---Brutal-Paws of Fury- FAQ Version 0.2 : Sega CD- Written by the Golden Vortex aka David Wilson Brutal POF is a registered trademark of Gametek inc. which is a registered trademark of IJE INC. This FAQ is copyright of David Wilson and should only be on theses Websites which are Gamefaqs.com and Honestgamers.com If you wish to contact me about this FAQ to add any information then feel free to e-mail me at Unleashed Vortex@aol.com. If you do give me any information I will say you did. However if I find out that anyone (for some pointless reason, I mean who's going to play this game now) has taken this Faq and put it on another website then I will be VERY angry. (and you won't like me when I'm angry) You have been warned!!! Table of Contents: 1. Basics 2.Kung fu Bunny 3.Tai Cheetah 4.Kendo Coyote 5.Rhei Rat 6.Prince Leon 7.Foxy Roxy 8.Ivan 9.Dali Lama Brutal-Paws of Fury was an obsure fighter by Gametek and has been ported on three consoles: The Sega Genesis,The Sega CD (this is the version that the FAQ is written for and to be perfectly honest the only differences are the inclusion of an extra character.) and the SNES, which was by far the worst port of the game) but if you want to find out more then check the review sections for more information on this game. There are no Sega CD ones up at the moment but read the ones for the Genesis, because like I said its pretty much the same. Storyline: (Taken from the manual..I stil have the manual!!) Every four years the Dali Llama travels the world in search of the greatest warriors. He judges not only on martial art prowess but how far they truly possess the "Warrior Spirit"- inviting them all to his peaceful island where they compete to see who is worthy to wear the belt of heaven. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Basic Controls: D-pad Up: Jump D-pad Down: Crouch D-pad Right: Move right D-pad Left: Move Left D-pad Right: Move Right Start: Switch between Punch and Kick A: Light Blow B: Medium Blow C: Strong Blow Specialised Controls: Button and Away from opponent: Roundhouse Kick Button and Towards opponent: Reach attack Button while jumping: Aerial Attack If you're a lucky one to have a 6-button controller then here is a control guide for you. Six Button Controller: A: Light Kick B: Medium Kick C: Hard Kick X: Light Punch Y: Medium Punch Z: Strong Punch Action Replay: Start: Skip replay A: Restart replay KEY: Use this to indentify what letter means what! U= up D= down L=left R= right W= weak attack M= medium attack S= strong attack H= hold Moves in Brutal have to be learned as you progress through the game. At first you won't be able to do anything special but eventually your selected character will be able to perform very powerfulmanouvers. When you beat two opponents you will be shown the combination for the new move and you will have a chance to practice it. Universal character moves: Taunt: Press A and B (This also helps regain your health and some of them are quite amusing) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Kung fu-Bunny Who plays Kung fu Bunny?: You are kind and considerate. Nothing gives you greater pleasure than seeing how you have helped another succeed. However, you have great difficulty making personal decisions and keeping them. Your desire to help others come from your desire for someone else to give your life direction. Right Understanding- "To know fear is courage" Style- Relaxed Paw Special Moves: These are attacks that will only hit once Hi Flash Kick: Hold Down + Medium attack B for 3-button controller- Hold down and press Y Flash Kick: Hold Medium attack (B or Y)+ Strong attackx2 (C or Z) Double Flash Kick: Back Down Forward Scissor Kick: Medium attack (B or Y) + Strong Attack (C or Z) Katas: These are a series of moves that follow each other, These will cause more damage than your regular attacks. Dance of Death: Hold Weak attack(A or X) Weak attackx2 Iron Fist: Hold Strong attack (A or X) Strong attackx2 Devil's Kiss: Forward Down Back ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.Tai Cheetah Who plays Tai Cheetah? You are devoted to those who are close to you.Yet,you are cold and unfeeling to those who you regard as your enemies. Your abilities are second to none, and yet, you lack the self-motivation to excel.Often you are happy with your lot and see no need to change. Too often you have seen others "succeed", only to change into an unpleasent character. You are modest,but your happiness will be grand. Right Mindfulness: "to teach someone is to be responsible for them" Style: Tai Chi Chuan. Special Moves Fire Punch: Down and Forward Fire Kick: Back and Down Fire Run: Forward, Down, Back Katas: Way of the Crane: Weak attack + Medium attack + Strong attack Fist of the North: Hold Weak attack Weak attackx2 Divine Wind: Hold Medium attack Medium attack x2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.Kendo Coyote Who plays Kendo Coyote?: You are a winner. No matter what happens you know eventually you will succeed. You are undaunted by problems and any setback merely makes you seek another solution. Your confidence makes you reckless. You indulge yourself totally and never cheat yourself of any pleasure. Right Reslove: "I'm BACK" Style- Kenjutsu Special Moves Slam Punch: A + B Headbutt: B + C Cannonball: Forward Down Down Back B Spinball: Down Forward Katas: Five Rings: Back Down Down Forward B Ki Force: Hold A C C Hapkido: Hold B A A ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.Rhei Rat Who plays Rhei Rat? You despise fools. You want them to be humliated. You are the one who can stand up to the bullies and shame them. You find it difficult to make friends as they oftern make you cringe with their ignorance and inability. You speak very little, as you can normally answer your own questions much better than most other people. Strangley, you have found it difficult to succeed in life whereas others with less ability suceed. Right Speech-(Quote unavailable) Style-Thai Boxing. Special Moves Knockout Punch: A + B + C Frenzy Attack: Back Down B Face Pull: Down Forward Neck Choke: B + C Katas: Tsumai: Hold C B B Lightning Fury: Hold A A A Muay Thai : Hold B, A, B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.Prince Leon Who plays Leon?: You never forget a debt for right or wrong. You stop at nothing to even up the score. Your power is indomitable, however, you find it difficult to focus on more than one thing at a time. Right effort:"I have only one judge, the world" Style-Tan Ku (the iron rage) Special Moves Bite: B + C Swim Attack: Forward Down Back Roar: Down Forward B Powerchord: Back Down Forward Katas: Wild Side: Hold A Ax2 Rage Within: Hold A + Hold C + B Leon Experience: Hold B Cx4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.Foxy Roxy Who plays Foxy Roxy? You are a capricous, playful soul who loves to see joy and happiness. You are unable to take anythin g seriously for too longhowever, and you have a strong need for diversion. Right Liveihood: "To care for others is the greatest joy" Style: Penjat Silat Special Moves: Whiplash Kick: B + C Spinning Attack: Back Back C Rolling Attack: Down Forward Katas Kuntao Kata: A + B + C Call of the Lotus:Hold C Cx2 Mind Throw: Forward Down Back C ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.The moves for Ivan the Bear Who plays Ivan?: You are a down to earth kind of person who stands for no nonsense. Almost any problem can be overcome by a bit of common sense and hard work. You hate to sit still for any length of time and you are unable to see why some people want to do nothing all of the time. Right Action: "You can rest when you're dead" Style-Soviet Military Special Moves Big Belly Attack: Forward Down Back Earthquake: Back Down Forward Katas: Strength of the North: Down Back B Jab Al Nar: Hold C Ax2 Rage of the World: Hold B +Hold C back + C ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. The moves for the Dali Llama: Headbutt: M+S Mind of the Gods: Forward Down Back Smoke Attack: Back Down Forward Apocalypse:Down Forward B ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a move list for all of the main characters. Unfortunately I have not managed to come across the move list for the two boss characters and the exclusive Sega CD only character but I will have their move lists on ASAP hopefully but if you know them then please send them to me and like I said I will put your name up if you help me . This FAQ Copyright 2004 David Wilson Pantha (Sega CD only) Karate Croc (Boss character, ) Dali Llama (Boss character, Unlockable via Code) More to come! I would like to say thanks to Gamefaqs to helping find a new hobby I really enjoy. Thanks also to those second hand shops that sell retro games for low prices. Thanks for Nothing: Ebay ( for charging absurd prices for games worth pennies) Version 0.2- Updates soon! G.V 2004