******************************************************************************* Bill Walsh Football Copyright 2004, Apathetic Aardvark Email: sinenomine@gmail.com All rights reserved Version 1.0 12/23/2004 ******************************************************************************* Index/Table of Contents ******************************************************************************* Disclaimer.........................................................i Teams..............................................................ii Offensive Plays....................................................iii Defensive Formations...............................................iv Credits............................................................v ******************************************************************************* i) Disclaimer (Legal stuff) ******************************************************************************* Copyright 2004, Apathetic Aardvark All rights reserved. The following sites have my permission to post this; www.gamefaqs.com Any site, magazine, or other form of media, that is not included on this list caught hosting this guide without my written consent is in violation of copyright laws and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the laws. In addition, a terrible curse will be placed upon you and any subsequent generations of your family. ******************************************************************************* ii) Teams ******************************************************************************* There are forty eight college teams in this game. Each team gets a team ranking by how well all of the players at that position do. The ratings per position are 0 to 100, but rarely do you see anything below a sixty. It is wise to play to your teams strengths [duh]. Twenty four of the teams are normal teams, the other twenty four are all time teams. The latter gets a specific year after it, often in cases when that team won the national champsionship. You may notice, some of the teams are listed by their location rather than their name. I do not know why that is, perhaps some sort of copyright thing. Alabama ----- Quarterback - 61 Running Backs - 72 Wide Receivers - 68 Offensive Line - 78 Defensive Line - 76 Linebackers - 100 Secondary - 93 Kicker - 82 Punter - 72 Arizona ----- Quarterback - 69 Running Backs - 70 Wide Receivers - 77 Offensive Line - 50 Defensive Line - 77 Linebackers - 79 Secondary - 63 Kicker - 71 Punter - 93 Boston ----- Quarterback - 64 Running Backs - 79 Wide Receivers - 72 Offensive Line - 70 Defensive Line - 51 Linebackers - 76 Secondary - 84 Kicker - 51 Punter - 87 College Station ----- Quarterback - 58 Running Backs - 77 Wide Receivers - 65 Offensive Line - 73 Defensive Line - 65 Linebackers - 81 Secondary - 78 Kicker - 73 Punter - 83 Colorado ----- Quarterback - 74 Running Backs - 50 Wide Receivers - 98 Offensive Line - 76 Defensive Line - 54 Linebackers - 91 Secondary - 93 Kicker - 75 Punter - 100 Columbus ----- Quarterback - 70 Running Backs - 61 Wide Receivers - 66 Offensive Line - 82 Defensive Line - 61 Linebackers - 71 Secondary - 68 Kicker - 71 Punter - 75 Florida ----- Quarterback - 82 Running Backs - 54 Wide Receivers - 87 Offensive Line - 74 Defensive Line - 50 Linebackers - 66 Secondary - 52 Kicker - 63 Punter - 72 Georgia ----- Quarterback - 64 Running Backs - 84 Wide Receivers - 75 Offensive Line - 78 Defensive Line - 64 Linebackers - 71 Secondary - 73 Kicker - 84 Punter - 77 Hawaii ----- Quarterback - 83 Running Backs - 77 Wide Receivers - 63 Offensive Line - 60 Defensive Line - 65 Linebackers - 50 Secondary - 57 Kicker - 82 Punter - 93 Kansas ----- Quarterback - 88 Running Backs - 78 Wide Receivers - 58 Offensive Line - 60 Defensive Line - 52 Linebackers - 73 Secondary - 70 Kicker - 96 Punter - 68 Miami ----- Quarterback - 80 Running Backs - 50 Wide Receivers - 87 Offensive Line - 70 Defensive Line - 73 Linebackers - 88 Secondary - 85 Kicker - 61 Punter - 83 Michigan ----- Quarterback - 61 Running Backs - 81 Wide Receivers - 74 Offensive Line - 98 Defensive Line - 71 Linebackers - 75 Secondary - 51 Kicker - 55 Punter - 66 Nebraska ----- Quarterback - 74 Running Backs - 93 Wide Receivers - 54 Offensive Line - 74 Defensive Line - 54 Linebackers - 78 Secondary - 69 Kicker - 67 Punter - 89 Provo ----- Quarterback - 67 Running Backs - 68 Wide Receivers - 92 Offensive Line - 77 Defensive Line - 63 Linebackers - 77 Secondary - 55 Kicker - 71 Punter - 79 Pullman ----- Quarterback - 77 Running Backs - 53 Wide Receivers - 99 Offensive Line - 81 Defensive Line - 54 Linebackers - 79 Secondary - 80 Kicker - 80 Punter - 52 Raleigh ----- Quarterback - 62 Running Backs - 72 Wide Receivers - 69 Offensive Line - 78 Defensive Line - 65 Linebackers - 62 Secondary - 74 Kicker - 76 Punter - 64 S.C. ----- Quarterback - 70 Running Backs - 50 Wide Receivers - 82 Offensive Line - 66 Defensive Line - 54 Linebackers - 77 Secondary - 55 Kicker - 55 Punter - 68 South Bend ----- Quarterback - 72 Running Backs - 85 Wide Receivers - 71 Offensive Line - 91 Defensive Line - 75 Linebackers - 75 Secondary - 69 Kicker - 71 Punter - 89 Stanford ----- Quarterback - 69 Running Backs - 73 Wide Receivers - 73 Offensive Line - 90 Defensive Line - 61 Linebackers - 89 Secondary - 92 Kicker - 82 Punter - 83 State College ----- Quarterback - 56 Running Backs - 65 Wide Receivers - 77 Offensive Line - 73 Defensive Line - 55 Linebackers - 73 Secondary - 79 Kicker - 57 Punter - 66 Syracuse ----- Quarterback - 75 Running Backs - 70 Wide Receivers - 79 Offensive Line - 84 Defensive Line - 60 Linebackers - 70 Secondary - 69 Kicker - 73 Punter - 85 Tallahassee ----- Quarterback - 100 Running Backs - 63 Wide Receivers - 90 Offensive Line - 87 Defensive Line - 66 Linebackers - 94 Secondary - 89 Kicker - 55 Punter - 50 Tennessee ----- Quarterback - 80 Running Backs - 61 Wide Receivers - 63 Offensive Line - 74 Defensive Line - 77 Linebackers - 75 Secondary - 62 Kicker - 84 Punter - 79 Washington ----- Quarterback - 80 Running Backs - 60 Wide Receivers - 75 Offensive Line - 84 Defensive Line - 68 Linebackers - 82 Secondary - 82 Kicker - 75 Punter - 66 Alabama 78 ----- Quarterback - 61 Running Backs - 83 Wide Receivers - 58 Offensive Line - 86 Defensive Line - 71 Linebackers - 72 Secondary - 60 Kicker - 57 Punter - 68 Atlanta 90 ----- Quarterback - 77 Running Backs - 70 Wide Receivers - 77 Offensive Line - 81 Defensive Line - 64 Linebackers - 94 Secondary - 75 Kicker - 50 Punter - 62 Auburn 83 ----- Quarterback - 75 Running Backs - 89 Wide Receivers - 50 Offensive Line - 82 Defensive Line - 68 Linebackers - 68 Secondary - 62 Kicker - 84 Punter - 83 Baton Rouge 87 ----- Quarterback - 72 Running Backs - 85 Wide Receivers - 82 Offensive Line - 86 Defensive Line - 58 Linebackers - 69 Secondary - 50 Kicker - 69 Punter - 72 Boston 84 ----- Quarterback - 100 Running Backs - 76 Wide Receivers - 100 Offensive Line - 81 Defensive Line - 53 Linebackers - 58 Secondary - 72 Kicker - 75 Punter - 60 Clemson 81 ----- Quarterback - 95 Running Backs - 81 Wide Receivers - 68 Offensive Line - 81 Defensive Line - 65 Linebackers - 94 Secondary - 93 Kicker - 75 Punter - 89 Colorado 90 ----- Quarterback - 91 Running Backs - 79 Wide Receivers - 72 Offensive Line - 66 Defensive Line - 81 Linebackers - 69 Secondary - 65 Kicker - 67 Punter - 77 Columbus 79 ----- Quarterback - 87 Running Backs - 81 Wide Receivers - 68 Offensive Line - 79 Defensive Line - 69 Linebackers - 88 Secondary - 78 Kicker - 86 Punter - 79 Florida 84 ----- Quarterback - 67 Running Backs - 100 Wide Receivers - 63 Offensive Line - 73 Defensive Line - 59 Linebackers - 67 Secondary - 55 Kicker - 94 Punter - 93 Georgia 80 ----- Quarterback - 59 Running Backs - 84 Wide Receivers - 61 Offensive Line - 70 Defensive Line - 63 Linebackers - 67 Secondary - 85 Kicker - 86 Punter - 62 Los Angeles 82 ----- Quarterback - 96 Running Backs - 67 Wide Receivers - 94 Offensive Line - 82 Defensive Line - 59 Linebackers - 69 Secondary - 65 Kicker - 84 Punter - 68 Miami 91 ----- Quarterback - 83 Running Backs - 58 Wide Receivers - 87 Offensive Line - 82 Defensive Line - 75 Linebackers - 84 Secondary - 77 Kicker - 94 Punter - 66 Michigan 85 ----- Quarterback - 85 Running Backs - 83 Wide Receivers - 79 Offensive Line - 87 Defensive Line - 83 Linebackers - 79 Secondary - 70 Kicker - 75 Punter - 77 Nebraska 83 ----- Quarterback - 88 Running Backs - 95 Wide Receivers - 68 Offensive Line - 98 Defensive Line - 67 Linebackers - 70 Secondary - 69 Kicker - 69 Punter - 85 Oklahoma 85 ----- Quarterback - 91 Running Backs - 77 Wide Receivers - 50 Offensive Line - 67 Defensive Line - 60 Linebackers - 76 Secondary - 98 Kicker - 59 Punter - 83 Pittsbrugh 80 ----- Quarterback - 62 Running Backs - 72 Wide Receivers - 90 Offensive Line - 72 Defensive Line - 100 Linebackers - 96 Secondary - 91 Kicker - 90 Punter - 56 Provo 84 ----- Quarterback - 96 Running Backs - 69 Wide Receivers - 94 Offensive Line - 89 Defensive Line - 58 Linebackers - 73 Secondary - 78 Kicker - 78 Punter - 89 S.C. 79 ----- Quarterback - 70 Running Backs - 99 Wide Receivers - 77 Offensive Line - 100 Defensive Line - 72 Linebackers - 75 Secondary - 72 Kicker - 55 Punter - 56 South Bend 88 ----- Quarterback - 96 Running Backs - 79 Wide Receivers - 65 Offensive Line - 80 Defensive Line - 63 Linebackers - 80 Secondary - 60 Kicker - 71 Punter - 72 State College ----- Quarterback - 64 Running Backs - 89 Wide Receivers - 56 Offensive Line - 83 Defensive Line - 68 Linebackers - 92 Secondary - 62 Kicker - 71 Punter - 83 Tallahasse 87 ----- Quarterback - 66 Running Backs - 93 Wide Receivers - 77 Offensive Line - 79 Defensive Line - 67 Linebackers - 85 Secondary - 89 Kicker - 90 Punter - 72 Tennessee 85 ----- Quarterback - 75 Running Backs - 61 Wide Receivers - 85 Offensive Line - 86 Defensive Line - 64 Linebackers - 63 Secondary - 74 Kicker - 100 Punter - 70 Texas 81 ----- Quarterback - 50 Running Backs - 86 Wide Receivers - 57 Offensive Line - 55 Defensive Line - 100 Linebackers - 98 Secondary - 100 Kicker - 71 Punter - 89 Washington 91 ----- Quarterback - 74 Running Backs - 77 Wide Receivers - 84 Offensive Line - 91 Defensive Line - 77 Linebackers - 92 Secondary - 80 Kicker - 59 Punter - 68 ******************************************************************************* iii) Offensive Plays ******************************************************************************* There are twelve formations to choose offensive plays from. Each formation has a good deal of plays which may be chosen. Running plays appear in white, passing plays in yellow. Here I shall list the plays and describe what should happen and if necessary what actually does happen. Option plays are also listed in white along with running plays, though have blue arrows around them. The formations are divded up a bit more awkward than in many games. They are all listed on the same screen. As you move further down the playbook, an arrow will move to a different letter. In order, they are: W - Wishbone F - Flexbone P - Pro-Form N - Near F - Far S - Shotgun G - Goal Line S - Special teams ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wishbone Formation The Wishbone formation lines up two receivers to the right side and three running backs in the backfield. TRP. OPT. R. - The QB has the option to run the ball himself or dish it off to the FB or RB. The FB heads left whilst the other options all favor the right. TRP. OPT. L. - The same play as above, but the action goes to the left where there is far less blocking. Not nearly as appealing. HB Dive - The QB hands the ball of to the HB on the left side who runs up between the guard and tackle. This play does not work well. FB Lead - The ball is given to the HB who follows the lead of the FB straight up the center. FL Streak - This pass play is designed for the FL [A] to cut across the field while another WR and HB go out on the edges. Double Cross - The name of this play is quite deceptive. The FL and WR go out straight while one of the HBs runs a curvy route to the left. HB Screen - Passing play with the FL and WR going up the field straight out while there is lots of movement in the backfield to throw off the defense. TE Streak - The FL goes straight out while the TE goes out short and cuts all the way across the field while the FB goes up the middle to try and draw a 'screen' to use a basketball term. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flexbone Formation The Flexbone is similar to the Wishbone except one of the RBs in the backfield is removed and replaced with a receiver on the left side. TRP. OPT. R. - Just like the wishbone play, just different blocking. TRP. OPT. L. - Just like the wishbone play, much better blocking. Counter OPT. - A really damn confusing play which often results in a massive loss of yardage. HB Inside - An HB lines up on the flex of the bone and runs in to get the hand off and tries to cut up the middle between the guard and center. TE Curl - An all out pass play. The TE curls in while the FL runs out and the other WR slants across from left to center. HB Screen - Another passing play, the HB runs backwards awaiting a screen pass while the other receivers go medium distance. Out & Up - One of the best passing plays in the entire game. All of the WRs go out and slant or cut back their routes. Very effective against man to man defense and not too shabby against zone. Criss Cross - The HB and TE both cross each other at short yardage while the FL on the left goes deep downfield. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro Form This formation is virtually identical to the Flexbone formation except both of the HBs line up next to each other except offset. FB Counter - The FB gets the handoff and is blocked for by the HB. HB Sweep - Everyone goes to the right and blocks for the HB who gets the hand off. HB Toss & Pass - Similar to the previous play, in this one the HB gets the option to throw the ball to a number of targets, too bad their arms aren't all that great. FB Trap - Similar to the FB counter from the Tee formation. Cross Pass - All of the WRs cross their routes at some point using slants. Rllout Pass - Much like Rollout P from before, the only real good target is receiver C. Hook Outs - Oddly, only receiver C even does a hook, B runs a good route too. All In - All of the receivers run out and in some manner come back towards the middle of the field. Balls get tipped a lot on this play. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shotgun Four receivers line up staggered while only one RB is in the backfield. This formation is for long pass plays mostly. HB Draw TRP - A running play with no backfield blocking. Don't try it. HB Shov. Pass - You can pass to the right where two WRs will cross each other or dish of to the HB in the backfield. Quick Slant - A nice combination of slants and hooks at moderate yardage, good play. HB Toss - More effective than the other HB Toss plays, WRs will take a beating trying to block though. QB Waggle - The QB scrambles to the right waiting for people to get open down field. Strng Hooks - The receivers go out and curl in after running terrible routes, I would not recommend this play. Deep outs - Another good outs play. The HB goes about moderate distance and slants over across the field while everyone else goes really damn far. Hail Mary - They run straight out... all the way out... Use this for the miracle game winner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Near Formation Three WRs line up and two RBs in the backfield, one behind the QB and the other to his right. HB Counter - The HB gets the hand off and is supposedly going to cross the back field and make a gain. HB Toss - One of the better HB Tosses, the blocking sets up nicely. HB Lead - The FB gets the handoff and runs pretty much next to the HB. I think he is supposed to be blocked for, but it never in fact happens. TE Screen - The TE runs a screen pass route while the other two WRs go out on medium ranged routes. Chances are the TE will be open, you can pick up a few yards without trouble. Strg. Flood - Similar to String Hooks, the WRs are cross over each other and do hook routes. This pass is very dangerous. Rollout R. - Another rollout pass, this one to the right and involving of a good RB route. Play Action - Like the previous PA pass, this one works great too, but it isn't quite as deep. FB Circle - The FB takes a long curved route towards the middle of the field while everyone else runs slant routes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far Formation Identical to the near formation except the second RB is on the left side, not the right. HB Toss Sweep - HB gets the ball on a delayed hand off and runs to the right side between the TE and a WR following the lead of the FB. FB OPT Dive - Another play designed to get about a yard. The FB can dive up between the guard and tackle or the guard and center. FB Screen - A pass play which the FB runs a screen pass route, just throw it to receiver B instead. HB Trap - This running play doesn't work how it is designed. Just run to the left side with it for better results. Ply Act. Pass - Another Play action pass, this one goes pretty deep with one of every type of route. Nice play. Weak Flood - Everyone runs routes to the left in hopes of hurting zone defense, man to man will own you. Hooks - The receivers hook so much it is almost like a curl pass, if you don't get rid of the ball somewhat quickly, they'll wind up running back at you. Strg. Flood - Everyone runs out routes on the right side. Equally as dumb as the weak side play! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goal line The plays are just designed for short yardage. Sadly, there aren't a lot of great choices from this formation in this game. QB Sneak - Duh, the QB runs with the ball off the center. FB Cut Right - The HB gets the hand off on the left and then switches over to run on the right side, following the FB's lead. Play Action - The worst of the play action passes as there is little room to pass in the end zone. Flood Left - This is one case where the flood plays work wonders. Even if you can't get someone open, you'll have a boatload of room to QB sneak to the right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Teams Special teams are generally done on fourth down or at the end of a half for a field goal. Punt - You punt the ball to the other team! Fake Punt - Your punter fakes the punt and throws to one of three targets, not such a great idea. Field Goal - You try to kick a field goal for three points. Fake Field Goal - You fake a field goal. You will get three receivers to toss the ball too. Works quite well. ******************************************************************************* iv) Defensive Formations ******************************************************************************* Instead of list each type of play I'll just describe the formations here. In most formations there are many types of plays. On a blitz, many defenders all charge in to sack the QB but leave open many pass routes. On a prevent defense a team concedes short gains to prevent big ones. Man to man coverage is when defenders are assigned to a particular receiver, they tend to get bunched up on crossing routes but defend well against flood routes. Zone defense is when pass defenders each cover an area. They get overwhelmed on flood routes but can contain most cross routes. The 4-3 is a common defense, using four linemen and three line backers along with four men in the secondary. The 3-4 lines up only three linemen and four linebackers. This leaves a solid pass defense though a bit weak on the pass rush. Nickel defense runs only two line backers and five men in the secondary, it is used to prevent most passing plays though runs will get good yardage. Dime defenses use only one line backer and six men in the secondary. They are used to prevent passes even more, though give up short passes and runs all of the time. Goal Line - Used when your back is against the end zone or in danger of giving up a critical first down. This formation will shut down most running plays and passes of very small yardage, but many long passes will go undefended. ******************************************************************************* v) Credits ******************************************************************************* Ceej/GFAQs - hosting and such That's about it really, EA sports for making the game, Bill Walsh for being such a great coach. ___________________________ Apathetic Aardvark - 2004 | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯