#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Ys I & II Chronicles A Walkthrough by Sethan #-# Table of Contents #-------------------------------------------------------# - 1. Introduction - 2. Ys I - Controls - 3. Ys I - Equipment - 4. Ys I Walkthrough - 5. Ys I Bestiary - 6. Ys I People - 7. Ys I Experience Progression - 8. Ys II Controls - 9. Ys II Items - 10. Ys II Walkthrough - 11. Ys II Bestiary - 12. Ys II People - 13. Ys II Experience Progression - 14. Ys II Extra Material - 15. Credits If you need a particular heading, you may use Ctrl-F for "#-#" to quickly move through the headers. #-# 1. Introduction #---------------------------------------------------------# Welcome to my walkthrough for Ys I & II Chronicles! In this document I intend to help you get through these two games. Yes, two! It's time for a small bit of history which you may or may not care about! Once upon a time, there were smaller games released on cartridges or floppy diskettes. Nowadays with the data capacity of optical-read mediums (CDs, DVDs, dual-layer DVDs, Blu-Ray DVDs, UMDsm et cetera), older games actually take up a miniscule amount of space available. This is why you see "collections" of old arcade or 8-bit system games. In this case, the two Ys games were always meant to be played back-to-back as a complete story. Ys I & II Complete was released over in Japan in 2001 for the PC, but that game never made it to the North American market. The closest thing the North American market got was "Ys I & II" on the Turbo Duo. I've played that game, along with the first game alone (which was an NES version). I think the presence of two games on the same game disk is a wonderful thing, and I hope you enjoy the game as much as I do. Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished is about the adventurer Adol Christin, and this is his first adventure in the world. Having heard about potential adventure, he set off to Esteria. As he learned more about the mysteries plaguing the land, he also learned about the ancient land of Ys which had disappeared long ago. After searching for the Six Books of Ys, he climbed to the top of Darm Tower and vanished in a burst of light. Ys II: The Final Chapter picks up with Adol awakening in a bed, in the land of Ys. Now he finds it a place besieged by evil and under the threat of being snuffed out for all time. He must return the Six Books to the shrines of each sage and learn the truths about Ys and what happened. And, if possible, Adol must destroy the evil stirring in the heart of this ancient ruin. The PSP re-release brings a graphical and musical update, but allows you to listen to one of three soundtracks as you play: the original PC88 soundtrack, the 2001 release (Japan only), or a brand new orchestrated soundtrack solely for the PSP version. You can also use either new character portraits or ones from the 2001 release. #-# 2. Ys I - Controls #------------------------------------------------------# D-Pad or Analog Stick: This moves Adol around the screen. You can choose to toggle between eight direction and four direction moving. Triangle: This will use an equipped item, if it has such a use. You cannot use items during boss battles, but any other time they are available. R Shoulder: This cycles through your available beneficial rings; remember this because it can help you outside of boss battles. Square Button: This is a shortcut to the Item menu to equip items. Circle Button: Toggles between run and walk, whichever you have set up in the options. You will use this sometimes to help guide Adol in combat, as it is rather useful to make quick turns if he walks. Select Button: This button turns off the overlay which shows Adol's stats, after you find a certain key item. Start Button: This brings up the game menu and allows you to equip Adol, check your item inventory, or fiddle with the settings. An important thing to note, is the lack of an "attack" button. In Ys 1 and 2 Adol will damage enemies by contact. This is undoubtedly a silly thing to some people, but it was a real saver on code back in ancient times when floppies ruled the world. And it wouldn't be the same with such a function, and the "collision to damage" wouldn't be as abuse-able if it was a weapon slash button! Abuse? Well here's how, and it's simple. The concept of the collision damage system is that only the front side of a monster can hurt you. Sometimes there is a difference, such as projectiles or large frontal areas on bosses, but for the most part, if you hit from the sides or the back Adol will not take damage. This can be further compounded by slightly off-setting his stance so he is not squarely running into the target. Master this, and the only time you will be hurt is when an enemy is fast enough to turn into your strikes or too strong to be hurt by your weapons. This does not make the game easy. No, truth be told, it merely reduces the difficulty from "soul-crushingly malicious" to "will annoy you to no end". Why is that? Because the bosses don't follow the same rules as basic monsters, and you will need to handle each one slightly differently. The first boss is what can be called the 'wake-up call', telling you these games structure the boss fights quite differently than normal battles. And by the time you reach the final dungeon, the normal monsters will be quick and/or durable enough to be a royal pain. All that said, if you can master this collision-style combat, you will have a good time. IF you can't wrap your head around it . . . play with it for a bit. Trust me, it is easier to do for yourself than say in text. #-# 3. Ys I - Equipment #-----------------------------------------------------# Short Sword - +5 STR. A small, cheap sword. More useful for daily tasks than combat. Rosetty's Weaponry sells it for 500 gold. Long Sword - +15 STR. A steel long sword. Fairly heavy, but gets the job done nicely. Rosetty's Weaponry carries this for 2000 gold. Talwar - +25 STR. A sword from the far east. Its curved blade slices like a dream. Adol will be given this by Slaff if you return to the Milita HQ to check up after working through some of the Shrine. Silver Sword - +40 STR. An ornately decorated long sword. Its silver glow can destroy evil. This is the most important weapon you can find, because it is the only one effective against the final boss. Flame Sword - +55 STR. An unmatchably strong, fiery blade. Nothing can stand against it. Adol finds this sword in the top floors of Darm Tower, and it may be even stronger than the statistic I listed here. Since the STR and DEF both cap out at 255 (thanks to leftover coding from the PC88 or Famicom versions), it's really hard to tell. Small Shield - +5 DEF. A small buckler of reinforced hardwood. Cheap, but unreliable. Adol must purchase this for 700 gold from Dios' Armory; it's needed to get it to begin the quest. Middle Shield - +15 DEF. A leather-lined shield of medium size. Light, durable, and firm. Adol can purchase this for 2000 gold from Dios' Armory. Large Shield - +25 DEF. A large steel shield. Heavy and bulky, but offers great defense. Adik can purchase this for 6000 gold, well worth every coin. Silver Shield - +35 DEF. A breathtaking silver shield inscribed with protective blessings. This shield is very useful when Adol gets it, since it is likely he will not have the Large Shield at the time. Battle Shield - +50 DEF. A shield imbued with fiery zeal. Deflects almost all attacks. By the time Adol finds this shield, he will not have long to enjoy it, since it comes far late in the game. Chain Mail - +5 DEF. Finely woven chainmail. Easy to move in, but rather weak. Adol can purchase this for 400 gold, and need it to begin your quest. Plate Armor - +15 DEF. Made of steel plating. Reliable, but requires high stamina. Adol can purchase this for 2000 gold. Reflex Armor - +25 DEF. Strengthened with a particular resin that makes it very flexible. Adol can purchase this for a whopping 5000 gold from Dios. It is worth every bit. Silver Armor - +35 DEF. Beautifully-made armor of silver. Shields its wearer with holy magic. Adol can find this in the Abandoned Mines, and it is a very good addition to the arsenal. Battle Armor - +50 DEF. Armor imbued with the power of flame. Can withstand any attack. Together with the Battle Shield, Adol will be more than prepared for the lesser demons in Darm Tower. Power Ring - Bronze ring that fully doubles the wearer's strength. Adol will be given this ring by the mayor of Zepik Village for returning the Silver Bell. Shield Ring - Magical brass ring. Reduces all damage by 1/2. Finding this in the Shrine is an important thing, because Adol will need this ring to survive difficult boss battles. Timer Ring - A ring of coral. Slows enemy movement to half normal speed. The Timer Ring is a hard item to judge, since the Shield or Power Rings are both useful in their own ways. I found in the late game, slowed enemies were better off doing less damage or dying faster. Heal Ring - A holy ring. Purifies and restores the body to bring peace. Adol will slowly heal when standing still anywhere while wearing this ring. This makes it very valuable late in the game. Evil Ring - Bloody-patterned ring that taints and slowly kills its wearer. There is no slowly about it; if he puts this on, Adol will die. Only by combining it with another item can the ring be worn safely. Book of Ys - A leather bound book. Written in a strange, unreadable language. This book is discovered in the lowest reaches of the Shrine. It is the volume "Hadal". Book of Ys - A leather bound book. Written in a strange, unreadable language. This book is given to Adol by Franz after clearing the Shrine. This is the volume "Tovah". Book of Ys - A leather bound book. Written in a strange, unreadable language. Adol will recover this book from the depths of the mines. It is the volume "Dabbie". Book of Ys - A leather bound book. Written in a strange, unreadable language. Adol receives this book after Pictimos is destroyed. This is the volume "Mesa". Book of Ys - A leather bound book. Written in a strange, unreadable language. Khonsclard protects this book within Darm Tower. Reading this reveals it is the volume "Gemma". Book of Ys - A leather bound book. Written in a strange, unreadable language. This is the final volume, found when Dark Fact is defeated. It is appropriately the volume "Fact". Treasure Box Key - A master key made of bronze. Will open any treasure chest. This is what Adol needs to open many of the chests outside of the Shrine. Do not miss it. Prison Key - A poorly-made rusty iron key. Opens the prison gates. This will allow Adol to rescue Feena, which is also part of finding the Mask of Eyes you need. Shrine Key - A gorgeous key made of crafted ruby and gold, with a complex design. This is one of two items Adol needs to proceed into the depths of the Shrine. Ivory Key - A fine ivory key fashioned from tiny, interlocking shapes. Yet another required key to proceed, unlocking the way to the Book of Ys. Marble Key - A key of brilliantly designed green marble. Shaped like a trident. A second key which unlocks the way to the second boss of the shrine. Darm Key - A key of shining blue crystal, bearing a familiar-looking crest. This key is needed to progress to reach the boss of the abandoned mines. Sara's Crystal - A luminous crystal with an exotic base. Sparkles in the light. This is the first 'key' Adol needs to access the Shrine's interior chambers. It's also proof of his mission for her. Roda Tree Seed - Seed of an ancient tree, with a flavor said to rival all else. In order to talk to the Roda Trees, Adol needs this seed. Silver Bell - Relic said to have guarded Zepik Village. Its sound is calming. Return this to the rightful owner to get a nice bit of reward. Silver Harmonica - A silver harmonica with a vibrant sound. Sparkles majestically. This belongs to Reah, the wandering poet. Returning it to her allows events to proceed. Idol - Statue of an ancient dragon. Grants its bearer peace of mind. Adol is given this while within Darm Tower, and it is traded for an exceedingly useful item. Rod - A short magic wand. Has a design similar to Sara's Crystal. With this Rod Adol can proceed through mirrors as easily as he could use the Goddess statues before. Monocle - An ancient monocle. The lens seems to be in perfect condition. Adol will be given this once he has reached a point where he needs to be able to read the Books of Ys. That is the only function of the Monocle. Blue Amulet - Heirloom of the Gemma family. Shines with a pale and frigid light. Adol needs this to push through the final barrier to reach the peak of Darm Tower. Ruby - A ruby set in gold. Its condition is virtual flawless. Pim will buy it off Adol for up to 1320 gold. Sapphire Ring - Sapphire-encrusted ring inscribed with a message from its giver. This belongs to someone else, who dearly wants it returned. Necklace - Gold necklace adorned with countless small rubies and patterns. Pim will buy it for a small 550 gold at most. Golden Vase - Beautiful golden vase. Has a hole for some variety of ornament. Pim buys this vase for 2000 gold, but he can be talked up to 2200 gold with enough prodding. Heal Potion - Medicine made from the Red Digitalis plant. Heals mind and body. This potion is invaluable, allowing Adol to heal up while unable to heal naturally. Wing - Magic wing. Warps the user to Minea. Some areas seal its power. This is a token to return Adol to Minea, but you will not be able to use it once you enter the final dungeon. Hammer - Ordinary iron hammer. Fairly heavy. Could be used to break stone. Once more, Adol will need this to progress late in the game. Mirror - Mirror that can freeze a single moment. Will break with overuse. I have not used this item too much, in any form of the game, but I think you might find uses for it. Mask of Eyes - Stone mask with inset jade. Hides enemies, but reveals secrets. This is a crucial bit of item you need for finding hidden doors. Blue Necklace - Necklace of luminous blue crystal. Able to nullify evil traps. Only while wearing this can you proceed deeper within the final dungeon. Bestiary Potion - Potion blessed by a priest. Gives insight on defeated enemies. Nearly every current Ys game has an item which must be consumed to activate the bestiary in the game, and this is the one for this game. With it, as Adol defeats a species of creature he will gain more knowledge about it. Piece of Paper - Paper with several lines of an unreadable language written on it. You might find a use for it later. #-# 4. Ys I Walkthrough #-----------------------------------------------------# --- Barbado Port --- Adol wakes up in a clinic, and is introduced to Doctor Bludo and his nurse, Ayla. They fuss over him, saying he is the first person to make it through the Stormwall around the island. Slaff the militia leader wants to talk to him but is chased off by the nurse. After a little longer, Adol is ready to go out and meet the people. Everyone has something to say about what is going on, especially about how threatening the monsters are. After talking with everyone Adol may receive a [Short Sword] from Slaff as a means of protecting himself on the road. --- The Road to Minea --- The road is rather short, but it's rife with monsters. You'll find creatures made of wood and a blue-headed demon wandering around; don't attack either head on yet, just try to hit them in the back. Focus on getting to the north-west exit and you'll reach the Minea gate. If you try to push on, Justin will rush out to stop you; you can't proceed until you talk around Minea. --- Minea --- Around town the people can talk about a variety of subjects, all of them quite useful information for later. Truthfully, very little of it is not important. Listen to how Pim found a [Sapphire Ring] and put it up for sale, and in the tavern you can meet a man who lost such a ring. Armed with this, go see Pim and ask him about the ring. He wants 1000 gold for it, but if you keep refusing the price he will drop it to 900 gold. Take it back to Donal and he will reward you with 1500 gold and some experience (a 600 gold profit). After that, Sara recognizes Adol and wants him to see her once he "gets his equipment in order". This means getting a sword, shield, and armor equipped, so it's time to go shopping. You already have the Short Sword from Barbado, and the reward from the ring should allow you to purchase a [Small Shield] and [Chain Mail]. Once you have your equipment on, Sara will tell you about the Books of Ys, and explain that one rests within the Mountain Shrine. To help you find it, she gives you [Sara's Crystal] and more experience. After that, you are free to navigate the Minea Fields. --- Minea Fields --- First thing is first, out here there are a lot of monsters and you can get disoriented fast with the constant screen switching. But take some time to familiarize yourself with the area (and to kill for experience). You can find some important items around the fields; follow the signs to reach Zepik Village, but head south instead to find a pond. Along the east edge is a [Golden Vase] which Pim will buy from you; there is no other use for it, so use it to fund an equipment upgrade early. From there, head to the south to find a Roda Tree; you can't do anything with it but you should mark where it is because a chest nearby requires a key to unlock. If you travel slightly north from there you can discover the very useful [Bestiary Potion]. This will allow you to see your statistics and those of the monsters you fight; and it also show you how much experience you have gained. When you are ready to go onwards, purchasing something with the money from the vase, head to the east and you reach Zepik Village. --- Zepik Village --- Wandering around the village, Adol can hear lots of information on the thieves guild and something bothering the mayor. You can meanwhile find Jeba in a house, and she will see Sara's Crystal. She hands over the [Shrine Key], and calls the shrine the Solomon Shrine. The Book of Ys would be in the lowest chamber, which is a very dangerous place. Adol also hears about how a man named Luta has gotten lost somewhere and needs to be found. A talk with the mayor also reveals the prized Silver Bell of the village has gone missing, and he thinks the thieves took it. Since the Bell is the protection of the village, he is desperate to have it returned. Thus he asks Adol to go negotiate with the thieves' leader and offers any price he asks. --- Mountain Path --- If you haven't been building your level, this place will surely spell out just how much you should be working on it. Fight your way past the Shrine entrance and cross a bridge to the east; the Thieves' Den is here. Talk to Goban about the accusations and he comments the silver thefts aren't his doing and he would never order the bell stolen. The other thing he notes is the thieves have had their own silver stolen. Once you have satisfied your curiosity, it's time to enter the Shrine in search of answers. --- Shrine of Solomon --- Once inside, stop to admire the wonderful music and look for a special statue in the lobby. Touching it with Sara's Crystal will allow Adol to proceed deeper into the shrine, where the monsters do not roam yet. But you can still find a chest in the eastern side of the chambers which holds a [Ruby]. Once more you can sell this to Pim to fund equipment upgrades, and you can sell it for 1320 gold. (I was unable to get him to haggle this time, and the math worked out; the Ruby selling for 1200 gold and getting an extra 10% from haggling is 1320.) The other chest is locked, requiring a key. Beyond the door unlocked by the Shrine Key, you face the first boss of the game. Understand, this is your acid test for whether or not you are pacing the leveling up correctly! If the boss is too hard, it means you need to go get more levels or collect gold to fund an upgrade. *** BOSS: Jenocres *** HP: 100, STR: 90, DEF: 76, EXP: 500, GOLD: 0 Jenocres is a pain, if only because he teleports around while sending jets of fire out from the walls. The jets ebb and swell in an almost random pattern, but with some patience you can catch the robed thing in the middle and strike hard. At level 5, with the Long Sword, it took three hits to take him down. A small note - the fire still hurts badly. --- Lower Shrine --- Now the monsters come out to play, and they're tough. Fight your way down the left side of the area and down some stairs, then loop around to the north to locate the [Prison Key]. Also in the same area is the [Treasure Box Key], which will allow you to open those nice locked boxes around! In face, just around the corner is a chest containing the [Silver Bell]. Now that you found them, it's time to finish the job down here looting the chests. In Shrine B1 you can find a chest in the southeast corner containing a [Necklace] which Pim will buy, and in the northeast is a prison cell which matches the key you found. In there is a girl named Feena, who needs help getting out of here. Be sure you take the contents of the chest before you leave, as the [Mask of Eyes] is a necessary tool to move onwards. Escorting Feena out can be hard, if only because she moves much slower than Adol. Be sure to keep an eye out for any monsters sneaking up behind you. On the way out, grab the contents of the locked chest on the ground floor for a [Shield Ring]. As you reach Zepik Village, Feena collapses with a fever and Adol takes her to Jeba's house. While here, return the Silver Bell for a [Power Ring]. This lovely ring doubles your attack power, making it useful if you need help downing creatures fast. If you have the money to upgrade your equipment again, take a trip back to Minea. Step back to Barbados and you'll find Luta resting in the clinic after his apparent sleepwalking trip. He'll depart on his own, denying he needs an escort. Talking to the militia leads Slaff to give you a special gift of the [Talwar]! Be sure you have this on hand, because it only gets harder from here. Take a time to go to the locked chest in the fields to find a [Piece of Paper]. Return to the Shrine and work your way deeper, and you can find the [Ivory Key] in the northwest corner of B3. Navigating the maze will show off some golden Goddess Statue warps, like the one at the top of the Shrine. However, some of these are one-way warps which make it harder to find your way around. Among the chambers are the [Silver Shield] and the [Marble Key]. If you have not yet owned one, a [Heal Potion] can be found in a chest which is an apparent dead-end. The Mask of Eyes will reveal a way, however, and thus you will enter the next boss chamber. *** BOSS: Nyghtilger *** HP: 200, STR: 175, DEF: 149, EXP: 5000, GOLD: 0 This boss is almost a disappointment in strategy, but can be tough if you don't have the best equipment you can manage, or are underleveled. This armored worm will circle around trying to draw a bead on you, but if you attack anywhere along the body you will deal damage to it safely. After destroying Nyghtilger, check the wall for a hidden room which contains the first [Book of Ys]. With this, you can return to Sara and have her explain just what you are supposed to do with the book. --- Minea --- A tragedy awaits in Minea: Sara has been murdered, but she left final guidance with Franz. Adol is directed to the lost mine at Rastin, and given the second of the Books of Ys. Now there is a clear goal, but it is very likely there is enough money to purchase the whole stock of the armory (it's worth doing). Stopping to talk with Sara's aunt Jeba will get a little bit of background on the fortuneteller and her family, and Jeba will offer to read the Books of Ys you have recovered so far. Feena is at the docks, and will talk briefly with Adol before he sets off to the mines. --- Abandoned Mines --- Dark, with only a little aura of light, the mines are a place you may have blundered into earlier and learned the painful lesson about Ys. Wandering too far into areas ahead of you can yield swift death! Now, however, you should have Adol well-equipped and around level 7 or 8. Take great care when you wander, as monsters can quickly come out of the darkness and are powerful enough to chip off large amounts of health if you are not careful. The twisting passages hide a [Heal Potion] amidst the turns to the west, and a room in the south holds the ever-useful [Timer Ring]. To the east Adol can find the [Silver Armor] which he should wear immediately. From there, follow the eastern wall to find an archway hidden in the wall; through there you enter an open shaft with a rope bridge across it. You can let Adol heal up here before proceeding lower, which is a good idea. Once through the pit, you can descend to the next floor. Take the path to the east and you can find the [Heal Ring]. Along the west wall tunnels there is a chest holding a [Roda Tree Seed], an important item. From there, head east along the passage outside the archway to find the [Silver Harmonica]. You'll need to return this to the poet later. Return to the north center of this floor and move south to find stairs down. Once down there, make your way to the north-center where you can find the [Darm Key]. This is the last item you need to collect, so it is time to get out of the mines and do some work collecting. --- Collecting Gear --- First, go to Minea and return Reah's Silver Harmonica. She will play a song for Adol, and can be given the piece of paper found in the Fields. While he departs, she will read it to the sky in an ominous voice, and let you get a feel for how things are picking up. After this, it's time to eat the Roda Tree Seed so you can speak with the two trees. They'll inform you of a special treasure which is buried nearby one; the [Silver Sword]. --- Abandoned Mines B2 --- Now it's time to work your way down to the bottom of the mines to face the master here. Make sure you're equipped with your best gear (silver gear) before stepping in. *** BOSS: Vagullion *** HP: 255, STR: 230, DEF: 224, EXP: 5000, GOLD: 0 Vaguilion is a pain even if you know how to handle him. He dissolves into a cloud of bats and evades damage while still being able to damage you. You have only a split second to damage him before he dissolves into bats again, meaning you can only get one hit, and ONLY from below him! Keep him to the top of the screen and you can manage this with little trouble . . . okay, quite a bit of trouble. It's a very long and patience-draining fight but after you manage to land the final blow you will own the third [Book of Ys]. It's time to talk to Jeba, and see what she can tell you. --- To Darm Tower --- Jeba will inform Adol after she reads the third book that the other three are within Darm Tower. Goban will open the way for Adol, since he is sure that the swordsman can handle what lies within. However, he cautions that the door will be re-sealed and thus the exit blocked. This is a one-way trip! Be sure you have all the equipment you can buy, and every one of the four rings. If you do not have them all, DO NOT ENTER DARM TOWER. --- Darm Tower, Part 1 --- It starts innocently enough, until you run into a few uncomfortable facts. As expected, the Wing will not allow you to leave now and there is no turning back. Secondly, natural healing will only occur on the outside balconies or using the Heal Ring. Lastly . . . and most importantly, the monsters here are downright lethal if they corner you. Begin by picking your way through the floors and grabbing the [Evil Ring]; do not equip it until you have a means of surviving the curse, or it's a quick trip to the last save you made. (Speaking of, it's a good idea to save a file before you actually enter Darm Tower. Just in case you find you forgot something or need to level up before going in.) In the room with the same chest is a [Heal Potion] and [Mirror] to replenish your stock in case you need them. Keep climbing and Adol finds himself caught in a trap. Luta Gemma is here, having been finally caught by the monsters. What is not here is your silver equipment; all of it is gone and you now have to locate it all over again. There's still the question of how to get out, though. The answer provides itself with an explosion of bricks and rock as Dogi has arrived. If you've played any games after this one, you know his role is that of Adol's best friend and loyal sidekick. Right now, he's just a very strong man working for the thieves' guild and searching the tower himself for what is causing the monsters to get riled up. After a little chat further, Dogi leaves you with an [Idol] and tells you to give it to a man named Raba hiding in the tower. Back to climbing. On the third floor, wear the Mask of Eyes to find a hidden door, and go in. This is where Raba is hiding, and he'll trade you the Idol for a [Blue Necklace]. This will keep you from falling into the trap again, so you can get higher in the tower. Proceed cautiously. As you pass the trap, you'll recover your [Silver Sword] and [Silver Shield] from chests. Be sure you search for them, as a boss is up ahead and they'll be a necessary boost. Proceed into the glyphed chamber and try to pass through the far door to trigger a boss fight. *** BOSS: Pictimos *** HP: 255, STR: 264, DEF: 232, EXP: 5000, GOLD: 0 Pictimos will throw three sickles at where you are standing when it releases the projectiles, and they move pretty well. Touching these sickles will hurt, even on the return trip. You can only damage Pictimos by striking at the belly, which means standing in the path of incoming projectiles. So you have to really be patient and outsmart the big bug; try to get the projectiles thrown far away before rushing in for a couple strikes and fleeing. This is more of a test of your patience and adherence to pattern than difficulty. After defeating Pictimus, you will receive the fourth [Book of Ys] and the [Hammer], which is initially of dubious use. But, it will be a vital tool or this isn't Ys. On the way, you can find your way to a small chamber on 11F where Luta Gemma has found refuge. He heard there was a prisoner above, and begs Adol to go rescue them. Start climbing again, and you will reach the Devil's Corridor at 11F. The music in the hallway is a maddening sound which drains Adol's vitality and is impossible to resist. It must be stopped instead, and Raba knows how; he's climbed up this far ahead of you but can go no further with the Devil Wind blowing. Raba gives you a hint on how to silence it; take the hammer in hand and find the proper column on the balcony outside. Once this is done, the Devil's Corridor is just a featureless corridor. Resume your climb, meet Raba again to hear about a prisoner being taken to a place called Rado's Annex. Adol is a fair climb away, so continue on the only path you can and prepare for another boss. *** BOSS: Khonsclard *** HP: 255, STR: 267, DEF: 230, EXP: 5000, GOLD: 0 Khonsclard is a spinning pile of rocks which sends smaller boulders out in six directions while it moves slowly to track your location. Hitting the orb in the center is not your goal, you want to chip at the stones. So you need to hit and run to manage to do damage in succession instead of standing there worthlessly. Expect to die before you can get the timing of the motions down, and be patient. Another option is to get in close and run tight circles; you can very easily stay a few hits ahead of him and come out with a small amount of health but a win which refills your health makes it moot. With the defeat of Khonsclard, Adol will find the fifth [Book of Ys] and a [Rod]. One book remaining, and it's not going to come nearly as easy as these two did. --- Darm Tower, Part 2 --- The Rod allows Adol to walk through the mirrors in Darm Tower's 13th floor. Be prepared with some paper to keep track of the maze, and don't leave until you retrieve your [Silver Armor]! Rado's Annex is next, and Adol needs to move across by exiting the 16th floor. In the southern part of the 16th floor is the [Battle Shield] which is very useful to keep the incoming damage down. At the top of this small tower is a door which can only be opened by a powerful evil force. Now is the time to wear both the Blue Necklace and the Evil Ring (in that order, please); the door opens for Adol to find Reah locked inside the room. She praises his persistence and hands over the [Monocle] to allow him to read the Books of Ys himself. You should do this, to learn about one specific item: Gemma's [Blue Amulet]. Return to Luta Gemma on the 11th floor and he'll hand it over. Put it on as you climb further, and enter the higher floors. On 17F there is a problematic area which is a long corridor which is only one block wide and very fast and dangerous monsters fighting inside it. You might have to let some get behind you (dangerous) and let them keep you from bouncing too far back when you head-on tackle the monsters ahead of you. In either way you more than likely will need to use your Heal Potion, and it's a good thing a chest around the corner holds a [Heal Potion] to refill you. One floor up, the path splits and stairs will take you either to 19F or 20F; Go to 19F. There on the 19th floor, you can find the [Battle Armor], protected by another trap requiring the Blue Necklace to pass. The armor will put your DEF at the highest cup. On 20F a wall will explode, but it's not Dogi. It's an ambush! The demons which pour out of the wall are tough, nasty, and fast to move. Inside the hole in the wall are two more guarding a chest with the [Flame Sword]. This completes the best suit of gear in the game, and makes it even likely you can destroy the enemies from now on. Proceeding will get Adol into another mirror maze which is easier to navigate but with tougher creatures floating around. Notably, there is a boss door ahead with nowhere to actually heal up safely before going in. A little effort is needed to be sure you can get Adol's health back up. Nice touch, by the way, to have this battle take place in a room with a mirrored floor. *** BOSS: YOGLEKS & OMULGUN *** HP: 255, STR: 270, DEF: 238, EXP: 5000, GOLD: 0 These two are not that difficult once you know their trick. Despite looking at two heads, only one is real. The floating energy shapes are, however, very real. Each time a strike is successful, the two switch places instantly, so you need to chase from one to the other or wait for them to overlap. As more damage is dealt, more of the shielding objects disappear but the orbit becomes faster. By the time there are only two floating objects, this will be easily ended. All that remains after this is to climb and challenge the master of Darm Tower. Dark Fact awaits Adol, and is quite smug about his chances. He's got every right to be; if you go at him with the Flame Sword and Battle gear, he will destroy Adol easily. Wearing the Silver gear, however, and the Blue Amulet . . . the scales are tipped in Adol's favor. Slightly. *** FINAL BOSS: DARK FACT *** HP: 255, STR: 290, DEF: 255, EXP: 5000, GOLD: 0 First thing is first; Dark Fact will float around the area and is not bound to the floor. Secondly, fireballs will fly in at a random angle and try to hit Adol. Lastly, each strike is coupled with a bit of the floor dropping away; if you happen to be on it, instant death. So the real trick is to maneuver around so you don't swiftly limit yourself to a small corner of the field. Doing so means the fireballs will murder you slowly and you will be unable to damage Dark Fact. With Dark Fact slain, the final [Book of Ys] is relinquished. Use the Monocle to read it, and the task of finding the six Books of Ys is complete! But the true deeds of legend await Adol Christin as he reaches lost Ys itself and must truly unravel the mysteries of that ancient land. #-# 5. Ys I Bestiary #--------------------------------------------------------# Pikkard HP: 5, STR: 13, DEF: 8, EXP: 1, GOLD: 1 An animal bred for its obnoxiously cute and tender little body. Sup on its toothsome nibblets slathered in Roda butter or straddling bacon. Adorably delicious! Curloid HP: 17, STR: 19, DEF: 11, EXP: 4, GOLD: 10 A dwarf from the plains. Looks fearsome, but is actually quite weak. May present a challenge at first, but will quickly become a pushover. Oakrot HP: 17, STR: 16, DEF: 9, EXP: 2, GOLD: 6 A bloated dryad from the plains, formed form the malevolence within a rotted tree. Very dry, inhibiting its mobility, which makes it an easy foe to take down. Rheboll HP: 21, STR: 23, DEF: 12, EXP: 6, GOLD: 14 A red-furred feral dog that roams the Esterian plains. Moves quickly and often attacks in packs, making it a real threat to the unwary traveler. Unugun HP: 35, STR: 34, DEF: 10, EXP: 8, GOLD: 25 A sworn guardian of the shrine in life, resurrected by a sinister will. Inside its armor, it is completely decayed. The stench of death on it is overpowering. Uhnos HP: 35, STR: 93, DEF: 60, EXP: 40, GOLD: 50 A bull-headed monster that dwells beneath the shrine. Emerges from the darkness swinging an enormous blade wildly, startling even the hardiest of adventurers. Bulner HP: 35, STR: 97, DEF: 70, EXP: 50, GOLD: 60 A giant insect-like monster inhabiting the catacombs beneath the shrine. Scuttles towards its prey while emitting a shrill cry that could give anyone goosebumps. Looter HP: 35, STR: 110, DEF: 100, EXP: 60, GOLD: 70 A spirit of the dead bearing the darkened flame of a long forgotten grudge. Approaches the living in hopes of finding a new friend to dwell eternally by its side. Rescoyd HP: 70, STR: 140, DEF: 105, EXP: 70, GOLD: 100 A monster found beneath the shrine. Often thought to be the head of a giant, but no one knows for certain. Its bloodshot eyes unendingly scan for fresh meat. Lyus HP: 70, STR: 155, DEF: 120, EXP: 80, GOLD: 120 A savage beast wandering the shrine. Can tear its prey to shreds in a single moment using its claws and tusks, and its thick mane is soaked with blood. Smells awful. Dinvel HP: 70, STR: 167, DEF: 132, EXP: 90, GOLD: 140 A monster who lies in wait on the lowest level of the shrine to slice its prey with a magic-infused sword. Hides its true form beneath a cloak. Nubbrow HP: 126, STR: 185, DEF: 110, EXP: 200, GOLD: 200 A monster residing in the abandoned mine, its appearance is strange and almost humorous, but its attacks are much more deadly than any encountered previously. Gryel HP: 126, STR: 200, DEF: 120, EXP: 240, GOLD: 240 A semi-transparent life-form that lurks in the abandoned mine. Its jelly-like body latches on to its victims and begins dissolving them. Aim for the eye. Othcross HP: 126, STR: 220, DEF: 130, EXP: 240, GOLD: 240 A bug-beast that deals in the abandoned mine. Its slippery body deflects sword strikes, and its sharp fangs can pierce armor. Doesn't go down easily. Dynick HP: 140, STR: 200, DEF: 120, EXP: 320, GOLD: 200 A beast with an enormous, gaping maw. The sight of its drooling visage in pursuit is nightmare-inducing. Devours its prey, but no one knows where the remains are. Menon HP: 140, STR: 235, DEF: 160, EXP: 400, GOLD: 280 A fast-moving hard-shelled monster that bustles about in the abandoned mines. Due to its quick speed within a dimly-lit environment, the Menon presents real danger. Karon HP: 140, STR: 225, DEF: 150, EXP: 360, GOLD: 240 Saunters about the abandoned mine, skewering prey with its spear and horns. Ranked as superior officer to the Uhnos, giving it an air of dignity. Has a cute tail. Chelasken HP: 178, STR: 210, DEF: 160, EXP: 440, GOLD: 200 A monstrous phoenix from the abandoned mine. Why a bird would dwell underground, and why its flames shed no light whatsoever, are both questions without answers. Lemendy HP: 178, STR: 225, DEF: 175, EXP: 480, GOLD: 240 A half-bug half-man that dwells in the abandoned mine. Its exoskeleton grants it excellent defense and speed alike. Attacks with chaotic sword-strikes. Brayzal HP: 178, STR: 235, DEF: 185, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 A creature with such heavy armor that only the mighty can hope to damage it. Dwells in the lowest caves of the abandoned mines, and cannot be easily overcome. Riffligan HP: 178, STR: 236, DEF: 100, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 An armored monster dwelling around floor 1 of the Tower of Darm. Wields two swords, but wears inferior armor, making it vulnerable to even the weakest of attacks. Jestona HP: 178, STR: 236, DEF: 120, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 An armored monster dwelling around floor 3 of the Tower of Darm. Characterized by its red armor and its speed, but presents little issue if taken out one by one. Accumate HP: 178, STR: 250, DEF: 120, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 A top-tier guardian dwelling only on floor 6 of the Tower of Darm. Its attack power is tremendous, but in a pinch it can be bypassed entirely. Running may be advisable. Normous HP: 178, STR: 250, DEF: 170, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 An unpleasant creature found on floor 9 of Darm Tower. Looks just like the statues found elsewhere, so the unprepared may be caught off-guard. Surprisingly fierce. Genoid HP: 178, STR: 250, DEF: 120, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 Entrusted as a guardian of the Silver Sword and Shield, the Genoid is descended from the giants and possesses appropriately herculean strength. Found around the 7th floor. Xomack HP: 178, STR: 244, DEF: 120, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 A bitter relative to the Accumate who dwells far from its brethren, on floor 10 of Darm Tower. Not very strong but boasts tremendously high agility. Vilvan HP: 178, STR: 244, DEF: 120, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 Found in Darm Tower's mirror maze. And creature built from intertwining mushroom fibers filled with deadly nerve toxins. Beware the dire grip of its sinuous tentacles! Wilewarer HP: 178, STR: 248, DEF: 146, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 Guardian of the Silver Armor in Darm Tower's mirror maze. Wears thick armor, but its intelligence is the real threat. Chases down intruders with intent to behead. Irebolg HP: 178, STR: 256, DEF: 144, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 A soulless, steel-armored sentry guarding Rado's Annex around floor 15 of the Tower of Darm. Ordered to dispose of any intruders who attempt to gain entry. Molfess HP: 178, STR: 256, DEF: 190, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 A mud-like monster dwelling within Rado's Annex. Digests through absorption and moves far quicker than one would expect. Will eat anyone, human and monster alike. Kelmarel HP: 178, STR: 260, DEF: 200, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 Dwells on floor 17 of Darm Tower. Charges its opponents in a straight line, making short work of them. Best not to attack a Kelmarel head-on lest you be quickly gored. Selnarg HP: 178, STR: 256, DEF: 140, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 A hand-selected Riffligan inhabiting floor 18 of Darm Tower. The elitist of the elite, boasting sword techniques other monsters could only dream of. Chryolos HP: 178, STR: 256, DEF: 140, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 Inhabits floor 19 of Darm Tower. A warrior with talons on both arms, as well as armor layered upon naturally scaly skin. Will not break its stride, no matter what. Twarth HP: 178, STR: 290, DEF: 234, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 Inhabits floor 20 of Darm Tower. The strongest warrior among the monsters, by leaps and bounds. Attempting to take on more than one at a time is suicide. Euchreas HP: 178, STR: 270, DEF: 160, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 A cruel magician inhabiting Darm Tower's mirror maze. Cloacked, and wields a magic sword. Able to freely move amongst the mirrors, and enjoys toying with its mark. Bordisch HP: 178, STR: 274, DEF: 170, EXP: 510, GOLD: 280 A fearsome ogre inhabiting Darm Tower's mirror maze. Uses its sculpted body as a weapon, and manages to outperform the Eucreas despite having no real defense. Jenocres HP: 100, STR: 90, DEF: 76, EXP: 500, GOLD: 0 A wizard who blocks the path to the lower levels of the shrine. Teleports at will while conjuring streams of blue flame from the sides of the room. Proves to be a most wily opponent indeed. Nyghtilger HP: 200, STR: 175, DEF: 149, EXP: 5000, GOLD: 0 A beast guarding one of the sealed Books of Ys. Wriggles wildly, charging intruders. The only way to defeat it is to avoid its speedy attacks and strike at its joints before it slides too far away. Vagullion HP: 255, STR: 230, DEF: 224, EXP: 5000, GOLD: 0 The creature from the mines who annihilated the village of Restin in a single night. Divides itself into innumerable bats, swarming its prey without mercy. Only vulnerable when it re-forms. Pictimos HP: 255, STR: 264, DEF: 232, EXP: 5000, GOLD: 0 A terrifying bug that flies in at great speed, hurling deadly sickles. Attacks any who disturb its next, as evidenced by the remains of its victims strewn about. Requires agility to defeat. Khonsclard HP: 255, STR: 267, DEF: 230, EXP: 5000, GOLD: 0 A deadly crimson sphere that surrounds itself with rocks of varying size and shape, and hurls them throughout the room at will. Your only hope of defeating it is to find an opening and take it. Yogleks & Omulgun HP: 255, STR: 270, DEF: 238, EXP: 5000, GOLD: 0 Two heads may be better than one, but these two are worse than anything! As they come in for the attack, one head is real and the other is illusory. When damage is dealt, the two tag off. Dark Fact HP: 255, STR: 290, DEF: 255, EXP: 5000, GOLD: 0 A descendant of Fact, one of the Six Priests of Ys, who's become corrupted by a lust for power. Seeks to gather the six Books of Ys for his own nefarious purposes, and will do anything to get them. #-# 6. Ys I People #----------------------------------------------------------# There are 88 entries for various people Adol meets along his journey, and many will be found just by talking around the villages. A word of warning, however, in that some of them may be particularly elusive. For instance, Doctor Klaus is almost always running errands around town early on, but is away and unreachable after a certain point in the story. Some people will only show up after the story progresses far enough, as well. 1. Doctor Bludo. Sole doctor at the clinic in Barbado Port. Nursed Adol back to health after he was found on Whitehorn Beach. Acts tough around his son, Slaff, but turns to jelly around his nurse, Ayla. 2. Nurse Ayla. Sole nurse at the clinic in Barbado Port. Kindly treated Adol's wounds after he was found. Generally very sweet, but when she gets mad, she's scary as all hell. That may be why she's still single. 3. Slaff. Doctor Bludo's only son. Lives in Barbado Port. Saved freshly- beached Adol from being eaten alive by a Rheboll. After the monsters appeared, Slaff founded a militia to fight them. 4. Stephan. A member of the Barbado militia, known for keeping a cool head at all times. Believes that there is courage in knowing when to run from battle, and when to stay and fight. 5. Jacob. A Barbado Port resident. Watches over the town from its highest rooftop, patiently and systematically keeping an eye out for any invading monsters. Is known as Slaff's right-hand man. 6. Drake. A member of the Barbado militia, charged with providing escort to those who travel to the city of Minea or Zepik Village. Seems to have his eye on Minea's dancer. 7. Old Man George. A popular old man from Barbado. Known to be very wise, often giving advice to youngsters who've lost their way. Incidentally, he's not bald; rather he apparently shaves his head every day. 8. Fisherman Betelo. A former trader from Barbado Port. After the Stormwall appeared, trading became impossible, but fishing was more productive than ever. Betelo has a real talent for seeing the bright side. 9. Fran. A woman living in Barbado. Used to be active in the silver trade, but has become rather despondent ever since the Stormwall appeared. Secretly prays for it to go away, every single night. 10. Arcia. A woman living in Barbado. Hasn't heard from her friend in Minea since the monsters first appeared. Seriously considering requesting a militia escort for a visit, to assuage her fears. 11. Old Man Pestol. An old man from a long line of dairy farmers. Primarily breeds pikkards, but hasn't had access to good grazing land since the monsters appeared, so he now operates from Barbado's town square. 12. Marco. A wide-eyed youth from Barbado Port. Put everything he had into becoming the best trader he could be -- but then the Stormwall came and ruined everything. Now he's just always very sad. 13. Torrance. A pessimistic young man from Barbado. The sudden troubles in Esteria really shook him up. Wants to move to Minea with his family, but always wusses out when he considers the monsters along the way. 14. Rebecca. Torrance's wife, and Danny's mother. Born and raised in Barbado, and is a real beach babe at heart, but worries for the safety of her son. Can't decide if moving to Minea is the right decision. 15. Danny. Barbado's requisite bratty boy. Fascinated by the world outside the town gates. Wants to join the militia when he grows up. Always seen together with the neighbor's daughter, Cheryl. 16. Cheryl. Little girl in Barbado. Her father wants to return to the mainland, but Cheryl is unwilling to leave her buddy Danny behind. Even more of a menace than he is, always plotting an escape to Minea. 17. Mason the Trader. A trader in Barbado Port. Lived in the city, but came to Esteria with his family to deal in silver. Now, with the Stormwall, all he thinks about is finding a way back home, away from this madness. 18. Sylvia. Mason's wife, and Cheryl's mother. Outwardly demure, but actually quite a firecracker. Does her best to support her family through these difficult times, and always remains optimistic. 19. Gerald. A bartender in Barbado. Due to the Stormwall, his bar gets no new customers these days, despite once being a hopping locale. Constantly dwells on his prior success, which just brings him down. 20. Karin. A waitress at the bar in Barbado. Since there are no customers anymore, she has more free time than she knows what to do with. As a result, she's been thinking about joining the militia. 21. Granny Daria. An old lady from Barbado. Her son and daughter-in-law in Minea want her to move in with them, but she refuses to leave her dear hometown -- though she does worry about her mischievous grandchild. 22. Reah. A dearly beloved troubadour who plays lovely harmonica music for anyone who will listen. Found herself in Minea, and seeks to tighten the spiritual bonds amongst its inhabitants with song. 23. Prim. A little girl from Minea, born to Julius and Fana. Considers Sara the fortune-teller her best friend, and is always looking for the "legendary brave soul" on Sara's behalf. 24. Fana. A woman from Minea. Has been a bit on edge lately with all the rumors of thievery, but takes solace in Minea's safety from monsters. Still, she can't quite bring herself to let her guard down. 25. Julius. A man from Minea. Has been keeping watch at the city gate to ensure no children leave the safety of its walls. Spotted a shady man inside the city recently however, and is concerned. 26. Archelle. Lives with his muscular brother Bron in Minea, but Bron's become hospitalized due to a mining injury, so Archelle is all alone now. He visits Bron at the clinic each and every day. 27. Aurora. Daughter of Minea's mayor. Always lived a life of frivolity, but now that the cost of commodities has risen, she's been forced to give it up. Presently still searching for a new hobby. 28. Cornell. Son of Minea's mayor. Due to his unrestricted freedom growing up, he still acts a bit childish. Hearing doom prophesied by Sara the fortuneteller, however, sobered him up quite nicely. 29. Johann. A boy from Minea. Complains that he hasn't been able to play at the big trees in the north since the monsters came. Believes climbing one of those trees would be the best feeling in the world. 30. Hans. A young man from Minea who's become obsessed with Pim, the pawn shop owner. Can't wrap his head around how Pim could find an item on the ground yet have the audacity to keep it and sell it. 31. Haystack. A carpenter living in Minea. Has been exceptionally busy lately due to the influx of immigrants from Barbado. Greatly admires Darm Tower for being such an impossible feat of engineering design. 32. Lucca. A boy from Minea. Loves it when his grandfather, Franz, tells him the story of the legendary Silver Sword. One day hopes to hold it in his own hands and vanquish monsters with it. 33. Boss Bangoa. Minea's chief carpenter, is presently searching for one of his men, Donis, who's been grievously slacking on the job. Intends to smack some sense into Donis, then drag him right back to work. 34. Orman. Minea's bartender. A man of many muscles, having once worked as a mercenary on the mainland. Has become rather concerned by the ongoing thefts around Minea, and is thus planning a thief hunt. 35. Donis. A one-eyed drunkard from Minea. Not much to look at, but he has a good heart, and is greatly depressed by the loss of an important item. Should be at work, but fears his boss' fists of fury. 36. Garreck. A warrior from Minea, hired by Orman to aid in the thief hunt. Has dedicated himself to sampling the world's cuisine, and wishes to find the fabled Roda Seed during his stay in Esteria. 37. Ricardo. A patron of Orman's bar in Minea who spends every waking hour drinking with Cezar. Has been a bit depressed of late due to the hiatus of his beloved troubadour. 38. Cezar. A drunkard from Minea. Used to be a fan of hard liquor, but has recently discovered the wide world of wine. Always compares vintages and fancies himself an expert. Plans to get wed soon. 39. Miner Doug. A patron of Orman's bar in Minea. Used to work in the silver mine, but after its closure due to demon infestation, he began drinking heavily -- and he was already a big drinker to begin with. 40. Chest. A patron of Orman's Bar in Minea. Used to be a tour guide, but has been out of a job since the Stormwall first appeared. Remains disturbingly optimistic despite his hardships. 41. Old Man Franz. An old man from Minea with a great love of Esterian lore. Often reads its legends to his grandson, Lucca, as fairytales. Very close with Sara the fortuneteller, and worries for the future. 42. Nikki the Dancer. A dancer from Minea. Wears make-up to appear mature, but only just turned 20. Hates it when people wallow in depression, so she dances at Orman's bar in an effort to boost everyone's spirits. 43. Doctor Klaus. Minea's resident doctor. Has been exceptionally busy ever since the monsters appeared, and is more often out and about than in his clinic. A well-reputed, well-liked and dedicated professional. 44. Nurse Lisa. Head nurse at Klaus' clinic in Minea. Has been handling in- patient care whenever Klaus is out on house calls. Her care and counsel is so desired that many patience pray for a lengthier recovery. 45. Theodore. A young man hospitalized in Minea with injuries from a Rheboll attack. Narrowly averted death by escaping to the shade of one of the great trees on the plain. The monsters did not follow. 46. Bron. A young man hospitalized in Minea. Boasts of his might, so when monsters appeared in the mine, he tried to fight them off-- but it didn't go well. Sleeps off his pain, dreaming of naughty things. 47. Old Man Mash. An old man hospitalized in Minea. Was struck from behind, and had his Silver Shield stolen by an unknown assailant -- likely one of the thieves from the mountain region, he believes. 48. Kain. A patient in Minea's clinic. Was attacked by Rhebolls on his way to Minea from Zepik, and seems to have been traumatized by the experience. Still has nightmares about Rhebolls chasing after him. 49. Pim. A bartender who runs a shady pawn shop in Minea where all goods -- including stolen and lost items -- are fair game. Renowned for never lowering his prices, but claims them all to be negotiable. 50. Charme. A woman from Minea. Franz's daughter and Lucca's mother. Knows the land's folklore well, just like her father. Claims there was once to be a south gate built in Minea, but the plan was scrapped. 51. Buck. A former miner from Minea who lost his job when the monsters showed up. Tried to resist, but was unable; and ever since he's become utterly terrified of the abandoned mine. 52. Tabitha. Buck's wife. Lives in Minea, despite being daughter to the elder of Zepik. Is very concerned for her father, as he seems gravely troubled, but refuses to discuss it with any of the villagers. 53. Mayor Marcel. Minea's mayor. A highly trusted figure amongst the townsfolk, but the troubles of late have saddened him. He constantly worries that Minea's walls won't be enough to protect everyone. 54. Pamela. Mayor Marcel's wife. Offers her husband unconditional support in these trying times. Claims that the wall around the city was not a recent construct, but has been there since antiquity. 55. Rosetty. An attractive middle-aged man who's been running a weapon shop in Minea for many years. Well-versed in combat; can easily discern the combat potential of customers. Dios' father. 56. Dios. Minea's armorer. Obsessed with armor, and gets mad if you tell him the best defense is a good offense. Believes instead in survival of the fittest. Son of the weaponsmith, Rosetty. 57. Old Man Betel. A Minean resident who once climbed a Roda Tree all the way to the tippy-top. Now, he's grown old and weak, but thanks to Dr. Klaus, he's still just as chipper as he ever was. 58. Lydia. Betel's young daughter, in search of a boyfriend, and isn't very picky about his personality as long as he's handsome -- but won't date younger men. Seems to have seen the black-cloaked man. 59. Freddy. Daria's son. Lives in Minea. Constantly attempts to convince his mother in Barbado to come live with him in Minea, but she won't hear him out. This has him very troubled. 60. Martha. Freddy's wife, and Johan's mother. Lives in Minea, but seems unconvinced that the wall around the city offers any real protection. Feels suffocated by the goings-on throughout Esteria. 61. Old Man Harrison. Charlotte's father and Ephy's grandfather. Once lived in Rastin, but lost his home, his wife and his son-in-law when monsters attacked from the silver mine there. 62. Charlotte. A woman who lives in Minea after her hometown of Rastin was destroyed by monsters. Once lost the will to live, but regained it by focusing on her daughter, Ephy, and Reah's beautiful music. 63. Ephy. A very young girl living in Minea after her hometown of Rastin was destroyed. Doesn't understand what happened, and thus hopes to return home one day, and resume her normal life. 64. Sara. A fortuneteller living in Minea. Renowned for her startling accuracy, having even predicted the Stormwall and monster invasion. Sees something in Adol, and guides him on a quest to Ys. 65. Jeba. Sara's aunt, who lives in Zepik Village. Extremely well-versed in Esteria's history and culture, herbs, and even fortunetelling. The other villagers really look up to her. 66. Mayor Robels. Zepik's Elder. Guards the Silver Bell, which has been the village's treasure for generations. Seems troubled recently, though, and seeks a kindly non-villager to aid him in an important matter. 67. Linda. Elbert's wife, and Mark's mother. Lives in Zepik, and is very set in her ways. Serves as a model housewife, devoting herself completely to always making her home a more comfortable one. 68. Mark. The only child in Zepik, but he doesn't let that get him down! He's perfectly content just playing outside, and can often be found fishing at the lake or basking in the rays of the sun. 69. Granny Edda. Elbert's Mother. Lives in Zepik, and fancies herself an expert in wild plants, nuts, berries, and the like. Used to pick Roda Fruit all the time, but lately, it simply hasn't been growing. 70. Iris. Luta's wife. Lives in Zepik and constantly worries about her husband, who sleepwalks almost every night, often putting himself in grave danger in the process. 71. Clive. Has the face of an old man, but is only in his twenties. Has grown weary of being single, but lives amongst mostly elderly individuals in Zepik Village, making his girlfriend hunt a challenge. 72. Old Man Lahan. An old man from Zepik who believes that if monsters exist, then so too must the Goddesses described in the ancient legends. As such he spends his days praying for the Goddesses to appear. 73. Palma. A woman from Zepik who worries about her health faltering due to the large number of elderly individuals living around her. Also worries about the elder due to his frantic behavior. 74. Old Man Cronen. An old man from Zepik who used to work as a miner. In those days, he recalls there were two Goddess statues enshrined in a mine cavern -- but one day, one of them simply disappeared! 75. Demi. A kindly, reserved woman from Zepik, beloved by all the villagers. Recommends speaking with an old woman named Jeba if you have any questions pertinent to your adventure. 76. Old Man Pablo. An old man living in Zepik who absolutely loves fishing at the lake, and does so every single day. He rarely ever catches anything, but he doesn't seem to mind -- he just enjoys the sun! 77. Granny Lucia. A deeply devout old woman from Zepik who believes that the village's treasure, the Silver Bell, is what keeps the monsters at bay. She feels that its tonal quality has a purifying effect. 78. Elbert. Linda's husband, and Mark's father. As one of the few young men in Zepik, he feels it's his duty to patrol for monsters. Recently spotted the man in the black cloak pass through to the north. 79. Granny Soya. An old lady from Zepik who adores ghost stories, and readily blames unexplained occurrences on ghosts. Warns of a hooded spirit in the shrine to the north, though who can say if it's real? 80. Granny Tohbe. An open-minded old lady from Zepik, who seems willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. When asked about the monsters or the thieves, she simply says, "I don't know what they're thinking." 81. Old Man Corvo. An old man from Zepik who was rescued from monsters by Goban. Now regards the thieves as honorable individuals, and believes the recent incidents must have been someone else's doing. 82. Goban. Head of the bandits residing in the Thieves' Den at the foot of Darm Tower. Would never rob from the weak or defenseless, and is highly respected by all those who serve under him. 83. Lugan the Thief. A young thief working under Goban, and the first thief Goban recruited. Has a foul mouth and even fouler temperament, but is a very honorable man who would never betray anyone's trust. 84. Morgan the Thief. A fat thief who seems like a ruffian at first, but has a real heart of gold. Used to work in the mines with Goban and almost lost his life down there, but Goban saved him from his fate. 85. Feena. A girl Adol rescues from a cold, lonely cell beneath the shrine. Doesn't remember anything but her name, and has no idea why she'd been locked away in the first place. 86. Luta Gemma. A poet and troubadour from Zepik who sleepwalks almost nightly, constantly worrying his wife by wandering out to the plains without even realizing it. Started around the time the monsters came. 87. Dogi. One of Goban's men, with a penchant for breaking walls. rescues Adol from prison in the Tower of Darm, along with Luta Gemma. Strong, kindly, and loyal, he and Adol quickly become friends. 88. Raba. A scholar hiding out in a secret room in Darm Tower. Came to Esteria 6 months ago to research its ancient ruins, and happened to be in the tower when the monsters first appeared. #-# 7. Ys I Experience Progression #------------------------------------------# Level Experience Level Experience 1 0 6 3200 2 200 7 6400 3 400 8 12800 4 800 9 25600 5 1600 10 51200 #-# 8. Ys II Controls #-------------------------------------------------------# D-Pad or Analog Stick: This moves Adol around the screen. You can choose to toggle between eight direction and four direction moving. Triangle Button: This will use an equipped item, if it has such a use. You cannot use items during boss battles, but any other time they are available. X Button: This will cast your equipped magic spell. Be careful to keep an eye on your magic meter, as you can only cast a spell if you have both enough MP and the bar hasn't been darkened by you rapidly-casting magic. L Shoulder: This cycles through your available accessories; remember this because it can help you outside of boss battles. R Shoulder: This cycles through your available magic spells, which can only be used once Adol is given the ability to use magic. Square Button: This is a shortcut to the Item menu to equip items. Circle Button: Toggles between run and walk, whichever you have set up in the options. You will use this sometimes to help guide Adol in combat, as it is rather useful to make quick turns if he walks. Select Button: This button turns off the overlay which shows Adol's stats, after you find a certain key item. Start Button: This brings up the game menu and allows you to equip Adol, check your item inventory, or fiddle with the settings. #-# 9. Ys II Items #----------------------------------------------------------# Short Sword - +5 STR. A small, reasonably priced sword. Handles well, but not especially powerful. Adol will need to purchase this for 200 gold from Guido the weaponsmith. Long Sword - +10 STR. A long sword with a steel blade. Recommended for serious combat. Adol can purchase this from Guido for 1000 gold, and this is a highly recommended purchase before seriously starting to fight in the mines. Talwar - +20 STR. A sword from the far east. Its exquisite curved blade is extremely sharp. Guido will sell one to Adol for 5000 gold, and it is a highly recommended purchase before passing through the Ice Ridge of Nolta. Hyper Cutter - +40 STR. A sword forged from a unique alloy. Its blue blade has a keen cutting edge. Adol can purchase this from Zalem for 10000 gold, and it is every bit as useful now that the final act of the game opens from Ramia. Battle Sword - +60 STR. A golden sword, imbued with divine fire. It shimmers with destructive heat. Be sure to locate this for Adol inside the Subterranean Canals, as it is a vastly superior sword to anything available until the final part of the game. Cleria Sword - +83 STR. The strongest sword of all. Its blade glows, suffused with the magic of Cleria. Sada has this sword, an heirloom among his family, and if Adol can find him and earn his respect, the sword will be handed to Adol. Wooden Shield - +3 DEF. A hard wooden shield with metal fittings. Not bad, but also not particularly good. It can be purchased for 100 gold from Guido's store. Small Shield - +7 DEF. A small metal shield. Strong and handles well, but only of real use to beginners. Guido will sell this to Adol for 1500 gold. Large Shield - +12 DEF. A large shield that covers half the body. Difficult to handle, but defends well. Adol may buy this for 6000 gold from Guido, and it is worth it when he can afford the price. Iron Shield - +18 DEF. A shield made of the finest iron. Very sturdy, offering excellent defense. Adol needs to find this shield rather than buy it, and when it comes, it's a useful boost. Battle Shield - +26 DEF. A golden shield of immense strength. Offers protection against any physical attack. Adol finds this item inside the Solomon Shrine not a bit too soon. Cleria Shield - +31 DEF. A shield of Cleria. Offers top-rate defense, along with the Goddess' blessings. Adol will be given this shield at the eleventh hour, if he thinks to ask for it. Chain Mail - +4 DEF. Finely woven chain mail. Deflects sword strikes, but is weak to heavy blows. This is the only armor initially available in town, and it is yet essential to avoid getting a swift death as the difficulty scales up. Adol can purchase it for 500 gold from Guido, and it is the only armor available until he finds the Iron Ore. Breast Plate - +9 DEF. A breastplate crafted from steel, offering good defense and maneuverability. Adol can purchase it for 2000 gold once iron ore has been sold to Guido. Plate Mail - +15 DEF. Armor of hammered steel. Heavy, but fully covers the body, offering high defense. It costs a rough 8000 gold, and is only for sale once Guido has iron ore to work with. Reflex - +22 DEF. Armor made from a unique metal. Its reflective resin deflects most attacks. Zalem has this for sale for 16000 gold, and it is the best Adol can purchase. Battle Armor - +32 DEF. Golden armor, boasting superb defense. Weaker blows can't even scratch it. While it is not the strongest armor in the game, Adol will definitely need the boost at this point. It can be found within the Subterranean Canals. Cleria Armor - +45 DEF. Cleria armor; stronger than any other. Worn by he who is chosen by the Goddesses. This is given to Adol before he heads to the final act of the game. It can be missed if you are not backtracking, or failed to meet everyone. Fire Magic - Magic of Tovah, priest of Strength. Transforms willpower into fire. This magic allows Adol to throw fireballs, making combat a little easier to overcome. The spell can also be charged into a very powerful shot, which takes a while to prepare but does considerable damage. It can be cast five times per 1 magic point. Light Magic - Magic of Dabbie, priest of Light. Illuminates all that is hidden. This summons a ball of light which orbits Adol and lights up dark areas, along with causing a small ripple effect near hidden passages. The spell steadily drains magic while active. Return Magic - Magic of Hadal, priest of Earth. Transports the user to select towns or villages. Once Lilla is saved, Banoa hands this to Adol in thanks. It costs 20 magic to teleport. Alter Magic - Magic of Gemma, priest of Knowledge. Makes Adol a Roo, letting him talk to demons. This is an interesting magic, and it is indeed quite a useful tool late in the game. Not to mention there is some entertaining dialog hidden behind the use of this. It will drain your magic while active, so keep an eye on the magic meter. Time Magic - Magic of Mesa, priest of Time. Freezes the flow of time itself. For a brief few seconds, indeed, everything stops dead before starting back up again. Uses 6 magic to activate. Shield Magic - Magic of Fact, priest of Spirit. Creates a barrier that none can penetrate. This makes Adol invulnerable, but drains his magic constantly and swiftly. Instead of taking damage, the spell takes away some magic. This spell only is available at the end of the game, but without it the final boss will eat Adol alive. Spirit Cape - A feather cloak worn by spirits of legend. Brings healing power to its wearer. As the Heal Ring from the previous adventure, this accessory will restore Adol's health as he stands still anywhere. Hawk Idol - A hawk idol with piercing blue eyes. Focuses the power of fire on its target. Invaluable idol, this should always be on if you plan on using Fire Magic offensively after locating this. Falcon Idol - A falcon idol with piercing red eyes. Focuses fire magic with greater accuracy. The 'multi-homing' ability is activated, and thus Fire Magic gets yet another incredible boost! When a charged shot hits, it will split into smaller projectiles which don't home, but will spiral outwards. Cleria Ring - A shiny ring made of Cleria, imbued with the power of the Goddess' protection. This ring allows Adol to sometimes parry an attack, but randomly. It's better than nothing once you find it, and serves as a small boost. Ring of Ease - Has a soft green hue. When worn, it calms the soul and soothes away one's troubles. The ring will halve magic consumption, which is rather useful if you need to make Adol's magic last longer. Goddesses' Ring - A ring worn by a Goddess. Imbued with the power to purify evil. Adol needs to have this ring to stand a chance against the greatest enemy he has to face. Without it, his chances are quite slim. Volume Hadal - One of the six Books of Ys. Written by Hadal, the Priest of Earth. Volume Tovah - One of the six Books of Ys. Written by Tovah, the Priest of Strength. Volume Dabbie - One of the six Books of Ys. Written by Dabbie, the Priest of Light. Volume Mesa - One of the six Books of Ys. Written by Mesa, the Priest of Time. Volume Gemma - One of the six Books of Ys. Written by Gemma, the Priest of Knowledge. Volume Fact - One of the six Books of Ys. Written by Fact, the Priest of Spirit. Ancient Tablet - A stone tablet describing the Books of Ys and the Sanctuary of Toal. This will spell out Adol's goal from the beginning of the game. Rod of Divinity - A cane made from fine, old wood. In Ys, it served as proof of a great leader. While it may have served as such before, today it serves as the tool which awakens magic in Adol. Iron Ore - A mineral with a dull sheen. Worthless now, but can be refined into top-tier steel. Selling it to Guido allows newer armor to enter stock for Adol; this is really only used for that purpose. Blizzard Bulb - Frozen ice crystals. If used in a moist atmosphere, the water will solidify. Use this in the Ice Ridge of Nolta to pass over a misty chasm. Shrine Key - A key of dull brass. It'll open most of the doors in the Shrine. As said in the item description, this key unlocks the pesky doors in the Solomon Shrine. Floodgate Key - A rusted iron key. Opens the Water Control Room beneath the Shrine. Once Adol has this, he can drain the water out of the Canals. Whisper Earrings - Magic earrings with the power to amplify even the faintest of sounds. Adol can use these in various places to learn more information. Lila Shell - A mysterious shell given to Adol by Hadat. Allows for long- distance communication. Adol can listen to Hadat's advice through this, for a little extra help in the Solomon Shrine. Pass - A pass to the north part of the Shrine. If shown to the guard, he'll open the gate. Of course, this will only work if Adol is disguised so the guard doesn't attack. Silver Pendant - Blue-jeweled necklace. Use at the Goddess Statue to reach the Central Shrine. This is similar to Sara's Crystal, in that it will allow Adol to teleport into a sealed area. Golden Pendant - Red-jeweled necklace. Use at the Goddesses' statues to enter the Shrine's Core. This is the other pendant which lets Adol move around the Solomon Shrine, and with it he can proceed to the final act. Silver Harmonica - Reah's harmonica. Its clear timbre has the power to dispel evil. This is an important item, and it is the only thing which will break the last seal on the way to confront the root of evil in Ys. Evil Bell - An ominous looking bell shaped like a skull. Its evil sound summons demons. Adol needs this in order to lure demons to him at a certain point. Scroll of Guidance - When read before the Goddess' statues, their guidance will be granted. Every area past the Sanctuary of Toal, there will be statues to commune with, and they will offer advice for how to proceed. It's very useful if you plan on getting through with minimal aid from the walkthrough. Anti-Illusion Mirror - A beautifully-decorated mirror with the power to dissolve foul illusions. Use this to find the real door out of the Ice Ridge of Nolta. Black Pearl - A jet black gemstone of profound magic, housing an unnatural flame at its core. The demons seem to regard this as a source of great power but how could it be used? Sacred Cup - A sacred vessel that purifies water, giving it the ability to dispel evil. Adol locates this in the Solomon Shrine, and will need its powers later on. Dreaming Idol - A bust in the form of a holy woman from ancient times. Provides healing. Adol needs to collect this idol to undo some of the demons' magic inflicted on the people of Ys. Mattock - An old Mattock. Can break through fragile walls and clear away rubble. Use this to free Dr. Flair, along with digging out treasures in other places. Banoa's Letter - A letter to Dr. Flair, from Banoa of Lance Village. Deliver this to Dr. Flair once Adol finds him, to get him to make Lilla's medicine. Lilla's Medicine - A cure for Lilla's sickness, made from Celceta Flower and Roda Fruit. Simply deliver this to Banoa when Dr. Flair finishes it. Stone Shoes - Shoes made with stone soles. Grants their wearer perfect stability on icy slopes. Exactly as they say, Adol must wear these to pass through the Ice Ridge of Nolta. Roda Leaf - A blessed leaf from the Roda Tree. Has the ability to filter out the poisonous gas. Adol needs to get this in order to travel through to the prison in the Moat of Blessedburn. Wing - A mysterious, magical wing. Allows its user to return to previously- visited locales. Adol can purchase this for 100 gold, and the language of the description hints there are more areas to teleport to; there are. Ys II is much bigger overall than Ys I, just walking it would make the backtracking which happens nigh impossible to overcome. Herb - A medicine found all over Ys. Has the power to heal minor wounds. It will restore up to 50 health when used. Apple - A succulent red apple. Satisfies hunger and restores health. Adol can buy these for 10 gold at Jade's shop, or he can find them in the fields. They can also be given away as gifts. Roda Fruit - A blessed fruit from the Roda Tree. One bite will restore all MP. No, it's not kidding; this is a valuable asset in your adventures. Keep an eye out for where you can find them, because MP is a very precious commodity and does not recharge like HP will. Marle Flower - Pink, wild and grows almost anywhere. Its scent soothes a troubled mind. It may be purchased for 10 gold or found growing in the fields. Using it will restore 10 MP, and Adol can carry more flowers than Roda Fruits. These flowers can also be given as gifts to villagers. Celceta Flower - Has translucent blue petals and blooms in areas with no sunlight. Revitalizing. Dr. Flair needs one of these for Lilla's cure, and so Adol needs to search for one in the depths of the Rasteenie Mines. Cruberry - A red berry, as shiny as a jewel. Its bitter flavor and fresh scent cure fatigue. Adol can find these around Ramia Village easily enough. Eating one recovers up to 40 magic points. Smoked Meat - Smoked meat of the finest quality. Its delicious flavor restores strength. Adol is given this by Theo if he can give enough gifts to him. Raw Meat - Tasty lean meat. If roasted with salt and eaten, it can do a body good! Adol can earn this by buttering up Nash with gifts. It will restore up to 150 health when eaten. Meat Pie - Baked to a light brown color. A bite of this will restore strength instantly. Lucy will hand this over if Adol gives her some small gifts. Eating it will restore up to 100 health. Cruberry Pie - A pie made from fresh cruberries. A delicacy with a sweet, yet tart flavor. Cruberries are found in Ramia Village, and someone there will give Adol a pie with enough gifts to pave the friendship. Much like Cruberries the pie recovers up to 100 magic points. Bestiary Potion - A vial filled with a murky blue liquid. Gives insight on defeated enemies. As before, this item opens the Bestiary function in order to record data; you can still view the entries but not see the numbers until Adol drinks it. Elixir - A mysterious potion which can miraculously revive the dead. Only one vial exists. And Jade will sell it to Adol for a pricey 60000 gold. Luckily, near the final third of the game, that amount can be raised fairly easily with an hour's work. #-# 10. Ys II Walkthrough #---------------------------------------------------# --- Lance Village --- Adol comes to in the land of Ys, where the people living here are rather a bit confused at the implications they've been "lost". Banoa and Lilla take Adol to their home for him to recover from the wounds sustained during the battle in Darm Tower, and when you have control you are given [Banoa's Letter] to deliver to Dr. Flair. Lance Village is full of helpful people, and they are more than happy to answer Adol's questions. There's an iron mine in the fields outside the village, but as with the Rastin mine below in Esteria, it has been overrun by monsters recently and thus cut the village off from the supply of iron ore. This means armor isn't really available, and any iron ore Adol finds is worth quite a lot. After taking a look at the selection of equipment, you can try to deliver the letter and get started. However, trying to deliver the letter to the clinic results in learning Dr. Flair is trapped inside the mine and help is needed to go get him out safely. With no experienced warriors in the village, Leodor clings to Adol's presence and persuades him to help with a small fund of 300 gold to get started. This means you have even less to get moving with than before! In Esteria Adol came to with 1000 gold, here you had nothing except the Books of Ys. In case you hadn't guessed . . . this game is going to begin quite a bit rougher than the last one. Get your sword and shield from Guido and see Lilla before you leave; she'll give Adol an [Apple] and promise to show him where she picks them in the field if he promises to go with her there later. --- Moondoria Field --- Ah, a field with no monsters. Wander northwards and climb the steps to find where trees grow; three of them will produce an [Apple]. Unlike before, Adol can now carry stacks of items, so three apples fits in his pack fine. Also nearby are two [Marle Flowers]. A little further north is a cliff overlooking a vast structure to the north; this is the Solomon Shrine, the heart of Ys. It sits atop the Ice Ridge of Nolta, a frozen reach of mountains. After this, Lilla decides to stay and pick flowers, remarking how they make her feel full of energy. This is exactly what they are used for, to recover a small bit of MP once you can cast magic. After stocking on apples and flowers, prepare to move deeper into the field and the ruins. --- Ruins of Moondoria --- And almost immediately, the soundtrack kicks in with fast-paced music. You can take some time to fight for gold and experience, but be very careful. The monsters like to mob around here. They can also deal a lot of damage. Amidst the ruined walls is an [Ancient Tablet]. Growing on some trees is the very nice [Roda Fruit] which was mentioned in the other game as being hard to find anymore. For good reason - one bite of it will restore all MP! It's worth noting some monsters now will attack in other fashions than just walking into Adol for the collision attack system. The Cauctions will slash in front of them if they think they can hit you. Be aware of these things, and try not to stand directly in front of or near monsters if you can help it. While wandering around, in the southeastern area of the ruins is a chamber protected by two rocklike monsters which Adol won't even be able to scratch until he gets his STR to 30. And even then they die rather slowly! Inside the chest they were guarding is the [Rod of Divinity]. North of that is an old man named Leggs, who will say to touch the rod to the statues just nearby. When Adol does, he is given the power to cast magic. Not that he has any spells to cast, he just has the potential now. After this it is time to proceed. Astal guards the door leading down into the mines, and the mayor must give permission for Adol to proceed down. With just a little trip back to town to secure it, the way forward is unlocked. --- Sanctuary of Toal / Rasteenie Mine--- Now Adol faces long corridors interconnecting and offering up the Books to each of the six Priests. Each tomb will allow him to return the linked Book of Ys, and awaken the spirit of the Priest. Somewhere in here is also Dr. Flair, who needs to be located for two separate reasons. First there is the Tomb of Hadal, and the voice of Priest Hadal explains that Adol must return all six Books of Ys to the tombs in order to proceed deeper. Past the tomb are stairs down to the Rasteenie Mine. This place is a maze unlike the Rastin Mine; where there it was a darkened maze and required a lot of careful following of the light, Rasteenie is a series of small rooms which interconnect through arches and connections to the Sanctuary of Toal. I am not good enough to make an ASCII map for you, nor do I have a good hand for drawing and then uploading one . . . so please keep close track of where the caves are. First, navigate through some connecting areas until a split appears; take the left passage and reach the next tomb in the Sanctuary of Toal: the Tomb of Tovah. Once you return the book, head back in and take the other doorway. From now on, it gets tricky but you can find a [Mattock] nearby as well as a cave where Dr. Flair is trapped. The Mattock is required to break him out, and once Adol can rescue him (gaining 100 experience for the deed). When you give him the letter, he needs a Roda Fruit and Celceta Flower to put a cure together. From this cave, backtrack and take the first split cavern to the left in order to reach another part of the Sanctuary. The Tomb of Dabbie is here, and to the north is a chamber with the [Cleria Ring] accessory. Dabbie's spirit will explain the demons' appearance is caused by the use of magic. If Ys used magic, the demons were inevitably to be awakened. The Goddesses must be found in order to help end the cycle. From here, proceed south in the mines and take the first path to the right, then the southwest passage to find the [Fire Magic]. From this point out, Adol will have an actual use for the X button! After that, backtrack a bit and take a split to find a [Herb] near the pond. About now, I'd recommend taking time to build up your equipment and go back to the Moondoria Ruins for a special item. A wooden chest is visible inside a closed room, but a blow from the Mattock opens a crack up so Adol can get in and grab the chest. It contains the [Bestiary Potion], which will now permit the viewing of information on enemies. Back in the mines, if you return to where you found the Herb, you can take the center passage, then head left to reach the next area of the Sanctuary. Here are two tombs; the Tomb of Gemma, and the Tomb of Mesa. From there the split to the other side will eventually lead to the boss. *** BOSS: Velagunder *** HP: 160, LV: 11, STR: 100, DEF: 40, EXP: 400, GOLD: 600 This boss is not too bad, but you must use Fire Magic to harm him. Its arms will protect the weak point until it attacks, at which point they spread out; when it attacks, it sends a spread of magic projectiles outwards towards you. Getting the hits require some timing and dodging, but consider this a primer for later bosses. As such, he is not too difficult so long as you keep an eye on the magic meter. After defeating Velagunder, the next floor is opened. The maze here is mostly one large maze with a small light radius and torches scattered about. Along the south wall is a hidden arch which leads to [Iron Ore]; you can use this to help out the armorsmith back in Lance Village. Further to the east are more caverns which hold the [Light Magic] and [Evil Bell]. In the north-center of the area is the [Celceta Flower]. The Light Magic can help you find the two hidden doors, since it causes a subtle disruption in the lighting near them. It's time to hike back to Lance Village and settle things now that you have the items to do so. --- The Things in the Basement --- First thing is first, take the components for the medicine to Dr. Flair at the clinic. Then take [Lilla's Medicine] to Banoa for a touching scene and the [Return Magic], along with 300 experience. Once that is done, Guido will buy the chunk of Iron ore for 3000 gold, and the new armor will be started; you won't be able to buy it yet. However you should be able to now afford serious upgrades to your weapon and shield by this point. To get the armor made, you need to leave the town for a while and return; then the Breast Plate and Plate Armor are both available for purchase. If you hadn't picked up the potion in Moondoria, do so when you go to get another Roda Fruit. Then visit Gila and he will request Adol do something about the noises in the basement. After he unlocks the door, check it out yourself. The back wall exudes an ominous feeling, so ring the Evil Bell to have the monsters come running. These monsters are from the deep Rasteenie Mines, so be very careful . . . there are a lot of them and they respawn rather swiftly. Beyond them is another section of the Sanctuary of Toal and the Tomb of Fact. The spirit of Fact will speak to Adol and give him the [Scroll of Guidance]; in order to open the way, the Goddesses must bless the scroll. The statue in Moondoria is where you need to head next. --- Ice Ridge of Nolta --- After an ominous scene, Adol will find himself climbing the frozen rocks of Nolta. First, head to the north and west before dropping south and finding the [Blizzard Bulb]. This item is invaluable for proceeding, as it will cause ice bridges to form where mist is gathered. Head north and east to the furthest corner, then along the north wall to a cavern. Use the Blizzard Bulb to cross the chasm and head down the stairs; under the stairs to the right side is a barely-hidden cave opening. Inside it you can find the [Spirit Cape] which acts like the Heal Ring from the previous adventure. Proceed along the ridges, and keep careful track of what you can walk on safely. You need to find a way to climb the slippery slopes, and this can take a lot of time to work through. About midway through the second set of cliffs the [Hawk Idol] will be found, and much rejoicing to be had as it allows the fireballs thrown by Adol to home in on targets in the general direction of the shot. From there, head to the bottom level of the cliffs, and into a cavern. Here, you need to melt the ice with repeated use of the Fire Magic; it can take a long time to work through. On the other side is a chest holding the [Alter Magic]. From there, fight through the beasts to the top tier on this section, and through the cave you can find the [Stone Shoes]; these shoes will let Adol avoid sliding on the slopes. This will allow him to proceed, and to go through some shortcuts along the way. On the way back, stop to talk to the Goddess statue and learn you need to find a way to see through illusions in order to locate the way through the Ice Ridge. You could continue to explore the ridges aimlessly, or follow a direction. The place you want to reach is on the far left of the first cliff area; use the Stone Shoes to climb the icy paths near where you located the Blizzard Bulb, and grab the chest containing the [Anti-Illusion Mirror]. Take some time to build your level and upgrade equipment before going back to the second cliff segment and heading to the far west. With the mirror equipped, the door will appear in the correct position and Adol can move through to challenge the boss. (As a side-note, if you visit Banoa's house to rest, you'll learn Lilla has left and seemingly disappeared.) *** BOSS: Tyalmath *** HP: 280, LV: 20, STR: 121, DEF: 74, EXP: 600, GOLD: 1200 Tyarmath will jump from place to place, sending shockwaves of sharp ice from the landing point. Never be under him when he falls, or it's a one-hit-KO. Use the Hawk Idol to help deliver shots of your Fire Magic, and do your best to avoid the ice; it can add up quite a bit of hurt. If you're close to level 24, you can probably chip a fair amount of health off with good reflexes and timing. After defeating the boss, Adol will find the caverns take him now into the Moat of Burnedbless. On the road inside this cave, you can replenish your [Herb] stock. --- Moat of Burnedbless --- Just inside the area, the Goddess' Statue will tell Adol about the region and offer words of encouragement. Working westword, and then to the northwest, you can find more [Iron Ore] to sell off. However, if you go too far to the west, you will come across a room of poison mist which saps health fast. Without a way through here, you will need to find another path to take. Easily enough, as the east way is long but full of monsters who can camouflage from sight. Be very careful of them, and move forward slowly. Keep heading north and you will find the Colony of Lava. Everyone here is very distrustful and seems to notice the hair color Adol has before being very quiet. The gate guard at the north end of the village insists the winch is broken and nobody can get through. Use the Alter Magic to turn into a cute demon and talk around town to learn a little more; the "Roos" are kind little critters who are said to be messengers of the Gods. Ruba the gate guard, on the other hand, seems to think Adol-Roo is there to check up on his promise and reiterates that Adol won't be allowed to cross. Confronting him with this in human form earns the full story. Tarf, Ruba's son, was kidnapped and the hostage situation was levered into an arrangement to keep Adol from proceeding any further towards the Solomon Shrine. After promising to help, Adol will be given the [Whisper Earrings] to hear whispers as loud as normal conversations. Adol now has to find Tarf, but the trouble is making it through the area. Return to the area near the Goddess' Statue with the Whisper Earrings indicate there is someone around. Disguise yourself with the Alter Magic, then ring the Evil Bell to draw the attention of the Roos. Once you have spotted them, the nest is open as a place to rest and recover. A [Roda Fruit] can be earned here, as well as the important [Roda Leaf]! Be sure to get that before you leave; note that you cannot talk to them without the Alter Magic on; you will instead get a line of gibberish which cannot be read. Also, the Return Magic will allow you to teleport there too. With the Roda Leaf, Adol can walk through the poison mist and track down where Tarf is kept. To the farthest west is a room where truly powerful monsters dwell, and Adol can find a statue with a [Black Pearl] in it. The monsters will tell Adol-Roo that the Pearl lets them be powerful enough to take on Adol, but it's not obvious why just yet. North of the poison gas, Adol will find a prison where Tarf is kept. With the Whisper Earrings, he can talk to Tarf and learn that someone named Keith needs the Black Pearl to break them out of the prison. If you already have it, this goes smoothly. Otherwise you will need to find the statue and grab the Black Pearl. Once you hand it over, Keith smashes the wall open and then the north gate. Tarf explains what had been going on and then asks for an escort back to the city. Be very careful, since if Tarf dies it's game over. Here is one place the Hawk Idol and Fire Magic can help keep things simple. Also note that Return will not work with Tarf following Adol. Once Tarf is back to the city, they're a lot more friendly to Adol and open the way forward. You'll also earn a fair amount of experience for managing this feat. Take a moment to prepare before heading forward. In the north end of Burnedbless, head south immediately after leaving the village area; you can find [2000 gold] in a chest. From there, follow the path and be careful of the enemies. The boss is just ahead, so conserve your magic. *** BOSS: Gelaldy *** HP: LV: STR: DEF: EXP: GOLD: This one is a bit of an annoyance. This monster is in the form of a head half-buried in the ground which will follow you around. It will also release a large "snake" of orbs which cannot be hurt and will track you down swifter. The only vulnerable time is when Gelaldy opens its mouth to retrieve the snake of orbs. This can take some time, and a lot of mobility to take care of. After some damage, it will start sending out Genes as well as a slightly faster snake. After Gelaldy falls, the passage will wind and turn until it reaches Ramia Village. --- Ramia Village --- The people of the village are frightened of the demons, and Adol learns they have been raiding villages lately looking for sacrifices to offer up. One such girl, Maria, was recently taken and her fiancee Sada ran off after her. Around the fenceline to the south grows a [Cruberry] or two, to add to your collection, and a [Marle Flower] near the abandoned house. The stores here will sell you more advanced weapons and armor, as you are on the edge of the Solomon Shrine. If you can afford any of it, do purchase the two upgrades available. In the basement belonging to a man called Regg is a well which will recover your health and magic. Gorto the guard relays to Adol a dream he had, about two women who told him to open the gate and give all help he could to Adol. Then he relates how the Shrine is behind another gate guarded by monsters and can't be passed if you are a human. He advises Adol to speak with Hadat for advice on a way through. He will hand over a [Lila Shell] as a means of communication for advice. Now Adol can proceed through the gate and start his business in the Solomon Shrine. --- Solomon Shrine --- I personally love the Solomon Shrine, as the atmosphere and level design both help it work. The place is a maze of a city, and the monsters can be talked to while wandering in disguise. The whole feel of it is actually seeing a different civilization in action . . . twisted and evil, but still very detailed. The music is wonderful, in any incarnation of the game. First, take note - the two gate guards? Adol is nowhere near strong enough to take them on yet. He has to trick his way through in an amusing way using the Alter Magic. Once inside, you can either leave it on and go unmolested or take it off and cut your way to find the place where Zava waits for the report on "Adol's" death. The monsters here are varied in strength, and if you venture a bit too far in the city, trouble could fall down on you swiftly. The good news is that the Alter Magic is a safety net and with the R shoulder button used for switching . . . it's simple enough to do. While searching in the Mesa Sector, you can find a chest holding [2000 gold] on the ground floor. Head east to the Gemma Sector, and enter a door in the southmost walk; to get there, merely do your best to follow doors eastwards. A Zavanite will exclaim how Zava is in a conference in the central sector and if this report is really about Adol then she can give a [Pass] to make it through the gates. Now Adol can pass the checkpoint into the Fact sector using the Alter Magic and the Pass. In the Fact Sector, the monsters take a jump in strength, and the area becomes less complex and more straightforward. In the north building, you will find the [Ring of Ease] in a chest. Go down a floor to the center of this sector to find the meeting in progress behind closed doors. Equip the Whisper Earrings to listen in on how things have taken a turn for the good; the key has gone missing with some escapees and the demons have no sacrifices left. The whole of the Shrine has been put on alert and sectors closed off, a password required to pass through. Luckily for Adol, he overhears the password and can now head into the western areas of the Shrine. After giving the password, it's time to check out the buildings you can reach. Be cautious, as in the Shrine, mobs of monsters can spell a rather swift death. In a small building to the south of the Tovah Sector is a chest with [3000 gold] in it. A small courtyard buried in the Dabbie Sector has a [Roda Fruit] in case you need one, but the real attraction is the highest building in the northwest. A solemn air is in the room, but nothing seems to be there. Equip Dabbie's Light Magic to reveal the [Sacred Cup] and grab it. From there, it's time to continue exploring. In the Tovah Sector, Adol runs into a building where Dalles drops in to see Adol running around. In response to the intrusion he flexes his magic to lock the swordsman in the form of the Roo, rendering him rather weakened. Past Dalles is the Subterranean Canal, where the escapees were to have fled into. --- The Escaped Prisoners --- One thing to note, the Fire Magic actually works well underground, but not so well above in the Shrine proper. The maze is not terribly difficult to pass through, but once you find the Hideout the door is locked in Adol's face. They are convinced he's a demon, and so it's a real problem. Consulting the Lila Shell reveals Regg might actually know how to help Adol out, so it's time to return to Ramia Village. Regg listens patiently and then explains he needs the Sacred Cup to do something about this. If you haven't picked it up already, then it's in a chamber in the northwest of the Dabbie Sector. Again, Fire Magic will not work too well in the Solomon Shrine! Once the Sacred Cup is in hand, Regg will use the well water to break the curse on Adol. Now it's time to return to the Hideout and gain entrance as a human. Yet as Adol meets them, Dalles once more manifests his power as a means of adding one more dissuasion to Adol's quest; he petrifies all the humans except him. However, Lilla has the [Temple Key] and has given it to Adol! Now he can get into the locked chambers in search of some way of helping the poor people become alive again. I hope you remembered how to reach the locked doors, because now you have to go find them again. Starting in the west, the Dabbie Sector holds the [Time Magic] and [Iron Shield] amidst the corridors. Be sure to put that shield on, as the defense boost is important now. Continue by heading east to the Fact Sector and taking the northeastern door; this will lead back down into the canals. From there, search the area to the east for the [Silver Pendant]. You can also find a [Celceta Flower] if you used your one from the mines. With pendant in hand, enter the center of the Hadal Sector to meet a boss and do battle. *** BOSS: Druegar *** HP: 420, LV: 36, STR: 192, DEF: 144, EXP: 1500, GOLD: 2200 Another giant spider boss. To be fair, Tyalmath wasn't exactly a spider, but it behaved similarly. Druergar lays eggs on the floor as it moves around, and those eggs explode into darts of magic which can cover a wide spray. Along with that, Druergar itself will throw six bolts of magic at you, and takes up a large area of the room as it moves slowly around. With Fire Magic you can blow off two pieces in front of Druegar, and I blew them off so quickly at the start I don't know exactly what they do. I was rather over- leveled (level 40) thanks to running around the Shrine a lot, so once I was dodging well enough the battle went easily. After defeating the spider, proceed to touch the Goddess' Statue. This drops Adol into the West Wing of the Solomon Shrine. Once more, it's time to search for the Canal entrance. In the East Wing, you will find a chest holding the [Battle Shield], so be sure to grab it. Head through the canals and work west, then north, and then east to find Keith. He'll hand over the [Floodgate Key] and direct Adol to the Goddess' Palace. Hadat will have contacted Adol by the Lila Shell about someone coming to the village to see him, so use the Return Magic to find out more about it. It's Tarf, coming to tell Adol that Dalles came by the village looking for him. After this, use the magic to go to the Runaway's Hideout; it's the closest place to the Floodgate Room. Use the key to open the floodgates, and drain the water from the canals; this will allow Adol to reach all sorts of new things, so take time to search thoroughly. In the area under the Tovah Sector (with the Hideout), the [Battle Armor] can be located in the center-north of the canals. Under the East Wing, you can find the [Battle Sword] in a hidden chamber in the extreme south-west. In the same area, the south-east corner is the goal, but a chest with the [Falcon Idol] is there. Hurry up the staircase nearby to find Keith and bad news - the girl Maria has been slated for sacrifice and now Zava is standing guard. It seems the demons learned from the last time, and are taking no chances for escape. It's up to Adol to save the girl. --- Breaking the Curse --- The Campanile of Lane waits, along with much stronger enemies. Valkries are fast and strong, and rarely are alone. Charronts are immune to the Fire Magic but the multi-homing from the Falcon Idol allows the fireballs to pass through them and strike other targets if it has enough time left in flight. To the north is the tower Adol is supposed to climb, but to the west is the Palace. Head there for a scene in which Adol receives instructions from the two Goddesses in person. They can only be reached with the Golden Pendant, which is carried by one of the petrified runaways. To cure the petrification, an item known as the Dreaming Idol must be found and brought to the Goddesses' Palace. After informing Adol of what must be done, they recover his health and magic. As a positive note, now the Return Magic can drop you here. It's time to move on to the tower. In the first room, Zava and two Zavanites are waiting; the two lesser demons become bats and Zava turns into a twisted demonic form. *** BOSS: Zava *** HP: 480, LV: 44, STR: 225, DEF: 191, EXP: 2500, GOLD: 2400 Zava is difficult to understand initially, because you are unable to do any damage for a while. The two bats fly around and do considerable collision damage as well as spraying a stream of projectiles towards Adol. You must use the Fire Magic to eliminate the bats which are summoned in waves; first there are only two, then there will be three, and then four. During this time, Zava will do nothing but shots will track to her. After the wave of four bats, Zava begins sending out dense spiraling projectiles and floating around the room slowly; she also summons bats so one is always around the room. Now the Fire Magic can damage her, and a charged shot with the Falcon Idol equipped can blow a huge amount of life off of her. After Zava has been destroyed, the tower is open. The bell begins to ring, and Adol finds Maria on an altar begging for him to run. But that's not how he does things! It's time to climb the tower and see if the ritual can be stopped. No monsters hinder Adol, yet as he heads up the bell keeps ringing. You can note a chest sealed behind a barrier; we'll be back for this. At the top, Dalles taunts Adol before allowing the bell to ring a fifth and final time. On the way down, Adol can collect the [Dreaming Idol]; sharp-eyed people will notice something seems missing from it, and it resembles a statue seen once before. At the bottom, Adol finds Maria was not saved, and once leaving the silence of the tower the music track changes to show the game has now begun to enter the final act. It's time to take the idol back to the two Goddesses and see what they can do with it. They request Adol find the Black Pearl once more to place it in the forehead of the Dreaming Idol. Well, the last person to have it was Tarf, and he's in Ramia now so let's go visit him! Unfortunately, when he goes to hand it to Adol he discovers a hole in his pocket. He thinks the gate guard might have seen something, so talk to Gorto and learn that a man in a black cloak was by and had spotted something on the ground. The guards at the Solomon Shrine gate confirm Dalles found something and brought it back to the meeting hall. Indeed, when you get back there, the [black Pearl] is on the center podium; swipe it and get to the Goddess' Palace. The Idol is completed and now Adol has to take it to the top of the bell tower. Along the way, he notices the body of Maria has vanished, but again there are more important things to handle. At the top of the tower, the Dreaming Idol emits a bright light and then is silent. The curse has been lifted, and now it's time for Adol to find the Shrine's Core and put an end to this. --- The Final Act --- Back at the Runaway's Hideout, the people have been returned to flesh and Bohtz will greet Adol. After talking to everyone, Keith arrives and gives the people a Wing to get them to safety. Bohtz comments on something he found, and hands it to Adol - the [Golden Pendant] which is needed to continue on to the core of Ys. From the Hideout, use the shortcut in the northeast corner to move to the other section of the Canals, then loop around in the drained level to the northwest of that section in order to swiftly reach the Canals under the Fact Sector. Here you can meet Sada at last, now that he is no longer a stone statue. After telling him about the fate of Maria, he breaks down and then hands Adol his [Cleria Sword] since he no longer needs it to fight. Next he will tell Adol to collect armor of the same metal from his father. Hadat listens to Adol, and then hands over the [Cleria Armor] to 'complete the set'. Only there's a third piece which was lost before Ys rose into the sky. I'm absolutely certain we will never find out what happened to it. Of note, with the Cleria Sword Adol can now actually take on the two guardians of the Shrine and win. They have a lot of health and defense, along with still doing a lot of damage . . . but they are worth a great amount of experience. However, the gate can't be opened without using the Alter Magic to sneak in. Time Magic makes a rather nice way to handle these brutes, and with the Ring of Ease on, it's much cheaper than Fire Magic. Regardless, once you are finished building up and making sure you are ready it is time to use the Golden Pendant. Head to the Goddesses' Statue in the Hadal Sector in order to use it, then use the Subterranean Canals to reach the Underpass. Here at last it is time to face Dalles and put an end to him once and for all. *** BOSS: Dalles *** HP: 510, LV: 49, STR: 238, DEF: 219, EXP: 3500, GOLD: 2500 Dalles will summon orbiting meteors to protect himself, and these could do a fair amount of damage if you are not leveled high enough. At level 52 I was not experiencing severe damage, but the knockback could juggle me pretty badly. Magic will not work on Dalles, as he kindly warns you, so this is a boss fight much like the sort in Ys I; brute force time! Dalles will teleport and throw a number of attacks at you, the symbol on the floor highlighting a different part for each pattern. Primarily if you just pounce in when he is not attacking, Dalles will fall after a relatively long battle; he has a lot of health to whittle down. After he falls, walk to the glowing gold setting in the wall to be whisked away to an ominous chamber. A chest here holds the last magic, [Shield Magic], which is invaluable for the upcoming final boss. Proceed through the corridor and you reach a crystal platform which descends down into the Core of Ancient Ys. Here, Tarf is waiting and tells Adol he needs to hurry up. In the next hallway is Maria, who seems alive and well; she had a bracelet charm which saved her live but only barely. Keith is the next to show up, opening a door for Adol. Pass Gorto, who is beside a barrier he can't open, and you will see Lilla waiting ahead. She gives Adol the [Goddess Ring], and tells him it may break the barrier. Gorto agrees, and when you equip it and push on the barrier it breaks open. Proceeding along the path, you'll see a teleporter, which drops Adol into a very familiar place . . . it's the bottom chamber of the abandoned Rastin Mine outside the empty chamber. One more door remains . . . And inside, the Goddesses sit motionless, held fast by a force of great evil. The source of it answers Adol when you touch the door leading deeper. As it gloats, Goban bursts into the room and throws Adol the [Silver Harmonica]. Playing it brings the Goddesses to their senses and bursts the spell on the chamber. Before going any further, talk to Luta Gemma and he will give up the [Cleria Shield] to complete the set of armor Adol needs. Now talk with the two Goddesses -- Reah and Feena. (If you are surprised, then you have never played a version of this game or the slightly-subtle hints throughout the game were missed.) Reah will bestow all the magic she can muster to infuse the Cleria Sword with strength. After that, it is time to storm the final boss. Darm waits inside the door for Adol. Be sure you have the Goddess Ring equipped, as well as the Shield Magic. *** BOSS: Darm *** Darm begins as a winged demon with a sword, formed around the Black Pearl. He floats around and summons meteors to block off small areas, then they fly at Adol. He will also send out various projectiles of magic, and these will make it hard to reach him (as well as doing damage once the Shield Magic is run out). Simply avoid most of these and strike at him, making sure to keep up. Once half his health is diminished, Darm will float to the hole in the center and be unreachable . . . before emitting beams of light and transforming into just the Black Pearl held aloft by white wings. As it floats around, it will send out three waves of projectiles which will repel you and make it hard to reach the body; good placement will make it easy to sneak in and land blows. Once you reach this phase, patience is important more than dealing damage. Once Darm has been destroyed, Adol's magic drains out of him gradually, and then everything turns white. From there he is brought to the top of the Palace and has a chance to be thanked for his deeds. Enjoy the ending! #-# 11. Ys II Bestiary #------------------------------------------------------# Chrace HP: 20, LV: 2, STR: 20, DEF: 6, EXP: 5, GOLD: 8 A corpse possessed by the spirits of demons killed on the battlefield. Its rotting body makes it slow to attack but its claws and fangs conceal a deadly poison. Cauction HP: 30, LV: 4, STR: 32, DEF: 10, EXP: 5, GOLD: 10 A goblin subspecies which revels in destruction and slaughter. Always on the hunt for new spoils. Not very intelligent, but surprisingly cunning. Godaago HP: 50, LV: 8, STR: 56, DEF: 28, EXP: 6, GOLD: 12 Once a stone gargoyle, but was possessed by evil power and transformed into a demon. Carries no weapons, but its fists alone should not be underestimated. Warrizor HP: 40, LV: 6, STR: 36, DEF: 20, EXP: 7, GOLD: 12 A demon from the Sanctuary of Toal. Coils its body and swiftly strikes its prey, its four tentacles grip the victim as it stabs with the poisoned barb in its tail. Gnometh HP: 50, LV: 6, STR: 44, DEF: 20, EXP: 7, GOLD: 12 Wanders underground, as it despises daylight. Its pale form is coated with thick leathery skin. Seeks out all who are lost in the Ruins, attacking them mercilessly. Zolgell HP: 72, LV: 8, STR: 80, DEF: 22, EXP: 8, GOLD: 14 A type of slime formed from cohesive fluids that enable it to bend its elastic body, giving it general resistance to physical attacks. Highly flammable, however. Ripplet HP: 70, LV: 8, STR: 50, DEF: 24, EXP: 8, GOLD: 16 A type of lichen that's absorbed evil will from the atmosphere, transforming it into a demon. Fiercely territorial, it suffocates those who breach its lair. Tolpi HP: 70, LV: 10, STR: 70, DEF: 25, EXP: 9, GOLD: 16 A carnivorous plant that intoxicates its prey with gassy discharge, then eats it whole while it's paralyzed. The victim is gradually digested overnight. Puroid HP: 84, LV: 12, STR: 90, DEF: 26, EXP: 10, GOLD: 16 A generally sluggish demon that flies into a frenzy once its prey has been spotted. Possesses surprising speed and strength. Do not underestimate. K'nocks HP: 80, LV: 12, STR: 84, DEF: 32, EXP: 12, GOLD: 20 A demon produced when mold and lichen grow over a corpse. Moves by dragging its serpentine body across the ground, and crushes its prey like a constrictor. Carly HP: 80, LV: 12, STR: 96, DEF: 40, EXP: 13, GOLD: 20 A six-taloned demon that crawls around like a spider. Much heavier than a human being. Crushes its prey and devours it whole. Inhabits the Rasteenie Mine. Orihalcus HP: 108, LV: 14, STR: 108, DEF: 50, EXP: 15, GOLD: 25 Bloodstained armor adorns this decapitated cretin, who uses its own head as a shield. No body can be found inside its armor -- only a miasmic, malicious will. Neeli HP: 100, LV: 18, STR: 12, DEF: 52, EXP: 15, GOLD: 30 A well-defended demon able to hack apart its prey with its sharp scythes. However, as an ice elemental, it is predictably weak against fireballs. Gercard HP: 100, LV: 18, STR: 120, DEF: 54, EXP: 16, GOLD: 35 A demon descended from a proud tribe, now serving the demons as a soldier. Its mind has regressed to the level of a beast, but its combat skill remains. Eggnid HP: 120, LV: 20, STR: 136, DEF: 56, EXP: 17, GOLD: 48 Once a holy race that soared majestically in the sky, its many misdeeds caused its wings to atrophy, and it was banished from the holy sanctuary. Galgata HP: 110, LV: 20, STR: 116, DEF: 64, EXP: 18, GOLD: 50 A turtle-like demon form the Ice Ridge of Nolta. Despite its appearance, it attacks with tremendous speed. It may hobble and wobble, but it does so VERY QUICKLY. Gworter HP: 120, LV: 22, STR: 128, DEF: 58, EXP: 18, GOLD: 60 A demon from the Ice Ridge of Nolta. A cyclops with muscles like armor. Un- intelligent, but extremely powerful. Relies on brute strength alone. Swoff HP: 132, LV: 22, STR: 148, DEF: 70, EXP: 20, GOLD: 65 Once a gentle, domesticated race, the demonic influence transformed these ram-horned creatures into carnivorous savages with bloodshot eyes. Found in the Ice Ridge. Preliguard HP: 120, LV: 24, STR:150, DEF: 80, EXP: 22, GOLD: 70 A being said to have evolved from ancient fire lizards. Though no longer able to control fire, it still gravitates toward high-heat environments. Onuman HP: 120, LV: 24, STR: 160, DEF: 84, EXP: 24, GOLD: 75 A demon resembling an ape, with a curved back, long arms and clawed fingers. Upon catching sight on an enemy, it rushes into battle at full speed. Scollun HP: 144, LV: 24, STR: 172, DEF: 86, EXP: 26, GOLD: 72 A two-tailed scorpion with a peculiar leg structure that allows for quick, silent movement. One strike from its poisoned barbs will kill its prey in short order. Xelbenoth HP: 150, LV: 26, STR: 184, DEF: 90, EXP: 32, GOLD: 88 A horned demon from Burnedbless. Has a human body with the head of a bull. Strikes at foes with a large axe, but will also happily gore its victims with its horns. Gene HP: 180, LV: 28, STR: 200, DEF: 96, EXP: 34, GOLD: 100 Once a harmeless fire sprite, the demonic influence transformed this creature into a malicious beast. As it is already wreathed in flame, Fire magic does not hurt it. Dirga HP: 130, LV: 24, STR: 152, DEF: 94, EXP: 28, GOLD: 78 A sluggish demon from the Moat of Burnedbless. Its back is protected by a carapace, which provides excellent defense with its firmness and flexibility. Topus HP: 130, LV: 24, STR: 168, DEF: 88, EXP: 30, GOLD: 82 A living fossil from the age of the dinosaurs. Quick to anger, and attacks both with the force of its weight, and with the two long spikes that protrude from its back. Magnute HP: 156, LV: 26, STR: 188, DEF: 92, EXP: 34, GOLD: 90 A demon from the fiery Moat of Burnedbless. Its body is made up of fused lava, mercilessly burning all it touches. Fire magic has no effect on it. Zearot HP: 250, LV: 46, STR: 370, DEF: 230, EXP: 130, GOLD: 270 A Bearot noble who guards the gates of Solomon Shrine. Undefeated in battle. Its kind has been dubbed the 'Blazing Madmen' and it does live up to that name. Ashveil HP: 180, LV: 30, STR: 192, DEF: 84, EXP: 35, GOLD: 110 A bio-luminescent ogre with a taste for flesh. Attacks its prey without mercy, brutally flaying them with its spear. Found in the Shrine's entrance area. Baocar HP: 185, LV: 30, STR: 196, DEF: 80, EXP: 38, GOLD: 100 A demonic monk bearing a magic wand and cloaked in dark red robes. A low- rank mage, but the energy it fires from its eyes is quite deadly nonetheless. Nashzar HP: 190, LV: 30, STR: 196, DEF: 96, EXP: 44, GOLD: 115 A goblin-like creature that keeps most of its body shielded while striking foes with a spear. Often uses its horns to throw its prey into the air for easier hits. Malochius HP: 200, LV: 34, STR: 204, DEF: 106, EXP: 65, GOLD: 160 A demon renowned for its one red eye. Can roll itself up into its shell for protection, and its exoskeleton bends and gives readily, allowing for quick movement. Allomod HP: 205, LV: 34, STR: 212, DEF: 108, EXP: 72, GOLD: 180 A demon with the lower body of a horse, but a buffalo's horns on its head. Carries a large trident which it wields with great precision, impaling all who oppose it. Trover HP: 205, LV: 34, STR: 220, DEF: 112, EXP: 78, GOLD: 200 A demon found in the west section of Solomon Shrine. Has thick skin and unnatural strength. Wields a two-handed halberd to eliminate its opposition. Godrup HP: 210, LV: 36, STR: 224, DEF: 125, EXP: 88, GOLD: 220 A high-ranking goblin with an armor-like appearance. Though its strength and intelligence are average at best, it's extremely self-conscious, angering readily. El Endes HP: 190, LV: 32, STR: 200, DEF: 90, EXP: 52, GOLD: 120 A demon found in the northeast part of the Shrine. Floats about, wielding a scythe like the Grim Reaper. One swing can easily split a man in twain. Nustarl HP: 195, LV: 32, STR: 196, DEF: 96, EXP: 56, GOLD: 130 A statue-like demon that stays perfectly still to fool its prey, then strikes when they least expect it. Drains the life energy of its prey with its eyes. Bearot HP: 198, LV: 32, STR: 204, DEF: 100, EXP: 62, GOLD: 150 Strongest of the humanoid demons. Adorned in golden armor that's harder than diamonds. Only the mightiest of strikes can even come close to penetrating it. Delpus HP: 208, LV: 36, STR: 236, DEF: 114, EXP: 82, GOLD: 200 A small beast from the canal, possessing the strength of a giant and the agility of an eagle. Kills by attaching its legs to the target's head, and suffocating it. Dypthelloid HP: 250, LV: 38, STR: 240, DEF: 116, EXP: 96, GOLD: 210 Originally a member of the mightiest tribe of dragons, its wings have devolved into a useless state, but its fiery breath remains intact. Found in the Central Shrine. Ceabith HP: 240, LV: 42, STR: 272, DEF: 140, EXP: 116, GOLD: 255 Looks like a brutish human, but with tough skin. Wields a hatchet-like blade. The expression on its alligator-like face betrays its lust for slaughter. Rewillvan HP: 220, LV: 40, STR: 252, DEF: 126, EXP: 108, GOLD: 240 Found in the Central Shrine. A tough, four-armed monster with bright blue skin. Its crimson claws can cut down any intruder, leaving not a moment to counterattack. Forkless HP: 220, LV: 40, STR: 244, DEF: 122, EXP: 104, GOLD: 240 Found in the Central Shrine. The horns which grow from its head are proof of its noble descent from dragons. Can cleave a man in twain with its mighty tail. Gearot HP: 230, LV: 42, STR: 260, DEF: 135, EXP: 112, GOLD: 250 A Bearot elite. Demands to be referred to by its given title, 'Master', and brings down its wrath upon any who dare refuse this simple request. Charront HP: 240, LV: 44, STR: 280, DEF: 150, EXP: 122, GOLD: 260 A lizardman well-firsed in the lore of demons after 100 years of study. Wears a bluish robe and carries a staff, from which it fires painful blasts of energy. Valkyrie HP: 245, LV: 44, STR: 300, DEF: 170, EXP: 126, GOLD: 260 A heavily-armored warrior witch who serves as bodyguard to Zava. Uses its mastery of swordplay to chop its victims to pieces. Found in the royal chambers. Zavanite HP: 250, LV: 42, STR: 280, DEF: 134, EXP: 110, GOLD: 270 Appears as a beautiful young woman, but is actually a loyal follower of Zava, intent on dealing death. A favorite of Zava's due to its unmatched abilities. Velagunder HP: 160, LV: 11, STR: 100, DEF: 40, EXP: 400, GOLD: 600 A huge demon whose body is protected from sword strikes by a hard shell. Fires energy from its eye to decimate its victims. Since physical attacks are ineffective, those with no magic are doomed in its wake. Tyalmath HP: 280, LV: 20, STR: 121, DEF: 74, EXP: 600, GOLD: 1200 An ice creature with precision control over its chosen elemental. With its one eye and strong back legs it can make mighty leaps to attack from above. when it strikes the ground, deadly shards of ice are scattered. Gelaldy HP: 360, LV: 27, STR: 163, DEF: 99, EXP: 1000, GOLD: 2000 A truly hideous beast with the appearance of a giant's severed head. Approaches its prey slowly, occasionally releasing an oversized tentacle from its mouth to block an escape route. Its thick hide is impenetrable. Druegar HP: 420, LV: 36, STR: 192, DEF: 144, EXP: 1500, GOLD: 2200 Looks like a giant spider, more or less. With its four rigid legs, it can only be damaged from the front. Launches countless exploding eggs and balls of energy in an attempt to toy with its prey for sheer amusement. Zava HP: 480, LV: 44, STR: 225, DEF: 191, EXP: 2500, GOLD: 2400 The third most powerful of all the demons. Commands countless minions, and has the appearance of a gorgeous woman, like her attendants. When angered, she'll flay every last bit of flesh from the bones of her prey. Dalles HP: 510, LV: 49, STR: 238, DEF: 219, EXP: 3500, GOLD: 2500 The puppetmaster with the Cleria Cloak who commands the demons. Born of pure demon heritage, making him invulnerable to magic. Only Darm is stronger -- and Darm is the only man Dalles answers to. Darm HP: 510, LV: 51, STR: 278, DEF: 240, EXP: 5000, GOLD: 2550 The source of all magic and all demons. Once guided the land of Ys to prosperity, but later spawned demonkind. Some call him the devil. His true form is the Black Pearl -- an item housing unimaginable dark power. #-# 12. Ys II People #--------------------------------------------------------# Note: Many of the entries are leftover from Ys I, and fill up the first page of the journal. Talk to everyone you can see if you want to fill this up. 1. Feena. A girl Adol rescued from the underground labyrinth of the shrine during his previous adventure. She was revealed to be one of the Goddesses of Ys, along with her sister Reah. Offers Adol guidance. 2. Reah. A troubadour Adol met during his previous adventure. Once Adol reached the land of Ys, he learned that she was actually one of the twin Goddesses. Offered Adol guidance on his journey. 3. Goban. The leader of a band of honorable thieves, met by Adol during his previous adventure. Feared by the villagers, but beloved by his men. Descended from one of the Priests of Ys: Tovah. 4. Luta Gemma. A sleepwalking poet Adol met on his previous adventure. Adol later met him again in Darm Tower, and received a mystical charm from him. Luta is descended from one of the Priests of Ys: Gemma. 5. Jeba Tobah. Goban's mother, and Sara's cousin. Met by Adol on his previous adventure. Lives in Zepik Village, and is a very kindly soul. Descended from one of the Priests of Ys: Tovah. 6. Sara. A fortuneteller Adol met on his previous adventure. Recognized him immediately as the legendary brave soul destined to save the land. Guided Adol on his way, but paid the ultimate price. 7. Dogi. One of Goban's men, with a penchant for breaking walls. Rescued Adol from prison on his previous adventure, as well as Luta Gemma. Strong, kindly and loyal, he and Adol quickly became friends. 8. Dark Fact. A descendant of one of the six Priests of Ys: Fact. Was corrupted by evil. Intending to take over the world by utilizing the Books of Ys. Adol faced off against him, and thwarted his plans. 9. Priest Tovah. A Priest from the ancient kingdom of Ys. Supported the twin Goddesses, and was the governing priest of Power. Both Goban and Jeba are descendants. 10. Priest Dabbie. A Priest from the ancient kingdom of Ys. Supported the twin Goddesses, and was the governing priest of Light. It is unknown if there are any descendants. 11. Priest Hadal. A Priest from the ancient kingdom of Ys. Supported the twin Goddesses, and was the governing priest of Earth. It is unknown if there are any descendants. 12. Priest Mesa. A Priest from the ancient kingdom of Ys. Supported the twin Goddesses, and was the governing priest of Time. It is unknown if there are any descendants. 13. Priest Gemma. A Priest from the ancient kingdom of Ys. Supported the twin Goddesses, and was the governing priest of Wisdom. Luta is a current descendant of this lineage. 14. Priest Fact. A Priest from the ancient kingdom of Ys. Supported the twin Goddesses, and was the governing priest of Spirit. Dark Fact was a descendant of this lineage. 15. Lilla. A young girl from Lance. Nursed Adol back to health after his arrival in Ys. A kind, gentle girl beloved by young and old alike within the village. Lives with her mother, Banoa. 16. Banoa. An old woman from Lance. Helped take care of Adol after his arrival in Ys, and kindly worried over him even after he recovered. Lives with her daughter, Lilla. 17. Astal. A young man who guards the entrance to the abandoned Rasteenie Mine, where demons have been spotted of late. Dependable and well-likedamongst the villagers. 18. Leonor Rall. A young man from Lance. Brother of Dr. Flair Rall, he studies medicine under him as his apprentice. When Dr. Flair was away, he did his best to care for Adol. Obsessively devoted. 19. Flair Rall. A doctor from Lance. A very talented, popular man. After being rescued from a cave-in, he learned of Lilla's illness by letter, and asked Adol to gather the ingredients needed for a cure. 20. Nurse Sarina. A quick-witted "Hello, Nurse!" nurse from Lance. Works in Dr. Flair's clinic. Sought after by many men, but is presently single. Been a nurse for 4 years, and is now 21 years old. 21. Elder Cornell. The elder of Lance. When he saw the Books of Ys, he advised Adol to return them to the Sanctuary of Toal. Also said he witnessed two girls resembling the twin Goddesses. Loves sunbathing. 22. Natasha. Elder Cornell's wife. Calmly settled in her ways, she seems at peace with the world. Sensitive and kind, never forgetting to treat the villagers with respect. Her hobby is knitting. 23. Guido. An armorer from Lance. Been busy since the demon revival 6 months ago. Though he has assistants, he can't get the materials he needs to forge armor anymore. Renowned for his heavy drinking. 24. Jade. An item trader from Lance. Values his work more than the money he makes from it. Loves chatting with his customers more than anything else. His one vial of Elixir is the pride of his shop. 25. Gila. A young man from Lance who values calm and solitude above all else. Usually immersed in his thoughts, but lately has been troubled by unexplained noises. Greatly enjoys poetry. 26. Leggs. An old man with great knowledge of magic and the legends of Ys. Spends his days staring at the Goddess statues, which causes the villagers to joke about him. Remains a bachelor. 27. Lazlo. A lance villager skilled in armorcrafting. Due to the demons, however, he can't get the Iron Ore he needs, which has depressed him greatly. Has a wife, Tess, and a son, Tran. 28. Tess. Lazlo's wife, and Tran's mother. Hopelessly devoted to her family, and greatly concerned by Lazlo's recent bouts of depression. Wishes he could get the Iron Ore he needs to resume working. 29. Tran. Son of Lazlo and Tess. Respects his hard-working father a great deal, and cannot bear to see him so troubled. His ambition is to follow in his daddy's footsteps as a smithy. 30. Larsen. Lance's gate guard, sworn to protect the village from demons at all costs. Dozes off on hot days, but seems to have been successful thus far nonetheless. Lives with his mother, Lucille. 31. Bohtz. A miner from Lance. Sheila's husband, and father to Kris and Ceres. Wishes he could return to work at the mine, but respects his family's wishes too much to put himself in danger like that. 32. Sheila. Bohtz's wife, and mother to Kris and Ceres. Worries about her husband due to the demons in the mine. Normally a sweet, motherly type, but can be scarier than any demon when enraged. 33. Kris. The elder of two twins from Lance, and the joker of the pair. Always together with her sister, Ceres. She isn't scared of the demons at all, but is absolutely terrified when her mother gets mad. 34. Ceres. The younger of two twins from Lance. Always together with her sister, Kris. Isn't scared of the demons at all, but is absolutely terrified when her mother gets mad. Idolizes her big sis. 35. Brody. A man from Lance Village. Lives with his mother, Beth, and his wife, Marina. He's a fun-loving soul, but all the depressing rumors of late have begun getting him down. 36. Marina. A housewife from Lance. Worries about the safety of the village, but is even more concerned by the constant rise in prices for basic commodities due to a dwindling supply. 37. Beth. An old woman from Lance. Lives with her son, Brody, and Marina, his wife. Acts like she's farsighted, but may be faking it for attention. Wants grandchildren, but refuses to tell anyone. 38. Caesaria. An old woman from Lance Village. Works as a housekeeper for Astal and Leggs. Since those two are so often out at the Ruins of Moondoria, she often gets the house all to herself. 39. Andy. A man living in Lance who's been hearing strange noises from underground ever since the demons first appeared. He tries to ignore them, but can't help listening whenever they start up again. 40. Oseam. An old man from Lance Village. Settled in the area long ago, and laments the recent changes in the land. An old friend of Leggs' and an overall compassionate man. 41. Kate. An outwardly AND inwardly calm housewife; well-matched with her kindly husband, the one and only Jade. Like any stereotypical wife, her hobbies include cookery and idle gossip. 42. Lucille. Larsen's mother, and a resident of Lance Village. Possesses some psychic powers, and has recently been made aware of an evil presence at Gila's House 43. Masontorch. A gossipy girl from Lance who loves learning secrets, but loves telling them even more -- and since people know that, they're usually not eager to share any with her. Looks great with a ponytail. 44. Colt. A boy from Lance who hates being treated like a kid. Talks like a ruffian, but is actually a very kind, compassionate little man. Always plays together with Tita, and adores Lilla. 45. Tita. A girl from Lance who gets jealous of pretty much everything. Tends to yammer a bit, and follows Colt everywhere, playing games around the village. As with Colt, she also adores Lilla. 46. Esca. A young girl from Lance, and a friend of Lilla's, Wonders if there's any future for Adol and Lilla as a couple. A cheerful, lively soul, who loves to get herself mixed up in the affairs of others. 47. Lucy. Younger sister to Theo, the pikkard-keeper. Has a rather charming lisp. At Theo's behest, she tends to the needs of the penned pikkards in Lance. Loves writing lyrics and naming pikkards. 48. Theo. A pikkard-keeper who's been raising his livestock in the village since the advent of the monsters. Sometimes lets his sister, Lucy, tend them, but has begun to question the wisdom of that decision. 49. Polo. A young man from Lance who always thinks, but never acts. He's generally thought of as being full of hot air, and most people have learned to ignore his ramblings. 50. Saffron. A woman from lance who's recently been tormented by ominous howling sounds from below the ground every single night. They keep her awake, and as a result, she's constantly exhausted. 51. Ruba. A man from the Colony of Lava. Minds the drawbridge at the north end of the village, but it seems to be out of order right now, so no one is able to cross. Has a son named Tarf. 52. Tarf. A boy from the Colony of Lava. Ruba's son. Recently abducted by demons and imprisoned in a cave. Became rather attached to Adol after being rescued by him. Thinks of Adol as a big bro. 53. Fred. A man from the Colony of Lava. Has a stern temperament, and greets Adol with harsh words on their first encounter. Lives with his wife, Natalie. 54. Natalie. A woman from the Colony of Lava. Lives with her cranky husband and one black cat. In contrast to her husband's nervousness, Natalie is a rather calm, cool woman. The cat's name is Van Treine. 55. Noit. A man from the Colony of Lava. Lives a mostly carefree existence, worrying more about the disappearance of the Roos than the demons outside the village. Married to Rafa. 56. Rafa. A woman from the Colony of Lava. Her husband Noit's devil-may- care attitude worries her more than the demons outside the village. Has a personality very similar to that of her husband. 57. Rex. An old man from the Colony of Lava. Despite his age, he's actually very healthy. Honest and forthright, which means he's awful at keeping secrets. His granddaughter's influence keeps him young. 58. Chelnie. Rex's granddaughter, from the Colony of Lava. Been unable to play with her friend Tarf lately, so she's gotten a bit bored. With no female friends to play with, too, she's a bit of a tomboy. 59. Favre. An old man from the Colony of Lava. Used to work as the drawbridge guard, but has entrusted that duty to a new generation now. A kind man, respected by all the villagers. 60. Elle. A girl from the Colony of Lava. A bit shy, and makes a cold first impression. Comes across as rude, but is actually a very kind person who loves children. 61. Meryl. A woman from the Colony of Lava. Speaks curtly, but is very kind at heart. Friends with Raga, and loves to dish out secrets with her about her husband, Carson. Rafa generally returns the favor. 62. Carson. A man from the Colony of Lava. Tends the south-side drawbridge. Sometimes visits the Ice Ridge to cool off, but always feels nervous doing so. Married to Meryl (an older woman -- egads!!) 63. Ischt. Kasim's son, from the Colony of Lava. Mischevious and full of energy. Hopes to set off on an adventure of his own one day. Good friends with Tarf, and often talks of his grand plans with him. 64. Kasim. A man from the Colony of Lava. Ischt's father, and he constantly worries about his son. Often seems overly strict, but he's really just a concerned parent. 65. Flonne. A gentle soul from the Colony of Lava with long, glossy black hair. Qiuet and polite, she is beloved by children. She gets on very well with her cousin, Elle, even though they are complete opposites. 66. Darie. An old woman from the Colony of Lava. Often seems a bit clueless and loopy, but not due to her age -- apparently, she's always been like that! Can't see or hear well, but can gossip with the best. 67. Nash. A young man from the Colony of Lava. Commonly thought to be a bit wishy-washy, but is actually a logical, level-headed individual. Hasn't a mean bone in his body -- he's as nice as can be! 68. Roodle. It's a frightened Roo! Was driven into hiding by the demons, and now fears them. As such, he refuses to leave the nest, only occasionally peeking his head out to reaffirm his safety. 69. Brooce. It's a gentlemanly Roo! Loves to chat, and loves to lecture other Roos on the art of gentlemanliness. Has a brother named Tallyroo who constantly talks about him behind his back. 70. Tallyroo. It's a gossipy Roo! Tells anyone and everyone who'll listen all about his brother Brooce, claiming "it's a secret" every time. Tallyroo is the youngest of these adorable little critters. 71. Touroose. It's a hospitable Roo! Can go a bit overboard on the niceties, but in general, he's very polite and courteous, offering passers-by a spot to rest beside a tree in the Roos' Nest. 72. Prooto. It's an optimistic Roo! One who won't let the fact that the demons drove the Roos from their habitat get him down. Considers laughter the best medicine, and loves living in the Roos' Nest. 73. Roo-kie. It's a curious Roo! Gentle and kindly, but also a bit sneaky. Loves to escape the nest and explore, and saw a demon walking deep into the Moat of Burnedbless with a human child the other day. 74. Rooroo. It's a cutesy Roo! When Adol introduced himself after turning into a Roo, she dubbed him "Ado-roo." Speaks softly, but carries a big... friendly disposition. Stick. Or something. 75. Droozy. It's a sleeping Roo! Quite literally, Droozy is always asleep. No one's ever seen him awake. The only reason anyone knows he's alive is because of his snoring. What might he be dreaming of? 76. Keith. A friendly demon who can communicate with humans. Was imprisoned with Tarf in the dungeon at Burnedbless. Appears to be fighting on the humans' side, so he's constantly targeted. 77. Gorto. A young gate guard from Ramia. A woman in his dreams told him to lend Adol assistance, so he offers advice and aid from the moment Adol sets foot in Ramia. 78. Lloyd. An old man from Ramia who yearns for the peaceful days of old, and pities the young generation who have to grow up alongside demons. Lives with his grandson, Gorto, and a white cat, Sardinette. 79. Hadat. A wise and popular man from Ramia, relied upon by many for his knowledge and experience, is presently worried for his son, who entered Solomon Shrine alone to rescue his fiancee. 80. Sada. Hadat's son. Brave and devoted, he forced his way into Solomon Shrine alone to rescue his fiancee from the demons. Was turned to stone, but Adol broke the curse. Gives Adol his sword. 81. Maria. A girl from Ramia who was abducted by the demons and sent to the bell tower to be sacrificed. Was living with her mother, Karen, and was scheduled to marry Sada in the very near future. 82. Karen. Maria's mother. Weeps when she hears the sacrificial bell toll, as she knows the horror it signifies. Has been sewing and tailoring a wedding dress for Maria's marriage to Sada. 83. Regg. Old Man Regg. An eccentric old coot from Ramia who studies artifacts from the Shrine of Solomon, and can speak the language of the monsters. Has a healing well in his basement, strangely. 84. Zalem. A weapons dealer from Ramia who looks good -- and knows it! Her customers seem more interested in her long, black hair and revealing outfits than her weapons. She, however, loves swords. 85. Frau. A young girl from Ramia, ja? Maria's best friend since they were but wee little Kindern together. Used to be positive and full of energy, but Maria's abduction really got her feeling schiecht. 86. Frith. A man from Ramia who's been charged with keeping people out of Burnedbless, but is usually at the village entrance tending to the goats. Has become concerned over Regg's deepening depression. 87. Blitz. A man from Ramia Village. Has a young daughter named Tanya and a wife named Paulie, who is 15 years his junior. Together, they constantly worry about when the demons may strike next. 88. Paulie. Blitz's wife, and Tanya's mother. Has been ill at ease since the demons first began attacking. Sympathizes deeply with Karen, whose daughter was taken -- a fate Paulie fears for Tanya. 89. Tanya. A girl from Ramia Village. Blitz and Paulie's only daughter. Has grown too frightened to leave her home since witnessing demons attack the village. 90. Neal. A young man from Ramia who works the opposite shift of Gorto, guarding the village entrance from demons. Was once a cheerful and sociable youth, but the demon attacks have driven him batty. 91. Faye. A boy from Ramia who bore witness to Maria's abduction and now seeks to grow strong in order to protect his own family. Totally fearless, but would never go against his parents' wishes for him. 92. Muto. A young man from Ramia. Tends the graves of those who lost their lives to the demons. A sensitive soul who does what he feels he must, but hates every moment of it on principle alone. 93. Jill. An old woman from Ramia Village. Obsessively concerns herself over Karen, who's shut herself up in her house after the demons took Maria. 94. Reise. A woman living in Ramia Village. Sociable almost to a fault, accepting strangers with open arms. A courageous woman who never complains, no matter the hardship. Frau and Faye's mother. 95. Rimera. A girl living in Ramia Village. Wanders frantically through the village looking for her father, Kyle, who was taken by the demons. Seems almost like a confused puppy that lost its master. 96. Kyle. A man from Ramia Village who was taken by the demons. He escaped from confinement before becoming a sacrifice, and hid in the Subterranean Canal. Has a young daughter back in Ramia named Rimera. 97. Boris. A man from Ramia Village, who was taken by the demons. Was rescued by Keith, and is now hiding in the Subterranean canal. Keith, a friendly demon, oddly reminds him of his dead friend from Ramia. 98. Ed. A man from Ramia Village, who was taken by the demons. Was rescued by Keith, and thus escaped the sacrificial ceremony. Unable to leave the Shrine, he stays hidden in the Subterranean Canal. #-# 13. Ys II Experience Progression #----------------------------------------# Level Experience Level Experience 1 0 29 10400 2 50 30 11500 3 100 31 12900 4 200 32 14300 5 300 33 15900 6 400 34 17800 7 500 35 20000 8 600 36 22000 9 700 37 24500 10 800 38 26500 11 1000 39 29000 12 1200 40 31000 13 1500 41 33500 14 1700 42 35500 15 2000 43 38000 16 2300 44 40000 17 2700 45 42500 18 3100 46 44500 19 3500 47 47000 20 4000 48 49000 21 4500 49 51500 22 5000 50 53500 23 5500 51 56000 24 6100 52 58000 25 6700 53 59500 26 7500 54 62500 27 8400 55 65500 28 9400 #-# 14. Ys II Extra Material #------------------------------------------------# --- 14.1 Gifts for the Villagers --- One thing you can do is give Apples and Marle Flowers to people in the towns for advice or gifts. Keep an eye out on the bubbles near their heads, and when they reach a symbol of three hearts, they're at the highest regard for Adol. Once there, you could get a special gift if you keep giving. Otherwise, there is only advice and different dialog. Some may give a 'mascot' for their gifts. I haven't figured out all the details yet, but I am still working on both who accepts gifts and how many before a reward is given out. And nothing has seemed wanted by the Roos, so only so many people will give you something. - Larsen will tell you about a hidden treasure chest inside Rasteenie, which is just an empty box. "Find it, you'll be glad you did!" I have not yet found this box. - Theo will give you [Smoked Meat] if you give him roughly five gifts. - Lucy will give a [Meat Pie] for three gifts. - Nash will allow you to have some [Raw Meat] in exchange for six gifts, but only after you save Tarf from the demons. - Zalem requires no less than six gifts before giving Adol some [Cruberry Pie] as a return gift. --- 14.2 Mascots --- A fun little extra is a "mascot" you can pin to the screen as you play. They take the form of a sprite captured and left to dangle at the place you designate. Some of them are available when you begin, and others have to be earned. For instance, each monster has a mascot earned by completing their bestiary entry completely (killing it enough to fill all the fields with numbers). Each character can be given gifts to raise their appreciation of Adol, and when it reaches the maximum level the mascot will be unlocked. - "Photogenic Lilla" is earned by defeating any boss without being hit. - "Roo" is earned by finding the Roos' Lair. - "I Heart Zalem" can be earned by learning her measurements from Nash. There are countless others which can be earned, but I am rather afraid I don't quite know how to get them. There is a remarkably deep list on the GameFAQs forum for this game, so feel free to consult that for hints or methods. Also, after starting a new game, I was surprised to see the mascots I had earned before had been carried over! #-# 15. Credits #-------------------------------------------------------------# First of all, let me give credit to XSeed who localized this game for North American markets. I enjoyed the first Ys on an NES ROM image, and that is one of my first walkthroughs as well. I was unable to find the actual game, though I was always reminded of seeing advertisements for it buried in a Sears catalog. But to bring the three games they have over was a great thing, and I appreciate the effort! Secondly, I must give further credit to the writers of the Turbo CD entries on GameFAQs for getting me through that game when I played it on Virtual Console six months ago. Without them, I wouldn't have made it through that version of the game and would have been a little lost at some points playing this game. Lastly, to the people who were on the GameFAQs forums and posted useful information ('Wyrmwad', especially, for his few hints), I give you sincere thanks. If anyone has information to offer for inclusion, please feel free to send me an e-mail. My email address is: simon_kereminde at hotmail.com. Please do not send me spam. If you send me questions or information about this walkthrough, please - PLEASE, state it in the topic line! In closing, I hope this was informative and helpful. Have fun playing and let people know how much you enjoyed this game. The Ys series needs some exposure! #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#