker, WipeoutZone Rob Foxx - For the team backstories, for the work he has done at WipeoutZone and for being a good mate Colin Berry - For leading the project to bring Wipeout back to the frontline. Top bloke, nice guy to meet and always willing to listen to fan feedback. [016] =============================================================================== \\-\/-// **LEGAL** \\-\/-// //-/\-\\===============================================================//-/\-\\ This FAQ is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced for any kind of direct commercial use. You are allowed to reproduce this guide for personal use only, whether a printed copy or stored electronically, and may be distributed as long as no profit is made by doing so. It may not be modified in any way, shape or form, and must always contain this disclaimer and copyright notice in full. This guide may only be hosted on GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com), IGN (www.ign.com), Neoseeker (www.neoseeker.com), and WipeoutZone (www.wipeoutzone.com). If you see this guide on any other website, please pop me a line to let me know. Gamespot and AOL are affiliates of GameFAQs and are allowed to link directly to the guide. In addition, WipeoutZone is the ONLY site permitted to use material from this guide (in full or excerpts from) in an altered form. I AM NOT CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR ANY NEW HOSTS, SO PLEASE DO NOT E-MAIL ME ASKING TO HOST THIS GUIDE. PERMISSION WILL NOT BE GRANTED. Above all, do NOT lift sections directly out of this guide for your own. That's plagiarism, and it doesn't go down well. If I find you've lifted ANYTHING original from this guide, I will find out where you are hosting it and I will contact your ISP. However, you are welcome to use the layout of this guide as inspiration for your own as long as I am given appropriate credit. You may also use factual information from this guide in your own as long as it is not just copied and pasted and as long as this guide is credited as the source. All trademarks and copyright material not exclusive to this guide are recognised as the legal property of their respective owners. Copyright 2007-2008 Charlie Emery - Hellfire X