Dark Wizard Guide By: Steve D. Simmons (legalize freedom!) Version - 1.7 June 2007 A website based on this guide is available at: http://www.rpgclassics.com/shrines/sega_cd/darkwizard Contents This guide contains spoilers, so if you are a purist, or you just want to move quickly to a specific section you can always use the Edit > find command and copy the line in the contents (including the ---, but not the leading spaces) into the box and click find. I. Introduction II. General Strategies and Information ---Hireling XP ---Advance Time while Searching ---Castle Guards ---Block enemy's Summon Hexes ---XP from Boss Enemies ---Party Order ---Priest XP ---Leader XP ---Special character Class Advances ---Hiring Class 2 units ---Which summoned units are best? ---Why can't I summon any units? I have MP. ---Inventory and Equipping in Cities ---Time/Day and Night ---Castle and City income ---Emulation III. Leader Information ---Krystal --Statistics --Sub Leader Character Quests --Spells --Summoned Creatures ---Robin --Statistics --Sub Leader Character Quests --Spells --Summoned Creatures ---Amon --Statistics --Sub Leader Character Quests --Spells --Summoned Creatures ---Armer IX --Statistics --Sub Leader Character Quests --Spells --Summoned Creatures IV. Races, Classes and Progression ---Hired Unit Progression Overview ---Hired Unit Placement Order ---Racial Characteristics ---Class Strategies V. Weapon List ---Swords ---Axes ---Spears ---Bows ---Staves and Maces ---Special Weapons VI. Armor List ---Body Armor ---Shields VII. Item List ---Healing Items ---Support items VIII. Spell List ---Hired Unit Spells ---Demon Leader Spells IX. Quests ---Elemental Spell Quests ---Fire Spirit ---Wind Spirit ---Earth Spirit ---Water Spirit ---Main Quests ---Return the Ancient Scroll ---Jewel of Light ---Become an Apostle of Sabrina ---Become an Apostle of Darkness ---Train a Ninja ---Rare Axes ---Save Dwarf Miners ---Save the People Turned to Stone in Willis ---Rebirth Spell ---Hobbit Rod and the Sandclock of Dreams ---Acquire Griffin ---Acquire Winged Horse ---Beastriders ---Dragonrider ---Winged Horserider ---Griffinrider ---Slayer (Dragonrider Vain's Sword) ---Save the People turned to Vampires in Loa ---Ghost Scythe ---Seal of the Demons and Access to Viosdia Island ---God's Castle X. Hidden Items by Map ---Quentin ---Insenior ---Carbie ---Barth ---Cheshire ---Silka ---Tourla ---Jhelyle ---Algain ---Asai ---Gracildo ---Sage ---Eureska ---Lomsaire ---Flayrona ---North Baltrik ---Baltrik ---South Baltrik ---Nautia ---Balkandi ---Demia ---Dorg ---Avisis ---God's Castle XI. Tricks and Oddities ---Good Sources of Gold ---Place More Troops ---Search Party Availability ---Easy XP with the Power Staff ---Equip anyone with a Ghost Scythe ---Defeat Karmak without the Water Spirit ---Temper the Seal of the Demons ---Use Arliman's own power against him in the God's Castle battle ---Kyrstal's Sub Leaders switch occupations ---Leader Personal Greetings and Residency I. Introduction I wrote this guide because, unbelievably, I found virtually no information on this game on the internet. The latest version of this guide can always be found at www.gamefaqs.com. The original version of this guide (1.0) was released in January 2003. That's about all the history anyone needs. I have created a website based on this guide at: http://www.rpgclassics.com/shrines/sega_cd/darkwizard I have also created a no frills .htm version of this guide with handy links to all subjects. It is a must have. It is available on the download page of the web site above. I welcome feedback, suggestions, or criticism for the next version. If you have any useful relevant information not in this guide, please email me and I will include it and give you proper credit. email to dickweed666@hotmail.com Be sure to put "Dark Wizard" as the subject. ?- Unknown. These are the great mysteries of the game. I would like feedback on these things. Items marked (Kyote) indicate location, description and/or use courtesy of Kyle A. Kastead -author of Dark Wizard Item FAQ V 1.1 Copyright 2002 Items marked (Bifrostbear) indicate information courtesy of Dark Wizard expert Mike Furuli (known to his loyal subjects as Bifrostbear) Item marked (Troy Stiltner) indicates a very special contribution by Troy Stiltner. I would also like to thank the following in no particular order for their contributions: EvilEye, J.D. Smith, Phil Stachowiak (DarkMasterBosel) II. General Strategies and Information ---Hireling XP When trying to level up new Hirelings, try to make their attack do the killing blow on an enemy. Use a more powerful unit to attack the enemy until it is ready to go. If the Hireling does the killing blow it will level up every time. ---Advance Time while Searching If you send a search party to complete a quest that requires a certain time of day, you can advance time by resting at any Inn. Resting advances to the next time of day. Camping advances to the next morning. ---Castle Guards You can only leave guards at 3 castles for any given battle. Any castles you can not guard will automatically be taken by the Demon Army. ---Block enemy's Summon Hexes You can block the enemy's capability to place more creatures by occupying his surrounding summoning hexes. In the God's Castle battle, you can occupy the monster generators to prevent more enemies from spawning. ---XP from Boss Enemies If you want to gain some levels, surround the demon leader, attack him until he is almost dead, and end your turn. Most of the time he will use Megarestore and you can repeat your attacks each turn. Use a powerful character that can survive the first attack, then let the weaker characters have a free shot for big XP. Use spells that do little or no damage to that particular boss. This allows your magic users to gain nice xp and allows as many other party members to attack as possible. ---Party Order Adjust your party order after each battle, so that the units needing XP attack first over other units of that type. This gives your party balance. To adjust your party order on the party (PRTY) screen: highlight a unit, press C, highlight the unit you would like to swap with, and press C again. ---Priest XP Always cast a heal or shield spell with Priests even when everyone is healthy. They can get XP every turn. Restore = 4 XP. Regenerate = 6 XP. ---Leader XP Cast a spell with your leader every turn even if they have nothing productive to do. If everyone is healthy and your leader doesn't have a long range attack spell, use confuse, defense drain, etc. Attempting to confuse/drain higher class enemies will result in higher XP gain (7 XP for class 4 dragons). Save the leader's turn until last to determine what action is the most beneficial. Healing, Attacking, or just a spell to gain XP. ---Special Character Class Advances Sub Leader Characters, Ninjas, Dragonriders, Griffinriders, and Winged Horseriders will increase in class one time. ---Hiring Class 2 units You will gain the ability to hire and summon class 2 party members when you take Cheshire. Class 2 summoned units availability will be limited to units that you have already classed up normally. ---Which summoned units are best? All summoned creatures have strengths and weaknesses. All are useful if used to their strengths. See summoned unit information in III. Leader Information ---Why can't I summon any units? I have MP. You must keep the Royal Light Staff in the possession of your leader in order to summon creatures. It does not need to be equipped. ---Inventory and Equipping in Cities While visiting a City, on the main screen, press the start button to bring up your inventory. Here you can equip items with the C button and get item descriptions by cycling through your inventory items. ---Time/Day and Night Lawful units gain advantage during the day and are at a disadvantage at night. Chaotic units gain advantage at night and are a disadvantage during the day. The calendar months in order are: Scarn Siang Cela Ord ---Castle and City income You will gain additional income from each Castle and City you control. You can gain control of a city in battle by moving any unit onto any hex of the city. Gaining control of Castles requires the leader to move onto any Castle hex. Some Leaders may need to be on the north hex. For example, Amon needs to be on the north hex to gain control of a castle and his summon creatures can't gain control of cities for him. After every successful battle, you will automatically gain control of all remaining Castles and Cities on the map. Cities add approx. 2-20 gold to your income, while most Castles gain approx. 20-100 gold depending on the leaders economic strength rating. ---Emulation http://gens.consolemul.com I suggest playing Dark Wizard with the Gens Emulator using the CD. The original CD has no copy protection and can be copied with any burning software. No use taking a chance with your original classic game CD. The Kreed Graphics engine and Yamaha high quality sound options of Gens makes this great game even more enjoyable. I have not had one crash or problem. Make sure "perfect synchro" is checked in the CPU menu. There is enough room on the ram cart to save after every map in case you want to go back and try something different. VERY IMPORTANT...To keep from losing saved games Make a directory specifically for Dark Wizard including its own copy of Gens, bios, and Ram Cart files. Always keep the files together and never run gens without all the files present. You can move the folder, but make sure to repath the bios, ram cart and other directories before running the game. Always copy, test, then delete the old one instead of just moving. If you separate the files and run Gens, you will lose all your saves. To archive your saves, make a copy of the entire folder, test it (after repathing), and save it to your preferred media. Test it again by copying it from the media to your hard drive to make sure everything still works. I suggest you do this with any sega cd game you're playing with Gens. Hopefully, Gens will correct this issue on the next version, until then, protect your saves! III. Leader Information Most leader information can be found in the strength (STRE) screen. Press C for Statistics and C again for guarded castle, income and spell information. ---Krystal Chaotic. Well rounded Leader. Good economic strength. Great magic strength. Wields powerful magic in battle. ---Krystal's Statistics Command 30 Economic Strength 80 Leadership 40 Magic Strength 90 Intellect 90 Belief 50 Luck 65 ---Krystal's Sub Leader Character Quests Marcus (warrior) (C) Talk to Marcus in Dios Church. Visit Zolt and Iyaltis. You learn Traeger (Marcus's Sword) is in the church in Zolt and the Shining Jewel that is required to break the seal on Traeger is at the church in Nast. (The Shining Jewel is also referred to as the Jewel of Light. Do not confuse this jewel with the one in the Jewel of Light quest.) Visit Nast Church, pray 100 times straight and then talk to the priest to receive the Shining Jewel. Return to the church in Zolt with the Shining Jewelry in your inventory to receive Traeger. Return to Dios Church and give Marcus Traeger. Marcus Joins. Cities Marcus's quest is mentioned: Quentin, Shirster, Dios, Iyalitis, Zolt, Nast Katrina (priestess) (N) Talk to Katrina in Kaus Church. Talk to her boyfriend in Tobis Tavern. Talk to everyone in Yentz then return to the Town Square to speak with the wizard. Return to Tobis Tavern. Katrina's boyfriend will give you her ring. Go back to the wizard in Yentz Town Square. He will restore the magic to the ring. Go back to Kaus Church with the Magic Ring in your inventory. Katrina Joins. Cities Katrina's quest is mentioned: Milsey, Kaus, Yentz, Tobis ---Krystal's Spells Name Description Range w/move Range w/o move Area Hellfire Fire Damage around self 3 7 Blizzard Breath Freeze around self 4 7 Vortex Wind Damage around self 4 7 +Transport Lavaflow Earth Damage 1 3 1 Massheal All All All Heals all units 10 hp Megarestore All All 1 Heals one unit completely +heal paralyze, frozen, confused, stone, and goat Confuse Confuse an Enemy All All 1 Resist Magic +Magic Resistance All All 1 Swapsoul 1 1 1 To swap a live party member for one that has died, stand next to the live party member and cast this spell on them. Pick the party member to resurrect. You will need to be on a castle to place resurrected units. ---Krystal's Summoned Creatures (alignment) Summon Creatures are listed in recommended order of placement (Reason for order listed). All of Crystal's Summoned Creatures advance in class after level 10 except dragons which advance after level 5. Hydra / Giant Hydra (C) Have severe movement limitations on land and need the first available water hex. Usually don't interfere with the path of land based units. Very high HP. Dragon Pup / Dragon / Wyrm / Wyvern (C) Special Attack- Fire Growth is a priority. Most powerful summoned unit. Cockatrice / Basilisk (C) Special Attack- Stone Movement is generally slow until class increase. Stone doesn't work very often. Standard attack very effective against humanoids. High HP. Chimera / Gold Chimera (C) Fly with good movement. Good HP. Little Harpy / Harpy (C) Special Attack- Freeze Fly with great movement. Prone to be paralyzed. ---Robin Lawful. Very good Warrior in battle. She does not rate high in magic or economic strength, but she is good enough at these to be effective. ---Robin's Statistics Command 70 Economic Strength 30 Leadership 90 Magic Strength 30 Intellect 65 Belief 65 Luck 90 ---Robin's Sub Leader Character Quests Kail (priest) Visit the Frog in Dios Town Square. Visit the Pawn Shop in Dios. Visit Diarmuid, the Alchemist in Zolt. He needs a Poison Frog and the Fruit of a Rosebud tree. Visit the Zolt Town Square. Visit the Tavern and Fortune in Iyaltis. Search the southern tip of the forest northeast of Iyaltis to receive the Rosebud Fruit. From the east hex of Iyaltis, 2 north and 1 east. Visit the Town Square in Nast at night to catch a Poison Frog. Visit Diarmuid with the Rosebud Fruit and the Poison Frog in your inventory to receive Diarmuid's Potion. Go back to the Town Square in Dios with Diarmuid's Potion in your inventory and say yes you want to use it on the frog. Kail joins. Cities Kail's quest is mentioned: Quentin, Milsey, Dios, Iyalitis, Zolt, Nast David (warrior) Upon rescuing Kail, he tells you that David is in Talislar. In Ribif, and later in Talislar, you find out that David has been turned to stone. Talk to everyone in Talislar. The Weapon Shop keeper will tell you to go to Russell to find a potion to help David. Talk to the Alchemist in Russell. Talk to Izam at the Mayor's house in Enhas. He makes a potion and you receive Izam's Secret Medicine. Take Izam's Secret Medicine to the Town Square in Talislar and use it on David. David Joins. Cities David's quest is mentioned: Quentin, Shirster, Ribif, Talislar, Russell, Enhas ---Robin's Spells Name Description Range w/move Range w/o move Area Wind Bolt Wind Damage to 1 4 3 3 targets Cure Paralysis All All 1 De-stone Stone to Flesh All All 1 Sacrifice Robin sacrifices HP to resurrect dead units. Cast the spell on yourself and then pick the dead unit to resurrect. You will need to be on a castle to place resurrected units. Protect Defense All All 1 +Force Wall effect Confuse All All 1 Megaheal All All 1 Heals one unit completely. Does NOT heal conditions Massheal All All All Heals all units 10 hp ---Robin's Summoned Creatures (alignment) Summon Creatures are listed in recommended order of placement (Reason for order listed). All of Robin's Summoned Creatures advance in class after level 10 except dragons which advance after level 5. Serpent / Giant Serpent (L) Have movement limitations on land and need the first available water hex. Very high HP. Great water movement after class up. Dragon Pup / Dragon / Wyrm / Ice Dragon (N) Special Attack- Freeze (water) Growth is a priority. Most powerful summoned unit. Centaur / Charon (N) Special Attack- H Arrow (Centaur range 2, Charon range 3) Don't need to be in front because they have ranged attack. Good movement especially on adverse terrain. Hippogriff / Griffin (N) Fly with good movement. Good HP. Roc / Phoenix (L) Special Attack- Fire Fly with great movement. ---Amon An Undead Vampire. Very high magic rating. Long range magic attack. Fast growth. Economically challenged. Great movement. 7 different summon units. ---Amon's Statistics Command 50 Economic Strength 20 Leadership 55 Magic Strength 90 Intellect 50 Belief 0 Luck 10 ---Amon's Sub Leader Character Quests Susan (magic user) Talk to the Mayor of Quentin and the Innkeeper in Narva. Talk to everyone in Tobis to learn a warlock has stolen Susan's life force. She is now an old woman in the Town Square. Visit the town square and church in Yentz and pay special attention to the priest at the church. He possesses the staff which holds Susan's life force. Visit his friend at the church in Asai City to receive the Mirror of Truth. Return to the Church in Yentz. The Mirror of Truth exposes the true form of the priest and you receive Susan's Staff. Return to the Town Square in Tobis and save Susan. Susan joins. Susan becomes extremely powerful. She quickly learns all the Magic User spells and can learn all 4 elemental spells. Her Defense rating is very high and her Attack rating is off the chart. Cities Susan's quest is mentioned: Quentin, Narva, Yentz, Tobis, Asai Andrew (warrior) After your first battle together, Susan tells you Andrew is staying in Enhas. Visit the Tavern and the Church in Enhas. Visit the Church in Russell. He tells you the sword is glued to the alter and can be removed with Pine Oil. Visit the Mayor in Russell. You can buy Pine Oil from him or if you just keep saying no, he will give you the Pine Oil for free (with a little bad mouthing). Return to the Church in Enhas and use the Pine Oil to receive the Silver Sword. Return to the Mayor of Russell to learn Andrew went into the pine forest by the village. Search the strange forest south west of Russell with the Silver Sword in your inventory. From the west hex of Russell, 1 south and 1 west. Andrew joins. Cities Andrew's quest is mentioned: Quentin, Ribif, Russell, Enhas ---Amon's Spells Name Description Range w/move Range w/o move Area Hellfire Fire Damage around self 3 7 Meltearth Earth Damage around self 3 7 Vampire Steal Life 1 4 1 Blade Storm Magic Damage All All 1 Megarestore All All 1 Heals one unit completely +heal paralyze, frozen, confused, stone, and goat Swapsoul Resurrect 1 1 To Exchange a living units life for a dead units life, cast the spell on the living unit. Choose the dead unit to resurrect. You will need to be on a castle to place resurrected units. Defense Drain Lower Defense All All 1 Night Shield Raise Defense All All 1 ---Amon's Summoned Creatures (alignment) (U)= Undead Summon Creatures are listed in recommended order of placement (Reason for order listed). All of Amon's Summoned Creatures advance in class after level 10 except Dragons, Skeletons, and Ghosts which advance after level 5. Hydra / Giant Hydra (C) Have severe movement limitations on land and need the first available water hex. Usually don't interfere with the path of land based units. Very high HP. Skeleton / Skeleton Soldier / Skeleton Knight / Skeleton Warrior (U) Very Slow movement at first. Stick to the roads. High Hp in higher classes. Dragon pup / Zombie Dragon / Death Wyrm / Death Dragon (U) Special Attack- Erupt (earth) Growth is a priority. Most powerful summoned unit. Not quite as strong as the other dragon types. Hell Hound / Cerberus (U) Special Attack- Paralyze Decent movement. High HP. Paralyze doesn't work very often. Ghost / Wraith / Lich / Greater Lich (U) Special Attack- Paralyze (no normal attack) Good movement. Can paralyze enemy for others to attack freely. Manticor / Giant Manticor (N) Fly with good movement. Good HP. Little Harpy / Harpy (C) Special Attack- Freeze Fly with great movement. Prone to be paralyzed. ---Armer IX Lawful Prince of Cheshire. Above average in all areas. Excellent in physical combat. Good economically. Able to support a large army early. Sufficient magic power with a nice balance in variety of spells. ---Armer's Statistics Command 60 Economic Strength 60 Leadership 60 Magic Strength 60 Intellect 60 Belief 90 Luck 20 ---Armer's Sub Leader Character Quests Marie (magic user) Visit the Mayor in Shirster and the Tavern in Milsey. Visit the Town Square, Tavern and Mayor in Dios. Visit the Town Square, Tavern and Fortune teller in Iyaltis. Visit the Tavern and Mayor's house in Zolt where you will talk to Marie. In Nast, Visit the Town Square, the Inn, and back to the Town Square. The guy will finally give you Chelsea's keepsake Bracelet after a price haggle and an insult or two. Return to Marie at the Mayor's house in Zolt with the Bracelet in your inventory. Marie Joins. Cities Marie's quest is mentioned: Quentin, Dios, Iyaltis, Zolt, Nast Dianna (warrior) Talk to everyone in Carbie. Visit the Town Square and the Mayors house in Ribif. You will find Dianna afflicted with a curse. Visit the Town Square and the Tavern in Russell. Talk to the Mayor and the Fortune teller in Talislar. Visit the Town Square and the Mayor in Enhas. Return to the Mayor in Talislar to receive a Letter of Introduction. Return to the Town Square in Enhas with the Letter of Introduction and you will be allowed to see the fortuneteller. She will give you the Exorcism Crystal. Return to the Mayor's house in Ribif and use the Exorcism Crystal to lift the curse on Dianna. Dianna Joins. Cities Dianna's quest is mentioned: Quentin, Shirster, Milsey, Dios, Zolt, Nast, Carbie, Ribif, Russell, Talislar, Enhas ---Armer's Spells Name Description Range w/move Range w/o move Area Firebolt Fire Damage 1 3 1 Meltearth Earth Damage around self 3 7 Massheal All All All Heals all units 10 hp Megaheal All All 1 Heals one unit completely. Does NOT heal conditions Refresh All All 1 Heals paralyze, confuse, frozen, stone, and goat Sacrifice Armor sacrifices HP to resurrect dead units. Cast the spell on yourself and then pick the dead unit to resurrect. You will need to be on a castle to place resurrected units. Defense Drain Lower Defense All All 1 Protect Raise Defense All All 1 +Force Wall effect ---Armer's Summoned Creatures (alignment) Summon Creatures are listed in recommended order of placement (Reason for order listed). All of Armer's Summoned Creatures advance in class after level 10, except dragons which advance after level 5. Serpent / Giant Serpent (L) Have movement limitations on land and need the first available water hex. Very high HP. Great water movement after class up. Dragon Pup / Dragon / Wyrm / Fire Dragon (L) Special Attack- Fire Growth is a priority. Most powerful summoned unit. Centaur / Charon (N) Special Attack- H Arrow (Centaur range 2, Charon range 3) Don't need to be in front because they have ranged attack. Good movement especially on adverse terrain. Unicorn / Winged Horse (L) Good movement. Great movement after class up. Good attack. Decent HP. Devastating against undead. Place before Centaur until class up, then place after Centaur/Charon after they can fly. Roc / Phoenix (L) Special Attack- Fire Fly with great movement. IV. Races, Classes and Progression All Hirelings advance in class after level 5. Leaders can hire units of their own alignment and neutral. ---Hired Unit Progression Overview -Lawful Fighter > Knight > Paladin Mage > Magician > Sorcerer Priest > Bishop > Cleric -Neutral Archer > Sniper > Ranger Mage > Wizard > Enchanter Priest > Monk > Druid -Chaotic Wildman > Berserker > Warlord Mage > Warlock > Necromancer Priest > Bishop > Black Bishop ---Hired Unit Placement Order and Reasoning 1. Sub Leader Characters When sub leader characters are acquired, they will automatically be placed directly after the leader in slots #2 and #3. 2. New Hirelings Getting Hirelings an occupation is top priority. 3. Magic Users When Magic users acquire multiple target spells, set these up first, moving friendly units that may be in the path of the best spells. Using the spells that target 3 or 7 enemy units is great for taking out or weakening groups. 4. Warriors Keep these units on the front lines. 5. Ranged Warriors They can attack over the front lines with ranged attack. 6. Healers They can heal injured units after the front line attacks. Healers' attack spells generally have good range. ---Racial Characteristics Make sure you hire at least one unit from each race as they will be needed for various quests. Hireling base values and level up statistics are given for each race for the purpose of comparison. -Human No armor or weapon restrictions. Affinity for chaos. Human spellcasters learn a spell every other (2nd) level. 40 HP 27 ATT 6 DEF (approx.) 5 MOB Lawful Human Level up stats - 2 HP 3 ATT Neutral Human Level up stats - 2 HP 3 ATT Chaotic Human Level up stats - 3 HP 4 ATT Competent in all Classes -Elf Some Armor and Spear (L) restrictions. Affinity for neutral. Elven magic-users learn a spell every (1) level. Elven healers learn a spell every other (2nd) level. 38 HP 23 ATT 5 DEF (approx.) 5 MOB Lawful Elf Level up stats - 2 HP 2 ATT Neutral Elf Level up stats - 3 HP 3 ATT Chaotic Elf Level up stats - 2 HP 2 ATT Excel as Magic Users or Ranged Warriors -Dwarf No armor restrictions. Priest weapon restrictions. Affinity for lawful. Dwarven magic-users learn a spell every third (3rd) level. Dwarven healers learn a spell every other (2nd) level. 44 HP 31 ATT 5 DEF (approx.) 4 MOB Lawful Dwarf Level up stats - 4 HP 5 ATT Neutral Dwarf Level up stats - 3 HP 3 ATT Chaotic Dwarf Level up stats - 3 HP 3 ATT Excel as Warriors -Hobbit Some Body Armor and Spear (L) restrictions. Affinity for lawful. Partial affinity for chaos. Hobbit magic-users learn a spell every other (2nd) level. Hobbit healers learn a spell every (1) level. 40 HP 24 ATT 4 DEF (approx.) 5 MOB Lawful Hobbit Level up stats - 2 HP 3 ATT Neutral Hobbit Level up stats - 1 HP 2 ATT Chaotic Hobbit Level up stats - 1 HP 3 ATT Excel as Healers ---Class Strategies -Magic User Strategies Use different units to earn each elemental spell so every magic user has powerful short and long range spells. Plan to convert to the opposite alignment as needed. The idea is to wait until your magic user or healer learns all the spells of his alignment and then convert him. He will now begin to learn the spells of his new alignment as well. Keep in mind, his weapon and armor restrictions will change with an alignment change. See Apostle of Sabrina quest and Apostle of Darkness quest for additional details on alignment changes. -Warrior Strategies Hire a Class 2 Human Warrior to become a Ninja when the situation arises if you have taken Cheshire, Otherwise a Class 2 Level 1 Human Warrior is all that is required for a Ninja. An originally Lawful Warrior (Paladin) is needed to become a Winged Horserider. For Chaotic Leader Quests, the Fighter you start with is the only eligible unit to become a Winged Horserider unless you create more. See below. A Warrior matching your Dragon's alignment is needed to become a Dragonrider. A Warrior or a Ranged Warrior can be used for a Griffinrider. A Warrior can be converted to the opposite alignment in order to take advantage of more of the best equipment available. See Apostle of Sabrina quest for a way to get additional Lawful Warriors who are eligible to become Winged Horseriders. See Apostle of Darkness quest for a way to get Chaotic Warriors when playing as a lawful leader. -Ranged Warrior Strategies Robin will need one to become a Dragonrider. Make at least one of your Ranged Warriors an elf to take advantage of more of the best equipment available. -Healer Strategies Plan to convert to the opposite alignment as needed. See magic user section above. V. Weapon List (C)=chaotic (N)=neutral (L)=lawful (H)=human (D)=dwarf (E)=elf (Ho)=hobbit (W)=warriors (P)=priests (M)=mages-including druids (Ni)=ninja-considered a warrior if not specified (Br)=beast riders (Dr)=dragonrider (Wr) Winged Horserider For the purpose of these item lists, Undead falls under chaotic. ---Swords Name Can be Used by Strength Effect Short Sword All 3 Long Sword (W) 6 Scimitar (W) 10 Broad Sword (W) 20 Great Sword (W) 25 1 1/2 damage vs. undead Dragon Sword (W) 33 1 1/2 damage vs. dragons Assassin Sword (H) (W) 40 10% chance of critical hit Shinobi Knife (H) (W) 41 Mobility +1 Sultis Sword (W) 45 +Defense Slayer (W) 45 It is said that Slayers true strength is only tapped by a Dragonrider when wielded against a god. Black Sword (C) (W) 50 Fire Saber (W) 50 (Karmack's weapon) ---Axes Gold Plated Axe (C) (W) 7 Stone Axe (C) (W) 10 Hatchet (C) (W) 17 Battle Axe (C) (W) 29 Golden Axe (C) (W) 35 +Magic Resistance Swift Axe (C) (W) 44 Speed +1, effective vs. flyers Silver Axe (C) (W) 45 effective vs. undead War Axe (C) (W) 55 Halberd (C) (W) 65 Mad Axe (C) (W) 70 +Earth Resistance (Aracna's weapon) ---Spears Name Can be Used by Strength Effect Spear (L) (W) 8 Pilum (L) (W) 15 Javelin (L) (W) 22 Glaive (L) (W) 27 Lance (L) (W) 35 Pike (L) (W) 50 Powered Spear (L) (W) (H) (D) 55 effective vs. warriors Partisan (L) (W) (H) (D) 60 1 1/2 damage Trident (L) (W) 70 effective vs. warriors (Aqua's weapon) ---Bows Name (range) Can be Used by Strength Effect Short Bow (2) (N) (W) 4 Long Bow (2) (N) (W) 8 1 1/4 damage vs. flyers Rapid Bow (3) (N) (W) 15 1 1/4 damage vs. flyers Light Crossbow (2)(N) (W) 22 1 1/4 damage vs. flyers Crossbow (3) (N) (W) 25 1 1/4 damage vs. flyers Great Bow (2) (N) (W) 37 1 1/2 damage vs. flyers Arbalest (3) (N) (W) 40 1 1/4 damage vs. flyers Elven Bow (3) (N) (E) 45 Wind Shot (4) (N) (W) 50 (Sheena's weapon) ---Staves and Maces Name Can be Used by Strength Effect Staff All 2 +5% Magic Effectiveness Wizard Staff (M) 4 casts Fire when used Scepter (P) 5 1 1/4 damage vs. undead Mace (P) (M) 8 1 1/4 damage vs. undead Hobbit's Rod (P) 10 Living Power (P) (M), No (D) 10 Damage= Level x2 Staff Staff of Light All 12 allows Leader to summon beasts War Mace (P) (M) 12 1 1/2 damage vs. undead Power Staff (M) 16 casts Cure when used Priest's Staff (M) 18 casts Star Sword when used Sorcerer's Staff (M) 20 casts Volcano when used Maul (P) 20 Holy Mace (L) (C) (P), 23 20% chance of critical hit No (D) vs. undead Flail (P) (Dr) 24 Morning Star (P) (Dr) 29 Judge's Stick (L) (C) (P), 33 Damage x (1 + class x 0.1) No (D) Crystal Mace (L) (P) 33 Increases Spell Effectiveness Ghost Scythe (C) (M) (Dr) 70 +Paralysis ---Special Weapons Name Can be Used by Strength Use or Effect Rusty Weapon All 1 see Ghost Scythe quest Susan's Staff (M) 15 Contains Susan's life force (Amon's Quest only) Traeger (C) (W) 50 Marcus's Sword (Krystal's Quest only) Silver Sword (W) 50 Andrew's Sword (Amon's Quest only) VI. Armor List ---Body Armor Name Can be Used by Strength Effect Cloth Armor All 3 Robe All 5 Leather Armor All, no (M) 5 Leather Robe (P) (M) 8 Heavy Leather (W) (P) 8 Armor Chain Mail (W) 10 Barbarian Robe (M) 12 Ring Mail (W),No (E) 12 Holy Cloth (M) 15 +Magic Resistance Plate Mail (W) (H) (D) 15 Mysterious Robe (M) 18 +Magic Resistance Splint Mail (W) (H) (D) 20 Angel Robe (L) (M) 20 Magic Armor All, (M) 25 Defense +20% Holy Robe (L) (M) 28 Heals above max HP Plate Armor (W) (H) (D) 28 Dragon Armor (W) (H) (D) 30 +Dragon Breath Resistance Priest Robe (L) (C) (P) 32 (Br) Armor of (W) (H) (D) 33 Damages enemy approx. 1/2 of the Retribution damage of their successful hit Gaia Armor All 38 Ninja Costume (Br) (Ni) 40 +Terrain Mobility Hero Armor (W) 50 ---Shields Name Can be Used by Protection Effect Wooden Shield (W) (P) 2 Leather Shield (W) (P) 3 Small Shield (W) (P) 4 Large Shield (W) No (E) 6 Soldier Shield (W) (H) (D) 8 Kite Shield (W) (H) (D) 10 Magic Shield All, no (W) 12 Increases Spell Effectiveness or (Ni) Shadow Shield (C) (P) 13 Mirror Shield (L) (P) 15 +Magic Resistance Ninja Gauntlet (Ni) (Br) 18 +Attack Strength Hero Shield (H) (W) (Br) 20 (Ni) or Sub Leader, no (C)-(Wr) VII. Item List Items marked (inven) are items that work just by being in your inventory Name Can be Used by Effect ---Healing Items Herb All Heals 30-40 hp Balm All Heals 60-100 hp Salve All Heals 100-150 hp Silver Leaf All Completely Heals one Character Healing Ring (L) HP restored at 5 times normal (inven) Moon Stone All Restores HP when used Scapegoat All Resurrect dead party members by sacrificing yourself Gorgon's Tail All Stone to Flesh Holy Drink / All Cures Paralysis Restore Potion ---Support items Power Potion All Attack +15 (3-5 turns) Super Power All Attack +20 (3-5 turns) Potion Cursed Ring (C) Raises Attack (but what's the curse)? (inven)(Kyote) Fan-Shaped Letter All +Attack and Defense (inven) Stone Skin Potion All Defense +5 (3-5 turns) Steel Skin Potion All Defense +10 (3-5 turns) Crow's Cloak (C) Defense +Magic Resistance Holy Dust All Magic Resistance +30% (3-5 turns) Amulet (L) Magic Resistance +60% (3-5 turns) Holy Water (L) (N) Magic Resistance +60% (3-5 turns) Goddess' Tears (L) Magic Resistance +60% (3-5 turns) Elf Mirror All +Magic Resistance Magic Stone (M) Spell Range +30% (3-5 turns) Evil Claw (C) (M) Spell Range +30% (3-5 turns) Mirror of (C) (M) Spell Effectiveness +30% (3-5 turns) Darkness Eye of Darkness (C) (M) Spell Effectiveness +50% (3-5 turns) Medusa Head All Turns Enemies to Stone Sandclock of Leader Gives a Free Turn Dreams Speed Potion All Mobility +2 (3-5 turns) Marathon Shoes All Mobility +2 (inven)(Kyote) Elf Shoes All Mobility +2 (inven) Haste Potion All Mobility +3 (3-5 turns) Merman Ship All Allows entry into water (inven) Water Spider All Allows entry into water (inven) Attraction All Promotes enemy attacks Talisman (inven) Repulsion All Prevents enemy attacks Talisman (inven) Sharktan Whip All Drives enemies away (inven) Athena's Orb (L) Sun rises for 3 turns Blood Candle (C) Darkness for 3 turns Funeral Bell (L) (P) Damages all Undead on the map (friendly and enemy units) Elf Ring ? (M) (W) Claims to increase an Elf's (inven) ? Range, but actual effect is unknown. Seems to have no effect. Gun Powder (Ni) Involves the enemy during death (inven) VIII. Spell List ---Hired Unit Spells Spell Range and Area information is available from the spell selection menu. Select MAGIC from the action menu of a magic user, highlight an available spell and press A to see the range and area of the spell. The range of all spells is 1 hex if the unit has moved in the current turn. Name Type Range w/o move area(w/range) Type Learned by Fire Fire 1 1 Any (M) Fire Arrow 1 1 Fire Ball 2 1 Wildfire 2 3 (1) Fire Storm 3 3 (1) Summon Fire 1 1 Cold Water 2 1 (N) (M) Freeze 3 3 (1) (C) (M) Ice Arrow 4 6 (1) Blizzard 4 6 (7) Ice Storm 4 6 (7) Summon Water 1 1 Thunder Wind 2 1 (L) (M) Lightning 2 1 (N) (M) Lightning Bolt 3 2 Thunder Storm 3 2 Lightning 4 3 Storm Summon Air 1 1 Tremor Earth 1 1 (L) (M) Earthquake 1 1 (C) (M) Eruption 2 1 Volcano 2 1 Cataclysm 3 1 Summon Earth 1 1 Treat Heal 1 1 Any (P) Cure 1 1 Heal 2 1 +heal paralyze Restore 2 2 +heal paralyze Regenerate 3 3 +heal paralyze and stone Resurrect (C) (P) (Krystal and Amon) see Rebirth spell quest Cast spell on any unit (party member or enemy) with goat condition then pick dead unit to resurrect. The goat unit will be the sacrifice to give life to the dead unit. Your leader will need to be on a castle to place resurrected units. Rebirth (L) (P) (Robin and Armer IX) see Rebirth spell quest Cast spell on a healthy party member to give life to a dead party member. It will take HP away from healthy member. Your leader will need to be on a castle to place resurrected units. Zap Celestial Attack 4 1 (L) (P) Solar Ray 4 1 (C) (P) Star Sword 4 1 Star Storm 4 1 Meteor Strike 4 1 Shield Defense self 1 (L) (P) Shield Wall 2 1 (N) (P) Wall 2 1 Force Shield 2 1 Force Wall 4 7 Slow Paralyze 1 1 (N) (P) Stun 2 1 (C) (P) Paralyze 3 1 Megaparalyze 3 1 Stoptime 4 1 Disorder Confuse 1 1 (N) (M) Confusion 2 1 (N) (P) Fear 3 1 Panic 3 1 Hysteria 4 1 Goat Morph 1 1 (C) (M) Capricorn 1 1 (C) (P) Transform 3 1 Polymorph 3 1 Metamorph 4 1 Breath Transport 1 1 (L) (M) Blow 1 1 (L) (P) Blow off 3 1 Tornado 3 1 Holy Wind 4 1 ---Demon Leader Spells Name Description Range area -Warlord Firebolt Fire Damage 3 1 ---Aracna Megarestore All 1 heals one unit completely +heal paralyze, frozen, confused, stone, and goat Meltearth Earth Damage 3 7 -Aqua Megarestore All 1 heals one unit completely +heal paralyze, frozen, confused, stone, and goat Blizzard Breath Freeze 4 7 Beast Voice Damage and Confuse 4 1 -Sheena Megarestore All 1 heals one unit completely +heal paralyze, frozen, confused, stone, and goat Vortex Damage +Transport 4 7 Blade Storm Magic Damage 4 1 -Karmak Megarestore All 1 heals one unit completely +heal paralyze, frozen, confused, stone, and goat Hellfire Fire Damage 3 7 -Velonese Megarestore All 1 heals one unit completely +heal paralyze, frozen, confused, stone, and goat Call Undead Resurrects one of the 4 Demon Leaders (only used on Avisis map) Hellfire Fire Damage 3 7 Fire Bolt Fire Damage 3 1 Ice Blade Water Damage 4 7 Wind Bolt Air Damage to 3 targets 4 3 -Arliman Meltearth Earth Damage 3 7 Hellfire Fire Damage 3 7 Wind Bolt Air Damage to 3 targets 4 3 IX. Quests ---Elemental Spell Quests Fire Spirit Talk to the mayor of Narva. Talk to the Mayor of Treal. Talk to everyone in Treal to get their hints about the Fire Spirit's name. Return to the Mayor of Treal and answer his questions assuring him the Fire Spirit's name is "Afreet". You will then receive the Fire Staff. To summon Afreet, use the Fire Staff on the single hex spiked mountain southeast of Treal. From the east hex of Treal, 4 south 6 east. Before the summoning, know the Fire Ball spell (or stronger fire spell) and have at least 120 hp. If your HP falls to 0, you will fail the trial. If you successfully cast 4 effective fire spells and survive, you will pass the trial and learn the Summon Fire Spirit spell. Wind Spirit Talk to the Mayor of Eureska to receive the Granny's Letter. Take the Granny's Letter to the Mayor of Sapple to receive the Wind Drops. Use the Wind Drops at the shrine west of Sapple. Before the summoning, know the Lightning Bolt spell (or stronger wind spell) and have at least 110 hp. If your HP falls to 0, you will fail the trial. If you successfully cast 3 effective wind spells and survive, you will pass the trial and learn the Summon Wind Spirit spell. Earth Spirit Talk to the Innkeeper and the Alchemist in Laguna. Search the hole in the mountain east of Perth Castle to find the Statue of Vulcan. From the north hex of Perth Castle, 5 south and 8 east. Visit the Inn and weapon shop in Runvail. Talk to the Mayor in Sage. Use the Statue of Vulcan on the hex just northwest of the mouth of the volcano to redirect the lava flow. From the west hex of Sage, 1 south. Return to Sage. Talk to the Mayor to receive a Healing Ring for your reward. Buy some Tea from the Pawn Shop. Return to Runvail and talk to the Mayor with the tea in your inventory. He will tell you where Dandelea's favorite tree is and give you the Earthen Bowl. Search with the Earthen Bowl in your inventory or use the Earthen Bowl at the strange tree south of Runvail. From the east hex of Runvail, 9 south. Before the summoning, know the Volcano spell (or stronger earth spell) and have at least 175 hp. If your HP falls to 0, you will fail the trial. If you successfully cast 3 effective earth spells and survive, you will pass the trial and learn the Summon Earth Spirit spell. Water Spirit Visit the Town Square and Mayor in Garmesh. Talk to the Mayor of Dragonia. Talk to the Priest in Rufus and he will tell you the location of the Water Mirror. Search single hex island southeast of Rufus with your Warrior sub leader character to find the Water Mirror. From the east hex of Rufus, 4 south and 4 east. Use the Water Mirror with your Priest/Magic User sub leader character in the single hex forest northeast of Gasta Castle. From the north hex of Gasta Castle, 3 north and 1 east. The Water Spirit will not test the Priest/Magic User but only the Priest/Magic User can learn the Summon Water Spirit Spell. You must use this spell to take the last hit point from Karmack. You can't defeat him without it. See Defeat Karmak without the Summon Water Spirit spell Trick for another way. ---Main Quests (in semi-chronological order) ---Return the Ancient Scroll Visit the Pawn Shop in Teote to receive the Small Package. Deliver the Small Package to the Pawn Shop in Nieve to receive the Old Scroll. Take the Old Scroll to the Mayor of Dreik to receive a 5,000 gold piece reward. ---Jewel of Light Talk to everyone in Ridley. Visit the Town Square in Laguna. Search the strange spot in the forest southwest of Ridley to reveal Arien the elf village. From the west hex of Ridley city, 10 south and 5 west. Visit Arien with an elf. The Mayor will ask you to save his granddaughter. He will give you the Blue Crystal. Take the Blue Crystal to the Town Square in Niele. The guy will offer to trade you the Elf in a Bottle for the Blue Crystal. If you say yes, you will receive the Elf in a Bottle. If you say no, he will add 5000 gold to sweeten the deal. If you say yes now, you will receive the Elf in a Bottle and 5000 gold. Take the Elf in a Bottle back to the Mayor of Arien. He will give you an Elf Bow as reward for saving his granddaughter. After you do this, visit the Pawn Shop to get the Elf Tears. Use the Elf Tears with an elf unit on the oasis in the desert southwest of Sundrek. From the west hex of Sundrek city, 8 south 7 west. Search the shrine that appears to find the Jewel of Light. It can be used to break the Seal of Light, releasing Sabrina. The Seal of Darkness will also be broken with its use, releasing Arliman. Use the Jewel of Light during battle with your Leader. See God's Castle Quest for details. ---Become an Apostle of Sabrina (change character alignment chaotic to lawful) Pray 10 times at the Church in Cheshire. Will not work with sub leader characters or neutral units. If you are playing a chaotic leader and wish to have more naturally lawful units (esp. for a Winged Horserider), hire a unit before taking Cheshire Castle. Keep him as a hireling without an occupation. Change his alignment to Lawful. When he classes up, he will become a naturally lawful unit. For Warriors, Wildman will still be the option, but when you select Wildman after doing this, he becomes a Fighter. After you take Cheshire Castle, you can no longer hire Class 1 units. Any units you wish to manipulate this way must be hired prior to taking Cheshire Castle. ---Become an Apostle of Darkness (change character alignment from lawful to chaotic) Pray 10 times at the Church in Sage or Loa. Will not work with sub leader characters or neutral units. If you are playing a lawful leader and wish to have more naturally chaotic units, hire a unit before taking Cheshire Castle. Keep him as a hireling without an occupation. Change his alignment to chaotic. When he classes up, he will become a naturally chaotic unit. For Warriors, Fighter will still be the option, but when you select Fighter after doing this, he becomes a Wildman. After you take Cheshire Castle, you can no longer hire Class 1 units. Any units you wish to manipulate this way must be hired prior to taking Cheshire Castle. ---Train a Ninja Visit the Pawn Shop in Kaus to receive the Shinobi Knife. Search the strange tree northeast of Tobis between two mountain ranges with the Shinobi Knife in your inventory to reveal Shinobi (the secret ninja hamlet). From the east hex of Tobis, 7 north and 7 east. Talk to the Mayor of Shinobi with a Human Warrior unit, class 2 or above. He will offer you ninja training. Ninjas become very powerful. Keep in mind when choosing a unit to become your Ninja that an originally Lawful warrior (Paladin) is required for a Winged Horserider. If you have taken Cheshire, you will be able to hire a Class 2 Warrior. Leave a slot open for him, hire him, and train him as a Ninja. After training, a Ninja is always the same strength, regardless of his strength before training. ---Rare Axes Talk to the lady in the Town Square in Spring. Return to the Town Square in Spring at noon with a Chaotic Warrior equipped with a Battle Axe. You will drop the Axe into the spring. The Spirit will appear and present a Golden Axe to you and ask if it is yours. If you say (yes) the Golden Axe is yours, she will give you the Golden Axe. If you say (no) the Golden Axe is NOT yours, she will present a Silver Axe to you and ask if it is yours. If you say (yes) the Silver Axe is yours, she will give you the Silver Axe. If you say (no) the Silver Axe is NOT yours, she will present a Battle Axe to you and ask if it is yours. If you say (yes) the Battle Axe IS yours, she will give you both the Golden Axe AND the Silver Axe. If you say (no) the Battle Axe is NOT yours, she will ask you again if the Battle Axe is yours. If you say (yes) the Battle Axe is yours after all, you will get your original Battle Axe back. If you say (no) the Battle Axe is still not yours, you will lose your Battle Axe and get nothing. See weapon list for stats of the three axes. Also note the Golden and Silver axes are very valuable. ---Save Dwarf Miners Defeat the Giant Serpent guarding the cave southeast of Willis. From the east hex of Willis, 3 south 6 east. You can also draw the serpent away from the mine by confusing it. Search the cave with a Dwarf Unit and he will move the rock blocking the opening. You free the miners and they give you the Gaia Armor as a gift for saving them. See armor list. ---Save the People Turned to Stone in Willis Talk to the Priest in Niele and the Priest in Moog. Visit the Inn, Pawn Shop and Mayor in Eros in that order. Talk to the troubadour at the Tavern in Sundrek. Search the mouth of the moat directly southwest of Tara Castle to find the Mermaid's Harp. From the west hex of Tara Castle, 1 south. Return to Willis with the Mermaid's Harp in your inventory to turn the city back to normal. Willis has great weapons for sale at great prices and is required for the Slayer quest. ---Rebirth Spell Krystal and Amon- (Resurrect) Talk to the Mayor of Teydon. Talk to the Alchemist in Kalua and buy the Goat's Blood for 1000 gold. Visit the Mayor of Teydon with a class 3 (minimum) Chaotic Priest with the Leather Water Skin (Goat's Blood) in your inventory. You will learn the Resurrection Spell. Robin and Armer IX- (Rebirth) Talk to the Priest in Paradis city. He will tell you about the priest in Kalua. Talk to the Priest in Kalua church. Talk to the Mayor of Teydon. Tell him "yes" you have heard of the Spring of Purity. He will tell you it is in the middle of the 3 small mountains north of Teydon. From the west hex of Teydon, 8 north, 2 west. Search that location with a class 4, Lawful Priest and purify him. He will remain there until the end of the battle without moving. You also have the option of returning to this map with a search party. Return to Kalua church. The Priest will teach you the Rebirth Spell. ---Hobbit Rod and the Sandclock of Dreams Pray at the Church in Pacilite 200 times (you read right) and then talk to the Priest to receive the Hobbit Rod. Use the Hobbit Rod with a Hobbit unit on the strange spot north of Wuls to find the Sandclock of Dreams. From the east hex of Wuls, 8 north, 2 east. See Hidden Items on Avisis map for location of another one. See Item List for use. ---Acquire Griffin Visit the Weapon Shop and Alchemist in Wuls. Visit the Town Square in Solma. Search the cave south of Proxel Castle with any Warrior or Ranged Warrior unit in the Evening to find and tame a Griffin. From north hex of Proxel Castle, 9 south and 1 west. Make sure you have a space available. (party max. is 40) ---Acquire Winged Horse Talk to the Mayor of Palacite. Search the Winged Horse Spring in the middle of the forest northwest of Palacite with a Female in the Morning to find a Winged Horse. From the west hex of Palacite, 3 north and 1 west. Use Katrina for Krystal's quest. Robin herself will have to do this for Robin's quest. This is very important because you can not send Robin with a search party, thus you must find the Winged Horse during the Flayrona or North Baltrik battle when playing Robin. Use Susan for Amon's quest. You can use either Marie or Dianna for Armer's quest, but you won't need to worry about a Winged Horse with Armer because he can summon them. Make sure you have a space available (party max. is 40). ---Beastriders Visit the Tavern in Laguna. Visit the Inn in Kalua and talk to the injured man to get the Talisman. Use the Talisman on the strange tree southeast of Kalua to reveal Sharktan. From the east hex of Kalua, 3 south 6 east. Talk to the Mayor and then visit the Mansion. You will be instructed to visit Sharktan clan members in Dragonia, Paradis, and Nautia. He will give you the Sharktan Amulet to identify yourself to the clan members. Have the Sharktan Amulet in your inventory when visiting the clan members. See Dragonrider, Winged Horserider, and Griffinrider quests below for further instructions. ---Dragonrider Take the Sharktan Amulet to the Pawn Shop in Dragonia to receive the Dragon Ring. Use the Dragon Ring on a dragon unit standing next to a Warrior unit to get a Dragonrider. Warrior and Dragon must both be 4th class and have the same original alignment. (for example: a paladin who has been converted to chaotic is still compatible with a lawful dragon because he is originally lawful) Amon's Undead Dragons require a Chaotic Warrior. ---Winged Horserider Take the Sharktan Amulet to the Pawn Shop in Paradis to receive the Flying Robe. Use the Flying Robe on a Winged Horse unit standing next to a 4th class Lawful Warrior (Paladin) unit to get a Winged Horserider. The unit must be originally lawful. If using a converted unit, it must be converted to lawful before having an occupation. See Become Apostle of Sabrina Quest for more information. See Acquire Winged Horse Quest if you don't have a Winged Horse. ---Griffinrider Visit the Pawn Shop and Church in Nautia (the Sharktan Amulet is not required) to receive the Flying Saddle (referred to as the Water of Heaven?). Use the Flying Saddle with any Warrior or Ranged Warrior unit on an adjacent Griffin to get a Griffinrider. See Acquire Griffin Quest if you don't have a Griffin. ---Slayer (Dragonrider Vain's Sword) Visit the Weapon Shop in Sharktan. Visit the Weapon Shop and Mayor in Willis. Visit the Tavern and Mayor of Wuls. Visit the Tavern, Inn, Mayor, and Church in Solma. After speaking to everyone listed, talk to the Priest in Garmesh. Return to the Tavern in Wuls to receive the Goblet of Solma. Search the mouth of the volcano on the island west of Solma using any beastrider with the Goblet of Solma in his inventory to find Slayer. From the west hex of Solma, 1 south and 14 west. If you get a message saying 'It's too hot to go inside' when you search the volcano, your conversations are not complete in the 5 cities above. ---Save the People turned to Vampires in Loa Talk to the Mayor in Astea, who is really the Mayor of Loa. Agree to go to Loa and he will give you the Sun Stone. Visit Loa at Night with the Sun Stone in your inventory to turn the people back to normal and kill the vampire mayor. Talk to the real Mayor in Loa to receive the Moon Stone. See Item list for use. Amon doesn't take part in this quest for obvious reasons. You can talk to the people of Loa at night and even get personal greetings if you visit with Amon. After the South Baltrik battle, Amon will make Susan a vampire. Her alignment will be Undead from that point on. ---Ghost Scythe Search the single hex island west of Demia Castle to find the Rusty Weapon. From the north hex of Demia Castle, 3 north and 24 west. Take the Rusty Weapon to the Blacksmith in Willis. Have him temper the Rusty Weapon into the Ghost Scythe. See weapon list. ---Seal of the Demons and Access to Viosdia Island When you defeat the 4 demon leaders, you receive the Seal of the Demons. Search the Shrine south of Palwa with the Seal of Demons in your inventory to receive the Fog Chime. From the west hex of Palwa, 6 south. Use the Fog Chime on the tree south of the Shrine to summon Tagon and gain access to Viosdia island. From the west hex of Palwa, 8 south. ---God's Castle To get the regular ending. Defeat Velonese before using or within 10 days of using the Jewel of Light. To go to the battle against Arliman at God's Castle and see the long ending, you must wait at least 10 days after using the Jewel of Light to defeat Velonese. X. Hidden Items by Map You will see the name of the map at the beginning of the battle. You can also get it by looking at your save game description. Maps listed by Demon Leader territory in the order: Aracna, Aqua, Sheena, Karmak, Velonese, Arliman. See Weapon, Armor, and Item Lists for additional information. To receive hidden items, you must have an inventory space available. ---Quentin Castles- Quentin, Norma, Tourla Cities- Quentin, Shirster, Milsey, Castin -Herb (Kyote) (one each visit) Search in upper left area of forest east of Shirster. From the east hex of Shirster, 1 south and 7 east. -Goddess' Teardrops (one each visit) Search between the 2 river mouths south of Shirster. From the east hex of Shirster, 11 south and 2 east. -Broad Sword (Kyote) Search just north of the tip of the large forest west of Shirster (favor the left) From the west hex of Shirster, 5 north and 5 west. -Holy Water Pray 3 times at the Church in Milsey. ---Insenior Castles- Norma, Banif Cities- Teote, Dios, Dreik, Nieve -Herb Search in single hex forest east of Teote. From the east hex of Teote, 7 east. -Silver Leaf (one each visit) Pray 3 times at the Church in Teote. -Balm (Kyote) Unlimited. Search in southern most forest west of Dreik just northeast of the bottom tip. From the west hex of Dreik, 2 south and 10 west. -Medusa Head (one each search party) Search on southern tip of mountain located on island northeast of Dreik. From the east hex of Dreik, 5 north and 7 east. -Power Staff (one each visit) Pray 3 times at Church in Nieve. ---Carbie Castles- Esni, Carbie Cities- Nieve, Sapple, Eureska -Balm (Kyote) Unlimited. Search the single hex wasteland northwest of Eureska. From the west hex of Eureska, 3 north and 6 west. -Funeral Bell (one each visit) Pray 3 times at Church in Eureska -Healing Ring and Merman Ship Search Nieve town hexes. ---Barth Castles- Banif, Perth Cities- Iyaltis, Koz, Zolt -Great Sword (one each search party) Search mountain island northwest of Perth Castle. From north hex of Perth Castle, 2 north and 6 west. ---Cheshire Castles- Perth, Carbie, Shire Cities- Carbie, Laguna, Ribif -Holy Cloth (one each search party) Search east hex of ruin west of Ribif. From the west hex of Ribif, 1 north and 9 west. -Ghost Scythe (Kyote) Search the road just northwest of Cheshire. From the north hex of Cheshire Castle, 2 north and 1 west. ---Silka Castles- Ridley, Perth Cities- Koz, Ridley, Nast, Woors, Arien -Mad Axe (Aracna's Weapon) Search north hex of Ridley Castle. -Speed Potion (one each visit) Search western tip of forest east of Nast. From the east hex of Nast, 6 east. ---Tourla Castles- Tourla, Esni, Bovis Cities- Yunas, Yazu, Narva -Living Power Staff (one each visit) Pray 3 times at Church in Yunas. -Broad Sword (Kyote) (one each search party) Search near the middle of the large section of mountain west of Narva. From the west hex of Narva, 7 north and 3 west. -Balm Search in forest southeast of Bovis Castle. From the east hex of Bovis Castle, 3 south and 1 east. ---Jhelyle Castles- Bovis, Saia Cities- Treal, Kaus -Gorgon Tail (one each visit) Search in single hex forest south of Bovis Castle. From the west hex of Bovis Castle, 9 south. -Maul (one each visit) Search in the middle of the bridge connected island west of Treal. From the west hex of Treal, 2 north and 5 west. ---Algain Castles- Saia, Yapone, Balka Cities- Kaus, Tobis, Yentz, Shinobi (hidden) -Magic Stone (Kyote) Search the forest hex just north of the ruin north of Tobis. From the west hex of Tobis, 10 north. -Trident (Aqua's Weapon) Search the north hex of Balka Castle. ---Asai Castles- Balka, Asai Cities- Spring, Asai, Palwa -Hero Shield Search west hex of ruin west of Asai Castle. From west hex of Asai Castle, 1 south and 8 west. -Mirror Shield Search the river directly south of the bridge just west of Asai city. From the west hex of Asai city, 1 south and 1 west. ---Gracildo Castles- Shire, Castin, Paradis Cities- Talislar, Russell, Enhas -Salve Search single hex mountain southeast of Russell. From the east hex of Russell, 4 south and 3 east. -Holy Cloth (Kyote) Search western tip of river east of Castin Castle. From the east hex of Castin Castle, 7 east. -Salve (Kyote) Search lower middle (2nd hex north of the mountain) wasteland north of Enhas. From the east hex of Enhas, 16 north and 1 east. -Sultis Sword (one each visit) Pray 3 times at Church in Enhas. ---Sage Castles- Paradis, Harpax Cities- Enhas, Paradis, Runvail, Sage -Herb (Unlimited) (Kyote) Search directly northeast of Enhas. From the east hex of Enhas, 1 north and 1 east. -Magic Stone (one each search party) Search first single hex mountain southeast of Paridis city. From the east hex of Paradis city, 18 south and 7 east. -Sultis Sword (one each visit) Pray 3 times at Church in Enhas. ---Eureska Castles- Harpax, Asai, Tara Cities- Willis, Niele -Hero Armor Search the east hex of the Ruins southeast of Asai Castle. From the east hex of Asai Castle, 9 south and 6 east. -Haste Potion (one each search party) (Kyote) Search forest hex east of Asai Castle in between where the road takes a north turn and where it comes back south. From the east hex of Asai Castle, 11 east. -Balm (Unlimited) Search north east hex in forest north of Asai Castle. From the north hex of Asai Castle, 8 north and 4 east. -Athena's Orb (one each visit) (Kyote) Pray 3 times at Church in Niele. ---Lomsaire Castles- Castin, Sulus, Bacoba Cities- Teydon, Kalua -Salve (Kyote) Search single hex plain spot northeast of Kalua. From the east hex of Kalua, 7 north and 8 east. -Crossbow Search between mountains west of Bacoba Castle. From west hex of Bacoba Castle, 1 south and 10 west. ---Flayrona Castles- Sulus, Pashir Cities- Rufus, Pacilite -Salve (Unlimited) Search the west hex in forest northeast of Rufus. From the east hex of Rufus, 3 north and 3 east. -Halberd Search on single hex mountain island northeast of Rufus. From the east hex of Rufus, 4 north and 15 east. ---North Baltrik Castles- Pashir, Draco, Gasta Cities- Pacilite, Garmesh, Dragonia -Balm Search in single hex forest northwest of Garmesh. From the west hex of Garmesh, 3 north and 5 west. -Crystal Mace (one each visit) Pray at the Church in Garmesh 3 times. -Blood Candle (Kyote) Search south east of Garmesh between the road and the mountain 2 hexes north of the turn in the road. From the east hex of Garmesh, 4 south and 5 east. -Fire Saber (Karmack's Weapon) Search the north hex of Draco Castle. -Gorgon Tail (Unlimited) Search single hex mountain northwest of Gasta Castle. From the north hex of Gasta Castle, 5 north and 7 west. ---Baltrik Castles- Gasta, Proxel Cities- Solma, Wuls -Funeral Bell (Kyote) Search in middle of mountain northeast of Solma. From the east hex of Solma, 2 north and 3 east. -Crow's Cloak (Kyote) Search southern tip of forest northwest of Proxel Castle. From north hex of Proxel Castle, 5 west. ---South Baltrik Castles- Proxel, Astea Cities- Loa, Astea -Halberd (Kyote) Search in the middle of mountain south of Proxel Castle. From the north hex of Proxel Castle, 6 south and 2 west. -Blood Candle (Kyote) Search in wasteland hex by the forest directly south of the mountain southwest of Loa. From the west hex of Loa, 9 south and 2 west. -Armor of Retribution Search forest south of mountain located northeast of Astea City. From the east hex of Astea City, 8 north and 6 east. ---Nautia Castles- Astea, Nortia, Juron Cities- Astea, Nautia, Eros -Dragon Armor (Kyote) Search plain hex surrounded on 4 sides by forest located north east of Juron Castle. From the north hex of Juron Castle, 11 north and 7 east. -Silver Leaf (Kyote) Search in single hex forest southeast of Nortia Castle. From the east hex of Nortia Castle, 1 south and 3 east. -Black Sword This item is visible on the map. Search where you see it stuck in the mountain north west of Nautia. From the west hex of Nautia, 7 north and 9 west. -Priest Robe Pray at the Church in Nautia 3 times. ---Balkandi Castles- Tara, Juron, Sundrek Cities- Eros, Sundrek, Moog -Balm (Unlimited) Search single hex forest north of Sundrek Castle. From north hex of Sundrek Castle, 1 north. -Herb (Unlimited) Search in single hex forest south of Sundrek Castle. From the east hex of Sundrek Castle, 3 south and 1 east. -Herb (Unlimited) Search in single hex forest east of Sundrek Castle. From the north hex of Sundrek Castle, 2 east. -Wind Shot (Sheena's Weapon) Search north hex of Sundrek Castle. -Shadow Shield (Unlimited) Search on center single hex mountain west of Sundrek. From west hex of Sundrek City, 3 south and 15 west. ---Demia Castles- Asai, Demia Cities- Palwa -Silver Leaf (Unlimited) (Kyote) Search in the water west of Palwa. From the west hex of Palwa, 1 north and 6 west. Must have flying unit or item that allows entry into the water. -Rusty Weapon (Unlimited) Search the island southwest of Palwa. From the west hex of Palwa, 14 south and 15 west. See Ghost Scythe quest for more information. -Angel Robe (one every visit) Search east hex of ruin south of Palwa. From the west hex of Palwa, 16 south and 6 west. ---Dorg Castles- Demia, Dorg -Cursed Ring Search in forest hex southwest of mountain located on the peninsula south of Dorg Castle. From the west hex of Dorg Castle, 20 south and 1 west. ---Avisis Castles- Dorg, Gern, Avisis You must find all the hidden items on this map during the battle as you will have no opportunity to send a search party. -Marathon Shoes (one each visit) (Kyote) Search in forest hex southwest of mountain located on the peninsula south of Dorg Castle. From the west hex of Dorg Castle, 20 south and 1 west. (This is the same location for the Cursed Ring on the Dorg map) -Evil Claw (Unlimited) Search just west of the bridge leading to Avisis Castle. From the east hex of Castle Avisis, 1 south and 5 east. -Eye of Darkness Search just east of the bridge leading to Avisis Castle. From the east hex of Castle Avisis, 1 south and 8 east. -Sandclock of Dreams Search western most hex on peninsula south of Avisis Castle. From the west hex of Castle Avisis, 3 south and 9 east. See Hobbit Rod and Sandclock of Dreams Quest for location of another one. ---God's Castle -Golden Axe Search the southwest monster generator -Attract Talisman Search just northwest of southwest monster generator -??? (PLEASE HELP) Search in south doorway on the west side of the structure. This location sometimes makes a sound as if some item or secret has been found, but doesn't go anywhere or do anything. -??? (PLEASE HELP) Search just northwest of southeast monster generator. This location sometimes goes to a forest scene but says "You didn't find anything". XI. Tricks and Oddities ---Good Sources of Gold If you need gold, send a search party to load up on the following valuable items. For items acquired by praying at a church, go into the city, pray at the church to get the item, leave the city, repeat. You also have the option of selling immediately if there is a weapon or pawn shop in the town. You can also sell in a neighboring town. -Power Staff in Nieve Church (value 250g) These aren't real valuable, but are included here because they are on the Insenior map very early in the game. Handy for getting money to hire units you might not otherwise be able to afford. There is a weapon shop in Nieve so stay as long as you like. -Living Power staff in Yunas church (value 3750g) Good early equipment for mages and priests and big bucks fairly early in the game. This one will really make you feel like your cheating. There is a weapon shop in Yunas. -Sultis Sword in Enhas Church (value 5000g) One of the better swords in the game. Very good money making opportunity. -Athena's Orb in Niele Church (value 5000g) A good opportunity made better because Niele has a pawn shop. Stay a while. -Shadow Shield on Balkandi map (value 4900) Once you make it to this point you will never worry about gold again. You will now be able to afford that expensive ninja and elf equipment you've been looking at without having to go in and out of a church. Very fast gold. ---Place More Troops Leave a castle hex open when placing troops. Move your leader to the open spot during their turn and you can place more troops. ---Search Party Availability You are able to send a search party out after every battle and have them available for your next battle by immediately retreating at the beginning of the next battle. As long as you placed castle guards, and are not attacking/ retreating from a map in which you control 2 castles, you will lose nothing and can go into each battle with every unit available. When you make it to the Isle of Viosdia, every retreat will cause a castle to be taken. You can defeat this by leaving Nortia Castle under Warlord control and attacking that map when you need to immediately retreat. When you are finished with your quests and no longer need to send search parties, you can take Nortia Castle. ---Easy Xp with the Power Staff Send any unit on a search party with a power staff. Use the power staff to cast cure for XP. You can do this as many times as you like while on a search party. ---Equip anyone with a Ghost Scythe (Bifrostbear) You can temper the Rusty Weapon into a Ghost Scythe at the blacksmith in Willis for 2500G. Anyone can equip the Rusty Weapon, and if you temper it while equipped, it will remain equipped. This allows units to use the Ghost Scythe who wouldn't normally be able to. Once this is done, it must never be unequipped or moved, as you will not be able to re-equip it. Since the source of the Rusty Weapon on the Demia map is unlimited, you can, theoretically equip every unit with a Ghost Scythe. ---Defeat Karmak without the Water Spirit (Troy Stiltner) Position a Ninja adjacent to Karmak with Gun Powder in his inventory. Get the HP of both Karmak and the Ninja down to near death. Cast an attack spell on Karmak that will hit the Ninja as well. When the Ninja dies, he will involve Karmak in his death and Karmak will die too. ---Temper the Seal of the Demons (Bifrostbear) For 50G you can temper the Seal of the Demons at the blacksmith in Willis to get a short sword (3 attack). Save your game before you try this, as you will not be able to get the fog chime or get onto Viosdia Island. Game Over. ---Use Arliman's own power against him in the God's Castle battle If you equip the Retribution armor, unequip your shield (and any other protective items) and attack Arliman, you will be able to give back half of the damage he does to you. Some units (for example the Griffinrider or Winged Horserider) take major damage (over 600 hp) from Arliman. You can take him down with his own power. This works especially well if you have the ability to resurrect. No need to heal the unit after resurrecting them, just attack again. ---Kyrstal's Sub Leaders switch occupations In an obvious in-game mistake, Marcus' occupation is listed as Mage and Katrina's occupation is listed as Soldier. After they class up, their proper occupations are listed. ---Leader Personal Greetings and Residency Krystal, Marcus, and Katrina will get personal greetings in Woors. They will be residents of Woors in the other leader's quests. Marcus will be the weapon dealer, Krystal will be the alchemist, and Katrina will be the priestess. Robin, Kail, and David will get a special fortune in Sundrek and Robin is a resident in Sundrek Inn in the other leaders quests. Amon will get personal greetings in Loa, but is nowhere to be found in the other leaders' quests. Armer IX will get personal greetings at the Tavern in Cheshire and be a resident there in the other leaders quests. Copyright 2007 Steve D. Simmons. If you wish to use the information contained in this guide, in whole or in part, for any purpose, excluding personal use, send requests to: dickweed666@hotmail.com All requests will be approved pending use location information. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.