******************************************************************************* Dragon's Lair for Atari Jaguar CD FAQ/Walkthrough by BHodges Version 1.0 Created 06/05/09 This document Copyright 2009 by Brian Hodges. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ******************************************************************************* Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Background Story III. Getting Started IV. Basic Gameplay A. Object of the Game B. Controls V. Walkthrough A. Overview B. Level 1 1. Drawbridge 2. End of Corridor 3. Tentacles from Ceiling 4. Snake Room 5. Swinging Ropes of Fire 6. Pool of Water C. Level 2 1. Bubbling Ooze in Kettle 2. The Goons 3. Sliding Stairs 4. The Smithy 5. Giant Spinning Batons D. Level 3 1. The Wind Room 2. Closing Wall 3. Room of Fire 4. Metallic Flying Horse 5. Checkered Floor Knight E. Level 4 1. Haunted Hallway 2. Large Wooden Platforms 3. Bats 4. Falling Platform 5. The Lizard King F. Level 5 1. Drink Me 2. Checkerboard Corridor 3. Magnetic Ball 4. Rapids/Whirlpools 5. Lava Field of the Mudmen G. Level 6 1. Phantom Knight 2. Rolling Balls 3. The Round Cage 4. The Dragon's Lair VI. Game Review VII. Special Thanks VIII. Version History IX. Contact Information ******************************************************************************* I. Introduction This is a FAQ for the Atari Jaguar CD game Dragon's Lair. It contains a list of controls, a complete walkthrough, and a mini-review. ******************************************************************************* II. Background Story Here is the background story from the instruction booklet: You, Dirk the Daring, are on a quest to rescue the fair Princess Daphne who has been kidnapped and is being held captive by Singe the Evil Dragon. To do this you must survive a perilous journey and defeat all your adversaries. Make your way through the castle and caverns below by using your controller to move and the "B" button to wield your sword. Beware of your foes as they are numerous! ******************************************************************************* III. Getting Started Press B at any time during the attract cinema to begin playing the game. ******************************************************************************* IV. Basic Gameplay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Object of the Game The object of the game is to survive the 30 screens and defeat Singe the dragon in order to rescue Princess Daphne. On each screen you must perform a specific sequence of actions in order for Dirk to avoid certain death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Controls Joypad Up (U) Move Dirk forwards. Joypad Down (D) Move Dirk backwards. Joypad Left (L) Move Dirk left. Joypad Right (R) Move Dirk right. B Button (S) Swing Dirk's sword. Pause Pauses the game. NOTE: Be careful when pausing the game, upon resuming play, the scene will automatically reset and you'll have to start from the beginning. ******************************************************************************* V. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Overview There are a total of 30 stages across six levels in Dragon's Lair. For each one I have listed the solution (i.e. the sequence of moves you must make) as well as timing info. Whenever you make a move, you will hear either a success or failure tone (you'll learn to distinguish these early on!). Timing is critical, if you make a correct move, and it doesn't register, try it again, in most stages there is no penalty for making a move early. Some stages will be "mirrored" so that the left and right moves will have to be reversed. Dirk starts out with five lives. Once he loses all his lives, the game is over. You are then given the option to continue. For some reason, in order to continue you must HOLD B for a couple of seconds. You'll be given five new lives and start out on the first stage of your current level. One final note, I did NOT come up with these level names, these were the ones given in the instruction booklet. If you think they are lame, it's Don Bluth's fault, not mine :p ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Level 1 ............................................................................... 1. Drawbridge Solution: S, U As Dirk is walking across the drawbridge, the rotting wood will give way and he'll fall through. Swing your SWORD at the tentacles, then quickly press UP to climb up to safety. ............................................................................... 2. End of Corridor Solution: R Dirk will be standing in front of three doors. Suddenly the room will start to collapse. When the door on the right flashes, press RIGHT. ............................................................................... 3. Tentacles from Ceiling Solution: S, U, R, D, L, U As soon as the tentacles drop from the ceiling, swing your SWORD. The weapons rack in the back of the room will then flash, press UP to move towards them. When the door flashes, press RIGHT to go towards it. Once the stairs flash, press DOWN to begin climbing. More tentacles will drop down and the table will flash, press LEFT to jump on the table. The door will start to open and close, when it opens for the second time, quickly press UP to exit the room. ............................................................................... 4. Snake Room Solution: S, S, R A snake will drop from the ceiling, kill it with your SWORD. A second snake will appear, dispatch that one with your SWORD as well. When the rope with the skull flashes, press RIGHT to climb the rope. ............................................................................... 5. Swinging Ropes of Fire Solution: L, L, L, L, S Dirk will be standing on a platform that will suddenly recede into the wall, press LEFT to jump onto the rope. Once you swing over to the next rope, press LEFT to switch ropes. Once you reach the third rope, press LEFT again. When you reach the platform, press LEFT to hop off and quickly grab your SWORD so you don't lose your balance. NOTE: Sometimes this room will be mirrored, in that case, change all the lefts to rights. ............................................................................... 6. Pool of Water Solution: R, U, L, U, R, U, S, U When the floor begins to crumble press RIGHT. Press UP to duck under the spears coming from the wall. When the floor starts to crumble, press LEFT to escape. Press UP to jump in the pool. Once inside the pool. press RIGHT to climb out. Immediately move UP to avoid the falling debris. When the spider appears, kill it with your SWORD. Press UP to make it through the door before being squished by the blocks. NOTE: Sometimes this room will be mirrored, in that case, change all the rights to lefts and vice versa. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C. Level 2 ............................................................................... 1. Bubbling Ooze in Kettle Solution: U, S, S, R Press UP to dodge the boiling liquid. After Dirk, picks up the vial, a monster will pop out, kill it with your SWORD. Another monster will appear from the cauldron, kill that one with your SWORD as well. Escape the room by pressing RIGHT to run to the door. ............................................................................... 2. The Goons Solution: S, R, U, S As soon as the purple goons appears, slay it with your SWORD. When the next two appear, press RIGHT to move to the stairs, then UP to climb them. When the next two goons appear, take them out with your SWORD. ............................................................................... 3. Sliding Stairs Solution: L, S, L, L When you descend the stairs, they'll turn into a slide, press LEFT to avoid falling into the pit. When you reach the bottom, use your SWORD on the tentacles. When the next set of tentacles appears, press LEFT to escape. Press LEFT again to escape through the hatch. ............................................................................... 4. The Smithy Solution: S, S, S, R, S, S As soon as you see the flaming sword, press SWORD to draw your weapon. As the sword is flying towards you, press SWORD to deflect it. Use your SWORD to deflect the flying mace as well. When the anvil appears, press RIGHT to dodge it. Use your SWORD to deflect the spear. After climbing the stairs, use your SWORD to slay the monster. ............................................................................... 5. Giant Spinning Batons Solution: U, U, S, D, U Dirk will slowly approach the spinning batons. Press UP when he crouches to safely make it past them. Press UP to jump towards the reaper, then use your SWORD to slay him. Press DOWN to avoid the thorns then UP to exit through the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Level 3 ............................................................................... 1. The Wind Room Solution: R You'll see Princess Daphne screaming for help. When Dirk reaches the door, a powerful wind will blow it open. As soon as you see the door on your right flash, press RIGHT to exit the room. ............................................................................... 2. Closing Wall Solution: U A wall will magically begin to build. Press UP when you see the door flash. ............................................................................... 3. Room of Fire Solution: R, U, L, L You need to dodge the fire by pressing RIGHT, UP, then LEFT. When you see the bench flash, press LEFT to move it and uncover the exit. ............................................................................... 4. Metallic Flying Horse Solution: L, R, L, R, R, R Dirk will climb onto the horse. When you see the flames dodge to the LEFT, then RIGHT, then LEFT then RIGHT. Press RIGHT to dodge the solid wall then RIGHT again to dodge the flames. Dirk will then automatically exit the room. ............................................................................... 5. Checkered Floor Knight Solution: L, R, U, R, L, R, L, S, S You'll see Daphne again, then a knight will appear. To avoid the electricity you need to dodge LEFT, RIGHT, UP, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT. When you reach the knight. Press SWORD to draw your weapon, then press SWORD again to dispatch your foe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Level 4 ............................................................................... 1. Haunted Hallway Solution: U, S, U, S, R, S When the bones appear, press UP to dodge. Use your SWORD on the giant hand, then press UP again to dodge the bones. When the next hand appears, use your SWORD then press RIGHT to escape the black goo. Use your SWORD on the wraiths. ............................................................................... 2. Large Wooden Platforms Solution: U, U, D, S, R When the platform crumbles press UP. Press UP again as the next section crumbles. Press DOWN to duck under the bats then use your SWORD to scare them off. Press RIGHT to escape up the rope. ............................................................................... 3. Bats Solution: S, L, L, S, L Use your SWORD on the bats, then press LEFT to descend the stairs. Press LEFT when you see the flash to jump over the gap. Use your SWORD on the giant bat, then press LEFT to escape through the door. ............................................................................... 4. Falling Platform Solution: R Press RIGHT to jump onto the ledge. ............................................................................... 5. The Lizard King Solution: L, R, R, R, R, R, U, S, L, R, D, S Your sword will be magnetically drawn to the pot of gold. Follow the pot by pressing LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT. Once the pot stops, press UP to grab your weapon, then use your SWORD. Dodge the lizard king's attacks by pressing LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN. Finish him off with your SWORD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F. Level 5 ............................................................................... 1. Drink Me Solution: R You'll see a potion and a flashing sign that says "Drink Me". Ignore the potion and press RIGHT when you see the door flash to exit the room. ............................................................................... 2. Checkerboard Corridor Solution: D, U, L Press DOWN when the floor starts to disappear, then press UP. When you see the doors flash, press LEFT to escape. ............................................................................... 3. Magnetic Ball Solution: R, U, R, R The ball will steal your helmet and sword. Press RIGHT, UP, RIGHT to avoid the electricity. As you are sitting in the throne, your gear will be returned and the chair will swivel into another room. Press RIGHT to escape. ............................................................................... 4. Rapids/Whirlpools Solution: L, R, L, R, U, U, U, U, R, L, R, L, R You'll see a sign warning of boulders. Press LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT to avoid them. You'll then see a sign warning of rapids. To survive, press UP, UP, UP, UP. There will then be a sign warning of whirlpools. Press RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT to avoid them. When Dirk crashes and goes flying into the air, press RIGHT to grab the chain and climb to safety. ............................................................................... 5. Lava Field of the Mudmen Solution: S, U, U, U, U, U, U, U, U Use your SWORD on the mudmen. Since that doesn't work, you'll have to escape by pressing UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP, UP to jump over the geysers and escape. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G. Level 6 ............................................................................... 1. Phantom Knight Solution: L, L, R Dodge the knight's attacks by pressing LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT. ............................................................................... 2. Rolling Balls Solution: D, D, D, D, D, D, U Wait for the yellow ball to go past then press DOWN. Then wait for the red ball to go by before pressing DOWN. After the blue ball goes by, press DOWN. After the green ball goes by press DOWN. Wait for the orange ball to go by before pressing down. As soon as the purple ball goes by, press DOWN then press UP to jump the gap and escape. ............................................................................... 3. The Round Cage Solution: U, U, U, L Press UP, UP, UP, then LEFT to make it safely through the room. ............................................................................... 4. The Dragon's Lair Solution: U, L, L, D, D, D, L, U, D, R, S, S, L, S Press UP when you see the flash to stop the stack from falling over. Press LEFT to hop over to the next platform, then press LEFT to dodge Singe's fire. Press DOWN when you see the flash to catch the stack. While behind the pillar, press DOWN, DOWN, LEFT to avoid Singe's claws. Press UP then DOWN to avoid Singe's attacks. When you see the pillar flash, press RIGHT. Press SWORD to grab the magic sword, then SWORD again to block Singe's flames. Press LEFT to avoid Singe's tail, then slay him with the SWORD. ******************************************************************************* VI. Game Review Dragon's Lair revolutionized the arcade industry when it was released in the early 1980's and this is a faithful port. Dragon's Lair is really an interactive cartoon where you must choose the correct action for a particular situation to save Dirk from certain death. This game is a must own for any fan of the Jaguar CD. Pros + An excellent port of the arcade classic! + Graphics are still gorgeous even after all these years. Cons - Gameplay is more about memorization than skills. ******************************************************************************* VII. Special Thanks Special Thanks go to Lafe Travis for his awesome Dragon's Lair FAQ. It was especially helpful in completing the Lizard King and Dragon's Lair stages! ******************************************************************************* VIII. Version History 1.0 06/05/09 Created FAQ. ******************************************************************************* IX. Contact Information You can contact me at Bhodges080@aol.com I would appreciate hearing what you thought of this guide and any thoughts you have for improving it. Be sure to let me know if I have missed anything. ******************************************************************************* End