Aaron's Dark Wizard Goodies PLZNOSPAMapickett@junoKTHX.com Version: 1.08, Last Updated: 15 Aug 2009 Here's my list of tips and tricks for Dark Wizard. I update it every so often as I find new info. You may distribute this list in any way you want, as long as you keep my name and header on it. If you would like to add something, send it to me, and I'll put it on there with your name and address. Aaron 1. Easy experience- Pray at the church in Nieve 3 times, and the priest will give you a Power Staff. Get one for every mercenary in your army (except priests) and put it in their inventory. When used by ANY character, it heals 15 points damage AND gives 2 exp. points. This is great for moving your guys around. Instead of just using "SET" or "SRCH", have them use the staff, heal someone, and gain some experience in the process! 2. Easy cash- Send a search party to Yunas. Pray 3 times and receive a LPOW staff worth $3500, and sell it in town. Keep doing this until you have as much money as you need. (Note: you must exit and re-enter the town each time the priest gives one to you) I use this before finding the elf village so I have enough cash to buy all the good stuff. (Later in the game, the priest in Niele gives Athena Orbs worth $5000!!!) 3. Get Chaos AND Lawful mercenaries. Send your lawful men to Loa or Sage, and have them pray until the priest says something different. Then, they're automatically turned to chaos! Do the same for your chaos mercenaries at Cheshire to turn them into lawful! BUT, this works best if you change them before they gain their first class (while they're still just human, dwarf, etc.). 4. Place nine characters each turn- With your leader on the castle, place 5 guys around him, leaving one castle space open. Then, move your leader to the open castle space, and have him place 4 more guys. 5. Get more than one "found" item- at any place where you "SRCH" and find an item (like the broad sword in the first map), save and reload, and the item is there again! Get as many as you want! Good places to find items are islands (only accessible by flying characters OR in search parties). 6. Sandclock of dreams- Send a hobbit (probably priest) to Pacilite and have him keep praying at the church (it's quite a few times) until the priest gives you the hobbit rod. Near the road between Gasta and Wuls, there is a section of wasteland with 1 spot of desert in the middle. Use the hobbit rod there to get the Sandclock of Dreams, which you can only use once, but it gives you 2 consecutive turns! 7. Mad Axe (chaos)-Strength:70, resistance to Earth Spells. Found on top (center) hex of Ridley Castle. Note that this is the hex that Aracna stands on during battle, so you must use a search party. This leads me to believe that there may be other such cool items on other hexes occupied by warlords and demons. Please try, and report your findings to me!!! 8. Search Ruins near Asai (I think) to find Hero armor and Hero Shield. There are cool items in almost every ruin. 9. Trident (lawful)-Strength:70, adds resistance. Found on Balka castle (like #7). 10. Fire Saber (all fighters)-Strength:50, resistance to fire. Found on Draco castle. 11. Powerful bow (name and stats unknown)-on Sundrek Castle 12. When in a town, press START to see your inventory. 13. When attacking or casting a spell, highlight a character or monster on your list of targets and press "A" to see a description of that character. It often gives useful information about that type of character. 14. On the desert map with Tara, Sundrek, and Juron castles there is a circle of about six small mountains. There is another small mountain in the center of the circle. Atop the center mountain, there is a shadow shield. No matter how many people search for it or how many times it is searched for, one will be found every time. Not only is it a good shield, but it is quite profitable for resale. 15. On the first battle with Velonese, the battle for Demia castle, there is a small island off the western shore. On it you will find a rusted weapon. Take it to the blacksmith of Willis and he will give you the Ghost Scythe. 16. On the battle of Avisis, there is a sandclock on the horn on the southern land mass. 17. On the southern horn of the western land mass in Avisis, there are the marathon shoes (write me back about them if you find what they do.) They act in the same fashion as the elf shoes except that they will work on non elf characters (with the exception of the flying characters and the ninja). Also, if you retreat you can get a new pair each time when you reenter the battle. 18. Save the valuable sandclocks for the upcoming battle with Arliman (if you broke the jewel of light.) If you fight Arliman, use the sandclocks on him. With the proper combination of movement and placing you can get 36 troops out before he knows what happened! 19. On the bottom-left pentagram (in Arliman's map) there is the golden axe. 20. Always attack Arliman first with the dragon rider (Arliman would make minced meat of everyone else.) Put your dragon rider fighting Arliman in the top-right hex above him for regardless who is there that is where he will attack (if he doesn't dust various members of you army with Hellfire.) Always let your dragon rider attack him with Slayer. 21. Whenever you attack an enemy with your "Normal" attack, it will counterattack with its normal attack. Whenever you attack with a special attack (ex: Fire) the enemy will counterattack with its special attack (only if it has one). 22. Great Sword (listed as Bastard Sword in weapons chart) -found on island north of Perth castle. Send a search party if you have no flying characters. 23. In the town of Spring, all of the people tell you about a ghost in the town square but only warriors and weapon smiths ever see it. Other townspeople tell you how the ghost steals gold and silver. You have to send a chaos warrior with some sort of axe (hatchet) equipped. If you enter the town at noon, you drop your hatchet into the fountain. The ghost appears and says that she will get it for you. She comes back with a golden axe and asks if it is yours. If you say no she'll bring back a silver axe. She will ask it's yours and if you say no she'll bring back your normal hatchet and ask if it's yours. If you say yes she will give you both the golden axe (35) and the silver axe (45). (revised by me-to the best of my knowledge) If you say "yes" to either the gold or silver axe, the ghost gives them to you, but they are much less useful and valuable. In essence, if you lie, you get to keep one cheap axe instead of getting two good ones. 24. Any character can be equipped with the ghost scythe. You do this by equipping any character with a rusty weapon and then going to see the blacksmith. As long as you don't unequip them, you can arm everyone (I don't arm the rangers with one, but I usually give one to the grif rider and he becomes a lot more useful) with this powerful weapon. You can also arm your ruler this way, but you have to leave castles unguarded until you can send the ruler to the blacksmith during a battle. Copyright 1996-2009 Aaron Pickett, unless otherwise stated